The Nightspirits Bless Jobenągiwįxka

narrated by Sam Blowsnake

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation

Sam Blowsnake told the following story about his forefather Jobenągiwįxka as part of the ritual of the Thunderbird Warbundle Feast.

The text occurs only on even numbered pages. Uncertain translations are placed in brackets "[ ]".

p. 428 —
Cok’agá Jobenągiwįxga hąbogúregi Hok’áwas Manína
Grandfather Jobenągiwįxka who are in the east Darkness the Ones who Walk



waxop’íni wana’į jok’arak’éreže. Cok’agá Jobenągiwįxga
spirit that which has mind they add. Grandfather Jobenągiwįxka



p’érez na’iñgíži tok’éwehi iwús t’ék’įže
to know when he tried to be hungry to thirst to death



uanąjojaį́sge wa’ųže. Cek’jína hati-áginą̀cgi jobą́hǫna
pitiable he made. The first time he fasted the four



gája Hok’áwas Manína hagúiregi. Rok’óno
and then Darkness the Ones who Walk they came to him. Much



gúireže nihá gu-ireže higí kirijéreže.
with noise windpipe with noise to us they came.



"Uañkšigé iwust’é rak’į́ge nąjoniją́winą. Hąhé
"Human thirsted to death you made yourself we bless you. Night



wigaírera žésge wahajáwiną." Wonáǧirera uañkšigo’į́na
they call the kind we who speak." The war with life



nąjirorájaną higaírežé. Woruxújgają, "Jaguanášge
they blessed him, they said to him. Then he looked, "How



te’e Hąhé wanágeną híregi?" Woruxúcgają te
these Nights the ones who speak could they be?" So he looked at these



wániñk xonúniñk hešépge wánañkše. Gišjahéregi.
birds little "hešépge (dark swans?)" they are called. They had fooled him.


Žige hiraícera nąncgéra tékše. "Cak’ó!
Again a little more his heart sore. "Well!



Žegu cékje!" hireže. Žégu hatiáginąjera
Then I will increase!" he thought. And so he fasted



žigé p’ihí hiwažáže žégu hañk’é
again carefully he rubbed it on and so not



wárujenìže. Hak’éwehą nañgája. Égi hąbogúregi
he did not eat. Six times he slept. And from the east



Hąhéra hagú-iregi. Rok’óno hagú-ireže nihá
the Nights they came. Much they came windpipe



gu-ireže, égi hijá k’irijéreže, "Uañkšigé
with noise and there they came, "Human



p. 430 —
nąjoniją́winą. Íwus t’érak’įñge nącgéra nitégera.
we bless you. Thirst to death you have the heart yours is sore.



Nącgéra niñgitegwíną. Wonáǧirera uañkšigo’į́na nąjirorájągi,"
The heart you have made ours sore. War with life we bless you,"



hiñgaíreną. Giží woruxúcše, "Jaguáhąhé wanáñgeną
they said. When he looked at them, "How Nights the ones who speak



hiregája?" hireže. Te hąñk’é Hąhé
they could be?" he thought. These not Nights



wanínąñkše. K’awíšge, coxji,* šį́k’ok’ok’,† žežésge
not those who were speaking. (Unknown species of bird), ("very? blue," an unknown species of bird), robin, these kinds
*cf. cóxca, "a blackbird, bird on horses, cows."
šį́k’ok’ok — this is equivalent to Dorsey's šiñkókogara, "robin."


wánañkše gišják’e wánañkše kíži. Écą
those who were speaking they were the ones who fooled him those who were speaking [these ?]. Instead



nącgéra tek’jíže, "Cak’o! Giži cek’je,"
the heart to feel sore, "Well! So I will increase,"



hirežé. Giži hatáginąjera. Žigé p’ihį́
he thought. So he began fasting. Again carefully



hiwa žáže. Hataginą́jenañk’a haruwógahą nañgája. Égi
he rubbed it in. He began that fast eight times he slept. And



žigé hąbogúregi Hąhéra nąwągú-ireže. Nihàgú-ireže
again from the east the Nights they came singing. With great wind from their throats they came



higí k’irijé regi wagaíreže, "Hicųšgé,
to us they came there they said, "Grandson,



nąjoniją́winą. Higų k’íni s’i hiráǧagwìną.
we bless you. Indeed to continue long you cried to us.



Uañkšigé, hiñk’agá hižą́ nąjwajáwininą. Wonáǧirera
Human, never one we did not bless you. The war



uañkšigo’į́na jagú gip’į́ š’uñk’jéną," higaíreže.
with life what you liked you can eat it," they said.



Giži woruǧicše te, "Jaguánašge Hąhé
So he looked at these, "How Nights



wanágeną hiregi gają?" Te hañk’é Hąhé
the ones who spoke they could be?" These not Nights



waniną́kše. P’aco, gį́sge, wį́ǧera, janąga
not those who were speaking. Bluebird, ("squeaking ones," birds of unknown species) duck, as many as there were



cap’oxgéra šépgi. Žesge wánąñkše janąga
breasts dark. That kind who were speaking as many as there were



waniñk šišígeniñgera k’iži. "Híkšakšà-ire," hirežé
birds little bad ones [these ?] "They have abused me," he thought



Jobenągiwįxga. "Cak’o! Hataginą́jeregi žégų cék’jé,"
Jobenągiwįxka. "Well! I will begin a fast and so I will increase,"



hereže. Hataginą́jera žigé p’ihí wažaže
he thought. He fasted again carefully he rubbed



žéjuñga mąšją́ akše. Tanína nąbák’i
and then strength, to be loud he cried. Tobacco in both hands



hožú Hąhiówak’irirèją hop’áhi nąži-ánąga tanína
he placed in the direction from which the Nights came [he pointed himself ?] he stood and the tobacco



nąbóžu ejop’áhi tanína wagiwáhą nąbák’i
the held in hand there [pointed] the tobacco [open ?] in both hands



nąži-ánąga nąjok’ijáxjį akše. Žéjuñga mąšją́
he stood and most piteously he cried. And then strong



nącgéra tekše. Giži k’éreponą̀ižą nągája.
his heart sore. So ten times he fasted.



Égi haguajíreže. "Uañkšigé, haniñk’oájiną." Hironą́gireže
And they came to him. "Human, I have come to you." He followed them



hąbogúregi hap’áhi howániak’araìreže; Hąhé cinǫ́gera
the east towards they took him; Nights the village



hacínjanañk’i éja hani-ą́girèže. Hąhé huñgera
where, whither there he took back with him. Nights the chief



e hagúhi wagigíže. Cinoñk’iságeja ciserejížą
he to come after him he sent. Village there a long lodge



hąbogúra hap’áhi-àkše. Éja hani-ó-ik’awraìreže. Hąhé
the east towards-[it faced?]. There they took him. Nights



jánąga xete-ák’i wažįruk’ónonoñk’ìži žénuñga ciroixji-ą̀kše.
as many as there were great blessings these many there were that's all the lodge was full.


Hok’awáregi wahisǫ́sgara si koš’ógeja hip’á
When he entered white feathers feet knee up to



hiną́p’ogerèže. Ci-ák’a wohǫ́na p’ejerá janagák’i
he walked. Across the lodge kettles the fire as many as there were



wohǫ́na gojowaíreže hajaže. Égi cehára*
kettles reaching a great distance he saw. And buffalo hide
*The text says cahára, "the bucksin"; but the Hocąk seems more likely a misprint than that the English translation is in error.



cisániñk cowéra ’uniną́že. Égi wagaíreže,
entire lodge across it stretched. And they said to him,



"Uañkšigé, higųk’íni s’iarawéną; higųk’íni nącgéra
"Human, indeed you have persevered long have you gone around; indeed you have persevered the heart



p. 432 —
nitékše. Ha’éninèna janisgék’jera ci-óžu-àgere mežénųga
you hurt. They talked about what is to happen this lodge full of [the end of them?]



haną́cį Hąhé wa’uáñkšana. Égi ne Hąhé
all of them Nights they did. And I Nights



wiruk’ónaną ’uinéną. Wogųzocíra hašjašónañgre,
the one who is in control the ones who do it. The Creation Lodge just as you see it



te’e honik’ú-ineną. Wohǫ́na jasgágere hañk’agá
this I give to you. Kettles [what is left in ?] never



šuruš’ágeniñk’jonèną. Cahá nąbiruxájera janągášjare težénųga
you will fail to have. Buckskin the offerings as many as you see [this end ?]



tani-ówaxu rak’eréranišek’joneną. Hoišíp jasgágere žesgánihek’janèną.
tobacco offerings [for all time ?] Always [what is left in ?] [thus it will be ?].



Hąhé cinǫ́geregi Wogųzocíra honik’ú-ineną. Wonáǧirera
Nights the village of the Creation Lodge I give you. Warpaths



jagú š’unanaš’į š’uñk’jonéną; égi uañkšigo’į́na
however many you want to go on you can swallow; and with life



jajaį́xjį p’a. Tani-ówaxų̀na ’unánihègi žejaį́xjį
as far as it has been. The tobacco offerings [that saying done ?] thus far



p’a hoišíp’jį, tanína, wohǫ́na, cahá
it has been as many as there are, the tobacco, the kettles, buckskins



nąbiruxájera, mašų́ šujerá, hoišíp’jį, Wogų́zocira
the offerings, feathers the red ones, as many as there are, the Creation Lodge



hašjare. Égi ji-ą́gik’jonèną hoišíp hiniñgi
they will be present. And we will accept them always if sons



p’erez hiranihék’jonèną." Cok’agá Jobenągiwįxka,
to be conscious they would be." Grandfather Jobenągiwįxka,



téžesge hįgaíregi. E éže.
thus they did speak. He he said.



Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan, in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [428-433].