A Sioux’s Story
retold by George Ricehill
Interlinear Hocąk-English Text
by Oliver LaMère
p. 1 —
Hąhą́, | égi | žigé | worágižą | hotagíkjanèną | Šąhą́ |
Yes, | and | again | a worak | I will tell. | Sioux |
woragížą | herekjanéną. | Égi | uáñgera | nųpíwi | hicakáro |
a worak | it will be. | And | men | two | friends |
kį́negi | wakącáñgere | že | aíreną. | Mącó-inesaìreže. | Hocínciniñgìžą, |
they made one another | powerful (with holy power) | [this] | [they said]. | Grizzly bears they could make themselves. | A boy, |
wa-inániñgìžą, | hišgé | cinuñkéja | ’ų́jegi. | Rážera | Mązíniñka |
an orphan, | he too | that town | he was about. | His name | "[Little] Iron" |
p. 2 —
higaíreže. | Hocinciníñgera | šgájirega | hoišípjį | rašžée | ešanáxjį |
they called him. | Little boys | when they play | all the time | that name | that only |
rac | hakírihairešgùni | higų́ | raž | xétexjį | hiráną-íne. |
name | they called him | and | name | big | they thought. |
Gíži | uañk | hicakáro | ki-óñka | hañké | gipį́nanišgùni. |
[This] | man | friends | who made themselves | not | they liked it. |
Wairešgúni, | "Hicakáro, | Mązíniñka | higanáñgera | t’éhigi | y’aréną |
They said, | "Friend, | "[Little] Iron" | who is called | let's kill him | I think |
égi | tanióžu | xúra | hiñkik’úñgi. | Y’aréną | haínegi |
[and] | tobacco pouch | his skin | we will make for ourselves. | I think | tomorrow |
wirararócąjégi." | Égi | wanáñka | uañkšígere | hañké | gipįnaínige |
at noon." | There | those that say it | the men | not | they do not like it |
p. 3 —
žésge | gigínañkše | aíreną, | ásge | hocincíniñkjega | hogiragiréšguni, |
that kind | they did to him | [they said], | [and so] | that boy | they told him, |
"Giázikjege," | égi | hoxjánanegi | giaskáną. | Égi | haínegi |
"Run away," | and | in the evening | he ran away. | And | in the morning |
uañgenáñka | honínegàją. | Hañké | hi-érainigi. | "Hicakáro, |
these men | hunted for him. | Not | they did not find him. | "Friend, |
higų́ žeguñkjéną. | Kiri’ege | t’ehíhikjèną. | Kiri’kjanegàją." | Égi | hocincíniñkjega |
let it go. | When he gets back | we will kill him. | He will come back." | And | that boy |
gi-ázera. | ’Ųhešgúni | jobóhą | nañgáją. | Éja | cëxjį́žą, |
ran away. | He was going on | four times | he slept. | [There] | a buffalo, |
p. 4 —
sgaxjį́žą, | gáją | hokit’éže, | "Hicųšgé," | higešgúni. | Cë́jega |
a real white one, | and then | he talked to him, | "My nephew," | he called him. | The buffalo |
wéže, | "Néwa-uñgé | égi | ráji. | Égi, | tégi, |
said, | "Through my efforts | here | you came. | Here, | right here, |
ci ženúñgere | e-órawašèrekjanèną. | Éja | rahígi | mąco | cížą |
is a house | into which you will go. | [There] | when you came | grizzly bear | tent |
wagéną. | Éja | rahigíži, | égi | jasgérakjegìži | honiñgíragirèkjanèną. |
I mean. | There | when you come, | here | what to do | they will tell you. |
p. 5 —
Y’apérezajèną | jagú | niñgaíreną. | Tani-óžu | ni-ųnaìnera | ásge |
I know | what | they said to you. | Tobacco pouch | they tried to make of you | [and so] |
égi | jeníną." | Égi | hocinciniñkjega | mącóci | wagéga, |
here | I made you come." | [And] | that boy | grizzly-house | [that] he talked about, |
e-owárešgùni. | Hijáhigają | ciróbeja | higáją | mącó cináñka |
there he went. | When he got there | at the door | he got | that grizzly bear house |
hoixjįšgúni. | Hetágeja | mąco | šujížą | mináñgenañkše | gáją |
full it was. | Rear end of tent | grizzly bear | a red one | was sitting | and then |
wešgúni, | "Néwa’uñge. | Égi | rajíną," | higešgúni, | "hiniñgenína," |
said, | "I did it. | Here | you came," | he said to him, | "you are my son," |
p. 6 —
higešgúni, | "égi | t’éni nąįnéra. | Nąjonigíjañge | ásge | égi |
he told him, | "and | they tried to kill you. | I blessed you | so | here |
jeníną. | Égi | hicakáro | kínañka | hiñké | žesgé |
I made you come. | [Here] | friends | the two of them | not | kind |
hiwašinína. | Péžega | žesgé | hiwašégi? | Hipáñgikjanèną | ci-ožu-ágere, |
I did not tell him to do. | Who | that kind | told him to do? | I'm going to ask | this house full, |
'Hacánuñka | ’ųwašégi?' | Y’apéreznaiñkjanèną. | Mąco | kínañka, |
'Which one of you | told him to do?' | I will try and find out. | Grizzly bears | they make themselves, |
wagéną." | Égi | mącónañka | heną́ci | wigiwañxgáją, | hiñkížą |
I mean them." | And | grizzly bears | all | he asked them, | not one |
p. 7 —
wažį pérezeníže. | Égi | hižą́ | ciróbenigèja | nañkíži | kagažábenìži. |
they knew nothing about it. | And | one | by the door | he was | never said a word. |
"Koté! | teé | wëgúni. | Cángera | hot’únikjawìną. | Hañké |
"Say! | this [one] | must have said it. | Outside | let us throw him. | Not |
mąk’úhąnegi | horajaínikjanèną." | Cañgerot’unainešgùni. | Égi | wirukonónañka. |
under ground | he will not visit again." | They threw him out. | [And] | the chief, |
"Rakérekjanèną," | higešgúni. | Égixjį | gáją | Mązínoñka* | cínañk |
"You're going home," | he said to him. | And just then | and so | [Little] Iron | town |
p. 8 —
howájiga, | éja | huñgerá | hiniñgera | ëcakárohiže. | Kínamązènañka |
where he was, | there | chief | son | was his friend. | He was to Iron |
hicakároniñgera. | Hišgúni, | "Hicakáro, | tégi | horašúra | y’apérezge, |
his little friend. | He came, | "My friend, | here | where you came from | I knew, |
ásge | hajíną. | Nišgé | mąco | te-e. | Hi-uncána. |
so | I came. | I too | grizzlies | these. | My father also. |
Hiñgigíži, | hicakáro, | kínuñka | t’ewahíkjeną." | Hakárerešgùni. | Hoxją́na-egíregi |
When we get home, | my friend, | the two | we will kill." | They went home. | In the evening |
hagirešgúni | cinañgéja | égi | Mązéniñka | kiríną | airešgúni. |
they got home | in town | and | [Little] Iron | came home | they said. |
p. 9 —
"Jajañkírigi, | hicakáro, | t’ehíkje, | hi-éžare. | Haínegi | t’ehiñkjéną." |
"Whenever he got home, | friend, | let's kill him, | we said. | Tomorrow | we will kill him." |
Égi | Mązéniñka | hižą́ | hikóroke | hígiži. | Wešgúni, |
and | [Little] Iron | one | grandmother | he had. | She said, |
"Hicųšgé, | t’eninékjinegàją. | Hicakáro | kínañgre | žégų | ’ú-inekjéną." |
"My nephew, | they're going to kill you. | Friends | who are | let | them do it." |
Hainigàją | cinañgipaíja | xeš’ógi | minañkíži | hihagéja | Mązéniñka |
Next morning | at the end of the town | little hill | there was | on top | [Little] Iron |
hicakárora | karaíkižu | ’uanáñgwišgùni. | Gáją | hicakáro | kínañka |
his friend | with him | they were. | And so | friend | who was |
p. 10 —
jajáneją | cinañgéja | hosásak’irešgùni, | "T’éwahirekjenèga | ásge | worúguc." |
already | in town | they shouted, | "They're going to kill them | [and so] | look [out]." |
Hirekjéga | hihinóberešgùni | uañkšígere. | Žéjuñga | mącó | kį-ánañga. |
Wondered | as they (the people) came out | the people. | Now | grizzly bears | they made themselves. |
Hijówarairešgùni. | Mązéniñka | ho-’unáñka | éja | ašgéxjiniñk | hahiregáją. |
There they went towards the others. | [Little] Iron | when he was | there | real close | they came. |
Hocincíniñgenàñka | hišgé | hosásagirešgùni | égi | mącó | kįnešgúni. |
The boys | too | shouted like bears | and | grizzlies | made themselves. |
p. 11 —
Wakirárešgùni. | Uañk | xétenañka | t’ewa-híreže. | Ka pį́ | hinináñge |
They fought with them. | Man | the large one | they killed. | Right | they did not do |
ásge | t’ewahíreže | aíreną. | Ha ženuñgáną. |
so | they killed them | [they said]. | That's all. |
George Ricehill, A Sioux Tale, with an interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909?) Winnebago III, #11a, 1-11.