Hocąk Text — Ghost Dance Origin Myth II
narrated by Jean Baptiste
As is the case with a number of other Radin interlinear MSS, this text is full of abbreviations for common words and affixes.
α | β | γ | δ | ε | θ | λ | ο |
égi | éja | -giži/-nąk* | gająga** | ésge | ’ųže, jánąga† | žesge‡ | -žą |
ρ | τ | ϕ | ψ | ω | ɕ | ɬ | V |
ánąga | žegų* | hąké | gają | žigé | -xjį, -eže† | éja‡ | -nąk |
X | ʆ | ƪ | ‧| | \ | / | |‧ | ᴗ | ⨩ | ⨪ |
wąk | -že | -kjaneną* | -kjaneną† | šaną | -ną | nihé | hižą́‡ | nąk | hire, nihe‡‡ |
Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].
Key —
First Row | "raw" text from Paul Radin, Notebook, Winnebago V, #8: 14-37. |
Second Row | revised text. |
Third Row | English translation based in part on that of The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves. |
dêế | wanaγí | wací | waik‘áⁿṇa* | tcinốgijaⁿ |
Teé | Wanaǧí | Waší | waiką́na. | Ciną́gižą |
This | Ghost | Dance | fable. | A town |
[β] | nañkí | [β] | ’uāñk | hotcîⁿtcíⁿjaⁿ |
éja | nąkí, | éja | wąk | hocįcįžą |
there | it was, | there | man | a young man |
hinû́ñk | kanañkcế | hinûñk | p‘ī́́ⁿjaⁿ | hêrejế |
hinų́k | kanąkšé. | Hinųk | pįžą | herežé. |
woman | he married. | Woman | a good looking one | she was. |
wōkárasgí | xêdêxdjîⁿjế | djasgê | hi[ρ] | hanaⁿdjíhi |
Wokárasgí | xedexjįžé. | Jasge | hi-anąga | hanąjíhi |
His own he loved | [it was very great.] | Whatever | kindness |
hokáraniⁿnañgíji | [λ] | his’ajê | hagâréjaⁿ | howajá[ʆ] |
hokáranįnągíži, | žesge | his’aže. | Hagoréžą, | howažáže. |
he could do for his own, | [that] | he did. | Once | she got sick. |
’uañkdócêwêra | djanûñga[γ] | hanáⁿtc | waruhîⁿtc | nunigê |
Wąktóšewera | janągagiži, | haną́c | waruhįc, | nunige |
Doctors | as many as | all | he bade come, | but |
[ϕ] | wajaⁿ | jêêsgáni[ʆ] | jếgūⁿ | wak‘aⁿtcañk |
hąké | wažą | žeesgániže. | Žégų, | wakącąk |
not | [anything] | it was of no avail. | [Then] | [holy one] |
honiná | ruc’ákcê | hagâré[ο] | jêgû[γ] | t’é[ʆ] | [a] |
honina | ruš’ákše. | Hagoréžą, | žegųgiži, | t’éže. | Égi |
[he sought] | [with no result.] | [In time,] | [thus] | [she died.] | [Then] |
haⁿhé[γ] | wanáñγi-adajáhira | ’uinegí | rohaⁿ[ɕ] | dji[ʆ] |
hąhégiži, | Wanáǧatažáhira | ’ųinegi | rohą́xjį | jiže. |
[at night,] | [Ghost Lightning] | [when they did,] | [a great many] | [they came.] |
[X]cîk-p‘î́ⁿ[ο] | herế[ʆ] | [ε] | rohaⁿ[ɕ] | gidji[ʆ] |
Wąkšikpįžą | heréže. | Ésge | rohą́xjį | gijire. |
[A good man] | [he was.] | [So] | [a great many] | they helped him. |
p. 15 —
[X] | hitcáwîⁿ | git’ā́nañka | wānaíñcguni[ɕ] | wokícdjôⁿ[ʆ] |
Wąk | hicáwį | git’ánąka | wanaįšgunixjį | wokíšjąže. |
[Man] | [his wife] | [who had died,] | [very peacefully] | [he strengthened himself.] |
[α] | [ω] | hāⁿhé | hinûⁿbốhaⁿ[γ] | hadjíne[ʆ] |
Égi | žégų | hąhé | hinųbóhągiži, | hajíreže. |
[And] | [then] | [night] | [after the second one,] | [they came.] |
djobốhaⁿ | [ʆ][λ] | híre[ʆ] | [α] | hāⁿhé |
Jobóhą | žežesge | híreže. | Égi | hąhé |
[Four times] | [such things] | [they did.] | [And] | [night] |
hidjobốhôṇa | hahû́ⁿp | hirêgíji | haínî[ɕ] | wanaxí |
Hijobóhąra | hąhąp | hiregíži | hainixjį | wanaǧí |
[The fourth time] | [all night] | [they did, and] | [early in the morning] | [ghost] |
k‘uⁿṇa | ’uíṇe[ʆ] | rucdjaⁿrehi* | [λ] | hanáⁿtc |
k’ųra | ’ųi´reže. | Rušjąrehi | žesge | haną́c |
[games] | [they did.] | [Having finished] | [that] | [everyone] |
hakaraíre[ʆ] | [α] | [X] | hitcáwîⁿ | git’anáñgᴇrê |
hakaraíreže. | Égi | wąk | hicáwį | git’ánągere |
[they went home.] | [And] | [man] | [his wife] | [who had died,] |
hikârohōā́nañga | s’ānîñk | wioiréra | tcawë[ʆ] |
hikarohoánąga | s’anįk | wioiréra | caweže. |
[he got himself ready, and] | [in the direction] | [the setting sun] | [he went towards.] |
wanaγínañgᴇre | naγíragᴇrá | wioiréra | howaranañkcế | ā́nañkcanaⁿ |
Wanaǧinągere, | naǧíragerá | wioiréra | howaranąkšé, | ánąkšaną. |
[The dead,] | [their souls] | [the setting sun] | [go,] | [they say.] |
[β] | [ε] | hitcáwiṇa | naγíragᴇra | kuruxế |
Éja | ésge | hicáwįna | naǧíragera | kuruxé |
[There] | [therefore] | [his wife] | [her soul] | [to follow] |
p. 16* —
wa’ûⁿ[γ] | hire[γ] | dóware[ʆ] | hagâréjaⁿ | hahí |
wa’ųgiži | hiregíži, | tówareže. | Hagoréžą, | hahí |
[when he did it,] | [he thought,] | [he went in that direction.] | [In time] | [after awhile] |
’ûⁿjê = θ
jêsgê = λ
γ = nañk
hokikúruc’åk[ʆ] | hiságûⁿkếrê | ’ûⁿ[ʆ] | hahí | gádjûñga |
hokikúruš’ákše. | Hiságųkére | ’ųže. | Hahí | gájąga |
[he became exhausted.] | [Cane] | [he used.] | [After awhile] | [finally] |
[ϕ] | wajaⁿ | jêsgánijê* | hahí | kikúrudi |
hąké | wažą | žesganįže. | Hahí | kikúruti |
[not] | [anything] | [he could not do.] | [After awhile] | [to crawl] |
’ûⁿjê | [ω] | hupấrora | wowáha[ʆ] | wa[θ´] |
’ųže. | Žégų | hupórora | wowáhaže, | wa’ų́že. |
[he did.] | [Then] | [his knees] | [he trailed her,] | [he did it.] |
hīⁿcgê | rujáb[ρ´] | hupấrora | [λ] | hiraítcak[ʆ] |
Hįšge | ružabánąga | hupórora | žesge | hiraicakše. |
[Basswood] | [he pulled the bark off and] | [his knees] | [those] | [he bandaged.] |
nunigế | [δ] | hosgê | hokikúruc’ak[ʆ´] | [α] |
Nunigé, | gájąga | hosge | hokikúruš’akšé. | Égi |
[However,] | [finally] | [just] | [he was exhausted.] | [And] |
hoc’âgᴇnigi[ο] | k‘ûⁿhaídja | hi[ʆ] | gadjáⁿ | hoc’ốk* |
hoš’ógenįgižą | kųhaį́ja | hiže. | Gają́ | hoš’ók |
[a little knoll] | beneath | [he was.] | [Then] | [knoll] |
hihágᴇnigᴇnañgrế | mop‘iⁿ[ɕ] | djînîñk* | wa’ú[V][ʆ]† |
hihágenigenągeré, | mopį́xjį | jinįk | wa’únąkše. |
on the top, | [a most pleasant country] | [he had come to ?] | [it was it.] |
mop‘iⁿ[ɕ] | djînîñknañgrế | [β] | hahitcê | p‘īⁿna |
Mopį́xjį | jinįknągeré, | éja | hahíce. | pįna |
[The most pleasant country] | [that he had come to ?] | [there] | [he dwelt.] | [The good one] |
hire[ʆ´]* | howanáⁿ | hy[ρ´] | djasgê | hi[ρ´] |
hiréže. | Howaną | hiánąga | jasge | hiánąga |
[it was.] | [To roll over] | [he did, and] | [what] | [he did, and] |
p. 17 —
kiwaxurúdjᴇnañdjá | diránañgi | [λ] | hi[ρ´] | uáñk‘ûⁿ |
kiwaxurújenąjá | tiánągi, | žesge | hiánąga | ’uą́k’ų, |
[he managed to inch himself along] | [as he crawled,] | [that] | [he did, and] | [doing thus,] |
rogû́ñga | [β] | hîⁿp[ʆ] | [β] | hi[γ´] |
rogųga, | éja | hįpše. | Éja | higíži, |
[while longing,] | [there] | [he lay.] | [There] | [after he did it,] |
hot’erácanaⁿ | higiré[ʆ] | hicdjá | nawî́ⁿjañkcê | dêë́woíraki* |
hot’erášąną | higiréže. | Hišjá | nawįžąkše. | Teewoíraki |
[only to die] | [he thought.] | [Eyes] | [closed in sleep.] | [Unexpectedly] |
[X] | híjaⁿ | hit’ênañgû́ⁿ[ʆ] | hidjikếrekdjénaⁿ | egí |
wąk | hížą | hit’enągų́že. | Hijikérekjéną | egí |
[man] | [a] | [he spoke.] | ["Get ready to go,] |
[here] |
hadjë́́́́naⁿ | ējế | djaⁿpgádjaⁿ | dewoíraki | ’uañgᴇnañkêwesgéjaⁿ |
hajéną," | ežé. | Jąpgáją, | tewoíraki, | wągenąkewesgéžą |
[I am,"] | [he said.] | [When he opened his eyes,] | [unexpectedly,] | [a terror inspiring person] |
[α] | naⁿjî́ⁿdjejê | [X] | woikikáγᴇra | rorá | hicếk |
égi | nąžįježe. | Wąk | woíkikáǧera | rorá | hįšék |
[here] | [he was standing.] | [Man] | [his clothes] | [his body] | [shaggy] |
ki[ρ´] | wa’û́ⁿdjejê | húnâⁿṇê | [α] | jegûⁿ |
kiánąga | wa’ų́ježe. | "Húnąne | égi," | žegų |
[he made himself, and] | [he was doing this.] | "Come | here," | [so then] |
t’aⁿp | djir[ρ´] | hironąk | maníṇe[ʆ] | tcípâroké[ο] |
t’ąp | jiránąga* | hironą́k | manįreže. | Ciporokeížą |
[he jumped up] | [he came, and] | [he follows] | [they walked.] | [An oval lodge] |
[β][γ][ʆ] | ēdjokawaíre[ʆ] | [β] | wagê[ʆ´] | hitcûⁿcgế |
ejagižiže. | Éjokawaíreže. | Éja | wagežé, | "Hicųšgé, |
[there it was.] | [There they went in.] | [There] | [he said to him,] | ["Grandson,] |
p. 18 —
wanáⁿdjodjaiⁿsgê | wac’ûⁿcáwañkcánaⁿ | nūnigế | hîñkê | wajốⁿarijaⁿ |
waną́jojaįsge | waš’ųšáwąkšáną | nunigé | hįké | wažąnarižą* |
[pitiable] | [you were making it,] | [but] | [not] | [anything] |
nîñgídjidê | cuxurugᴇnínaⁿ | djagúji* | nîñgídjidanâⁿṇá | [λ] |
nįgíjite | šuxurugenįną. | Jagúži | nįgíjitanąná | žesge |
[I am helping] | [you cannot achieve.] | [What] | [I can do to help] | [that] |
hakdjonénaⁿ | higế[ʆ]* | [α] | warútc | gigi[ʆ] |
hakjanéną," | higéže. | Égi | warúc | gigiže. |
[I will do,"] | [he told him.] | [Then] | [to eat something] | [he caused him.] |
[α] | wagê[ʆ´] | jeguⁿ | ’uáñgᴇre | tcowérêgi |
Égi | wagežé, | "Žegų, | wą́gere | cowéregi |
[And] | [he told him] | ["So] | [this man] | [ahead] |
hitcakấrohara | hirará | híkdjonénaⁿ | [α] | hebêrếgi |
hicakárohará | hirará | híkjanéną. | Égi | heberégi |
[my friend] | [you get there] | [he will be.] | [And] | [this side] |
nī́́ⁿ[ο] | hirara | híkdjonénaⁿ | niñxêdêxdjî́ⁿ[ο]* | hêrénaⁿ |
nį́ža | hirara | híkjanéną. | Nįxetexjį́žą | heréną. |
[a river] | [you get there] | [he will be.] | [A great river] | [it is.] |
jêế | harot’áⁿbikdjônénaⁿ | hihára | ’uandjê | jêê |
Žeé | harot’ą́bikjanéną.* | Hihára | ’uą́je | žee |
[This one] | [you will cross.] | [You get there] | [do] | [this] |
curue’ákiji | [β] | cúruc’ágiⁿkdjônénaⁿ | hat’aⁿbádjê | ranáⁿṇế |
šurue’akiži, | éja | šúruš’ágenįkjanéną. | Hat’ąbáje. | Raną́ré." |
[you open it up, and] | [there] | [you cannot possibly fail.] | [Jump over it.] | [You will do it."] |
[α] | [ω] | re[ʆ] | [α] | ’uáⁿhigadjaⁿ |
Égi | žigé | reže. | Égi | ’uą́higáją, |
[Then] | [again] | [he started out.] | [And] | [as he was going,] |
p. 19* —
dêế woíraki | [β] | hirahi[γ] | niñxêdê[ɕ´][ο] | sākdjî́ⁿ[ʆ] |
teé woíraki, | éja | hirahigiži, | nįxetexjį́žą | sakjį́že. |
[unexpectedly,] | [there] | [he arrived, and] | [a great river] | [it was swift.] |
gádjuñga δ
hire[ʆ] = [left blank]
jeguⁿ =
[blank] V
djasgê | sasásᴇnañkí | [λ´][γ] | bopíⁿnipîni[ʆ] | hat’áⁿbᴇragitcêxí[ʆ´] |
Jasge | sasásnąkí | žesgegiži, | bopį́nipiniže. | Hat’ąberagicexižé. |
[So] | [swift] | [kind it was, and] | [it swirled about.] | [He dreaded to jump.] |
ā́gᴇra | mororá | tcowế[ɕ] | tcaⁿt’îáñk[ʆ] | tcowế[ɕ] |
Ágera | mororá | cowéxjį | cąt’ią́kše. | Cowéxjį |
[The other side] | [the bank] | [very small] | [it looked.] | [Very small] |
tcorák[ʆ] | [X]cî́k | tcexanísgê | tcaⁿt’î́ⁿ[ʆ] | [ϕ] |
corákše.* | Wąkšík | cexanísge | cąt’į́že. | Hąké |
[it lay blue?]. | [Man] | [like an eyebrow] | [it looked.] | [Not] |
hat’áⁿp | p‘îⁿní[ʆ] | [δ] | ’uⁿdja’ûⁿ | djagú |
hat’ą́p | pįníže. | Gająga, | ’ųja’ų, | jagú |
[to jump] | [it was not good.] | [Now then,] | [finally,] | [what] |
hat’áⁿbikdjanejế | ḗjarê | hirê[γ] | jêgûⁿ | djasgếgi |
hat’ąbikjanežé. | Éžare, | hiregiži, | "Žegų, | jasgégi |
[he must jump.] | [He may have said,] | [when he thought,] |
["Thus,] | [anyhow] |
hêrekdjê | hire[ʆ] | jêgûⁿ | hat’áⁿbikdjê | hire[ʆ] |
herekje," | hireže. | Žegų, | hat’ąbikje, | hireže. |
[it will be,] | [he thought.] | [Thus,] | [he will jump,] | [he thought.] |
[τ] | t’era | rus[γ´] | s’íredjaⁿ | tcejarê |
Žegų, | t’era | rusgiži, | "S’íreją | cežare," |
[So] | [to die] | [when he took,] | ["Long ago] | [I died perhaps,"] |
hire[ʆ] | [ε] | [δ] | núñgadji[ρ´] | hicdja |
hireže. | Ésge, | gająga, | nų́gajiánąga* | hišja |
[he thought.] | [Therefore,] | [now then,] | [he ran, and] | eyes |
nû́ⁿwij[ρ´] | [τ] | t’áⁿbirejê | [ψ]* | āgếdja |
nų́wižánąga | žegų | t’ą́bireže. | Gadjâ | agéja |
[he shut his eyes, and] | [then] | [it was jumped.] | [Then] | [other side] |
kiri[γ´][ʆ] | niṇoxoruxútc[ʆ] | āgếdja | horuxútc |
kirigižiže. | Nįruxuruxúcše. | Agéja | horuxúc |
[he reached.] | [He completely accomplished his object.] | [The other side] | [he looked] |
p. 20 —
rehikdjegê | wa’ûñ[ψ] | [ϕ] | niⁿ | wajaⁿ |
rehikjege, | wa’ųgają, | hąké | nį | wažą |
[because he had done it,] | [he did it, and] | [not] | [water] | [anything] |
hadja-ní[ʆ] | p‘î́ⁿ | hiwesî́ⁿwi[ψ´] | dê woíraki | nicónañk |
hajaníže. | Pį́ | hiwesį́wįgają́. | tewoíraki | nišónąk |
[he could not see.] | [Well] | [after he looked around,] | [unexpectedly,] | [the river] |
xonûñ[ɕ]nîgí[ο] | hot’áⁿp | djihúnañga | hat’áⁿp | djiy[ρ´] |
xonųnigížą | hot’ą́p | jihúnąga | hat’ą́p | jiánąga |
[a little one] | [he had leapt] | [he passed by, and] | [jumping] | [he arrived, and] |
wa’û́ⁿdje[ʆ] | nicónoñgᴇnigôñká* | bopî́nipî́ninîñdjôñk[γ] | xêdế[ɕ] | hadjadjerᆠ|
wa’ų́ježe. | Nįšą́nągenigąká | bopįnipįninįjąknąk, | xetéxji., | hajajerá |
[he had done it.] | [The little stream] | [roiled about,] | [greatly,] | [that he saw] |
hosgế | wa’uⁿjế | [α] | wajaⁿná | hijáⁿ |
hosgé | wa’ųžé. | "Égi | wažąná | hižą́ |
[just] | [he did it.] | ["And] | [the things] | [one of them] |
wotcếxigíji | wowát’egᴇnîñk | me[λ] | hānañgê | wa’uⁿgúni |
wocéxigíži, | wowát’egenįk, | mežesge | hanąge, | wa’ųgúni," |
[while it was difficult,] | [it was easy,] | [in this way] | [as I did,] | [maybe I am doing it," |
hire[ʆ´] | [τ][γ´] | winấⁿji[ʆ] | djagu | ’uáñka |
hiréže. | "Žegųgíži, | winą́žįže." | Jagu | ’uą́ka |
[he thought.] | ["If thus,] | [there is hope."] | [What] | [as he did,] |
ruxúrudjíkdjanê | hirêjê | [α] | re[ʆ´] | [β] |
ruxúrujíkjane, | hireže. | Égi | režé. | Éja |
[he would accomplish,] | [he thought.] | [And] | [he went on.] | [There] |
’uáⁿhi[ψ] | tcipâroké[ο] | hirohi[ʆ] | hokếwecírejê | |
’uą́higáją, | ciporokéžą | hirahiže, | hokéwe | šíreže. |
[as he went along,] | [an oval lodge] | [he came to,] | [he entered] | [they lived.] |
p. 21 —
hokêwe[ʆ] | dê woíraki | gadjá | [X] | híjaⁿ |
Hokeweže. | Dewoíraki, | gajá | wąk | hížą |
[He entered.] | [Unexpectedly,] | [then] | [man] | [one] |
hadjí | hadjénihera | ha | [β][γ][ʆ] | hidjoⁿṇé[ο] |
hají | hajé-nihera | ha | ejaną́kše. | Hijaneža |
[he came] | [who had worn as a kilt] | [skin] | [there he was.] | [Another] |
hakíju | wa’ú[γ][ʆ]* | nûⁿpíwiwi[ʆ] | [α] | [ω] |
hakížu | wa’únąkše. | Nųpíwiwiže. | Égi | žigé |
[together with] | [he was.] | [There were two of them.] | [And] | [again] |
[β] | warutc[ʆ´] | wohaíⁿ[ο] | hidjadjegí | wagizếrejê |
éja | warucšé. | Wohaįžą | hijajegí, | wagizéreže. |
[there] | [he ate.] | [One boiled thing] | [as it was on,] | [he dished it out.] |
[β] | warutc[ʆ´] | [α] | [ω] | wagaíre[ʆ] |
Éja | warucšé. | Égi | žigé | wagaíreže, |
[There] | [he ate.] | [And] | [again] | [they said to him,] |
hitcûⁿcgế | djagu | c’ûⁿcáwañkế | ’uánaⁿiⁿji nîñgikerekdjoniháwinaⁿ |
"Hicųšgé, | jagu | š’ušáwąké | ’ųánąįži nįgikerekdjaniháwiną. |
["Grandson,] | [what] | [you are doing] | [concentrate your mind.] |
wotcêxínaⁿ | nếwana-íⁿṇa | hidanídje[ʆ´] | curuxúrugíkdjônihénaⁿ | [τ] |
Wocexíną. | Néwana-į́na | hitaníježe. | Šuruxúrugíkjanihéną. | Žegų |
[It is difficult.] | [Your mind] | [it exerts.] | [You will succeed.] | [So] |
[ω] | rarế | tcowếrêgi | hitckấrohawíra | nañgᴇrá |
žigé | raré | cowéregi | hickárohawíra | nągerá |
[again] | [go] | [ahead] | [our friend] | [who sits] |
[β] | ḗji | wajaⁿṇaícgê | hijáⁿ | hinįgékdjonénaⁿ |
éja | éži | wažaraíšge | hižą́ | hinįgékjanéną. |
[there] | [instead] | [things also] | [one of them] | [he will tell you.] |
p. 22 —
[α] | nîñgidjidékdjôniháwináⁿji. | higaírejê | [α] | [ω] |
Égi | nįgijitékjaniháwiną́ži," | higaíreže. | Égi | žigé |
[And] | [I will also help you perhaps,"] | [he said to hiim.] | [And] | [again] |
rế[ʆ] | hagâréjaⁿ | [ω] | [β] | ’uáⁿhi[ψ] |
réže. | Hagoréžą, | žigé | éja | ųą́higają, |
[he went on.] | [In time,] | [again] | [there] | [as he went along,] |
tcipâroké[ο] | hirahí[γ] | [ω] | hokêwecíre[ʆ] | |
ciporokéžą | hirahígíži, | žigé | hokewe | šíreže. |
[an oval lodge] | [he got there, and] | [again] | [he entered] | [they lived.] |
hokếwe[ψ] | dê wë́raki | [X]ra | daní. | [β] |
Hokéwegają, | tewéraki | wągera | taní. | Éja |
[After he went in,] | [unexpectedly,] | [men] | [three.] | [There] |
hanañgwi[ʆ] | nûⁿpíwi | hahiwadjága | ēṇûⁿpíwi | wa’uáⁿnañk[ʆ] |
hanągwiže, | nųpíwi. | Hahiwajága, | enųpíwi | wa’uą́nąkše. |
[they sat,] | [two.] | [When he saw them,] | [two of them] | [they had kept on.] |
hią́widáni[ʆ]* | ējêế | warútcgigi[ʆ´] | ḗjigûⁿ | hikit’é[ʆ] |
hią́widániže, | "Ežeé | warúcgigižé," | éžigų, | hikit’é[že]. |
[The three said,] |
["This one] | [he shall eat,"] | [so they] | [they spoke to themselves.] |
hitcûⁿcgế | djagu | c’ûⁿcáwañgᴇrê | wotcêxínaⁿ | nunigê |
"Hicųšgé, | jagu | š’ųšáwągere | wocexíną, | nunige |
"Grandson,] | [what] | [you did as you went,] | [it was difficult,] | [but] |
nîñgídjidékdjaniháwinají | hidadjế | wa’uáⁿdjê | djagu |
nįgíjitékjaniháwinaží. | Hitajé | wa’uą́je. | Jagu |
[I will perhaps help.] | [Exert your utmost prowess.] | [What] |
hinigékdjaniháwirê | c’ûⁿ[γ´]* | curuxúrugíkdjanihénaⁿ | curuc’ā́kiji |
hinigékjaniháwire | š’ųgiži, | šuruxúrugíkjanihéną. | šuruš’ákiži, |
[we are going to tell you] | [if you do,] | [you will accomplish it.] | [If you fail,] |
p. 23 —
wanáⁿdjodjaíⁿsgê | warakík‘ûñkdjanénaⁿ | higêjê | [α] |
waną́jojaį́sge | warakik’ųkjanéną," | higeže. | Égi |
[pitiable] | [you will make yourself,"] | [he said to him.] | [Then] |
warúdj[é]rucdjañ[γ´] | [ω´]re[ʆ] | ’uáⁿhi[ψ´] | hoc’ogíjaⁿ |
warujerušjągíži, | žigérežé. | ’Uą́higáją, | hoš’ogížą |
[after he finished eating,] | [again he went on.] | [As he went along,] | [a hill] |
haγếbᴇre[ψ] | dewéraki | hosdóxêdê[ɕ´]jaⁿ | [β] | nañk[ʆ] |
haǧéberegają, | tewéraki, | hostóxetexjį́zą, | éja | nąkše. |
[it appeared, and] | [unexpectedly,] | [a large gathering place,] | [there] | [it sat.] |
tcinañgí[ο] | hêrejế | hojedjấⁿṇa | [ϕ] | tcaⁿt’î́ⁿni[ʆ] | djaⁿbᴇrá |
Cinągížą | herežé. | Hožeją´na | hąké | cąt’įniže | Jąberá |
[A town] | [it was.] | [The end] | [not] | [it was not seen.] | [The sight] |
hahi | hoixáwaniⁿjế | hidjá | hadjitcawé[ʆ] | [ψ] |
hahi | hoixáwanįžé. | Hijá | hajicawéže. | Gają, |
[after awhile] | [it vanished.] | [There] | [he reached.] | [Then] |
hîñkê | [X]cî́k | nîñgê | wajaní[ʆ] | hañkíjañkíxdjîⁿ* |
hįké | wąkšík | nįge | wažąníže. | Hąkížąkixjį |
[not] | [man] | [anywhere] | [there was not any.] | [Not a single one] |
rarë́cgê | hadjaní[ʆ] | naⁿhaitcirárekí[ɕ][ʆ´] | tcirá | hijáⁿ |
rareške | hajaníze. | Nąhaicirárekíxjįžé. | Cirá | hižą́ |
[even] | [he did not see.] | [They were all bark lodges.] | [Lodges] | [one of them] |
hois’î́ⁿgacgế | tciwáⁿṇas’ajế | [β] | hijaⁿ |
hois’į́gašgé | cimą́ras’ažé. | Éja | hižą |
[when he peeped in also] | [the lodges would always be empty.] | [There] | [one of them] |
[γ]ijí | [β] | hokêwejế | [β] | ’uañgᴇrá |
nąkiží, | éja | hokewežé. | Éja | wągerá |
[it sat, and] | [there] | [he entered.] | [There] | [the men] |
djopíwi | hanañgwí[ʆ] | wadjá | nihegá | edā́ni |
jopíwi | hanągwíže. | Wajá | nihegá | etani |
[four] | [they sat.] | [He saw] | [who were there] | [those three] |
p. 24 —
wa’uaⁿnañgwí[ʆ] | [α] | hidjaⁿṇéjaⁿ | widjópcê | [α] |
wa’uągwíže. | Égi | hijąnéžą | wijópše. | Égi |
[they came.] | [And] | [another one] | [he was fourth.] | [And] |
hidjaⁿṇế | widjóbᴇnîñka | wejế | hitcûⁿcgế | horawácura |
hijąné, | wijóbenįka,* | wežé, | "Hicųšgé, | horawášara† |
[this other one,] | [the fourth man,] | [he said,] | "Grandson," | [you are going] |
dếê | herénaⁿ | núnigê | hitcawinága | hîñkế |
tée | heréną, | núnige | hicawįrága | hįké |
[this] | [it is,] | [but] | [your wife] | [not] |
hacdjá | curuxúrugᴇnínaⁿ | djagú | ’unicikdjanáharê | [λ] |
hašjá | šuruxúrugeníną. | Jagú | ’unišikjanáhare, | žesge |
[for you to see] | [you are not able.] | [What] | [I shall do for you,] | [that way] |
ragícanaⁿ | hacdjákdjanénaⁿ | haⁿhé[γ] | wací | hirékdjanahénaⁿ |
ragíšąną. | Hašjákjanéną. | Hąhégiži, | waší | hirékjanahéną. |
[you are going to do.] | [You will see.] | [Once it becomes night,] | [dance] | [they will do.] |
[β] | hañkagá | nîñgế | hocuruxútcnîñkdjénaⁿ | haniníji |
Éja | hąkagá | nįgé | hošuruxurúcnįkjéną. | Haniníži |
[There] | [never] | [anything] | [you will not accomplish.] | [To be on your guard] |
ha’û́ñkdjaniháwinaⁿ | hitcokấrowahará | wokaraíkiju* | nîñgê | hocúruxútcgijí |
ha’ų́kjaniháwiną. | Hicakórowahará, | wokaraíkižu. | Nįge | hošúruxurúcgiži, |
[you must do.] | [My friends,] | [I with them.] | [Anything] | [if you accomplish,] |
djagu | c’úⁿṇadjirá | hanáⁿtc | curuc’ágikdjanihénaⁿ | higê[ʆ´] |
jagu | š’ų́rajirá, | haną́c | šuruš’ágikjanihéną," | higežé. |
[what] | [you are doing,] | [everything] | [you will obtain,"] | [he said.] |
p. 25* —
[α] | hoxdjanáñ[ʆ] | dewë́raki | reγarupấrogi[ο´] | gitcgaíre[ʆ] |
Égi | hoxjaną́že. | Tewéraki, | reǧorupórogižą́ | gicgaíreže. |
[Then] | [it was evening.] | [Unexpectedly,] | [a drum] | [it was struck.] |
\ = canaⁿ
/ = naⁿ
- = ra
ɕ = ējê
edja = ɬ
gi was written with no corresponding sign.
tciwî́ⁿdjikere[ʆ´] | [ψ] | [τ] | nîñgecánaⁿ | hohốbire[ʆ´] |
Ciwįjikerežé. | Gają | žegų, | nįgešáną | hohóbirežé. |
[It thundered.] | [Then] | [thus,] | [here and there] | [they raised a shout.] |
[ω]hirarế[ɕ][ψ´]* | [ω] | gitciwî́ⁿṇe[ʆ] | [ω] | hiratcéra[ʆ] |
Žigehiraréxjįgáją | žigé, | gicįwį́reže. | Žigé, | hiracéraže. |
[Very soon,] | [again] | [they struck it.] | [Again] | [it increased.] |
hohóbᴇra | [ω] | hidaníhoⁿṇa | gitcgá | hire[ʆ] |
Hohóbera | žigé, | hitanihǫna | gicgá | hireže. |
[The shouts] | [again] | [for the third time] | [to strike up] | [they did.] |
hidjobóⁿhoⁿ[-] | ’uíṇegi | waíre[ʆ] | higŭấⁿ[-] | hêrekdjé[/] |
Hijobóhǫna | ’uíregi | waíreže, | higuą́na | herekjéną. |
[For the fourth time] | [when they did,] | [they said it,] | [immediately,] | [it will be.] |
k‘ếnitci[-´] | hokíracíriní | [ɕ] | [ε] | haraíre[ʆ] |
"K’éni crá | hokíra-šíri-ní," | eže,* | ésge | haraíreže. |
["Not yet the lodge] | [it was crowded,"] | [he said,] | [and so] | [they began.] |
tcinốñgᴇ[γ]á | hokiságêdja | tcisérêtc | hijáñki | [ɬ] |
cinấgenąká* | hokiságeja | cisérec | hižą́ki | éja |
[This village] | [in the center] | [long house] | [only one] | [there] |
hahíre[ʆ] | ējêế | howací | hotci[-´] | hêrejê | [ɬ] |
hahíreže. | "Ežeé | howaší | hocirá | hereže." | Éja |
[they went.] | ["This one] | [dance] | [lodge] | [he is."] | [There] |
hahíre[γ´] | hokisák | gokônáñgire[ʆ´]* | djadjîⁿṇédjaⁿ | sûⁿṇếgi |
hahíregíži, | hokisák | gokeną́girežé. | Jajįnéją | sųnégi, |
[they went, and] | [center] | [they made an opening.] | [Right away] | [in back,] |
jijí | wanañxgû́ⁿ[ʆ] | wá[γ][ʆ] | (wagisgadjī́́ṇa)* | |
žiží | wanąxgų́že. | Wánąkše, | "Wagisga | jira, |
[whispering] | [he heard.] | [They said,] | ["Wagisga] | [who has come,] |
hitcawína | kuruxadjínaⁿ | e | wa’unáñk[\] | hosgế |
hicawína | kuruxajíną.* | E | wa’ųną́kšaną." | Hosgé |
[his wife] | [he came in pursuit.] | [He] | [it is."] | [Just for fun] |
wa’unañkádjaⁿ | djagucgế | ruxurugíkdje[ʆ] | ā́nañk[ʆ] | wanañxguⁿ[γ][ʆ] |
wa’ųnąkáją, | jagušgé | ruxurugíkježe. | ánąkše. | Wanąxgųnąkše. |
[they were, and] | [how also] | [he would fail,] | [they were saying.] | [He heard them.] |
ê | rajítc | wá[γ][ʆ] | hitcawí | ṇacgế |
E | ražíc | wanąkše, | "Hicawí | našgé |
[They] | [teasing] | [saying,] | ["His wife] | [she untied] |
hikánatcûⁿ[ψ]* | ā́[γ][ʆ] | kodế | ne | hakanû́ñk |
hikánącų́giži," | ánąkše. | "Koté, | ne | hakąną́k |
[when she got married,"] | [they were saying.] | ["Exclamation] | [I myself] | [I married] |
hadjé[/] | cgê | ā́[γ][ʆ] | [α] | naⁿwáⁿṇa |
hajéną," | šge | ánąkše. | Égi | nąwą́na |
[I have,"] | [also] | [he said.] | [Then] | [songs] |
djirehíre[ʆ] | rokốnaⁿjê | wigízok (?)* | wajáⁿ | wahirácgê |
jirehíreže. | Rokónąže, | wogízok | wažą́. | Wahírašge |
[they started up.] | It was great, | [truly] | [something.] | [His relatives also] |
ëcgê | náⁿwaⁿ | horehírejê | náⁿwaⁿ | hait’uṇaíre[ʆ] |
ešge | ną́wą | hurehíreže.* | Ną́wą | hait’unaíre.† |
[he also] | [to sing] | [they went ahead.] | [To sing] | [they gave as a gift.] |
wagisgá | hitcawína | djíraⁿ | rohû́ⁿdjikdjane[/] | ewá[γ][ʆ] |
"Wagisgá | hicawína | jíną. | Rohą́jikjaneną,"* | ewánąkše. |
"Wagisgá | [his wife] | [she came.] | [Many more will come,"] | [they said to him.] |
naⁿwáⁿṇa | haíserêtc | ᴇrajídjire[ʆ´] | hagâréjaⁿ | haíⁿnîgíji |
Nąwą́na | haį́serec | eražíjirežé. | Hagaréžą, | haį́nigíži, |
[Songs] | [all night] | [they teased him.] | [Finally,] | [in the morning,] |
wirá | haγếp‘u[ψ] | hanáⁿtc | xawanínejê | jegû́ⁿjê |
wirá | haǧép’ųgają, | haną́c | xawaníneže. | Žegų́že. |
[the sun] | [after it rose,] | [everyone] | [they vanished.] | [Thus it was.] |
p. 27* —
hîñkếcgê | hagá | hitcawína | howêsíwinijế |
Hįkéšge† | hagá | hicawína | howesį́wįnižé. |
[Never] | [time] | [his wife] | [he did not sense her presence.] |
tciho-únañkí* | êhowákaraíre[ʆ]† | [β]‡ | hagíre[ʆ] |
Cihunąkí, | e howákaraíreže. | Éja | hagíreže. |
[When he came to the lodge site,] | [he went back in.] | [There] | [they arrived.] |
wa-iñgínaⁿbire[ʆ´]* | dêéji | hitcûⁿcgê | p‘iⁿṇa | núnigê |
Wa’įgínąbirežé. | Teéži, | hicųšge, | pįna, | núnige |
[They thanked him.] | ["Of course,] | [grandson,] | [it is good,] | but |
[ω] | hiraitcérakdjonihé[/] | hidja | hidádje* | wa’ŭáⁿdjê |
žigé | hiraicérakdjanihéną. | Hija | hitáje | wa’uąje," |
[the next one] | [it will be greater.] | [There] | [mightily] | [you must do it,"] |
higaíre[ʆ] | [ω] | hoxdjanáⁿ[ʆ] | [ω] | rêγarupấrôkdjegá* |
higaíreže. | Žigé | hoxjaną́že. | Žigé | reǧarupórokjegá |
[they told him.] | [Again] | [it was evening.] | [Again] | [the drum] |
gitc[g]airágenijế.* | [ω] | hinûⁿbốhôⁿṇa | gitcgá | hirejế |
gicgairágenižé. | Žigé | hinųbóhǫna | gicgá | hirežé. |
[they sounded it.] | [Again] | [for a second time] | [to strike] | [they did.] |
hokarahóhôp | hire[ʆ´] | hidaníhoⁿṇa | gitcíwiⁿre[γ] | higŭấna |
Hokarahóhop | hirežé. | Hitaníhǫ́na | gicíwįregiži, | higuána |
[To whoop] | [they did.] | [For a third time] | [they made a great noise, and] | [immediately] |
herékdjanénaⁿ | hokiráciríkdjanénaⁿ | [ω] | haraíre[ʆ] | hidjá |
herékjanéną. | Hokiráširíkjanéną. | Žigé | haraíreže. | Hijá |
[it will be.] | [It will be crowded.] | [Again] | [they started.] | [There] |
hahíre[ʆ] | [ω] | rajítc* hirágᴇni[ʆ] | djagu | air[ρ´] |
hahíreže. | Žigé | ražijirageniže. | Jagu | airánąga |
[they came.] | [Again] | [they already began teasing.] | [What] | [they said, and] |
p. 28 —
wajaⁿā́[γ]í* | [λ] | e | wá[γ][ʆ] | [ω] |
wažąnánąki, | žesge | e | wánąkše. | Žigé |
[as the things were,] | [that way] | [they] | [they were saying it.] | [Again] |
djirêhíre[ʆ] | naⁿwáⁿṇa | [ω] | hiraidjairaxdjîⁿ[ʆ] | tconí |
jire híreže. | Nąwą́na | žigé | hiraijairaxjįže. | coní |
[to start, they did.] | [The songs] | [again] | [they were very much more.] | [First] |
woráwanaⁿ | hirêgíji | hiñkế | jêsgánijê |
worawáną, | hiregíži, | hįké | žesgánįže. |
[to get through with it] | [when they did,] | [not] | [they could make nothing of it.] |
hiraidjaíra[ʆ] | gadjûñgacgế | naⁿsŭếdja | hawasû́ⁿdjiránañga |
hiraijairaže. | gajągašké | nasuéja | hawasújiránąga |
[It became greater.] | [Now this time] | [on the head] | [they pushed him, and] |
wak‘áⁿdjiⁿbíres’á[ʆ] | higê | hiraidjaíra | wagi’úiṇejê | [γ] |
wakąjįbires’aže. | Hige | hiraidjaíra | wagi’ų́ireže. | Nąk |
[they pushed his head down.] | [To call] | [greater] | [they made it.] | [He sat] |
únañk‘ûⁿ | haháⁿpcê* | [ω]† | hadjiákaraíre[ʆ] |
únąk’ų, | hahąpše. | Žigé | hajiákaraíreže. |
[while he did,] | [it became daylight.] | [Again] | [they returned home.] |
wa-iñgínônbiré[ʆ] | hitcûⁿcgê | p‘iⁿṇáṇaⁿ | dêế | nunigế |
Wa’įgínąbiréže. | "Hicųšge, | pįnáną. | Teé, | nunigé, |
[They thanked him.] | ["Grandson,] | [it is good.] | [This,] | [however,] |
hiraidjaírakdjonihé[/] | honî́ñgidánaⁿ | hidjá | hidadje* | wa’ŭáⁿdjê |
hiraijaírakdjanihéną. | Honį́gitáną. | Hijá | hitaje | wa’uą́je." |
[it will be greater.] | [More will left for you.] | [There] | [mightily] | [you must do it."] |
[α] | hoxdjanáñ[ʆ] | [ω] | djadjiⁿṇédjaⁿ | rêγarupấrogᴇra |
Égi | hoxjaną́že. | Žigé | jajįnéją | reǧarupórogera |
[Then] | [it was evening.] | [Again] | [right away] | [the drum] |
p. 29 —
gitcgáhirágini[ʆ´] | hokaraγế | hire[ʆ´] | tcegếdja | hirohë́knihéra |
gicgá hirágenižé. | Hokaraǧé* | hirežé. | cegéja | hirohéknihéra |
[to sound, they did already.] | [To yell] | [they did.] | [From the first] | [he was better] |
rokấna[ɕ][ʆ´] | hinûⁿbốhôⁿṇa | gitcgá | hire[ʆ] | higŭấⁿna |
rokánaxjįžé. | Hinųbóhǫna | gicgá | hireže. | Higuą́na |
[he did much.] | [For a second time] | [to strike] | [they did.] | [Immediately] |
haraírejê | higŭấⁿna | hêrekdjénaⁿ | hokirácirikdjanénaⁿ | ējế |
haraíreže. | Higuą́na | herekjéną. | "Hokiráširikjanéną," | ežé. |
[they began.] | [Immediately] | [they will have existed.] | ["It will be crowded,"] | [he said.] |
[ε] | higŭâⁿṇa | haraírejê | hahíre[ʆ] | [ω] |
Ésge | higuąna | haraíreže. | Hahíreže. | Žigé |
[So] | [immediately] | [they began.] | [They arrived.] | [Again] |
rajítc hirágᴇnijê | gadjûñgácgê* | wirakárara | [ϕ] |
ražijirageniže. | gajągáške | wirakánara | hąké |
[they already began teasing.] | [Now this time] | [his attendants] | [not] |
wa’uní[ʆ] | nunigế | hîñkê | wajáⁿ | jesgáni[ʆ´] |
wa’ųníže, | nunigé | hįké | wažą | žesgánižé. |
[they did not do anything,] | [but] | [not] | [anything] | [they could make out of it.] |
[ω] | naⁿwáⁿṇa | djirehírejê | gádjûñga | hîñkê |
Žigé | Nąwą́na | jirehíreže. | Gájąga, | hįké |
[Again] | [The songs] | [they started.] | [Now then,] | [not] |
wajáⁿ | [λ]ánijế* | [τ] | maⁿṇácgê | giksûⁿtcnísge[ʆ] |
wažą́ | žesgánižé. | Žegų | mąnášge | giksųcnísgeže, |
[anything] | [they could make out of it.] | [Then] | [the earth also] | [it was like shaking,] |
rêγarupấrôgra | gadjûñgácgê | wa-iⁿ[ɬ´] | harukốzir[ρ´] | rudí |
reǧarupórogera. | Gajągáške | wa-įnéja | harukóziránąga | rutí |
[the drum.] | [Now this time] | [on his blanket] | [they took hold of, and] | [to drag] |
naⁿíⁿnes’á[ʆ] | ho-’unañkácgê | [β]* | kiníⁿbirês’á[ʆ] | ’unáñk‘ûⁿ |
na’į́nes’áže. | Ho’ų́nąkášge | éja | kįnį́bires’áže. | ’Uną́k’ų, |
[they continually tried.] | [Going, also] | [there] | [they would always fall down.] | [Finally,] |
p. 30 —
hatcûñgérê | haháⁿpcê | wira | haγếp‘u[τ´] | [ω] |
hacągére, | hahą́pše. | Wira | haǧép’ųgáją, | žigé |
[after much difficulty,] | [it became daylight.] | [The sun] | [after it rose,] | [again] |
mîⁿsdjikêre[ʆ] | [ω] | hakarairágᴇni[ʆ] | haⁿhá | hitcûⁿcgê |
mįsjikereže. | Žigé | hakarairágeniže. | "Hąhá | hicųšge, |
[they vanished.] | [Again] | [they had gone home already.] | ["Exclamation] | [grandson,] |
dêếcanaⁿ | wajaⁿ | pônaiṇánaⁿ* | hiroágᴇra | haⁿhékdjanihé[/] |
teéšaną | wažą | ponaįraną. | Hiroágera | hąhékjanihéną. |
[this alone] | [something] | [it was wonderful.] | [The last time] | [it will be night.] |
hidádje | wa’uáⁿdjê | hîñkế | wajaⁿ | [λ]anikjanihé[/] |
Hitáje | wa’uąje, | hįké | wažą | žesganikjanihéną." |
[Mightily] | [you must do it,] | [not] | [anything] | [we will not make out of it."] |
gadjîñgáji* | wirakarará | haruwốñk | ha’ûñkdjánihawínaⁿ | nunigế |
gajągáži | wirakarará | háruwank | ha’ųkjánihawíną, | nunigé |
[Now this time] | [the attendants] | [eight] | [we will be in place,] | [but] |
hîñkế | wajanína | hidadjế[ɕ] wac’uñgi | ca-ną* | hêrékdjanihé[/] |
hįké | wažaníną. | Hitajéxjį waš’ųgí, | šaną | herékjanihéną," |
[not] | [it is nothing.] | [If you try hard,] | only | [she will remain,"] |
higá[γ][ʆ] | djadjiṇédjaⁿ | hoxdjánaⁿ[ʆ] | [ω] |
higánąkše. | Jajinéją | hoxjánąže. | Žigé |
[they said to him.] | [Right away] | [it was evening.] | [Again] |
rêγarupấrôgra | gítciwîⁿ | hirágîni[ʆ] | [ψ] | rokốna[ɕ][ʆ] |
reǧarupórogera | gícįwį | hiráginiže. | Gają | rokónaxjįže. |
[the drum] | [they struck it] | [they already did.] | [Then] | [it was great.] |
[τ] | hahí | ’uañg[β´]* | γ’û́ñk[ʆ´] | waγé[-] |
Žigų | hahí | wągéja | ǧų́kšé. | Waǧéra |
[Then] | [there] | [from above] | [it roared]. | [Shouting] |
p. 31* —
higŭấⁿna | herekdjé[/] | hokirácirídjikêrékdjanihénaⁿ | [ɕ] | higŭấⁿna |
higuą́na | herekjéną. | "Hokiráširíjikerékjanihéną," | ežé. | Higuą́na |
[immediately] | [it will be.] | ["It’s beginning to get crowded,"] | [he said.] | [Immediately] |
ējế ɕ
nañk = ⨩
hire = ⨪
|‧ = niké
haraíre[ʆ] | tcináñgᴇnañká | dirế[ɕ][⨩][ʆ] | haⁿbíjañga | wanaγíra |
haraíreže. | Ciną́genąká | tirexjįnąkše. | Hąbížąga | wanaǧíra |
[they began.] | [That village] | [it had increased.] | [During a single day] | [the ghosts] |
rohaⁿ* | hidjanaⁿjiáñk[ʆ] | maⁿnáñgếrê | hot’era |
rohą | hijanąžią́kše. | Mąną́gére | hot’era |
[many] | [they were present camping.] | [On earth] | [the ones who died] |
[λ]á[⨩][ʆ] | [ε] | jê[λ][ʆ] | hahíre[γ] | howacínañka |
žesgánąkše. | Ésge | žežesgeže. | Hahíregíži, | howašínąka |
[those they were.] | [So] | [thus it was.] | [When they arrived,] | [that dancing place] |
[β]* | rokôna[ɕ][ʆ´] | tcowê | wanaⁿ[ʆ] |
éja | rokonaxjįžé. | Cowe | wanąže. |
[at,] | [there were a great many.] | [Quite nearly] | [he was stepped on.] |
hiranáⁿ[ʆ] | cgê* | higŭấⁿ | [⨪][ʆ] | dewë́raki |
Hiraną́že, | šge | higuą́ | hireže. | Tewéraki, |
[They did] | [as well] | [immediately] | [he thought.] | [Unexpectedly,] |
hitcawína | w[ɕ]* | djagú’ûⁿ | wadoráγîñkdjanihé[ʆ] | degí |
hicawína | weže, | "Jagú’ų | watoráǧįkjanihéže? | Tegí |
[his wife] | [said,] | ["Why] | [you would pout?] | [Over here] |
horáwacu[ρ´] | hadjí-wadoráγiⁿcánañk[ʆ] | ejĕ* | tcowê | |
horáwašaránañga | haji | watoráǧįšánąkše," | eže. | Cowe |
[go and] | [there] | [you can sit and pout,"] | [she said.] | [Almost] |
hidjaoruxútcᴇnaⁿ[ʆ] | naⁿwốⁿ[⨩] | djire | [⨪][ʆ] | |
hija | horuxúceną. | Nąwą́nąk | jire | hireže. |
[there] | [he looked.] | [Songs] | [to start] | [they did.] |
rokốnaⁿ[ʆ] | manáñgᴇrê | hixgaxgaⁿ[ʆ] | [δ]cgế | rudî |
Rokónąže. | Mąną́gere | hixgąxgąže. | Gajągašké | rutí |
[It was great.] | [The earth] | [it started to shake.] | [Now this time,] | [To drag] |
p. 32 —
gipinis’a[ʆ] | hitcawinácgê | ewa’ûⁿ[ɕ][ʆ] | hoicî́p | horá |
gipįnįs’aže. | Hicawinášge | ewa’ųxjįže. | Hoišíp | horá |
[they liked.] | [His wife also] | [she herself did it to him.] | [Always] | [her voice] |
tcaⁿt’îⁿnihês’ajê | wa-iⁿṇog[β´] | minañgᴇnúnigê | wa’iⁿṇáegê | naⁿsế |
cąt’įnihes’aže. | Waįnogéja | minągenúnige | wa-įná-ege | nąsé |
[he used to hear.] | [On his blanket] | [they sat, but] | [his blanket] | [to shut] |
hirês’a[ʆ] | hagaíracgế* | hawasû́ⁿtc | hiráwis’á[ʆ] |
hires’aže. | Hagairašké | hawasų́c | hiráwis’áže. |
[they would always do.] | [Sometimes] | [to pile on] | [they were always doing.] |
wirakárara | haruwốñk | winúnigê* | hîñkê | [X]cî́k |
Wirakárara | háruwank | winúnige | hįké | wąkšík |
[The attendants] | [eight] | [they were there, but] | [not] | [man] |
hidjá | wiranaⁿ-îⁿṇani[ʆ] | [δ] | haⁿbidjaná | hare[ʆ´] |
hijá | wiraną’įraniže. | Gająga, | hąbijaná | harežé. |
[there] | [they could not think of anything.] | [Now then,] | [the light there] | [it grew.] |
hîñkê | wajáⁿ | [λ]áni[ʆ´] | sik‘aíⁿdjacgế | harukốzir[ρ´] |
Hįké | wažą́ | žesgánižé. | Sik’aį́jašgé | harukóziránąga |
[Not] | [anything] | [it was not that way.] | [At his ankles also] | [they caught hold, and] |
rudínuwañk | [⨪]s’ájecgế | ’unañk’ûⁿ | hatcañgérê[ɕ] |
rutínuwąk | hires’áže šgé | ’unąk’ų, | hacągérexjį |
[to run pulling] | [they were always doing, also] | [finally,] | [with great effort] |
haháⁿbiré[ʆ] | wira | haγêphugê | haⁿhá |
hahąbiréže. | Wira | haǧephuge, | hąhá, |
[daylight came upon them.] | [The sun] | [because it appeared,] | [exclamation,] |
higŭấⁿṇa | êrekdjé[/] | [α] | waíre[ʆ] | haⁿhá |
higuą́na | erekjéną. | Égi | waíreže, | "Hąhá |
[immediately] | [it will be.] | [Then] | [they said,] | [exclamation,] |
p. 33* —
hitcûñcgế | p‘iⁿṇánaⁿ | curuxúrukšanaⁿ | tciho’únañka | [β] |
hicųšge, | pįnáną. | Šuruxúrukšaną." | Ciho’ų́nąka | éja |
[grandson,] | [you did well.] | [You have accomplished it."] | [This lodge site] | [there] |
hagíre[ʆ] | [α] | [ω][ɕ´] | hitcûⁿcgế | hîñkaga |
hagíreže. | Égi | žigéže, | "Hicųšgé, | hįkagá |
[they arrived.] | [Then] | [again they said,] | ["Grandson,] | [never] |
howárehírê | dé[λ]á | nîñkdjani[|‧] | [ϕ] | wagûⁿzᴇrá |
howárehíre | téžesgá | nįkjaninihe. | Hąké | Wagųzerá |
[is it to go] | [that way] | [you will not be.] | [Not] | [the Creator] |
[λ] | guⁿzᴇní[/] | nunigê | náⁿdjonidjấnaⁿ | hitcakấrowahára |
žesge | gųzeníną, | nunige | ną́jonijáną. | Hicakórowahára |
[this way] | [he did not create,] | [but] | [I bless you.] | [My friends] |
êtcóni | enaⁿdjónidjaíⁿṇegê | náⁿdjonidjáⁿnê | [ε] | dé[λ]ránaⁿ |
ecóni | enąjonijaį́nege, | nájoniją́ne, | ésge, | téžesgeráną. |
[first] | [since they blessed you,] | [I blessed you,] | [therefore,] | [thus you did.] |
[α] | hitcawinága | hakaraíkiju | rakếrekdjani[|‧] | [α] |
Égi | hicawįrága | hakaraíkižu | rakérekjaniheną." | Égi |
[And] | [your wife] | [with her] | [you can take her home."] | [And] |
[ω][ɕ] | hágagurawírê | ē[ʆ´] | hagágu | haraíre[ʆ] |
žigéže, | "Hagagurawire," | ežé. | Hagágu | haraíreže. |
[again he said,] | ["You may fetch her,"] | [he said.] | [To fetch] | [they started.] |
hagánihakiríre[ʆ] | [α] | wawagế[ʆ] | naⁿdjonidjaⁿwína |
Hagáni hakiríreže. | Égi | wawagéže, | "Nąjonijąwíną. |
[They brought her back.] | [And] | [he said to him,] | ["We bless you.] |
rakérêdjáⁿniháwinaⁿ | [α] | dêế | naⁿtc wironidjaⁿwínaⁿ |
Rakérekjániháwiną. | Égi | teé | nącwironijąwíną. |
[You can go home with her.] | [And] | [this one] | [we bless you.] |
manáñgᴇrê | hanáⁿtc | nañxgûⁿnáñkcanaⁿ | dêê | [ρ´] |
Mąną́gere | haną́c | nąxgųną́kšaną," | tee, | ánąga |
[On this earth] | [everyone] | [they shall hear of it,"] | [this] | [he said, and] |
p. 34* —
réγarupấrogíjaⁿ | wok‘û́ⁿ[ʆ] | tcohi[ρ´] | manitcó |
réǧorupórogížą | wok’ų́že. | Cohiánąga | manicó |
[a drum] | [he gave it to him.] | [He made blue, and] | [blue earth] |
*at the top of the page, Radin has
ᴗ = hijáⁿ
θ = djanûñga
hitco[⨪][ʆ] | hijaⁿ | t’ehi | hikârohoírecgê | nañγíragrá |
hicohireže. | Hižą | t’ehi | hikarohoírešge | nąǧíragrá |
[he made blue.] | [One of them] | [to die] | [he is getting ready, also] | [the soul] |
haniñgā́ni | hahinañgikdja[|‧] | [ω] | hijáⁿ | nañγíragra |
hanįgáni | hahinągikjaniheną. | žigé, | hizą́ | nąǧíragra |
[to take home] | [I will go.] | [Again,] | [one of them] | [the soul] |
wahêhêdjếcgê | hanihagú | hirékdjô[|‧] | wawige[ʆ´] | [α] |
wahehejéšge | hanihagú | hirékjonihe," | wawigéžé. | "Égi |
[it gets weaker, also] | [you bring] | [it will be,"] | [he said to them.] | ["And] |
ranínaⁿ | [θ] | cawaxû́ⁿwi[ʆ] | hinîñgiperếz |
raníną | jánąga | šawaxųwiže. | Hinįgíperéz |
[you are] | [as many as] | [you can pour it out.] | [Remember to smoke] |
nihékdjaniháwinaⁿ* | higaíre[ʆ] | [α] | rakếrekdjániháwirê |
nihékjaniháwiną," | higaíreže. | "Égi | rakérekjániháwire. |
[we will continue to be there,"] | they told him. | ["And] | [you two shall take it home.] |
niruxaírekdjánihawínaⁿ | wouốñk | [⨪]naⁿ | [ω] | haruwốñkci* |
Niruxaírekjánihawíną. | Wową́k | hireną. | žigé, | haruwą́kži |
[They shall chase after you.] | [To act badly] | [they do.] | [Again,] | [at least eight] |
hidjá | nîñkérế | harairêkdjanihawínaⁿ | [α] | raxótc |
hijá | nįkéré | harairekjanihawíną." | Égi | raxóc |
[there] | [to take you] | [they will go."] | [And] | [ash] |
wogájê | honixára | hirawígi | dêế | hisgế |
wogáže. | "Honixára | hirawígi, | teé | hiské |
[he gave him.] | ["If they overtake you,] | [this] | [some] |
p. 35 —
hagê[β´] | horabéwicuⁿnûñkdjếnaⁿ | wawigế[ʆ] | ragíwi[ʆ] |
hagejá | horabéwišųnųkdjéną," | wawigéže. | Ragíwiže. |
[behind] | [you two should throw ? it,"] | [he said to them.] | ["You are going back.] |
higŭấna | tci | ’ûⁿ | wáraciwi[ρ´]* | dêế |
Higuána | ci | ’ų | warašiwiánąga | teé |
[Immediately] | [lodge] | [to make] | [you do, and] | [this] |
c’ûñkdjawínaⁿ | wigế[ʆ] | [α] | hagâréjaⁿ | waruxaíre[ʆ] |
š’ųkjawíną," | wigéže. | Égi | hagaréžą, | waruxaíreže. |
[you two will do,"] | [he said to them.] | [And] | [in time,] | [they chased after them.] |
hohấ | hitcawihihiwíra | wakisgá | waⁿgaganikarawínaⁿ |
"Hohá, | hicawihihiwíra | Wakisgá | wągaganikarawíną. |
["Exclamation] | [our wife] | Wakisgá | [he has carried her off from us.] |
hîñkúruzíkdjawínaⁿ | air[ρ´] | wa’unáñkcê | hoxerế[ɕ] |
Hįkúrukjawíną," | airánąga | wa’uną́kše. | Hoxeréxjį |
[He will take her from us,"] | [they said, and] | [they did it.] | [Almost catching up] |
hahurere[ʆ´] | raxótcᴇnañká | hisgế | hagếdja | hohä́rejê | ho |
hahurerežé. | Raxócnąká | hisgé | hagéja | hoháreže. | "Ho, |
[they came.] | [Those ashes] | [right] | [behind] | [he cast ?.] | "Ho, |
giázwirê | [ᴗ] | waíniṇa | cicî́k | nîñgígikdjaniháwinaⁿ |
giázwire, | hižą́ | waínina | šišík | nįgígijaniháwiną," |
[run away,] | [one] | [clothes] | [bad] | [we will make,"] |
air[ρ´] | hakdjá | hoginóñ[k]* | hirejế | dówakếrejê |
airánąga | hakjá | hoginą́k | hirežé. | Tówakéreže. |
[they said, and] | [back] | [to run away] | [they did.] | [They went home.] |
[ω] | wagí’uⁿs’a[ʆ] | hoxére[ɕ]ṇega | [X]’û́ⁿ |
žigé, | wagí’ųs’aže. | Hoxérexjįrega, | wąk’ų́, |
[Again,] | [they kept doing it to them.] | [When they would almost catch up,] | [doing thus,] |
girucdjaíⁿ | hirawí[ʆ] | [β] | wirákarará | [δ] |
girušjaį́ | hirawíže. | Éja | wirákarará | gająga |
[to quit them] | [they did.] | [There] | [the attendants] | [then] |
p. 36 —
wakcaⁿ[⨪][ʆ]* | [α] | tcinû́ñgᴇra | ā́cgê | hagíre[ψ] |
wakšąniheže. | Égi | ciną́gera | ášge | hagíregają, |
[they turned back.] | [And] | [the village] | [nearby] | [when they returned,] |
dê woíraki | [ᴗ] | [α] | náⁿdêra | tcáγᴇra |
tewoíraki | hižą́ | égi | ną́tera | cáǧera |
[unexpectedly,] | [one] | [here] | [the chopping of wood] | [the marsh ?] |
tcaⁿt’î́ⁿ[ʆ] | êówakaraíre[ʆ] | dewoíraki | γak | wa’û́ⁿdje[ʆ] |
cąt’į́že. | E-ówakaraireže. | Tewoíraki | ǧak | wa’ų́ježe. |
[they heard.] | [They went to it.] | [Unexpectedly,] | [cry] | [she made it.] |
hidjágire[ψ] | dewoíraki | [X´]djega | hi-unína | wa’û́ⁿdje[ʆ] |
Hijágiregają, | tewoíraki | wą́kjega | hiunína | wa’ų́ježe. |
[When they got there,] | [unexpectedly,] | [the man] | [his mother] | [she was doing it.] |
dewoíraki | hinîñgrá | gijế | nañγíre[ʆ] | t’ḗjaⁿ |
Tewoíraki | hinįgerá | gižé. | Nąǧíreže, | t’éžą |
[Unexpectedly,] | [her son] | [he had returned.] | [They were afraid,] | [a dead one] |
hakijú | ’ûⁿdjegê | [ε] | [α] | [β] |
hakižú | ’ųjege. | Ésge | égi | éja |
[with] | [as he was.] | [Therefore,] | [then] | [there] |
hokit’aíre[ʆ] | wagaíre[ʆ] | nôni | kar[ρ´] | [X]rá |
hokit’aíreže, | wagaíreže, | "Nąnį | karánąga | wągerá |
[they spoke,] | [they told her,] | ["Mother,] | [go home, and] | [males] |
hotcîⁿtcî́ⁿṇa | kêni | [X]cîk | kiónina | kerêpônaíjaⁿ |
hocįcį́na | keni | wąkšík | kiónina | kereponaížą |
[young men] | [not yet] | [people] | [the untouched] | [ten] |
[α] | hinûñk | wátcegeráji | jigigûⁿ | kerêpônaíjaⁿ |
égi | hinųk | wácegeráži | žigigų | kereponaížą, |
[and] | [at least virgins] | [and again] | [ten,] |
higíhowa | huirekdjénaⁿ | wodápôną | hanin[ρ´] | higuíre[ʆ] |
higí-howa | huirekjéną." | Wotápaną | haninánąga | higaíreže. |
[to come here] | [they will start coming."] | [Incense] | [taking, and] | [they told her.] |
p. 37 —
kêrêjế | hagi | horakíji | jenûñga | hidjádjiwí[ʆ] |
Kerežé. | Hagi | horakíži, | ženųga | hijájiwíže. |
[She went back.] | [To come] | [after she told them,] | [both of them] | [the two returned.] |
[α] | [β] | tci | ’ûⁿwagigí[ʆ] | hot’û́ⁿkerêpônaijaⁿjaⁿ |
Égi | éja | ci | ’ųwagigiže. | Hot’ų́-kereponaižąžą |
[Then] | [there] | [lodge] | [they caused to be made.] | [A ten-fireplaces one] |
’ûⁿwagigí[ʆ] | [α] | wodápôna | [⨪][ʆ] | [α] |
’ųwagigiže. | Égi | wotapaną | hireže.* | Égi |
[they caused to be made.] | [Then] | [incense] | [they did.] | [Then] |
hidjá | hokáwawíjê | [α] | hañhếgiji | higŭấⁿna |
hijá | hoikawawíže. | Égi | hąhégiži, | higuą́na |
[there] | [they went in.] | [Then] | [at night,] | [immediately,] |
wací | wagigíwijê | ṇéγarupấrôgra | hidjá | nañka |
waší | wagigíwiže. | Reǧorupórogera | hijá | nąka |
[dance] | [they caused it.] | [The drum] | [there] | [those] |
náⁿwaⁿ | gigû́ⁿzire[ʆ´] | wawi’û́ⁿjê | ḗp‘ā | [λ] |
ną́wą | gigų́zirežé, | wawi’ų́že. | Ép’a, | žesge |
[song] | [he was taught,] | [he made them.] | [From then on,] | [that way] |
[⨪]s’á[ʆ] | [ε] | [X]cigᴇnáñgᴇrê | higû́ⁿ | ’unáñkcanaⁿ |
hires’áže. | Ésge | wąkšigeną́gere | higų́ | ’uną́kšaną. |
[they would do.] | [Thus] | [these people] | [still] | [they do.] |
[β] | huwádji | wagi’uⁿnúñkcanaⁿ | rếγarupârog |
Éja | howáji | wagi’uną́kšaną. | Réǧoruporok |
[There] | [where they came from] | [they were using something.] | [The drum] |
hodjiⁿṇ[ρ´]* | wojawahináñgᴇrê | higû́ⁿ | jeguⁿ | negícgê |
hojįránąga | wožawahiną́gere | higų́ | žegų | negíšge |
[they struck up, and] | [those having fun] | [still] | [now] | [even now] |
’unáñkcanaⁿ | wa’û́ⁿdjega | woksisgá | higaíre[ʆ] | ragᴇrá |
’uną́kšaną. | Wa’ų́jega, | Woksisgá | higaíreže. | Ragerá. |
[they do.] | [As he was it,] | ["Stingy"] | [they called him.] | [The last.] |
John Baptiste, "The Man who Brought His Wife back from Spiritland," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #8: 14-37. An English version is found in, "The Man who Brought His Wife back from Spiritland," in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves (Baltimore: Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1, 1949) 47-65. This story is discussed in Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Four Winnebago Myths," Structural Anthropology, vol. 2, trs. Monique Layton (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976) 198-210.