Hocąk Text — Resurrection of the Chief’s Daughter
narrated by Charlie N. Houghton
interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère
Notebook 70: 1 | Winnebago III, #11a: 141 |
The text of Notebook 70 is written, apparently, with a thick pencil. It has a sloppy and crowded appearance, but the letters of the text are almost always clear and unambiguous, if rather inelegantly formed.
The header reads, "XXXVI Informant Char N. Houghton," just below which is written an underlined title, "How an Orphan Conquered Death." The title seems to have been squeezed into its place and written with a different writing implement. At the far upper right of the first page is written the numeral "52" which indicates the total number of pages in the text. At the very top of the page is scribbled at an angle with a different writing implement, "To Blings for linguistic notes," below which is written the date, "27/2 ’45." The expression "Blings" refers to the Bollingen Foundation.
The corrected text, which is found on the second line of each table, differs from the version of the Bollingen Foundation. Radin's published text is analytical and does not really reflect the rules governing the spoken language. It would be rather like removing sandhi from Sanskrit. Consequently, in a number of cases, I had to defer to the manuscript text for the more usual forms of expression. In such cases I also followed the accents presented there.
Sentences in both the MS and the Bollingen edition are numbered, although in the present text that is not followed since I have analyzed the beginning and ending of sentences somewhat differently. In the MS paragraph numbers were inserted (but omitted in this text).
The transliteration conventions in the MS predate those finally settled on by Radin, which marks this as a relatively early text. Most conspicuously, /o/ is often used in place of /a/, and hižą, "one," is written as hižoⁿ; the older convention of using /sh/ instead of the later /c/ is seen in -šguni, which is here written as shguni; also /eⁿ/ occurs frequently, even though it is neither a phoneme nor an allophone in Hocąk.
Anything within brackets, [ ], has been supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle), unless otherwise indicated.
Houghton's phonetic text, Notebook 70 (transcribed by Oliver LaMère) |
the corrected text based on the Bollingen phonetic text by Oliver LaMère and Paul Radin |
English interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère from the phonetic text |
Page numbers in the upper left are those of the MS, except those prefixed by "Bol." which are those of the Bollingen text.
p. 1, Bol. p. 77 —
tcinogijoⁿ | edjanokshgúne | huⁿgotcíra | djokshgúne |
Cinąkižą | ejanąkšgúni.* | Hųgocíra | jakšgúni. |
A town | there it was. | The chief's house | it was there. |
huⁿgotcíra | hidjákijí | wéⁿgera | kereponaíjoⁿjé* | égi |
Hųgocíra | hijákiží | wą́gera | kereponaížąžé. | Égi |
The chief's abode | it was there and | the men | there were 10. | [And] |
hinuⁿgrá | nuⁿpíwi | gijí | hinuⁿgrá | hijóⁿ |
hinųkrá | nųpíwigiži | hinų́kra | hižą́ | |
the women | two of them, and so | the women | one* |
xedeánuga | hijóⁿ | xonoshgúne | jéjeguⁿ | uneⁿks’ági |
xeteánąga | hižą́† | xonušgúni | žežégų | ’unąks’ági. |
was large (older)* | one | was small | that way | they used to be. |
hidókenika | hidjánakshgúne | tcínogójedjaį́dja | gijí | hijoį́tcuⁿjóⁿgenikigi |
Hitokénįka | hijánąkšgùni | cínągóžejaį́ja | giží | hižąį́cųžą́genįkigi. |
Old woman | she was there | the end of town | and so | a little gr. daughter she had.* |
warokshíra | hikónotcúⁿgijí | hijóⁿ | weⁿgíjoⁿ | wat’éhikégíji | hítcuⁿjúⁿgenigrá |
Warokšíra | hikanącų́giži | hižą́ | wągížą | wat’éhikegíži. | Hícųžą́genįkrá |
It happened | when she got married | one | a man | who used to kill plenty. | Her gr. daughter |
p. 2 —
gidjirairenaⁿ* | hinakshį́kdjegi† | weⁿgwat’éhikadjéga | hók’uⁿgíji | weⁿgwat’éhikádjega |
gijiraíreną | hinąkšį́kjege | wą́gwat’èhikajèga.‡ | Hok’ųgíži | wągwat’éhikàjega. |
she was receiving help | [to make do] | from the good hunter. | He gave to her‡‡ | the good hunter. |
hagorejóⁿ | howajáje.* | howajági | heⁿkéshge | hoⁿhéra |
Hagoréžą | howažáže. | Howažági | hąkéšge | hąhéra |
[In time,] | he was sick. | When he was sick | not ever | nights |
daníhoⁿ | mįgeníje | édjat’éje. | t’egíji | hínuⁿgenígenóka |
taníhą | mįgeníže. | Ejat’éže. | T’ehigíži* | hínųgenį́geną́ka |
three | did he not lay. | There he died. | When he died | the little girl |
kéni | wakék’tcóni | t’éje | déhagoréjoⁿ | hinúgenígenuká | |
keni | wakek’cų́ni | t’éže. | Té | hagoréžą | hinų́genį́genąká |
before* | giving birth | he died. | There | once on a time | the young woman |
níxáxedexdjínokshe. | hagoréjoⁿ | únok’úⁿ | wakék’tcuⁿgíji |
nixá xetéxjíną́kše. | Hagoréžą | ’únąk’ų. | Wákek’cųgìži, |
big-bellied she was. | Once on a time | thus they were. | [When] she gave birth |
weⁿgenígijoⁿ | tcúⁿje | weⁿgenígijoⁿ | tcuⁿgíji | jéguⁿ | ho |
wągenį́gižą | cų́že. | Wągenį́gižą | cųgíži | žegų | hó |
to a boy. | she gave birth. | A boy | [after] she gave birth | [now] | [ho!] |
tcanos’úrogóbenik | hok’wánuga | higuⁿ | jigé | égi | wázįshge |
canąsúrogóbenįk | hok’ųánąga. | Higų́ | žigé | égi | wazį́šge |
deer-brains | she fed on. | [Yet] | [again] | [here] | suckling |
p. 3 —
gigiánuga | jéguⁿ | unók’úⁿ | jéguⁿ | wárokshíshge |
gigiánąga. | Žégų | ’únąk’ų | žégų | warokšíšge |
she let him. | [Thus] | doing this | now | it happened |
kága | hógiwájane | jeguⁿ | unók’uⁿ | pį́xdjį |
kága | hogiwažáną. | Žegų | ’únąk’ų | pį́xjį |
never | sick it got. | Now | doing this | very good |
xedekáragíje | higúⁿ | xédeánuga | meⁿwigútc | kipínikádjeⁿ | |
xetekaragíže. | Higų́ | xéteánąga | mą | wigúc | kipįnįgáją. |
large she made it. | Now | when grown | arrows | to shoot | he was able to. |
égi | hishgé | hiunína | t’éje | hidókenikáshono |
Égi | hišgé | hiúnira | t’éže. | Hitókenįkášaną, |
And then | also | his mother | died. | The old woman only |
hó | hakérakitctcijé* | gíji | hagoréjoⁿ | gadjúⁿga |
ho | hakaragicíže | gíži. | Hagoréžą | gájąga |
ho! | lived with he did† | [.]‡ | [Finally] | now then |
meⁿwigútc | wógizók* | djidjéje | higwówe | hotcintcínik | |
mą | wigúc | wogízók | jijéže. | Higwówe† | hocįcį́nįk |
arrows | to shoot with | really | he became. | Around about | boys‡ |
kishgátc* | meⁿwigútc | jéguⁿ | wakishgátcs’áje | jejegúⁿ | |
kišgác. | Mą | wigúc | žégų | wakišgács’àže, | žéžegų |
played with. | Arrows | to shoot with | now | play with he could, | that way |
uⁿdjes’ágijí | hiúⁿgíwina | xonúdjegá | jéji | watcék’hirushdjóⁿxdjįje |
’ųjes’ágiži. | Hiyųgíwįra* | xonújega | žéži | wacék hirušją́xjįže. |
he used to be. | The chief's daughter† | the younger one | she | knew she was about (marriageable age she was about to be).‡ |
p. 4 —
higúⁿ | meⁿgera | shdjéⁿje | hagoréjoⁿ | hotcintcínikdjéga |
Higų́ | mą́gera | šją́že. | Hagoréžą | hocįcį́nįkjega |
Then | breast | quite strong. | [Finally], | the boy |
hadjagádjeⁿ | kóra* | meⁿshdjóⁿxdjį́† | weⁿkgipínikshguni‡ | híshdjeⁿnįk’shguní | |
hajagáją. | Kora, | mąšją́xjį | wąk | gípinįkšgùni. | [Híšjąnįkšguní.]‡‡ |
she saw him. | Say, | mighty | men | she liked. | She loved him. |
hotcintcíni[k]djéga | hishdjoⁿshgúni | jédjuⁿga | hínugeník’djegá | wauⁿshgúni |
[Hocįcį́nįkjega]* | [hišjąšgúni.]* | Žéjųga | hínųgenį́kjegá | wa’ųšgúni, |
The boy | she loved. | Now | the young woman | she did, |
higitcgáxnisgejé | hagaíra | higúⁿ | hikípágashgé.† | hinajítcjéji‡ |
higicgáxnisgèže. | Hagaíra | higų́ | hikipágašge. | Hįražicžéži. |
she tried to throw herself in his way. | Sometimes | [indeed]* | she would meet him. | To tease her she wished.‡‡ |
higúⁿ | hit’éra | hijáⁿ | hįgánuga† | hinúk’ána |
"Higų́ | hit’éra | hižą́ | hįgánąga‡ | hinųkóną," |
"Then* | word | a | he says to me [and] | court make," |
nisgejéje | korá! | egí | hiregáshge | hotcintcínik’djéga |
nisgežéži. | Kora! | egi | hiregášge. | Hocįcį́nįkjega |
like(ness) [that she yearned].* | Kora! | [and] | she thought of him often.† | The boy |
hirudjísdjindjánuga | higúⁿ | huⁿkagá | wajóⁿ | hokit’akereníje |
hirujísjįjánąga | higų́ | hąkagá | wažą | hokit’akerenìže. |
was quite young and | [yet]* | never | something | talked he not to her. |
egishgé | hishgé | jegúⁿ | hinúgenik’djegá | rukónunísgek’djérashgé† |
Egíšge | hišgé | žegų | hinų́genįkjegá | rukónonisgekjèrašge. |
And (she on the other hand)* | also | then | the girl | court (indirectly) if she would.‡ |
p. 5 —
jéguⁿ | gitcéxiánuga | jéguⁿ | nonigé | rogúnokshóno |
Žégų | gicexiánąga | žégų | núnige | roguną́kšaną |
Now | she dreaded [it, and] | [now] | just | in want of him only |
wiwáhįtcį́djéje | jéguⁿ | uinegíji | hagoréjaⁿ | ho | gúįsgéxdjį |
wiwáhįcįjèže. | Žégų | ’úįregìži. | Hagoréžą | ho | gúįsgéxjį† |
very much she was.* | Now | thus they were. | [Finally] | ho! | really |
wánoína | jesgégijí* | jéguⁿ | hakíjuk’djé | iagék’dje |
waną’į́ra | žesgégiži. | "Žégų | hakížukje; | yagékje,"† |
her mind | it was that way. | "Now | I'll marry him; | I'll ask him,"‡ |
hiregáshge | hinúkdjega | higúį† | hitcidówahára |
hiregášge | hinų́kjega,* | "Higúį,‡ | hicitowahára |
think she would, but | the woman, | "Now then, | my older brothers |
iróshik | wahák’djonihégadjeⁿ* | hiregá, | jegweⁿké | anísajé |
hiróšik | wahákjanihegàją," | hiregá, | žegwąké† | anis’áže. |
ashamed | make them I will," | she would think, | then not | she would not say it. |
jigé | neⁿníga | wagídagík’dje | hiregáshge | ho | jigé |
Žigé | "Nániga | wagitágikje," | hiregášge, | "Ho! | žigé |
[Again] | "My mother | I will tell," | she would think, but | "Ho! | again |
roⁿgighidjenegádjeⁿ | wainónigíjoⁿ | herejé | ék’djonegádjeⁿ |
rogiǧicanegàją, | 'Wainonįgížą | herežé,' | ék’janegáją, |
object to me would,* | 'An orphan | he is,' | she would say, |
heⁿké | iakísgánijé | ék’djonegádjeⁿ | iregáshge | jigé |
'Hąké | yakísganiže,' | ekjanegáją," | hiregášge. | Žigé |
'Not | not equal to me,' | she would say," | she would think. | Again |
jegúⁿ | ho | heⁿké | hogirágenįs’áje. | kóra | hagoréjoⁿ |
žegų | ho! | hąké | hogiragenis’áže. | Kóra! | hagoréžą |
now, | ho! | not | tell her she would not. | Kóra! | [in time] |
egí | meⁿdjano | haínoⁿ | wanoíno | jesgégi |
egi | mąjánahaį̀ra | waną’į́ra | žesgégi. | |
[then] | of years the number | her mind | [it] was this way. |
jejoⁿké | iapérezníno | hagoréjoⁿ | hahí | uⁿdja’uⁿ | howajáje |
"Žežąké* | yapéresníną." | Hagoréžą, | hahí | ’ų́ja’ų | howažáže. |
"That not | not know do I." | [Finally], | thus | she went on | until she was sick. |
nugeník’djegá | howajágijí | jegúⁿ | ho | waruhįtc´ |
Nųgenį́kjegá* | howažágiži | žegų, | ho | waruhįc´† |
The young girl | [having become] sick | now, | ho! | [the giving of reverential greetings]‡ |
ireshgúne | moⁿk’ónik | giúⁿwashírege | weⁿgíjoⁿ |
hirešgúni. | Mąk’ónįk | gi’ųwašírege. | Wągížą |
they did. | Medicine (little) | they told them to do.* | A man |
ruhį́djirége | meⁿkonínk’shgé | giwánuga | gádjeⁿ |
ruhįcirége. | Mąkónįkšge | gi’ųánąga | gają |
[they gave reverential greetings to].* | Medicine also | did he give to her | but |
higwuⁿkédjáwaje | hidjánįgenísge | hiníje | Ásge |
higwųkéjáwaže* | hijánįgenísge† | hiníže. | Ésge |
not any | different she was not | did he make her. | And so |
jigé | weⁿgwákoⁿtcóⁿgijóⁿ | ruhįtc´ | hiránuga |
žigé | wąkwákącą́gižą́ | ruhįc´ | hiránąga |
[again] | a shaman (holy man) | [they gave reverential greetings to]* | they did [and] |
jigé | giúⁿdjireshgúne | hó-o-o | jegwanatcįxdjį |
žigé | gi’ų́jirešgùni. | Ho-o-o! | žegwanącįxjį‡ |
[again] | he commenced doing it.* | (How terrible!)† | all over |
wes’į́wijé | egáshge | jéguⁿ | kágawajónijoⁿ | higépereznijé | |
wes’į́wižé* | egášge | žegų | kaga | wažąnižą | higéperesníže. |
he examined her | he would say, but | now | never | anything | know not of her. |
p. 7 —
higúⁿįsgéxdjį | jedjúⁿga | jigé | hidanína | ruhį́djiréje |
Higų́įsgéxjį* | žéjųga | žigé | hitanína | ruhį́cireže. |
Then really | [indeed] | again | the 3rd one | they gave reverential greeting to.† |
dáni | uⁿwíshgune | gádjuⁿga | meⁿshdjóⁿxdjį | úinejé‡ |
Táni | ’ųwišgúni. | Gájąga | mąšją́xjį | ’úįreže. |
3* | did. | Then | mighty (very hard)† | they did. |
higúįsgéxdjį | hoⁿké | wajéⁿperéziraníje | jeguⁿ |
Higúįsgéxjį | hąké | wažą́peresiranìže. | Žegų |
But really | not | nothing knew they. | Now |
uneⁿk’úⁿ | hagoréjoⁿ | rushágirejé | hinúgenígenúka |
’únąk’ų | hagoréžą | ruš’ágireže. | Hinų́genį́geną̀ka |
finally | [in time] | they could not (fail they did).* | The young girl† |
t’eshgúne | t’egíji | hó | tceⁿninisgéregéregí | jeguⁿ | xaireshgúne | |
t’ešgúni. | T’egíži | ho | cani | nisgéregeregi. | Žégų | xairešgúni. |
died she did. | When [she] died | ho | fall | it was about. | Then | buried they her. |
gwó | waíniwanígi† | jegúⁿ | haneⁿtc´ | wokáwaghúganugá |
Gwo! | wainiwánigi | žegų | haną́c | wokawaxúkanąga |
(Hopelessly)* | clothes that she had | now | all | she put on and |
hoteⁿkéwowaghúgenį́gíji* | peⁿsép | xedéjoⁿ | édja |
hotąkéwawaxúgenį́gìži,† | pąsép | xetéžą | éja |
some that she did not put on | black bag | a large one | there |
p. 8 —
haneⁿtc´ | wójuiranuga | jéguⁿ | hikárap’éhi | t’uⁿbiréje |
haną́c | wóžuiranąga | žégų | hikarapéhi | t’ųbíreže. |
all | put they in and | now | with their head on it as a pillow | they laid her. |
hikárap’éį | t’uⁿbiránuga | hihágera | égi | nóⁿ |
Hikarapéhi | t’ųbiránąga | hihágerá | égi | ną |
Her head reclining on it | they put her and | on the top | [there]* | wood |
homíjiránuga | égi | gádjuⁿga | moⁿkáxi | hagédja* | honíge |
homíširánąga. | Égi | gájąga | mąkáxi | hagéja | honíge |
they lay over. | And | now then | dirt | on top | just (loose)† |
sh’ók’t’úⁿbiré | heⁿke | nįowárepíni | jejegúⁿ | t’uⁿbiréje |
š’ók’t’ų́bire | hąké | nihowárepini. | Žéžegų | t’ų́bireže. |
pile they did (mound they made)* | not | leakable. | That way | they laid her. |
jéjeguⁿ | hiránuga | égi | ho | jigé | noⁿgik’ónukónuk |
Žéžegų | hiránąga | égi | ho | žigé | nągikánąkanąk |
That way | they did and | then | ho! | [again] | poles |
hiagédja | hó | wanogh’ómik* | hipį́uⁿnísge | hirejé‡ |
hiagéja | hó | wanąǧómįk | hipí’ųnisge | híreže. |
on top | ho! | (anything relating to [the] grave, especially the house)† | filled it with | they did. |
honanahìnaⁿhúⁿgajéⁿ* | waireshgúne | húⁿgenuka | weshgúne | huⁿké |
Honanąhìnąhųgáją | waírešgúni. | Hų́genąka | wešgúni, | "[Hąké]‡ |
(When the sleeping feast of the 4 nights was over, lit. of sleep 4 nights she had gone through)† | they said [it]. | The chief | he said, | "Not |
wajoⁿ | jésganína | wanoghomigrá | hakdjá | miánográ |
wažą́ | žesganíną. | Wanąǧómįkra | hakja | miánąkra. |
anything | I am not like. | The grave | seeing* | I sit. |
hųkéwajoⁿ | jésganína | hinók’inú | howaínawígi† | pinána |
Hąkéwažą | žesgániną. | Hirokino | howaį́nawigi | pinóną. |
Not anything* | I am not like. | Out of sight of it | let us go | it would be good. |
higúį | nųbóhoⁿxdjį | honó | édja | hįtcíwigí |
Higúⁿ | hinuⁿbóhąxjį | haną́ | éja | hįcíwigi |
Just | about twice* | to sleep | there | we can live |
pinana | eshgúne | aⁿsge | widjadjéra | jesgé |
pinóną," | ešgúni. | ésge | wijajéra | žesgé |
it would be good," | he said. | And so | the crier | that kind |
p. 9 —
eshgúni | égi | djagú | jegúį | kúruhoíreje |
ešgúni. | Égi | jagú | žegúⁿ | hikuruhoíreže |
he said. | And | what [or how] | now | they got ready, they did |
gádjeⁿ | hidokénika | hitcuⁿshgéra | weshgúni | kuniká |
gáją | hitokénįka | hicųšgéra | wešgúni, | "Kúnįka, |
but | [the old woman's] | her grandson | he said, | "Gr. mother |
huⁿkéshge | nijí | dée | ánúⁿgereshgé* | aípįxdjeníno |
hąkéšge | niži | teé | aną́gerešgé | haípįxjįnìną |
not | me | this | they are saying | not like it very much |
djagú | higúⁿwajéⁿnįk | t’éhadjegádjeⁿ | jigé | jegúįshgé |
jagú | higų́wažą́nįk | t’éhajegàją. | Žigé | žegúįšgé* |
what [or how] | [a little] something | I am killing. | Again | again |
higuⁿ | inígera | nįkúruxúruk’shgúninóⁿje | huⁿkeréshge | réra |
higų́ | inį́gera | nįkúruxurukšguniną̀že. | Hąkérešge | réra |
just* | our mouths (eating)* | I can gain for you. | Not (truly)† | to go |
hamoⁿkéniadjéno | huⁿgraíshge | hihoránuga | jéguⁿ | tciápégi |
hamąkénią̀jeną. | Hųkraíšge | hihoránąga | žegų | ciápegi |
I do not hate to do it. | The chief | you ask him and | now | to wait at the lodge |
djasgánu | éje | hodjía | egí | iagek’djéno |
jasgáną?," | éže. | "Hojiá, | egi | yagekjéną." |
how would it be?" | he said. | "All right, | and | I will ask him." |
ásge | hidókénika | huⁿgotciédja | hiánuga | hahí |
ésge | hitokénįka | hųgociéja | hiánąga | hahí |
And so | the old woman | at the chief's house | went she and | there at |
huⁿgenúka | jesgígejé* | tcuⁿshgák’djenigrá-a-a | heⁿké | dawinijéje |
hųgeną́ka | žesgígežé. | "Cųšgákjenįkrá-a-a | hąké | tawinižéže |
the chief | that she told him. | "My dear grandson, | not | not to go |
p. 10 —
ége* | hitcuⁿshgénikára | wáweⁿdjíno | higuⁿ | wanoítcgéra |
ége | hicųšgénįkara. | Wá’uąjíną. | Higų́ | wanoícgera, |
he said | my gr. son. | So I came. | Just | the animals, |
koniká | égi | wowáhaziránagaíshge | koresge | pádjenógeréshge |
kúnika, | égi | wowáhasiranąkaíšge. | Korésge, | pacenągeréšge |
gr mother, | here | to drive them they might. | Surprisingly, | this timber |
étcuⁿ | wanoítcgera | rakírirége | pįgiagaíra | wajóⁿnik |
ecų | wanoícgera | rakirirége. | 'Pįgiagaíra | wažą́nįk |
there instead | animal | they might come to. | 'It is well sometimes | [little] something |
t’ehádjege | ége. | hitcuⁿshgénikára | hoⁿké | daník’djawí |
t’ehájege,' | ege. | Hicųšgénįkhara | hąké | taníkjawi, |
I am killing,' | he said. | My grandson | not | not to go, |
éno | hoí | tcuⁿjóⁿgenú | pį́ | waragéno | djágu | huⁿke |
éną." | "Ho! | hicųžą́ano,* | pį | warakéną | jagú | hąké |
he said." | "Ho! | my niece, | good | you mean | what [or how] | not |
sharawínishgé | huⁿwóna | hisgé | t’ehiregíji | nįkaraíshdjak’djenáwiga |
šaraníwišge | hųwą́ra | hisgé | t’ehiregíži | nįkaraíšjakjanàwiga. |
if you do not go [also] | elk | some | if they kill | to come and see you we will. |
jigeósgéshge | é | wanoghómigrá | higí | wirárakárashonokshgúnino | hishgé |
Žigehosgéšge | e | wanąǧómįkra | higí | wirakárašanąkšgùniną," | hišgé |
And anyhow | [it] | the grave | here | take care of it you can," | also |
éje | egi | tcuⁿshgánu | úⁿsgé | tcínigra |
éže. | "Égi | cųšgáno, | ’ų́sge! | cínįkra |
he said. | "Well | my gr. son, | say!* | my house |
p. 11 —
piéⁿk’úⁿk’djanįhéra | higuⁿ | hinúgenígera | hįgídjiraíregi | pįshgúnino |
pią́k’ų́kjanihèra | higų́ | hinų́genį́gera | hįgíjiraìregi | pįšgúniną." |
to fix it up I was going to | just | the girls | [if they] helped me | it would be good." |
hodjía | hitcuⁿjúⁿwahára | hahí | irek’djéno | ásge |
"Hojíá, | hicųžą́wahara | hahí | hirekjéną." | ésge, |
"All right, | my nieces | there | they will come over." | And so, |
hó | neⁿhaítcinígra | pįk’úⁿshgúne | jeguⁿ† | núgenoⁿká |
ho! | nąhaícinįkra | pįk’ųšgúni.* | Žégų | nų́genąkᇠ|
ho! | bark-house | she fixed it up. | Now | the women |
hiránuga | ho | gidjiraíreje | gwó | jéguⁿ |
hiránąga, | ho! | gijiraíreže. | Gwó! | žégų |
came and | ho! | they helped her. | Gwo! | now |
huídjiráshge | haⁿk’shíxdjįp’á | moⁿkáx | hagíwunaínanuga† | jéguⁿ |
huijirášge | hąkšíxjįpá | mąkáx | hagiwúnaíranąga | žegų |
the bottom also | high up to that far* | dirt | they piled up and | now |
Bol. p. 79 —
shdjútcį* | gigíreje | jéjeguⁿ | uⁿdja’úⁿ | jéguⁿ |
šjúcį | gigíreže. | Žéžegų | ’ųja’ų. | Žégų |
very warm they made it for her | they did for her. | That way | she was doing. | Then† |
girushdjaínegí | jeguⁿ | ho´ | hagoréjoⁿ | djobóhoⁿgi | jé | gíxonoraíreje |
girušjaį́regi | žegų | ho | hagoréžą | jobóhągi | že | gíxanaraíreže. |
when they finished | indeed | ho! | once on a time | four times then | then | move they went. |
gwó | hidokénika | hitcuⁿshgérashóno | édja | koraíkitcínokshe |
Gwó! | hitokénįka | hicųšgerášaną | éja | karaíkicínąkše. |
Gwo! | the old woman | her gr. son only | there | living with she was. |
p. 12 —
hógi* | djadjonégi | haⁿbakírigi | wainánika | wajóníneje |
Hógi | jajįrégi | hąbakírigi | wainánįka | wažóníreže.‡ |
[There] | right off (now)† | when it was day | the orphan | hunt something he went.‡‡ |
hohó-o | jeguⁿ | [káwajoⁿ]* | wáshdjįk | shįxdjinigrá |
Hohó-o! | žégų | káwažą (?)† | wašjįk | šįxjįnįkrá |
Hoho-o! | just | [?] | rabbits‡ | very fat‡‡ |
jegwórutcík | k’įkírije | heⁿhó | kuniká | pį́k’djónihéno |
žegwórucík* | k’įkíriže. | "Hąhó! | kúnika, | pį́kjanihéną |
in a bunch | he carried back. | "Hąhó! | [grandmother], | it will be good |
gúⁿtejegúni | hági | rashgúni | hiwarúdjanaįk’djonéno | wárokshíjoⁿ‡ |
gų́težegúni* | hági | rašgúni | hiwarúcanaįkjanèną. | Warokšížą |
even this way | if I do | peaceful† | we will be eating. | Not necessarily |
hári | oíxónok’djéje | djagú | kéni | wak’į́ | wajóⁿ |
hari | hoixanąkjéže. | Jagú | keni | wak’į́ | wažą |
far | do we have to move. | What | not yet | carry | anything |
hári* | duxúrugniadjéno | ha-a | tcuⁿshganu | (wírogoískéno)† |
hári | tuxúruknią̀jeną." | "Ha-a, | cųšgáno, | wirogoiskéną.‡ |
very far | [I will not be able to."] | "Ha-a, | grandson, | I'm thankful.‡‡ |
djágu | irékiwarádjeradjé* | djagu | dejí | wajóⁿ | |
Jagú | ’į́reki | warájeraje, | jagú | teži | wažą́ |
What | alone | you are eating | what | me | anything |
wáhadjés’gánokshe | eje | aⁿsge | hó | jedjúⁿga |
wahajesgánąkše,"* | éže. | ésge | hó | žéjųga |
eat very much I do," | she said. | And so | ho! | [and now] |
p. 13 —
ho | jigé | haínigí | kóra | úⁿdjaúⁿ | tcánikéreshgénik |
ho | žigé | haínigi | kóra | ų́ja’ų | "canikérešgenįk" |
ho! | [again] | in the morning | say! | while thus around | a "fawn" |
aires’áje | jesgéjoⁿ | t’ehíje | há | hidokénika | jéguⁿ |
aíres’áže, | žesgéžą | t’ehíže. | Há | hitokénįka | žégų |
they used to call | that kind | he killed. | Ha! | [the old woman] | [now] |
gitcóbenigánuga | jée | waisgáb | zizíbenik | hiroíshodjánuga |
gicóbenįkánąga | žée | waisgáp | zizíbenįk | hiroíšocánąga† |
chopped it up and | that | bread (flour) | gravy (murky form)* | she stirred it with [and]‡ |
jéjesgé | ratcgónukshe | jejéguⁿ | unehégi† | kóra |
žežésge | racgónąkše.* | Žéžegų | ’unihégi. | Kóra, |
that kind | she was drinking. | That way | thus he had been. | Say! |
jigéagíjoⁿ | tcahérotcoⁿ | aíregi | jesgéjoⁿ | jigé | t’ehíje |
žigéagížą | "cahérocą" | aíregi* | žesgéžą | žigé | t’ehíže. |
again one | "straight-horned deer" | they called | that kind | again | he killed. |
hojédjúⁿga | je | weⁿgenúnįkdjéga | úndjiregádjeⁿ | higoⁿ* | tcáherotcaį́joⁿ |
Ho! žéjų́ga | že | wągenúnįkjéga | ’ų́jiregàją. | Higų́ | cáherocaį́žą |
Ho! now then | [this] | the old man | he began thus. | That way | [a] straight-horned deer |
t’ehígi | kodé | jigé | úⁿdjaúⁿ | jigé |
t’ehígi. | Koté! | žigé | ’ų́ja’ų, | žigé |
that he had killed. | Koté! | again | while doing thus, | again |
haínigí | tcaxedéjoⁿ | jéjeguⁿgadjeⁿ | hagoréjoⁿ | uⁿsgé |
haínigi, | caxetéžą | žéžegųgàją. | Hagoréžą, | ’ų́sge! |
in the morning, | buck deer | thus it had been. | [Finally], | ’ų́sgé!* |
hijóⁿ | órehínunigé | huⁿké | t’aníje | t’anígiji |
hižą | horehínúnige | hąké | t’aníže. | T’anígiži |
one | he wounded, but | not | die it did not. | Die it didn't so |
ruxáreshgúne | wó,* | godjáxdjeⁿhí | hóxdjaínoxdjįgádjeⁿ | hoxéregí |
ruxárešgùni, | wó! | gojáxjąhi. | Hóxjáįnaxjįgàją | hoxéregi. |
right after he went | wo! | way over there at. | Late in the evening | he caught it. |
p. 14 —
édja | t’ehíje | gádjeⁿ | jéjedjúⁿga | k’íiánuga | |
éja | t’ehíže | gáją | že | žéjųga | k’įiánąga* |
[There] | he killed it | and then | [this one] | [now] | carried it [and] |
gushgúne | gugíji | hegúⁿ | hep† | haheⁿhéga | tcinúgere |
gušgúni | gugíži. | Hegų́* | hep | hahąhéga | ciną́gere |
he came home | on the way home. | Now | this side | he might overlook | the town |
hirowágįxs’áje | heⁿhegadjeregíji | jegúⁿ | ho | |
hiroágįxs’áže. | Hąhé, | gajerégiži* | žegų | ho! |
go around he used to. | It was night, | so | rather | ho! |
hirotcógiwéje | jéguⁿ | tcínuk | kiságere‡ | howó | k’írigúje |
hirocógiwéže.* | Žégų | cínąk | kiságere | howá | kirigúže. |
straightway he came on.† | [Now] | the town | the middle of | came | through he did‡‡ |
hikidjóindja | kirigádjeⁿ | dé | uⁿsgé | húⁿgotcíra |
Hikijáįja | kirigáją | te | ’ų́sge | hųgocíra† |
On the opposite | when he got | there | ’ų́sge!* | the chief's house |
hadajánokshe | hadajánokejí | korá | hįgíshdjadjírek’djenáwijé | airánihéra |
hatažánąkše. | Hatažánąkgíži. | "Kóra! | hįgíšjajirekjanàwiže, | aíranihera. |
lit up it was. | Lit up so it was. | "Korá! | they would come and see us,* | they had said. |
hadjíregúne | hiregíji | jedjúⁿga | jegúⁿ | hidjáhioís’įje | |
Hajíreguni," | hiregíži. | Žéjųga | žégų | hijáhi | hois’įže. |
They must have come," | he thought. | Now then | [now] | there he went | and peeped in. |
oisįgádjeⁿ | dé | hinúgenúká | dé | minógenukshe |
Hois’įgáją | te, | hinų́geną́ka | te | miną́genąkše. |
When he peeped in | there, | the woman* | there | she was sitting up.† |
djagú | uⁿgádjeⁿ | radjígádjeⁿ | hįkórakáwani | horaísį́adjéje |
"Jagú | ’ųgáją? | Rajigáją | hįkórakáwani† | horais’į́ajèže," |
"Why | (doing) thus?* | You came but | not come in you | peeping in you are," |
p. 15 —
éje | ásge | jedjúⁿga | wak’iná | waxinánuga |
éže. | ésge | žéjųga | wak’į́ra | waxinánąga |
she said. | And thus | [now then] | his pack | he put it down, and |
tceⁿgédja | jedjúⁿga | jegwó-kéweshgúne | hokawánuga |
cąkéja. | Žéjųga | žegwó-kéwešgúni.* | Hokawánąga |
outside. | Now | then he went in. | He went in and |
ágakinúk | ahíminukádjeⁿ | djaguⁿuⁿ | wásh’uⁿgúni | |
agákinąk | ahí | minąkáją. | "Jagú’ų | wáš’ųgúni? |
opposite | there | he sat down. | "Why | you did that? |
djagú | noⁿdjináxguⁿjé | wash’uⁿje | maⁿnéguⁿsdjį |
Jagú | nąciną́xgųže? | Waš’ų́že | mąregų́sjį |
Why | (do you dislike me)?* | You did that | forever† |
hoishíp | nóⁿdjinaxguⁿ | éje | ásge | ho |
hoišíp | nąciną́xgų," | éže. | ésge | ho! |
all the time | disliked me," | she said. | [And so] | ho! |
jedjúⁿga | hahí | hikízuⁿtcį* | minúkshe | hikízuⁿtcį |
žéjųga | hahí | hikízųcį† | miną́kše. | Hikízųcį‡ |
[now then] | on at | beside her | sat he. | Beside her |
minóki | égi | waⁿgéshgune | weⁿkdjínigrá |
miną́ki. | Égi | wągéšguni, | "Wąkjį́nįkra |
he sat. | And | she said to [him], | "Man you* |
hagágasgéjeⁿxtcį | hagágasgéjeⁿxtcį | néwaishgwánuga | tcéno |
hagagasgéžąxjį. | Hagagasgéžąxjį. | Néwaišgwánąga* | céną. |
O my, thus it has been. | O my, thus it has been. | You are the cause of me | died I. |
ásge | dejegúnegí | naį́xdjį | hį́sh’uⁿsh’djajéji‡ | ||
ésge | te | žegų́regi | náįxjį | hį́š’ųšjažèži | |
So | at this | time* | I hope (sort of exclamation)† | try me you would |
iaréno, | eshgúne. | hagágasgéjoⁿ, | djasgé | hagádjeⁿshge |
yaréną," | ešgúni. | Hagagasgéžą, | jasge | hagájąšge |
I think," | she said. | "O my, | how | did I so |
p. 16 —
né | waniúⁿguní | egi | uⁿkéji | wajóⁿ sh’uní | |
ne | wani’ųgúní?" | Egi, | "Hąkéži | wažą́ | š’uni." |
of you | that I am the cause?" | And, | "Not exactly | anything | you did not do." |
nunigé* | djásge | hagádjeⁿ | égi | uⁿkéji | wajónijoⁿ |
"Nunige | jasge | hagáją?" | "Egi | hąkéži | wažą́nižą |
"But | what | did I do?" | "Well | not | anything |
hinagísh’uni | nunigé | jegúⁿ | honinoⁿk’shéji | iaréra |
hiragiš’úni | nunige | žégų | honinąkšéži | yaréra. |
do not to me | but | now | marry you | I wished. |
nipįná | ésge | noⁿtcgéisdák | tcéno | heⁿhoéⁿ |
Nįpį́na. | ásge | nącgéstak | céną. | Hąhą’ą, |
I liked you. | And so | heart broken* | I died." | "Well, |
egí | djagúⁿ-uⁿgádjeⁿ | héⁿke | unágeshérageníje | egí | nétcone | |
égi | jagú’ųgają | hąké | ’unágešérageníže?" | "Égi | né | coni |
well | why | not | did you not tell me of it?" | "Well,* | you | first |
hįshárajítc | hįgúⁿ | wajónijóⁿ | hinágek’djoné |
hįšáražic | hįgų́ | wažą́nižą́ | hįragékjane |
court, tease me* | now | anything | say to me, |
iarégashge | jéguⁿkéshge | hagį́sharajídjeni | ásge* | jigé |
yaregášge, | žégųkéšge† | hagį́šaražíjeni.‡ | ésge* | žigé |
I would think, | but not | anytime you tease/court me. | So | [again] |
nonigá | wagidaík’dje | iáregáshge | nigé | deé |
naniga | wagitaíkje | yaregášge, | nįge | teé |
mother | to tell her of | I would think, but | maybe | [this one] |
roígixiége* | iaréga. | ásge | jeguⁿ‡ | égi |
roigígiége | yaréga. | ésge | žegų | égi |
to reprove me maybe† | I would think [that]. | And so | now | [here] |
p. 17 —
jigé | jegúⁿ | kik’wéⁿwánuga | jegwóninoik’djeno | hihánuga |
žige, | "Žegų, | kik’wą́wánąga* | žegwóninaįkjèną,"† | hihánąga |
[again,] | ["Now], | do it myself and | to marry you," | I would say, and |
jéguⁿ | hironínok | húk’dje | iáregáshge | weⁿgwatcábera |
žégų | hironínąk | hukje | yaregášge | wąkwacábera |
now then | follow you | back | I would think, but | my brothers |
hiroshík’wahákdjánihé | iarége | ásge | jéguⁿ |
hirošík-wahàkjanihe | yarége. | ésge | žégų |
ashamed I would make them | I would think. | And so | [now] |
dée | haúⁿhurá | jégweⁿumúk’uⁿ | jégweⁿumúk’uⁿ |
teé | ha’ųhúra | [žégwąumą́k’ų,]* | žégwąumą́k’ų† |
this | I came on | doing it on, | doing it on |
jesgédjadjí | naⁿtcgesdák* | wai’úno | tcanúnigé | |
žesgéjají. | Nącgesták | waí’uną | ca | núnige |
that way on at. | Broken-hearted | the cause of me | dead I am, | but |
heⁿké | wanoghira* | tcį́dja | hatcį́djatcáwanóⁿki | |
hąké | wanąǧíra | cį́ja† | hacį́ja | cawaną́ki, |
not | spirits | where | where | they go to |
Bol. p. 80 —
édja | wawádanieⁿdjéno | uⁿhá | dejegúnegi |
éja | wawatániąjèną." | "’Ų́ha! | težegų́regi |
there | gone to I have not." | "Well, | this time |
hish’úⁿshdjagí | hisgédja | píno | íararéno | higéshguni |
hiš’ų́šjagi | hisgéja | pį́ra | yararéną," | higešgúni. |
by me | really | good | I think," | she said to him. |
hohó | hágagásgéjoⁿ | djásge | hánuga | wajónijoⁿ |
"Hohó! | hagagasgéžą. | Jásge | hánąga | wažą́nižą |
"Hohó! | O dear, thus it has been. | How [or what] | I do and | anything |
p. 18 —
hiníuⁿtcánuga | djasgé | úneháktce | horák-pį́nanigádjeⁿ | |
hini’ųcánąga | jásge | ’ųnehákje? | Horák | pįranigáją. |
try you and | how [or what] | would I do? | To tell | you ought to. |
warok’ónogádjeⁿ | húnagishárakíshge | kúnikága | e | áshíanuga |
Warokónogáją. | Húⁿragišarakìšge, | kunikága | e | hášianąga |
Not so fearful it was. | If you had told me | my gr. mother | her | to ask I come, and* |
hóraganuga* | jésgihishgúnino | hisgédja | heⁿké |
horagánąga | žésgihišgúniną. | Hisgéja | hąké |
she would tell and | that way we could have done. | Really | not |
pįránigádjeⁿ | horák-pįránigádjeⁿ | égi | jésgegadjeⁿ | |
pįranígają. | Horák | pįranigáją." | égi, | "Žesgegáją, |
good you did not. | To tell | you ought to have." | And, | "That's right,* |
neroíshigánuga | jesgédja | wákik’uⁿgádjeⁿ | ejishgé | hinúgenuká |
neroíšigánąga | žesgéja | wákik’ųgáją," | éžišge | hinų́genąka. |
I was ashamed and | that way at | I did to myself," | she said | the woman. |
egí | jedjúⁿga | jegúⁿ | ho | egí |
Egi | žéjųga | žegų | ho | égi |
Then* | [now then] | [now] | ho! | & |
jéguįgiranúk’dje | wagéno | heⁿhédeé | tcek’djíno | |
žéguįgiraną́kje | wagéną. | Hąhé | tee | cekjíną |
now here sleep/stay all night* | I mean. | Night | this | to begin with |
hįsh’úⁿshdjak’djé | wagéno | eshgúni | hodjiá |
hįš’ųšjákje | wagéną," | ešgúni. | "Hojiá! |
to try me | I mean," | she said. | "All right! |
djasgéwaragégi | hishdjoⁿgé | iaúⁿtcak’djegúni | hishgé | éje | |
jasge | waragégi | hišją́ge | ya’ųcákjegùni," | hišgé | éže. |
whatever | you mean | well then | try it I will," | also | he said. |
p. 19 —
ásge | jedjúⁿga | jegúⁿ | ho | wagéshgúne |
ésge | žéjųga | žegų | ho | wagešgúni, |
And so | now then | then | ho! | she said to him, |
nána | sdówaragí | pinána | pédjera | daé | rakéregí |
"Náną | stowáragi | pinóną. | Péjera | taé | rakéregi |
"Wood | gather them in* | it would be good. | The fire | burning | keep it and† |
pinána | jédjuⁿga | hahéjoⁿ | nananéⁿtcįxdjį́ | sdówahishgúni |
pinóną." | Žéjųga | hąhéžą | nąraną́cįxjį́ | stówahišgùni. |
it would be good." | [Now then] | one night | wood all of them* | gathered them he did. |
jéguⁿ | rohóⁿxdjį | sdohíje | égi | wagéshgúnijoⁿ |
Žégų | rohą́xjį | stohíže. | Égi | wagešgúniže |
Now | great many | gathered them. | And | said to him* |
hinúgenígenúka | weshgúnije | jegwoishípje | pédjera |
hinų́genį́geną́ka, | wešgúniže, | "Žegwoišípše | péjera |
the woman, | said, | "Now all the time* | the fire |
hot’úⁿkereádje* | higéje | ásge | hótcintcínigenóka | jesgé | híje |
hot’ų́kereàje," | higéže. | ésge | hocįcį́nįgeną́ka | žésgehìže. | |
fire up keep it," | she said to him. | So | the boy | that way did he. |
hegúⁿ | pédjera | rohóⁿxdjot’wánuga | jegwodazínobrá | heⁿk’shíxtcį |
Hegų́ | péjera | rohą́xjot’wánąga* | žegwotazínąprᆠ| hąkšíxjį |
Just | the fire | very much he put in [and] | now then the blaze | high up |
howaígus’áje | hinúgenuka | weshgúnije* | higúⁿ | djadjána |
howaígus’àže. | Hinų́genąka | wešgúniže, | "Higų́ | jajána |
it would reach to. | The woman | said, | "Just† | anytime |
nishdjúⁿwéⁿgiji | horagádje | éje | hodjía | Ásge |
nišjų́wą́giži | horagáje," | éže. | "Hojiá." | Ésge |
sleepy you get | tell it," | she said. | "All right." | And so |
p. 20 —
jegweⁿké | shdjuⁿwóne | hik’íneⁿį́ | hegúⁿ | wogírarák |
žegwąké | šjųwą́re | hik’íną’į́.* | Hegų́ | wogírarak. |
now not | sleepy | not sleep. | Just | told her things. |
higúⁿ | núgenúka | jegúⁿ | ho | jésge-ánuga | |
Higų́ | nų́geną́ka* | žegų | ho! | žésge | ánąga |
Now | the woman | then | ho! | that she said - and† |
kibás’ajé | jegúⁿ | horák’piéⁿnigádjeⁿ | hagágasgeje | néwakik’wánuga | ||
kibas’áže, | "Žégų | horák | pianigáją. | Hagagasgéžą! | né | wakik’wánąga* |
reprove herself she would, | "[Now] | tell it | I ought to. | O my thus it has been! | I | did it to myself and |
róroⁿk’éⁿpínigadjeⁿ | hishgínugenuká | es’áje | hagoréjoⁿ | jedjúⁿga* |
rórąképį́nigają," | hišgínųgenąká | es’áže. | "Hagoréžą, | žejųga |
my body is not good," | and the woman | she would say it. | "[Finally] | [and now] |
jeguⁿ | hó | jedjuⁿgá* | hįshdjáⁿweⁿdéno | eshgúne |
žegų | hó | žéjųga | hįšją́wąténą,"† | ešgúni. |
[now] | ho! | [now then] | I am getting sleepy," | he said.‡ |
égi | rágera | rohóⁿxdjį | hot’úⁿre† | ásge | jedjúⁿga |
Égi | rágera* | rohą́xjį | hot’ų́re. | ésge | žejųga |
Well, | the last time | very much | he put in (fire).‡ | [And so] | [now then] |
hó | jegúⁿ | rohót’uⁿjé | jéguⁿ | hiánuga |
ho* | žégų | rohót’ųžé. | Žégų | hiánąga |
ho! | [now] | very much he put in. | [Now] | he did and |
jegúⁿ | ho | mįkshgúne | higúⁿ | djásgeramíganugá | huⁿké | |
žegų | ho | mįkšgúni. | "Higų́ | jasgé | ramį́ganągá | hąké |
[now] | ho! | he lay down. | "Just | however | you can lie and | not |
p. 21 —
ranánik’djonégi | jésge | hiádje | heⁿhéra | djoboheⁿ | huⁿké |
ranánįkjanègi* | žésge | hiáje. | Hąhéra | jobóhą | hąké |
[if] sleep you would not | that way | do. | Nights | four | not |
ranéⁿnik’djónihéno | ánuga. | égi | heⁿké | wákíriwaniuíránik’djónihéno | |
raną́nįkjanihèną," | ánąga. | Égi | hąké | wakíri | wani’úįranikjanihèną,† |
sleep you're not going to," | she said.* | And | not | insects | they will not be that do it to you, |
higúⁿ | róra | nixgigíshge | huⁿkága | hidjórutcgániéⁿdje | eshgúni |
higų́ | róra* | nixgigíšge. | Hąkagá | hijórucgánią̀je," | ešgúni |
just | body | feel crawling sensation. | Never | there grab not (or) feel for it,"† | she said |
hinúgenuká | égi | tcexígádjeⁿ | íauⁿtcak’djéno | eshgúne |
hinų́genąká. | "Égi | cexigáją | ya’ų́cakjèną," | ešgúni. |
the woman. | "And | hard it is | I will try," | he said.* |
égi | jéji | hainigíji | heⁿpséretcį* | ranuk’djéshge |
"Égi | žéži | hainigíži | hąpsérecį | ranąkjéšge |
"And | then | tomorrow | all day | if you wish to sleep† |
sh’uⁿk’djánihéno | higaíreje | ásge | úⁿįjé* | aíreno |
š’ųkjanihéną," | higaíreže. | ésge | ’ų́įže,† | aíreną. |
you can," | they had told her. | So | he did it, | [they said]. |
jedjuⁿgá | shdjuⁿwuⁿgije* | xáraxdjį́ | migánuga | jeguⁿ |
Žejųga | šjųwagíži, | xaráxjį́ | mįkánąga, | žegų |
Now | when sleepy he got, | flat on his back | laid he, and | now |
djásgiómik | gípįgí | jesgé† | hiánuga | wikérek | hįpshé |
jásgiómįk | gipį́gi. | Žésge | hiánąga | wikérek | hįpšé. |
the way he lay* | he liked. | [In this way] | he did and | quiet | he became. |
jédjuⁿga | jeguⁿ | hó | hiséwexdjį́ | mįkshgúne |
Žejųga | žegų | hó | hiséwexjį́ | mįkšgúni. |
[Now then] | [now] | ho! | very still | lay he did.* |
p. 22 —
kóra | wérakírakúne | pédjera | higúⁿ | hodáxdjadjenísge |
Kóra! | wirakirakúni! | péjera | higų́ | hotáxjajenìsge |
Kóra! | wirakirakúni! | the fire | just then | low kind of |
regádjeⁿ | wirakírakuni | jeguⁿ | hishdjárégi | jeguⁿ |
regáją. | Wirakirakúni! | žegų | hišjáregi | žegų |
it became then. | Wirakirakúni! | now | in face | now |
shuwushúwunísge | higúⁿ | jegúⁿ | wajéⁿ | wikiríjoⁿ |
šuwušuwunísge. | Higų́ | žegų | wažą́ | wikirížą |
itch it kind of got. | Just | then | something | an insect |
maníninísge | jéguⁿ | hiranóéje | jesgikísge | hiranóįjé |
maníninìsge | žegų | hiránąèže | žesgikísge | hiraną́’įžé. |
to walk kind of | now | he imagined | equal to | he thought. |
nunigé | djagú | exdjįjáre | hiregi | jeguⁿkága |
Nunige | jagú | exjįžáre | hiregí. | Žegųkága |
But | what | she cautioned | he thought. | Now never |
hidjórutcganije | égi | jegwaⁿkádjeⁿ | jegúⁿkagánane | jegwéⁿk’uⁿ |
hijórucganiže. | Égi | žegwąkáją.† | Žegų́kagánąre | žegwą́k’ų. |
there feel not of.* | And | that way he was. | Never | that way he was [or did]. |
haruxowakíniaréje | jeguⁿ | únoⁿk’uⁿshgé | hishdjas’uóshórodjinúgire |
Haruxówakíniarèže. | Žegų* | ’unąk’ų́šge | hišjasuóšórojinągire |
It began to get worse. | Now | finally (a doing it on) | his eyes the hollow/corner of† |
shgé | jéguⁿ* | wajóⁿ | xgíxgínisgejé | jigíahi | nuⁿghopóⁿgheráshge |
hišge | žégų | wážą | xgíxginisgèže. | Žigíahi | nųxopóxerášge. |
also | now | something | itch it kind of got. | Finally, | his ears also.† |
jesgéje | jeguⁿ | unoⁿk’úⁿ | jigéahí* | roráshge |
Žesgéže. | Žegų | ’únąk’ų́ | žigéahí | rorášge |
That way it was. | Now | doing this | again on at | his body also |
p. 23 —
jesgéje | hegwoⁿgaíro | hidjórutcgó | pįxdjį́gashgé | huⁿkidjórutcganis’aje |
žesgéže. | Hegwągaíra | hijórucge | pį́xjįgàšge | hąkijórucganis’aže.* |
that way it was. | Sometimes | there full of it | very tempting (it was) | not full of it, he would. |
hagoréjoⁿ | weⁿk’úⁿ | jedjúⁿga | héⁿbak’írijé | kóra |
Hagoréžą | ’ų́ąk’ų, | žéjųga | hąbak’íriže. | Kóra! |
[Finally] | doing thus, | [now then] | day came. | Kóra! |
higúⁿ | héⁿbera | s’ánaⁿ | kinip’gádjeⁿ | jéguⁿ‡ |
higų́ | hą́bera | są́ra | kinipgáją, | žégų |
just | when day* | dawn† | it got then, | now |
girushdjainije | jéguⁿ | girushdjaínregíji | hinuⁿgúⁿgere | weshgúni |
girucjainiže. | Žégų | girucjaínregìži, | hinųgą́gere | wešgúni, |
quitted him they did. | Now | when quit him they did, | this woman | she said, |
heⁿhá | déejijoⁿ | shúruxúrushanó | jegúno —* | gikaránané |
"Hąhą́, | téežižą. | Šuruxúrukšaną | žegúną. | Gikarárare." |
"Well, | this is one. | You have overcome | that's all. | Go home now." |
ásge | weⁿgenígoⁿká | kikáwaánuga | jegúⁿho* | |
ésge | wągenį́gąká | kikáwa-ánąga | žegų | ho! |
And so | the man | got up and | now then | [ho!] |
hokikáwaghugánuga* | tceⁿgerégi† | wák’į́(r)a-gigídjegí‡ | kárak’iánuga |
hokikáwaǧukànąga | cągerégi | wak’į́ra-gigìjegi, | karak’įánąga |
dressed and | outside | his pack - that it had been‡‡ | threw it on shoulders and# |
kerék’orohóshgune. | huⁿha | egí | hidadjéwa | wánuga |
kerekorohóšguni. | "Hąhą́! | egí | hitajéwa | ’uą́nąga |
to go home he was ready to. | [Hąhą́!] | now | mighty try | and |
p. 24, Bol. p. 81 —
déshge | shúruxúrukádjeⁿ | higuⁿ | wirakújiáregí | jigé |
téšge | šuruxurugáją. | Higų́ | wirakúžiàregi | žigé |
now this | you have overcome. | Just | when the sun begins to get low | again |
djiádje* | daníhuⁿ | honį́gidáno | higéshgúni | ragígi |
jiáje. | Taníhą | honįgitáną," | higešgúni. | "Ragígi |
come. | 3 times | more left for you," | she said to him. | "When you get home |
heⁿpséretc | heⁿbágenéⁿdje | égi | wirakujį́niki | jigé |
hąpsérec | hąbáginą́je. | Égi | wirakužį́niki† | žigé |
all day | day-sleep you must.* | And | when the sun is low‡ | [again] |
radjík’djoneno | ho | jédjuⁿga | gishgúne | hikorókera |
rajikjanéną." | Ho! | žéjųga | gišgúni. | Hikorókera |
you are to come." | Ho! | [now then] | now he got home. | To his gr. mother |
édja | gijé | wáu* | tcuⁿshgák’djenígrera | djágu |
éja | gíže. | "Wáu | cųgakjįnįkra | jagú |
[there] | went home to. | "Wáu† | grandson little you | what |
noⁿtcgéwotcináni | djagúuⁿ | nixawaníje† | huⁿho | |
nącgé | wocinóni.* | Jagú’ų | nįxáwaniže?" | "Hąhó, |
worry you made me. | Why | have you been apart/lost?" | "Hąhó! |
kuniká | tcágere | hirohári | hahít’ehára |
kunika, | cágere | hirohári | hahit’éhara. |
[grandmother,] | this deer | way off | on at I killed it. |
hakíri | hephanána* | éje | |
Hakíri | hep | hanáną," | éže. |
On home | I slept,"† | he said. |
wosgéwanúkshe | hidókénika | hiperézinókshe | aíreno | |
Wosgé | waną́kše | hitokénįka | hipéresin`ąkše, | aíreną. |
Not for any reason she was saying it, | the old woman | knowing she was, | they said. |
jeguⁿ* | kéwejeⁿ | aníje | jéguⁿho | warúdje | ||
Žegų́* | ke | wežą́ | ániže. | Žegų | ho | warúce |
Now | not anything | she [did not] say. | [Now] | [ho] | when eating |
rushdjoⁿgí | heⁿpséretc* | náhįpgi | jegúⁿshgúne | weⁿgenúnigeka |
rušją́gi | hąpsérec | nąhį́pgi. | Žegų́šgúni.‡ | Wągenúnįgega, |
he got through | all day | sleep he got.† | There he had been. | The old chap,‡‡ |
p. 25 —
hotcintcíniká | hagoréjoⁿ | hikį́gádjeⁿ | dée | wirakújínikshe |
hocįcį́nįka, | hagoréžą | hikįgáją | teé | wirakužínįkše. |
the boy, | [finally] | he woke up, and | there | the sun was low. |
ha, | kuniká, | wahaitcéno | warúdjerúshdjoⁿgi, | égi | weshgúnije |
"Ha, | kúnika, | wahaicéną."* | Warújerušją́gi, | égi | wešgúniže,† |
"Ha! | gr. mother, | I want to eat." | When he got through eating, | then | he said, |
hohó | kuniká | hagágasgéjoⁿxtcín* | wajóⁿwakit’undeno. | |
"Hohó, | kúnika, | hagagasgéžąxjį | wažą́ | wakit’ųténą." |
"Hohó! | [grandmother], | O my, thus it has ever been; | something | I've gotten into." |
waú-u-u* | jejenisgékdjonegé | djeni† | iówerá | ronígixíra | |
"Wau-u-u! | že | ženisgékjanegè- | jenihówera | ronįgígira | |
"Wau-u-u! | that | is the way you are going to be | so | that way come | cautioned you |
hasgáxíri | ióragíwegádjeⁿ | hehé | tcuⁿshgák’djenigrá | wotcexíno |
hasgaxíri | horagíwegàją. | Hehé, | cųšgákjenįkra | wocexíną. |
but anyhow | that way you came. | Hehé, | gr. son, | it is hard. |
djasgeránuga* | shúruxúruik’djé | wanoxínuⁿká | niúⁿberak’dje | wagádjeno |
Jasgéranąga | šuruxúruikje | wanąǧínąka | ni’aberákje? | Wagájeną. |
How can you | to conquer it can you | that spirit (dead person)† | you will make it live? | She means. |
djasgeránuga | shúruxúruik’dje | heⁿhá,* | kúniká | jesgejíno |
Jasgeránąga | šuruxúruikje?" | "Hąhá,† | kúnika, | žesgéžiną. |
How can you, | can you do it?" | "Hąhá, | gr. mother, | that is so. |
p. 26 —
heⁿhedeéji | kúnika | duxúrugshóno* | waú | |
Hąhé | teéži | kúnika, | tuxurúkšaną." | Wáu, |
Night | this, | [gr. mother], | I overcame it." | "Waú, |
tcuⁿshgák’djinigrá | pįnánaⁿ | shúruxúrukijí | hinagíkik’ádjik’djonihéno |
cųšgákjįnįkra, | pįráną. | Šúruxurukìži | hiragikík’ajikjanihèną,† |
my gr. son,* | good you did. | If you conquer it | to help me you will," |
éje | égiji† | wanaį́ | nigíkerék’djoná | nunigé |
éže. | Egíži, | "Wana’i | nįgikerékjaną́‡ | núnįge |
he said.* | She said, | "My mind | I will have on it | but |
huⁿké | wajouⁿpinínaⁿ | eshgúne | jigé | |
hąké | wažą́ | ’ųpiníną," | ešgúni. | Žigé |
not | anything | cannot be done," | she said. | [Again] |
jedjuⁿga | hahé | nubóhona | hidjá | híje† |
žejųga, | hąhé | nųbóhąra* | hija | híže. |
[then] | [night] | the second | there | he went. |
hijigíguⁿ | jesgéshguníje | kodé, | jigíguⁿ | nána |
Hižigígų | žesgéšguniže. | Koté! | žigígų | ną́ra |
Again | that kind it is [to happen].* | Koté! | again | wood |
rohúⁿ | sdohiánuga | jégwoskókik’únigrá* | heⁿhé† | kis’ágera |
rohą | stohiánąga | žégwoskókik’ų́nįkrá.* | Hąhé | kis’ágera |
much | he gathered and | just for fun. | midnight‡ |
haixánaⁿ* | naįxdjį́naⁿge | núnigé | egi | jésge | djagú |
haixáną. | Naįxjį́nąk | núnige | egi | žésge | jagú |
is over.† | Tried very hard | but | but | then | what |
gishguⁿk’djé | rushák’djegádjaⁿ | kóra | hagoréjoⁿ | jigé* |
gišgą́kje? | Ruš’ákjegają. | Kóra! | hagoréžą | žige |
could he do? | He was failing. | Say! | [finally] | [again] |
p. 27 —
shtcuⁿwéⁿje | heⁿhá | hinúⁿkdjinigrá | hishdjuⁿwánaⁿ | égi |
šjųwéⁿže.* | "Hąhá, | hinų́kjenįkra, | hišjųwáną." | Égi |
sleepy he got. | "Hąhá! | the woman you, | sleepy I am." | [And] |
jegúⁿ | jigé | nará* | rohot’úⁿje | petcdjegá |
žegų | žigé | ną́ra | rohot’ų́že. | Pecjéga |
[now] | [again] | wood | very much he put in. | That fire |
hodajágají | huⁿké | wajóⁿ | unis’áje | Ásge |
hatažágaži | hąké | wažą́ | ’unis’áže. | Ésge |
when it's lit up | not | anything | there would (not do).* | [And so] |
naná | rohót’uⁿje | jedjuⁿga | jigé | jegúⁿ |
ną́ra | rohót’ųže. | Žéjųga | žigé | žégų |
wood | very much he put in. | [Now then] | [again] | [now] |
haxáraxdjį | djasgé | homík | gipįgíji | ho |
haxáraxjį | jasgé | homįk´ | gipįgíži. | Ho |
flat on his back lying face upward* | the way | to lie | he liked. | Ho! |
jegúⁿ | unihéje | ho | jigé | djadjonégi | pédjera |
žégų | ’unihéže. | Ho | žigé | jająrégi | péjera |
[now] | he was thus. | Ho! | now again | right away | the fire |
daxdjádjeregádjeⁿ | ho | jigé | jeguⁿ | ho | neⁿxgíxginísgiréje |
taxjájeregàją. | Ho | žigé | žegų | ho | nąxgíxginisgirèže. |
low it began to get. | [Ho!] | [again] | [now] | [ho!] | walk over him like they did. |
kóra | jigé | jeguⁿ | uáⁿk’úⁿ | kóra | jigé | haⁿhé | deé |
Kóra! | žige | žégų | ’uą́k’ų, | kóra! | žigé | hąhé | tee |
Say! | [again] | [now] | he had been, | say! | again | night | this |
hidjairanikshgúne | gwó | hatcuⁿgérexdjį | hahaⁿp’híje | huⁿhó | |
hijáira | nįkšgúni. | Gwó, | hacągérexjį | hahąp’íže. | "Hąhó, |
worse it was. | [Gwó] | with great effort (quite barely)* | day he came to. | ["Hąhó,] |
wáⁿk’djénigrá* | pį́naⁿ | hisgedjá | pįno | heⁿhenubóhuⁿ‡ |
wą́kjenįkra, | pį́ra, | hisgéja | pį́ra, | hąhénųbóhą‡‡ |
man you, | good,† | really | good, | two nights |
p. 28 —
shúruxúrukádjeⁿ | hidadjé | wauánuga | higúⁿ | hishúruxúrugánuga |
šuruxúrukàją. | Hitajé | wa’ųánąga | higų́ | hišuruxúrugànąga, |
you have overcome. | Mighty | try, and | just | to conquer me, and |
niáaⁿpgí | jéguⁿ | djadjaį́xdjį | hipa | weⁿk’shíga ha’įgí |
niá’ąpgi | žégų | jajaį́xjį | hipa | wąkšígaha’įgí |
I live | [now] | as long as | up to* | I live |
jigíkorókerága | djadjaį́xdjįpa | weⁿk’shik’įgí | édja | wagidék’djenihéno | |
žigé | híkorókeraga | jajaį́xjįpa | wąkšik’į́gi | éja | wagitékjanihèną," |
again | your gr. mother | as long as | she lives | there | work for her I will always," |
eshgúne | hidadjéwawéⁿdje | heⁿhéⁿ | hisgedjají | wotcéxigádjeⁿ |
ešgúni. | "Hitajéwawą́je."* | "Hąhą́, | hisgéjaži | wocexigáją. |
she said. | "Mighty try you must." | "Well, | really | very hard it is. |
djagwaísh’gúⁿkdje | wotcexíno | égi | jesgéjinúnigé* | noį́xdjinaⁿ† | |
Jagwaíšgų́kje?" | "Wocexíną | egi | žesgéži | núnige | naįxjíną |
What could I do?" | "It is hard | and | that way it is, | but | I hope (with)‡ |
honinók’shéji | iarége | wahanáⁿkshono | éje | ásge |
honinąkžéži | yarége, | wahaną́kšaną," | éže. | ésge |
to marry you | I think, | that's why I'm saying it," | she said. | [And so] |
jedjúⁿga | jigéhagí | haⁿp’séretc | heⁿbágineⁿshgúni | há | jigé | |
žéjųga | žigé | hagi | hąpsérec | hąbáginąšgùni. | Ha | žigé |
[now then] | again | on at | all day | day-sleep [he did]. | [Ha,] | again |
p. 29 —
daníhona | heⁿhégadjeⁿ | djishgúne | jedjúⁿga | jéguⁿ | tcirexirìnóⁿka | |
taníhąra | hąhégają | jišgúni, | žéjųga | žégų | ci | rexírinąka |
the 3rd time | when night* | came,† | [now then] | [now] | houses | the old [ones]‡ |
édja | nananéⁿtcįxdjį | sdówahíje | sdówahiánuga | jéguⁿ |
éja | nąraną́cįxjį* | stowahíže. | Stówahiànąga | žegų |
there | the wood all of them | gathered them he did.† | Gathered them and | [now] |
tcinuxgéra* | hoíxdjiójushgúne | hoixdjíojuánuga | jeguⁿ | ho |
cinuxgéra | hoíxjįóžušgúni. | Hoixjį́ožuánąga | žégų | ho‡ |
back end of house† | full he put it. | Filled it and | [now] | [ho!] |
hikízuⁿtcį́ | minigánuga | hainséretcį | wogirágenoⁿkshe | higúⁿ |
hikizų́cį | minągánąga | haįsérecį* | wogirágenąkše, | higų́ |
right beside her | he sat and | all night | he told her stories, | just |
wájoⁿ | wáxdjaxdjá | jesgógirágenokshe | naį́xdjį higuⁿ* | s’íra |
wažą | wáxjaxja, | žesgógirágenąkše. | Naįxjį higų́ | s’íra |
things | funny, | that kind he was telling her. | With hopes (I hope)† | little more |
heⁿkį́shdjuwánijéji | hiregé | waunúkshe | kóra, | jéguⁿ | |
hąké | hišjųwanižéži, | hiregé, | wa’únąkše. | Kóra! | žegų |
not | he would not get sleepy, | he thought, | as he was doing it. | Say, | [now] |
únok’uⁿ* | higundé | heⁿhékis’ák† | egí | manínegéregé | |
’únąk’ų | higų́ | te | hąhékisak | egi | maninegérege‡ |
while thus doing | now | this | midnight | and | it was wintertime |
haⁿhera | serédjireje | heⁿhékis’ák-djįgádjeⁿ | hagaréjoⁿ | heⁿhó |
hąhéra | serecíreže. | Hąhékisákjįgàją | hagaréžą, | "Hąhó |
nights | long they were. | Just about midnight | [finally], | "Hąhó! |
p. 30 —
hinuk’djína | jedjaįxdjį | hipa-hakip’ínaⁿ† | hįshdjuⁿwáno# | hodjía |
hinųkjį́ra | žejáįxjį | hipa-hakipíną,‡ | hįšjųwáną." | "Hojiá, |
the woman | [up to]* | since I am able,‡‡ | I'm sleepy." | "All right, |
égi | pedjerot’uné | ásge | jeguⁿ | jigé |
Égi | pejerot’uné."* | ésge* | žegų́* | žigé* |
then | fill the fire." | [And so] | [now] | [again] |
hidaníhona | pedjerót’uⁿgí | huhú | roháⁿxdjį | hidaníhona* |
hitaníhąra | pejerót’ųgí. | Huhú | rohą́xjį | hitaníhąra. |
the 3rd time | fire he built. | [Huhú] | very much | the 3rd time. |
jedjúⁿga | ho | pédjera | mig’ikúrohóge | rohót’uⁿshgúne |
Žéjųga | ho | péjera | mįg’ikúruhógi | rohót’ųšgúni. |
[Now then] | ho! | the fire | when he was ready to lie down | many he put in. |
dejegúno | wogídjirénigaⁿkadjeⁿ | hidjáiranik | heⁿhéra | howaírek’djónegádjeⁿ |
Te žegúną. | "Wogíjirénįgąkają | hijáiranįk | hąhéra | howaírekjanegàją," |
Now thus it was. | "It helps a little | little longer | [the] night | it will (last),"* |
Bol. p. 82 —
hiregí | ásge | jegwaⁿhí | tciraheráshke | haghebenaⁿjíje |
hiregi. | ésge | žegwąhí | ciraherášge | haǧebenąžį́že. |
he thought. | [And so] | on at | top of the house | it went through.* |
jedjúⁿga | égi | jegúⁿ | hikiáⁿkadjeⁿ | hagoréjoⁿ |
Žéjųga | Égi | žegų | hikiąkáją. | Hagoréžą |
[Now then] | [then] | [now] | he was awake. | [Finally] |
uⁿk’uⁿ | jigé | tcówe | heⁿhegisebenáⁿje (?)* | jedjuⁿga |
’ųk’ų | žíge | cowe | hąhegiseb?eną́že† | žéjųga |
he was doing | [again] | very near | midnight it was‡ | then |
pédjeradazírejé | ho | jigé | djadjonégi | hanímįkshe | kóra | |
péjera | tazíreže. | Ho! | žigé | jająrégi | hanímįkše. | Kóra! |
fire | got low. | Ho! | again | right away | he took to it. | Say! |
jigédjaíraxdjįje | higwaⁿgaíra | jéguⁿ | djórutcka | pį́xdjirewahigáshke |
žigéjaíraxjįže. | Higwągaíra | žegų | hijórucka | pį́xjirewahigàšge |
again it was much more. | Just sometimes | just | to reach for them | it seemed (very good), but |
p. 31 —
híkiwátcįxdjį́je | hinuⁿk´ | kanáⁿgenaį́ge | haⁿhegí | jedjuⁿga† |
hikiwácįxjį̀že. | Hinųk | kaną́geną’į́gi. | Hąhégi | žéjųga |
control himself. | Woman | trying to marry.* | At night | [now then] |
hagoréjoⁿ | hidaníhaⁿna | hahaⁿp’hije* | hohó | waⁿkdjínigra |
hagoréžą | hitaníhąra | hahąphíže. | "Hohó, | wą́kjinįgra, |
[finally] | the 3rd time | he stayed up all night.† | ["Hohó!] | man you, |
píno | jedjuⁿga | hisgéxdjin | honinoįk’djenihégadjeⁿ | iáradjinúkshono |
pį́ną. | Žéjųga | hisgéxjį | honinaį́kjanihègają | yarajiną́kšaną. |
good it is. | [Now then] | now really | to marry you I'm going to | to think I'll become. |
hagágasgéjoⁿxdjįgadjeⁿ | weno | hiranókshe* | higúⁿ | tcegédjaredjaⁿ† |
Hagagasgéžąxjįgáją," | wéną | hiraną́kše. | "Higų́ | cegejaréją |
Only thus I am," | she said | [s]he was thinking. | "Just | in the beginning |
jéguⁿ | hiúninága | hóragísharagánuga | konikága | hogírakíji |
žégų | hiúniraga | hórakíšarakánąga | kunikága | hogirákiži |
just | your mother | tell her of it and | my gr. mother | she had told her* |
s’iredjeⁿ | dejegihíno | hukaweákinína† | hagáwájeⁿ |
s’íreją | težegihíną* | hakáweakiníną | hagáwažą |
long ago | this way we could have been | not have suffered myself | such a time‡ |
hawehinaijeⁿ* | huⁿhá | hisgexdjį‡ | shanúnigé | |
hawehinaížą."† | "Hąhą́, | hisgéxjį | ša | nunigé |
bother me you are." | ["Hąhą́!] | the tru[th]‡‡ | you are saying, | but |
higúndjadjaį́xdjin | hipá | weⁿkshik’haį́gi* | wanigídanihék’djonéno | éje |
higų́jajaį́xjį | hipá | wąkšikha’į́gi | wanįgitánihekjanèną," | éže. |
just as long as | up to | I live | work for you I will always,"† | she said. |
egí | jegwotcintcínik’djéga | haránuga | hagí | heⁿpséretcį† |
Égi | žegwocįcį́nįkjéga | haránąga | hagí | hąpsérecį |
And | now the young boy* | went home & | on at | the whole day |
neⁿshgúni | jéjegwánuga | hidjobóhona† | jedjuⁿga | ho |
nąšgúni. | Žéžegwánąga* | hijobóhąra | žéjųga | ho |
slept. | Thus it had been, and | the 4th time | now then | [ho!] |
p. 32 —
hóxdjánagí | jigérejé | jedjuⁿga | tcirexirigenáⁿka | djánaga | nana | |
hoxjąnagi | žigé | reže. | Žéjųga | cirexirigeną́ka | jánąga | nąra |
in the evening | again | he went. | [Now then] | the old houses | as much | wood as |
jéguⁿ | t’úraraíregí* | nonįk | wakárakísi | haraíreg퇇 |
žegų | t’ųraraíregi | ną́nįk | wakarakísi | haraíregi |
[now] | they had left† | little wood | that they had saved‡ | they had gone |
éwawagíuⁿdjéje | jedjuⁿga | hanaⁿtc† | wouⁿje | |
e | wawagí’ųjèže. | Žejųga | haną́c | wo’ųže. |
these* | he was doing. | [Now then] | all | he went over. |
jeguⁿ | sdowahianuga | tcinúxgere | hoixdjį́xdjojúje | jejeguⁿ |
Žégų | stowahíanąga | cinúxgére | hoixjį́xjožúže. | Žéžegų |
Now | gathered them and | next side to the door (place for wood, clothing, utensils, etc.)* | full he put it. | Thus |
hiánuga | jedjúⁿga | wiriregíji | hó | higúⁿ |
hiánąga | žéjųga | wiriregíži* | ho | higų́ |
did and | now | when sun went down | [ho!] | just |
s’inįkjishge | haⁿké | tcíroikáwaníje | higúⁿ | wiríregíji* |
s’inįkžíšge | hąké | círoikáwaníže. | Higų́ | wiríregíži |
for a little time | not | in house not come in. | Just | when sun went down |
jégwoⁿské | wáuⁿghágha | nísge | hagoréjoⁿ | ||
žégų | ho | ’ų́sge! | wá’ųǧáǧa | nisge. | Hagoréžą |
just | ho! | ’ų́sge!* | clumsy actions (slow work) | kind of. | [Finally] |
jédjuⁿga | hoikéweje* | naⁿnáji* | hági[h]ajuánuga† | jedjúⁿga* |
žejų́ga | hoikéweže. | Nąnáži | hági[h]ažuánąga | žejų́ga |
[now] | he came in. | Wood | readily he put them and‡ | [now then] |
jegwoikéwegi | pédjerot’[uⁿá]nuga† | huhú | worákshe | ánuga | |
Žegų | hoikéwegi | péjerot’ųánąga | huhú! | worákše | ánąga. |
[now] | went in (and)* | he put up [the] fire and‡ | [huhú] | to tell stories | he said. |
p. 33 —
wórakshe* | ánuga* | jéguⁿ | ho | ánokshe |
Wórakše | ánąga. | Žégų | ho | ánąkše. |
To tell stories | he was saying. | [Now] | [ho!] | he was saying. |
jedjuⁿga | hisgédjaxdjin | s’ikįshgúne | jedjúⁿga | hagoréjoⁿ |
Žejųga | hisgéjaxjį | s’ikįšgúni. | Žéjųga | hagoréžą |
[Now then] | really | long time he stayed awake. | [Now then] | [finally,] |
hehe-e-e | hiroagereje* | hishegédjine‡ | |
"Hehe-e-e | hiroagera | héreže, | hišegéjeni |
["Hehé-e-e!] | the last time | it was† | you said so |
yauⁿtca[x]djįnogenúnige* | hos’gíeⁿke | wajaⁿ | jesganína | |
ya’ųcáxjįnąk | nunige | hos’géąke | wažą | žesgániną. |
I'm trying very hard | but | just not | anything | I cannot be.† |
huⁿha | jedjaį́xdjį | hishdjauⁿwano | éje | heⁿha |
Hąhą́ | žejaį́xjį | hišjųwaną," | éže. | "Hąhą |
Hąhą́! | thus far | I'm sleepy," | he said. | "Hąhą! |
égí | pį́ge | sh’únadjéno | pédjera | meⁿshdjót’úne |
egi | pįge | š’ųrajéną. | Péjera | mąšją́t’ųre,"* |
well | good | so you've been doing it. | The fire | mighty build it," |
éje. | ásge | jigé | jegúⁿ | ho | hotcintcínik’djéga |
éže. | ésge | žigé | žegų | ho | hocįcį́nįkjega |
she said. | [And so] | [again] | [now] | [ho!] | the boy |
pédjera | meⁿshdjot’úⁿje | gadjúⁿga | jéguⁿ | daegi |
péjera | mąšjot’ų́že.* | Gajų́ga† | žégų | taégi |
the fire | mighty he built it. | Now then | [now] | burn it did |
jéguⁿ | godjá | dárahéra | hasuⁿtc´ | jégúįrakére |
žegų | gója | cirahéra | hasą́c | žegúįrakére. |
[now] | over (there) | top of the house | beyond | now it reached. |
jegúⁿgi | egomį́ki | koregúⁿ | jeguⁿ | ||
Žegųgi | égi | homį́ki. | Kóra | higų́ | žegų |
Now so | now | he lay down. | Kóra! | just | [now] |
jegwoⁿxaramį́gaⁿkshgúni | jedjúⁿga | hagoréjoⁿ | pédjera | hadazíje |
žegwoⁿxaramį́gąkšgúni.* | Žéjųga | hagoréžą | péjera | hatazíže |
on his back he was lying. | [Now then] | [finally] | the fire | burned low it did |
hadazirarégi | jegúⁿ | wanáishgúniáⁿk’uⁿ | jegwanímįgnisgiréje* |
hatazirarégi. | Žegų | waną́įšgúnią̀k’ų. | Žegwanímįknisgiréže. |
it began. | [Now] | very peaceful he was then. | They grabbed him it seemed. |
p. 34 —
jegúⁿje | djasgádjega | roraxgídjega | jesgádjiréje |
Žegų́že. | Jasgájega | roraxgíjega | žesgájiréže. |
Thus it was. | The way he had been | his body itching | that way it began. |
djobóhona | égi | huⁿké | ruxúrugení | neⁿgiínege |
Jobóhąna* | Égi | hįké | ruxúrugení | nągi’į́rege. |
The 4th time | and | not | not to conquer | they wanted him to.† |
jedjúⁿga | meⁿshdjóⁿgiuíneje | higuⁿ | jegúⁿ |
Žéjųga | mą́šjągi’u`įreže. | Higų́ | žegų |
[Now then] | mighty they did to him. | Just | anyhow |
hishdjójedjána | djanaⁿga | wajóshkóbera | jégweⁿnáⁿtcįxdjį |
hišjóžejóⁿra | jánąga | wažóškóbera | žégwąną́cįxjį |
the corner of his eyes | all that | any place there be [that] had corners in | now all of them |
xgíadjíaraíreje | gweⁿgaíra | hídjiorutcgáje | hiregáshge | égi |
xgíajíaraíreže. | Gwągaíra* | híjiorucgáže† | hiregášge, | Égi |
itch they began. | Sometimes | to feel of it (reach out for it)‡ | he thought‡‡ | but# |
roghinaⁿke | jegúⁿ* | wanaínaje | nįgéok’ikéwedjeⁿdjóⁿk’shgúne | ||
roǧinąke. | Žegų | waną’į́raži | nįgé | e | hokikéwejąją́kšgúni.† |
she said not, | but | his mind | all around | it | must have jumped around. |
kodé | ruxúrukshe | aíreno | wó | wérakírakúni |
Koté! | ruxúrukše, | aíreną. | Wó, | wérakírakúni, |
Say! | he conquered, | they say. | [Wó!] | [wérakírakúni] |
hidjobóhona | háⁿbera | saⁿnakínipshe | jéguⁿ | gírushdjaíneshgùne |
hijobóhąra | hą́bera | sąrakínipše. | Žegų | gírušjáįrešguni. |
the 4th time | the day | light it grew. | Now | they quit him. |
égi | jedjaskéragadjeⁿ | waíregi | wanoghi | waúnoⁿkshe |
Égi | žejasgéragają | waíregi | wanąǧi | wa’únąkše, |
And | that however it was | they meant (said)* | ghosts† | they were |
p. 35 —
aíreno | gírushdjaínegíji | jéguⁿ | ho | weshgúne* |
aíreną. | Girušjáįregíži | žégų | ho | wešgúni |
they said. | When they got through with him | [now] | [ho!] | she said |
hinúgenúgere | heⁿheⁿ | shúruxúrukshóno | wánoghómįgrá |
hinų́geną́gere, | "Hąhą́, | šuruxúrukšaną! | Wanąǧómįkra |
this woman, | "Hąhą́! | you've conquered! | The grave |
hirapérezshónukádjeⁿ | hįgípáradje | heⁿké | tcaninúkshone |
hirapéresšanąkàją | hįgipáraje. | Hąké | caniną́kšaną, |
you know it | dig me out. | Not | not dead am I |
djásgįshdjáshonogré | djéskamoⁿgik’djénihéno | éje |
jásgįšjášanąkre | jésgamągikjánihèną,"* | éže,† |
the way you see me now | that way I will be," | she said, |
aíreno | ásge | ho | jedjúⁿga | ho | kikawaánuga | hó |
aíreną. | ésge | ho | žéjųga | ho | kikawánąga | ho |
[they said.] | [And so] | ho! | [now then] | [ho!] | he got up and | [ho!] |
wanoghómigra | neⁿgík’unúgnigrá | tcóni | ho | waruxónoⁿje* |
wanąǧómįkra | nągíkonąknįkra | coni | ho | waruxónąže. |
the grave | the poles | first | ho! | took them off.* |
únoshdjoⁿgíji* | ho | jigé | jedjúⁿga | meⁿkaghera |
’ų́hošjągìži | ho | žigé | žéjųga | mąkaǧera |
When through with that | [ho!] | [again] | [now then] | the dirt |
Bol. p. 83 —
wadjik’shgúne | gipárashgúne | wánoghómiguⁿka | gíparagádjeⁿ |
wajikšgúni | giparašgúni. | Wanąǧómįgąka | giparagáją |
threw he out | he dug her out.* | The grave | when he dug to |
denuⁿgúⁿka | edjik’shákishe | jéguⁿ | t’aⁿp’kírikaránuga | ho |
tenųgą́ka* | ejikšákiše.† | Žégų | t’ąpkírikaránąga | ho |
there that woman | there laughing she was. | Now | arise she did and | [ho!] |
p. 36 —
wak’ínikárapéioⁿkíshge* | kurúzánuga | jegúⁿ | ||
wak’į́ra | hikárape | hiąkíšge | kurúzánąga | žegų |
the bundle | for a pillow | she had | took it and | now |
woghédja | kikáwaúⁿje | jéguⁿ | hiánuga | hotcintcínkikdjéga |
woxéja | kikáwa’ų́že. | Žegų | hiánąga | hocįcį́nįkjega |
from the grave | got out. | Now | did thus & | the boy |
wanaghómigrá | pį́hi | djásge | hiránihera | pihį | jigé |
wanąǧómįkra | pį́hi | jásge | hiránihera | pį́hi. | Žige |
the grave | over | the way | they had fixed it | over. | Again |
jésge | hishgúni | jejegúⁿ | hiánuga | jegúⁿ | ho | hinúk’djega |
žésge | hišgúni. | Žéžegų | hiánąga | žegų | ho | hinųkjega |
that way | he did. | That way | did and | [now] | [ho!] | the woman |
tcokére | kéreje | hinúk | konukádjeⁿ | hagoréjoⁿ |
cokére | kéreže. | Hinųk | kanąkáją. | Hagoréžą |
with him | he went home. | The woman | he married. | [Finally,] |
gíwije* | hagíhoikáwakéregi† | hehehía | hagáwajóⁿ |
gíwiže. | Hagíhoikáwakèregi, | "Hehehiá! | hagáwažą |
they got home. | When he started to go in, | "[Hehehiá!]‡ | quite |
haweákį́joⁿ* | hagáwajaⁿ | kónika | wawiak’į́joⁿ |
haweákį́žoⁿ. | Hagáwaže, | kunika, | wawiakį́že," |
terrible suffer [—] I made myself.† | Quite, | gr. mother, | bother myself I did," |
eshgúni | ha-a | tcuⁿshgánu | égi | djágu | rónigighira |
ešgúni. | "Ha-a, | cųšgáno, | égi | jagu | ronįgiǧira |
he said. | ["Ha-a!] | my gr. son, | then* | what | I told you not to |
hasgáxiré | hórak’it’uⁿsheregádjeⁿ | kájuⁿ | kónika | égi |
hasgáxiri | horakit’ų́šeregàją." | "Kažą́,† | kunika. | Égi |
really cried after* | you've got yourself into it." | "No, | [grandmother]. | Well |
né | nóⁿdjonigidjoⁿgé | waweⁿdjéne | jeguⁿ | éwaréragigík’djegédení | |
ne | ną́conigijągé | wawąjéną.* | Žegų | e | wáreragigìkjegèteni |
you | I pity | so I'm doing this. | [Now] | her | to work you can make so |
p. 37 —
haniéⁿkiríno | huⁿ-m-m | hidokénika | eshgúne | jéguⁿ |
hániąkirìną." | "Hų-m-m," | hitokénika | ešgúni. | Žegų |
I've brought her back." | ["Hų-m-m,"] | the old woman | she said. | [Now] |
his’agúnigra | hiwánuga | jegúⁿ | tciróbera | gighaⁿdjirehishgúni |
hisagų́nįkra | hiwánąga* | žegų | ciróbera | giǧų́jirehišgúni. |
her staff | used and | [now] | the door | poked it open to one side.† |
hinúk’tcegerá | hoikáwanone* | djagwadjíjeguⁿ | gwó | jeguⁿinúkdjega |
"Hinųkcégera, | hoikawanóⁿre. | Jagwajížegų?" | Gwó, | žegųinų́kjega |
"New-woman,† | come in now. | Why out here you?" | [Gwó] | now the woman |
jeguⁿ | do’į́xdjįjiánuga | jegwoⁿkíroikéweje | wéⁿgenúgera | ágakinógenokiji |
žegų | to’į́xjįžiànąga. | Žegwąkíroikéweže. | Wą́geną́gera | ágakinágenąkiži |
[now] | very fixed up she was. | Now she came on in. | This man | opposite [s]he was |
jégweⁿkírikízuⁿtc | pára† | édja | hikorókénigrá | git’únakírigúje |
žégwąkírikízųc.* | Pą́ra | éja | hikorokénįkra | git’ų́rakirigùže. |
with him besides. | Her bag | [there] | his gr. mother‡ | left it for her. |
minokíji | ho | wawaínina* | wakúrushórodjánuga | jeguⁿ |
Minąkíži | ho | wawaínįra† | wakurušórocànąga | žegų |
When she sat down | [ho!] | her clothes | she took them off and | [now] |
hanéⁿtcį* | hidókeniká | hidjáwagíjuje | hishgídókenika | |
haną́cį | hitokénįka | hijá | wagížuže. | Hišgítókenįka |
all | to the old woman | there | she put them for her. | She also the old woman |
jéguⁿ | peⁿshíshigenígra | kurueiánuga | jéguⁿ | hinuktcégera | |
žegų | pą | šíšigenį́kra | kuru’eiánąga | žegų | hinųkcégera |
now | bag (bundle) | her old | opened it and | [now] | new-woman |
p. 38 —
hishgé | waínidjáhį | hogíwaghúkshe | égi | jeguⁿgádjeⁿ | |
hišgé | wa’íni | jáhį | hogíwaǧúkše. | Égi | žegųgáją |
she also | clothes | other | put on for her. | And | thus done & |
konukádjeⁿ | wawékįgádjeⁿ | jejeguⁿgíji | hagoréjoⁿ |
konąkáją. | Wawékįgają. | Žežegųgíži, | hagoréžą |
he married her. | Bothered himself (for her) he did.* | When thus it was | [in time] |
rashgúne* | neⁿkikará | djiregí | égi | jeguⁿ |
rašgúni | nąkíkara | jiregi. | Égi | žegų |
peacefully | hunt | he began. | [And] | [now] |
wajóⁿrashgé* | warúdjeráshge | tcuⁿxdjiánuga | howarera | uⁿs’áje |
wažą́rašge | warújerášge | cųxjįánąga | howaréra | ’ųs’áže, |
things [also] | food also | plenty they had and† | so then | that way they used to be, |
aíreno | hidókenigenuká | higúⁿ | kikúrujak’djonégashgé | néⁿborujára* |
aíreną. | Hitokénįgenąká | higų́ | kikúružakjanegàšge, | ną́boružára |
[they said]. | The old woman | just | when she's ready to wash herself | the wash-pan |
hidjágikéres’áje | hinúgenuka | heⁿha | jedjúⁿga* | hagoréjoⁿ |
hijágikeres’àže | hinų́genąka. | Hąhá, | žejųga | hagoréžą† |
there she would put for her | the woman. | Hąhá! | [now then] | [finally] |
húⁿgenuká | hinį́gwahíra | nuⁿp´* | kunuⁿga | kodé† |
hų́genąká | hínįkwahìra | nųp | Kúnųga | "Koté!‡ |
the chief | his sons | two of them | the oldest one, | "Koté! |
hitcúⁿshge | jedjaį́xdjin | kúnikága | édjowínek’djéno | éje |
hicųšgé | žejáįxjį | kunikága | éjowį́rekjéną," | éže. |
his nephew | thus far | our gr. mother | there let us go," | he said. |
hodjía | ásge | tcaruhíaixórutc | aíreno | jesgéra |
"Hojia." | ésge | caruhíaixóruc, | aíreną | žesgéra |
"Okay." | [And so] | deer spare ribs, | [they said] | that kind |
p. 39 —
djopíwi | hitcuⁿshgéra | hegíuįránuga | hó | hidókenika |
jopíwi | hicųšgéra | hígi’uįránąga. | Hó | hitokénįka |
4 of them | the grandson* | they packed up for him. | Ho! | old woman |
gíshdjahúreje | hitcuⁿshgéra | karaíkiju | hagoréjoⁿ | djíwishgúne |
gíšjahúreže, | hicųšgéra | karaíkižu. | Hagoréžą | jiwišgúni |
they came to see, | the nephew | with him. | [Finally] | came they |
tcínugédja | djíwigádjeⁿ | dé | jegúⁿ | huⁿgotcíra |
cinųkéja | jiwigáją | te | žegų | hųgocíra |
to the old town | when they got there | there | (then)* | the chief's house† |
jéguⁿ | dé | nánanéⁿtcįxdjį | datcépshe | tcirorughutcshe |
žégų | te | noⁿraną́cįxjį | tacépše. | Ciroruǧucše. |
[now] | there | the wood [absolutely all of it] | all burned up it was. | The house they looked at. |
haháⁿ | jigé | deé | djasgégadjeⁿ | jigé |
"Hąhą́, | žigé | tee | jasgégają?" | Žigé |
["Hąhą́!] | [again] | there | why is it?" | [Again] |
úⁿdjauⁿ | de* | waitcgéra† | wanoghómigédja | djigádjeⁿ |
’ų́ja’ų | te | waicgéra | wanąǧómįkèja | jigáją |
they were | around | his sister | at the grave | he came to and |
jeguⁿ | wajóⁿ | meⁿkághera | rukshikshínisgaíre | higuⁿ† |
žegų | wažą́ | mąkáǧera | rukšíkšinisgàire. | Higų́† |
[now] | something | the dirt | (looked) worked up (disturbed).* | Just |
wanoítcgéjoⁿ | wauⁿgúni | hirenísgeje | kóragágasgéjoⁿ | djagú | |
wanióicgéžą | wa’ųgúni | hirenísgeže. | "Kóra | hagagasgéžą, | jagú |
an animal* | did it | he kind of thought†. | "O dear, | what |
hidókenika | tcuⁿshgéra | huⁿkága | waishdjánidjegúne | tciápera | |
hitokénįka | cųšgéra | hąkagá | waišjáni | jegúni | ciápera?" |
the old woman | her grandson* | never | he did not look after them | he does not | the home-stayers?" |
ádjáuⁿ | ha | kode | jedjaį́xdjį | hinek’djéra | éje |
ája’ų. | "Ha | koté, | žejáįxjį | hįrekjéra," | éže. |
saying this. | ["Ha] | say! | thus far | let us go," | he said. |
p. 40 —
ásge | jedjúⁿga | hó | hokáwaraíregádjeⁿ | detciróbera | |
ésge | žéjųga | ho | hokáwaraìregàją | te | ciróbera |
[And so] | [now then] | now | as they started in | there | the door |
higúⁿ | gagú | ruhásgádjeⁿ* | dewaitcgéra | peⁿsep’ánina | hidokénika | |
higų́ | gagų́ | ruhasgáją | te | waicgéra | pąsep’ánina | hitokénįka |
just | this way | as he opened | there | his sister | her black bag | the old woman |
hedágedja | kérenókshe | hohó | dejigé | djasgégadjeⁿ | |
hetágeja | kereną́kše. | "Hohó! | te | žigé | jasgegáją?" |
back of her | she had it standing. | ["Hohó!] | this | again | how can it be?"* |
hirejé | égi | hiperézenokedjéni | dé | hinúgenúgere |
hireže. | Égi | hiperézenąkejéni. | Te | hinų́geną́gere |
he thought. | And | he knew it. | This | the woman |
waⁿgenúka | minógenokíji | jéguⁿ | neⁿkénis’kédja | mįk’hįpgí |
wągeną́ka | mínągenąkíži | žegų | nąkénisgéja | mįk’hįpgí* |
the man | as she was sitting | [now] | back of him | she laid down |
heⁿk’èshdjará | hishdjara | tceⁿt’ini | jéguⁿ | mįk’hįpshgúni |
hąkèšjára | hišjara* | cąt’į́ni. | Žegų | mįk’hįpšgúni. |
not her face | her face | it was not visible. | [Now] | she laid down. |
jesganúnigé | jeguⁿhó | hokáwahurédja | hahoí | hotcintcínra | egí | |
Žesganúnigé | žegų | hó | hokáwahuréja, | "Hąhoí, | hocįcį́ra | egi |
Even thus* | now then | since he started to come in, | "Hąhoí! | boy you | here |
waitcgéragá | nióⁿp’gedjíni | tcíomį́genokanogwíno | eshgúniotcintcínigénuká | |
waicgéraga | nią́pgejeni. | Cíomį́genąkanągwíną," | ešgúni | hocįcį́nįgénąká. |
your sister | became alive so | in our house she sits,"* | said he | the young boy. |
jedjúⁿga | jegúⁿ | waitcgéra | horuxútcgadjéⁿ | dé | egiákshe |
Žéjųga | žegų | waicgéra | horuxucgáją. | Te | egiákše. |
[Now then] | [now] | his sister | he looked at. | There | she lay. |
p. 41 —
weⁿkdjegá | neⁿghireshgúne | hohó | nįgé | dee | hosge | hishdjára* |
Wą́kjega | nąǧirešgúni. | "Hohó, | nigé | tee | hosgé | hišjára |
The man | was scared. | ["Hohó!] | maybe my eyes |
Bol. p. 84 —
jésgadjes’áre* | jedjúⁿga | jeguⁿ | ho | hishdjara |
žésgajes’áre." | Žéjųga | žegų | ho | hišjára |
they are thus." | [Now then] | [now] | [ho!] | his eyes |
pįk’uⁿk’wánuga | waitcgéra | hokuruxútcgadjeⁿ | higúįsgéxdjin | jéguⁿ |
pį́k’ųk’wánąga* | waicgéra | hokuruxúcgają.† | Higúįsgéxjį | žegų |
fixed over and | his sister | he looked at her. | In reality | [now] |
higúįsgéxdjin | jéguⁿ | hadjáshgúne | egiga | jéguⁿ |
higúįsgéxjį | žégų | hajášguni. | Égiga | žegų |
in reality | [now] | he saw her. | Then there | [now] |
hinugúⁿka | ghakshgúne | ásge | dee | hotcintcínigenúgere |
hinų́kąka | ǧakšgúni. | ésge | teé | hocįcį́nįgeną́gere |
that woman | cried she. | [And so] | there | this young fry |
weshgúni | kodé | djagú | neⁿtcge | wotcįwaráradjegadjoⁿ |
wešgúni, | "Koté! | jagú | nącge | wocį́wararájegàją. |
he said, | "Say, | what | heart | uneasy you will make them. |
neⁿtcgéwotcį* | warashónok’shono | jénuga | ánuga | wawogánane |
Nącgéwocį | warašánąkšaną, | žénųga," | ánąga. | "Wowagánare. |
Heart feel bad | you're making them, | that's all," | he said.† | "Give them to eat. |
higwana | warúdjirék’djéno | éje | ásge | núgenuká | ghágera |
Higuóⁿra | warujírekjèną," | éže. | ésge | nų́genąká | ǧágera |
Now | let them eat," | he said. | [And so] | the woman | cried |
rashdjanuga* | jedjúⁿga | ho | jéguⁿ | hikáwaánuga |
rašją́nąga | žejųga | ho | žegų | hikáwánąga |
stopped and | [now then] | [ho!] | [now] | got up and |
p. 42 —
minokírinukdádjeⁿ | dé | ho | hisgéxdjin | waitcgéra |
minąkírinąktáže. | Te | ho | hisgéxjį | waicgéra |
in a sitting posture. | There | [ho] | in reality | his sister |
nióⁿpshe | haúhau | waitcgénikáxdjin | pįhįjigé* | neⁿberokáranúkshe |
nią́pše. | "Hąhą́, | waícgenįkàxjį," | pįhįžigé | nąberokáraną́kše. |
alive she was. | "Hąhą́! | my sister," | over again | hands he shook her. |
jegúⁿ | egí | warúdjere | kirára | hidjáwagikéreje | |
Žegų | égi | warújere | kirára | hijá | wagikéreže |
[Now] | [then] | food | several kinds* | there | she put them for them |
núginuka | édja | házohìxdjį | okárakshe | aíreno |
nų́ginąka.* | éja | házohixjį | hokárakše,† | aíreną. |
the woman. | [There] | carefully | she laid it [out] to them, | [they said]. |
heⁿhá | tcidó, | néwakik’wánuga | tcegadjeréno | weⁿk | |
"Hąhá, | citó, | né | wakik’wánąga | cegajeréną. | Wąk |
["Hąhą́!] | brother, | my | fault it was | that I had died. | Man |
deé | [hoi]ship* | aipino | rá | jéguⁿ |
teé | hoišip | haipíną. | -‡ | Žegų |
this | all the time† | I liked him. | [?]‡‡ | [Now] |
kík’wa’uⁿgí | hiróshik[n]įkdjenáwiiarége* | ásge | huⁿké | |
kík’wa’ųgí | hiróšiknįkjenàwi | yarége | ésge | hąké |
if I had my way and did it | ashamed I make you | I thought | [and so] | not |
háuníno* | [ji]gé† | neⁿniga | weⁿgidaík’dje | iaregáshge |
ha’uníną. | Žigé | nániga | wągitáikje | yaregášge |
I did not do it. | [Aga]in‡ | my mother | to tell her | I would think |
egi | djagú | wajóⁿ | hirakís’kéje* | wainóni[gi]‡ |
egi | jagú | wažą́ | hirakískéže | wainónigi‡‡ |
and | what | something | not equal to him† | an orphan |
[he]regádjeⁿ* | woⁿk’ganaį́xdjioⁿkádjeⁿ† | [hįg]ék’djone | iarége |
heregáją. | 'Wąk’ganaį́xjįąkáją,'‡ | hįgékjane | yarége |
he is. | 'Men there are lots of them,' | [she would say]‡‡ | I thought |
p. 43 —
ásgioⁿkága* | nonníga | wágidágenína | jéguⁿ | neⁿtcgésdak’ |
ésgiąkága | naniga | wágitágenį́ra. | Žégų | nącgéstak |
so never | my mother | not tell her of it. | Now | heart-broken |
tcénaⁿ | hoho | hagagas’géjoⁿ | waitcgénikaxdjin | djágu |
céną." | "Hoho, | hagagasgéžą, | waicgenįkáxjį, | jagú |
I died." | ["Hoho,] | O my, | my little sister, | why |
uⁿgádjeⁿ | huⁿke | shárageníje | horák’ | pínanigádjeⁿ |
’ųgáją | hąké | hošárageníže? | Horák | pįranigáją. |
indeed* | not | did you not tell of it. | Tell it | you ought to [have]. |
heⁿgágaskéje | tcówe | woínik’dji | ráninó | égi |
Hągágaskéže, | cówe | woínikjį | rániną." | "Égi |
Hągágaskéže! | pretty near | great lost | you have been." | "And |
jesganúnigé | hihanúgere | wánoína | jesgegé | ásge |
žesganúnigé | hihaną́gere | wáną’į́ra | žesgége | ésge |
that is so, but | as I say | my mind | was that way | so |
huⁿkágodágeníno | égi | jéguⁿ | warúdjerúshdjaⁿgí | weshgúni |
hąkágotágeníną." | Égi | žégų | warújerúšjągí | wešgúni, |
never told it." | And | now | eating he got through | he said, |
uⁿháⁿ | waitcgénikáxdjį | wanoína | wírodoánukshe | higúⁿ |
"Hąhą́, | waícgenįkáxjį | waną’į́ra | wírotoánąkše. | Higų́ |
["Hąhą́!] | my little sister | our mind* | is not the very best (sad).† | Just |
naníga | djádjigáshge | hagaíra | hoxdjanuga | ghágenáⁿkshono |
naniga | jajigášge | hagaíra | hoxją́nąga | ǧágeną́kšaną. |
my mother | father also | sometimes | in the evenings | cry they do. |
jeguⁿgweⁿdjikérek’djenáwino | huⁿké | hį́tcgexdjiníno | higuⁿ |
Žegųgwąjikérekjenáwiną,* | hąké | hį́cgéxjįnìną. | Higų́ |
Right away we're going home | not | very tired I am not.† | Just |
p. 44 —
djagú | hazóhiwáuⁿ | manihúwigádjeⁿ | heⁿké |
jagú | hazóhiwa’ų̀ | manihuwigáją | hąké |
what | our time we took | walk on we did (came)* | not |
hįtcgéxdjiwiníno | jegúⁿ | higúⁿ | hagíwigi† | aixónaⁿ | kuk’djáwino |
hįcgéxjįwinìną. | Žegų́ | higų́ | hagíwigi | haixóno | kukjáwiną."‡ |
not very tired we came.* | Now | [just] | when we get home | move | we will come back." |
hodjiá | djagú | warúdjera | haganaį́xdjiáⁿkádjeⁿ |
"Hojiá, | jagú | warújera | haganáįxjią̀kają |
"All right, | what / well* | food | very plenty there is |
jesgé | rawíshge | epinóno | ho | ásge | ho | |
žesgé | rawíšge | e | pinóⁿną." | Ho | ésge | ho |
that way* | you do | it | would be good." | [Ho!] | [and so] | [ho] |
jeguⁿ | karaíreje | jeguⁿ | karaíregí | hági |
žegų | karaíreže. | Žegų | karaíregí | hági |
[now] | home they went. | [Now] | when they went home | on at |
haheⁿhéjishgíranúnigé | ho | jéguⁿ | hainseretc | |
hahąhéžišgìra | nunige | ho | žégų | hainisérec |
night overtook them | but* | [ho!] | [now]† | all night |
uineje | wérakírakúni | heguⁿ | égi | mánisak’uínege |
’úįreže. | Wérakírakúni,* | hegų* | égi* | mánisak’uį́rege.* |
they went on. | Wérakírakúni! | [just] | then | fast walk they did. |
égi | wairegádjeⁿ | gwó | tcék | heⁿpsgáxdjieⁿkírigádjeⁿ |
Égi | wairegáją | gwó | cek | hąpsgáxjią̀kirigàją |
And | they say | [gwó] | first | when daylight came then |
hagíregíji | hagí | ho | jésge | eshgúni | hohó |
hagíregiži. | Hagí | ho | žesge | ešgúni, | "Hohó! |
home they got them. | Home at | [ho!] | that way | he said, | [Hohó!] |
djadjí | hagágasgéjoⁿ | naní* | hagágaskéjoⁿ | worágera |
jaji, | hagagasgéžą! | naní | hagagaskéžą! | worágera |
dear father, | O my! | mother, | O my! | the story |
p. 45 —
wokíba | hiésge | hiréwahi | núnigé | waitcgénikára |
wokíba | hiésge | hiréwahi | nunige | waicgénįkàra |
doubtful | it is | it seems | but | my little sister |
weⁿkshik’ino | hidókenika | hitcuⁿshgéra | horógenúkshono |
wąkšik’į́rą. | Hitokénįka | hicųšgéra | horógeną́kšaną |
has [been made to] live[d]. | The old woman | her grandson | married to him she is |
hagí | éje | hówaréra | égi | higúⁿ |
hagí," | éže. | Howaréra | égi | higų |
on at," | he said. | Sure enough | then | just |
jeéshge | kibanísge | hó | híregádjeⁿ | jéesganúnigé |
žésšge | kibanísge | ho | hiregáją | žésganúnige |
that kind of | doubted | [ho] | they did | but then |
jéguⁿ | akí | heⁿheⁿ | worágeneⁿjįje | hisgéxdjin |
žegų | akí | hąhą́ | worágenąžįže. | "Hisgéxjį |
[now] | both sides (people)* | [hąhą́!] | he told it. | "Sure enough |
wahéno | higúⁿ | hitcúⁿshgehíradjegáshge | hishgé | éje |
wahéną." | Higų́ | hicųšgéhirajegášge | hišgé* | éže. |
I mean it." | Just | the nephew also | he also | he said. |
égi | wánoína | djasket’egí | hokárakíshge* | aneⁿtcį́xdje | |
Égi | waną’į́ra | jasgé | t’egi | hokarakíšge | hanącį́xjį |
And | her mind | how | she died | he told it also† | all of it |
horagánuga | jigéotcintcínidjega | djasgéhiánuga | ||
horákanąga | žigé | hocįcį́nįkjega | jásge | hiánąga |
he told it and | again/also* | the boy | how | he did it and |
nioⁿphigíshge | jigeá | aneⁿtc´ | horákshe† | |
niąp´ | higíšge | žige* | haną́c | horákše. |
live | he made her also | again | all that | he told. |
jéguⁿ | gwána | hįgígónaįkarawígi | pinána† | |
"Žégų | gwána* | hįgí | ǧonaįkaràwigi | pįnóną. |
"Now | right away | go | move home let us | it would be good. |
jegúⁿ | tcára | huⁿdjeráshge | rokónoxdjíno | hįkárawígi |
Žegų | cára | hųjerášge | rokónoxjìną | hįkárawigi |
Now | deer | bear also | very many there are | if we go home |
p. 46 —
pinána | hohoínikáxdjį* | égi | jesgek’djéno | |
pįnóną." | "Hoho, | hinįkáxjį, | égi | žesgekjéną." |
it would be good." | "Hoho, | dear my son, | well | it will be so." |
egi | widjádjera | hogíragwiánuga | hidjádjak’djéno† | higúⁿ |
Egi | wijájera | hogíragwiànąga | hijajakjéną. | Higų |
Then | the crier | tell him and* | he can cry it out. | Just |
jéguⁿ | heⁿp’ deé | rék’djonihéno | hegúⁿ | weⁿgahaⁿhewíshge† |
žégų | hąp´ teé | rekjanihéną. | Hegų́* | wągahąhéwišge |
right | today | it will be. | Now | if night overtakes us |
heⁿnkiwushanik’djéniháwino | huⁿgenuká | éje | ásge | widjádjera |
hąnkiwušanįkjánihàwiną,"* | hųgenąká | éže. | ésge | wijájera |
not will we stop," | the chief | he said. | [And so] | the crier |
ho | jéguⁿ | jéesgídjadjáje | aíreno | heⁿpdeé | jeguⁿ |
ho | žégų | žesgíjajáže, | aíreną. | "Hąp teé | žegų |
[ho!] | [now] | that kind he cried about, | [they said.] | "That day | now |
kérek’djenawino | higuⁿ | heⁿhéshge† | jeguiwoį́k’djeniháwino | éje |
kérekjanàwiną. | Higų́ | hąhéšge | žegųiwoį́kjaniháwiną," | éže, |
we will go home. | Even if* | there is night | we will go on anyhow," | he said, |
aíreno | ho | jésge | híreje | aíreno | ho | jeguⁿ |
aíreną. | Ho | žésge | híreže, | aíreną. | Ho | žégų |
[they said.] | [Ho!] | so that way | they did, | [they said]. | [Ho!] | [now]* |
uneⁿk’uⁿ | hagoréjoⁿ | hakiríreshgúne | kíriregádjeⁿ |
’únąk’ų | hagoréžą | hakírirešgùni. | Kiriregáją |
doing thus | [finally] | home they got. | When they got home |
p. 47 —
dewoírakírakúne | hinukhírera | hidjánukshgúne | egí | hasgádjaguijéreje | ||
te | woírakírakúni | hinųkhírera | hijá | nąkšgúni. | Égi | hasgájąguižèreže?† |
there | [woírakírakúni!]* | their daughter | there | she was. | And | what could they be? |
Ğakshires’áje | aíreno | ho | jéguⁿ | jéji |
Ğakšíres’àže, | aíreną. | Ho | žégų | žéži |
Cry they would* | [they said]. | [Ho!] | now then | that |
hinúk | hírera | sh’ágwahíra | tcíra | horéjoⁿkíra† |
hinų́khirera | š’agwahíra | círa | horežąkíra | |
woman (daughter) theirs* | her older ones (folks)* | [the lodge] | one place |
híreje | wakáraik’itcijé | hidokénika | é | ak |
híreže. | Wakáraikicìže. | Hitokénįka | e | ak |
they were. | Lived with them she did. | The old woman | to her | opposite |
wakárak’ínuk* | égi | édja | hisúⁿgwahírera | hiúnináshge |
wakárakinąk | égi | éja | hisųkwahírera | hiúniràšge |
sat they | and | there | her brothers | her mother also |
weⁿgwatcábiréra | éwirakárakikére | mínokshe | heⁿ | jejéguⁿ | |
wąkwacápirera | e | wirakárakìkere | mínąkše. | Hą | žežégų |
her brothers | [them] | alongside of | she sat. | [Hą!] | that way |
únaks’ági | hagoréjoⁿ | ho | jédjuⁿga | ép’a | jéguⁿ |
’unąks’áže. | Hagoréžą | ho | žéjųga | epa | žégų |
they were always. | Once on a time | [ho!] | now then | that far | now |
wanoíra* | djinogiregádjeⁿ | neⁿtcgesdágenóⁿké | jeguⁿ | kejesgáiraníje |
waną’į́ra | jiną́kiregàją. | Nącgestágeną́ke | žegų | kežesgáiraníže.† |
their mind | became settled. | Worrying they were | then | not that way anymore. |
ásge | wéⁿgera | rashgúni | neⁿkikera | djíaraíreje |
ésge | wą́gera | rašgúni | nąkíkera | jiaraíreže. |
So | the men | peacefully | hunt | they began. |
p. 48 —
ho | jejéguⁿ | unoⁿks’ági | hagoréjoⁿ | weshgúnije |
Ho | žéžegų | ’unąks’ági. | Hagoréžą, | wešgúniže, |
Ho! | that way | they were. | Finally, | he said, |
nįk’djóⁿgenigijoⁿ | hagánijé* | nįkdjóⁿgenigíjoⁿ | haganígiji | hahí |
nįkją́genįgižą | hagániže. | Nįkją́genįgížą | haganígiži | hahí |
a child | she had. | A child | [after] she had for him [that ?]† | on at |
meⁿwigútc | kipį́shgúne | hegwoⁿgara | hijoⁿkíraxdjį́ | haganíje |
mąwigúc | gipį́šgúni. | Hegwągara* | hižąkíraxjį | haganíže, |
arrows to shoot | he was able to. | Just only† | one only | she had for him, |
weⁿgenígijoⁿ | hahíméⁿwigútc | kipį́gijí | égi | hagoréjoⁿ | |
wągenį́gižą. | Hahí | mąwigúc | kipį́giži. | Égi | hagoréžą |
a male. | On at | arrows to shoot | when he was able. | [And] | [finally] |
weshgúnije | heⁿhéⁿ | égi | kénijíshgeninúnigé* | |
wešgúniže, | "Hąhą́ | égi | kenižíšgeni | nunige |
he said, | "Hąhą́! | now then | not yet I am old | but |
heⁿheⁿ | egí | jedjaįxdjį-p’á | huⁿkípino | |
hąhą́ | egi | žejáįxjį | pa | hųkípiną. |
now | here | thus far | [far] | I can last.* |
djádjiga | hakerék’djé | éno | ásge | hokérek’djénohéno |
Jájiga | hakérekje | éną | ésge | hokérekjánihèną. |
My father | for me to go home | he said | [and so] | I'm going home. |
nonigé | heⁿké | shdjáradjeⁿwiné | jesgé | haník’djonihéno |
Núnige | hąké | šjárająw`įre | žesge | haníkjanihèną. |
But | not | the way you die | that way | will I not do. |
jeguⁿ | dejeguⁿ | hakérek’djónihéno | éje | aíreno |
Žegų | téžegų | hakérekjanihèną," | éže, | aíreną |
Just | this way | I'm going home," | he said, | they said |
hotcintcíndjegá | weⁿk’djegá | gíji | hitcéⁿwihiranuka | ghakshgúne |
hocįcį́jegá* | wą́kjega | giži. | Hicą́wįhirànąka | ǧakšgúni. |
the young man | the man | [sentence terminator].† | The wife that is | cried. |
p. 49 —
axírije | hikónonó | égi | weⁿgenúka | weshgúne |
Axíriže | hikónora. | Égi | wągeną́ka | wešgúni, |
Cried after him* | her husband. | Then† | the man | said, |
egí | sh’agwáraga | hihówahíre | nigípįránuga | heⁿké |
"Egi | š’akwáraga | hihowahíre, | nįgípįrànąga | hąké |
"Well | your old folks | asked them, | if they like it for you [and] | not |
nikoⁿnuniranínugí | iúⁿdjak’djéno | heⁿké | duxúrugnína | iaránunigé |
nikónuniranìnugí, | hi’ųjakjéną. | Hąké | tuxúruknìną | yaránunige |
lonesome will they not get for you | try it we will. | Not | be unable to | I think, but |
jéguⁿ | hiuⁿdjak’djéno | eshgúni | ásge | hinúgeníka |
žegų | hi’ųjakjéną," | ešgúni. | ésge | hinų́geną́ka |
anyhow / just* | we will try it," | he said. | So | the woman |
sh’ágwahíra | hihówakáragíje | hohó | hinúkáxdjį | hátcuⁿgére |
š’akwahíra | hihówakaragìže. | "Hohó | hinųkáxjį, | hacųgére |
her folks | aske[d] them she did. | ["Hohó!] | my daughter, | just barely |
hanik’djá | iaránihéra | djashíshik | jigé | de | djágu |
haníkja | yaránihera. | Jašíšik | žigé | te | jágu." |
I saw you | I thought. | Very bad | again | this | what." |
égi | djádji | heⁿké | wajóuⁿpiníno | higúⁿ | djasgégi |
"Égi | jáji, | hąké | wažó’ųpįníną. | Higų́ | jasgégi |
"Well | father, | not | nothing to do. | Just | anyhow |
hinák’djaradjék’djenánuga | higúⁿ* | hoíship | hinaínakshįránishék’djonéno |
hįrákjarajèkjanànąga, | higų́ | hoíšip | hįraírakšįrànišekjanèną." |
see me you will always, | [yet] | all the time | to depend upon me you will." |
ho | jédjuⁿga | jéguⁿ | ho | hishgé | waįgínoⁿpshíreje |
Ho | žéjųga | žegų | ho | hišgé | wa’įgínąpšìreže |
[Ho!] | [now then] | [now] | ho! | also | they thanked her for it |
p. 50 —
aíreno | weⁿkshik | sh’ágenigenóⁿka | wéⁿgenónigénuká | hidókenigénuká |
aíreną. | Wąkšik, | š’ágenįgeną́ka, | wą́genúnįgénąká, | hitókenįgénąká, |
[they said.] | [People,] | the old folks, | the old man, | the old woman, |
uⁿhá | egí | nungwák | hírarege | washegádjeⁿ |
"ųhá!* | egi | nųgwák, | hirarege, | wašegáją. |
"ųhá! | well | my daughter, | it is your wish, | so you say it. |
hodohótcirá | woⁿk’shígeoína | jesgówahásge | égi | washáwigádjeⁿ |
Hotohócira | wąk’šígo’į́ra | žesgówahásge | égi | wašáwigáją. |
The son-in-law | his life | that way he's come to | and | so you say it. |
égi | hosgé | hák’djára* | hiníhotcį | ánuk’uⁿ |
Égi | hosgé | hakjára | hiníhocį | ánąk’ų† |
And | just | to see you | like it very much | [as he said] |
hérege* | wahegádjeréno | heⁿ | jegúⁿ | ho |
herege. | Wáhegajerèną. | Hą | žegų | ho |
we were (did).† | So I said it. | [Hą] | [now] | [ho!] |
hakijarakérek’djonéno | hígejé* | égi | weⁿgenígenóⁿka | é | |
hakíža | rakérekjanèną," | higežé. | "Égi | wągenį́geną́ka | e |
with him | you will go," | he told her. | "And | the [young] man | him |
hióndjera | rohíra* | hikárakis’ganihék’djonihéje‡ | higúⁿ | wát’ehikérahériánuga | |
hią́jera | rohíra | hikárakisge | hanihékjanihèže. | Higų́ | wat’éhikerahèriànąga |
his father | his body | like always† | it would be. | Just | kill plenty and‡‡ |
wonoghireráshge | hérek’djoneje | égi | djagúra | hagíjoⁿ |
wonąǧíreràšge* | herekjáneže. | Égi | jagúra | hagížą |
wars also | he would be. | And | whatever | at any time |
tcéxiawaíreshgé | wóⁿk’djané | djiánuga | wágidjirék’djonéje | éje |
céxiawaírešgé | wą́kjąre | jiánąga | wagijirékjanèže," | éže. |
hard they become* | this man | he comes, and | he would help them,"† | he said. |
p. 51 —
ásge | jédjuⁿga | jéguⁿ | hó | hagoréjoⁿ | jegúⁿ | hó |
ésge | žéjųga | žegų | ho | hagoréžą | žegų | hó |
[And so] | [now then] | [now] | [ho!] | [finally] | [now] | [ho!] |
guⁿ* | deé | weⁿk’shígera | nanaį́regádjeⁿ‡ | s’ánik |
gų | tée | wąkšígera | nąnąį́regàją | s’ánįk |
just | about† | the people | asleep they were then‡‡ | the side (direction)# |
héⁿbogúrégi | égi | akíri | shuⁿk’djóⁿgijoⁿ | hoshgúni |
hą́bogúregi | égi | akíri | šųkją́gižą | hošgúni |
where the day comes from | there | on that | a wolf | howled |
gádjeⁿ | jigí | raréxdjinikádjeⁿ | níwagúregí | égi |
gáją | žigé | raréxjįnįkàją | niwagúregi | égi |
and then | [again] | soon after | at the spring* | [then] |
jigíjoⁿ | hóje | higuⁿ | jigí | raréxdjínikádjeⁿ | wíoreregí |
žigížą* | hóže. | Higų | žigé | raréxjįnįkàją | wioréregi |
again one | howled. | Just | again | after awhile† | where the sun goes down |
hídjobóhora* | hórotcóndjeregí | jigíjoⁿ | hóje | ho |
hijobóhąra | horocájeregi | žigížą | hóže. | Ho |
the 4th time | where the sun straightens | one again | howl[ed]. | Ho! |
je | jeguⁿ | gijí | wéⁿk’djáne | híhinóⁿp’gi |
žé | žegų | gíži. | Wą́kjąre | hihiną́pgi |
that | way* | it was. | This man | he went out and |
hinúgenúgere | hikárapérezni | heⁿké | kikúruxúrugné |
hinų́geną́gere | hikarapéresni | hąké | hikuruxúrukni |
this woman | did not know herself | not | help not herself |
jegúironúk* | hagí | hinóbenóⁿkshe | egí | hiperéznoⁿké |
žegúironą́k | hagí | hiną́beną́kše. | Égi | hipéresnąke |
just follow him | on† | out she went. | And | he knew it |
p. 52 —
horágenoⁿke | ásgieⁿké | waruxaíraníje | uⁿhá | |
horágenąke | ésge | hąké | waruxaíranìže. | Ųhá,* |
they had told it | so | not | they ran not after them. | [Ųhá,] |
jé | shuⁿk’djóⁿgera | meⁿúna | shuⁿkdjóⁿgijoⁿ | guⁿs’gí |
že | šųkją́gera. | Mą’ų́na | šųkją́kižą | gųsgi |
they | the wolves. | The Earthmaker | a wolf | he made |
é | hióntcijé, | éje | hotcintcínik’djéga | ásge |
e | hią́cižé, | éže | hocįcį́nįkjega. | ésge |
him | he was his father, | he said | the young boy. | So |
édjowákaraíreje | meⁿk’óheⁿrégi | hagímigenóⁿkshe | noⁿgá | |
éjowákaraíreže. | Mąkuhą́regi | hagí | mįgeną́kše | anąga |
there they went back to. | Under the earth | there | they are lying | and |
nį́gwaninegíji | maį́hágeregi | úįrek’djónege* | éagaíra† |
nįkwaníregìži | mąíhágeregi | ’úįrekjanège | éagaíra |
there [their] young ones | on this earth | they were to be | so sometimes |
weⁿk’shígera | hijóⁿ | ho* | weⁿkiánuga | gíji |
wąkšígera | hižą́ | ho | wekiánąga | gíži |
the people | one | [ho!] | suffer himself† | & so |
nį́genóⁿka | éwaúines’ak’djenihéje | woⁿkshigerijóⁿ | |
nį́geną́ka | e | wa’úįres’àkjanihèže, | wąkšigerižą́ |
the younger ones | they | would be the ones that would do it, | people one |
noⁿdjodjaíneshge | aíres’áje | aireno | édjojedjóneréno |
nącojàįrešge, | aíres’àže, | aíreną. | éjožeją́neréną.* |
if they bless, | they used to say, | they say. | That is the end. |
Charles N. Houghton, "The Orphan who Conquered Death," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook #70, 1-52 (interlinear phonetic text); Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #11a: 141-223 (handwritten Hocąk text only). Published in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves, Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1: 73-119. This story is discussed in Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Four Winnebago Myths," Structural Anthropology, vol. 2, trs. Monique Layton (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976) 198-210.