Hocąk Text — Twins Disobey Their Father, Version 2
narrated by Jasper Blowsnake
No title appears on the initial page (which is actually page 2, the first page being lost). In the upper left, a small "28" has been overprinted with a very large "27", however this latter has been crossed out by a wavey vertical line. To the left of these numbers is written in slighly larger characters, the numeral "57". To its right, near the center of the page, is written "J. Twin = J. T." (Junior Twin). Off to the right upper part of the page, which a curved line setting it off, is the following:
"Oct. 23, 1950
ϕ = gaja (?)
giži (?)
The expression "giži (?)" is crossed out with a single horizontal line.
The manuscript is in the hand of Paul Radin, the Hocąk line is written in bolder letters with a different writing implement than was used for the English lines. In general, the MS is not difficult to read. About 50% of the hand written interlinear text has no English translation, but almost all of the untranslated words could be found elsewhere. Radin also used symbolic abbreviations for common whole words or syllables some of which he interpreted here and in other manuscripts, although there are some whose values are unknown. The symbols used in the text appear on the table below:
α | β | γ | ɜ | θ | λ |
égi | éja | giži | šaną | žigé* | žesge |
נ | ρ | σ | τ | υ | ϕ | ψ |
nunige | ánañga | žegų* | aire† | re, regi‡ | gają‡‡ | hañké |
ω | F | N | U | W | X |
žégų* | hianc† | nąhúic hikaroge híjega‡ | uañkwášoše | Warogᇇ | uañk, uañg |
2 | ɕ | 9 | |· | ·| | ⨪ | + |
že, še | xjį | žą | hire* | ną | nañk | haną́c |
|| | - | = | ·/, or ·/ / | / | > |
niñk* | ra | higuį́na | -kjanèną | -kjéną | gi |
Words supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are found in brackets '[ ]'. It was also necessary for the editor to supply all punctuation and to determine the beginning and ending of sentences.
[σ] | gixá[-] | hocgátc | hadjiaraí[υ]. | [ψ] |
Žegų | gixára | hošgác | hajiaraíre. | Hañké |
[Thus,] | in wilderness* | [to play] | they began. | [Not] |
ruxúruk | p’į́naní[2]. | Haruxá | mąhári[ɕ] |
ruxúruk | p’į́naníže. | Haruxá | mąhárixjį |
to stop them | it was impossible. | They kept on | farther and farther |
ho’uąnaíre[2]. | [α] | wawagé[2], | "Hiniñkaxdjį́wina, |
ho’uąnaíreže. | Égi | wawagéže, | "Hiniñkaxjį́wina, |
they went out. | [And] | [he said to them,] | ["My dear sons,] |
saniñkdégi | padjíją | mináñg[-] | [ψ] | iowaráwiniádje. |
saniñktégi | pajížą | mináñgra, | hañké | iowaráwiniáje. |
over there | a timber | [lies,] | [not] | [you must not go.] |
[ψ] | piníną," | wigé[2]. | Haínigi | [X]djega |
Hañké | piníną," | wigéže. | Haínigi | uañkjega |
[Not] | [it is good,"] | [he told them.] | [The next morning] | the man |
wajóinina* | regí,† | higuą́na,‡ | "Warorá, | hiándjeraga‡‡ |
wažóinina | regí, | higuą́na, | "Warorá, | hiánjeraga |
[hunting] | [when he went,] | [right away,] | "Flesh, | [your father] |
niñgówaré | wañgácira. | Higuą́na, | hinekdjé[·|]." | "Djagu |
niñgówaré | wañgášira. | Higuą́na, | hinekjéną." | "Jagu |
[to go somewhere] | that he told us. | [Right away,] | let us go." | ["How] |
djádjiga | nijí | roghijare." | ["ψ]á | nijí |
jájiga | niží | roǧižare." | "Hañká | niží |
[father] | instead* | [he forbade it."] | ["No way] | [instead] |
rewañgácijare. | Higuą́na, | hine[·/´][/]. | [ψ] | carániñgi, |
rewañgášižare. | Higuą́na, | hineną́kjanéną. | Hañké | šarániñgi, |
[he ordered us to go.] | [Right away,] | [let us go.] | [Not] | if you don't go, |
rap’iágere | hinip’ákunukunu-iñ[·/´][/]." | "Hodjiá, | [α] |
rap’iágere | hinip’ákunukunu-iñkjanéną." | "Hojiá, | égi |
beaver teeth | I will cut you up [with]." | ["All right,] | [there] |
guą́nirekdjéną," | higégi. | P’adjé[⨪]a | íowaraíre[2]. |
guą́nirekjéną," | higégi. | P’ajénañka | íowaraíreže. |
[we shall go immediately,"] | [he said to him.] | [That timber] | [they went.] |
Hahí[υ]. | Padj[⨪´]a | hanątc´ | ho-u´įne[2]. | [ϕ] |
Hahíre. | Pajnáñka | haną́c | ho-u´įneže. | Gają |
[They arrived.] | [That timber] | [all] | they went about. | [After] |
naį́ją | [β] | hiwosúntc* | howaí[υ]. | [β] |
naį́žą | éja | hiwosúnc | howaíre. | Éja |
[a tree] | [there] | near by | they went. | [There] |
notcíją | wają | waicgą́[2]. | "Kodé | Warorá, |
nocížą | wažą | waišgą́že. | "Koté | Warorá, |
a tree-being* | [something] | did to them. | ["Say] | Flesh, |
hiandj[-´]wiga | zik | econuną, | [λ´]ją | wa’unáñkuni. |
hianjeráwiga | 'zik' | ešonuną, | žésgežą | wa’unáñkuni. |
your father | 'squirrel' | [he usually calls,] | [that kind] | it must be. |
T’ehikdjé[bar]." | Hicgagá | hotigí | nąhú-itc | hikaroke |
T’ehikjékjéną." | Hišgagá | hotigí | nąhú-ic | hikaroke |
Let's kill it." | In truth | climbed it | [stump] | [grandmother] |
hídjega. | Nąwą́gedja | ciberé[2]. | Hatcuñgére | t’ehíre[2].* |
híjega. | Nąwą́geja | šiberéže. | Hacuñgére | t’ehíreže. |
[he had]. | On top of the tree | he fell down. | With difficulty | [they killed it.] |
"Notcí[⨪]a | h[ρ´]. | Hiandjeragá | Warorá | haganíne. |
"Nocínañka | hánañga | Hianjeragá | Warorá | haganíne. |
"[Tree being]* | [I have.] | [Your father] | [Flesh] | take it for him. |
Zigią́ | wa’u[⨪][ɜ]. | Zig[-´] | azires’á[2]. |
Zigią́ | wa’unañkcaną. | Zigrá | azires’áže. |
[A squirrel] | [it is.] | [The squirrels] | are delicious |
Hiandjeragá | éra | rudjíkdje." | Hagir[ρ´] | tci[β´] |
Hianjeragá | éra | rujíkje." | Hagiránañga | ciéja |
[Your father] | [this one?] | he may eat it." | [They came back and] | [to the lodge] |
’ú[⨪]’ų | gí[2] | hiątc´ | híre[-] | "Djádji, |
’únañk’ų | gíže, | hią́c | hírera. | "Jáji, |
[finally] | when they got back, | [father] | [it was.] | "Father, |
zigią́ | t’eniñgigiwi[bar]," | hige[2], | nąhú-itc | hikaróke |
zigią́ | t’eniñgigiwiną," | higeže, | nąhú-ic | hikaróke |
[a squirrel] | [we have killed ?]," | he told him, | [stump] | [grandmother] |
hínoñka. | Wé[2], | "Hiniñká[ɕ],* | wają | wákątcañgią́† |
hínoñka. | Wéže, | "Hiniñkáxjį, | wažą | wákącañgią́ |
[the one who has.] | [He said,] | ["My dear sons,] | [thing] | [a holy one] |
heré[bar]. | Daniógijųwige | gixaídja | t’ųp | ráwire," | [ρ]. |
heréną. | Taniógižųwige | gixaíja | t’ųp | ráwire," | ánañga. |
it was. | Pour tob. for it | [in the wilderness] | place it | go," | [he said.] |
[α] | jige | hagaréją | we[2´], | "Hiniñka[ɕ]wį́ne |
égi | žige | hagaréžą | wežé, | "Hiniñkaxjįwį́ne |
[And] | [again] | [in time] | [he said,] | ["My dear sons,] |
dégi | x’éją | mi[⨪´][-] | hosgánątc | kisakdji[β´] |
tégi | x’éžą | mináñkra | hosgánąc | kisakjiéja |
[right here] | [a hill] | [it sits] | on plain | [in the center] |
mi[⨪´][ɜ]. | X’é[⨪´]a | [ψ] |
minañkšaną. | X’énáñka | hañké |
[it sits.] | [That hill] | [not] |
iowárawiniandje," | wig[ρ´]. | Wajónina | rágini[2]. |
iowárawinianje," | wigánañga. | Wažónina | ráginiže. |
[you must not go,]" | [he kept saying.] | [Hunting] | [he went]. |
Higų́įregi, | guą́na* | nąhú-itc | hikaroke |
Higų́įregi, | guą́na | nąhú-ic | hikaroke |
[As soon as he had gone,] | [right away] | [stump] | [grandmother] |
hí[⨪]a | we[2´], | "Kodé | Warorá, | hiandjeráwiga |
hínañka | wežé, | "Koté | Warorá, | hianjeráwiga |
[the one who has] | [he said,] | ["Say] | [Flesh,] | [your father] |
niñgióware* | wañgacínihéra. | Higuą́na, | hine[·/´][/]." |
niñgióware | wañgašínihéra. | Higuą́na, | hinekjanéną." |
[to go somewhere] | [he once ordered us.] | [Right away,] | [let's go."] |
Warogá | we[2´], | "Nijí | roghijare." | "Kodé, |
Warogá | wežé, | "Niží | roǧižare." | "Koté, |
[Flesh] | [he said,] | "[Instead] | [he forbade it."] | ["Say,] |
higuą́na, | hine[·/´][/]. | [ψ] | c’unígi | rap’iágere |
higuą́na, | hinekjanéną. | Hañké | š’unígi | rap’iágere |
[right away,] | [let's go.] | [Not] | [if you do not] | [with beaver teeth] |
hinip’ásereseré[·/][/]," | higegí | Nañkéwigi | hakíjure[2]. |
hinip’ásereserékjanéną," | higegí | Nañkéwigi | hakížureže. |
I will slit you," | [he said to him.] | He was afraid so | he went with him. |
"Hosgá[⨪]a | [β´] | hahíre[2]. | X’enoñkácge | hanątc´ |
"Hosgánañka | éja | hahíreže. | X’enoñkášge | haną́c |
["That plain] | [there] | [we will go.] | Even [that hill] | [all] |
ho’úine[2]. | "Kodé | Warorá | hiándjeraga | djagu’ų |
ho’úineže. | "Koté | Warorá, | hiánjeraga | jagu’ų |
[they were.] | "[Say] | [Flesh,] | [your father] | [why] |
wegúni | [α] | owáhu | wañgacíra?"* | Á[⨪]’ų |
wegúni | égi | owáhu | wañgašíra?" | Ánañk’ų |
[did he say it] | [and] | to come here | he told us?" | As they said it, |
wak’ąná | rokóno[ɕ][2´]. | "Hú | Warorá,* | hiándjeraga |
wak’ąná | rokónoxjįžé. | "Hú | Warorá, | hiánjeraga |
[the snakes] | [there were very many.] | "Hú | [Flesh,] | [your father] |
ho | éconuna* | [λ] | wa’ú[⨪][ɜ]. |
ho | éšonuna | žesge | wa’únañkšana. |
'fish' | he used to call them† | [that kind] | [he did.] |
'Howaníwina | gipiesgéną,' | ecónuną. | Hoikicere[·/´][/]." | Mątcgúra† |
'Howaníwina | gipiesgéną,' | ešónuną. | Hoikišerekjanéną." | Mącgúra |
'We hunted fish | & it was very pleasurable,' | he used to say. | We will attend to fish." | [The bow] |
wik’úin[ρ] | wak’ąná | hoiwódjirecgúni. | ’Ú[⨪]’ų | Warogá |
wik’úinanañga | wak’ąná | hoiwójirešgúni. | ’Únañk’ų | Warogá |
[he gave back to him and] | [the snakes] | they killed many. | [Finally,] | Flesh |
tconí | t’ehíre[2]. | Wak’ą́ | wa’úne[2]. | Nąhútc |
coní | t’ehíreže. | Wak’ą́ | wa’úneže. | Nąhúc |
he was first | [they killed.] | [Snakes] | they were that did it. | [Stump] |
hikaroke | hídjega, | "Kodé | Warorá, | hónina |
hikaroke | híjega, | "Koté | Warorá, | hónina |
[grandmother] | [the one having,] | ["Say] | [Flesh,] | to hunt fish |
gipiésgak[ϕ]* | ranac’á[⨪]," | ánañga. | Aídja | harukóz[ρ]‡ |
gipiésgakają | ranaš’ánañk," | ánañga. | Aíja | harukózanañga |
it is pleasurable but† | you're asleep," | [he said.] | By the arm | [he grabbed him, and] |
kikáwa’ų. | Gigigí, | "Kodé, | hikínane," | ánañga. |
kikáwa’ų. | Gigigí, | "Koté, | hikínane," | ánañga. |
[he arose.] | [When he did it,] | ["Say,] | wake up now," | [he said.] |
Wa’uñgí | [W]* | "Ho," | [ρ´]. | Jigé |
Wa’uñgí | Warogá | "Ho," | ánañga. | Žigé |
[When he did it,] | [Flesh] | "Ho," | he said. | [Again] |
guąna | wak’ą́ | kizá | djire[2´] | [ϕ]. |
guąna | wak’ą́ | kizá | jirežé | gają. |
[right away] | [snakes] | [to fight] | [they came] | [.] |
Wirarotcą́dje | xaixá[ϕ], | hicgagá | (nąhúitc* | hikaroke |
Wirarocą́je | xaixágają, | hišgagá | (nąhúic | hikaroke |
The noon | (after) it passed, | [in turn] | [(stump] | [grandmother] |
hídjega)* | hicgiagá | t’ehíre[2] | [γ]. | [W] |
híjega) | hišgiagá | t’ehíreže | giži. | Warogá |
[the one who had)] | [in turn] | [they killed] | [.] | [Flesh] |
hicgaga* | wa’ų[2´]. | Kikáwa’ų | gigi[ρ´], | "Kodé, |
hišgaga | wa’ųžé. | Kikáwa’ų | gigiánañga, | "Koté, |
[in turn] | [he did it.] | [He arose] | [he did and] | ["Say,] |
djagú’ų | rana[ɜ][⨪][2]? | ho’inina* |
jagú’ų | ranašananañkše? | ho’inina |
[why] | you're asleep? | [to hunt fish] |
gipiésga[ϕ´] | rana[ɜ´][⨪]," | higegi[ρ] |
gipiésgakáją | ranašánanañk," | higegianañga, |
[it is pleasurable, but] | [you're asleep,"] | [he said, and] |
"Ho," | [ρ´]. | Kikáwa’ú[⨪][2]. | Haruxá* |
"Ho," | ánañga. | Kikáwa’únañkše. | Haruxá |
["Ho,"] | [he said.] | [He arose.] | They kept on |
wak’ǫná | xede[ɕ´] | haraíre[2]. | [α] |
wak’ǫná | xetexjį́ | haraíreže. | Égi |
[the snakes] | larger | they were getting. | [And] |
wagirúcdją | hiregí, | horᆠ| mahudją́ | [|·´]gi |
wagirúšją | hiregí, | horá | mahują́ | hirégi |
they let up on them | when they did, | [the fish] | they destroyed many | [it came to pass.] |
[ε] | wak’á[⨪]a | hik’iñgire[2´]. | [α] |
[Ésge] | wak’ánañka | hik’iñgirežé. | Égi |
[And so] | [those snakes] | they gave up. | [Then] |
Waretcáwa[⨪]á | [N]* |
Warecáwanañká | nąhúic hikaroge híjega |
[that Twin] | [the one who had a stump for a grandmother] |
wé[2], | "Kodé | Warorá,* | hoinudji[·|´][/]."† |
wéže, | "Koté | Warorá, | hoinujikjanéną." |
[he said,] | "[Say,] | Flesh, | fish we'll eat." |
Hok’iwás’unų́įne[2´]. | Wak’ą́ | dudjír[ρ] | rutc | hire[2´]. |
Hok’iwás’unų́įnežé. | Wak’ą́ | tujíranañga | ruc | hirežé. |
Fish they boiled for themselves. | [Snakes] | they cooked | [to eat] | [they did.] |
[W] | tceg[β´] | rudj[-´]* | ruc’akí |
Warogá | cegéja | rujrá | ruš’akí |
[Flesh] | [at first] | to eat | he could not |
[N] | wa’ų[2´]. | "Tcodégi, |
Nąhúic hikaroge hijegá | wa’ųžé. | "Cotégi, |
[The one who had a stump for a grandmother] | [he did it.] | "Here, |
ijábere," | higegí | ijáb[ρ] | hidjó | pahi |
ižábere," | higegí | ižábanañga | hijó | pahi |
open your mouth," | so | he opened his mouth and | toward them | head* |
dji[⨪]kí, | [W] | irá | hocóiregi | jégų |
jinañkí, | Warogá | irá | hošóiregi | žégų |
(when) he turned, | Flesh | his mouth | it was spit in | & |
wak’ą́ | rútcdjire[2´]. | Rucdjaínegi | djasgé[ɕ][ɜ] | k’į |
wak’ą́ | rúcjirežé. | Rušjaínegi | jasgéxjįšana | k’į |
snakes | he started in to eat. | [When they finished,] | [as much as] | to carry |
ruxurúgi[υ] | [λ´][ɕ][ɜ]. | K’ią |
ruxurúgire | žesgéxjįšaną. | K’ią |
they could | apiece. | [Raising themselves up ?] |
karaíre[2]. | Hagí[υ]. | "Kodé | Warorá, | hiandjeragá |
karaíreže. | Hagíre. | "Koté | Warorá, | hianjeragá |
[they went home.] | [They arrived.] | ["Say] | [Flesh,] | [your father] |
hiwogíhoñ[·/´][/]." | Wokųná* | reghiją | hoi[ɕ´] | dutc |
hiwogíhoñkjanéną." | Wokųná | reǧižą | hoixjį́ | tuc |
let us boil for him." | Snakes | a kettle | full | to cook |
[|·´][2]. | [α][ɕ´] | hiántc | híre[-]. | Kirigí. |
hiréže. | Egixjį́ | hiánc | hírera. | Kirigí. |
they did. | [Just then] | [father] | [he arrived.] | [He returned.] |
"Djadjí, | hóniñgihawí[bar]. | Dutcį́dje[bar]. | Higųįsgesgé | [ψ] |
"Jají, | hóniñgihawíną. | Tucį́jeną. | Higųįsgesgé | hañké |
["Father,] | we boiled for you. | It is cooked really well. | And some even | not |
waháwiníną." | Deerére[bar].* | Tcinuxg[β´] | wok’ǫná |
waháwiníną." | Teeréreną. | Cinuxgéja | wok’ǫná |
we have not cooked." | [There they were.] | Back wall of lodge | [snakes] |
mąkúnukúnuk | gixdją́ kerér[ρ´] | wá[⨪][2]. |
mąkúnukúnuk | gixją́ keréránañga | wánañkše. |
cut up | they had piled up and | they had said thus. |
"Nįgágwirá, | 'wak’ą́' | aíreconúna. | Dee | wają́ |
"Nįgágwirá, | 'wak’ą́' | aírešonúna. | Tee | wažą́ |
["My sons,] | ['snakes'] | [they are usually called.] | [These] | [things] |
wák’ątcañk | hiré[bar]. | [ψ] | ho | wa’únañgenína.* |
wák’ącañk | hiréną. | Hañké | ho | wa’únañgenína. |
[holy] | [they are.] | Not | fish | they are not. |
Dáni | haníwi[ρ´] | gixaídja* | wawaxų́ | rawiré." |
Táni | haníwiánañga | gixaíja | wawaxų́ | rawiré." |
[Tobacco] | take and | [in the wilderness] | to pour them | go." |
Reghdjegá | hirokíko[⨪] | hir[ρ´] | haníhinop |
Reǧjegá | hirokíkonañk | hiránañga | haníhinop |
[The kettle] | they carried together | [they did] and | when they started to go out |
haraí[υ] | nąp | hiruxé | hir[ρ´] | himaní |
haraíre | nąp | hiruxé | hiránañga | himaní |
[they went] | [to start out] | to take it out | [they did] and | [they walked] |
rutc | harahaíre[2]. | [α] | ’ú[⨪]s’ági | [σ] |
ruc | harahaíreže. | Égi | ’únañks’ági | žegų |
[eating] | (they) went. | [And] | as they went on | [then] |
higuągá | jigé | wé[2], | "Niñgágwirá, | jigé |
higuągá | žigé | wéže, | "Niñgágwirá, | žigé |
[sometime] | [again] | [he said,] | "My sons, | [again] |
aganí[ɕ] | saniñgemégi | déjąnañg[-´] | [ψ] | iowárawiniándje," |
aganíxjį | saniñgemégi | téžąnañgrá | hañké | iowárawiniánje," |
never under any circumstances* | in this | where a lake is† | [not] | [you must not go,"] |
wig[ρ´] | nañkíkarara | ré[2]. | Higų́į[υ´], | we[2´],* |
wigánañga | nañkíkarara | réže. | Higų́įrégi, | wežé, |
[he told them, and] | [hunting] | [he went.] | [As soon as he had gone,] | [he said,] |
[N] | higuą́na | we[2´], | "Warorá, |
nąhúic hikaroge híjega | higuągá | wežé, | "Warorá, |
the one who had a stump for a grandmother | [right away] | [he said,] | ["Flesh,] |
hiándjeragá | niñgiówaré | wañgacínihé[-]. | Higuąna, |
hiánjeragá | niñgiówaré | wañgašínihéra. | Higuąna, |
[your father] | [to go somewhere] | [he once ordered us.] | [Right away,] |
hine[·/´][/]." | [α´] | [W] | we[2´], | "Djagú |
hinekjanéną." | Égi | Warogá | wežé, | "Jagú |
[let's go."] | [And] | [Flesh] | [he said,] | ["What] |
djadjiga | nijí | roghijare." | [α] | [N] |
jajiga | niží | roǧižare." | Égi | nąhúic hikaroge híjega |
[father] | [instead] | [he forbade it."] | [And] | the one who had a stump for a grandmother |
we[2], | "Warorá, | [ψ] | c’ųníge* | rap’iágere |
weže, | "Warorá, | hañké | š’ųníge | rap’iágere |
[he said,] | ["Flesh,] | [not] | [you do not do it] | beaver teeth |
hinipákunukúnu-į́[·/´][/]." | Nañkéwege | hakíju | reną. |
hinipákunukúnu-į́kjanéną." | Nañkéwege | hakížu | reną. |
I will cut you up [with]." | He was afraid so | with him | he went. |
Dé[⨪]a | [β´] | hahí[υ] | Dé[⨪]a | hogigįx´ |
Ténañka | éja | hahíre. | Ténañka | hogigįx´ |
[That lake] | [there] | [they went.] | [That lake] | [around] |
ho’ų́įne[2]. | "Warorá | djagú’ų | hiándjeraga | wegúni"? |
ho’ų́įneže. | "Warorá | jagú’ų | hiánjeraga | wegúni?" |
[they were.] | ["Flesh] | [why] | [your father] | [did he say it?"] |
Niná | jigé | ho-úine[2] | [ϕ]. | Tcųsaraíją |
Niná | žigé | ho-úineže | gają. | Cųsaraížą |
[The water] | [again] | [they were] | [.] | A leech |
hadjaí[υ], | xede[ɕ´]ją. | "Kodé | Warorá, | hiándjeraga |
hajaíre, | xetexjįžą. | "Koté | Warorá, | hiánjeraga |
[they saw,] | [a large one.] | ["Say] | [Flesh,] | [your father] |
'wagíha' | ecónuna* | [λ´]ją | wa’ųwañk[ɜ]." |
'wagíha' | ešónuna | žésgežą | wa’ųwañkšaną." |
'jerked meat' | [he usually calls,] | that kind† | it must (be)." |
Maįgúdjire[2]. | Hehir[ρ´] | ądjédja | hot’ųnaíre[2] |
Maįgújire[2]. | Hehiránañga | ąjéja | hot’ųnaíreže |
[They shot it with arrows ?]. | [They did it and] | on the shore | they threw it |
[ϕ.] | Tcųsárara* | rokóno[ɕ][2´]. | Howakcą́ | dé[-] |
gają. | Cųsárara* | rokónoxjįžé. | Howakšą́ | téra |
[.] | [The leeches] | [were very much]. | Round about | [the lake] |
waruxaíre[2]. | "Warorá, | hidadje | wa’uą́dje. | De eréreną. |
waruxaíreže. | "Warorá, | hitaje | wa’uą́je. | Te eréreną. |
they chased them. | ["Flesh,] | [mightily] | [do it]. | They are the ones. |
Hiándjeraga | wawage[-]." | [ψ] | wają | [λ]ániñgi |
Hiánjeraga | wawagera." | Hañké | wažą | žesgániñgi |
[Your father] | [spoke of them."] | [Not] | [anything] | [they amounted to, so]* |
ądjí[⨪]. | Náñgire[2] | [ϕ]. | Niná | waruxé[2]. |
ąjínañk. | Náñgireže | gają. | Niná | waruxéže. |
they came out. | They ran | [.] | Waters | chased them. |
Woxára | maní[2]. | Nína | gúdjiregá[ɜ] | hakdjá |
Woxára | maníže. | Nína | gújiregášana | hakjá |
To catch them | it followed. | [The waters] | when they shot at only | [back] |
ka[ρ´] | jigé | runą hus’á[2]. | [W] | tconí |
kánañga | žigé | runą hus’áže. | Warogá | coní |
[over there] and | [again] | it would come right away. | [Flesh] | [first] |
t’ehíre[2]. | "Kode | Warorá, | gipiesga[ϕ], | ranacá[⨪]," |
t’ehíreže. | "Kote | Warorá, | gipiesgagają, | ranašánañk," |
they killed. | "[Say] | [Flesh,] | [while this is very pleasant,] | [you're sleeping,"] |
hig[ρ´]. | Aidja | harukóz[ρ] | kikáwa’ų | gigi[2]. |
higánañga. | Aija | harukózanañga | kikáwa’ų | gigiže. |
[he said to him.] | [By the arm] | [he grabbed him, and] | [he arose] | [he did]. |
"Ho," | [ρ´]. | Kikawau[ρ´] | [=] | jige |
"Ho," | ánañga. | Kikawauánañga | higuį́na | žige |
"Ho," | he said. | [He arose and] | [right away] | [again] |
tcųsá[-] | kizá | djiré[2]. | Haruxá | tcųsá[-][-] |
cųsára | kizá | jiréže. | Haruxá | cųsárara |
[blood suckers] | [to fight] | [they went.] | [Repeatedly] | [the blood suckers] |
xede[ɕ] | haraíre[2]. | [α] | hicgagá | [N] |
xetexjį | haraíreže. | Égi | hišgagá | nąhúic hikaroge híjega |
[very large] | [they went.] | [Then] | [in truth] | [the one who has a stump for a grandmother] |
e[|·´][2], | t’e[|·´]gi. | [W] | we[2´], | "Kodé, |
ehiréže, | t’ehirégi. | Warogá | wežé, | "Koté, |
[he was himself ?] | [he was killed ?]. | [Flesh] | [he said,] | ["Say,] |
wagíha | hikicére[-]. | Gipiesgá[ϕ]* | ran[a]cá[⨪]." | "Ho," |
wagíha | hikišérera. | Gipiesgákają | ran[a]šánañk." | "Ho," |
[jerky] | pay attention to it. | [While it is so pleasant,] | [you're sleeping."] | "Ho," |
[ρ´]. | Kikáwa-ų[2´] | [ϕ], | Higuą́ | x’éniñk* |
ánañga. | Kikáwa-ųžé | gają. | Higuą́ | x’éniñk |
[he said.] | He arose | [.] | [Right away] | [in a little while] |
[W] | jigé | t’e[|·´][2]. | "Kodé | Warorá, |
Warogá | žigé | t’ehiréže. | "Koté | Warorá, |
[Flesh] | [again] | he was killed. | ["Say] | [Flesh,] |
djagú’ų | racá[⨪]?" | gipiesgakádją | aidjarukóz[ρ] | kikáwa’ų |
jagú’ų | rašánañk?" | gipiesgakáją | aijarukózanañga | kikáwa’ų |
[why] | [are you sleeping?"] | [while it is so pleasant] | [He grabbed him by the arm and] | [he arose] |
gigigí. | "Ho," | [ρ´]. | Kikáwa’ų[2´]. | [α] |
gigigí. | "Ho," | ánañga. | Kikáwa’ųžé. | Égi |
[he was made to do.] | ["Ho,"] | [he said.] | [He arose.] | [And] |
jigigų́ | x’apgéniñk | [N] | hicgága | t’e[·|´][2]. |
žigigų́ | x’apgéniñk | nąhúic hikaroge híjega | hišgága | t’enáže. |
[then again] | [in a little while] | [the one who has a stump for a grandmother] | [in turn] | [he was killed.] |
[W] | we[2´] | "Kode, | kikáwaųné. | Gipiesgak[ϕ]* |
Warogá | wežé, | "Koté, | kikáwaųné. | Gipiesgakáją |
[Flesh] | [he said,] | ["Say,] | [get up.] | [While it is pleasant] |
ranacá[⨪]," | hig[ρ´] | "Ho," | [ρ´]. | Kekáwa-ų[2´]. | [α] |
ranašánañk," | higánañga | "Ho," | ánañga. | Kekáwa-ųžé. | Égi |
[you're sleeping,"] | [he said to him, and] | ["Ho,"] | [he said.] | [He arose.] | [And] |
hoxdjanáginigí,* | wagirucdjaį́ne[2] | [γ]. | "Kodé |
hoxjanáginigí, | wagirušjaį́neže | giži. | "Koté |
[when it was already evening,] | [they let upon them] | [sentence terminator]. | "[Say] |
Warora, | wagíha | hiñkiwásunuñge.* | Hiwarúdj[ρ´] | hiñkére[·/]." |
Warora, | wagíha | hiñkiwásunuñge. | Hiwarújánañga | hiñkérekjeną." |
[Flesh,] | [jerky] | let us broil. | We will eat and | we will go home." |
Tcųsá[-] | wasunu* | įn[ρ´] | warúdjerucdjaínegi, | "Warorá |
Cųsára | wasunu | įnánañga | warújerušjaínegi, | "Warorá |
[Leeches] | [to roast on a spit] | [he was and] | [when they finished eating,] | ["Flesh,] |
hiandjeragá | wagíha | hiñgik’įkere[·/´][/]. | Djasgé[ɕ] | k’iókip’į |
hianjeragá | wagíha | hiñgik’įkerekjanéną. | Jasgéxjį | k’iókip’į |
[your father] | [jerky] | we will pack home. | As much as | they could pack |
k’į́n[ρ] | hakaraíre[bar]. | Hagí[υ]. | "Warorá, |
k’į́nanañga | hakaraíreną. | Hagíre. | "Warorá, |
they packed, and | [they started home.] | [They arrived.] | ["Flesh," |
hiándjeragá | wagíha | huñgíhañ[·/´][/]." | Reghiją | hoi[ɕ´] |
hiánjeragá | wagíha | huñgíhañkjanéną." | Reǧižą | hoixjį́ |
[your father] | [jerky] | we will boil for him. | [A kettle] | [full] |
dutc | gikerére[2]. | Hiántc | híre[-]. | Kirigí. |
tuc | gikeréreže. | Hiánc | hírera. | Kirigí. |
[to cook] | [they went right ahead.] | [Father] | [he arrived.] | [He returned.] |
[N] | we[2´], | "Djadjí, | wagíha | hicéconuna. |
Nąhúic hikaroge híjega | wežé, | "Jají, | 'wagíha' | hišéšonuna, |
[the one who has a stump for a grandmother] | [he said,] | "[Father,] | 'jerky' | you used to call, |
[λ] | ióniñgihawí[bar]." | Hisgé | [ψ] | waháwininá. |
žesge | ióniñgihawíną." | Hisgé | hañké | waháwininá. |
[this kind] | [we boiled for you."] | [In truth] | [not] | it didn't boil. |
[ϕ´][⨪]a | herére[bar], | "Niñgágwira, | wają́ | dee |
Gájañga* | heréreną, | "Niñgágwira, | wažą́ | tee |
[Then] | [he said to them,] | ["My sons,] | [things] | [these] |
[ψ] | wająpį́nanina. | 'Tcųsárara' | wigaíre[bar]. | Hanináwige |
hañké | wažąpį́nanina. | 'Cųsárara' | wigaíreną. | Hanináwige |
[not] | [they are not good things.] | ['Leeches'] | [they are called.] | Take them |
hixaídja | niñgiahí | waxų́winé." | Haníhinop | haraí[υ] |
hixaíja | niñgiahí | waxų́winé." | Haníhinop | haraíre. |
[to the wilderness] | [?] | [pour them out.] | They took it out | [they went] |
Rutchireréhi | harahaíre[2]. | S’añkénąkácge | hixaídja | wájuahíre[2]. |
Ruchireréhi | harahaíreže. | S’añkénąkášge | hixaíja | wážuahíreže. |
[Eating as they did so (?)] | [they went.] | The raw ones also | [in the wilderness] | they placed them.* |
[α] | tci[β´] | ’ú[⨪]s’ági. | [σ]* | jigé |
Égi | ciéja | ’únañks’ági. | Žegų | žigé |
[Then] | [at the lodge] | [they used to be]. | [Now] | [again] |
wawagé[2],* | "Niñgiágwira, | jigiáganí[ɕ] | sániñk | wiórotcądjé[υ] |
wawagéže, | "Niñgiágwira, | žigiáganíxjį | sániñk | wiórocąjére |
[he told them,] | ["My sons,] | [over ?] | [direction] | [south] |
x’éją | nijeráreki | waxcútcdja | háju* | x’é[⨪]a |
x’éžą | nižeráreki | waxšúcja | hážu | x’énañka |
[a hill] | cliffs | red cedar | they are covered with | [that hill] |
x’e[⨪]kéwesge[ɕ´]ją | heré[bar]. | [ψ] |
x’enañkéwesgexjį́žą | heréną. | Hañké |
fearful looking hill* | [there is.] | [Not] |
edjowaráwiniándje," | [ρ´]. | Nañkíkara | [υ´]. |
ejowaráwiniánje," | ánañga. | Nañkíkara | ré. |
[do not go over there,"] | [he said.] | [Hunting] | [he went.] |
Higų’į[υ], | [=] | [N]* |
Higų’įregi, | higuįna | nąhúic hikaroge híjega |
[As soon as he had gone,] | [a little later] | [the one who has a stump for a grandmother] |
we[2´], | "Warorá | [=] | hiandjeragá | hiórotcųdje[υ´]* |
wežé, | "Warorá | higu’į́na | hianjeragá | hiórocųjeré |
[he said,] | ["Flesh,] | [right away] | [your father] | [south] |
x’éja[⨪]kí | iowáre | wañgací[-]. | [=] |
x’éžanañkí | iowáre | wañgašíra. | Higu’į́na |
[hill] | [you must go] | [he ordered us.] | [Right away] |
eowaíne[·/´][/], | [γ´]." | [W] | we[2´], | "Kodé, |
eowaínekjanéną, | [gíži]." | Warogá | wežé, | "Koté, |
[we must go.] | [.] | [Flesh] | [he said,] | ["Say,] |
nijí, | djadjíga | roghijare." | "Kodé, | jigé | p’į[ɕ] |
niží, | jajíga | roǧižare." | "Koté, | žigé | p’įxjį |
[instead] | [father] | [forbade it."] | ["Say,] | [again] | [very good] |
[=] | hine[·/´][/]. | [ψ] | carániñgi, | rap’iágere* |
higu’į́na | hinekjanéną. | Hañké | šarániñgi, | rap’iágere |
[right away] | [let's go.] | [Not] | [if you don't], | [beaver teeth] |
hinip’akúnukúnu-iñ[·/´][/]," | higegí. | "Hodjiá, | [α´] | hine[·/´][/]," |
hinip’akúnukúnu-iñkjanéną," | higegí. | "Hojiá, | égi | hinekjanéną," |
[I'll cut you,"] | [he said to him.] | ["Okay,] | [then] | [let's go,"] |
e[2], | [W]. | Haraí[υ]. | X’e[⨪´]a | hirahíre[2]. |
ežé, | Warogá. | Haraíre. | X’enáñka | hirahíreže. |
[he said,] | [Flesh]. | [They went.] | [That hill] | [they reached there.] |
X’énoñka | haną́tcį[ɕ] | ho-úįne[2] | [ϕ] | [ψ] |
X’énoñka | haną́cįxjį | ho-úįneže | gają | Hañké |
[That hill] | [absolutely all of it] | [they were] | [.] | [Not] |
nunige | wają́niją | hiperés | hiraní[2]. | Hihákdji[β´] |
nunige | wažą́nižą | hiperés | hiraníže. | Hihákjiéja |
[however] | [not a thing] | [to know] | [they did not.] | Extreme top |
hahíre[ϕ], | waniñgeníxácarara | djopíwi | [β´] |
hahíregają, | waniñgeníxášarara | jopíwi | éja |
[when they reached,] | bird with bare* stomachs | [four] | [there] |
hanañgwí[2]. | "Korá | Warorá, | wająná | djóp |
hanañgwíže. | "Korá | Warorá, | wažąná | jóp |
[they were running ?, they groaned ?.] | ["Korá] | [Flesh,] | [the things] | [four] |
[α] | anañgwíną. | Hiją́ | wage[2´], | "Raj[-´] |
égi | anañgwíną. | Hižą́ | wagežé, | "Ražrá |
here | they are. | [One of them] | [he asked them,] | "Name |
djagú | iniñgaíre[2]?" | higé[2]. | [N] |
jagú | iniñgaíreže?" | higéže. | Nąhúic hikaroge híjega |
[what] | [do they call you?"]* | [he said to him.] | [The one who has a stump for a grandmother] |
wé[2], | [γ]. | Waniñgenixacaranáñka | we[2´], |
wéže, | giži. | Waniñgenixašaranáñka | wežé, |
he said it | [.] | [That bare-bellied bird] | [he said,] |
"Nodjąpga | higaíre[bar]," | e[2´]. | "Korá, | wają |
"Nojąpga | higaíreną," | ežé. | "Korá, | wažą |
"'He who Strikes Trees' | [they call me,"] | [he said.] | ["Korá,] | [thing] |
wátcogią* | 'Nódjųp' | higaíre[bar]. | Waráñgire, | ninécge |
wácogią | 'Nójųp' | higaíreną. | Waráñgire, | ninéšge |
you're a great one (sarcastic)† | 'He who Strikes the Trees' | [you whom they call.] | You that speaks, | even I |
[ψ] | 'Nodjųpga' | hiñgaírani," | [ρ´]. | Sepaítcgijé. |
hañké | 'Nojųpga' | hiñgaírani," | ánañga. | Sepaícgižé. |
not | 'He who Strikes the Trees' | I am not called," | [he said.] | He kicked him with his toes. |
[α] | jigé | hidjąnédją | wage[2´], | "Nicgé |
Égi | žigé | hijąnéją | wagežé, | "Nišgé |
[Then] | [again] | [another] | [he asked,] | ["You also] |
decanañgré, | djagú | inigaíre[2]?" | ["α], | djagú |
tešanañgré, | jagú | inigaíreže?" | "Égi, | jagú |
[this smart one ?] | [what] | [do they call you?"] | ["And,] | [what] |
iñgaírekdjé[2]? | 'Naįsawagicicgá' | hiñgaíre[bar]." | "Korá |
iñgaírekjéže? | 'Naįsawagišišgá' | hiñgaíreną." | "Korá |
should they call me? | 'He who Breaks Tree Tops' | [they call me."] | ["Korá] |
wająwátcogią́ | 'Naį́sawagicicga' | higairegúni. |
wažąwácogią́ | 'Naį́sawagišišga' | higairegúni. |
[you're a great thing] | 'He who Breaks Tree Tops', | [you whom they supposedly call.] |
Ninécgera | hiñké | 'Naįsawagicizera' | hiñgaínani[ρ´] |
Ninéšgera | hiñké | 'Naįsawagišizera' | hiñgaínaniánañga |
[Even I myself] | [not | ['He who Breaks the Tree Tops'] | [I am not called, and] |
sepaítcgi[2´]. | [α] | jigé | hiją | wage[2´], |
sepaícgižé. | Égi | žigé | hižą | wagežé, |
[he kicked him with his toes.] | [And] | [again] | [to one of them] | [he said,] |
"Nicgé | decanañgré | djagú | iniñgaírege," | higejé. |
"Nišgé | tešanañgré | jagú | iniñgaírege," | higežé. |
["You also] | [this smart one ?] | [what] | [do they call you?"] | [he said to him.] |
"Djagúiñgairekdjé[2]?" | "'Mąémaniñga' | hiñgaíre[ϕ]." | E[ϕ] |
"Jagúiñgairekjéže?" | "'Mąémaniñga' | hiñgaíregają." | Egają, |
["What are you called?"] | "He who Storms as He Walks' | [they call me."] | [When he said this,] |
"Kará, | wająwátcogrą́ | 'Mąémani' | higaíre[·/][/]. | Wanáñgere |
"Kará, | wažąwácogrą́ | 'Mąémani' | higaírekjanéną. | Wanáñgere |
["Kará,] | [you're a great thing] | ['Storms as He Walks'] | [they would call.] | [Up above] |
ninécge | [ψ] | 'Mąémaniná' | hiñgaírani," | hig[ρ´] |
ninéšge | hiñké | 'Mąémaniná' | hiñgaírani," | higánañga |
[even I myself] | [not] | ['Storms as He Walks'] | [they do not call me,"] | [he said, and] |
sepaítcgi[2´]. | Nącáratc | rehí[2]. | Hiruág[-] | hodagí. |
sepaícgižé. | Nąšárac | rehíže. | Hiruágra | hotagí. |
[he kicked with his toes.] | Away with his foot | [he made him go.] | The [last] one left | [he spared.] |
Jigé | wage[2´], | "Hicgé | decanañgré | djagúįniñgaíre[2]?" |
Žigé | wagežé, | "Hišgé | tešanañgré | jagúįniñgaíreže?" |
[Again] | [he said to him,] | ["Also] | [you who are so smart ?] | [what do they call you?" |
higegí. | We[2´], | "Djagú | hiníwaha[-] | raj[-´] |
higegí. | Wežé, | "Jagú | hiníwahara | ražrá |
[he said to him.] | [He said,] | ["What] | [my older brothers] | their names |
hokarágire[-] | wananáxdjak | radje[ϕ]," | higegí. |
hokarágirera | wananáxjak | rajegają," | higegí. |
they had told him | you're kicking them | [as you are?"] | [he said to him.] |
"Kodé jigé, | pį[ɕ] | hokarágenare.* | [ψ] |
"Koté žigé, | pįxjį | hokarágenare. | Hañké |
"Come on now, | [very good] | tell it. | [Not] |
rakarágenigi,* | ranidjodjoíxdjanéną," | higegí. |
rakarágenigi, | ranijojoíxjanéną," | higegí. |
if you don't tell it | I'll squash you," | [he said to him.] |
[α] | waniñge[⨪´]a | we[2´], | "Djágu | iñgaírekdjé[2]? |
Égi | waniñgenáñka | wežé, | "Jágu | iñgaírekjéže? |
[And] | [that bird] | [he said,] | "[What] | [they should call me? |
Rac hi’úinera | 'Nijúmaniná' | hiñgaíre[ϕ]." |
Raš hi’úinera | 'Nižúmaniná' | hiñgaíregają." |
When I was named, | 'Rains as He Walks' | [they called me."] |
"Kará, | wająwátcogią́ | 'Nijúmaniná' | higaíre[·/][/]. |
"Kará, | wažąwácogią́ | 'Nižúmaniná' | higaírekjanéną. |
["Kará] | [a great thing you are] | ['Rains as He Walks'] | [they would call you.] |
Wanáñgere | ninécgera | [ψ] | 'Nijúmaniná' |
Wanáñgere | ninéšgera | hañké | 'Nižúmaniná' |
[Up above] | [even I myself] | [not] | 'Rains as He Walks' |
hiñgaírani," | [ρ´]. | Sipaitcgi[2]. |
hiñgaírani," | ánañga. | Sipaicgiže. |
[they call me,"] | [he said.] | [He kicked him with his toes.] |
Nącáratc | rehí[2]. |
Nąšárac | rehíže. |
[He kicked him so that he rolled] | [he caused him to go.] |
[α] | wawagé[2], | "Djagú | icawiga | c’agwaráwiga |
Égi | wawagéže, | "Jagú | išawiga | š’agwaráwiga |
[And] | [he said to them,] | "What | you say to cause | your parents |
hakiríres’á[2]?" | "Wáguwiga,† | hakiúreconúną." | ["α] |
hakiríres’áže?" | "Wáguwiga, | hakiúrešonúną." | "Égi |
to come [usually]?"* | "When we call them, | they always come back." | ["Then] |
áwire." | [α] | aírecguni. | C’agwahírera | wagúirecguni* |
áwire." | Égi | aírešguni. | Š’agwahírera | wagúirešguni |
say it." | [Then] | [they said it.] | [Their parents] | [they called them] |
[γ´]. | Waíre[2],* | "Hįdjáa, | hįdjáa, | Waretcáwa |
[gíži]. | Waíreže, | "Hįjá-a, | hįjá-a, | Warecáwa |
[.] | [They said,] | ["You and I see,]† | [you and I see;] | The Twins |
modjániñk | hirániherá; | Hinadjirawiną,* | hinadjirawiną"† |
mojániñk | hirániherá; | Hinajirawiną, | hinajirawiną" |
Crazy travelers | that were; | They have come upon us, | They have come upon us"‡ |
[ϕ] | Sipáiwitcgicguni. | Wogídek | híre[2]. | Waretcáwera† |
Gają | Sipáiwicgišguni. | Wogítek | híreže. | "Warecáwera |
[.] | He kicked them.* | Angry | they got. | "The Twins] |
moniñdjácinį́gwige, | gixarégi | x’e | háge[υ] |
moniñjášinį́gwige, | gixarégi | x’e | hágeregi |
because you are crazed upon the earth, | in the wilderness | [hill] | on top of |
hadjíacanañgwí." | Mañxí húdjedja | tciwį́ | djikerehíre[2]. |
hajíašanañgwí." | Mañxí hújeja | ciwį́ | jikerehíreže. |
you are at." | At the horizon | [roars] | they made. |
"Kodé jigé, | awíre." | "Hiháwiga | naįnaxdjak | haradjé[ϕ]." |
"Koté žigé, | awíre." | "Hiháwiga | naįnaxjak | harajégają." |
["Come on,] | [say it."] | "When we say it, | kicking us | you are." |
"Kodé, | hañkícawínigi | ranidjodjoixdjenáwi[/]." | Jigé |
"Koté, | hañkíšawínigi | ranijojoixjenáwikjéną." | Žigé |
["Koté,] | if you don't say it, | I will squash you (with feet),* | [Again] |
aíre[2]. | C’akwahíre[-] | wagoíre[2],* | "Hįdjá-a, | hįdjá-a; |
aíreže. | Š’akwahírera | wagoíreže, | "Hįjá-a, | hįjá-a; |
they said it. | [Their parents] | [they summoned,] | ["You and I see,] | [you and I see;] |
Waretcáwa | modjániñk | hirániherá; | Hinadjirawiną,* |
Warecáwa | mojániñk | hirániherá; | Hinajirawiną, |
The Twins | Crazy travelers | that were; | They have come upon us, |
hinadjirawiną." | Mañxí[-] | c’ep | kinip[2´]. | hinajirawiną.". | Mañxíra | š’ep | kinipšé. |
they have come upon us." | [The clouds] | darkening* | [it fell.] |
"Jigé | awíre." | "Hiháwiga | naį́naxdják | haradjé[ϕ]."* |
"Žigé | awíre." | "Hiháwiga | naį́naxják | harajégają." |
["Again] | [say it."] | "When we say it, | kicking us | you are." |
"Jegų* | awíre. | [ψ] | hicawínigi, | ranidjodjoíxdjenawiną."† |
"Žegų | awíre. | Hañké | hišawínigi, | ranijojoíxjenawiną." |
["Now] | [say it.] | [Not] | [if you do not say,] | I'll squash you," |
Nañkáwai[υ]. | Aíre[2],* | "Hįdjá-a, | hįdjá-a; | Waretcáwa |
Nañkáwaire. | Aíreže, | "Hįjá-a, | hįjá-a; | Warecáwa |
[they were afraid of him.] | [They said,] | ["You and I see, | [you and I see;] | [Twins] |
modjániñk | hirániherá; | Hinadjirawiną, | hinadjirawiną. |
mojániñk | hirániherá; | Hinajirawiną, | hinajirawiną. |
The Twins go about the world crazed | that were; | They have come upon us, | They have come upon us. |
Monindjácinígwigé, | motcaíno | x’e | hagerégi | hacanañgwí." |
Moninjášinígwigé, | mocaíno | x’e | hagerégi | hašanañgwí." |
[Because you are going about the earth crazed,] | in the wilderness | [hill] | [on top] | [you are at."] |
Aíre[ϕ], | korá, | rokóna[ɕ] | wa’uañgwíre[2]. | [=] |
Aíregają, | korá, | rokónaxjį | wa’uañgwíreže. | Higuį́na, |
[After they said it,] | [— korá! —] | [a great many] | they're coming. | [Immediately,] |
jigé | hidjobóhǫna | ewagigí[2]. | Roghiranúnige, | "Hįdjá-a, |
žigé | hijobóhǫna | ewagigíže. | Roǧiranúnige, | "Hįjá-a, |
[again] | [for the fourth time] | he had them say it.* | They objected but, | "[You and I see,] |
hįdjá-a; | Waretcáwa | modjániñk | hirániherá; |
hįjá-a; | Warecáwa | mojániñk | hirániherá; |
[you and I see;] | The Twins | go about the world crazed | that were; |
Hinadjirawiną, | hinadjirawiną. | Waretcáwa |
Hinajirawiną, | hinajirawiną. | Warecáwa |
They have come upon us, | they have come upon us. | [Twins] |
monindjácinigwigé, | motc’aíno | xe |
moninjášinigwigé, | moc’aíno | xe |
[because you are going about the earth crazed,] | in the wilderness | [hill] |
hage[υ´] | haca[⨪]wí," | [ρ´]. | Sip’áwitc[γ],* | [ϕ´] |
hagerégi | hašanañgwí," | ánañga. | Sip’áwicgiži, | gáją |
[on top] | [you are at,"] | [he said.] | [He kicked him with his toes and so] | [when] |
[=]* | hakírirágenigé, | [=] | hodjį | nawígeni[2]. |
higuį́na | hakírirágenigé, | higuį́na | hojį | nawígeniže. |
[right away] | as they were returning,† | already | even now | they were struck at. |
Wanigenixacera[⨪´]a | wanądjódjoxrehíre[2] | [γ]. |
Wanigenixašeranáñka | wanąjójoxrehíreže | giži. |
[These bare bellied birds] | they squashed them | [.] |
[=] | rawakána[ɕ] | kinibícguni | [γ]. | "Warorá, |
Higuį́na | rawakánaxjį | kinibíšguni | [giži]. | "Warorá, |
[Right away] | many | they came | [.] | ["Flesh,] |
hiandjeragá | 'rutcgé' | ecónuną. | [λ] |
hianjeragá | 'rucgé' | ešónuną. | Žesge |
[your father] | 'pigeons' | used to say. | [That kind] |
wo’ú[⨪][ɜ]. | Rutcge | iñgicgaípdjeną." |
wo’únañkšaną. | Rucge | iñgišgaípjeną." |
[they are.] | [Pigeons] | let us knock down." |
Rutcgé | gicgáp[-] | ’uñ[ɕ´]necguni. | [W] | tconí[ɕ] |
Rucgé | gišgápra | ’uñxjįnešguni. | Warogá | coníxjį |
[Pigeons] | knocking down | they did very much. | [Flesh] | [the very first] |
gisák | hirecgúni. | "Warorá, | rutcgé | gicgab[-´] |
gisák | hirešgúni. | "Warorá, | rucgé | gišgabrá |
killed | he was. | ["Flesh,] | pigeons | knocking down |
gipiésga[ϕ]* | ranacá[⨪]," | [ρ´]. | Kikáwa’ų. |
gipiésgakają | ranašánañk," | ánañga. | Kikáwa’ų. |
[while it is such a pleasure,] | [you are sleeping,"] | [he said.] | [He arose.] |
Gigigí, | kikáwa’u[ρ´] | rutcgé* | gicgab[-´], | ’uñ[ɕ´]recguni. | Hicge |
Gigigí, | kikáwa’uánañga | rucgé | gišgabrá, | ’uñxjįrešguni. | Hišge |
[When he did,] | [he arose, and] | [pigeons] | [knocking down,] | [they did very much.] | Also |
waisák | nąį́ne | uñ[ɕ´], | nagenúnige | rutcgé[-] |
waisák | nąį́ne | uñxjį́, | nagenúnige | rucgéra |
to kill them | in trying | they did very much, | but | pigeons |
hoiwótc | hadją́wi[2]. | [α] | hiją́ | rutcgé[-] |
hoiwóc | hają́wiže. | Égi | hižą́ | rucgéra |
killing | [they were.] | [Then] | [one of them] | [the pigeons] |
gicíbirega, | írokaradjįdjį́wire. |
gišíbirega, | írokarajįjį́wire. |
when they would knock them down, | they would clap their mouths. |
Mącdją | hakaragheres’á[2]. |
Mąšją | hakaraǧeres’áže. |
Mightily | they would shout at it for themselves. |
Haruxá | rutcgé[⨪] | kujíniñk | ho’uąraíre[2]. | Hicge |
Haruxá | rucgénañk | kužíniñk | ho’uąraíreže. | Hišge |
Continuously | [the pigeons] | lower and lower | they came down. | [Also] |
waretcáwa[⨪]a | kujíniñk | ho’ųįnegi. | Rohą́ | giságenañk[2]. |
warecáwanañka | kužíniñk | ho’ųįnegi. | Rohą́ | giságenañkše. |
[these twins] | low | they went. | [Many] | they were killing.* |
Waicípdjirehí[⨪][2]. | [α] | [N]* |
Waišípjirehínañkše. | Égi | nąhúic hikaroge híjega |
they were knocking them down. | [Then] | he who has a stump for a grandmother |
giságerecgúni. | Rutcgé | wa’úine[2]. | [W] | wecgúni[2], |
giságerešgúni. | Rucgé | wa’úineže. | Warogá | wešgúniže, |
[they killed them.] | [Pigeons] | [they did it.] | [Flesh] | [he said,] |
"Kodé, | kikáwa’une, | rutcgé | gicgab[-] | gipiesgábe[υ] |
"Koté, | kikáwa’une, | rucgé | gišgabra | gipiesgáberegi |
["Say,] | [get up,] | [pigeons] | [knocking down] | [while it is so pleasant,] |
ranacá[⨪], | kikawa’uné. | "Ho," | [ρ´]. | Kikáwa’ųnañgá, |
ranašánañk, | kikawa’uné. | "Ho," | ánañga. | Kikáwa’ųnañgá, |
[you're sleeping,] | [get up.] | ["Ho,"] | [he said.] | [Having gotten up to some extent,] |
rutcge | kizá[-] | jigé | hoináñk’ hígenije. | [W] |
rucge | kizára | žigé | hoináñk’ hígeniže. | Warogá |
pigeons | [to fight] | again | he started in. | [Flesh] |
jigé | giságire[2]. | "Hicgagá, | kodé, | rutcgé |
žigé | giságireže. | "Hišgagá, | koté, | rucgé |
[again] | [they killed him.] | ["In truth,] | [koté,] | [pigeons] |
gicgab[-´] | gipiesgág[υ], | ranacá[⨪]," | [ρ´]. |
gišgabrá | gipiesgágregi, | ranašánañk," | ánañga. |
[knocking down] | [while it is so pleasant,] | [you're sleeping,"] | [he said.] |
Kikáwa’ų | gigi[2´]. | "Ho," | [ρ´]. | [=]* | rutcgé |
Kikáwa’ų | gigižé. | "Ho," | ánañga. | Higuį́na | rucgé |
[To get up] | [he did it.] | ["Ho," | [he said.] | [Right away] | pigeon |
gicgáb[-] | ’ų́djiragíni[2]. | Medjáñki[ɕ´] | rutcgé[-] | waicíp |
gišgábra | ’ų́jiragíniže. | Mejáñkixjį́ | rucgéra | waišíp |
[knocking down] | they started. | Very often | [the pigeons] | to knock down |
hadją́wi[2]. | Hiją | gicíbirega | hakaraghé[⨪´]. | Hicgagá, |
hają́wiže. | Hižą | gišíbirega | hakaraǧénáñk. | Hišgagá, |
they did. | [One of them] | [having struck down,] | [they gave a shout.] | [In truth,] |
[N] | giságire[2] | [γ]. | [W] | we[2´], |
nąhúic hikaroge híjega | giságireže | [giži]. | Warogá | wežé, |
[the one who has a stump for a grandmother] | [they killed] | [.] | [Flesh] | [he said,] |
"Kodé, | gipiésgáge[υ], | ranacá[⨪]," | hig[ρ´] | kikáwa’ų |
"Koté, | gipiésgágeregi, | ranašánañk," | higánañga | kikáwa’ų |
["Say,] | [while it is such a pleasure,] | [you're sleeping," | [he said to him and] | [to get up] |
gigí[2]. | Hiantchíre[-] | howé | nañkíkarak’ų, | Wakandjá[-] |
gigíže. | Hianchírera | howé | nañkíkarak’ų, | Wakanjára |
[he did.] | [Their father] | (round) about | [while] he was hunting, | [the Thunders] |
hagúiregi. | Rokóno | hagúire[2]. | Hiperesé. | Éniñgwahí[-] |
hagúiregi. | Rokóno | hagúireže. | Hiperesé. | Éniñgwahíra |
they started coming back. | Mightily | [they started coming back.] | He knew of it. | His [sons] |
cgą́wahi | guhírerá | hiperés ko[⨪][2´]. | "Hoxhó |
šgą́wahi | guhírerá | hiperés konañkšé. | "Hoxhó |
they were rushing | back | he knew immediately. | "[Exclamation] |
hinígwahá[-], | jedjúñga | t’ewaigigiregíni* | [|·][2´]." |
hinígwahára, | žejúñga | t’ewaigigiregíni | hirežé." |
[my sons], | [at last] | [you] will be killed | [to be."] |
Wakandjá[⨪]a | hik’iñgíre[2], | [ψ] | t’ewahíraníñkdjoné[-] |
Wakanjánañka | hik’iñgíreže, | hañké | t’ewahíraníñkjonéra |
[These Thunderbirds] | they gave up, | [not] | that they were not going to kill them |
hiperézregé. | [α], | "Kodé | Warora, | rutcgéra |
hiperézregé. | Égi, | "Koté | Warora, | rucgéra |
[because they knew.] | [Then,] | ["Say] | [Flesh,] | [the pigeons] |
sdoiwakáragi[·/][/]." | [β´] | rutcgéra | sdówakarager[ρ´] |
stoiwakáragikjanèną." | Éja | rucgéra | stówakarageránañga |
we will gather."* | [There] | [the pigeons] | [they gathered, and] |
rutcgé | kiwásunuįn[ρ] | warútc | rucdjaį́negí | [α] |
rucgé | kiwásunuįnanañga | warúc | rušjaį́negí | égi |
[pigeons] | [they hated to part with, and] | [eating] | [when they were finished] | [then] |
wa’uine[2´]. | Rutcgé | k’į́n[ρ] | [α], | "Warorá, |
wa’uinežé. | Rucgé | k’į́nanañga | égi, | "Warorá, |
[they did it.] | [Pigeons] | [they roasted, and] | [then,] | [Flesh,] |
hiandjaragá | 'Maįnarak' | ecónuną. | Maį́narak |
hianjaragá | 'Maįnarak' | ešónuną. | Maį́narak |
[your father] | 'Feathers for arrows,' | [he would always say.] | [Feathers for arrows] |
hagáni | hiñkerekdjé[bar]." | Mącų́na* | roháñ[ɕ] | rúcurudjiré. |
hagáni | hiñkerekjéną." | Mąšų́na | roháñxjį | rúšurujiré. |
to take for him | [we will go home."] | [The feathers] | [a great many] | they picked. |
Maį́narak | hiąntc´ | híre[-] | haganí | hakaraíre[bar]. |
Maį́narak | hiąnc´ | híreną, | haganí | hakaraíreną. |
[Feathers for arrows] | [all] | [there were,] | [to take for him] | [they started home.] |
[X][⨪´]a | niñkdjóñgeniñgra | t’ewagigiregúni, |
Uañknáñka | niñkjóñgeniñgra | t’ewagigiregúni, |
[That man] | [the children] | [they had perhaps killed them for him,] |
[|·]gé. | nañghiranañk’ų. | De | hidjait’at’a | karahaíre[2]. |
hiregé. | nañǧiranañk’ų. | Te | hijait’at’a | karahaíreže. |
[he thought.] | He was frightened.* | [These] | others talking | they came home. |
De | wá[⨪][2], | "Kará | Warorá, | higų́ |
Te | wánañkše, | "Kará | Warorá, | higų́ |
[This one] | [he was saying,] | ["Kará] | [Flesh,] | [yet] |
nixoxoxdjį* | rutcgé, | hiñgicgá[ρ] | hinąį́na. | Medjuñkí[ɕ] |
nixoxoxjį | rucgé, | hiñgišgánañga | hinąį́na. | Mejuñkíxjį |
they were saying | [pigeons,] | when we tried to knock them down | you are very weak. | Very often |
niñgiságire." | "Korá, | nicge |
niñgiságire." | "Korá, | nišge |
you were knocked unconscious." | ["Korá,] | you also |
niñgiságire[bar]." | "Niñgiságiregá, |
niñgiságireną." | "Niñgiságiregá, |
[you were knocked unconscious."] | ["When you were knocked unconscious, |
aídja | hanidúkoz[ρ´] | kikáwa’ų | niñgigí[ɜ]," | air[ρ´] |
aíja | hanitúkozánañga | kikáwa’ų | niñgigíšaną," | airárañga |
[by the arm] | [I took you and] | [to get up] | to make you," | [he said, and] |
de | hikcaít’e[ɕ´] | hakarahaíre[2]. | Hagí[υ], |
te | hikšaít’exjį́ | hakarahaíreže. | Hagíregi, |
[this one] | [he laughed hard] | they were coming on home. | [When they got back,] |
"Djadjį, | rutcgé | hicecúnuna. | Rutcgé[-] | rokóno[ɕ´]na |
"Jajį, | rucgé | hišešúnuna. | Rucgéra | rokónoxjį́na |
["Father,] | [pigeons] | [you told about.] | [The pigeons] | [the great many] |
waiwodjwíną. | Roháñ[ɕ] | haisagwí[bar]. | [β] | rutcgiákipasunuį[ρ´] |
waiwojwíną. | Roháñxjį | haisagwíną. | Éja | rucgiákipasunuįanáñga |
we knocked and killed. | [A great many] | [we hit.] | [There] | [we roasted pigeons on spits and] |
wahadjwí[bar]. | Hicgé | dee | waniñgánikuwíną." | "Hiniñka[ɕ´]wina, |
wahajwíną. | Hišgé | tee | waniñgánikuwíną." | "Hiniñkaxjį́wina, |
[we ate them.] | [Also] | [these] | we brought home for you." | ["My dear sons,] |
wają | wakątcañk | waragic’ųwí[bar]. | 'Wakandjá' | wigaíreconúna. |
wažą | wakącañk | waragiš’ųwíną. | 'Wakanjá' | wigaírešonúna. |
[something] | [holy] | you did it to. | ['Thunders'] | [they are usually called]. |
[ψ] | ruitcge* | wa’únañgeníną. | Ruitcgé[⨪]a | waníñk xónuniñk |
Hañké | rucge | wa’únañgeníną. | Rucgénañka | waníñk xónuniñk |
[Not] | [pigeons] | [they are.] | [These pigeons] | [small birds] |
wagá[⨪][ɜ]. | Mosg[β´] | daní | hirasá |
wagánañkšaną. | Mosgédja* | taní | hirasá |
[what is meant.] | On pure ground | [with tobacco] | [together with] |
wawoxų | rawíre." | Mosg[β´] | wainiahíre[2], | Wakanjá[⨪]a.* |
wawoxų | rawíre." | Mosgédja | wainiahíreže, | Wakandjánañka. |
[pour them out | [go."] | [On pure ground] | [they took them,] | [these Thunderbirds.] |
Jasper Blowsnake, "Waretcawera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman Numbers 3850, 3896, 3897 (ϕladelphia: American ϕlosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 67: 1-40 [13-30].