Hocąk Text — Turtle’s Warparty, Version 2
narrated by Charlie N. Houghton
interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère
There are three sources upon which the present text is based, the interlinear (I), which was the initial transcription apparently based upon a series of phonograph recordings, a new technology in 1908. The seconds and definitive interlinear is by Oliver LaMère, and represents a revision of I. The last is the untranslated but corrected phonetic text (Ph).
The interlinear MS (I), is written in dark pencil in a fairly clear hand. The Hocąk text appears to have been written on unlined paper with a space left open below each line for the translation, which was written in later. It is thoroughly translated compared to many of his later MSS. The story begins about 2/3 of the way down the page and is identified by a title line beginning at the left margin that reads, "XXXV Informant — Charlie N. Houghton" after which the word "Copied" is written and underlined. This word is written in ink and apparently in the same hand as the phonetic MS Ph.
The phonetic MS (Ph) is written in ink in a clear hand with good definition. It is a phonetic text without translation. Near the left margin, 2 inches from the top, is written "XI", identifying the story number. Directly below, flush with the left margin, is written, "Told by C. Houghton July 1908." This is set off by a series of horizontal dashes from one margin to the other, both above and below the line identifying the author. The MS is paragraphed by initial 2 inch indentations. Ph appears to be an attempt at a final draft by Radin himself. In many ways it is hyper-corrected, and uses an orthography which came to be quickly out dated by Radin's own standards. However, it is useful in sometimes supplying accents that are not indicated in the other manuscripts.
The MS OL is an interlinear translation written in ink by Oliver LaMère in alternating lines of Hocąk and English. The text occupies the center half of each page with very large upper and lower margins. On the first page, the title and authorship is centered as follows:
How Turtle went on the Warpath
Told by Charlie Houghton
Translated by Oliver Lamere
There are four sets of pagination, one in the upper right of each page, and three in the upper left. The most prominent of the three in the upper left, which runs from 290-313, was chosen for the OL pagination of this version of the text.
The orthography adopted for the text here presented is not that of any one MS, but the one that Radin used in his last works. The orthography, however, should not in any way distort the record of Houghton's words.
p. OL. 290, I. 314, Ph. 101 —
Hąhó! | Žéjųga | Kecų́gega | tocą́nekjanèže, | airájega. |
[Greetings!] | [And now] | Turtle | he was about to go on the warpath, | they said. |
"Tocątékjonìhara,* | péže | akížu | tékježe?† |
"This warpath that I'm going on, | whom | with me | he will go? |
p. I. 315 —
Tocątékjonìhara, | péže | akížu | tékježe?" |
This warpath that I'm going on, | whom | with me | he will go?" |
egáją, | žéjųga | m-m,* | žegų† | Wakanjára‡ |
he said, then | [then] | boom, | then | the Thunderbirds |
žowagwíreže. | "Kik’ųkjáwire, | kik’ųkjáwire! | Ga!,"† | Woirakirakúni, |
start to come they did. | "Try yourself,* | try yourself! | [Noise]," | Unexpectedly,‡ |
caížą | giságireže. | "A!† | hųkérešge!‡ | Tocą́ |
a deer | they struck.* | "[Exclamation] | never!‡‡ | On the warpath |
p. OL. 291 —
pinaniwíną. | Gáją | možejaį́ja | šguwíreją | žégųgų |
not fit for you to go. | Over there* | to the ends of the earth | since you started | even there† |
cįwixéte | š’ųšáwąk, | wąkšík | hatóacąkjege, | wahanąkšaną. |
mighty noise | did you (as) you came on, | people | I'm going on the warpath, | so I am saying. |
Hąkeréšge | wągirapérawi-anąga, | mąhúja | wągirekjenáwiną. | Hisgéja |
Not ever | they would waylay us and | to destroy | they will do to us. | Really |
woxerawíną. | Gája | nąžį́wine. | Wakížu | tekjéra, |
noise you made. | Out there* | stand. | With him | I'm going, |
p. OL. 292, I. 316 —
wašjakjenáwiną," | éže, | aíreną. | "Toacątékjonìhare,* |
you will see them," | he said, | [they said.] | ["This warpath that I'm going on,] |
Péže | akížu* | tékježe?† | Toacątékjonìhare. |
[Whom] | [I with them] | [he will go?] | [This warpath that I'm going on,] |
péže | akížu | tékježe?"* | Tą!† | "Kik’ųkjáre, |
[whom] | [I with them] | [he will go?"] | [Sound of lightning.] | "Try yourself, |
p. Ph. 102 —
kik’ųkjáre," | ešgúni. | Žégų* | zizíkežą | rusgíc |
try yourself," | they said. | Now | a turkey | tied up† |
hánikirik’èreže, | caxšébižą. | "A,* | hąké | wąkšík |
he went by with, | an eagle. | "Aw, | not | person |
hatocą́ | pinaniníną. | Wą́kšig | hatoacą́kjege, | wahaną́kšaną. |
on the warpath | you are not good. | People | on the warpath that I'm going to, | I am saying this. |
p. OL. 293 —
Gajá | šguréją | žégų | rakoxšáwąk, | wągirapérawi-ànąga‡ |
Over there | where you started | so now* | roaring you came,† | they would waylay us and |
mąhujáxjį | wągirekjenáwiną. | Wąkšigeną́gere | rokónoxjįneną," |
destroy all | they would do to us. | These people | they are very mighty," |
éže. | "Gáją | nąžíne. | Wakížu tekjéra, |
he said. | "Out here* | stand. | The ones I'm going with, |
p. I. 317 —
wašjákjaniheną." | Žigé | taníhąna, | "Toácątékjonìhare,* | péže |
you're going to see them." | Again | the third time, | "This warpath I'm going on, | whom |
akížu | tékježe?* | Toácątekjonìhare, | péže | akížu |
I with them | he will go? | This warpath I'm going on, | whom | I with them |
tékježe?"* | Ho,† | žéjųga | Wašjįgéga | žégų |
he will go?" | Ho, | and now | Hare‡ | then |
p. OL. 294 —
kawažą́, | "Gabrí, gabrí, gabrí."* | Warecáwanįgra† | hinųbikéšge‡ | žéjųga, |
with airs, | [the sound that he made.] | The (little) Twins | both of them also | [and now,] |
žégų | káwažą | nųwą́gireže. | Žégų | tegíxjį |
[now] | with airs | they ran. | Now* | over here |
haǧepjiną́kše. | "A,* | hąké | wąkšik | hatocą́ |
he appeared. | ["Ah,] | not | people | on the warpath |
p. Ph. 103 —
pinaníwininą.* | Gają | šuwíreją‡ | žégų | manącip | xéteš’ųšuwi, |
it would not be good.† | Over there | where you started | now | tramped on the ground | you did it hard, |
žežesgiwigíži | wąkšígenągre | wągirapérawi-anąga | maįsį́cį |
if he does it that way | these people | they would waylay us and | they will wipe us off the earth |
p. OL. 295, I. 318 —
wągirekjenáwiną.* | Koté, | gája | nąžį́wine. | Wakížutekjéra, |
they are going to do to us. | Say, | out there | stand. | Eith them that I'm going, |
wašjakjáwiną," | éže. | Žigé | žéjų́ga | hijobóhǫna, |
you will see," | he said. | [Again] | [now] | for the fourth time, |
"Toácątekjonihéra,* | péže | akížu | tékježe?† | Toácątekjonìhere, |
["The warpath that I'm going on,] | [whom] | [I with them] | [he will go?] | [The warpath that I'm going on,] |
péže | akížu | tékježe?"* | egáją. | Gų́žegų† |
[whom] | [I with them] | [he shall go?"] | he said. | Right then and there |
hirapénisge,* | "ų-ų-ų-ų-ų —- bó-o-o-o-o!"† | Gwó‡ | káwažą | kecų́gera |
as though waiting, | [the sounds they made.]!" | My, my, | with airs | the turtles‡‡ |
*the /h/ is dropped in I and OL, but OL has a footnote 2: "occurs generally with initial h".
†In Ph, the second sound is rendered as ba-a-a-a-a-a. There is a footnote 1 in I which reads, "war whoop". OL has m m m bo-o-o-o-o-o, and at the bottom of the page,
ų-ų-ų | m-m-m | |
war whoop | sound of praise |
honixetéžą* | jánąga | kešúncgera† |
a big crowd of them | as many as | a little turtle with red streaks on its carapace, |
higų́, | kizų́jera,* | kedoczírašge.† |
and, | soft-shell turtles, | [yellow-throated] turtles also.‡ |
Žegų́gų, | tegíxjį | honąžíjane | égi | haǧep’ahú-ireže. |
Now, now, | right here | where he stands | here* | [they came waddling up.]† |
"Hąhá, | te | wakižutékjera, | teéreną,* | téšaną |
"Now, | these | that I'm to go with, | these they are, | these only |
wąkšík | hatocą | pįnéną," | wigéže. | "Ho |
people | for the warpath | they're good," | he told them. | ["Ho,] |
koté, | nįgešgé, | wąkšigéja | žégų | tée |
say | ah go on, that's nothing,* | at the people | then | this |
p. I. 319,* p. Ph. 104 —
wawogárekjege," | wahájera,† | hiwa’uąj`ąwi. | Žégų | žiną́ka |
he is going to give them," | he meant, but | we are doing. | Now | the others |
p. OL. 297 —
nįgéšaną | howakaraíreže. | Hąhá, | žejų́ga | žé |
in places | they went back. | Well, | now then, | then |
wakížureže. | "Hąhá, | hisųgejíwina, | wąkšik | tocąkjawíną,"* |
he went with. | "Well, | my younger brothers, | people | let us (make) war against," |
ešgúni. | Ésge, | žejų́ga, | žegųhó, | harairešgúni. |
he said. | And so, | now, | now then,* | they went. |
Hagoréžą,* | éjahi | naįnešgúni. | Gwo,‡ |
Once on a time† | there at | they slept. | Well, |
hąhé kisákjįgają,* | "Kecų́gega | tocą | ną’įšonuną, | pąsák |
about midnight, | ["Turtle] | to go on the warpath, | he is always wanting | bag |
wągožú-irawigàją, | yahąténą. | Hihí, hihí," | éže | kedoczížą. |
they put us in, | I dreamt. | [Exclamation]," | he said, | a yellow-throated turtle. |
p. OL. 298 —
"Bo-o-o, | ǧápguni | mįgré | wašašáwąka.* | Hokiǧájąke |
"[Exclamation], | shut up | lie quiet | you who are saying it.† | Backwards |
p. I. 320 —
hošárakšaną. | Kecų́gega | tocą | ną’įšąnągèjini, | pąsák | hiwóžukjenihawiną, |
you told it. | Turtle | on the warpath | he is always trying to be, | in sacks | we will put them in, |
áre," | éže.* | Žégų | haínegi† | žige |
say it thus," | he said. | Now | in the morning | again |
hajiakaraíreže.* | Hajiákarairegìži, | žigé | éja | hagoréžą | hahí |
they started on. | When they started on, | again | there | once on a time | on at |
naįneže. | Hinųbóhǫna | éjahi | naįneži. | Hąhékisakjįgàją, |
they slept. | For the second time | there at | they slept. | Being about midnight,* |
"Kecų́gega | tocą | na’į́šononą,* | pą́sak† | wągožú-irawigàją, | yahąténą. |
"Turtle | [to lead on the warpath,] | [he was trying] | [coarse bag] | [afterwards we were placed in,] | [I dreamt.] |
p. Ph. 105 —
Hihí, hihí." | "Bo-o-o-o! | Kóra* | xapguni | mįgre | wašašáwąka. |
[Exclamation]." | ["Exclamation]! | Say! | quiet | lie | you who are saying this. |
Waná´nakéwege | wašéšge | wakšąpíninaniną. | Jagu’ųgáją | hokiǧájąke |
You are afraid | so you say (it) | you ought to turn back. | Why do it | backwards |
hóšarakšàwąk? | Kecų́gega | tocą | naį́šanąge | pąsák | hiwožúwiną, |
you are telling it? | Turtle | to be on the warpath | because he is always trying | [coarse bag] | we put them in, |
p. OL. 300, I. 321 —
áre," | higešgúni. | Žégų | haínigi |
say (that)," | he said to him. | Now | in the morning |
žigitaníhǫna, | žéjųga | žégų | hąhégi,* | "Kecųgéga |
again the third time, | now | now | at night, | "Turtle |
tocą | naį’įšonòną, | pąsák | wągožúrawigają |
[to go on the warpath] | [because he is always trying,] | [coarse bag] | [afterwards we were placed in] |
yąhaténą. | Hihí hihí." | "Bo-o-o, | ho | cako hínųbohą, |
I dreamt. | [Exclamation.]" | "[Exclamation,] | well | not the second time,* |
hijobóhǫna | hišegíži, | nisaikjonehájigo, | wašašáwąka. |
the fourth time, | you say it, | I will kill you,* | you who are saying it. |
p. OL. 301 —
Jagú’ų, | wananákawanągùni | žigé | howeš’ųšówąk? | Wakšų́pinaniną," |
Why, | if you are afraid | again | you are here coming along? | You ought to turn back," |
higéže. | Žéjųga, | Kešų́cgenįka | wawagéšguni, |
he told him. | Now then, | [Little Testicled Turtle]* | he said to them, |
"Sųgijíwina,* | hąhé | nųbóhągiži | žigé | egíži, |
"My younger brothers, | night | second† | again | he says it, |
žégų | hinukós | hahonixjįwią́je. | Hųkéži | wažaį́šganįkjaneną. |
then | hold me | gather around me. | But not though | I will do something to him. |
p. I. 322 —
Žegwosgé | nąǧíre | hakjéną. | Wájane | wairešúc |
Just for nothing | scare him | I will. | The one saying it | coward |
p. Ph. 106 —
ponainaxjį | wanąkawánąga | wájeną. | Jagú | wažą́ | pąsák |
[very bad smell]* | he is afraid (and) | he is saying. | What | anything | sack |
p. OL. 302 —
pežųkónok | ruxúrukše, | žégų | hinųkozwi-áje. | Ha’ųxjį́šge |
who will put me | can, | just* | hold me. | I do very much also |
žégų | hinųkozi-áje," | ešgúni. | Žéjųga | žégų |
just* | hold me," | he said. | Now then | now |
hó | žigé | hąpsérecį. | égi* | hijobóhǫna† |
well | again | all day | and | the fourth time |
hąhégi,* | "Kecų́gega,† | tocą | naį’įšononą, | pą́sak | wągožú-irawigają, |
at night, | ["Turtle,] | [to go on the warpath] | [because he is always trying,] | [a coarse bag] | [afterwards we were placed in,] |
yahąténą. | Hihí hihí!"* | "Bo-o-o, | ho | šjekjéną |
[I dreamt.] | [Exclamation!"] | "[Exclamation,] | well | you will die |
p. OL. 303 —
wašašánąka." | "Žéjųga | žégų, | hą-ą, | hiníxjį, |
you that's saying it." | "Now then | now, | oh | older brother, |
p. I. 323 —
žégų | hąké* | žesgé | hiníne,† | ke |
now | not | that | do not do it, | [not] |
žésge | hinina,* | hųkažą́, | hųkažą́!" |
[that kind] | don't do it, | no, | no!" |
"T’ehąkjanéną, | t’ehąkjanéną." | Žégų | Ketócziga |
"I'm going to kill him, | [I'm going to kill him."] | Now | Yellow-Throated Turtle |
nąǧítebire, | mąrók | honącíbireže, | mągera | nąkúnokše. |
they kicked him, | into the ground | they tramped him, | the breast | they broke (with their feet). |
"Hąhó,* | égi | š’ų́ranišekjananą, | hąké† | šaránikjaniheną. |
"Now then, | here | you will be doing it always,‡ | not | you will not be going. |
p. OL. 304 —
Wąkšígera | wananakéwege | wašégi. | Jajaį́xjį | hip’á* |
People | you're afraid of them so | you say it. | As long as | [up to] |
wąkšikš’įgi, | wąkšigeną́gere | wanąnakáwekjanihèną, | wanąkéwe | wąkšikš’įkjanihèną. |
as you live, | these people | afraid of them you will be, | in fear of | you will live. |
p. Ph. 107 —
Hinųk | hirakisgéną, | cako | wanąnakéwekjeną." | Ho, |
Women | you are like, | so therefore,* | you will be really afraid." | [Ho,] |
žejų́ga | hijobóhǫna | haraíreže. | "Ho | sųgejiwíną,* |
now then | the fourth time | they went. | "Now | my brothers, |
p. I. 324 —
egeréną. | Hąpgú* | hiwakąnągikjonihàwiną. | Žéjųga, | égi |
here it is. | For daylight | we will leave them. | Now then, | [here] |
p. OL. 305 —
hisų́genįkra* | Kešųcgéšujenįka | e | wąkjonihéną. |
his younger brother | Little Red [Testicled] Turtle† | he | he will gave the warcry. |
Higų́ | wągíži | égi | hiwaǧewi-anąga,* | égi |
Even | when he cried | then | we will shout at them | and |
hiwat’aį́pjonihawiną." | Ésge | haį́serec, | éja | ciwasų́jeja. |
we will jump on them." | And so | all night | there | close to house. |
Žégų | haną́c | ági | kit’ų́bireže. | Hąhá* |
Then | all | ready | they laid themselves. | Well |
žéjųga, | hą́bera | gugáją, | "Hą-ą-ą." | "Ho yų."* | "Ho, ho, ho."* |
now then, | the day | it came and, | [Shout] | [Shout] | [Shout] |
Žéjųga, | wat’ų́bireže. | "Hu hu!"* | Rokónaže. | "Tį, tį, tį́." |
Now then, | they started for them. | [Shout] | It was great. | The sound of striking something. |
p. OL. 306 —
Wera’irakúni, | hi-ųgíwina | nųpíwigiži | hinų́bike | cašéra |
Unexpectedly, | the princesses (chief's daughters) | which were two | both of them | the necks |
p. I. 325* —
wamąšíše. | Kecų́gega | hi-ánąga | hisųgenį́gra |
he cut them off. | Turtle | thus he did and | the younger brother |
Kešų́cgešúcka | nįcgánok | wagigíži, | hižą́šaną |
Little Red [Testicled] Turtle | to carry around the hip* | he did to them, | one apiece |
p. Ph. 108 —
hirežé. | Žégų | éja | nųxówože. | Wąkšigeną́gere, |
they were. | Now | there | he hid himself. | These people |
hoégi* | žégų | nąjanįkšgiránąga, | žégų | nąkirinánąk† |
now they | now | nightmare they had and | now | to run here and there |
hiréže. | "Wu-ó, | wu-ó, | tejasgégają?"* |
they did. | "[Exclamation] | [exclamation] | how can this be?" |
p. OL. 307 —
Hąké | nigé | tocą́ | wažąjiníną. | "Hm, hm, |
Not | anywhere | [warparty]* | they did not come. | [The people shouting] |
hagagasgéžąxjį! | Kécųk, | wągoí-erawinaguni. | Stówahiwíre. |
O dear, it's awful! | Turtles, | they have been scattered.* | Gather them together. |
Wa’ųną́gere, | hiwaru-icáwiną." | Žejų́ga,* | pąsák |
Those that are doing that, | we will eat them." | Now then, | bags |
hani’ųwi-ánąga* | sto | wahíreže. | Gwó,† | žégų | cašéra |
they took and | gather | they did them. | [Exclamation] | now | the necks |
waiǧúgireže. | Žégų | ’únąk’ų | žegųkága | hiųgíwina |
they protruded, stretched them out. | Now | finally | not ever | the chief's daughters |
p. I. 326 —
pára | howes’į́ | hiraníže.* | Kóra, | werakirakúni |
the heads | [to find] | they did not.† | Say | [exclamation] |
p. OL. 308 —
te | Kecųgéga | éja | hakikúruk’ąkše, | hisų́gera |
[this] | [Turtle] | [there] | he was covered, | his brothers |
hakaraíkižu. | Higų́ | teé | hinų́gwacegižą | ewaną́capše. | "Waná! |
with him. | Now | there | a young virgin | she discovered them by walking. | [Woman's way of crying out]* |
égi | hižą́gera | nąsúra | wani’ųą́kšaną." |
Here | it is one | heads | he has with him." |
"Ho,* | žesgekjanéną, | hihéžare. | Žéjųga | wągajaíreną. |
["Ho,] | it would be thus, | I had said. | Now then, | they see us. |
p. Ph. 109 —
Hisų́genįkaxjį, | wągeníną. | Jagú | ’ųwinanihéšge, | kagá, |
My younger brothers, | we are men. | Whatever | they do, | never |
p. OL. 309 —
wowahíre | kónogeni-ą̀je, | hąké | ǧageni-ą́je," | ešgúni. |
weaken | (do not) put that way, | not | do you (not) cry,"* | he said. |
Hagoréžą, | éja, | "Ho, | kecųgé,* | inią́nitukozwìną." |
[Finally,] | [there,] | ["Ho,] | you turtle, | I capture you."† |
p. I. 327 —
"Ho | jagú | égi | žésge | nįgígi-áješononą. |
["Ho,] | that is what | [here]* | that kind | I used to do to them.† |
Hitokeną́gere,* | žésge | wagigíšononą.† | Woną́ǧire‡ | Hirukónona |
These old women, | that way | I used to do to them. | [War]‡‡ | [the Controllers]# |
hinįgirairáwige,* | hįšúrukozwigają." | "Wągoci-éja | wožuwi-ą́je‡ |
they thought thus for you, | capture us you do." | "At the Men's House† | put them in |
wa’uną́gere | t’airekjéną," | aíreže. | "Ho, | jagú | égi |
these that are | let them die," | they said. | ["Ho,] | what | here |
wą́ganigają," | jágu | éže | Kecų́gega. | Žejų́ga |
man that I am," | what | he said | [Turtle.] | [Now then] |
p. OL. 310 —
Wągoci-éja | wožúiregi. | Hu-hu-u-u-u,* | žégų | kecųgeroiwójireži.† |
[Men's House] | they put him in. | [Hu-hu-u-u-u,] | now | they killed many turtles. |
"Ho, | rašgúni | hiwarúicjenihàwiną, | žesgé | hakijá | hįnoguą́jąwigają," |
["Ho,] | peacefully | we will eat (them),* | that kind | to see | we've been wanting," |
aíreže. | Hagoréžą, | žéjųga, | "Ho, | žejaį́xjį |
they said. | Once in a time, | now then, | "Well, | thus far |
p. I. 328 —
wągeniną́gere | wáširekjèną. | Peǧú-inekjeną. | Waširekjéną." |
these men captives | let them dance. | Let them use gourds. | Let them dance." |
p. Ph. 110 —
"Yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú. | Ho | sųgekjį́,* | waši-áje. | Yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú." |
["Yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú.] | Well | younger brothers, | dance. | [Yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú." |
p. OL. 311 —
"Woná! | Jagú | Kecų́gega | honíge | hišja |
"[Woman's equivalent for koté]* | What | Turtle | just like | eyes |
hokirúsge," | aíreže. | "O,† | jagu égi? |
they crossed,"* | they said. | ["O,] | what of it?‡ |
Hinųgwácek | žégų | wákituxùc, | kéšonoge* | hišjára |
Young virgins | now | look at one another with, | often so | the eyes |
hųkírusge | nąkáją." | "Wanónige | huragéš." | "Égi, |
they are crossed* | they are." | "Say just | his legs bowed."† | "Well, |
jagú egí? | Wągánįge | hurįgéženąkàją."* | "Kecų́gega |
what of it? | I am a man so | I am bowlegged."† | "Turtle |
jagú | honíge | réra* | co." | "Ha, |
what | just | his penis | green." | "Well, |
jagu égi? | hinųk´ | hajukége. | Réra, |
what of it? | Women | come into connection with it often. | The penis, |
p. OL. 312, I. 329 —
žésge* | hį́coge† | wai’únąkają," | žigé | wagéže.‡‡ |
that way | I got it blue | for that reason,"‡ | again | he said to them.# |
Hagoréžą, | žejų́ga | Kecų́gega | wašíra | rušjaíneže. |
[In the course of time,] | [now then] | [Turtle] | the dancing | they stopped.* |
"Koté, | jagú? | Hųsgé, | nixeréja | hiwožukjáwira. |
"Say, | what? | Well, | in boiling water | let us put them in. |
Nixére, | hit’ewahikjáwira." | "Ho, | ’ųwíne. | Jagú |
Boiling water, | let us kill them with it." | "All right, | do it. | What |
sánįki | t’énawi?,* | yaránąga. | Ho, | hisgé |
one-sided | you kill me?, | I thought. | So, | some |
hanikit’ekjonehàwiną. | Ha, | nanikšų́wi-anąga, | nihára | tawáǧenįkjenawiną. |
I will die with. | [Ha,] | tip it over on you I will, [and] | the throat | I will burn off for you. |
p. OL. 313 —
’ųwíne, | ’ųwíne." | "Koté, | hisgéšge* | wegáją. |
Do it, | do it." | "Say, | the truth | he says. |
Koté, | jasgánaže? | Pejerégi, | iwokonogwigi, | jasgánąga?" |
Say, | how will I do?* | In fire, | if we put them in it, | how would it be?" |
"Hąhą́-o, | koté, | ’ų́wine, | éžegų | nąų́ste |
"All right, | say, | do it, | so then* | embers |
hiránikišarawi-ànąga, | róhą | hanikit’ékjenihawiną." | "Koté, | hisgé* |
I'll hit you with, and | many | I will die with you." | "Say, | the truth |
p. I. 330 —
weną. | Koté, | žégų | ninégi | hiwokonogwi-anąga, |
he said. | Say, | now | in water | we will put them in it, and |
p. OL.314 —
hįwarúsgiji-anąga | ninégi | wokonogwi, | žegų | s’awaréwahi, |
we'll tie them up, and | in water | put them in, | then | make them sink, |
nihaicebiwahikjáwi."* | "Hohó, | koté, | hagagasgéžą, | wągwašošéwira, |
(they will) die for want of breath."† | "Oh my, | say, | for heaven's sake,‡ | you brave men, |
hąkį́gi | ’ųwiníne, | žeží | nąkewexjíną," | éže. |
not | do not do it to us, | that | I am very much afraid," | he said. |
"Ho, | žéjųga, | pįkjanihéną." | Žéjųga, | hąbakirigíži, |
"Well, | now then, | it will be good." | Now then, | when day came, |
s’ikaį́ja | warusgíc | hiránąga | ni-ošéwexji-éja | wot’unaíreže. |
at the ankles | they tied | they did and | in the deepest water | they threw them. |
Égi | Kecų́gega | žegų́ | niéjere† | wa’unąkéjene.‡ |
And | [Turtle] | now* | in the water | he was so. |
Žegųo | kikurušóroji-ànąga | t’ekik’uą́kše* | Kecų́gega. | Žégų |
Now | they loosed themselves and | he was making himself dead (pretending)† | [Turtle.] | Now |
hišge* | žiąkášge | t’ekik’uą́kše. | "Žegų́ | hisųgenį́kaxjį, |
[also] | the other one also | he was making himself dead. | "Now | my younger brother, |
p. OL. 315, I. 331, Ph. 112 —
t’ewagikík’ųkjéną.* | Hagí | wažįwaíšgųkjèną, | hiróire, | waną́gere." |
I am going to pretend I'm dead.† | On at | let us do something to them, | bad,‡ | these that are saying it." |
Hijanéraži | ninogiázire, | jánąga | hįké | t’ehiránigi. |
The others (at least) | they ran to the water, | all | not | they did not kill. |
Wijéja | hagí | ciną́kše. | Hagí | ciną́ki. |
On an island | on at | they were living. | There | they were living, so |
žéjųga | žegų́ ho | ewakaraírekijege, | žegų | Kecųgéga |
now then, | now, well, | there they were to go, so | now | [Turtle] |
p. OL. 316 —
hura | giážemįk | t’ekik’ų́že. | Kóra, | hagoréžą |
his legs | he spread them out | he pretended to be dead. | Say, | [finally] |
hocincínįk | hoǧǫ́ | hoikišeréregi.* | Žegų | ’ų́sge, |
boy | minnows | they were trying to catch. | Now, | well, |
wošá | xonúnįk | hi’u-įránąga | hoǧánįgera | žegų |
spear | small | they used and | [minnows]* | now |
hijéwahiną́kše. | Raxgéwa | wagi’uną́kše. | Kóra, | Kecųgega |
they would spear them. | Weeds | they were using. | Say, | [Turtle] |
regoškóbera | žegų | cųsárara, | higų | hoǧǫ́nįgra |
between his legs | now | the leeches ("blood-suckers"), | now | the minnows* |
p. OL. 317 —
hocincinįgížą | wa’ųžé. | Regoškobéja | hoǧǫnįgížą | wapóǧenįk |
a boy | he did it. | Between his legs | a little fish | he speared |
p. I. 332 —
jijehígają. | Kecų́gega | wasgíxjįje. | Kóra | žegų |
he did (struck). | [Turtle] | he pierced painfully. | [Say,] | now |
nųwų́kjekéreže.* | Hocincínįkjega | žegų́xjį | nųwųkše. | "Ho, |
he twitched. | The boys | now indeed immediately* | they ran. | "Say, |
wągenína, | koté | Kecų́gega | regošgobéja | hoǧǫ́nįgra |
the captives | say | [Turtle] | between his legs | the minnows |
p. Ph. 113 —
rokónoxjįgejini | ejijéwa | hagáją, | Kecų́gega, | niži, |
very many there were | there I struck | I did, | [Turtle,] | well,* |
p. OL. 318 —
nuwų́kjikèreną. | Ni-ǫ́bakšaną." | "Hahú, | hijowárawige |
he twitched. | He is alive." | ["Hahú,] | go there and |
gisagwíre. | Žegų | ruǧéwige | gisagwíreáje," | aíreže. |
kill him. | Now | take him out & | kill him," | they said. |
Ésge | žejų́ga | hija | jírežegają, | tée |
[And so] | now then | there | they came and | there |
hąkawažinìže. | Te | werakirakúni | gojá | wijéja |
he was not there. | There | unexpectedly | over there | at an island |
hagí. | "O-į ų́ų, o-į ų́ų," | áježe. | "Kecų́gega | koragá |
[there] | [war whoop]* | he was saying. | ["Turtle] | say |
p. I. 333 —
wažą́ | šišigížą | gojájega." | Žéjųga, | éjagi |
fellow | that bad fellow | that fellow." | Now then, | there at |
p. OL. 319 —
wakje náwainánąga | ’ųxjį | rešgúni, | "Wirá rowá, | wirá rowá; | ąhą́, |
singing the victory songs, and* | very much they did† | they did, | [?]‡ | [?] | [exclamation] |
ąhą́," | žégų | Wakjé Wašira. | "Koté, | waíšjarawìre," |
[exclamation]," | [so]* | Victory Dance. | "Say, | you go and look,"† |
aíreną. | "Koté, | watohóciga | rekjéną." | Tošónogega |
they said. | "Say, | the son-in-law | he can go." | Otter |
wagaíreže. | Éja | watohóciježe. | "Žéjųga, | hotohócira |
they meant. | Then | he was being a son-in-law. | "Now then, | the son-in-law |
raré." | Egi | Kecųgégaži | wanąxgųjèže. | "Ho, |
go." | And | Tortoise he | he could hear them. | ["Ho,] |
p. OL. 320 —
hižą́ | wągaíšja | hu-ikarohówiną. | Higí | mąšją́ |
one | to spy on us | they're getting ready.* | Here | mighty |
nawąwi-ánąga, | hakaraǧéwišaną’ų̀ąje. | Tejąkí* |
you sing and | shout every once in awhile. | Often |
hijáwa | tekjéną. | Hiroíre | wa’uą́ka, | wažąšgųkjéną," |
there at | I'll go. | Bad fellow | that he is, | I'll do something to him," |
p. I. 334; p. Ph. 114 —
éže. | Žejų́ga | ninógera | wa’uánąga, | hajírapeže. |
he said. | Now then | under the water | [he did it and]* | he lay for him there. |
Hirapégiži, | žegųhó | hagoréžą | Tošónogega | éja |
Having waited for him, | now | [in time] | Otter | there |
higuó-įxanisgègają | hagerége | howahi-ánąga | šųcgéja |
he just about passed him and | behind | he went from and | testicles (plus scrotum)* |
p. OL. 321—
haraxjákše. | "Tuwí, tuwí. | Koté, | Kecųgé, |
he bit him. | "Ouch, ouch. | Say, | [Turtle] |
hįgirúšjąrehire." | "Jagu* | š’ųšeregáją | waš’ųšáwąkše?" |
let me go." | "What | you are going to do | you are?" |
"Higų́ | hosgé | howé | wa’umą́kšaną,* |
"Just | for fun | about | I am going about, |
hosge | howé | wa’umą́kšaną."* | "Rerat’ų́kšaw`ąkšaną.† |
for fun | about | I am going about." | "You are lying. |
Nenaíšja | šére | waš’ųšaw`ąkšaną. | Waíšja |
To spy on me | you are going | you are. | To spy |
hunišíreną. | Hąké | nįgitašją́ | rehanįkjanèną." |
they told you to come. | Not | to let loose | I will not (do) for you." |
"Â | koté | Kecųgé, | hįgirášjonehìre." |
"Aw | say | [Turtle,] | let me go." |
p. OL. 322 —
"Kažó. | 'Jájo | Wakanjára | k’oiregíšaną, |
"No. | 'Whenever | the Thunderbirds | they only thunder, |
p. I. 335 —
hinaxjákšaną. | Kecų́gega, | wapakónǫkjé | horagírešononą,' | arehíre." |
he bites me. | [Turtle] | (he would be) very smart | they used to tell of him,' | say to them." |
"Wakit’ųténą," | éže. | "Hé-e-e-e." | "Wé-e-e-e."* | "Kecų́gega |
"I've gotten myself trapped," | he said. | "[Calling]." | "[Answering.]" | "[Turtle] |
wapokónokje | hóragirešononą. | Wakit’ųténą. |
very smart (cute) | they used to tell of him. | I've got into it. |
p. Ph. 115 —
Hináxjakšano-o-o," | éže. | "Hó-o-o-o, | hacínja |
He has bitten me-e-e-e," | he said. | "Well, | where |
hanináxjakše?" | "Ejó-o-o-o." | "Koté, | éja | aną́kšaną. |
he bit you?" | "There." | "Say, | there | he is saying. |
p. OL. 323 —
Hacį́ja | wagežé? | Aijanináxjakšè-e-e?" | "Hąkažó-o-o-o." |
Where | he means? | He bit you in the arm?" | "No." |
"Regéja | hanináxjakšè-e-e-e?" | "Bohošjó-o-o-o."* |
"In the leg | he bit you?" | "Pretty near." |
"Hocainaį́ja | hanináxjakšè-e-e-e?" | "Hąhą́-o-o-o," | éže. |
"In the private place* | he bit you?" | "Yes," | he said. |
"Koté, | egí, | jáguo’ųpįkjéže,* | žégų | t’ehigáją. |
"Say, | well, | nothing can be done can it, | now | he has killed him. |
p. I. 336 —
'Wakanjára | k’oiregíšaną | hįgirášją | rehikjanéže,' |
'The Thunderbirds | only when they thunder | let loose of me | he will do it,' |
anakšanó-o-o-o.* | Hohó | hagagasgéžą! | Koté, |
he is saying. | [Hohó] | [a cry of distress]† | Say, |
p. OL. 324 —
žegųguósge | cehášišik | ną́gere, | žesgé |
just anyhow | an old buffalo hide | these, | that kind |
hįgikorówigi." | "Wažį́jahi | waragiš’ųrajàwįže," | aną́kšaną.* |
let us rattle." | "Something else | you are doing that," | he was saying. |
"Wągwašošénągre | wigáre | hąké | nįgítašją́ | rehánikjaneną." |
"These brave men | tell them | not | let you loose | I will not go." |
"Hąhó-o-o, | wažį́jahį | waragíšwanajawįže, | aną́kšaną, | wągwášošenągre." |
["Well,] | something else | that you are rattling, | he is saying, | this brave man." |
"Hohó, | hagáwažą, | wapakónągižą." | Há, | žejų́ga, |
["Hohó,] | O dear, | how smart he is." | [Há,] | now then, |
p. OL. 325 —
hižą́ | taniogižúireže. | "Háo | égi | ya-ųcakjéną." |
one | tobacco they gave to him. | ["Há-o] | here | I will try." |
Taniogižuiregíže. | Žégų | táni | wogižuánąga* |
Tobacco, that they gave him. | Now | tobacco | he placed for them and |
wagižu = offer I
worágižu = you
wogížu = he
p. I. 337 —
Wakonjára | wagigóže. | Hagoréžą, | wérakirakuni, | "m-m," |
the Thunderbirds | he called them. | Once on a time, | [exclamation] | [sound of Thunders] |
aíreže. | "Hó, | žejų́ga | žówagúireną." | Hó |
they said. | ["Hó,] | [now then] | they are coming. | [Hó] |
žegų | káwažą | Wakanjára, | "m-m," | aíreže. |
now | not anything | the Thunderbirds, | ["m-m,"] | they said. |
"'Wąkjį́negí | rujáxiregíšaną, | hįgirášją | rehikjaneną,* | aną́kšaną,' |
"'Right above us | only if they thunder, | to let me go | he will, | he says,' |
p. OL. 326 —
wigáre." | "'Wąkjį́negi | rujáǧiregíšaną, | hįgirášją | rehikjanéže, |
tell them." | "'Right above us | only if they thunder, | let me go | he will, |
ánąkšanó-o-o-o."* | "Hohó, | wážą | warokónoxjį,† | hiroíre‡ |
he says." | ["Hohó,] | [something] | it is too much beyond his limits, | bad |
hišjokirùsge | wanǫká." | Žejų́ga | žigé | wąkjį |
double eyed (close together)* | that he is saying." | Now | again | straight above |
egi | tax.* | Gwó† | žejų́ga | éja | žégų |
there | flash of lightning. | [Gwó] | now | [there] | [now] |
Kecų́gega | éja | hó | ragás | šuncgéra |
[Turtle] | [there] | [hó] | tear | his bag |
žégų | rapáraš. | "Korá, | nįgiowákararé, | hinųgową́genįk |
now | he tore. | "Say, | go home, | likeness of a woman |
p. I. 338 —
waš’ušáwągre. | Hąkí | nubóhǫna | égi | hižą́ |
that you are. | Not | again | here | anyone |
p. OL. 327 —
jínikjéną." | Wó-o-o, | Tošónogega | hacųgéxjį | gišgúni. |
come here." | [Wó,] | Otter | just barely | he got home. |
Gigíži, | žégų, | "Hohó, | cówe | t’ehinána." |
When he got home, | now, | ["Hohó,] | he pretty near | he killed me." |
"Koté, | hiwągéwahira | girucágirekjeną," | aíreže. | Ésge |
"Say, | his sisters-in-law | have them sew it," | they said. | And so |
hiwągéwahira | girucágira, | nunige | žegų́ho | ražíjewa’ùinege. |
his sisters-in-law | they had them sew it, | but | now then | they teased him while doing it. |
Réra | rajįjínege. | Žégų | žigé | nąpáraš |
His penis | it became excited. | Now | again | it tore loose |
hinaseresérekše. | "Koté, | kunikága | ’ųkjéną. | Žéži |
split loose (the stitches).* | "Say, | our gr. mother | let her do it. | She |
hąké | žesgáninaną. | Waną-ína | wažą́ | ’únąke, | ésge |
not | she would not be that way. | His thoughts | something | they were doing, | and so |
nąpáraš | kiną́kšaną. | Ésge | žejų́ga | hitokénika |
it burst | he is [doing it] to himself. | So | [now then] | the old woman |
higų́ | wirowašjójera* | hik’uánąga | žégų | harikí | aisásahiže. |
now | with her needle | she used (and) | now | far apart. | she stitched it |
p. OL. 328, I. 339 —
Hó, | žejų́ga, | égi | wéže, | aíreže, |
[Hó,] | [now then] | [well] | he said, | they said, |
"Hąhą́* | égi | žégų, | ’ų-inekjéra. | Jagú |
["Hąhą́] | [well] | [now,] | let them go. | What |
sųgejíwina | ep’á | higų́ | woínįk | hiwagígiwigéjini, |
younger brothers | thus far | now | regretful loss | we did to them, |
p. OL. 329 —
hiyųgíwina.* | Žégų | hikikúrušjąréhikjenàwiną. | Jajaį́xjį | p’a |
the princesses. | Now | we will surrender. | As long as | thus far |
Hocųgeną́gere | wąkšik’į́regiži, | wągáruc | hiranihekjenáwiną. | Hąkagá | hižą́ |
these Winnebagoes | they live, | to eat | they will always (do to) us. | Never | one |
wánąį́na | hirohíre | wogíkanąkwinią́je. | Hąhá, | težesge |
thought | bad (temper)* | towards them (hold it in yourselves).* | [Yes,] | that kind |
hįcawaínekjenáwiną," | éže, | aíreną. | Kecų́gega | žesgáwa’ų́ |
we will go forward to," | he said, | they said. | [Turtle] | for that reason |
p. OL. 330, I. 340 —
žejąį́xjįp’a | kécųgenų́gere,* | kécųk | hokirájera | hiwarúcajáwiną,# |
that far | the turtles,† | tortoises‡ | all kinds‡‡ | we are eating, |
nunige | kedocziną́gere | že | wairešúcge, | ésge |
but | the yellow-throated turtle | that | he was coward, | so |
mąrók’ųacípše. | Hąké | wągirajírawiniže, | égi | žéšaną |
he tramped him into the ground. | Not | they did not come to us, | and | those only |
hąkiwarújwiniže, | aíreną. | Téži | kizų́jera | gų́ | kešų́cgera |
we do not eat, | they say. | This here | soft shelled | and | and small turtle |
kécųk, | hokirájera | mątéhira | žéži† | žégų | hiwarúcajékjonéže. |
turtles, | all kinds of them | small turtle* | those | now‡ | we will eat. |
Téžesge | éže, | aíreną. | Cegéja | wąkšik |
This way | he said, | they said. | In the beginning | the people |
p. OL. 331 —
cóinina | te | wažą́gere | hanącį́xjį | pérezhiránąga | ’ųwąjíre. |
the first ones | those | things | all | they knew it and | they came doing. |
Hąké | wažą́nižą | wokíba | hiésgani. | Jajaį́xjįp’á, |
Not | anything | doubtful | it is. | As long as that far, |
p. I. 341 —
wą́kšigo-įra | wągerewigi, | kecųgeną́gere | hoišíp | hokirájera |
living* | (as) we are, | these turtles | all the time | all kinds |
hiwarúicawi, | žéžesgáwa’ų́ | wągigíšanawi, | nunigé | hegų́ | hirakárara |
we will eat, | for that reason | he hurt us, | but | now | towards them |
hįwikšákšáxjí | hajéšge. | Hąkagížą* |
we used to abuse them really mercilessly | we were doing. | Never any of them |
wogitégenikjanéną. | Téžegų | gųsše, | éže, |
they would not get mad. | This way | they ruled (made) | he said, |
aíreną. | Žejoį́xjįp’a, | kecųgeną́gere | hiwarújajawíną. |
they said. | From that time on, | the turtles | we are eating. |
Source I — Charlie N. Houghton, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3900 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1908) Winnebago III, #18, Story XXXV: 314-360. Source Ph — Charlie N. Houghton, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3882 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, July, 1908) Winnebago III, #5, Story XI: 101-115. Source OL — Charlie Houghton, translated by Oliver LaMere, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #11a: 290-331.