Hocąk Text — Resurrection of the Chief’s Daughter

narrated by Charlie N. Houghton

interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère

Notebook 70: 1 Winnebago III, #11a: 141

The text of Notebook 70 is written, apparently, with a thick pencil. It has a sloppy and crowded appearance, but the letters of the text are almost always clear and unambiguous, if rather inelegantly formed.

The header reads, "XXXVI Informant Char N. Houghton," just below which is written an underlined title, "How an Orphan Conquered Death." The title seems to have been squeezed into its place and written with a different writing implement. At the far upper right of the first page is written the numeral "52" which indicates the total number of pages in the text. At the very top of the page is scribbled at an angle with a different writing implement, "To Blings for linguistic notes," below which is written the date, "27/2 ’45." The expression "Blings" refers to the Bollingen Foundation.

The corrected text, which is found on the second line of each table, differs from the version of the Bollingen Foundation. Radin's published text is analytical and does not really reflect the rules governing the spoken language. It would be rather like removing sandhi from Sanskrit. Consequently, in a number of cases, I had to defer to the manuscript text for the more usual forms of expression. In such cases I also followed the accents presented there.

Sentences in both the MS and the Bollingen edition are numbered, although in the present text that is not followed since I have analyzed the beginning and ending of sentences somewhat differently. In the MS paragraph numbers were inserted (but omitted in this text).

The transliteration conventions in the MS predate those finally settled on by Radin, which marks this as a relatively early text. Most conspicuously, /o/ is often used in place of /a/, and hižą, "one," is written as hižoⁿ; the older convention of using /sh/ instead of the later /c/ is seen in -šguni, which is here written as shguni; also /eⁿ/ occurs frequently, even though it is neither a phoneme nor an allophone in Hocąk.

Anything within brackets, [ ], has been supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle), unless otherwise indicated.

English Translation

The identity of the rows in each table:

Houghton's phonetic text, Notebook 70 (transcribed by Oliver LaMère)
the corrected text based on the Bollingen phonetic text by Oliver LaMère and Paul Radin
English interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère from the phonetic text

Page numbers in the upper left are those of the MS, except those prefixed by "Bol." which are those of the Bollingen text.


p. 1, Bol. p. 77 —
tcinogijoⁿ edjanokshgúne huⁿgotcíra djokshgúne
Cinąkižą ejanąkšgúni.* Hųgocíra jakšgúni.
A town there it was. The chief's house it was there.
*the Bollingen text has edjaną́kcaną.


huⁿgotcíra hidjákijí wéⁿgera kereponaíjoⁿjé* égi
Hųgocíra hijákiží wą́gera kereponaížąžé. Égi
The chief's abode it was there and the men there were 10. [And]
*the concluding -jé is omitted in the Bollingen text.



hinuⁿgrá nuⁿpíwi gijí hinuⁿgrá hijóⁿ
hinųkrá nųpíwigiži hinų́kra hižą́
the women two of them, and so the women one*
*"some" has been crossed out and "one" written above it.



xedeánuga hijóⁿ xonoshgúne jéjeguⁿ uneⁿks’ági
xeteánąga hižą́† xonušgúni žežégų ’unąks’ági.
was large (older)* one was small that way they used to be.
*the parenthetical addition is in the text.
†omitted in the Bollingen text.



hidókenika hidjánakshgúne tcínogójedjaį́dja gijí hijoį́tcuⁿjóⁿgenikigi
Hitokénįka hijánąkšgùni cínągóžejaį́ja giží hižąį́cųžą́genįkigi.
Old woman she was there the end of town and so a little gr. daughter she had.*
*an initial "she" has been crossed out.



warokshíra hikónotcúⁿgijí hijóⁿ weⁿgíjoⁿ wat’éhikégíji hítcuⁿjúⁿgenigrá
Warokšíra hikanącų́giži hižą́ wągížą wat’éhikegíži. Hícųžą́genįkrá
It happened when she got married one a man who used to kill plenty. Her gr. daughter



p. 2 —
gidjirairenaⁿ* hinakshį́kdjegi† weⁿgwat’éhikadjéga hók’uⁿgíji weⁿgwat’éhikádjega
gijiraíreną hinąkšį́kjege wą́gwat’èhikajèga.‡ Hok’ųgíži wągwat’éhikàjega.
she was receiving help [to make do] from the good hunter. He gave to her‡‡ the good hunter.
*this word is inserted by a line at this point from the top of the page.
†/k/ is inserted above the line by a caret just before djegi.
‡the Bollingen text has -wawat’èhikadjèga.
‡‡the MS translation has "she gave to him," which make less sense, especially if we have the usual subject-last construction prevalent in story telling.



hagorejóⁿ howajáje.* howajági heⁿkéshge hoⁿhéra
Hagoréžą howažáže. Howažági hąkéšge hąhéra
[In time,] he was sick. When he was sick not ever nights
*just before this word, has been crossed out.



daníhoⁿ mįgeníje édjat’éje. t’egíji hínuⁿgenígenóka
taníhą mįgeníže. Ejat’éže. T’ehigíži* hínųgenį́geną́ka
three did he not lay. There he died. When he died the little girl
* < t’ehi-gíži.



kéni wakék’tcóni t’éje déhagoréjoⁿ hinúgenígenuká
keni wakek’cų́ni t’éže. hagoréžą hinų́genį́genąká
before* giving birth he died. There once on a time the young woman
*"not yet" is crossed out and "before" written above it.



níxáxedexdjínokshe. hagoréjoⁿ únok’úⁿ wakék’tcuⁿgíji
nixá xetéxjíną́kše. Hagoréžą ’únąk’ų. Wákek’cųgìži,
big-bellied she was. Once on a time thus they were. [When] she gave birth



weⁿgenígijoⁿ tcúⁿje weⁿgenígijoⁿ tcuⁿgíji jéguⁿ ho
wągenį́gižą cų́že. Wągenį́gižą cųgíži žegų
to a boy. she gave birth. A boy [after] she gave birth [now] [ho!]



tcanos’úrogóbenik hok’wánuga higuⁿ jigé égi wázįshge
canąsúrogóbenįk hok’ųánąga. Higų́ žigé égi wazį́šge
deer-brains she fed on. [Yet] [again] [here] suckling



p. 3 —
gigiánuga jéguⁿ unók’úⁿ jéguⁿ wárokshíshge
gigiánąga. Žégų ’únąk’ų žégų warokšíšge
she let him. [Thus] doing this now it happened



kága hógiwájane jeguⁿ unók’uⁿ pį́xdjį
kága hogiwažáną. Žegų ’únąk’ų pį́xjį
never sick it got. Now doing this very good



xedekáragíje higúⁿ xédeánuga meⁿwigútc kipínikádjeⁿ
xetekaragíže. Higų́ xéteánąga wigúc kipįnįgáją.
large she made it. Now when grown arrows to shoot he was able to.



égi hishgé hiunína t’éje hidókenikáshono
Égi hišgé hiúnira t’éže. Hitókenįkášaną,
And then also his mother died. The old woman only



hakérakitctcijé* gíji hagoréjoⁿ gadjúⁿga
ho hakaragicíže gíži. Hagoréžą gájąga
ho! lived with he did† [.]‡ [Finally] now then
*the second /tc/ is circled.
†the MS translation has "lived with she did."
‡the MS translation has "and so", but here gíži functions as a sentence terminator.



meⁿwigútc wógizók* djidjéje higwówe hotcintcínik
wigúc wogízók jijéže. Higwówe† hocįcį́nįk
arrows to shoot with really he became. Around about boys‡
*the word tciedjé, occurring after this, was crossed out.
† < higų-hówe.
‡before "boys", the word "the" is crossed out.



kishgátc* meⁿwigútc jéguⁿ wakishgátcs’áje jejegúⁿ
kišgác. wigúc žégų wakišgács’àže, žéžegų
played with. Arrows to shoot with now play with he could, that way
*inserted here from the bottom of the page from a footnote.



uⁿdjes’ágijí hiúⁿgíwina xonúdjegá jéji watcék’hirushdjóⁿxdjįje
’ųjes’ágiži. Hiyųgíwįra* xonújega žéži wacék hirušją́xjįže.
he used to be. The chief's daughter† the younger one she knew she was about (marriageable age she was about to be).‡
* < hi-hųk-hiwį-ra.
†someone has written above these words, "chieftainess." However, this is extremely misleading, as no authority is imputed to a chief's daughter by virtue of her birth.
‡the parenthetical material is in the text written below the English line.



p. 4 —
higúⁿ meⁿgera shdjéⁿje hagoréjoⁿ hotcintcínikdjéga
Higų́ mą́gera šją́že. Hagoréžą hocįcį́nįkjega
Then breast quite strong. [Finally], the boy



hadjagádjeⁿ kóra* meⁿshdjóⁿxdjį́† weⁿkgipínikshguni‡ híshdjeⁿnįk’shguní
hajagáją. Kora, mąšją́xjį wąk gípinįkšgùni. [Híšjąnįkšguní.]‡‡
she saw him. Say, mighty men she liked. She loved him.
*this word occurs at the bottom of the page and is inserted by means of footnote 1.
†a /k/ occurred before the /x/ but was crossed out.
‡"shguni" is inserted above the line by a caret. It is written in small letters by a different writing implement.
‡‡this sentence is omitted in the Bollingen text.



hotcintcíni[k]djéga hishdjoⁿshgúni jédjuⁿga hínugeník’djegá wauⁿshgúni
[Hocįcį́nįkjega]* [hišjąšgúni.]* Žéjųga hínųgenį́kjegá wa’ųšgúni,
The boy she loved. Now the young woman she did,
*this entire sentence (like the one before it) has been omitted from the Bollingen text.



higitcgáxnisgejé hagaíra higúⁿ hikípágashgé.† hinajítcjéji‡
higicgáxnisgèže. Hagaíra higų́ hikipágašge. Hįražicžéži.
she tried to throw herself in his way. Sometimes [indeed]* she would meet him. To tease her she wished.‡‡
*the MS translation has "(she?)".
†the final /g/ overprints a /k/.
‡the first /je/ overprints something that can no longer be read.
‡‡the translation has "to tease me she wished." The suffix -žeži means "to yearn intensely"; however -žeži/-šeži is also the optative. The Hocąk does not express "me". Hiražitc means "to practice the joking relationship."



higúⁿ hit’éra hijáⁿ hįgánuga† hinúk’ána
"Higų́ hit’éra hižą́ hįgánąga‡ hinųkóną,"
"Then* word a he says to me [and] court make,"
*"now" is crossed out and "then" written above it. However, the standard "just" seems to be a more appropriate translation.
†the single expression hit’érajiⁿ´gánuga is replaced in very small superscriptions by the more articulated, hit’éra hijaⁿ´ hiⁿgánuga.
higánąga (< hige-anąga) means, "he says to him, and"; hįgánąga (< hį-hige-anąga) means "he says to me, and".



nisgejéje korá! egí hiregáshge hotcintcínik’djéga
nisgežéži. Kora! egi hiregášge. Hocįcį́nįkjega
like(ness) [that she yearned].* Kora! [and] she thought of him often.† The boy
*the parenthetical addition of "(ness)" is in the text. Nisge means "like that" and -žeži means "to yearn intensely."
†the text has "she wished for him often."



hirudjísdjindjánuga higúⁿ huⁿkagá wajóⁿ hokit’akereníje
hirujísjįjánąga higų́ hąkagá wažą hokit’akerenìže.
was quite young and [yet]* never something talked he not to her.
*the translation has "then".



egishgé hishgé jegúⁿ hinúgenik’djegá rukónunísgek’djérashgé†
Egíšge hišgé žegų hinų́genįkjegá rukónonisgekjèrašge.
And (she on the other hand)* also then the girl court (indirectly) if she would.‡
*the parenthetical material was inserted by the translator.
†an initial /ru/ is written in smaller letters just to the left and above the /k/ in kónunísgek’djérashge.
‡"indirectly" is inserted above the Hocąk line in parentheses. An earlier parenthetical qualification after the word "court" has been crossed out.



p. 5 —
jéguⁿ gitcéxiánuga jéguⁿ nonigé rogúnokshóno
Žégų gicexiánąga žégų núnige roguną́kšaną
Now she dreaded [it, and] [now] just in want of him only



wiwáhįtcį́djéje jéguⁿ uinegíji hagoréjaⁿ ho gúįsgéxdjį
wiwáhįcįjèže. Žégų ’úįregìži. Hagoréžą ho gúįsgéxjį†
very much she was.* Now thus they were. [Finally] ho! really
*"exceedingly" is written in very small letters below the word "much".
†the Bollingen text has higųsgéxdjį.



wánoína jesgégijí* jéguⁿ hakíjuk’djé iagék’dje
waną’į́ra žesgégiži. "Žégų hakížukje; yagékje,"†
her mind it was that way. "Now I'll marry him; I'll ask him,"‡
*this is followed by the word jeguⁿ´gaho, which is crossed out.
†the Bollingen text has yagékdge, which is certainly a misprint.
‡"ask" follows the word "tell" which has been crossed out.


Bol. p. 78 —
hiregáshge hinúkdjega higúį† hitcidówahára
hiregášge hinų́kjega,* "Higúį,‡ hicitowahára
think she would, but the woman, "Now then, my older brothers
*the Bollingen text has hinų́dkjega, an obvious misprint.
hinúkdjega higúiⁿ is circled and with an arrow inserted before hitcidówahára.
‡the Bollingen text has only higų́.



iróshik wahák’djonihégadjeⁿ* hiregá, jegweⁿké anísajé
hiróšik wahákjanihegàją," hiregá, žegwąké† anis’áže.
ashamed make them I will," she would think, then not she would not say it.
*in the MS the terminal /ą/ of this word is expressed as /eⁿ/.
†< žegų-hą́ke.



jigé neⁿníga wagídagík’dje hiregáshge ho jigé
Žigé "Nániga wagitágikje," hiregášge, "Ho! žigé
[Again] "My mother I will tell," she would think, but "Ho! again



roⁿgighidjenegádjeⁿ wainónigíjoⁿ herejé ék’djonegádjeⁿ
rogiǧicanegàją, 'Wainonįgížą herežé,' ék’janegáją,
object to me would,* 'An orphan he is,' she would say,
*"disappoint" is crossed out and "object to" is written over it.



heⁿké iakísgánijé ék’djonegádjeⁿ iregáshge jigé
'Hąké yakísganiže,' ekjanegáją," hiregášge. Žigé
'Not not equal to me,' she would say," she would think. Again



jegúⁿ ho heⁿké hogirágenįs’áje. kóra hagoréjoⁿ
žegų ho! hąké hogiragenis’áže. Kóra! hagoréžą
now, ho! not tell her she would not. Kóra! [in time]


p. 6 —
egí meⁿdjano haínoⁿ wanoíno jesgégi
egi mąjánahaį̀ra waną’į́ra žesgégi.
[then] of years the number her mind [it] was this way.



jejoⁿké iapérezníno hagoréjoⁿ hahí uⁿdja’uⁿ howajáje
"Žežąké* yapéresníną." Hagoréžą, hahí ’ų́ja’ų howažáže.
"That not not know do I." [Finally], thus she went on until she was sick.
* < že-hąké.



nugeník’djegá howajágijí jegúⁿ ho waruhįtc´
Nųgenį́kjegá* howažágiži žegų, ho waruhįc´†
The young girl [having become] sick now, ho! [the giving of reverential greetings]‡
* < hiųknįkdjega.
†the Bollingen text has warahįtc, which seems unlikely.
‡the translation has "(to get a doctor)." For the meaning of ruhįc, see the Glossary.



ireshgúne moⁿk’ónik giúⁿwashírege weⁿgíjoⁿ
hirešgúni. Mąk’ónįk gi’ųwašírege. Wągížą
they did. Medicine (little) they told them to do.* A man
*these words are written above, "to make for her they asked," which is crossed out.



ruhį́djirége meⁿkonínk’shgé giwánuga gádjeⁿ
ruhįcirége. Mąkónįkšge gi’ųánąga gają
[they gave reverential greetings to].* Medicine also did he give to her but
*the translation has, "they got."



higwuⁿkédjáwaje hidjánįgenísge hiníje Ásge
higwųkéjáwaže* hijánįgenísge† hiníže. Ésge
not any different she was not did he make her. And so
* < higų-hąké-hijáwaže.
†the Bollingen text has hidjájįknìsge, the second /j/ being in error.



jigé weⁿgwákoⁿtcóⁿgijóⁿ ruhįtc´ hiránuga
žigé wąkwákącą́gižą́ ruhįc´ hiránąga
[again] a shaman (holy man) [they gave reverential greetings to]* they did [and]
*the translation has, "called."



jigé giúⁿdjireshgúne hó-o-o jegwanatcįxdjį
žigé gi’ų́jirešgùni. Ho-o-o! žegwanącįxjį‡
[again] he commenced doing it.* (How terrible!)† all over
*"commenced doing it" is written above "doctored her" which is crossed out.
†the parentheses occur in the text.
‡ < žegų-haną́cį-xjį.



wes’į́wijé egáshge jéguⁿ kágawajónijoⁿ higépereznijé
wes’į́wižé* egášge žegų kaga wažąnižą higéperesníže.
he examined her he would say, but now never anything know not of her.
*the Bollingen text has wes’į́gijé, but wes’į́wi is attested with this meaning in the Longtail stories collected by J. O. Dorsey.



p. 7 —
higúⁿįsgéxdjį jedjúⁿga jigé hidanína ruhį́djiréje
Higų́įsgéxjį* žéjųga žigé hitanína ruhį́cireže.
Then really [indeed] again the 3rd one they gave reverential greeting to.†
* < higų-hisgéxjį.
†the text has, "they called."


dáni uⁿwíshgune gádjuⁿga meⁿshdjóⁿxdjį úinejé‡
Táni ’ųwišgúni. Gájąga mąšją́xjį ’úįreže.
3* did. Then mighty (very hard)† they did.
*this numeral is written above the word "tobacco" which is crossed out.
†the parentheses occur in the text.
‡what appers to be "wwi" is crossed out just before this word.



higúįsgéxdjį hoⁿké wajéⁿperéziraníje jeguⁿ
Higúįsgéxjį hąké wažą́peresiranìže. Žegų
But really not nothing knew they. Now



uneⁿk’úⁿ hagoréjoⁿ rushágirejé hinúgenígenúka
’únąk’ų hagoréžą ruš’ágireže. Hinų́genį́geną̀ka
finally [in time] they could not (fail they did).* The young girl†
*the parentheses occur in the text.
†"little" is crossed out and "young" written above it.



t’eshgúne t’egíji tceⁿninisgéregéregí jeguⁿ xaireshgúne
t’ešgúni. T’egíži ho cani nisgéregeregi. Žégų xairešgúni.
died she did. When [she] died ho fall it was about. Then buried they her.



gwó waíniwanígi† jegúⁿ haneⁿtc´ wokáwaghúganugá
Gwo! wainiwánigi žegų haną́c wokawaxúkanąga
(Hopelessly)* clothes that she had now all she put on and
*At the bottom of the page, connected by a footnote, is "exclamation of great (... ?)."
†just before this word waíniwa is crossed out.



hoteⁿkéwowaghúgenį́gíji* peⁿsép xedéjoⁿ édja
hotąkéwawaxúgenį́gìži,† pąsép xetéžą éja
some that she did not put on black bag a large one there
*right after this word a second gijí is crossed out.
†the Bollingen text has, hodá hąké wowaxúknįgìji.



p. 8 —
haneⁿtc´ wójuiranuga jéguⁿ hikárap’éhi t’uⁿbiréje
haną́c wóžuiranąga žégų hikarapéhi  t’ųbíreže.
all put they in and now with their head on it as a pillow they laid her.



hikárap’éį t’uⁿbiránuga hihágera égi nóⁿ
Hikarapéhi t’ųbiránąga hihágerá égi
Her head reclining on it they put her and on the top [there]* wood
*the translation has "and", but a conjunctive meaning of égi makes little sense at that place in the sentence.



homíjiránuga égi gádjuⁿga moⁿkáxi hagédja* honíge
homíširánąga. Égi gájąga mąkáxi hagéja honíge
they lay over. And now then dirt on top just (loose)†
*this word occurs at the bottom of the page and is inserted here by footnote 1.
†the parentheses occur in the text.



sh’ók’t’úⁿbiré heⁿke nįowárepíni jejegúⁿ t’uⁿbiréje
š’ók’t’ų́bire hąké nihowárepini. Žéžegų t’ų́bireže.
pile they did (mound they made)* not leakable. That way they laid her.
*the parenthetical material (the parentheses are mine) occurs at the bottom of the page and is inserted here by footnote 3 (the numbering being out of order).



jéjeguⁿ hiránuga égi ho jigé noⁿgik’ónukónuk
Žéžegų hiránąga égi ho žigé nągikánąkanąk
That way they did and then ho! [again] poles



hiagédja wanogh’ómik* hipį́uⁿnísge hirejé‡
hiagéja wanąǧómįk hipí’ųnisge híreže.
on top ho! (anything relating to [the] grave, especially the house)† filled it with they did.
*this word is inserted here from the bottom of the page by footnote 2, which is out of numerical order.
†the parentheses are found in the text.
‡just before this word, úinejé was written but crossed out.



honanahìnaⁿhúⁿgajéⁿ* waireshgúne húⁿgenuka weshgúne huⁿké
Honanąhìnąhųgáją waírešgúni. Hų́genąka wešgúni, "[Hąké]‡
(When the sleeping feast of the 4 nights was over, lit. of sleep 4 nights she had gone through)† they said [it]. The chief he said, "Not
*the initial /h/ is superscripted. After the initial hon, onína is crossed out and ana written above it; hinaⁿ is written above the line in small letters between honana and hų́gadjeⁿ.
†the parentheses are in the text.
‡this word is incorrectly omitted in the Bollingen text.



wajoⁿ jésganína wanoghomigrá hakdjá miánográ
wažą́ žesganíną. Wanąǧómįkra hakja miánąkra.
anything I am not like. The grave seeing* I sit.
*quite a number of words are crossed out under hakdjá.



hųkéwajoⁿ jésganína hinók’inú howaínawígi† pinána
Hąkéwažą žesgániną. Hirokino howaį́nawigi pinóną.
Not anything* I am not like. Out of sight of it let us go it would be good.
*originally "never" was written, but was crossed out in favor of "not."
†this word is written in small letters above winawígi, which has been crossed out.



higúį nųbóhoⁿxdjį honó édja hįtcíwigí
Higúⁿ hinuⁿbóhąxjį haną́ éja hįcíwigi
Just about twice* to sleep there we can live
*Radin adds via footnote 4: "i.e., 2 day's travel".



pinana eshgúne aⁿsge widjadjéra jesgé
pinóną," ešgúni. ésge wijajéra žesgé
it would be good," he said. And so the crier that kind



p. 9 —
eshgúni égi djagú jegúį kúruhoíreje
ešgúni. Égi jagú žegúⁿ hikuruhoíreže
he said. And what [or how] now they got ready, they did



gádjeⁿ hidokénika hitcuⁿshgéra weshgúni kuniká
gáją hitokénįka hicųšgéra wešgúni, "Kúnįka,
but [the old woman's] her grandson he said, "Gr. mother



huⁿkéshge nijí dée ánúⁿgereshgé* aípįxdjeníno
hąkéšge niži teé aną́gerešgé haípįxjįnìną
not me this they are saying not like it very much
*the word hanéⁿgere has been crossed out and anúⁿgereshgé inserted in its place from the bottom of the page through footnote 1.



djagú higúⁿwajéⁿnįk t’éhadjegádjeⁿ jigé jegúįshgé
jagú higų́wažą́nįk t’éhajegàją. Žigé žegúįšgé*
what [or how] [a little] something I am killing. Again again
* < žegų hišgé.



higuⁿ inígera nįkúruxúruk’shgúninóⁿje huⁿkeréshge réra
higų́ inį́gera nįkúruxurukšguniną̀že. Hąkérešge réra
just* our mouths (eating)* I can gain for you. Not (truly)† to go
*this word is written above "now" which has been crossed out.
†the parenthetical expressions are in the text.



hamoⁿkéniadjéno huⁿgraíshge hihoránuga jéguⁿ tciápégi
hamąkénią̀jeną. Hųkraíšge hihoránąga žegų ciápegi
I do not hate to do it. The chief you ask him and now to wait at the lodge



djasgánu éje hodjía egí iagek’djéno
jasgáną?," éže. "Hojiá, egi yagekjéną."
how would it be?" he said. "All right, and I will ask him."



ásge hidókénika huⁿgotciédja hiánuga hahí
ésge hitokénįka hųgociéja hiánąga hahí
And so the old woman at the chief's house went she and there at



huⁿgenúka jesgígejé* tcuⁿshgák’djenigrá-a-a heⁿké dawinijéje
hųgeną́ka žesgígežé. "Cųšgákjenįkrá-a-a hąké tawinižéže
the chief that she told him. "My dear grandson, not not to go
* < jesge-higéje.



p. 10 —
ége* hitcuⁿshgénikára wáweⁿdjíno higuⁿ wanoítcgéra
ége hicųšgénįkara. Wá’uąjíną. Higų́ wanoícgera,
he said my gr. son. So I came. Just the animals,
*éje is crossed out and ége written above it with a footnote. The footnote at the bottom of the page reads, "ege = he said; éje = he had said."



koniká égi wowáhaziránagaíshge koresge pádjenógeréshge
kúnika, égi wowáhasiranąkaíšge. Korésge, pacenągeréšge
gr mother, here to drive them they might. Surprisingly, this timber



étcuⁿ wanoítcgera rakírirége pįgiagaíra wajóⁿnik
ecų wanoícgera rakirirége. 'Pįgiagaíra wažą́nįk
there instead animal they might come to. 'It is well sometimes [little] something



t’ehádjege ége. hitcuⁿshgénikára hoⁿké daník’djawí
t’ehájege,' ege. Hicųšgénįkhara hąké taníkjawi,
I am killing,' he said. My grandson not not to go,



éno hoí tcuⁿjóⁿgenú pį́ waragéno djágu huⁿke
éną." "Ho! hicųžą́ano,* warakéną jagú hąké
he said." "Ho! my niece, good you mean what [or how] not
*the Bollingen text has hitcųją́kra.



sharawínishgé huⁿwóna hisgé t’ehiregíji nįkaraíshdjak’djenáwiga
šaraníwišge hųwą́ra hisgé t’ehiregíži nįkaraíšjakjanàwiga.
if you do not go [also] elk some if they kill to come and see you we will.



jigeósgéshge é wanoghómigrá higí wirárakárashonokshgúnino hishgé
Žigehosgéšge e wanąǧómįkra higí wirakárašanąkšgùniną," hišgé
And anyhow [it] the grave here take care of it you can," also



éje egi tcuⁿshgánu úⁿsgé tcínigra
éže. "Égi cųšgáno, ’ų́sge! cínįkra
he said. "Well my gr. son, say!* my house
*below this word is written "(—- exclamation".



p. 11 —
piéⁿk’úⁿk’djanįhéra higuⁿ hinúgenígera hįgídjiraíregi pįshgúnino
pią́k’ų́kjanihèra higų́ hinų́genį́gera hįgíjiraìregi pįšgúniną."
to fix it up I was going to just the girls [if they] helped me it would be good."



hodjía hitcuⁿjúⁿwahára hahí irek’djéno ásge
"Hojíá, hicųžą́wahara hahí hirekjéną." ésge,
"All right, my nieces there they will come over." And so,



neⁿhaítcinígra pįk’úⁿshgúne jeguⁿ† núgenoⁿká
ho! nąhaícinįkra pįk’ųšgúni.* Žégų nų́genąká‡
ho! bark-house she fixed it up. Now the women
*the Bollingen text has pįk’ųkcgúni.
†before this word, jeg is crossed out.
‡the Bollingen text has hinų́knąka.



hiránuga ho gidjiraíreje gwó jéguⁿ
hiránąga, ho! gijiraíreže. Gwó! žégų
came and ho! they helped her. Gwo! now



huídjiráshge haⁿk’shíxdjįp’á moⁿkáx hagíwunaínanuga† jéguⁿ
huijirášge hąkšíxjįpá mąkáx hagiwúnaíranąga žegų
the bottom also high up to that far* dirt they piled up and now
*between the words "up" and "to" what appears to be the word "that" has been crossed out.
†a small /r/ is written over the second /n/ of this word.



Bol. p. 79 —
shdjútcį* gigíreje jéjeguⁿ uⁿdja’úⁿ jéguⁿ
šjúcį gigíreže. Žéžegų ’ųja’ų. Žégų
very warm they made it for her they did for her. That way she was doing. Then†
*just above this word in very small letters is written cdjutc which is probably designed as a clarification of the original shdjútciⁿ.
†just prior to this word, what appears to be the word "just" has been crossed out.



girushdjaínegí jeguⁿ ho´ hagoréjoⁿ djobóhoⁿgi gíxonoraíreje
girušjaį́regi žegų ho hagoréžą jobóhągi že gíxanaraíreže.
when they finished indeed ho! once on a time four times then then move they went.



gwó hidokénika hitcuⁿshgérashóno édja koraíkitcínokshe
Gwó! hitokénįka hicųšgerášaną éja karaíkicínąkše.
Gwo! the old woman her gr. son only there living with she was.



p. 12 —
hógi* djadjonégi haⁿbakírigi wainánika wajóníneje
Hógi jajįrégi hąbakírigi wainánįka wažóníreže.‡
[There] right off (now)† when it was day the orphan hunt something he went.‡‡
*just before this word the letters /eg/ (probably for égi) have been crossed out.
†the parentheses are in the text.
‡ < wažą́honíreže.
‡‡the word "hunt" is written above the word "out" which has been crossed out.



hohó-o jeguⁿ [káwajoⁿ]* wáshdjįk shįxdjinigrá
Hohó-o! žégų káwažą (?)† wašjįk šįxjįnįkrá
Hoho-o! just [?] rabbits‡ very fat‡‡
*this expression is put in brackets in the text. Its English translation is written so small that it cannot be made out.
†the question mark is in the text.
‡"mighty, great" has been crossed out and "rabbits" written above it.
‡‡"rabbits" has been crossed out and "very fat" written above it.



jegwórutcík k’įkírije heⁿhó kuniká pį́k’djónihéno
žegwórucík* k’įkíriže. "Hąhó! kúnika, pį́kjanihéną
in a bunch he carried back. "Hąhó! [grandmother], it will be good
* < žégų-hórucik.



gúⁿtejegúni hági rashgúni hiwarúdjanaįk’djonéno wárokshíjoⁿ‡
gų́težegúni* hági rašgúni hiwarúcanaįkjanèną. Warokšížą
even this way if I do peaceful† we will be eating. Not necessarily
* < higų́ te žégų.
†"easily" would be a better translation in this context.
‡before this word, horot has been crossed out.



hári oíxónok’djéje djagú kéni wak’į́ wajóⁿ
hari hoixanąkjéže. Jagú keni wak’į́ wažą
far do we have to move. What not yet carry anything



hári* duxúrugniadjéno ha-a tcuⁿshganu (wírogoískéno)†
hári tuxúruknią̀jeną." "Ha-a, cųšgáno, wirogoiskéną.‡
very far [I will not be able to."] "Ha-a, grandson, I'm thankful.‡‡
*orginally p’ári was written, but the /p/ was crossed out and a small /h/ written above it.
†the parentheses are in the text.
‡the Bollingen text has wirogoickéną, but Marino's dictionary gives preference to the /s/ over the /c/ as in the MS.
‡‡"not able to" after "I'm" has been crossed out and replaced below the line with "thankful".



djágu irékiwarádjeradjé* djagu dejí wajóⁿ
Jagú ’į́reki warájeraje, jagú teži wažą́
What alone you are eating what me anything
*the first /r/ in this word was written above an original /n/.



wáhadjés’gánokshe eje aⁿsge jedjúⁿga
wahajesgánąkše,"* éže. ésge žéjųga
eat very much I do," she said. And so ho! [and now]
* < wahac-žesgánąkše.



p. 13 —
ho jigé haínigí kóra úⁿdjaúⁿ tcánikéreshgénik
ho žigé haínigi kóra ų́ja’ų "canikérešgenįk"
ho! [again] in the morning say! while thus around a "fawn"



aires’áje jesgéjoⁿ t’ehíje hidokénika jéguⁿ
aíres’áže, žesgéžą t’ehíže. hitokénįka žégų
they used to call that kind he killed. Ha! [the old woman] [now]



gitcóbenigánuga jée waisgáb zizíbenik hiroíshodjánuga
gicóbenįkánąga žée waisgáp zizíbenįk hiroíšocánąga†
chopped it up and that bread (flour) gravy (murky form)* she stirred it with [and]‡
*the parentheses are in the text.
† < hiroíšjocànąga.
‡just before "stirred," "shread" is written and crossed out.



jéjesgé ratcgónukshe jejéguⁿ unehégi† kóra
žežésge racgónąkše.* Žéžegų ’unihégi. Kóra,
that kind she was drinking. That way thus he had been. Say!
* < racgą-hónąkše.
†this is written under úneⁿki, which has been crossed out.



jigéagíjoⁿ tcahérotcoⁿ aíregi jesgéjoⁿ jigé t’ehíje
žigéagížą "cahérocą" aíregi* žesgéžą žigé t’ehíže.
again one "straight-horned deer" they called that kind again he killed.
*the Bollingen text has áregi.



hojédjúⁿga je weⁿgenúnįkdjéga úndjiregádjeⁿ higoⁿ* tcáherotcaį́joⁿ
Ho! žéjų́ga že wągenúnįkjéga ’ų́jiregàją. Higų́ cáherocaį́žą
Ho! now then [this] the old man he began thus. That way [a] straight-horned deer
*the initial syllable /hi/ is inserted above the line.



t’ehígi kodé jigé úⁿdjaúⁿ jigé
t’ehígi. Koté! žigé ’ų́ja’ų, žigé
that he had killed. Koté! again while doing thus, again



haínigí tcaxedéjoⁿ jéjeguⁿgadjeⁿ hagoréjoⁿ uⁿsgé
haínigi, caxetéžą žéžegųgàją. Hagoréžą, ’ų́sge!
in the morning, buck deer thus it had been. [Finally], ’ų́sgé!*
*it appears to be translated as "and". However, it is an exclamation.



hijóⁿ órehínunigé huⁿké t’aníje t’anígiji
hižą horehínúnige hąké t’aníže. T’anígiži
one he wounded, but not die it did not. Die it didn't so



ruxáreshgúne wó,* godjáxdjeⁿhí hóxdjaínoxdjįgádjeⁿ hoxéregí
ruxárešgùni, wó! gojáxjąhi. Hóxjáįnaxjįgàją hoxéregi.
right after he went wo! way over there at. Late in the evening he caught it.
*An asterisk is placed after this word which connects it to this footnote at the bottom of the page: "a word used when a man is puzzled or disconcerted."



p. 14 —
édja t’ehíje gádjeⁿ jéjedjúⁿga k’íiánuga
éja t’ehíže gáją že žéjųga k’įiánąga*
[There] he killed it and then [this one] [now] carried it [and]
*the Bollingen text has after this word: "[k’įhi-ánąga?]".



gushgúne gugíji hegúⁿ hep† haheⁿhéga tcinúgere
gušgúni gugíži. Hegų́* hep hahąhéga ciną́gere
he came home on the way home. Now this side he might overlook the town
*the Bollingen text has higų́.
hebo is crossed out at the beginning of the word and above it is written, hep. In addition next to hep is written, "= this side".



hirowágįxs’áje heⁿhegadjeregíji jegúⁿ ho
hiroágįxs’áže. Hąhé, gajerégiži* žegų ho!
go around he used to. It was night, so rather ho!
* < gają-here-giži.



hirotcógiwéje jéguⁿ tcínuk kiságere‡ howó k’írigúje
hirocógiwéže.* Žégų cínąk kiságere howá kirigúže.
straightway he came on.† [Now] the town the middle of came through he did‡‡
* < hirocą́-hogiwéže.
†the letters "cut acr" are crossed out before these words.
‡just before this word the letter /g/ occurs by itself.
‡‡"out" is crossed out and "through" written above it.



hikidjóindja kirigádjeⁿ uⁿsgé húⁿgotcíra
Hikijáįja kirigáją te ’ų́sge hųgocíra†
On the opposite when he got there ’ų́sge!* the chief's house
*the text has "then".
† < hųk-hocíra.



hadajánokshe hadajánokejí korá hįgíshdjadjírek’djenáwijé airánihéra
hatažánąkše. Hatažánąkgíži. "Kóra! hįgíšjajirekjanàwiže, aíranihera.
lit up it was. Lit up so it was. "Korá! they would come and see us,* they had said.
*to the left and below these words the following is crossed out: "to come & see us".



hadjíregúne hiregíji jedjúⁿga jegúⁿ hidjáhioís’įje
Hajíreguni," hiregíži. Žéjųga žégų hijáhi hois’įže.
They must have come," he thought. Now then [now] there he went and peeped in.



oisįgádjeⁿ hinúgenúká minógenukshe
Hois’įgáją te, hinų́geną́ka te miną́genąkše.
When he peeped in there, the woman* there she was sitting up.†
*between the words "the" and "woman" the word "ol[d]" has been crossed out.
†after the word "she" the word "sat" has been crossed out.



djagú uⁿgádjeⁿ radjígádjeⁿ hįkórakáwani horaísį́adjéje
"Jagú ’ųgáją? Rajigáją hįkórakáwani† horais’į́ajèže,"
"Why (doing) thus?* You came but not come in you peeping in you are,"
*the parentheses are in the text.
† < hįké horakáwani.



p. 15 —
éje ásge jedjúⁿga wak’iná waxinánuga
éže. ésge žéjųga wak’į́ra waxinánąga
she said. And thus [now then] his pack he put it down, and



tceⁿgédja jedjúⁿga jegwó-kéweshgúne hokawánuga
cąkéja. Žéjųga žegwó-kéwešgúni.* Hokawánąga
outside. Now then he went in. He went in and
* < žégų-hokewešgúni.



ágakinúk ahíminukádjeⁿ djaguⁿuⁿ wásh’uⁿgúni
agákinąk ahí minąkáją. "Jagú’ų wáš’ųgúni?
opposite there he sat down. "Why you did that?



djagú noⁿdjináxguⁿjé wash’uⁿje maⁿnéguⁿsdjį
Jagú nąciną́xgųže? Waš’ų́že mąregų́sjį
Why (do you dislike me)?* You did that forever†
*the parentheses are in the text.
†before "forever" the word "all" is crossed out. Footnote 1 occurs after "forever" and at the bottom of the page reads, "lit. - measure by earth".



hoishíp nóⁿdjinaxguⁿ éje ásge ho
hoišíp nąciną́xgų," éže. ésge ho!
all the time disliked me," she said. [And so] ho!



jedjúⁿga hahí hikízuⁿtcį* minúkshe hikízuⁿtcį
žéjųga hahí hikízųcį† miną́kše. Hikízųcį‡
[now then] on at beside her sat he. Beside her
*the initial /hi/ is insertedabove the line by a caret.
†this word is omitted by the Bollingen text.
‡the Bollingen text has hikizųc-jį.



minóki égi waⁿgéshgune weⁿkdjínigrá
miną́ki. Égi wągéšguni, "Wąkjį́nįkra
he sat. And she said to [him], "Man you*
*footnote 2 at the bottom of the page reads, "address of affection".



hagágasgéjeⁿxtcį hagágasgéjeⁿxtcį néwaishgwánuga tcéno
hagagasgéžąxjį. Hagagasgéžąxjį. Néwaišgwánąga* céną.
O my, thus it has been. O my, thus it has been. You are the cause of me died I.
* < newa-i-hišge-’ų-ánąga.



ásge dejegúnegí naį́xdjį hį́sh’uⁿsh’djajéji‡
ésge te žegų́regi náįxjį hį́š’ųšjažèži
So at this time* I hope (sort of exclamation)† try me you would
*this is written below the word "now" which is crossed out.
†the parenthetical expression is written in small letters above the words "I hope".
‡above this word is written in small letters, hįc’uⁿc’djá.


iaréno, eshgúne. hagágasgéjoⁿ, djasgé hagádjeⁿshge
yaréną," ešgúni. Hagagasgéžą, jasge hagájąšge
I think," she said. "O my, how did I so



p. 16 —
waniúⁿguní egi uⁿkéji wajóⁿ sh’uní
ne wani’ųgúní?" Egi, "Hąkéži wažą́ š’uni."
of you that I am the cause?" And, "Not exactly anything you did not do."



nunigé* djásge hagádjeⁿ égi uⁿkéji wajónijoⁿ
"Nunige jasge hagáją?" "Egi hąkéži wažą́nižą
"But what did I do?" "Well not anything
*following this word, higuⁿ is crossed out.



hinagísh’uni nunigé jegúⁿ honinoⁿk’shéji iaréra
hiragiš’úni nunige žégų honinąkšéži yaréra.
do not to me but now marry you I wished.



nipįná ésge noⁿtcgéisdák tcéno heⁿhoéⁿ
Nįpį́na. ásge nącgéstak céną. Hąhą’ą,
I liked you. And so heart broken* I died." "Well,
*footnote 2 occurs here. At the bottom of the page, it reads, "lit. = flattened heart, worriment".



egí djagúⁿ-uⁿgádjeⁿ héⁿke unágeshérageníje egí nétcone
égi jagú’ųgają hąké ’unágešérageníže?" "Égi coni
well why not did you not tell me of it?" "Well,* you first
*this word is written above "and" which is crossed out.



hįshárajítc hįgúⁿ wajónijóⁿ hinágek’djoné
hįšáražic hįgų́ wažą́nižą́ hįragékjane
court, tease me* now anything say to me,
*the word "court" is written about the word "tease".



iarégashge jéguⁿkéshge hagį́sharajídjeni ásge* jigé
yaregášge, žégųkéšge† hagį́šaražíjeni.‡ ésge* žigé
I would think, but not anytime you tease/court me. So [again]
*"ásge, so" is inserted by footnote 1 from the bottom of the page.
† < žegų́-hąkéšge.
‡ < hagihįšaražícni.



nonigá wagidaík’dje iáregáshge nigé deé
naniga wagitaíkje yaregášge, nįge teé
mother to tell her of I would think, but maybe [this one]



roígixiége* iaréga. ásge jeguⁿ‡ égi
roigígiége yaréga. ésge žegų égi
to reprove me maybe† I would think [that]. And so now [here]
*just before this word, roi is crossed out.
†after "to reprove me", "she would" is crossed out and "maybe" written above it.
‡after this word, kéwajį hanishonóno is written, then crossed out.



p. 17 —
jigé jegúⁿ kik’wéⁿwánuga jegwóninoik’djeno hihánuga
žige, "Žegų, kik’wą́wánąga* žegwóninaįkjèną,"† hihánąga
[again,] ["Now], do it myself and to marry you," I would say, and
* < kík’uą-ànąga.
† < žegų-hóninaįkjeną.



jéguⁿ hironínok húk’dje iáregáshge weⁿgwatcábera
žégų hironínąk hukje yaregášge wąkwacábera
now then follow you back I would think, but my brothers



hiroshík’wahákdjánihé iarége ásge jéguⁿ
hirošík-wahàkjanihe yarége. ésge žégų
ashamed I would make them I would think. And so [now]



dée haúⁿhurá jégweⁿumúk’uⁿ jégweⁿumúk’uⁿ
teé ha’ųhúra [žégwąumą́k’ų,]* žégwąumą́k’ų†
this I came on doing it on, doing it on
*omitted from the Bollingen text.
† < žegų ha’umą́k’ų.



jesgédjadjí naⁿtcgesdák* wai’úno tcanúnigé
žesgéjají. Nącgesták waí’uną ca núnige
that way on at. Broken-hearted the cause of me dead I am, but
*tcéno is written after this word then crossed out.



heⁿké wanoghira* tcį́dja hatcį́djatcáwanóⁿki
hąké wanąǧíra cį́ja† hacį́ja cawaną́ki,
not spirits where where they go to
*an added syllable, -gra, has been crossed out and tcį́dja written above it.
† < ci-éja.



Bol. p. 80 —
édja wawádanieⁿdjéno uⁿhá dejegúnegi
éja wawatániąjèną." "’Ų́ha! težegų́regi
there gone to I have not." "Well, this time



hish’úⁿshdjagí hisgédja píno íararéno higéshguni
hiš’ų́šjagi hisgéja pį́ra yararéną," higešgúni.
by me really good I think," she said to him.



hohó hágagásgéjoⁿ djásge hánuga wajónijoⁿ
"Hohó! hagagasgéžą. Jásge hánąga wažą́nižą
"Hohó! O dear, thus it has been. How [or what] I do and anything



p. 18 —
hiníuⁿtcánuga djasgé úneháktce horák-pį́nanigádjeⁿ
hini’ųcánąga jásge ’ųnehákje? Horák pįranigáją.
try you and how [or what] would I do? To tell you ought to.



warok’ónogádjeⁿ húnagishárakíshge kúnikága e áshíanuga
Warokónogáją. Húⁿragišarakìšge, kunikága e hášianąga
Not so fearful it was. If you had told me my gr. mother her to ask I come, and*
*below this line is written, "tell her and" which may pertain to the inserted word immediately following.



hóraganuga* jésgihishgúnino hisgédja heⁿké
horagánąga žésgihišgúniną. Hisgéja hąké
she would tell and that way we could have done. Really not
*this word, along with its English translation, has been inserted from footnote 1 at the bottom of the page.



pįránigádjeⁿ horák-pįránigádjeⁿ égi jésgegadjeⁿ
pįranígają. Horák pįranigáją." égi, "Žesgegáją,
good you did not. To tell you ought to have." And, "That's right,*
*the word "right" is circled and below it is written, "way it is".



neroíshigánuga jesgédja wákik’uⁿgádjeⁿ ejishgé hinúgenuká
neroíšigánąga žesgéja wákik’ųgáją," éžišge hinų́genąka.
I was ashamed and that way at I did to myself," she said the woman.



egí jedjúⁿga jegúⁿ ho egí
Egi žéjųga žegų ho égi
Then* [now then] [now] ho! &
*written below the word "and" which has been crossed out.



jéguįgiranúk’dje wagéno heⁿhédeé tcek’djíno
žéguįgiraną́kje wagéną. Hąhé tee cekjíną
now here sleep/stay all night* I mean. Night this to begin with
*"sleep" is written in small letters above "stay".



hįsh’úⁿshdjak’djé wagéno eshgúni hodjiá
hįš’ųšjákje wagéną," ešgúni. "Hojiá!
to try me I mean," she said. "All right!



djasgéwaragégi hishdjoⁿgé iaúⁿtcak’djegúni hishgé éje
jasge waragégi hišją́ge ya’ųcákjegùni," hišgé éže.
whatever you mean well then try it I will," also he said.



p. 19 —
ásge jedjúⁿga jegúⁿ ho wagéshgúne
ésge žéjųga žegų ho wagešgúni,
And so now then then ho! she said to him,



nána sdówaragí pinána pédjera daé rakéregí
"Náną stowáragi pinóną. Péjera taé rakéregi
"Wood gather them in* it would be good. The fire burning keep it and†
*"some" is crossed out and "them" written above it.
†beneath the whole English line is the following: "I'm daíenokcána burning
you danie[nąkcaną]."



pinána jédjuⁿga hahéjoⁿ nananéⁿtcįxdjį́ sdówahishgúni
pinóną." Žéjųga hąhéžą nąraną́cįxjį́ stówahišgùni.
it would be good." [Now then] one night wood all of them* gathered them he did.
*two letters are crossed out before "wood" and "all of them" is circled.



jéguⁿ rohóⁿxdjį sdohíje égi wagéshgúnijoⁿ
Žégų rohą́xjį stohíže. Égi wagešgúniže
Now great many gathered them. And said to him*
*before the word "said" the word "she" has been crossed out.



hinúgenígenúka weshgúnije jegwoishípje pédjera
hinų́genį́geną́ka, wešgúniže, "Žegwoišípše péjera
the woman, said, "Now all the time* the fire
*before the word "now" the word "all" has been crossed out.



hot’úⁿkereádje* higéje ásge hótcintcínigenóka jesgé híje
hot’ų́kereàje," higéže. ésge hocįcį́nįgeną́ka žésgehìže.
fire up keep it," she said to him. So the boy that way did he.
*just before this word, "wat’" has been crossed out.



hegúⁿ pédjera rohóⁿxdjot’wánuga jegwodazínobrá heⁿk’shíxtcį
Hegų́ péjera rohą́xjot’wánąga* žegwotazínąprᆠhąkšíxjį
Just the fire very much he put in [and] now then the blaze high up
* < rohą́xjį-hot’ų-ànąga.
† < žegų-hodazínąpra.



howaígus’áje hinúgenuka weshgúnije* higúⁿ djadjána
howaígus’àže. Hinų́genąka wešgúniže, "Higų́ jajána
it would reach to. The woman said, "Just† anytime
* just before this word, wes’áje has been crossed out.
† before the word "just", the words "any time" have been crossed out.



nishdjúⁿwéⁿgiji horagádje éje hodjía Ásge
nišjų́wą́giži horagáje," éže. "Hojiá." Ésge
sleepy you get tell it," she said. "All right." And so



p. 20 —
jegweⁿké shdjuⁿwóne hik’íneⁿį́ hegúⁿ wogírarák
žegwąké šjųwą́re hik’íną’į́.* Hegų́ wogírarak.
now not sleepy not sleep. Just told her things.
*the Bollingen text has hik’ną’į.



higúⁿ núgenúka jegúⁿ ho jésge-ánuga
Higų́ nų́geną́ka* žegų ho! žésge ánąga
Now the woman then ho! that she said - and†
*the Bollingen text has hinų́knąk.
†the word "way" is crossed out and "she said" written above it.



kibás’ajé jegúⁿ horák’piéⁿnigádjeⁿ hagágasgeje néwakik’wánuga
kibas’áže, "Žégų horák pianigáją. Hagagasgéžą! wakik’wánąga*
reprove herself she would, "[Now] tell it I ought to. O my thus it has been! I did it to myself and
* < wakik’ų-ànąga.



róroⁿk’éⁿpínigadjeⁿ hishgínugenuká es’áje hagoréjoⁿ jedjúⁿga*
rórąképį́nigają," hišgínųgenąká es’áže. "Hagoréžą, žejųga
my body is not good," and the woman she would say it. "[Finally] [and now]
*just before this word, jeguⁿho has been crossed out.



jeguⁿ jedjuⁿgá* hįshdjáⁿweⁿdéno eshgúne
žegų žéjųga hįšją́wąténą,"† ešgúni.
[now] ho! [now then] I am getting sleepy," he said.‡
*right after this word, nish is crossed out.
†the Bollingen text has hįdją́’ų-hadèną.
‡originally it read "she said", but the /s/ has been crossed out in the first word.



égi rágera rohóⁿxdjį hot’úⁿre† ásge jedjúⁿga
Égi rágera* rohą́xjį hot’ų́re. ésge žejųga
Well, the last time very much he put in (fire).‡ [And so] [now then]
*the Bollingen text has hiroákra, although ragé and ragera are found in Marino's dictionary with essentially the meaning given here.
†after this word, eshgúne has been crossed out.
‡the parentheses are in the text.



jegúⁿ rohót’uⁿjé jéguⁿ hiánuga
ho* žégų rohót’ųžé. Žégų hiánąga
ho! [now] very much he put in. [Now] he did and
*omitted in the Bollingen text.



jegúⁿ ho mįkshgúne higúⁿ djásgeramíganugá huⁿké
žegų ho mįkšgúni. "Higų́ jasgé ramį́ganągá hąké
[now] ho! he lay down. "Just however you can lie and not



p. 21 —
ranánik’djonégi jésge hiádje heⁿhéra djoboheⁿ huⁿké
ranánįkjanègi* žésge hiáje. Hąhéra jobóhą hąké
[if] sleep you would not that way do. Nights four not
*the Bollingen text has ranánįkdjanèną,.



ranéⁿnik’djónihéno ánuga. égi heⁿké wákíriwaniuíránik’djónihéno
raną́nįkjanihèną," ánąga. Égi hąké wakíri wani’úįranikjanihèną,†
sleep you're not going to," she said.* And not insects they will not be that do it to you,
*the text has "she said and".
†the Bollingen text has úįranikdjanèną.



higúⁿ róra nixgigíshge huⁿkága hidjórutcgániéⁿdje eshgúni
higų́ róra* nixgigíšge. Hąkagá hijórucgánią̀je," ešgúni
just body feel crawling sensation. Never there grab not (or) feel for it,"† she said
*omitted in the Bollingen text.
†the parentheses are in the text.



hinúgenuká égi tcexígádjeⁿ íauⁿtcak’djéno eshgúne
hinų́genąká. "Égi cexigáją ya’ų́cakjèną," ešgúni.
the woman. "And hard it is I will try," he said.*
*originally "she said", but the /s/ was crossed out.



égi jéji hainigíji heⁿpséretcį* ranuk’djéshge
"Égi žéži hainigíži hąpsérecį ranąkjéšge
"And then tomorrow all day if you wish to sleep†
*inserted from the bottom of the page by footnote 1.
†just after this, the expression "you c" is crossed out.



sh’uⁿk’djánihéno higaíreje ásge úⁿįjé* aíreno
š’ųkjanihéną," higaíreže. ésge ’ų́įže,† aíreną.
you can," they had told her. So he did it, [they said].
*just before this word, /uw/ has been crossed out.
†the Bollingen text has ’ų́je.



jedjuⁿgá shdjuⁿwuⁿgije* xáraxdjį́ migánuga jeguⁿ
Žejųga šjųwagíži, xaráxjį́ mįkánąga, žegų
Now when sleepy he got, flat on his back laid he, and now
*this word has been inserted here by footnote 2.



djásgiómik gípįgí jesgé† hiánuga wikérek hįpshé
jásgiómįk gipį́gi. Žésge hiánąga wikérek hįpšé.
the way he lay* he liked. [In this way] he did and quiet he became.
*written above jeguⁿ which had been crossed out.
†"he" is written above "I can" which has been crossed out.



jédjuⁿga jeguⁿ hiséwexdjį́ mįkshgúne
Žejųga žegų hiséwexjį́ mįkšgúni.
[Now then] [now] ho! very still lay he did.*
*an initial "he" has been crossed out.



p. 22 —
kóra wérakírakúne pédjera higúⁿ hodáxdjadjenísge
Kóra! wirakirakúni! péjera higų́ hotáxjajenìsge
Kóra! wirakirakúni! the fire just then low kind of



regádjeⁿ wirakírakuni jeguⁿ hishdjárégi jeguⁿ
regáją. Wirakirakúni! žegų hišjáregi žegų
it became then. Wirakirakúni! now in face now



shuwushúwunísge higúⁿ jegúⁿ wajéⁿ wikiríjoⁿ
šuwušuwunísge. Higų́ žegų wažą́ wikirížą
itch it kind of got. Just then something an insect



maníninísge jéguⁿ hiranóéje jesgikísge hiranóįjé
maníninìsge žegų hiránąèže žesgikísge hiraną́’įžé.
to walk kind of now he imagined equal to he thought.



nunigé djagú exdjįjáre hiregi jeguⁿkága
Nunige jagú exjįžáre hiregí. Žegųkága
But what she cautioned he thought. Now never



hidjórutcganije égi jegwaⁿkádjeⁿ jegúⁿkagánane jegwéⁿk’uⁿ
hijórucganiže. Égi žegwąkáją.† Žegų́kagánąre žegwą́k’ų.
there feel not of.* And that way he was. Never that way he was [or did].
*a word is crossed out before "feel".
† < žegų-hą́ka-gàją.



haruxowakíniaréje jeguⁿ únoⁿk’uⁿshgé hishdjas’uóshórodjinúgire
Haruxówakíniarèže. Žegų* ’unąk’ų́šge hišjasuóšórojinągire
It began to get worse. Now finally (a doing it on) his eyes the hollow/corner of†
*omitted by the Bollingen text.
†"corner" is written above "hollow".



shgé jéguⁿ* wajóⁿ xgíxgínisgejé jigíahi nuⁿghopóⁿgheráshge
hišge žégų wážą xgíxginisgèže. Žigíahi nųxopóxerášge.
also now something itch it kind of got. Finally, his ears also.†
*a footnote 1 is written above this word. At the bottom of the page the footnote reads: "the insects? kept on walking over him". The word "insects" is circled.
†in small letters above the English line is written, "the inside of ear". It literally means, "the ear holes also".



jesgéje jeguⁿ unoⁿk’úⁿ jigéahí* roráshge
Žesgéže. Žegų ’únąk’ų́ žigéahí rorášge
That way it was. Now doing this again on at his body also
*for unoⁿk’úⁿ jigéahí the Bollingen text has, ’únąk’ųjige hahí.



p. 23 —
jesgéje hegwoⁿgaíro hidjórutcgó pįxdjį́gashgé huⁿkidjórutcganis’aje
žesgéže. Hegwągaíra hijórucge pį́xjįgàšge hąkijórucganis’aže.*
that way it was. Sometimes there full of it very tempting (it was) not full of it, he would.
* < hąké-hidja-horútcganis’àže.



hagoréjoⁿ weⁿk’úⁿ jedjúⁿga héⁿbak’írijé kóra
Hagoréžą ’ų́ąk’ų, žéjųga hąbak’íriže. Kóra!
[Finally] doing thus, [now then] day came. Kóra!



higúⁿ héⁿbera s’ánaⁿ kinip’gádjeⁿ jéguⁿ‡
higų́ hą́bera są́ra kinipgáją, žégų
just when day* dawn† it got then, now
*the word "the" has been crossed out and the word "when" written above it.
†the word "light" has been crossed out and just below it has been written the word "dawn".
‡immediately after this word, giush is crossed out.



girushdjainije jéguⁿ girushdjaínregíji hinuⁿgúⁿgere weshgúni
girucjainiže. Žégų girucjaínregìži, hinųgą́gere wešgúni,
quitted him they did. Now when quit him they did, this woman she said,



heⁿhá déejijoⁿ shúruxúrushanó jegúno —* gikaránané
"Hąhą́, téežižą. Šuruxúrukšaną žegúną. Gikarárare."
"Well, this is one. You have overcome that's all. Go home now."
*this appears to be a dash for punctuation and not a hyphen.



ásge weⁿgenígoⁿká kikáwaánuga jegúⁿho*
ésge wągenį́gąká kikáwa-ánąga žegų ho!
And so the man got up and now then [ho!]
*inserted here via footnote 1 from the bottom of the page.



hokikáwaghugánuga* tceⁿgerégi† wák’į́(r)a-gigídjegí‡ kárak’iánuga
hokikáwaǧukànąga cągerégi wak’į́ra-gigìjegi, karak’įánąga
dressed and outside his pack - that it had been‡‡ threw it on shoulders and#
*after this word is written jéguⁿho, which is crossed out.
†just after this word, hak’ has been crossed out.
‡the parentheses are in the text.
‡‡"that" has been inserted with a caret; "was" has been crossed out and "had been" written in above it.
#the words "took it" have been crossed out, and the words "threw it on" have been written above them.



kerék’orohóshgune. huⁿha egí hidadjéwa wánuga
kerekorohóšguni. "Hąhą́! egí hitajéwa ’uą́nąga
to go home he was ready to. [Hąhą́!] now mighty try and



p. 24, Bol. p. 81 —
déshge shúruxúrukádjeⁿ higuⁿ wirakújiáregí jigé
téšge šuruxurugáją. Higų́ wirakúžiàregi žigé
now this you have overcome. Just when the sun begins to get low again



djiádje* daníhuⁿ honį́gidáno higéshgúni ragígi
jiáje. Taníhą honįgitáną," higešgúni. "Ragígi
come. 3 times more left for you," she said to him. "When you get home
*just after this word higúⁿ is thoroughly crossed out.



heⁿpséretc heⁿbágenéⁿdje égi wirakujį́niki jigé
hąpsérec hąbáginą́je. Égi wirakužį́niki† žigé
all day day-sleep you must.* And when the sun is low‡ [again]
*"he did" is crossed out and "you must" is written below it.
†the Bollingen text has wira-kujį́kgi.
‡"when" is inserted by a caret.



radjík’djoneno ho jédjuⁿga gishgúne hikorókera
rajikjanéną." Ho! žéjųga gišgúni. Hikorókera
you are to come." Ho! [now then] now he got home. To his gr. mother



édja gijé wáu* tcuⁿshgák’djenígrera djágu
éja gíže. "Wáu cųgakjįnįkra jagú
[there] went home to. "Wáu† grandson little you what
*just after this word, tcuⁿshgánu has been crossed out.
†placed next to "wáu" from the bottom of the page by footnote 1 is the following gloss: "old woman's expression".



noⁿtcgéwotcináni djagúuⁿ nixawaníje† huⁿho
nącgé wocinóni.* Jagú’ų nįxáwaniže?" "Hąhó,
worry you made me. Why have you been apart/lost?" "Hąhó!
*the Bollingen text has the following in brackets after this word: wotcináni?.
†in very small letters made with a different writing implement, the word hįxáwani is written above this word.



kuniká tcágere hirohári hahít’ehára
kunika, cágere hirohári hahit’éhara.
[grandmother,] this deer way off on at I killed it.



hakíri hephanána* éje
Hakíri hep hanáną," éže.
On home I slept,"† he said.
*the second /h/ is inserted by a caret.
†the following comment is inserted here by footnote 3 at the bottom of the page: "heb = not quite up to, fall short".



wosgéwanúkshe hidókénika hiperézinókshe aíreno
Wosgé waną́kše hitokénįka hipéresin`ąkše, aíreną.
Not for any reason she was saying it, the old woman knowing she was, they said.



jeguⁿ* kéwejeⁿ aníje jéguⁿho warúdje
Žegų́* ke wežą́ ániže. Žegų ho warúce
Now not anything she [did not] say. [Now] [ho] when eating
*just before this word, nunigé is written but crossed out.



rushdjoⁿgí heⁿpséretc* náhįpgi jegúⁿshgúne weⁿgenúnigeka
rušją́gi hąpsérec nąhį́pgi. Žegų́šgúni.‡ Wągenúnįgega,
he got through all day sleep he got.† There he had been. The old chap,‡‡
*this word and its translation are inserted here from the bottom of the page via footnote 2.
†the letters "slep" were crossed and the word "sleep" was written below them.
‡the Bollingen text has jegų́caną.
‡‡this appears to be a proper name, "Old Man".



p. 25 —
hotcintcíniká hagoréjoⁿ hikį́gádjeⁿ dée wirakújínikshe
hocįcį́nįka, hagoréžą hikįgáją teé wirakužínįkše.
the boy, [finally] he woke up, and there the sun was low.



ha, kuniká, wahaitcéno warúdjerúshdjoⁿgi, égi weshgúnije
"Ha, kúnika, wahaicéną."* Warújerušją́gi, égi wešgúniže,†
"Ha! gr. mother, I want to eat." When he got through eating, then he said,
*in the Bollingen text, Radin has "[wahitctceną?]".
†the Bollingen text drops the suffix -je.



hohó kuniká hagágasgéjoⁿxtcín* wajóⁿwakit’undeno.
"Hohó, kúnika, hagagasgéžąxjį wažą́ wakit’ųténą."
"Hohó! [grandmother], O my, thus it has ever been; something I've gotten into."
*this exclamation is inserted into the text from the bottom of the page via footnote 1.



waú-u-u* jejenisgékdjonegé djeni† iówerá ronígixíra
"Wau-u-u! že ženisgékjanegè- jenihówera ronįgígira
"Wau-u-u! that is the way you are going to be so that way come cautioned you
*after this exclamation, first jejesník is written, then crossed out; then immediately after it, jejenik is written, then crossed out.
†this word and its translation are inserted from the bottom of the page via footnote 2. Just to the right of "so" Radin has written, "[Continued a 774-810" (sic).



hasgáxíri ióragíwegádjeⁿ hehé tcuⁿshgák’djenigrá wotcexíno
hasgaxíri horagíwegàją. Hehé, cųšgákjenįkra wocexíną.
but anyhow that way you came. Hehé, gr. son, it is hard.



djasgeránuga* shúruxúruik’djé wanoxínuⁿká niúⁿberak’dje wagádjeno
Jasgéranąga šuruxúruikje wanąǧínąka ni’aberákje? Wagájeną.
How can you to conquer it can you that spirit (dead person)† you will make it live? She means.
*just before this word, djasg has been crossed out.
†the parentheses are in the text.



djasgeránuga shúruxúruik’dje heⁿhá,* kúniká jesgejíno
Jasgeránąga šuruxúruikje?" "Hąhá,† kúnika, žesgéžiną.
How can you, can you do it?" "Hąhá, gr. mother, that is so.
*the initial /h/ is superscripted.
†omitted by the Bollingen text.



p. 26 —
heⁿhedeéji kúnika duxúrugshóno* waú
Hąhé teéži kúnika, tuxurúkšaną." Wáu,
Night this, [gr. mother], I overcame it." "Waú,
*above this word, at the top of the page, there are a number of notes written in smaller letters with a different writing implement: "hakik’átc = benefit" to the right of which is written, "[Continues for p. 384"; and to its right is written, "hagikik’aítcenéną = I will benefit him".



tcuⁿshgák’djinigrá pįnánaⁿ shúruxúrukijí hinagíkik’ádjik’djonihéno
cųšgákjįnįkra, pįráną. Šúruxurukìži hiragikík’ajikjanihèną,†
my gr. son,* good you did. If you conquer it to help me you will,"
*"gr. son" is crossed out and "nephew" written after it with a different writing implement. However, the same word denotes both grandsons and nephews, and it is clearly the former that is meant.
†-ihéno is underlined three times.



éje égiji† wanaį́ nigíkerék’djoná nunigé
éže. Egíži, "Wana’i nįgikerékjaną́‡ núnįge
he said.* She said, "My mind I will have on it but
*this should read, "she said".
†after this word, hajíji has been crossed out.
‡the Bollingen text has, nįgikérekdjanihèną́.



huⁿké wajouⁿpinínaⁿ eshgúne jigé
hąké wažą́ ’ųpiníną," ešgúni. Žigé
not anything cannot be done," she said. [Again]



jedjuⁿga hahé nubóhona hidjá híje†
žejųga, hąhé nųbóhąra* hija híže.
[then] [night] the second there he went.
*the Bollingen text has hinųpóhąra.
†a note to the right of this word has been made in small letters with a different writing implement giving the conjugation of "went": hahi, rahi, hi.



hijigíguⁿ jesgéshguníje kodé, jigíguⁿ nána
Hižigígų žesgéšguniže. Koté! žigígų ną́ra
Again that kind it is [to happen].* Koté! again wood
*after "that kind it is" something further is written, but it cannot be made out. The bracketed material is based on the Bollingen translation.



rohúⁿ sdohiánuga jégwoskókik’únigrá* heⁿhé† kis’ágera
rohą stohiánąga žégwoskókik’ų́nįkrá.* Hąhé kis’ágera
much he gathered and just for fun. midnight‡
*footnote 1 at the bottom of the page reads: "kik’unigra = lit. to give himself".
†just before this word, ne is crossed out.
‡just after the word "midnight" the expression "he passed" is crossed out.



haixánaⁿ* naįxdjį́naⁿge núnigé egi jésge djagú
haixáną. Naįxjį́nąk núnige egi žésge jagú
is over.† Tried very hard but but then what
*haixánaⁿ has been written with a different writing implement above haixanaiⁿsxdjiⁿshgúnijé which has been crossed out.
†"is over" is written above "he passed" which is crossed out.



gishguⁿk’djé rushák’djegádjaⁿ kóra hagoréjoⁿ jigé*
gišgą́kje? Ruš’ákjegają. Kóra! hagoréžą žige
could he do? He was failing. Say! [finally] [again]
*right after this word, satcuⁿwe was written, then crossed out.



p. 27 —
shtcuⁿwéⁿje heⁿhá hinúⁿkdjinigrá hishdjuⁿwánaⁿ égi
šjųwéⁿže.* "Hąhá, hinų́kjenįkra, hišjųwáną." Égi
sleepy he got. "Hąhá! the woman you, sleepy I am." [And]
* < šjų’uą́že.



jegúⁿ jigé nará* rohot’úⁿje petcdjegá
žegų žigé ną́ra rohot’ų́že. Pecjéga
[now] [again] wood very much he put in. That fire
*an /r/ was written above the second /n/ in the original naná.



hodajágají huⁿké wajóⁿ unis’áje Ásge
hatažágaži hąké wažą́ ’unis’áže. Ésge
when it's lit up not anything there would (not do).* [And so]
*the parentheses are in the text.



naná rohót’uⁿje jedjuⁿga jigé jegúⁿ
ną́ra rohót’ųže. Žéjųga žigé žégų
wood very much he put in. [Now then] [again] [now]



haxáraxdjį djasgé homík gipįgíji ho
haxáraxjį jasgé homįk´ gipįgíži. Ho
flat on his back lying face upward* the way to lie he liked. Ho!
*"face upwards" is written in smaller letters with a different writing implement just above "flat on his back lying face upward".



jegúⁿ unihéje ho jigé djadjonégi pédjera
žégų ’unihéže. Ho žigé jająrégi péjera
[now] he was thus. Ho! now again right away the fire



daxdjádjeregádjeⁿ ho jigé jeguⁿ ho neⁿxgíxginísgiréje
taxjájeregàją. Ho žigé žegų ho nąxgíxginisgirèže.
low it began to get. [Ho!] [again] [now] [ho!] walk over him like they did.



kóra jigé jeguⁿ uáⁿk’úⁿ kóra jigé haⁿhé deé
Kóra! žige žégų ’uą́k’ų, kóra! žigé hąhé tee
Say! [again] [now] he had been, say! again night this



hidjairanikshgúne gwó hatcuⁿgérexdjį hahaⁿp’híje huⁿhó
hijáira nįkšgúni. Gwó, hacągérexjį hahąp’íže. "Hąhó,
worse it was. [Gwó] with great effort (quite barely)* day he came to. ["Hąhó,]
*the parentheses are in the text.



wáⁿk’djénigrá* pį́naⁿ hisgedjá pįno heⁿhenubóhuⁿ‡
wą́kjenįkra, pį́ra, hisgéja pį́ra, hąhénųbóhą‡‡
man you, good,† really good, two nights
*just before this word, /wat/ has been crossed out.
†just before this word, "it was" has been crossed out.
‡just before this word, /hi/ has been crossed out.
‡‡the Bollingen text has hąhé-hinųpóhą.



p. 28 —
shúruxúrukádjeⁿ hidadjé wauánuga higúⁿ hishúruxúrugánuga
šuruxúrukàją. Hitajé wa’ųánąga higų́ hišuruxúrugànąga,
you have overcome. Mighty try, and just to conquer me, and



niáaⁿpgí jéguⁿ djadjaį́xdjį hipa weⁿk’shíga ha’įgí
niá’ąpgi žégų jajaį́xjį hipa wąkšígaha’įgí
I live [now] as long as up to* I live
*"as far as" is written above the English line with a different writing implement.



jigíkorókerága djadjaį́xdjįpa weⁿk’shik’įgí édja wagidék’djenihéno
žigé híkorókeraga jajaį́xjįpa wąkšik’į́gi éja wagitékjanihèną,"
again your gr. mother as long as she lives there work for her I will always,"



eshgúne hidadjéwawéⁿdje heⁿhéⁿ hisgedjají wotcéxigádjeⁿ
ešgúni. "Hitajéwawą́je."* "Hąhą́, hisgéjaži wocexigáją.
she said. "Mighty try you must." "Well, really very hard it is.
* < hidajé-wa’uą́je.



djagwaísh’gúⁿkdje wotcexíno égi jesgéjinúnigé* noį́xdjinaⁿ†
Jagwaíšgų́kje?" "Wocexíną egi žesgéži núnige naįxjíną
What could I do?" "It is hard and that way it is, but I hope (with)‡
*this word and its translation is inserted via footnote 1 from the bottom of the page.
†"wotcéxinúnigé" is written and crossed out just before this word.
‡the parentheses are in the text. Just above this line the word "exclamation" is written with another writing implement.



honinók’shéji iarége wahanáⁿkshono éje ásge
honinąkžéži yarége, wahaną́kšaną," éže. ésge
to marry you I think, that's why I'm saying it," she said. [And so]



jedjúⁿga jigéhagí haⁿp’séretc heⁿbágineⁿshgúni jigé
žéjųga žigé hagi hąpsérec hąbáginąšgùni. Ha žigé
[now then] again on at all day day-sleep [he did]. [Ha,] again



p. 29 —
daníhona heⁿhégadjeⁿ djishgúne jedjúⁿga jéguⁿ tcirexirìnóⁿka
taníhąra hąhégają jišgúni, žéjųga žégų ci rexírinąka
the 3rd time when night* came,† [now then] [now] houses the old [ones]‡
*the text has "when it became night".
†the text has "became" written above "beame" which was crossed out.
‡"the" was written above "that" which was crossed out.



édja nananéⁿtcįxdjį sdówahíje sdówahiánuga jéguⁿ
éja nąraną́cįxjį* stowahíže. Stówahiànąga žegų
there the wood all of them gathered them he did.† Gathered them and [now]
* < nąra hanącį́xjį.
†an initial "he" has been crossed out.



tcinuxgéra* hoíxdjiójushgúne hoixdjíojuánuga jeguⁿ ho
cinuxgéra hoíxjįóžušgúni. Hoixjį́ožuánąga žégų ho‡
back end of house† full he put it. Filled it and [now] [ho!]
*tcinux was written just before this word, then crossed out.
†beneath, in smaller letters, and with a different writing implement, Radin adds, "(side by door —-)".
‡omitted by the Bollingen text.



hikízuⁿtcį́ minigánuga hainséretcį wogirágenoⁿkshe higúⁿ
hikizų́cį minągánąga haįsérecį* wogirágenąkše, higų́
right beside her he sat and all night he told her stories, just
*the Bollingen text has haįséretctcį.



wájoⁿ wáxdjaxdjá jesgógirágenokshe naį́xdjį higuⁿ* s’íra
wažą wáxjaxja, žesgógirágenąkše. Naįxjį higų́ s’íra
things funny, that kind he was telling her. With hopes (I hope)† little more
*just before the last syllable, "hi" is inserted above the line in smaller letters with a different writing implement.
†the parenthetical material is added above the line in smaller letters using a different writing implement.



heⁿkį́shdjuwánijéji hiregé waunúkshe kóra, jéguⁿ
hąké hišjųwanižéži, hiregé, wa’únąkše. Kóra! žegų
not he would not get sleepy, he thought, as he was doing it. Say, [now]



únok’uⁿ* higundé heⁿhékis’ák† egí manínegéregé
’únąk’ų higų́ te hąhékisak egi maninegérege‡
while thus doing now this midnight and it was wintertime
*just before this word, unak is written, then crossed out.
†/hsh/ is written just before this word, then crossed out.
‡Radin suggests that this is possibly from manį-regi-herege.



haⁿhera serédjireje heⁿhékis’ák-djįgádjeⁿ hagaréjoⁿ heⁿhó
hąhéra serecíreže. Hąhékisákjįgàją hagaréžą, "Hąhó
nights long they were. Just about midnight [finally], "Hąhó!



p. 30 —
hinuk’djína jedjaįxdjį hipa-hakip’ínaⁿ† hįshdjuⁿwáno# hodjía
hinųkjį́ra žejáįxjį hipa-hakipíną,‡ hįšjųwáną." "Hojiá,
the woman [up to]* since I am able,‡‡ I'm sleepy." "All right,
*the MS p. 29 is torn off at the lower right corner where the translation had been written. This translation is based upon the Bollingen English text.
†the initial /hi/ is written to the upper left of the word, and the hyphen is overwritten by /ha/. These additions appear to have been made later with a different writing implement.
‡the Bollingen text has hipa kipíną.
‡‡this is written with a different writing implement above a crossed out expression, "I can stand" (?).
#just before this word, "hishd" has been written, then crossed out.



égi pedjerot’uné ásge jeguⁿ jigé
Égi pejerot’uné."* ésge* žegų́* žigé*
then fill the fire." [And so] [now] [again]
*the Bollingen text omits these words, blending this sentence with the previous one.



hidaníhona pedjerót’uⁿgí huhú roháⁿxdjį hidaníhona*
hitaníhąra pejerót’ųgí. Huhú rohą́xjį hitaníhąra.
the 3rd time fire he built. [Huhú] very much the 3rd time.
*"hi" is written in small letters with a different writing implement to the upper left of the word.



jedjúⁿga ho pédjera mig’ikúrohóge rohót’uⁿshgúne
Žéjųga ho péjera mįg’ikúruhógi rohót’ųšgúni.
[Now then] ho! the fire when he was ready to lie down many he put in.



dejegúno wogídjirénigaⁿkadjeⁿ hidjáiranik heⁿhéra howaírek’djónegádjeⁿ
Te žegúną. "Wogíjirénįgąkają hijáiranįk hąhéra howaírekjanegàją,"
Now thus it was. "It helps a little little longer [the] night it will (last),"*
*the parentheses are in the text. Just before "(last)" the word "go" is crossed out.



Bol. p. 82 —


hiregí ásge jegwaⁿhí tciraheráshke haghebenaⁿjíje
hiregi. ésge žegwąhí ciraherášge haǧebenąžį́že.
he thought. [And so] on at top of the house it went through.*
*footnote 1 inserted here reads at the bottom of the page, "i.e. the blaze".



jedjúⁿga égi jegúⁿ hikiáⁿkadjeⁿ hagoréjoⁿ
Žéjųga Égi žegų hikiąkáją. Hagoréžą
[Now then] [then] [now] he was awake. [Finally]



uⁿk’uⁿ jigé tcówe heⁿhegisebenáⁿje (?)* jedjuⁿga
’ųk’ų žíge cowe hąhegiseb?eną́že† žéjųga
he was doing [again] very near midnight it was‡ then
*the /b/ should probably be either a /g/ or a /k/ for kisak (etc.). "(kisák ?)" is written above the center of this word. Below heⁿhe is written "night"; below ną́je is written "almost".
†the Bollingen text has hąhé gisép-nąje[gisák-nąje].
‡below this is written, "(lights almost went out)".



pédjeradazírejé ho jigé djadjonégi hanímįkshe kóra
péjera tazíreže. Ho! žigé jająrégi hanímįkše. Kóra!
fire got low. Ho! again right away he took to it. Say!



jigédjaíraxdjįje higwaⁿgaíra jéguⁿ djórutcka pį́xdjirewahigáshke
žigéjaíraxjįže. Higwągaíra žegų hijórucka pį́xjirewahigàšge
again it was much more. Just sometimes just to reach for them it seemed (very good), but



p. 31 —
híkiwátcįxdjį́je hinuⁿk´ kanáⁿgenaį́ge haⁿhegí jedjuⁿga†
hikiwácįxjį̀že. Hinųk kaną́geną’į́gi. Hąhégi žéjųga
control himself. Woman trying to marry.* At night [now then]
*this is written above something crossed out which is unreadable.
djuga is written with a different writing implement over the last two syllables of this word.



hagoréjoⁿ hidaníhaⁿna hahaⁿp’hije* hohó waⁿkdjínigra
hagoréžą hitaníhąra hahąphíže. "Hohó, wą́kjinįgra,
[finally] the 3rd time he stayed up all night.† ["Hohó!] man you,
*hahaⁿp’hije is written in small letters with a different writing implement above hahaⁿphíje.
†"stayed up all night" is written in smaller letters with a different writing implement above and below "kept awake". Connected to this from the bottom of the page via footnote 1 is the following: "i.e. he kept awake till daylight overtook him".



píno jedjuⁿga hisgéxdjin honinoįk’djenihégadjeⁿ iáradjinúkshono
pį́ną. Žéjųga hisgéxjį honinaį́kjanihègają yarajiną́kšaną.
good it is. [Now then] now really to marry you I'm going to to think I'll become.



hagágasgéjoⁿxdjįgadjeⁿ weno hiranókshe* higúⁿ tcegédjaredjaⁿ†
Hagagasgéžąxjįgáją," wéną hiraną́kše. "Higų́ cegejaréją
Only thus I am," she said [s]he was thinking. "Just in the beginning
*an original weranókshe has been modified as given above (weno hiranókshe) by the addition of the relevant letters inserted with a different writing implement.
†a concluding djoⁿ on the next line has been crossed out.



jéguⁿ hiúninága hóragísharagánuga konikága hogírakíji
žégų hiúniraga hórakíšarakánąga kunikága hogirákiži
just your mother tell her of it and my gr. mother she had told her*
*the word "had" is inserted above the line.



s’iredjeⁿ dejegihíno hukaweákinína† hagáwájeⁿ
s’íreją težegihíną* hakáweakiníną hagáwažą
long ago this way we could have been not have suffered myself such a time‡
* < te-žegų-híną.
†the first syllable has huⁿk- written above it.
‡the MS has "somewhat ?". The substitute translation was taken from Marino's dictionary.



hawehinaijeⁿ* huⁿhá hisgexdjį‡ shanúnigé
hawehinaížą."† "Hąhą́, hisgéxjį ša nunigé
bother me you are." ["Hąhą́!] the tru[th]‡‡ you are saying, but
*both /ha/ and /hi/ are inserted above the line, the latter with a caret.
†the Bollingen text follows this word with "[hawe-hįra-hiją?]".
‡the paper along the edge of page 31 is wrinkled, cracked, and frayed. The missing gexdjį has been written in with a new writing implement on what must have been a backing paper.
‡‡/th/ is missing because part of the edge of the paper here has fallen out.



higúndjadjaį́xdjin hipá weⁿkshik’haį́gi* wanigídanihék’djonéno éje
higų́jajaį́xjį hipá wąkšikha’į́gi wanįgitánihekjanèną," éže.
just as long as up to I live work for you I will always,"† she said.
*cik is written above the syllable shik’ with a different writing implement.
†"always" has been added with a different writing implement.



egí jegwotcintcínik’djéga haránuga hagí heⁿpséretcį†
Égi žegwocįcį́nįkjéga haránąga hagí hąpsérecį
And now the young boy* went home & on at the whole day
*an initial "the" has been crossed out and "now" written above it.
hąp has been written above the first syllable with a different writing implement.



neⁿshgúni jéjegwánuga hidjobóhona† jedjuⁿga ho
nąšgúni. Žéžegwánąga* hijobóhąra žéjųga ho
slept. Thus it had been, and the 4th time now then [ho!]
* < žé-žegų-ánąga.
†over the syllable ho is written .



p. 32 —
hóxdjánagí jigérejé jedjuⁿga tcirexirigenáⁿka djánaga nana
hoxjąnagi žigé reže. Žéjųga cirexirigeną́ka jánąga nąra
in the evening again he went. [Now then] the old houses as much wood as



jéguⁿ t’úraraíregí* nonįk wakárakísi haraíreg퇇
žegų t’ųraraíregi ną́nįk wakarakísi haraíregi
[now] they had left† little wood that they had saved‡ they had gone
*originally, t’únaraíregí, but a small /r/ was written above the first /n/.
†preceded by "that" which has been crossed out.
‡"left" has been crossed out and written below it in small letters with a different writing implement is "saved".
‡‡the initial /h/ has been inserted in small print in the upper left of the word.



éwawagíuⁿdjéje jedjuⁿga hanaⁿtc† wouⁿje
e wawagí’ųjèže. Žejųga haną́c wo’ųže.
these* he was doing. [Now then] all he went over.
*"whatever" was written above, then crossed out.
†an original /nąj/ has been augmented by the insertion of /ha/ to the upper left of the word, and /tc/ just above the /j/.



jeguⁿ sdowahianuga tcinúxgere hoixdjį́xdjojúje jejeguⁿ
Žégų stowahíanąga cinúxgére hoixjį́xjožúže. Žéžegų
Now gathered them and next side to the door (place for wood, clothing, utensils, etc.)* full he put it. Thus
*the original "back to the house" has been crossed out, and above it in small print in a new writing implement is written, "next side to the door" and below it is written, "(place for wood, clothing, utensils, etc.)".



hiánuga jedjúⁿga wiriregíji higúⁿ
hiánąga žéjųga wiriregíži* ho higų́
did and now when sun went down [ho!] just
* < wira-hire-gíži.



s’inįkjishge haⁿké tcíroikáwaníje higúⁿ wiríregíji*
s’inįkžíšge hąké círoikáwaníže. Higų́ wiríregíži
for a little time not in house not come in. Just when sun went down
*immediately after this word, an entire sentence in Hocąk (without translation) has been crossed out: "jégwoⁿské jeguⁿ higúⁿ s’inikshíshke heⁿké wiroikáraníje" ("now just so, now just for a little time, the sun did not come up").



jégwoⁿské wáuⁿghágha nísge hagoréjoⁿ
žégų ho ’ų́sge! wá’ųǧáǧa nisge. Hagoréžą
just ho! ’ų́sge!* clumsy actions (slow work) kind of. [Finally]
*žégwoⁿské (= žegų-ho-’ųsge) is translated as "just for fun".



jédjuⁿga hoikéweje* naⁿnáji* hági[h]ajuánuga† jedjúⁿga*
žejų́ga hoikéweže. Nąnáži hági[h]ažuánąga žejų́ga
[now] he came in. Wood readily he put them and‡ [now then]
*omitted in the Bollingen text.
†this expression is also omitted in the Bollingen text. The "[h]" reflects an interpolated /h/ which cannot be read due to the deterioration of the paper at this spot in the MS.
‡"handy" was crossed out and "readily" written above it with a different writing implement.



jegwoikéwegi pédjerot’[uⁿá]nuga† huhú worákshe ánuga
Žegų hoikéwegi péjerot’ųánąga huhú! worákše ánąga.
[now] went in (and)* he put up [the] fire and‡ [huhú] to tell stories he said.
*the parenthetical "(and)" is in the text.
†due to damage to the paper at this part of the margin, the /uⁿ/ and /á/ are missing.
‡the word "the" is missing due to damage to the paper at the lower left margin.



p. 33 —
wórakshe* ánuga* jéguⁿ ho ánokshe
Wórakše ánąga. Žégų ho ánąkše.
To tell stories he was saying. [Now] [ho!] he was saying.
*omitted in the Bollingen text.



jedjuⁿga hisgédjaxdjin s’ikįshgúne jedjúⁿga hagoréjoⁿ
Žejųga hisgéjaxjį s’ikįšgúni. Žéjųga hagoréžą
[Now then] really long time he stayed awake. [Now then] [finally,]



hehe-e-e hiroagereje* hishegédjine‡
"Hehe-e-e hiroagera héreže, hišegéjeni
["Hehé-e-e!] the last time it was† you said so
*"he" is written in small letters above the first /e/.
†"it was" has been written above the previous word "time". Beneath "time" was written the phrase "he was" which has been crossed out.
‡the initial /hi/ is written in small letters with a different writing implement in the upper left above the rest of the word.



yauⁿtca[x]djįnogenúnige* hos’gíeⁿke wajaⁿ jesganína
ya’ųcáxjįnąk nunige hos’géąke wažą žesgániną.
I'm trying very hard but just not anything I cannot be.†
*the letter /x/ cannot be made out due to the condition of the paper in this part of the MS.
†LaMère translates the last three words (hos’géąke wažą žesgániną) as "just can't be any good".



huⁿha jedjaį́xdjį hishdjauⁿwano éje heⁿha
Hąhą́ žejaį́xjį hišjųwaną," éže. "Hąhą
Hąhą́! thus far I'm sleepy," he said. "Hąhą!



égí pį́ge sh’únadjéno pédjera meⁿshdjót’úne
egi pįge š’ųrajéną. Péjera mąšją́t’ųre,"*
well good so you've been doing it. The fire mighty build it,"
*the Bollingen text has mądją́t’ųre.



éje. ásge jigé jegúⁿ ho hotcintcínik’djéga
éže. ésge žigé žegų ho hocįcį́nįkjega
she said. [And so] [again] [now] [ho!] the boy



pédjera meⁿshdjot’úⁿje gadjúⁿga jéguⁿ daegi
péjera mąšjot’ų́že.* Gajų́ga† žégų taégi
the fire mighty he built it. Now then [now] burn it did
*the Bollingen texts has mądjąt’ų́je.
†the Bollingen text has gádjaga.



jéguⁿ godjá dárahéra hasuⁿtc´ jégúįrakére
žegų gója cirahéra hasą́c žegúįrakére.
[now] over (there) top of the house beyond now it reached.



jegúⁿgi egomį́ki koregúⁿ jeguⁿ
Žegųgi égi homį́ki. Kóra higų́ žegų
Now so now he lay down. Kóra! just [now]



jegwoⁿxaramį́gaⁿkshgúni jedjúⁿga hagoréjoⁿ pédjera hadazíje
žegwoⁿxaramį́gąkšgúni.* Žéjųga hagoréžą péjera hatazíže
on his back he was lying. [Now then] [finally] the fire burned low it did
*the Bollingen text has jegų-haxára-mįkàkcguni.



hadazirarégi jegúⁿ wanáishgúniáⁿk’uⁿ jegwanímįgnisgiréje*
hatazirarégi. Žegų waną́įšgúnią̀k’ų. Žegwanímįknisgiréže.
it began. [Now] very peaceful he was then. They grabbed him it seemed.
*the /g/ in -mįg- has been circled.



p. 34 —
jegúⁿje djasgádjega roraxgídjega jesgádjiréje
Žegų́že. Jasgájega roraxgíjega žesgájiréže.
Thus it was. The way he had been his body itching that way it began.



djobóhona égi huⁿké ruxúrugení neⁿgiínege
Jobóhąna* Égi hįké ruxúrugení nągi’į́rege.
The 4th time and not not to conquer they wanted him to.†
*the Bollingen text has djopóhą.
†"wanted" is written above "tried" which is crossed out.



jedjúⁿga meⁿshdjóⁿgiuíneje higuⁿ jegúⁿ
Žéjųga mą́šjągi’u`įreže. Higų́ žegų
[Now then] mighty they did to him. Just anyhow



hishdjójedjána djanaⁿga wajóshkóbera jégweⁿnáⁿtcįxdjį
hišjóžejóⁿra jánąga wažóškóbera žégwąną́cįxjį
the corner of his eyes all that any place there be [that] had corners in now all of them



xgíadjíaraíreje gweⁿgaíra hídjiorutcgáje hiregáshge égi
xgíajíaraíreže. Gwągaíra* híjiorucgáže† hiregášge, Égi
itch they began. Sometimes to feel of it (reach out for it)‡ he thought‡‡ but#
* < higų́ hagaíra.
† < híjahihorucgàže. Radin adds, "[hidja-yorutcgaje?]"
‡the parentheses are in the text.
‡‡these words are followed by "but" which has been crossed out.
# "and" has been crossed out and "but" written above it.



roghinaⁿke jegúⁿ* wanaínaje nįgéok’ikéwedjeⁿdjóⁿk’shgúne
roǧinąke. Žegų waną’į́raži nįgé e hokikéwejąją́kšgúni.†
she said not, but his mind all around it must have jumped around.
*jigé follows this word, but has been crossed out.
† < -jaja-ąkšgúni.



kodé ruxúrukshe aíreno wérakírakúni
Koté! ruxúrukše, aíreną. Wó, wérakírakúni,
Say! he conquered, they say. [Wó!] [wérakírakúni]



hidjobóhona háⁿbera saⁿnakínipshe jéguⁿ gírushdjaíneshgùne
hijobóhąra hą́bera sąrakínipše. Žegų gírušjáįrešguni.
the 4th time the day light it grew. Now they quit him.



égi jedjaskéragadjeⁿ waíregi wanoghi waúnoⁿkshe
Égi žejasgéragają waíregi wanąǧi wa’únąkše,
And that however it was they meant (said)* ghosts† they were
*the parentheses are in the text.
†the text has "the ghost".



p. 35 —
aíreno gírushdjaínegíji jéguⁿ ho weshgúne*
aíreną. Girušjáįregíži žégų ho wešgúni
they said. When they got through with him [now] [ho!] she said
*inserted via footnote 1 from the bottom of the page.



hinúgenúgere heⁿheⁿ shúruxúrukshóno wánoghómįgrá
hinų́geną́gere, "Hąhą́, šuruxúrukšaną! Wanąǧómįkra
this woman, "Hąhą́! you've conquered! The grave



hirapérezshónukádjeⁿ hįgípáradje heⁿké tcaninúkshone
hirapéresšanąkàją hįgipáraje. Hąké caniną́kšaną,
you know it dig me out. Not not dead am I



djásgįshdjáshonogré djéskamoⁿgik’djénihéno éje
jásgįšjášanąkre jésgamągikjánihèną,"* éže,†
the way you see me now that way I will be," she said,
*the Bollingen text has "djesgé-[jesge?] mą́gikdjanihèną.
†the Bollingen text has ege.



aíreno ásge ho jedjúⁿga ho kikawaánuga
aíreną. ésge ho žéjųga ho kikawánąga ho
[they said.] [And so] ho! [now then] [ho!] he got up and [ho!]



wanoghómigra neⁿgík’unúgnigrá tcóni ho waruxónoⁿje*
wanąǧómįkra nągíkonąknįkra coni ho waruxónąže.
the grave the poles first ho! took them off.*
*the MS adds "and".



únoshdjoⁿgíji* ho jigé jedjúⁿga meⁿkaghera
’ų́hošjągìži ho žigé žéjųga mąkaǧera
When through with that [ho!] [again] [now then] the dirt
*just before this word there is a crossed out /w/.



Bol. p. 83 —
wadjik’shgúne gipárashgúne wánoghómiguⁿka gíparagádjeⁿ
wajikšgúni giparašgúni. Wanąǧómįgąka giparagáją
threw he out he dug her out.* The grave when he dug to
*"he dug" is written above "dig" which has been crossed out.



denuⁿgúⁿka edjik’shákishe jéguⁿ t’aⁿp’kírikaránuga ho
tenųgą́ka* ejikšákiše.† Žégų t’ąpkírikaránąga ho
there that woman there laughing she was. Now arise she did and [ho!]
*the Bollingen text has te hinųkga.
†the Bollingen text has edja-hikcákje.



p. 36 —
wak’ínikárapéioⁿkíshge* kurúzánuga jegúⁿ
wak’į́ra hikárape hiąkíšge kurúzánąga žegų
the bundle for a pillow she had took it and now
*between the first /n/ and the following /i/, a small /h/ has been inserted above the line.



woghédja kikáwaúⁿje jéguⁿ hiánuga hotcintcínkikdjéga
woxéja kikáwa’ų́že. Žegų hiánąga hocįcį́nįkjega
from the grave got out. Now did thus & the boy



wanaghómigrá pį́hi djásge hiránihera pihį jigé
wanąǧómįkra pį́hi jásge hiránihera pį́hi. Žige
the grave over the way they had fixed it over. Again



jésge hishgúni jejegúⁿ hiánuga jegúⁿ ho hinúk’djega
žésge hišgúni. Žéžegų hiánąga žegų ho hinųkjega
that way he did. That way did and [now] [ho!] the woman



tcokére kéreje hinúk konukádjeⁿ hagoréjoⁿ
cokére kéreže. Hinųk kanąkáją. Hagoréžą
with him he went home. The woman he married. [Finally,]



gíwije* hagíhoikáwakéregi† hehehía hagáwajóⁿ
gíwiže. Hagíhoikáwakèregi, "Hehehiá! hagáwažą
they got home. When he started to go in, "[Hehehiá!]‡ quite
*before this word gwi (?) has been written, then crossed out.
†before this word the following crossed out words had been written: káwa hagíoiak.
‡the translation has "(exclamation of relief)".



haweákį́joⁿ* hagáwajaⁿ kónika wawiak’į́joⁿ
haweákį́žoⁿ. Hagáwaže, kunika, wawiakį́že,"
terrible suffer [—] I made myself.† Quite, gr. mother, bother myself I did,"
*an initial "wani" has been crossed out and "hawea" is written above it with a different writing implement.
†"suffer" is written above "terrible".



eshgúni ha-a tcuⁿshgánu égi djágu rónigighira
ešgúni. "Ha-a, cųšgáno, égi jagu ronįgiǧira
he said. ["Ha-a!] my gr. son, then* what I told you not to
*"then" is written above "here" which has been crossed out.



hasgáxiré hórak’it’uⁿsheregádjeⁿ kájuⁿ kónika égi
hasgáxiri horakit’ų́šeregàją." "Kažą́,† kunika. Égi
really cried after* you've got yourself into it." "No, [grandmother]. Well
*there is something written above these words which is difficult to make out. The word "cried" may be doubtful.
† < hąkewažą.



nóⁿdjonigidjoⁿgé waweⁿdjéne jeguⁿ éwaréragigík’djegédení
ne ną́conigijągé wawąjéną.* Žegų e wáreragigìkjegèteni
you I pity so I'm doing this. [Now] her to work you can make so
* < wa’uąjéną.



p. 37 —
haniéⁿkiríno huⁿ-m-m hidokénika eshgúne jéguⁿ
hániąkirìną." "Hų-m-m," hitokénika ešgúni. Žegų
I've brought her back." ["Hų-m-m,"] the old woman she said. [Now]



his’agúnigra hiwánuga jegúⁿ tciróbera gighaⁿdjirehishgúni
hisagų́nįkra hiwánąga* žegų ciróbera giǧų́jirehišgúni.
her staff used and [now] the door poked it open to one side.†
* < hi’ų-ánąga.
†beneath the word "poked," the word "raise[d]" is written in small letters.



hinúk’tcegerá hoikáwanone* djagwadjíjeguⁿ gwó jeguⁿinúkdjega
"Hinųkcégera, hoikawanóⁿre. Jagwajížegų?" Gwó, žegųinų́kjega
"New-woman,† come in now. Why out here you?" [Gwó] now the woman
*above -none, with a different writing implement, is written, rą́re.
†beneath "new" the word "you" has been crossed out. Below this is written, "(my dear datr-in-law)".



jeguⁿ do’į́xdjįjiánuga jegwoⁿkíroikéweje wéⁿgenúgera ágakinógenokiji
žegų to’į́xjįžiànąga. Žegwąkíroikéweže. Wą́geną́gera ágakinágenąkiži
[now] very fixed up she was. Now she came on in. This man opposite [s]he was



jégweⁿkírikízuⁿtc pára† édja hikorókénigrá git’únakírigúje
žégwąkírikízųc.* Pą́ra éja hikorokénįkra git’ų́rakirigùže.
with him besides. Her bag [there] his gr. mother‡ left it for her.
* < žegųhakirikízųc.
†originally, pána was written, but a small /r/ was inscribed above the /n/.
‡"his" is written above "your" which has been crossed out.



minokíji ho wawaínina* wakúrushórodjánuga jeguⁿ
Minąkíži ho wawaínįra† wakurušórocànąga žegų
When she sat down [ho!] her clothes she took them off and [now]
*the initial syllable /wa/ was inserted above the line by a caret.
†the Bollingen text has wawáįra.



hanéⁿtcį* hidókeniká hidjáwagíjuje hishgídókenika
haną́cį hitokénįka hijá wagížuže. Hišgítókenįka
all to the old woman there she put them for her. She also the old woman
*this word has been inserted from the bottom of the page via footnote 1.



jéguⁿ peⁿshíshigenígra kurueiánuga jéguⁿ hinuktcégera
žegų šíšigenį́kra kuru’eiánąga žegų hinųkcégera
now bag (bundle) her old opened it and [now] new-woman



p. 38 —
hishgé waínidjáhį hogíwaghúkshe égi jeguⁿgádjeⁿ
hišgé wa’íni jáhį hogíwaǧúkše. Égi žegųgáją
she also clothes other put on for her. And thus done &



konukádjeⁿ wawékįgádjeⁿ jejeguⁿgíji hagoréjoⁿ
konąkáją. Wawékįgają. Žežegųgíži, hagoréžą
he married her. Bothered himself (for her) he did.* When thus it was [in time]
*the parenthetical matter was inserted above the line.



rashgúne* neⁿkikará djiregí égi jeguⁿ
rašgúni nąkíkara jiregi. Égi žegų
peacefully hunt he began. [And] [now]
*inserted here via footnote 1.



wajóⁿrashgé* warúdjeráshge tcuⁿxdjiánuga howarera uⁿs’áje
wažą́rašge warújerášge cųxjįánąga howaréra ’ųs’áže,
things [also] food also plenty they had and† so then that way they used to be,
*the /r/ in this word was written above an original /n/.
†"they had" is written above "there was", the latter being circled.



aíreno hidókenigenuká higúⁿ kikúrujak’djonégashgé néⁿborujára*
aíreną. Hitokénįgenąká higų́ kikúružakjanegàšge, ną́boružára
[they said]. The old woman just when she's ready to wash herself the wash-pan
*after this word, the word hidjagire is written, then crossed out.



hidjágikéres’áje hinúgenuka heⁿha jedjúⁿga* hagoréjoⁿ
hijágikeres’àže hinų́genąka. Hąhá, žejųga hagoréžą†
there she would put for her the woman. Hąhá! [now then] [finally]
*in the MS, jedjúⁿga occurs before heⁿha, but is switched by a proof-reader's mark.
hagoréją is omitted by the Bollingen text.



húⁿgenuká hinį́gwahíra nuⁿp´* kunuⁿga kodé†
hų́genąká hínįkwahìra nųp Kúnųga "Koté!‡
the chief his sons two of them the oldest one, "Koté!
*introduced here via footnote 2 at the bottom of the page.
†written in very small letters to the upper left of the succeeding word (hitcúⁿshge).
‡omitted in the Bollingen text.



hitcúⁿshge jedjaį́xdjin kúnikága édjowínek’djéno éje
hicųšgé žejáįxjį kunikága éjowį́rekjéną," éže.
his nephew thus far our gr. mother there let us go," he said.
*translated in the MS as "his nephew".



hodjía ásge tcaruhíaixórutc aíreno jesgéra
"Hojia." ésge caruhíaixóruc, aíreną žesgéra
"Okay." [And so] deer spare ribs, [they said] that kind



p. 39 —
djopíwi hitcuⁿshgéra hegíuįránuga hidókenika
jopíwi hicųšgéra hígi’uįránąga. hitokénįka
4 of them the grandson* they packed up for him. Ho! old woman
*the MS has "his nephew".



gíshdjahúreje hitcuⁿshgéra karaíkiju hagoréjoⁿ djíwishgúne
gíšjahúreže, hicųšgéra karaíkižu. Hagoréžą jiwišgúni
they came to see, the nephew with him. [Finally] came they



tcínugédja djíwigádjeⁿ jegúⁿ huⁿgotcíra
cinųkéja jiwigáją te žegų hųgocíra
to the old town when they got there there (then)* the chief's house†
*the parentheses are in the text.
†between "the" and "chief" the word "old" is crossed out.



jéguⁿ nánanéⁿtcįxdjį datcépshe tcirorughutcshe
žégų te noⁿraną́cįxjį tacépše. Ciroruǧucše.
[now] there the wood [absolutely all of it] all burned up it was. The house they looked at.



haháⁿ jigé deé djasgégadjeⁿ jigé
"Hąhą́, žigé tee jasgégają?" Žigé
["Hąhą́!] [again] there why is it?" [Again]



úⁿdjauⁿ de* waitcgéra† wanoghómigédja djigádjeⁿ
’ų́ja’ų te waicgéra wanąǧómįkèja jigáją
they were around his sister at the grave he came to and
*de is written above the line between úⁿdjauⁿ and waitcgéra.
waitcgéra is circled and an arrow drawn to the English line above at the right margin where it says, "again they were".



jeguⁿ wajóⁿ meⁿkághera rukshikshínisgaíre higuⁿ†
žegų wažą́ mąkáǧera rukšíkšinisgàire. Higų́†
[now] something the dirt (looked) worked up (disturbed).* Just
*the parenthetical material is in the MS. In addition, with another writing implement "as if (plural)" is written above the line.
†just before this word, jeg is written then crossed out.



wanoítcgéjoⁿ wauⁿgúni hirenísgeje kóragágasgéjoⁿ djagú
wanióicgéžą wa’ųgúni hirenísgeže. "Kóra hagagasgéžą, jagú
an animal* did it he kind of thought†. "O dear, what
*"an" has been written above "some" which has been crossed out.
†"kind of" has been inserted by a caret.



hidókenika tcuⁿshgéra huⁿkága waishdjánidjegúne tciápera
hitokénįka cųšgéra hąkagá waišjáni jegúni ciápera?"
the old woman her grandson* never he did not look after them he does not the home-stayers?"
*the MS translation has "her nephew".



ádjáuⁿ ha kode jedjaį́xdjį hinek’djéra éje
ája’ų. "Ha koté, žejáįxjį hįrekjéra," éže.
saying this. ["Ha] say! thus far let us go," he said.



p. 40 —
ásge jedjúⁿga hokáwaraíregádjeⁿ detciróbera
ésge žéjųga ho hokáwaraìregàją te ciróbera
[And so] [now then] now as they started in there the door



higúⁿ gagú ruhásgádjeⁿ* dewaitcgéra peⁿsep’ánina hidokénika
higų́ gagų́ ruhasgáją te waicgéra pąsep’ánina hitokénįka
just this way as he opened there his sister her black bag the old woman
*/r/ is written above an original /n/. The second vowel is heavily overprinted, so a /u/ is written above it (which looks a lot like an /a/). Originally, this word was run together with the previous word, but a line was inserted to separte them.



hedágedja kérenókshe hohó dejigé djasgégadjeⁿ
hetágeja kereną́kše. "Hohó! te žigé jasgegáją?"
back of her she had it standing. ["Hohó!] this again how can it be?"*
*originally the word "it" followed "how" but it was crossed out.



hirejé égi hiperézenokedjéni hinúgenúgere
hireže. Égi hiperézenąkejéni. Te hinų́geną́gere
he thought. And he knew it. This the woman



waⁿgenúka minógenokíji jéguⁿ neⁿkénis’kédja mįk’hįpgí
wągeną́ka mínągenąkíži žegų nąkénisgéja mįk’hįpgí*
the man as she was sitting [now] back of him she laid down
*the Bollingen text has mįk-hįpje, but in the MS the word clearly ends in -.



heⁿk’èshdjará hishdjara tceⁿt’ini jéguⁿ mįk’hįpshgúni
hąkèšjára hišjara* cąt’į́ni. Žegų mįk’hįpšgúni.
not her face her face it was not visible. [Now] she laid down.
*the Bollingen text omits this second occurance of the word for face.



jesganúnigé jeguⁿhó hokáwahurédja hahoí hotcintcínra egí
Žesganúnigé žegų hokáwahuréja, "Hąhoí, hocįcį́ra egi
Even thus* now then since he started to come in, "Hąhoí! boy you here
*"thus" has been written over "now", which has been crossed out.



waitcgéragá nióⁿp’gedjíni tcíomį́genokanogwíno eshgúniotcintcínigénuká
waicgéraga nią́pgejeni. Cíomį́genąkanągwíną," ešgúni hocįcį́nįgénąká.
your sister became alive so in our house she sits,"* said he the young boy.
*"in" has been written above "and" which has been crossed out.



jedjúⁿga jegúⁿ waitcgéra horuxútcgadjéⁿ egiákshe
Žéjųga žegų waicgéra horuxucgáją. Te egiákše.
[Now then] [now] his sister he looked at. There she lay.



p. 41 —
weⁿkdjegá neⁿghireshgúne hohó nįgé dee hosge hishdjára*
Wą́kjega nąǧirešgúni. "Hohó, nigé tee hosgé hišjára
The man was scared. ["Hohó!] maybe my eyes
*from an orignal nigédeasgishdjara, the last part, easgishdjara has been crossed out. Above it in small letters written with a different writing implement is e hosge hishdjaira.



Bol. p. 84 —


jésgadjes’áre* jedjúⁿga jeguⁿ ho hishdjara
žésgajes’áre." Žéjųga žegų ho hišjára
they are thus." [Now then] [now] [ho!] his eyes
*jésganuks’áre has been crossed out before this word.



pįk’uⁿk’wánuga waitcgéra hokuruxútcgadjeⁿ higúįsgéxdjin jéguⁿ
pį́k’ųk’wánąga* waicgéra hokuruxúcgają.† Higúįsgéxjį žegų
fixed over and his sister he looked at her. In reality [now]
* < pį́k’ųk’ų-ànąga.
†the Bollingen text has hokuruxútcgadja.



higúįsgéxdjin jéguⁿ hadjáshgúne egiga jéguⁿ
higúįsgéxjį žégų hajášguni. Égiga žegų
in reality [now] he saw her. Then there [now]



hinugúⁿka ghakshgúne ásge dee hotcintcínigenúgere
hinų́kąka ǧakšgúni. ésge teé hocįcį́nįgeną́gere
that woman cried she. [And so] there this young fry



weshgúni kodé djagú neⁿtcge wotcįwaráradjegadjoⁿ
wešgúni, "Koté! jagú nącge wocį́wararájegàją.
he said, "Say, what heart uneasy you will make them.



neⁿtcgéwotcį* warashónok’shono jénuga ánuga wawogánane
Nącgéwocį warašánąkšaną, žénųga," ánąga. "Wowagánare.
Heart feel bad you're making them, that's all," he said.† "Give them to eat.
*just after this word, "waraks" has been written, then crossed out.
†the MS translation has "say and".



higwana warúdjirék’djéno éje ásge núgenuká ghágera
Higuóⁿra warujírekjèną," éže. ésge nų́genąká ǧágera
Now let them eat," he said. [And so] the woman cried



rashdjanuga* jedjúⁿga ho jéguⁿ hikáwaánuga
rašją́nąga žejųga ho žegų hikáwánąga
stopped and [now then] [ho!] [now] got up and
*"dasdja ?" is written above and to the right of this word with a different writing implement.



p. 42 —
minokírinukdádjeⁿ ho hisgéxdjin waitcgéra
minąkírinąktáže. Te ho hisgéxjį waicgéra
in a sitting posture. There [ho] in reality his sister



nióⁿpshe haúhau waitcgénikáxdjin pįhįjigé* neⁿberokáranúkshe
nią́pše. "Hąhą́, waícgenįkàxjį," pįhįžigé nąberokáraną́kše.
alive she was. "Hąhą́! my sister," over again hands he shook her.
*just before this he is written, then crossed out.



jegúⁿ egí warúdjere kirára hidjáwagikéreje
Žegų égi warújere kirára hijá wagikéreže
[Now] [then] food several kinds* there she put them for them
*these words are enclosed in brackets.



núginuka édja házohìxdjį okárakshe aíreno
nų́ginąka.* éja házohixjį hokárakše,† aíreną.
the woman. [There] carefully she laid it [out] to them, [they said].
*the Bollingen text has hinų́knąka.
†the Bollingen text hs hokáraje.



heⁿhá tcidó, néwakik’wánuga tcegadjeréno weⁿk
"Hąhá, citó, wakik’wánąga cegajeréną. Wąk
["Hąhą́!] brother, my fault it was that I had died. Man



deé [hoi]ship* aipino jéguⁿ
teé hoišip haipíną. -‡ Žegų
this all the time† I liked him. [?]‡‡ [Now]
*the syllable /hoi/ is missing due to the damage at the left margin of the page.
†the word "all" is missing due to the damage at the left margin of the page.
‡the word is omitted in the Bollingen text.
‡‡something illegible is written under .



kík’wa’uⁿgí hiróshik[n]įkdjenáwiiarége* ásge huⁿké
kík’wa’ųgí hiróšiknįkjenàwi yarége ésge hąké
if I had my way and did it ashamed I make you I thought [and so] not
*the letter /n/ in the syllable /nįk/ is not visible due to damage to the paper at the left margin.



háuníno* [ji]gé† neⁿniga weⁿgidaík’dje iaregáshge
ha’uníną. Žigé nániga wągitáikje yaregášge
I did not do it. [Aga]in‡ my mother to tell her I would think
*just before this word, anin (?) has been crossed out.
jigé is written with a different writing implement just above the first syllable of the next word.
‡part of this word is lost due to damage to the left margin of the MS.



egi djagú wajóⁿ hirakís’kéje* wainóni[gi]‡
egi jagú wažą́ hirakískéže wainónigi‡‡
and what something not equal to him† an orphan
*a small /d/ is written above the /r/, but the Bollingen text retains the reading with the /r/ in it.
†at the bottom of the page, footnote one which is inserted here, says, "[that] is, he is not your equal". Part of this sentence is missing because the lower left corner of the page is missing.
‡the syllable /gi/ cannot be read due to damage to the left margin of the page.
‡‡the Bollingen text has the following in brackets after this word: waini-honigi?.



[he]regádjeⁿ* woⁿk’ganaį́xdjioⁿkádjeⁿ† [hįg]ék’djone iarége
heregáją. 'Wąk’ganaį́xjįąkáją,'‡ hįgékjane yarége
he is. 'Men there are lots of them,' [she would say]‡‡ I thought
*the syllable /he/ is not visible due to damaged paper at the left margin.
†just before this word, weⁿk’a has been written, then crossed out.
‡ < wąk-haga-hanáįxjįąk-gàją.
‡‡the MS translation has been lost from damage to the left margin. The present translation has been based on other sources.



p. 43 —
ásgioⁿkága* nonníga wágidágenína jéguⁿ neⁿtcgésdak’
ésgiąkága naniga wágitágenį́ra. Žégų nącgéstak
so never my mother not tell her of it. Now heart-broken
*just after this word is written wágidáge- which has been crossed out. The word ásgioⁿkága derives from ésge hą́kaga.



tcénaⁿ hoho hagagas’géjoⁿ waitcgénikaxdjin djágu
céną." "Hoho, hagagasgéžą, waicgenįkáxjį, jagú
I died." ["Hoho,] O my, my little sister, why



uⁿgádjeⁿ huⁿke shárageníje horák’ pínanigádjeⁿ
’ųgáją hąké hošárageníže? Horák pįranigáją.
indeed* not did you not tell of it. Tell it you ought to [have].
*"indeed" was placed in parentheses.



heⁿgágaskéje tcówe woínik’dji ráninó égi
Hągágaskéže, cówe woínikjį rániną." "Égi
Hągágaskéže! pretty near great lost you have been." "And



jesganúnigé hihanúgere wánoína jesgegé ásge
žesganúnigé hihaną́gere wáną’į́ra žesgége ésge
that is so, but as I say my mind was that way so



huⁿkágodágeníno égi jéguⁿ warúdjerúshdjaⁿgí weshgúni
hąkágotágeníną." Égi žégų warújerúšjągí wešgúni,
never told it." And now eating he got through he said,



uⁿháⁿ waitcgénikáxdjį wanoína wírodoánukshe higúⁿ
"Hąhą́, waícgenįkáxjį waną’į́ra wírotoánąkše. Higų́
["Hąhą́!] my little sister our mind* is not the very best (sad).† Just
*"my" has been crossed out and "our" written above it.
†the parentheses are in the text. Footnote 1 inserts the following from the bottom of the page: "heart is bad".



naníga djádjigáshge hagaíra hoxdjanuga ghágenáⁿkshono
naniga jajigášge hagaíra hoxją́nąga ǧágeną́kšaną.
my mother father also sometimes in the evenings cry they do.



jeguⁿgweⁿdjikérek’djenáwino huⁿké hį́tcgexdjiníno higuⁿ
Žegųgwąjikérekjenáwiną,* hąké hį́cgéxjįnìną. Higų́
Right away we're going home not very tired I am not.† Just
* < žegų-higų́-hajikérekjenàwiną.
†before "very" two letter are crossed out, but they are difficult to read.



p. 44 —
djagú hazóhiwáuⁿ manihúwigádjeⁿ heⁿké
jagú hazóhiwa’ų̀ manihuwigáją hąké
what our time we took walk on we did (came)* not
*the parenthetical material is in the MS.



hįtcgéxdjiwiníno jegúⁿ higúⁿ hagíwigi† aixónaⁿ kuk’djáwino
hįcgéxjįwinìną. Žegų́ higų́ hagíwigi haixóno kukjáwiną."‡
not very tired we came.* Now [just] when we get home move we will come back."
*in small letter written with a different writing implement is "came back".
†The original entry, igweⁿgįwígi, has been crossed out, and written above this word in smaller letters with a different writing implement is higúⁿ hagíwigi.
‡the MS, which clearly has an initial /k/, apparently has been hypercorrected to read, hukdjáwiną. Hu is attested in meaning similar to this, but Miner's wordlist gives us , meaning, "I leave returning", which is a perfect fit.



hodjiá djagú warúdjera haganaį́xdjiáⁿkádjeⁿ
"Hojiá, jagú warújera haganáįxjią̀kają
"All right, what / well* food very plenty there is
*"what" is circled and "well" written below it slightly to the right.



jesgé rawíshge epinóno ho ásge ho
žesgé rawíšge e pinóⁿną." Ho ésge ho
that way* you do it would be good." [Ho!] [and so] [ho]
*after "that", "kind" was crossed out and "way" written above it.



jeguⁿ karaíreje jeguⁿ karaíregí hági
žegų karaíreže. Žegų karaíregí hági
[now] home they went. [Now] when they went home on at



haheⁿhéjishgíranúnigé ho jéguⁿ hainseretc
hahąhéžišgìra nunige ho žégų hainisérec
night overtook them but* [ho!] [now]† all night
*"but" is actually written twice in a row, and for a third time under jegų.
†the translation has "but".



uineje wérakírakúni heguⁿ égi mánisak’uínege
’úįreže. Wérakírakúni,* hegų* égi* mánisak’uį́rege.*
they went on. Wérakírakúni! [just] then fast walk they did.
*all these words are left out of the Bollingen text.



égi wairegádjeⁿ gwó tcék heⁿpsgáxdjieⁿkírigádjeⁿ
Égi wairegáją gwó cek hąpsgáxjią̀kirigàją
And they say [gwó] first when daylight came then



hagíregíji hagí ho jésge eshgúni hohó
hagíregiži. Hagí ho žesge ešgúni, "Hohó!
home they got them. Home at [ho!] that way he said, [Hohó!]



djadjí hagágasgéjoⁿ naní* hagágaskéjoⁿ worágera
jaji, hagagasgéžą! naní hagagaskéžą! worágera
dear father, O my! mother, O my! the story
*nani is written again, then crossed out.



p. 45 —
wokíba hiésge hiréwahi núnigé waitcgénikára
wokíba hiésge hiréwahi nunige waicgénįkàra
doubtful it is it seems but my little sister



weⁿkshik’ino hidókenika hitcuⁿshgéra horógenúkshono
wąkšik’į́rą. Hitokénįka hicųšgéra horógeną́kšaną
has [been made to] live[d]. The old woman her grandson married to him she is



hagí éje hówaréra égi higúⁿ
hagí," éže. Howaréra égi higų
on at," he said. Sure enough then just



jeéshge kibanísge híregádjeⁿ jéesganúnigé
žésšge kibanísge ho hiregáją žésganúnige
that kind of doubted [ho] they did but then



jéguⁿ akí heⁿheⁿ worágeneⁿjįje hisgéxdjin
žegų akí hąhą́ worágenąžįže. "Hisgéxjį
[now] both sides (people)* [hąhą́!] he told it. "Sure enough
*the parentheses are in the text.



wahéno higúⁿ hitcúⁿshgehíradjegáshge hishgé éje
wahéną." Higų́ hicųšgéhirajegášge hišgé* éže.
I mean it." Just the nephew also he also he said.
*this word is omitted from the Bollingen text.



égi wánoína djasket’egí hokárakíshge* aneⁿtcį́xdje
Égi waną’į́ra jasgé t’egi hokarakíšge hanącį́xjį
And her mind how she died he told it also† all of it
*at this place something had been crossed out and "hokárakíshge" introduced via footnote 1 from the bottom of the page.
†"that" had been crossed out and "it" written below it.



horagánuga jigéotcintcínidjega djasgéhiánuga
horákanąga žigé hocįcį́nįkjega jásge hiánąga
he told it and again/also* the boy how he did it and
*"again" has been circled and "also" written above it in small letters with the same writing implement.



nioⁿphigíshge jigeá aneⁿtc´ horákshe†
niąp´ higíšge žige* haną́c horákše.
live he made her also again all that he told.
*this word is omitted from the Bollingen text.
†after this word, jégwuⁿ has been crossed out.


jéguⁿ gwána hįgígónaįkarawígi pinána†
"Žégų gwána* hįgí ǧonaįkaràwigi pįnóną.
"Now right away go move home let us it would be good.
* < higųóⁿra.
†part of a word had been written before this word, but was crossed out.



jegúⁿ tcára huⁿdjeráshge rokónoxdjíno hįkárawígi
Žegų cára hųjerášge rokónoxjìną hįkárawigi
Now deer bear also very many there are if we go home



p. 46 —
pinána hohoínikáxdjį* égi jesgek’djéno
pįnóną." "Hoho, hinįkáxjį, égi žesgekjéną."
it would be good." "Hoho, dear my son, well it will be so."
*this word has been inserted here via footnote 1 from the bottom of the page. It replaces, ho-nįgiak which has been crossed out.



egi widjádjera hogíragwiánuga hidjádjak’djéno† higúⁿ
Egi wijájera hogíragwiànąga hijajakjéną. Higų
Then the crier tell him and* he can cry it out. Just
*between "tell him" and "and" the words "of it" have been crossed out.
†just before this word higwáno has been written and crossed out.



jéguⁿ heⁿp’ deé rék’djonihéno hegúⁿ weⁿgahaⁿhewíshge†
žégų hąp´ teé rekjanihéną. Hegų́* wągahąhéwišge
right today it will be. Now if night overtakes us
*the Bollingen text has higų.
†just before this word, wogah was written, then crossed out.



heⁿnkiwushanik’djéniháwino huⁿgenuká éje ásge widjádjera
hąnkiwušanįkjánihàwiną,"* hųgenąká éže. ésge wijájera
not will we stop," the chief he said. [And so] the crier
* < hąnke-hiwušánįkjanihàwiną.



ho jéguⁿ jéesgídjadjáje aíreno heⁿpdeé jeguⁿ
ho žégų žesgíjajáže, aíreną. "Hąp teé žegų
[ho!] [now] that kind he cried about, [they said.] "That day now



kérek’djenawino higuⁿ heⁿhéshge† jeguiwoį́k’djeniháwino éje
kérekjanàwiną. Higų́ hąhéšge žegųiwoį́kjaniháwiną," éže,
we will go home. Even if* there is night we will go on anyhow," he said,
*"just" has been crossed out and "even if" written after it.
†just before this word, weⁿgaheⁿhewishge has been crossed out.



aíreno ho jésge híreje aíreno ho jeguⁿ
aíreną. Ho žésge híreže, aíreną. Ho žégų
[they said.] [Ho!] so that way they did, [they said]. [Ho!] [now]*
*the translation has "so that way".



uneⁿk’uⁿ hagoréjoⁿ hakiríreshgúne kíriregádjeⁿ
’únąk’ų hagoréžą hakírirešgùni. Kiriregáją
doing thus [finally] home they got. When they got home



p. 47 —
dewoírakírakúne hinukhírera hidjánukshgúne egí hasgádjaguijéreje
te woírakírakúni hinųkhírera hijá nąkšgúni. Égi hasgájąguižèreže?†
there [woírakírakúni!]* their daughter there she was. And what could they be?
*the translation has "unexpectedly".
†the Bollingen text has hasgádjąguijèregi, but the MS is clear in its reading.



Ğakshires’áje aíreno ho jéguⁿ jéji
Ğakšíres’àže, aíreną. Ho žégų žéži
Cry they would* [they said]. [Ho!] now then that
*the word "anyhow" is added at the end by another writing implement.



hinúk hírera sh’ágwahíra tcíra horéjoⁿkíra†
hinų́khirera š’agwahíra círa horežąkíra
woman (daughter) theirs* her older ones (folks)* [the lodge] one place
*the parenthetical matter is in the MS.
†just before this word, hago has been crossed out.



híreje wakáraik’itcijé hidokénika é ak
híreže. Wakáraikicìže. Hitokénįka e ak
they were. Lived with them she did. The old woman to her opposite



wakárak’ínuk* égi édja hisúⁿgwahírera hiúnináshge
wakárakinąk égi éja hisųkwahírera hiúniràšge
sat they and there her brothers her mother also
*the last two syllables, ínuk, have been written above ik’onukohe which has been crossed out.



weⁿgwatcábiréra éwirakárakikére mínokshe heⁿ jejéguⁿ
wąkwacápirera e wirakárakìkere mínąkše. žežégų
her brothers [them] alongside of she sat. [Hą!] that way



únaks’ági hagoréjoⁿ ho jédjuⁿga ép’a jéguⁿ
’unąks’áže. Hagoréžą ho žéjųga epa žégų
they were always. Once on a time [ho!] now then that far now



wanoíra* djinogiregádjeⁿ neⁿtcgesdágenóⁿké jeguⁿ kejesgáiraníje
waną’į́ra jiną́kiregàją. Nącgestágeną́ke žegų kežesgáiraníže.†
their mind became settled. Worrying they were then not that way anymore.
*a small /r/ is written above an original /n/.
†the Bollingen text has hąké jesgáiranije.



ásge wéⁿgera rashgúni neⁿkikera djíaraíreje
ésge wą́gera rašgúni nąkíkera jiaraíreže.
So the men peacefully hunt they began.



p. 48 —
ho jejéguⁿ unoⁿks’ági hagoréjoⁿ weshgúnije
Ho žéžegų ’unąks’ági. Hagoréžą, wešgúniže,
Ho! that way they were. Finally, he said,



nįk’djóⁿgenigijoⁿ hagánijé* nįkdjóⁿgenigíjoⁿ haganígiji hahí
nįkją́genįgižą hagániže. Nįkją́genįgížą haganígiži hahí
a child she had. A child [after] she had for him [that ?]† on at
*just before this word, haganíshgune has been written, then crossed out.
†rather than "after", the translation begins with "so".



meⁿwigútc kipį́shgúne hegwoⁿgara hijoⁿkíraxdjį́ haganíje
mąwigúc gipį́šgúni. Hegwągara* hižąkíraxjį haganíže,
arrows to shoot he was able to. Just only† one only she had for him,
*the Bollingen text has "[higų-hagara?]".
†this was written above "sometime", which was crossed out.



weⁿgenígijoⁿ hahíméⁿwigútc kipį́gijí égi hagoréjoⁿ
wągenį́gižą. Hahí mąwigúc kipį́giži. Égi hagoréžą
a male. On at arrows to shoot when he was able. [And] [finally]



weshgúnije heⁿhéⁿ égi kénijíshgeninúnigé*
wešgúniže, "Hąhą́ égi kenižíšgeni nunige
he said, "Hąhą́! now then not yet I am old but
*there appears to be a letter /a/ between the /sh/ and the following /g/, but it may be an attempt at a ligature.



heⁿheⁿ egí jedjaįxdjį-p’á huⁿkípino
hąhą́ egi žejáįxjį pa hųkípiną.
now here thus far [far] I can last.*
*"I can" is written above an unreadable word that has been crossed out.



djádjiga hakerék’djé éno ásge hokérek’djénohéno
Jájiga hakérekje éną ésge hokérekjánihèną.
My father for me to go home he said [and so] I'm going home.



nonigé heⁿké shdjáradjeⁿwiné jesgé haník’djonihéno
Núnige hąké šjárająw`įre žesge haníkjanihèną.
But not the way you die that way will I not do.



jeguⁿ dejeguⁿ hakérek’djónihéno éje aíreno
Žegų téžegų hakérekjanihèną," éže, aíreną
Just this way I'm going home," he said, they said



hotcintcíndjegá weⁿk’djegá gíji hitcéⁿwihiranuka ghakshgúne
hocįcį́jegá* wą́kjega giži. Hicą́wįhirànąka ǧakšgúni.
the young man the man [sentence terminator].† The wife that is cried.
*the Bollingen text has hotcįdį́nįkdjega, but the MS clearly omits the -nįk-.
†the translation has "& so".



p. 49 —
axírije hikónonó égi weⁿgenúka weshgúne
Axíriže hikónora. Égi wągeną́ka wešgúni,
Cried after him* her husband. Then† the man said,
*an illegible word has been crossed out before "cried".
†"Well" has been crossed out and "then" written below it.



egí sh’agwáraga hihówahíre nigípįránuga heⁿké
"Egi š’akwáraga hihowahíre, nįgípįrànąga hąké
"Well your old folks asked them, if they like it for you [and] not



nikoⁿnuniranínugí iúⁿdjak’djéno heⁿké duxúrugnína iaránunigé
nikónuniranìnugí, hi’ųjakjéną. Hąké tuxúruknìną yaránunige
lonesome will they not get for you try it we will. Not be unable to I think, but



jéguⁿ hiuⁿdjak’djéno eshgúni ásge hinúgeníka
žegų hi’ųjakjéną," ešgúni. ésge hinų́geną́ka
anyhow / just* we will try it," he said. So the woman
*"just" is circled and written just below and to the right of "anyhow".



sh’ágwahíra hihówakáragíje hohó hinúkáxdjį hátcuⁿgére
š’akwahíra hihówakaragìže. "Hohó hinųkáxjį, hacųgére
her folks aske[d] them she did. ["Hohó!] my daughter, just barely



hanik’djá iaránihéra djashíshik jigé de djágu
haníkja yaránihera. Jašíšik žigé te jágu."
I saw you I thought. Very bad again this what."



égi djádji heⁿké wajóuⁿpiníno higúⁿ djasgégi
"Égi jáji, hąké wažó’ųpįníną. Higų́ jasgégi
"Well father, not nothing to do. Just anyhow



hinák’djaradjék’djenánuga higúⁿ* hoíship hinaínakshįránishék’djonéno
hįrákjarajèkjanànąga, higų́ hoíšip hįraírakšįrànišekjanèną."
see me you will always, [yet] all the time to depend upon me you will."
*this word is written with a different writing implement above the line in extremely small letters.



ho jédjuⁿga jéguⁿ ho hishgé waįgínoⁿpshíreje
Ho žéjųga žegų ho hišgé wa’įgínąpšìreže
[Ho!] [now then] [now] ho! also they thanked her for it



p. 50 —
aíreno weⁿkshik sh’ágenigenóⁿka wéⁿgenónigénuká hidókenigénuká
aíreną. Wąkšik, š’ágenįgeną́ka, wą́genúnįgénąká, hitókenįgénąká,
[they said.] [People,] the old folks, the old man, the old woman,



uⁿhá egí nungwák hírarege washegádjeⁿ
"ųhá!* egi nųgwák, hirarege, wašegáją.
"ųhá! well my daughter, it is your wish, so you say it.
*the Bollingen text renders this as hąhą́ ("yes"), viewing uⁿhá as a corrupted orthography. However, at sentence 116 the Bollingen text has this interjection as ų́ha, translated as "well" with connotations of agreement.



hodohótcirá woⁿk’shígeoína jesgówahásge égi washáwigádjeⁿ
Hotohócira wąk’šígo’į́ra žesgówahásge égi wašáwigáją.
The son-in-law his life that way he's come to and so you say it.



égi hosgé hák’djára* hiníhotcį ánuk’uⁿ
Égi hosgé hakjára hiníhocį ánąk’ų†
And just to see you like it very much [as he said]
*from an original égioksgak’djára, ksgo has been crossed out and hosgé written above and in front of it, and above it.
†the Bollingen text has hánąka, but this is supported by neither the MS nor its corrections. See the first note in the next table below.



hérege* wahegádjeréno heⁿ jegúⁿ ho
herege. Wáhegajerèną. žegų ho
we were (did).† So I said it. [Hą] [now] [ho!]
*hiníhotcįánukwoirege, hiníhotcį has been separated off by a vertical line, woirege has been crossed out, and ’uⁿ hírege written above it.
†the parentheses are in the text.



hakijarakérek’djonéno hígejé* égi weⁿgenígenóⁿka é
hakíža rakérekjanèną," higežé. "Égi wągenį́geną́ka e
with him you will go," he told her. "And the [young] man him
*this word has been inserted here via footnote 1 from the bottom of the page. After the footnote, gaírejo has been crossed out.



hióndjera rohíra* hikárakis’ganihék’djonihéje‡ higúⁿ wát’ehikérahériánuga
hią́jera rohíra hikárakisge hanihékjanihèže. Higų́ wat’éhikerahèriànąga
his father his body like always† it would be. Just kill plenty and‡‡
*hó has been crossed out.
†"forever" is crossed out and "always" written above it.
‡a very small /e/ and an /h/ are written above the /g/ in this word.
‡‡an initial "good" has been crossed out.



wonoghireráshge hérek’djoneje égi djagúra hagíjoⁿ
wonąǧíreràšge* herekjáneže. Égi jagúra hagížą
wars also he would be. And whatever at any time
*the Bollingen text has wanąghíreràcge.



tcéxiawaíreshgé wóⁿk’djané djiánuga wágidjirék’djonéje éje
céxiawaírešgé wą́kjąre jiánąga wagijirékjanèže," éže.
hard they become* this man he comes, and he would help them,"† he said.
*well below the lines is written, "(trouble they have)".
†this is translated as "you would help them," but it derives from wagiji, "to help"; and re-kjane-že, "he will go".


p. 51 —
ásge jédjuⁿga jéguⁿ hagoréjoⁿ jegúⁿ
ésge žéjųga žegų ho hagoréžą žegų
[And so] [now then] [now] [ho!] [finally] [now] [ho!]



guⁿ* deé weⁿk’shígera nanaį́regádjeⁿ‡ s’ánik
tée wąkšígera nąnąį́regàją s’ánįk
just about† the people asleep they were then‡‡ the side (direction)#
*just before this word, weⁿkshi is crossed out.
†"this" is crossed out and "about" written above it.
‡a small /r/ was written above the /n/ in an original -negádjeⁿ.
‡‡an initial "the" has been crossed out.
#the parentheses are in the text.



héⁿbogúrégi égi akíri shuⁿk’djóⁿgijoⁿ hoshgúni
hą́bogúregi égi akíri šųkją́gižą hošgúni
where the day comes from there on that a wolf howled



gádjeⁿ jigí raréxdjinikádjeⁿ níwagúregí égi
gáją žigé raréxjįnįkàją niwagúregi égi
and then [again] soon after at the spring* [then]
*"up" is crossed out and "at" written above it.



jigíjoⁿ hóje higuⁿ jigí raréxdjínikádjeⁿ wíoreregí
žigížą* hóže. Higų žigé raréxjįnįkàją wioréregi
again one howled. Just again after awhile† where the sun goes down
*< žigé-ižą.
†an initial "so" is crossed out.



hídjobóhora* hórotcóndjeregí jigíjoⁿ hóje ho
hijobóhąra horocájeregi žigížą hóže. Ho
the 4th time where the sun straightens one again howl[ed]. Ho!
*an /r/ is written above an original /n/.



je jeguⁿ gijí wéⁿk’djáne híhinóⁿp’gi
žé žegų gíži. Wą́kjąre hihiną́pgi
that way* it was. This man he went out and
*under je jeguⁿ, "now that" has been crossed out and "that way" written above it.



hinúgenúgere hikárapérezni heⁿké kikúruxúrugné
hinų́geną́gere hikarapéresni hąké hikuruxúrukni
this woman did not know herself not help not herself



jegúironúk* hagí hinóbenóⁿkshe egí hiperéznoⁿké
žegúironą́k hagí hiną́beną́kše. Égi hipéresnąke
just follow him on† out she went. And he knew it
*jéguⁿ hironúkshe has been crossed out.
†the word "on" was originally followed by "at" which was subsequently crossed out.



p. 52 —
horágenoⁿke ásgieⁿké waruxaíraníje uⁿhá
horágenąke ésge hąké waruxaíranìže. Ųhá,*
they had told it so not they ran not after them. [Ųhá,]
*the Bollingen text has hąhą́, but see the note above.



shuⁿk’djóⁿgera meⁿúna shuⁿkdjóⁿgijoⁿ guⁿs’gí
že šųkją́gera. Mą’ų́na šųkją́kižą gųsgi
they the wolves. The Earthmaker a wolf he made



é hióntcijé, éje hotcintcínik’djéga ásge
e hią́cižé, éže hocįcį́nįkjega. ésge
him he was his father, he said the young boy. So



édjowákaraíreje meⁿk’óheⁿrégi hagímigenóⁿkshe noⁿgá
éjowákaraíreže. Mąkuhą́regi hagí mįgeną́kše anąga
there they went back to. Under the earth there they are lying and



nį́gwaninegíji maį́hágeregi úįrek’djónege* éagaíra†
nįkwaníregìži mąíhágeregi ’úįrekjanège éagaíra
there [their] young ones on this earth they were to be so sometimes
*just before this word, uⁱ has been crossed out.
†just before this word, he (?) has been crossed out.



weⁿk’shígera hijóⁿ ho* weⁿkiánuga gíji
wąkšígera hižą́ ho wekiánąga gíži
the people one [ho!] suffer himself† & so
*this word is inserted by a caret in small letters above the line.
†the following is inserted here from the bottom of the page by footnote "x": "that is fast & be holy".



nį́genóⁿka éwaúines’ak’djenihéje woⁿkshigerijóⁿ
nį́geną́ka e wa’úįres’àkjanihèže, wąkšigerižą́
the younger ones they would be the ones that would do it, people one



noⁿdjodjaíneshge aíres’áje aireno édjojedjóneréno
nącojàįrešge, aíres’àže, aíreną. éjožeją́neréną.*
if they bless, they used to say, they say. That is the end.
* < éja-hožéją-heréną.



Charles N. Houghton, "The Orphan who Conquered Death," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook #70, 1-52 (interlinear phonetic text); Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #11a: 141-223 (handwritten Hocąk text only). Published in Paul Radin, The Culture of the Winnebago: As Defined by Themselves, Special Publications of the Bollingen Foundation, #1: 73-119. This story is discussed in Claude Lévi-Strauss, "Four Winnebago Myths," Structural Anthropology, vol. 2, trs. Monique Layton (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976) 198-210.