Hocąk Text — The Twins Disobey Their Father, Version 3
collected by Sam Blowsnake
Hakoréža | s’ižé | xetéreže. | C’ąkráške | hoškaciranáka |
Sometime | long time | he became big. | The outside also | they play in and |
haríšké | ho’ų́ineškųni. | ’Éki | hakaréžą | wąkanákre |
far away also | they did maybe. | And | at some time | this man |
wažanirék’arohoki, | wežé, | "Hinį́khaxcįra, | škacrá |
when he was ready to go hunting for something, | he said, | "My sons, | to play |
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harioš’ųáracą́winą. | Éca | nįké | xeíža," | wakéžé. | Žiké |
you go too far away. | There | somewhere | a mountain," | he said. | "Again |
hakanį́xcį́ | yórawášarawiéke. | Hak’é | p’įnįkewahéną," | éže. |
not ever | I say that you go there. | Not | that isn't good,"` | he said. |
’Éki | wažónįnarežé. | ’Éki | hižá | wawíže, |
And | they went out hunting. | And | one of them | he said, |
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"K’oté, | hi’ácįhira | nikowarewąkašíraškè."* | ’Éki | hižá |
"[Say,] | father | he also wants us to go someplace." | And | one of them |
wežé, | "K’oté | nižíroǧiweneare,"* | ’éže. | Hižá |
he said, | "Say, | I thought he forbade us," | he said. | One |
weže, | "K’ažó, | yowáre | wą̀kašiną." | ’Éki |
he said, | "No sir! | to go | he wants us." | And |
’anąk’ų́ | haraíreže. | Wakéká | ’eowaraíreže. | ’Éki |
[as they were saying] | [they went.] | That which they meant | there they went. | And |
’ų́nak’ų́ | hahírekacą, | xeák’a | ’éca | hahírekacą, |
still | [when they arrived,] | the hill | there | [when they arrived,] |
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wak’ąrá | rok’ąnažé. | ’Éki | hoc’ic’inįk | c’ekcane |
the snakes | there were lots of them. | Then | small boy | this new one |
wežé, | "K’oté, | te’é | ’ázires’áže, | ’aíreną," |
he said, | "Say, | these things | they are always good to eat | they say," |
’ežé. | "K’oté | Warorá, | hiskè | t’éhire. |
he said. | "Say | Flesh, | some | [let's kill.] |
Hi’ácraka | hiské | hakáni | k’erekceną." | ’éže. |
Your father | some | taking | let's go home." | he said. |
’Éki | žeské | kisák | haciaraireki | haruxá |
And | that kind | to kill | they began, but | increasing |
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xéteaíraíreže, | wak’ą́rá. | ’Ų́nak’ų́ | Waròka | t’ehíreže. |
they got big right along, | the snakes. | As they were doing it, | Flesh | he was killed. |
’Éki | hicąréceka | hicáciránaka | ’aíca | haruk’ózanaka |
And | the other one | he came up to him and | at his arm | he caught hold and |
nąžį́kikiže. | ’Éki | wakéžé, | "K’oté | Warorá, |
he put him standing up. | And | he said to him, | "Say | Flesh, |
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wažą́kisakra | kip’iéskákereki, | ’éki | ranašának," | hikánaka |
to kill something | it is such fun, but | here | you are sleeping," | he said to him and |
nažį́k’ereže. | Žiké | žekų́’ų | ’ųxcįreškųnį | wak’ą́ |
he put standing. | Again | that time | they really did it, | snakes |
kisakra. | ’Éki | kacą́ká | hicaíraxcį | wak’ą́rá |
killing. | And | at that time | very much bigger | the snakes |
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xetexcįrežé. | ’Éki | ’ų́nak’ų́ | hiškaká | hicarécàka |
they are very big. | And | while doing it, | in his turn | the other one |
t’ehíreže. | ’Éki | Hiškaká | Waroká | hicàciránaka | ’aíca |
he was killed. | And | In his turn | Flesh | he came there and | by his arm |
haruk’ózanaka | nažį́kikižè. | Wakéžé, | "K’oté | Wanaǧinikra, |
he grasped and | he stood him up. | He said to him, | "Say | Little Ghost, |
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kip’į’eskákereki | cakú’u | ranąšának?" | hikeže. | ’Éki |
it is fun, but | why | you are sleeping?" | he said to him. | And |
žiké | wokítekireže. | Kacáka | mąšcą́ | ’ų́ireže. |
then | they became angry. | Afterwards | strong | they did. |
Hicararuxa | wak’ą́ná | xetexcį́ | haraíreže. | ’Éki |
Becoming more | the snakes | very big | they became. | And |
kacą́ka | hotášké | hec’ų́ireže. | Hehi’ų́iránaka | wawap’óx |
afterwards | some of them | they had horns. | They used the horns and | to gore them |
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hires’áže.* | ’Éki | hahišké | žikè | huxaícaškè |
they often did. | And | even later | even | on the back |
herąžįrežè. | ’Ų́nak’ų | haną́c | t’e | wahíreže. |
there stood horns. | As they were doing it, | all | dead | they made them. |
Žežekúkiži | xéhoikšékižą | wak’ąrá | hoixcį́ | híreže. |
After that | a valley | the snakes | nearly filled | they did. |
’Éki | Wanaǧįnįk’a | wežé, | "’Ecaxcį | ženą́kuni. |
And | Little Ghost | he said, | "That's all | perhaps to be all gone. |
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Hįk’erekcéną." | ’Éki | Wanaǧįnįk’a | wéže, | "K’oté |
Let's go home." | And | Little Ghost | he said, | "Say |
Warorá, | šįxcína | hižą́ | hi’ącraka | hakáni |
Flesh, | the real fat ones | one of them | your father | to take |
k’erekcéną," | ’ežé. | ’Éki* | hicánacèxcížą | že’é |
let us go," | he said. | And | one just about the right size | that one |
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hániąk’araíreže. | Hanįąkíreki, | ’éki | Wanaǧinįk’a | wéžé, |
he took it back home. | After he took it back, | and | Little Ghost | he said, |
"K’oté | Warorá, | hi’ą́craka | tok’éwehi | k’ìrikcanéną. |
"Say | Flesh, | your father | hungry | he will come back. |
Nįké | hokíhąkcéną. | Žeskékcèną," | ’eže.* | ’Éki |
Piece | let's boil. | Let's do that," | he said. | And |
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nį́akuahíranaka | hicá | hak’érerèže, | p’ecéca. | ’Eki |
they went after the water and | there | they put it, | in the fire | And |
wak’ą́rá | mąc’ác’airánaka | reǧrá* | hoixcį | hožuíreže. |
the snake | they cut with a knife and | the bucket | full | they put. |
’Éki | hohąíreže. | ’Éki | p’ecerá | hot’ųíranaka |
And | they boiled. | And | the fire | they built and |
wohą́ra* | xerehíreže. | ’Éki | wohą́ra | tuckíži, |
the boiling stuff | they made it boil. | And | the boiling stuff | after it cooked, |
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’ąckéreránaka | kizéreže. | Wanaǧį́nįk’a | nįké | rackážé. |
they took it away and | they lifted it out. | Little Ghost | piece | he tasted. |
Wežé, | "K’oté | Warorá, | wokížuk’asą́ną," | ’ežé. |
He said, | "Say | Flesh, | it sure tastes good," | he said. |
’Éki | Waroká | nįké | rackáže. | "K’oté |
And | Flesh | piece | he tasted. | "Say |
wokížuk’asą́ną." | Žekú | wohá | t’ee | žekú |
it sure tastes good." | Anyway | boiled stuff | this | [then] |
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hįrucíkcèną. | ’Éki | žiké | nįke | hiohákceną." |
let us eat. | And | also | piece | let us boil." |
’Éki | žeské | hiwíže. | ’Éki | wohą́ra |
And | thus | they did. | And | the boiled stuff |
’ac’ų́įranaka | ’ak’íak’e | ciną́kiránaka | ’ųąciaraíreki | c’epíreže. |
they took out and | on both sides | they came and sat and | as they started to do it, | they ate it up. |
Žekúkiži | "K’oté | Warorá, | xapké | hįhikike, |
After that, | "Say | Flesh, | hurry | [let us do it quickly,] |
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hi’ą́craka | nįké | hokíhąkceną. | Hišké | kip’į́kcanéną," |
your father | piece | let us boil for him. | Too | he will like it," |
’éže. | ’Éki | nąk’araíraną, | nį | haníak’iríreže. |
he said. | And | they ran up, | water | they brought back. |
’Éki | hik’ų́hé | wanį́rá | wak’ą́ | wanį́rá |
And | to hurry | the meat | snake | the meat |
mąc’ac’aíranaka | reǧéca | hožúiranaka | pecéca | k’eréreną. |
they cut it with a knife and | in the bucket | they put it and | on the fire | they put. |
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’Éki | p’ecrá | hot’ųįreže. | ’Écaxci | túcnącexcíka, |
And | the fire | they built up. | Just about the time | when it was cooked, |
wažónįra | k’írižé. | Hik’ip’á | hįkuána | hokirákireže, |
the hunter | he came home. | They meet | right away | they told him, |
"Cací, | tónįkéwehixcį | rak’iríkcanekųni, | hiháwike, | wonįkihawíną," |
"Father, | very hungry | you would probably come back, | we thought, | we boiled something for you," |
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hikaíreže. | "Te’éže. | C’onírecą | wohąį́žą | c’epáwiną," |
they said. | "This is it. | Already | one boiled thing | we finished," |
hikaíreže. | "Wohára | ’įrék’i | racíkcanèną. | Hąk’é |
they told him. | "The boiled stuff | alone | you will eat. | Not |
nąc’ké woįnac’ínįkconąwiną. | ’E | rak’ík’uxcįkcéną." | ’Éki | wohą́ra |
do not worry about us. | So | you yourself will do it all." | And | [the boiled stuff] |
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hicákik’eréreže. | ’Éki | cakų́ | wa’ų́ceki | ruǧúckacą, |
they put it there for him. | And | what | [as he was doing it] | after he looked, |
tewérak’i, | wak’ą | wa’ųcéže. | ’Éki | wežé, |
unexpectedly, | snake | it was. | And | he said, |
"’Ehé," | ’ežé,* | "nįkcą́knakaxcį́wira | hąk’é | žeskánįną," |
"Oh," | he said, | ["my dear children,] | not | it is not so," |
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’eže. | "Te’é | wažą | wák’ącą́kiréną. | Wak’ą́ną́kre |
he said. | "This | something | they were holy. | This snake |
xap’é | hanį́rawìke | nį́eca | howaxų́wį́re," | ’ežé. |
hurry | you [cause to] have | in water | you pour into," | he said. |
"Reǧrá | ružáxcíwiąžé." | ’Éki | žeské | híwiže. |
"The bucket | wash." | And | thus | they did. |
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Niówaxųįránaka | réǧrá | ružaíranaka | haníakíreže. | ’Éki |
They poured water into it and | the bucket | they washed and | they brought it back. | And |
wą́kcare | wok’ihánaka | warucšé. | C’icínįkná´k’a | waíreže, |
the man | he boiled something and | he eats. | That little boy | they said, |
"Wak’ą́rá | nįké | rackáp’į́ | rànįkácą," | hikaíreže. |
"The snake | piece | it tastes good | after you have," | they said. |
"Hą́k’aka | wažą | ’ás | žeské | racanikųnį, |
"Never | something | good to eat | like this | you will probably not eat, |
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’écaxcį," | hikaíreže. | ’Éki | žekų́ | ’ų́nąks’àže. |
maybe," | they said. | And | thus | he always does. |
Žiké | žé | hakoréžą | s’iréki. | Žiké |
Again | that | sometime | a long while afterwards. | Again |
wežé, | "Hakoréžą | hinį́k’haxcį́, | žeské | hihekáške |
he said, | "Sometime | my own sons, | thus | I said |
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’ec’ą́ | hok’ixácąk’é | nąráxkų | haracą́ | nunįkè |
even before | wrong way, incorrectly | you understand | [?], | but |
hąk’é | p’įnį́ke | wahéną. | ’Éki | xe |
not | because it is not good | I say it. | Here | mountain |
hakšížą | miną́kšana. | Hą́k’aka | ’éca | hotiwínįace," |
a high one | it sits. | Never | there | do not climb," |
’ežé. | ’Éki | cacį́recą | žiké | nąk’ík’arararekíži.* |
he said. | And | again | also | he went out hunting. |
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Cacį́reca | Wanaǧinįk’a | wežé, | "Warora, | hi’ącraka |
Again | [Little Ghost] | he said, | "Flesh, | you father |
nįkéhowáre | wą́kašíną, | yare. | Cacą́naki | hįrékcąnéže?" |
to go out somewhere | he want us, | I think. | When | we will go?" |
’éže. | ’Éki | Waroká | wežé, | "K’oté, |
he said. | And | Flesh | he said, | "Say, |
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c’oníške | žeské | hišérá | cakú | nįžiroǧiwéną," |
before | that | you said | [how] | he forbade us," |
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’ežé. | Žiké | Wanaǧinik’a | wežé, | "K’óte |
he said. | Again | [Little Ghost] | he said, | "Say |
Warorá, | hąk’é | nąráxkųnįké | wašékuni. | ’Eowáre |
Flesh, | not | because you do not understand | you said that probably. | To go there |
wąkašíreną." | ’Éki | ’ą́nąk’ų | žiké | Waroká |
they want." | And | [while saying] | again | Flesh |
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hanaskápirekè | haraíreže. | ’Éki | haraírekiži, | wakéká |
[he caused to be persuaded] | they go on. | And | where they went, | he talked about |
’éca | hahírekacą, | xéniš | hąkšíxcįžą | xétexcįžą |
there | after they arrived, | rocky mountain | a high one | a big one |
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’éca | nakšé. | Xenák’a | hokį́kíxirekíži, | hanąc’´ |
there | it sat. | This mountain | as they went around it, | all |
’į́níže. | Hąk’é | nįké | hotíp’įnį̀že. | Žeské |
it is stone. | Not | place | it is not good to climb. | Thus |
nunįké | ’ų́nak’ų́ | hotíreže. | Hotíreki, | ’éca |
but | [finally] | they climbed up. | [Once they climbed it,] | there |
wanį́komą | xétexcįžą | hi’éreže. | Wanį́knįkrá | copíwi* |
bird nest | a very big one | they found. | The young birds | four |
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’éca | ną́kšana. | ’Éki | wanį́knįkną̀k’a | wawok’ít’aireže. |
there | sitting. | And | these small birds | they talked to each other. |
Wawakaíreže, | "Cakų́’ų | waš’ušanakwíže?" | wawikaíreže. | ’Éki |
They said to them, | "Why | you are doing this?" | they said to them. | And |
waíreže, | "Š’ákwahawira | ’eki | hižúiráwìra, | hįxétewikišana, |
they said, | "Our parents | here | they put us, | we got big, |
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hak’érekšanáwike." | ’Éki | žiké | wawakaíreže, | "Cacánaka |
we will be caused to go back." | And | again | they said to them, | "When |
š’akwarawíka | hacíres’áže?" | wawikaíreže. | ’Éki | waíreže, |
your parents | they usually come?" | they said to them. | And | they said, |
"Wanį́kną́k’a | hacírekce* | roákųwįka | hawą́wíka | hacírešunu," |
"Those birds | they will come | because we want them | because I holler | they always come," |
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’aíreže. | "’Éki | hak’írirekcéną, | ràwąwį́ka. | Cakú |
they said. | "And | let them come back, | because you hollered. | How |
hišawis’aki* | ’awíre," | wawikaíreže. | ’Éki | hakak’íšana |
when you usually say | say," | they said to them. | And | each one |
wąíreže. | Kacą́ | wioiréreki | k’oíreže. | Wak’ącára |
they hollered. | Then | where the sun goes down | they thundered. | The Thunderbirds |
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hakuíreže. | ’Éki | ražrá | wawikíwąǧirèže. | ’Éki |
they came. | And | the name | they asked them of them. | And |
hižą́ | c’ekcį́ra | hikiwą́ǧireki | wežé, | 'Ną́raskàpmąníka' |
one | the first | when they asked | he said, | 'One who Flattens Trees by Walking on Them' |
hįkaíreną." | ’Egácą, | waki’ų́įreže. | Nącócóxirežé. | "Nįréške |
they call me." | After he said it, | they did it to him. | They smashed him with their feet. | "Even I |
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hįk’é | 'Ną́raskàpmąníka' | hįkaíranį," | žiké | hicą́néra |
I not | 'The One Who Flattens Trees by Walking' | I am not called," | and | this other one |
hikiwą́ǧirežè. | "'Núwuhik’ísuwumąnį́ka' | hikaíreną," | ’éžé, | žiké |
they asked. | "'Walking Hail' | I am called," | he said, | and |
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nącócoxireže. | "Nįréške | hįk’é | "'Núwuhik’ísuwumąnį́ka' | hįkaíranį," |
they smashed him with their feet. | "Even I | I not | "'Walking Hail' | I am not called," |
hikaírežè. | ’Éki | žike | hicą́néra | hikiwą́ǧireže. |
they said. | And | also | this other one | they asked. |
"'Ną́isawakišíšká' | hikaíreną," | ’éžé. | Žiké | nącócóxireže. |
'One Who Breaks Tree Tops' | I am called," | he said. | Also | they smashed him with their feet. |
Žiké | hicąréra | hikíwąxíreže. | Wežé, | 'Cą́pcirehíka' |
Also | this other one | they asked. | He said, | 'Lightning Passes By' |
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hikaíreną," | ’éžé. | Žiké | nącócóxireže. | "Nįréške |
I am called," | he said. | Also | they smashed him with their feet. | "Even I |
hąk’é | 'Cą́pcirehíka' | hįkaíranį." | Hanąc’ | t’ewahírekaca, |
not | 'Lightning Passes By' | I am not called." | All of them | after they killed, |
’éki | Wak’ącára | hak’iríreže. | Hak’iríreki, | hoc’ąp’´ |
[then] | the Thunders | they came back. | After they came, | lightning |
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hìrawíže. | ’Éki | Wanaǧinik’a | wežé, | "K’oté |
they struck them. | And | Ghost | he said, | "Say |
Warorá, | ruc’kéra | rok’ą́nąną, | hiské | hįkisákik’céną," |
Flesh, | the pigeon | lots, plenty, | some | let's kill," |
’ežé. | ’Éki | ’éca | Wak’ą́cá | k’izaíreže. |
he said. | Then | there | Thunders | they fought. |
C’onį́ | Waroká | t’ehíreže. | ’Éki | ’ųxcį́reže. |
First | Flesh | he was killed. | Then | they really did it. |
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Rohą́ | Wak’ą́cára | kišípirèže. | ’Éki | tanį́hašąną |
Lots, some | the Thunders | they knocked down. | And | three times each |
t’ehírawìže. | Kašké | ’ąronąk’ | nąžį́k’ik’ere | hires’áže. |
they were killed. | But | catch the arm | stood each other up | they usually do. |
’Éki | hakoréža | rušcąireže, | k’izára. | ’Éki |
And | afterward | they stopped, | the fight. | And |
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Wanaǧinįk’a | wežé,* | "K’oté | Warórá, | rucké |
Ghost | he said, | "Say | Flesh, | pigeons |
kisákrá | kip’įéskekacą̀ | woíšaráną, | tecą | k’iraną́ną́," |
killing | it is such fun, | [it is not right] | every little while | you sleep," |
hikézé. | Waroká | wežé, | "K’oté, | hišké |
he said to him. | Flesh | he said, | "Say, | you too |
žeské | hinįkíreną. | Rohą́ | haišípnąną | kaceréną, |
in the same way | I thought. | Lots | I would knock down | I was going to, |
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tecą | k’iraną́ną́. | Hoišą́ | hįráną. | K’oté, |
every little while | you sleep. | To take time | you did to me. | Say, |
hįkuáną | hįk’èrekcéną. | Rucké | šįxcį́ną. | Hižą́ |
right now | let's go back. | Pigeons | they are very fat. | One |
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šą́ną | hanį́k’erekcéną." | ’Eki | hižąšą́ną | k’įranaka |
each | let us take back." | And | one each | they carried and |
hak’araíreže. | ’Éki | že’éži | cacánaka | hok’ík’it’ànąkše, |
they went back. | And | [those] | [when] | they talked to each other, |
cakú | ’ųį́reka | ha’éhíranaka | hikšánàkše.* | Žéžeku |
what | they did | they talked about and | they laughed. | This way, the same |
hinak’ų | hakíreže. | Hakíre[ki],* | wawíže, | "Hįkuáną, |
while doing it | they arrived. | When they arrived, | they said, | "Right away, |
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hįwohákceną," | ’aíranaka | reǧrá | rusiránaka | nią́kuaraireže. |
let's boil them," | they said and | the bucket | they took and | they went after water. |
Hak’irírekì, | p’ecéca | hak’eréreže. | ’Éki | hik’ų́hé |
When they came back, | on the fire | they put. | And | hurrying |
p. 93 —
ruckéra | wamąc’ác’aírànaka | reǧéca | wožuíreže. | ’Éki |
the pigeons | they cut them into pieces with a knife and | into the bucket | they put them. | And |
p’ecra | hot’ųįreže. | Wohą́ra | xerekì | tuckí, |
the fire | they built. | [The boiled things] | when it boiled | when it cooked, |
’ąck’é | reránaka | kizeránaka | warúcireže. | ’Eki |
out of | taking out and | taking out and | they ate it. | And |
’ųxcį́reže. | Warúcrá | wohą́ra | cepíxcį́reže. | Ruckéra |
they really did it. | Eating | the boiled food | they ate it up. | The pigeons |
p. 94 —
šį́rekacą | ’ásirekacą,* | ’aíreže. | "K’oté | Warorá, |
as they were fat | they were good to eat, | it is said. | "Say | Flesh, |
hįkuána | hi’acraka | hiwokíhąkceną. | Tok’éwehi | k’írikcanéną." |
right away | your father | we will put it on to boil. | Hungry | he will come back." |
Žigé | wohą́ra | hicak’eréreže. | ’Eki | túcną. |
Again | the boiled food | they put there. | And | it cooked. |
p. 95 —
Cexcį́kacą, | wažónira | k’iriže. | ’Eki | wakaíreže, |
Just about then, | the hunter | he came back. | And | they said to him, |
"Toík’ewehí | rak’írikcáne | hihaíríke | wonį́kihąwíną," |
"Hungry | you would come back | because we thought | we boiled something for you," |
hikaíreže. | ’Eki | wohą́ra | hicákik’eréreže. | ’Eki |
they said to him. | And | [the boiled stuff] | they took it over to him. | And |
p. 96 —
wąkną́k’a | wohą́ra | horugúcgacą, | "Wak’ąca | hohąįranaka," |
this man | the boiled food | after looking, | "Thunderbirds | they cooked and," |
wánąkše.* | Wawákéže, | "Hinį́khaxciwira, | hak’é† | p’įnįrawíną. |
he said. | He said to them, | "My own sons, | not | you did not do good. |
Te’e | wažą | wak’ącakiréną," | wawikéže. | "Wohą́care |
These | things | they are holy," | he said to them. | This boiled stuff |
p. 97 —
hanį́wįke, | niéca | híowaxuíreže. | ’Eki | reǧrá |
you have, | to the water | pour them. | And | the bucket |
ružawiánaka | hanį́kuiáže," | ’ežé. | ’Eki | reǧrá |
wash, and | bring it back," | he said. | And | the bucket |
haniak’írireže. | Wąknąk’a | wok’íhąže. | Warúcšé. | "Ruckéra |
they carried back. | That man | he boiled for himself. | He ate. | "The pigeons |
’az | núnįke | hąk’é | rácnį́kacą. | Rexcį́* |
good to eat | but | not | you do not eat. | You really |
p. 98 —
horak’íhikacą, | wažą́ | ’azrá | hak’é* | racnįkácą," |
you hurt yourself, | something | the tasty | not | you did not eat," |
hikaíreną. | ’Eki | ’ųnaks’áke | hakoréžą | wą́kcàre |
they said. | And | because they kept doing this, | after awhile | that man |
hinįkwahira | waną̀k’árak’ewežé. |
his own sons | he was afraid of his own. |
Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, May 29 - Oct. 10, 1938) Book 2.53-98.