Hocąk Text — South Enters the Medicine Lodge

narrated by Jasper Blowsnake

Winnebago III, #4: 10-11

English Translation

As is the case with a number of other Radin interlinear MSS, this text is full of abbreviations for common word terminations.

α β γ ɜ ρ ϕ Ↄ• 2 ɕ 9 - ·| >
égi éja giži šana ánąga hąké kjanéną (?) že -xjį -žą nąk, nañk -ra -regi gi

In the interlinear text where the translation is missing, it has been supplied whenever possible from the English text of The Road of Life and Death (see Source). Where a missing translation has been supplied from other sources, it is enclosed in brackets, [ ].

Key —

First Row "raw" interlinear text from Paul Radin, Notebook, Winnebago III, #4: 10-11.
Second Row the text in the updated orthography.
Third Row English translation based in part on that of The Road of Life and Death.

p. 10 —
witcùga mi[⨪][-] haⁿbókahi niháⁿ wañgat’ôⁿbᴇ[⨪´]ᴇ
Wicúga minągera hąbókahi nįhą́ wągat’ǫbeną́ge
The corners the ones who sit [every day] some breaths they place onto us



djopíwi anañgwí[γ] waíhag[-] wiórotcaⁿdjerégi[⨪]í xônunếre[Ↄ•´]
jopíwi anągwigiži waíhagera wiórocąjeréginągí xonunérekjanéną. ?
four [as they lay there,] the last one as the one in the south the small one he is.



é[ɜ] hidjaira[2] háⁿbirukốnô xêdé[9] hêre[2´]
Éšana hijairaže. Hą́birukóno xetéžą herežé.
[He alone] he was the most noted. In control of Light [a great one] he is.



[ϕ]agá hahahếninañk[2] [ϕ]agá maiⁿdadjécicîk hamanínê[⨪][2]
Hąkagá hahahéninąkše. Hąkagá mąįtajéšišík hamanínenąkše.
Never darkness never overtakes him. Not bad winds they did not come upon him.



haⁿbᴇrími[⨪] kônôk[γ´] tcí[-] haⁿbᴇrikokíri gigí[⨪][2]
Hąberíminąk konokiži, cira, hąberikokíri gigínąkše.
By the light he set his tent, shimmering with Light and Life [it was made.]



wagû́ⁿzotcíra tcawe[•|´]gi maⁿ’úṇa haⁿb[-´] djasgérukốnogigí[-]
Wagų́zocíra caweną́gi, Mą’ų́na hąberá jasgé-rukónogigira
The Creation Lodge as he made his way towards, Earthmaker the light [however much there is]



hanáⁿtcîⁿ[ɕ] rohik’ŭ[ρ´] [α] wagû́ⁿzotcí[-] tcawé[2]
hanącįxjį rohik’uanąga égi Waų́zocíra cawéže.
all of it he is clothed with, and [then] The Creation Lodge he went towards.



hoidjê djobốhaⁿ ruhádjidje[>´] wagû́ⁿzotcí[-] tcirób[β]
Hoije jobóhą ruhádjidjegí, Waų́zocíra ciróbeja
Steps four [after he took steps,] the Creation Lodge at the door



djidjé[2] hokếwê[>´] tcíroi[ɕ]áñk[2] [ϕ] haⁿb[-´]
jiježe. Hokewegí, ciroixji-ą́kše. Hąké hąberá
he stood. When he entered, the lodge was full. Not light


nîñgikirudjî́zᴇni[2] tciókiság[-] wanáⁿ´’íañkêré[ᴗ] haⁿb[-´]
nįgikirujízeniže.* Ciókiságera waną́’íąkeréregi, hąberá
it was not lacking. [In the middle of the lodge] when they put their minds, light
*> nįge-hikirujís-ni-že.



rukirikíriák[2] hoicấro hokaraíwîñx[2´] [α] horánih[β´]
rukirikíriákše. Hoišáro hokaraíwįxšé. Égi horánihéja
it sparkled. The right side he turned around. [Then] where he started from



p. 11 —
kiridjế[γ] nañgú[-] tcow[β´][⨪]a howáhiⁿbí[ᴗ]
kírijégiži, nągúra cowéjanąka howáhįbíregi
[when he started,] the Road the first one which they had already started to tread in



haⁿb[-´] karapiếsgê djîbíra[Ↄ•´] rek‘úhuhí[-] nañgú[-]
hąberá karapiésge jibírakjanéną. Rek’úhuhíra nągúra
light pleasant he made it come. The South the Road



howéhîⁿbígi haⁿb[-´] hidjaí[-] djîbí[2] tciáka
howéhįbígi, hąberá hidjaíra jibíže. Ciáka
[as he momentarily set it out] light [more] [he made it.] The lodge



hitcûⁿcgế gikarádjire[-] hido-î́ ⁿ mi[⨪´][2]
Hicųšgé Gikarájirera hito’į́ miną́kše.
Nephew He Whom They Call [to be proud] he sat.



Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3890 (Philadelphia: American Philosophiical Library, n.d.) Winnebago III, #4: 10-11; Paul Radin, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians. Bollingen Series V (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973 [1945]) 222-223 (English translation).