asThe Man
who went to the Upper and Lower Worlds (Text III)
narrated by Philip Longtail
Interlinear Hocąk-English Text
by Rev. James Owen Dorsey
Reproduced with the kind permission of the
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Ejá | ci | póropóro* | hižą́ | nañk | škúni. | Wañg-rá | hižañkí-ra | áeja | nañk |
There | lodge | round-round | one | sat | perhaps | Man-the | one-the | right there | sat |
škúni. | Hąp-gá | mą* | ų́-ra | ų́ | náñk | s'á | škúni. | Žegų́ | gajáñga | mą-rá |
perhaps. | Every day | arrows | making-the | doing | he sat | always | perhaps. | So | at length | arrows-the |
ciróhogįgįx´-hi | škúni. | Wañk | náñg-ra | hagárašaná | warúc | s'á |
he made them all around inside the lodge | perhaps. | Man | sat-the | once in a while | he ate | habitually |
škúni. | Egí | hagórežą | wi | tánihą | hiñké | warúc | ni | škúni. | Hagórežą́ |
perhaps. | And | at one time (in the past) | moon | during three | not | he ate | not | perhaps | At one (past) time |
warují | kcé | é | škúni. | Žejáñga | mą́-ra | wakurúz | anañgá | hahíhinąp´* |
he sat | would | he said | perhaps. | At length | arrows-the | he took his own | after | he went out |
škúni. | Egí | híraréxcíniñgáją | hųj- | -ížą | haní kirí | škúni. | Egí |
perhaps. | And | in a very little while | black bear | one | he brought it back | perhaps. | And |
hohą́ | nañgá | warúc | hikorohó | škúni. | Žejáñga | hohą́ | rušcą́ | na. |
he boiled it | the s[i]tting one (or: when he sat) | to eat | he prepared | perhaps. | At length | boilings | he finished | . |
Egí | mináñg | anañgá | warúc | hikoroho-xcį | gáją | wañkšíg-ižą́ | háj |
And | he sat down | as they sat (or: when)* | to eat | he was just ready | just then | person-one | came |
* this actually means "and".
gižíj | škúni. | Wañk | nañgére | hihinąp´ | ánañgá | horoxúc | škúni. | Hiñké |
blew out the breath between his teeth? | perhaps. | Man | the st[an]d[ing]. one | he went out | as they sat (or: when) | he looked around | perhaps. | Not |
wažą́ | hajá | ní | škúni. | Žigé | kíri | anañgá | hiųjá | nųniñgé | žigé. |
some one | he saw | not | perhaps. | Again | he came back | as they sat (or: when) | he tried it again | a little while | again. |
Žiské | gigíre* | škúni. | Žejáñga | wohą́-ra† | ruz | ánañgá | cañgéja | howaxų́ |
Just as | they did it to him | perhaps. | At length | soup-the | he took up | as they sat (or: when) | out of doors | he poured it out |
škúni. | Žegų́ | -he | ánañgá | hahíhinąp´ | škúni. | Hihinąp´ | ánañgá | hiñké |
perhaps | So | he did | as they sat (or: when) | he went out | perhaps. | He went out | as they sat (or: when) | not |
wažą́ | hają́ | ní | škúni. | Egí | gajáñga | wogítek | škúni. | Egí | cóni |
some one | he saw | not | perhaps | And | these | he became angry | perhaps. | And | first |
maxí-wañg-rá | howáre | škúni. | Žaną́hą | hižíñkipá* | -ga | wigíwąx | s'á | škúni. |
up to the clouds (the upper world) | he went thither | perhaps. | Every time | he met someone | when | he questioned them | regularly | perhaps. |
"Žeské | né | waše | žé | híñgižíjre | -ra" | wigé | s'á | škúni.* | Mą́ | ižą́ |
"Just so | you | you said (it) | ?† | you (pl) blew at me through your teeth | the" | he said to them | often | perhaps. | Year | one |
maxí-weñgejá | hahí ų | škúni. | Hiñkága | wažó | hówesíwi | ni | škúni. |
up in the clouds, or upper world | he stayed | perhaps. | Never | any thing | he found out | not | perhaps. |
Egí | mą | regí | kíri | gáją | žigé | mą | kųhą | -ra | žigé | howáre | škúni. |
And | earth | here | he had come back | where | again | earth | beneath | the | again | he went thither | perhaps. |
Egí | mą́ | ižą́ | hijá | hí ų | škúni. | Hiñkagá | wažą́ | hajá | ní | škúni. |
And | year | one | there | he stayed | perhaps. | Never | some one | he saw | not | perhaps. |
Egí | žigé | mą | ihág | regí | kíri | škúni. | Žegų́ | mą | -ra | hoų́ | jiré | škúni. |
And | again | earth | on top of | here | he had come back | perhaps | so (— —- —-) | earth | the | he? went? around | he started | perhaps |
Egi | hágoréža | ų́ hahí* | gają́ | teé | wañkšík | hikipá | ji-náñk | škúni. |
And | at one (past) time | he was going | just then | there | people | he met | he did it suddenly (?)† | perhaps. |
wogit'é | gają́ | hiñkága | gixap'a | ní | škúni. | Égi | gajáñga | wáñg | -ra |
he spoke to them | when | never | they replied | not | perhaps. | And | just then, at length | man | the |
wogítek | škúni. | Gajáñga | mą́ | -ra | kurúz | anañgá | hižą́ | gúc* | škúni. |
he got angry | perhaps. | Just then | arrow | the | he took his own | after | one | he shot at | perhaps. |
Égi | we | škúni: | "Cagú ų | honíkit'áwi | -ra | hiñké | hįrágixápwi | ní | žé," | é |
And | he said | perhaps: | "Why | I speak to you | the | not | you (pl) reply to me | not | (?),"* | he said |
škúni. | Égi | žegų́-hi | nañgá | keré | škúni. | Haíni | gają́ | žigé | warují |
perhaps. | And | he did so | after | he started homeward | perhaps. | Morning | when | again | he eats |
kce,* | e | škúni. | Wañg- | ížą | hokáwa | ji-náñk | škúni. | Égi | wé | škúni | "Hau |
will, | he said | perhaps. | Man | one | entered | he came suddenly | perhaps. | And | he said | perhaps: | "Ho |
hisúñgaxcį́," | é | škúni. | Égi | wé | škúni: | "Hisúñgaxcį́, | híñgiaz'í | kcé ge |
O little brother," | he said | perhaps. | And | he said | perhaps: | "O younger brother, | we run away for fear | will |
tée | waų́ | hají | na." | Egí | hijąhí | nañká | we | škúni: | "Wañk-wášošé |
here | in order to do it | I have come | ." | And | other one | the st[an]d[ing]. one | said | perhaps: | "Brave men |
híni | gáją" | e | škúni. | Xeté- | -ra | we | škúni: | "Haíni | gają́ | kizá | wirá |
we are | [when]," | he said | perhaps. | Large (——) | the | said | perhaps: | "Tomorrow | when | —- fight | they come |
-jiré | kcąné," | é | škúni. | Egí | xunúniñg | -rá | we | škúni: | "Haínigi | wakizá |
to them | will," | he said | perhaps. | And | younger brother | the | said | perhaps: | "Tomorrow | I fight |
kcąné," | é | škúni. | Haíni | negí | hąp | sérec | wakizá | škúni. | Róhá* |
will," | he said | perhaps. | The next morning | when | day | long | he fought them | perhaps. | Many |
xcį́ | t'ehí | škúni. | Égi | "Haíni negí | žigé | hajíre | kcąné," | aíre | škúni. |
very | he killed him | perhaps. | And | "In the morning | again | he came | will," | they said | perhaps. |
Egí | hiní | -ra | we | škú: | Niñgé | howáre | ga | na'į́ | škúni.* | Egí | hisúñ'g |
And | other brothers | the | said | perhaps: | Somewhere | ?to ?go thither | [when] | he tried | perhaps. | And | his younger brother |
III.5 (p. 57) —
-ra | we | škúni: | hakížu | ré, | kcáné | e | škúni. | Égi | haíni gają́ | náñgire |
the | said | perhaps: | he with him | go | will | he said | perhaps. | And | in the morning | they went away running |
škúni. | Xéžą | hiráhiré | gają́ | éja | ciróp | ižą́* | ruhás jirére | škúni. |
perhaps. | Hill, one | they reached there | when | there | door flap | one | they pulled it up slowly | perhaps. |
Žegų́ | hahí | hokáwawi* | škúni. | Egí | wawí | škúni: | giáz | ajiwí | že, | áwi | škúni. |
So | they were there | they two entered | perhaps. | And | they two said | perhaps: | running fled for fear | they two had come | that | they two said | perhaps. |
Egí | wañk-míniñg | -ižą́ | hijá | nañkí | wé | škúni: | wakížu | ré | kcąné, |
And | old man | one | there | he sat (dwelt) | said | perhaps: | be with them | go | will, |
wawigé | škúni. | Žajáñga | hajíkaraíre | škúni. | Žegų́ | niñgé | té | žą |
he said it to them | perhaps. | Just then | they (pl) started | perhaps. | So | somewhere | lake | one |
nañkí | éja | hówaraíre | škúni. | Egí | ní | cejéja | hajíre | gáją | teé |
sat (dwelt there) | there | they went thither | perhaps. | And | water | near to, or at the edge | they came | when | there |
wij | -ížą | hajá | -rehíre | škúni. | Égi | wañk-nų́niñk | náñg-re | we | škúni: |
island | one | seeing | they sent off * | perhaps. | And | old man | the st[anding]. | said | perhaps: |
"Gáeja | howíne | kcanáwi | na," | wawigé | škúni. | Égi | wajéja | homínañgi |
"Yonder | we go thither | we will | ." | he said it to them | perhaps. | And | in a canoe | they were sitting in |
-he-nañgá | harucaíre | škúni. | Égi | wíc | regi | hahícire | škúni. | Žegų́ |
when | they went across | perhaps. | And | island | there | they dwelt there | perhaps. | So |
kų́'ų | náñk | škúni. | Egí | hagórežą́ | wañk-núniñk | náñg-re | wé | škúni: |
while | they were down and sitting | perhaps. | And | at one (past) time | old man | the st[anding]. | said | perhaps: |
že | cikeré | kcąné, | é | škúni. | Wawagé | škúni: | mą | kų́hą | -ra | howáji | -žé, |
that | he start home | will, | he said | perhaps. | He said to them | perhaps: | earth | down within | the | he had come hence | that, |
e | škúni. | Egí | gajáñga | horuš'ak | že, | e | škúni. | Ho | wirúkana | -ná | e | here |
he said | perhaps. | And | at length | he had enough of it | that, | he said | perhaps. | Fish | ruler | the | that one | he was (identical with) |
že, | e | škúni. | Egí | hiraréxcįníñgają́ | ho | ke | á-nañgá | cikére | škúni. |
that | he said | perhaps. | And | in a very little while | fish | he turned into | after | he started home | perhaps. |
Žegų́ | hiníñkwahi | -rá | wat'ų́ra | kére | škúni. | Teé | hóžéją | -na | heré | na. |
So | he had them for sons | the | he left them | he went home | perhaps. | This | therefore (and) | the | it is (identical with) | . |
Philip Longtail, "The Man who went to the Upper and Lower Worlds," text with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) III.1-6 (pp. 53-58).