The Two Brothers (Text V)
narrated by Philip Longtail
Interlinear Hocąk-English Text
by Rev. James Owen Dorsey
Reproduced with the kind permission of the
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Dorsey's orthography has been changed to the contemporary IPA standard. Notes by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are indicated by "—RD." Question marks in parentheses, sic (?), are those of Dorsey, all others mark uncertain readings.
p. 1 —
Éja | wañg-ížą | hicáwį-na | hakaraíkicí | nañk |
There | man - one | his wife - the | he lived with her, his own? | he sat |
škúni. | Wañk | jegá | mašcą́ | wažą́ | t’éhi |
perhaps. | Man | the st[an]d[ing one] | strong | some | he killed |
ke | škúni. | Égi | hágoréžą | hicáwį-na |
regularly | perhaps. | And | at one (past) time | his wife - the |
hocįcį́niñg-rá | nųpíwi | haní | škúni. | Égi |
boys - the | two | she had | perhaps. | And |
wáñk | jané | wažónį-ra | rušcą́ | škúni: |
man | this | hunting something - the | he could | perhaps: |
niñkcáñg-ra | waní | ų | škúni. | Égi |
babies - the | having them | he did (= ——) | perhaps. | And |
híraréxcįníñk | gają́ | hicáwi-na | hówaž-ánañgá | t’é |
in a very little while | when | his wife - the | became sick - after | she died |
škúni. | Égi | hocį́cį-xunúniñg-rá | išké | t’e |
perhaps. | And | boy - little one - the | in like manner | he died |
škúni. | Égi | hiąj´-ra | híniñg-rá | karaxé |
perhaps. | And | his father - the | his boy son - the | he buried his own |
škúni. | Hiñké | žegų́negí | waxánañg-ré | žeskéhi |
perhaps. | Not | at present | they are burying them | he did in that manner |
ní | škúni. | Égi | waų́ | škúni: |
not | perhaps. | And | he did it | perhaps: |
wapéreniñké | ruz | anañgá | hocį́cįniñg | añká |
a thin piece of skin | he took | when (or, and then) | little boy | the recl[ining one] |
hirowéją | škúni. | Égi | žegų́-he | anañgá |
he wrapped in it | perhaps. | And | he did it | when (or, after) |
p. 2 —
hocį́cįniñg-rá | rúz | ánañgá | ną́hu-ijéja | ahí-kanáñk |
little boy - the | he took | when (or, after, or round? then?) | at the foot of a tree | he went? thither? - he put? down the —— |
škúni. | Žegų́-he | ánañgá | gu | škúni. |
perhaps. | He had done so | when (or, after) | he went returning | perhaps. |
Égi | gajáñga | nųpíwi | hotáwi | škúni. |
And | then | two | they two were left | perhaps. |
Égi | wažóni-na | ų́ | jiré | škúni. |
And | hunting something - the | to do it | he began | perhaps. |
Hocį́cįníñg | jegá | é | ciápe | škúni. |
Boy | this std. | he | he stayed at home to take of the lodge | perhaps. |
Égi | hágoréžą | hocį́cį-xunúniñk | jané | xeté | škúni. |
And | at one (past) time | boy - little one | this | large | perhaps. |
Hocį́cįníñg | teé | wažą́ | rézi-ra | šána |
Boy | this | something | tongues - the | only |
rúj | s’a | škúni. | Hocį́cįniñg | teé |
he ate | regularly | perhaps. | Boy | this |
hiñkága | niñgé | hówara | ní | s’a |
never | anywhere | he went thither | not | always |
škúni. | Ho-išipjį́ | ciéja | ų́ | náñk |
perhaps. | Always | in the lodge | doing | he sat |
s’a | škúni. | Hią́j-ra | mą | kių́ |
regularly | perhaps. | His father - the | arrows | made for him |
anañgá | mą | wigúc | jé | s’a |
when (or, after) | arrow | shooting with ? | he stood | regularly |
škúni. | Égi | hágoréžą | hią́j-ra | wažóni |
perhaps. | And | at one (past) time | his father - the | hunting something |
ré | gają́ | hocį́cįníñg-ižą́ | ají | nawą́ |
went | when | boy - one | he came | he sang |
p. 3 —
škúni. | Égi | hiraréxcįníñk | gają́ | hokáwa |
perhaps. | And | in a very little while | when | he entered |
ci-náñk | škúni. | Hocį́cįníñg | hiją́hį | jegá |
he stood suddenly | perhaps. | Boy | other one | the std. |
naxíre | škúni. | Égi | hiraréxcįníñk | gają́ |
was scared | perhaps. | And | in a very little while | when |
hocį́cįníñg | hiją́hį | jané | we | škúni: |
boy | the other one | this | said | perhaps: |
"Nié | hiní | naná," | e | škúni. |
"You | my brother | can (be)," | said | perhaps. |
Égi | hiją́hį | jéga | wé | škúni: |
And | other one | the std. | said | perhaps: |
hiñké | wažą́ | hipéres | ní | že, | e | škúni. |
not | anything | he knew | not | that, | he said | perhaps. |
Žegų́ | hąp | sérec | kiškác | škúni. |
So | day | long | they played together | perhaps. |
Égi | hocį́cįníñg | jegá | keré | škúni |
And | boy | this std. | went home | perhaps |
hóxcąną́niñk-regí. | Janą́hą | ji-éja | ji | gá |
in the evening. | Now? every? time | in the lodge | he had come | when |
nawą́ | hu | s’á | škúni. | Égi |
singing | he was coming | always | perhaps. | And |
haíni negí | žigé | wažóni | re | škúni. |
in the morning | again | to hunt something | he went | perhaps. |
Hocį́cįníñg | jané | hiñkága | hogirák | ni |
Boy | this | never | he told it to him | not |
p. 4 —
škúni | híąj-rá. | Žigé | wažóni | re | škúni. |
perhaps | his father - the. | Again | to hunt something | he went | perhaps. |
Égi | žigé | hocį́cį-xunúniñg | jegá | ji |
And | again | boy - little (or, younger) | this std. one | he had come |
škúni. | Égi | nawą́ | škúni: |
perhaps. | And | he sang | perhaps: |
"Égi Waró-ra "And Flesh - the
Nié waró-ra šaná rác’ raj ánañgá You flesh - the only you eat you eat when
Teé nigé nąhu-íj-niñg-ižą́ Here somewhere stump - small - one
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.
Hikoróke-há-nañgá I have her for a grandmother - when (?)*
Hųníñkpúeja-niñg-rá šaná Wild beans - small - the only
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.
Hája já-nañgá I eat that - when (?)*
Huré’ą’ą́ Huré’ą’ą́
Huré’ą’ą́ Huré’ą’ą́
Huré’ą’ą́," Huré’ą’ą́,"
e | škúni. | Hąp | sérec | jajį́ų | škúni. |
he said | perhaps. | Day | long | he stayed there | perhaps. |
Égi | hią́j-ra | kíri | gajañgá | hogirák | škúni, |
And | his father - the | he had come home | when | he told it to him | perhaps, |
p. 5 —
hocį́cįníñg | hąp-gá | jijé-ra. | Égi | hią́j-ra |
boy | every day | he had been coming - the. | And | his father - the |
we | škúni: | harukós | ši | škúni. |
he said | perhaps: | to catch hold of him | he told him | perhaps. |
Haíni | gają́ | žigé | ji | škúni. |
Morning | when | again | he had come | perhaps. |
Égi | nawą | škúni: |
And | he sang | perhaps: |
"Égi Waró-ra "And Flesh - the
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.
Nié waró-ra šaná rác raj ánañgá, You flesh - the only you eat you eat when (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.
Teé nigé nąhu-íj-niñg-ižą́ Here (?)* somewhere stump - small -one
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.
Hikoróke-há-nañgá I have her for a grandmother - when (?)*
Hųníñkpúeja-niñg-rá šaná Wild beans - small - the only
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.
Hája já-nañgá, I eat I eat - when (?)*
Huré’ą’ą́ Huré’ą’ą́
Huré’ą’ą́ Huré’ą’ą́
Huré’ą’ą́," Huré’ą’ą́,"
e | škúni. | Égi | hocį́cįníñg |
he said | perhaps. | And | boy |
hiją́hį | jané | we | škúni: |
other one | this | said | perhaps: |
hijáhiná | ši | škúni. | Hiją́hį | jegá |
to stay over night | ordered him | perhaps. | Other one | the std. |
hiñké | ų | ní | škúni. | Égi |
not | did it | not | perhaps. | And |
hóxcąną́niñk regí | hocį́cįniñg | hiją́hį | jegá | keré | škúni. |
in the evening | boy | other one | the std. | went home | perhaps. |
Égi | hocį́cįniñg-xeté-niñg | jegá | hironáñg | škúni. |
And | boy - large* - little | the std. | he followed him | perhaps. |
p. 6 —
Égi | híraréxcįníñk | gają́ | ną-hú-ij-ižą́ | ejá |
And | in a very little while | when | stump - one | there |
jiwí | škúni. | Égi | ma-í-žą | nąhuíj |
they two had come | perhaps. | And | spring - one | stump |
jejá | nažį́ | škúni. | Žegų́ | hocį́cįníñg |
under | stood | perhaps. | So | boy |
jegá | ma-í | ejá | kųwúñk | gikére |
the std. | spring | at | diving | he went right in |
škúni. | Égi | hocį́cįníñg | hiją́hį | jegá |
perhaps. | And | boy | other one | the std. |
gu | škúni. | Égi | hóxcąną́niñk regí | hią́j-ra |
was coming home | perhaps. | And | in the evening | his father - the |
kirí | škúni. | Égi | hogirák | škúni, |
had come home | perhaps. | And | he told it to him | perhaps, |
hocį́cįniñg-rá | ma-í | ejá | howágikére-rá. | Égi |
boy | spring | at | he had gone into it - the. | And |
haíni negí | hinké | wažóni | ra | ní |
in the morning | not | to hunt something | he went | not |
škúni. | Hocį́cįníñg | jegá | hirapé | škúni. |
perhaps. | Boy | the std. | he waited for him | perhaps. |
Hiñké | ji | ní | škúni. | Égi |
Not | he came | not | perhaps. | And |
haíni | gają́ | žigé | wažóni | re |
morning | when | again | to hunt something | he went |
škúni. | Žigé | hocį́cįníñg | jegá | ji |
perhaps. | Again | boy | the std. | he came |
p. 7 —
škúni. | Hąp´ | sérej | hijáhi | kiškác |
perhaps. | Day | long | he stayed there | he played with him |
škúni. | Égi | hóxcąną́niñk regí | žigé | keré |
perhaps. | And | in the evening | again | he went home |
škúni. | Égi | žigé | hią́j-ra | kirí |
perhaps. | And | again | his father - the | came home |
škúni. | Égi | wé | škúni: | hąp´ |
perhaps. | And | said | perhaps: | day |
jobą́hą | hirapé | kcąné, | é | škúni. |
four times | he wait for him | will, | he said | perhaps. |
Hąp´ | jobą́hą | hiñké | wažóni | ra |
Day | four times | not | to hunt something | he went |
ní | škúni. | Hiñké | hocįcį́niñg | jegá |
not | perhaps. | Not | boy | the std. |
hiñkága | ji | ní | škúni. | Égi |
never | came | not | perhaps. | And |
gajáñga | wawewį́wi | škúni: | caské-he | ánañgá |
just then | they two thought what to do | perhaps: | how to do | when (?)* |
hocį́cįníñg | jané | harukósi | kcąné | gi. |
boy | this | to catch hold | will | if (?).* |
Égi | gajañgá | wažą | ížą | hipéres |
And | just then | something | one | he knew it |
škúni. | Égi | haíni | gają́ | hiníñg-ra | naswéja |
perhaps. | And | morning | when | his son - the | on the head |
texú-kanañg-rá | hírogíške | škúni. | Égi | hiníñg-ra |
placenta of an animal | he tied it to him (or, to his hair) | perhaps. | And | his son - the |
wegé | škúni: | hocįcį́níñg | jegá | ji |
he said to him | perhaps: | boy | the std. | he comes |
gíži | naswéja | teé | hižą́ | hírogíške | ší |
if | on the head | this | one | to tie it to him (or, to his hair) | ordered him |
p. 8 —
škúni. | Égi | hocįcį́niñg | jegá | ji |
perhaps. | And | boy | the std. | came |
škúni. | Égi | hócįcį́niñg | hiją́hį | jegá |
perhaps. | And | boy | other one | the std. |
hija | wakú | škúni. | Naswéja | hižą́ |
there | he bent down | perhaps. | On his head | one |
hirogíškaire | škúni. | Égi | hóxcąną́niñk regí | hocįcį́niñg |
was tied to it | perhaps. | And | in the evening | boy |
jegá | keré | škúni. | Égi | hocįcį́niñg |
the std. | went home | perhaps. | And | boy |
hiją́hį | jané | híronáñk | re | škúni. |
other one | this | to follow him | he went | perhaps. |
Égi | ma-i | éja | gi | gáją |
And | spring | at | reached again | when |
kųwúñk | cikére | škúni. | Híraréxcįníñgają́ | žigé |
he dove | he did it suddenly | perhaps. | In a very little while | again |
hagixép | kíri | náñk | škúni. | Žeské |
he came up from beneath | he had come back | he sat (?)* | perhaps. | Just so |
jobą́hą | hi | škúni. | Égi | híraréxcįníñk |
four times | he came | perhaps. | And | in a very little while |
gają́ | ą ?jínañk | škúni. | Égi | hiąj´-ra |
when | he came out (of the water) suddenly | perhaps. | And | his father - the |
kirí | škúni. | Žegų́ | nuwáñk | hu |
had come back | perhaps. | So | running | he was coming |
škúni. | Égi | hocį́cįníñg | jegá | harukósire |
perhaps. | And | boy | the std. | they caught hold of him |
p. 9 —
škúni. | Égi | ciéja | haní hakiríre | nañgá |
perhaps. | And | at the lodge | they brought him | when |
ci | xunúniñg-ižą́ | ų́ | ánañgá | éja |
lodge | small - one | they made | [= after they had]* | there |
hot’ųp´ | škúni. | Égi | hocį́cįníñg-rá | xag-rá |
he put him in it | perhaps. | And | boy - the | he cried - then? (when) |
rokána | we | škúni. | Égi | híraréxcįníñgają́ |
much | he said | perhaps. | And | in a very little while |
wokízok | škúni. | Égi | wáñk | jané |
he was right (or, proper?) | perhaps. | And | man | this |
hiperés | škúni, | e | hiniñk-hi | gi. |
he knew him | perhaps, | he | he had him for a son | when. |
Égi | hocįcį́niñg-rá | é | ciapé náñk |
And | boys - the | they | they were staying to take care of the lodge |
s’a | škúni. | Wáñk | jegá | hagá |
always | perhaps. | Man | the std. | in the past |
we | škúni: | ciéja | ho-išípjį | ų́ |
said | perhaps: | in the lodge | always | to do [= why]* |
wáši | škúni. |
he ordered them | perhaps. |
At this point the story bifurcates into two versions. Version 1 resumes with page 16; see Version 2 below.
p. 16 —
Égi | hagórežą́ | wañk | jegá | nigé |
And | at one (past) time | man | the std. | somewhere |
howáre | škúni. | Hiñkagá | kirí | ni |
he went thither | perhaps. | Never | he came back | not |
škúni. | Égi | hocį́cįníñg | nañg-ré | inégi |
perhaps. | And | boy | the st. ones | alone |
jíre | škúni. | Égi | hagórežą́ | niñgé |
they dwelt | perhaps. | And | at one (past) time | somewhere |
hišké | hówaraíre | škúni. | Égi | hiñkagá |
in like manner | they (pl.) went thither | perhaps. | And | never |
hakírira | ní | škúni. | Égi | hocįcį́niñg |
they (pl.) came back | not | perhaps. | And | boy(s) |
nañg-ré | mą́na | haną́c | hoų́ | hájiharaíre |
the st. ones | earth - the | all (= whole) | to go around it | they (pl.) began |
škúni. | Egí | hágeréžą | maxí-wañgéja | hahíre |
perhaps. | And | at one (past) time | at the clouds - upper world | they (pl.) arrived |
škúni. | Égi | ejá | cižą́ | hiráhiré |
perhaps. | And | there | lodge one | they [reached there] |
p. 17 —
gają́ | teé | waxopíni | šišík | hoci-rá |
when | that | mysterious being* | bad | his lodge - the |
waų́náñk | škúni. | Egí | hokí-kit’áwi | škúni. |
[he did that ?]* | perhaps. | And | they two talked together | perhaps. |
Égi | wawí | škúni: | taéhire | kcąné, |
And | they two said | perhaps: | they ——- it to —- [light] | will |
aíre | škúni. | Égi | haíni negí | hajíre |
they said | perhaps. | And | in the morning | they came |
škúni. | Ci-rá | howaxįc´-re | škúni. | Hiñké |
perhaps. | lodge - the | they set it on fire | perhaps. | Not |
haną́c | taxú | ni | škúni. | Égi |
all (= whole) | burnt | not | perhaps. | And |
žegų́hir-ánañgá | žigé | mą-rá | hówagúire | škúni. |
they did that - after | again | earth - the | they were coming back to it | perhaps. |
Égi | žigé | mą-ra | hoų́ | haciharaíre |
And | again | earth - the | to go around it | they (pl.) began |
škúni. | Égi | hágoréžą | éja | xéžą |
perhaps. | And | at one (past) time | there | hill - one |
hirahire | škúni. | Teé | waką́-ra | rokána |
they (pl.) came to it immediately | perhaps. | This | snake - the | many |
škúni. | Égi | waką́ | kizáwi | škúni |
perhaps. | And | serpent | they two fought | perhaps |
hąp | sérc. | Égi | hóxcąną́niñg regí | waką́ |
day | long. | And | in the evening | serpent |
hohą́we | ánañgá | warucwí | škúni. | Égi |
they two boiled | after | they two ate them | perhaps. | And |
žigé | haíni negí | hájihakaraíre | škúni. | Žegų́ |
again | in the morning | they (pl.) started off again | perhaps. | So |
p. 18 —
hágoréžą | ų́ hahíre | gáją | téžą | hírajíre |
at one (past) time | they were going | when | to? a lake | they reached it unexpectedly |
škúni. | Hocį́cį-xunúniñg-rá | ni-éja | howíre | škúni. |
perhaps. | Boy - small - the | water - into | he went thither | perhaps. |
Égi | hiją́hį | jané | horuxúc | škúni. |
And | other one | this | he looked | perhaps. |
Hiraréxcįníñgają́ | hišké | híja | howíre | škúni. |
In a very little while | he too | then | he went thither | perhaps. |
Égi | cųsára | kizáwi | škúni. | Égi |
And | blood-suckers [eels?, leeches?] | they two fought | perhaps. | And |
rušcą́wi | gi | cų́sára | hohąwé | anañgá |
they two finished | when | blood-suckers" | they two boiled | after |
warucwí | škúni. | Égi | žegų́hir-ánañgá | niñgé |
they two ate them | perhaps. | And | they did that - after | somewhere |
hówaraíre | škúni. | Égi | hágoréžą | žigé |
they (pl.) went thither | perhaps. | And | at one (past) time | again |
xéžą | hirájire | škúni. | Égi | xe-rá |
hill - one | they came to unexpectedly | perhaps. | And | hill - the |
hotiwí | škúni. | Égi | xé | hagéja |
they two climbed | perhaps. | And | hill | on top |
hahíre | gáją | waníñk | homą́ | hiére |
they reached there | when | bird | nest | they found it |
škúni. | Égi | waníñganiñk | áeja | nañk |
perhaps. | And | little bird | there | the st. ones (= they were) |
škúni. | Hiské | gisákwe | ánañgá | warúciré |
perhaps. | Some | they killed by hitting or stabbing | after | they (pl.) ate them |
p. 19 —
škúni. | Égi | hagúire | škúni. |
perhaps. | And | they were coming | perhaps. |
Hágoréžą | ų́ hahíre | gáją | teé | ziziké |
At one (past) time | they were going | when | then ? | wild turkey |
žą | hikipá | jináñkhire | škúni. | Égi |
one | meeting him | they did it suddenly | perhaps. | And |
hinúbiké | náxiraíre | škúni. | Kirúc | jé |
the two | they were scared | perhaps. | Separating | standing (?)* |
šaná | hógináñg-re | škúni. | Teé | hožéją | heré | na. |
only (?)* | they (pl.) ran in different directions | perhaps. | This | end | it is that | . |
Version 2. This version resumes the story where it left off on page 9, as the two boys are always staying in the lodge together and never venturing out.
p. 9 —Égi | hágoréžą | wažóni | re | škúni. |
And | at one (past) time | to hunt something | he went | perhaps. |
Égi | hoxcą́nąniñk regí | kirí | škúni. | Égi |
And | in the evening | he had come home | perhaps. | And |
haíni negí | kéni | wažóni | ra | ní |
in the morning | not yet | to hunt something | he went | not |
before he went hunting* |
p. 10 —
hiníñk-wahi-rá | wawagé | škúni, | "Tégi | téžą |
he had them for sons - the | he said to them | perhaps, | "Here | lake - one |
nañg-ré | hiñké | áeja | hówaráwi | ni | ánje," |
the st. one | not | to it | you go thither | not | must |
e | škúni. | Égi | wažóni | re |
he said | perhaps. | And | to hunt something | he went |
škúni. | Égi | hocį́cį-xunúniñk | jegá | we |
perhaps. | And | boy - small(er) | the std. | said |
škúni: | "Waróra | téja | howiné | kcé |
perhaps: | "Flesh | to the lake | we go thither | let us |
na," | e | škúni. | Égi | hiją́hį |
," | [he] said | perhaps. | And | other one |
jegá | we | škúni: | "Hią́c-hįhi-rá | wáñgarokíx-hi |
the std. | said | perhaps: | "We have him for a father - the | he forbade us to do it |
žáre," | e | škúni. | Hocį́cį-xunúniñk | jané |
—- —— to both?," | said | perhaps. | Boy - small(er) | this |
žegų́ | hawéwahi | škúni. | Égi | gajáñga |
so | he asked him often, he coaxed him | perhaps. | And | at last |
haraíre | škúni. | Égi | téja | hahíre |
they went | perhaps. | And | to the lake | they reached there |
gáją | hocį́cį-xunúniñk | jegá | ni-éja |
when | boy - small(er) | the std. | into the waters |
howíre | škúni. | Égi | híraréxcįníñgają́ | hiją́hį |
he went thither | perhaps. | And | in a very little while | other one |
jegá | hijowíre | škúni. | Te | náñg-re |
the std. | he went thither | perhaps. | Lake | the st. |
cųsára-rá | rokána | škúni. | Égi | cųsára |
"blood-suckers" [= leeches (?)]* - the | many [was full of]* | perhaps. | And | "blood-suckers" [= leeches?]* |
kizáwi | škúni, | hąp´ sérc. | Égi | hóxcąną́niñk regí |
they two fought | perhaps, | day long. | And | in the evening |
p. 11 —
cųsára | hohą́wi | ánañgá | waruc-wí | škúni. |
"blood-suckers" | they two boiled | [after]* | they two ate them | perhaps. |
Égi | cųsára | hiské | rús-wi | ánañgá |
And | "blood suckers" | some | they two took | [when]* |
hiąj-ra | hagáni | kíriwí | škúni. | Égi |
their father - the | they brought them | home | perhaps. | And |
hiąj-híre-ra | we | škúni: | cañgéja | howaxų́ |
they had him for a father - the | said | perhaps: | out of doors | to pour it (the soup) |
wáši | škúni. | Égi | haíni negí | hiník-wahí-ra |
he ordered them | perhaps. | And | in the morning | he had them for sons - the |
wawagé | škúni | žigé: | "Tégi | xéžą |
he said to them | perhaps | again: | "Here | hill - one |
náñg-re | hiñké | áeja | howaráwi | ni |
the st. one | not | to it | you two go thither | not |
ánje," | é | škúni. | Égi | wažóni |
must," | he said | perhaps. | And | to hunt something |
re | škúni. | Híraréxcįníñgają́ | hocįcį-xunúniñk | jané |
he went | perhaps. | In a very little while | boy - small(er) | this |
žigé | hiją́hį | jegá | xéja | howáre |
again | other one | the std. | to the hill | to go thither |
kikárahe | škúni. | Égi | gajáñga | haraíre |
he asked him (he ? was ? coaxing him)* | perhaps. | And | at last | they went to |
škúni. | Égi | xe | hagéja | hahíre |
perhaps. | And | hill | on top | they reached there |
gáją | teé | waką́-ra | rokána | škúni. |
when | there | serpent - the | many | perhaps. |
p. 12 —
Jąją́ | negí | waką́ | kizáwi | škúni, |
That time | (then)* | serpent | they two fought | perhaps, |
hąp´ | serc. | Égi | hóxcąną́niñk regí |
day | long. | And | in the evening |
waką́ | kizá | rušcą́wi | gí | žeské |
serpent | fighting | they two stopped or ceased | when | the aforesaid (serpents) |
hohą́wi | anañgá | waruc-wí | škúni. | Égi |
they two boiled | when | they two ate | perhaps. | And |
waką́-ra | hiské | rús-wi | ánañgá | hią́c-hi-ra |
serpents - the | some | they two took | when | (they)* had him for a father - the |
hagáni kíriwí | škúni. | Égi | hiąc-híre-rá | we |
they two brought home to | perhaps. | And | they (pl.) had him for a father - the | said |
škúni: | cañgéja | howaxų́ | wáši | škúni. |
perhaps: | out of doors | to pour it out | he ordered them | perhaps. |
Égi | hąhé | regí | wañk | jegá |
And | night | when (= that)* | man | the std. |
niñgé | howáre | škúni. | Hąį́ | serecį́ |
somewhere | he went thither | perhaps. | Night | long |
ų | škúni. | Égi | hąp´ | sérec |
he did it | perhaps. | And | day | long |
žigé | ų́ | škúni. | Égi | hąhé regí |
again | he did it | perhaps. | And | that night |
áeja | hahína | škúni. | Naxá | ižą́ |
at that place | he slept for the night | perhaps. | Log | one |
wipéį | kik’ų́ | škúni. | Égi | haíni negí |
pillow | he made it for himself | perhaps. | And | in the morning |
hikį́ | gáją | teé | jieja | nanañk’ų |
he awoke | when | there | in the lodge | he was sitting asleep |
hikį́ | škúni. | Teé | Wanaxí-niñk[a] | jegá |
he awoke | perhaps. | That one | Ghost - Little | the std. |
éwaų́ | žé | airé | na, | wáñk |
he caused it | that | they say | , | man |
p. 13 —
jegá | jiéja | nanañki’ų | hikį́ | gá. |
the std. | in the lodge | he was sitting asleep | he awoke | the? one? (just? named?). |
Égi | haíni negí | wáñk | jegá | žigé |
And | in the morning | man | the std. | again |
niñk-óware | škúni. | Égi | hiñkága | kíri |
he went somewhere | perhaps. | And | never | he came back |
ní | škúni. | Égi | hocį́cįniñg-rá | išké* |
not | perhaps. | And | boys - the | too |
niñgé | hówaraíre | škúni. | Coní | maxí-wañg-rá |
somewhere | they went thither | perhaps. | First | upper world - ? - the* |
hówaraíre | škúni. | Égi | ų hárahaíra ų́ | cí-žą |
they went thither | perhaps. | And | as they were going | lodge - one |
hiracíre | škúni. | Teé | Waxopíni | šišík |
they came to it immediately? | perhaps. | That | Mysterious being | bad |
hocí-ra | waų́ | nañk | škúni. | Égi |
his lodge - the | [he did it]* | [that]* | perhaps. | And |
hocį́cįniñg-rá | hókikít’aire | škúni: | caské-hir | ánañgá |
boys - the | they spoke to each other | perhaps: | how they would do | when (?)* |
táehíre | kcąné | gi. | Égi | hocį́cį-xunúniñk |
they burn it | will | if (?)* | And | boy - small(er) |
jegá | we | škúni: | haínigi | ji kcáwi, |
the std. | said | perhaps, | tomorrow | they two will come, |
e | škúni. | Égi | niñg-ówaraíre | škúni. |
said | perhaps. | And | they went somewhere | perhaps. |
Haíni negí | žejáñga | hajíre | škúni. | Égi |
In the morning | at last | they came | perhaps. | And |
p. 14 —
ji-rá | howaxįcíre | škúni. | Hinké | haną́c |
lodge - the | they set it afire | perhaps. | Not | all |
taé | ni | škúni. | Žegų́-hir | ánañgá |
burnt | not | perhaps. | They did so | after |
mą-rá | howagú-ire | škúni. | Égi | mą |
earth - the | they were coming back to | perhaps. | And | earth |
regí | hakiríre | gają́ | hagá | žeé |
on the | they had come back | when | at one (past) time | then (?)* |
xéžą | hotíre | škúni. | Égi | xe |
hill one | they climbed | perhaps. | And | hill |
íhagéja | hahíre | gają́ | teé | waníñk |
on top of it | they arrived there | when | there (?)* | bird |
homą́ | hiére | škúni: | Waką́ja-níñge-níñk | waų́ nañk |
nest | they found it | perhaps: | Thunderbird - small ones | [they were living there]* |
škúni. | Hocį́cį-xunúniñk | jegá | ną́-ižą | hotí |
perhaps. | Boy - small(er) | the std. | tree - one | he climbed |
škúni. | Waníñg | nañká | hižą́ | rúz |
perhaps. | Bird | the st. ones | one | he seized |
anañgá | wagé | škúni: | "Jágu | ráž-ra |
after | he spoke to | perhaps: | "What | name - the |
hínigaíre | že," | higé | škúni. | Žegų́ |
they call you | ?" | he said to him | perhaps. | So |
taníhąhi | škúni. | Égi | ráž-ra | hógirakíre |
he did it three times | perhaps. | And | name - the | they told it to him |
s’á | škúni. | Žeské | aíre | ga |
every time | perhaps. | Just so | they said | when |
mąéja | wet’ų́ra (wot’ų́ra ?) | nañgá | waesák | s’a |
to the ground | he threw them down | after | he killed them with his hand (by strangulation?) | every time |
škúni. | Égi | hijobą́hą-rá | hižą́ | raž-ra |
perhaps. | And | fourth time - the | one | name - the |
p. 15 —
higiwąx´ | gają́ | we | škúni: | "Wą́-nihe-gá |
he questioned him | when | he said | perhaps: | "He who is Hallooing |
higaíre | že," | é | škúni. | Égi |
they called him | that," | he said | perhaps. | And |
we | škúni: | wą | ši | škúni. |
said | perhaps | to halloo | he ordered him | perhaps. |
Waníñk | nañká | wą́ | škúni. |
Bird | the std. one | hallooed | perhaps. |
Égi | higų́ | hiraréxcįníñgają́ | hírohárixcį́ | wažą́ |
And | [then]* | in a very little while | very far away | something |
cįwį́ | hájihákaraíre | škúni. | Teé | nižú-ra |
rumbling sound | they did so suddenly | perhaps. | That | rain - the |
rokána | hakirí | škúni. | Égi | hinúbiké |
much | had come back | perhaps. | And | the two |
Waką́ja | kizáwi | škuni | hąp | sérc. |
Thunderbird(s) | they two fought | perhaps | day | long. |
Égi | hóxcąną́niñg regí | wohą́wi | ánañgá | warucwí |
And | in the evening | they two had boiled them | after | they two ate them |
škúni. | Égi | niñgé | hówaraíre | škúni. |
perhaps. | And | somewhere | they (pl.) went thither | perhaps. |
Hágoréžą | ų harahaíra ų́ | teé | Ziziké-žą | hikipá |
At one (past) time | as they were going | this | Wild turkey - one | meeting him |
jináñk-hiré | škúni. | Hinúbiké | naxírawi | anañgá |
they did it suddenly | perhaps. | The two | they two were scared | when |
kirúce | šána | hokináñk-hiré | škúni. | Teé |
separating | only (?)* | they (pl.) ran in different directions | perhaps. | This |
hožéją-na | heré | na. | Hocį́cįníñg | nañká |
end - the (noun ending) | it is that | . | Boy | the std. ones |
p. 16 —
hiñké | máxiéja | hahíre | ni | gajére gí [.]** |
not | to the upper world* | they (pl.) reached there | not | [—- to return home going.]† |
Žegų́ regí | wažą́ | hošišík | cų | ná. |
Now | something | bad | abound (it would be) | . |
Že, | airé | na. |
That | they say | . |
Alexander Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "The Two Brothers, Waloga and Little Ghost," with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) Story V: 1 - 22.