The Stone that Turned into a Frog
by George Ricehill
Interlinear Hocąk-English Text
by Oliver LaMère
This manuscript is written very clearly in the hand of Oliver LaMère.
p. 16 —
Hąhą́, | égi | wotágikjanèną. | Égi | hagiréžą | wągižą. |
Yes,. | here | a story I'll tell. | And | [one came?] | a man. |
Éja | howé | nañkíkara | wąkšegáją. | Nížura | rokónoxjįže |
there | [out?] | hunting | he was. | Rain | mighty hard was. |
hosnáxje | éja | uáñk’ų | wa’ųšgúni, | gíži | woruxuxucgáją |
Prairie | there | he was | when it came, | and so | looking around |
íni | xetexjį́že | ejanąki | kųhaį́ja | minąkšgúni. | Gáją |
rock | big it was | there was | under it | he sat. | And then |
Wakąjára | mąšjáxjį | k’oiregáją | jąberášge | žégų | móija, |
the Thunderbird | mighty | thundered | looked | and as | on earth, |
p. 17 —
hirakére | jikirikére | hirešgúni | gíži | wąkšigenąka | gi-ásguni. |
connected | they did | they made it | and so | the people | ran away. |
Higų́ | ašgéniñk | gigáją | inixedènąka. | Waką́ja |
And | close | he got | the big rock. | Thunderbird |
hojįnešgúni | žégų | howanáną | jihuhíre. | Ini | nihera |
struck it | and | rolled it down | they made it come. | Stone | ? |
te[e] | kéwaxgu | xetéžą | wa’uną́kše | aireną. | Ini |
this | frog | a big one | it was | [they said]. | [Stone] |
Hajajéra. | Ini. | kinąk’ų | herešgúni | žésge | aíreną. |
that saw it. | Stone | making itself | at that time | that kind | [they said]. |
hisgexjéže | aíreną | žénųga |
it was so | [they said] | that's all. |
George Ricehill, Tale of a Stone that Turned into a Frog, transcribed by Oliver LaMere, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #19, Freeman #3899 [1254] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1909) 16-17; George Ricehill, No Title, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #11a, Freeman ##3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1905 [revised, 1945]) Story XVI, p. 72.