Hocąk Text — The Buffalo Dance - I
narrated by a member of the Bear Clan
Original Texts, Notebook 40: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
The following are Greek letters and other symbols used as morpheme abbreviations in Radin's text. Their values mostly correspond to those given in Radin's notebook Winnebago II, #6, on the interstitial page between 107/108:
α | β | γ | ε | ɜ | λ | ρ |
égi | éja | -ga | ésge | -šaną | žesge | anąga |
υ | ψ | ω | ·נ | X | շ | ƪ |
-regi | hąké | žigé | nųnįge | wąkšig | -že, -še | -ižą |
- | / | ·/ | ·/, / | ⨪ | ᴖ̣ | > |
-ra | -ną | -kjé | -kjanèną | -nąk | -nįk | -ną |
hapaxlegomena: ąjᵉnągᵉrē, "away from"; hacá/haja, "to come or go"; hawa-ų̄ (hawa’ų̄) in the sense of "furthermore"; hi-įpįgē, "to live by (means of) something"; hįkuruxuruka, "to give offerings" (cf. hįkuruxuruk, "to get help, to obtain safety"); hirarucap, "together with" (cf. hirarucep, "to hold with"); jąkigoirowē (< jąkigo-hirowē), "one [who] goes around to invite"; jišugicgigi, "to go and cut"; hiruk’ú, "utiliity, use," inferred from hiruk’úna, "its use"; -hiwira, shortened form of -hįwahiwira, "our," used with kinship terms; hižą́nį̄k, "one"; hogiha/hugiha, "to be painted"; hoišō, "to be busy"; horacgára, "in imitation of"; hiruk’ųna, "its use" (cf. hik’ų, "to use" and [since this was used with respect to a plant] ru-, "to move towards the body by hand"); kišere, "to prepare"; tē’áwa’ų̄, "to be a further reason for something"; wagigā́, "feast (giver)"; wąkšig’į́, "to live" (cf. wąkšik’į́, wąkšígi, wąkšigo’į́, , wąkšígi’į); warukǭ́, "attendant"; wohǭná, "feast, food for boiling"; žegána, "to be all ready". |
rare words: hagakinak, "opposite" (cf. hagakikinak, "opposite one another"); haną́jᵉra , a unique construction of haną́c, perhaps best translated as "the sum of"; ho-inįge, "lightly, not seriously" (Marino), but here
as ho-inįge pįgi, "it is not for you to say"; hok’ip’į́, "to last"; kere, "to own" (cf. Marion, kere, "to have"); nąjiwésge, "to be tempting" found only in Marino.; že used in the sense of "thus" ("in this way").
heavier than average use of žesge, mežesge, težesge.
neither éže nor wéže, "he said," is ever used.
žigé, "again," often used as a flow particle, is very much underused (only 4 times).
-giži and -gają are rarely used.
Translations in italics are derived from Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 296-297, 299.
Tce | wagigara |
Ce | wagigara |
Buffalo | the Feast |
Notebook 40:1 | ||||||||
Hodjánañga | John | ? | brother | ? | first | owned | this | feast. |
Hojánąga | John | ? | brother | ? | first | owned | this | feast. |
Hojá and | John | ? | brother | ? | first | owned | this | feast. |
tce | wohôⁿ[-] | wagígâra | heregíni[·/] | hiñkaruhokdjawi[/] | woré[-] | wagíxônuna | woninakê |
"Ce | wohǭna | wagigāra | heregįnįkje, | hįkaruhokjawiną. | Woréna | wagíxōnuna | woninakē. |
"Buffalo | [the kettles] | the feast | it is time, | let us get ready. | To work, | the attendants | let them go look. |
hagá | hijaⁿ | hacdjagíji | higúâⁿna | hikuruho | djadjiga | a[⨪´][ɜ] | wiragekdjé[·/] |
Hagá | hižą | hašjagiži, | 'Higúą̄na | hikuruho, | jajiga | aną́kšaną,' | wiragekjéną |
Third Born, | one | if you see, | 'Now | get ready, | my father | he says,' | you may say to them. |
xap’é | adjire[·/][/] | [ε] | wawánide[/] | [β] | hatcá[/] | hitcûⁿcgeha[-] | petc[-] |
Xap’é | ajirekjaneną." | Ésge, | wawániteną. | Éja | hacáną, | "Hicųšgehara, | Pejᵉra |
Soon | have them come." | So | he went to seek them. | [There] | he went, | "My nephew, | Fire |
daéhiga* | djadjiga | wagigo | anank[ɜ] | tce | wohôⁿṇa | hagŭâⁿna | here[·/][/] |
Taéhiga, | jajiga | wagigo, | anąkšaną. | Ce | wohǭna | higŭąna | herekjaneną, |
Starter, | father | to give a feast, | he says. | Buffalo | Feast | [now] | it will be time, |
* this word is followed by "(a name)".
Notebook 40:2 | |||||||
a[⨪][ɜ] | woninárê | hagŭấⁿna | wore[-] | hik‘uruhoire[·/][/] | a[⨪´][ɜ] | [α] | xap’e[-] |
anąkšaną. | Wonináre. | Higŭą̄́́na | worena | hikuruhoirekjaneną, | aną́kšaną. | Égi | xap’era |
[he says.] | [They must hunt.] | [Now] | [work] | they must get ready, | [he says.] | [And] | [soon] |
hikdjaina[⨪][ɜ] | wagik‘arahérê | worera | hirucdjaⁿnakdjawi | a[⨪][ɜ] | [ε] | nicgế |
hikjainanąkšaną. | Wagikarahérē | worena | hirušjąnakjawi, | anąkšaną. | Ésge | nišgḗ |
you must go there. | Go and ask helpers | the work | get ready with it, | he said. | [So] | also |
yakarahokdjônêháwi[/] | xáp’e | a[⨪´][ɜ] | k‘aruhoroirê | xap’e | here[·/][/] | hodjia | é[/] |
yakarahokjōnēháwiną, | xáp’e," | aną́kšaną. | Karuhoroirē | xap’e | herekjaneną. | "Hojia," | éną, |
they will get ready, | soon," | he said. | [They got ready] | [soon] | [they were.] | "Yes," | he said, |
higŭấⁿna | wagik‘arade[·/]ne[/] | hakikdjoniháwi[/] | hak‘iré[/] | hijaⁿ | hacd[j]agê | hîñgé[/] |
"higŭą̄́́na | wagikaratekjaneną. | Hakikjoniháwiną. | Hakiréną. | Hižą, | "Hašjagē?" | hįgéną. |
["Now] | I will go and ask. | "We will be there." | I returned. | [One,] | "Did you see me?" | he asked me. |
hahaⁿaⁿ | hijaⁿ | ká[/] | hadjire[·/][շ] | aíre[/] | [α] | wawogírageracê | wagigấ[-] |
"Hahąą, | hižą | káną. | Hajirekježe," | aíreną. | "Égi | wawogíragerašē | wagigā́ra |
"[Exclamation], | [someone] | I saw. | They will come," | they said. | "[Then] | go and tell them | the feast givers |
wohôⁿ[-´] | waniandjire[·/][/] | [ω] | wodakdé[/] | pejế[ɜ??] | wagigú[⨪][-] | wanagidaⁿ |
wohǭná | waniąjrekjaną." | Žigé | wotakténą. | "Pežḗga | wagigúnągᵉra | wanagitą, |
food for boiling | they must bring." | [Again] | he went to inform them. | "All them | that give feasts | I went and told them, |
Notebook 40:3 | ||||||||
hahi[/] | djadjiga | wagigo[-] | higŭaⁿna | herejê | egế | [ε] | wawogiragerarê | egê |
hahiną. | Jajiga, | 'Wagigora | higŭąna | hereže', | egḗ. | 'Ésge, | wawogiragerarē,' | egē. |
I went. | [Father,] | 'A feast | it is time | [it is',] | [he said.] | 'Therefore, | go and tell them,' | [he said.] |
[ε] | honíñgidak | hadjiwi[/] | wohốⁿ[-] | xap’ehi* | djawarejukdjawi | egế |
Ésge, | honįgitak | hajiwiną. | 'Wohǭ́na | xap’ehi | jawarežukjawi,' | egḗ, |
Therefore, | to tell you | I've come. | ['Food for boiling] | [soon] | you must take them there,' | [he said,] |
* hi added above the line with a caret.
waûⁿdjíⁿ[/] | xap’egiwiadjê | a[⨪´][ɜ] | ho | airé[/] | hap‘eha[⨪]wi[/] | higŭấⁿna |
waŭjį́ną. | 'Xap’egiwiajē,' | aną́kšaną. | 'Ho,' | airéną, | 'hapehanagᵉwiną. | Higŭą̄́́na |
is why I came. | 'You must hurry,' | he said.* | 'Ho,' | they said, | 'we are waiting for him. | Even now |
* this should be, "it was said."
hagihakikônôgasañgwí[/] | hak‘irế[/] | djagu | aírejê | haginañkcê | airé[/] |
hagihakikōnōgasągwiną.' | Hakirḗną. | 'Jagu | aírežē? | Haginąkšē?' | airéną. |
we have made ourselves prepared.' | I returned. | 'What | they say? | They are ready?' | they said. |
hanip‘e[⨪][շ] | airé[/] | ho | p‘iⁿ[/] | é[/] | [α] | warukốⁿna | hadjire[/] |
'Hanipenąkše,' | airéną. | 'Ho, | pįną,"' | éną. | Égi | warukǭ́na | hajireną. |
'They are waiting for you,' | they said. | 'Ho, | it is good,' | they said. | [Then] | the attendants | they arrived. |
Notebook 40:4 | |||||
hodjia | woredjagéra | ûñkdjonawigi | higŭấⁿna | huñgiragwináⁿṇê | hodjá |
'Hojia, | worejagéra | ųkjonawigi?' | Higŭą̄́na | hųgiragwią́rē. | 'Hojá |
['Alright, | tell us now | what one are we going to do?' | [Even now] | [they told us.] | ['Even now] |
djicugitcgigirawirê | hijaⁿ | naⁿṇudirawirê | [α] | jigijê | tci-omi[⨪][-] |
jišugicgigirawirē, | hižą | nąnutirawirē.' | Égi | žigižē, | 'Ci-ominągᵉra |
go and cut, | [someone] | go and haul wood.' | [And] | [then again,] | 'Where the lodge should stand |
p‘i-ûⁿwiṇê | [ω][ƪ] | pedjok‘eré[-] | horucdjaⁿhiwirê | [ω] | hijaⁿ | neγᴇra | hirucdjaⁿwakiwirê |
pi-ų̄wirē. | Žigižą | pejokeréra | hirušjąhiwirē. | Žigé | hižą | neǧᵉra | hirušjąwakiwirē. |
prepare it. | [Someone] | the fireplace | get it ready. | [Again] | [someone] | kettles | get them ready. |
[ω][ƪ] | hinûñgᴇnîñg[-] | wawogiragᴇrawirê | wohaⁿ | k‘icerere[·/] | [α] | [ω] |
Žigižą | hinūgᵉnįgᵉra | wawogiragᵉrawirē | wohą | kišererekjeną. | Égi | žigé |
[Someone] | girls | go tell them | [feast] | they may prepare. | And | again |
neγorupấrog[-] | hirucdjaⁿhiwírê | wohôⁿṇa | waniandjiré[/] | djadjôⁿnañ[γ] | herenốguni |
neǧorupā́rogᵉra | hirušjąhiwírē.' | Wohǭna | waniąjiréną. | "Jajǭnąga | herenṓguni |
the drum | get it ready.' | [The kettle] | it was brought. | "When | it will be |
Notebook 40:5 | |||||||
hoicônáñk[ɜ] | haramihi haⁿpga | [ψ] | wajaⁿ | uní[ɜ] | [α] | haramiha haⁿp[γ] | here[·/][/] |
hoišōną́kše?" | Haramihi Hąpga | hąké | wažą | uníže. | Égi | Haramihi Hąpga | herekjaneną, |
they are busy?" | On Sunday | not | thing | they do. | [Then] | Sunday | it is time, |
[α] | djañkigoirowê | rawírê | nañxi | hîñtcora | hitcûⁿcge | nérarê | sánîñk |
égi | jąkigoirowē, | "Rawírē | Nąxi | Hį̄cora, | hicų̄šge, | nérarē | sánį̄k |
and | one to go around to invite, | "Go | 4th son | Green Hair,* | nephew, | you go | towards |
* the translation also has "James Face."
k‘uhâⁿna | harararê | nicgê | hitcûⁿcgê | huntc’asanîñk‘ira | aṇdjᴇ[⨪]rê | wau[⨪]-úṇê |
kuhą̄na | harararē | nišgē, | hicų̄šgē, | Hųcasanį̄kira | ąjᵉnągᵉrē | waunąk-úrē |
below* | go | and you, | nephew, | (name one-sided armed bear) | away from timber | go away then |
* "(timber)" is added.
kigorórowacê | petc daehira | waruγap | k‘ere[-] | wawowacê | ahumaⁿpága |
kigorórowašē. | Pec Taehira | Waruǧap | kerera | wawowašē. | Ahumąpága |
inviting feasters. | Fire Starter | Warbundle | owners | you may go to. | Strikes the Earth with His Wings* |
* this was the name of the man who called himself "U. S. Grant".
xáp’e | djîñ[·/][/] | eamani-ahiadjê | jeeji | hidjané[⨪]a | djasgê | ho-ininîñge p‘iⁿgi | hu-ŭấⁿdjê |
xáp’e | jį̄kjaneną. | Eamani-ahiajē, | žeeži | hijanénąka | jasgē, | ho-ininįge pįgi, | hu-ŭą̄́jē |
soon | he must come. | Go walk by him, | [but] | the others | however, | it is not for you to say, | you may do |
Notebook 40:6* | ||||||
jegá[/] | heré[/] | hirucdjákáⁿ[-] | djiré[/] | hirucdjá[/] | nañγi | hîntcó[-] |
žegána | heréną. | Herušjáką́ra | jiréną. | Hirušjáną. | Nąǧi | Hīcóra |
to be all ready | it is. | [The preparers] | [they have arrived.] | [They are prepared.] | [Fourth Son] | Green Hair |
* at the top of the page is written: wagíha = also dried meat. At the center of the top of the page is the conjugation:
hogíha = paint
horagíha = you
wagíha = I
maⁿwarupurura | wap‘i-úⁿṇê | nûⁿbihi | k‘anâñgadjê | hirucdjaⁿwahirê | jegú[/] | wajaⁿ |
mąwarupurura | wap’i-ų́nē | nų̄bihi." | K’anągajē | hirušjąwahirē | žegúną. | Wažą |
the earthen mounds | fix them | in two places." | He put them | when he got them ready | it was all. | The instruments |
wirok‘u[⨪]rê | hidjá | wajurê | hidja | waju-iré[/] | neγarupấ́rig[-] | hugihaírế[/] |
wirokunagᵉrē, | hijá | wažurē, | hija | wažuiréną. | Neǧarupā́rigᵉra | hugihairḗną. |
to use, | there | they were placed, | there | [they placed them.] | The drums | they were painted. |
hijujugera | cgê | tcesindji[⨪]recgê | tcep‘á[⨪]recgê | hanáⁿdj[-] | wodjihawirê | jegûⁿ | hiré[/] |
Hižužugᵉra | šgē | cesįjinągᵉrešgē | cep’ánągᵉrešgē | haną́jᵉra | wojihawirē, | žegų | hiréną. |
The flutes | [and] | the buffalo tails also | buffalo head also | all | they placed them, | thus | it was. |
kigoradjire[/] | ha-unaⁿ | p‘aga | djí[/] | agak‘inañgᴇ[υ´] | minañgi[·/][/] | hitcak‘arohiwira | kunuságᴇrega |
Kigorajireną.* | Ha-uną. | Paga | jina | hagakinagᵉrégi | minąginąkjaneną. | Hicakarohiwira | Kunu Ságᵉrega |
The feasters arrived. | [He made.] | [Striker]† | came | opposite | he'll sit. | The friend | First Son, Fleet One |
* < kigora-hajire-ną.
† Radin translates this as "He who strikes with his wings." Clearly, Paga is short for the full name (being a front clip).
Notebook 40:7 | |||||||
edja[-] | mi[⨪]gigiwirê | hûñgᴇnîntcahiwira | hagiré[/] | mi[⨪]îré[/] | [α] | wé[/] | Naⁿγi[-] |
ejara | minągigiwirē. | Hų̄gᵉnį̄cahiwira | hagiréną. | Minąkīréną. | Égi | wéną | Nąǧira, |
[there (...)] | they placed him. | Many chiefs | they came. | [They were seated.] | [Then] | [he said] | [4th Son,] |
sak‘eré[-] | tce[-] | γob[-] | tci-óju | mi[⨪]ca[⨪]rê | waxop‘ini | hok‘iûⁿ | woroγi |
"Sakeréra, | cera | ǧobᵉra | ci-óžu | minąkšanągᵉrē, | Waxopini | hok’i’ų̄ | woroǧi |
"Warbundle owners, | buffalo | blessed ones | [in the lodge] | who are seated, | Spirits | in imitation | commandments |
wacîniwiṇa | [λ] | hirok‘íûⁿ | minañgicanañgirê | wa-inîñginaⁿbwira | nîñk‘uruhîⁿdjwi[/] | waxopininañkcîⁿ |
wašīniwina | žesge | hirok’í’ų̄ | minągišanągirē, | wa-inīginąbᵉwira, | nį̄kuruhį̄jᵉwiną. | Waxopininąkšį̄ |
your | [that] | in imitation | of the side (?) that you are seated, | I thank you, | [we greet you.] | In place of Spirits |
mi[⨪]gica[⨪]ira | [X]oîⁿ | ṇogûⁿ | me[λ] | waxóp‘ini | p‘ewîⁿ | woroγi | wacîniwina |
minągišanągira, | wąkšigoį̄ | rogų | mežesge | waxópini | pewį̄́ | woroǧi | wašīniwina |
[that you are seated,] | life | longing for | [for this reason] | [Spirits] | thinking of | counsel | your |
Notebook 40:8* | ||||||
de[λ] | wanîñgidu[-] | hîsdjani[/] | nîñgík‘aradjawi[/] | djanañgokik‘aradjᴇra | tcióju | micá[⨪] |
težesge | wanį̄gitura, | hīsjanina | nį̄gikarajawiną. | Janągokikarajᵉra† | cióžu | mišą́nąk |
thus | we greet them for you, | [with tears] | we plead to you. | All the relations | in the lodge | you sit |
* at the top of the page is written: "tcexdjiⁿ = real Buffalo". Just below this is written, "ᴖ̣ niñk".
< janą́ga-hokikarajᵉra.
haca[⨪]wirê | sak‘ere[-] | mi[⨪] | hintcgế[ᴖ̣] djônihawi[γ] | naⁿdjuñgidjaⁿwiaⁿdjê | djagu | ro-ágâⁿṇê |
hašanągwirē | Sakerera | minąk | hįcgḗnįkjōnihawiga, | nąjųgijąwiąjē: | jagu | ro-ágą̄rē, |
that you are | Warbundle owners | with seating | we're going to tire you, | mercy upon us:* | what | we long for, |
* Winnebago Tribe, 344, has, "do not take it amiss."
[λ] | hiñpiwewîⁿwiaⁿdjê | [X]o-îⁿ | rogûⁿ | ?(era-u)[⨪][ɜ] || | [α] | [ψ] | ne | wajáⁿni* |
žesge | hįpiwewį̄wiąjē | wąkšigo’į̄ | rogų̄ | ?era-unąkšaną. | Égi | hąké | ne | wažą́ni |
thus | we thank you in connection with | [life] | [to desire] | it. | [And] | [not] | I | [something] |
* this word is followed by an odd angled curved line.
neagûⁿz[ρ´] | [λ] | wa-uṇi[⨪´][ɜ] | [α] | c’agwaha[-] | hijaⁿ | haⁿde[γ] | hodj[ρ´] |
neagų̄zánąga | žesge | wa-uniną́kšaną. | Égi | š‘agwahara, | hižą | hątega, | "Hojánąga" |
I did not obtain* | thus | doing. | [And] | my ancestor, | the one | that dreamed, | "Hojánąga" |
* Winnebago Tribe, 344, has, "I did not originate."
higaíre[շ] | [α] | hitcok‘éwahiína* | waruxawac’agê | naⁿdjodjaiⁿṇe[շ] | [α] | nîñkdjốñgᴇnîñk |
higaíreže. | Égi | hicok’éwániwina | Waruxawaš’agē† | nąjojaįneže. | Égi | nįkjǭ́gᵉnīk |
he was called. | [And] | our grandfather | Buffalo | they blessed him. | [And] | child |
* sic – this appears to be a mistranscription.
† < wa-, "it, them, something"; ruxawa, "to chase after"; š’ak, "ancestor"; and -ge, a suffix denoting a type of thing — "The Ancestral Kind after whom We Chase."
Notebook 40:9* | |||||||
hanire[γ] | enaⁿdjodjaⁿ[շ] | [α] | me[λ] | naⁿdjodjaíⁿṇejê | xawiⁿhu[ƪ] | naⁿdjirodjaiṇe[շ] | [α] |
hanirega, | enąjojąže.† | Égi | mežesge | nąjojaį́neže. | Xawįhužą | nąjirojaireže. | Égi |
when he was, | he blessed him. | And | [in this way] | they blessed him. | A plant | they blessed him. | [And] |
* near the top of the page is written, "–grass, weed Petc" (?).
< e-nąjoją-že.
[X]oîⁿ | hirasa | naⁿdjirodjaiⁿṇe[շ] | [α] | [ω] | wonaγírê | hirará | naⁿdjirodjaíⁿṇe[շ] | [α] |
wąkšigoį̄ | hirasa | nąjirojaįneže. | Égi | žigé | wonaǧirē | hirará | nąjirojaįreže. | Égi |
[with life] | also | [he was blessed]. | [And] | [again] | [war] | [also] | [he was blessed.] | And |
me[λ] | naⁿbiruγatc | de[λ] | hirok‘ip‘unu[շ] | maⁿṇegûⁿs | woroγí |
mežesge | nąbiruǧac | težesge | hirokipunuže. | Mąnegų̄s | woroǧí |
[this] | material for offering | [in this fashion] | he asked to be remembered. | Last forever | [rite] |
dêế | [λ] | anihekdjônihe[շ] | me[λ] | naⁿdjirodjaiⁿṇe[շ] | x‘awiⁿhudjaⁿṇe | maⁿṇegûⁿs |
teé | žesge | anihekjōniheže.* | Mežesge | nąjirojaįreže. | Xąwįhująne | mąnegų̄s |
[this] | thus | it would be. | [For this reason] | [they blessed him.] | [The plant] | [as long as the earth lasts] |
* the initial /h/ has been dropped from sandhi.
hiruk‘úna | hok‘ipíⁿ[շ] | de[λ] | woragᴇra | nañxgúnaⁿ | [α] | dani-ógiju[-] | [α] | wohốⁿṇa |
hiruk’úna | hok’ip’į́že. | Težesge | woragᵉra | nąxgúną. | Égi | tani-ógižura | egi | wohǭ́na, |
its use | it would last. | [In this fashion] | [the story] | I learned. | [And] | [tobacco offering] | [and] | [the feast,] |
Notebook 40:10 | ||||||||
maⁿcúdje | daníṇa | hirarutcap‘ | nahi[-] | ruxadj[-] | dêê | here[շ] | de[λ] | irok‘ip‘unu[շ] |
mąšúje, | tanira | hirarucap | nahira | ruxajᵉra | tēē | hereže. | Težesge | irokipunuže.† |
feathers, | tobacco | together with | his | [what was spread out]* | [this] | [it was]. | [In this fashion] | [he asked the Creator to do something.] |
* on the supposition that ruxac < ruǧac, "to spread something out".
† for hirokípųnų́, "to ask the Creator to do something, to ask the Creator for someone to be well" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann). The /h/ has been dropped from external sandhi.
me[λ] | hodj[ρ] | higaíre[շ] | [α] | dee | c’ag | hara | wocgáⁿ | woroγí | naⁿdjodjaⁿnaira |
Mežesge | Hojanąga | higaíreže. | Égi | tee | š‘ag | hara | wošgą́ | woroǧí | nąjojąnaira. |
[This] | Hojanąga | he was told. | [And] | [this] | ancestor | my | [way of life] | councils | he was blessed with. |
hir[o]p‘ûnuṇegê | hirok‘arap‘unugêdjêni | wañkcik* | hi-iⁿp‘iⁿgê | de[λ] |
Hiropūnuregē, | hirokarapunugejenį, | wąkšik | hi-įpįgē | težesge |
He was spoken to for, | also spoke to them about this offering, | [man] | to live by it | this |
* before this word, [X]o-i has been lined out.
[X]o-i | hiro-ak‘igîuⁿwigêdjêni | de[λ] | k‘idjireniciwirê | [α] | hiṇagidjiwi[-] |
wąkšigo’į | hiro-akigīųwigējēni, | težesge | kijirenišiwirē, | égi | hiragijiwira, |
life | we long for ourselves, | [this] | we ask you to help us, | [and] | that you have care for us, |
wa-înîñginaⁿpwigê | [α] | wagíxônuṇa | wohốⁿṇa | djadjaⁿ | hirucdjaⁿwahire[γ] | [α] | worúdj[-] |
wa-īnīginąbᵉwigē. | Égi | wagíxōnuna | wohǭ́na | jają | hirušjąwahirega, | égi | worújᵉra |
we thank you. | [And] | the attendants | the boilings | whenever | [when] they get them ready, | then | to eat |
Notebook 40:11 | ||||||
jeji | wañgigirekdjôni[-]hawi[>] | [α] | warutcốⁿṇa | [α] | naⁿp | daxuxuk‘inañgᴇ[·נ] |
žeži | wągigirekjōnirahawiną. | Égi | warucǭ́na | égi | nąp | taxuxukinągᵉnųnįge |
the time | for us to do it. | [Then] | our servants | [here] | hands | they are burning themselves, but |
[α] | [X]o-iⁿ | rogûⁿ* | wa-únañkadjaⁿ | hicge | [X]’îⁿ | ṇekdjône[>´] | me[λ] | de[λ] |
égi | wąkšigo-į | rogų̄ | wa-únąkają, | hišge | wąkšik’į̄ | rekjōneną́. | Mežesge | težesge |
[then] | life | [to long for] | they are doing it for, | also | to live | they will. | [For this reason] | thus |
* just before this word, a λ or perhaps a dj has been lined out.
hawa-ûⁿ | woroγi | hirak‘aracawañgᴇrê | [λ] | woc’ûⁿcawañk[>´] | [α] | woroγir[ƪ] | rak‘uruxuruk‘a |
hawa’ų̄, | woroǧi | hirakarašawągᵉrē, | žesge | woš’ų̄šawąkšaną́. | Égi | woroǧirižą | rakuruxuruka |
furthermore, | ?* | you're in charge of, | this | you are doing it for. | [Then] | a councilor | when you offer one† |
* "councils" is lined out, and something inscrutible written above it.
† a line running to the top of the page leads to "i.e., the wherewithal to give a feast."
hanaⁿtc | hok‘idjíre[-] | jenicgê | hacawañkwígadjaⁿ | de[λ] | hawa-ûⁿ | hiṇagidjiwirê | nicge |
hanąc | hokijirera | ženisgē | hašawąkwigają. | Težesge | hawa’ų̄ | hiragijiwirē. | Nišge |
[all] | the helping of one another | that way | you are. | Thus | for this reason | you have come far. | [I too] |
Notebook 40:12 | ||||||||
[λ] | ro-agunañk[>] | [α] | dê-áwa-ûⁿ | [X]o-îⁿṇa | me[λ] | iṇok‘igûⁿwigê | [λ] | hiháhadjáⁿwi[>] |
žesge | ro-agunąkšaną. | Égi | tē’áwa’ų̄ | wakšigo’į̄ną. | Mežesge | irokigų̄wigē | žesge | hiháhają́winą. |
[that] | I long for. | [And] | further reason | [life.] | Thus | we long for one another | [that] | we are doing. |
sak‘erera | nîñgikaradjwi[/] | [α] | hodj[ρ´] | naⁿwaⁿgigûⁿzire[-] | hijáⁿnîñk | horatcgá[-] |
Sakerera | nįgikarajᵉwiną. | Égi | hojánąga | nąwągigų̄zireną. | Hižą́nį̄k | horacgára |
Warbundle owners | I plead to you. | [Then] | Hojánąga | he says he was taught. | One | in imitation of |
jesgekdjônihawi[>] | hirewaha[⨪][ɜ] | sak‘érera | nîñk‘uruhintc rehawidjegó-o-o |
žesgekjōnihawiną, | hirewahanąkšaną. | Sakérera | nįkuruhįc rehawijegó-o-o. |
then we will be, | thinking this we say. | Warbundle owners | we send greetings to. |
nañgú[-] | hománi | hiwírê* |
Nągúra | hománi | hiwírē |
In the road | walk | have him [do]. |
nañgú[-] | hománi | hiwírê |
Nągúra | hománi | hiwírē |
In the road | walk | have him [do]. |
* Winnebago Tribe, 345, has, hiwiiê, a misprint.
hodjanûñga | hamaniwiṇê |
Hojanų̄ga* | hamaniwirē |
Hojanų̄ga | walk by. |
hodjanûñga | hamaniwiṇê |
Hojanų̄ ga | hamaniwirē |
Hojanų̄ga | walk by. |
* Winnebago Tribe, 345 has Hodjánoka throughout.
k‘ora | hodjanûñga | hamaniwiṇê |
K‘ora | Hojanų̄ga | hamaniwirē |
Kora | Hojanų̄ga | walk by. |
k‘ora | hodjanûñga | hamaniwiṇê |
K‘ora | Hojanų̄ga | hamaniwirē |
Kora | Hojanų̄ga | walk by. |
Dance Song
hodjanûñga | tcawawinê | ||||
Hojanų̄ga | cawawirē.* | ||||
Hojanų̄ga | go forward. | ||||
hodjanûñga | tcawawinê | ||||
Hojanų̄ga | cawawirē. | ||||
Hojanų̄ga | go forward. | ||||
erehúnaⁿ | erehúnaⁿ | erehúnaⁿ | wigárê | wigárê | wigárê |
Erehúną, | erehúną, | erehúną! | Wigárē, | wigárē, | wigárē! |
It's coming, | it's coming, | it's coming! | Say to them, | say to them, | say to them! |
* following here Winnebago Tribe, 345, which implies that the word transliterated was treated as being tcawawiṇê.
Notebook 40:13 | ||||||
Ahumaⁿp‘ága | [speaks]* | - | wároγi[-] | hitcáⁿniṇa | hok‘ík‘aradj[-] | dj[ρ] |
Ahumąpága | - | "Wároǧira, | hicą́nina, | hokíkarajᵉra, | janąga, | |
[Strikes the Ground with His Wings] | speaks | - | "Councilors, | brother-in-law, | relatives, | all |
* the English is written in the Hocąk line followed by a dash.
mi[⨪]cawañgcê | nîñk‘uruhîndjwí[/] | [α] | dj[ρ] | s‘ak‘erera | tcioju | mi[⨪]ca[-] | wañgᴇrê |
minąkšawągšē — | nįkuruhį̄jwiną; | égi | janąga, | Sakerera | cióžu | minąkšaną. | Wągᵉrē |
who are seated — | I greet you; | [and] | [as many as there are,] | [Warbundle owners] | [in the lodge] | sitting. | [Up above] |
waxop‘îni | honañkciṇa* | nîñk‘uruhîndjwi[/] | nîñk‘uruhiñjwidjigo[-] | ai[α]† | waroγi[-] | waxop‘ini | hirok‘i’ûⁿ |
waxopīni | honąkšina, | nįkúruhį̄jwiną. | Nįkuruhįjwijigora | [aigi] | waroǧira | waxopini | hiroki’ų̄ |
[Spirits] | [I take the place of,] | [we greet.] | [The greetings we give] | [then] | [the councilors] | [Spirits] | imitators of |
* an original [-] is lined out with a vertical line, and inserted above it with a caret is ṇa.
† what appears to be an α is preceeded by the diphthong /ai/. This is likely designed to express the word aigi in place of what had been heard originally as égi.
warutcáⁿna | dj[ρ´] | hamaniniⁿwîñgiji | dejénûñga | tci[υ´] | micá[⨪]cawañgrê | waxop‘î́ni | hirok‘i’ûⁿ |
warucą́na | jánąga | hamaninįwį̄giži, | težénų̄ga | cirégi | mišą́nąkšawągrē | waxopī́ni | hiroki’ų̄ |
[the attendants] | as many as | will be caused to come by you, | [this indeed] | [in the lodge] | they are seated | Spirits | [imitators of] |
Notebook 40:14 | |||||||
[λ] | waminagica[⨪]wira | p‘îñ[>´] | de[λ] | waroγi[-] | hirokip‘unûnañgᴇre | je | wañgasgawi[>] |
žesge | waminagišanągᵉwira, | pį̄ną́. | Težesge | waroǧira | hirokipunūnągᵉre, | že | wągasgawiną. |
[that kind] | you're sitting for them, | it is good. | [Thus] | [the attendants] | encourage one another, | [thus] | we are. |
hijáⁿ | warágira (?) | hîñk‘uruxuruk‘a | jewañgasgawicûnúñ[>] | [α] | mé[λ] | waragídjiwi[-] | hok‘idjire[-] |
Hižą́ | warágira | hįkuruxuruka, | že-wągasgawišūnų́ną. | Égi | méžesge | waragijiwira, | hokijirera |
One | [you came for it] | to give offerings,* | thus we always are. | [And] | [so] | you have come for them, | helping |
* the translation adds, "(material to give a feast)".
dêế | here[>´] | de[λ] | hiwa’u (?) | wanañgwi[>] | nicgê | [X]’íⁿ | hiṇogûⁿwige | hiwawasanañgarê[>] | me[λ] |
tēḗ | hereną́. | Težesge | hiwa’u | wanągwiną. | Nišgē | wąkšig’į́ | hinogų̄wige | hiwawasanągarēną. | Mežesge |
[this] | it is. | [Thus] | [?] | we are doing it. | Also | to live | we long to is why | we were doing it. | [Thus] |
wawigiperez | hirekdjône[>] | waruxêwac’age | naⁿbiruxaj[-] | naⁿdjiwésgê | xdjîⁿ* |
wawigiperez | hirekjōneną. | Waruxēwašage | nąbiruxajᵉra | nąjiwésgēxjį̄ | |
to accept them | they will be. | [The Ancestral Kind after whom We Chase (Buffalo)] | offerings | very tempting |
* xdjîⁿ (xjį) is a suffix and should be attached to the previous word.
Notebook 40:15 | ||||||||
hin[ρ´] | me[λ] | wawigiperêz | hirekdjône[>] | jegûñ[γ´] | [X]’îⁿṇekdjône[>] | me[λ] | nicgê | [X]i-îñkdjôniháwi[>] |
hinánąga | mežesge | wawigiperēz | hirekjōneną. | Žegų̄gá, | wąkšig’į̄nekjōneną. | Mežesge | nišgē | wąkšigi-į̄kjōniháwiną. |
[to do, and] | [thus] | to accept them | [they will be]. | If it is, then | they will live. | [Thus] | also | we shall live. |
hirê | hiwairánañgwi[>] | me[λ] | waroγí[-] | waro-agigûⁿ* | hihegê | wahadje[/] | dj[ρ] | waxop‘ini | hanañtcíṇa |
Hirē | hiwairánągᵉwiną. | Mežesge | waroǧíra | waroagigų̄, | hihegē, | wahajeną. | Janąga | waxopini | hanacį́ra |
To do | we are thinking thus. | [This] | [the councilors] | I long for this | I said, | I mean. | [All] | the Spirits | [the sum of them] |
* this is written above a lined out word.
tcióju[-] | minañkcawañgrê | hok‘ík‘aradj[-] | hanaⁿtcîⁿ | nîñk‘uruhîndjawi[/] | nîñk‘uruhîndjawidjigo-o-o |
cióžura | minąkšawągᵉrē, | hokíkikarajᵉra | hanącī | nįkuruhį̄jawiną. | nįkuruhį̄jawijigo-o-o! |
[in the lodge] | [who are seated,] | [the clansmen] | [all of them] | [we greet you.] | We greet you-u-u!"* |
* at the end is the following comment: "Now he sings & then he dances. Then the others speak order the same."
Paul Radin, "The Buffalo Clan Feast" (Ce Wagigara), Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 40 (phonetic text with interlinear translation). English translation published in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe, 344-345.