Turtle and the Giant
narrated by Charlie Houghton
interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère
p. 160 —
"Hąhą́ | hicakáro, | hąp tée | wawagáx | níñgi-’uñkjanèną | uáñgerucgè |
["Yes] | [my friend,] | today | writing | I will make for you | Giant |
pį́na," | e wairéną. | Hąhé | wigaíregi | é weže, | aíreną. |
a good one," | they said it. | Moon | they called him | he said it, | [they said.] |
É | tée | wanáñkiciñxjįnèže | aíreną. | Uañgerúcgenòñka | wéže, |
Him | this | lived very close with them they did | [they said]. | The Giant | said, |
"Hicakáro, | uáñkšik | rújere | ro-águną." | "Hicakáro, | žésge |
"My friend, | people | go eat | I wish." | ["Friend], | that kind |
ragí | Mą’úna | hiñké | wañgaípinikjanèną." | éže, | higuą́sgaxiri |
if you do | Earthmaker | [not] | will not like it." | he said, | but anyhow |
p. 161 —
húže. | Žéjuñga | jigíži | uáñkšik | hokinínąìñgają | Kecúñgega |
he came. | Now | when arrived | people | he was trying to look for but | [Turtle] |
hakiránañga, | mąhí | akíp’ahira | hik’uánañga, | kisákjį | rukonokhìreže, |
fought with him, | with knife | two edged | used it and, | in two | they cut him, |
aíreną. | Uañgerúcgejega | nąsúra | gixuxgáją. | Worúšigra | hokíracį |
[they said.] | That Giant | his head | they broke open. | Wampum | all kinds |
nąsúrogra | hoixjį́je, | aíreną. | Kecúñgega | haną́cį | ruzánañga |
inside his head | it was full, | [they said]. | [Turtle] | all | took it and |
p. 162 —
tójera | hoíxjį, | nąpíñgiže, | aíreną. | Kecúñgegàšaną | uañgerúcgera |
his throat, neck | full, | wore it home, | [they said]. | Turtle only | the Giant |
wikšakšás’aže, | aíreną. | Mą’úna | e ’uñgigíže | aíreną. |
he used them anyway, | [they said]. | Earthmaker | gave him that power, | [they said]. |
Charlie N. Houghton, "A Story about Turtle and a Giant," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Winnebago III, #9, Freeman #3894. (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) 160-162.