Hocąk Text — Šųgepaga
narrated by Caxšeporuxjįrega (They Look at an Eagle)
Notebook #66, Story 1: 1 |
The MS, without question, belongs to early 1908, the first year of Radin's field work, as evidenced by the "crude" orthography used, which shows some influence from the Hocąk Bible published by Stucki in 1903. This orthography was quickly jettisoned by Radin in favor of the European style used by J. O. Dorsey.
Stylistic Features |
Hapaxlegomena: ginąc, "downward course"; hąbgaše (hąbgaže?), "in the daytime"; hąhegaše (hąhegaže ?), "at night"; hijahįrusja, "death material (for a prisoner's execution)"; hirotu, "to camp"; hokarak, "to tell"; kirikarahe, "to go by" (cf. kirikara, "to walk over to someone"); nąjihiroją, "I am blessed with something" (> nąjiroją); naxjį, "you"; nįgewawaha, "my way"; regina, "to keep" (recorded by Marino); ruxgira, "to manage, cope with, something"; težegų regi, "even now, at this time"; toc(i)-hųgra, "warleader" (normally, tocąwąk); wąk hinįka, "prisoner"; wąk-woiskac, "prisoner"; wašą, "it would not do" (> šą, "to do wrong").
Rare words: hahį, "I smoke" (one occurrence elsewhere); hirakra, "the last time" (cf. hiragera, "last", the only other occurrance); horoxjį, "to look" (horuxji is attested at one place); hugižu, "to fill up," found only once elsewhere; jage, "how, what" (one other instance, possibly a shared typo for jasge); wajoršu, "warleader" (cf. wajoršu-ka, "the warleader"); winįkipax, "to ask" (only one other instance attested); žejiga, "then", used only once elsewhere.
the narrator preserves the /h/ in compounds whose second word begins with that letter. Ordinarily, this letter is lost in internal sandhi, and quite often in external sandhi as well.
dropping an /s/ before a final syllable /ge/: jage for jasge, žege for žesge. |
see comparative word frequency
The first line of each table is the Hocąk text as given in the MS. The second line is the corrected text in contemporary orthography. In the English line, words in brackets have been supplied from other sources.
Header —
Worak | de e | Tcaxcep Woruxji Hirega | e | Horakshana |
Worak | te-e | Caxšep-Woruxjį-Hire-ga | e | Horagšaną. |
[Story] | [this] | Eagle Looking They Did | he | he told it. |
p. 1 —
shugepaga | higaheregi | jekregi | hojkra | mogashuj |
Šųgepaga | higaheregi, | cekregi | hocire (?) | Mogašuc, |
Šųgepaga | [as] he is called, | [when] | they lived | Red Banks, |
arnaka | eja | minag | heregishe | wangwakanjank |
anąga | éja | minąk | heregiži. | Wąkwakąjąk |
and | there | [to sit] | he did. | Holy ones |
e | hisha | hereshe | egi | hagoreshe |
e | hižą | hereže. | Égi | hagoreže |
[he himself] | one | he was. | And | once |
de-e | honaja | wangshig | hisha | hokuhireshe |
tee | honąja (?) | wąkšik | hižą | hok’ų hireže, |
[this one] | in his sleep, | man | one | he was given, |
higahire | eske | egi | haginajnaguheregi | |
higahire. | Ésge | égi | haginącnąk’ų | heregi, |
[it is called.] | [Therefore,] | and | fasting | as he was, |
mauna | exji | maswakjexi | hisha | wixephuregi |
Mą’ųna | exjį | mąswakjexi | hižą | wixephuregi |
the Earthmaker | himself | Iron spirit* | a | in the east |
wij | hire | sewetubgishe | unke | pihinigejini |
Wijirasewe t’ųbgíži, | hąké | phinįgejinį, | ||
he placed for an earth-weight,* and | [not] | [because he was not good,] |
wangshig | hunubhimanira | wonaghirera | wagipige | eske |
wąkšik, | hunųbimanįra, | wonąǧirera | wagipige. | Ésge, |
humans, | [the two-legged walkers,] | wars | [because he liked them.] | Therefore, |
wangshig | tehinaga | waruj | jege | she-e |
wąkšik | t’ehinąga | waruc, | žigé | žee |
humans | he killed, and | he ate them, | and | [this] |
unke | pihinijegejini | mauna | hiperesge | eske |
hąké | pihinįjegejinį. | Mą’ųna | hiperesge, | ésge, |
not | it was not good. | Earthmaker | he knew it, | so therefore, |
tehirejege | eske | waushe | Shugepaga | e |
t’ehirejege, | ésge | wa’ųje, | Šųgepaga | e |
that he might kill him, | [thus] | [he did it,] | Šųgepaga | him |
hokushe | egi | jaskhotera | gigirejinage | |
hok’ųže. | Égi | jasge | hotera | gigire jinąge (?) |
he gave. | And | [what] | [remained] | [the means by which they might do,] |
harnj | hirasa | wogashe | hoegi | shugepaga |
hanąc | hirasá | wogaže. | Hoégi | Šųgepaga |
[all] | also | he gave to him. | So then | Šųgepaga |
wagigohanaga | egi | nashishe | egi | wangra |
wagigo hánąga | égi | nąžįže. | Égi | wągra |
feast, and | then | he arose. | And | men |
p. 2 —
danikira | hakishu | manijenashe | eshe | egi |
tanikira | hakižu | mąnįjenaže, | éže. | Égi |
only three | with him | he would go, | he said. | And |
wangra | stokigonagke | wawesiwinaga | wang | masjaxjira |
wągra | stokigonąke | wawesiwinąga | wąk | mąsjąxjįra |
the men | as they were gathered, | he looked them over, and | men | strong |
dani | harajshe | wangnagaka | hishkaja | gipinashe |
tani | haracše. | Wąknąkąka | hišgaga (?) | gipinaže. |
three | he picked. | The men | [in truth] | they were very glad. |
egi | jekgeja | shesheskerashana | uhiraniharege | sheguga |
Égi | c’ekéca, | žežesgerašana | ’ųhiraniharege. | Žegųga, |
And | in the beginning, | that was all | as they ever did. | [When they had done thus,] |
rusjahiregishe | kigora | egi | shejaga | dojhana |
rušcą́ hiregiži, | kigóra, | égi | žejąga | tojąna |
after they were done, | the feast, | [then] | [then] | the warriors |
hajihakawashe | wixephura | hapahireshe | unkaga | hisha |
hajihakairaže. | Wixephura | hapahíreže. | hąkagá | hižą |
they started out. | East | they went towards. | Never | one |
eja | hapahihiperes | winigaja | arnagshe |
éja | hapahihiperes, | winįgają, | ánąkše, |
there | [it was known in that direction,] | [not for days,] | [it is said.] |
jhihapera | waxopiniwaraj | jaxji | hisha | |
cihapera. | "Waxopini | warac | jaxjį | hižą |
the one who stayed at home. | "Spirit | [named] | what | [one] |
haguregaja | waugishe | harnj | arieashe | egi |
haguregają, | wa’ųgiže," | hanąc | arieaže. | Égi |
he is going after, | that he did this?" | all | they said. | [Then] |
dojhanaga | uhanihahirege | hambserej | shejiga | eja |
tocąnąka | ųhanihahirege | hąpserec. | Žejiga | éja |
the warriors | they travelled | all day. | Finally, | there |
hahi | hirotuhireshe | wang | danihajega | wanakewewishe | |
hahí | hirotu | hireže. | Wąk | tanihajega | wanąkewewiže.* |
[they went] | to camp | they did. | Men | the three | they were afraid. |
eske | wawishe | hokikite | hirage | unkaga |
Ésge, | wawíže, | hokikit’e, | "Hirage, | hąkagá |
Therefore, | they said, | as they talked together, | "[Ask him], | never |
p. 3 —
egi | jajaxjihipara | hisha | hapahinigaja | dee |
égi | jajaxjįhipara | hižą | hapahinįgają, | tee |
[here] | as long as it has been | anyone | not to come in the direction, | [this] |
jekji | waugaja | arnagahe | egi | dojhungra |
cekjį | wa’ųgają," | ánąkše. | "Égi | toc-hųgra |
[first time ] | [it was done," ] | they said. | "So | the leader |
dani | hugishuwigi | e | hiperes | wigipinana |
tani | hugižuwigi, | e | hiperés | wigipinaną," |
tobacco | [if we fill it up,] | [so] | to know | it would be better," |
a | wishe | wangnagka | egi | dani |
awiže, | wąknąka. | Égi | tani | |
they said, | the men. | [Then] | tobacco |
hogishurege | egi | danira | wagirushanaga | egi |
hogižurege, | égi | taníra | wagirusanąga | égi |
[so they filled it,] | and | the tobacco | he took it, and | [then] |
hande | hokarakhanaga | rasjagishe | danira | wonaxra |
hąte | hokarak hanąga | rašjągiži, | taníra | Wonąǧra |
blessings | he told, and | when he finished, | the tobacco | War |
hirukanara | janagakishe | wagiwaxushe. | egi | jobaha |
Hirukanara | janągakiži, | wagiwaxųže. | "Égi | jobahą |
Controllers | all, | he poured it for them. | "Then | [four] |
hiwagiuhinawina | wigeshe | eja | wijhishanagra | eja |
hįwagi’ųhinawiną," | wigeže. | "Éja | wij hišanągra, | éja |
we are going out traveling," | he told them. | "There | [Island who did wrong (?),] | there |
hajawijinena | hidanihara | hahi | hinawigishe | eshe |
hajawijįneną, | hitanihąra | hahí | hįnawigiže," | éže. |
[you will see,] | the third day | [on the way] | [we are going,"] | he said. |
dee | hidanihara | hahimahoshoros | ||
Tee | hitanihąra | hahi | mą | hošoros |
[These] | the third day | they went | earth | hollow |
minaggeshe | eja | hahi | minag | hiregaja |
minągeže. | Éja | hahí | minąk | hiregają. |
they sat. | There | they went | to sit | they did. |
dee | wanshig | hisha | washehisha | hawaunnaga |
Tee | wąkšik | hižą | wažahižą | hawa’ąnąka |
[These] | man | a | something | carrying on his shoulders |
eja | kirikaraheshe | gaarherena | wigeshe | horoxji | |
éja | kirikaraheže. | "Ga’á | heréną," | wigeže. | Horoxjį |
there | he was going by. | "That | he is," | he said to them. | To look |
p. 4 —
hiragaja | hajahireshe | egi | hinawinaga | hanigeshe |
hiregają, | hajahireže. | "Égi | hįnąwinąga | hanigiži, |
they did, and | they saw. | "Here | we will sleep, and | in the morning, |
hijorkehihiwira | nahisawaja | jinaggeshe | egi | hatubhijawina |
hicokehihiwira | nąhisawaja | jinągiži, | égi | hatųbijawiną," |
our grandfather | the top of the trees | he got to, | then | we shall rush upon him," |
wigeshe | egi | hinagishurukoshijawina | wigeshe | hahuhunagke |
wigeže. | "Égi | hįnagišurukos-hijawiną," | wigeže. | Hahuhunąke |
[he said to them.] | "And | you will capture him for me," | he said to them. | As they were anxious |
shee | hawau | unke | hanhe | eja |
žee | hawa’ų | hąké | hąhe | éja |
they | [for that reason] | not | night | there |
hanserej | minag | hireshe | hambragugishe | hikorohoreshe |
hąserec | minąk | hireže. | Hąbragugiži, | hikorohoreže. |
all night | to sit up | they did. | When it became day, | they got ready. |
wang | woikikaxra | wikarakikax | hireshe | rokikewe |
Wąk | woikikaxra | wikarakikax | hireže. | Rokikewe |
[Men] | war clothes | to put on | they did. | They painted themselves |
hiregishe | masja | hirakerak | hireshe | harnj |
hiregiži, | mąsją | hirakerak | hireže. | Hanąc |
they did, and | fair | to look upon | they were. | All |
wangra | nakeweskehireshe | egi | hikorohora | |
wągra | nąkeweske | hireže. | Égi | hikorohora |
the men | fearful | they were. | [And] | getting ready |
rusjahiregishe | eja | harnj | minag | hiranaga |
rusjahiregiži, | éja | hanąc | minąk | hiránąga |
when they were through, | there | all | to sit | they did, and |
wang | hadojhahirega | hajhijaxji | howajijanagi | |
wąk | hatocą | hirega | hacijaxjį | howajijanąki, |
men | on the warpath | which they were doing, | where | they would come out from, |
ejashna | horuxji nagu | egixji | dee | wang |
eja-šana | horuxjįnąka. | Égixjį | tee | wąk |
[just] there | they looked. | Just then | [this] | man |
xedexji | nakeweskexji | hisha | eja | jiraheshe |
xetexji | nąkeweskexjį | hižą | éja | jiraheže. |
big | [frightening] | one | there | he was going by. |
p. 5 —
egi | dojhihungra | weshe | hojinjinxjiwira | hidajexji wauwige |
Égi | toci-hųgra | weže, | "Hocįcįxjįwira | hitajexjį wa’ųwige, |
Then | the warleader | he said, | "Young men, | you must try your mightiest, |
jaskegi | niumb | harukoshigawina | wawegeshe | esge |
jaskegi | ni’ąb | harukos-higawiną," | wawegeže. | Ésge, |
and let us be sure | alive | we capture him," | he said to them. | Therefore, |
shegu | nux | hahireshe | wangnagka | hisha |
žegų | nųx | hahíreže. | Wąknąka | hižą |
[thus] | [to hear] | [they came.] | The men | one |
sakregi | naghahinaga | hanihire | naigaja | wangra |
sakregi | nąk-hahinąka, | hanįhire | ną’įgają, | wągra |
who was fleet | [he reached there running, and] | to tackled him | he tried, but | the man |
rok | kanashe | shege | hinubra | jigishe |
rokanaže. | Žigé | hinųbra | jigiži | |
he was very able. | [Again] | the second one | he arrived, and |
hija | gijirenaigaja | higureske | unke | hija | |
hija | gijiré | ną’įgają, | higųreske | hąké | hija |
there | to help | he tried, but | but still | not | there |
ruxgiranishe. | hidanra | jigishe | hija | horok |
ruxgiranįže. | Hitanira | jigiži, | hija | horok |
they could not manage him. | The third | he arrived, and | there | [to join in] |
hakinishishe | egixji | wajorshura | jigishe | sheguga |
hakinižįže. | Égixjį, | wajoršura | jigiži, | žegųga |
he took hold of him. | Just then, | the warleader | he arrived, and | [then] |
hijobike | uxjiharanihau | hagoresha | wira | ginaj |
hijóbike | ’ųxjįharaniha’ų | hagoréžą | wira | ginąc |
all four of them | they did their mightiest, until | finally | [the sun] | downward course |
hiregaja | egi | wangra | hanikinib | hireshe |
hiregają, | égi | wągra | hanį́kįnįp | hireže. |
it was, and | then | the man | to throw him to the ground | they did. |
egi | shegu | harukos | mig | hiranaga |
Égi | žegų | harukos | mįk | hiránąga |
[And] | then | to hold him | [lying] down | they did, and |
danihangwiga | egi | wajorshujega | waruxabeja | wang |
tanihągwiga | égi | wajoršujega | warughabežą | wąk |
the three of them | and | the warleader | [a warbundle] | man |
p. 6 —
hiruskgijra | warushanaga | egi | wangra | eja |
hirusgijra | warus hanąga | égi | wągra | éja |
bonds | [he got them, and] | [then] | the man | there |
unagu | horusgijhireshe | aranakeja | wagirusgijhiranaga | ||
’ųnąk’ų | horusgic | hireže. | Ara | nąkeja | wagirusgiciranąga |
finally | to bind | they did. | His arms | behind | they bound them, and |
egi | shejaga | hakarareshe | wangra | hija |
égi | žejąga | hakarareže. | Wągra | hija |
then | [finally] | they returned. | The man | there |
horokungshe | unagu | hagieja | hahanheregi | eja |
horok’ųže. | ’Ųnąk’ų, | hagieja | hahąheregi | éja |
[he joined them.] | Finally, | as they went | night came upon them | there |
hiwoshabireshe | wangra | shege | hurawagi* | rusgij* |
hiwuš’abireže. | Wągra | žigé | hura | wagirusgic |
[they stopped.] | The man | [also] | his legs | to be bound together |
hireshe | egi | hirakarahireshe | haheserej | |
hireže. | Égi | hirakara | hireže, | hąheserec. |
they were. | And | to guard | they did, | all night. |
egi | hamb | hakerigi | shege | hagi |
Égi | hąp | hakerigi, | žigé | hagi |
Then | day | when it was, | again | [there] |
hakarareshe | hambgashe | hura | wangjega | wagiruske |
hakarareže. | Hąbgaše* | hura | wąkjega | wagiruske |
they started on. | In the daytime | his legs | the man | bindings |
hiresrshe* | hanhegashe | rusgiji | hiresrshe | deshegu |
hires’aže. | Hąhegaše | rusgici | hires’aže. | Težegų |
[they would do.] | At night | to bind | they would do. | Thus |
giginagshe | hanhe | hokahi | hidanihanra | hakirina |
giginąkše, | hąhe | hokahi. | Hitanihąra | hakirina |
they did, | night | every. | The third one | [the return trip] |
hiregishe | egi | hambhakirigishe | wang hiningka | eja |
hiregiži, | égi | hąp hakirigiži, | wąk hinįka | éja |
it was, and | [and] | as day approached, | the prisoner | [there] |
shejaga | weshe | Shugepara | winigipax | hijenena |
žejąga | weže, | "Šųgepara | winįkipax | hijeneną," |
[then] | he said, | "Šųgepaga | to ask something | I am going to do," |
p. 7 —
eshe | hisha | wangaguswigi | exji* | najjojanaga |
éže. | "Hižą | wągagųswigi, | exjį | nąjojąnąga |
he said. | "The one | who created us, | himself | he blessed me, and |
jajaxji | managre | nihegishe | egi | wijdee |
jajaxjį | mąnągre | nihegiži, | égi | wijtee |
as long as | the earth | it remains, | here | this continent |
haise | wehaniheje | egi | hitubshana | esge |
haisewe | haniheže, | égi | hit’ųpšaną. | Ésge, |
weight | [I am around this place,] | [here] | he placed. | Therefore, |
jage | ranaga | wairagishu | gishe | honagisharakjeje |
jage | ranąga | wairagiš’ųgiži, | honagišarakježe | |
how | [to go, and] | you do to me | [you will put them on me] |
hirawahajena | eshe | Shugepaga | nashinaga | wageshe |
hirawahajeną?" | éže. | Šųgepaga | nąžįnąga | wageže, |
[you will hand me?"] | [he said.] | Šųgepaga | he arose, and | he said to him, |
egi | washagusra | mauna | e | nigusgishi |
"Égi, | Wažągųsra, | Mą’ųna, | e | nigųsgiži, |
"Well, | the Maker of Things, | Earthmaker, | he himself | he made you, and |
xedenigusnunige | wangshig | hunubhimanira | ||
xete | nigųs | nunige | wąkšik, | hinųbimąnįra, |
great | he created you | but | humans, | [the two-legged walkers,] |
wonaxhireuhiregeshe | waragipinaga | hisge | shurajege | |
wonąǧire | ’ųhiregiži, | waragipįnąga | hišgé | š’ųrajege, |
war | that they did, | you liked, and | also | you did it, and |
wangshig | rajrajare | woishana | raxederarajege | unke |
wąkšig | rajrajare. | Woišana | raxeterarajege, | hąké |
humans | you are eating. | Wrong | you are doing a great one, and | not |
piniragejini | esge | deshege | naxji | najhirojanena |
pįniragejįnį, | ésge, | težege* | naxjį† | nąjihirojąneną. |
since you have not done right, | therefore, | [in this way] | you | I was blessed. |
esge | wanigeuna | higeshe | egi | epina |
Ésge, | wanige’ųną," | higeže. | "Égi | epíną |
Therefore, | I do thus to you,' | he said. | "And | it is good |
p. 8 —
pixji | honagisharakra | hisgexji | washana | eshe |
pįxjį | honagišarakra, | hisgéxjį | wašaną," | éže, |
[very good] | telling of it, | the truth | you have told me," | he said, |
Maswakjexijega | egi | washa | nige | howarajiwige |
Mąswakjexijega. | "Égi | wašą | nįge | howarajiwige, |
the iron Waterspirit. | "And | it would not do | [someplace] | if you go, |
eja | hipihanishe | higujasge | hinagigiwijegi | egi |
éja | hipįhaniže. | Higųjasge | hinagigiwijegi, | égi |
where | you came from. | Whatever | you are going to do, | here |
hinashuwige | e | xab•e | hisge | nigewawaha |
hinašuwige, | e | xap’e | hisge | nįgewawaha |
do it to me, | so | soon | [indeed] | my way |
kerenana | egishe | wangwoiskajra | hijahirusja | hirege |
kerenaną," | egiži, | wągwoiskajra | hijahįrusja | hirege, |
I may go," | he said, so | the prisoner | death material | it was prepared, and |
hijakereregishe | wesha | Shugepara | hirakra | washa |
hijakereregiži, | weže, | "Šųgepara | hirakra | wažą |
when they stood him ready, | he said, | "Šųgepaga | once more | something |
hihegena | eshe | hohigegi | wesha | hirakra | |
hihegeną," | éže. | "Ho," | higegi, | weže, | "Hirakra |
I will say," | he said. | "All right," | when he said, | he said, | "The last time |
dani | hahijena | egi | danihura | hogishu |
tani | hahįjeną," | égi | tanihúra | hogižú |
tobacco | I smoke," | [and] | the pipe | to fill |
hiranaga | ija | hagani | hireshe | dani |
hiránąga | įja | hagani | hireže. | Tani |
it was, and | mouth | to hold | they did. | Tobacco |
hira | rusjagi | shege | nidagishe | waruxbeja | |
hira | rusjągi, | žigé | ni | tagiži, | Waruxabeja |
[he did] | when he was through, | again | water | he asked for, and | from the Warbundle |
raxnig | hisha | rushiranaga | nihinis | ||
raxnįk | hižą | rus | hiránąga | ni | hiniš |
little pail | a | to take | they did, and | water | to dip |
hiranaga | nadanishu | shege | waruxbeja | rushiranaga | |
hiránąga | nątanižu | žigé | Waruxabeja | rus | hiránąga |
they did, and | maple sugar | also | from the Warbundle | to take | they did, and |
hogiruska | hiranaga | rajgu | gigireshe | egi |
hogirusgą | hiránąga | rajga | gigíreže. | Égi |
to mix | they did, and | to drink | they gave. | Then |
p. 9 —
wainabgi | hamj | najwogashe | egi | pixji |
wa’inąbgi, | hanąc | nąjwogaže. | Égi | pįxjį |
as he was thankful, | all of them | he blessed. | Then | well |
tehiwakeshishe | shugepaga | exji | hotera | higiperes | |
t’ehi | wakežiže | Šųgepaga | exjį | hot’era | higiperes |
to kill | he told them. | Šųgepaga | [he himself] | to kill | he knew how |
jige | esge | e | tehishe. | shugepaga |
žigé | ésge | e | t’ehiže. | Šųgepaga |
again | therefore | he | killed him. | Šųgepaga |
homani | wanigi | dee | hisha | hereshe |
homąnį | wanįgi, | tee | hižą | hereže. |
[time/place he walked] | [when he took it,] | [this] | one | he did. |
ariea* | shununa | wangshig | xedenigra | worak |
Aireašųnųną, | wąkšik | xetenįgra | worak | |
So they say, | people | the old ones | stories |
hirega | waruxb | homina* | egi | haniuhiregi |
hirega. | Waruxap | homąnį | égi | hani’ųhiregi, |
when they tell. | Warbundle | path | then | which was carried, |
de shegu | reginahanihajena | wang | hirusgijnagkage | de shegu regi | ||
težegų | regina | hani | hajéną, | wąk-hirusgijnąkage. | Težegų regi | |
[now] | [to keep] | [to have] | [I do,] | man-bonds. | Even now |
pixji | nagshna | neshegu regi | hirakana | hajena |
pįxjį | nąkšaną. | Težegų regi | hirakana | hajéną. |
very good | they are. | At this time | to be in charge | I am. |
mani | hokahe | wagehau | hajena | nexji |
Mąnį́ | hokahi | wakihą’ų | hajéną. | Nexjį |
Winter | every | I boil for it | [I do.] | My own |
hijorkxji | wang | honihe | dee | wahagejini |
hicokxjį | wąk | honįhé | tee | wahagejinį, |
grandfathers | men | [band] | this | as they were them, |
esge | wau | hajena |
ésge | wa’ų | hajéną. |
that is why | to do it | [I do.] |
Paul Radin, "Shugepaga," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, [1908]) Notebook #66, Story 1. Informant: Caxšep-Horuxjį-Hire-ga (They Look upon an Eagle) of the Eagle Clan.