Hocąk Text — Hare Kills a Man with a Cane
narrated by Jacob Russell
interlinear translation by Richard L. Dieterle
Brackets '[ ]' indicate uncertain translations.
Haininégi | žigé | jíkerešgùni. | Uañkšigížą | éja |
The next morning | again | he started forth. | A man | there |
'ųješgúni. | "Égi | miánañke | hotuxújikjèną. | Jagú-ižą |
he was at. | "Well, | I am going to sit | I will look around. | Which one |
wa'ųjegùni? | Hiságų | hakerešgúni. | T'ehirešgùni. | Wašjiñgéga |
would it be? | With a cane | I am going back. | They will kill him. | Hare |
éja | hañké | kírinišgùni. | Hicųšgéniñkàra, | jagú'ų |
there | not | he does not return. | Little nephew, | why |
p. 51 —
wa'uñgúni? | Hañké | kiriníną. | Wákuruxuc | tékjiną." |
are you doing it? | Not | he does not return. | Looking around at something | I will go." |
Hijá | hišgúni | uañgerájane. | "Hicųšgéniñkàra | hañké |
There | he arrived | the man. | "Little nephew | not |
hínagišjàniže." | "Hitokéniñgera, | éja | wažą́nigìžą | hisagų́ |
you will not do it." | "Little uncle, | there | a little something | cane |
hakeréną." | Erés'áre | hokúruǧucšgùnigáją. | Éja |
I am coming back." | Perhaps it was he | who looked at him. | There |
t'anañkšgúni. | Kúrusguni. | Haníñkerešgùni. | Gígi. | Íni |
he was dead. | He took his man. | He took him away back. | He did for him. | Stone |
ǧokéwigi'ųšgùnigáją. | Ni-ǫpšgúni | "Kúnika | hacitékjeną." |
he began scratching him (?). | He was alive. | "Grandmother | he will live." |
p. 53 —
"Hąhą́ | žejuñgá | rešgúni." | Wázira | nųpíwi |
"Yes | now | he is gone." | The pines | two |
hisagų́ | kik'ųšgúni. | Hijá | hįšgúni. | "Hahó |
cane | he made for himself. | There | he went. | "Okay |
hi'uñkjeną. | Nišgé | nisagų́ | hakérešonùną." | Žéjuñga, |
I will do it. | I too | — cane | I usually go home." | Now then, |
uáñkjega | hisagų́ | hakérešgùni. | T'ehirešgúni. | "Žéjuñga, |
the man | cane | he went home. | They killed him. | "Now then, |
piñkjanéną. | Kunika, | t'eháną. | Hitégeniwahàra |
it will be good. | Grandmother, | I killed him. | My uncles |
hiuníniñgwahàra | t'éwahijèra. | Hišgé | t'eháną. | Kúnika, |
my aunts | he killed many. | Therefore, | I killed him. | Grandmother, |
p. 55 —
jágu | hiraréže?" | "Hicųšgéniñkàxjį, | pįnáną. |
what | do you wish to do?" | "My dear little grandson, | it is good. |
Hitégeniñgwàraga | hiuníniñkwaragá | waragíkik'acąną | pį. |
Your uncles | your aunts | [you have done for them ?] | good. |
Uañkšik | ínekjanèną." | "Kuniká, | pįhágają |
Humans | [will be left alone]." | "Grandmother, | that I have done well |
hišegáją." |
you have said it." |
Jacob Russell, Stories from the Trickster and Hare Cycles, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3893 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #14: 49-55. Phonetic text only.