Hocąk Text — The Twins Disobey Their Father, Version 3

collected by Sam Blowsnake

English Translation

p. 53 —
Hakoréža s’ižé xetéreže. C’ąkráške hoškaciranáka
Sometime long time he became big. The outside also they play in and



haríšké ho’ų́ineškųni. ’Éki hakaréžą wąkanákre
far away also they did maybe. And at some time this man



wažanirék’arohoki, wežé, "Hinį́khaxcįra, škacrá
when he was ready to go hunting for something, he said, "My sons, to play



p. 54 —
harioš’ųáracą́winą. Éca nįké xeíža," wakéžé. Žiké
you go too far away. There somewhere a mountain," he said. "Again



hakanį́xcį́ yórawášarawiéke. Hak’é p’įnįkewahéną," éže.
not ever I say that you go there. Not that isn't good,"` he said.



’Éki wažónįnarežé. ’Éki hižá wawíže,
And they went out hunting. And one of them he said,



p. 55 —
"K’oté, hi’ácįhira nikowarewąkašíraškè."* ’Éki hižá
"[Say,] father he also wants us to go someplace." And one of them
* < nįge-howare-wąkašira-ške.



wežé, "K’oté nižíroǧiweneare,"* ’éže. Hižá
he said, "Say, I thought he forbade us," he said. One
*niži is a separate exclamation often translated as "say". The remainder of the expression should probably be, roǧiwinežare.



weže, "K’ažó, yowáre wą̀kašiną." ’Éki
he said, "No sir! to go he wants us." And



’anąk’ų́ haraíreže. Wakéká ’eowaraíreže. ’Éki
[as they were saying] [they went.] That which they meant there they went. And



’ų́nak’ų́ hahírekacą, xeák’a ’éca hahírekacą,
still [when they arrived,] the hill there [when they arrived,]



p. 56 —
wak’ąrá rok’ąnažé. ’Éki hoc’ic’inįk c’ekcane
the snakes there were lots of them. Then small boy this new one



wežé, "K’oté, te’é ’ázires’áže, ’aíreną,"
he said, "Say, these things they are always good to eat they say,"



’ežé. "K’oté Warorá, hiskè t’éhire.
he said. "Say Flesh, some [let's kill.]



Hi’ácraka hiské hakáni k’erekceną." ’éže.
Your father some taking let's go home." he said.



’Éki žeské kisák haciaraireki haruxá
And that kind to kill they began, but increasing



p. 57 —
xéteaíraíreže, wak’ą́rá. ’Ų́nak’ų́ Waròka t’ehíreže.
they got big right along, the snakes. As they were doing it, Flesh he was killed.



’Éki hicąréceka hicáciránaka ’aíca haruk’ózanaka
And the other one he came up to him and at his arm he caught hold and



nąžį́kikiže. ’Éki wakéžé, "K’oté Warorá,
he put him standing up. And he said to him, "Say Flesh,



p. 58 —
wažą́kisakra kip’iéskákereki, ’éki ranašának," hikánaka
to kill something it is such fun, but here you are sleeping," he said to him and



nažį́k’ereže. Žiké žekų́’ų ’ųxcįreškųnį wak’ą́
he put standing. Again that time they really did it, snakes



kisakra. ’Éki kacą́ká hicaíraxcį wak’ą́rá
killing. And at that time very much bigger the snakes



p. 59 —
xetexcįrežé. ’Éki ’ų́nak’ų́ hiškaká hicarécàka
they are very big. And while doing it, in his turn the other one



t’ehíreže. ’Éki Hiškaká Waroká hicàciránaka ’aíca
he was killed. And In his turn Flesh he came there and by his arm



haruk’ózanaka nažį́kikižè. Wakéžé, "K’oté Wanaǧinikra,
he grasped and he stood him up. He said to him, "Say Little Ghost,



p. 60 —
kip’į’eskákereki cakú’u ranąšának?" hikeže. ’Éki
it is fun, but why you are sleeping?" he said to him. And



žiké wokítekireže. Kacáka mąšcą́ ’ų́ireže.
then they became angry. Afterwards strong they did.



Hicararuxa wak’ą́ná xetexcį́ haraíreže. ’Éki
Becoming more the snakes very big they became. And



kacą́ka hotášké hec’ų́ireže. Hehi’ų́iránaka wawap’óx
afterwards some of them they had horns. They used the horns and to gore them



p. 61 —
hires’áže.* ’Éki hahišké žikè huxaícaškè
they often did. And even later even on the back
*just after this word, ’ežé has been crossed out.



herąžįrežè. ’Ų́nak’ų haną́c t’e wahíreže.
there stood horns. As they were doing it, all dead they made them.



Žežekúkiži xéhoikšékižą wak’ąrá hoixcį́ híreže.
After that a valley the snakes nearly filled they did.



’Éki Wanaǧįnįk’a wežé, "’Ecaxcį ženą́kuni.
And Little Ghost he said, "That's all perhaps to be all gone.



p. 62 —
Hįk’erekcéną." ’Éki Wanaǧįnįk’a wéže, "K’oté
Let's go home." And Little Ghost he said, "Say



Warorá, šįxcína hižą́ hi’ącraka hakáni
Flesh, the real fat ones one of them your father to take



k’erekcéną," ’ežé. ’Éki* hicánacèxcížą že’é
let us go," he said. And one just about the right size that one
*just after this word, hik’ą́ra has been crossed out.



p. 63 —
hániąk’araíreže. Hanįąkíreki, ’éki Wanaǧinįk’a wéžé,
he took it back home. After he took it back, and Little Ghost he said,
*just after this word, ’ežé has been crossed out.



"K’oté Warorá, hi’ą́craka tok’éwehi k’ìrikcanéną.
"Say Flesh, your father hungry he will come back.



Nįké hokíhąkcéną. Žeskékcèną," ’eže.* ’Éki
Piece let's boil. Let's do that," he said. And
*after this word, waroká has been crossed out. On the same line is written, "Lots of stories, but this is true because proof — see the place below La Crosse in Wisc."



p. 65* —
nį́akuahíranaka hicá hak’érerèže, p’ecéca. ’Eki
they went after the water and there they put it, in the fire And
*p. 64 is devoted entirely to verbal paradigms.



wak’ą́rá mąc’ác’airánaka reǧrá* hoixcį hožuíreže.
the snake they cut with a knife and the bucket full they put.
*after /ǧ/ the letter /e/ has been crossed out.



’Éki hohąíreže. ’Éki p’ecerá hot’ųíranaka
And they boiled. And the fire they built and



wohą́ra* xerehíreže. ’Éki wohą́ra tuckíži,
the boiling stuff they made it boil. And the boiling stuff after it cooked,
*/wo/ is written above a crossed out original /wa/.



p. 66 —
’ąckéreránaka kizéreže. Wanaǧį́nįk’a nįké rackážé.
they took it away and they lifted it out. Little Ghost piece he tasted.



Wežé, "K’oté Warorá, wokížuk’asą́ną," ’ežé.
He said, "Say Flesh, it sure tastes good," he said.



’Éki Waroká nįké rackáže. "K’oté
And Flesh piece he tasted. "Say



wokížuk’asą́ną." Žekú wohá t’ee žekú
it sure tastes good." Anyway boiled stuff this [then]



p. 67 —
hįrucíkcèną. ’Éki žiké nįke hiohákceną."
let us eat. And also piece let us boil."



’Éki žeské hiwíže. ’Éki wohą́ra
And thus they did. And the boiled stuff



’ac’ų́įranaka ’ak’íak’e ciną́kiránaka ’ųąciaraíreki c’epíreže.
they took out and on both sides they came and sat and as they started to do it, they ate it up.



Žekúkiži "K’oté Warorá, xapké hįhikike,
After that, "Say Flesh, hurry [let us do it quickly,]



p. 68 —
hi’ą́craka nįké hokíhąkceną. Hišké kip’į́kcanéną,"
your father piece let us boil for him. Too he will like it,"



’éže. ’Éki nąk’araíraną, haníak’iríreže.
he said. And they ran up, water they brought back.



’Éki hik’ų́hé wanį́rá wak’ą́ wanį́rá
And to hurry the meat snake the meat



mąc’ac’aíranaka reǧéca hožúiranaka pecéca k’eréreną.
they cut it with a knife and in the bucket they put it and on the fire they put.



p. 69 —
’Éki p’ecrá hot’ųįreže. ’Écaxci túcnącexcíka,
And the fire they built up. Just about the time when it was cooked,



wažónįra k’írižé. Hik’ip’á hįkuána hokirákireže,
the hunter he came home. They meet right away they told him,



"Cací, tónįkéwehixcį rak’iríkcanekųni, hiháwike, wonįkihawíną,"
"Father, very hungry you would probably come back, we thought, we boiled something for you,"



p. 70 —
hikaíreže. "Te’éže. C’onírecą wohąį́žą c’epáwiną,"
they said. "This is it. Already one boiled thing we finished,"



hikaíreže. "Wohára ’įrék’i racíkcanèną. Hąk’é
they told him. "The boiled stuff alone you will eat. Not



nąc’ké woįnac’ínįkconąwiną. ’E rak’ík’uxcįkcéną." ’Éki wohą́ra
do not worry about us. So you yourself will do it all." And [the boiled stuff]



p. 71 —
hicákik’eréreže. ’Éki cakų́ wa’ų́ceki ruǧúckacą,
they put it there for him. And what [as he was doing it] after he looked,



tewérak’i, wak’ą wa’ųcéže. ’Éki wežé,
unexpectedly, snake it was. And he said,



"’Ehé," ’ežé,* "nįkcą́knakaxcį́wira hąk’é žeskánįną,"
"Oh," he said, ["my dear children,] not it is not so,"
*there is a /w/ written above the line with a question mark underneath it.



p. 72 —
’eže. "Te’é wažą wák’ącą́kiréną. Wak’ą́ną́kre
he said. "This something they were holy. This snake



xap’é hanį́rawìke nį́eca howaxų́wį́re," ’ežé.
hurry you [cause to] have in water you pour into," he said.



"Reǧrá ružáxcíwiąžé." ’Éki žeské híwiže.
"The bucket wash." And thus they did.



p. 73 —
Niówaxųįránaka réǧrá ružaíranaka haníakíreže. ’Éki
They poured water into it and the bucket they washed and they brought it back. And



wą́kcare wok’ihánaka warucšé. C’icínįkná´k’a waíreže,
the man he boiled something and he eats. That little boy they said,



"Wak’ą́rá nįké rackáp’į́ rànįkácą," hikaíreže.
"The snake piece it tastes good after you have," they said.



"Hą́k’aka wažą ’ás žeské racanikųnį,
"Never something good to eat like this you will probably not eat,



p. 74 —
’écaxcį," hikaíreže. ’Éki žekų́ ’ų́nąks’àže.
maybe," they said. And thus he always does.



Žiké žé hakoréžą s’iréki. Žiké
Again that sometime a long while afterwards. Again



wežé, "Hakoréžą hinį́k’haxcį́, žeské hihekáške
he said, "Sometime my own sons, thus I said



p. 75 —
’ec’ą́ hok’ixácąk’é nąráxkų haracą́ nunįkè
even before wrong way, incorrectly you understand [?], but



hąk’é p’įnį́ke wahéną. ’Éki xe
not because it is not good I say it. Here mountain



hakšížą miną́kšana. Hą́k’aka ’éca hotiwínįace,"
a high one it sits. Never there do not climb,"



’ežé. ’Éki cacį́recą žiké nąk’ík’arararekíži.*
he said. And again also he went out hunting.
*just after this word, caži is crossed out.



p. 76 —
Cacį́reca Wanaǧinįk’a wežé, "Warora, hi’ącraka
Again [Little Ghost] he said, "Flesh, you father



nįkéhowáre wą́kašíną, yare. Cacą́naki hįrékcąnéže?"
to go out somewhere he want us, I think. When we will go?"



’éže. ’Éki Waroká wežé, "K’oté,
he said. And Flesh he said, "Say,



p. 77 —
c’oníške žeské hišérá cakú nįžiroǧiwéną,"
before that you said [how] he forbade us,"



p. 77 —
’ežé. Žiké Wanaǧinik’a wežé, "K’óte
he said. Again [Little Ghost] he said, "Say



Warorá, hąk’é nąráxkųnįké wašékuni. ’Eowáre
Flesh, not because you do not understand you said that probably. To go there



wąkašíreną." ’Éki ’ą́nąk’ų žiké Waroká
they want." And [while saying] again Flesh



p. 78 —
hanaskápirekè haraíreže. ’Éki haraírekiži, wakéká
[he caused to be persuaded] they go on. And where they went, he talked about



’éca hahírekacą, xéniš hąkšíxcįžą xétexcįžą
there after they arrived, rocky mountain a high one a big one



p. 79 —
’éca nakšé. Xenák’a hokį́kíxirekíži, hanąc’´
there it sat. This mountain as they went around it, all



’į́níže. Hąk’é nįké hotíp’įnį̀že. Žeské
it is stone. Not place it is not good to climb. Thus



nunįké ’ų́nak’ų́ hotíreže. Hotíreki, ’éca
but [finally] they climbed up. [Once they climbed it,] there



wanį́komą xétexcįžą hi’éreže. Wanį́knįkrá copíwi*
bird nest a very big one they found. The young birds four
*this word is written below a crossed out co’op’í.



p. 80 —
’éca ną́kšana. ’Éki wanį́knįkną̀k’a wawok’ít’aireže.
there sitting. And these small birds they talked to each other.



Wawakaíreže, "Cakų́’ų waš’ušanakwíže?" wawikaíreže. ’Éki
They said to them, "Why you are doing this?" they said to them. And



waíreže, "Š’ákwahawira ’eki hižúiráwìra, hįxétewikišana,
they said, "Our parents here they put us, we got big,



p. 81 —
hak’érekšanáwike." ’Éki žiké wawakaíreže, "Cacánaka
we will be caused to go back." And again they said to them, "When



š’akwarawíka hacíres’áže?" wawikaíreže. ’Éki waíreže,
your parents they usually come?" they said to them. And they said,



"Wanį́kną́k’a hacírekce* roákųwįka hawą́wíka hacírešunu,"
"Those birds they will come because we want them because I holler they always come,"
*just before this word, hak’irirekce has been crossed out.



p. 82 —
’aíreže. "’Éki hak’írirekcéną, ràwąwį́ka. Cakú
they said. "And let them come back, because you hollered. How



hišawis’aki* ’awíre," wawikaíreže. ’Éki hakak’íšana
when you usually say say," they said to them. And each one
*between the syllables /ša/ and /wi/, /kiz/ has been crossed out.



wąíreže. Kacą́ wioiréreki k’oíreže. Wak’ącára
they hollered. Then where the sun goes down they thundered. The Thunderbirds



p. 83 —
hakuíreže. ’Éki ražrá wawikíwąǧirèže. ’Éki
they came. And the name they asked them of them. And



hižą́ c’ekcį́ra hikiwą́ǧireki wežé, 'Ną́raskàpmąníka'
one the first when they asked he said, 'One who Flattens Trees by Walking on Them'



hįkaíreną." ’Egácą, waki’ų́įreže. Nącócóxirežé. "Nįréške
they call me." After he said it, they did it to him. They smashed him with their feet. "Even I



p. 84 —
hįk’é 'Ną́raskàpmąníka' hįkaíranį," žiké hicą́néra
I not 'The One Who Flattens Trees by Walking' I am not called," and this other one



hikiwą́ǧirežè. "'Núwuhik’ísuwumąnį́ka' hikaíreną," ’éžé, žiké
they asked. "'Walking Hail' I am called," he said, and



p. 85 —
nącócoxireže. "Nįréške hįk’é "'Núwuhik’ísuwumąnį́ka' hįkaíranį,"
they smashed him with their feet. "Even I I not "'Walking Hail' I am not called,"



hikaírežè. ’Éki žike hicą́néra hikiwą́ǧireže.
they said. And also this other one they asked.



"'Ną́isawakišíšká' hikaíreną," ’éžé. Žiké nącócóxireže.
'One Who Breaks Tree Tops' I am called," he said. Also they smashed him with their feet.



Žiké hicąréra hikíwąxíreže. Wežé, 'Cą́pcirehíka'
Also this other one they asked. He said, 'Lightning Passes By'



p. 86 —
hikaíreną," ’éžé. Žiké nącócóxireže. "Nįréške
I am called," he said. Also they smashed him with their feet. "Even I



hąk’é 'Cą́pcirehíka' hįkaíranį." Hanąc’ t’ewahírekaca,
not 'Lightning Passes By' I am not called." All of them after they killed,



’éki Wak’ącára hak’iríreže. Hak’iríreki, hoc’ąp’´
[then] the Thunders they came back. After they came, lightning



p. 87 —
hìrawíže. ’Éki Wanaǧinik’a wežé, "K’oté
they struck them. And Ghost he said, "Say



Warorá, ruc’kéra rok’ą́nąną, hiské hįkisákik’céną,"
Flesh, the pigeon lots, plenty, some let's kill,"



’ežé. ’Éki ’éca Wak’ą́cá k’izaíreže.
he said. Then there Thunders they fought.



C’onį́ Waroká t’ehíreže. ’Éki ’ųxcį́reže.
First Flesh he was killed. Then they really did it.



p. 88 —
Rohą́ Wak’ą́cára kišípirèže. ’Éki tanį́hašąną
Lots, some the Thunders they knocked down. And three times each



t’ehírawìže. Kašké ’ąronąk’ nąžį́k’ik’ere hires’áže.
they were killed. But catch the arm stood each other up they usually do.



’Éki hakoréža rušcąireže, k’izára. ’Éki
And afterward they stopped, the fight. And



p. 89 —
Wanaǧinįk’a wežé,* "K’oté Warórá, rucké
Ghost he said, "Say Flesh, pigeons
*just after this word, haciana we is crossed out.



kisákrá kip’įéskekacą̀ woíšaráną, tecą k’iraną́ną́,"
killing it is such fun, [it is not right] every little while you sleep,"



hikézé. Waroká wežé, "K’oté, hišké
he said to him. Flesh he said, "Say, you too



žeské hinįkíreną. Rohą́ haišípnąną kaceréną,
in the same way I thought. Lots I would knock down I was going to,



p. 90 —
tecą k’iraną́ną́. Hoišą́ hįráną. K’oté,
every little while you sleep. To take time you did to me. Say,



hįkuáną hįk’èrekcéną. Rucké šįxcį́ną. Hižą́
right now let's go back. Pigeons they are very fat. One



p. 91 —
šą́ną hanį́k’erekcéną." ’Eki hižąšą́ną k’įranaka
each let us take back." And one each they carried and



hak’araíreže. ’Éki že’éži cacánaka hok’ík’it’ànąkše,
they went back. And [those] [when] they talked to each other,



cakú ’ųį́reka ha’éhíranaka hikšánàkše.* Žéžeku
what they did they talked about and they laughed. This way, the same
*the letter /e/ is written above a crossed out /ąną/.



hinak’ų hakíreže. Hakíre[ki],* wawíže, "Hįkuáną,
while doing it they arrived. When they arrived, they said, "Right away,
*the text has hakíreže, but the translation has "when they got home."



p. 92 —
hįwohákceną," ’aíranaka reǧrá rusiránaka nią́kuaraireže.
let's boil them," they said and the bucket they took and they went after water.



Hak’irírekì, p’ecéca hak’eréreže. ’Éki hik’ų́hé
When they came back, on the fire they put. And hurrying



p. 93 —
ruckéra wamąc’ác’aírànaka reǧéca wožuíreže. ’Éki
the pigeons they cut them into pieces with a knife and into the bucket they put them. And



p’ecra hot’ųįreže. Wohą́ra xerekì tuckí,
the fire they built. [The boiled things] when it boiled when it cooked,



’ąck’é reránaka kizeránaka warúcireže. ’Eki
out of taking out and taking out and they ate it. And



’ųxcį́reže. Warúcrá wohą́ra cepíxcį́reže. Ruckéra
they really did it. Eating the boiled food they ate it up. The pigeons



p. 94 —
šį́rekacą ’ásirekacą,* ’aíreže. "K’oté Warorá,
as they were fat they were good to eat, it is said. "Say Flesh,
*kacą is written above an original .



hįkuána hi’acraka hiwokíhąkceną. Tok’éwehi k’írikcanéną."
right away your father we will put it on to boil. Hungry he will come back."



Žigé wohą́ra hicak’eréreže. ’Eki túcną.
Again the boiled food they put there. And it cooked.



p. 95 —
Cexcį́kacą, wažónira k’iriže. ’Eki wakaíreže,
Just about then, the hunter he came back. And they said to him,



"Toík’ewehí rak’írikcáne hihaíríke wonį́kihąwíną,"
"Hungry you would come back because we thought we boiled something for you,"



hikaíreže. ’Eki wohą́ra hicákik’eréreže. ’Eki
they said to him. And [the boiled stuff] they took it over to him. And



p. 96 —
wąkną́k’a wohą́ra horugúcgacą, "Wak’ąca hohąįranaka,"
this man the boiled food after looking, "Thunderbirds they cooked and,"



wánąkše.* Wawákéže, "Hinį́khaxciwira, hak’é† p’įnįrawíną.
he said. He said to them, "My own sons, not you did not do good.
*/še/ is written above a crossed out /šana/.



Te’e wažą wak’ącakiréną," wawikéže. "Wohą́care
These things they are holy," he said to them. This boiled stuff



p. 97 —
hanį́wįke, niéca híowaxuíreže. ’Eki reǧrá
you have, to the water pour them. And the bucket



ružawiánaka hanį́kuiáže," ’ežé. ’Eki reǧrá
wash, and bring it back," he said. And the bucket



haniak’írireže. Wąknąk’a wok’íhąže. Warúcšé. "Ruckéra
they carried back. That man he boiled for himself. He ate. "The pigeons



’az núnįke hąk’é rácnį́kacą. Rexcį́*
good to eat but not you do not eat. You really
*an initial /n/ has been crossed out and an /r/ written above it.



p. 98 —
horak’íhikacą, wažą́ ’azrá hak’é* racnįkácą,"
you hurt yourself, something the tasty not you did not eat,"



hikaíreną. ’Eki ’ųnaks’áke hakoréžą wą́kcàre
they said. And because they kept doing this, after awhile that man



hinįkwahira waną̀k’árak’ewežé.
his own sons he was afraid of his own.



Amelia Susman, Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, May 29 - Oct. 10, 1938) Book 2.53-98.