Hocąk Text — Turtle’s Warparty, Version 2

narrated by Charlie N. Houghton

interlinear translation by Oliver LaMère

There are three sources upon which the present text is based, the interlinear (I), which was the initial transcription apparently based upon a series of phonograph recordings, a new technology in 1908. The seconds and definitive interlinear is by Oliver LaMère, and represents a revision of I. The last is the untranslated but corrected phonetic text (Ph).

The interlinear MS (I), is written in dark pencil in a fairly clear hand. The Hocąk text appears to have been written on unlined paper with a space left open below each line for the translation, which was written in later. It is thoroughly translated compared to many of his later MSS. The story begins about 2/3 of the way down the page and is identified by a title line beginning at the left margin that reads, "XXXV Informant — Charlie N. Houghton" after which the word "Copied" is written and underlined. This word is written in ink and apparently in the same hand as the phonetic MS Ph.

The phonetic MS (Ph) is written in ink in a clear hand with good definition. It is a phonetic text without translation. Near the left margin, 2 inches from the top, is written "XI", identifying the story number. Directly below, flush with the left margin, is written, "Told by C. Houghton July 1908." This is set off by a series of horizontal dashes from one margin to the other, both above and below the line identifying the author. The MS is paragraphed by initial 2 inch indentations. Ph appears to be an attempt at a final draft by Radin himself. In many ways it is hyper-corrected, and uses an orthography which came to be quickly out dated by Radin's own standards. However, it is useful in sometimes supplying accents that are not indicated in the other manuscripts.

The MS OL is an interlinear translation written in ink by Oliver LaMère in alternating lines of Hocąk and English. The text occupies the center half of each page with very large upper and lower margins. On the first page, the title and authorship is centered as follows:


How Turtle went on the Warpath

Told by Charlie Houghton

Translated by Oliver Lamere

There are four sets of pagination, one in the upper right of each page, and three in the upper left. The most prominent of the three in the upper left, which runs from 290-313, was chosen for the OL pagination of this version of the text.

The orthography adopted for the text here presented is not that of any one MS, but the one that Radin used in his last works. The orthography, however, should not in any way distort the record of Houghton's words.

English Translation


p. OL. 290, I. 314, Ph. 101 —
Hąhó! Žéjųga Kecų́gega tocą́nekjanèže, airájega.
[Greetings!] [And now] Turtle he was about to go on the warpath, they said.



"Tocątékjonìhara,* péže akížu tékježe?†
"This warpath that I'm going on, whom with me he will go?
*in Ph this word is preceded by, "[Song]" written in the left margin. A footnote 2 inserted here in I reads at the bottom of the page, "sung", as does footnote 2 in OL.
†in Ph this word is followed by "[Repeat]"; in I it is followed by "(repeated)".



p. I. 315 —
Tocątékjonìhara, péže akížu tékježe?"
This warpath that I'm going on, whom with me he will go?"



egáją, žéjųga m-m,* žegų† Wakanjára‡
he said, then [then] boom, then the Thunderbirds
*in I, in a note 1 at the bottom of the page, Radin says, "noise pertaining to be imitation of thunder"; note 2 in OL: "suppose to be noise imitating thunder".
†in I, this is inserted by a caret.
‡In I, after this word the letters /žejų/ are crossed out.



žowagwíreže. "Kik’ųkjáwire, kik’ųkjáwire! Ga!,"† Woirakirakúni,
start to come they did. "Try yourself,* try yourself! [Noise]," Unexpectedly,‡
*this would seem to mean, "we will do it".
†In I, this is followed by a footnote number 2, which reads at the bottom of the page, "noise of lightning". OL has a footnote 3: "suppose to be noise imitating lightning". In I, this word is inserted into its present postion with an arrow and the word egáją just after it has been crossed out. In Ph, the word occurs after Woirak’irak’úni.
‡In I, this is followed by a footnote number 3, which reads at the bottom of the page, "= it happened just then".



caížą giságireže. "A!† hųkérešge!‡ Tocą́
a deer they struck.* "[Exclamation] never!‡‡ On the warpath
*in I, "killed" is crossed out, and "struck written below it.
†in I, this is written aw.
‡for hąkeréšge.
‡‡in I, "not" is crossed out and "never" written above it. There is a footnote 4, and at the bottom of the page it reads, "in the sense of — now you won't do it".



p. OL. 291 —
pinaniwíną. Gáją možejaį́ja šguwíreją žégųgų
not fit for you to go. Over there* to the ends of the earth since you started even there†
*in I, this is written above "you are", which has been crossed out.
†in I, these words are put in brackets in the translation.



cįwixéte š’ųšáwąk, wąkšík hatóacąkjege, wahanąkšaną.
mighty noise did you (as) you came on, people I'm going on the warpath, so I am saying.



Hąkeréšge wągirapérawi-anąga, mąhúja wągirekjenáwiną. Hisgéja
Not ever they would waylay us and to destroy they will do to us. Really



woxerawíną. Gája nąžį́wine. Wakížu tekjéra,
noise you made. Out there* stand. With him I'm going,
*in I, "and then" has been crossed out and "out there" written above it.



p. OL. 292, I. 316 —
wašjakjenáwiną," éže, aíreną. "Toacątékjonìhare,*
you will see them," he said, [they said.] ["This warpath that I'm going on,]
*in Ph, this word is preceded by, "[Song]" written in the left margin. Just before this, footnote 1 reads in I and OL, "sung".



Péže akížu* tékježe?† Toacątékjonìhare.
[Whom] [I with them] [he will go?] [This warpath that I'm going on,]
*the MS I has p’éžeakížu.
†in Ph, this word is followed by "[Repeat]". In I, it is followed by "repeated".



péže akížu tékježe?"* Tą!† "Kik’ųkjáre,
[whom] [I with them] [he will go?"] [Sound of lightning.] "Try yourself,
*OL reads "sung" in footnote 1.
†in Ph, quotation marks are crossed out before the letter /t/. They are placed instead with the next word. In I, there is a footnote 2 which reads, "sound of lightning".



p. Ph. 102 —
kik’ųkjáre," ešgúni. Žégų* zizíkežą rusgíc
try yourself," they said. Now a turkey tied up†
*in Ph, two letters in parentheses are crossed out after this word.
†in I, this is written above a crossed out, "squeeze in". Footnote 3 inserted here reads, "to hold something and make an impression on it".



hánikirik’èreže, caxšébižą. "A,* hąké wąkšík
he went by with, an eagle. "Aw, not person
*aw in I.



hatocą́ pinaniníną. Wą́kšig hatoacą́kjege, wahaną́kšaną.
on the warpath you are not good. People on the warpath that I'm going to, I am saying this.



p. OL. 293 —
Gajá šguréją žégų rakoxšáwąk, wągirapérawi-ànąga‡
Over there where you started so now* roaring you came,† they would waylay us and
*this is put in brackets in I.
†in I, footnote 4 inserted here reads, "wings' noise". In OL, "making noise" is written above the English line.
‡for wągera-.



mąhujáxjį wągirekjenáwiną. Wąkšigeną́gere rokónoxjįneną,"
destroy all they would do to us. These people they are very mighty,"



éže. "Gáją nąžíne. Wakížu tekjéra,
he said. "Out here* stand. The ones I'm going with,
*in I, this is written over a crossed out "right".



p. I. 317 —
wašjákjaniheną." Žigé taníhąna, "Toácątékjonìhare,* péže
you're going to see them." Again the third time, "This warpath I'm going on, whom
*in Ph, this word is preceded by, "[Song]" written in the left margin.



akížu tékježe?* Toácątekjonìhare, péže akížu
I with them he will go? This warpath I'm going on, whom I with them
*in Ph, this word is followed by "[Repeat]"; in I, it is followed by "repeat".



tékježe?"* Ho,† žéjųga Wašjįgéga žégų
he will go?" Ho, and now Hare‡ then
*OL in footnote 1 has "sung".
Ho is always written as hoí throughout I.
"Rabbit" in OL.



p. OL. 294 —
kawažą́, "Gabrí, gabrí, gabrí."* Warecáwanįgra† hinųbikéšge‡ žéjųga,
with airs, [the sound that he made.] The (little) Twins both of them also [and now,]
*in I, gabrí, gabrí is inserted above the line with a caret. It says in a footnote 2, "onomatopoetic for running".
†in I, at the end of this name, šge is crossed out.
‡in I, the first syllable, /hi/, has been scribbled out, and prior to this word, žeją́ga hinųbíke has been crossed out. In Ph, the first syllable /hi/ has been restored.



žégų káwažą nųwą́gireže. Žégų tegíxjį
[now] with airs they ran. Now* over here
*in I, "so now" has been crossed out and "now" written after it.



haǧepjiną́kše. "A,* hąké wąkšik hatocą́
he appeared. ["Ah,] not people on the warpath
*in I and OL, written as aw.



p. Ph. 103 —
pinaníwininą.* Gają šuwíreją‡ žégų manącip xéteš’ųšuwi,
it would not be good.† Over there where you started now tramped on the ground you did it hard,
*OL has pinaníwiną, omiting the last /ni/.
†the translation in I has, "for good you're not".
I has gájašuwírejǫ.



žežesgiwigíži wąkšígenągre wągirapérawi-anąga maįsį́cį
if he does it that way these people they would waylay us and they will wipe us off the earth



p. OL. 295, I. 318 —
wągirekjenáwiną.* Koté, gája nąžį́wine. Wakížutekjéra,
they are going to do to us. Say, out there stand. Eith them that I'm going,
*in Ph, a hook (here represented by ˆ), has been crossed out below the penultimate /a/.



wašjakjáwiną," éže. Žigé žéjų́ga hijobóhǫna,
you will see," he said. [Again] [now] for the fourth time,



"Toácątekjonihéra,* péže akížu tékježe?† Toácątekjonìhere,
["The warpath that I'm going on,] [whom] [I with them] [he will go?] [The warpath that I'm going on,]
*in Ph, this word is preceded by, "[Song]" written in the left margin.
†in Ph, this word is followed by "[Repeat]", and in I, it is followed by "repeat".


péže akížu tékježe?"* egáją. Gų́žegų†
[whom] [I with them] [he shall go?"] he said. Right then and there
*OL has a footnot 1 that reads, "sung".
†in Ph, this is written out as Higų žegų.



hirapénisge,* "ų-ų-ų-ų-ų —- bó-o-o-o-o!"† Gwó‡ káwažą kecų́gera
as though waiting, [the sounds they made.]!" My, my, with airs the turtles‡‡

*the /h/ is dropped in I and OL, but OL has a footnote 2: "occurs generally with initial h".
†In Ph, the second sound is rendered as ba-a-a-a-a-a. There is a footnote 1 in I which reads, "war whoop". OL has m m m bo-o-o-o-o-o, and at the bottom of the page,

  ų-ų-ų m-m-m
  war whoop sound of praise

‡In Ph, the gwó is added to the previous turtle sound as a concluding syllable, gwa; but in I, gwó is translated as an exclamation, and in this form it is attested elsewhere. A footnote 2 reads, "a sound of praise". It is omitted altogether in OL.
‡‡I has "tortoises".



honixetéžą* jánąga kešúncgera†
a big crowd of them as many as a little turtle with red streaks on its carapace,
*Ph has honi xetete. In I, onihéxete is written above onixéteté, but then crossed out. There is a footnote 3 which reads, "ought to be oníhexatéžą". In OL, it is onixetéžą with a footnote 2 which reads, "occurs generally with initial h".
Ph has k’e šúncgera.


p. OL. 296 —
higų́, kizų́jera,* kedoczírašge.†
and, soft-shell turtles, [yellow-throated] turtles also.‡
*Ph has k’e zų́jera.
Ph has k’e toczírašge.
I has "another species of turtle".



Žegų́gų, tegíxjį honąžíjane égi haǧep’ahú-ireže.
Now, now, right here where he stands here* [they came waddling up.]†
*"and" is crossed out and "here" written above it.
†the translation in I has, "seemed they appeared". In I, this itself is written above some crossed out words.



"Hąhá, te wakižutékjera, teéreną,* téšaną
"Now, these that I'm to go with, these they are, these only
*In I, this is written téreno, in Ph, te’éreną.



wąkšík hatocą pįnéną," wigéže. "Ho
people for the warpath they're good," he told them. ["Ho,]



koté, nįgešgé, wąkšigéja žégų tée
say ah go on, that's nothing,* at the people then this
*In I this is written nį́ge-ešgé, and below it in brackets is written, "—- go on that's nothing" (the dashes are mine and represent an unreadable word). A footnote 4 reads, "an exclamation of —-", the last word being unreadable.



p. I. 319,* p. Ph. 104 —
wawogárekjege," wahájera,† hiwa’uąj`ąwi. Žégų žiną́ka
he is going to give them," he meant, but we are doing. Now the others
*there is an unnumbered page between p. I 318/319 which reads in entirety: "axepahúreže = appeared they came out. (They're supposed to come out of the ground)"
†In I, the original is wájąnagúni. A vertical line is drawn before /guni/, and below the word is written in small letters, wahajera, which is then connected to the first half of the word by an arrow. In Ph, between the /e/ and /n/ in wahájeranaguni, the letters /ra/ have been crossed out.



p. OL. 297 —
nįgéšaną howakaraíreže. Hąhá, žejų́ga žé
in places they went back. Well, now then, then



wakížureže. "Hąhá, hisųgejíwina, wąkšik tocąkjawíną,"*
he went with. "Well, my younger brothers, people let us (make) war against,"
*both I and OL read, wakšigatocąkjaniną (in variant orthography).



ešgúni. Ésge, žejų́ga, žegųhó, harairešgúni.
he said. And so, now, now then,* they went.
*I has /re/ written above the terminal /n/.



Hagoréžą,* éjahi naįnešgúni. Gwo,‡
Once on a time† there at they slept. Well,
*in OL this word is usually spelled, hagaréžą.
†in I, a footnote 2 reads, "either a long or short time is implied"
‡in I, a footnote 1 reads, "a sound". This word is spelled guó in OL.



hąhé kisákjįgają,* "Kecų́gega tocą ną’įšonuną, pąsák
about midnight, ["Turtle] to go on the warpath, he is always wanting bag
*in OL, hąhé is translated (incorrectly) as "well" (< hąhá).



wągožú-irawigàją, yahąténą. Hihí, hihí," éže kedoczížą.
they put us in, I dreamt. [Exclamation]," he said, a yellow-throated turtle.



p. OL. 298 —
"Bo-o-o, ǧápguni mįgré wašašáwąka.* Hokiǧájąke
"[Exclamation], shut up lie quiet you who are saying it.† Backwards
*OL has wašašáwa ko, with the last "word" untranslated.
†in I, "this" has been crossed out and "it" written above it.



p. I. 320 —
hošárakšaną. Kecų́gega tocą ną’įšąnągèjini, pąsák hiwóžukjenihawiną,
you told it. Turtle on the warpath he is always trying to be, in sacks we will put them in,



áre," éže.* Žégų haínegi† žige
say it thus," he said. Now in the morning again
*In I, Radin adds after this word, "(laugh)", in reference to Charlie Houghton's reaction to this episode. The same is inserted by arrow in OL.
†in I and Ph, this is haínįgi.



hajiakaraíreže.* Hajiákarairegìži, žigé éja hagoréžą hahí
they started on. When they started on, again there once on a time on at
*in I and OL this is blended by external sandhi with the word žigé which occurs before it: žigíajíakaraireže. This is disentangled in Ph.



naįneže. Hinųbóhǫna éjahi naįneži. Hąhékisakjįgàją,
they slept. For the second time there at they slept. Being about midnight,*
*the translation in both I and OL has, "well midnight at".



"Kecų́gega tocą na’į́šononą,* pą́sak† wągožú-irawigàją, yahąténą.
"Turtle [to lead on the warpath,] [he was trying] [coarse bag] [afterwards we were placed in,] [I dreamt.]
*in I it is tocąna’į́įšonùną.
has pą́s’ak.



p. Ph. 105 —
Hihí, hihí." "Bo-o-o-o! Kóra* xapguni mįgre wašašáwąka.
[Exclamation]." ["Exclamation]! Say! quiet lie you who are saying this.



Waná´nakéwege wašéšge wakšąpíninaniną. Jagu’ųgáją hokiǧájąke
You are afraid so you say (it) you ought to turn back. Why do it backwards



hóšarakšàwąk? Kecų́gega tocą naį́šanąge pąsák hiwožúwiną,
you are telling it? Turtle to be on the warpath because he is always trying [coarse bag] we put them in,



p. OL. 300, I. 321 —
áre," higešgúni. Žégų haínigi
say (that)," he said to him. Now in the morning


žigitaníhǫna, žéjųga žégų hąhégi,* "Kecųgéga
again the third time, now now at night, "Turtle
*prior to this word, I has, žejųga žégų, "now, now", which is omitted in Ph.



tocą naį’įšonòną, pąsák wągožúrawigają
[to go on the warpath] [because he is always trying,] [coarse bag] [afterwards we were placed in]



yąhaténą. Hihí hihí." "Bo-o-o, ho cako hínųbohą,
I dreamt. [Exclamation.]" "[Exclamation,] well not the second time,*
*a footnote 1 reads, "don't you the second time".



hijobóhǫna hišegíži, nisaikjonehájigo, wašašáwąka.
the fourth time, you say it, I will kill you,* you who are saying it.
*a footnote 2 in I reads, "knock him unconscious".



p. OL. 301 —
Jagú’ų, wananákawanągùni žigé howeš’ųšówąk? Wakšų́pinaniną,"
Why, if you are afraid again you are here coming along? You ought to turn back,"



higéže. Žéjųga, Kešų́cgenįka wawagéšguni,
he told him. Now then, [Little Testicled Turtle]* he said to them,
*the translation in I and OL has, "the small turtle".



"Sųgijíwina,* hąhé nųbóhągiži žigé egíži,
"My younger brothers, night second† again he says it,
*the reading is from I. Ph has the standard hisųgejíwina.
†in I, an original "next" is circled and "second" written above it. In OL, it reads, "second, next".



žégų hinukós hahonixjįwią́je. Hųkéži wažaį́šganįkjaneną.
then hold me gather around me. But not though I will do something to him.



p. I. 322 —
Žegwosgé nąǧíre hakjéną. Wájane wairešúc
Just for nothing scare him I will. The one saying it coward



p. Ph. 106 —
ponainaxjį wanąkawánąga wájeną. Jagú wažą́ pąsák
[very bad smell]* he is afraid (and) he is saying. What anything sack
*the translation originally had, "he is very (mighty)", but all the words have been crossed out except "very".



p. OL. 302 —
pežųkónok ruxúrukše, žégų hinųkozwi-áje. Ha’ųxjį́šge
who will put me can, just* hold me. I do very much also
*in I, the word "just" had been written together with "hold me", but it was circled and moved under žegų with an arrow to replace the "now" that was there originally.



žégų hinųkozi-áje," ešgúni. Žéjųga žégų
just* hold me," he said. Now then now
*in I, "now" has been crossed out and "just" written over it.



žigé hąpsérecį. égi* hijobóhǫna†
well again all day and the fourth time
*in I, just before this word, žigé has been crossed out.
égi hijobóhǫna is repeated in OL, but in I the repetition is crossed out and in Ph it is omitted except for a crossed out égi.



hąhégi,* "Kecų́gega,† tocą naį’įšononą, pą́sak wągožú-irawigają,
at night, ["Turtle,] [to go on the warpath] [because he is always trying,] [a coarse bag] [afterwards we were placed in,]
*in Ph, just before this word, egi has been crossed out. In I, just before this word, the words égi hijobóhona have been crossed out.
†in OL, an asterisk marks a footnote which reads, "Ketocziga is singing".



yahąténą. Hihí hihí!"* "Bo-o-o, ho šjekjéną
[I dreamt.] [Exclamation!"] "[Exclamation,] well you will die
*a footnote 1 in I, reads, "one of the turtles kedocziga is singing".



p. OL. 303 —
wašašánąka." "Žéjųga žégų, hą-ą, hiníxjį,
you that's saying it." "Now then now, oh older brother,



p. I. 323 —
žégų hąké* žesgé hiníne,† ke
now not that do not do it, [not]
*OL has žegųké for žegų hąké.
†in I this word and the two before it are all run together thus: žégįukéžesgéhiníne. After this word, in I only, is added, kežésgehinína, with the English translation of, "that kind don't do".



žésge hinina,* hųkažą́, hųkažą́!"
[that kind] don't do it, no, no!"
*I has this redundant phrase, which is authentic (done for emphasis); it is omitted in Ph.



"T’ehąkjanéną, t’ehąkjanéną." Žégų Ketócziga
"I'm going to kill him, [I'm going to kill him."] Now Yellow-Throated Turtle



nąǧítebire, mąrók honącíbireže, mągera nąkúnokše.
they kicked him, into the ground they tramped him, the breast they broke (with their feet).



"Hąhó,* égi š’ų́ranišekjananą, hąké† šaránikjaniheną.
"Now then, here you will be doing it always,‡ not you will not be going.
*hêhoí in I.
†spelled hųke in I and OL.
‡after the word "be", "at forever" is crossed out and "doing it always" is written above it in ink.



p. OL. 304 —
Wąkšígera wananakéwege wašégi. Jajaį́xjį hip’á*
People you're afraid of them so you say it. As long as [up to]
*after this word in I, /wa/ is crossed out and a vertical line separates this word from the next.



wąkšikš’įgi, wąkšigeną́gere wanąnakáwekjanihèną, wanąkéwe wąkšikš’įkjanihèną.
as you live, these people afraid of them you will be, in fear of you will live.



p. Ph. 107 —
Hinųk hirakisgéną, cako wanąnakéwekjeną." Ho,
Women you are like, so therefore,* you will be really afraid." [Ho,]
*in I, a footnote 1 occurs here which reads, "in truth".



žejų́ga hijobóhǫna haraíreže. "Ho sųgejiwíną,*
now then the fourth time they went. "Now my brothers,
*Ph has hisųgejíwiną.



p. I. 324 —
egeréną. Hąpgú* hiwakąnągikjonihàwiną. Žéjųga, égi
here it is. For daylight we will leave them. Now then, [here]
*separated from the next word by a vertical line.



p. OL. 305 —
hisų́genįkra* Kešųcgéšujenįka e wąkjonihéną.
his younger brother Little Red [Testicled] Turtle† he he will gave the warcry.
*in I, after this word, the following is erased: keshųshgéniká éwąk’jónihéno.
means "testicle". Little Red Turtle is known from other stories.



Higų́ wągíži égi hiwaǧewi-anąga,* égi
Even when he cried then we will shout at them and
*In I, the letter /b/ is missing in this word.



hiwat’aį́pjonihawiną." Ésge haį́serec, éja ciwasų́jeja.
we will jump on them." And so all night there close to house.



Žégų haną́c ági kit’ų́bireže. Hąhá*
Then all ready they laid themselves. Well
*written as ųhá in I.



žéjųga, hą́bera gugáją, "Hą-ą-ą." "Ho yų."* "Ho, ho, ho."*
now then, the day it came and, [Shout] [Shout] [Shout]
*in I, ho is always written as hoí. A footnote 1 after ho yų reads, "a war-whoop". In OL, ho yų is written hya. A footnote 2 at ho, ho, ho, reads, "the others answering".



Žéjųga, wat’ų́bireže. "Hu hu!"* Rokónaže. "Tį, tį, tį́."
Now then, they started for them. [Shout] It was great. The sound of striking something.
*a footnote 3 occurs here in I which reads, "a short utterance of astonishment". OL has "[others answering]".



p. OL. 306 —
Wera’irakúni, hi-ųgíwina nųpíwigiži hinų́bike cašéra
Unexpectedly, the princesses (chief's daughters) which were two both of them the necks



p. I. 325* —
wamąšíše. Kecų́gega hi-ánąga hisųgenį́gra
he cut them off. Turtle thus he did and the younger brother
*there is an unnumbered page between 318/319 which reads in entirety: "The shouts are of the turtles stationed to give the war-cry and the others answering."



Kešų́cgešúcka nįcgánok wagigíži, hižą́šaną
Little Red [Testicled] Turtle to carry around the hip* he did to them, one apiece
*the translation had originally, "carry around your them he did". Above "your", "the" had been written, and below it, "body". This last word is crossed out and "hip" is written to its left in the pen and hand of Ph.



p. Ph. 108 —
hirežé. Žégų éja nųxówože. Wąkšigeną́gere,
they were. Now there he hid himself. These people



hoégi* žégų nąjanįkšgiránąga, žégų nąkirinánąk†
now they now nightmare they had and now to run here and there
*just before this word in I, hogeg has been crossed out.
†just before this word in I, nąkíjanik hiréže has been crossed out.



hiréže. "Wu-ó, wu-ó, tejasgégają?"*
they did. "[Exclamation] [exclamation] how can this be?"
*just before this word in I, tež has been crossed out.



p. OL. 307 —
Hąké nigé tocą́ wažąjiníną. "Hm, hm,
Not anywhere [warparty]* they did not come. [The people shouting]
*translated as "warriors".



hagagasgéžąxjį! Kécųk, wągoí-erawinaguni. Stówahiwíre.
O dear, it's awful! Turtles, they have been scattered.* Gather them together.
*originally, the translation read, "you're doing this to us". This is crossed out, and in the pen and hand of Ph is written, "they us we have been scattered".



Wa’ųną́gere, hiwaru-icáwiną." Žejų́ga,* pąsák
Those that are doing that, we will eat them." Now then, bags
*in Ph a forward slash is placed before this word to separate it from the previous one.



hani’ųwi-ánąga* sto wahíreže. Gwó,† žégų cašéra
they took and gather they did them. [Exclamation] now the necks
*in Ph, just before this word, /hani-a/ has been crossed out by a series of vertical lines.
I has gu (?), but the second letter has been crossed out and /wo/ written above it, producing the exclamation gwo. The English translation has been crossed out and dittos written above it. Ph has higų.



waiǧúgireže. Žégų ’únąk’ų žegųkága hiųgíwina
they protruded, stretched them out. Now finally not ever the chief's daughters



p. I. 326 —
pára howes’į́ hiraníže.* Kóra, werakirakúni
the heads [to find] they did not.† Say [exclamation]
*in I, this word is run together with the previous one, howes’į́wiraníže; OL has howesíwiraniže.
†the translation in I has, "they knew nothing of". A footnote 1 inserted here in I reads, "that is, the people didn't know about the death of the chief's daughters.



p. OL. 308 —
te Kecųgéga éja hakikúruk’ąkše, hisų́gera
[this] [Turtle] [there] he was covered, his brothers



hakaraíkižu. Higų́ teé hinų́gwacegižą ewaną́capše. "Waná!
with him. Now there a young virgin she discovered them by walking. [Woman's way of crying out]*
*the brackets are Radin's.



égi hižą́gera nąsúra wani’ųą́kšaną."
Here it is one heads he has with him."



"Ho,* žesgekjanéną, hihéžare. Žéjųga wągajaíreną.
["Ho,] it would be thus, I had said. Now then, they see us.
*in I this is written as hoí. Just before this word, žesgek has been crossed out.



p. Ph. 109 —
Hisų́genįkaxjį, wągeníną. Jagú ’ųwinanihéšge, kagá,
My younger brothers, we are men. Whatever they do, never



p. OL. 309 —
wowahíre kónogeni-ą̀je, hąké ǧageni-ą́je," ešgúni.
weaken (do not) put that way, not do you (not) cry,"* he said.
*the parentheses, found in I, are those of Radin.



Hagoréžą, éja, "Ho, kecųgé,* inią́nitukozwìną."
[Finally,] [there,] ["Ho,] you turtle, I capture you."†
*the Ph text has a capital /K/, suggesting an address to Turtle; however, it is lacking the -ra suffix that usually indicates the vocative for a personal name. Without it, the word should denote a generic turtle. However, the definite article is added as a sign of respect, so it's dropping may indicate contempt, in which case it may indeed be a proper name.
†the translation in I has, "I (?) capture you (surrender?)".



p. I. 327 —
"Ho jagú égi žésge nįgígi-áješononą.
["Ho,] that is what [here]* that kind I used to do to them.†
*the translation has "well".
†in OL, "you" is crossed out and "them" written above it.



Hitokeną́gere,* žésge wagigíšononą.† Woną́ǧire‡ Hirukónona
These old women, that way I used to do to them. [War]‡‡ [the Controllers]#
*a footnote 1 in I reads, "he is here calling all those whom he had conquered old women".
†this whole sentence is omitted in OL.
‡in I, before this word, nąxíre has been crossed out.
‡‡the translation in I and OL has "frightful thing", which is close to the word's origin, but "war" is actually its standard meaning.
#the translation has "chief of", but in the rest of Radin's corpus hereafter, the expression Wonąǧire Hirukonona is always translated as "War Controllers".



hinįgirairáwige,* hįšúrukozwigają." "Wągoci-éja wožuwi-ą́je‡
they thought thus for you, capture us you do." "At the Men's House† put them in
*In I, žesgínigí has been crossed out and hinigí written above it.
†a footnote 2 is inserted here in I which reads, "place where they took captives".
‡just before this word in I, hųkéwe has been crossed out.



wa’uną́gere t’airekjéną," aíreže. "Ho, jagú égi
these that are let them die," they said. ["Ho,] what here



wą́ganigają," jágu éže Kecų́gega. Žejų́ga
man that I am," what he said [Turtle.] [Now then]



p. OL. 310 —
Wągoci-éja wožúiregi. Hu-hu-u-u-u,* žégų kecųgeroiwójireži.†
[Men's House] they put him in. [Hu-hu-u-u-u,] now they killed many turtles.
*this is in quotation marks in the Ph text, but it appears to be an exclamation made by the narrator.
†in I, above the first /r/ and /h/ is written. However, /r/ sometimes replaces /h/, although it is usually a second occurence of the letter.



"Ho, rašgúni hiwarúicjenihàwiną, žesgé hakijá hįnoguą́jąwigają,"
["Ho,] peacefully we will eat (them),* that kind to see we've been wanting,"
*the parentheses are those of Radin.



aíreže. Hagoréžą, žéjųga, "Ho, žejaį́xjį
they said. Once in a time, now then, "Well, thus far



p. I. 328 —
wągeniną́gere wáširekjèną. Peǧú-inekjeną. Waširekjéną."
these men captives let them dance. Let them use gourds. Let them dance."



p. Ph. 110 —
"Yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú. Ho sųgekjį́,* waši-áje. Yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú."
["Yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú.] Well younger brothers, dance. [Yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú, yuhú."
*Ph has hisųgekjį.



p. OL. 311 —
"Woná! Jagú Kecų́gega honíge hišja
"[Woman's equivalent for koté]* What Turtle just like eyes
*the brackets in I are Radin's.



hokirúsge," aíreže. "O,† jagu égi?
they crossed,"* they said. ["O,] what of it?‡
*in I, above the line is written, "joined together".
OL has ao. In I, footnote 1 is inserted here which reads, "expression of approval". The same is said in the translation line of OL.
‡in I, above "what" is written "I don't" which was later crossed out.



Hinųgwácek žégų wákituxùc, kéšonoge* hišjára
Young virgins now look at one another with, often so the eyes
*this may be for ke-šąnąge. The last letter may be an /a/.



hųkírusge nąkáją." "Wanónige huragéš." "Égi,
they are crossed* they are." "Say just his legs bowed."† "Well,
*a footnote 2 is inserted here in I which reads, "close together".
†in I, "bowed" is circled and "crooked" written above it.



jagú egí? Wągánįge hurįgéženąkàją."* "Kecų́gega
what of it? I am a man so I am bowlegged."† "Turtle
*in I, above the beginning of this word is written, hura hį. OL has hura hįgéženǫkają.
†the translation in I uses the term "cross legged".



jagú honíge réra* co." "Ha,
what just his penis green." "Well,
*in Ph, an initial /te-/ has been crossed out and /r/ written above it. In I, the word is given as teerá, and in OL it is te-erá.



jagu égi? hinųk´ hajukége. Réra,
what of it? Women come into connection with it often. The penis,



p. OL. 312, I. 329 —
žésge* hį́coge† wai’únąkają," žigé wagéže.‡‡
that way I got it blue for that reason,"‡ again he said to them.#
*just before this word in I, hit hįcónǫkáją has been crossed out.
†in I, /ra/ has been crossed out of the original hįracoge.
‡"Is so I am that" has been crossed out and "for that reason" written above it in ink in the hand of Ph.
‡‡in I, wagežé is crossed out and wagéže has been written above it.
#I and OL have "she said", but clearly Turtle is talking here.



Hagoréžą, žejų́ga Kecų́gega wašíra rušjaíneže.
[In the course of time,] [now then] [Turtle] the dancing they stopped.*
*"we" has been crossed out and "they" written above it in ink in the hand of Ph.



"Koté, jagú? Hųsgé, nixeréja hiwožukjáwira.
"Say, what? Well, in boiling water let us put them in.



Nixére, hit’ewahikjáwira." "Ho, ’ųwíne. Jagú
Boiling water, let us kill them with it." "All right, do it. What



sánįki t’énawi?,* yaránąga. Ho, hisgé
one-sided you kill me?, I thought. So, some
*in Ph, the word is t’ékjanihawí.



p. Ph. 111 —
hanikit’ekjonehàwiną. Ha, nanikšų́wi-anąga, nihára tawáǧenįkjenawiną.
I will die with. [Ha,] tip it over on you I will, [and] the throat I will burn off for you.



p. OL. 313 —
’ųwíne, ’ųwíne." "Koté, hisgéšge* wegáją.
Do it, do it." "Say, the truth he says.
*Ph has hišgéšge.



Koté, jasgánaže? Pejerégi, iwokonogwigi, jasgánąga?"
Say, how will I do?* In fire, if we put them in it, how would it be?"
*in the original "how will it be" of I, "it" has been overwritten with "I do" and "be" has been crossed out.



"Hąhą́-o, koté, ’ų́wine, éžegų nąų́ste
"All right, say, do it, so then* embers
*in I, "I can" has been crossed out and "then" written above and to the right of it.



hiránikišarawi-ànąga, róhą hanikit’ékjenihawiną." "Koté, hisgé*
I'll hit you with, and many I will die with you." "Say, the truth
*Ph has hišgé.



p. I. 330 —
weną. Koté, žégų ninégi hiwokonogwi-anąga,
he said. Say, now in water we will put them in it, and



p. OL.314 —
hįwarúsgiji-anąga ninégi wokonogwi, žegų s’awaréwahi,
we'll tie them up, and in water put them in, then make them sink,



nihaicebiwahikjáwi."* "Hohó, koté, hagagasgéžą, wągwašošéwira,
(they will) die for want of breath."† "Oh my, say, for heaven's sake,‡ you brave men,
*in I, a footnote 1 is inserted here which reads, "let us drown them". Also, -kj- is overwritten by -kc-, the form found in OL. However, the standard form, -kj-, is found in Ph.
†in I, the words "drown" and "strangle" are written around these words in pen in the hand of Ph.
‡in I, a footnote 2 is inserted here which reads, "cry of distress".



hąkį́gi ’ųwiníne, žeží nąkewexjíną," éže.
not do not do it to us, that I am very much afraid," he said.



"Ho, žéjųga, pįkjanihéną." Žéjųga, hąbakirigíži,
"Well, now then, it will be good." Now then, when day came,



s’ikaį́ja warusgíc hiránąga ni-ošéwexji-éja wot’unaíreže.
at the ankles they tied they did and in the deepest water they threw them.



Égi Kecų́gega žegų́ niéjere† wa’unąkéjene.‡
And [Turtle] now* in the water he was so.
*in I, Radin puts this word in brackets.
Ph has ni-éjera. I has a final /a/ over which an /e/ has been written.
‡the word ends in /i/ in Ph.



Žegųo kikurušóroji-ànąga t’ekik’uą́kše* Kecų́gega. Žégų
Now they loosed themselves and he was making himself dead (pretending)† [Turtle.] Now
*just before this word, t’ékik’uínežé ke has been crossed out.
†the parenthetical material is Radin's.



hišge* žiąkášge t’ekik’uą́kše. "Žegų́ hisųgenį́kaxjį,
[also] the other one also he was making himself dead. "Now my younger brother,
*in I, just before this word, hisge has been crossed out.



p. OL. 315, I. 331, Ph. 112 —
t’ewagikík’ųkjéną.* Hagí wažįwaíšgųkjèną, hiróire, waną́gere."
I am going to pretend I'm dead.† On at let us do something to them, bad,‡ these that are saying it."
*in I, the second /g/ was written over a crossed out /k/.
†in I, a footnote 1 reads, "put in plural".
‡in I, a footnote 2 reads, "bad in looks and temper", and the same is found by an asterisk at the top of the page in OL.



Hijanéraži ninogiázire, jánąga hįké t’ehiránigi.
The others (at least) they ran to the water, all not they did not kill.



Wijéja hagí ciną́kše. Hagí ciną́ki.
On an island on at they were living. There they were living, so



žéjųga žegų́ ho ewakaraírekijege, žegų Kecųgéga
now then, now, well, there they were to go, so now [Turtle]



p. OL. 316 —
hura giážemįk t’ekik’ų́že. Kóra, hagoréžą
his legs he spread them out he pretended to be dead. Say, [finally]



hocincínįk hoǧǫ́ hoikišeréregi.* Žegų ’ų́sge,
boy minnows they were trying to catch. Now, well,
*OL only has hikišeréregi.



wošá xonúnįk hi’u-įránąga hoǧánįgera žegų
spear small they used and [minnows]* now
*the translation has "fish".



hijéwahiną́kše. Raxgéwa wagi’uną́kše. Kóra, Kecųgega
they would spear them. Weeds they were using. Say, [Turtle]



regoškóbera žegų cųsárara, higų hoǧǫ́nįgra
between his legs now the leeches ("blood-suckers"), now the minnows*
*the translation has "the fishes".



p. OL. 317 —
hocincinįgížą wa’ųžé. Regoškobéja hoǧǫnįgížą wapóǧenįk
a boy he did it. Between his legs a little fish he speared



p. I. 332 —
jijehígają. Kecų́gega wasgíxjįje. Kóra žegų
he did (struck). [Turtle] he pierced painfully. [Say,] now



nųwų́kjekéreže.* Hocincínįkjega žegų́xjį nųwųkše. "Ho,
he twitched. The boys now indeed immediately* they ran. "Say,
*Ph has nųwųk’jik’éreže.
†just before this expression in I, "now" and "not even" have been crossed out. A footnote 2 is inserted here which reads, "that is — immediately without waiting".



wągenína, koté Kecų́gega regošgobéja hoǧǫ́nįgra
the captives say [Turtle] between his legs the minnows



p. Ph. 113 —
rokónoxjįgejini ejijéwa hagáją, Kecų́gega, niži,
very many there were there I struck I did, [Turtle,] well,*
*the translation in I, seems to read, "he will say".



p. OL. 318 —
nuwų́kjikèreną. Ni-ǫ́bakšaną." "Hahú, hijowárawige
he twitched. He is alive." ["Hahú,] go there and



gisagwíre. Žegų ruǧéwige gisagwíreáje," aíreže.
kill him. Now take him out & kill him," they said.



Ésge žejų́ga hija jírežegają, tée
[And so] now then there they came and there



hąkawažinìže. Te werakirakúni gojá wijéja
he was not there. There unexpectedly over there at an island



hagí. "O-į ų́ų, o-į ų́ų," áježe. "Kecų́gega koragá
[there] [war whoop]* he was saying. ["Turtle] say
*translator's description in I and OL. A footnote 1 inserted here in I reads, "war whoop".



p. I. 333 —
wažą́ šišigížą gojájega." Žéjųga, éjagi
fellow that bad fellow that fellow." Now then, there at



p. OL. 319 —
wakje náwainánąga ’ųxjį rešgúni, "Wirá rowá, wirá rowá; ąhą́,
singing the victory songs, and* very much they did† they did, [?]‡ [?] [exclamation]
*the translation of both I and OL have only, "victory sing and".
†"must have done" is crossed out and "did" written above it.
‡this word is not found in my lexicon. The quotation seems to be from a victory song.



ąhą́," žégų Wakjé Wašira. "Koté, waíšjarawìre,"
[exclamation]," [so]* Victory Dance. "Say, you go and look,"†
*in I žegų is always translated as "now", but it can also mean, "thus, so". This would imply that the previous quot is from the ceremony of the Victory Dance.
†in I, below "look" the word "spy" is written. In OL, it is translated as, "look at, go on!".



aíreną. "Koté, watohóciga rekjéną." Tošónogega
they said. "Say, the son-in-law he can go." Otter



wagaíreže. Éja watohóciježe. "Žéjųga, hotohócira
they meant. Then he was being a son-in-law. "Now then, the son-in-law



raré." Egi Kecųgégaži wanąxgųjèže. "Ho,
go." And Tortoise he he could hear them. ["Ho,]



p. OL. 320 —
hižą́ wągaíšja hu-ikarohówiną. Higí mąšją́
one to spy on us they're getting ready.* Here mighty
*in the pen and hand of Ph, written above this is, "they're getting ready to come".



nawąwi-ánąga, hakaraǧéwišaną’ų̀ąje. Tejąkí*
you sing and shout every once in awhile. Often
*just before this word, teža is crossed out.



hijáwa tekjéną. Hiroíre wa’uą́ka, wažąšgųkjéną,"
there at I'll go. Bad fellow that he is, I'll do something to him,"



p. I. 334; p. Ph. 114 —
éže. Žejų́ga ninógera wa’uánąga, hajírapeže.
he said. Now then under the water [he did it and]* he lay for him there.
*the translation in I had "came he and", but this is crossed out and in the pen and hand of Ph is written, "he yelled", which latter is followed by OL.



Hirapégiži, žegųhó hagoréžą Tošónogega éja
Having waited for him, now [in time] Otter there



higuó-įxanisgègają hagerége howahi-ánąga šųcgéja
he just about passed him and behind he went from and testicles (plus scrotum)*
*the parenthetical material, found in I, is Radin's.



p. OL. 321—
haraxjákše. "Tuwí, tuwí. Koté, Kecųgé,
he bit him. "Ouch, ouch. Say, [Turtle]



hįgirúšjąrehire." "Jagu* š’ųšeregáją waš’ųšáwąkše?"
let me go." "What you are going to do you are?"
*a footnote 1 is inserted here in I which reads, "the turtle is talking to the otter".



"Higų́ hosgé howé wa’umą́kšaną,*
"Just for fun about I am going about,
*in I, this, and the preceding three words, are collapsed into, gosgowewaumúkšono.



hosge howé wa’umą́kšaną."* "Rerat’ų́kšaw`ąkšaną.†
for fun about I am going about." "You are lying.
*in I, this, and the preceding three words, are collapsed into, hosgówewáumúkšone (OL, hosgówewa’umáñkšaną).
in Ph, just before this word, the following has been crossed out: Nenaišja šere waš’ųšáwąkšàną. This should be where the number for footnote 2 is inserted in I, but it seems to be omitted. The footnote itself reads, "i.e., telling a falsehood".



Nenaíšja šére waš’ųšaw`ąkšaną. Waíšja
To spy on me you are going you are. To spy



hunišíreną. Hąké nįgitašją́ rehanįkjanèną."
they told you to come. Not to let loose I will not (do) for you."



koté Kecųgé, hįgirášjonehìre."
"Aw say [Turtle,] let me go."



p. OL. 322 —
"Kažó. 'Jájo Wakanjára k’oiregíšaną,
"No. 'Whenever the Thunderbirds they only thunder,



p. I. 335 —
hinaxjákšaną. Kecų́gega, wapakónǫkjé horagírešononą,' arehíre."
he bites me. [Turtle] (he would be) very smart they used to tell of him,' say to them."



"Wakit’ųténą," éže. "Hé-e-e-e." "Wé-e-e-e."* "Kecų́gega
"I've gotten myself trapped," he said. "[Calling]." "[Answering.]" "[Turtle]
*just above the /w/ in I is a footnote 1 which reads at the bottom of the page as, "an answering shout".



wapokónokje hóragirešononą. Wakit’ųténą.
very smart (cute) they used to tell of him. I've got into it.



p. Ph. 115 —
Hináxjakšano-o-o," éže. "Hó-o-o-o, hacínja
He has bitten me-e-e-e," he said. "Well, where



hanináxjakše?" "Ejó-o-o-o." "Koté, éja aną́kšaną.
he bit you?" "There." "Say, there he is saying.



p. OL. 323 —
Hacį́ja wagežé? Aijanináxjakšè-e-e?" "Hąkažó-o-o-o."
Where he means? He bit you in the arm?" "No."



"Regéja hanináxjakšè-e-e-e?" "Bohošjó-o-o-o."*
"In the leg he bit you?" "Pretty near."
*OL ends this word with /ą-ą-ą/; but /o/ is the standard termination of prolonged /ą/.



"Hocainaį́ja hanináxjakšè-e-e-e?" "Hąhą́-o-o-o," éže.
"In the private place* he bit you?" "Yes," he said.
*this is followed by a footnote 2 in I which reads at the bottom of the page as, "really — in the wilderness, away from everything else". OL has near the top of the page, "literally in-the-wilderness-away-from", which is connected to this spot by a line.



"Koté, egí, jáguo’ųpįkjéže,* žégų t’ehigáją.
"Say, well, nothing can be done can it, now he has killed him.
*in Ph, the last /ž/ in the word has been written above a crossed out /g/.



p. I. 336 —
'Wakanjára k’oiregíšaną hįgirášją rehikjanéže,'
'The Thunderbirds only when they thunder let loose of me he will do it,'



anakšanó-o-o-o.* Hohó hagagasgéžą! Koté,
he is saying. [Hohó] [a cry of distress]† Say,
*OL has ą-ą-ą as its terminal syllable.
†the brackets are in the text.



p. OL. 324 —
žegųguósge cehášišik ną́gere, žesgé
just anyhow an old buffalo hide these, that kind



hįgikorówigi." "Wažį́jahi waragiš’ųrajàwįže," aną́kšaną.*
let us rattle." "Something else you are doing that," he was saying.
*the MS Ph ends here.



"Wągwašošénągre wigáre hąké nįgítašją́ rehánikjaneną."
"These brave men tell them not let you loose I will not go."



"Hąhó-o-o, wažį́jahį waragíšwanajawįže, aną́kšaną, wągwášošenągre."
["Well,] something else that you are rattling, he is saying, this brave man."



"Hohó, hagáwažą, wapakónągižą." Há, žejų́ga,
["Hohó,] O dear, how smart he is." [Há,] now then,



p. OL. 325 —
hižą́ taniogižúireže. "Háo égi ya-ųcakjéną."
one tobacco they gave to him. ["Há-o] here I will try."



Taniogižuiregíže. Žégų táni wogižuánąga*
Tobacco, that they gave him. Now tobacco he placed for them and
*at the bottom of page 336 in I the follow is written:

wagižu = offer I
worágižu = you
wogížu = he



p. I. 337 —
Wakonjára wagigóže. Hagoréžą, wérakirakuni, "m-m,"
the Thunderbirds he called them. Once on a time, [exclamation] [sound of Thunders]



aíreže. "Hó, žejų́ga žówagúireną."
they said. ["Hó,] [now then] they are coming. [Hó]



žegų káwažą Wakanjára, "m-m," aíreže.
now not anything the Thunderbirds, ["m-m,"] they said.



"'Wąkjį́negí rujáxiregíšaną, hįgirášją rehikjaneną,* aną́kšaną,'
"'Right above us only if they thunder, to let me go he will, he says,'
*this word ends in -že in I.



p. OL. 326 —
wigáre." "'Wąkjį́negi rujáǧiregíšaną, hįgirášją rehikjanéže,
tell them." "'Right above us only if they thunder, let me go he will,



ánąkšanó-o-o-o."* "Hohó, wážą warokónoxjį,† hiroíre‡
he says." ["Hohó,] [something] it is too much beyond his limits, bad
*in OL this wod ends in ą-ą-ą.
†inserted by a caret and a footnote 1 which reads at the bottom of the page, wážą wárokonuxjį, under which the English reads, "that's too much beyond the limits".
‡at the end of this word, xjį has been crossed out.



hišjokirùsge wanǫká." Žejų́ga žigé wąkjį
double eyed (close together)* that he is saying." Now again straight above
*the parenthetical matter is Radin's.



egi tax.* Gwó† žejų́ga éja žégų
there flash of lightning. [Gwó] now [there] [now]
*a footnote 2 inserted here reads at the bottom of the page: "flash of lightning".
†after this word, kóra has been crossed out.



Kecų́gega éja ragás šuncgéra
[Turtle] [there] [hó] tear his bag



žégų rapáraš. "Korá, nįgiowákararé, hinųgową́genįk
now he tore. "Say, go home, likeness of a woman



p. I. 338 —
waš’ušáwągre. Hąkí nubóhǫna égi hižą́
that you are. Not again here anyone



p. OL. 327 —
jínikjéną." Wó-o-o, Tošónogega hacųgéxjį gišgúni.
come here." [Wó,] Otter just barely he got home.



Gigíži, žégų, "Hohó, cówe t’ehinána."
When he got home, now, ["Hohó,] he pretty near he killed me."



"Koté, hiwągéwahira girucágirekjeną," aíreže. Ésge
"Say, his sisters-in-law have them sew it," they said. And so



hiwągéwahira girucágira, nunige žegų́ho ražíjewa’ùinege.
his sisters-in-law they had them sew it, but now then they teased him while doing it.



Réra rajįjínege. Žégų žigé nąpáraš
His penis it became excited. Now again it tore loose



hinaseresérekše. "Koté, kunikága ’ųkjéną. Žéži
split loose (the stitches).* "Say, our gr. mother let her do it. She
*the parenthetical matter is Radin's. In OL it reads, "(his testicles)".



hąké žesgáninaną. Waną-ína wažą́ ’únąke, ésge
not she would not be that way. His thoughts something they were doing, and so



nąpáraš kiną́kšaną. Ésge žejų́ga hitokénika
it burst he is [doing it] to himself. So [now then] the old woman



higų́ wirowašjójera* hik’uánąga žégų harikí aisásahiže.
now with her needle she used (and) now far apart. she stitched it
*the text in I had "(wirowaš’jójera)" underlined, but above it is written in the hand and pen of Ph, wirúxugera. At the bottom of the page in I is written, "(maybe an archaic)" (sic). A footnote in OL reads, "probably archaic. Modern word, wirúxgera".



p. OL. 328, I. 339 —
Hó, žejų́ga, égi wéže, aíreže,
[Hó,] [now then] [well] he said, they said,



"Hąhą́* égi žégų, ’ų-inekjéra. Jagú
["Hąhą́] [well] [now,] let them go. What
*I has hǫhó.



sųgejíwina ep’á higų́ woínįk hiwagígiwigéjini,
younger brothers thus far now regretful loss we did to them,



p. OL. 329 —
hiyųgíwina.* Žégų hikikúrušjąréhikjenàwiną. Jajaį́xjį p’a
the princesses. Now we will surrender. As long as thus far
*just before this word, hui and hiru have been crossed out.



Hocųgeną́gere wąkšik’į́regiži, wągáruc hiranihekjenáwiną. Hąkagá hižą́
these Winnebagoes they live, to eat they will always (do to) us. Never one



wánąį́na hirohíre wogíkanąkwinią́je. Hąhá, težesge
thought bad (temper)* towards them (hold it in yourselves).* [Yes,] that kind
*the parenthetical material is Radin's.



hįcawaínekjenáwiną," éže, aíreną. Kecų́gega žesgáwa’ų́
we will go forward to," he said, they said. [Turtle] for that reason



p. OL. 330, I. 340 —
žejąį́xjįp’a kécųgenų́gere,* kécųk hokirájera hiwarúcajáwiną,#
that far the turtles,† tortoises‡ all kinds‡‡ we are eating,
*after this word in I, hiwarúc has been crossed out.
I has "tortoises".
‡before this wordin I, "the" has been crossed out.
‡‡in I, after the word "kinds", "we eat" has been crossed out.
#originally written as, hiwarúc hajáwine in I. The /h/ has been circled and a ligature indicated by two lines to the previous word.



nunige kedocziną́gere že wairešúcge, ésge
but the yellow-throated turtle that he was coward, so



mąrók’ųacípše. Hąké wągirajírawiniže, égi žéšaną
he tramped him into the ground. Not they did not come to us, and those only



hąkiwarújwiniže, aíreną. Téži kizų́jera gų́ kešų́cgera
we do not eat, they say. This here soft shelled and and small turtle



kécųk, hokirájera mątéhira žéži† žégų hiwarúcajékjonéže.
turtles, all kinds of them small turtle* those now‡ we will eat.
*this is written in ink in the hand of Ph.
†just before this word, žežigu has been crossed out.
‡just before this word, "they are" has been crossed out.



Téžesge éže, aíreną. Cegéja wąkšik
This way he said, they said. In the beginning the people



p. OL. 331 —
cóinina te wažą́gere hanącį́xjį pérezhiránąga ’ųwąjíre.
the first ones those things all they knew it and they came doing.



Hąké wažą́nižą wokíba hiésgani. Jajaį́xjįp’á,
Not anything doubtful it is. As long as that far,



p. I. 341 —
wą́kšigo-įra wągerewigi, kecųgeną́gere hoišíp hokirájera
living* (as) we are, these turtles all the time all kinds
*just before this word, "life" has been crossed out.



hiwarúicawi, žéžesgáwa’ų́ wągigíšanawi, nunigé hegų́ hirakárara
we will eat, for that reason he hurt us, but now towards them



hįwikšákšáxjí hajéšge. Hąkagížą*
we used to abuse them really mercilessly we were doing. Never any of them
*the MS OL ends here.



wogitégenikjanéną. Téžegų gųsše, éže,
they would not get mad. This way they ruled (made) he said,



aíreną. Žejoį́xjįp’a, kecųgeną́gere hiwarújajawíną.
they said. From that time on, the turtles we are eating.



Source ICharlie N. Houghton, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3900 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1908) Winnebago III, #18, Story XXXV: 314-360. Source PhCharlie N. Houghton, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3882 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, July, 1908) Winnebago III, #5, Story XI: 101-115. Source OLCharlie Houghton, translated by Oliver LaMere, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago III, #11a: 290-331.