Hocąk Text — Four Slumbers Origin Myth

narrated by John Rave

Notebook 43:1

The following are Greek letters used as morpheme abbreviations in Radin’s original text. The Culture of the Winnebago: As Described by Themselves can be used as a kind of Rosetta Stone for interpreting their values:

α β γ δ ε ɜ λ ρ
égi éja giži žegų ésge šaną žesge ánąga

υ ϕ ω ·נ V X
-regi nįk(a), nįg(a) hąké žigé nunige aíreną wąk

ʆ ɕ ƪ = | ·| >
še, že xjį žą hitcakâro nąk kja, kje gáją

In the interlinear text where the translation is missing, it has been supplied whenever possible from the English text of The Culture of the Winnebago: As Described by Themselves. Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].

Key —

First Row "raw" text from Paul Radin, Notebook 43:1-62
Second Row the transliterated text
Third Row English translation based on the text of The Culture of the Winnebago: As Described by Themselves (CW)


Stylistic Features

  hapaxlegomena: egíšanąréšge, "even there"; ejášaną, "however"; enaį́ži, "by this time"; higuoišip, "all the time"; hijaį́hį, "somewhere"; hikšáje, "to smile"; hiwacábwira, "our own"; hocągére, "with great difficulty"; howajikere, "to go straight at something"; hožegíją, "end"; hŭā́, an exclamation used in a context of relief and celebration; nįcáp, "my," used for human beings; nąǧági, "protruding branch", cf. ǧak, "to protrude, to be thick"; Saresáranįk, "First War Honor"; teižą, (the indefinite) one; wacábera, "my" ("the ones of me") ; waną’į́ra, "consciousness".
  rare words: gaíja, "there, near the person spoken to"; gasgáre, "even," found only in Marino; hanajíru, "to let hang down loose (as with hair)," found only in Marino; hąrogéja, "in the morning"; He’ų, "Death Announcer," found only in Marino; higųosge, "just for fun"; hirágera, "the last (time)," found in just one other sourse; hišį "to request"; hiwužį́ harukós, "to brace someone," found only in Marino; hoišją́ra, "to leave behind," found in Marino as hoišjį́na; hojikére, "(spatio-temporal) point of origin," found only in Miner; hokira, "imitating," found only in Miner; hošaragą́š, "to be left unconsumed," found only in Marino; šgą, "to rush upon," found only in Marino; waínąpkį, "willingly and thankfully," found in Marino only; wiwahįcį, "it was very much so," found in Marino and one other source.
  heavy use of žḗsge (1.66%), but infrequently in sentence initial position. It is also used in place of žee or tee, the former of which is rarely used. It exhibits the highest ratio (15 : 1) of tee to žee of any story examined.
  extensive use of -kara-, "one’s own".
  teéreną (< tee-hére-ną), "there it is, this is it, voilà," is a favorite expression.
  common use of aną́gere, which is found elsewhere only once.
  a general paucity of connectives or narrative flow particles.1
  not a single instance of tewéraki, "unexpectedly," a favorite word elsewhere used for narrative flow and dramatic effect.
  frequent failure to set off quotations by "he said" (éže, wéže) or "they said" (aíreže), which is highly unusual in Hocąk narration. In those stories examined, éže runs from 1% to 2.8% of the total words in the story, but here éže is only 0.09% of the total (1,269 words).
  a redundant use of epistemic suffixes (že ... že): xete-že here-že, "it was large, it was"; hųkcabire-že hijanąk-še, "it was their chief, there he was".
  instead of using the standard, hinųk kanąk, "to marry a woman," here we have consistently the expression, wąkšik hakižu, "to be with a person".
  the unusual construction X-ánąga, ’ųgíži ("someone does something and, if one does, ...") rather than X-gíži ("if someone does something, ...").
  see "Comparative Frequency of Select Words in Certain Stories."

English Translation


Notebook 43:1, Bollingen, p. 12; Bollingen (English), p. 22 —

tci[⨪][ƪ] [β][ʆ] hotcâñk wigaíre[ʆ] tci[⨪]xedé[ʆ]
Cinągižą ejaže.* Hocą́k wigaíreže. Cínąk xetéže,
A village there it was. Hocąk [the ones they call]. The village it was large,

*the Bollingen text has e‧djaną́kje.



hére[ʆ] hûñktcábire[-] hidjá[⨪][ʆ] hi[ƪ´] hinîñk‘í[ʆ]*
héreže. Hųkcábirera, hijánąkše, hižą́ hinįkížą
it was. Their chief it was, there he was, one a son

*this should be hinîñk‘í[ƪ].



Bollingen (English), p. 23 —

haⁿdáginaⁿks’a[ʆ] hi-andj[-] [λ] hicigế [ε]
hątáginąks’áže. Hią́jera žésge hišigé ésge
he fasted. His father [this kind] as he requested, [therefore,]



haⁿdáginaⁿdjinañk[ʆ] tcinôñgᴇ[⨪]rê hagâré[ƪ] wajáⁿna hijáⁿ
hątáginąjiną́kše. "Cinągenągere, hagoréžą, wažą́na hižą́
he fasted. "In the village, some day, something one of them



wotcếxï wa-ûñkdjanihé[|] [ε] wajốⁿna hi[ƪ]
wocéxi wa’ųkjanihéną, ésge wažą́na hižą́
hardships they may have to go through them, so [things] [one of them]



hip‘erezenaⁿiⁿṇê waxopîni warádjïrê anáⁿgᴇrê hijaⁿ
hipérezeną’į́ne waxopíni warájire aną́gere. Hižą́
[try to know] spirits various who are called. One of them



naⁿdjonidjáñ[γ] hagâré[ƪ] wajáⁿi[ƪ] wotcếxi wogídjirê
nąjoniją́giži hagoréžą, wažą́nižą wocéxi wogíjire,
if they pity you, then, [a thing] trouble they come upon them,



p. 2 —

waragic’ûñ[·|]ne[|] uⁿ[ʆ´] [λ]hi[ʆ´] haⁿdáginant[ʆ]† hagâré[ƪ]
waragiš’ųkjanéną." ’Ųžé, žesge hižą́,* hątáginą́cše. Hagoréžą,
you will be able to help them." He did, one thing, he fasted. After a while,

*for hižą́, the Bollingen text (s. 7) has hijé.
†this should be haⁿdáginantc[ʆ].



Bollingen, p. 13 —

hijáⁿ hitcak‘ârok‘îⁿ[ʆ] hitcak‘ârok‘îⁿṇá wotcếxi[ʆ] aira[נ·´]
hižą́ hicakorokį́že. Hicakorokį́ra wocéxiže, airanúnige
[one] [he made a friend.] Making a friend it is difficult, they say, but



hip‘erezᴇ[נ·] jegûⁿ úⁿ[ʆ] hitcak‘ấrora wogixêdé[ʆ]
hipérezenúnige žegų ’ų́že. Hicakoróra wogixetéže.
he knew, but [thus] he did. His friend he loved.



hagâré[ƪ] dotcaⁿnaíre[ʆ] hogirágire[ʆ] huñge nîñkdjốñgᴇ[⨪]rê
Hagoréžą, tocąraíreže, hogiragireže, hųk nįkją́genągere*
After a while, [they were forming a warparty,] he was told, chief he who is the child

*in the Bollingen text (s. 11), this word is hyphenated to its predacessor.



hogirágire[ʆ] wewî́ⁿ[ʆ] hitcakârahara [ϕ] wagidágᴇnîñkdjê
hogiragireže. Wewį́že, "Hicakorohára hąké wagitágenįkjé,
he was told. Meditating about it, "My friend not I must not tell,



cge yaré* [α]cgê [ϕ] [λ]ánîñ[>]
ške yaréra, egíšge hąké žesganįgáją.
[also] I thought, yet not it is not to be so.

*the vertical bar | that signifies /ra/ has been deleted with a wavy line, but the Bollingen text (s. 14) has restored the /ra/.



hitcak‘araha[-] wotcêxi [נ·] hitcak‘aroha[>´] jegúⁿ
Hicakorohara wocéxi nunige hicakórohagáją. žégų
My friend it is difficult but my friend [thus]



p. 3 —

hak‘iju-aûñkdjê wak‘aragidagikdjê hadja[ʆ´] hitcak‘ấro[-] hak‘idjá[ʆ]
hakižu-a’ųkje. Wakáragitagikje." Hajažé. Hicakórora hakijáže.
[together with him I shall be.] I shall go inform him." He saw him. His friend he saw.



hitcak‘ấro woragí[ƪ] nañxgú[|] huníñgidagi[·|] yaré[|]
"Hicakóro, woragížâ nąxgúną honįgitagíkje, yaréną.
"Friend, a story I heard I will tell you, I think.



wañgerárek‘i nîñgê howaraíre[·|]ne[ʆ] [V] [ϕ]
Wągeráreki nįgé howaraírekjanéže, aíreną. Hąké
Real men somewhere they are going," they said. Not



hijáⁿ wagidagi[·|] wagaírani [נ·] djasgế
hižą́ wagitágikje wagaírani, nunige jasgé
one I was to tell it was not meant, but how



hi-[ρ´] y‘aregếdjîni honîñgidagᴇ[⨪][ɜ] hodacgê
hiánąga yaregéjini, hónįgitageną́kšaną. Hotášge
[I do, and] I thought, and so I am telling you. Some

*the Bollingen text (s.16) has yaregédjeni.



hadjiákarairagᴇni[|] [ε´] ik‘uⁿhê wa-ûⁿhú[|]‡ higûⁿ
hajiákarairaguníną.* Ésge ikų́he† wa’ųhúną. Higų́
they have even gone already. [So] in haste I came. As soon as

*the Bollingen text (s.17) has hadjiákarairagunìną. However, "already" occurs in the translation for -geni-.
†for hikųhé, the /h/ having been lost from external sandhi.
‡after this word, higuaⁿ[γ] hį is lined out.



hagigi hodjik‘erera hiñgirek‘djôné[|] [β] hahí
hagígi hojikérera hį́girekjanéną. Éja hahí
I return [the point of origin] it will be time. There at that place



hak‘ip‘erekdjône, aíre[|] hirak‘uruhogi higûⁿ étcawádjê
hakipérekjane, aíreną. Hirakúruhógi, higų́ ecawáje."
they are to wait for one another, they said. When you are ready, then start out for there."



p. 4 —

witcaⁿt’îⁿ hogirák[ʆ] hotcîndja here[γ] hip‘érezsế
Wicą́t’į hagirákše. Hacį́ja heregížį hipéresše.
Description he told him. Where it was, so he would know.



sdoíre[ʆ] hanaⁿtc heré[|] aíre[ʆ] dotcaⁿṇê
Stoíreže, haną́c heréną, aíreže. Tócąre
They were assembled, all of them they were, it is said. [Warpath]



wa-’úiṇe[ʆ] dotcû́ⁿwâñg[-] wé[ʆ] wagixônawi[-] xop‘îni
wa’úįreže, Tocą́wągera* wéže, "Wagixonáwira, xópini
they were on, the Warleader he said, "Attendants, spirits

*the Bollingen text (s. 23) has, dotcą́hųk.ra. The standard word, which is well attested, is tocą́wągera.



watcab[-] dé[λ] hîñgaíregê wa-’ûⁿdé[|] [α]
wacábera téžesge hįgaírege, wa’ųténą. Égi
my this they told, therefore [I am doing it.] And



[ϕ] haweninîñkdjôniháwi[|] [ϕ] hariwagi-ûⁿdaní[|]
hąké hawenínįkjaniháwiną. Hąké hári wagi’ųtaníną."
not I will not cause you to suffer. Not a long disance I am going for."



[α] hadji-ak‘araíre[ʆ] hagâré[ƪ] waícdja warátcê
Égi hajiakaraíreže. Hagoréžą, waíšja waráce
Then they started out. [After awhile,] he called upon scouts



hisgế[ɕ]ṇa dotcûⁿwâñg[-] [λ´][|] djagúce[-] [λ´][|]
hisgéxjįra Tócąwągera* žesgéną. Jagúžera† žesgéną,
very truthful the Warleader [thus he was.] What he said [thus it was],

*the Bollingen text (s. 27) has, dótcąhųk.ra.
†the Bollingen text (s. 28) has, djagúje-era.



heré[|]. hik‘irécguni[ɕ][⨪][ɜ] hik‘uruhówirê wajáⁿna [α]
heréną. Hikirešgúnixjįną́kšaną. "Hikuruhówire, wažą́ra égi
it was. They were unconcerned. "Make ready, [things] here



p. 5 —

wakšúwírê hik‘uruhówirê wajáⁿ[-] woruγáb[ƪ]† wak‘uruzire[ʆ]
wakšúwire. Hikuruhówire,* wažą́ra." Woruǧábižą‡ wakúruziréže.
place. Make ready, [things]." A Warbundle they brought it.

*this word is omitted from the Bollingen text (ss. 30/31).
†the "ƪ" representing -ižą, is written above the /b/.
‡the Bollingen text (s. 31) has, woruγáp.



waruγab hik‘ik‘úiṇe[ʆ] haraíre[ʆ] k‘izaíre[ʆ] kizaire[γ´]
Waruǧap hikik’uíreže.* Haraíreže. Kizaíreže. Kizaíregížį,
Warbundle [they opened.] They started out. They attacked. After the attack,

*the Bollingen text (s. 31) has hikik‘úiṇreje, drops Waruǧap, and includes this with the previous sentence.



hûñgᴇ nîñkdjôñgᴇnûñgrê p‘įhí[ʆ] hitck‘ára[-]† hik‘ik‘isgaire[ʆ]
hųk nįkjągenągere* pįhíže. Hicakórora hik’ikisgaireže.‡
chief the child he did well. The friends they were alike.

*the Bollingen text (s. 32) has hųk.nįkdją´k.enąk.re.
†the /a/ after the /tc/ is omitted in the original text.
‡the Bollingen text (s. 32) substitutes for this word, hisgáireje.



p‘įhíre[>] aíre[ʆ] esáresáranîñgwahíwi[ʆ]
"Pįhíregają," aíreže. E Saresáranįk wahíwiže.
"They were well," they said. They First War Honor they won.



wañgo[⨪][-] erére[ʆ] p‘iñ[>] aíre[ʆ] hodjiakaraíre[ʆ]
Wągoną́gera eréreže.* "Pįgają," aíreže. Hajiakaraíreže.
The counting of coup they did. "It was good," they said. They returned home.

*an initial /h/ is lost through external sandhi.



wakdjê p‘îⁿûⁿ[ʆ] dotcûⁿwâñg[-] p‘iⁿ[ʆ´] hisgế
Wakjé pį’ųže; Tocąwągera* pįžé. Hisgé
Victory [he made good]; the Warleader he was good. Truth

*Radin again substitutes docąhų́k.ra (s. 36).



waíre[ʆ] djagu era jesgé[ʆ] hisge[ɕ]
waíreže. Jagú era žesgéže, hisgéxjį
they had told. What he said, it was true, [truly]



nañgu p‘iⁿ[ƪ] gigû́ⁿzire[ʆ] hagíre[γ] hijaⁿ
nągu pį́žą gigų́zireže. Hagíregiži, hižą́
road a good one he was taught. When they returned, one



p. 6. Bollingen (English), p. 24 —

worágᴇra k‘ere[ʆ] hijáⁿ rajᴇraṇadjire[ʆ]
worágera kéreže. Hižą́ ražera rájireže,
to tell the news he went on home. One the name it was called upon,



enaⁿbózakdjê higaíre[ʆ] etcagiwaíre[ʆ]
e nąbózakje higaíreže. E cagiwaíreže.
him he will prepare the post it was told. It they went towards.



hak‘irire[γ´] wañgonốñg[-] nañk‘arawaⁿ wagigíre[ʆ]
Hakíriregiži, wągoną́gera nąkárawą wagigíreže.
When they returned, [the men lifted] to sing for themselves [they did it.]



wonaγire[-] hiruk‘ônaṇa wawogiragire[ʆ] k‘arawaíⁿṇe[ʆ]
Woną́ǧirera Hirukónǫra wawogirágireže. Karawaį́reže,*
The War Controllers they told them. They gave their own war whoop,

*the Bollingen text (s. 43) has karawáinreje.



wonaγirê hiruk‘ốna[-] nañkaraxgúiⁿṇekdjegê [β]gu
Woną́ǧire Hirukónǫra nąkaraxgúįrekjege, é jagu
the War Controllers so that they might learn of their own, they what



wigaíre[-] [λ] híregê. [ε]
wigaírera žésge hirege. Ésge,
that which they promised that [because they did.] [Therefore,]



wawogiragiregê waíre[ʆ] hocgốⁿṇa [λ]
wawogirágirege, waíreže. Hošgą́ra, žésge
in order to tell them of it, they reported it to them. The act this



wagigû́ⁿziregê [λ]gê [ε] [λ] híre[ʆ]
wagigų́zirege,* žésgege, ésge, žésge hiréže.
as they had taught them, that is why, [therefore,] this they did.

*the Bollingen text has, wawigų́s.irege, which is unattested (but which would mean, "because they obeyed them"); whereas the original wagigų́zire- is found in more than one place elsewhere with the same meaning as given in the original MS.



tcinôñgᴇ[⨪]rê wojáwadji[⨪][ʆ] p‘îñ[ɕ] wakdjê ak‘iríregê
Cinągeną́gere wažáwajinąkše. Pįxjį wakjé akirírege,*
In the village they became happy. Very good victory they had returned.

*for hakirírege, the /h/ having been lost from external sandhi.



p. 7 —

hidok‘araîⁿṇe[ʆ] hûñgᴇnîñkdjôñg[-] [λ] hirak‘arajire[-] [λ]
Hitokára’įréže. Hųgenįkjągera žésge hirakárajiréra, žésge
They were proud of them. The chief’s son this they had spurred him on, this



higếdjêni karaip‘iⁿṇe[ʆ] hitcakấro[-] hik‘arak‘isge[ʆ] [V]
higéjeni karaip’įréže. Hicakórora hikarakisgéže, aíreną.
they had done they were proud. His friend he was equal to him, they said.



p‘îñ[>´] hûñgᴇ[⨪]a é[ʆ] p‘îñ[>´] hiníñk‘á[ɕ]
"Pįgáją," hųgenąka éže, "Pįgáją, hinįkáxjį.
"Good," the chief he said, "It is good, my son.



me[λ] hinîñgé[-] c’ûñ[>] hidadjê wa-ŭáⁿdjê
Méžesge hinįgéra š’ųgáją. Hitaje wa’uą́je,
[Thus] my son you did. [Mightily] do it,



tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê ne hicuruk‘ốnôna wajáⁿna hijaⁿ
cinągeną́gere ne hišurukónǫra wažą́ra hižą́
in the village you it is in your charge [things] [one of them]



hip‘erezᴇnaⁿíⁿṇê [λ] hi[ʆ] ûⁿ[ʆ´] wonaγírê
hipérezeną’į́re, žésge. Hiže, ’ų́že. Woną́ǧire
try to learn, [these]. [He did,] [he made.] War



ánañgrê wocgá jêế p‘iⁿhi[ʆ] k‘eni
ánągere, wošgą́ žee pįhíže, keni
what is called, [affairs] [these] he excelled, before



[X] hak‘ijúni [λ] hijế ûⁿjê
wą́kšik hakižúni. Žésge hiže, ’ų́že,
person he marries. This [he did,] [he made,]



p. 8 —

aíre[|] wonáγirê ú[|] hip‘erezire[ʆ] hitcak‘âro
aíreną. Woną́ǧire ’ų́ną hipérezireže. "Hicakóro,
they say. War [he did] [it was known.] "My friend,



niji [X] hakijûkdjônihe[|] hodjiá [α]
níži wą́kšik hakižákjanihéną." "Hojiá, égi
I person I shall marry." "All right, and



nicgê [λ] hanấⁿ[|] hodjiá [α]
nišge žésge hanóną." "Hojiá, égi
I also that I could do." "All right, and



[λ] hihi[·|][|] s’iredjaⁿ jegûⁿ hawi
žésge hihikjéną. S’íreją žegų hawi
that we shall do. Long ago [then] we were ready,



[נ·] ne wanîñgiûñgê [ε] [ϕ]
nunįge ne wanįgi’ų́ge, ésge, hąké
but I [I did the same, so] [therefore,] not



[X] hokíju hadjé[|] hok‘iráwenisgê
wą́kšik hokížu hajé[nį]ną,* hokira wenísge."
person to marry [I have not,] imitating it seemed like."

*both the original text and the Bollingen text (s. 58) have omitted the negative particle -nį-.



hitcak‘âro nicgế [λ´][|] s’iredjaⁿ hi[ƪ]
"Hicakóro, nišge žesgéną. S’íreją hížą
"My friend, I also that way. Long ago one



hak‘ik‘ijukdjaⁿwi hihawí[-] jegûⁿ hawi [נ·]
hakikížukją́wi hihawíra žegų hawi nunige
we could have gotten married we say [then] we were ready, but



ne-ánip‘egê wa-ŭaⁿdjé[|] [α] [λ][|]
ne ánipege,* wa’uąjéną, égi žesgéną.
you I was waiting for you, so [I am doing this,] and it is that way.

* < hánipege, the initial /h/ lost through external sandhi.



Bollingen, p. 14 —

[λ] hihikdjé[|] [ε] [X] akijúre[ʆ]
Žésge hihikjéną." Ésge wą́kšik akižúreže,*
That [we will do."] [So] person they married,

*< hakižúreže, the initial /h/ lost through external sandhi.



[V] hinûñk‘ônấgire[ʆ] hitcak‘ấro [ϕ]cgê hak‘ik‘íju
aíreže.* Hinųkánągireže. "Hicakóro, hąkéšge hakikížu
it is said. They acquired wives. "My friend, not together

*the Bollingen text (s. 60a) has aíreną.



tci p‘iⁿninîñ[>] higûⁿ jegûⁿ iṇek‘i[ɜ]
ci pį́nįgają,* higų žegų įnekíšaną†
to live it is not good, [so] [then] alone by ourselves
*the Bollingen text (s. 61) corrects the MS by dropping the second syllable, /ni/.
†the Bollingen text (s. 61) has įrekíšaną, but įneki- is standard.



p. 9 —

hiⁿtcikdje[-] hodjiá [β] iṇek‘î tcire[-]
hįcikjéra." "Hojiá." Éja įnéki ciréra.*
let us live." "Just so." There alone they lived.

*the Bollingen text (s. 62) encloses the whole sentence in quotation marks: "Hojiá, ēja įréki tciréra", but this is not followed in the English translation.



djadjí egatcikdjôné[|] hi-ấndjᴇra hûñgᴇ[⨪]a [λ]
"Jáji, égacikjanéną."* hią́jera hų́genąka žésge
"Father, I’m going to have a lodge here." His father the chief this

*< égi-hacikjanéną.



higé[ʆ] hodjiá p‘iñgádjaⁿ [X] harak‘iju[>]
higéže, "Hojiá, pįgáją; wą́kšik harakižugáją;
he said, ["All right,] [it is good;] [person] when they marry,



[X]akijúrega [λ] hirecúnûñ[>]* wawik‘aracícîgire[ʆ]
wąksigakižúrega, žésge hirešúnųgáją." Wawikárašišigiréže,
the person who marries this they generally do." They were very much attached

*this is followed by two parallel vertical lines, "||".



hitcak‘ârok‘inañgᴇrê wañk p‘iⁿ hire[ʆ´] higûⁿ
hicakórokiną́gere. Wąk hirežé. Higų
the two friends. Men good they were. [Still]



djagŭ [β] p‘iⁿ hiré[ʆ] [ε]
jagu éja hiréže.* Ésge
[whatever] [there] well they did. [So]

*the Bollingen text (s. 66) omits pį hiréže.



woxêdê wak‘aragíre[ʆ] wañkwácocê hiwatcábwi[-] aíres’a[ʆ]
woxéte wakaragiréže, "Wąkwášoše hiwacábwira," aíres’aže.
love they said to them, "Brave men our own," they would say.



tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê sdoírega nîñgê minañk wagigires’a[ʆ]
Cinągeną́gere stoírega nįgé minąk wágigires’áže.
In the village when they were gathered, someplace to sit [they would do it for them.]



p. 10 —

hirak‘ara[-] p‘îñ[ɕ] wak‘aragíre[ʆ] winaⁿjíⁿṇe[ʆ]
Hirakárara pį́xjį wakaragíreže. Winąjį́reže,
Taking care of very well [they did to them.] They benefitted from them.



wonaγir[β´] p‘iⁿ hirezếdjêni [ε] wak‘araic’agire[ʆ]
Wonąǧiréja hiregéjinį, ésge wakáraiš’agiréže.
In war well they had done, so they respected them.



Bollingen (English), p. 25 —

[α] waíre[ʆ] hitcak‘ấro p‘îⁿ wañgagigíre[>]
Égi waíreže, "Hicakóro, wągagigíregają
[Then] [he said,] "My friend, well they have treated us,



[X]ᴇ[⨪]rê djasgế hihi[ρ´] p‘îⁿ hiwagigínañgunê
wąkšigeną́gere. Jasgé hįhiánąga hiwagíginągų́nį?
these people. [What] you and I do, and good can we do something for them?



hagâré[ƪ] [ω] wajáⁿhi[ƪ]* ŭ-iⁿṇekdjône[>´] [λ]
Hagoréžą, žigé wažą́nižą ’úįrekjanegáją, žesge
Someday [again] something they were going to do, [that]

*originally written, wajáⁿni[ƪ], but an /h/ was inserted just before the /n/.



wocgá jêế [β] wagi’ûⁿ waunañk‘adjaⁿ
wošgą́ žeé éja wagi’ų wa’unąkáją.
[affair] [this] [there] to do it [it means that.]



hidadjê wa-û́ñ[γ] p‘îⁿcgûⁿninagê áwi[ʆ] hitcakâro
Hitajé wa’ųgíži, pįšgúninąge," áwiže. Hicakóro
Mightily if we do, it will be good," they said.* Friend

*this is the dual, yet it is the chief’s son who is speaking to his friend.



k‘i[⨪]rê waíre[ʆ] hitcak‘âro hisgê wace[>´]
kiną́gere waíreže, "Hicakóro, hisge wašegáją,
the one who made himself [he said,] "My friend, true [what you have said,]



[λ] hihikdjé[|] tcowe[υ´] wajaⁿni[ƪ] [λ][γ]
žésge hihikjéną. Cowéregi wažą́nižą žesgégiži,
[that] we shall do. In the future [something] if there is,



p. 11 —

[λ] hihikdjé[|] hodjiấ [α] higŭấⁿna
žésge hihikjéną." "Hojiá, égi higuána
[that] we shall do." "All right, and now



ep‘a hîñk‘uruho[γ] p‘îⁿcgúnina [α] [λ]
epa hįkúruhogíži, pįšgúniną." "Égi žésge
from now on if we prepare ourselves, it will be best." ["Then] [that]



hihikdjé[|] higŭấⁿna hîñk‘uruhokdjé[|] hodjia jegûⁿ
hihikjéną. Higuána hįkúruhokjéną." "Hojiá, žégų
we shall do. Now let us prepare." "All right, then



hihikdjé[|]* hitcak‘ấro haⁿṇog[β´] maⁿsótc hîñgitcgiziṇe[·|][|]
hihikjéną." "Hicakóro, hąrogéja mąsóc hįgícgizirekjéną.
we shall do." "My friend, in the morning dogwood we’ll go cut.

*this word is followed by two very large, vertical, parallel lines.



wadjówe hiⁿṇe[·|][|] xap‘e[-] djiⁿgi p‘iⁿṇố[|]
Wajówe hįrekjéną. Xap’éra jįgí pįnóną."
Boat we shall go. Soon to leave, then it would be best."



haini[υ] xap‘énîñkdjí[ʆ] hanip‘e[⨪][ɜ] wadjoíra*
Haíniregi, xap’énįk jiže. "Hanipeną́kšaną." Wajoíra
In the morning, early he came. "I am waiting for you." The boat

*this word is inserted above the line with a caret.



haraíre[ʆ] ni[-] niⁿhirarế[ɕ]gi[ƪ] hotcíre[ʆ] hamáⁿhaⁿṇaî́re[ʆ]
haraíreže. Níra nįhirarexjįgižą hocíreže.* Hamą́hąraíreže,
they went. [Waters] a small creek they lived. They went upstream.

*the Bollingen text has hatcíreje, but the translation matches hocíreže.



[β]hi mórohirahiregi* [α] [β] maⁿsótc
Éjahi mórohirahíregi, egi éja mąsóc
[There] when they came to land, and there dogwood

*at the end of this word, "ʆ" is heavily penciled out and regi written above it.



p. 12 —

gitcgíziregê [α] hagúire[ʆ] gu-ire[>] sik-haksî́gi[ƪ]
gicgízirege. Égi hagúireže. Guiregáją, sikaksígižą
they cut. Then they started home. [As they were coming back,] a partridge



[α] t’a[⨪][ʆ] nañγágira [β] k‘iji
egi t’ánąkše.*  Nąǧágira† ejakiži,
[here] [it flew]. The protruding branch of a tree [from where,]

*this is hypercorrected in the Bollingen text to read, t’ą́pnąkje, "he jumped, leapt." The word t’ánąkše also means, "he is dead," a play on words to indicate that the chief is doomed.
†this is probably intended as a pun upon nąǧiragera, "the soul".



edjawadjik‘ere[ʆ] kôra hisg[β´] naⁿdjisgêsgê-wa’ŭáñk‘a
éjawajikéreže.* "Kora, hisgéja nąjisgésge wa’uą́ka,
he went straight at them there. "My, surely to be scolded as the one doing this,

*< eja-howajikere-že.



hahiagudjikdjé[|] hidjowáre[ʆ] hidjahi[>] gudjinaⁿî́ⁿdja-ûⁿ
hahiagujikjéną." Hijówareže. Hijahigáją, gujiną́’įja’ų,*
I will shoot it." He went there. When he got there, as he was trying to shoot him,

*the Bollingen text (s. 88) omits the first /i/.



hat’aⁿbire[ʆ] hohó hitcak‘âro cgaⁿníne[|] ho ho
hat’ą́bireže. "Hohó hicakóro, šgąniréną."* "Ho ho,"
they rushed upon him. "Hoho, my friend, they rush upon you." "Yes,"

*the Bollingen text has šguniréną.



e[ʆ] hakdjot’aⁿpgu[ʆ] [α] maⁿṇawakúrusê
éže. Hakjat’ąpgúže.* Égi mą́ra wakúrusše.
[he said.] He jumped back. Then his arrows he took them up.

*< hakjá-t’ąpgú-že. The Bollingen text has, hakjá t’ąpgúže.



[α] kizaíre[ʆ] hitcak‘âro hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê
Égi kizaíreže. "Hicakóro, hitajé wa’uą́je!
Then they fought. "My friend, exert your utmost prowess!



haⁿhaⁿaⁿ hitcak‘âro hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê
Hąhą́’ą* hicakóro, hitajé wa’uą́je!"
Yes, yes my friend, exert your utmost prowess!"

*the Bollingen text (s. 94) has hąhą́’ų, an unattested exclamation resulting from the misreading of the final /aⁿ/ of the MS.



p. 13 —

hicgê é[ʆ] hitcak‘ấro hidadje wa’ŭaⁿdjê
hišge éže. "Hicakóro, hitajé wa’uą́je!
[also] he said. "My friend, exert your utmost prowess!



rok‘ônôkdjônihe[|] hodotcaⁿ xedé[ƪ] heredjígo watcế[ƪ]
Rokónokjanihéną. Hotócą xetéžą herejigó! Wacéžą
It will be great. Warparty a big one it is upon us! One out for revenge



wa’ŭấñk‘uni wirarotcáⁿ[ʆ] haixá[>] hohob[ρ´]
wa’uąkų́nį!" Wirarocą́že* haixágają hohobánąga
they must be." Noon when it passed beyond, he whooped, and

*"[ʆ]" normally stands for -že or -še, but the correct form of the word dictates -je in this case.



t’aⁿpgu[>´] bok‘ếwe[ʆ] hire[ʆ´] hidjagicdjaga[>´] hitcak‘âro[-]
t’ąpgugáją, bokéweže, hirežé. Hijágiejagáją, hicakórora
when he jumped back, he stumbled, he did. When he looked over, his friend



howanấnadjihuhíre[ʆ] t’ehíre[ʆ] [β] hohób[ρ] wat’áⁿp[ʆ]
howanónaji-huhíreže. T’éhireže. Éja hohóbánąga wat’ą́pše.
he was sent rolling over. They killed him. There he whooped, and he jumped at them.



hitcak‘âro waizára hináⁿniñkaragi[·|]ne[|] hijaⁿ t’éhi[ʆ]
"Hicakóro, waizára hiną́nįkáragikjanéną!" Hižą t’éhiže.
"My friend, your limbs I will get enough for them!"* One he killed.

*Radin has the note at the bottom of the page, "i.e. revenge each limb".



hak‘araγaíre[ʆ] hat’áⁿbire[ʆ] [ω] hik‘ip‘a wot’áⁿp[ʆ]
Hakaraǧaíreže. Hat’ą́bireže. Žigé hikipa wot’ą́pše.
They shouted at him.* They rushed at him. Again to meet he rushed at them.

*the translation has "they shot at him."



p. 14 —

hiwuc’adjiⁿbire[>] [ω][ƪ] t’ehi[ʆ] hidadjế wa-ûⁿwiṇê
Hiwuš’ájibiregáją. Žigižą t’ehíže. "Hitajé wa’ų́wire,
Then they stopped. Again one he killed. ["Mightily] [do it to him,]



wañg[-] watcêγíṇa maⁿtcguik‘aṇaruwax[ʆ] nuⁿwañk‘adjaⁿ
wągera waceǧíra." Mącgúikąra ruwáxše. Nųwąkáją,
the man he is vicious." His bowstring he broke. He started to run, and then



bok‘ếwe[ʆ] hire[ʆ] kik‘áwa-aⁿ[ʆ] hire[ʆ´] [>]
bokéweže, hireže. Kikáwa’ąže, hirežé. Gáją*
he stumbled, he thought. He got up, he thought. [Then]

*the Bollingen text has hire-gádją.



hitcak‘ấro[-] [α] naⁿjiⁿdje[ʆ] hikcádje[ʆ] t’ehirawira
hicakórora égi nąžįjéže. Hikšáježe.* T’ehírawira,
his friend here he was standing. He was smiling. That they had been killed,

*the Bollingen text has hikcákdjeje.



[ϕ] hiperezwini[ʆ] hohó hitcak‘ấro hiwok‘iza
hąké hipérezwiníže. "Hohó, hicakóro, hiwakíza
not they didn’t know. ["Hohó] my friend, we had been fighting



hanihé[-] hitcak‘âro t’ewañgineguni ho-ûⁿwi[|] horux̣ú-itce[|]
hanihéra. Hicakóro, t’ewą́gįregųnį. Ho’ųwíną horuǧúicéną."*
[we have been.] My friend, they must have killed us. Where we were let us look."

*the Bollingen text (s. 113) has horuγúitctcèną.



ho-ûⁿiⁿṇe[-] [X] t’era rok‘ốnô[ʆ] hitcak‘âro
Ho’úįrera wąkšik t’éra rokónože. "Hicakóro,
They came upon a place men slaughter it was great. "My friend,



p. 15 —

megi t’eniréjarê hidjahiwi[>] waiza[-]naⁿdjᴇmaⁿjejére[ʆ]
mégi t’eniréžare." Hijáhiwigáją, waizáranąjemąžežéreže.*
here you were killed." When they got there, his limbs were all cut off.

*< waizára-haną́c-mąžežére-že. The Bollingen text (s. 116) has waizára-haną´tc. mąjejéreje; ...



Bollingen, p. 15 —

naⁿsúracgê [ϕ]áwajîni[ʆ] hitcak‘ấro nicge [λ]
Nąsúrašge hąkáwažiníže. "Hicakóro, nišge žésge
His head [also] it was gone. "My friend, I also this



Bollingen (English), p. 26 —

hîñgigiṇeguni degi[ɕ] heré[|] bo-ák‘eweguni yaré[|]
higígiregų́nį. Tegíxjį heréną, boakéwegųnį, yaréną.
they must have done this to. Somewhere here it was, I must have stumbled, I thought.



nicge t’ewinegê wa-ûñgúni hahi horux̣u-itce[|]
Níšge t’e’úįrege, wa’ųgúni. Hahí horuǧuicéną."*
I also they must have killed, that is why [I did it.] That way let us look."

*the Bollingen text (s. 119) has horuγuitctcéną.



hidjá-hiⁿwi[>] rora* ho-erak[ʆ] ho-ére[ʆ]
Hijá hiwigáją rora hoérakše hoéreže.
There when they arrived, bodies to be scattered about they were scattered.

*inserted above the line with a caret.



hitcak‘ấro dé[λ] hihiⁿcônu[|] nicgê [λ]
"Hicakóro, téžesge hihįšanúną. Nišge žésge
"My friend, [this way] we used to do. [I too] [this way]



wañgagigire[>] higuⁿosgê nañgú-djagu hiⁿwiró[⨪]a hahíⁿni[ʆ]
wągagígiregają. Higųosge nągújagu hįwirónąka hahį́niže.*
they’ve done it to us. Just for fun what path we follow [we are there.]

*the Bollingen text (s. 122) has after this word, "[hahí-hįnije?]".



p. 16 —

wañgani-ank‘araíre[>] [β] hak‘arehaíre[ʆ] woxarawi[ʆ]
Wąganiąkaraíregają." Eja hakarahaíreže. Woxaráwiže.
They are taking us home." There they were going home. They caught up to them.



hija nąjizᴇ[⨪][ʆ] hoxarawí[γ] aγoidja
Hižą́ nąjizeną́kše. Hoxarawígiži, aǧóeja
One of them he was left behind. Catching up with him, on his shoulders



hawasuⁿntc[ρ] waxáwarehî[ʆ] hikcaít’awi[ʆ] warutcgatcga[ʆ]
hawasųcanąga waxáwarehiže. Hikšait’áwiže. Warucgacgáže.
he placed his hand, and he shoved him over. They laughed. He grasped for something.



iratcaxsga harawótcu[ʆ] maⁿnina ruc’ák[ʆ] k‘anadjiⁿdjî́ⁿp[ʆ]
Iracaxsga harawócuže. Maníra ruš’ákše. Kanąjįjį́pše.
At his mouth he foamed. To walk he was unable. He fell.



hikcait’awi[ʆ] jigi[ƪ] hoxarawi[γ] [ω] gi-ûⁿwi[ʆ]
Hikšait’áwiže. Žigižą hoxarawígiži, žigé gi’ųwíže.
They laughed. Then again they caught up, and [again] they did it.



waxawarehíwi[ʆ] jigigû́ⁿ [λ´][ʆ] warutcgátcga[ʆ] gip‘îⁿwí[ʆ]
Waxáwarehíwiže.* Žigigų́ žesgéže. Warucgacgáže. Gipįwíže.
They shoved him over. Then again [thus it was.] He grasped for something. They liked it.

*the Bollingen text (s. 127) has waxáwarehíže, dropping the dual (-wi).



higû-îⁿdjaíra hiwáruxa hahi[·|][|] gadjûñga rok‘ônâ[ɕ][ʆ]
"Higuįjaíra hiwáruxa hahikjéną." Gájąga rokonoxjį́že
"On farther to chase let us do." [Then] [they did much.]



p. 17 —

gixawaíre[ʆ] higŭấⁿna hitcak‘âro hiwakcû́ñkdje[-] tcira
Gixawaíreže. Higuóna, "Hicakóro, hiwakšų́kjera." Círa
They were paralyzed. After awhile, "My friend, let us return home." [The lodge]



howak‘araíre[ʆ] tcira howak‘arairegi, k‘ârá hitcak‘âro
howakaraíreže. Círa howakaraíregi, "Kóra hicakóro,
they went. [The lodge] [after they returned,] "[Say] my friend,



niji doik‘ewêhi[ɕ][|] hicgê [λ´][|] hidjagi[ʆ]
niži tóikewehíxjįną."* "Hišge žesgéną." Hijagíže.
I I am very hungry." "I too [it is this way.]" [There he returned.]

*The Bollingen text (s. 132) has only tóikewehíxjį, dropping the -ną.



hidja gimí[⨪][ʆ] hitcawina [β] [ϕ]cgê
Hija gimínąkše. Hicáwįra éja hąkéšge
[There] he sat down. His wife there not even



gasgárê hirani[ʆ] wé[ʆ] hagagasgé[ƪ] niji
gasgáre hiraníže. Wéže, "Hagagasgéžą níži
even she did not care. He said, "How is this? I



dok‘ếwêhira hop‘ajá[ɕ] hak‘irí[|] [ϕ]cgê woirak‘ûⁿnaⁿ
tokéwehira hopažáxjį hakiríną. Hąkéšge woirak’ųną
hunger I am very sick I have returned. [Not even] [you do it ?]



ṇác’îni â[·נ´] [ϕ]cgê wajaⁿ anáñgᴇrê
nąš’įni!" ánunige hąkéšge wažą aną́gere
you do not try!" he said, but [not even] [anything] he said



higirani[ʆ] dêế djagu ûñ[>] wa-unáñk‘uní
higiraníže. "Tee jagú ’ųgáją wa’unąkų́nį?
[she did not respond.] "This what she is doing, might she be doing it?



p. 18 —

wajaⁿnihi[ƪ] [ϕ] gip‘inîñgê wa-ú[⨪]kícgê horák‘
Wažąnižą* hąké gipį́nįge, wa’unąkíšge horák
Something not if it is not good, [if I did like that,] to tell

*the Bollingen text (s. 139) has wają́-hiją.



p‘îñ[>´] niñkécge xábᴇni djagu ûñ[>´]
pįgáją." Nįgéšge xábeni. "Jagú ’ųgáją?
it would be good." Not even she did not speak. "What she is doing?



[ϕ] raxábᴇnîñkca[⨪][ʆ] a[·נ´] [ϕ] wajaⁿ
Hąké raxábenįkšánąkše," anúnige hąké wažą
Not she does not speak," he said, but not something



a[⨪´]rê hiraní[ʆ] dêế djagú ûñ[>´]
aną́gere hiraníže. "Teé jagú ’ųgáją?
that he spoke she did not care. "This what she is doing?



hunc’ik‘êwá-uⁿnagᴇ[⨪]guni wahá[⨪] c’agwahaídja
Hųš’íke wa’ųną́genąkų́nį, wahánąk. Š’agwahaíja
She is angry, that is why she does it, perhaps, it is what I am saying. At my folks



hagícgê enaíⁿji wahádjᴇ[|] hagak‘íji e
hagíšge enaį́ži wahájeną. Hagakiži, e
I might have been done by this time [that is why I say this] Therefore, them



wa-wák‘erekdjê djikére[ʆ] hi-ándj[-] hiuni[-] hotcí[β]
wawákerekje." Jikéreže, hią́jera, hiųníra hoci-éja.
I’ll go there." He went, his father, his mother to their house.



hagi-oik‘ewe[ʆ] [ϕ]cge wañkcî́gi[ƪ] djirê hirairani[ʆ]
Hagi-oikéweže. Hąkéšge wąkšígižą jire hírairaníže.
[There he went in.] Not even a person to come they did not think.



p. 19 —

hoik‘awaginañk‘a higŭána naⁿtcgé gi p‘îñ[ɕ] hok‘arak‘it’aires’a[γ]
Hokáwaginąka, higuána nącgé gipįxjį hokarakit’aíres’agíži
When he returned, right away [hearts] [very good] they had always spoken to him, but



[ϕ]cgê hidjoruγujirani[ʆ] djagu’ûⁿ dêế wa-unáñk‘uni
hąkéšge hijoruǧujiraniže. "Jagú’ų teé wa’unąkų́nį?
not even they did not look. "Why this they are doing it?



gadjûñgácgê [ϕ]adja hîñkik‘u-iṇani naní nijidoik‘êwêhigê
Gajągášge hąká ja hį́kik’uįráni? Náni, niži toikéwehige
[Now this time] not to see they do not let on. Mother. I I am hungry, that is why



wa-ûⁿ hak‘irí[|] tci[β´] hagirácgê wadaracgê
wa’ų hakiríną. Ciéja hagirášge watarášge
[to do it] I return. To my lodge I went, and I begged, and



[ϕ] hîñgi-úîṇani[|] higûⁿ ninicgê jenisgaca[⨪]k‘adjaⁿ
hąké hįgi’úįraníną. Higų́ niníšge ženisgašánąkają.
not it was not given to me. Now you too you are that way.



Bollingen (English), p. 27 —

[ϕ]écge gasgéra hiⁿṇagirawini [ϕ]cge wajaⁿ
Hąkéšge gaskéra hįrágirawini." Hąkéšge wažą
Not even thus you do not think of me." Not even something



p. 20 —

a[⨪]rê rani[ʆ] de djagu* nûñγ[-] nîñk
aną́gere raníže. "Te jagú nųǧeránįk
[that he said] she did not think. "Perhaps, possibly deaf

*the original order of these words was djagu de, but this was reversed by a proofreader’s mark.



hiregê wa-unañks’arê nôni dok‘êwêhigê waha[⨪´][ɜ]
hiregé wa’únąks’áre Náni, tokéwehige wahaną́kšaną."
they are is why they are doing this. Mother. I am hungry, that is why I am saying it."



[ϕ]cgê wajaⁿ a[⨪´]rê hiráni[ʆ] de
Hąkéšge wažą aną́gere hirániže. "Te
Not even something [that he said] she did not think. "[This]



djagú hiha[⨪] [ϕ] hîñgip‘iⁿṇaranîñge wa-una[⨪]gᴇnañguni
jagú hihánąk? Hąké hįgipįránįge wa’uną́genąkų́nį.
what I am sayng? Not because they don’t like me, perhaps they do this.



wahá[⨪] howe tcañg[β] wadoγuγudjikdjê hire[γ´]
Wahánąk? Howe cągéja watoǧúǧujíkje," hiregíži
I am sayng this? Around outside I will go and look," he thought, so



hihináⁿp[ʆ] [β] k‘arahá-ûⁿ hitcak‘ấro[-] [β]
hihiną́pše. Éja karaha’ų hicakórora éja
he went out. [There] when he was going his friend [there]



huhé[ʆ] hik‘ik‘ip‘a djináñgire[ʆ] hûñgᴇníñkdjôñgañgrê hikcá[ʆ]
huhéže. Hikikípa jiną́gireže. Hųgenįgejagą́gere hikšáže.
he was coming. Together [they came.] The chief’s child he laughed.



hitcak‘ấro[-] [ϕ]cgê hikcáni[ʆ] hitcak‘ấro tci[β]
Hicakórora hąkéšge hikšániže. "Hicakóro, ciéja
His friend not even he was not laughing. "My friend, my lodge



p. 21 —

gi[-] doik‘êwêhigêdjêni wada[-] [ϕ] hîñgiu-îⁿṇani[|]
gira toikéwehigéjeni, watára hąké hįgi’ų́įraníną."
I returned as I was hungry, begging not they did not give it to me."



hitcak‘âro nicgê [λ] hîñgigíre[|] yak‘îñgagê
"Hicakóro, nišge žésge hįgigíreną; yak’į́gage
"My friend, I also [that way] they’ve done; I gave up



[ε] yahinôp[ɜ] kodé* hitcak‘âro [α]
ésge yahiną́pšaną." "Koté hicakóro, égi
therefore I came out." "Well my friend, here

*just prior to this word, kodjê has been lined out.



hirarutcếdja himîñgikdje[|] hirarutcédja [β] mîñgwí[ʆ]
hirarucéja himįgikjéną." Hirarucéja éja mįgwí že,
at one side let us lie down." At one side there they lay,



hak‘aracûⁿ mîñga hahañgwi[ʆ] hitcak‘ấro jêếji wonîñgíxêdê
hakárašų mįgahahągwíže. "Hicakóro, žeéži wonįgíxete
on their stomach they lay there reclining. "My friend, although they love you very much



hirerárecgê [ϕ] wonîñk‘u-iⁿṇani[>´] wajáⁿ-ni[ƪ]* hawa-ûⁿ
hirerárešge, hąké wonįk’ų́įranigáją. Wažą́nižą háwa’ų
but even you not they did not give you anything. Some for that reason

*the /n/ is heavily written over an original /h/.



wañgagi-unañk‘uni [λ] ahahañgwi[ʆ] hitcak‘âro [λ][>]
wągagí’unąkų́nį." Žésge ahahągwíže, hicakóro žésgegáją,
they must do this to us." [That way] they talked, friends [that way,]



p. 22. Bollingen, p. 16 —

jegûñ[>´] woirak‘irak‘uni γagᴇraγé[ʆ] haⁿhó
žegųgáją. "Woirakirakúni!" Ğageraǧéže. "Hąhó
it is so. "How terrible!" It was the sound of many voices cryng. "Listen



hitcak‘ấro djagu-ûⁿ [ω] waíre[ʆ] woirak‘irak‘uni
hicakóro! [Jagu’ų]* žigé waíreže?" "Woirakirakúni!"
friend! Why again they say it?" "How terrible!"

*this word is omitted in the Bollingen text, line 174.



hi[ƪ] he-uwánk[ʆ]* hohó hitcak‘âro
Hižą He’ų ’uwąkše.† "Hohó hicakóro,
[One of them] [Death Announcer] he was. "Oh friend,

*there appears to be another /u/ written above the first /u/.
†the Bollingen text (s. 175) has ’unąkje. The ’uwąkše of the original text means "he was," and is so translated there. Marino lists he’ų as meaning "death-announcer." The ligature he’ų-’uwąkše > he’uwąkše is possible, although we might wonder why it is not he’ųwąkše.



wajañgúni hanañxgû́ⁿwi[>] woirak‘irak‘uni hûñgiwatcábwira
wažągų́nį." Hanąxgų́wigają. "Woirakirakúni! Hųgiwacábwira,
something must have happened." Both listened. "How terrible! Our chief,



hitcak‘ârok‘îⁿnañgᴇra t’ewahíre[|] hagahainiṇedjaⁿ
hicakórokinągera t’ewahiréną. Hagá hainiréją
[the one whom he befriended] they were killed. In time in the morning



wawagi-á-iṇeguni á[⨪][ʆ] hohó hitcak‘ấro t’e*
wawagi’uį́regųnį," ánąkše. "Hohó hicakóro, t’e†
they must have done this to them," he was saying. "Oh friend, dead

*this is written above an original dêê, which has been crossed out.
†in the Bollingen text (s. 180), this is hyphenated to the next word.



wañgahiranihe[-] hitcak‘âro nañγíragᴇra[ɜ] hîⁿwa’ŭaⁿdjếguni [ε]
wągahíranihera. Hicakóro nąǧíragerášaną hį́wa’uą́jégųnį ésge,
they have made us. Friend in spirit only we must be, [therefore,]



p. 23 —

[ϕ] wañganañxgunináñk‘uni γagᴇraγé[ʆ]
hąké* wąganą́xguniną́kųnį." Ğageraǧéže.
not they must not have heard us." There was the sound of many voices cryng.

*hąké is omitted in the Bollingen text, s. 181.



hitcak‘âro tcira howîñk‘ere[·|][|] hidjágiwi[>] hûñgᴇnáñgᴇre
"Hicakóro, cira howįkérekjéną." Hijágiwigadją, hųgeną́gere
"Friend, my lodge let us return." When they got there, chief’s



hitcawina naⁿdjú[-] hanáⁿdjiru-[ρ]* [α] mañk‘ú[⨪][ʆ]
hicáwįra nąjúra hanajíruanâga égi mąkúnąkše.
the wife her hair she let fall down loose, and [as well] she cut it off.

*originally, the material following the dash consisted of a vertical line to separate the next word whose first letter had been run together with the previous word. This was followed by the letter /h/ for hanąga. The /h/ was overwritten with an aⁿ with a dash preceeding it, which was abandoned in favor of ρ without anything being crossed out. The result is responsible for the Bollingen text here reading, hanadjíru (?).



γagᴇra maiñk‘idjí[⨪][ʆ] hoho hitcak‘âro t’e
Ğagera maįkijínąkše. "Hohó hicakóro, t’é
Weeping she threw herself on the ground. "Oh friend, to die



wañga híre[-] gadjûñga wañgiéreguni [ε] wanáñk[ɜ]
wągahírera.* Gájųga wągiéregų́nį, ésge waną́kšaną."
they have made us. [Now then] they must have found us, that is why they are saying it."

*the Bollingen text (s. 184) has t’éwąga hírera.



hitcak‘âro watci[β´] hiwâroγutc hiṇe[·|][|] hidja
"Hicakóro, waciéja hiwóroǧuc hįrekjéną." Hija
"Friend, to my lodge to see let us go." [There]



híwi[ʆ] hidja hiwi[>] hicgê [λ]á[⨪][ʆ]
híwiže. Hijá hiwigáją, hišgé žesgánąkše.
they arrived. [There] when they got there, [also] it was that way.



p. 24 —

hohó hitcak‘âro djasgê hihikdjôneguni hodjiá
"Hohó hicakóro, jasge hihíkdjanegų́nį?" "Hojiá,
"Oh friend, what we are to do?" "All right,



[α] wajáⁿnahi[ƪ] ho-ûⁿp‘îñkdjône[>]† higŭấⁿna
égi wažąnaížą* ho’ų́pįkjanegáją. higųą́ną‡
[here] something it will be possible to do." "[Right away]

*the Bollingen text (s. 188) presents the analysed form as wają́-hiją [wažą́-hižą], but it is actually, wažą-na-hižą, meaning "one of the things," where -na- is the definite article. The latter forms are well attested.
† an original vertical line (|) = is overwritten with a wedge (>) = gadją. Prior to this word, wa-ûñ is lined out.
‡the Bollingen text (s. 189) has higuo·´na, which is otherwise unattested. The form presented here is from Miner (cf. also Helmbrecht-Lehmann, s.v.).



hosdórowiṇe[·|][|] - hidjagihiwi[ʆ]
hostórowį́rekjanéną."* [hirowį-?]† Hijagihíwiže.
let us go to the place where the people are gathered. - They returned.

*the Bollingen text (s. 189) presents this in analyzed form as hosdo-horowį́rekdjanèną.
†inserted here in the Bollingen text only (s. 189). It is meant as an alternative to the beginning of the second compound of the previous word (-horowį-). However, cf. horuwįx, "to circle around" (Marino).



warutcú[⨪][ʆ] warogû́ñ[ɕ]wî[ʆ] [α] hi[ƪ´] wa[⨪´][ʆ]
Waruc’únąkše. Warogų́sjįwiže. Égi hižą waną́kše,
She was cooking. They longed for it very much. And one he was saying,



Bollingen (English), p. 28 —

hûñgîⁿtcabwi[-] hanaⁿtc hîñk‘áracicigwi[>´] [α] hitcak‘ấrora
"Hųgįcábwira, haną́c hįkarašíšigwigáją, égi hicakórora
"Our chief, all we were much attached to, and his friend



hik‘arak‘isge[>´] [α] t’aira [·נ] ep‘îñ[>´]
hikárakisgegáją, égi t’aíra, nunige epįgáją
likewise, [here] they have been killed, but it is good



deija wonaγir[β´] t’e[γ´] hîñk‘aga wanaⁿ’îⁿ[-]
teížą wonaǧiréja t’egíži. Hįkága waną’į́ra
one in war to die. Never consciousness



hi[ƪ] xawanî́nikdjane[ʆ] airecanú[|] [λ´][>] higínañkcguni[ʆ]
hižą́ xawanínikjanéže, aírešanuną. Žesgégają, higiną́kšguníže,
one he would not lose it, we are told. Therefore, it is so,



p. 25* —

nañxgunañkcguni[ʆ]† higínañkcguni[ʆ] [α] wañkwacocêwe hiwaníwi[|]
ną́xgųnąkšgų́nįže. Higiną́kšguníže. Égi wąkwašošéwe hiwaníwiną
he must be listening. It is so. And warriors our

*on p. 24 verso, Radin writes, "naṇugizhani  — ask Oliver [LaMère]".
†this word is repeated, but the repetition is omitted in the Bollingen text, thus indicating that it is a transcription error.



hi[ƪ´] wogiragikdjané[|] jêê e danína
hižą́ wogirágikdjanéną, žée e tanína
one of them he will tell him his story, that one him the tobacco



hidjagik‘onôgi[·|]ne[|] [α] warudj[-] e hogigakdje[|]
hijágikánągikdjanéną. Égi warújera e hogigakjéną."
I will place. And the food them he will give."



[α] wé[|] [α] hûñgîⁿtcabwí[-] [α]
Égi wéną, "Égi hųgehįcábwira égi
And he said, "And our chief [here]



haⁿb[-] hojegídjaⁿna dêế herê[>´] [α]
hąbera hožegíjąra teé heregáją. Égi
his days the end this it is. And



[X]o-îⁿṇa djodjaíñ[ɕ] hoicdjôⁿ´ṇa nicgê jêê
wąkšigo’į́ra jajaį́xjį hoišją́ra, nišgé žee
life [as long as] he left behind, we also that



[X]hi-îñkdjawi mé[λ] hawa’ûⁿ [α] mé[λ]
wąkšiki’įkjáwi. Méžesge háwa’ų égi méžesge
we shall live by. [Thus] for this reason and this way



aíre[|] wonaγirê[β] hi[ƪ´] t’e[γ´] [ϕ]
aíreną Wonąǧiréja hižą́ t’egíži hąké
they said. In war one he dies, then not



p. 25a —

wanaⁿî́ⁿṇa xawaniṇani[ʆ] airé[|] [α] [λ]kdjône[>´]
waną’į́ra xawániraníže, aíreną. Égi žesgékjanegáją
consciousness he does not lose it, they say. And [it will be thus,]



hirê hiwanañk‘adjaⁿ [α] worudj[-] hogá[-]
hire hiwanąkáją égi worújera hogára
thinking we say this, and the food to give them



[λ]kdjôné[|] deếredjigó hûñgᴇnîⁿtcáb[-] [α] worútc
žesgékjaneną. Teérejigo-o!* Hųgenįcábera égi worúc
[it will be thus.] Here it is! My chief and food

*< tee-here-ji-ga ? When a final /a/ is sustained, it transforms into an /o/.



hocaragáⁿj[-] dêêredjigo* [α] hocaragaⁿcere[-] hagê[υ]
hošaragą́žera. Teérejigó-o! Égi hošáragąšeréra hágeregi,
that was left unconsumed. Here it is! And you’ve failed to partake these behind,

*this word is followed by a hyphen (-), indicating in this instance only, that the vowel is to be extended in its sounding.



mé[λ] ya-ûñkdjôneháwi[|] [α] niṇa wocaragaⁿcere[-]
méžesge ya’ų́kjanháwiną. Égi nina wošáragąšeréra,
this way we will use it. And the water that was not consumed,



dêếre[|] [α] danína dêếredjigo wirórag[-]
teéreną! Égi taníra, teérejigo-o! Wiróragera
here it is! And the tobacco, here it is! The Messenger



tcekdjíṇa hidjacerê[γ] danihú[-] dêếre[|]
cekjį́ra hijá šeregíži, tanihúra, teéreną!
just then [there] when you go forth, the pipe, here it is!



harak‘aracîni maⁿcî́nîñkdjê wirórag[-] dêếredjigo [α]
Harakárašini mąšínįkje, Wiróragera,* teérejigo-o! Égi
[You have it along with you] you will walk, the Messenger, here it is! And

* the Bollingen text (s. 210) has wirók.ra, omitting a syllable.



tcí[⨪] wojawaí[ƪ] here[ʆ´] [α] danihura
cínąk wožáwaižą herežé. Égi tanihúra,
village a happy one there is. And the pipe,



p. 26 —

[ϕ] nîñgiwacgabᴇnîñkdjôné[|] [α] haizo[ɕ] nîñgíruzi[·|]ne[|]
hąké nįgiwašgábenįkjanéną. Égi haizóxjį nįgirúzikjanéną.
not she will not shove away. And gently she will accept it.



[α] [λ] hinîñgiruzire[·|][|] [α] djagu
Égi žésge hįgirúzirekjéną. Égi jagu
And this way they will take it from you. And what



horaícdjaⁿṇê dêếre[|] hagᴇ[υ] wiránac’îñkdjê hagᴇra[υ]
horaíšjąre, teéreną! Hágeregi wiraraš’į́kje! Hageráregi
you’ve left undone, here it is! In back of you you will intend it for. Those behind you



hi-u-iṇe[·|]ne[|] wajók‘îⁿ hacî́niṇa hi-u’iṇekdjônihé[|] mé[λ]
hi’úįrekjanéną. Wažóki hašínina hi’úįrekjanihéną Méžesge
they will use it. Relatives your they will use it. This way



hirok‘ip‘ûnuiṇe[|] dêếre[|] mé[λ] hok‘ík‘aratc
hirokípunuįréną, teéreną! Méžesge hokíkarac
they wish to be remembered, here it is! This way relatives



wacî́nina hagᴇ[υ] p‘îⁿ [X]’îṇekdjê [ϕ]
wašínina hágeregi wą́kšik’įrékje. Hąké
your in back of you good they may live. Not



naⁿtcgê wotcîni-aⁿdjê jegú[|] horudjᴇra herekdjône[|]
nącgé wocinią́je. Žegų́ną. Horújera herekjanéną."
your heart do not worry. It is ended. The meal [let it be."]



Bollingen, p. 17 —

[α] warudj[-] hahuhi[ɕ]* hanañgwí[ʆ] haⁿbᴇredjaⁿ
Égi warújera hahuhuxjį† hanągwíže, hąberéją
And eating very anxious as they lay there, during the day

*the original text has hahuhi, which is unattested, and is probably in error for hahuhu.
†the Bollingen text (s. 222) has hahuhisjį.



p. 27 —

wada[-] ruc’agiregê [β][ɜ] warudjirekdjônihe hipérêzᴇnañke
watára ruš’ágirege. Ejášaną, warujirékjanihe hipérezenąke,
begging [as they failed.] However, they will eat as they knew,



[β] unáñk[ɜ] [β] wok’úiṇawi[|] [β]
éja ’uną́kšaną. Éja wok’úįrawíną. Éja
there they were. There they were fed. There



warudjwi[|] hûñgᴇniñkdjốñgᴇnîñk‘a hitcak‘árora γagốñk[ʆ] mîñgwígi
warujwíną. Hųgenįgeją́genįka hicakórora ǧagą́kše, mįgwígi,
they ate. The child of the chief his friend cried, as they lay,



k‘aracúmîñk hohañgwigi* γagáñk[ʆ] hitcakâro jenûñga
karašúmįk hahągwígi, ǧagą́kše. "Hicakóro, ženųga
to lay on their stomachs as they stretched out, he cried. "Friend, stop

*the /o/ should be an /a/.



árê ho-ûⁿp‘í[|] yapérez [ ·נ] wotcêxi[|]
áre, ho’ųpį́ra yapérez, nunįge wocexíną.
say, a possibility I know, but it will be difficult.



[ω] hakdja [α] [X]i-iⁿnâⁿ[|] [ ·נ]
Žigé hakjá égi wąkšigi’įnoną, nunįge
Again back here we could live, but



[ϕ] curuxurûgᴇnîñ[·|]ne[|] [ε] [ϕ] wajaⁿ
hąké šuruxúrugenįkjanéną." "Ésge hąké wažą
not you will not be able to accomplish it." "[So] not anything



hiníñgani[|] hitcak‘âro naⁿtcgê[⨪] hiⁿdek[ɜ] enaíñ[ɕ]ṇa
hinį́ganiną, hicakóro. Nącgéra hįtékšaną. Enaį́xjįra,
I did not say to you, friend. My heart it is sad. Assuredly,



p. 28 —

[ω] [α] [X]i-îⁿjeji yaré[|] wocga
žigé égi wąkšígi’įžeži, yaréną! Wošgą́
again here would that I lived, I say! Deeds



djagu hi-uⁿṇa haip‘ína [ω] [λ]
jagu hi’ų́ra haipį́ną. Žigé žesge
how we did I liked. Again that way



hiru-agú[|] djagu wotcêxi[ɕ] cgê djagu
hiroagúną. Jagú wocéxixjį šge* jagú
I wish for. Whatever difficulty [also] what

*the Bollingen text (s. 231a) treats šge as a suffix to the previous word.



c’ûñ[γ] [λ] hanấ[|] hitcakâro [λ]
š’ųgíži, žesge hanấną."* "Hicakóro, žesge
you do this way I can do." "Friend, that way

*the Bollingen text (s. 231a) has an unattested hano‧´ną.



ranôñgê waca [ ·נ] wotcêxí[|] hic’ûⁿcdjánañ[γ]
ranąge* wašá, nunįge wocexíną. Hiš’ųšjánągiži,†
you could do it, is why you say so, but it is difficult. If you would try it,

*the Bollingen text (s. 232) adds "[ranǫ·ge?]".
†the Bollingen text (s. 232a) adds "[-nǫ·giji]".



Bollingen (English), p. 29 —

hi-ûñkdjé[|] djagu hicarê [λ] hi-ádjê
hi’ųkjéną. Jagu hišare žesge hiáje,
we will do it. What you have said that way do so,



[ω] hakdja [α] [X]i-îñkdjé[|] dêéji
žigé hákja égi wąkšigi’įkjéną. Teéži
again back here we will live. But



jegûⁿṇégi djawañgasga haháñgᴇrê maⁿṇegûⁿsdîⁿ
žegųrégi ja-wągasga hahą́gere mąregų́stį
as we are now [we will remain] [as we go] forever



dejêwañgasganⁿ[|] [·נ] hidjaíⁿhîⁿ [ω] nîñgê
te-že-wą́gasganąną, nunįge hijaį́hį žigé nįge
we will remain thus, or somewhere again place



hahi horadjanⁿ[|] nunîñge higûⁿ [ω]
hahí horajaną́ną, nunįge higų́ žigé
[to reach] we could go, but still again



p. 29 —

hidjaiⁿhíjiñgế horadjanⁿ[|] gip‘iếsgê[ɕ] hiré[|] danihiwí[|]
hijaį́hį́žįge horajaną́ną. Gipiésgexjį hiréną. Tanihiwíną,
somewhere else we could go. Very desirous they are. There are three,



tcinốgᴇra daniwina higûⁿ tcekdjíṇa dêê
ciną́gera taniwína.* Higų́ cekjį́ra teé
villages the three. [Although] for the first time this

*the Bollingen text has taniwíną.



honîñgidagᴇwáñgᴇrê here[·נ] [ϕ] c’unîñkdjánihe[|] jegû́ⁿ[υ]
honįgitagewą́gere herenúnįge hąké šųnį́kjanihéną. Žegų́regi
which I am telling you it is, but not you’ll not do it. Now



djobốhaⁿ[γ] hîndjik‘erekdjônihé[ʆ] anáñk[ɜ] de-tcekdjiṇa hi[ƪ]
jobóhągiži hįjikerekjanihéže," aną́kšaną. "Te cekjį́ra hižą
in four days we’ll go," he said. "This the first one one



heré[|] higŭoícip [λ] wañgiganâñgikdjônihé[|] hitcakâro
heréną. Higuoišip žésge wągigánągikjanihéną." "Hicakóro,
it is. All the time [this way] they will talk to us." "Friend,



naⁿtcgé[-] hiⁿdekdjí[|] hakdja higîⁿ hiⁿkirikdjé[|]
nącgéra hįtekjíną. Hakjá higį hį́kirikjéną."
heart it is sad. Back to return let us go."



[α] hiⁿdjik‘erekdjegi. wa[ƪ] wañgigairekdjônihé[|] haⁿhé[-]
"Égi hįjikérekjégi wažą́ wągigåirekjanihéną. ‘Hąhéra
"And when we are ready to go, [something] they will say to us, ‘The night



p. 30 —

hiro-agᴇrê here[·|]ne[|] haⁿháⁿ hûñgᴇnintcab[-] hoit’úⁿṇa
hiroágere hérekjanéną. Hąhą́ hųgenįgecábera, hoit’ų́ra
it is the last thing it will be. Greetings beloved chief, the campfires



djobᴇrak‘ere[·|]ne[|] dêế hiro-ágᴇreré[|] haⁿhó-o deêredjigó
joberakérekjanéną. Teé hiroágereréną. Hąhó-o, teérejigó-o!
four times you will have. This it is the last thing. Greetings, here it is!



naⁿrañxgûⁿcônûñk[>´] deếre[|] wirórag[-] deacîni maⁿcînî[·|]ne[|]
Nąraxgų́šanąkáją, teéreną! Wiróragera, teášini,* mąšínįkjanéną.
You are listening, here it is! The Messenger, here it is, you will walk with it.

*the Bollingen text has de hácini.



[α] wainaⁿpk‘iⁿiⁿnîñgiruzire[·|]ne[|] wañgᴇ[υ´]
Égi waínąpkį hįnįgirúzirekjanéną. Wą́geregi
And willingly and thankfully they will accept it from you. Up above



wajaⁿgû́ⁿzᴇra [λ] haniⁿwañgagigiwi[|] dê-ére[|]
Wažągų́zera žésge hanįwągágigiwíną, Teéreną!
[the Maker of Things] this kind he gave us. Here it is!



rogû́ñxdjinañk[ɜ] wainaⁿpk‘iⁿ-îⁿ* nîñgiruzire[·|]ne[|] mé[λ]
Rogų́xjiną́kšaną, Waínąpkį† hįnįgirúzirekjanéną. Mežésge
They long for it very much. Willingly and thankfully they will accept it. This kind

*the second /îⁿ/ belongs with the next word.
† the Bollingen text (s. 252) revises this to read wáinąpki, the lack of a gonek under the last /i/ is a typographical error.



hiníñgiruzire[·|]ne[|] [X]o-îⁿṇa djánûñga wajôⁿṇa horaicdjôⁿcere[-]
hįnįgíruzirekjanéną. Wąkšigo’į́ra jánąga wažą́ra horaišją́šerera,
they will accept it from you. Life as much as [the things] that you left behind,



p. 31 —

[X]o-îⁿṇa wonáγirera tciórogᴇ[υ] [X] hoixgôⁿ
wąkšigo’į́ra woną́ǧirera ciórogeregi, wąkšik-hoíxgą
life wars in the midst of the lodge,* human actions

*both the original text and the Bollingen English translation have "in the midst of the village."



haníne[-] hanántc mé[λ] hagᴇ[υ´] dêế
hanínera, haną́c mežésge hagerégi teé
you would have had, all this kind in back of you this



wiranaⁿî́ⁿna mé[λ] hirop‘û́nu-iṇe[|] [α] hinugŭáxopîni
wiraną’į́ra mežésge hiropúnuįréną. Égi Hinųgŭáxopíni
intended, this way they wish to be remembered. And Spirit Woman



worúdjᴇra mé[λ] [ϕ] hinûⁿbốhôⁿṇa hirodjiⁿ
worújera mežésge hąké hinųbóhǫna hirojį́
[the feast] this kind not a second time very soon*

*this is written above a crossed out "for some time".



jesgánîñ[·|]ne[|] dé[λ] daíre[|] [λ] danihu[-]
žesgánįkjanéną, Težesge taíreną. Žésge tanihúra
will it not be thus.* This they ask. This way the pipe

*a line extends from the end of this word to the top of the page where it is written, "i.e. may they not have occasion to have another wake soon."



hinîñgihîⁿṇe[·|]ne[|] jegúⁿ[|] deere[|] hirágᴇra
hinįgíhįrekjanéną. Žegúną, teéreną! Hirágera*
she’ll smoke. [So] [here it is!] For the last time

*the Bollingen text (s. 258) inserts after this word, "[hiroak.ra]".



hiwak‘arak‘itcañkdjôniháwi[|] haⁿbak‘iri[γ] hodjik‘ére[-] hinîñgire[·|]ne[|]
hiwakárakicąkjaniháwiną. Hą́bakirigíži hojikérera hinį́girekjanéną."
we will eat together. When day comes, the starting time it will be for us."



p. 32 —

[α] wonîñgiragire[·|]ne[|] wangwácoce[-] homani[-] djagú
Égi wónįgiragirekjanéną, wągwašošéra. homaníra jagu
And they will tell it to you, the warriors. Your walk what



c’ûñkdjônihe[-] honîñgiragire[·|]ne[|] hoicîbire[γ] hodjik‘ere[-]
š’ųkjanihéra, honįgirágirekjanéną. hoišíbiregíži hojikérera
you will do, it will be told to you. When they’re done the (temporal) point of origin*

*the Bollingen text has "your time of departure", which says the same thing in more natural English. Miner, the only other source for this word, defines it as "point of origin." The divergence owes to the ambiguity of the meaning of the prefix ho-, "the place at which, the time at which ...". A strong appreciation of spatio-temporal isomorphism is encoded in the language.



hererakdjône[|] [α] [ϕ] hagᴇ[υ] naⁿtcgê
herérakjanéną. Égi hąké hágeregi nącge
it will be.* And not for those behind heart

*"it will be" was originally put in parentheses, then later circled. Above the Hocąk word is written, "you will make it". The Bollingen text follows the circled expression.



wotciwîni-aⁿdje [α] naⁿwagax hik‘uruhoíre[ʆ] wanañγomîñg[-]
wocíwinią́je." Égi nąwagáx hikuruhoíreže.* Wanąǧómįgera†
do not let it be heavy." And stick they were about to paint. The grave

*the Bollingen text (s. 262) omits the concluding /že/.
†the Bollingen text (s. 263) has after this word, "[wanąγihomįk.ra]".



watcawaíre[ʆ] tcekjína hiž[ƪ] wanañγí hawawî́ñxcê
wacawaíreže. Cekjį́ra hižą wanąǧí hawawį́xše.
they started for. The first one one [ghost] he walked around.



tcekjįína hûñgintcabwi[-] tcoík‘erê[-] manina [β]
Cekjį́ra, "Hųgicábwira coikérera* maníra, éja
The first one, "Our own chief he led me the walk, there

*the Bollingen text (s. 264) omits the concluding /-ra/.



p‘îñ[ɕ] wañgᴇri[ƪ] hido-akik‘iⁿṇa dêế hiwujîⁿ harukôz
pįxjį wągerižą hitoákik’į́ra. Teé hiwužį́ harukós*
very good one of the men I took for myself. This one to brace him

*the Bollingen text (s. 265) has an initial iwujį́, which would be the result of dropping the initial /h/ from external sandhi, but this does not occur in the original text where sandhi is consistently represented when it does occur. Consequently, I have retained that reading.



p. 33 —

maⁿnîñ[·|]ne[|] jigigûⁿ [ω] djik‘ere[-] [β]
manįkjanéną. Žigigų žigé jikérera, éja
he will walk. On another occasion again that he went, there



nañgu-omañgᴇni[|] [β] [ω] k‘izaíre[|] [β]
ną́guomągį́nįną. Éja žigé kizaíreną, éja
I visited the road. There again they fought, there



Bollingen, p. 18 —

[ω] watcu[⨪] k‘isag[β´] [β] hi[ƪ]
žigé wacúnąk kisagéja éja hižą́
again the firing lines between there [one of them]



Bollingen (English), p. 30 —

naⁿsú[-] dus‘áⁿna p‘iⁿha[ʆ] hîñgaíre[|] [β]
nąsúra tusšáną.† Pįháže, higaíreną. Éja
the head* I took. I did well, he told me. There

*the Bollingen text (s. 266) has "scalp", although the usualy practice had been to take the head, and nąsú is the standard word for the head, whereas cáp is the word for the scalp.
† the Bollingen text (s. 266) has duscána.



[ω] hi[ƪ] hini-aⁿdukôsôna [ω] dêê
žigé hižą́ hinią-túkasšaną. Žigé teé
again [one of them] I captured. Again this one



nañgu[β] ni-aⁿpdjaⁿṇê pedja ganîñ[·|]ne[|]* [α] hûñgᴇnáñgᴇre
nąguéja nią́bejąre péjaganįkjanéną." Égi hųgenągere
on the road this live one he will carry fire." And the chief

*these occur as two separate words, but the /a/ of pedja actually belongs to the next word.



hitcakấrora γagᴇ[-] rok‘ônô wé[ʆ] hitcakâro
hicakórora ǧagera rokóno weže, "Hicakóro,
the friend wept very much he said, "My friend,



jénûñga arê hiñkírikdjé[|] rucdjaíⁿṇe[γ] djík‘arawi[ʆ]
žénųga áre, hįkirikjéną!" Rušjaįregíži jikarawíže.
enough say, we shall return!" They were through, and they departed.



sánîñk wioiré[-] howadjiak‘araíre[ʆ]* hitcakâro djobôha
Sánįk wioiréra howa jiakaraíreže.† "Hicakóro, jobóhą
Direction the west to go to they started to go back. "My friend, four times

*/djia/ is inserted above the line by a caret.
† < ji-hakara-ire-že.



p. 34 —

hiwuca[·|]ne[|] dêê wagaíre[|] ho-úicara djop‘íwi
hiwušakjanéną." Tee wagaíreną, "Ho’úišara* jopíwi
we will stop." This one he said to him, "Stops four

*the Bollingen text (s. 274) adds after this word, "[ho’ų hicera?]". However, since the "four" refers to stops, the stem should be š’a, "to stop, quiet".



á[⨪]rê dêê heré[|] hiwucaíre[γ] [ω]
ánągere, tee heréną." Hiwušáiregiži,* žigé
when they said, this it is." When they stopped, again

*the Bollingen text (s. 274) includes this expression as the last word in the previous quotation.



γak[ʆ] hitcak‘âro[-] jenûñga arê [α]
ǧákše. "Hicakórora žénųga áre. Égi
he cried. "My friend enough say. And



tci[⨪] hikikdjôniharê [α][ɜ]ṇecgê higŭañkê reniṇonágûñ[·|]ne[|]
cínąk hihikjaniháre, egíšanąréšge higúąke reni-roragųkjanéną."
village that we’ll get to, even there still not you will not want to go on."



djobốhaⁿ hiwucáwi[ʆ] [α] tci[⨪][-] hahíre[ʆ]
Jobóhą hiwušáwiže. Égi cinągera hahíreže,
Four times they stopped. And the village they went to,



hahire[>] hohôp huhire[ʆ] [X][-] rok‘ốnô[ʆ]
háhiregáją, hohóp huhíreže. Wąkšígera rokónože.
after they arrived, whoop they sent towards them. The people many there were.



haⁿhaⁿ tcakâro [X][-] rok‘ônốna [λ][|]
"Hąhą́ cakóro,* wąkšígera rokónora žesgéną."
"Yes my friend, people very many this is."

*the Bollingen text (s. 280) has hicakóro.



hitcakâro [X][-] rokonôkdjoné[|] hinûñgrácge here[·|]ṇe[|]
"Hicakóro, wąkšígera rokónokjanéną, hinųgerášge herekjanéną."
"My friend, people there will be many, women also there will be."



p. 35 —

hik‘ip‘adjíre[ʆ]* hok‘arawadjirawi[ʆ] hûñgotci[-] degi-ếre[|]
Hikipá jireže.† Hokáwa jirawiže.‡ "Hųgocíra tegi éreną."‡‡
To meet they came. To enter they were coming. "The chief’s lodge over there it is."

*/hi/ is inserted above the line with a caret at the beginning of the word.
†the Bollingen text has hikipádjireje.
‡the Bollingen text has hokáwadjirawije.
‡‡the initial /h/ is lost from external sandhi.



[β] hani-añgirawi[ʆ] hûñgotci[-] [β] haⁿhó
Éja hanią́girawiže.* Hųgocíra éja, "Hąhó
There they were conducted. The chief’s lodge there at, "Greetings

* < hanį-hagi-ra-wi-že.



hotcitciñ[ɕ]wi[-] ep‘íⁿ[|] hûñgᴇtcáb[-] danihu[-] de-ére[|]
hocįcįxjįwira,* epį́ną." "Hųgenicábera, tanihúra, teéreną!"
[my dear young men,] it is good." "My chief, the pipe, here it is!"

*the Bollingen text (s. 284) has hocįcį́nįxjįwíra. Although the usual form of the word for "young men" is hocįcinįkwira, where nįk means "little", the form omitting -nįk- is quite common, and given that hocįcixjįwira is attested elsewhere, I have held to that form.



ep‘iⁿ[|] hotcintcî́ñxdjîⁿ[-]wina djagu aíre[ʆ] hocuwi-[β´]
"Epį́ną, hocįcį́xjįwíra. Jagu aíreže hošuwiéja?"
"It is good, my dear young man. What they said where you came from?"



[α] wahúwi[β] [X]o-îⁿ[-] waicdjaⁿwina [X]o-îⁿṇa
"Égi wahúwiedja wąkšigi’į́ra waišją́winą wąkšigo’į́ra
"[Well,] from where we came, the life that we left behind, that life



[β] hi-úiṇekdjê aíre[|] djanañga wajóⁿna
éja hiuį́rekje, aíreną. Jánąga wažą́ra
there they would live, they said. All the things



waicdjaⁿwirê dêế edji-úiṇekdje aíre[|] hisgế
waišją́wire teé eji’uį́rekje aíreną." "Hisgé
that we left behind, these they would use there they said." "Truth



p. 36 —

wairé[|] [λ]kdjôné[|] wigế[ʆ] jegú[|] howaci-ótci[-]
wairéną, žesgekjanéną," wigéže. "Žegų́ną. Howašiócira
they said it, so it will be," he said to them. "All is ready. The dance lodge



de enîñgirewi[|]* tcañg[υ]ágêrê hihinóⁿpwi[ʆ] howaci-otci
teé nįgirewiną."† Cą́geregiágere hihiną́bwiže howašióci
this here it is." Outside they went to the dance lodge

*the initial /e/ actually belongs at the end of the previous word.
† < nįgi-hére-wi-ną.



anáñgerâ [α] hok‘awawi[ʆ] haⁿhé[-] djobôⁿhaⁿ
aną́gera, égi hokawawíže. "Hąhéra jobóhą
of which they had spoken, and they entered. "The Nights Four



hiwanañgiwañkdjônihé[|] hitcak‘ấro hagánîñ[ɕ] horok ṇaⁿnaⁿji
hiwaną́giwąkjanihéną." "Hicakóro, hagánįxjį horok raną́ži.,"
we will sing for them." "My friend, never with them you arise,"



egê naⁿnaⁿji[ρ] ûñ[γ´] [ϕ] curuxurugᴇni[·|]ne[|]
ége. "Ranąžįánąga ’ųgíži hąké šuruxurugenįkjanéną.
he said. "You arise, and if you should do it, not you will not accomplish it.



hîñgi[·|] hicegếdjêni hiwa’ŭaⁿháñk[ɜ] haⁿhaⁿ hitcak‘âro
Hįgíkje hišegéjinį, híwa’uąhą́kšaną." "Hąhą́ hicakóro,
You would return as you had said, we are doing this." "Yes my friend,



p. 37 —

nañxgunañk[ɜ] warokôno hihe[ɕ]jarê djagu hicegi
nąxgųną́kšaną, warokóno? Hihéxjįžare. Jagú hišegi,
I am listening, how could I? I did indeed say much. What as you said,



[λ] hakjê hihéjarê ṇeγarupârog[-] p‘îⁿu-íṇe[ʆ]
žésge hakše, hihéžare." Reǧorupórogera pį’uį́reže,
that way I will, I say." The drum they fixed,



horudjázire[ʆ] haⁿhó hitcakâro k‘inañg[-] wañganañgi[-] waiⁿṇekdjônáwi[|]
horujázireže. "Hąhó hicakórokinągera wąganą́giwaįrekjanáwiną.
they tightened. "Greetings, the two friends they are going to sing.



hik‘uruhówirê dj[ρ] wacip‘ihi[-] k‘uruhówirê wojawa[·|]ne[|]
Hikuruhówire jánąga waši-pį́hira. Kuruhówire wožáwakjanéną."
Let us get ready, all who can dance well. Get ready there will be much fun."



wanañγi tci[⨪][-] hirahíre[ʆ] [β] wa-ú[⨪][ʆ]
Wánaǧi cínągera hirahíreže, éja wa’únąkše.
Spirit the village they had reached, there they were.



djirehíre[γ] waci-hoináñkire[ʆ] tcañgáñgᴇrecge
Jirehíregiži, wašíra hoinąkíreže. Cągą́gerešge
When they started up, the dance they began. Even outside



wo-îⁿîⁿgesgî[ʆ] hinûñg[-] hik‘araγêdjik‘êrés’a[ʆ] [נ·]
wo’į́gesgéže. Hinų́gera hikaraǧéjikeres’áže, nunige
there was a great commotion The women they would shout in a chorus, but



p. 38 —

hahaⁿpwi[ʆ] dêéji hitcakấro higûⁿ p‘iⁿ
hahąbwíže. "Teéži hicakóro, higų pį,
daylight came upon them. "This my friend, [still] [it is good,]



[נ·] haⁿhé daníhaⁿ honîñgida[|] haⁿhé*
núnige hąhé taníhą honįgitáną." Hąhé
but nights three [I told you of."] Night

*just before this word, henaⁿ has been lined out.



Bollingen (English), p. 31 —

nûⁿbốhôⁿna here[γ] hidjuíra[ʆ] k’eni erêni
nųbáhąra* heregíži hijaíraže; keni éreni,
the second [it was, and] it was even greater; before it was time,

*the Bollingen text (s. 307) has hinųbóhąra, although it is not likely that /hi/ could have been lost in external sandhi. The form nųbáhąra is attested elsewhere and nųbą́hą is found in Miner with the meaning "twice".



hohôbᴇraγe[ʆ] herê[γ] hidjaíra[ʆ] waíre[ʆ] hinûñgᴇnáñgᴇrê
hohóberaǧéže. Heregíži, hijaíraže waíreže. Hinųgeną́gere,
there was much shouting. When it was time, it was more they said. The women,



níñk‘a wa[ƪ] mi[⨪] p‘iáñk‘edjîni mi[⨪´]ᴇ[⨪]
"Nįká, wažą mínąk piąkéjinį miną́genąk!
"Say, [thing] to sit down [because it is good,] they are sitting!



wa[ƪ] wojawaisgakajaⁿ wank hok‘iwaci maniṇ[ρ]
Wažą wožáwaiskakáją* wąk hokíwaši maniránąga
[Thing] it is such fun men dancing as they go by," and

*this is probably wožawa-hiske-ak-gają.



wa[⨪][ʆ] wok‘i-aci[-] wañgatcûⁿcguniwîñ[>] hagᴇwajaⁿgasgé[ƪ]
waną́kše, "Wokiwašíra wągacųšgúniwįgáją. Hagéwažąwasgéžą
they said, "Dancing partners [perhaps they are going to take us.] An awful thing



p. 39 —

wa-ú[⨪] wa[ƪ] mi[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]naⁿdjiak‘êdjêni hotcañgérê
wa’únąk, wažą́, miną́genągenąjiakéjinį!" Hocągére,
they are doing, thing, since they are sitting down!" With great difficulty,



hahaⁿpwícguni hitcak‘âro wajaⁿ gip‘i-êsgê[>] hitcakâro
hahąbwíšguni. "Hicakóro, wažą gipiesgáją." "Hicakóro,
then daylight came upon them. "My friend, thing it is such a pleasure." "My friend,



me jenisgekdjônegê* wahéjarê haⁿ hisgê
mežesge nisgekjanége, wahéžare." "Hą, hisge
this way you also would be, it is why I said it." "Yes, right

*the original text has mejesgini jenisgekdjônegê, which is corrected in the Bollingen text (s. 314) as indicated.



wace[>´] hanániñgûñkdjône[ʆ] hihéjarê hitcakâro
wašegáją, haną́nįxgųkjanéže hihéžare." "Hicakóro,
what you said, I would listen to you, I had said." "My friend,



hanaiñxgŭáⁿdjê [λ] hihéjarê jédjûñga haⁿhé
hanaįxguą́je, žesge hihéžare." Žéjąga hąhé
listen to me, that I had said." Now night



hiroagᴇ[-] here[·|]ne[ʆ] [=]* hiro-ag-herekdjôné[|] hidadjê
hiroágera herekjanéže. "Hicakóro, hiroagerekjanéną, hitajé
the last one it would be. "My friend, it is going to be the last, [mightily]

*at the top of p. 39, "hitcakâro =" is written indicating that "=" is to stand for that word.



Bollingen, p. 19 —

wa’ŭáⁿdjê tci[⨪] [α] [ϕ] réninîñgigire[·|]
wa’uą́je! Cinąk égi hąké reninįgígirekje.
[you must do it.] Town here not they will not let you pass them.



[λ][ɕ][·|]ne[|] hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê hiro-ag-here[γ´]
Žésgexjįkjéną, Hitajé wa’uą́je!" Hiroageregíži,*
[This way they will emphatically be.] [Mightily] [you must do it."] When it was the last,

* < hiroak-ra-here-giži.



p. 40 —

waγé[ʆ] hit’et’e[-] tcaⁿt’îñ[ɕ]ṇe[ʆ] [=] hidadjê
woǧéže. Hit’et’éra cą́t’įxjįréže. "Hicakóro, hitajé
[there was much noise.] Talking it was very audible. "My friend, [mightily]



wa’ŭáⁿdjê waci[-] djik‘erêhi’[υ] ṇok‘ônô[ɕ][ʆ] denîñk‘a
wa’uą́je!" Wašíra jikerehíregi rokonoxjį́že. "Te, nįka!
[you must do it."] The dance when it was started, it was very great. ["This one,] say,



huṇânê djagu de c’ûñcanañk[ʆ] huṇanê
Hų́rǫre! Jagu te š’ųšaną́kje? Hų́rǫre!"
Come on now! What here you will be doing? Come on now!"



hixgaⁿxgâⁿ[ʆ] naⁿjiⁿ rogú-iⁿjê [=] gisếwê
Hixgąxgą́že. Nąžį rogúįže. "Hicakóro, giséwe
He moved about. To stand he desired. "My friend, be calm



mi[⨪]re [נ·] hotcañgére[ɕ] hahaⁿpwí[ʆ] hohó
miną́gere!" Nunige, hocągérexjį, hahąbwíže. "Hohó
sit down!" However, with great difficulty, then daylight came upon them. "Hohó



[=] ep‘í[|] higŭâⁿna here[·|][|] hiradjairakdjônihe[|]
hicakóro, epį́ną. Higuóna herekjéną, hirajaírakjanihéną.
my friend, it is good. [Now] it will be, it will be greater.



tci[⨪][ƪ] [α] howiⁿṇe[·|]ne[|] dêê wakándja[-]
Cínągížą égi howį́rekjanéną. Tee Waką́jara*
A village here we will go to it. This one the Thunders

*the Bollingen text has only wakándja.



tci[⨪][-] here[·|]ne[|] hidjairana hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê
cínągera hérekjanéną. Hijaíraną, hitajé wa’uą́je!
the village it will be. It is more, [mightily] [you must do it.]



howaci wojawaira heré[|] hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê
Howáši wožawaíra heréną, hitajé wa’uą́je!
Dance pleasurable it is, [mightily] [you must do it.]



p. 41 —

djasgé[γ] hârokc’ûñ[γ] [ϕ] nîñgê horawacaranîñ[·|]ne[|]*
Jasgégiži, hórogeš’ųgíži, hąké nįgé horawašáranįkjanéną.
[Finally,] if you join in, not anywhere you will not go.

*the letters /wa/ were inserted above the line by a caret.



hîñgi[·|] hicéjarê hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê hîndjihúrê
Hįgíkje, hišéžare, hitajé wa’uą́je! Hįjihúre
We would return, you had said, [mightily] [you must do it.] We have passed through



jerế́cgê hatcañgere deradjicú[|] tci[⨪]
žeréšge hacągére te rajišúną. Ciną́k
even that with difficulty that you came through. village



dêê hiradjaira[·|]ne[|] [=] hanaⁿnîñxgûñ[·|][ʆ] hihéjarê
tee hirajaírakjanéną." "Hicakóro, haną́nįxgųkjéže, hihéžare,
this it will be much more so." "My friend, I would listen to you, I might have said,



hîñgidjiradjê naⁿtcgé[-] hîⁿdek[ʆ] hihéjarê hakdja
hįgijiráje. Nącgéra hįtékše, hihéžare. Hakjá
help me. My heart I hurt, I might have said. Back



hohu-edja hîñgi[·|][|] hîñgidjiradjê hitcak‘âro haⁿhaⁿ
hohuéja hįgikjéną Hįgijiráje, hicakóro!" "Hąhą́
to where we came from let us return. Help me, my friend!" "Well and good,



hitcak‘âro hanaiⁿṇaxgûñ[γ] [λ]kdjônihé[|] tcinû́ñgᴇ[⨪]
hicakóro, hanaį́raxgųgíži, žesgekjanihéną." Ciną́genąk
my friend, if you listen to me, this way it will be." The village



p. 42 —

hahire[>] wajaⁿ gip‘i-êsgê[ʆ] horuγudj[-]canaⁿṇécgê
hahiregáją, wažą́ gipiesgéxjįže, horuǧújerašanąréšge,
when they reached it, thing it was very desirable, even in its looks,



p‘iⁿ[ʆ] hok‘arawadjírawi[ʆ] hûñgotci[-] deére[|] higaírawi[ʆ]
piže. Hokarawájirawíže. "Hųgocíra teéreną," higairawíže.
[it was good.] They came to meet them. "The chief’s village this is," they said to them.



ep‘íⁿ[|] [α] radjiwí[-] wajaⁿgûⁿz[-] [λ]
"Epį́ną, égi rajiwíra. Wažągų́zera žesge
"It is good, here that you have come. The Creator thus



hinîñgirawigê [α] radjiwí[|] hidadjê wa’ûⁿwi-ándjê
hinįgiráwige, égi rajiwíną. Hitajé wa’ųwią́je!
he thought of you, here that you have come. [Mightily] [you must do it.]



rahiwi[ρ] ûñ[γ] wajaⁿ p‘îⁿ rakik‘ûñkdjôniháwi[|]
Rahiwiánąga ’ųgíži wažą rakik’ų́kjaniháwiną,
[You have arrived, and] if you do it, something good you will have done for yourselves,



hidadjê wa’ûⁿwi-ándjế p‘îñgếdjêni tcináñgi[ƪ] radjicúwi[|]
hitajé wa’ųwią́je! Pįgéjinį cinągížą rajišúwiną,*
[mightily] [you must do it.] As well as a village you have passed through,

*this word was omitted in the Bollingen text (s. 343).



Bollingen (English), p. 32 —

hidadjê wa’ûⁿwi-andjê hanîñk‘arajiwi[|] rahí curuxurûgwi[γ]
hitajé wa’ųwią́je! Hanįkárajiwíną. Rahi šuruxúrugwigíži,
[mightily] [you must do it.] I encourage you. To get there if you are able,



p. 43 —

hirakikurukônôkjôniháwi[|] [=] naⁿnáñxgûⁿcônóñk‘[-] djagu
hirakíkurukánąkjaniháwiną." "Hicakóro, nąrąxgų́šanągera jagú
you’ll be your own master." "My friend, you’re hearing what



wañgigánañgrê hidadjê wa’ŭaⁿdjê jegú[|] howacihotcira
wągigánągere? Hitajé wa’uą́je! Žegúną." Howášihocíra
it is being said to us? [Mightily] [you must do it.] [Thus it is."] The dance lodge



tcañgê[υ´] ak[ɜ] jegû́ⁿ[|] hihinốbwi[ʆ] wé[ʆ]
cągerégi ákšaną. Žegúną. Hihiną́bwiže. Wéže,
outside it was. Thus it was. They came out. He said,



[=] hidadjê wa’ŭaⁿdjê howaci wojáwa[ƪ]
"Hicakóro, hitajé wa’uą́je! Howaší wožáwaižą
"My friend, [mightily] [you must do it!] Dance an enjoyable one



heré[|] [β] hok‘awawi[ʆ] wé[ʆ] herekdjonagêní[|]
heréną."* Éja hokawawíže. Wéže, "Herékjanageníną.
it is." There they entered. He said, "It is to be.

*the Bollingen text (s. 349) has wojáwa-hijąheréną, although the original text shows hereną as an independent word as we might expect.



Haⁿhé[-] djobôhaⁿ [α] hiwuca[·|]né[|] [ω]
Hąhéra jobóhą égi híwušakjanéną. Žigé
Nights four here we shall have to stop. Again



haganîñ[ɕ] naⁿnáji egê naⁿṇaji[ρ] ûñ[γ]
haganį́xjį nąráži," ege, "nąrážiánąga ’ųgíži,
never you should arise," he said, "should you arise, and if you do it,



p. 44 —

jegú[|] curuc’agi[·|]ne[|] [ϕ] hohuw[β] raginî[·|]ne[|]
žegúną šuruš’agikjanéną. Hąké hohuéja ráginįkjanéną."
thus it is you will fail. Not to where we came from you will not return."



[α] howací[-] djik‘erêhire[ʆ] djik‘erêhire[γ] k‘araγére[ʆ]
Égi howašíra jikerehíreže. Jikére hiregíži, karaǧéreže.*
And the dance it commenced. To start when they were, they shouted.

*the Bollingen text (s. 354) has karaγéje.



wakandja waci anáñg[-] jeére[|] wakantcañk
Waką́ja Waši anágera žeéreną. Waką́cąk
Thunderbird Dance it is called this is it. Holy



wa-û[⨪´][ɜ] hidadjê wa-ŭaⁿdjê [=] wik‘erek‘
wa’uną́kšaną. "Hitaje wa’uą́je, hicakóro, wikérek
they were. ["Mightily] do it, my friend, quiet, still



minôñgádjê hatcañgérê hahaⁿpwi[ʆ] de[ɜ]ṇecgê p‘iⁿna
minągáje!" Hacągére hahąbwíže. "Téšanąréšge pįra,
sit!" With difficulty [daylight came upon them.] "Even this much it is good,



hitcakâro hidadjế wa-ŭaⁿdjế [α] haⁿhé
hicakóro, hitajé wa’uą́je. Égi hąhé
my friend, [mightily] do it. And night



hiro-ag[β] wotcếxi[·|]ne[|] haⁿhé nûⁿbôhốṇa [ω]
hiroagéja wocéxikjanéną." Hąhé nųbóhǫra* žigé
at the last one it will be difficult." Night the second again

*the Bollingen text has hąhé-hinųp.óhǫra.



here[ʆ] hitcakârora hixgañxgaⁿjê naⁿjiⁿ rogû́ⁿ[ʆ]
herežé. Hicakórora hixgąxgą́že, nąžį rogų́že,
it was. His friend he moved about, to stand up he desired,



p. 45 —

horók‘ûñkdjê rogû́ⁿ[ʆ] [=] wik‘erek mi[⨪]rê
horók’ųkje rogų́že. "Hicakóro, wikérek mínągere,"
he would join them he desired. "My friend, still sit,"



higegá[ɜ] [ϕ] naⁿjiⁿṇes’a[ʆ] hatcañgérê hahaⁿpwi[ʆ]
higegášaną. Hąké nąžįres’áže. Hacągére hahąbwíže.
he pleaded. Not never stood up. With difficulty [daylight came upon them.]



gadjûñga haⁿhe hidjobôhaindja naⁿjîⁿ-naⁿ’îⁿ
Gájąga hąhé hijobóhaįja nąžį ną’į́,
Now night on the fourth to stand he tried,



[נ·] harukốse hoho [=] jegûⁿgûⁿ
nunįge harukósše.* "Hohó hicakóro, žegųgų
but he held him. "Hohó my friend, [now]

*the Bollingen text (s. 365) has harukósje. However, as other examples show, /s-š/ at least sometimes resolves to /s/ as indicated in the original text.



[ϕ] uⁿniṇê hîñgi[·|] hicéjarê hatcañgérê
hąké ’ųníre. Hįgíkje, hišéžare!" Hacągére
not do not do it. We would return, did you not say?" With difficulty



hoicî́pwi[ʆ] dejegú[|] nañgú[-] dê-ére[|],
hoišíbwiže. Te žegúną "Nągúra teéreną,"
they passed through it. This thus it is. "The road here it is,"



wigaíre[ʆ] derêcgê hatcâñgérê horaícîp[ɜ] tci[⨪]
wigaíreže. "Teréšge hacągére horaíšipšáną. Cínąk
they said to them. "Even this with difficulty you finished. Village



dêê [α] hiⁿtcawahiⁿṇárê tcí[⨪] wojáwai[ƪ]
tee égi hįcáwahįráre, cínąk wožáwaižą
this here we’re going to, village a very pleasurable one



Bollingen, p. 20 —

heré[|] [α] [X][-] hadjá[-] p’iⁿ
heréną, égi wąkšígera* hajára
it is, and the people to look at good

*the Bollingen text (s. 370) has wącík.ra (a typographical error).



hiré[|] djasgế[γ] [α] nihé rorágûⁿkjane[|]
hiréną. Jasgégiži, égi nihé rorágųkjanéną.
they are. Surely, here to be there you will wish.



p. 46 —

higûⁿ p’îⁿ [נ·] hiⁿbójap hinaⁿ’îñkdje[|]
Higų́ pį, núnige hįbóžap hį́ną’įkjéną,
Enough it is good, but to pass through let us try,



[β] hiⁿbójap[γ] wajaⁿgû́ñz[-] hotcíra hirahîñkdjônihe[|]
éja hįbóžabegíži, Wažągų́zera hocíra hirahį́kjanihéną.
there if we pass through, the Creator the lodge we’ll come to.



[β] tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê hihi[γ] hitcakâro hidadjê
Éja ciną́genągere hihigíži, hicakóro, hitajé
There the village when we reach, my friend, [mightily]



wa-ŭáⁿdjê tcek‘ t’ewañgahiceregi [α] naⁿtcgé[-]
wa’uą́je. Cek t’é wągahirerégi égi nącgéra
do it. First to kill when they did it to us, and your heart



nîⁿdek[ʆ] hicéjarê [α] naγag[-] maⁿcdjaⁿ
nįtékše, hišéžare, égi raǧágera, mąšją
it was sore, did you not say, and you cried, much



raγákcarê [ω] hakdja [β] [X]’îⁿṇoragû́[ʆ]
raǧákšare? Žigé hakjá éja wąkšik’į́ roragų́že,
you cried? Again back there to live you wished,



hicejarê dêê wewi-áⁿdjê [=] hîñgi[·|]
hišéžare? Tee wewią́je, hicakóro, hįgikje
did you not say? This think of it, my friend, we would return



hicéra wewi-áⁿdjê wa[ƪ] gip‘iêsgê[ɕ]ṇa hidadjê
hišéra, wewią́je, wažą́ gipiesgéxjįra, hitajé
you said, think of it, thing it is such a pleasure, [mightily]



wa-ŭáⁿdjê hitcakâro nañxgûⁿ wañkádjaⁿ hisgê
wa’uą́je." "Hicakóro, nąxgų́ąkáją, hisgé
do it." "My friend, I am listening, and true



p. 47* —

wace[>] [λ] hakdjôné[|] tci[⨪][-] hahíre[ʆ]
wašegáją, žesge hakjanéną." Cínągera hahíreže,
as you speak, that way I will do." The village they reached,
*at the top of the page, Radin has written:




to do, transitive
  ûⁿ   to do, intransitive



sanîñk haⁿbogu[υ´] hahíre[ʆ] tci[⨪]e[⨪]a [β][⨪][ʆ]
sánįk hąbogúregi hahíreže. Cíną́genąka ejaną́kše,
direction to the east it lay. This village there it was,



hahire[γ] wa[ƪ] wojawaisge[ʆ] haⁿhaⁿ huwirê
háhiregíži, wažą́ wožáwaisgéže. "Hąhą́, huwiré!
they reached, and thing it was very pleasurable. "Yes, come on!



raⁿdjiwirê ep‘íⁿ[|] hûñgotci[-] deére[|] rahíre[ʆ]*
rąjíwire, epį́ną. Hųgocíra teéreną. Rahíreže,
that you’ve come, it is good. The chief’s lodge there it is. You have arrived,

*an original initial /h/ seems to have been overwritten with an /r/ or /n/.



ep‘íⁿ[|] radjiwi[-] hagara[ɜ] egadji[⨪][ɜ] higûⁿ
epį́ną. Rajíwira, hagarášaną egajinąkšaną,* higų́
it is good. That you’ve arrived, sometimes only comes over here, [yet]

* < egi-haji-nąk-šaną.



Bollingen (English), p. 33 —

p‘íⁿ[|] hidadjê wa uni-áⁿdjê egoraicipwi[ρ] ûñ[γ´]
pįną. Hitajé wa’unią́je! Egoraíšibwiánąga* ’ųgíži,
it is good. [Mightily] [you must do it.] You go through this, and if one does,

* < egi-horíšip-wi-ánąga.



deére[|] hiandjihihiwi[-] hotci[-] de-ếre[|] rahiwi-[ρ]
teéreną. Hią́jihihíwira hocíra teéreną. Rahiwiánąga
this is it. Our Father house there it is. You reach it, and



ûñ[γ´] rakik‘aitcanihawi[|] [X]o-îⁿṇa ne
’ųgíži, rakik’aícanihawíną. Wąkšigo’į́ra ne
if one does, you’ll have done a good thing for yourselves. Life you



rak‘araitcaⁿ wi[ρ´] ne djagu rap‘iⁿwi[γ] [λ]
rakaraícąwiánąga ne jagú rapįwigíži, žesge,
you choose for yourself, and you what if you like, that



p. 48 —

hinîñgigikdjôniháwi[|] hidadjê wa-uni-aⁿdjê dêê hiro-ág[-]
hinįgígikjaniháwiną. Hitajé wa’unią́je! Teé hiroágera
he’ll let you do. [Mightily] [you must do it.] This the last one



[α] hinîñgire-kdjônáwi[|] [α] wajaⁿgûⁿzᴇra [λ]
égi hinįgírekjanáwiną. Égi Wažągų́zera žesge
here it will be. And the Creator that way



gûⁿscốna hi[ƪ´] mêê [λ] ruxuruk‘íji
gųsšáną: hižą́ meé žesge rúxurukíži,
[he has created:] one this that way if he accomplishes,



[λ]kdjôné[|] hatcîndja[ɕ] [X]hoîⁿṇa ûñkdjégi [λ]
žesgekjanéną. hacį́jaxjį wąkšígo’į́ra ’ųkjégi, žesge
it will be that way. Whatever the life if you will do, that way



higigikdjôné[|] jegú[|] hanîñk‘arajiwigê wahé[|] tcañgᴇ[υ]
higigíkjanéną. Žegų́ną. Hánįkaražíwige, wahéną. Cą́geregi
he will let you do. [Thus it is.] Since I am encouraging you, I said it. Outside



tcira hosdo hiré[-] [β] horak‘êwekdjônawi[|]
círa hostó hiréra, éja horakéwejanáwiną."
the lodge gathering place there is, there you will enter."



haⁿhai tcakâro hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê maⁿú[-]
"Hąhaí* cakóro,† hitajé wa’uą́je! Mą’ų́ra
"Yes my friend, [mightily] [you must do it.] Earthmaker

*the Bollingen text (s. 393) has hąhą́.
†the Bollingen text (s. 393) had hitcako‧´ro.



[X]wanina dê-êrere[|] hadjá[-] p‘îⁿṇé[|] [נ·]
wą́kšigwanína teérereną. Hajára pįréną, núnįge
his people these are the ones. Their looks they are good, but



hîⁿbójap‘ hináⁿîñkdjôné[|] hihi[γ] [α] [X]-oîⁿ-na
hįbóžap hiną’į́kjanéną. Hihigíži, égi wąkšigo’į́ra,
to pass through it we will try. When we reach it, here to live,



p. 49 —

[α] [X]c’îⁿwîñkdjegi [α] raitcanấ[|]
te égi wąkšikš’į́wįkjégi, égi raicanóną.
this one here if we live, here you can choose.



[ω] hohu-éja hîñgikdjế[γ] [α] herekdjôné[|]
Žigé hohuéja hį́gikjegíži, égi hérekdjanéną.
Again to where we came from if we would return, here it will be.



hiro-ág[-] dê-ére[|], hidadjê wa’ŭaⁿdjê [X]
Hiroágera teéreną, hitajé wa’uą́je! Wąkšík
The last one this it is, [mightily] [you must do it.] People



dêê hadjá[-] hisgêdja p‘îⁿṇé[|] [ϕ]
tee hajára hisgéja pįréną. Hąké
here the looks [truly] they are good. Not



nîñgê wawadánîñkdjê jêsgế[ɕ] hiréwahi[|] jesga[נ·]
nįge wawatánįkje, žesgéxjį hirewahíną. Žesganúnige
farther we would not go, surely it seems. But even



jegûⁿ higŭánk‘e hiwucanîñkdjé[|] [=] hisgê
žégų higuąké híwušanįkjéną." "Hicakóro, hisgé
so [still not] let us not tarry." "My friend, true



wace[>] djagúice[-] [λ][>] ya-ûⁿtca[ɕ]kdjôné[|]
wašegáją, jagú hišera, žésgegáją. Ya’ųcáxjįkjanéną."
[what you have said,] what you said, [that’s right.] I will try very hard."



heregî́ni[|] hok‘awadjiaraíre[ʆ] wogízo[ɕ] hadja[-] p‘îⁿ
Heregį́nįną, hokáwajiaraíreže. Wogízoxjį hajára
[They always do,] they began to enter. Really the looks good



hire[ʆ] wañg[-] hinûñgracgê hisgêdja p‘î́ⁿṇe[ʆ]
hirežé Wągera hinųgerášge hisgéja pįréže.
they were. The men the women also in truth they were good.



[X] dêế [α] wak‘íju [X]ha-îⁿjéji
"Wąkšík teé égi wakížu wąkšík ha’įžéži,
"People these here with them to live I could,



p. 50 —

hisgêdja p‘îⁿ hire[γ] hiragîni[ʆ] enaiñ[ɕ]
hisgéja hiregáją," hírageniže. "Enaį́xjį
in truth good they are," he already thought. "I wonder



deegi* [X]a-îⁿjéji [λ] hiragíni[ʆ] hitcak‘âro
teégi wąkšiga’įžéži." Žésge hirageníže. "Hicakóro,
here I could live." That way he had already thought. "My friend,

*despite some similarity between /g/ and /j/, this word is clearly deegi. The Bollingen text renders it as deéji (teéži), "but, but I/you; this." Nevertheless, the meaning given to it in the original text is "here," which shows that it is a form of tegi.



hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê dee hoícîp[γ] wajaⁿgûⁿz[-]
hitajé wa’uą́je! Tee hoíšipgíži, Wažągų́zera,
[mightily] [you must do it.] This if we finish, the Creator,



hiandjihiwi[-] etcawe[·|]ne[|] dee hiradjaíra[|] hidadjê
Hiąjihíwira, écawekjanéną. Tee hirajáiraną, hitajé
Our Father, we’ll go towards. This it is greater, [mightily]



wa-uⁿṇê howinare hihikdjé[|] hohó [=]hara
wa’ų́re! howínare hihikjéną." "Hohó hicakórohara,
[you absolutely must do it.] Where we are going let us reach." "Hohó my friend,



hisgếwe[>] [λ] hipiáni[>] [ω]
hisgé wegają." "Žésge hipiánigają," žigé
truth you speak." "[This way] I ought," again



hiradjináñk[ʆ] hatcañgérê hahâbwí[ʆ] hohó hitcak‘âro
hirajiną́kše. Hacągére hahąbwíže. "Hohó hicakóro,
he thought. With difficulty daylight came upon them. "O my friend,



ep‘íⁿ[|] deéji hijaⁿ horaicî́p[ɜ] xgaⁿzihiñgi[·|]ne[|]
epį́ną. Teéži hižą́ horaišípšaną Xgązihį́gikjanéną.
it is good. [This] one you’ve finished. We will rest.



p. 51* —

hiradjairakdjônihé[|] [ω] hinûⁿbốhôṇa dêê tconíṇêrëcgê
Hirajaírakjanihéną, žigé hinųbóhǫra tee. Conírerešge
It will be much more so, again the second one this. The first even

*at the top of the page is written, "wiwáhiⁿtci = it was very much so".



hatcañgérê raicére[|] hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê hadjá[-]
hacągére raišéreną, hitajé wa’uą́je! Hajára
with difficulty you passed through, [mightily] [you must do it.] To look at



hiradjaíra p‘iⁿ hire[·|]ne[|] honaⁿwáⁿṇaⁿ hiradjaira[·|]ne[|]
hirajáira hirekjanéną, honąwą́ra hirajaírakjanéną.
greater good they will be, the singing it will be greater.



higûⁿ jegûⁿ mi[⨪]ᴇnôñgadjê hanaíñxgûⁿṇê hitcakâro
Higų žegų miną́genągaje,* hanaįxgų́re. Hicakóro,
But [now] sit, listen. My friend,

*the Bollingen text (s. 417) has miną́k.adje.



herekdjônagîni[|] djadjaⁿṇégi hok‘awairagîni[ʆ] tconíne p‘îⁿ
herékjanaginį́ną." Jająrégi hokawaírageníže. Ćoníre
it is to be now." Right away they began to enter. The first ones good



hire[ʆ] hir[ρ] dêê hiradjairaire[ʆ] p‘î́ⁿṇ[ʆ]
hiréže, hiránąga tée hirajairaíreže pįréže.
they were, they did, and these they were greater. [They were good.]



gagasgé[ƪ] dêê hiradjaíra[>] wogízokdjîⁿ wojáwa
Hagagasgéžą,* tee hirajairagáją, wogízokjį wožáwa
[Thus it has ever been,] these they are greater, but [really] pleasurable

*the original text implies the form gagasgéžą, which is unattested in the literature. The Bollingen text (s. 421) corrects this by adding the standard initial /ha-/.



wiwahîⁿtci[ʆ] hoho [=] higûⁿ dêê
wiwahį́cįže!* "Hohó hicakóro, higų tee
it was much more so! "Well my friend, even this

*the Bollingen text (s. 421) has wiwahį́tcje.



p. 52. Bollingen, p. 21. Bollingen (English), p. 34 —

p‘îñ[>] hagagasgé[ƪ] [=] nîñgê hiⁿtcawahañg[-]
pįgáją." "Hagagasgéžą hicakóro, nįgé hįcawahą́gera
it is good." "Oh no my friend, where we are going,



ehiradjairá[|] [λ]a[נ·] higûⁿ p‘îⁿ[>]
e hirajairáną!" Žesganúnįge higų́ pįgáją!"
it it is even much more so!" "That may be, but enough it is good!"



[=] higûⁿ jegûⁿgûñkdjé[|] nîñgê howiréra
"Hicakóro, higų́* žegųgųkjéną! Nįgé howiréra,
"My friend, enough let it be! Where we are going,

*this word is omitted in the Bollingen text (s. 425).



edjatcaⁿ hihinaⁿî́ñ[·|][|] hoho hitcakâro [λ]
ejacą́ hihiną’įkjéną!" "Hohó hicakóro, žésge
[thereto] [let us try to do!"] "Well my friend, that



hicaránice[-] hanaⁿrîxgú[|] hatcañgérê hoicî́bwi[ʆ] hoho
hišaránišera, haną́nixgúną!" Hacągére hoišíbwiže. "Hohó
which you are saying, I listened to you!" With difficulty, they passed through. "Well



[=] ep‘iⁿ[|] hagagasgé[ƪ] nûⁿbáhaⁿ hodá[|]
hicakóro, epį́ną. Hagagasgéžą, nųbóhą hotáną.*
my friend, it is good. Alas, two they remain.

*the Bollingen text has hagagasgéją-hinųóhǫra.



hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê hak‘arajijê hidaníhôⁿṇa here[ʆ]
Hitajé wa’uą́je!" Hakaražíže.* Hitaníhǫra herežé.
[Mightily] [you must do it."] He encouraged him. The third one it was.

*in the Bollingen English translation, this sentence is mistakenly labeled "438a" (it should be "431a").



hitcakâro horok waci p‘ihinîñ[>] hagawa[ƪ]
"Hicakóro, horók waší pįhinįgáją. Hagáwažą
"My friend, to join in dance [it would be good.] Such



p. 53 —

wojawaisgê[>] hoho [=] higûⁿ jegûñ[·|][|]
wožáwaisgegáją." "Hohó hicakóro, higų́ žegųkjéną."*
it is fun." "Well my friend, [still] [we will do thus."]

*after this sentence (435), the Bollingen English translation omits sentences 436-439.



[=] jegûⁿ îⁿṇekicgê ha-ûñkdjé[|] [=]
"Hicakóro, žegų ’įrekíšge ha’ųkjéną!" "Hicakóro,
"My friend, [so] alone I will do it!" "My friend,



jegûⁿ kế ûⁿníṇê [=] hanaiⁿnañxgûñkdjône[ʆ] hicejarê
žégųké ’ųnį́re! Hicakóro, haną́įraxgųkjanéže, hišéžare!"
[that not] do not do it! My friend, listen to me, you said you wanted!"



hoho [=] hisgế wacê hahaⁿbwi[ʆ]
"Hohó hicakóro, hisgé waše." Hahąbwíže.
"Well my friend, truth [you spoke."] [Daylight came upon them.]*

*the Bollingen English translation resumed with this sentence (440).



hoho hitcak'âro hiro-ág[-] hodá[|] dêê
"Hohó hicakóro, hiroágera hotáną. Tee
"Well my friend, the last one it remains. This



hiro-ag[-]re[·|]ne[|] wogizôk wotcêxi[·|]ne[|] higûⁿ nicgê
hiroágerarekjanéną.* Wogízok wocéxikjanéną.† Higų́ nišge
it is the last one. Truly it will be difficult. [Still] I also

* < hiroagera-here-kjané-ną.
†in a typographical error, the Bollingen text (s. 442) omits the /k/.



hak‘ikôxdjîñkdjôné[|] hoho [=] hagagasgé[ƪ] hidadjê
hákikoxjįkjanéną. Hohó hicakóro, hagagasgéžą, hitajé
I will look out for myself. Well my friend, (exclamation) [mightily]



wa’ŭáⁿdjê raγag[-] nicé[-] wewiⁿṇê naⁿtcgé[-] nîⁿdek[ʆ]
wa’uą́je! Raǧágera, nišéra wewį́re. Nącgera* nįtékše,
[you must do it.] You cried, [I tell you] think of it. Heart you ached,

*the Bollingen text (s. 446) omits the /-ra/.



hice[-´] wewiⁿṇê hitcak‘âro hoho hitcak‘âro
hišéra, wewį́re, hicakóro." "Hohó hicakóro,
you said, think of it, my friend." "Well my friend,



p. 54 —

hisgê wace[>] higûⁿ [α] hiradjik‘inañk[>]
hisgé wašegáją, higų́ égi hirajíkinąkáją;
truth [you spoke,] [still] here I am refusing to move;



hisgê wace[>´] ya-ûⁿtca[ɕ]kdjôné[|] hagi ro-aguⁿ[|]
hisgé wašegáją, ya’ųcáxjįkjanéną! Hagi roágųną!"
truth [you spoke,] I will try! To return I desire!"



[=] gûⁿ jigế wacdjá[γ] hiraniⁿdjaira[·|]ne[|]
"Hicakóro, gų* žigé wašjágiži, hiránįjairakjanéną,
"My friend, yet again when you see them, you’ll be even more so,

*the Bollingen text (s. 449) has the full higų.



hidadjê wa’ŭaⁿdjê hanaiñxgŭaⁿdjê herekdjônagêni[|] hiro-agerê
hitajé wa’uą́je! Hanáįxguą́je. Hérekjanaginíną, hiroágere
[mightily] [you must do it.] Listen to me. It is almost ready, it is the last thing



here[·|]ne[|] [=] hidadjê wa’ŭáⁿdjê heregíni[ʆ]
hérekjanéną. Hicakóro, hitáje wa’uą́je! Heregínįže."
it will be. My friend, [mightily] [you must do it.] It is about to be."



hoho hitcakâro wajáⁿ gip‘iếsgê higûⁿ
"Hohó hicakóro, wažą gipiésge, higų
"Well my friend, something very pleasant, still



[=] jegŭorogi-ûñkdjé[|]* jegûñkdjé[|] jegûⁿ [ϕ]
hicakóro, žeguorogi’ųkjéną." "Žegųkjéną. Žegų hąké
my friend, let us join them." ["Thus it will be.] [So] not

* < žegų-hórok-hi’ųkjéną.



hi-unîñkdjé[|] hiro-ág[-] dêére[|] higûⁿ jegûñkdjéra
hi’unįkjéną. Hiroágera teéreną higų, žegųkjéra
we will not do it. The last one this is. Nevertheless, [so it will be]



p. 55* —

rok‘ônô[ɕ][ʆ] higûⁿ [=] jegŭorok ha’ûñ[·|]ne[|]
rokónoxjį́že!" "Higų́, hicakóro, žeguorok ha’ųkjanéną."
[it is very much."] "Nevertheless, my friend, thus to join them let us do."

*at the top of the page Radin has written, "jeguⁿ = δ".



jegûⁿ [=] mi[⨪´]rê jegûⁿ [ϕ]
"Žegų hicakóro, miną́gere žegų hąké
"Nevertheless my friend, sit down, [thus] no



ûⁿníⁿṇê jegûⁿ [=] ha-ûñkdjôné[|] jegûⁿ
’ųníre!" "Žegų hicakóro, ha’ųkjanéną!" "Žegų
do not do!" "Indeed my friend, [I am going to do it."] "Indeed



[ϕ] uníṇê hagagasgé[ƪ] [=] higŭereginé[|]
hąké ’ųníre!" "Hagagasgéžą hicakóro, higuereginį́ną,*
no do not do!" ["Alas] my friend, [yet it is already,]

* < higų́-here-ginį́-ną.



jegûⁿ [ϕ] uⁿníṇê hoho hŭá
žegų hąké ’ųníre! Hóho, huá,
[so] no do not do! Hohó, hua,



[δ] [=] p‘iⁿ[|] haⁿho p‘iⁿṇawí[|]
žegų hicakóro, pį́ną. Hąhó, pįrawíną!
[so] my friend, it is good. Hąhó, we are well!



nañgú[-] didjônére[|] hiandjihihiwi[-] hotcí[-] jêére[|]
Nągúra tíjąréreną, Hią́jihihíwira hocíra žeéreną."
The road it lies, Our Father living this is it."



hadjiak‘araíre[ʆ] hadjiak‘araíre[>] tcowé[υ] hohốbire[ʆ] hik‘ip‘adjináñgire[ʆ]
Hajiakaraíreže. Hájiakarairegáją, cowéregi hohobiréže. Hikipájinągireže.
They started out. After they had started, ahead they whooped. They met them.



p‘ara tcûⁿcguni wák[ʆ] wonaγirê hît’éhire[ƪ]
Pára cųšgúni wákše, woną́ǧire hit’éhireže,
Head he was without [he shouted,] war one who had been killed,



p. 56 —

wák[ʆ] jërë́cgê bocîbi[נ·] dêê recgê ruc’ak[ʆ]
wákše. Žeréšge bošíbinunįge teérešge ruš’ákše.
he said it. Thus even he had passed through, but even this one he had failed.



higuⁿ [ω] hi[ƪ] hik‘ip‘aíre[ʆ] hitcak‘âro
Higų́ žigé hižą hikipaíreže. "Hicakóro,
[Yet] again one they met. "My friend,



hidadjê wa’ûⁿṇê deerêcgê wa-u[⨪][ɜ] ruc’agire[|]
hitaje wa’ų́re!* Teérešge wa’uną́kšaną, rúš’agiréną.
[mightily] [you must do it.] Even these they are doing it, they had failed.

*the Bollingen text (s. 469) has wa'úre.



hak‘iri-ak‘araire[|] ’ŭahañgwí’ûⁿ hiwí[ʆ] hadjiré[|]
Hakíriakaraíreną." ’Uahągwí’ų hiwíže. hajiréže.
They were returning." As they continued on, they reached them. They came out.



hokêwê wacewírê hok‘awaíre[ʆ] wajaⁿgûⁿz[-] hotci[-]
"Hokéwe wašéwire!" Hokawaíreže. Wažągų́zera hocíra
"To come in tell them!" They entered. Earthmaker the lodge



hok‘awaíre[ʆ] p‘iⁿ[|] hotcîntcî́nîñkwi[-] higŭañgaira[ɕ][ɜ] hi[ƪ´]
hokawaíreže. "Pį́ną, hocįcį́nįgwira. higuągaíraxjįšaną hižą́
they entered. "It is good, young men. Once in a great while one



djidjé[|] djasgê rakdjáwi[γ] nierakik‘ûñkdjônáwi[|]
jijéną. Jasge rakjáwigiži, ni é-rakik’ûkjanáwiną.
he comes. What you wish to do, yourselves you will choose it.



jeére[|] horuγúdjwi[|] tcekjí[|] tci[⨪] hiraradjiwi[-]
Žeéreną, horuǧújwiną. Cekjįna* cínąk hirarajíwira,
These are it, look at them. The first village that you came to,

*in this case, the [|] is for /na/ rather than /ną/; thus the Bollingen text (s. 477), tcekdjį́ra.



p. 57 —

jeére[|] horuγû́djwirê tcekdjiⁿ hodjiranihe[-] tci[⨪][-]
žeéreną, horuǧújwire." Cekjį hojíranihera ciną́gera
this is it, look at it." First that they had come to the village



Bollingen (English), p. 35 —

wagiruhascê horuxûtc wagigí[ʆ] dêére[|] degi
wagiruhásše, horuǧúc wagigíže.* "Teéreną. Tégi
he opened them up to, to look he made them. "There it is. Over here

*the Bollingen text (s. 478) has, horuγútc.-wagigíje.



[X] c’îñkjawicgê c’ûñkdjáwi[|] k‘araitcâwiṇê tci[⨪]
wąkšik š’įkjáwišge,* š’ųkjáwiną. Karaicą́wire. Cinąk
to live if you wish you may do so. Choose for yourselves. Village

*the Bollingen text (s. 479) wąkcik-c’įdjáwicge.



hinûⁿb[-] hirarajíwi[-] [ω] deére[|] horuγúdjwirê
hínųbera hirarajíwira, žigé teéreną, horuǧújwire."
the second one you came to, again there it is, look at it."



horuγúdjire[>] wogízok tci[⨪] p‘îⁿ[ʆ] karaitcañ[ɕ]wi[ρ´]
Horuǧújiregáją, "Wogízok cinąk pį́že. Karaícąxjįwiánąga
After they looked at it, "Truly village it is good. Choose for yourselves, and



Bollingen, p. 22 —

ûⁿwiáⁿdjê tcí[⨪] hidanina horadjíwi[-] dêê
’ųwią́je. Cinąk hitaníra horajíwira, tee
[do it.] Village the third one that you reached, this



heré[|] [ω] tci[⨪] horadjíwira jêére[|]
heréną. Žigé, cínąk horajíwira, žeéreną."
it is. Again village that you reached, this is it."



degi heré[|] [=] hiradjarak‘iⁿ[|] dêére[|]
"Tegi heréną, hicakóro, hirajárakíną. Teéreną."
"Over here it is, friend, where you refused to come. There it is."



p. 58 —

[ω] meére[|] tcekdjiⁿ hocúwira dêếre[|]
"Žigé, meéreną. Cekjį hošúwira, teéreną."
"Again there it is. First that you started from, there it is."



maⁿ dêê horuγudj wagigí[ʆ] tci[⨪´]gidja
teé horuǧúc wagigíže.* Cinągíją
Earth this to look at he let them. The tribes

*the Bollingen text shows this word hyphenated with its predecessor.



hit’iók‘iradj[-] here[ʆ] tci[⨪][-] hiṇanañk[ʆ]
hit’eokirájera herežé. Cíną́gera hįraną́kše.
speaking different languages there are. Villages they were here and there.



hîñgế cânácgê k‘izá[⨪][ʆ] [=] degi
Hįgešanášge kízanąkše. "Hicakóro, tegi
Some places here and there they were fighting. "My friend, over here



hîñgikdjicejarê dêére[|] [=] howadji[-]
hįgíkjišéžaré. Teéreną, hicakóro, howajíra."
here we would return, you said. There it is, my friend, where we came from."



nîñkdjôñgᴇnîñga[ɕ]wíṇa tci[⨪] horawaradjíwira dêére[|]
"Nįkjągenįgáxjįwira, cínąk hórawarajíwira, teéreną;
"My children, village that you came from, there it is;



hocúira deexdjiⁿ heré[|] woruγûdjwi[ρ]
hošúira teéxjį heréną." Wóruǧujwiánąga
where you came from this is exactly it it is." They looked at it and he said,



tci[⨪]i[ƪ]hiⁿ [X] c'ûⁿdjáwicgê* û́ⁿwiṇê higûⁿ hatcî́ndja
"Cínągižą́hį wąkšikš’įjáwišge† ’ų́wire. Higų hacį́ja
"Own village if you choose to live, it may be done. [Still] somewhere

*the /û/ should be an /î/.
†the Bollingen text (s. 495) has wąkcic’įdjáwicge.



nehirarawi[γ] jesge[·|]ne[|] [X]o-iⁿṇa hik‘urukônô
ne hirárawigíži, žésgekjanéną. Wąkšigo’į́ra hirukóno
you if you care to live, that will be done. Your lives [command]



p. 59 —

nîñgigiwi[|] hazohi[ɕ] k‘araítcaⁿwiṇê deếre[|] [=]
nįgigiwíną. Hazohíxjį karaicą́wire. Teéreną." "Hicakóro,
I give you. Carefully choose for yourselves. There it is." "My friend,



me[λ] hiwagi’ûⁿ hîndjí[|] deére[|] [β]
méžesge hiwagí’ų hįjíną, teéreną. Éja
thus what we came for we have come, there it is. There



hîñgi[·|] hicejarê djagu hice[γ´] here[·|´][|]
hįgíkje, hišéžare, jagú hišegíži, herekjanéną."
you would return, you said you wanted, what you said, it will be."



[=] [λ] hiếjarê [δ] êowiiñkerekdjéra
"Hicakóro, žesge hiéžare, žegų e-howį́kerekjéra."
"My friend, that way what we said, thus let us go back there."



dêê haitcáⁿwi[|] hakdja [ω] ewawak‘erekdjônáwi[|]
"Teé haicą́winą. Hakjá žigé ewawakérekjanáwiną."
"This we choose. Back again we will go back here."



ho hisgế hiwírê ragiwi[ρ´] egatcindja
"Ho, hisgé hiwíre, rágiwiánąga egacį́ja*
"Good, also do so, you are going back, and here where

* < egi-hacįja.



[X]c’îñkdjawi[γ] k’eraitcañ[ɕ]wi[ρ] ûⁿwi-áⁿdjê hagíre[ʆ]
wąkšikš’į́kjawigíži. Karaicą́xjįwiánąga ’ųwią́je!" Hagíreže.
you wish to live. Choose carefully, and do so!" They returned.



[=] de c’agwaha[-] herére[|] [α]
"Hicakóro, te š’agwahára heréreną, égi
"My friend, these my parents they are, and



nicgê c’agwaraga dêerere[|] hinûⁿbik‘ê nîñgế
nišgé š’agwáraga teéreną. Hinų́bike nįgé
[likewise] your parents these are they. Both place



p. 60 —

[X]hi-îñ[γ] hîñkikinûbikdjôné[|] djasgé hihíra [λ]
wąkšígi’įgíži, hįkíkinųbikdjanéną." "Jasge hihíra žesge
we would become alive, you would be a brother." ["How] we would do that way



hihikdjếgi k‘irutcế[ɜ] [X]i-îñkdjé[|] [γ] [δ][γ]
hihikjégi, kirucéšaną wąkšígi’įkjéną giži. Žegųgíži
as we have done, separately we would come to life [.] Thus



[ω] djasgê [X]i-îⁿṇa je wañgásganáⁿṇa
žigé jasgé wąkšigi’į́ra že wągásganǫra,*
again [how] living this as we had,

*the Bollingen text has wagásganǫra.



hiñkiperêzᴇnáⁿṇa [X]hi-îñ[γ] [ε] [ω] [=]
hįkipérezenǫ́ra,* wą́kšigi’įgíži." "Ésge žigé hicakóro
making ourselves known, while living again." "Just so again friend

*the Bollingen text (509a) has hįgipérezenǫ́ra.



hîñk‘inấⁿna hodjia [λ][·|][|] [α] hakjá
hįkinóra." "Hojiá, žesgekjéną. Égi hakjá
let it be." "Agreed, let it be so. And back



[X]wi-a-íⁿ[υ] wawak‘ere[·|]né[|] [α] nicgê gaidja
wąkšígwia’į́regi, wawakérekjanéną, égi nišge gaíja
with those whom I lived, I am going, and you also there



horawarakere[·|] nicge [X]wic’iⁿṇa deére[|] honihe[β]
horawarakerekjéną,* nišge wąkšigwiš’įra. Teéreną. Honihéja
you came from, you also you are coming to life. There it is. Among your group

*The words, égi nišge gaíja horawarakerekjéną, are omitted from the Bollingen text (s. 511), although they are reflected in the translation.



[X]c’îñ[·|] nicgê honíhê hani[υ´] [X] ha-îñ[·|]ne[|]
wąkšíkš’į́kje, nišge honihé haníregi, wąkšiga’įkjanéną."
you may live, I also group if they are, I shall live."



háo jegú[|] hagâré[ƪ] [X]i’iⁿ[ʆ] gi
"Háo, žegų́ną." Hagoréžą wąkšigi’į́že. Égi
"Yes, yes, [thus it is."] Finally, they were born again. And



[ω] tcûⁿiṇe[ʆ] wañgᴇnîñg[ƪ] here[ʆ] [ω]
žigé cų’į́reže. Wągenįgížą hereže.* Žigé
again he was given birth. A boy he was. Again

*this word is omitted in the Bollingen text (s. 516).



p. 61 —

wanîñgik‘ik‘aradjedja [X]’îⁿ[ʆ] [ω] hûñgwañkcî́k’îⁿ[ʆ] [α]
Wanįgikikárajéja wąkšik’į́že, žigé hųgwą́kšik’į́že.* Égi
in the Thunderbird Clan he came to live, again with the chief he came to live. And

*the Bollingen text (s. 516) repeats žigé hųgwą́kšik’į́že a second time, although there is no support for it in the original text.



[=][-] hicgê [X]’iⁿ[ʆ] wañgí[ƪ] here[ʆ´]
hicakórora hišgé wąkšik’į́že. Wągížą herežé.
the friend also he came to live. A male he was.



hagâré[ƪ] hak‘ik‘idjawi[ʆ] hik‘igíwi[ʆ] xônúnîñk hira[נ·]
Hagoréžą hakikijáwiže, hikigíwiže, xonúnįk hiranúnįge
Finally, they met one another, they recognized one another, small although being,



waru-á[⨪][נ·] hak‘ik‘idjai[υ] hik‘igíre[ʆ] gip‘iⁿna
waruánągenúnige hakikijaíreže hikigíreže. Gipį́ra
although they were held, they met one another, they recognized one another. Liking it



Bollingen (English), p. 36 —

rok‘ônaiⁿṇe[ʆ] hagâré[ƪ] xedénîñgi[υ]ji [ω] [=]
rokonaíreže. Hagoréžą xeténįgiregíži, žigé hicakóro
they did very much. Finally, when they were a little bigger, again friends



k‘îⁿṇe[ʆ] hagâré[ƪ] xedére[ʆ] [ω] [λ]aíre[ʆ]
kįréže.* Hagoréžą xetéreže. Žigé žesgaíreže.
they made themselves. Finally, [they grew up.] Again they were the same.

*the Bollingen text (s. 520) has, hitcakó‧ro-kįréje.



wonáñγirê ûⁿ [X]’íⁿṇe[ʆ] djasgê [X]’îⁿ
Woną́ǧire ’ų wąkšik’įréže. Jasgé wąkšik’į́
War to make they lived. [How] to live



hiránihe[-] [ω] [λ]aire[ʆ] worák dêê
hiranihéra,* žigé žesgaíreže. Worák tee
they were doing, again they were the same. Story this

*the Bollingen text (s. 522) has, wąkcik-’į́hiranihèra.



p. 62 —

horágire[ʆ] mañxi wañgᴇ[υ´] wajaⁿgû́ⁿz[-] [β] hahíre[ʆ]
horágireže, mą́xiwągeregi, Wažągų́zera éja hahíreže.
they told, up to the heavens, Earthmaker there they reached.



[ε] hi[ƪ´] [λ] hi[γ´] [X]ho-iⁿṇa
Ésge hižą́ žesge higíži, wą́kšigo’įra
Therefore, one that if he does, life



hik‘ik‘uruk‘ônô [X]-îñkdjáⁿṇê [λ] horágiré[|] haⁿp
hikikúrukono wą́kšik’įkjáre, žesge horágireną. Hąp
in his own control he would live, that they told. Day



dêê higûⁿ [λ] dirák[ɜ] wonaγirê
teé higų́ žesge tirákšaną. Woną́ǧire
this still that it is going on. War



’ŭédja t’adjê [λ] hik‘igá[⨪][ɜ]
’ų éja t’áje žésge hikigánąkšaną.
to make there to die that they tell one another.



[ε] wonaγirêra[ɜ] wewî[⨪´][ɜ] wok‘arakdjaⁿbi[ƪ´] here[ʆ´]
Ésge woną́ǧirerášaną wewiną́kšaną. Wokarają́bižą́ héreže,
Therefore, wars only they think about. A hope it is,



á[⨪][ɜ] [ε] wa-ú[⨪][ɜ] [δ] jenûñgá[|]
ánąkšaną. Ésge wa’únąkšáną. Žégų ženųgáną.
they say. Therefore, they do it. So this ends.



1 On page 30 verso, Paul Radin writes this comment: "Distinctive to most raconteurs [John Rave] used connectives very sparingly. He preferred, as a rule, to indicate transitions by other means, by a sentence or a word. Yet the omission of a connective is a defect and makes for an abruptness that would undoubtedly have been criticized by W[innebagoes]."


Paul Radin, "The Two Friends Who Became Reincarnated: The Origin of the Four Nights Wake," The Culture of the Winnebago as Described by Themselves (Baltimore: Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1, 1949) 12-46. Informant: John Rave (Bear Clan). This story is discussed in Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Four Winnebago Myths," Structural Anthropology, vol. 2, trs. Monique Layton (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976) 198-210. The original text is in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 43, 1-62.