The Two Brothers (Text V)
narrated by Philip Longtail

Interlinear Hocąk-English Text
by Rev. James Owen Dorsey

Reproduced with the kind permission of the
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution

English Translation

Dorsey's orthography has been changed to the contemporary IPA standard. Notes by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are indicated by "—RD." Question marks in parentheses, sic (?), are those of Dorsey, all others mark uncertain readings.


p. 1 —
Éja wañg-ížą hicáwį-na hakaraíkicí nañk
There man - one his wife - the he lived with her, his own? he sat



škúni. Wañk jegá mašcą́ wažą́ t’éhi
perhaps. Man the st[an]d[ing one] strong some he killed



ke škúni. Égi hágoréžą hicáwį-na
regularly perhaps. And at one (past) time his wife - the



hocįcį́niñg-rá nųpíwi haní škúni. Égi
boys - the two she had perhaps. And



wáñk jané wažónį-ra rušcą́ škúni:
man this hunting something - the he could perhaps:



niñkcáñg-ra waní ų škúni. Égi
babies - the having them he did (= ——) perhaps. And



híraréxcįníñk gają́ hicáwi-na hówaž-ánañgá t’é
in a very little while when his wife - the became sick - after she died



škúni. Égi hocį́cį-xunúniñg-rá išké t’e
perhaps. And boy - little one - the in like manner he died



škúni. Égi hiąj´-ra híniñg-rá karaxé
perhaps. And his father - the his boy son - the he buried his own



škúni. Hiñké žegų́negí waxánañg-ré žeskéhi
perhaps. Not at present they are burying them he did in that manner



škúni. Égi waų́ škúni:
not perhaps. And he did it perhaps:



wapéreniñké ruz anañgá hocį́cįniñg añká
a thin piece of skin he took when (or, and then) little boy the recl[ining one]



hirowéją škúni. Égi žegų́-he anañgá
he wrapped in it perhaps. And he did it when (or, after)



p. 2 —
hocį́cįniñg-rá rúz ánañgá ną́hu-ijéja ahí-kanáñk
little boy - the he took when (or, after, or round? then?) at the foot of a tree he went? thither? - he put? down the ——



škúni. Žegų́-he ánañgá gu škúni.
perhaps. He had done so when (or, after) he went returning perhaps.



Égi gajáñga nųpíwi hotáwi škúni.
And then two they two were left perhaps.



Égi wažóni-na ų́ jiré škúni.
And hunting something - the to do it he began perhaps.



Hocį́cįníñg jegá é ciápe škúni.
Boy this std. he he stayed at home to take of the lodge perhaps.



Égi hágoréžą hocį́cį-xunúniñk jané xeté škúni.
And at one (past) time boy - little one this large perhaps.



Hocį́cįníñg teé wažą́ rézi-ra šána
Boy this something tongues - the only



rúj s’a škúni. Hocį́cįniñg teé
he ate regularly perhaps. Boy this



hiñkága niñgé hówara s’a
never anywhere he went thither not always



škúni. Ho-išipjį́ ciéja ų́ náñk
perhaps. Always in the lodge doing he sat



s’a škúni. Hią́j-ra kių́
regularly perhaps. His father - the arrows made for him



anañgá wigúc s’a
when (or, after) arrow shooting with ? he stood regularly



škúni. Égi hágoréžą hią́j-ra wažóni
perhaps. And at one (past) time his father - the hunting something



gają́ hocį́cįníñg-ižą́ ají nawą́
went when boy - one he came he sang



p. 3 —
škúni. Égi hiraréxcįníñk gają́ hokáwa
perhaps. And in a very little while when he entered



ci-náñk škúni. Hocį́cįníñg hiją́hį jegá
he stood suddenly perhaps. Boy other one the std.



naxíre škúni. Égi hiraréxcįníñk gają́
was scared perhaps. And in a very little while when



hocį́cįníñg hiją́hį jané we škúni:
boy the other one this said perhaps:



"Nié hiní naná," e škúni.
"You my brother can (be)," said perhaps.



Égi hiją́hį jéga škúni:
And other one the std. said perhaps:


hiñké wažą́ hipéres že, e škúni.
not anything he knew not that, he said perhaps.



Žegų́ hąp sérec kiškác škúni.
So day long they played together perhaps.



Égi hocį́cįníñg jegá keré škúni
And boy this std. went home perhaps



hóxcąną́niñk-regí. Janą́hą ji-éja ji
in the evening. Now? every? time in the lodge he had come when



nawą́ hu s’á škúni. Égi
singing he was coming always perhaps. And



haíni negí žigé wažóni re škúni.
in the morning again to hunt something he went perhaps.



Hocį́cįníñg jané hiñkága hogirák ni
Boy this never he told it to him not



p. 4 —
škúni híąj-rá. Žigé wažóni re škúni.
perhaps his father - the. Again to hunt something he went perhaps.



Égi žigé hocį́cį-xunúniñg jegá ji
And again boy - little (or, younger) this std. one he had come



škúni. Égi nawą́ škúni:
perhaps. And he sang perhaps:



"Égi Waró-ra
"And Flesh - the



Nié waró-ra šaná rác’ raj ánañgá
You flesh - the only you eat you eat when



Teé nigé nąhu-íj-niñg-ižą́
Here somewhere stump - small - one



I have her for a grandmother - when (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.



Hųníñkpúeja-niñg-rá šaná
Wild beans - small - the only



Hája já-nañgá
I eat that - when (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.












e škúni. Hąp sérec jajį́ų škúni.
he said perhaps. Day long he stayed there perhaps.



Égi hią́j-ra kíri gajañgá hogirák škúni,
And his father - the he had come home when he told it to him perhaps,



p. 5 —
hocį́cįníñg hąp-gá jijé-ra. Égi hią́j-ra
boy every day he had been coming - the. And his father - the



we škúni: harukós ši škúni.
he said perhaps: to catch hold of him he told him perhaps.



Haíni gają́ žigé ji škúni.
Morning when again he had come perhaps.



Égi nawą škúni:
And he sang perhaps:



"Égi Waró-ra
"And Flesh - the



Nié waró-ra šaná rác raj ánañgá,
You flesh - the only you eat you eat when (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.



Teé nigé nąhu-íj-niñg-ižą́
Here (?)* somewhere stump - small -one
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.



I have her for a grandmother - when (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.



Hųníñkpúeja-niñg-rá šaná
Wild beans - small - the only



Hája já-nañgá,
I eat I eat - when (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark was inserted by Dorsey.












e škúni. Égi hocį́cįníñg
he said perhaps. And boy



hiją́hį jané we škúni:
other one this said perhaps:



hijáhiná ši škúni. Hiją́hį jegá
to stay over night ordered him perhaps. Other one the std.



hiñké ų škúni. Égi
not did it not perhaps. And



hóxcąną́niñk regí hocį́cįniñg hiją́hį jegá keré škúni.
in the evening boy other one the std. went home perhaps.



Égi hocį́cįniñg-xeté-niñg jegá hironáñg škúni.
And boy - large* - little the std. he followed him perhaps.
*xeté can mean not only "large" but "older." —RD



p. 6 —
Égi híraréxcįníñk gają́ ną-hú-ij-ižą́ ejá
And in a very little while when stump - one there



jiwí škúni. Égi ma-í-žą nąhuíj
they two had come perhaps. And spring - one stump



jejá nažį́ škúni. Žegų́ hocį́cįníñg
under stood perhaps. So boy



jegá ma-í ejá kųwúñk gikére
the std. spring at diving he went right in



škúni. Égi hocį́cįníñg hiją́hį jegá
perhaps. And boy other one the std.



gu škúni. Égi hóxcąną́niñk regí hią́j-ra
was coming home perhaps. And in the evening his father - the



kirí škúni. Égi hogirák škúni,
had come home perhaps. And he told it to him perhaps,



hocį́cįniñg-rá ma-í ejá howágikére-rá. Égi
boy spring at he had gone into it - the. And



haíni negí hinké wažóni ra
in the morning not to hunt something he went not



škúni. Hocį́cįníñg jegá hirapé škúni.
perhaps. Boy the std. he waited for him perhaps.



Hiñké ji škúni. Égi
Not he came not perhaps. And



haíni gają́ žigé wažóni re
morning when again to hunt something he went



škúni. Žigé hocį́cįníñg jegá ji
perhaps. Again boy the std. he came



p. 7 —
škúni. Hąp´ sérej hijáhi kiškác
perhaps. Day long he stayed there he played with him



škúni. Égi hóxcąną́niñk regí žigé keré
perhaps. And in the evening again he went home



škúni. Égi žigé hią́j-ra kirí
perhaps. And again his father - the came home



škúni. Égi škúni: hąp´
perhaps. And said perhaps: day



jobą́hą hirapé kcąné, é škúni.
four times he wait for him will, he said perhaps.



Hąp´ jobą́hą hiñké wažóni ra
Day four times not to hunt something he went



škúni. Hiñké hocįcį́niñg jegá
not perhaps. Not boy the std.



hiñkága ji škúni. Égi
never came not perhaps. And



gajáñga wawewį́wi škúni: caské-he ánañgá
just then they two thought what to do perhaps: how to do when (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark is Dorsey's.



hocį́cįníñg jané harukósi kcąné gi.
boy this to catch hold will if (?).*
*the parenthetical question mark is Dorsey's.



Égi gajañgá wažą ížą hipéres
And just then something one he knew it



škúni. Égi haíni gają́ hiníñg-ra naswéja
perhaps. And morning when his son - the on the head



texú-kanañg-rá hírogíške škúni. Égi hiníñg-ra
placenta of an animal he tied it to him (or, to his hair) perhaps. And his son - the



wegé škúni: hocįcį́níñg jegá ji
he said to him perhaps: boy the std. he comes



gíži naswéja teé hižą́ hírogíške ší
if on the head this one to tie it to him (or, to his hair) ordered him



p. 8 —
škúni. Égi hocįcį́niñg jegá ji
perhaps. And boy the std. came



škúni. Égi hócįcį́niñg hiją́hį jegá
perhaps. And boy other one the std.



hija wakú škúni. Naswéja hižą́
there he bent down perhaps. On his head one



hirogíškaire škúni. Égi hóxcąną́niñk regí hocįcį́niñg
was tied to it perhaps. And in the evening boy



jegá keré škúni. Égi hocįcį́niñg
the std. went home perhaps. And boy



hiją́hį jané híronáñk re škúni.
other one this to follow him he went perhaps.



Égi ma-i éja gi gáją
And spring at reached again when



kųwúñk cikére škúni. Híraréxcįníñgają́ žigé
he dove he did it suddenly perhaps. In a very little while again



hagixép kíri náñk škúni. Žeské
he came up from beneath he had come back he sat (?)* perhaps. Just so
*the question mark is Dorsey's.



jobą́hą hi škúni. Égi híraréxcįníñk
four times he came perhaps. And in a very little while



gają́ ą ?jínañk škúni. Égi hiąj´-ra
when he came out (of the water) suddenly perhaps. And his father - the



kirí škúni. Žegų́ nuwáñk hu
had come back perhaps. So running he was coming



škúni. Égi hocį́cįníñg jegá harukósire
perhaps. And boy the std. they caught hold of him



p. 9 —
škúni. Égi ciéja haní hakiríre nañgá
perhaps. And at the lodge they brought him when



ci xunúniñg-ižą́ ų́ ánañgá éja
lodge small - one they made [= after they had]* there
*bracketed material by Dorsey.



hot’ųp´ škúni. Égi hocį́cįníñg-rá xag-rá
he put him in it perhaps. And boy - the he cried - then? (when)



rokána we škúni. Égi híraréxcįníñgają́
much he said perhaps. And in a very little while



wokízok škúni. Égi wáñk jané
he was right (or, proper?) perhaps. And man this



hiperés škúni, e hiniñk-hi gi.
he knew him perhaps, he he had him for a son when.



Égi hocįcį́niñg-rá é ciapé náñk
And boys - the they they were staying to take care of the lodge



s’a škúni. Wáñk jegá hagá
always perhaps. Man the std. in the past



we škúni: ciéja ho-išípjį ų́
said perhaps: in the lodge always to do [= why]*
*bracketed material added by Dorsey.



wáši škúni.
he ordered them perhaps.


At this point the story bifurcates into two versions. Version 1 resumes with page 16; see Version 2 below.


p. 16 —
Égi hagórežą́ wañk jegá nigé
And at one (past) time man the std. somewhere



howáre škúni. Hiñkagá kirí ni
he went thither perhaps. Never he came back not



škúni. Égi hocį́cįníñg nañg-ré inégi
perhaps. And boy the st. ones alone



jíre škúni. Égi hagórežą́ niñgé
they dwelt perhaps. And at one (past) time somewhere



hišké hówaraíre škúni. Égi hiñkagá
in like manner they (pl.) went thither perhaps. And never



hakírira škúni. Égi hocįcį́niñg
they (pl.) came back not perhaps. And boy(s)



nañg-ré mą́na haną́c hoų́ hájiharaíre
the st. ones earth - the all (= whole) to go around it they (pl.) began



škúni. Egí hágeréžą maxí-wañgéja hahíre
perhaps. And at one (past) time at the clouds - upper world they (pl.) arrived



škúni. Égi ejá cižą́ hiráhiré
perhaps. And there lodge one they [reached there]



p. 17 —
gają́ teé waxopíni šišík hoci-rá
when that mysterious being* bad his lodge - the
*Now normally translated as "spirit." —RD



waų́náñk škúni. Egí hokí-kit’áwi škúni.
[he did that ?]* perhaps. And they two talked together perhaps.
*the brackets are Dorsey's, but it is difficult to read what they contain.



Égi wawí škúni: taéhire kcąné,
And they two said perhaps: they ——- it to —- [light] will



aíre škúni. Égi haíni negí hajíre
they said perhaps. And in the morning they came



škúni. Ci-rá howaxįc´-re škúni. Hiñké
perhaps. lodge - the they set it on fire perhaps. Not



haną́c taxú ni škúni. Égi
all (= whole) burnt not perhaps. And



žegų́hir-ánañgá žigé mą-rá hówagúire škúni.
they did that - after again earth - the they were coming back to it perhaps.



Égi žigé mą-ra hoų́ haciharaíre
And again earth - the to go around it they (pl.) began



škúni. Égi hágoréžą éja xéžą
perhaps. And at one (past) time there hill - one



hirahire škúni. Teé waką́-ra rokána
they (pl.) came to it immediately perhaps. This snake - the many



škúni. Égi waką́ kizáwi škúni
perhaps. And serpent they two fought perhaps



hąp sérc. Égi hóxcąną́niñg regí waką́
day long. And in the evening serpent



hohą́we ánañgá warucwí škúni. Égi
they two boiled after they two ate them perhaps. And



žigé haíni negí hájihakaraíre škúni. Žegų́
again in the morning they (pl.) started off again perhaps. So



p. 18 —
hágoréžą ų́ hahíre gáją téžą hírajíre
at one (past) time they were going when to? a lake they reached it unexpectedly



škúni. Hocį́cį-xunúniñg-rá ni-éja howíre škúni.
perhaps. Boy - small - the water - into he went thither perhaps.



Égi hiją́hį jané horuxúc škúni.
And other one this he looked perhaps.



Hiraréxcįníñgają́ hišké híja howíre škúni.
In a very little while he too then he went thither perhaps.



Égi cųsára kizáwi škúni. Égi
And blood-suckers [eels?, leeches?] they two fought perhaps. And



rušcą́wi gi cų́sára hohąwé anañgá
they two finished when blood-suckers" they two boiled after



warucwí škúni. Égi žegų́hir-ánañgá niñgé
they two ate them perhaps. And they did that - after somewhere



hówaraíre škúni. Égi hágoréžą žigé
they (pl.) went thither perhaps. And at one (past) time again



xéžą hirájire škúni. Égi xe-rá
hill - one they came to unexpectedly perhaps. And hill - the



hotiwí škúni. Égi hagéja
they two climbed perhaps. And hill on top



hahíre gáją waníñk homą́ hiére
they reached there when bird nest they found it



škúni. Égi waníñganiñk áeja nañk
perhaps. And little bird there the st. ones (= they were)



škúni. Hiské gisákwe ánañgá warúciré
perhaps. Some they killed by hitting or stabbing after they (pl.) ate them



p. 19 —
škúni. Égi hagúire škúni.
perhaps. And they were coming perhaps.



Hágoréžą ų́ hahíre gáją teé ziziké
At one (past) time they were going when then ? wild turkey



žą hikipá jináñkhire škúni. Égi
one meeting him they did it suddenly perhaps. And



hinúbiké náxiraíre škúni. Kirúc
the two they were scared perhaps. Separating standing (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark is Dorsey's.



šaná hógináñg-re škúni. Teé hožéją heré na.
only (?)* they (pl.) ran in different directions perhaps. This end it is that .
*the parenthetical question mark is Dorsey's.



Version 2. This version resumes the story where it left off on page 9, as the two boys are always staying in the lodge together and never venturing out.

p. 9 —
Égi hágoréžą wažóni re škúni.
And at one (past) time to hunt something he went perhaps.



Égi hoxcą́nąniñk regí kirí škúni. Égi
And in the evening he had come home perhaps. And



haíni negí kéni wažóni ra
in the morning not yet to hunt something he went not
before he went hunting*
*a more idiomatic translation added by Dorsey below the English line.



p. 10 —
hiníñk-wahi-rá wawagé škúni, "Tégi téžą
he had them for sons - the he said to them perhaps, "Here lake - one



nañg-ré hiñké áeja hówaráwi ni ánje,"
the st. one not to it you go thither not must



e škúni. Égi wažóni re
he said perhaps. And to hunt something he went



škúni. Égi hocį́cį-xunúniñk jegá we
perhaps. And boy - small(er) the std. said



škúni: "Waróra téja howiné kcé
perhaps: "Flesh to the lake we go thither let us



na," e škúni. Égi hiją́hį
," [he] said perhaps. And other one



jegá we škúni: "Hią́c-hįhi-rá wáñgarokíx-hi
the std. said perhaps: "We have him for a father - the he forbade us to do it



žáre," e škúni. Hocį́cį-xunúniñk jané
—- —— to both?," said perhaps. Boy - small(er) this



žegų́ hawéwahi škúni. Égi gajáñga
so he asked him often, he coaxed him perhaps. And at last



haraíre škúni. Égi téja hahíre
they went perhaps. And to the lake they reached there



gáją hocį́cį-xunúniñk jegá ni-éja
when boy - small(er) the std. into the waters



howíre škúni. Égi híraréxcįníñgają́ hiją́hį
he went thither perhaps. And in a very little while other one



jegá hijowíre škúni. Te náñg-re
the std. he went thither perhaps. Lake the st.



cųsára-rá rokána škúni. Égi cųsára
"blood-suckers" [= leeches (?)]* - the many [was full of]* perhaps. And "blood-suckers" [= leeches?]*
*bracketed material was inserted by Dorsey.



kizáwi škúni, hąp´ sérc. Égi hóxcąną́niñk regí
they two fought perhaps, day long. And in the evening



p. 11 —
cųsára hohą́wi ánañgá waruc-wí škúni.
"blood-suckers" they two boiled [after]* they two ate them perhaps.
*bracketed material was inserted by Dorsey.



Égi cųsára hiské rús-wi ánañgá
And "blood suckers" some they two took [when]*
*bracketed material was inserted by Dorsey.



hiąj-ra hagáni kíriwí škúni. Égi
their father - the they brought them home perhaps. And



hiąj-híre-ra we škúni: cañgéja howaxų́
they had him for a father - the said perhaps: out of doors to pour it (the soup)



wáši škúni. Égi haíni negí hiník-wahí-ra
he ordered them perhaps. And in the morning he had them for sons - the



wawagé škúni žigé: "Tégi xéžą
he said to them perhaps again: "Here hill - one



náñg-re hiñké áeja howaráwi ni
the st. one not to it you two go thither not



ánje," é škúni. Égi wažóni
must," he said perhaps. And to hunt something



re škúni. Híraréxcįníñgają́ hocįcį-xunúniñk jané
he went perhaps. In a very little while boy - small(er) this



žigé hiją́hį jegá xéja howáre
again other one the std. to the hill to go thither



kikárahe škúni. Égi gajáñga haraíre
he asked him (he ? was ? coaxing him)* perhaps. And at last they went to
*parenthetical material inserted by Dorsey.



škúni. Égi xe hagéja hahíre
perhaps. And hill on top they reached there



gáją teé waką́-ra rokána škúni.
when there serpent - the many perhaps.



p. 12 —
Jąją́ negí waką́ kizáwi škúni,
That time (then)* serpent they two fought perhaps,
*the parentheses are Dorsey's.



hąp´ serc. Égi hóxcąną́niñk regí
day long. And in the evening



waką́ kizá rušcą́wi žeské
serpent fighting they two stopped or ceased when the aforesaid (serpents)



hohą́wi anañgá waruc-wí škúni. Égi
they two boiled when they two ate perhaps. And



waką́-ra hiské rús-wi ánañgá hią́c-hi-ra
serpents - the some they two took when (they)* had him for a father - the
*the parentheses are Dorsey's.



hagáni kíriwí škúni. Égi hiąc-híre-rá we
they two brought home to perhaps. And they (pl.) had him for a father - the said



škúni: cañgéja howaxų́ wáši škúni.
perhaps: out of doors to pour it out he ordered them perhaps.



Égi hąhé regí wañk jegá
And night when (= that)* man the std.
*parenthetical material added by Dorsey.



niñgé howáre škúni. Hąį́ serecį́
somewhere he went thither perhaps. Night long



ų škúni. Égi hąp´ sérec
he did it perhaps. And day long



žigé ų́ škúni. Égi hąhé regí
again he did it perhaps. And that night



áeja hahína škúni. Naxá ižą́
at that place he slept for the night perhaps. Log one



wipéį kik’ų́ škúni. Égi haíni negí
pillow he made it for himself perhaps. And in the morning



hikį́ gáją teé jieja nanañk’ų
he awoke when there in the lodge he was sitting asleep



hikį́ škúni. Teé Wanaxí-niñk[a] jegá
he awoke perhaps. That one Ghost - Little the std.



éwaų́ žé airé na, wáñk
he caused it that they say , man



p. 13 —
jegá jiéja nanañki’ų hikį́ gá.
the std. in the lodge he was sitting asleep he awoke the? one? (just? named?).



Égi haíni negí wáñk jegá žigé
And in the morning man the std. again



niñk-óware škúni. Égi hiñkága kíri
he went somewhere perhaps. And never he came back



škúni. Égi hocį́cįniñg-rá išké*
not perhaps. And boys - the too

*more commonly hišké. —RD



niñgé hówaraíre škúni. Coní maxí-wañg-rá
somewhere they went thither perhaps. First upper world - ? - the*

*this literally means, "the [realm] above the clouds. —RD"



hówaraíre škúni. Égi ų hárahaíra ų́ cí-žą
they went thither perhaps. And as they were going lodge - one



hiracíre škúni. Teé Waxopíni šišík
they came to it immediately? perhaps. That Mysterious being bad



hocí-ra waų́ nañk škúni. Égi
his lodge - the [he did it]* [that]* perhaps. And
*the spaces now filled by the two bracketed expressions were originally left blank with a notation below them saying, "See Note." The translation provided was based on a previous occurrence of the expression. Dorsey's notes were no longer with the MS.



hocį́cįniñg-rá hókikít’aire škúni: caské-hir ánañgá
boys - the they spoke to each other perhaps: how they would do when (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark is Dorsey's.



táehíre kcąné gi. Égi hocį́cį-xunúniñk
they burn it will if (?)* And boy - small(er)
*the parenthetical question mark is Dorsey's.



jegá we škúni: haínigi ji kcáwi,
the std. said perhaps, tomorrow they two will come,



e škúni. Égi niñg-ówaraíre škúni.
said perhaps. And they went somewhere perhaps.



Haíni negí žejáñga hajíre škúni. Égi
In the morning at last they came perhaps. And



p. 14 —
ji-rá howaxįcíre škúni. Hinké haną́c
lodge - the they set it afire perhaps. Not all



taé ni škúni. Žegų́-hir ánañgá
burnt not perhaps. They did so after



mą-rá howagú-ire škúni. Égi
earth - the they were coming back to perhaps. And earth



regí hakiríre gają́ hagá žeé
on the they had come back when at one (past) time then (?)*
*the parenthetical question mark is Dorsey's.



xéžą hotíre škúni. Égi xe
hill one they climbed perhaps. And hill



íhagéja hahíre gają́ teé waníñk
on top of it they arrived there when there (?)* bird
*the parenthetical question mark was added by Dorsey.



homą́ hiére škúni: Waką́ja-níñge-níñk waų́ nañk
nest they found it perhaps: Thunderbird - small ones [they were living there]*
*the brackets are Dorsey's.



škúni. Hocį́cį-xunúniñk jegá ną́-ižą hotí
perhaps. Boy - small(er) the std. tree - one he climbed



škúni. Waníñg nañká hižą́ rúz
perhaps. Bird the st. ones one he seized



anañgá wagé škúni: "Jágu ráž-ra
after he spoke to perhaps: "What name - the



hínigaíre že," higé škúni. Žegų́
they call you ?" he said to him perhaps. So



taníhąhi škúni. Égi ráž-ra hógirakíre
he did it three times perhaps. And name - the they told it to him



s’á škúni. Žeské aíre ga
every time perhaps. Just so they said when



mąéja wet’ų́ra (wot’ų́ra ?) nañgá waesák s’a
to the ground he threw them down after he killed them with his hand (by strangulation?) every time



škúni. Égi hijobą́hą-rá hižą́ raž-ra
perhaps. And fourth time - the one name - the



p. 15 —
higiwąx´ gają́ we škúni: "Wą́-nihe-gá
he questioned him when he said perhaps: "He who is Hallooing



higaíre že," é škúni. Égi
they called him that," he said perhaps. And



we škúni: ši škúni.
said perhaps to halloo he ordered him perhaps.



Waníñk nañká wą́ škúni.
Bird the std. one hallooed perhaps.



Égi higų́ hiraréxcįníñgają́ hírohárixcį́ wažą́
And [then]* in a very little while very far away something
*left blank by Dorsey.



cįwį́ hájihákaraíre škúni. Teé nižú-ra
rumbling sound they did so suddenly perhaps. That rain - the



rokána hakirí škúni. Égi hinúbiké
much had come back perhaps. And the two



Waką́ja kizáwi škuni hąp sérc.
Thunderbird(s) they two fought perhaps day long.



Égi hóxcąną́niñg regí wohą́wi ánañgá warucwí
And in the evening they two had boiled them after they two ate them



škúni. Égi niñgé hówaraíre škúni.
perhaps. And somewhere they (pl.) went thither perhaps.



Hágoréžą ų harahaíra ų́ teé Ziziké-žą hikipá
At one (past) time as they were going this Wild turkey - one meeting him



jináñk-hiré škúni. Hinúbiké naxírawi anañgá
they did it suddenly perhaps. The two they two were scared when



kirúce šána hokináñk-hiré škúni. Teé
separating only (?)* they (pl.) ran in different directions perhaps. This



hožéją-na heré na. Hocį́cįníñg nañká
end - the (noun ending) it is that . Boy the std. ones



p. 16 —
hiñké máxiéja hahíre ni gajére gí [.]**
not to the upper world* they (pl.) reached there not [—- to return home going.]†
*literally, "to the clouds." —RD
**hahírenigają-héregi, "they did not reach there, as it happens".
†left blank by Dorsey.



Žegų́ regí wažą́ hošišík ná.
Now something bad abound (it would be) .



Že, airé na.
That they say .



Alexander Longtail (Sįcserecka), Buffalo Clan, "The Two Brothers, Waloga and Little Ghost," with interlinear translation by James Owen Dorsey, 4800 Dorsey Papers: Winnebago 3.3.2 (Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, National Anthropological Archives, October and November, 1893) Story V: 1 - 22.