Hocąk Text — Four Slumbers Origin Myth
narrated by John Rave
Notebook 43:1 |
The following are Greek letters used as morpheme abbreviations in Radin’s original text. The Culture of the Winnebago: As Described by Themselves can be used as a kind of Rosetta Stone for interpreting their values:
α | β | γ | δ | ε | ɜ | λ | ρ |
égi | éja | giži | žegų | ésge | šaną | žesge | ánąga |
υ | ὐ | ϕ | ω | ·נ | V | X |
-regi | nįk(a), nįg(a) | hąké | žigé | nunige | aíreną | wąk |
ʆ | ɕ | ƪ | = | ⨪ | | | ·| | > |
še, že | xjį | žą | hitcakâro | nąk | ną | kja, kje | gáją |
In the interlinear text where the translation is missing, it has been supplied whenever possible from the English text of The Culture of the Winnebago: As Described by Themselves. Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].
First Row | "raw" text from Paul Radin, Notebook 43:1-62 |
Second Row | the transliterated text |
Third Row | English translation based on the text of The Culture of the Winnebago: As Described by Themselves (CW) |
Stylistic Features |
hapaxlegomena: egíšanąréšge, "even there"; ejášaną, "however"; enaį́ži, "by this time"; higuoišip, "all the time"; hijaį́hį, "somewhere"; hikšáje, "to smile"; hiwacábwira, "our own"; hocągére, "with great difficulty"; howajikere, "to go straight at something"; hožegíją, "end"; hŭā́, an exclamation used in a context of relief and celebration; nįcáp, "my," used for human beings; nąǧági, "protruding branch", cf. ǧak, "to protrude, to be thick"; Saresáranįk, "First War Honor"; teižą, (the indefinite) one; wacábera, "my" ("the ones of me")
; waną’į́ra, "consciousness".
rare words: gaíja, "there, near the person spoken to"; gasgáre, "even," found only in Marino; hanajíru, "to let hang down loose (as with hair)," found only in Marino; hąrogéja, "in the morning"; He’ų, "Death Announcer," found only in Marino; higųosge, "just for fun"; hirágera, "the last (time)," found in just one other sourse; hišį "to request"; hiwužį́ harukós, "to brace someone," found only in Marino; hoišją́ra, "to leave behind," found in Marino as hoišjį́na; hojikére, "(spatio-temporal) point of origin," found only in Miner; hokira, "imitating," found only in Miner; hošaragą́š, "to be left unconsumed," found only in Marino; šgą, "to rush upon," found only in Marino; waínąpkį, "willingly and thankfully," found in Marino only; wiwahįcį, "it was very much so," found in Marino and one other source.
heavy use of žḗsge (1.66%), but infrequently in sentence initial position. It is also used in place of žee or tee, the former of which is rarely used.
It exhibits the highest ratio (15 : 1) of tee to žee of any story examined.
extensive use of -kara-, "one’s own".
teéreną (< tee-hére-ną), "there it is, this is it, voilà," is a favorite expression.
common use of aną́gere, which is found elsewhere only once.
a general paucity of connectives or narrative flow particles.1
not a single instance of tewéraki, "unexpectedly," a favorite word elsewhere used for narrative flow and dramatic effect.
frequent failure to set off quotations by "he said" (éže, wéže) or "they said" (aíreže), which is highly unusual in Hocąk narration.
In those stories examined, éže runs from 1% to 2.8% of the total words in the story, but here éže is only 0.09% of the total (1,269 words).
a redundant use of epistemic suffixes (že ... že): xete-že here-že, "it was large, it was"; hųkcabire-že hijanąk-še, "it was their chief, there he was".
instead of using the standard, hinųk kanąk, "to marry a woman," here we have consistently the expression, wąkšik hakižu, "to be with a person".
the unusual construction X-ánąga, ’ųgíži ("someone does something and, if one does, ...") rather than X-gíži ("if someone does something, ...").
see "Comparative Frequency of Select Words in Certain Stories."
Notebook 43:1, Bollingen, p. 12; Bollingen (English), p. 22 —
tci[⨪][ƪ] | [β][ʆ] | hotcâñk | wigaíre[ʆ] | tci[⨪]xedé[ʆ] | |
Cinągižą | ejaže.* | Hocą́k | wigaíreže. | Cínąk | xetéže, |
A village | there it was. | Hocąk | [the ones they call]. | The village | it was large, |
hére[ʆ] | hûñktcábire[-] | hidjá[⨪][ʆ] | hi[ƪ´] | hinîñk‘í[ʆ]* |
héreže. | Hųkcábirera, | hijánąkše, | hižą́ | hinįkížą |
it was. | Their chief it was, | there he was, | one | a son |
Bollingen (English), p. 23 —
haⁿdáginaⁿks’a[ʆ] | hi-andj[-] | [λ] | hicigế | [ε] |
hątáginąks’áže. | Hią́jera | žésge | hišigé | ésge |
he fasted. | His father | [this kind] | as he requested, | [therefore,] |
haⁿdáginaⁿdjinañk[ʆ] | tcinôñgᴇ[⨪]rê | hagâré[ƪ] | wajáⁿna | hijáⁿ |
hątáginąjiną́kše. | "Cinągenągere, | hagoréžą, | wažą́na | hižą́ |
he fasted. | "In the village, | some day, | something | one of them |
wotcếxï | wa-ûñkdjanihé[|] | [ε] | wajốⁿna | hi[ƪ] |
wocéxi | wa’ųkjanihéną, | ésge | wažą́na | hižą́ |
hardships | they may have to go through them, | so | [things] | [one of them] |
hip‘erezenaⁿiⁿṇê | waxopîni | warádjïrê | anáⁿgᴇrê | hijaⁿ |
hipérezeną’į́ne | waxopíni | warájire | aną́gere. | Hižą́ |
[try to know] | spirits | various | who are called. | One of them |
naⁿdjonidjáñ[γ] | hagâré[ƪ] | wajáⁿi[ƪ] | wotcếxi | wogídjirê |
nąjoniją́giži | hagoréžą, | wažą́nižą | wocéxi | wogíjire, |
if they pity you, | then, | [a thing] | trouble | they come upon them, |
p. 2 —
waragic’ûñ[·|]ne[|] | uⁿ[ʆ´] | [λ]hi[ʆ´] | haⁿdáginant[ʆ]† | hagâré[ƪ] |
waragiš’ųkjanéną." | ’Ųžé, | žesge hižą́,* | hątáginą́cše. | Hagoréžą, |
you will be able to help them." | He did, | one thing, | he fasted. | After a while, |
Bollingen, p. 13 —
hijáⁿ | hitcak‘ârok‘îⁿ[ʆ] | hitcak‘ârok‘îⁿṇá | wotcếxi[ʆ] | aira[נ·´] |
hižą́ | hicakorokį́že. | Hicakorokį́ra | wocéxiže, | airanúnige |
[one] | [he made a friend.] | Making a friend | it is difficult, | they say, but |
hip‘erezᴇ[נ·] | jegûⁿ | úⁿ[ʆ] | hitcak‘ấrora | wogixêdé[ʆ] |
hipérezenúnige | žegų | ’ų́že. | Hicakoróra | wogixetéže. |
he knew, but | [thus] | he did. | His friend | he loved. |
hagâré[ƪ] | dotcaⁿnaíre[ʆ] | hogirágire[ʆ] | huñge | nîñkdjốñgᴇ[⨪]rê |
Hagoréžą, | tocąraíreže, | hogiragireže, | hųk | nįkją́genągere* |
After a while, | [they were forming a warparty,] | he was told, | chief | he who is the child |
hogirágire[ʆ] | wewî́ⁿ[ʆ] | hitcakârahara | [ϕ] | wagidágᴇnîñkdjê |
hogiragireže. | Wewį́že, | "Hicakorohára | hąké | wagitágenįkjé, |
he was told. | Meditating about it, | "My friend | not | I must not tell, |
cge | yaré* | [α]cgê | [ϕ] | [λ]ánîñ[>] |
ške | yaréra, | egíšge | hąké | žesganįgáją. |
[also] | I thought, | yet | not | it is not to be so. |
hitcak‘araha[-] | wotcêxi | [נ·] | hitcak‘aroha[>´] | jegúⁿ |
Hicakorohara | wocéxi | nunige | hicakórohagáją. | žégų |
My friend | it is difficult | but | my friend | [thus] |
p. 3 —
hak‘iju-aûñkdjê | wak‘aragidagikdjê | hadja[ʆ´] | hitcak‘ấro[-] | hak‘idjá[ʆ] |
hakižu-a’ųkje. | Wakáragitagikje." | Hajažé. | Hicakórora | hakijáže. |
[together with him I shall be.] | I shall go inform him." | He saw him. | His friend | he saw. |
hitcak‘ấro | woragí[ƪ] | nañxgú[|] | huníñgidagi[·|] | yaré[|] |
"Hicakóro, | woragížâ | nąxgúną | honįgitagíkje, | yaréną. |
"Friend, | a story | I heard | I will tell you, | I think. |
wañgerárek‘i | nîñgê | howaraíre[·|]ne[ʆ] | [V] | [ϕ] |
Wągeráreki | nįgé | howaraírekjanéže, | aíreną. | Hąké |
Real men | somewhere | they are going," | they said. | Not |
hijáⁿ | wagidagi[·|] | wagaírani | [נ·] | djasgế |
hižą́ | wagitágikje | wagaírani, | nunige | jasgé |
one | I was to tell | it was not meant, | but | how |
hi-[ρ´] | y‘aregếdjîni | honîñgidagᴇ[⨪][ɜ] | hodacgê |
hiánąga | yaregéjini, | hónįgitageną́kšaną. | Hotášge |
[I do, and] | I thought, and so | I am telling you. | Some |
hadjiákarairagᴇni[|] | [ε´] | ik‘uⁿhê | wa-ûⁿhú[|]‡ | higûⁿ |
hajiákarairaguníną.* | Ésge | ikų́he† | wa’ųhúną. | Higų́ |
they have even gone already. | [So] | in haste | I came. | As soon as |
hagigi | hodjik‘erera | hiñgirek‘djôné[|] | [β] | hahí |
hagígi | hojikérera | hį́girekjanéną. | Éja | hahí |
I return | [the point of origin] | it will be time. | There | at that place |
hak‘ip‘erekdjône, | aíre[|] | hirak‘uruhogi | higûⁿ | étcawádjê |
hakipérekjane, | aíreną. | Hirakúruhógi, | higų́ | ecawáje." |
they are to wait for one another, | they said. | When you are ready, | then | start out for there." |
p. 4 —
witcaⁿt’îⁿ | hogirák[ʆ] | hotcîndja | here[γ] | hip‘érezsế |
Wicą́t’į | hagirákše. | Hacį́ja | heregížį | hipéresše. |
Description | he told him. | Where | it was, so | he would know. |
sdoíre[ʆ] | hanaⁿtc | heré[|] | aíre[ʆ] | dotcaⁿṇê |
Stoíreže, | haną́c | heréną, | aíreže. | Tócąre |
They were assembled, | all of them | they were, | it is said. | [Warpath] |
wa-’úiṇe[ʆ] | dotcû́ⁿwâñg[-] | wé[ʆ] | wagixônawi[-] | xop‘îni |
wa’úįreže, | Tocą́wągera* | wéže, | "Wagixonáwira, | xópini |
they were on, | the Warleader | he said, | "Attendants, | spirits |
watcab[-] | dé[λ] | hîñgaíregê | wa-’ûⁿdé[|] | [α] |
wacábera | téžesge | hįgaírege, | wa’ųténą. | Égi |
my | this | they told, therefore | [I am doing it.] | And |
[ϕ] | haweninîñkdjôniháwi[|] | [ϕ] | hariwagi-ûⁿdaní[|] | |
hąké | hawenínįkjaniháwiną. | Hąké | hári | wagi’ųtaníną." |
not | I will not cause you to suffer. | Not | a long disance | I am going for." |
[α] | hadji-ak‘araíre[ʆ] | hagâré[ƪ] | waícdja | warátcê |
Égi | hajiakaraíreže. | Hagoréžą, | waíšja | waráce |
Then | they started out. | [After awhile,] | he called upon scouts |
hisgế[ɕ]ṇa | dotcûⁿwâñg[-] | [λ´][|] | djagúce[-] | [λ´][|] |
hisgéxjįra | Tócąwągera* | žesgéną. | Jagúžera† | žesgéną, |
very truthful | the Warleader | [thus he was.] | What he said | [thus it was], |
heré[|]. | hik‘irécguni[ɕ][⨪][ɜ] | hik‘uruhówirê | wajáⁿna | [α] |
heréną. | Hikirešgúnixjįną́kšaną. | "Hikuruhówire, | wažą́ra | égi |
it was. | They were unconcerned. | "Make ready, | [things] | here |
p. 5 —
wakšúwírê | hik‘uruhówirê | wajáⁿ[-] | woruγáb[ƪ]† | wak‘uruzire[ʆ] |
wakšúwire. | Hikuruhówire,* | wažą́ra." | Woruǧábižą‡ | wakúruziréže. |
place. | Make ready, | [things]." | A Warbundle | they brought it. |
waruγab | hik‘ik‘úiṇe[ʆ] | haraíre[ʆ] | k‘izaíre[ʆ] | kizaire[γ´] |
Waruǧap | hikik’uíreže.* | Haraíreže. | Kizaíreže. | Kizaíregížį, |
Warbundle | [they opened.] | They started out. | They attacked. | After the attack, |
hûñgᴇ | nîñkdjôñgᴇnûñgrê | p‘įhí[ʆ] | hitck‘ára[-]† | hik‘ik‘isgaire[ʆ] |
hųk | nįkjągenągere* | pįhíže. | Hicakórora | hik’ikisgaireže.‡ |
chief | the child | he did well. | The friends | they were alike. |
p‘įhíre[>] | aíre[ʆ] | esáresáranîñgwahíwi[ʆ] | ||
"Pįhíregają," | aíreže. | E | Saresáranįk | wahíwiže. |
"They were well," | they said. | They | First War Honor | they won. |
wañgo[⨪][-] | erére[ʆ] | p‘iñ[>] | aíre[ʆ] | hodjiakaraíre[ʆ] |
Wągoną́gera | eréreže.* | "Pįgają," | aíreže. | Hajiakaraíreže. |
The counting of coup | they did. | "It was good," | they said. | They returned home. |
wakdjê | p‘îⁿûⁿ[ʆ] | dotcûⁿwâñg[-] | p‘iⁿ[ʆ´] | hisgế |
Wakjé | pį’ųže; | Tocąwągera* | pįžé. | Hisgé |
Victory | [he made good]; | the Warleader | he was good. | Truth |
waíre[ʆ] | djagu | era | jesgé[ʆ] | hisge[ɕ] |
waíreže. | Jagú | era | žesgéže, | hisgéxjį |
they had told. | What | he said, | it was true, | [truly] |
nañgu | p‘iⁿ[ƪ] | gigû́ⁿzire[ʆ] | hagíre[γ] | hijaⁿ |
nągu | pį́žą | gigų́zireže. | Hagíregiži, | hižą́ |
road | a good one | he was taught. | When they returned, | one |
p. 6. Bollingen (English), p. 24 —
worágᴇra | k‘ere[ʆ] | hijáⁿ | rajᴇraṇadjire[ʆ] | |
worágera | kéreže. | Hižą́ | ražera | rájireže, |
to tell the news | he went on home. | One | the name | it was called upon, |
enaⁿbózakdjê | higaíre[ʆ] | etcagiwaíre[ʆ] | ||
e | nąbózakje | higaíreže. | E | cagiwaíreže. |
him | he will prepare the post | it was told. | It | they went towards. |
hak‘irire[γ´] | wañgonốñg[-] | nañk‘arawaⁿ | wagigíre[ʆ] |
Hakíriregiži, | wągoną́gera | nąkárawą | wagigíreže. |
When they returned, | [the men lifted] | to sing for themselves | [they did it.] |
wonaγire[-] hiruk‘ônaṇa | wawogiragire[ʆ] | k‘arawaíⁿṇe[ʆ] |
Woną́ǧirera Hirukónǫra | wawogirágireže. | Karawaį́reže,* |
The War Controllers | they told them. | They gave their own war whoop, |
wonaγirê hiruk‘ốna[-] | nañkaraxgúiⁿṇekdjegê | [β]gu | |
Woną́ǧire Hirukónǫra | nąkaraxgúįrekjege, | é | jagu |
the War Controllers | so that they might learn of their own, | they | what |
wigaíre[-] | [λ] | híregê. | [ε] |
wigaírera | žésge | hirege. | Ésge, |
that which they promised | that | [because they did.] | [Therefore,] |
wawogiragiregê | waíre[ʆ] | hocgốⁿṇa | [λ] |
wawogirágirege, | waíreže. | Hošgą́ra, | žésge |
in order to tell them of it, | they reported it to them. | The act | this |
wagigû́ⁿziregê | [λ]gê | [ε] | [λ] | híre[ʆ] |
wagigų́zirege,* | žésgege, | ésge, | žésge | hiréže. |
as they had taught them, | that is why, | [therefore,] | this | they did. |
tcinôñgᴇ[⨪]rê | wojáwadji[⨪][ʆ] | p‘îñ[ɕ] | wakdjê | ak‘iríregê |
Cinągeną́gere | wažáwajinąkše. | Pįxjį | wakjé | akirírege,* |
In the village | they became happy. | Very good | victory | they had returned. |
p. 7 —
hidok‘araîⁿṇe[ʆ] | hûñgᴇnîñkdjôñg[-] | [λ] | hirak‘arajire[-] | [λ] |
Hitokára’įréže. | Hųgenįkjągera | žésge | hirakárajiréra, | žésge |
They were proud of them. | The chief’s son | this | they had spurred him on, | this |
higếdjêni | karaip‘iⁿṇe[ʆ] | hitcakấro[-] | hik‘arak‘isge[ʆ] | [V] |
higéjeni | karaip’įréže. | Hicakórora | hikarakisgéže, | aíreną. |
they had done | they were proud. | His friend | he was equal to him, | they said. |
p‘îñ[>´] | hûñgᴇ[⨪]a | é[ʆ] | p‘îñ[>´] | hiníñk‘á[ɕ] |
"Pįgáją," | hųgenąka | éže, | "Pįgáją, | hinįkáxjį. |
"Good," | the chief | he said, | "It is good, | my son. |
me[λ] | hinîñgé[-] | c’ûñ[>] | hidadjê | wa-ŭáⁿdjê |
Méžesge | hinįgéra | š’ųgáją. | Hitaje | wa’uą́je, |
[Thus] | my son | you did. | [Mightily] | do it, |
tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê | ne | hicuruk‘ốnôna | wajáⁿna | hijaⁿ |
cinągeną́gere | ne | hišurukónǫra | wažą́ra | hižą́ |
in the village | you | it is in your charge | [things] | [one of them] |
hip‘erezᴇnaⁿíⁿṇê | [λ] | hi[ʆ] | ûⁿ[ʆ´] | wonaγírê |
hipérezeną’į́re, | žésge. | Hiže, | ’ų́že. | Woną́ǧire |
try to learn, | [these]. | [He did,] | [he made.] | War |
ánañgrê | wocgáⁿ | jêế | p‘iⁿhi[ʆ] | k‘eni |
ánągere, | wošgą́ | žee | pįhíže, | keni |
what is called, | [affairs] | [these] | he excelled, | before |
[X] | hak‘ijúni | [λ] | hijế | ûⁿjê |
wą́kšik | hakižúni. | Žésge | hiže, | ’ų́že, |
person | he marries. | This | [he did,] | [he made,] |
p. 8 —
aíre[|] | wonáγirê | ú[|] | hip‘erezire[ʆ] | hitcak‘âro |
aíreną. | Woną́ǧire | ’ų́ną | hipérezireže. | "Hicakóro, |
they say. | War | [he did] | [it was known.] | "My friend, |
niji | [X] | hakijûkdjônihe[|] | hodjiá | [α] |
níži | wą́kšik | hakižákjanihéną." | "Hojiá, | égi |
I | person | I shall marry." | "All right, | and |
nicgê | [λ] | hanấⁿ[|] | hodjiá | [α] |
nišge | žésge | hanóną." | "Hojiá, | égi |
I also | that | I could do." | "All right, | and |
[λ] | hihi[·|][|] | s’iredjaⁿ | jegûⁿ | hawi |
žésge | hihikjéną. | S’íreją | žegų | hawi |
that | we shall do. | Long ago | [then] | we were ready, |
[נ·] | ne | wanîñgiûñgê | [ε] | [ϕ] |
nunįge | ne | wanįgi’ų́ge, | ésge, | hąké |
but | I | [I did the same, so] | [therefore,] | not |
[X] | hokíju | hadjé[|] | hok‘iráwenisgê | |
wą́kšik | hokížu | hajé[nį]ną,* | hokira | wenísge." |
person | to marry | [I have not,] | imitating | it seemed like." |
hitcak‘âro | nicgế | [λ´][|] | s’iredjaⁿ | hi[ƪ] |
"Hicakóro, | nišge | žesgéną. | S’íreją | hížą |
"My friend, | I also | that way. | Long ago | one |
hak‘ik‘ijukdjaⁿwi | hihawí[-] | jegûⁿ | hawi | [נ·] |
hakikížukją́wi | hihawíra | žegų | hawi | nunige |
we could have gotten married | we say | [then] | we were ready, | but |
ne-ánip‘egê | wa-ŭaⁿdjé[|] | [α] | [λ][|] | |
ne | ánipege,* | wa’uąjéną, | égi | žesgéną. |
you | I was waiting for you, so | [I am doing this,] | and | it is that way. |
Bollingen, p. 14 —
[λ] | hihikdjé[|] | [ε] | [X] | akijúre[ʆ] |
Žésge | hihikjéną." | Ésge | wą́kšik | akižúreže,* |
That | [we will do."] | [So] | person | they married, |
[V] | hinûñk‘ônấgire[ʆ] | hitcak‘ấro | [ϕ]cgê | hak‘ik‘íju |
aíreže.* | Hinųkánągireže. | "Hicakóro, | hąkéšge | hakikížu |
it is said. | They acquired wives. | "My friend, | not | together |
tci | p‘iⁿninîñ[>] | higûⁿ | jegûⁿ | iṇek‘i[ɜ] |
ci | pį́nįgają,* | higų | žegų | įnekíšaną† |
to live | it is not good, | [so] | [then] | alone by ourselves |
p. 9 —
hiⁿtcikdje[-] | hodjiá | [β] | iṇek‘î | tcire[-] |
hįcikjéra." | "Hojiá." | Éja | įnéki | ciréra.* |
let us live." | "Just so." | There | alone | they lived. |
djadjí | egatcikdjôné[|] | hi-ấndjᴇra | hûñgᴇ[⨪]a | [λ] |
"Jáji, | égacikjanéną."* | hią́jera | hų́genąka | žésge |
"Father, | I’m going to have a lodge here." | His father | the chief | this |
higé[ʆ] | hodjiá | p‘iñgádjaⁿ | [X] | harak‘iju[>] |
higéže, | "Hojiá, | pįgáją; | wą́kšik | harakižugáją; |
he said, | ["All right,] | [it is good;] | [person] | when they marry, |
[X]akijúrega | [λ] | hirecúnûñ[>]* | wawik‘aracícîgire[ʆ] |
wąksigakižúrega, | žésge | hirešúnųgáją." | Wawikárašišigiréže, |
the person who marries | this | they generally do." | They were very much attached |
hitcak‘ârok‘inañgᴇrê | wañk | p‘iⁿ | hire[ʆ´] | higûⁿ |
hicakórokiną́gere. | Wąk | pį | hirežé. | Higų |
the two friends. | Men | good | they were. | [Still] |
djagŭ | [β] | p‘iⁿ | hiré[ʆ] | [ε] |
jagu | éja | pį | hiréže.* | Ésge |
[whatever] | [there] | well | they did. | [So] |
woxêdê | wak‘aragíre[ʆ] | wañkwácocê | hiwatcábwi[-] | aíres’a[ʆ] |
woxéte | wakaragiréže, | "Wąkwášoše | hiwacábwira," | aíres’aže. |
love | they said to them, | "Brave men | our own," | they would say. |
tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê | sdoírega | nîñgê | minañk | wagigires’a[ʆ] |
Cinągeną́gere | stoírega | nįgé | minąk | wágigires’áže. |
In the village | when they were gathered, | someplace | to sit | [they would do it for them.] |
p. 10 —
hirak‘ara[-] | p‘îñ[ɕ] | wak‘aragíre[ʆ] | winaⁿjíⁿṇe[ʆ] |
Hirakárara | pį́xjį | wakaragíreže. | Winąjį́reže, |
Taking care of | very well | [they did to them.] | They benefitted from them. |
wonaγir[β´] | p‘iⁿ | hirezếdjêni | [ε] | wak‘araic’agire[ʆ] |
Wonąǧiréja | pį | hiregéjinį, | ésge | wakáraiš’agiréže. |
In war | well | they had done, | so | they respected them. |
Bollingen (English), p. 25 —
[α] | waíre[ʆ] | hitcak‘ấro | p‘îⁿ | wañgagigíre[>] |
Égi | waíreže, | "Hicakóro, | pį | wągagigíregają |
[Then] | [he said,] | "My friend, | well | they have treated us, |
[X]ᴇ[⨪]rê | djasgế | hihi[ρ´] | p‘îⁿ | hiwagigínañgunê |
wąkšigeną́gere. | Jasgé | hįhiánąga | pį | hiwagíginągų́nį? |
these people. | [What] | you and I do, and | good | can we do something for them? |
hagâré[ƪ] | [ω] | wajáⁿhi[ƪ]* | ŭ-iⁿṇekdjône[>´] | [λ] |
Hagoréžą, | žigé | wažą́nižą | ’úįrekjanegáją, | žesge |
Someday | [again] | something | they were going to do, | [that] |
wocgáⁿ | jêế | [β] | wagi’ûⁿ | waunañk‘adjaⁿ |
wošgą́ | žeé | éja | wagi’ų | wa’unąkáją. |
[affair] | [this] | [there] | to do it | [it means that.] |
hidadjê | wa-û́ñ[γ] | p‘îⁿcgûⁿninagê | áwi[ʆ] | hitcakâro |
Hitajé | wa’ųgíži, | pįšgúninąge," | áwiže. | Hicakóro |
Mightily | if we do, | it will be good," | they said.* | Friend |
k‘i[⨪]rê | waíre[ʆ] | hitcak‘âro | hisgê | wace[>´] |
kiną́gere | waíreže, | "Hicakóro, | hisge | wašegáją, |
the one who made himself | [he said,] | "My friend, | true | [what you have said,] |
[λ] | hihikdjé[|] | tcowe[υ´] | wajaⁿni[ƪ] | [λ][γ] |
žésge | hihikjéną. | Cowéregi | wažą́nižą | žesgégiži, |
[that] | we shall do. | In the future | [something] | if there is, |
p. 11 —
[λ] | hihikdjé[|] | hodjiấ | [α] | higŭấⁿna |
žésge | hihikjéną." | "Hojiá, | égi | higuána |
[that] | we shall do." | "All right, | and | now |
ep‘a | hîñk‘uruho[γ] | p‘îⁿcgúninaⁿ | [α] | [λ] |
epa | hįkúruhogíži, | pįšgúniną." | "Égi | žésge |
from now on | if we prepare ourselves, | it will be best." | ["Then] | [that] |
hihikdjé[|] | higŭấⁿna | hîñk‘uruhokdjé[|] | hodjia | jegûⁿ |
hihikjéną. | Higuána | hįkúruhokjéną." | "Hojiá, | žégų |
we shall do. | Now | let us prepare." | "All right, | then |
hihikdjé[|]* | hitcak‘ấro | haⁿṇog[β´] | maⁿsótc | hîñgitcgiziṇe[·|][|] |
hihikjéną." | "Hicakóro, | hąrogéja | mąsóc | hįgícgizirekjéną. |
we shall do." | "My friend, | in the morning | dogwood | we’ll go cut. |
wadjówe | hiⁿṇe[·|][|] | xap‘e[-] | djiⁿgi | p‘iⁿṇố[|] |
Wajówe | hįrekjéną. | Xap’éra | jįgí | pįnóną." |
Boat | we shall go. | Soon | to leave, then | it would be best." |
haini[υ] | xap‘énîñkdjí[ʆ] | hanip‘e[⨪][ɜ] | wadjoíra* | |
Haíniregi, | xap’énįk | jiže. | "Hanipeną́kšaną." | Wajoíra |
In the morning, | early | he came. | "I am waiting for you." | The boat |
haraíre[ʆ] | ni[-] | niⁿhirarế[ɕ]gi[ƪ] | hotcíre[ʆ] | hamáⁿhaⁿṇaî́re[ʆ] |
haraíreže. | Níra | nįhirarexjįgižą | hocíreže.* | Hamą́hąraíreže, |
they went. | [Waters] | a small creek | they lived. | They went upstream. |
[β]hi | mórohirahiregi* | [α] | [β] | maⁿsótc |
Éjahi | mórohirahíregi, | egi | éja | mąsóc |
[There] | when they came to land, | and | there | dogwood |
p. 12 —
gitcgíziregê | [α] | hagúire[ʆ] | gu-ire[>] | sik-haksî́gi[ƪ] |
gicgízirege. | Égi | hagúireže. | Guiregáją, | sikaksígižą |
they cut. | Then | they started home. | [As they were coming back,] | a partridge |
[α] | t’a[⨪][ʆ] | nañγágira | [β] k‘iji |
egi | t’ánąkše.* | Nąǧágira† | ejakiži, |
[here] | [it flew]. | The protruding branch of a tree | [from where,] |
edjawadjik‘ere[ʆ] | kôra | hisg[β´] | naⁿdjisgêsgê-wa’ŭáñk‘a | |
éjawajikéreže.* | "Kora, | hisgéja | nąjisgésge | wa’uą́ka, |
he went straight at them there. | "My, | surely | to be scolded | as the one doing this, |
hahiagudjikdjé[|] | hidjowáre[ʆ] | hidjahi[>] | gudjinaⁿî́ⁿdja-ûⁿ |
hahiagujikjéną." | Hijówareže. | Hijahigáją, | gujiną́’įja’ų,* |
I will shoot it." | He went there. | When he got there, | as he was trying to shoot him, |
hat’aⁿbire[ʆ] | hohó | hitcak‘âro | cgaⁿníne[|] | ho ho |
hat’ą́bireže. | "Hohó | hicakóro, | šgąniréną."* | "Ho ho," |
they rushed upon him. | "Hoho, | my friend, | they rush upon you." | "Yes," |
e[ʆ] | hakdjot’aⁿpgu[ʆ] | [α] | maⁿṇawakúrusê | |
éže. | Hakjat’ąpgúže.* | Égi | mą́ra | wakúrusše. |
[he said.] | He jumped back. | Then | his arrows | he took them up. |
[α] | kizaíre[ʆ] | hitcak‘âro | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê |
Égi | kizaíreže. | "Hicakóro, | hitajé wa’uą́je! | |
Then | they fought. | "My friend, | exert your utmost prowess! |
haⁿhaⁿaⁿ | hitcak‘âro | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê |
Hąhą́’ą* | hicakóro, | hitajé wa’uą́je!" | |
Yes, yes | my friend, | exert your utmost prowess!" |
p. 13 —
hicgê | é[ʆ] | hitcak‘ấro | hidadje | wa’ŭaⁿdjê |
hišge | éže. | "Hicakóro, | hitajé wa’uą́je! | |
[also] | he said. | "My friend, | exert your utmost prowess! |
rok‘ônôkdjônihe[|] | hodotcaⁿ | xedé[ƪ] | heredjígo | watcế[ƪ] |
Rokónokjanihéną. | Hotócą | xetéžą | herejigó! | Wacéžą |
It will be great. | Warparty | a big one | it is upon us! | One out for revenge |
wa’ŭấñk‘uni | wirarotcáⁿ[ʆ] | haixá[>] | hohob[ρ´] |
wa’uąkų́nį!" | Wirarocą́že* | haixágają | hohobánąga |
they must be." | Noon | when it passed beyond, | he whooped, and |
t’aⁿpgu[>´] | bok‘ếwe[ʆ] | hire[ʆ´] | hidjagicdjaga[>´] | hitcak‘âro[-] |
t’ąpgugáją, | bokéweže, | hirežé. | Hijágiejagáją, | hicakórora |
when he jumped back, | he stumbled, | he did. | When he looked over, | his friend |
howanấnadjihuhíre[ʆ] | t’ehíre[ʆ] | [β] | hohób[ρ] | wat’áⁿp[ʆ] |
howanónaji-huhíreže. | T’éhireže. | Éja | hohóbánąga | wat’ą́pše. |
he was sent rolling over. | They killed him. | There | he whooped, and | he jumped at them. |
hitcak‘âro | waizára | hináⁿniñkaragi[·|]ne[|] | hijaⁿ | t’éhi[ʆ] |
"Hicakóro, | waizára | hiną́nįkáragikjanéną!" | Hižą | t’éhiže. |
"My friend, | your limbs | I will get enough for them!"* | One | he killed. |
hak‘araγaíre[ʆ] | hat’áⁿbire[ʆ] | [ω] | hik‘ip‘a | wot’áⁿp[ʆ] |
Hakaraǧaíreže. | Hat’ą́bireže. | Žigé | hikipa | wot’ą́pše. |
They shouted at him.* | They rushed at him. | Again | to meet | he rushed at them. |
p. 14 —
hiwuc’adjiⁿbire[>] | [ω][ƪ] | t’ehi[ʆ] | hidadjế | wa-ûⁿwiṇê |
Hiwuš’ájibiregáją. | Žigižą | t’ehíže. | "Hitajé | wa’ų́wire, |
Then they stopped. | Again one | he killed. | ["Mightily] | [do it to him,] |
wañg[-] | watcêγíṇa | maⁿtcguik‘aṇaruwax[ʆ] | nuⁿwañk‘adjaⁿ | |
wągera | waceǧíra." | Mącgúikąra | ruwáxše. | Nųwąkáją, |
the man | he is vicious." | His bowstring | he broke. | He started to run, and then |
bok‘ếwe[ʆ] | hire[ʆ] | kik‘áwa-aⁿ[ʆ] | hire[ʆ´] | [>] |
bokéweže, | hireže. | Kikáwa’ąže, | hirežé. | Gáją* |
he stumbled, | he thought. | He got up, | he thought. | [Then] |
hitcak‘ấro[-] | [α] | naⁿjiⁿdje[ʆ] | hikcádje[ʆ] | t’ehirawira |
hicakórora | égi | nąžįjéže. | Hikšáježe.* | T’ehírawira, |
his friend | here | he was standing. | He was smiling. | That they had been killed, |
[ϕ] | hiperezwini[ʆ] | hohó | hitcak‘ấro | hiwok‘iza |
hąké | hipérezwiníže. | "Hohó, | hicakóro, | hiwakíza |
not | they didn’t know. | ["Hohó] | my friend, | we had been fighting |
hanihé[-] | hitcak‘âro | t’ewañgineguni | ho-ûⁿwi[|] | horux̣ú-itce[|] |
hanihéra. | Hicakóro, | t’ewą́gįregųnį. | Ho’ųwíną | horuǧúicéną."* |
[we have been.] | My friend, | they must have killed us. | Where we were | let us look." |
ho-ûⁿiⁿṇe[-] | [X] | t’era | rok‘ốnô[ʆ] | hitcak‘âro |
Ho’úįrera | wąkšik | t’éra | rokónože. | "Hicakóro, |
They came upon a place | men | slaughter | it was great. | "My friend, |
p. 15 —
megi | t’eniréjarê | hidjahiwi[>] | waiza[-]naⁿdjᴇmaⁿjejére[ʆ] |
mégi | t’eniréžare." | Hijáhiwigáją, | waizáranąjemąžežéreže.* |
here | you were killed." | When they got there, | his limbs were all cut off. |
Bollingen, p. 15 —
naⁿsúracgê | [ϕ]áwajîni[ʆ] | hitcak‘ấro | nicge | [λ] |
Nąsúrašge | hąkáwažiníže. | "Hicakóro, | nišge | žésge |
His head [also] | it was gone. | "My friend, | I also | this |
Bollingen (English), p. 26 —
hîñgigiṇeguni | degi[ɕ] | heré[|] | bo-ák‘eweguni | yaré[|] |
higígiregų́nį. | Tegíxjį | heréną, | boakéwegųnį, | yaréną. |
they must have done this to. | Somewhere here | it was, | I must have stumbled, | I thought. |
nicge | t’ewinegê | wa-ûñgúni | hahi | horux̣u-itce[|] |
Níšge | t’e’úįrege, | wa’ųgúni. | Hahí | horuǧuicéną."* |
I also | they must have killed, that is why | [I did it.] | That way | let us look." |
hidjá-hiⁿwi[>] | rora* | ho-erak[ʆ] | ho-ére[ʆ] | |
Hijá | hiwigáją | rora | hoérakše | hoéreže. |
There | when they arrived, | bodies | to be scattered about | they were scattered. |
hitcak‘ấro | dé[λ] | hihiⁿcônu[|] | nicgê | [λ] |
"Hicakóro, | téžesge | hihįšanúną. | Nišge | žésge |
"My friend, | [this way] | we used to do. | [I too] | [this way] |
wañgagigire[>] | higuⁿosgê | nañgú-djagu | hiⁿwiró[⨪]a | hahíⁿni[ʆ] |
wągagígiregają. | Higųosge | nągújagu | hįwirónąka | hahį́niže.* |
they’ve done it to us. | Just for fun | what path | we follow | [we are there.] |
p. 16 —
wañgani-ank‘araíre[>] | [β] | hak‘arehaíre[ʆ] | woxarawi[ʆ] |
Wąganiąkaraíregają." | Eja | hakarahaíreže. | Woxaráwiže. |
They are taking us home." | There | they were going home. | They caught up to them. |
hijaⁿ | nąjizᴇ[⨪][ʆ] | hoxarawí[γ] | aγoidja |
Hižą́ | nąjizeną́kše. | Hoxarawígiži, | aǧóeja |
One of them | he was left behind. | Catching up with him, | on his shoulders |
hawasuⁿntc[ρ] | waxáwarehî[ʆ] | hikcaít’awi[ʆ] | warutcgatcga[ʆ] |
hawasųcanąga | waxáwarehiže. | Hikšait’áwiže. | Warucgacgáže. |
he placed his hand, and | he shoved him over. | They laughed. | He grasped for something. |
iratcaxsga | harawótcu[ʆ] | maⁿnina | ruc’ák[ʆ] | k‘anadjiⁿdjî́ⁿp[ʆ] |
Iracaxsga | harawócuže. | Maníra | ruš’ákše. | Kanąjįjį́pše. |
At his mouth | he foamed. | To walk | he was unable. | He fell. |
hikcait’awi[ʆ] | jigi[ƪ] | hoxarawi[γ] | [ω] | gi-ûⁿwi[ʆ] |
Hikšait’áwiže. | Žigižą | hoxarawígiži, | žigé | gi’ųwíže. |
They laughed. | Then again | they caught up, and | [again] | they did it. |
waxawarehíwi[ʆ] | jigigû́ⁿ | [λ´][ʆ] | warutcgátcga[ʆ] | gip‘îⁿwí[ʆ] |
Waxáwarehíwiže.* | Žigigų́ | žesgéže. | Warucgacgáže. | Gipįwíže. |
They shoved him over. | Then again | [thus it was.] | He grasped for something. | They liked it. |
higû-îⁿdjaíra | hiwáruxa | hahi[·|][|] | gadjûñga | rok‘ônâ[ɕ][ʆ] |
"Higuįjaíra | hiwáruxa | hahikjéną." | Gájąga | rokonoxjį́že |
"On farther | to chase | let us do." | [Then] | [they did much.] |
p. 17 —
gixawaíre[ʆ] | higŭấⁿna | hitcak‘âro | hiwakcû́ñkdje[-] | tcira |
Gixawaíreže. | Higuóna, | "Hicakóro, | hiwakšų́kjera." | Círa |
They were paralyzed. | After awhile, | "My friend, | let us return home." | [The lodge] |
howak‘araíre[ʆ] | tcira | howak‘arairegi, | k‘ârá | hitcak‘âro |
howakaraíreže. | Círa | howakaraíregi, | "Kóra | hicakóro, |
they went. | [The lodge] | [after they returned,] | "[Say] | my friend, |
niji | doik‘ewêhi[ɕ][|] | hicgê | [λ´][|] | hidjagi[ʆ] |
niži | tóikewehíxjįną."* | "Hišge | žesgéną." | Hijagíže. |
I | I am very hungry." | "I too | [it is this way.]" | [There he returned.] |
hidja | gimí[⨪][ʆ] | hitcawina | [β] | [ϕ]cgê |
Hija | gimínąkše. | Hicáwįra | éja | hąkéšge |
[There] | he sat down. | His wife | there | not even |
gasgárê | hirani[ʆ] | wé[ʆ] | hagagasgé[ƪ] | niji |
gasgáre | hiraníže. | Wéže, | "Hagagasgéžą | níži |
even | she did not care. | He said, | "How is this? | I |
dok‘ếwêhira | hop‘ajá[ɕ] | hak‘irí[|] | [ϕ]cgê | woirak‘ûⁿnaⁿ |
tokéwehira | hopažáxjį | hakiríną. | Hąkéšge | woirak’ųną |
hunger | I am very sick | I have returned. | [Not even] | [you do it ?] |
ṇác’îni | â[·נ´] | [ϕ]cgê | wajaⁿ | anáñgᴇrê |
nąš’įni!" | ánunige | hąkéšge | wažą | aną́gere |
you do not try!" | he said, but | [not even] | [anything] | he said |
higirani[ʆ] | dêế | djagu | ûñ[>] | wa-unáñk‘uní |
higiraníže. | "Tee | jagú | ’ųgáją | wa’unąkų́nį? |
[she did not respond.] | "This | what | she is doing, | might she be doing it? |
p. 18 —
wajaⁿnihi[ƪ] | [ϕ] | gip‘inîñgê | wa-ú[⨪]kícgê | horák‘ |
Wažąnižą* | hąké | gipį́nįge, | wa’unąkíšge | horák |
Something | not | if it is not good, | [if I did like that,] | to tell |
p‘îñ[>´] | niñkécge | xábᴇni | djagu | ûñ[>´] |
pįgáją." | Nįgéšge | xábeni. | "Jagú | ’ųgáją? |
it would be good." | Not even | she did not speak. | "What | she is doing? |
[ϕ] | raxábᴇnîñkca[⨪][ʆ] | a[·נ´] | [ϕ] | wajaⁿ |
Hąké | raxábenįkšánąkše," | anúnige | hąké | wažą |
Not | she does not speak," | he said, but | not | something |
a[⨪´]rê | hiraní[ʆ] | dêế | djagú | ûñ[>´] |
aną́gere | hiraníže. | "Teé | jagú | ’ųgáją? |
that he spoke | she did not care. | "This | what | she is doing? |
hunc’ik‘êwá-uⁿnagᴇ[⨪]guni | wahá[⨪] | c’agwahaídja | |
Hųš’íke | wa’ųną́genąkų́nį, | wahánąk. | Š’agwahaíja |
She is angry, that is why | she does it, perhaps, | it is what I am saying. | At my folks |
hagícgê | enaíⁿji | wahádjᴇ[|] | hagak‘íji | e |
hagíšge | enaį́ži | wahájeną. | Hagakiži, | e |
I might have been done | by this time | [that is why I say this] | Therefore, | them |
wa-wák‘erekdjê | djikére[ʆ] | hi-ándj[-] | hiuni[-] | hotcí[β] |
wawákerekje." | Jikéreže, | hią́jera, | hiųníra | hoci-éja. |
I’ll go there." | He went, | his father, | his mother | to their house. |
hagi-oik‘ewe[ʆ] | [ϕ]cge | wañkcî́gi[ƪ] | djirê | hirairani[ʆ] |
Hagi-oikéweže. | Hąkéšge | wąkšígižą | jire | hírairaníže. |
[There he went in.] | Not even | a person | to come | they did not think. |
p. 19 —
hoik‘awaginañk‘a | higŭána | naⁿtcgé | gi p‘îñ[ɕ] | hok‘arak‘it’aires’a[γ] |
Hokáwaginąka, | higuána | nącgé | gipįxjį | hokarakit’aíres’agíži |
When he returned, | right away | [hearts] | [very good] | they had always spoken to him, but |
[ϕ]cgê | hidjoruγujirani[ʆ] | djagu’ûⁿ | dêế | wa-unáñk‘uni |
hąkéšge | hijoruǧujiraniže. | "Jagú’ų | teé | wa’unąkų́nį? |
not even | they did not look. | "Why | this | they are doing it? |
gadjûñgácgê | [ϕ]adja | hîñkik‘u-iṇani | naní | nijidoik‘êwêhigê | ||
Gajągášge | hąká | ja | hį́kik’uįráni? | Náni, | niži | toikéwehige |
[Now this time] | not | to see | they do not let on. | Mother. | I | I am hungry, that is why |
wa-ûⁿ | hak‘irí[|] | tci[β´] | hagirácgê | wadaracgê |
wa’ų | hakiríną. | Ciéja | hagirášge | watarášge |
[to do it] | I return. | To my lodge | I went, and | I begged, and |
[ϕ] | hîñgi-úîṇani[|] | higûⁿ | ninicgê | jenisgaca[⨪]k‘adjaⁿ |
hąké | hįgi’úįraníną. | Higų́ | niníšge | ženisgašánąkają. |
not | it was not given to me. | Now | you too | you are that way. |
Bollingen (English), p. 27 —
[ϕ]écge | gasgéra | hiⁿṇagirawini | [ϕ]cge | wajaⁿ |
Hąkéšge | gaskéra | hįrágirawini." | Hąkéšge | wažą |
Not even | thus | you do not think of me." | Not even | something |
p. 20 —
a[⨪]rê | rani[ʆ] | de djagu* | nûñγ[-] nîñk |
aną́gere | raníže. | "Te jagú | nųǧeránįk |
[that he said] | she did not think. | "Perhaps, possibly | deaf |
hiregê | wa-unañks’arê | nôni | dok‘êwêhigê | waha[⨪´][ɜ] |
hiregé | wa’únąks’áre | Náni, | tokéwehige | wahaną́kšaną." |
they are is why | they are doing this. | Mother. | I am hungry, that is why | I am saying it." |
[ϕ]cgê | wajaⁿ | a[⨪´]rê | hiráni[ʆ] | de |
Hąkéšge | wažą | aną́gere | hirániže. | "Te |
Not even | something | [that he said] | she did not think. | "[This] |
djagú | hiha[⨪] | [ϕ] | hîñgip‘iⁿṇaranîñge | wa-una[⨪]gᴇnañguni |
jagú | hihánąk? | Hąké | hįgipįránįge | wa’uną́genąkų́nį. |
what | I am sayng? | Not | because they don’t like me, | perhaps they do this. |
wahá[⨪] | howe | tcañg[β] | wadoγuγudjikdjê | hire[γ´] |
Wahánąk? | Howe | cągéja | watoǧúǧujíkje," | hiregíži |
I am sayng this? | Around | outside | I will go and look," | he thought, so |
hihináⁿp[ʆ] | [β] | k‘arahá-ûⁿ | hitcak‘ấro[-] | [β] |
hihiną́pše. | Éja | karaha’ų | hicakórora | éja |
he went out. | [There] | when he was going | his friend | [there] |
huhé[ʆ] | hik‘ik‘ip‘a | djináñgire[ʆ] | hûñgᴇníñkdjôñgañgrê | hikcá[ʆ] |
huhéže. | Hikikípa | jiną́gireže. | Hųgenįgejagą́gere | hikšáže. |
he was coming. | Together | [they came.] | The chief’s child | he laughed. |
hitcak‘ấro[-] | [ϕ]cgê | hikcáni[ʆ] | hitcak‘ấro | tci[β] |
Hicakórora | hąkéšge | hikšániže. | "Hicakóro, | ciéja |
His friend | not even | he was not laughing. | "My friend, | my lodge |
p. 21 —
gi[-] | doik‘êwêhigêdjêni | wada[-] | [ϕ] | hîñgiu-îⁿṇani[|] |
gira | toikéwehigéjeni, | watára | hąké | hįgi’ų́įraníną." |
I returned | as I was hungry, | begging | not | they did not give it to me." |
hitcak‘âro | nicgê | [λ] | hîñgigíre[|] | yak‘îñgagê |
"Hicakóro, | nišge | žésge | hįgigíreną; | yak’į́gage |
"My friend, | I also | [that way] | they’ve done; | I gave up |
[ε] | yahinôp[ɜ] | kodé* | hitcak‘âro | [α] |
ésge | yahiną́pšaną." | "Koté | hicakóro, | égi |
therefore | I came out." | "Well | my friend, | here |
hirarutcếdja | himîñgikdje[|] | hirarutcédja | [β] | mîñgwí[ʆ] |
hirarucéja | himįgikjéną." | Hirarucéja | éja | mįgwí že, |
at one side | let us lie down." | At one side | there | they lay, |
hak‘aracûⁿ | mîñga hahañgwi[ʆ] | hitcak‘ấro | jêếji | wonîñgíxêdê |
hakárašų | mįgahahągwíže. | "Hicakóro, | žeéži | wonįgíxete |
on their stomach | they lay there reclining. | "My friend, | although | they love you very much |
hirerárecgê | [ϕ] | wonîñk‘u-iⁿṇani[>´] | wajáⁿ-ni[ƪ]* | hawa-ûⁿ |
hirerárešge, | hąké | wonįk’ų́įranigáją. | Wažą́nižą | háwa’ų |
but even you | not | they did not give you anything. | Some | for that reason |
wañgagi-unañk‘uni | [λ] | ahahañgwi[ʆ] | hitcak‘âro | [λ][>] |
wągagí’unąkų́nį." | Žésge | ahahągwíže, | hicakóro | žésgegáją, |
they must do this to us." | [That way] | they talked, | friends | [that way,] |
p. 22. Bollingen, p. 16 —
jegûñ[>´] | woirak‘irak‘uni | γagᴇraγé[ʆ] | haⁿhó |
žegųgáją. | "Woirakirakúni!" | Ğageraǧéže. | "Hąhó |
it is so. | "How terrible!" | It was the sound of many voices cryng. | "Listen |
hitcak‘ấro | djagu-ûⁿ | [ω] | waíre[ʆ] | woirak‘irak‘uni |
hicakóro! | [Jagu’ų]* | žigé | waíreže?" | "Woirakirakúni!" |
friend! | Why | again | they say it?" | "How terrible!" |
hi[ƪ] | he-uwánk[ʆ]* | hohó | hitcak‘âro | |
Hižą | He’ų | ’uwąkše.† | "Hohó | hicakóro, |
[One of them] | [Death Announcer] | he was. | "Oh | friend, |
wajañgúni | hanañxgû́ⁿwi[>] | woirak‘irak‘uni | hûñgiwatcábwira |
wažągų́nį." | Hanąxgų́wigają. | "Woirakirakúni! | Hųgiwacábwira, |
something must have happened." | Both listened. | "How terrible! | Our chief, |
hitcak‘ârok‘îⁿnañgᴇra | t’ewahíre[|] | hagahainiṇedjaⁿ | |
hicakórokinągera | t’ewahiréną. | Hagá | hainiréją |
[the one whom he befriended] | they were killed. | In time | in the morning |
wawagi-á-iṇeguni | á[⨪][ʆ] | hohó | hitcak‘ấro | t’e* |
wawagi’uį́regųnį," | ánąkše. | "Hohó | hicakóro, | t’e† |
they must have done this to them," | he was saying. | "Oh | friend, | dead |
wañgahiranihe[-] | hitcak‘âro | nañγíragᴇra[ɜ] | hîⁿwa’ŭaⁿdjếguni | [ε] |
wągahíranihera. | Hicakóro | nąǧíragerášaną | hį́wa’uą́jégųnį | ésge, |
they have made us. | Friend | in spirit only | we must be, | [therefore,] |
p. 23 —
[ϕ] | wañganañxgunináñk‘uni | γagᴇraγé[ʆ] |
hąké* | wąganą́xguniną́kųnį." | Ğageraǧéže. |
not | they must not have heard us." | There was the sound of many voices cryng. |
hitcak‘âro | tcira | howîñk‘ere[·|][|] | hidjágiwi[>] | hûñgᴇnáñgᴇre |
"Hicakóro, | cira | howįkérekjéną." | Hijágiwigadją, | hųgeną́gere |
"Friend, | my lodge | let us return." | When they got there, | chief’s |
hitcawina | naⁿdjú[-] | hanáⁿdjiru-[ρ]* | [α] | mañk‘ú[⨪][ʆ] |
hicáwįra | nąjúra | hanajíruanâga | égi | mąkúnąkše. |
the wife | her hair | she let fall down loose, and | [as well] | she cut it off. |
γagᴇra | maiñk‘idjí[⨪][ʆ] | hoho | hitcak‘âro | t’e |
Ğagera | maįkijínąkše. | "Hohó | hicakóro, | t’é |
Weeping | she threw herself on the ground. | "Oh | friend, | to die |
wañga híre[-] | gadjûñga | wañgiéreguni | [ε] | wanáñk[ɜ] |
wągahírera.* | Gájųga | wągiéregų́nį, | ésge | waną́kšaną." |
they have made us. | [Now then] | they must have found us, | that is why | they are saying it." |
hitcak‘âro | watci[β´] | hiwâroγutc | hiṇe[·|][|] | hidja |
"Hicakóro, | waciéja | hiwóroǧuc | hįrekjéną." | Hija |
"Friend, | to my lodge | to see | let us go." | [There] |
híwi[ʆ] | hidja | hiwi[>] | hicgê | [λ]á[⨪][ʆ] |
híwiže. | Hijá | hiwigáją, | hišgé | žesgánąkše. |
they arrived. | [There] | when they got there, | [also] | it was that way. |
p. 24 —
hohó | hitcak‘âro | djasgê | hihikdjôneguni | hodjiá |
"Hohó | hicakóro, | jasge | hihíkdjanegų́nį?" | "Hojiá, |
"Oh | friend, | what | we are to do?" | "All right, |
[α] | wajáⁿnahi[ƪ] | ho-ûⁿp‘îñkdjône[>]† | higŭấⁿna |
égi | wažąnaížą* | ho’ų́pįkjanegáją. | higųą́ną‡ |
[here] | something | it will be possible to do." | "[Right away] |
hosdórowiṇe[·|][|] | - | hidjagihiwi[ʆ] |
hostórowį́rekjanéną."* | [hirowį-?]† | Hijagihíwiže. |
let us go to the place where the people are gathered. | - | They returned. |
warutcú[⨪][ʆ] | warogû́ñ[ɕ]wî[ʆ] | [α] | hi[ƪ´] | wa[⨪´][ʆ] |
Waruc’únąkše. | Warogų́sjįwiže. | Égi | hižą | waną́kše, |
She was cooking. | They longed for it very much. | And | one | he was saying, |
Bollingen (English), p. 28 —
hûñgîⁿtcabwi[-] | hanaⁿtc | hîñk‘áracicigwi[>´] | [α] | hitcak‘ấrora |
"Hųgįcábwira, | haną́c | hįkarašíšigwigáją, | égi | hicakórora |
"Our chief, | all | we were much attached to, | and | his friend |
hik‘arak‘isge[>´] | [α] | t’aira | [·נ] | ep‘îñ[>´] |
hikárakisgegáją, | égi | t’aíra, | nunige | epįgáją |
likewise, | [here] | they have been killed, | but | it is good |
deijaⁿ | wonaγir[β´] | t’e[γ´] | hîñk‘aga | wanaⁿ’îⁿ[-] |
teížą | wonaǧiréja | t’egíži. | Hįkága | waną’į́ra |
one | in war | to die. | Never | consciousness |
hi[ƪ] | xawanî́nikdjane[ʆ] | airecanú[|] | [λ´][>] | higínañkcguni[ʆ] |
hižą́ | xawanínikjanéže, | aírešanuną. | Žesgégają, | higiną́kšguníže, |
one | he would not lose it, | we are told. | Therefore, | it is so, |
p. 25* —
nañxgunañkcguni[ʆ]† | higínañkcguni[ʆ] | [α] | wañkwacocêwe | hiwaníwi[|] |
ną́xgųnąkšgų́nįže. | Higiną́kšguníže. | Égi | wąkwašošéwe | hiwaníwiną |
he must be listening. | It is so. | And | warriors | our |
hi[ƪ´] | wogiragikdjané[|] | jêê | e | danína |
hižą́ | wogirágikdjanéną, | žée | e | tanína |
one of them | he will tell him his story, | that one | him | the tobacco |
hidjagik‘onôgi[·|]ne[|] | [α] | warudj[-] | e | hogigakdje[|] |
hijágikánągikdjanéną. | Égi | warújera | e | hogigakjéną." |
I will place. | And | the food | them | he will give." |
[α] | wé[|] | [α] | hûñgîⁿtcabwí[-] | [α] |
Égi | wéną, | "Égi | hųgehįcábwira | égi |
And | he said, | "And | our chief | [here] |
haⁿb[-] | hojegídjaⁿna | dêế | herê[>´] | [α] |
hąbera | hožegíjąra | teé | heregáją. | Égi |
his days | the end | this | it is. | And |
[X]o-îⁿṇa | djodjaíñ[ɕ] | hoicdjôⁿ´ṇa | nicgê | jêê |
wąkšigo’į́ra | jajaį́xjį | hoišją́ra, | nišgé | žee |
life | [as long as] | he left behind, | we also | that |
[X]hi-îñkdjawi | mé[λ] | hawa’ûⁿ | [α] | mé[λ] |
wąkšiki’įkjáwi. | Méžesge | háwa’ų | égi | méžesge |
we shall live by. | [Thus] | for this reason | and | this way |
aíre[|] | wonaγirê[β] | hi[ƪ´] | t’e[γ´] | [ϕ] |
aíreną | Wonąǧiréja | hižą́ | t’egíži | hąké |
they said. | In war | one | he dies, then | not |
p. 25a —
wanaⁿî́ⁿṇa | xawaniṇani[ʆ] | airé[|] | [α] | [λ]kdjône[>´] |
waną’į́ra | xawániraníže, | aíreną. | Égi | žesgékjanegáją |
consciousness | he does not lose it, | they say. | And | [it will be thus,] |
hirê | hiwanañk‘adjaⁿ | [α] | worudj[-] | hogá[-] |
hire | hiwanąkáją | égi | worújera | hogára |
thinking | we say this, | and | the food | to give them |
[λ]kdjôné[|] | deếredjigó | hûñgᴇnîⁿtcáb[-] | [α] | worútc |
žesgékjaneną. | Teérejigo-o!* | Hųgenįcábera | égi | worúc |
[it will be thus.] | Here it is! | My chief | and | food |
hocaragáⁿj[-] | dêêredjigo* | [α] | hocaragaⁿcere[-] | hagê[υ] |
hošaragą́žera. | Teérejigó-o! | Égi | hošáragąšeréra | hágeregi, |
that was left unconsumed. | Here it is! | And | you’ve failed to partake | these behind, |
mé[λ] | ya-ûñkdjôneháwi[|] | [α] | niṇa | wocaragaⁿcere[-] |
méžesge | ya’ų́kjanháwiną. | Égi | nina | wošáragąšeréra, |
this way | we will use it. | And | the water | that was not consumed, |
dêếre[|] | [α] | danína | dêếredjigo | wirórag[-] |
teéreną! | Égi | taníra, | teérejigo-o! | Wiróragera |
here it is! | And | the tobacco, | here it is! | The Messenger |
tcekdjíṇa | hidjacerê[γ] | danihú[-] | dêếre[|] | |
cekjį́ra | hijá | šeregíži, | tanihúra, | teéreną! |
just then | [there] | when you go forth, | the pipe, | here it is! |
harak‘aracîni | maⁿcî́nîñkdjê | wirórag[-] | dêếredjigo | [α] |
Harakárašini | mąšínįkje, | Wiróragera,* | teérejigo-o! | Égi |
[You have it along with you] | you will walk, | the Messenger, | here it is! | And |
tcí[⨪] | wojawaí[ƪ] | here[ʆ´] | [α] | danihura |
cínąk | wožáwaižą | herežé. | Égi | tanihúra, |
village | a happy one | there is. | And | the pipe, |
p. 26 —
[ϕ] | nîñgiwacgabᴇnîñkdjôné[|] | [α] | haizo[ɕ] | nîñgíruzi[·|]ne[|] |
hąké | nįgiwašgábenįkjanéną. | Égi | haizóxjį | nįgirúzikjanéną. |
not | she will not shove away. | And | gently | she will accept it. |
[α] | [λ] | hinîñgiruzire[·|][|] | [α] | djagu |
Égi | žésge | hįgirúzirekjéną. | Égi | jagu |
And | this way | they will take it from you. | And | what |
horaícdjaⁿṇê | dêếre[|] | hagᴇ[υ] | wiránac’îñkdjê | hagᴇra[υ] |
horaíšjąre, | teéreną! | Hágeregi | wiraraš’į́kje! | Hageráregi |
you’ve left undone, | here it is! | In back of you | you will intend it for. | Those behind you |
hi-u-iṇe[·|]ne[|] | wajók‘îⁿ | hacî́niṇa | hi-u’iṇekdjônihé[|] | mé[λ] |
hi’úįrekjanéną. | Wažóki | hašínina | hi’úįrekjanihéną | Méžesge |
they will use it. | Relatives | your | they will use it. | This way |
hirok‘ip‘ûnuiṇe[|] | dêếre[|] | mé[λ] | hok‘ík‘aratc |
hirokípunuįréną, | teéreną! | Méžesge | hokíkarac |
they wish to be remembered, | here it is! | This way | relatives |
wacî́nina | hagᴇ[υ] | p‘îⁿ | [X]’îṇekdjê | [ϕ] |
wašínina | hágeregi | pį | wą́kšik’įrékje. | Hąké |
your | in back of you | good | they may live. | Not |
naⁿtcgê | wotcîni-aⁿdjê | jegú[|] | horudjᴇra | herekdjône[|] |
nącgé | wocinią́je. | Žegų́ną. | Horújera | herekjanéną." |
your heart | do not worry. | It is ended. | The meal | [let it be."] |
Bollingen, p. 17 —
[α] | warudj[-] | hahuhi[ɕ]* | hanañgwí[ʆ] | haⁿbᴇredjaⁿ |
Égi | warújera | hahuhuxjį† | hanągwíže, | hąberéją |
And | eating | very anxious | as they lay there, | during the day |
p. 27 —
wada[-] | ruc’agiregê | [β][ɜ] | warudjirekdjônihe | hipérêzᴇnañke |
watára | ruš’ágirege. | Ejášaną, | warujirékjanihe | hipérezenąke, |
begging | [as they failed.] | However, | they will eat | as they knew, |
[β] | unáñk[ɜ] | [β] | wok’úiṇawi[|] | [β] |
éja | ’uną́kšaną. | Éja | wok’úįrawíną. | Éja |
there | they were. | There | they were fed. | There |
warudjwi[|] | hûñgᴇniñkdjốñgᴇnîñk‘a | hitcak‘árora | γagốñk[ʆ] | mîñgwígi |
warujwíną. | Hųgenįgeją́genįka | hicakórora | ǧagą́kše, | mįgwígi, |
they ate. | The child of the chief | his friend | cried, | as they lay, |
k‘aracúmîñk | hohañgwigi* | γagáñk[ʆ] | hitcakâro | jenûñga |
karašúmįk | hahągwígi, | ǧagą́kše. | "Hicakóro, | ženųga |
to lay on their stomachs | as they stretched out, | he cried. | "Friend, | stop |
árê | ho-ûⁿp‘í[|] | yapérez | [ ·נ] | wotcêxi[|] |
áre, | ho’ųpį́ra | yapérez, | nunįge | wocexíną. |
say, | a possibility | I know, | but | it will be difficult. |
[ω] | hakdja | [α] | [X]i-iⁿnâⁿ[|] | [ ·נ] |
Žigé | hakjá | égi | wąkšigi’įnoną, | nunįge |
Again | back | here | we could live, | but |
[ϕ] | curuxurûgᴇnîñ[·|]ne[|] | [ε] | [ϕ] | wajaⁿ |
hąké | šuruxúrugenįkjanéną." | "Ésge | hąké | wažą |
not | you will not be able to accomplish it." | "[So] | not | anything |
hiníñgani[|] | hitcak‘âro | naⁿtcgê[⨪] | hiⁿdek[ɜ] | enaíñ[ɕ]ṇa |
hinį́ganiną, | hicakóro. | Nącgéra | hįtékšaną. | Enaį́xjįra, |
I did not say to you, | friend. | My heart | it is sad. | Assuredly, |
p. 28 —
[ω] | [α] | [X]i-îⁿjeji | yaré[|] | wocgaⁿ |
žigé | égi | wąkšígi’įžeži, | yaréną! | Wošgą́ |
again | here | would that I lived, | I say! | Deeds |
djagu | hi-uⁿṇa | haip‘ínaⁿ | [ω] | [λ] |
jagu | hi’ų́ra | haipį́ną. | Žigé | žesge |
how | we did | I liked. | Again | that way |
hiru-agú[|] | djagu | wotcêxi[ɕ] | cgê | djagu |
hiroagúną. | Jagú | wocéxixjį | šge* | jagú |
I wish for. | Whatever | difficulty | [also] | what |
c’ûñ[γ] | [λ] | hanấ[|] | hitcakâro | [λ] |
š’ųgíži, | žesge | hanấną."* | "Hicakóro, | žesge |
you do | this way | I can do." | "Friend, | that way |
ranôñgê | waca | [ ·נ] | wotcêxí[|] | hic’ûⁿcdjánañ[γ] |
ranąge* | wašá, | nunįge | wocexíną. | Hiš’ųšjánągiži,† |
you could do it, is why | you say so, | but | it is difficult. | If you would try it, |
Bollingen (English), p. 29 —
hi-ûñkdjé[|] | djagu | hicarê | [λ] | hi-ádjê |
hi’ųkjéną. | Jagu | hišare | žesge | hiáje, |
we will do it. | What | you have said | that way | do so, |
[ω] | hakdja | [α] | [X]i-îñkdjé[|] | dêéji |
žigé | hákja | égi | wąkšigi’įkjéną. | Teéži |
again | back | here | we will live. | But |
jegûⁿṇégi | djawañgasga | haháñgᴇrê | maⁿṇegûⁿsdîⁿ |
žegųrégi | ja-wągasga | hahą́gere | mąregų́stį |
as we are now | [we will remain] | [as we go] | forever |
dejêwañgasganấⁿ[|] | [·נ] | hidjaíⁿhîⁿ | [ω] | nîñgê |
te-že-wą́gasganąną, | nunįge | hijaį́hį | žigé | nįge |
we will remain thus, | or | somewhere | again | place |
hahi | horadjanấⁿ[|] | nunîñge | higûⁿ | [ω] |
hahí | horajaną́ną, | nunįge | higų́ | žigé |
[to reach] | we could go, | but | still | again |
p. 29 —
hidjaiⁿhíjiñgế | horadjanấⁿ[|] | gip‘iếsgê[ɕ] | hiré[|] | danihiwí[|] |
hijaį́hį́žįge | horajaną́ną. | Gipiésgexjį | hiréną. | Tanihiwíną, |
somewhere else | we could go. | Very desirous | they are. | There are three, |
tcinốgᴇra | daniwina | higûⁿ | tcekdjíṇa | dêê |
ciną́gera | taniwína.* | Higų́ | cekjį́ra | teé |
villages | the three. | [Although] | for the first time | this |
honîñgidagᴇwáñgᴇrê | here[·נ] | [ϕ] | c’unîñkdjánihe[|] | jegû́ⁿ[υ] |
honįgitagewą́gere | herenúnįge | hąké | šųnį́kjanihéną. | Žegų́regi |
which I am telling you | it is, but | not | you’ll not do it. | Now |
djobốhaⁿ[γ] | hîndjik‘erekdjônihé[ʆ] | anáñk[ɜ] | de-tcekdjiṇa | hi[ƪ] | |
jobóhągiži | hįjikerekjanihéže," | aną́kšaną. | "Te | cekjį́ra | hižą |
in four days | we’ll go," | he said. | "This | the first one | one |
heré[|] | higŭoícip | [λ] | wañgiganâñgikdjônihé[|] | hitcakâro |
heréną. | Higuoišip | žésge | wągigánągikjanihéną." | "Hicakóro, |
it is. | All the time | [this way] | they will talk to us." | "Friend, |
naⁿtcgé[-] | hiⁿdekdjí[|] | hakdja | higîⁿ | hiⁿkirikdjé[|] |
nącgéra | hįtekjíną. | Hakjá | higį | hį́kirikjéną." |
heart | it is sad. | Back | to return | let us go." |
[α] | hiⁿdjik‘erekdjegi. | wa[ƪ] | wañgigairekdjônihé[|] | haⁿhé[-] |
"Égi | hįjikérekjégi | wažą́ | wągigåirekjanihéną. | ‘Hąhéra |
"And | when we are ready to go, | [something] | they will say to us, | ‘The night |
p. 30 —
hiro-agᴇrê | here[·|]ne[|] | haⁿháⁿ | hûñgᴇnintcab[-] | hoit’úⁿṇa |
hiroágere | hérekjanéną. | Hąhą́ | hųgenįgecábera, | hoit’ų́ra |
it is the last thing | it will be. | Greetings | beloved chief, | the campfires |
djobᴇrak‘ere[·|]ne[|] | dêế | hiro-ágᴇreré[|] | haⁿhó-o | deêredjigó |
joberakérekjanéną. | Teé | hiroágereréną. | Hąhó-o, | teérejigó-o! |
four times you will have. | This | it is the last thing. | Greetings, | here it is! |
naⁿrañxgûⁿcônûñk[>´] | deếre[|] | wirórag[-] | deacîni | maⁿcînî[·|]ne[|] |
Nąraxgų́šanąkáją, | teéreną! | Wiróragera, | teášini,* | mąšínįkjanéną. |
You are listening, | here it is! | The Messenger, | here it is, | you will walk with it. |
[α] | wainaⁿpk‘iⁿiⁿnîñgiruzire[·|]ne[|] | wañgᴇ[υ´] | |
Égi | waínąpkį | hįnįgirúzirekjanéną. | Wą́geregi |
And | willingly and thankfully | they will accept it from you. | Up above |
wajaⁿgû́ⁿzᴇra | [λ] | haniⁿwañgagigiwi[|] | dê-ére[|] |
Wažągų́zera | žésge | hanįwągágigiwíną, | Teéreną! |
[the Maker of Things] | this kind | he gave us. | Here it is! |
rogû́ñxdjinañk[ɜ] | wainaⁿpk‘iⁿ-îⁿ* | nîñgiruzire[·|]ne[|] | mé[λ] |
Rogų́xjiną́kšaną, | Waínąpkį† | hįnįgirúzirekjanéną. | Mežésge |
They long for it very much. | Willingly and thankfully | they will accept it. | This kind |
hiníñgiruzire[·|]ne[|] | [X]o-îⁿṇa | djánûñga | wajôⁿṇa | horaicdjôⁿcere[-] |
hįnįgíruzirekjanéną. | Wąkšigo’į́ra | jánąga | wažą́ra | horaišją́šerera, |
they will accept it from you. | Life | as much as | [the things] | that you left behind, |
p. 31 —
[X]o-îⁿṇa | wonáγirera | tciórogᴇ[υ] | [X] hoixgôⁿ |
wąkšigo’į́ra | woną́ǧirera | ciórogeregi, | wąkšik-hoíxgą |
life | wars | in the midst of the lodge,* | human actions |
haníne[-] | hanántc | mé[λ] | hagᴇ[υ´] | dêế |
hanínera, | haną́c | mežésge | hagerégi | teé |
you would have had, | all | this kind | in back of you | this |
wiranaⁿî́ⁿna | mé[λ] | hirop‘û́nu-iṇe[|] | [α] | hinugŭáxopîni |
wiraną’į́ra | mežésge | hiropúnuįréną. | Égi | Hinųgŭáxopíni |
intended, | this way | they wish to be remembered. | And | Spirit Woman |
worúdjᴇra | mé[λ] | [ϕ] | hinûⁿbốhôⁿṇa | hirodjiⁿ |
worújera | mežésge | hąké | hinųbóhǫna | hirojį́ |
[the feast] | this kind | not | a second time | very soon* |
jesgánîñ[·|]ne[|] | dé[λ] | daíre[|] | [λ] | danihu[-] |
žesgánįkjanéną, | Težesge | taíreną. | Žésge | tanihúra |
will it not be thus.* | This | they ask. | This way | the pipe |
hinîñgihîⁿṇe[·|]ne[|] | jegúⁿ[|] | deere[|] | hirágᴇra |
hinįgíhįrekjanéną. | Žegúną, | teéreną! | Hirágera* |
she’ll smoke. | [So] | [here it is!] | For the last time |
hiwak‘arak‘itcañkdjôniháwi[|] | haⁿbak‘iri[γ] | hodjik‘ére[-] | hinîñgire[·|]ne[|] |
hiwakárakicąkjaniháwiną. | Hą́bakirigíži | hojikérera | hinį́girekjanéną." |
we will eat together. | When day comes, | the starting time | it will be for us." |
p. 32 —
[α] | wonîñgiragire[·|]ne[|] | wangwácoce[-] | homani[-] | djagú |
Égi | wónįgiragirekjanéną, | wągwašošéra. | homaníra | jagu |
And | they will tell it to you, | the warriors. | Your walk | what |
c’ûñkdjônihe[-] | honîñgiragire[·|]ne[|] | hoicîbire[γ] | hodjik‘ere[-] |
š’ųkjanihéra, | honįgirágirekjanéną. | hoišíbiregíži | hojikérera |
you will do, | it will be told to you. | When they’re done | the (temporal) point of origin* |
hererakdjône[|] | [α] | [ϕ] | hagᴇ[υ] | naⁿtcgê |
herérakjanéną. | Égi | hąké | hágeregi | nącge |
it will be.* | And | not | for those behind | heart |
wotciwîni-aⁿdje | [α] | naⁿwagax | hik‘uruhoíre[ʆ] | wanañγomîñg[-] |
wocíwinią́je." | Égi | nąwagáx | hikuruhoíreže.* | Wanąǧómįgera† |
do not let it be heavy." | And | stick | they were about to paint. | The grave |
watcawaíre[ʆ] | tcekjína | hiž[ƪ] | wanañγí | hawawî́ñxcê |
wacawaíreže. | Cekjį́ra | hižą | wanąǧí | hawawį́xše. |
they started for. | The first one | one | [ghost] | he walked around. |
tcekjįína | hûñgintcabwi[-] | tcoík‘erê[-] | manina | [β] |
Cekjį́ra, | "Hųgicábwira | coikérera* | maníra, | éja |
The first one, | "Our own chief | he led me | the walk, | there |
p‘îñ[ɕ] | wañgᴇri[ƪ] | hido-akik‘iⁿṇa | dêế | hiwujîⁿ harukôz |
pįxjį | wągerižą | hitoákik’į́ra. | Teé | hiwužį́ harukós* |
very good | one of the men | I took for myself. | This one | to brace him |
p. 33 —
maⁿnîñ[·|]ne[|] | jigigûⁿ | [ω] | djik‘ere[-] | [β] |
manįkjanéną. | Žigigų | žigé | jikérera, | éja |
he will walk. | On another occasion | again | that he went, | there |
nañgu-omañgᴇni[|] | [β] | [ω] | k‘izaíre[|] | [β] |
ną́guomągį́nįną. | Éja | žigé | kizaíreną, | éja |
I visited the road. | There | again | they fought, | there |
Bollingen, p. 18 —
[ω] | watcu[⨪] | k‘isag[β´] | [β] | hi[ƪ] |
žigé | wacúnąk | kisagéja | éja | hižą́ |
again | the firing lines | between | there | [one of them] |
Bollingen (English), p. 30 —
naⁿsú[-] | dus‘áⁿnaⁿ | p‘iⁿha[ʆ] | hîñgaíre[|] | [β] |
nąsúra | tusšáną.† | Pįháže, | higaíreną. | Éja |
the head* | I took. | I did well, | he told me. | There |
[ω] | hi[ƪ] | hini-aⁿdukôsônaⁿ | [ω] | dêê |
žigé | hižą́ | hinią-túkasšaną. | Žigé | teé |
again | [one of them] | I captured. | Again | this one |
nañgu[β] | ni-aⁿpdjaⁿṇê | pedja ganîñ[·|]ne[|]* | [α] | hûñgᴇnáñgᴇre |
nąguéja | nią́bejąre | péjaganįkjanéną." | Égi | hųgenągere |
on the road | this live one | he will carry fire." | And | the chief |
hitcakấrora | γagᴇ[-] | rok‘ônô | wé[ʆ] | hitcakâro |
hicakórora | ǧagera | rokóno | weže, | "Hicakóro, |
the friend | wept | very much | he said, | "My friend, |
jénûñga | arê | hiñkírikdjé[|] | rucdjaíⁿṇe[γ] | djík‘arawi[ʆ] |
žénųga | áre, | hįkirikjéną!" | Rušjaįregíži | jikarawíže. |
enough | say, | we shall return!" | They were through, and | they departed. |
sánîñk | wioiré[-] | howadjiak‘araíre[ʆ]* | hitcakâro | djobôhaⁿ | |
Sánįk | wioiréra | howa | jiakaraíreže.† | "Hicakóro, | jobóhą |
Direction | the west | to go to | they started to go back. | "My friend, | four times |
p. 34 —
hiwuca[·|]ne[|] | dêê | wagaíre[|] | ho-úicara | djop‘íwi |
hiwušakjanéną." | Tee | wagaíreną, | "Ho’úišara* | jopíwi |
we will stop." | This one | he said to him, | "Stops | four |
á[⨪]rê | dêê | heré[|] | hiwucaíre[γ] | [ω] |
ánągere, | tee | heréną." | Hiwušáiregiži,* | žigé |
when they said, | this | it is." | When they stopped, | again |
γak[ʆ] | hitcak‘âro[-] | jenûñga | arê | [α] |
ǧákše. | "Hicakórora | žénųga | áre. | Égi |
he cried. | "My friend | enough | say. | And |
tci[⨪] | hikikdjôniharê | [α][ɜ]ṇecgê | higŭañkê | reniṇonágûñ[·|]ne[|] |
cínąk | hihikjaniháre, | egíšanąréšge | higúąke | reni-roragųkjanéną." |
village | that we’ll get to, | even there | still not | you will not want to go on." |
djobốhaⁿ | hiwucáwi[ʆ] | [α] | tci[⨪][-] | hahíre[ʆ] |
Jobóhą | hiwušáwiže. | Égi | cinągera | hahíreže, |
Four times | they stopped. | And | the village | they went to, |
hahire[>] | hohôp | huhire[ʆ] | [X][-] | rok‘ốnô[ʆ] |
háhiregáją, | hohóp | huhíreže. | Wąkšígera | rokónože. |
after they arrived, | whoop | they sent towards them. | The people | many there were. |
haⁿhaⁿ | tcakâro | [X][-] | rok‘ônốna | [λ][|] |
"Hąhą́ | cakóro,* | wąkšígera | rokónora | žesgéną." |
"Yes | my friend, | people | very many | this is." |
hitcakâro | [X][-] | rokonôkdjoné[|] | hinûñgrácge | here[·|]ṇe[|] |
"Hicakóro, | wąkšígera | rokónokjanéną, | hinųgerášge | herekjanéną." |
"My friend, | people | there will be many, | women also | there will be." |
p. 35 —
hik‘ip‘adjíre[ʆ]* | hok‘arawadjirawi[ʆ] | hûñgotci[-] | degi-ếre[|] | |||
Hikipá | jireže.† | Hokáwa | jirawiže.‡ | "Hųgocíra | tegi | éreną."‡‡ |
To meet | they came. | To enter | they were coming. | "The chief’s lodge | over there | it is." |
[β] | hani-añgirawi[ʆ] | hûñgotci[-] | [β] | haⁿhó |
Éja | hanią́girawiže.* | Hųgocíra | éja, | "Hąhó |
There | they were conducted. | The chief’s lodge | there at, | "Greetings |
hotcitciñ[ɕ]wi[-] | ep‘íⁿ[|] | hûñgᴇtcáb[-] | danihu[-] | de-ére[|] |
hocįcįxjįwira,* | epį́ną." | "Hųgenicábera, | tanihúra, | teéreną!" |
[my dear young men,] | it is good." | "My chief, | the pipe, | here it is!" |
ep‘iⁿ[|] | hotcintcî́ñxdjîⁿ[-]wina | djagu | aíre[ʆ] | hocuwi-[β´] |
"Epį́ną, | hocįcį́xjįwíra. | Jagu | aíreže | hošuwiéja?" |
"It is good, | my dear young man. | What | they said | where you came from?" |
[α] | wahúwi[β] | [X]o-îⁿ[-] | waicdjaⁿwinaⁿ | [X]o-îⁿṇa |
"Égi | wahúwiedja | wąkšigi’į́ra | waišją́winą | wąkšigo’į́ra |
"[Well,] | from where we came, | the life | that we left behind, | that life |
[β] | hi-úiṇekdjê | aíre[|] | djanañga | wajóⁿna |
éja | hiuį́rekje, | aíreną. | Jánąga | wažą́ra |
there | they would live, | they said. | All | the things |
waicdjaⁿwirê | dêế | edji-úiṇekdje | aíre[|] | hisgế |
waišją́wire | teé | eji’uį́rekje | aíreną." | "Hisgé |
that we left behind, | these | they would use there | they said." | "Truth |
p. 36 —
wairé[|] | [λ]kdjôné[|] | wigế[ʆ] | jegú[|] | howaci-ótci[-] |
wairéną, | žesgekjanéną," | wigéže. | "Žegų́ną. | Howašiócira |
they said it, | so it will be," | he said to them. | "All is ready. | The dance lodge |
de | enîñgirewi[|]* | tcañg[υ]ágêrê | hihinóⁿpwi[ʆ] | howaci-otci |
teé | nįgirewiną."† | Cą́geregiágere | hihiną́bwiže | howašióci |
this | here it is." | Outside | they went | to the dance lodge |
anáñgerâ | [α] | hok‘awawi[ʆ] | haⁿhé[-] | djobôⁿhaⁿ |
aną́gera, | égi | hokawawíže. | "Hąhéra | jobóhą |
of which they had spoken, | and | they entered. | "The Nights | Four |
hiwanañgiwañkdjônihé[|] | hitcak‘ấro | hagánîñ[ɕ] | horok | ṇaⁿnaⁿji |
hiwaną́giwąkjanihéną." | "Hicakóro, | hagánįxjį | horok | raną́ži.," |
we will sing for them." | "My friend, | never | with them | you arise," |
egê | naⁿnaⁿji[ρ] | ûñ[γ´] | [ϕ] | curuxurugᴇni[·|]ne[|] |
ége. | "Ranąžįánąga | ’ųgíži | hąké | šuruxurugenįkjanéną. |
he said. | "You arise, and | if you should do it, | not | you will not accomplish it. |
hîñgi[·|] | hicegếdjêni | hiwa’ŭaⁿháñk[ɜ] | haⁿhaⁿ | hitcak‘âro |
Hįgíkje | hišegéjinį, | híwa’uąhą́kšaną." | "Hąhą́ | hicakóro, |
You would return | as you had said, | we are doing this." | "Yes | my friend, |
p. 37 —
nañxgunañk[ɜ] | warokôno | hihe[ɕ]jarê | djagu | hicegi |
nąxgųną́kšaną, | warokóno? | Hihéxjįžare. | Jagú | hišegi, |
I am listening, | how could I? | I did indeed say much. | What | as you said, |
[λ] | hakjê | hihéjarê | ṇeγarupârog[-] | p‘îⁿu-íṇe[ʆ] |
žésge | hakše, | hihéžare." | Reǧorupórogera | pį’uį́reže, |
that way | I will, | I say." | The drum | they fixed, |
horudjázire[ʆ] | haⁿhó | hitcakâro k‘inañg[-] | wañganañgi[-] waiⁿṇekdjônáwi[|] |
horujázireže. | "Hąhó | hicakórokinągera | wąganą́giwaįrekjanáwiną. |
they tightened. | "Greetings, | the two friends | they are going to sing. |
hik‘uruhówirê | dj[ρ] | wacip‘ihi[-] | k‘uruhówirê | wojawa[·|]ne[|] |
Hikuruhówire | jánąga | waši-pį́hira. | Kuruhówire | wožáwakjanéną." |
Let us get ready, | all | who can dance well. | Get ready | there will be much fun." |
wanañγi | tci[⨪][-] | hirahíre[ʆ] | [β] | wa-ú[⨪][ʆ] |
Wánaǧi | cínągera | hirahíreže, | éja | wa’únąkše. |
Spirit | the village | they had reached, | there | they were. |
djirehíre[γ] | waci-hoináñkire[ʆ] | tcañgáñgᴇrecge | |
Jirehíregiži, | wašíra | hoinąkíreže. | Cągą́gerešge |
When they started up, | the dance | they began. | Even outside |
wo-îⁿîⁿgesgî[ʆ] | hinûñg[-] | hik‘araγêdjik‘êrés’a[ʆ] | [נ·] |
wo’į́gesgéže. | Hinų́gera | hikaraǧéjikeres’áže, | nunige |
there was a great commotion | The women | they would shout in a chorus, | but |
p. 38 —
hahaⁿpwi[ʆ] | dêéji | hitcakấro | higûⁿ | p‘iⁿ |
hahąbwíže. | "Teéži | hicakóro, | higų | pį, |
daylight came upon them. | "This | my friend, | [still] | [it is good,] |
[נ·] | haⁿhé | daníhaⁿ | honîñgida[|] | haⁿhé* |
núnige | hąhé | taníhą | honįgitáną." | Hąhé |
but | nights | three | [I told you of."] | Night |
Bollingen (English), p. 31 —
nûⁿbốhôⁿna | here[γ] | hidjuíra[ʆ] | k’eni | erêni |
nųbáhąra* | heregíži | hijaíraže; | keni | éreni, |
the second | [it was, and] | it was even greater; | before | it was time, |
hohôbᴇraγe[ʆ] | herê[γ] | hidjaíra[ʆ] | waíre[ʆ] | hinûñgᴇnáñgᴇrê |
hohóberaǧéže. | Heregíži, | hijaíraže | waíreže. | Hinųgeną́gere, |
there was much shouting. | When it was time, | it was more | they said. | The women, |
níñk‘a | wa[ƪ] | mi[⨪] | p‘iáñk‘edjîni | mi[⨪´]ᴇ[⨪] |
"Nįká, | wažą | mínąk | piąkéjinį | miną́genąk! |
"Say, | [thing] | to sit down | [because it is good,] | they are sitting! |
wa[ƪ] | wojawaisgakajaⁿ | wank | hok‘iwaci | maniṇ[ρ] |
Wažą | wožáwaiskakáją* | wąk | hokíwaši | maniránąga |
[Thing] | it is such fun | men | dancing | as they go by," and |
wa[⨪][ʆ] | wok‘i-aci[-] | wañgatcûⁿcguniwîñ[>] | hagᴇwajaⁿgasgé[ƪ] |
waną́kše, | "Wokiwašíra | wągacųšgúniwįgáją. | Hagéwažąwasgéžą |
they said, | "Dancing partners | [perhaps they are going to take us.] | An awful thing |
p. 39 —
wa-ú[⨪] | wa[ƪ] | mi[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]naⁿdjiak‘êdjêni | hotcañgérê |
wa’únąk, | wažą́, | miną́genągenąjiakéjinį!" | Hocągére, |
they are doing, | thing, | since they are sitting down!" | With great difficulty, |
hahaⁿpwícguni | hitcak‘âro | wajaⁿ | gip‘i-êsgê[>] | hitcakâro |
hahąbwíšguni. | "Hicakóro, | wažą | gipiesgáją." | "Hicakóro, |
then daylight came upon them. | "My friend, | thing | it is such a pleasure." | "My friend, |
me | jenisgekdjônegê* | wahéjarê | haⁿ | hisgê |
mežesge | nisgekjanége, | wahéžare." | "Hą, | hisge |
this way | you also would be, | it is why I said it." | "Yes, | right |
wace[>´] | hanániñgûñkdjône[ʆ] | hihéjarê | hitcakâro |
wašegáją, | haną́nįxgųkjanéže | hihéžare." | "Hicakóro, |
what you said, | I would listen to you, | I had said." | "My friend, |
hanaiñxgŭáⁿdjê | [λ] | hihéjarê | jédjûñga | haⁿhé |
hanaįxguą́je, | žesge | hihéžare." | Žéjąga | hąhé |
listen to me, | that | I had said." | Now | night |
hiroagᴇ[-] | here[·|]ne[ʆ] | [=]* | hiro-ag-herekdjôné[|] | hidadjê |
hiroágera | herekjanéže. | "Hicakóro, | hiroagerekjanéną, | hitajé |
the last one | it would be. | "My friend, | it is going to be the last, | [mightily] |
Bollingen, p. 19 —
wa’ŭáⁿdjê | tci[⨪] | [α] | [ϕ] | réninîñgigire[·|] |
wa’uą́je! | Cinąk | égi | hąké | reninįgígirekje. |
[you must do it.] | Town | here | not | they will not let you pass them. |
[λ][ɕ][·|]ne[|] | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê | hiro-ag-here[γ´] |
Žésgexjįkjéną, | Hitajé | wa’uą́je!" | Hiroageregíži,* |
[This way they will emphatically be.] | [Mightily] | [you must do it."] | When it was the last, |
p. 40 —
waγé[ʆ] | hit’et’e[-] | tcaⁿt’îñ[ɕ]ṇe[ʆ] | [=] | hidadjê |
woǧéže. | Hit’et’éra | cą́t’įxjįréže. | "Hicakóro, | hitajé |
[there was much noise.] | Talking | it was very audible. | "My friend, | [mightily] |
wa’ŭáⁿdjê | waci[-] | djik‘erêhi’[υ] | ṇok‘ônô[ɕ][ʆ] | denîñk‘a | |
wa’uą́je!" | Wašíra | jikerehíregi | rokonoxjį́že. | "Te, | nįka! |
[you must do it."] | The dance | when it was started, | it was very great. | ["This one,] | say, |
huṇânê | djagu | de | c’ûñcanañk[ʆ] | huṇanê |
Hų́rǫre! | Jagu | te | š’ųšaną́kje? | Hų́rǫre!" |
Come on now! | What | here | you will be doing? | Come on now!" |
hixgaⁿxgâⁿ[ʆ] | naⁿjiⁿ | rogú-iⁿjê | [=] | gisếwê |
Hixgąxgą́že. | Nąžį | rogúįže. | "Hicakóro, | giséwe |
He moved about. | To stand | he desired. | "My friend, | be calm |
mi[⨪]re | [נ·] | hotcañgére[ɕ] | hahaⁿpwí[ʆ] | hohó |
miną́gere!" | Nunige, | hocągérexjį, | hahąbwíže. | "Hohó |
sit down!" | However, | with great difficulty, | then daylight came upon them. | "Hohó |
[=] | ep‘í[|] | higŭâⁿna | here[·|][|] | hiradjairakdjônihe[|] |
hicakóro, | epį́ną. | Higuóna | herekjéną, | hirajaírakjanihéną. |
my friend, | it is good. | [Now] | it will be, | it will be greater. |
tci[⨪][ƪ] | [α] | howiⁿṇe[·|]ne[|] | dêê | wakándja[-] |
Cínągížą | égi | howį́rekjanéną. | Tee | Waką́jara* |
A village | here | we will go to it. | This one | the Thunders |
tci[⨪][-] | here[·|]ne[|] | hidjairanaⁿ | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê |
cínągera | hérekjanéną. | Hijaíraną, | hitajé | wa’uą́je! |
the village | it will be. | It is more, | [mightily] | [you must do it.] |
howaci | wojawaira | heré[|] | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê |
Howáši | wožawaíra | heréną, | hitajé | wa’uą́je! |
Dance | pleasurable | it is, | [mightily] | [you must do it.] |
p. 41 —
djasgé[γ] | hârokc’ûñ[γ] | [ϕ] | nîñgê | horawacaranîñ[·|]ne[|]* |
Jasgégiži, | hórogeš’ųgíži, | hąké | nįgé | horawašáranįkjanéną. |
[Finally,] | if you join in, | not | anywhere | you will not go. |
hîñgi[·|] | hicéjarê | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê | hîndjihúrê |
Hįgíkje, | hišéžare, | hitajé | wa’uą́je! | Hįjihúre |
We would return, | you had said, | [mightily] | [you must do it.] | We have passed through |
jerế́cgê | hatcañgere | deradjicú[|] | tci[⨪] | |
žeréšge | hacągére | te | rajišúną. | Ciną́k |
even that | with difficulty | that | you came through. | village |
dêê | hiradjaira[·|]ne[|] | [=] | hanaⁿnîñxgûñ[·|][ʆ] | hihéjarê |
tee | hirajaírakjanéną." | "Hicakóro, | haną́nįxgųkjéže, | hihéžare, |
this | it will be much more so." | "My friend, | I would listen to you, | I might have said, |
hîñgidjiradjê | naⁿtcgé[-] | hîⁿdek[ʆ] | hihéjarê | hakdja |
hįgijiráje. | Nącgéra | hįtékše, | hihéžare. | Hakjá |
help me. | My heart | I hurt, | I might have said. | Back |
hohu-edja | hîñgi[·|][|] | hîñgidjiradjê | hitcak‘âro | haⁿhaⁿ |
hohuéja | hįgikjéną | Hįgijiráje, | hicakóro!" | "Hąhą́ |
to where we came from | let us return. | Help me, | my friend!" | "Well and good, |
hitcak‘âro | hanaiⁿṇaxgûñ[γ] | [λ]kdjônihé[|] | tcinû́ñgᴇ[⨪] |
hicakóro, | hanaį́raxgųgíži, | žesgekjanihéną." | Ciną́genąk |
my friend, | if you listen to me, | this way it will be." | The village |
p. 42 —
hahire[>] | wajaⁿ | gip‘i-êsgê[ʆ] | horuγudj[-]canaⁿṇécgê |
hahiregáją, | wažą́ | gipiesgéxjįže, | horuǧújerašanąréšge, |
when they reached it, | thing | it was very desirable, | even in its looks, |
p‘iⁿ[ʆ] | hok‘arawadjírawi[ʆ] | hûñgotci[-] | deére[|] | higaírawi[ʆ] |
piže. | Hokarawájirawíže. | "Hųgocíra | teéreną," | higairawíže. |
[it was good.] | They came to meet them. | "The chief’s village | this is," | they said to them. |
ep‘íⁿ[|] | [α] | radjiwí[-] | wajaⁿgûⁿz[-] | [λ] |
"Epį́ną, | égi | rajiwíra. | Wažągų́zera | žesge |
"It is good, | here | that you have come. | The Creator | thus |
hinîñgirawigê | [α] | radjiwí[|] | hidadjê | wa’ûⁿwi-ándjê |
hinįgiráwige, | égi | rajiwíną. | Hitajé | wa’ųwią́je! |
he thought of you, | here | that you have come. | [Mightily] | [you must do it.] |
rahiwi[ρ] | ûñ[γ] | wajaⁿ | p‘îⁿ | rakik‘ûñkdjôniháwi[|] |
Rahiwiánąga | ’ųgíži | wažą | pį | rakik’ų́kjaniháwiną, |
[You have arrived, and] | if you do it, | something | good | you will have done for yourselves, |
hidadjê | wa’ûⁿwi-ándjế | p‘îñgếdjêni | tcináñgi[ƪ] | radjicúwi[|] |
hitajé | wa’ųwią́je! | Pįgéjinį | cinągížą | rajišúwiną,* |
[mightily] | [you must do it.] | As well as | a village | you have passed through, |
Bollingen (English), p. 32 —
hidadjê | wa’ûⁿwi-andjê | hanîñk‘arajiwi[|] | rahí | curuxurûgwi[γ] |
hitajé | wa’ųwią́je! | Hanįkárajiwíną. | Rahi | šuruxúrugwigíži, |
[mightily] | [you must do it.] | I encourage you. | To get there | if you are able, |
p. 43 —
hirakikurukônôkjôniháwi[|] | [=] | naⁿnáñxgûⁿcônóñk‘[-] | djagu |
hirakíkurukánąkjaniháwiną." | "Hicakóro, | nąrąxgų́šanągera | jagú |
you’ll be your own master." | "My friend, | you’re hearing | what |
wañgigánañgrê | hidadjê | wa’ŭaⁿdjê | jegú[|] | howacihotcira |
wągigánągere? | Hitajé | wa’uą́je! | Žegúną." | Howášihocíra |
it is being said to us? | [Mightily] | [you must do it.] | [Thus it is."] | The dance lodge |
tcañgê[υ´] | ak[ɜ] | jegû́ⁿ[|] | hihinốbwi[ʆ] | wé[ʆ] |
cągerégi | ákšaną. | Žegúną. | Hihiną́bwiže. | Wéže, |
outside | it was. | Thus it was. | They came out. | He said, |
[=] | hidadjê | wa’ŭaⁿdjê | howaci | wojáwa[ƪ] |
"Hicakóro, | hitajé | wa’uą́je! | Howaší | wožáwaižą |
"My friend, | [mightily] | [you must do it!] | Dance | an enjoyable one |
heré[|] | [β] | hok‘awawi[ʆ] | wé[ʆ] | herekdjonagêní[|] |
heréną."* | Éja | hokawawíže. | Wéže, | "Herékjanageníną. |
it is." | There | they entered. | He said, | "It is to be. |
Haⁿhé[-] | djobôhaⁿ | [α] | hiwuca[·|]né[|] | [ω] |
Hąhéra | jobóhą | égi | híwušakjanéną. | Žigé |
Nights | four | here | we shall have to stop. | Again |
haganîñ[ɕ] | naⁿnáji | egê | naⁿṇaji[ρ] | ûñ[γ] |
haganį́xjį | nąráži," | ege, | "nąrážiánąga | ’ųgíži, |
never | you should arise," | he said, | "should you arise, and | if you do it, |
p. 44 —
jegú[|] | curuc’agi[·|]ne[|] | [ϕ] | hohuw[β] | raginî[·|]ne[|] |
žegúną | šuruš’agikjanéną. | Hąké | hohuéja | ráginįkjanéną." |
thus it is | you will fail. | Not | to where we came from | you will not return." |
[α] | howací[-] | djik‘erêhire[ʆ] | djik‘erêhire[γ] | k‘araγére[ʆ] | |
Égi | howašíra | jikerehíreže. | Jikére | hiregíži, | karaǧéreže.* |
And | the dance | it commenced. | To start | when they were, | they shouted. |
wakandja | waci | anáñg[-] | jeére[|] | wakantcañk |
Waką́ja | Waši | anágera | žeéreną. | Waką́cąk |
Thunderbird | Dance | it is called | this is it. | Holy |
wa-û[⨪´][ɜ] | hidadjê | wa-ŭaⁿdjê | [=] | wik‘erek‘ |
wa’uną́kšaną. | "Hitaje | wa’uą́je, | hicakóro, | wikérek |
they were. | ["Mightily] | do it, | my friend, | quiet, still |
minôñgádjê | hatcañgérê | hahaⁿpwi[ʆ] | de[ɜ]ṇecgê | p‘iⁿna |
minągáje!" | Hacągére | hahąbwíže. | "Téšanąréšge | pįra, |
sit!" | With difficulty | [daylight came upon them.] | "Even this much | it is good, |
hitcakâro | hidadjế | wa-ŭaⁿdjế | [α] | haⁿhé |
hicakóro, | hitajé | wa’uą́je. | Égi | hąhé |
my friend, | [mightily] | do it. | And | night |
hiro-ag[β] | wotcếxi[·|]ne[|] | haⁿhé | nûⁿbôhốṇa | [ω] |
hiroagéja | wocéxikjanéną." | Hąhé | nųbóhǫra* | žigé |
at the last one | it will be difficult." | Night | the second | again |
here[ʆ] | hitcakârora | hixgañxgaⁿjê | naⁿjiⁿ | rogû́ⁿ[ʆ] |
herežé. | Hicakórora | hixgąxgą́že, | nąžį | rogų́že, |
it was. | His friend | he moved about, | to stand up | he desired, |
p. 45 —
horók‘ûñkdjê | rogû́ⁿ[ʆ] | [=] | wik‘erek | mi[⨪]rê |
horók’ųkje | rogų́že. | "Hicakóro, | wikérek | mínągere," |
he would join them | he desired. | "My friend, | still | sit," |
higegá[ɜ] | [ϕ] | naⁿjiⁿṇes’a[ʆ] | hatcañgérê | hahaⁿpwi[ʆ] |
higegášaną. | Hąké | nąžįres’áže. | Hacągére | hahąbwíže. |
he pleaded. | Not | never stood up. | With difficulty | [daylight came upon them.] |
gadjûñga | haⁿhe | hidjobôhaindja | naⁿjîⁿ-naⁿ’îⁿ | |
Gájąga | hąhé | hijobóhaįja | nąžį | ną’į́, |
Now | night | on the fourth | to stand | he tried, |
[נ·] | harukốse | hoho | [=] | jegûⁿgûⁿ |
nunįge | harukósše.* | "Hohó | hicakóro, | žegųgų |
but | he held him. | "Hohó | my friend, | [now] |
[ϕ] | uⁿniṇê | hîñgi[·|] | hicéjarê | hatcañgérê |
hąké | ’ųníre. | Hįgíkje, | hišéžare!" | Hacągére |
not | do not do it. | We would return, | did you not say?" | With difficulty |
hoicî́pwi[ʆ] | dejegú[|] | nañgú[-] | dê-ére[|], | |
hoišíbwiže. | Te | žegúną | "Nągúra | teéreną," |
they passed through it. | This | thus it is. | "The road | here it is," |
wigaíre[ʆ] | derêcgê | hatcâñgérê | horaícîp[ɜ] | tci[⨪] |
wigaíreže. | "Teréšge | hacągére | horaíšipšáną. | Cínąk |
they said to them. | "Even this | with difficulty | you finished. | Village |
dêê | [α] | hiⁿtcawahiⁿṇárê | tcí[⨪] | wojáwai[ƪ] |
tee | égi | hįcáwahįráre, | cínąk | wožáwaižą |
this | here | we’re going to, | village | a very pleasurable one |
Bollingen, p. 20 —
heré[|] | [α] | [X][-] | hadjá[-] | p’iⁿ |
heréną, | égi | wąkšígera* | hajára | pį |
it is, | and | the people | to look at | good |
hiré[|] | djasgế[γ] | [α] | nihé | rorágûⁿkjane[|] |
hiréną. | Jasgégiži, | égi | nihé | rorágųkjanéną. |
they are. | Surely, | here | to be there | you will wish. |
p. 46 —
higûⁿ | p’îⁿ | [נ·] | hiⁿbójap | hinaⁿ’îñkdje[|] |
Higų́ | pį, | núnige | hįbóžap | hį́ną’įkjéną, |
Enough | it is good, | but | to pass through | let us try, |
[β] | hiⁿbójap[γ] | wajaⁿgû́ñz[-] | hotcíra | hirahîñkdjônihe[|] |
éja | hįbóžabegíži, | Wažągų́zera | hocíra | hirahį́kjanihéną. |
there | if we pass through, | the Creator | the lodge | we’ll come to. |
[β] | tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê | hihi[γ] | hitcakâro | hidadjê |
Éja | ciną́genągere | hihigíži, | hicakóro, | hitajé |
There | the village | when we reach, | my friend, | [mightily] |
wa-ŭáⁿdjê | tcek‘ | t’ewañgahiceregi | [α] | naⁿtcgé[-] | |
wa’uą́je. | Cek | t’é | wągahirerégi | égi | nącgéra |
do it. | First | to kill | when they did it to us, | and | your heart |
nîⁿdek[ʆ] | hicéjarê | [α] | naγag[-] | maⁿcdjaⁿ |
nįtékše, | hišéžare, | égi | raǧágera, | mąšją |
it was sore, | did you not say, | and | you cried, | much |
raγákcarê | [ω] | hakdja | [β] | [X]’îⁿṇoragû́[ʆ] | |
raǧákšare? | Žigé | hakjá | éja | wąkšik’į́ | roragų́že, |
you cried? | Again | back | there | to live | you wished, |
hicejarê | dêê | wewi-áⁿdjê | [=] | hîñgi[·|] |
hišéžare? | Tee | wewią́je, | hicakóro, | hįgikje |
did you not say? | This | think of it, | my friend, | we would return |
hicéra | wewi-áⁿdjê | wa[ƪ] | gip‘iêsgê[ɕ]ṇa | hidadjê |
hišéra, | wewią́je, | wažą́ | gipiesgéxjįra, | hitajé |
you said, | think of it, | thing | it is such a pleasure, | [mightily] |
wa-ŭáⁿdjê | hitcakâro | nañxgûⁿ | wañkádjaⁿ | hisgê |
wa’uą́je." | "Hicakóro, | nąxgų́ąkáją, | hisgé | |
do it." | "My friend, | I am listening, and | true |
p. 47* —
wace[>] | [λ] | hakdjôné[|] | tci[⨪][-] | hahíre[ʆ] |
wašegáją, | žesge | hakjanéną." | Cínągera | hahíreže, |
as you speak, | that way | I will do." | The village | they reached, |
*at the top of the page, Radin has written: | |||
ha ra hi |
⎱ ⎰ |
to do, transitive | |
ûⁿ | to do, intransitive |
sanîñk | haⁿbogu[υ´] | hahíre[ʆ] | tci[⨪]e[⨪]a | [β][⨪][ʆ] |
sánįk | hąbogúregi | hahíreže. | Cíną́genąka | ejaną́kše, |
direction | to the east | it lay. | This village | there it was, |
hahire[γ] | wa[ƪ] | wojawaisge[ʆ] | haⁿhaⁿ | huwirê |
háhiregíži, | wažą́ | wožáwaisgéže. | "Hąhą́, | huwiré! |
they reached, and | thing | it was very pleasurable. | "Yes, | come on! |
raⁿdjiwirê | ep‘íⁿ[|] | hûñgotci[-] | deére[|] | rahíre[ʆ]* |
rąjíwire, | epį́ną. | Hųgocíra | teéreną. | Rahíreže, |
that you’ve come, | it is good. | The chief’s lodge | there it is. | You have arrived, |
ep‘íⁿ[|] | radjiwi[-] | hagara[ɜ] | egadji[⨪][ɜ] | higûⁿ |
epį́ną. | Rajíwira, | hagarášaną | egajinąkšaną,* | higų́ |
it is good. | That you’ve arrived, | sometimes only | comes over here, | [yet] |
Bollingen (English), p. 33 —
p‘íⁿ[|] | hidadjê | wa uni-áⁿdjê | egoraicipwi[ρ] | ûñ[γ´] |
pįną. | Hitajé | wa’unią́je! | Egoraíšibwiánąga* | ’ųgíži, |
it is good. | [Mightily] | [you must do it.] | You go through this, and | if one does, |
deére[|] | hiandjihihiwi[-] | hotci[-] | de-ếre[|] | rahiwi-[ρ] |
teéreną. | Hią́jihihíwira | hocíra | teéreną. | Rahiwiánąga |
this is it. | Our Father | house | there it is. | You reach it, and |
ûñ[γ´] | rakik‘aitcanihawi[|] | [X]o-îⁿṇa | ne |
’ųgíži, | rakik’aícanihawíną. | Wąkšigo’į́ra | ne |
if one does, | you’ll have done a good thing for yourselves. | Life | you |
rak‘araitcaⁿ wi[ρ´] | ne | djagu | rap‘iⁿwi[γ] | [λ] |
rakaraícąwiánąga | ne | jagú | rapįwigíži, | žesge, |
you choose for yourself, and | you | what | if you like, | that |
p. 48 —
hinîñgigikdjôniháwi[|] | hidadjê | wa-uni-aⁿdjê | dêê | hiro-ág[-] |
hinįgígikjaniháwiną. | Hitajé | wa’unią́je! | Teé | hiroágera |
he’ll let you do. | [Mightily] | [you must do it.] | This | the last one |
[α] | hinîñgire-kdjônáwi[|] | [α] | wajaⁿgûⁿzᴇra | [λ] |
égi | hinįgírekjanáwiną. | Égi | Wažągų́zera | žesge |
here | it will be. | And | the Creator | that way |
gûⁿscốnaⁿ | hi[ƪ´] | mêê | [λ] | ruxuruk‘íji |
gųsšáną: | hižą́ | meé | žesge | rúxurukíži, |
[he has created:] | one | this | that way | if he accomplishes, |
[λ]kdjôné[|] | hatcîndja[ɕ] | [X]hoîⁿṇa | ûñkdjégi | [λ] |
žesgekjanéną. | hacį́jaxjį | wąkšígo’į́ra | ’ųkjégi, | žesge |
it will be that way. | Whatever | the life | if you will do, | that way |
higigikdjôné[|] | jegú[|] | hanîñk‘arajiwigê | wahé[|] | tcañgᴇ[υ] |
higigíkjanéną. | Žegų́ną. | Hánįkaražíwige, | wahéną. | Cą́geregi |
he will let you do. | [Thus it is.] | Since I am encouraging you, | I said it. | Outside |
tcira | hosdo | hiré[-] | [β] | horak‘êwekdjônawi[|] |
círa | hostó | hiréra, | éja | horakéwejanáwiną." |
the lodge | gathering place | there is, | there | you will enter." |
haⁿhai | tcakâro | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê | maⁿú[-] |
"Hąhaí* | cakóro,† | hitajé | wa’uą́je! | Mą’ų́ra |
"Yes | my friend, | [mightily] | [you must do it.] | Earthmaker |
[X]wanina | dê-êrere[|] | hadjá[-] | p‘îⁿṇé[|] | [נ·] |
wą́kšigwanína | teérereną. | Hajára | pįréną, | núnįge |
his people | these are the ones. | Their looks | they are good, | but |
hîⁿbójap‘ | hináⁿîñkdjôné[|] | hihi[γ] | [α] | [X]-oîⁿ-na |
hįbóžap | hiną’į́kjanéną. | Hihigíži, | égi | wąkšigo’į́ra, |
to pass through it | we will try. | When we reach it, | here | to live, |
p. 49 —
dê | [α] | [X]c’îⁿwîñkdjegi | [α] | raitcanấ[|] |
te | égi | wąkšikš’į́wįkjégi, | égi | raicanóną. |
this one | here | if we live, | here | you can choose. |
[ω] | hohu-éja | hîñgikdjế[γ] | [α] | herekdjôné[|] |
Žigé | hohuéja | hį́gikjegíži, | égi | hérekdjanéną. |
Again | to where we came from | if we would return, | here | it will be. |
hiro-ág[-] | dê-ére[|], | hidadjê | wa’ŭaⁿdjê | [X] |
Hiroágera | teéreną, | hitajé | wa’uą́je! | Wąkšík |
The last one | this it is, | [mightily] | [you must do it.] | People |
dêê | hadjá[-] | hisgêdja | p‘îⁿṇé[|] | [ϕ] |
tee | hajára | hisgéja | pįréną. | Hąké |
here | the looks | [truly] | they are good. | Not |
nîñgê | wawadánîñkdjê | jêsgế[ɕ] | hiréwahi[|] | jesga[נ·] |
nįge | wawatánįkje, | žesgéxjį | hirewahíną. | Žesganúnige |
farther | we would not go, | surely | it seems. | But even |
jegûⁿ | higŭánk‘e | hiwucanîñkdjé[|] | [=] | hisgê |
žégų | higuąké | híwušanįkjéną." | "Hicakóro, | hisgé |
so | [still not] | let us not tarry." | "My friend, | true |
wace[>] | djagúice[-] | [λ][>] | ya-ûⁿtca[ɕ]kdjôné[|] | |
wašegáją, | jagú | hišera, | žésgegáją. | Ya’ųcáxjįkjanéną." |
[what you have said,] | what | you said, | [that’s right.] | I will try very hard." |
heregî́ni[|] | hok‘awadjiaraíre[ʆ] | wogízo[ɕ] | hadja[-] | p‘îⁿ |
Heregį́nįną, | hokáwajiaraíreže. | Wogízoxjį | hajára | pį |
[They always do,] | they began to enter. | Really | the looks | good |
hire[ʆ] | wañg[-] | hinûñgracgê | hisgêdja | p‘î́ⁿṇe[ʆ] |
hirežé | Wągera | hinųgerášge | hisgéja | pįréže. |
they were. | The men | the women also | in truth | they were good. |
[X] | dêế | [α] | wak‘íju | [X]ha-îⁿjéji | |
"Wąkšík | teé | égi | wakížu | wąkšík | ha’įžéži, |
"People | these | here | with them | to live | I could, |
p. 50 —
hisgêdja | p‘îⁿ | hire[γ] | hiragîni[ʆ] | enaiñ[ɕ] |
hisgéja | pį | hiregáją," | hírageniže. | "Enaį́xjį |
in truth | good | they are," | he already thought. | "I wonder |
deegi* | [X]a-îⁿjéji | [λ] | hiragíni[ʆ] | hitcak‘âro |
teégi | wąkšiga’įžéži." | Žésge | hirageníže. | "Hicakóro, |
here | I could live." | That way | he had already thought. | "My friend, |
hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê | dee | hoícîp[γ] | wajaⁿgûⁿz[-] |
hitajé | wa’uą́je! | Tee | hoíšipgíži, | Wažągų́zera, |
[mightily] | [you must do it.] | This | if we finish, | the Creator, |
hiandjihiwi[-] | etcawe[·|]ne[|] | dee | hiradjaíra[|] | hidadjê |
Hiąjihíwira, | écawekjanéną. | Tee | hirajáiraną, | hitajé |
Our Father, | we’ll go towards. | This | it is greater, | [mightily] |
wa-uⁿṇê | howinare | hihikdjé[|] | hohó | [=]hara |
wa’ų́re! | howínare | hihikjéną." | "Hohó | hicakórohara, |
[you absolutely must do it.] | Where we are going | let us reach." | "Hohó | my friend, |
hisgếwe[>] | [λ] | hipiáni[>] | [ω] | |
hisgé | wegają." | "Žésge | hipiánigają," | žigé |
truth | you speak." | "[This way] | I ought," | again |
hiradjináñk[ʆ] | hatcañgérê | hahâbwí[ʆ] | hohó | hitcak‘âro |
hirajiną́kše. | Hacągére | hahąbwíže. | "Hohó | hicakóro, |
he thought. | With difficulty | daylight came upon them. | "O | my friend, |
ep‘íⁿ[|] | deéji | hijaⁿ | horaicî́p[ɜ] | xgaⁿzihiñgi[·|]ne[|] |
epį́ną. | Teéži | hižą́ | horaišípšaną | Xgązihį́gikjanéną. |
it is good. | [This] | one | you’ve finished. | We will rest. |
p. 51* —
hiradjairakdjônihé[|] | [ω] | hinûⁿbốhôṇa | dêê | tconíṇêrëcgê |
Hirajaírakjanihéną, | žigé | hinųbóhǫra | tee. | Conírerešge |
It will be much more so, | again | the second one | this. | The first even |
hatcañgérê | raicére[|] | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê | hadjá[-] |
hacągére | raišéreną, | hitajé | wa’uą́je! | Hajára |
with difficulty | you passed through, | [mightily] | [you must do it.] | To look at |
hiradjaíra | p‘iⁿ | hire[·|]ne[|] | honaⁿwáⁿṇaⁿ | hiradjaira[·|]ne[|] |
hirajáira | pį | hirekjanéną, | honąwą́ra | hirajaírakjanéną. |
greater | good | they will be, | the singing | it will be greater. |
higûⁿ | jegûⁿ | mi[⨪]ᴇnôñgadjê | hanaíñxgûⁿṇê | hitcakâro |
Higų | žegų | miną́genągaje,* | hanaįxgų́re. | Hicakóro, |
But | [now] | sit, | listen. | My friend, |
herekdjônagîni[|] | djadjaⁿṇégi | hok‘awairagîni[ʆ] | tconíne | p‘îⁿ |
herékjanaginį́ną." | Jająrégi | hokawaírageníže. | Ćoníre | pį |
it is to be now." | Right away | they began to enter. | The first ones | good |
hire[ʆ] | hir[ρ] | dêê | hiradjairaire[ʆ] | p‘î́ⁿṇ[ʆ] |
hiréže, | hiránąga | tée | hirajairaíreže | pįréže. |
they were, | they did, and | these | they were greater. | [They were good.] |
gagasgé[ƪ] | dêê | hiradjaíra[>] | wogízokdjîⁿ | wojáwa |
Hagagasgéžą,* | tee | hirajairagáją, | wogízokjį | wožáwa |
[Thus it has ever been,] | these | they are greater, but | [really] | pleasurable |
wiwahîⁿtci[ʆ] | hoho | [=] | higûⁿ | dêê |
wiwahį́cįže!* | "Hohó | hicakóro, | higų | tee |
it was much more so! | "Well | my friend, | even | this |
p. 52. Bollingen, p. 21. Bollingen (English), p. 34 —
p‘îñ[>] | hagagasgé[ƪ] | [=] | nîñgê | hiⁿtcawahañg[-] |
pįgáją." | "Hagagasgéžą | hicakóro, | nįgé | hįcawahą́gera |
it is good." | "Oh no | my friend, | where | we are going, |
ehiradjairá[|] | [λ]a[נ·] | higûⁿ | p‘îⁿ[>] | |
e | hirajairáną!" | Žesganúnįge | higų́ | pįgáją!" |
it | it is even much more so!" | "That may be, but | enough | it is good!" |
[=] | higûⁿ | jegûⁿgûñkdjé[|] | nîñgê | howiréra |
"Hicakóro, | higų́* | žegųgųkjéną! | Nįgé | howiréra, |
"My friend, | enough | let it be! | Where | we are going, |
edjatcaⁿ | hihinaⁿî́ñ[·|][|] | hoho | hitcakâro | [λ] |
ejacą́ | hihiną’įkjéną!" | "Hohó | hicakóro, | žésge |
[thereto] | [let us try to do!"] | "Well | my friend, | that |
hicaránice[-] | hanaⁿrîxgú[|] | hatcañgérê | hoicî́bwi[ʆ] | hoho |
hišaránišera, | haną́nixgúną!" | Hacągére | hoišíbwiže. | "Hohó |
which you are saying, | I listened to you!" | With difficulty, | they passed through. | "Well |
[=] | ep‘iⁿ[|] | hagagasgé[ƪ] | nûⁿbáhaⁿ | hodá[|] |
hicakóro, | epį́ną. | Hagagasgéžą, | nųbóhą | hotáną.* |
my friend, | it is good. | Alas, | two | they remain. |
hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê | hak‘arajijê | hidaníhôⁿṇa | here[ʆ] |
Hitajé | wa’uą́je!" | Hakaražíže.* | Hitaníhǫra | herežé. |
[Mightily] | [you must do it."] | He encouraged him. | The third one | it was. |
hitcakâro | horok | waci | p‘ihinîñ[>] | hagawa[ƪ] |
"Hicakóro, | horók | waší | pįhinįgáją. | Hagáwažą |
"My friend, | to join in | dance | [it would be good.] | Such |
p. 53 —
wojawaisgê[>] | hoho | [=] | higûⁿ | jegûñ[·|][|] |
wožáwaisgegáją." | "Hohó | hicakóro, | higų́ | žegųkjéną."* |
it is fun." | "Well | my friend, | [still] | [we will do thus."] |
[=] | jegûⁿ | îⁿṇekicgê | ha-ûñkdjé[|] | [=] |
"Hicakóro, | žegų | ’įrekíšge | ha’ųkjéną!" | "Hicakóro, |
"My friend, | [so] | alone | I will do it!" | "My friend, |
jegûⁿ kế | ûⁿníṇê | [=] | hanaiⁿnañxgûñkdjône[ʆ] | hicejarê |
žégųké | ’ųnį́re! | Hicakóro, | haną́įraxgųkjanéže, | hišéžare!" |
[that not] | do not do it! | My friend, | listen to me, | you said you wanted!" |
hoho | [=] | hisgế | wacê | hahaⁿbwi[ʆ] |
"Hohó | hicakóro, | hisgé | waše." | Hahąbwíže. |
"Well | my friend, | truth | [you spoke."] | [Daylight came upon them.]* |
hoho | hitcak'âro | hiro-ág[-] | hodá[|] | dêê |
"Hohó | hicakóro, | hiroágera | hotáną. | Tee |
"Well | my friend, | the last one | it remains. | This |
hiro-ag[-]re[·|]ne[|] | wogizôk | wotcêxi[·|]ne[|] | higûⁿ | nicgê |
hiroágerarekjanéną.* | Wogízok | wocéxikjanéną.† | Higų́ | nišge |
it is the last one. | Truly | it will be difficult. | [Still] | I also |
hak‘ikôxdjîñkdjôné[|] | hoho | [=] | hagagasgé[ƪ] | hidadjê |
hákikoxjįkjanéną. | Hohó | hicakóro, | hagagasgéžą, | hitajé |
I will look out for myself. | Well | my friend, | (exclamation) | [mightily] |
wa’ŭáⁿdjê | raγag[-] | nicé[-] | wewiⁿṇê | naⁿtcgé[-] | nîⁿdek[ʆ] |
wa’uą́je! | Raǧágera, | nišéra | wewį́re. | Nącgera* | nįtékše, |
[you must do it.] | You cried, | [I tell you] | think of it. | Heart | you ached, |
hice[-´] | wewiⁿṇê | hitcak‘âro | hoho | hitcak‘âro |
hišéra, | wewį́re, | hicakóro." | "Hohó | hicakóro, |
you said, | think of it, | my friend." | "Well | my friend, |
p. 54 —
hisgê | wace[>] | higûⁿ | [α] | hiradjik‘inañk[>] |
hisgé | wašegáją, | higų́ | égi | hirajíkinąkáją; |
truth | [you spoke,] | [still] | here | I am refusing to move; |
hisgê | wace[>´] | ya-ûⁿtca[ɕ]kdjôné[|] | hagi | ro-aguⁿ[|] |
hisgé | wašegáją, | ya’ųcáxjįkjanéną! | Hagi | roágųną!" |
truth | [you spoke,] | I will try! | To return | I desire!" |
[=] | gûⁿ | jigế | wacdjá[γ] | hiraniⁿdjaira[·|]ne[|] |
"Hicakóro, | gų* | žigé | wašjágiži, | hiránįjairakjanéną, |
"My friend, | yet | again | when you see them, | you’ll be even more so, |
hidadjê | wa’ŭaⁿdjê | hanaiñxgŭaⁿdjê | herekdjônagêni[|] | hiro-agerê |
hitajé | wa’uą́je! | Hanáįxguą́je. | Hérekjanaginíną, | hiroágere |
[mightily] | [you must do it.] | Listen to me. | It is almost ready, | it is the last thing |
here[·|]ne[|] | [=] | hidadjê | wa’ŭáⁿdjê | heregíni[ʆ] |
hérekjanéną. | Hicakóro, | hitáje | wa’uą́je! | Heregínįže." |
it will be. | My friend, | [mightily] | [you must do it.] | It is about to be." |
hoho | hitcakâro | wajáⁿ | gip‘iếsgê | higûⁿ |
"Hohó | hicakóro, | wažą | gipiésge, | higų |
"Well | my friend, | something | very pleasant, | still |
[=] | jegŭorogi-ûñkdjé[|]* | jegûñkdjé[|] | jegûⁿ | [ϕ] |
hicakóro, | žeguorogi’ųkjéną." | "Žegųkjéną. | Žegų | hąké |
my friend, | let us join them." | ["Thus it will be.] | [So] | not |
hi-unîñkdjé[|] | hiro-ág[-] | dêére[|] | higûⁿ | jegûñkdjéra |
hi’unįkjéną. | Hiroágera | teéreną | higų, | žegųkjéra |
we will not do it. | The last one | this is. | Nevertheless, | [so it will be] |
p. 55* —
rok‘ônô[ɕ][ʆ] | higûⁿ | [=] | jegŭorok | ha’ûñ[·|]ne[|] |
rokónoxjį́že!" | "Higų́, | hicakóro, | žeguorok | ha’ųkjanéną." |
[it is very much."] | "Nevertheless, | my friend, | thus to join them | let us do." |
jegûⁿ | [=] | mi[⨪´]rê | jegûⁿ | [ϕ] |
"Žegų | hicakóro, | miną́gere | žegų | hąké |
"Nevertheless | my friend, | sit down, | [thus] | no |
ûⁿníⁿṇê | jegûⁿ | [=] | ha-ûñkdjôné[|] | jegûⁿ |
’ųníre!" | "Žegų | hicakóro, | ha’ųkjanéną!" | "Žegų |
do not do!" | "Indeed | my friend, | [I am going to do it."] | "Indeed |
[ϕ] | uníṇê | hagagasgé[ƪ] | [=] | higŭereginé[|] |
hąké | ’ųníre!" | "Hagagasgéžą | hicakóro, | higuereginį́ną,* |
no | do not do!" | ["Alas] | my friend, | [yet it is already,] |
jegûⁿ | [ϕ] | uⁿníṇê | hoho | hŭá |
žegų | hąké | ’ųníre! | Hóho, | huá, |
[so] | no | do not do! | Hohó, | hua, |
[δ] | [=] | p‘iⁿ[|] | haⁿho | p‘iⁿṇawí[|] |
žegų | hicakóro, | pį́ną. | Hąhó, | pįrawíną! |
[so] | my friend, | it is good. | Hąhó, | we are well! |
nañgú[-] | didjônére[|] | hiandjihihiwi[-] | hotcí[-] | jêére[|] |
Nągúra | tíjąréreną, | Hią́jihihíwira | hocíra | žeéreną." |
The road | it lies, | Our Father | living | this is it." |
hadjiak‘araíre[ʆ] | hadjiak‘araíre[>] | tcowé[υ] | hohốbire[ʆ] | hik‘ip‘adjináñgire[ʆ] |
Hajiakaraíreže. | Hájiakarairegáją, | cowéregi | hohobiréže. | Hikipájinągireže. |
They started out. | After they had started, | ahead | they whooped. | They met them. |
p‘ara | tcûⁿcguni | wák[ʆ] | wonaγirê | hît’éhire[ƪ] |
Pára | cųšgúni | wákše, | woną́ǧire | hit’éhireže, |
Head | he was without | [he shouted,] | war | one who had been killed, |
p. 56 —
wák[ʆ] | jërë́cgê | bocîbi[נ·] | dêê recgê | ruc’ak[ʆ] |
wákše. | Žeréšge | bošíbinunįge | teérešge | ruš’ákše. |
he said it. | Thus even | he had passed through, but | even this one | he had failed. |
higuⁿ | [ω] | hi[ƪ] | hik‘ip‘aíre[ʆ] | hitcak‘âro |
Higų́ | žigé | hižą | hikipaíreže. | "Hicakóro, |
[Yet] | again | one | they met. | "My friend, |
hidadjê | wa’ûⁿṇê | deerêcgê | wa-u[⨪][ɜ] | ruc’agire[|] |
hitaje | wa’ų́re!* | Teérešge | wa’uną́kšaną, | rúš’agiréną. |
[mightily] | [you must do it.] | Even these | they are doing it, | they had failed. |
hak‘iri-ak‘araire[|] | ’ŭahañgwí’ûⁿ | hiwí[ʆ] | hadjiré[|] |
Hakíriakaraíreną." | ’Uahągwí’ų | hiwíže. | hajiréže. |
They were returning." | As they continued on, | they reached them. | They came out. |
hokêwê | wacewírê | hok‘awaíre[ʆ] | wajaⁿgûⁿz[-] | hotci[-] |
"Hokéwe | wašéwire!" | Hokawaíreže. | Wažągų́zera | hocíra |
"To come in | tell them!" | They entered. | Earthmaker | the lodge |
hok‘awaíre[ʆ] | p‘iⁿ[|] | hotcîntcî́nîñkwi[-] | higŭañgaira[ɕ][ɜ] | hi[ƪ´] |
hokawaíreže. | "Pį́ną, | hocįcį́nįgwira. | higuągaíraxjįšaną | hižą́ |
they entered. | "It is good, | young men. | Once in a great while | one |
djidjé[|] | djasgê | rakdjáwi[γ] | nierakik‘ûñkdjônáwi[|] | |
jijéną. | Jasge | rakjáwigiži, | ni | é-rakik’ûkjanáwiną. |
he comes. | What | you wish to do, | yourselves | you will choose it. |
jeére[|] | horuγúdjwi[|] | tcekjí[|] | tci[⨪] | hiraradjiwi[-] |
Žeéreną, | horuǧújwiną. | Cekjįna* | cínąk | hirarajíwira, |
These are it, | look at them. | The first | village | that you came to, |
p. 57 —
jeére[|] | horuγû́djwirê | tcekdjiⁿ | hodjiranihe[-] | tci[⨪][-] |
žeéreną, | horuǧújwire." | Cekjį | hojíranihera | ciną́gera |
this is it, | look at it." | First | that they had come to | the village |
Bollingen (English), p. 35 —
wagiruhascê | horuxûtc | wagigí[ʆ] | dêére[|] | degi |
wagiruhásše, | horuǧúc | wagigíže.* | "Teéreną. | Tégi |
he opened them up to, | to look | he made them. | "There it is. | Over here |
[X] | c’îñkjawicgê | c’ûñkdjáwi[|] | k‘araitcâwiṇê | tci[⨪] |
wąkšik | š’įkjáwišge,* | š’ųkjáwiną. | Karaicą́wire. | Cinąk |
to live | if you wish | you may do so. | Choose for yourselves. | Village |
hinûⁿb[-] | hirarajíwi[-] | [ω] | deére[|] | horuγúdjwirê |
hínųbera | hirarajíwira, | žigé | teéreną, | horuǧújwire." |
the second one | you came to, | again | there it is, | look at it." |
horuγúdjire[>] | wogízok | tci[⨪] | p‘îⁿ[ʆ] | karaitcañ[ɕ]wi[ρ´] |
Horuǧújiregáją, | "Wogízok | cinąk | pį́že. | Karaícąxjįwiánąga |
After they looked at it, | "Truly | village | it is good. | Choose for yourselves, and |
Bollingen, p. 22 —
ûⁿwiáⁿdjê | tcí[⨪] | hidanina | horadjíwi[-] | dêê |
’ųwią́je. | Cinąk | hitaníra | horajíwira, | tee |
[do it.] | Village | the third one | that you reached, | this |
heré[|] | [ω] | tci[⨪] | horadjíwira | jêére[|] |
heréną. | Žigé, | cínąk | horajíwira, | žeéreną." |
it is. | Again | village | that you reached, | this is it." |
degi | heré[|] | [=] | hiradjarak‘iⁿ[|] | dêére[|] |
"Tegi | heréną, | hicakóro, | hirajárakíną. | Teéreną." |
"Over here | it is, | friend, | where you refused to come. | There it is." |
p. 58 —
[ω] | meére[|] | tcekdjiⁿ | hocúwira | dêếre[|] |
"Žigé, | meéreną. | Cekjį | hošúwira, | teéreną." |
"Again | there it is. | First | that you started from, | there it is." |
maⁿ | dêê | horuγudj | wagigí[ʆ] | tci[⨪´]gidjaⁿ |
Mą | teé | horuǧúc | wagigíže.* | Cinągíją |
Earth | this | to look at | he let them. | The tribes |
hit’iók‘iradj[-] | here[ʆ] | tci[⨪][-] | hiṇanañk[ʆ] |
hit’eokirájera | herežé. | Cíną́gera | hįraną́kše. |
speaking different languages | there are. | Villages | they were here and there. |
hîñgế cânácgê | k‘izá[⨪][ʆ] | [=] | degi |
Hįgešanášge | kízanąkše. | "Hicakóro, | tegi |
Some places here and there | they were fighting. | "My friend, | over here |
hîñgikdjicejarê | dêére[|] | [=] | howadji[-] |
hįgíkjišéžaré. | Teéreną, | hicakóro, | howajíra." |
here we would return, you said. | There it is, | my friend, | where we came from." |
nîñkdjôñgᴇnîñga[ɕ]wíṇa | tci[⨪] | horawaradjíwira | dêére[|] |
"Nįkjągenįgáxjįwira, | cínąk | hórawarajíwira, | teéreną; |
"My children, | village | that you came from, | there it is; |
hocúira | deexdjiⁿ | heré[|] | woruγûdjwi[ρ] |
hošúira | teéxjį | heréną." | Wóruǧujwiánąga |
where you came from | this is exactly it | it is." | They looked at it and he said, |
tci[⨪]i[ƪ]hiⁿ | [X] c'ûⁿdjáwicgê* | û́ⁿwiṇê | higûⁿ | hatcî́ndja |
"Cínągižą́hį | wąkšikš’įjáwišge† | ’ų́wire. | Higų | hacį́ja |
"Own village | if you choose to live, | it may be done. | [Still] | somewhere |
nehirarawi[γ] | jesge[·|]ne[|] | [X]o-iⁿṇa | hik‘urukônô | |
ne | hirárawigíži, | žésgekjanéną. | Wąkšigo’į́ra | hirukóno |
you | if you care to live, | that will be done. | Your lives | [command] |
p. 59 —
nîñgigiwi[|] | hazohi[ɕ] | k‘araítcaⁿwiṇê | deếre[|] | [=] |
nįgigiwíną. | Hazohíxjį | karaicą́wire. | Teéreną." | "Hicakóro, |
I give you. | Carefully | choose for yourselves. | There it is." | "My friend, |
me[λ] | hiwagi’ûⁿ | hîndjí[|] | deére[|] | [β] |
méžesge | hiwagí’ų | hįjíną, | teéreną. | Éja |
thus | what we came for | we have come, | there it is. | There |
hîñgi[·|] | hicejarê | djagu | hice[γ´] | here[·|´][|] |
hįgíkje, | hišéžare, | jagú | hišegíži, | herekjanéną." |
you would return, | you said you wanted, | what | you said, | it will be." |
[=] | [λ] | hiếjarê | [δ] | êowiiñkerekdjéra |
"Hicakóro, | žesge | hiéžare, | žegų | e-howį́kerekjéra." |
"My friend, | that way | what we said, | thus | let us go back there." |
dêê | haitcáⁿwi[|] | hakdja | [ω] | ewawak‘erekdjônáwi[|] |
"Teé | haicą́winą. | Hakjá | žigé | ewawakérekjanáwiną." |
"This | we choose. | Back | again | we will go back here." |
ho | hisgế | hiwírê | ragiwi[ρ´] | egatcindja |
"Ho, | hisgé | hiwíre, | rágiwiánąga | egacį́ja* |
"Good, | also | do so, | you are going back, and | here where |
[X]c’îñkdjawi[γ] | k’eraitcañ[ɕ]wi[ρ] | ûⁿwi-áⁿdjê | hagíre[ʆ] |
wąkšikš’į́kjawigíži. | Karaicą́xjįwiánąga | ’ųwią́je!" | Hagíreže. |
you wish to live. | Choose carefully, and | do so!" | They returned. |
[=] | de | c’agwaha[-] | herére[|] | [α] |
"Hicakóro, | te | š’agwahára | heréreną, | égi |
"My friend, | these | my parents | they are, | and |
nicgê | c’agwaraga | dêerere[|] | hinûⁿbik‘ê | nîñgế |
nišgé | š’agwáraga | teéreną. | Hinų́bike | nįgé |
[likewise] | your parents | these are they. | Both | place |
p. 60 —
[X]hi-îñ[γ] | hîñkikinûbikdjôné[|] | djasgé | hihíra | [λ] |
wąkšígi’įgíži, | hįkíkinųbikdjanéną." | "Jasge | hihíra | žesge |
we would become alive, | you would be a brother." | ["How] | we would do | that way |
hihikdjếgi | k‘irutcế[ɜ] | [X]i-îñkdjé[|] | [γ] | [δ][γ] |
hihikjégi, | kirucéšaną | wąkšígi’įkjéną | giži. | Žegųgíži |
as we have done, | separately | we would come to life | [.] | Thus |
[ω] | djasgê | [X]i-îⁿṇa | je | wañgásganáⁿṇa |
žigé | jasgé | wąkšigi’į́ra | že | wągásganǫra,* |
again | [how] | living | this | as we had, |
hiñkiperêzᴇnáⁿṇa | [X]hi-îñ[γ] | [ε] | [ω] | [=] |
hįkipérezenǫ́ra,* | wą́kšigi’įgíži." | "Ésge | žigé | hicakóro |
making ourselves known, | while living again." | "Just so | again | friend |
hîñk‘inấⁿna | hodjia | [λ][·|][|] | [α] | hakjá |
hįkinóra." | "Hojiá, | žesgekjéną. | Égi | hakjá |
let it be." | "Agreed, | let it be so. | And | back |
[X]wi-a-íⁿ[υ] | wawak‘ere[·|]né[|] | [α] | nicgê | gaidja |
wąkšígwia’į́regi, | wawakérekjanéną, | égi | nišge | gaíja |
with those whom I lived, | I am going, | and | you also | there |
horawarakere[·|] | nicge | [X]wic’iⁿṇa | deére[|] | honihe[β] |
horawarakerekjéną,* | nišge | wąkšigwiš’įra. | Teéreną. | Honihéja |
you came from, | you also | you are coming to life. | There it is. | Among your group |
[X]c’îñ[·|] | nicgê | honíhê | hani[υ´] | [X] ha-îñ[·|]ne[|] |
wąkšíkš’į́kje, | nišge | honihé | haníregi, | wąkšiga’įkjanéną." |
you may live, | I also | group | if they are, | I shall live." |
háo | jegú[|] | hagâré[ƪ] | [X]i’iⁿ[ʆ] | gi |
"Háo, | žegų́ną." | Hagoréžą | wąkšigi’į́že. | Égi |
"Yes, yes, | [thus it is."] | Finally, | they were born again. | And |
[ω] | tcûⁿiṇe[ʆ] | wañgᴇnîñg[ƪ] | here[ʆ] | [ω] |
žigé | cų’į́reže. | Wągenįgížą | hereže.* | Žigé |
again | he was given birth. | A boy | he was. | Again |
p. 61 —
wanîñgik‘ik‘aradjedja | [X]’îⁿ[ʆ] | [ω] | hûñgwañkcî́k’îⁿ[ʆ] | [α] |
Wanįgikikárajéja | wąkšik’į́že, | žigé | hųgwą́kšik’į́že.* | Égi |
in the Thunderbird Clan | he came to live, | again | with the chief he came to live. | And |
[=][-] | hicgê | [X]’iⁿ[ʆ] | wañgí[ƪ] | here[ʆ´] |
hicakórora | hišgé | wąkšik’į́že. | Wągížą | herežé. |
the friend | also | he came to live. | A male | he was. |
hagâré[ƪ] | hak‘ik‘idjawi[ʆ] | hik‘igíwi[ʆ] | xônúnîñk | hira[נ·] |
Hagoréžą | hakikijáwiže, | hikigíwiže, | xonúnįk | hiranúnįge |
Finally, | they met one another, | they recognized one another, | small | although being, |
waru-á[⨪][נ·] | hak‘ik‘idjai[υ] | hik‘igíre[ʆ] | gip‘iⁿna |
waruánągenúnige | hakikijaíreže | hikigíreže. | Gipį́ra |
although they were held, | they met one another, | they recognized one another. | Liking it |
Bollingen (English), p. 36 —
rok‘ônaiⁿṇe[ʆ] | hagâré[ƪ] | xedénîñgi[υ]ji | [ω] | [=] |
rokonaíreže. | Hagoréžą | xeténįgiregíži, | žigé | hicakóro |
they did very much. | Finally, | when they were a little bigger, | again | friends |
k‘îⁿṇe[ʆ] | hagâré[ƪ] | xedére[ʆ] | [ω] | [λ]aíre[ʆ] |
kįréže.* | Hagoréžą | xetéreže. | Žigé | žesgaíreže. |
they made themselves. | Finally, | [they grew up.] | Again | they were the same. |
wonáñγirê | ûⁿ | [X]’íⁿṇe[ʆ] | djasgê | [X]’îⁿ |
Woną́ǧire | ’ų | wąkšik’įréže. | Jasgé | wąkšik’į́ |
War | to make | they lived. | [How] | to live |
hiránihe[-] | [ω] | [λ]aire[ʆ] | worák | dêê |
hiranihéra,* | žigé | žesgaíreže. | Worák | tee |
they were doing, | again | they were the same. | Story | this |
p. 62 —
horágire[ʆ] | mañxi wañgᴇ[υ´] | wajaⁿgû́ⁿz[-] | [β] | hahíre[ʆ] |
horágireže, | mą́xiwągeregi, | Wažągų́zera | éja | hahíreže. |
they told, | up to the heavens, | Earthmaker | there | they reached. |
[ε] | hi[ƪ´] | [λ] | hi[γ´] | [X]ho-iⁿṇa |
Ésge | hižą́ | žesge | higíži, | wą́kšigo’įra |
Therefore, | one | that | if he does, | life |
hik‘ik‘uruk‘ônô | [X]-îñkdjáⁿṇê | [λ] | horágiré[|] | haⁿp |
hikikúrukono | wą́kšik’įkjáre, | žesge | horágireną. | Hąp |
in his own control | he would live, | that | they told. | Day |
dêê | higûⁿ | [λ] | dirák[ɜ] | wonaγirê |
teé | higų́ | žesge | tirákšaną. | Woną́ǧire |
this | still | that | it is going on. | War |
’ŭédja | t’adjê | [λ] | hik‘igá[⨪][ɜ] | |
’ų | éja | t’áje | žésge | hikigánąkšaną. |
to make | there | to die | that | they tell one another. |
[ε] | wonaγirêra[ɜ] | wewî[⨪´][ɜ] | wok‘arakdjaⁿbi[ƪ´] | here[ʆ´] |
Ésge | woną́ǧirerášaną | wewiną́kšaną. | Wokarają́bižą́ | héreže, |
Therefore, | wars only | they think about. | A hope | it is, |
á[⨪][ɜ] | [ε] | wa-ú[⨪][ɜ] | [δ] | jenûñgá[|] |
ánąkšaną. | Ésge | wa’únąkšáną. | Žégų | ženųgáną. |
they say. | Therefore, | they do it. | So | this ends. |
1 On page 30 verso, Paul Radin writes this comment: "Distinctive to most raconteurs [John Rave] used connectives very sparingly. He preferred, as a rule, to indicate transitions by other means, by a sentence or a word. Yet the omission of a connective is a defect and makes for an abruptness that would undoubtedly have been criticized by W[innebagoes]."
Paul Radin, "The Two Friends Who Became Reincarnated: The Origin of the Four Nights Wake," The Culture of the Winnebago as Described by Themselves (Baltimore: Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1, 1949) 12-46. Informant: John Rave (Bear Clan). This story is discussed in Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Four Winnebago Myths," Structural Anthropology, vol. 2, trs. Monique Layton (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976) 198-210. The original text is in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 43, 1-62.