Hocąk Text — Wanihéga Becomes a Sak’į

narrated by Sam Blowsnake

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation


p. 480 —
Hicók’e waháwigi wa’ų́ines’àže hoišípjį hižą́
Our grandfathers they would show more than once they used to do always one



wanaǧirak hok’áracgas’àže p’į hip’érezirege. Hicóke
ghost would take a chance to become good they would consider it. Our grandfathers



waháwigi hižą́ Wanihéga higaíregi hoišípjį
they would show more than once one Shouts in the Distance they would say of him always



ë wanaǧirak horacgąs’áže. Wanaǧirak horacgą́jega
he ghost he used to guess at, conjecture. Ghost stood at risk



Wanihéga higaíregi. Wanaǧirak horacgą́jega uañgįk’į́že.
Shouts in the Distance they would say of him. Ghost stood at risk become the same as a man.



Ésge p’íną hip’érezireže. Wanihéga higaíregi
Thus a good thing they would consider it. Shouts in the Distance they would say of him



uañgwášoše xetežé. Hañk’é hik’ísge p’iną
a brave (warrior) a great one. Not equal a good one


wa’ųžé. Togižą́jane tocóna hik’áwakšaną roǧires’aže
he was. In the summer the war the going on the warpath they used to forbid it.



hañk’é hop’ini howaíres’àže. Ésge roǧires’aže.
not good they would go. Thus they used to forbid it.



Nunige Wanihéga togížą tocóna jobǫ́hą
But Shouts in the Distance a summer the war four times



hik’awákšaže airešanúną. Ésge wanǧirak hok’aracą́jega
he went on the warpath it is said. Thus ghost stood at risk



ë wañgik’ik’úruxurukše. Hahí wak’ącáñkše. Hahí
he man - clothe himself in - someone who could For this reason he was holy. For this reason



Sak’į žéšge. Ésge hoišípjį hižą́
a Warbundle Bearer thus. Thus always one



wanaǧirak hok’aracgąs’áže. Hižą žésge hak’jonáwiną
ghost would put himself at risk. One of this kind we will do



wohą́ coníxjį jáwine. Ë éja horok
kettle the very first we attempt. It there amongst them



nąjonágijąwįgi hijórogeniñk ’uñk’jége. Žéžesge niñgitáwįną.
may they bless us join with them they will partake. That sort of thing we ask for.



[1] Sam Blowsnake, The Warbundle Feast of the Thunderbird Clan, in Paul Radin, The Winnebago Tribe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990 [1923]) 399-481 [480].