Hocąk Text — The Beginning of the Winnebago

narrated by Stella Stacy

transcribed and translated from an audio tape by Sheila Sigley
formatted by Richard Dieterle

Stella (Blowsnake) Stacey

English Translation


00:27             00:37    
Cékjįną, Hócą́gᵉra Mógašùc áiregi, éja, éja nį’ą́bireže. Giži, éja, Hócą́k
In the beginning, the Hócą́gᵉra Red Banks it is called, in a place, there they came to life. And so, in that place, Hócą́k


wigáiregiži, egų, wą́kšík howacéhi ną́ą́gre, nįgéšą́ną, mı̨́ną́gire ho’ánąk* cı̨́jašąną. Nı̨́’ą́birege
as they were called, well, human the various other [ones,] here and there, [they sat] scattered wherever. Having come to life

* Shigley adds, "[ho’éánąk?]".


éja, hahúire gážèsge. Gi Hócą́gᵉną̀kᵉra žé’eja heréireže, Mógašùc áiregiži. Že’é, wą́genų̀įgižą,
in that place, they came like that. And those Hocąk right there it appeared, Red Banks it is called. Thus it was, an old man,



éže é horákže, wą́genų̀xjįįgižą̀,* Xórápánį(k?)Ga higáireže. Xórápánį(k?)Ga† higáiregiži,
[he said.] [He] as it is told, a very old man, "Little Bald Eagle Head" they named. "Little Bald Eagle Head" as he was called,

* this is followed by, "[wą́genų̀xjįnįgižą̀]".
† the ending sounds clearly like -ga, but leaves the meaning of the name obscure. It seems reasonable to conclude that the name intended was Xórápánįka, "Little Bald Eagle Head."


éže é Hócą́geną̀ka jásgé nį’ą́biregiži hóráks’áže. Giži té’é, ų̀sge, wáhaną́kšąną, Ną́ǧíGa
[he said.] [He] the Hócą́gᵉra how they came to life, he used to tell the story. And so this, well, what I’m saying, Ną́ǧíga*

* Ną́ǧí has been left untranslated here. It is a birth order name for the fourth son. The -ga suffix functions rather like "Mr.".


éže é haną́xgųs’ágiži, wą́genų̀įgižą. Cégeréšgera haną́ą́xgųxjįą́je, žé, wórágᵉnąka égi
[he said.] [He] I used to hear, an old man. In the beginning I ought to have listened very well, thus, that story [but]



mą́ kerepąną nąga sácą́šąną, hoxji éja nįgé wínéną, éną. Cégeréšgera, jágú horágenąka haną́c
[winters] fifteen, around there place I am, he said. In the beginning, whatever stories [all]



        01:53       01:57
haną́xgųxgi, šųnųąje, hésgé yárén’.* Nųnįgé gųą́gáiraxjįšąną̀ haną́xgųšųnų́ną, éną. Ną́ǧíGa
I should have listened, [always,] I should have I think. However, once in a great while I used to listen, he said. Ną́ǧíga

* a final /ą/ is contracted.


      02:03         02:12    
éže é wáhaną́kšąną. Ną́ǧí, Pı̨́kík’ųną, Ną́ǧí Pı̨́kík’ųGa hihįgáirešųnų́n’.* Égìgé† Ną́ǧí “WánįhèGa”
[he said.] [He] I’m saying. Ną́ǧí, Neat, Ną́ǧí Mr. Neat they used to call him. And also Ną́ǧí "He Who Is Hallooing"‡

* a final /ą/ is contracted.
† Shigley adds, "[égi žigé]".
‡ Shigley adds, "[the name of a Thunderbird]".


šge hįgairešųnų́ną,” en’.* Egi Mą́įxete hoit’e rážra higé, Ma Green hįgáiren’,* áną́kšąną,”
also they called me," he said. And English [language]† the name [to call,] "Ma Green" they called me, they call it,"

* a final /ą/ is contracted.
† literally, "Long Knife language".


Ną́ǧíGa éže, že e horákže, áiren’.*
Ną́ǧíga he said, that [he himself] he told, [they say.]

* a final /ą/ is contracted.

Source: Stella Stacy, "The beginning of the Winnebago." Fraenkel, Gerd. Winnebago texts, [1959-07-12]. (Mss.Rec.29); audio: 7250; APSdigrec_0951; Recording Number: 02; Program Number: 12. Text given in Winnebago only, with an English introduction by the collector. Copy made by Gerd Fraenkel of an original tape held at the Archives of Languages of the World, Indiana University. This program is the original tape's program 526.10.