Hocąk Text — Ghost Dance Origin Myth II

narrated by Jean Baptiste

Winnebago V, #8: 14

English Translation

As is the case with a number of other Radin interlinear MSS, this text is full of abbreviations for common words and affixes.

α β γ δ ε θ λ ο
égi éja -giži/-nąk* gająga** ésge ųže, jánąga† žesge‡ -žą
* this value changes during the course of the text. The suffix -nąk was introduced on p. 16.
** introduced on p. 16 and again on p. 19.
ųže was introduced on p. 16, jánąga on page 34.
‡ introduced on p. 16.

ρ τ ϕ ψ ω ɕ ɬ V
ánąga žegų* hąké gają žigé -xjį, -eže† éja‡ -nąk
* introduced on p. 19.
† formerly the value for ɕ had been -xjį, but on page 25, the value -eže was introduced in its place.
‡ formerly the sign for éja had been β, but on page 25, ɬ was introduced in its place.

X ʆ ƪ ‧| \ / |‧
wąk -že -kjaneną* -kjaneną† šaną -ną nihé hižą́‡ nąk hire, nihe‡‡
* introduced on page 27.
† introduced on page 33.
‡ introduced on page 34.
‡‡ the value nihe was first presented on page 36.

Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].

Key —

First Row "raw" text from Paul Radin, Notebook, Winnebago V, #8: 14-37.
Second Row revised text.
Third Row English translation based in part on that of The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves.

Winnebago V, #8: 14 —
dêế wanaγí wací waik‘áⁿṇa* tcinốgijaⁿ
Teé Wanaǧí Waší waiką́na. Ciną́gižą
This Ghost Dance fable. A town
*this word is written above a lined out wañgᴇrá.



[β] nañkí [β] ’uāñk hotcîⁿtcíⁿjaⁿ
éja nąkí, éja wąk hocįcįžą
there it was, there man a young man



hinû́ñk kanañkcế hinûñk p‘ī́́ⁿjaⁿ hêrejế
hinų́k kanąkšé. Hinųk pįžą herežé.
woman he married. Woman a good looking one she was.



wōkárasgí xêdêxdjîⁿjế djasgê hi[ρ] hanaⁿdjíhi
Wokárasgí xedexjįžé. Jasge hi-anąga hanąjíhi
His own he loved [it was very great.] Whatever kindness



hokáraniⁿnañgíji [λ] his’ajê hagâréjaⁿ howajá[ʆ]
hokáranįnągíži, žesge his’aže. Hagoréžą, howažáže.
he could do for his own, [that] he did. Once she got sick.



’uañkdócêwêra djanûñga[γ] hanáⁿtc waruhîⁿtc nunigê
Wąktóšewera janągagiži, haną́c waruhįc, nunige
Doctors as many as all he bade come, but



[ϕ] wajaⁿ jêêsgáni[ʆ] jếgūⁿ wak‘aⁿtcañk
hąké wažą žeesgániže. Žégų, wakącąk
not [anything] it was of no avail. [Then] [holy one]



honiná ruc’ákcê hagâré[ο] jêgû[γ] t’é[ʆ] [a]
honina ruš’ákše. Hagoréžą, žegųgiži, t’éže. Égi
[he sought] [with no result.] [In time,] [thus] [she died.] [Then]



haⁿhé[γ] wanáñγi-adajáhira ’uinegí rohaⁿ[ɕ] dji[ʆ]
hąhégiži, Wanáǧatažáhira ’ųinegi rohą́xjį jiže.
[at night,] [Ghost Lightning] [when they did,] [a great many] [they came.]



[X]cîk-p‘î́ⁿ[ο] herế[ʆ] [ε] rohaⁿ[ɕ] gidji[ʆ]
Wąkšikpįžą heréže. Ésge rohą́xjį gijire.
[A good man] [he was.] [So] [a great many] they helped him.



p. 15 —
[X] hitcáwîⁿ git’ā́nañka wānaíñcguni[ɕ] wokícdjôⁿ[ʆ]
Wąk hicáwį git’ánąka wanaįšgunixjį wokíšjąže.
[Man] [his wife] [who had died,] [very peacefully] [he strengthened himself.]



[α] [ω] hāⁿhé hinûⁿbốhaⁿ[γ] hadjíne[ʆ]
Égi žégų hąhé hinųbóhągiži, hajíreže.
[And] [then] [night] [after the second one,] [they came.]



djobốhaⁿ [ʆ][λ] híre[ʆ] [α] hāⁿhé
Jobóhą žežesge híreže. Égi hąhé
[Four times] [such things] [they did.] [And] [night]



hidjobốhôṇa hahû́ⁿp hirêgíji haínî[ɕ] wanaxí
Hijobóhąra hąhąp hiregíži hainixjį wanaǧí
[The fourth time] [all night] [they did, and] [early in the morning] [ghost]



k‘uⁿṇa ’uíṇe[ʆ] rucdjaⁿrehi* [λ] hanáⁿtc
k’ųra ’ųi´reže. Rušjąrehi žesge haną́c
[games] [they did.] [Having finished] [that] [everyone]
*/hi/ is inserted above the line by a caret.



hakaraíre[ʆ] [α] [X] hitcáwîⁿ git’anáñgᴇrê
hakaraíreže. Égi wąk hicáwį git’ánągere
[they went home.] [And] [man] [his wife] [who had died,]



hikârohōā́nañga s’ānîñk wioiréra tcawë[ʆ]
hikarohoánąga s’anįk wioiréra caweže.
[he got himself ready, and] [in the direction] [the setting sun] [he went towards.]



wanaγínañgᴇre naγíragᴇrá wioiréra howaranañkcế ā́nañkcana
Wanaǧinągere, naǧíragerá wioiréra howaranąkšé, ánąkšaną.
[The dead,] [their souls] [the setting sun] [go,] [they say.]



[β] [ε] hitcáwiṇa naγíragᴇra kuruxế
Éja ésge hicáwįna naǧíragera kuruxé
[There] [therefore] [his wife] [her soul] [to follow]



p. 16* —
wa’ûⁿ[γ] hire[γ] dóware[ʆ] hagâréjaⁿ hahí
wa’ųgiži hiregíži, tówareže. Hagoréžą, hahí
[when he did it,] [he thought,] [he went in that direction.] [In time] [after awhile]
*the following was written at the top of the page:


    ’ûⁿjê = θ
     jêsgê = λ
     γ = nañk



hokikúruc’åk[ʆ] hiságûⁿkếrê ’ûⁿ[ʆ] hahí gádjûñga
hokikúruš’ákše. Hiságųkére ’ųže. Hahí gájąga
[he became exhausted.] [Cane] [he used.] [After awhile] [finally]



[ϕ] waja jêsgánijê* hahí kikúrudi
hąké wažą žesganįže. Hahí kikúruti
[not] [anything] [he could not do.] [After awhile] [to crawl]
*after this word, the text has, "(gadjûñga = δ)."



’ûⁿjê [ω] hupấrora wowáha[ʆ] wa[θ´]
’ųže. Žégų hupórora wowáhaže, wa’ų́že.
[he did.] [Then] [his knees] [he trailed her,] [he did it.]



hīⁿcgê rujáb[ρ´] hupấrora [λ] hiraítcak[ʆ]
Hįšge ružabánąga hupórora žesge hiraicakše.
[Basswood] [he pulled the bark off and] [his knees] [those] [he bandaged.]



nunigế [δ] hosgê hokikúruc’ak[ʆ´] [α]
Nunigé, gájąga hosge hokikúruš’akšé. Égi
[However,] [finally] [just] [he was exhausted.] [And]



hoc’âgᴇnigi[ο] k‘ûⁿhaídja hi[ʆ] gadjáⁿ hoc’ốk*
hoš’ógenįgižą kųhaį́ja hiže. Gają́ hoš’ók
[a little knoll] beneath [he was.] [Then] [knoll]
*the /ô/ is hypercorrected with an /â/ written above it.



hihágᴇnigᴇnañgrế mop‘iⁿ[ɕ] djînîñk* wa’ú[V][ʆ]†
hihágenigenągeré, mopį́xjį jinįk wa’únąkše.
on the top, [a most pleasant country] [he had come to ?] [it was it.]
*the first syllable is written above the line and is overwritten at the same time, making it almost impossible to read.
†the sign [V] is defined later as -nąk.



mop‘iⁿ[ɕ] djînîñknañgrế [β] hahitcê p‘īⁿna
Mopį́xjį jinįknągeré, éja hahíce. pįna
[The most pleasant country] [that he had come to ?] [there] [he dwelt.] [The good one]



hire[ʆ´]* howanáⁿ hy[ρ´] djasgê hi[ρ´]
hiréže. Howaną hiánąga jasge hiánąga
[it was.] [To roll over] [he did, and] [what] [he did, and]
*in the text this is run together with the previous word.



p. 17 —
kiwaxurúdjᴇnañdjá diránañgi [λ] hi[ρ´] uáñk‘ûⁿ
kiwaxurújenąjá tiánągi, žesge hiánąga ’uą́k’ų,
[he managed to inch himself along] [as he crawled,] [that] [he did, and] [doing thus,]



rogû́ñga [β] hîⁿp[ʆ] [β] hi[γ´]
rogųga, éja hįpše. Éja higíži,
[while longing,] [there] [he lay.] [There] [after he did it,]



hot’erácana higiré[ʆ] hicdjá nawî́ⁿjañkcê dêë́woíraki*
hot’erášąną higiréže. Hišjá nawįžąkše. Teewoíraki
[only to die] [he thought.] [Eyes] [closed in sleep.] [Unexpectedly]
*an /ê/ is written above the initial /ê/ and an /ë́́́́/ is written over the /o/. I take this to indicate a clarification, changing to dêë́́. This form of the word is highly unusual, the typical form being dewéraki.



[X] híjaⁿ hit’ênañgû́ⁿ[ʆ] hidjikếrekdjéna egí
wąk hížą hit’enągų́že. Hijikérekjéną egí
[man] [a] [he spoke.]

["Get ready to go,]




hadjë́́́́na ējế djaⁿpgádjaⁿ dewoíraki ’uañgᴇnañkêwesgéjaⁿ
hajéną," ežé. Jąpgáją, tewoíraki, wągenąkewesgéžą
[I am,"] [he said.] [When he opened his eyes,] [unexpectedly,] [a terror inspiring person]



[α] naⁿjî́ⁿdjejê [X] woikikáγᴇra rorá hicếk
égi nąžįježe. Wąk woíkikáǧera rorá hįšék
[here] [he was standing.] [Man] [his clothes] [his body] [shaggy]



ki[ρ´] wa’û́ⁿdjejê húnâⁿṇê [α] jegûⁿ
kiánąga wa’ų́ježe. "Húnąne égi," žegų
[he made himself, and] [he was doing this.] "Come here," [so then]



t’aⁿp djir[ρ´] hironąk maníṇe[ʆ] tcípâroké[ο]
t’ąp jiránąga* hironą́k manįreže. Ciporokeížą
[he jumped up] [he came, and] [he follows] [they walked.] [An oval lodge]
*for ji-hánąga.



[β][γ][ʆ] ēdjokawaíre[ʆ] [β] wagê[ʆ´] hitcûⁿcgế
ejagižiže. Éjokawaíreže. Éja wagežé, "Hicųšgé,
[there it was.] [There they went in.] [There] [he said to him,] ["Grandson,]



p. 18 —
wanáⁿdjodjaiⁿsgê wac’ûⁿcáwañkcána nūnigế hîñkê wajốⁿarijaⁿ
waną́jojaįsge waš’ųšáwąkšáną nunigé hįké wažąnarižą*
[pitiable] [you were making it,] [but] [not] [anything]
*the usual rule is that if there are two /h/'s in a compound word, the second /h/ is converted into an /r/; but wažąnarižą seems to be for wažąna-hižą, so we see the /h/ converted here to an /r/ without any preceeding /h/.



nîñgídjidê cuxurugᴇnína djagúji* nîñgídjidanâⁿṇá [λ]
nįgíjite šuxurugenįną. Jagúži nįgíjitanąná žesge
[I am helping] [you cannot achieve.] [What] [I can do to help] [that]
*just before this word, djagúiyaⁿ is lined out.



hakdjonéna higế[ʆ]* [α] warútc gigi[ʆ]
hakjanéną," higéže. Égi warúc gigiže.
[I will do,"] [he told him.] [Then] [to eat something] [he caused him.]
*just before this word hîñkếjê has been lined out.



[α] wagê[ʆ´] jeguⁿ ’uáñgᴇre tcowérêgi
Égi wagežé, "Žegų, wą́gere cowéregi
[And] [he told him] ["So] [this man] [ahead]



hitcakấrohara hirará híkdjonéna [α] hebêrếgi
hicakárohará hirará híkjanéną. Égi heberégi
[my friend] [you get there] [he will be.] [And] [this side]



nī́́ⁿ[ο] hirara híkdjonéna niñxêdêxdjî́ⁿ[ο]* hêrénaⁿ
nį́ža hirara híkjanéną. Nįxetexjį́žą heréną.
[a river] [you get there] [he will be.] [A great river] [it is.]
*within this word the symbol ʆ has been deleted by a vertical line and xdjî́ⁿ written out in its place.



jêế harot’áⁿbikdjônénaⁿ hihára ’uandjê jêê
Žeé harot’ą́bikjanéną.* Hihára ’uą́je žee
[This one] [you will cross.] [You get there] [do] [this]
*< ha-hot’ą́p-hi-kjané-ną.



curue’ákiji [β] cúruc’ágiⁿkdjônéna hat’aⁿbádjê ranáⁿṇế
šurue’akiži, éja šúruš’ágenįkjanéną. Hat’ąbáje. Raną́ré."
[you open it up, and] [there] [you cannot possibly fail.] [Jump over it.] [You will do it."]



[α] [ω] re[ʆ] [α] ’uáⁿhigadjaⁿ
Égi žigé reže. Égi ’uą́higáją,
[Then] [again] [he started out.] [And] [as he was going,]



p. 19* —
dêế woíraki [β] hirahi[γ] niñxêdê[ɕ´][ο] sākdjî́ⁿ[ʆ]
teé woíraki, éja hirahigiži, nįxetexjį́žą sakjį́že.
[unexpectedly,] [there] [he arrived, and] [a great river] [it was swift.]
*at the top of this page, Radin has written down the following equations:


gádjuñga   δ
hire[ʆ] = [left blank]
jeguⁿ = τ
[blank]    V



djasgê sasásᴇnañkí [λ´][γ] bopíⁿnipîni[ʆ] hat’áⁿbᴇragitcêxí[ʆ´]
Jasge sasásnąkí žesgegiži, bopį́nipiniže. Hat’ąberagicexižé.
[So] [swift] [kind it was, and] [it swirled about.] [He dreaded to jump.]



ā́gᴇra mororá tcowế[ɕ] tcaⁿt’îáñk[ʆ] tcowế[ɕ]
Ágera mororá cowéxjį cąt’ią́kše. Cowéxjį
[The other side] [the bank] [very small] [it looked.] [Very small]



tcorák[ʆ] [X]cî́k tcexanísgê tcaⁿt’î́ⁿ[ʆ] [ϕ]
corákše.* Wąkšík cexanísge cąt’į́že. Hąké
[it lay blue?]. [Man] [like an eyebrow] [it looked.] [Not]
*as a single word, this is a hapaxlegomena. Given Baptiste's propensity to change the initial /h/ of the second member of a compound to /r/, the word may be a compound of co, "blue"; and hak, "to lie"; and -še as the sentence terminator.



hat’áⁿp p‘îⁿní[ʆ] [δ] ’uⁿdja’ûⁿ djagú
hat’ą́p pįníže. Gająga, ’ųja’ų, jagú
[to jump] [it was not good.] [Now then,] [finally,] [what]



hat’áⁿbikdjanejế ḗjarê hirê[γ] jêgûⁿ djasgếgi
hat’ąbikjanežé. Éžare, hiregiži, "Žegų, jasgégi
[he must jump.] [He may have said,]

[when he thought,]

["Thus,] [anyhow]



hêrekdjê hire[ʆ] jêgûⁿ hat’áⁿbikdjê hire[ʆ]
herekje," hireže. Žegų, hat’ąbikje, hireže.
[it will be,] [he thought.] [Thus,] [he will jump,] [he thought.]



[τ] t’era rus[γ´] s’íredjaⁿ tcejarê
Žegų, t’era rusgiži, "S’íreją cežare,"
[So] [to die] [when he took,] ["Long ago] [I died perhaps,"]



hire[ʆ] [ε] [δ] núñgadji[ρ´] hicdja
hireže. Ésge, gająga, nų́gajiánąga* hišja
[he thought.] [Therefore,] [now then,] [he ran, and] eyes
*nų́gaji is a hapaxlegomenon whose meaning is derived from its context.



nû́ⁿwij[ρ´] [τ] t’áⁿbirejê [ψ]* āgếdja
nų́wižánąga žegų t’ą́bireže. Gadjâ agéja
[he shut his eyes, and] [then] [it was jumped.] [Then] [other side]
*the word gadją is written above this sign (to establish its value).



kiri[γ´][ʆ] niṇoxoruxútc[ʆ] āgếdja horuxútc
kirigižiže. Nįruxuruxúcše. Agéja horuxúc
[he reached.] [He completely accomplished his object.] [The other side] [he looked]



p. 20 —
rehikdjegê wa’ûñ[ψ] [ϕ] niⁿ wajaⁿ
rehikjege, wa’ųgają, hąké wažą
[because he had done it,] [he did it, and] [not] [water] [anything]



hadja-ní[ʆ] p‘î́ⁿ hiwesî́ⁿwi[ψ´] dê woíraki nicónañk
hajaníže. Pį́ hiwesį́wįgają́. tewoíraki nišónąk
[he could not see.] [Well] [after he looked around,] [unexpectedly,] [the river]



xonûñ[ɕ]nîgí[ο] hot’áⁿp djihúnañga hat’áⁿp djiy[ρ´]
xonųnigížą hot’ą́p jihúnąga hat’ą́p jiánąga
[a little one] [he had leapt] [he passed by, and] [jumping] [he arrived, and]



wa’û́ⁿdje[ʆ] nicónoñgᴇnigôñká* bopî́nipî́ninîñdjôñk[γ] xêdế[ɕ] hadjadjerá†
wa’ų́ježe. Nįšą́nągenigąká bopįnipįninįjąknąk, xetéxji., hajajerá
[he had done it.] [The little stream] [roiled about,] [greatly,] [that he saw]
*the word before this, nicốnôñk, has been lined out.
†the word before this, hadjarera, has been lined out.



hosgế wa’uⁿjế [α] wajaⁿná hijáⁿ
hosgé wa’ųžé. "Égi wažąná hižą́
[just] [he did it.] ["And] [the things] [one of them]



wotcếxigíji wowát’egᴇnîñk me[λ] hānañgê wa’uⁿgúni
wocéxigíži, wowát’egenįk, mežesge hanąge, wa’ųgúni,"
[while it was difficult,] [it was easy,] [in this way] [as I did,] [maybe I am doing it,"



hire[ʆ´] [τ][γ´] winấⁿji[ʆ] djagu ’uáñka
hiréže. "Žegųgíži, winą́žįže." Jagu ’uą́ka
[he thought.] ["If thus,] [there is hope."] [What] [as he did,]



ruxúrudjíkdjanê hirêjê [α] re[ʆ´] [β]
ruxúrujíkjane, hireže. Égi režé. Éja
[he would accomplish,] [he thought.] [And] [he went on.] [There]



’uáⁿhi[ψ] tcipâroké[ο] hirohi[ʆ] hokếwecírejê
’uą́higáją, ciporokéžą hirahiže, hokéwe šíreže.
[as he went along,] [an oval lodge] [he came to,] [he entered] [they lived.]



p. 21 —
hokêwe[ʆ] dê woíraki gadjá [X] híja
Hokeweže. Dewoíraki, gajá wąk hížą
[He entered.] [Unexpectedly,] [then] [man] [one]



hadjí hadjénihera ha [β][γ][ʆ] hidjoⁿṇé[ο]
hají hajé-nihera ha ejaną́kše. Hijaneža
[he came] [who had worn as a kilt] [skin] [there he was.] [Another]



hakíju wa’ú[γ][ʆ]* nûⁿpíwiwi[ʆ] [α] [ω]
hakížu wa’únąkše. Nųpíwiwiže. Égi žigé
[together with] [he was.] [There were two of them.] [And] [again]
*just before this word, wa'uañk has been lined out.



[β] warutc[ʆ´] wohaíⁿ[ο] hidjadjegí wagizếrejê
éja warucšé. Wohaįžą hijajegí, wagizéreže.
[there] [he ate.] [One boiled thing] [as it was on,] [he dished it out.]



[β] warutc[ʆ´] [α] [ω] wagaíre[ʆ]
Éja warucšé. Égi žigé wagaíreže,
[There] [he ate.] [And] [again] [they said to him,]



hitcûⁿcgế djagu c’ûⁿcáwañkế uánaⁿiⁿji nîñgikerekdjoniháwina
"Hicųšgé, jagu š’ušáwąké ’ųánąįži nįgikerekdjaniháwiną.
["Grandson,] [what] [you are doing] [concentrate your mind.]



wotcêxína nếwana-íⁿṇa hidanídje[ʆ´] curuxúrugíkdjônihéna [τ]
Wocexíną. Néwana-į́na hitaníježe. Šuruxúrugíkjanihéną. Žegų
[It is difficult.] [Your mind] [it exerts.] [You will succeed.] [So]



[ω] rarế tcowếrêgi hitckấrohawíra nañgᴇrá
žigé raré cowéregi hickárohawíra nągerá
[again] [go] [ahead] [our friend] [who sits]



[β] ḗji wajaⁿṇaícgê hijáⁿ hinįgékdjonéna
éja éži wažaraíšge hižą́ hinįgékjanéną.
[there] [instead] [things also] [one of them] [he will tell you.]



p. 22 —
[α] nîñgidjidékdjôniháwináⁿji. higaírejê [α] [ω]
Égi nįgijitékjaniháwiną́ži," higaíreže. Égi žigé
[And] [I will also help you perhaps,"] [he said to hiim.] [And] [again]



rế[ʆ] hagâréjaⁿ [ω] [β] ’uáⁿhi[ψ]
réže. Hagoréžą, žigé éja ųą́higają,
[he went on.] [In time,] [again] [there] [as he went along,]



tcipâroké[ο] hirahí[γ] [ω] hokêwecíre[ʆ]
ciporokéžą hirahígíži, žigé hokewe šíreže.
[an oval lodge] [he got there, and] [again] [he entered] [they lived.]



hokếwe[ψ] dê wë́raki [X]ra daní. [β]
Hokéwegają, tewéraki wągera taní. Éja
[After he went in,] [unexpectedly,] [men] [three.] [There]



hanañgwi[ʆ] nûⁿpíwi hahiwadjága ēṇûⁿpíwi wa’uáⁿnañk[ʆ]
hanągwiže, nųpíwi. Hahiwajága, enųpíwi wa’uą́nąkše.
[they sat,] [two.] [When he saw them,] [two of them] [they had kept on.]



hią́widáni[ʆ]* ējêế warútcgigi[ʆ´] ḗjigûⁿ hikit’é[ʆ]
hią́widániže, "Ežeé warúcgigižé," éžigų, hikit’é[že].

[The three said,]

["This one] [he shall eat,"] [so they] [they spoke to themselves.]
*an /ą/ is written above an original /ó/.



hitcûⁿcgế djagu c’ûⁿcáwañgᴇrê wotcêxína nunigê
"Hicųšgé, jagu š’ųšáwągere wocexíną, nunige
"Grandson,] [what] [you did as you went,] [it was difficult,] [but]



nîñgídjidékdjaniháwinají hidadjế wa’uáⁿdjê djagu
nįgíjitékjaniháwinaží. Hitajé wa’uą́je. Jagu
[I will perhaps help.] [Exert your utmost prowess.] [What]



hinigékdjaniháwirê c’ûⁿ[γ´]* curuxúrugíkdjanihéna curuc’ā́kiji
hinigékjaniháwire š’ųgiži, šuruxúrugíkjanihéną. šuruš’ákiži,
[we are going to tell you] [if you do,] [you will accomplish it.] [If you fail,]
*[γ] vacilates between the values -nąk and -giži. In this case, the context makes it clear that it is -giži.



p. 23 —
wanáⁿdjodjaíⁿsgê warakík‘ûñkdjanéna higêjê [α]
waną́jojaį́sge warakik’ųkjanéną," higeže. Égi
[pitiable] [you will make yourself,"] [he said to him.] [Then]



warúdj[é]rucdjañ[γ´] [ω´]re[ʆ] ’uáⁿhi[ψ´] hoc’ogíjaⁿ
warujerušjągíži, žigérežé. ’Uą́higáją, hoš’ogížą
[after he finished eating,] [again he went on.] [As he went along,] [a hill]



haγếbᴇre[ψ] dewéraki hosdóxêdê[ɕ´]jaⁿ [β] nañk[ʆ]
haǧéberegają, tewéraki, hostóxetexjį́zą, éja nąkše.
[it appeared, and] [unexpectedly,] [a large gathering place,] [there] [it sat.]



tcinañgí[ο] hêrejế hojedjấⁿṇa [ϕ] tcaⁿt’î́ⁿni[ʆ] djaⁿbᴇrá
Cinągížą herežé. Hožeją´na hąké cąt’įniže Jąberá
[A town] [it was.] [The end] [not] [it was not seen.] [The sight]



hahi hoixáwaniⁿjế hidjá hadjitcawé[ʆ] [ψ]
hahi hoixáwanįžé. Hijá hajicawéže. Gają,
[after awhile] [it vanished.] [There] [he reached.] [Then]



hîñkê [X]cî́k nîñgê wajaní[ʆ] hañkíjañkíxdjîⁿ*
hįké wąkšík nįge wažąníže. Hąkížąkixjį
[not] [man] [anywhere] [there was not any.] [Not a single one]
*the first two syllables of this word (hagi), as well as the sign prior to it (ϕ), were deleted with angled lines and above them was written hañkí.



rarë́cgê hadjaní[ʆ] naⁿhaitcirárekí[ɕ][ʆ´] tcirá hijá
rareške hajaníze. Nąhaicirárekíxjįžé. Cirá hižą́
[even] [he did not see.] [They were all bark lodges.] [Lodges] [one of them]



hois’î́ⁿgacgế tciwáⁿṇas’ajế [β] hijaⁿ
hois’į́gašgé cimą́ras’ažé. Éja hižą
[when he peeped in also] [the lodges would always be empty.] [There] [one of them]



[γ]ijí [β] hokêwejế [β] ’uañgᴇrá
nąkiží, éja hokewežé. Éja wągerá
[it sat, and] [there] [he entered.] [There] [the men]



djopíwi hanañgwí[ʆ] wadjá nihegá edā́ni
jopíwi hanągwíže. Wajá nihegá etani
[four] [they sat.] [He saw] [who were there] [those three]



p. 24 —
wa’uaⁿnañgwí[ʆ] [α] hidjaⁿṇéjaⁿ widjópcê [α]
wa’uągwíže. Égi hijąnéžą wijópše. Égi
[they came.] [And] [another one] [he was fourth.] [And]



hidjaⁿṇế widjóbᴇnîñka wejế hitcûⁿcgế horawácura
hijąné, wijóbenįka,* wežé, "Hicųšgé, horawášara†
[this other one,] [the fourth man,] [he said,] "Grandson," [you are going]
*wijóp means "the fourth one", or "fourth"; the ending -nįka could be -nįk-ka, "the little one"; or it could be analyzed as -nį-ka, where -nį is an old suffix indicating the male gender, and -ka is in either case a definite article. The suffix -ka is usually reserved for names, but not always. Therefore, it could also be the name, "The Fourth Man", but since none of the other three men were given a name relating to their sequence, this seems unlikely. Nor is it likely that size is made reference to here, since it has not been hitherto. So "the fourth man" seems like the most probable translation.
†this is the attested form, the form horawašura is unattested.



dếê heréna núnigê hitcawinága hîñkế
tée heréną, núnige hicawįrága hįké
[this] [it is,] [but] [your wife] [not]



hacdjá curuxúrugᴇnína djagú ’unicikdjanáharê [λ]
hašjá šuruxúrugeníną. Jagú ’unišikjanáhare, žesge
[for you to see] [you are not able.] [What] [I shall do for you,] [that way]



ragícana hacdjákdjanéna haⁿhé[γ] wací hirékdjanahéna
ragíšąną. Hašjákjanéną. Hąhégiži, waší hirékjanahéną.
[you are going to do.] [You will see.] [Once it becomes night,] [dance] [they will do.]



[β] hañkagá nîñgế hocuruxútcnîñkdjéna haniníji
Éja hąkagá nįgé hošuruxurúcnįkjéną. Haniníži
[There] [never] [anything] [you will not accomplish.] [To be on your guard]



ha’û́ñkdjaniháwina hitcokấrowahará wokaraíkiju* nîñgê hocúruxútcgijí
ha’ų́kjaniháwiną. Hicakórowahará, wokaraíkižu. Nįge hošúruxurúcgiži,
[you must do.] [My friends,] [I with them.] [Anything] [if you accomplish,]
*Radin indicates that the sentence ends here.



djagu c’úⁿṇadjirá hanáⁿtc curuc’ágikdjanihéna higê[ʆ´]
jagu š’ų́rajirá, haną́c šuruš’ágikjanihéną," higežé.
[what] [you are doing,] [everything] [you will obtain,"] [he said.]



p. 25* —
[α] hoxdjanáñ[ʆ] dewë́raki reγarupấrogi[ο´] gitcgaíre[ʆ]
Égi hoxjaną́že. Tewéraki, reǧorupórogižą́ gicgaíreže.
[Then] [it was evening.] [Unexpectedly,] [a drum] [it was struck.]
*at the top of this page, Radin has written:

      \ = canaⁿ
      / = naⁿ
      - = ra
      ɕ = ējê
     edja = ɬ

gi was written with no corresponding sign.


tciwî́ⁿdjikere[ʆ´] [ψ] [τ] nîñgecána hohốbire[ʆ´]
Ciwįjikerežé. Gają žegų, nįgešáną hohóbirežé.
[It thundered.] [Then] [thus,] [here and there] [they raised a shout.]



[ω]hirarế[ɕ][ψ´]* [ω] gitciwî́ⁿṇe[ʆ] [ω] hiratcéra[ʆ]
Žigehiraréxjįgáją žigé, gicįwį́reže. Žigé, hiracéraže.
[Very soon,] [again] [they struck it.] [Again] [it increased.]
*/dj/ is scribbled out between ʆ and ω.



hohóbᴇra [ω] hidaníhoⁿṇa gitcgá hire[ʆ]
Hohóbera žigé, hitanihǫna gicgá hireže.
[The shouts] [again] [for the third time] [to strike up] [they did.]



hidjobóⁿhoⁿ[-] ’uíṇegi waíre[ʆ] higŭấⁿ[-] hêrekdjé[/]
Hijobóhǫna ’uíregi waíreže, higuą́na herekjéną.
[For the fourth time] [when they did,] [they said it,] [immediately,] [it will be.]



k‘ếnitci[-´] hokíracíriní [ɕ] [ε] haraíre[ʆ]
"K’éni crá hokíra-šíri-ní," eže,* ésge haraíreže.
["Not yet the lodge] [it was crowded,"] [he said,] [and so] [they began.]
*this value for [ɕ] is reiterated by being written above the word at this place in the text.



tcinốñgᴇ[γ]á hokiságêdja tcisérêtc hijáñki [ɬ]
cinấgenąká* hokiságeja cisérec hižą́ki éja
[This village] [in the center] [long house] [only one] [there]
*over this [γ] is written the suffix -nąk.



hahíre[ʆ] ējêế howací hotci[-´] hêrejê [ɬ]
hahíreže. "Ežeé howaší hocirá hereže." Éja
[they went.] ["This one] [dance] [lodge] [he is."] [There]



hahíre[γ´] hokisák gokônáñgire[ʆ´]* djadjîⁿṇédjaⁿ sûⁿṇếgi
hahíregíži, hokisák gokeną́girežé. Jajįnéją sųnégi,
[they went, and] [center] [they made an opening.] [Right away] [in back,]
*the initial /h/ was overwritten with a /g/. The closest word to what is presented in the text is gokenąk, there being no gokonąk or gokąnąk attested anywhere else. The original hokąnąk means, "he placed."


p. 26 —
jijí wanañxgû́ⁿ[ʆ] wá[γ][ʆ] (wagisgadjī́́ṇa)*
žiží wanąxgų́že. Wánąkše, "Wagisga jira,
[whispering] [he heard.] [They said,] ["Wagisga] [who has come,]
*the parentheses are in the text. Directly above the name is "?", and above that is written, "bead ornament worn around neck.". For this name, see the Commentary.



hitcawína kuruxadjína e wa’unáñk[\] hosgế
hicawína kuruxajíną.* E wa’ųną́kšaną." Hosgé
[his wife] [he came in pursuit.] [He] [it is."] [Just for fun]
*< kuruxé, "to pursue"; hají, "he came"; and -ną, a sentence terminator indicating direct knowledge of the truth of the sentence.



wa’unañkádjaⁿ djagucgế ruxurugíkdje[ʆ] ā́nañk[ʆ] wanañxguⁿ[γ][ʆ]
wa’ųnąkáją, jagušgé ruxurugíkježe. ánąkše. Wanąxgųnąkše.
[they were, and] [how also] [he would fail,] [they were saying.] [He heard them.]



ê rajítc wá[γ][ʆ] hitcawí ṇacgế
E ražíc wanąkše, "Hicawí našgé
[They] [teasing] [saying,] ["His wife] [she untied]



hikánatcûⁿ[ψ]* ā́[γ][ʆ] kodế ne hakanû́ñk
hikánącų́giži," ánąkše. "Koté, ne hakąną́k
[when she got married,"] [they were saying.] ["Exclamation] [I myself] [I married]
*just before this word, hîñkê naⁿdjo is lined out.



hadjé[/] cgê ā́[γ][ʆ] [α] naⁿwáⁿṇa
hajéną," šge ánąkše. Égi nąwą́na
[I have,"] [also] [he said.] [Then] [songs]



djirehíre[ʆ] rokốnaⁿjê wigízok (?)* wajáⁿ wahirácgê
jirehíreže. Rokónąže, wogízok wažą́. Wahírašge
[they started up.] It was great, [truly] [something.] [His relatives also]
*the parenthetical question mark appears in the text. As indicated, this is probably a mistranscription of wogízok.



ëcgê náⁿwa horehírejê náⁿwaⁿ hait’uṇaíre[ʆ]
ešge ną́wą hurehíreže.* Ną́wą hait’unaíre.†
[he also] [to sing] [they went ahead.] [To sing] [they gave as a gift.]
*horé means "to set (like the sun)" and horéhi means "to be wounded." Neither of these is appropriate to the context. However, huré might be appropriate, given the alternance /o/ ~ /u/, as it means "to come on."
† the meaning of this word is unclear. Cf. git’unaíre, "they gave as a gift," where hai- is a contraction of ha-gi. The prefix ha- is found in certain verbs of action (where its meaning is unclear).



wagisgá hitcawína djíra rohû́ⁿdjikdjane[/] ewá[γ][ʆ]
"Wagisgá hicawína jíną. Rohą́jikjaneną,"* ewánąkše.
"Wagisgá [his wife] [she came.] [Many more will come,"] [they said to him.]
*< rohą́-ji-kjane-ną. The form rohų́ for rohą́ is unattested.



naⁿwáⁿṇa haíserêtc ᴇrajídjire[ʆ´] hagâréjaⁿ haíⁿnîgíji
Nąwą́na haį́serec eražíjirežé. Hagaréžą, haį́nigíži,
[Songs] [all night] [they teased him.] [Finally,] [in the morning,]



wirá haγếp‘u[ψ] hanáⁿtc xawanínejê jegû́ⁿjê
wirá haǧép’ųgają, haną́c xawaníneže. Žegų́že.
[the sun] [after it rose,] [everyone] [they vanished.] [Thus it was.]



p. 27* —
hîñkếcgê hagá hitcawína howêsíwinijế
Hįkéšge† hagá hicawína howesį́wįnižé.
[Never] [time] [his wife] [he did not sense her presence.]
*at the top of the page, Radin has written, "-kdjanenaⁿ = ƪ".
† this is short for hįkerešge.



tciho-únañkí* êhowákaraíre[ʆ]† [β]‡ hagíre[ʆ]
Cihunąkí, e howákaraíreže. Éja hagíreže.
[When he came to the lodge site,] [he went back in.] [There] [they arrived.]
* just before this word, tcit’ohu has been lined out.
† the letter /h/ is inserted above the line with a caret.
‡ above this sign is written, "edja!".



wa-iñgínaⁿbire[ʆ´]* dêéji hitcûⁿcgê p‘iⁿṇa núnigê
Wa’įgínąbirežé. Teéži, hicųšge, pįna, núnige
[They thanked him.] ["Of course,] [grandson,] [it is good,] but
*Radin strikes out the apostrophe after /wa/ and replaces it with a dash. However, in later works, the apostrophe is restored as shown here.



[ω] hiraitcérakdjonihé[/] hidja hidádje* wa’ŭáⁿdjê
žigé hiraicérakdjanihéną. Hija hitáje wa’uąje,"
[the next one] [it will be greater.] [There] [mightily] [you must do it,"]
*/hi/ is inserted above the line by a caret.



higaíre[ʆ] [ω] hoxdjanáⁿ[ʆ] [ω] rêγarupấrôkdjegá*
higaíreže. Žigé hoxjaną́že. Žigé reǧarupórokjegá
[they told him.] [Again] [it was evening.] [Again] [the drum]
*there is a bar (|) between the /k/ and the /dj/ (indicating that it is not the future tense of a verb, -kdje-).



gitc[g]airágenijế.* [ω] hinûⁿbốhôⁿṇa gitcgá hirejế
gicgairágenižé. Žigé hinųbóhǫna gicgá hirežé.
[they sounded it.] [Again] [for a second time] [to strike] [they did.]
*this word is legibly written in another hand above the original word in the text which in some respects is hard to read. He omitted the second /g/.



hokarahóhôp hire[ʆ´] hidaníhoⁿṇa gitcíwiⁿre[γ] higŭấna
Hokarahóhop hirežé. Hitaníhǫ́na gicíwįregiži, higuána
[To whoop] [they did.] [For a third time] [they made a great noise, and] [immediately]



herékdjanéna hokiráciríkdjanéna [ω] haraíre[ʆ] hidjá
herékjanéną. Hokiráširíkjanéną. Žigé haraíreže. Hijá
[it will be.] [It will be crowded.] [Again] [they started.] [There]



hahíre[ʆ] [ω] rajítc* hirágᴇni[ʆ] djagu air[ρ´]
hahíreže. Žigé ražijirageniže. Jagu airánąga
[they came.] [Again] [they already began teasing.] [What] [they said, and]
*just before this word, the beginning of the sandhi version, rajidji[...], has been lined out.



p. 28 —
wajaⁿā́[γ]í* [λ] e wá[γ][ʆ] [ω]
wažąnánąki, žesge e wánąkše. Žigé
[as the things were,] [that way] [they] [they were saying it.] [Again]
*the γ has nąk written above it for clarification (since it sometimes has the value giži).



djirêhíre[ʆ] naⁿwáⁿṇa [ω] hiraidjairaxdjîⁿ[ʆ] tconí
jire híreže. Nąwą́na žigé hiraijairaxjįže. coní
[to start, they did.] [The songs] [again] [they were very much more.] [First]



woráwanaⁿ hirêgíji hiñkế jêsgánijê
worawáną, hiregíži, hįké žesgánįže.
[to get through with it] [when they did,] [not] [they could make nothing of it.]



hiraidjaíra[ʆ] gadjûñgacgế naⁿsŭếdja hawasû́ⁿdjiránañga
hiraijairaže. gajągašké nasuéja hawasújiránąga
[It became greater.] [Now this time] [on the head] [they pushed him, and]



wak‘áⁿdjiⁿbíres’á[ʆ] higê hiraidjaíra wagi’úiṇejê [γ]
wakąjįbires’aže. Hige hiraidjaíra wagi’ų́ireže. Nąk
[they pushed his head down.] [To call] [greater] [they made it.] [He sat]



únañk‘ûⁿ haháⁿpcê* [ω]† hadjiákaraíre[ʆ]
únąk’ų, hahąpše. Žigé hajiákaraíreže.
[while he did,] [it became daylight.] [Again] [they returned home.]
*the initial /ha/ has been inserted above the line with a caret.
† just before this symbol, hahaⁿ has been deleted with a wavy line.



wa-iñgínônbiré[ʆ] hitcûⁿcgê p‘iⁿṇáṇa dêế nunigế
Wa’įgínąbiréže. "Hicųšge, pįnáną. Teé, nunigé,
[They thanked him.] ["Grandson,] [it is good.] [This,] [however,]



hiraidjaírakdjonihé[/] honî́ñgidánaⁿ hidjá hidadje* wa’ŭáⁿdjê
hiraijaírakdjanihéną. Honį́gitáną. Hijá hitaje wa’uą́je."
[it will be greater.] [More will left for you.] [There] [mightily] [you must do it."]



[α] hoxdjanáñ[ʆ] [ω] djadjiⁿṇédjaⁿ rêγarupấrogᴇra
Égi hoxjaną́že. Žigé jajįnéją reǧarupórogera
[Then] [it was evening.] [Again] [right away] [the drum]



p. 29 —
gitcgáhirágini[ʆ´] hokaraγế hire[ʆ´] tcegếdja hirohë́knihéra
gicgá hirágenižé. Hokaraǧé* hirežé. cegéja hirohéknihéra
[to sound, they did already.] [To yell] [they did.] [From the first] [he was better]
*cf. hohogeraǧeže, "to yell, shout" (Marino).



rokấna[ɕ][ʆ´] hinûⁿbốhôⁿṇa gitcgá hire[ʆ] higŭấⁿna
rokánaxjįžé. Hinųbóhǫna gicgá hireže. Higuą́na
[he did much.] [For a second time] [to strike] [they did.] [Immediately]



haraírejê higŭấⁿna hêrekdjéna hokirácirikdjanéna ējế
haraíreže. Higuą́na herekjéną. "Hokiráširikjanéną," ežé.
[they began.] [Immediately] [they will have existed.] ["It will be crowded,"] [he said.]



[ε] higŭâⁿṇa haraírejê hahíre[ʆ] [ω]
Ésge higuąna haraíreže. Hahíreže. Žigé
[So] [immediately] [they began.] [They arrived.] [Again]



rajítc hirágᴇnijê gadjûñgácgê* wirakárara [ϕ]
ražijirageniže. gajągáške wirakánara hąké
[they already began teasing.] [Now this time] [his attendants] [not]
*above the letter /î/ of the original gadjîñgácgê, a /û/ has been written.



wa’uní[ʆ] nunigế hîñkê wajáⁿ jesgáni[ʆ´]
wa’ųníže, nunigé hįké wažą žesgánižé.
[they did not do anything,] [but] [not] [anything] [they could make out of it.]



[ω] naⁿwáⁿṇa djirehírejê gádjûñga hîñkê
Žigé Nąwą́na jirehíreže. Gájąga, hįké
[Again] [The songs] [they started.] [Now then,] [not]



wajáⁿ [λ]ánijế* [τ] maⁿṇácgê giksûⁿtcnísge[ʆ]
wažą́ žesgánižé. Žegų mąnášge giksųcnísgeže,
[anything] [they could make out of it.] [Then] [the earth also] [it was like shaking,]
*this is followed by a bar (|).



rêγarupấrôgra gadjûñgácgê wa-iⁿ[ɬ´] harukốzir[ρ´] rudí
reǧarupórogera. Gajągáške wa-įnéja harukóziránąga rutí
[the drum.] [Now this time] [on his blanket] [they took hold of, and] [to drag]



naⁿíⁿnes’á[ʆ] ho-’unañkácgê [β]* kiníⁿbirês’á[ʆ] ’unáñk‘ûⁿ
na’į́nes’áže. Ho’ų́nąkášge éja kįnį́bires’áže. ’Uną́k’ų,
[they continually tried.] [Going, also] [there] [they would always fall down.] [Finally,]
*just before this sign, ɬ is scribbled out.



p. 30 —
hatcûñgérê haháⁿpcê wira haγếp‘u[τ´] [ω]
hacągére, hahą́pše. Wira haǧép’ųgáją, žigé
[after much difficulty,] [it became daylight.] [The sun] [after it rose,] [again]



mîⁿsdjikêre[ʆ] [ω] hakarairágᴇni[ʆ] haⁿhá hitcûⁿcgê
mįsjikereže. Žigé hakarairágeniže. "Hąhá hicųšge,
[they vanished.] [Again] [they had gone home already.] ["Exclamation] [grandson,]



dêếcana wajaⁿ pônaiṇánaⁿ* hiroágᴇra haⁿhékdjanihé[/]
teéšaną wažą ponaįraną. Hiroágera hąhékjanihéną.
[this alone] [something] [it was wonderful.] [The last time] [it will be night.]
*above the letter /ṇ/ an /r/ was written.



hidádje wa’uáⁿdjê hîñkế waja [λ]anikjanihé[/]
Hitáje wa’uąje, hįké wažą žesganikjanihéną."
[Mightily] [you must do it,] [not] [anything] [we will not make out of it."]



gadjîñgáji* wirakarará haruwốñk ha’ûñkdjánihawína nunigế
gajągáži wirakarará háruwank ha’ųkjánihawíną, nunigé
[Now this time] [the attendants] [eight] [we will be in place,] [but]
*this once again has a /î/ where it would ordinarily would have had a /û/. In the present orthagraphy, this is consistently rendered as an /ą/.



hîñkế wajanína hidadjế[ɕ] wac’uñgi ca-ną* hêrékdjanihé[/]
hįké wažaníną. Hitajéxjį waš’ųgí, šaną herékjanihéną,"
[not] [it is nothing.] [If you try hard,] only [she will remain,"]
*ca-ną is written above the line over a [\].



higá[γ][ʆ] djadjiṇédjaⁿ hoxdjánaⁿ[ʆ] [ω]
higánąkše. Jajinéją hoxjánąže. Žigé
[they said to him.] [Right away] [it was evening.] [Again]



rêγarupấrôgra gítciwîⁿ hirágîni[ʆ] [ψ] rokốna[ɕ][ʆ]
reǧarupórogera gícįwį hiráginiže. Gają rokónaxjįže.
[the drum] [they struck it] [they already did.] [Then] [it was great.]



[τ] hahí ’uañg[β´]* γ’û́ñk[ʆ´] waγé[-]
Žigų hahí wągéja ǧų́kšé. Waǧéra
[Then] [there] [from above] [it roared]. [Shouting]
*the letter /g/ has a circumflex over it.



p. 31* —
higŭấⁿna herekdjé[/] hokirácirídjikêrékdjanihéna [ɕ] higŭấⁿna
higuą́na herekjéną. "Hokiráširíjikerékjanihéną," ežé. Higuą́na
[immediately] [it will be.] ["It’s beginning to get crowded,"] [he said.] [Immediately]
*at the top of the page the following is written:

     ējế   ɕ
     nañk = ⨩
     hire = ⨪
      |‧ = niké



haraíre[ʆ] tcináñgᴇnañká dirế[ɕ][⨩][ʆ] haⁿbíjañga wanaγíra
haraíreže. Ciną́genąká tirexjįnąkše. Hąbížąga wanaǧíra
[they began.] [That village] [it had increased.] [During a single day] [the ghosts]



rohaⁿ* hidjanaⁿjiáñk[ʆ] maⁿnáñgếrê hot’era
rohą hijanąžią́kše. Mąną́gére hot’era
[many] [they were present camping.] [On earth] [the ones who died]
*above the /û/ of the original rohû, is written /a/.



[λ]á[⨩][ʆ] [ε] jê[λ][ʆ] hahíre[γ] howacínañka
žesgánąkše. Ésge žežesgeže. Hahíregíži, howašínąka
[those they were.] [So] [thus it was.] [When they arrived,] [that dancing place]



[β]* rokôna[ɕ][ʆ´] tcowê wanaⁿ[ʆ]
éja rokonaxjįžé. Cowe wanąže.
[at,] [there were a great many.] [Quite nearly] [he was stepped on.]
*after this symbol is written, "(gádjûñga = δ)".



hiranáⁿ[ʆ] cgê* higŭấⁿ [⨪][ʆ] dewë́raki
Hiraną́že, šge higuą́ hireže. Tewéraki,
[They did] [as well] [immediately] [he thought.] [Unexpectedly,]
*this word is run together with the previous word. After it, the word tcowe is deleted with diagonal lines.



hitcawína w[ɕ]* djagú’ûⁿ wadoráγîñkdjanihé[ʆ] degí
hicawína weže, "Jagú’ų watoráǧįkjanihéže? Tegí
[his wife] [said,] ["Why] [you would pout?] [Over here]
*eje is written above this symbol.



horáwacu[ρ´] hadjí-wadoráγiⁿcánañk[ʆ] ejĕ* tcowê
horáwašaránañga haji watoráǧįšánąkše," eže. Cowe
[go and] [there] [you can sit and pout,"] [she said.] [Almost]
*inserted above the line with a caret.



hidjaoruxútcᴇnaⁿ[ʆ] naⁿwốⁿ[⨩] djire [⨪][ʆ]
hija horuxúceną. Nąwą́nąk jire hireže.
[there] [he looked.] [Songs] [to start] [they did.]



rokốnaⁿ[ʆ] manáñgᴇrê hixgaxgaⁿ[ʆ] [δ]cgế rudî
Rokónąže. Mąną́gere hixgąxgąže. Gajągašké rutí
[It was great.] [The earth] [it started to shake.] [Now this time,] [To drag]



p. 32 —
gipinis’a[ʆ] hitcawinácgê ewa’ûⁿ[ɕ][ʆ] hoicî́p horá
gipįnįs’aže. Hicawinášge ewa’ųxjįže. Hoišíp horá
[they liked.] [His wife also] [she herself did it to him.] [Always] [her voice]



tcaⁿt’îⁿnihês’ajê wa-iⁿṇog[β´] minañgᴇnúnigê wa’iⁿṇáegê naⁿsế
cąt’įnihes’aže. Waįnogéja minągenúnige wa-įná-ege nąsé
[he used to hear.] [On his blanket] [they sat, but] [his blanket] [to shut]



hirês’a[ʆ] hagaíracgế* hawasû́ⁿtc hiráwis’á[ʆ]
hires’aže. Hagairašké hawasų́c hiráwis’áže.
[they would always do.] [Sometimes] [to pile on] [they were always doing.]
*just before this word, [ϕ´]recgê has been lined out.



wirakárara haruwốñk winúnigê* hîñkê [X]cî́k
Wirakárara háruwank winúnige hįké wąkšík
[The attendants] [eight] [they were there, but] [not] [man]
*/hi/ has been deleted with diagonal lines and replaced with /wi/.



hidjá wiranaⁿ-îⁿṇani[ʆ] [δ] haⁿbidjaná hare[ʆ´]
hijá wiraną’įraniže. Gająga, hąbijaná harežé.
[there] [they could not think of anything.] [Now then,] [the light there] [it grew.]



hîñkê wajá [λ]áni[ʆ´] sik‘aíⁿdjacgế harukốzir[ρ´]
Hįké wažą́ žesgánižé. Sik’aį́jašgé harukóziránąga
[Not] [anything] [it was not that way.] [At his ankles also] [they caught hold, and]



rudínuwañk [⨪]s’ájecgế ’unañk’ûⁿ hatcañgérê[ɕ]
rutínuwąk hires’áže šgé ’unąk’ų, hacągérexjį
[to run pulling] [they were always doing, also] [finally,] [with great effort]



haháⁿbiré[ʆ] wira haγêphugê haⁿhá
hahąbiréže. Wira haǧephuge, hąhá,
[daylight came upon them.] [The sun] [because it appeared,] [exclamation,]



higŭấⁿṇa êrekdjé[/] [α] waíre[ʆ] haⁿhá
higuą́na erekjéną. Égi waíreže, "Hąhá
[immediately] [it will be.] [Then] [they said,] [exclamation,]



p. 33* —
hitcûñcgế p‘iⁿṇána curuxúrukšana tciho’únañka [β]
hicųšge, pįnáną. Šuruxúrukšaną." Ciho’ų́nąka éja
[grandson,] [you did well.] [You have accomplished it."] [This lodge site] [there]
*at the top of this page, Radin writes, "‧| = kdjanéna".



hagíre[ʆ] [α] [ω][ɕ´] hitcûⁿcgế hîñkaga
hagíreže. Égi žigéže, "Hicųšgé, hįkagá
[they arrived.] [Then] [again they said,] ["Grandson,] [never]



howárehírê dé[λ]á nîñkdjani[|‧] [ϕ] wagûⁿzᴇrá
howárehíre téžesgá nįkjaninihe. Hąké Wagųzerá
[is it to go] [that way] [you will not be.] [Not] [the Creator]



[λ] guⁿzᴇní[/] nunigê náⁿdjonidjấna hitcakấrowahára
žesge gųzeníną, nunige ną́jonijáną. Hicakórowahára
[this way] [he did not create,] [but] [I bless you.] [My friends]



êtcóni enaⁿdjónidjaíⁿṇegê náⁿdjonidjáⁿnê [ε] dé[λ]rána
ecóni enąjonijaį́nege, nájoniją́ne, ésge, téžesgeráną.
[first] [since they blessed you,] [I blessed you,] [therefore,] [thus you did.]



[α] hitcawinága hakaraíkiju rakếrekdjani[|‧] [α]
Égi hicawįrága hakaraíkižu rakérekjaniheną." Égi
[And] [your wife] [with her] [you can take her home."] [And]



[ω][ɕ] hágagurawírê ē[ʆ´] hagágu haraíre[ʆ]
žigéže, "Hagagurawire," ežé. Hagágu haraíreže.
[again he said,] ["You may fetch her,"] [he said.] [To fetch] [they started.]



hagánihakiríre[ʆ] [α] wawagế[ʆ] naⁿdjonidjaⁿwína
Hagáni hakiríreže. Égi wawagéže, "Nąjonijąwíną.
[They brought her back.] [And] [he said to him,] ["We bless you.]



rakérêdjáⁿniháwina [α] dêế naⁿtc wironidjaⁿwínaⁿ
Rakérekjániháwiną. Égi teé nącwironijąwíną.
[You can go home with her.] [And] [this one] [we bless you.]



manáñgᴇrê hanáⁿtc nañxgûⁿnáñkcana dêê [ρ´]
Mąną́gere haną́c nąxgųną́kšaną," tee, ánąga
[On this earth] [everyone] [they shall hear of it,"] [this] [he said, and]



p. 34* —
réγarupấrogíjaⁿ wok‘û́ⁿ[ʆ] tcohi[ρ´] manitcó
réǧorupórogížą wok’ų́že. Cohiánąga manicó
[a drum] [he gave it to him.] [He made blue, and] [blue earth]

*at the top of the page, Radin has

     ᴗ = hijáⁿ
     θ = djanûñga


hitco[⨪][ʆ] hijaⁿ t’ehi hikârohoírecgê nañγíragrá
hicohireže. Hižą t’ehi hikarohoírešge nąǧíragrá
[he made blue.] [One of them] [to die] [he is getting ready, also] [the soul]



haniñgā́ni hahinañgikdja[|‧] [ω] hijáⁿ nañγíragra
hanįgáni hahinągikjaniheną. žigé, hizą́ nąǧíragra
[to take home] [I will go.] [Again,] [one of them] [the soul]



wahêhêdjếcgê hanihagú hirékdjô[|‧] wawige[ʆ´] [α]
wahehejéšge hanihagú hirékjonihe," wawigéžé. "Égi
[it gets weaker, also] [you bring] [it will be,"] [he said to them.] ["And]



ranína [θ] cawaxû́ⁿwi[ʆ] hinîñgiperếz
raníną jánąga šawaxųwiže. Hinįgíperéz
[you are] [as many as] [you can pour it out.] [Remember to smoke]



nihékdjaniháwinaⁿ* higaíre[ʆ] [α] rakếrekdjániháwirê
nihékjaniháwiną," higaíreže. "Égi rakérekjániháwire.
[we will continue to be there,"] they told him. ["And] [you two shall take it home.]
*just before this word, haniha ha |‧, has been lined out.



niruxaírekdjánihawína wouốñk [⨪]na [ω] haruwốñkci*
Niruxaírekjánihawíną. Wową́k hireną. žigé, haruwą́kži
[They shall chase after you.] [To act badly] [they do.] [Again,] [at least eight]
*/ci/ is written above the line, and after this word, jihidja is lined out.



hidjá nîñkérế harairêkdjanihawína [α] raxótc
hijá nįkéré harairekjanihawíną." Égi raxóc
[there] [to take you] [they will go."] [And] [ash]



wogájê honixára hirawígi dêế hisgế
wogáže. "Honixára hirawígi, teé hiské
[he gave him.] ["If they overtake you,] [this] [some]



p. 35 —
hagê[β´] horabéwicuⁿnûñkdjếna wawigế[ʆ] ragíwi[ʆ]
hagejá horabéwišųnųkdjéną," wawigéže. Ragíwiže.
[behind] [you two should throw ? it,"] [he said to them.] ["You are going back.]



higŭấna tci ’ûⁿ wáraciwi[ρ´]* dêế
Higuána ci ’ų warašiwiánąga teé
[Immediately] [lodge] [to make] [you do, and] [this]
*before wiρ´ and after wáraci, wi (written above the line) and ’uρ have been lined out.



c’ûñkdjawína wigế[ʆ] [α] hagâréja waruxaíre[ʆ]
š’ųkjawíną," wigéže. Égi hagaréžą, waruxaíreže.
[you two will do,"] [he said to them.] [And] [in time,] [they chased after them.]



hohấ hitcawihihiwíra wakisgá waⁿgaganikarawína
"Hohá, hicawihihiwíra Wakisgá wągaganikarawíną.
["Exclamation] [our wife] Wakisgá [he has carried her off from us.]



hîñkúruzíkdjawína air[ρ´] wa’unáñkcê hoxerế[ɕ]
Hįkúrukjawíną," airánąga wa’uną́kše. Hoxeréxjį
[He will take her from us,"] [they said, and] [they did it.] [Almost catching up]



hahurere[ʆ´] raxótcᴇnañká hisgế hagếdja hohä́rejê ho
hahurerežé. Raxócnąká hisgé hagéja hoháreže. "Ho,
[they came.] [Those ashes] [right] [behind] [he cast ?.] "Ho,



giázwirê [ᴗ] waíniṇa cicî́k nîñgígikdjaniháwina
giázwire, hižą́ waínina šišík nįgígijaniháwiną,"
[run away,] [one] [clothes] [bad] [we will make,"]



air[ρ´] hakdjá hoginóñ[k]* hirejế dówakếrejê
airánąga hakjá hoginą́k hirežé. Tówakéreže.
[they said, and] [back] [to run away] [they did.] [They went home.]
*there's a hyphen at the end of this word, but nothing follows except hirejế.



[ω] wagí’uⁿs’a[ʆ] hoxére[ɕ]ṇega [X]’û́ⁿ
žigé, wagí’ųs’aže. Hoxérexjįrega, wąk’ų́,
[Again,] [they kept doing it to them.] [When they would almost catch up,] [doing thus,]



girucdjaíⁿ hirawí[ʆ] [β] wirákarará [δ]
girušjaį́ hirawíže. Éja wirákarará gająga
[to quit them] [they did.] [There] [the attendants] [then]



p. 36 —
wakcaⁿ[⨪][ʆ]* [α] tcinû́ñgᴇra ā́cgê hagíre[ψ]
wakšąniheže. Égi ciną́gera ášge hagíregają,
[they turned back.] [And] [the village] [nearby] [when they returned,]
*the symbol /⨪/ has nihe written above it in another hand, although its attested value previously has been hire.



dê woíraki [ᴗ] [α] náⁿdêra tcáγᴇra
tewoíraki hižą́ égi ną́tera cáǧera
[unexpectedly,] [one] [here] [the chopping of wood] [the marsh ?]



tcaⁿt’î́ⁿ[ʆ] êówakaraíre[ʆ] dewoíraki γak wa’û́ⁿdje[ʆ]
cąt’į́že. E-ówakaraireže. Tewoíraki ǧak wa’ų́ježe.
[they heard.] [They went to it.] [Unexpectedly,] [cry] [she made it.]



hidjágire[ψ] dewoíraki [X´]djega hi-unína wa’û́ⁿdje[ʆ]
Hijágiregają, tewoíraki wą́kjega hiunína wa’ų́ježe.
[When they got there,] [unexpectedly,] [the man] [his mother] [she was doing it.]



dewoíraki hinîñgrá gijế nañγíre[ʆ] t’ḗjaⁿ
Tewoíraki hinįgerá gižé. Nąǧíreže, t’éžą
[Unexpectedly,] [her son] [he had returned.] [They were afraid,] [a dead one]



hakijú ’ûⁿdjegê [ε] [α] [β]
hakižú ’ųjege. Ésge égi éja
[with] [as he was.] [Therefore,] [then] [there]



hokit’aíre[ʆ] wagaíre[ʆ] nôni kar[ρ´] [X]rá
hokit’aíreže, wagaíreže, "Nąnį karánąga wągerá
[they spoke,] [they told her,] ["Mother,] [go home, and] [males]



hotcîⁿtcî́ⁿṇa kêni [X]cîk kiónina kerêpônaíja
hocįcį́na keni wąkšík kiónina kereponaížą
[young men] [not yet] [people] [the untouched] [ten]



[α] hinûñk wátcegeráji jigigûⁿ kerêpônaíjaⁿ
égi hinųk wácegeráži žigigų kereponaížą,
[and] [at least virgins] [and again] [ten,]



higíhowa huirekdjéna wodápôną hanin[ρ´] higuíre[ʆ]
higí-howa huirekjéną." Wotápaną haninánąga higaíreže.
[to come here] [they will start coming."] [Incense] [taking, and] [they told her.]



p. 37 —
kêrêjế hagi horakíji jenûñga hidjádjiwí[ʆ]
Kerežé. Hagi horakíži, ženųga hijájiwíže.
[She went back.] [To come] [after she told them,] [both of them] [the two returned.]



[α] [β] tci ’ûⁿwagigí[ʆ] hot’û́ⁿkerêpônaijaⁿjaⁿ
Égi éja ci ’ųwagigiže. Hot’ų́-kereponaižąžą
[Then] [there] [lodge] [they caused to be made.] [A ten-fireplaces one]



’ûⁿwagigí[ʆ] [α] wodápôna [⨪][ʆ] [α]
’ųwagigiže. Égi wotapaną hireže.* Égi
[they caused to be made.] [Then] [incense] [they did.] [Then]



hidjá hokáwawíjê [α] hañhếgiji higŭấⁿna
hijá hoikawawíže. Égi hąhégiži, higuą́na
[there] [they went in.] [Then] [at night,] [immediately,]



wací wagigíwijê ṇéγarupấrôgra hidjá nañka
waší wagigíwiže. Reǧorupórogera hijá nąka
[dance] [they caused it.] [The drum] [there] [those]



náⁿwa gigû́ⁿzire[ʆ´] wawi’û́ⁿjê ḗp‘ā [λ]
ną́wą gigų́zirežé, wawi’ų́že. Ép’a, žesge
[song] [he was taught,] [he made them.] [From then on,] [that way]



[⨪]s’á[ʆ] [ε] [X]cigᴇnáñgᴇrê higû́ⁿ ’unáñkcana
hires’áže. Ésge wąkšigeną́gere higų́ ’uną́kšaną.
[they would do.] [Thus] [these people] [still] [they do.]



[β] huwádji wagi’uⁿnúñkcana rếγarupârog
Éja howáji wagi’uną́kšaną. Réǧoruporok
[There] [where they came from] [they were using something.] [The drum]



hodjiⁿṇ[ρ´]* wojawahináñgᴇrê higû́ⁿ jeguⁿ negícgê
hojįránąga wožawahiną́gere higų́ žegų negíšge
[they struck up, and] [those having fun] [still] [now] [even now]
*the /ṇ/ has an /r/ written above it.



’unáñkcana wa’û́ⁿdjega woksisgá higaíre[ʆ] ragᴇrá
’uną́kšaną. Wa’ų́jega, Woksisgá higaíreže. Ragerá.
[they do.] [As he was it,] ["Stingy"] [they called him.] [The last.]



John Baptiste, "The Man who Brought His Wife back from Spiritland," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #8: 14-37. An English version is found in, "The Man who Brought His Wife back from Spiritland," in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves (Baltimore: Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1, 1949) 47-65. This story is discussed in Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Four Winnebago Myths," Structural Anthropology, vol. 2, trs. Monique Layton (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976) 198-210.