Hocąk Text — Šųgepaga

narrated by Caxšeporuxjįrega (They Look at an Eagle)

Notebook #66, Story 1: 1

The MS, without question, belongs to early 1908, the first year of Radin's field work, as evidenced by the "crude" orthography used, which shows some influence from the Hocąk Bible published by Stucki in 1903. This orthography was quickly jettisoned by Radin in favor of the European style used by J. O. Dorsey.

English Translation

Stylistic Features

  Hapaxlegomena: ginąc, "downward course"; hąbgaše (hąbgaže?), "in the daytime"; hąhegaše (hąhegaže ?), "at night"; hijahįrusja, "death material (for a prisoner's execution)"; hirotu, "to camp"; hokarak, "to tell"; kirikarahe, "to go by" (cf. kirikara, "to walk over to someone"); nąjihiroją, "I am blessed with something" (> nąjiroją); naxjį, "you"; nįgewawaha, "my way"; regina, "to keep" (recorded by Marino); ruxgira, "to manage, cope with, something"; težegų regi, "even now, at this time"; toc(i)-hųgra, "warleader" (normally, tocąwąk); wąk hinįka, "prisoner"; wąk-woiskac, "prisoner"; wašą, "it would not do" (> šą, "to do wrong").
  Rare words: hahį, "I smoke" (one occurrence elsewhere); hirakra, "the last time" (cf. hiragera, "last", the only other occurrance); horoxjį, "to look" (horuxji is attested at one place); hugižu, "to fill up," found only once elsewhere; jage, "how, what" (one other instance, possibly a shared typo for jasge); wajoršu, "warleader" (cf. wajoršu-ka, "the warleader"); winįkipax, "to ask" (only one other instance attested); žejiga, "then", used only once elsewhere.
  the narrator preserves the /h/ in compounds whose second word begins with that letter. Ordinarily, this letter is lost in internal sandhi, and quite often in external sandhi as well.

dropping an /s/ before a final syllable /ge/: jage for jasge, žege for žesge.

see comparative word frequency

The first line of each table is the Hocąk text as given in the MS. The second line is the corrected text in contemporary orthography. In the English line, words in brackets have been supplied from other sources.


Worak de e Tcaxcep Woruxji Hirega e Horakshana
Worak te-e Caxšep-Woruxjį-Hire-ga e Horagšaną.
[Story] [this] Eagle Looking They Did he he told it.


p. 1 —

shugepaga higaheregi jekregi hojkra mogashuj
Šųgepaga higaheregi, cekregi hocire (?) Mogašuc,
Šųgepaga [as] he is called, [when] they lived Red Banks,



arnaka eja minag heregishe wangwakanjank
anąga éja minąk heregiži. Wąkwakąjąk
and there [to sit] he did. Holy ones



e hisha hereshe egi hagoreshe
e hižą hereže. Égi hagoreže
[he himself] one he was. And once



de-e honaja wangshig hisha hokuhireshe
tee honąja (?) wąkšik hižą hok’ų hireže,
[this one] in his sleep, man one he was given,



higahire eske egi haginajnaguheregi
higahire. Ésge égi haginącnąk’ų heregi,
[it is called.] [Therefore,] and fasting as he was,



mauna exji maswakjexi hisha wixephuregi
Mą’ųna exjį mąswakjexi hižą wixephuregi
the Earthmaker himself Iron spirit* a in the east
*literally, "iron Waterspirit".



wij hire sewetubgishe unke pihinigejini
Wijirasewe t’ųbgíži, hąké phinįgejinį,
he placed for an earth-weight,* and [not] [because he was not good,]
*literally, "Island Quieter".



wangshig hunubhimanira wonaghirera wagipige eske
wąkšik, hunųbimanįra, wonąǧirera wagipige. Ésge,
humans, [the two-legged walkers,] wars [because he liked them.] Therefore,



wangshig tehinaga waruj jege she-e
wąkšik t’ehinąga waruc, žigé žee
humans he killed, and he ate them, and [this]



unke pihinijegejini mauna hiperesge eske
hąké pihinįjegejinį. Mą’ųna hiperesge, ésge,
not it was not good. Earthmaker he knew it, so therefore,



tehirejege eske waushe Shugepaga e
t’ehirejege, ésge wa’ųje, Šųgepaga e
that he might kill him, [thus] [he did it,] Šųgepaga him



hokushe egi jaskhotera gigirejinage
hok’ųže. Égi jasge hotera gigire jinąge (?)
he gave. And [what] [remained] [the means by which they might do,]



harnj hirasa wogashe hoegi shugepaga
hanąc hirasá wogaže. Hoégi Šųgepaga
[all] also he gave to him. So then Šųgepaga



wagigohanaga egi nashishe egi wangra
wagigo hánąga égi nąžįže. Égi wągra
feast, and then he arose. And men



p. 2 —
danikira hakishu manijenashe eshe egi
tanikira hakižu mąnįjenaže, éže. Égi
only three with him he would go, he said. And



wangra stokigonagke wawesiwinaga wang masjaxjira
wągra stokigonąke wawesiwinąga wąk mąsjąxjįra
the men as they were gathered, he looked them over, and men strong



dani harajshe wangnagaka hishkaja gipinashe
tani haracše. Wąknąkąka hišgaga (?) gipinaže.
three he picked. The men [in truth] they were very glad.



egi jekgeja shesheskerashana uhiraniharege sheguga
Égi c’ekéca, žežesgerašana ’ųhiraniharege. Žegųga,
And in the beginning, that was all as they ever did. [When they had done thus,]



rusjahiregishe kigora egi shejaga dojhana
rušcą́ hiregiži, kigóra, égi žejąga tojąna
after they were done, the feast, [then] [then] the warriors



hajihakawashe wixephura hapahireshe unkaga hisha
hajihakairaže. Wixephura hapahíreže. hąkagá hižą
they started out. East they went towards. Never one



eja hapahihiperes winigaja arnagshe
éja hapahihiperes, winįgają, ánąkše,
there [it was known in that direction,] [not for days,] [it is said.]



jhihapera waxopiniwaraj jaxji hisha
cihapera. "Waxopini warac jaxjį hižą
the one who stayed at home. "Spirit [named] what [one]



haguregaja waugishe harnj arieashe egi
haguregają, wa’ųgiže," hanąc arieaže. Égi
he is going after, that he did this?" all they said. [Then]



dojhanaga uhanihahirege hambserej shejiga eja
tocąnąka ųhanihahirege hąpserec. Žejiga éja
the warriors they travelled all day. Finally, there



hahi hirotuhireshe wang danihajega wanakewewishe
hahí hirotu hireže. Wąk tanihajega wanąkewewiže.*
[they went] to camp they did. Men the three they were afraid.
*oddly enough, the dual is used here and throughout in this context.



eske wawishe hokikite hirage unkaga
Ésge, wawíže, hokikit’e, "Hirage, hąkagá
Therefore, they said, as they talked together, "[Ask him], never



p. 3 —
egi jajaxjihipara hisha hapahinigaja dee
égi jajaxjįhipara hižą hapahinįgają, tee
[here] as long as it has been anyone not to come in the direction, [this]



jekji waugaja arnagahe egi dojhungra
cekjį wa’ųgają," ánąkše. "Égi toc-hųgra
[first time ] [it was done," ] they said. "So the leader



dani hugishuwigi e hiperes wigipinana
tani hugižuwigi, e hiperés wigipinaną,"
tobacco [if we fill it up,] [so] to know it would be better,"



a wishe wangnagka egi dani
awiže, wąknąka. Égi tani
they said, the men. [Then] tobacco



hogishurege egi danira wagirushanaga egi
hogižurege, égi taníra wagirusanąga égi
[so they filled it,] and the tobacco he took it, and [then]



hande hokarakhanaga rasjagishe danira wonaxra
hąte hokarak hanąga rašjągiži, taníra Wonąǧra
blessings he told, and when he finished, the tobacco War



hirukanara janagakishe wagiwaxushe. egi jobaha
Hirukanara janągakiži, wagiwaxųže. "Égi jobahą
Controllers all, he poured it for them. "Then [four]



hiwagiuhinawina wigeshe eja wijhishanagra eja
hįwagi’ųhinawiną," wigeže. "Éja wij hišanągra, éja
we are going out traveling," he told them. "There [Island who did wrong (?),] there



hajawijinena hidanihara hahi hinawigishe eshe
hajawijįneną, hitanihąra hahí hįnawigiže," éže.
[you will see,] the third day [on the way] [we are going,"] he said.



dee hidanihara hahimahoshoros
Tee hitanihąra hahi hošoros
[These] the third day they went earth hollow



minaggeshe eja hahi minag hiregaja
minągeže. Éja hahí minąk hiregają.
they sat. There they went to sit they did.



dee wanshig hisha washehisha hawaunnaga
Tee wąkšik hižą wažahižą hawa’ąnąka
[These] man a something carrying on his shoulders



eja kirikaraheshe gaarherena wigeshe horoxji
éja kirikaraheže. "Ga’á heréną," wigeže. Horoxjį
there he was going by. "That he is," he said to them. To look



p. 4 —
hiragaja hajahireshe egi hinawinaga hanigeshe
hiregają, hajahireže. "Égi hįnąwinąga hanigiži,
they did, and they saw. "Here we will sleep, and in the morning,



hijorkehihiwira nahisawaja jinaggeshe egi hatubhijawina
hicokehihiwira nąhisawaja jinągiži, égi hatųbijawiną,"
our grandfather the top of the trees he got to, then we shall rush upon him,"



wigeshe egi hinagishurukoshijawina wigeshe hahuhunagke
wigeže. "Égi hįnagišurukos-hijawiną," wigeže. Hahuhunąke
[he said to them.] "And you will capture him for me," he said to them. As they were anxious



shee hawau unke hanhe eja
žee hawa’ų hąké hąhe éja
they [for that reason] not night there



hanserej minag hireshe hambragugishe hikorohoreshe
hąserec minąk hireže. Hąbragugiži, hikorohoreže.
all night to sit up they did. When it became day, they got ready.



wang woikikaxra wikarakikax hireshe rokikewe
Wąk woikikaxra wikarakikax hireže. Rokikewe
[Men] war clothes to put on they did. They painted themselves



hiregishe masja hirakerak hireshe harnj
hiregiži, mąsją hirakerak hireže. Hanąc
they did, and fair to look upon they were. All



wangra nakeweskehireshe egi hikorohora
wągra nąkeweske hireže. Égi hikorohora
the men fearful they were. [And] getting ready



rusjahiregishe eja harnj minag hiranaga
rusjahiregiži, éja hanąc minąk hiránąga
when they were through, there all to sit they did, and



wang hadojhahirega hajhijaxji howajijanagi
wąk hatocą hirega hacijaxjį howajijanąki,
men on the warpath which they were doing, where they would come out from,



ejashna horuxji nagu egixji dee wang
eja-šana horuxjįnąka. Égixjį tee wąk
[just] there they looked. Just then [this] man



xedexji nakeweskexji hisha eja jiraheshe
xetexji nąkeweskexjį hižą éja jiraheže.
big [frightening] one there he was going by.



p. 5 —
egi dojhihungra weshe hojinjinxjiwira hidajexji wauwige
Égi toci-hųgra weže, "Hocįcįxjįwira hitajexjį wa’ųwige,
Then the warleader he said, "Young men, you must try your mightiest,



jaskegi niumb harukoshigawina wawegeshe esge
jaskegi ni’ąb harukos-higawiną," wawegeže. Ésge,
and let us be sure alive we capture him," he said to them. Therefore,



shegu nux hahireshe wangnagka hisha
žegų nųx hahíreže. Wąknąka hižą
[thus] [to hear] [they came.] The men one



sakregi naghahinaga hanihire naigaja wangra
sakregi nąk-hahinąka, hanįhire ną’įgają, wągra
who was fleet [he reached there running, and] to tackled him he tried, but the man



rok kanashe shege hinubra jigishe
rokanaže. Žigé hinųbra jigiži
he was very able. [Again] the second one he arrived, and



hija gijirenaigaja higureske unke hija
hija gijiré ną’įgają, higųreske hąké hija
there to help he tried, but but still not there



ruxgiranishe. hidanra jigishe hija horok
ruxgiranįže. Hitanira jigiži, hija horok
they could not manage him. The third he arrived, and there [to join in]



hakinishishe egixji wajorshura jigishe sheguga
hakinižįže. Égixjį, wajoršura jigiži, žegųga
he took hold of him. Just then, the warleader he arrived, and [then]



hijobike uxjiharanihau hagoresha wira ginaj
hijóbike ’ųxjįharaniha’ų hagoréžą wira ginąc
all four of them they did their mightiest, until finally [the sun] downward course



hiregaja egi wangra hanikinib hireshe
hiregają, égi wągra hanį́kįnįp hireže.
it was, and then the man to throw him to the ground they did.



egi shegu harukos mig hiranaga
Égi žegų harukos mįk hiránąga
[And] then to hold him [lying] down they did, and



danihangwiga egi wajorshujega waruxabeja wang
tanihągwiga égi wajoršujega warughabežą wąk
the three of them and the warleader [a warbundle] man



p. 6 —
hiruskgijra warushanaga egi wangra eja
hirusgijra warus hanąga égi wągra éja
bonds [he got them, and] [then] the man there



unagu horusgijhireshe aranakeja wagirusgijhiranaga
’ųnąk’ų horusgic hireže. Ara nąkeja wagirusgiciranąga
finally to bind they did. His arms behind they bound them, and



egi shejaga hakarareshe wangra hija
égi žejąga hakarareže. Wągra hija
then [finally] they returned. The man there



horokungshe unagu hagieja hahanheregi eja
horok’ųže. ’Ųnąk’ų, hagieja hahąheregi éja
[he joined them.] Finally, as they went night came upon them there



hiwoshabireshe wangra shege hurawagi* rusgij*
hiwuš’abireže. Wągra žigé hura wagirusgic
[they stopped.] The man [also] his legs to be bound together
* sic.



hireshe egi hirakarahireshe haheserej
hireže. Égi hirakara hireže, hąheserec.
they were. And to guard they did, all night.



egi hamb hakerigi shege hagi
Égi hąp hakerigi, žigé hagi
Then day when it was, again [there]



hakarareshe hambgashe hura wangjega wagiruske
hakarareže. Hąbgaše* hura wąkjega wagiruske
they started on. In the daytime his legs the man bindings
*or hąbgaže ?



hiresrshe* hanhegashe rusgiji hiresrshe deshegu
hires’aže. Hąhegaše rusgici hires’aže. Težegų
[they would do.] At night to bind they would do. Thus
*sic. This orthography is found in Stucki's translation of the Bible.



giginagshe hanhe hokahi hidanihanra hakirina
giginąkše, hąhe hokahi. Hitanihąra hakirina
they did, night every. The third one [the return trip]



hiregishe egi hambhakirigishe wang hiningka eja
hiregiži, égi hąp hakirigiži, wąk hinįka éja
it was, and [and] as day approached, the prisoner [there]



shejaga weshe Shugepara winigipax hijenena
žejąga weže, "Šųgepara winįkipax hijeneną,"
[then] he said, "Šųgepaga to ask something I am going to do,"



p. 7 —
eshe hisha wangaguswigi exji* najjojanaga
éže. "Hižą wągagųswigi, exjį nąjojąnąga
he said. "The one who created us, himself he blessed me, and
*after this word, the word egi has been erased.



jajaxji managre nihegishe egi wijdee
jajaxjį mąnągre nihegiži, égi wijtee
as long as the earth it remains, here this continent



haise wehaniheje egi hitubshana esge
haisewe haniheže, égi hit’ųpšaną. Ésge,
weight [I am around this place,] [here] he placed. Therefore,



jage ranaga wairagishu gishe honagisharakjeje
jage ranąga wairagiš’ųgiži, honagišarakježe
how [to go, and] you do to me [you will put them on me]



hirawahajena eshe Shugepaga nashinaga wageshe
hirawahajeną?" éže. Šųgepaga nąžįnąga wageže,
[you will hand me?"] [he said.] Šųgepaga he arose, and he said to him,



egi washagusra mauna e nigusgishi
"Égi, Wažągųsra, Mą’ųna, e nigųsgiži,
"Well, the Maker of Things, Earthmaker, he himself he made you, and



xedenigusnunige wangshig hunubhimanira
xete nigųs nunige wąkšik, hinųbimąnįra,
great he created you but humans, [the two-legged walkers,]



wonaxhireuhiregeshe waragipinaga hisge shurajege
wonąǧire ’ųhiregiži, waragipįnąga hišgé š’ųrajege,
war that they did, you liked, and also you did it, and



wangshig rajrajare woishana raxederarajege unke
wąkšig rajrajare. Woišana raxeterarajege, hąké
humans you are eating. Wrong you are doing a great one, and not



piniragejini esge deshege naxji najhirojanena
pįniragejįnį, ésge, težege* naxjį† nąjihirojąneną.
since you have not done right, therefore, [in this way] you I was blessed.
*for težesge.
†< ne-haxjį, "you - one's own".



esge wanigeuna higeshe egi epina
Ésge, wanige’ųną," higeže. "Égi epíną
Therefore, I do thus to you,' he said. "And it is good



p. 8 —
pixji honagisharakra hisgexji washana eshe
pįxjį honagišarakra, hisgéxjį wašaną," éže,
[very good] telling of it, the truth you have told me," he said,



Maswakjexijega egi washa nige howarajiwige
Mąswakjexijega. "Égi wašą nįge howarajiwige,
the iron Waterspirit. "And it would not do [someplace] if you go,



eja hipihanishe higujasge hinagigiwijegi egi
éja hipįhaniže. Higųjasge hinagigiwijegi, égi
where you came from. Whatever you are going to do, here



hinashuwige e xab•e hisge nigewawaha
hinašuwige, e xap’e hisge nįgewawaha
do it to me, so soon [indeed] my way



kerenana egishe wangwoiskajra hijahirusja hirege
kerenaną," egiži, wągwoiskajra hijahįrusja hirege,
I may go," he said, so the prisoner death material it was prepared, and



hijakereregishe wesha Shugepara hirakra washa
hijakereregiži, weže, "Šųgepara hirakra wažą
when they stood him ready, he said, "Šųgepaga once more something



hihegena eshe hohigegi wesha hirakra
hihegeną," éže. "Ho," higegi, weže, "Hirakra
I will say," he said. "All right," when he said, he said, "The last time



dani hahijena egi danihura hogishu
tani hahįjeną," égi tanihúra hogižú
tobacco I smoke," [and] the pipe to fill



hiranaga ija hagani hireshe dani
hiránąga įja hagani hireže. Tani
it was, and mouth to hold they did. Tobacco



hira rusjagi shege nidagishe waruxbeja
hira rusjągi, žigé ni tagiži, Waruxabeja
[he did] when he was through, again water he asked for, and from the Warbundle



raxnig hisha rushiranaga nihinis
raxnįk hižą rus hiránąga ni hiniš
little pail a to take they did, and water to dip



hiranaga nadanishu shege waruxbeja rushiranaga
hiránąga nątanižu žigé Waruxabeja rus hiránąga
they did, and maple sugar also from the Warbundle to take they did, and



hogiruska hiranaga rajgu gigireshe egi
hogirusgą hiránąga rajga gigíreže. Égi
to mix they did, and to drink they gave. Then



p. 9 —
wainabgi hamj najwogashe egi pixji
wa’inąbgi, hanąc nąjwogaže. Égi pįxjį
as he was thankful, all of them he blessed. Then well



tehiwakeshishe shugepaga exji hotera higiperes
t’ehi wakežiže Šųgepaga exjį hot’era higiperes
to kill he told them. Šųgepaga [he himself] to kill he knew how



jige esge e tehishe. shugepaga
žigé ésge e t’ehiže. Šųgepaga
again therefore he killed him. Šųgepaga



homani wanigi dee hisha hereshe
homąnį wanįgi, tee hižą hereže.
[time/place he walked] [when he took it,] [this] one he did.



ariea* shununa wangshig xedenigra worak
Aireašųnųną, wąkšik xetenįgra worak
So they say, people the old ones stories
*this is a metathesis for airea-.



hirega waruxb homina* egi haniuhiregi
hirega. Waruxap homąnį égi hani’ųhiregi,
when they tell. Warbundle path then which was carried,
*this is a metathesis for homani.



de shegu reginahanihajena wang hirusgijnagkage de shegu regi
težegų regina hani hajéną, wąk-hirusgijnąkage. Težegų regi
[now] [to keep] [to have] [I do,] man-bonds. Even now



pixji nagshna neshegu regi hirakana hajena
pįxjį nąkšaną. Težegų regi hirakana hajéną.
very good they are. At this time to be in charge I am.



mani hokahe wagehau hajena nexji
Mąnį́ hokahi wakihą’ų hajéną. Nexjį
Winter every I boil for it [I do.] My own



hijorkxji wang honihe dee wahagejini
hicokxjį wąk honįhé tee wahagejinį,
grandfathers men [band] this as they were them,



esge wau hajena
ésge wa’ų hajéną.
that is why to do it [I do.]



Paul Radin, "Shugepaga," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, [1908]) Notebook #66, Story 1. Informant: Caxšep-Horuxjį-Hire-ga (They Look upon an Eagle) of the Eagle Clan.