Hocąk Text — Wanihéga Becomes a Sak’į
narrated by Sam Blowsnake
Sam Blowsnake |
p. 480 —
Hicók’e | waháwigi | wa’ų́ines’àže | hoišípjį | hižą́ |
Our grandfathers | they would show more than once | they used to do | always | one |
wanaǧirak | hok’áracgas’àže | p’į | hip’érezirege. | Hicóke |
ghost | would take a chance to become | good | they would consider it. | Our grandfathers |
waháwigi | hižą́ | Wanihéga | higaíregi | hoišípjį |
they would show more than once | one | Shouts in the Distance | they would say of him | always |
ë | wanaǧirak | horacgąs’áže. | Wanaǧirak | horacgą́jega |
he | ghost | he used to guess at, conjecture. | Ghost | stood at risk |
Wanihéga | higaíregi. | Wanaǧirak | horacgą́jega | uañgįk’į́že. |
Shouts in the Distance | they would say of him. | Ghost | stood at risk | become the same as a man. |
Ésge | p’íną | hip’érezireže. | Wanihéga | higaíregi |
Thus | a good thing | they would consider it. | Shouts in the Distance | they would say of him |
uañgwášoše | xetežé. | Hañk’é | hik’ísge | p’iną |
a brave (warrior) | a great one. | Not | equal | a good one |
wa’ųžé. | Togižą́jane | tocóna | hik’áwakšaną | roǧires’aže |
he was. | In the summer | the war | the going on the warpath | they used to forbid it. |
hañk’é | hop’ini | howaíres’àže. | Ésge | roǧires’aže. |
not | good | they would go. | Thus | they used to forbid it. |
Nunige | Wanihéga | togížą | tocóna | jobǫ́hą |
But | Shouts in the Distance | a summer | the war | four times |
hik’awákšaže | airešanúną. | Ésge | wanǧirak | hok’aracą́jega |
he went on the warpath | it is said. | Thus | ghost | stood at risk |
ë | wañgik’ik’úruxurukše. | Hahí | wak’ącáñkše. | Hahí |
he | man - clothe himself in - someone who could | For this reason | he was holy. | For this reason |
Sak’į | žéšge. | Ésge | hoišípjį | hižą́ |
a Warbundle Bearer | thus. | Thus | always | one |
wanaǧirak | hok’aracgąs’áže. | Hižą | žésge | hak’jonáwiną |
ghost | would put himself at risk. | One | of this kind | we will do |
wohą́ | coníxjį | jáwine. | Ë | éja | horok |
kettle | the very first | we attempt. | It | there | amongst them |
nąjonágijąwįgi | hijórogeniñk | ’uñk’jége. | Žéžesge | niñgitáwįną. |
may they bless us | join with them | they will partake. | That sort of thing | we ask for. |
[1] Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan, in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [480].