Hocąk Text — the Were-Grizzly
narrated by Charlie Houghton
translated by Oliver LaMère
The text is written throughout in the hand of Paul Radin, but very neatly in ink. All the words have been translated except for a few small words in a number of their occurences (ásge, égi, éja, žéjunga, žegų́, žigé). Because of fading, there are a few letters that are difficult to read. Numbers in brackets reflect earlier parallel paginations.
p. 108 [= 1 = 39] —
Éja | cinóginoñkšgùni | cínañk | xetéžą | hagaréžą |
[There] | was a town | town | big | once upon a time |
uáñgera | hížą | xawaníže. | Ásge | žéjuñga |
man | one | was lost. | [And so] | and now |
uáñgera | hanąc | wonína’ùñxjį. | Žégų | hañké |
the men | all | hunt they did very much. | [Thus] | not |
wažą́nižą | hipereziranìže. | Žigé | hagaréžą | žigigoñxhawàni. |
anything | knew about. | [Again] | [at one time] | again [was] lost. |
Žigé | woní-na-uñxjį | hañké | wažą́nižą |
[So] | hunt they did | [not] | [anything] |
p. 109 [= 3 = 40] —
hiperéziranìže. | "Jagú’ų | wañga-ówigùni?" | aíreže. | Kará! |
they did not know about it. | "Why | are we thus?" | they said. | Listen! |
žigé | werakírakuni | žigižą́ | xawániže. | Hižą́ |
[so] | werakírakuni | again one | was lost. | One |
xawáni | ásge | žigé | wonína-uñxjìniže. | Žégų |
[was] lost | and so | [thus] | they hunted very much. | [Again] |
hañké | wažą́ižą | hiperéziranìže. | "Hañké | jagú’ų |
[not] | anything | they did not know. | "[Not] | why |
tee | wañga-ówiguni," | aíreže. | Žigé | hijóbera |
this | are we thus," | they said. | [And so] | the 4th one |
xawaníže. | Žigé | žéjuñga | uáñgera | hanañcíñxjį |
was lost. | [And so] | and now | men | all of them |
p. 110 [= 5 = 41] —
wonína | ’uñxjįnéže. | Žégų | ke | wažą́ižą |
hunt | they did very much. | [Again] | not | anything |
peréziranìže. | Hoxjanánikàją | hitokénika | hocíra | hojiwaíreže. |
they did not know. | In the evening | the old woman | house | they came by. |
Kará, | te | werakírakùni | uañkšik | pá |
Say, | this | werakírakùni | man | head |
cinuxgéjanañkše. | Hožígų | niñgi-óginañkìre, | égi | húñgoci-éja |
was in back of her house. | So now | they ran from there, | and | the chief's house |
hagiréži. | Éja | horakíreže. | "Hehé! | hitokénika |
they got to. | There | they told it. | "Say! | the old woman |
éwa-’unàñkšaną, | t’éwagi-anañkšaną." | Égi | húñgenoñka | wéže, |
is doing it, | she is killing us." | And | the chief | said, |
p. 111 [= 7 = 42] —
"Hisgéxjį | wašéže?" | Hąhą́o, | nąsúra | wacáwiną." |
"The truth | are you telling?" | "Yes [indeed], | the heads | we saw." |
Égi | stokíwine, | "Hąhą́, | t’ehiráwire. | Waxopini |
And | gathered together, | "[Indeed], | go and kill her. | A spirit |
šíšik | wo-uáñko | wa’unáñkšaną," | éže, | aíreną, |
evil | a worthless one | is why she does [it]," | he said, | they said, |
húñgenoñka. | Ásge | uañgawášošera | jopíwi | hížą |
the chief. | And so | the brave men [the warriors] | 4 of them | one |
mąhížą | hižą́ | mąs | xunúniñk | égi |
a knife | one | an axe | small | and |
hižą́ | wošá | haníže, | égi | hižą́ |
one | a spear | had, | and | one |
p. 112 [= 9 = 43] —
nąmą́ce, | žéjuñga | haraíreže. | Hahíregi | hokawaíreže, |
a warclub, | and now | they went. | When they arrived | they went inside |
égi | hižą́ | wešgúni, | "Kúnika | hąp |
and | one | said, | "Grandmother | day |
tée | šjekjanéną," | éže. | "Jagú’ų | cekjonéže?" |
this | you will die," | he said. | "Why | will I die?" |
"Égi | uáñgera | jopíwi | t’eráną, | ásge |
"Here | men | four | you killed | and so |
šjekjanéną." | "Hąháo!" | egáją. | Žégų | hanijínañgerèže, |
you will die." | "O no!" | she said. | [And so] | they grabbed her, |
wapóx | hojíneže. | Werakirakúni! | žégų | mącó |
and stabbed | struck her. | Werakirakúni! | [then] | a [grizzly] bear |
p. 113 [= 11 = 44] —
ho’uáñkše. | Hitokénika | écų | t’ewahíže, | hijóbik, |
she became. | The old woman | instead | she killed them, | all four of them, |
žéjuñga | hitokénika | réže | cináñgera | haną́c |
and now | the old woman | went | to town | [all] |
t’ehíže, | égi | hicųžáñgeniràšaną | hiñké | t’éži. |
she killed | [but] | her granddaughter only | [not] | she killed. |
Hoxjanáñgiži | hanącíñxjį | cižą | éja | stowóžuže. |
In the evening | all | a house | [there] | together she put them. |
Žégų | hi-ánañga | nųpíwi | š’iñxjína | hohą́že. |
[Thus] | she did, and | two | fat ones | she boiled. |
Tucinegi | warújera | ’uñxjíñxjį | manisérecį | uáñkšik |
When well done | eat | she did much | all winter | people |
p. 114 [= 13 = 47] —
rujináñkają. | Hagaréžą | cébige | égi | wénañxjiñgàją |
she ate. | [In time] | she ate up | [and] | [when] the real spring time |
wešgúni, | "Hicųžóñgeniñkàxjį, | hoxjánañgi | níkuruconèna," | eže. |
she said, | "Granddaughter mine, | this evening | eat you I will," | she said. |
Žéjuñga | hoxjánąže. | "Ninaiäsge | kikųtágere," | éže |
Now | it was evening. | "Some water | carry for yourself," | [said] |
hitokénika, | asge | hinuñgeniñkjega | niñkų́takše. | "Égi |
the old woman, | and so | the little girl | carried water. | "And |
péjera | mąšją́ | hot’úne," | higéže, | ásge |
the fire | much | build it up," | she said, | and so |
p. 115 [= 15 = 46] —
péjera | hot’uñkjége. | Hihinábregają | te | uáñgera |
fire | she build up. | Just as she was going out | there | men |
nųpíwi | égi | hahuhaíreže. | Hinuñgeníñkjega | wéže, |
two | there | they were coming. | The little girl | said, |
"Kúnika, | uáñgera | nųpíwi | hohéną." | "Hą, |
"Grandmother, | men | two | are coming." | "Yes, |
žegų | mináñgere, | écų | wahajíkje." | Égi |
[and so] | sit down, | them instead | I will eat." | [And] |
háji[-]o?kawaìniže. | "Ja, | kúnika, | jagú | cináñgera |
they came in. | Why, | grandmother, | what | town |
gixáną | nįt’unaírawis’àre?" | éže. | "Hąhą́o, | jagú’ųšge |
moved | left you they have?" | she said. | "Yes, | why |
p. 116 [= 17 = 47] —
wa’ú-ineže?" | "Hañké | yapérezeni | kúnika | wažą́nižą | wa’ų́ |
did they do it?" | ["Not] | I do not know | grandmother | something | about |
wániñgi-oinešgùni." | "Hañké | yaperezeni | jagú | tee |
they did thus to you." | "[Not] | I know | what | this |
airegáją | wánañk. | Hicųžáñgeniñk’àra | hakúruc | yakuruhóra |
saying are they | do they say. | Granddaughter mine | I was about | to eat |
necą́ | nihaícinihàwiną," | éže | hitokénika. | "Ho! |
instead | you I am going to eat," | she said | the old woman. | "Ho! |
hañké | žéskeraniñkjanèną. | Hicakáro | saniñgéja | hanįcisáñgere." |
not | that you will not do. | My friend | the other side | get a hold of her." |
Hitokénika | žéjuñga | mącóxoc | kįšgúni. | Hos’ás’agànañga |
The old woman | now | gray [grizzly] bear | she made herself. | She cried out |
p. 117 [= 19 = 48] —
’uñxjį | núnige | kísak | horukšapíreže. | T’ehíreže, |
she did very much (like a bear) | [but] | in two | they split her. | They killed her, |
égi | uáñgenoñka | waíreže, | "Hąhą́, | waícgenikèxjį, |
[and] | the men | they said, | "Yes, | my sister, |
warújere | hinúñgeniñka, | warucé," | aíreną. | Égi |
eat | the little girl, | eat," | they said. | And |
wagairišgúni, | "Nąjoniją̀ wiñge | ásge | hajíwiną," |
they said to her, | "We bless you is the reason | and so | we came," |
aíreže. | Égi, | "Saníñk tégi | horawášerekjèną. | Éja |
they said. | And, | "Over this side | you will go. | There |
p.118 [= 21 = 49] —
wažąwáraga | éja | ’únañkšaną," | éže. | Wairakírakuni, |
your relatives | [there] | they are at," | he said. | Wairakírakuni, |
hąhégają | hitokénika | žigé | ni-ą́p | hiraréxjį |
at night | the old woman | [again] | lived | a little while |
wa’únañka, | "T’éniñkjonihe," | éže. | "Hą | citówira, |
the one that did it, | "I will kill you," | she said. | "Yes | my brothers, |
céxi | hawéną." | "Ho-ho-ho!" | aíreže. | Uáñgenoñka |
hardship | I've gone through." | "Hohoho!" | they said. | These men |
éja | haǧebíreže. | Hitokéniñka | žigé | t’éhi. |
[there] | they appeared. | The old woman | [again] | they killed. |
Žéjuñga | haininégi | kéreže. | Éja | ’úñkarahá’ų |
[And now] | in the morning | they went home. | [There] | while going |
p. 119 [= 23 = 50] —
éja | cínañkše | wážąwahìra.* | "Werakírakuni, | hakiríną." |
there | they were living | her relatives. | "Werakírakuni, | I came back." |
"Jasgéže, | hitokéniñka?" | Égi, | "T’éhire | ásge |
"How is she, | the old woman?" | [And,] | "They killed her | [and so] |
hakiríną." | "Higùįsgéxjį | wašéže?" | "Hąhą́ą!" | Ásge |
I came back." | "Really and truly | you say?" | "Yes indeed!" | And so |
žéjuñga | žégų | uañkšígera | wa-iną́pjinihìreže. | Hinuñgázerašge |
now | [again] | people | very thankful they became. | Her uncle |
howažák’ų. | Hiregíži | rušjiñkáragiži. | Égi | hinuñgeníñkjega |
was sick. | At that time | well she made him. | [And] | the little girl |
wéže, | "Uáñgera | nųpíwi | nąjoją́ną," | éže. |
said, | "Men | two | they blessed me," | she said. |
p. 120 [= 25 = 51] —
Ásge | [hok’ų́]* | uáñgera | wot’éhira |
[And so] | [give me] | men | their way of killing, hunting |
wikisges’áže. | Píñxjį | uañkšik’íneže. | Žegúną. |
she was the same as they. | Very good | they lived. | [Thus it was.] |
Charlie Houghton, A Story about a Female Were-Grizzly, trs. by Oliver LaMère, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3892 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago III, #11a: Story 28: 108-120 [= 1-25 = 39-51].