Hocąk Text — South Enters the Medicine Lodge
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
As is the case with a number of other Radin interlinear MSS, this text is full of abbreviations for common word terminations.
α | β | γ | ɜ | ρ | ϕ | Ↄ• | 2 | ɕ | 9 | ⨪ | - | ·| | ᴗ | > |
égi | éja | giži | šana | ánąga | hąké | kjanéną (?) | že | -xjį | -žą | nąk, nañk | -ra | ną | -regi | gi |
In the interlinear text where the translation is missing, it has been supplied whenever possible from the English text of The Road of Life and Death (see Source). Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].
Key —
First Row | "raw" interlinear text from Paul Radin, Notebook, Winnebago III, #4: 10-11. |
Second Row | the text in the updated orthography. |
Third Row | English translation based in part on that of The Road of Life and Death. |
witcùga | mi[⨪][-] | haⁿbókahi | niháⁿ | wañgat’ôⁿbᴇ[⨪´]ᴇ |
Wicúga | minągera | hąbókahi | nįhą́ | wągat’ǫbeną́ge |
The corners | the ones who sit | [every day] | some breaths | they place onto us |
djopíwi | anañgwí[γ] | waíhag[-] | wiórotcaⁿdjerégi[⨪]í | xônunếre[Ↄ•´] |
jopíwi | anągwigiži | waíhagera | wiórocąjeréginągí | xonunérekjanéną. ? |
four | [as they lay there,] | the last one | as the one in the south | the small one he is. |
é[ɜ] | hidjaira[2] | háⁿbirukốnô | xêdé[9] | hêre[2´] |
Éšana | hijairaže. | Hą́birukóno | xetéžą | herežé. |
[He alone] | he was the most noted. | In control of Light | [a great one] | he is. |
[ϕ]agá | hahahếninañk[2] | [ϕ]agá | maiⁿdadjécicîk | hamanínê[⨪][2] |
Hąkagá | hahahéninąkše. | Hąkagá | mąįtajéšišík | hamanínenąkše. |
Never | darkness never overtakes him. | Not | bad winds | they did not come upon him. |
haⁿbᴇrími[⨪] | kônôk[γ´] | tcí[-] | haⁿbᴇrikokíri | gigí[⨪][2] |
Hąberíminąk | konokiži, | cira, | hąberikokíri | gigínąkše. |
By the light | he set | his tent, | shimmering with Light and Life | [it was made.] |
wagû́ⁿzotcíra | tcawe[•|´]gi | maⁿ’úṇa | haⁿb[-´] | djasgérukốnogigí[-] |
Wagų́zocíra | caweną́gi, | Mą’ų́na | hąberá | jasgé-rukónogigira |
The Creation Lodge | as he made his way towards, | Earthmaker | the light | [however much there is] |
hanáⁿtcîⁿ[ɕ] | rohik’ŭ[ρ´] | [α] | wagû́ⁿzotcí[-] | tcawé[2] |
hanącįxjį | rohik’uanąga | égi | Waų́zocíra | cawéže. |
all of it | he is clothed with, and | [then] | The Creation Lodge | he went towards. |
hoidjê | djobốhaⁿ | ruhádjidje[>´] | wagû́ⁿzotcí[-] | tcirób[β] |
Hoije | jobóhą | ruhádjidjegí, | Waų́zocíra | ciróbeja |
Steps | four | [after he took steps,] | the Creation Lodge | at the door |
djidjé[2] | hokếwê[>´] | tcíroi[ɕ]áñk[2] | [ϕ] | haⁿb[-´] |
jiježe. | Hokewegí, | ciroixji-ą́kše. | Hąké | hąberá |
he stood. | When he entered, | the lodge was full. | Not | light |
nîñgikirudjî́zᴇni[2] | tciókiság[-] | wanáⁿ´’íañkêré[ᴗ] | haⁿb[-´] |
nįgikirujízeniže.* | Ciókiságera | waną́’íąkeréregi, | hąberá |
it was not lacking. | [In the middle of the lodge] | when they put their minds, | light |
rukirikíriák[2] | hoicấro | hokaraíwîñx[2´] | [α] | horánih[β´] |
rukirikíriákše. | Hoišáro | hokaraíwįxšé. | Égi | horánihéja |
it sparkled. | The right side | he turned around. | [Then] | where he started from |
p. 11 —
kiridjế[γ] | nañgú[-] | tcow[β´][⨪]a | howáhiⁿbí[ᴗ] |
kírijégiži, | nągúra | cowéjanąka | howáhįbíregi |
[when he started,] | the Road | the first one | which they had already started to tread in |
haⁿb[-´] | karapiếsgê | djîbíra[Ↄ•´] | rek‘úhuhí[-] | nañgú[-] |
hąberá | karapiésge | jibírakjanéną. | Rek’úhuhíra | nągúra |
light | pleasant | he made it come. | The South | the Road |
howéhîⁿbígi | haⁿb[-´] | hidjaí[-] | djîbí[2] | tciáka |
howéhįbígi, | hąberá | hidjaíra | jibíže. | Ciáka |
[as he momentarily set it out] | light | [more] | [he made it.] | The lodge |
hitcûⁿcgế | gikarádjire[-] | hido-î́ ⁿ | mi[⨪´][2] |
Hicųšgé | Gikarájirera | hito’į́ | miną́kše. |
Nephew | He Whom They Call | [to be proud] | he sat. |
Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3890 (Philadelphia: American Philosophiical Library, n.d.) Winnebago III, #4: 10-11; Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 222-223 (English translation).