Hocąk Text — The Old Man and the Giants
Narrated by Charlie Houghton
Interlinear Translation by Oliver LaMère
p. 163 —
Éja | cináñgižą-nañkšgúniže. | Húñgera | hijanáñkšguni, | égi |
[There] | was a town. | [The] chief | was there, | and |
jánañga | uañgera | heregí | haną́cį | hątáginanc | wašíres’àže, |
all | men | there were | all | fast | they used to, |
égi | hątagenánjera | ’úñxjines’àže. | Hagaréžą | Uañgerúcgera | wirajíreže |
[and] | fast they did | very much. | [Once] | the Giants | came after them |
égi | hajíregi | waki’unaį́neže | wokìnoñk. | Nąį́negi | uañkšígeniñgra. |
and | when they came | to gamble with them | they wanted to wrestle with. | They wanted to try | the people (the smaller ones). |
p. 164 —
Háwasunc | híreže | hohírawigi | mąhujáxjį | hirawíže. | Hinųbóhǫna |
They downed | they did | when beaten they were | a great slaughter | they did to them. | The second time |
žigé | kiwánu | nąį́nawigi, | žigé | ’u-inégi. | Žigigų́ |
[again] | to race | they wanted to, | so | they did. | Then again |
nąjízrawìži | hinųbóhǫna, | žigé | uañkšígeniñgra | exéte | ’ú-ineže |
they beat them | second time, | [so] | the people | big killing | they did |
aíreną. | Žéjuñga | ’uñxjínegi | uañkšígeniñgra | žéją | hirawíže. |
[they said]. | [And then] | when at the worst | the people | end | they did to them. |
Égi | žeé | uañgenú-ižą | híniñgwahìra | nųpíwi | nañxíra. |
And | there | an old man | his sons | two | the youngest. |
p. 165 —
Hinų́wiñke | wawagéže, | "Niñgiágwira, | huñké | wañgažéjaniñkjawìną," |
Both of them | he said to them, | "My sons, | not | end we must not," |
éže, | aíreną. | Égi, | "Hoji-á," | aíreže, | ásge | xatáp hopaséžą |
he said, | [they said]. | [And], | "All right," | [the two said], | and so | a thicket corner |
éja | mąniñgénañki, | éja | nuñxáwą | wagigíže, | aireną. |
[there] | piece of land there was, | [there] | hide | he made them, | [they said]. |
Cahahí | homį́žwagìgiže, | aíreną. | Égi | warújeniñk | hijá |
Deer-hide | he spread for them, | [they said]. | [And] | some food | there |
wogížuže, | aíreną. | "Žégų, | égi | ’unikáwi-àje," | uañgenúnǫñka |
he put for them, | [they said]. | ["So], | [here] | you must stay," | the old man |
p. 166 —
éže. | "Hagaréžą | wanąnáxguñxgųwi-ànañga | huñke | wažąnižą |
he said. | ["At times] | you will listen | not | anything |
xginiháni | hiraną́š’įwìgi | égi, | harágiǧepjawìną," | wigéže, | aíreną. |
is not moving | when you imagine | this, | you will come out," | he told them, | [they said]. |
"Égi | círa | woš’ųwígi | éja | wirokúkunuk | hišekjenáwiną," |
"[And] | the house | you go about | [there] | useful articles | you will find," |
éže, | aíreną. | Ásge | žesgé | hirežé, | aíreną. |
[he said], | [they said]. | And so | that kind | they did, | [they said]. |
Hagaréžą | žéjuñga | hocincíniñgra | hagiǧébireže. | Wanañxgúñxgųnegàją |
[In time] | [and now] | the boys | they came out. | They listened around but |
p. 167 —
woxgíniñkjiñgiži | žéjuñga | agiǧébireže. | Círa | haną́cį | wo-’ú-inegàją. |
listless it was | and now | they came out. | The house | all | they went about then. |
Wërakírakuni! | cížą | wažonaną́cį | hožunáñkše, | warújerašge |
Wërakírakuni! | a house | everything all | was in it, | food also |
higų́ | wanínašge; | wažónanàñcį | ejanáñkše, | aíreną. | Rašgúni |
even | meat; | everything, all | was there, | [they said]. | Peacefully |
žégų | uą́ji-araìreže, | aíreną, | égi | waxiñxį́žą | kik’u-inánañga |
now | they started, | [they said], | and | a ball | made they for themselves |
p. 168 —
žée | hišgác | haji-araíreže, | aíreną. | Hą́pga | žeéšaną |
that | to play with | they began, | [they said]. | Day after day | that only |
hišgájires’àže. | Hagaréžą | hari-ókiwàhasge | ’únañk’ų. | Xeteníñkjega |
play with they would. | [At times] | drive-one-another-pass, shinr?o?y | they were doing. | The oldest one |
wánąnisgaìregi, | žégų | hawáją | haraíreže. | Xe | niñgenísge |
they were kind of beating him, | now | shoving, moving | him on. | Hill | a little one |
miñkíži. | Waǧiñǧina | saniñgéja | howaíreže | ásge | xeteníñkjega |
there was. | The ball | over there other side | it went over | and so | the older one |
nųwúñkjį | hotínañkają | te | xe | kuhą́negi | nį́žanañka |
running very hard | up the hill | there, these | hill | below | there came water |
p. 169 —
waǧiñǧina | ni-éja | howaíreže. | Égi | uañgenú-ižą | wajówe |
the ball | in the water | it went in. | [And] | an old man | in boat |
égixjį | ha’-unigàją. | Heregí | hocincíniñkjega | wéže, | "Coká |
just then | landed there. | Just then (?) | the boy | said, | "Grandfather, |
waǧiñǧina | huñkáraik’úne," | éže. | Hišgé | uañgenújega | wéže, |
ball | give it back to me," | he said. | Also | the old man | said, |
"Haji-ákaragùre," | éže. | Žéjuñga | hocincíniñkjega | harukónoñgànañga | wajéja |
"Come after it yourself," | he said. | And now | [the boy] | went down and | in boat |
hot’ǫpgíži. | égi, | wërakirakúni, | uañgenújega | wéže, | "Wájaniñxji |
jumped. | Then, | wërakirakúni, | the old man | said, | "Boat mine |
p. 170 —
ságere | karanáne," | egáją. | Žégų | wajóñgere | sageréxjį |
very fast | go home now," | he said then. | [So] | this boat | very fast |
kerežé, | žégų | nína | xinažį́že* | wate pa-aki’wake, |
went home, | [so] | water | flew | in front of boat at each end, |
nína | xinažį́že | žégų | hocincíniñgra | haninañgíreže. | Xonújegaži |
water | flew | [so] | the boy | they took him home. | The young one |
éja | t’unanáñgireže, | aíreną, | aíreže, | aíreną. | Žéjuñga |
[there] | left they him, | [they said], | they had said, | [they said]. | And now |
p. 171 —
hagaréžą | hak’ų́kinigàją, | te | hocincíniñgižą | nincejéja | jéže. |
[at a time] | when it landed, | there | a boy | near the waters, along the shore [nį-hicec = near the rim] | he was. |
Te-óži | uañgenúnoñka. | Žégų | hagi-oikéwegi | žegų́že | nųbóhą. |
But this | that old man. | [And] | he went in | was the last of him | two times. |
Gają, | wërakirakúni, | hinuñgížą | jíže | wéže, | "Hocincíniñgra |
And then, | wërakirakúni, | a woman | came | said, | "Boy |
hiñkéšge | tónikewehìniže?" | éže. | "Hoji-á, | tokéwehi | hajegáją. |
not [also] | are you not hungry?" | said. | "Yes, | hungry | I am. |
Hajirá | hojonųbóhǫna | hiñkagá | wahájeni | ąjíną," | éže. |
Since I came | it has been two days | never | not to eat | have," | he said. |
p. 172 —
"Ásge | toikéwehiną, | éže, | aíreną. | "Égi | guré, |
"And also | I am hungary, | [he said], | [they said]. | ["And] | come on, |
warajíkjeną," | éže, | aíreną. | Císerejìžą | éja | hokéwegiži |
you shall eat," | [she said], | [they said]. | A long house | [there] | went in |
hinuñgra | nųpíwiže, | aíreną. | Xétenuñka | wok’ų́že, | aíreną, |
women | there were two, | [they said]. | The older one | gave to him, | [they said], |
ásge | warújanañga. | Žigé | jajonégi | nįcejéja | hocincíniñkjega |
[and so] | he ate. | [And again] | right away | near the waters | that boy |
kišgácjireže | aíreną. | Žigé | hagaréžą | nųbóhą | gają |
began to play with | [they said]. | [Again] | [at a time] | two times | [when] |
p. 173 —
hinúñk | xonújega | jižé, | "Hocincíniñgra | hiñgéšge | tonikéwe |
woman | the younger one | came, | "Boy you | not | hungry |
hínįže?" | éže, | aíreną. | Égi | hocincíniñkjega | wéže, |
are you not?" | [she said], | [they said]. | [And] | that boy | he said, |
"Toikéwehi, | ajegáją, | hoją́ | hajiréją | hagakírahą | wahacgáją |
"I am hungry, | of course, | since | I came | once only | I ate |
ásge | toikéwehi | ajéną," | éže, | aíreną. | Égi, |
and so | hungry | I am," | [he said], | [they said]. | [And], |
"Guré, | warajíkjeną," | éže, | aíreną. | Ásge | hijáhigiži, |
"Come, | you shall eat," | [she said], | [they said]. | And so | when he got there, |
p. 174 —
žigé | warucé, | aíreną. | "Égi | hocincíniñgra | haniñkížuru-àgų |
[so] | he ate, | [they said]. | ["And] | [the little boy] | I would like to marry you |
núnige | jajíga | waxopíni | šišigížą | wa’unáñkšaną," | éže, |
but | my father | spirit | a bad one | he is," | [she said], |
aíreną. | Hinúñk | xeténoñka | wéže, | aíreną, | "Horakéwe |
[they said]. | The woman | the older one | [said], | [they said], | "Come in |
šuruxúruki | hakikížunana," | éže, | aíreną. | "Jájiga | hañkéšge |
if you can | we will come together," | [she said], | [they said]. | "My father | Not |
naįporezeníną. | Wažą | šišigížą | wa’unáñkšaną," | eže, | aíreną. | Égi |
sleep he knows not (he does not sleep). | Thing | a bad one | he is," | [she said], | [they said]. | [And] |
p. 175 —
hocincíniñkjega | wéže, | "Žesgéšge | žégų | ya’ų́cakjanèną," | éže, |
that boy | said, | "Even so | any how | to try I will," | [he said], |
aíreną. | Žéjuñga | hąhégiži | hijá | howéreže. | Hanųsára |
[they said]. | Now then | when it became light | there | he went. | Lightly walked he |
cįnéže | gáją, | wërakirakúni, | uáñgenoñka | hikįže. | "Hohó! |
towards started | [and then] | wërakirakúni, | the old man | he awoke. | "Ho ho! |
žigížą | naį́seracjèga," | éže, | žegų́ | gisgáp | hįpše. |
some one | sneeking [up] on me," | [he said], | [so] | he lay down and hid himself | he lay. |
Hiraréxjiñgi | uañgenóñka | žigé | nañgíži. | Žigé | režé, |
After awhile | that old man | [again] | slept. | [Again] | he (boy) went, |
p. 176 —
gáją | žigígų | éže, | "Hahó, | žigížą | naįsarácjega," |
but | again | [he said], | "Well, | someone | is sneaking up on me," |
éže. | Hitaxíhǫna | žigé | regíži, | žigígų | uáñgenoñka |
[he said]. | Third time | [again] | he went, | [again] | that old man |
žigé | hikį́že. | Wéže, | "Žigížą | naįsarácjega," | éže. |
[again] | woke up. | [He said], | ["Someone] | [is sneaking up on me]," | [he said]. |
Hijobóhǫna | žéjuñga | hañké | hikiníže, | ásge | hocincíniñkjega |
Fourth time | and now | not | he woke up, | [and so] | the young man |
žéjuñga | hahi-ókewegi. | Hinúñk | xetéjega | hahí | akižúmiñkše. |
now then | he went in. | Woman | the older one | went | and lay with him. |
p. 177 —
Kanañgáją. | Wërakirakúni, | hainigáją | uañgenúnoñka | wéže, | "Wakúmimiñgànañga |
She married him. | Wërakirakúni, | in the morning | the old man | [said], | "Sitting, bowing down |
ǧagenáñkše." | Hinúñgenuñka | wéže | žigé, | "Jagú’ų | wašašónoñkše?" |
he was crying." | The girl | said | again, | "Why | are you saying, crying, that?" |
higégi. | Uañgenúnoñka | wéže, | "Watohócira | te žejáną | pajopaséja |
she said to him. | The old man | said, | "The son-in-law | at this time | at the corner of the timber |
kšé | hiñgáguhi-ànañga. | Kšé | hájenañkšanùną." | "’Yaréra |
apples | go after for me. | Apples | I used to be eating." | "I thought |
p. 178 —
huñkagá | hišjanína | hiwúzeninàñkšaną," | ežé. | "Hoją́tekjèną," | éže. |
not | tears | I am to dry," | he said. | "Well I will go," | [he said]. |
Hocincíniñkjega | hainigíži | hakižúreže | šehúra | žégų | maínja |
The boy | in the morning | (the old man) went with him | apple trees | [and] | on the ground |
harurécježe | hocincíniñkjega | hisgé | gihíjiregi. | Uañgenúnoñka | wéže, |
bent to it was | the boy | some | began to pick. | The old man | [he said], |
"Watohócira, | hañkší | hisgerúzre," | egíži. | "Hañkší | hisgerúzenąiñgàją |
"Son-in-law, | up higher | get some," | he said. | "Up high | some he tried to get but |
p. 179 —
šehú | haniñxjį | serecįjijére," | éže | uañgenúnoñka. | Šehújane |
apple tree | mine | real tall became," | he said | the old man. | This apple tree |
mañǧira | hikušé | jijéže. | Hocincíniñka | ą́bera | rušakí. |
the sky | up to | it became. | The boy | get down | could not. |
Éja | ǧagenáñkše. | Wërakirakúni, | Kaǧiwawáñkega | jižé | égi |
[There] | [he was crying]. | Wërakirakúni, | [Raven] (shouting-crow) | came | [and] |
Hocincíniñkajega | wéže, | "Coká, | t’égi | égi | hinajikjéną; | žegų́negi |
the boy | said, | "Grandfather, | when I die | then | you can eat me; | at this time |
p. 180 —
hañké | hinujeníną," | higegáją. | Kaǧiwawàñkega | wéže, | "Hicųšgé |
not | eat me," | he said to him. | The shouting-crow [Raven] | said, | "Grandson |
niñgijitékjege | wa’uąjíną," | éže. | "Hohó, | coka, | wat’éhagi |
to help you out | is why I came." | [he said]. | "Ho ho, | grandfather, | when I kill |
warájikjèną," | éže, | "Wažą́nižą | kisák | ha-ógi, | rajíkjéną," |
you can eat," | [he said], | "Something | in the middle | I hit, | you can eat," |
higegí. | "Ho," | éže. | Maínja | keréjiže. | Hoxjána |
he said to him. | "Ho," | [he said]. | Down to the ground | he brought him. | At evening |
gają | gižé | hąhakí’regi | waniñgícge | haguréšigi, | žigé |
[when] | home he got | when day came | fowl eggs | he told him to go after, | [so] |
rawíže. | Égi | inįpáras | nuñxújeja | wirarusgícanañga | wa’uñgíži |
they went. | [And] | flat stones | on the side of his face | he tied on and | he did this |
p. 181 —
waniñk coxétera | jopíwiwigi | hat’ǫpširánañga | ahu-įbótairegìži. | Ahúra |
big bluebirds | four of them | jumped for him | with wings they struck him. | Their wings |
bokíšiš híreže | hijóbike. | T’éwahiže | hijóbike. | Waniñgícgera | jopíwi |
they broke for themselves | four of them. | He killed them | all four of them. | The eggs | four of them |
waníñgiže. | Hitaníhaną | nañkíkera | regikárahegi. | Hakížuregìži. |
he took home. | The third ? time | hunting | go he asked him to. | He went with him. |
p. 182 —
Wërakirakúni, | wahúhira | rokónoxji-ànañga | sinihírašge | rokonoxjį́že. | Uañgenú-oñka |
Wërakirakúni, | snow | very much of it was | cold also | very much it was. | The old man |
wa’ųžé | hąhéregi | hocincíniñkjega | wa-ína | taxuwágigiže. |
did | at night | the young man | blanket | burnt he them up for him. |
Ną́hįpgi | wagi’ų́že. | Hainigáją | te | uañgeną́jega | écų |
When he slept | he did this. | In the morning | there | the old man | instead |
wa-iná | taxuwakárage | wá’ųže. | Žéjuñga | hakeraíregiži | uañgenu-óñka |
the blanket | had burnt up | for himself (?). | Now then | when they went home | the old man |
hañké | wažą́ | žesgániñgi. | Wa’ųžé |
not | thing | amounted to anything (not anything was he like). | So he did |
xáwį | wagujé | kik’ų́, | nunige* |
some grass | shoe | he made for himself, | but |
p. 673 (2d MS pagination) —
hañké | piñxjínigí. | éja | hocincínikjegá | wat’unánąkšé. |
not | not very good. | There | the young man | left he him. |
Wáñgenų́jegá | tasákt’éže.* | Égi | hinúñgera | nųpíwi |
The old man | cold he died of. | And | the women | two of them |
nóñka | égi | hocincínigížą | žénu[ñ]ga | wéže. |
that were | and | a boy | that many | there were. |
Hocincínik | hinúkonúkjané | wežé, | "Žejaíñxjin | hiñkárawígi |
The boy* | that was married | said, | "About now† | for us to go home |
pinána. | His’ųkára* | hakúnunína," | éže. | Ásge |
it would be good. | My brother (younger)† | I am lonesome for," | he said. | And so |
wajówe | hakaraírežé. | Hagíregáją | hís’ų́gerá | hañkáwažénižé. |
in boat | they started home.* | When they arrived home | his younger brother | was not there. |
p. 674 —
Hokaránijíregają. | Hañké | nįgé | yak’éniže.* | Wérakírakúni, |
Hunting he started about. | Not | anywhere | found he him not. | Wérakírakúni! |
hagoréžą | tée | šuñkjáñgeja | horók’ųjaų.* | Hákjažé. |
once on a time | there | with wolves | he was among them.† | He saw him. |
Hoixéwe | karagínąį́giži, | šuñkjáñkjera | jopíwi | kijírešíže.* |
Get him | he tried to, | the wolves | four of them | for help he asked of them. |
"Hojiá," | higaírežé. | Ásge | caížą | kisákoižé. |
"All right," | they said to him. | And so | a deer | in the middle he shot. |
Žeé | rujerégi | éja | hagirúkosíregí. |
That | they eat and | there | caught him they for him.* |
Hakáranį́gigíži, | íniokéwe | giųžé. | Wóžuxúra | jopíwi |
When home he got him, | go in stone (steambath)* | he did to him. | Bladders† | four of them |
žénahiže. | Hų́jikiní* | wagių́že. | Nią́pkaragígi, | hinúk |
he used up. | Bear oil | he used. | When he brought him to life, | [woman] |
xonúnąká | ékonógigíže, | égi | hinúgenąká | waíreže, |
the younger one | he let him marry | and | these women | they said, |
"Cínogra | Wągerúcge | cebírera | nią́pkaragípinraníwigáją," |
"The town | (that the) Giants | they ate up | alive you ought to make them," |
aíreže. | "Hisgé | wašáwi | núnigé | jáskehawiánąga |
they said. | "Truth* | you say | but | how can we |
žeéské | tuxúrugíkjawižé?" | aíreže, | hocincíną́ka.* | Waíreže, |
that kind | could we do?" | they said, | these young men. | They said, |
"Égi, | hicą́rawigá | nią́pwahinána," | aíreže, | hinúgeną́ka. |
"Well, | your brother-in-law | can make them live," | they said, | these women. |
Ásge | hicánhírera | éja | hahíregí. | Ežéé |
And so | their brother-in-law | there | went they to. | He it was |
nią́pwagigíže, | aíres’áže. | Žejáną. |
alive he made for him, | they used to say. | That's all. |
[1] Charlie Houghton, A Story about an Old Man and the Giants, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #9, Freeman #3894 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story XXXI: 163-182. Charlie Houghton, A Story about an Old Man and the Giants, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #18, Freeman #3900 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Story XXXI: 661+-675.