Hocąk Syllabic Text — The Brown Squirrel

Notebook 22, p. 1   Notebook 22, p. 43

English Translation


Stylistic Features


  hapaxlegomena: ahoginį, "to shout"; ceka (ttAe K), normally cek (ttAeKe), "first"; ecąga, "then"; egažige, "and besides"; exjį, "very much"; hacaxjį, "where"; hacį, "where"; hagawa, "to choose"; hasja, "platform"; hebija, "before he got there"; hebaji, "before time"; hibe, "to lay"; hijaxjį, "just about"; hikąnak, "bough" (cf. hikąnák, "flower" [Miner], wasikanak, "pine cone" [Gatschet]); hikawažą, "unable"; hirakšajikere, "to miss something"; hiranasare, "to head someone off"; hixu, "to flow"; ho’ikanąk, "mouthful"; hųjową, "to shout at bears"; ji, "to live"; kere, to support itself; kicgis, "to cut down"; kis’ihiranihegašge, "they saved up"; kiše, "to get away"; kojowi, "to lay stretched before someone"; kuruk’į, "to pack"; pųjoke, "protruding"; roxišge, roxišgešge, "bunches"; ruhieja, "at the side"; šebre, "to put on a spit"; wakawa, "to choose"; wasipajonįk, "feet"; wašip, "intestines"; wat’ąp, "tracks"; wosųjeja, "near".
  rare words: e "so"; hibe, "to lie down"; hagi, "and"; ka, "that"; kšakša, "to abuse"; nahi, "to swallow"; nakaeja, "in back of"; paji, "timber"; ruǧą, "to open"; towa, "onward".
  makes use of the rare "definite article" -ka, which is ordinarily restricted to personal names, as in the sentence, Ésge hųcra hižą wat’ąpka pexnįka kihaisuxrehagiži, hųjaka hacija gigają, wa’ųgiži, éja t’ananą ("So I used to rattle the gourd over one of the tracks of the bear, and the bear, wherever it had gone after I did it, there it would die.").
see comparative word frequency



p. 1 —
de e. e tt. wK Ki Ki no L no liAi wi tti wi de.
Žee éja wąkikinųra* nųpiwi jiwiže.
[These] there brothers two of them they lived.

*probably a shortened form of wąk-kikinųbera.



ttAi lo Lo Ke. Ao ttiAi w o nK deAe. w tee Ai Ke Ai Le de
cipóroke hoci wa’ųnąkše. Wat’ehige, hireže.
An oval lodge to live they did it. [Because they were hunting,] they did.



ay Le n. xeAe te L. Ko no K Ai Ky Le de. e Ki.
aíreną. Xetera "Kunuga" higaíreže, égi
they say. The big one "Kunu" they called him, and



p. 2 —
xoAo no tte K. Ae n K Ai Ky Le de. xeAe te tte K. Ao ttL
xunujega "Henaga" higaíreže. Xetejega hųcra
the small one "Hena" they called him. The older one bears



dA n tee Ai ra de. xoAo no tte K Ai Ke n Ki K L ni ra de.
šana t’ehis’aže. Xunujega hįké nąkikaranįs’aže.
only he would kill. The young one not he did not used to hunt.



tt rKe xitti. Aoyi Lo ttA tii Ki di. A ntt wo liAi Ke Le. Ao n di de
Jasgéxjį hoirocąt’įgiži, hanącá wopįákere honąžiže,
As much as it was visible, all caches there stood,



p. 3 —
ay Le n. Ao tt wi L Lo K L. deAe lAe de. no ni Ke.
aíreną. Hųjá* wirarukara šepeže, nųnįgé
they say. Bearskins they covered [they were dark,?] but

*< hųc-ha.



Ko no K. A lo K Ai xi. Ai d Kii Ki Li tte de
Kunuga hąbókahi ǧi hižą k’įkiriježe,
Kunu every day* [brown] one he would pack,

*"would pack one" is erased and "day" written in its place.



ay Le n. de e A Ko Le d. Ay ni Le Ki Ai Ke
aíreną. Žee hagoréžą, hainiregi hįké
they say. Then finally, in the morning not



n Ki K L L L ni de. tt Ko o K tt Ai ni A xitti A Ke
nąkikarara ranįže. "Jagú’ųgają, hinihaxjį, hąké
to hunt he did not go. "For what reason, my brother, not



n Ki K L L dA L ni de. Ai Ke de. Ai rAo Ki tti. Ai Ko
nąkikarara šaranįže?" higeže. "Hisųkiji, higų
to hunt you don’t go?" he said to him. "My younger brother, [now]



w d Lo L. Ai Ke Ai Ki liAi ni ni rKe n. e de.
wažą rora hįké higipįnįnisgeną," éže.
[something] my body not I don’t feel good," he said.



p. 5 —
Ai Ko di Ke Ay ni Ki di. di K Ke L ni de. Ai Ko
Higų žigé hainigíži, žigąkeranįže.* Higų
[Yet] again in the morning, he did not go. [Yet]

*< žigé-hąké-ra-nį-že, literally, "again not he did not go".



di Ke A Ki wx deAe. di Ki Ko e de. to w Le Ke Le.
žigé higiwąxše. Žigígų éže. Towarekere.
again he asked him. Again he said it. Thus it went.



de Ko Ai K K. L ni de. K tt K. A Ai Ki L dtt de.
Žegų hįkaga ranįže. Gająga, hahikįrašjaže.
Any more never he did not go. Finally now, he quit asking him.*

*"anything [...]" has been erased and "him." written in its place.



p 6 —
Ai Ki wx ra Ki di. tt Ko o Ai Ke n Ki K L L ni Ki. de Ko de.
Higiwąxs’agiži, jagú’ų hįké nąkikaranįgi, žegų́že.
He used to ask him, why not he would not go hunting, it was thus.



Ai K K Lo dtt ni de. rii xitti de. tt n K. w d L.
Hįkaga rušjąnįže. S’ixjįže. Janąga wažąra
Never he did not get over it. It was a long time. All the things



p. 7 —
Ki rii Ai L ni Ae K dKe. A ntt de n de K tt K. e rKe.
kis’ihiranihegašge. Haną́c ženąže. Gająga, ésge
they had saved up. All it was used up. Now, so



Ae n K. w o ra de. m wo tt niKi Ai Ki deAe Le ra de. Ai Ko.
Henaga wa’ųs’aže: mąwojanįk higišeres’aže. Higų
Hena he would do thus: vegetation he would look for. Sometimes



Ar niKi de rKe deKe Ki Ai ra de.
haz nįk žesge ške gihis’aže.
fruit [a little] [that kind] [also] he would pick.



p. 8 —
A Ko Le d. K tt K Ai K w d de rK ni de. Ae n K
Hagoréžą, gająga, hikawažą žesganiže. Henaga
Finally, now, unable he was getting. Hena



K tt K. Ai rA Ko Ke Le niKi dKe o de.
gająga, hisagųkere nįk ške ’ųže.
now, cane [little] [also] [he did.]



Ai Kowo rKe Al lK ni Ke o ni Ae ra de. de e
Higwosge hąpga nįgé ’ųnihes’aže. Žee
To try to find every day something he would go out. There



A Ko L e d. we L K[i]. Ai d w w de Aotto tto w we de.
hagoréžą weraki hižą wąwaže. Hųjowąweže.
one day unexpectedly one he shouted. He shouted at a bear.



p. 9 —
o. o. o. o. lA tti L o xi dKe deKe L . Ao w K L tti Ko aK deAe.
"Oooo! Paji roxišgešgera howakarajigu," akše.
"Oooo! Timber bunches he has gone towards," he was saying.



A ttiAi tt w Ke Ki di eyo w L e de. Ai tt xitti L e K tt.
Hacija wagegiži, eowareže. Hijaxjį regają,
Where he meant, he went. Just about as he was there,



p. 10 —
Aele L dtt de. A ttiAi tt xitti L dtt Ki di e tto w L e de.
heb rašją́že. Hacįjaxjį rašją́giži, ejowareže.
[not quite there] it stopped. Where it stopped, there he went.



Ai tt L e K tt. te we L Ki e tt n di tte de. w Ki d.
Hija regają, tewéraki, éja nąžįježe, wągižą.
There when he was about, unexpectedly, there he stood, a man.



Ai tt Ai de. A Ao. Ao ttiAi ttiAi L . Ai tt leAe ttL
Hijáhiže. "Hąhó, hocįcįra. Hija pejra
He went over to him. "Ho! young man. [There] the fire



p. 11 —
Ai d Ao too L e. Ai w L o Kii Ktt n Ae K tt. e de.
hižą hot’ųre. Hiwarok’ikjanahegają?" éže.
[one] build it. We shall roast, won't we?" he said.



to xl li Kette n Ao ttL e de. e Ki. leAe tto too de.
"Tuǧapikjeną, hųcra," éže. Égi pejot’ųže.
"I will skin it, the bear," he said. Then he built a fire.



L o xl L o dtt Ki di. tt tti ne tt. diAi lL . Ai o de.
Ruǧáp rušjagiži, jajineją, šipra hi’ųže.
To skin when he was through, right away, the intestines he cleaned.



p. 12 —
de e. L o Kii de. A Ao Ao ttAi ttAi L . w L otto
Žee rok’įže. "Hąhó, hocįcįra, Warúc
That he roasted. "Now! young man, Eating



rAK Ai o Ktt n Ae n. Ai d w L otto w K rA Ki di.
Sak hi’ųkjanaheną. Hižą warúc wagąsakiži,
Fast we will do. The one eating [the fastest of us,]



e xeAe te Ai Ai L o tti Ktt n Ae n e de. [e tA K.] *
e xetehi hirujikjanaheną," éže. Ecąga
he the most he will eat," he said. Then

*the spelling is uncertain here.



p. 13 —
w diAi ln K. Ao de tt a Ki dA n A L xttK wi de.
wašipnąka hožeją akí šana haraxjákwiže.
the intestines end side each they bit.



A Ao. e de. Ai Ko. A Ao. e L dtt Ki.
"Hąhó," éže. Higų, "Hąhó," erašjągi,
"Already!" he said. As soon as, "All right," [when he finished saying,]



tt rKe xitti A L xtt Ki e dA n. Ae L e de. ttAo we
jasgéxjį haraxjaki ešana hereže. Cowe
all he had in his mouth it was all [it was]. Nearly



p. 14 —
Ai L rA. Ai dtt L A xtt Kn de. Ao ttAi ttAi L . A ni t xtt Ke Ke
hirasá hišjara haxjaknaže. "Hocįcįra, hanitaxjakege,"
him also his face he bit. "Young man, I might have bitten you,"



e de. Ae n K. Ai tt Ai L o diAi Kini rK nK deAe. de Ko
éže. Henaga hija hirošiknisganąkše. Žegų
he said. Hena there he was kind of ashamed. [Then]



Ai wi Ki di. w Ke de. A Ao Ao ttAi ttAi L . tt rKe xitti
hiwigiži, wageže, "Hąhó, hocįcįra, jasgéxjį
when they got through, he said to him, "Ho, young man, as much as



L Kii Ktte K di. A K w L e e de. w o de. wy r L .
rak’įkjegaži, hagaware," éže. Wa’ųže. Waísara
you want to pack, ask," he said. He did it. Limbs



no liAi wi e tt A AK wi Ki di. w n di Ai tte de.
nųpiwi éja hahąkwigiži, wanąžį hiježe.
two there [he went to, and] to stand he walked over.



riAiy tte. rii L . w m Ki ttA n K. Ai tt w wo Ki too L e de.
Siaje s’ira wamakicanąga hija wawogit’ųreže.
Their feet* hooves† he cut off, and there he threw them over to them.

*a word was thoroughly erased, and "feet" written over it.
sic. It should be "the long ones".



p. 16 —
A Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L . de e w L K w L Ae L e n
"Hąhó, hocįcįra, žee waragawara hereną,"
"Ho, young man, that you chose it is,"



Ai Ke de. de Ko Aiy n K. Ao ttL K L Kiiy n K
higeže. Žegų hianąga hųcra karak’įanąga
he said to him. Then [he did it, and] his bear he packs, and



p. 17 —
tti Ke L e de. w Kini KL . n tteKe L . teKe deAe. e tt
jikereže. Wąknįkra nącgera tekše. Éja
he went home. The young man his heart it was sad. There



xK deAe. de Aotto riAi L . w K L niy n K
ǧakše. Že hųc sira wakaranianąga
he wept. [This one] bear feet he took, and



Ko de. e K di Ke. w d diAili Ao i K n Ki d
guže. Egažige, wažą šip ho’ikanąkižą
he came home. And besides, [some] intestines a mouthful



L tteAe K deKe. Ai Ke n Ai ni de. Ai L rA Ai ni Ko de.
racegašge, hįké nahinįže, hirasá hiniguže.
[which he bit off,] not he did not swallow, also he brought home.



p. 18 —
e tt A Ki L i. ttAi wo rAo tte tt. no lo xi d
Éja hakiri, ci wosųjeja nopoxižą
There [coming back,] house near a hollow tree



e tt wo do de. e Ki. Ki L i de. Ko no K.
éja wožuže. Égi kiriže. Kunuga
there he put them. Then he got home. Kunu



we de. Ai roAo Ki tti. L xK dA n tt Ko o w dAe.
weže, "Hisųkiji, raǧakšaną. Jagú’ų waše?
he said, "My brother, you have been weeping. [Why] [you say it?]



p. 19 —
A Ke xK liAi L ni ni n. wK L ni n.
Hąké ǧak pįraninįną. Wąk raniną,
Not to cry [it is not good.] Man you are,



ni Ke deKe w Kidi KL . A[i] d w d ni
nįgešge wąkšikra h[i]žą wažą ni
or somebody [one of them] something you



Ki o Ko ni Ao L KL e. e de. A K a. Ai Ke
ki’ųgųnį, horakre," éže. "Hąka-a. Hįké
he [must have] done, tell me," he said. "No-o-o. Not



Ai d w di Ki o ni n. Ai Ke A xK ni n.
hižą wažį́ ki’ųnįną. Hįké haǧaknįną.
[one] anything they did not do. Not I did not weep.



p. 20 —
Ao rKe. Ao xiAi wi Ai o A tte L . Ae lidi L L o K n
Hosgé hoxiwi hi’ųhajera, hepšįra rokana
[Just] cold I have, sneeze very much


w Ae L . Ai dtt ni Ai xoAo L e rKe wy o n.
wahéra. Hišjani hixura, ésge wai’ųną,"
[is why I said it."] Tears they flowed, it is the reason [I did it.]



p. 21 —
e de. A e de. e Ki Ay ni Ki di
éže. "Hą," éže. Égi hainigíži,
he said. "Ah!" he said. Then in the morning,



di Ke L e de. Ai rA Ko Ke L ey n K. e tt
žigé reže. Hisakų kereanąga éja
again he went. Cane supporting himself, and there



ow Ai K tt. di Ke a Ao Ki ni de. w w de. Aotto
’ųwahigają, žigé ahoginįže, wawaže. Hųc
as he went, again shouting he came. Bear



p. 22 —
w we de. o. o. o. lA tti L o xi deKe deKe L Ao w K L tti Ko*
wąweže. "Oooo!" "Paji roxišgešgera howakarajigu,"
he shouted. "Oooo!" "Timber bunches he has gone towards,"

*o o o. has been crossed out after this word.



a tti L e de. di Ke A ttAi tt w Ke Ki di eyo w L e de.
ajireže. Žigé hacija wagegiži, eowareže.
he came saying. Again where he meant, he went.



di Ke Aele li tt L dtt de. A ttiAi tt xitti. A tti L dtt Ki di
Žigé hebija rašją́že. Hacįjaxjį haji rašją́giži,
Again before he got there it stopped. Where [it came] it stopped,



p. 23 —
e tto w L e de. Ai tt Ai K tt. w Ki d Ai tt
ejowareže. Hija higáją, wągižą hija
there he went. There as he arrived, a man there



tte de. A Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L . lAe ttL Ai do too L e.
jéže. "Hąhó, hocįcįra. pejra hižut’ųre.
[he stood.] "Ho! young man. the fire build it.



to xl li Ktte n e de. Ai w L o Kii Ktte n e de e tt
Tuǧapikjeną," éže. Hiwarok’ikjeną," éže. Éja
I will skin it," he said. We shall roast some," he said. There



p. 24 —
leAe tto too de. tt tti ne tt L o xl L o dtt de. di Ke
pejot’ųže. Jajineją, ruǧáp rušjaže. Žigé
he built a fire. Right away, to skin [he was through.] Again



tt tti ne tt. diAi lL . L o Kii de. A Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L .
jajineją, šipra rok’įže. "Hąhó, hocįcįra,
right away, the intestines he roasted. "Ho! young man,



w L otto rA Ki o Ktt ne n. Ai d w L otto
Warúc Saki’ųkjaneną. Hižą warúc
Eating We will do it fast. The one eating



p. 25 —
w K rA Ki e xeAe te Ai Ai L o tti Ktt n Ae n e de.
wagąsaki, e xetehi hirujikjanaheną," éže.
[if the fastest of us,] he the most he will eat," he said.



Ao de tt a Ki dA n A L xtt Ki L e de. w diAi lL .
Hožeją akí šana haraxjákireže, wašipra.
End [side] each they bit, the intestines.



A Ao e Ki. tt tti ne tt * Ai dtt L A xtt Ke L e L
"Hąhó," egi, jajinej[a], hišjara haxjakerera,
"Already!" [as he said it,] right away, his face he bit,†

*this has an /e/ at the end.
†"he also" has been erased, and "bit" written over it.



p. 26 —
Kd tti Ke L e de. A Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L . tt rKe xitti L
kša, jikereže. "Hąhó, hocįcįra, jasgexjįra
[he abused] [he returned.] "Ho, young man, as much as



Kii Kette Ki. A K w L e e de. di Ke wy r L .
k’įkjegi, hagaware," éže. Žigé waísara
you want to pack, ask," he said. Again limbs



no liAi wi A n di de. Aow a n K. riAi L
nųpiwi hanąžįže. "Howá," ánąga sira
two he stood on. "All right," he said, and the feet



p. 27 —
w m Ki ttA n K Ai tt wo Ki too L e de. Ao Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L .*
wamąkicanąga hija wogit’ųreže. "Hohó, hocįcįra,
he cut off, and [there] he threw them to him. "Ho, young man,

*the text actually has, Ai ttAi ttAi L .



de e L e n. A L K w L . a n K. w o de.
te éreną, haragawara," ánąga wa’ųže.
[this] it is, you wanted," he said, and he did it.



e Ki Ao ttL K L Kiiy n K tti Ke L e de. w Kini KL .
Égi hųcra karak’įanąga jikereže. Wąknįkra
Then his bear he packs, and he went home. The young man



p. 28 —
di Ke e tt n tteKe L teKe Kitti de. e tt
žigé éja nącgera tekjįže. Éja
again there his heart it was very sad. There



xK ni Ae de. A Ko L e d L dtt Ki di tti Ke L e de.
ǧak nįheže. Hagoréžą, rašją́giži, jikereže.
he cried [he was that way.] Finally, when he stopped, he went home.



de. w d. diAili Ao L Ko no Kini KL A K L niy n K.
Že wažą šip horakonoknįkra, hakaranianąga
[This] [some] intestines the little one that he had bitten off, he took this with him, and



p. 29 —
di Ke. w riAi lA tto niKi L w K L niy n K. Ko de. di Ke
žigé wasipajonįkra wagaranianąga guže. Žigé
also the feet he took along, and [he went home.] Again



ttAi wo rAo tte tt. Ki L i Ki di. w do ni Ae K di Ke
ci wosųjeja kirigiži, wažunįhega, žigé
home near [when he arrived,] where he put them, again



p. 30 —
e tt wo do de. di Ke tt tti ne tt. tt A a.
éja wožuže. Žigé jajineją, "Jáha-á,
there he put them. Again right away, "Well,



Ai rAo Ki tti L xK L tte Ko ni y L e xitti n e de.
hisųkiji, raǧagerajegųnį, yarexjįną," éže.
my brother, you [must] have been weeping, I think very much," he said.



Ai ni xitti. Ao xiAi wi Ai o n. L o L . Ao rAi ni Ke.
"Hinixjį, hoxiwi hi’ųną. Rora hosįnįge,
"My brother, cold I have. My body I got cold,



p. 31 —
e rKe. Ae lidi L . L o K n w Ae n. Ai dtt ni
ésge hepšįra rokana wahéną. Hišjani
therefore sneeze very much I did. Tears



Ai xoAo L e rKe wy o n. xtt n L e deKe
hixura, ésge wai’ųną. Xjanąáre ške
they flowed, thus I am. Yesterday [also]



deyi rKe L Ai Ko di Ke dey rKe n. e de.
žeisgera, higų žigé žeisgeną," éže.
I was that way, [still] again I am that way," he said.



p. 32 —
Ai Ko di Ke. Ay ni Ki di tt rKe Ai K.
Higų žigé hainigíži, jasgé higa,
[Yet] again in the morning, as as he did,



Ai Ko di Ke de rKe Ai de. Ki L i Ki di.
higų žigé žesge hiže. Kirigiži,
[yet] again the same he did. When he got home,



Ai roAo Ki tti L xK L tte n Ai Ke Ki di. Ai ni A xitti de rKe n.
"Hisukjį, raǧagerajeną," higegiži, "Hinihaxjį, žesgeną.
"My brother, you are weeping," he said to him, and "My brother, it is so.



p. 33 —
ttAe K dA L e tt Ai L K dA L ttAl dA n. A xK dA n. e Ki.
Ceka šarejahiraga, šaracapšaną. Haǧakšaną. Égi
First when you said it, you guessed it. I have cried. Here



te K tt. e Ki. lA tti L o xi deKe tt. Ai d.
tegają, égi paji roxišgeja, hižą
I went, and [here] timber at bunches, one



Aotto tto w n. e rKe Ai L n Ki reAe n. Aele l tti L dtt n.
hųjowąną, Ésge hiranakiseną. Hebaji rašją́ną.
he shouted at a bear, so I headed it off. Before time he stopped.



p. 34 —
Ai tt w w Ao n. Ai tt tti K tt w Ki d
Hija wawąhoną. Hija jigają, wągižą
There he came shouting. There when I came, a man



e tt n di tte n. Ao ttL Ai tt Kd n.
éja nąžįjeną. Hųcra hija kšąną.
there he was standing. The bear there it was.



we n A Ao. Ao ttiAi ttiAi L . leAe ttL Ai do too L e.
Wéną, 'Hąhó, hocįcįra, pejra hižot’ųre.*
He said, 'Ho! young man, the fire build one.

*< hižą-hot’ų-re.



p. 35 —
Ai w L o Kii Kette n. to xl li Kette n e n. e rKe leAe tti d
Hiwaruk’įkjeną. Tuǧapikjeną,' éną. Ésge pejižą
[We shall roast it.]* I will skin it,' he said. So a fire

*the translation has, "we shall eat".



w too n. to dtt L . tt tti ne tt. diAi lL . Ai o n.
wat’ųną. Tošjara, jajineją šipra hi’ųną.
I built it. When I got through, already the intestines he had ready.



p. 36 —
L o Kii n. we n. Ao ttAi ttAi L . w rotto rA
Rok’įną. Wéną, 'Hocįcįra, Warúc Sa
He roasted it. He said, 'Young man, Eating Fast



Ki o Ktt ne n. Ai d w rotto w K rA Ki di e
ki’ųkjaneną. Hižą warúc wagąsakiži, e
we will do. The one eating [if the fastest of us,] he



xeAe te Ai Ai L o tti Ktt n Ae n e n. e Ki. Ao de tt
xetehi hirujikjanaheną,' éną. Égi hožeją
the most he will eat,' he said. Then end



p. 37 —
a Ki dA n A t xtt Kiwi n. A Ao e L .
akí šana hataxjakiwiną. 'Hąhó,' era.
[side] each we bit. 'Already!' he said.



tt tti ne tt. tto we. Ai dtt L . Ai L rA Ai L xtt Kn n.
Jajineją, cowe hišjara hirasá hiraxjaknaną.
Right away, nearly his face also he bit.



p. 38 —
A ttA Ke L e Ai L Kd tti Ke L e n. Ao ttAi ttAi L . Ai L rA A ni t xtt Ke Ke
Hacakere hirakšajikereną. 'Hocįcįra, hirasá hanitaxjagege,'
Very close he missed it. 'Young man, also I might have bitten you,'



e n. e Ki we. A Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L .
éną. Égi we, 'Hąhó, hocįcįra,
he said. Then he said, 'Ho! young man,



tt rKe. L Kii Kette Ki di A K w L e. e n. e rKe
jasgé rak’įkjegiži, hagaware,' éną, ésge
as much as as you want to carry, choose,' he said, so



w o n. wy r L . no liAi wi A n di n. e Ki
wa’ųną. Waísara nųpiwi hanąžįną. Égi
I did it. Limbs two of them I stood. Then



p. 39 —
w o n. riAi L dA n. w m tt n K. we n.
wa’ųną. Sira šana wamajanąga wéną,
he did it. The feet only he cut off, and he said,



K a Ae L e L e n. Ao ttAi ttAi L . A L K w L e n.
'Ka-a herereną, hocįcįra, haragawara,' éną.
'There it is, young man, you wanted,' he said.



e Ki. Ao ttL K L Kiiy n K tti Ke L e n. e Ki.
Égi hųcra karak’įanąga jikereną. Égi
Then his bear he packs, and he went home. Then



p. 40 —
n tteKe L . A teKe dA n. e tt A xK dA n. e Ki.
nącgera hatekšaną. Éja haǧakšaną. Égi
my heart I was very sad. There I cried Then



t dtt L . tt rKe xitti w diAi lL . t tte L . Ae L ey n K.
tašjara jasgéxjį wašipra tajera hereanąga
I stopped as much as intestines to bite off I did, and



e Ki. riAi n K. w K L niy n K Ko n. e Ki.
égi sianąga wagaranianąga guną. Égi
[then] the feet, and I took along, and I came home. And



p. 41 —
te Ki. ttAi Ai wo roAo ttini KeL e Ki. no loAo xi d tte L .
tégi ci hiwusųcnįkregi, nopoxižą jera.
[over here] house near, a hollow tree [it stands.]



e tt w K nK doAo no n. e de. Ao Ao. Ai roAo Ki tti
Éja wakanąkšųnųną," éže. "Hohó hisųkiji,
There I would leave them," he said. "Oh my! my brother,



p. 42 —
rii L e tt Ao L K liAi L ni K tt. rii L e tt Ai w L o tt nK n n. e de.
s’ireją horakpiranigają, s’ireją hiwarojanąknaną," éže.
long ago you should have told me of it, long ago we could have been eating," he said.



Ao tto lA d n K. w ntt w Ko tty reKe K tt. di Ke. Ai ni Kd Kd Ai L e.
"Hojopažanąga wanąc wagojaisgegają, žigé hinikšakšahire.
"I am sick, and we (two) are poor, but instead he abuses you.



p. 43 —
Ai leAe L e ri Kette n. A A w Ko L e. w d ni Ke wi L do K.
Hiperesikjeną. Hahawa wažą nįgé wiražuga,"
He shall know of it. Go after the things [where] that you put away,"



e de. A Ai w Ko de. A t dA L .
éže. Hahi waguže. Hatašara
he said. He went [he pulled it out.] He singed them



w Ai de. e Ki. A Ae wi L Ke L e de. Ay ni Ki di.
wahiže, Égi hąhewirakereže hainigíži,
[he did it,] and he put them on as a night boil. In the morning,



Ay ni xitti. w L otto L e Aiy n K. Ai tto w L e de.
hainixjį, warúc rehianąga hijowareže.
early, to eat they did in a hurry, and there he went.



p. 44 —
w Ke K e tt. Ao w L e L . tt tti ne tt. e tt.
Wagega, éja howarera, jajineją éja
Where he meant, there sure enough, already there



Ao tto w Ao de. o o o. lA tti L o xi deKe deKe L . Ao w K L tti Ko.
hųjowąhože. "Oooo! Paji roxišgešgera howakarajigu,
he came shouting at bears. "Oooo! Timber bunches he has gone towards,



o o o. e de. A ttiAi w Ke Ki di. Ko no K
"Oooo!" éže. Haci wagegiži, Kunuga
"Oooo!" he said. Where he meant, Kunu



p. 45 —
e tt Ai L n rA L e de.* K tt. Aele l tti L dtt de.
éja hiranasareže, gają, hebaji rašją́že.
there he headed him off, but before he got there, he stopped.

*/se/ is written over an original /de/.



A ttAi tt xitti L dtt Ki di. eyo w L e de. Ai tt L e K tt
Hacįjaxjį rašją́giži, eowareže. Hija regają,
Where it stopped, there he went. There when he was about,



te wi L Ki.* e tt tte de Ao ttL Ai tt
tewiraki,* éja jéže. Hųcra hija
unexpectedly, there he stood. The bear there

*the usual form is teweraki (te we L Ki).



too l n K A Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L . to x li Kette n. Ai tt
t’ųpanąga, "Hąhó, hocįcįra tuǧapikjeną. Hija
he had, and he said, "Ho! young man, I will skin it. [There]



p. 46 —
leAe tto too L e. Ai w L o Kii Ktt n Ae K tt e de. Aowo. e de.
pejot’ųre. Hiwarok’ikjanahegają," éže. "Howo," éže,
you can build a fire. We can have a roast," he said. "Ho!" he said,



Ko n[o] K. leAe tto too de tt tti ne tt. L o xl liKi ni de. diAi lL .
Kun[u]ga. Pejot’ųže. Jajineją, ruǧapginįže. Šipra
Kunu. He built a fire. Right away, he also had it skinned. The intestines



p. 47 —
Ko no K. Ao Koo de. Ao ttAi ttAi L . Ai tt K
Kunuga hok’ųže. "Hocįcįra, hija ka
Kunu he gave. "Young man, there that



e L o Kii L e. Ai L o tti Kette n e de. L o Kii de.
e rok’įre. Hirujikjeną," éže. Rok’įže.
it you can roast. We will eat it," he said. He roasted it.



e Ki. de Ko Ai Ki de. we de. Ai Ao de Ko L Ki di.
Égi žegųhigiže, weže, "Hiho, žegųragiži,
Then when he got through, he said, "Ho! if you are through,



w L otto rA Ki o Ktt n Ae K tt. Ai d w L otto
Warúc Sa ki’ųkjanahegają. Hižą warúc
Eating Fast we will do. The one eating



p. 48 —
w K rA Ki di. e xeAe te Ai Ai L o tti Ktt n Ae K tt. e de.
wagąsakiži, e xetehi hirujikjanahegają," éže.
the fastest of us, he the most he will eat," he said.



Ao ttiy. Ko no K e de. K tt K. Ao de tt
"Hojiá," Kunuga éže. Gająga hožeją
"All right," Kunu he said. Then end



a Ki dA n A L xtt Ki L e de. K tt. Ko no K.
akí šana haraxjákireže, Gają Kunuga
[side] each they bit, Then Kunu



p. 49 —
w o de. Ai L rA A ni t xtt Ke Ke. a n K. wK n K
wa’ųže. "Hirasá hanitaxjakege," ánąga, wąknąka
he did it. "You also I might bite," he said, and [that man]



Ai dK K. A ttA Ke L e L Kd A L Aiy Koyi L e de.* Ai dK K.
hišgaga hacąkerera kša harahiakoireže. Hišgaga
instead very nearly [he abused] [he bit the other's face.]† He also

*the first /s/ seems to have been inserted afterwards.
†this is the translation given, but it seems doubtful.



e Ki. Ko no K. w Ky L e de. A Ao. Ao ttAi ttAi L .
égi Kunuga wagaireže, "Hąhó, hocįcįra,
then Kunu he said, "Ho, young man,



p. 50 —
tt Ko L Kii Ktte Ki di A K w L e e de. Ko no K.
jagú rak’įkjegiži, hagaware," éže. Kunuga
what you wish to pack, ask," he said. Kunu



w o d[e]. Ao tt K. A ntt. A miKi Ai lede.
wa’ųž[e]. Hųjaka haną́c hamįk hibeže.
he did it. The bear all of it to lay oneself on he laid.



wy r L e deKe. A ntt Ay reAe we de. de Ko Aiy n K.
Waisareške haną́c haiseweže. Žegų hianąga
On his limbs also all of them he laid his limbs. Thus he did, and



p. 51 —
A ntt. Ko L o Kiiy n K tti Ke L e de. Ko te L o K n
haną́c kuruk’įanąga jikereže. "Koté, rokana
all of it he packed, and he went home. "Say! very much



w d doo a no ni Ke. tt Ko
wažą š’ų," a. "Nųnįgé jagú
[thing] you did," he said. "But what



A K w Ai L diAi K tt. Ko no K a n K. de Ko
hagawa hirašigają," Kunuga ánąga žegų
to choose you asked me," Kunu he said, and [then]



to w Ko de. A Ko L e d. Ao ttL Kiiy n K
towa guže. Hagoréžą, hųcra k’įanąga
onward he came home. After awhile, the bear he carried on his back, and



p. 52 —
Ki de.* A Ao. Ai rAo Ki tti A Ke di w Ki Kd Kdy L e Kette
kiže. "Hąhó hisųkiji, hąkéži wagikšakšairekje,
he got home. "Ho! my little brother, not we are to be abused,

*an original /K/ has been erased and /de/ written over it.



de rK ni n. a nK deAe. de Ko de. L doKo ni tti nK wi de.
žesganįną," ánąkše. Žegų́že. Rāšgų́nį jinąkwiže.
[not the kind,"] he was saying. Thus it was. Very well they lived.



e Ki. we de. Ai rAo Ki tti w ni te Ktt ne n. A ttAi tt.
Égi weže, "Hisųkiji, wanitekjaneną, hacija
Then he said, "My little brother, I will look for him, where



p. 53 —
Ao w tti w o tte Ki di. e de Ko no K. e Ki.
howaji, wa’ųjegiži," éže, Kunuga. Égi
he lives, he who does it," he said, Kunu. Then



Ao ni L e de. te we L Ki e tt. ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki.
honireže. Tewéraki, éja ’ųwahigają, tewéraki,
he went to hunt for him. Unexpectedly, there as he went, unexpectedly,



A rtt lA L rL . Ko tto wi L e Ai de. A Ke Ao de tt L
hasja parasra kojowirehiže. Hąké hožejąra
platform flat they lay stretched before him. Not end



p. 54 —
A tt ni de. wo liAi Ke L e L . Ao tt wi L L o K L . deAe leL e de.
hajanįže. Wopikerera hųja* wirarukara šebreže.
he could not see. Racks with meat bearskins they covered them they were spitted.

*< hųc-ha.



Ki rA Ke tt. ttiAi loAo L o Ke xeAe teyi d nK dAe.
Kiságeja ci poroke xeteižą nąkše.
In the middle tent oval a big one it was.



p. 55 —
Ai tto w L e de. a dKe L e K tt te we L Ki. tt tt nK deAe.
Hijowareže. Ašgeregają, tewéraki, jajanąkše.
There he went. As he neared the place, unexpectedly, he was talking.



A n xoKo K tt te we L Ki. Ko no K. ey e Ai w nK deAe.
Hanaxgųgają, tewéraki, Kunuga eehiwanąkše.
He listened to him, and unexpectedly, Kunu he was talking about.



Ko L . Ao tti de L e Ktt n. Ae. Ai L rA A ni t xtt Ke Ke.
"Korá, hojižerekjaną. 'He, hirasá hanitaxjakege,'
"Well! he will be another. 'Look out, also I might bite you,'



Ai dtt Ke de Ko L otto liAi K tt. tt Ko
hišjage. Žegų ruc pįgają, jagú
he had said. Just he ate [well, and] as



p. 56 —
to Ke w[e] Ai tee Ai Ko L o Ao K tt. Ai dtt Ke. A tti Kette n.
tokéwehi t’ehi korohogają. Hišjage, 'Hajíkjeną,'
he was starved to death he was about to. Had he said, 'I will eat it,'



A ro Ai e dKe A Ki o doKo ni n. di Ke.
hasuhi, e ške haki’ųšgųnįną. Žigé
in a gentle way, [it] [also]* I would have consented. [Again]

*in the English line, below A ro Ai e dKe, "that he was coming" has been lined out.



w K w Ki di. A ntt Ay deAe we. Ko L . w d o
wakawagiži, haną́c haišewe, korá, wažą’ų
what he chose, all of it he laid on, well! tricky



p. 57 —
o Ke de de rK n Ko ni to Ke we Ai tee n i n KL .
’ųge. Žežesganagųnį, tokéwe hit’e na’įnąkra?
[as he is.] If he was that way, to starve to death [was he trying?]


Ko L . A ntt A Kii A Ke L e Ktte n. e liAi K tt.
Korá, 'Haną́c hak’į,' hagerekjeną, epįgają,*
Well! 'All of it I pack,' he ought to have said, [as it is good, but]

*the translator (Oliver LaMère) read this as e diAi K tt, ešįgają, "but instead".



di Ke A ntt A miKi tte w K w L . Ko L . ni Ke
žigé haną́c hamįkje wakawara. Korá, nįgé
[again] all of it he laid on he chose it. Well! [perhaps]



p. 58 —
n Ke we Ko ni Ai L e Ko n[i]. to Ke we Ai tee Ktt n Ae Ke. o A Ki Ki
nąkewegųnį hiregųn[į], tokéwehi t’ekjanahege, ’ųhagigi,
[I must be afraid] he must think, to starve as he was about to die, so I let him do it,



no ni Ke. Ko L . ni Ke n Ke we Ko ni Ai L e Ko ni. Ko L .
nųnįgé korá, nįgé nąkewegųnį hiregųnį. Korá,
but well! [perhaps] [I must be afraid] he must think. [Well!]



p. 59 —
Ai Ke w d L . Ai d n K w ni n. m nK L e
hįké wažąra hižą nąkawanįną, mąnąkre.
not anything one I am not afraid, on this earth.



e Ki. Ko L ni Ke Ko no K n Ke we Ko ni
Égi Korá, nįgé Kunuga nąkewegųnį
[And] Well! [perhaps] Kunu [I must be afraid]



Ai L e Ko ni. to Ke we Ai tee Ktt n Ae Ke w Ki o no ni Ke.
hiregųnį. Tokéwehi t’ekjanahege, waki’ų, nųnįgé
he must think. To starve as he was about to die, is why I did it, [but]



Ko L . Ai Ke w d L . Ai d n K w ni n.
korá, hįké wažąra hižą nąkawanįną.
well, not anything one I am not afraid.



p. 60 —
Ko L . Ae lo tto Ke doAo ttL dA n. de e
Korá, he pųjoke* šujra šana žee
Well! horn protruding red only that

*a hapaxlegomenon. Cf. pųc, "snout" (the projecting part of the face).



w di d n Ke we n. e dA n xitti w d L n Ke we n.
wažižą nąkeweną. Ešanaxjį wažąra nąkeweną,"
[a thing] I am afraid. That only all things I am afraid,"



e de. Ko no K. e tt A Ktt. Ao Ki nK deAe.
éže. Kunuga éja hakjá hokinąkše.
he said. Kunu then turned back he came away.



p. 61 —
Ai L Ki leAe L e ri Ktte n w dA dA n KL e a n K. Ke L e de. e Ki
"Hirakiperesikteną, wašašanąkre," ánąga kereže. Égi
"You shall know who you are, you who speaks," he said, and he went home. Then



e tt xeAe d. mi Ki di. de e. e tt.
éja xéžą mįgiži, žee éja
there a hill there was, that at



wx doAotto n di L e ra Ki di eyo Ki we de. e tt Ki Ki di.
waxšúc nąžįres’agiži, eokiweže. Éja gigiži,
red cedar it used to stand, he went by it. There [when he arrived,]



p. 62 —
wx doAo tti d Ki ttiKi r n K. A ni Ke L e de. de e. Ae
waxšųjižą kicgisanąga hanikereže. Žee he
a red cedar he cut down, and he took it home. That horn



lo tto Ke o de. e Ki. di Ke Ai tto w L e de.
pųjoke ’ųže. Égi žigé hijowareže.
[protruding] he made. Then again he went over there.



di Ki tt Ai K tt. te we L Ki. e xitti nK de.*
Žigija higáją, tewéraki, exjį nągaže.
Again there [when he arrived,] unexpectedly, very much he was saying.

*this should be spelled, n K de.



p. 63 —
Ko no K A e Aiy n K. ttAo ni tt Ko a nK L .
Kunuga haehianąga coni jagú anąkra,
Kunu he was talking about, and before as talking about,



Ai Ko de rKe a nK deAe. w o de. Ko no K.
higų žesge ánąkše. Wa’ųže, Kunuga.
[still] the same way he was talking. [He did it,] Kunu.



Ae lo tto Ke L . ttiAi L o le tt. A Ai Aoyi rii Ki Ki de. e Ki.
He pujokera ciropeja hahihois’igigiže. Égi
Horn protruding at the door he pushed through.* [And]

*between "he" and "pushed through", "made to" is lined out.



p. 64 —
Ai Ko e xitti nK dAe. A Ke A tt ni w nK deAe e rKe.
higų exjįnąkše. Hąké hajanįwanąkše, ésge
still he talked very much. Not he had not seen it, so



Ki ditti de. n xKo Ki. ttAi L o le tt Ao L o xotto K tt. te we L Ki.
gižijše. Nąxgugi, ciropeja horuxucgają, tewéraki,
he hissed at him. When he heard it, to the door he looked, and unexpectedly,



e tt Ae lo tto Ke doAo tti d. A ta li Ktte n[i] rK Kede.
éja he pųjoke šujižą hat’ąpikjen[i]sgeže.
there horn protruding a red one it was seemingly about to jump for him.



p. 65 —
e tt niKi deAe. A ttoAo Ki nK Ki Kette ni rKe de. ttAi L o le tt dKe
ejanikše.* Hacųgi† nągikjenisgeže, ciropeja ške
he cried out. [Hardly] [it seemed he could run,] at the door [also]

*normally, this would be ijanikše, but this form is used more than once.
†normally, hacųge.



w ow K n K. o tt o. ttiAi Ae t Ke tt. w di d
wa’ųwąkanąga ’ųja’ų ci hetágeja wažį́žą
[he did it, and] finally, tent back something



Ko L o r n K. e tt. Ai Ai nl l n K Kiyr deAe. Ko no K
kurusanąga éja hihinąpanąga kiasše. Kunuga
he took, and there he ran out, and [he fled.] Kunu



p. 66 —
Ke L e de. Ko L . w d w lA K nK Ki. Ai L oy L e xitti L .
kereže. "Korá, wažą wapakąnąki, hiroirexjįra.
he went home. "Well! fellow what a clever one, the homely thing.



A ttA xitti Ao w Ke L e Ki di. Ko no K e de. Ki Ki di.
Hacaxjį howakeregiži?" Kunuga éže. Gigiži,
Where he has gone?" Kunu he said. When he got home,



we de. Ai roAo Ki tti. Ai L oyi L tte L . Kiyr ttAi L .
weže, "Hisųkiji, hiroirajera kias cira
he said, "My brother, the homely one he has run away his home



p. 67 —
K L too L e n. e tt ttA A Ai Ai ttAi Ktte n
karat’ųreną. Éja hahi hicikjeną,"
he has left. There instead to go let us live,"



e de. wo liAi Ke L e L . L o K n n. e L doKo ni Ai ni Ktt ne n
éže. "Wopįkerera rokananą, e rašgųnį hįnįkjaneną,"
he said. "Meat racks there are many, so [ease] [we will have,"]*

*the whole clause is translated, "so that we may not be in want", with "not" inserted at a 45° angle next to the left margin. The word hįnį means, "we have" (Lipkind).



e de. e tt ttA A Ai ttiAi wi de.
éže. Éja hahi ciwiže.
he said. There at instead to go they lived.



p. 68 —
A K w d m w dAe wi de. e tt. L doKo ni m ttAi wi de.
Hakawažą mąwašewiže. Éja rašgúni mąciwiže.
Very they lived in plenty. There in peace they lived.



A Ko L e d L . rii de. wo liAi Ke L e L . A ntt ttAe lw K L Ki L e Ki di
Hagorežąra s’iže. Wopįkerera haną́c cepwakaragiregiži.
Finally, the time had passed. The meat racks all they ate up.



we de Ko no K. Ko te. w ni te Kette n. A Ki.
Weže Kunuga, "Koté, wanitekjeną, hagi
He said Kunu, "Well, I will go and look for him, and



p. 69 —
A ttA xitti o n Ki di e de. Ko no K. we de.
hacąxjį ’ųnąkiži," éže, Kunuga weže.
where he is," he said, Kunu he said.



e Ki Ao ni L e de. Ae lo tto Ke L A K L niy n K.
Égi hon[į]reže. He pųjokera hakaranianąga
Then he went to hunt him. Horn the protruding one [he brought, and]



te we L Ki e tt ow Ai K tt. di Ki Ko tt rK ni Ae L
tewéraki, éja ’ųahigają, žigígų jasganihera,
unexpectedly, there as he was going, [again] as he was before,



p. 70 —
de rKe de. wo liAi Ke L e L . Ko tt Ao wi L e Ai de. di Ki tt L e K tt
žesgeže. Wopįkerera goja howirehiže. Žigijaregają,
he was. Meat racks way over it reached. [Again, as he neared,]



te we L Ki e xitti n[K] deAe a ni Ae K de rKe e
tewéraki, exjįną[k]še. Anihega, žesge e
unexpectedly, very much he was saying. As he said before, [that way] to say



w nK deAe. Ko no K A e Ai nK deAe. di Ke. ttiAi L o le tt.
wanąkše. Kunuga haehinąkše. Žigé ciropeja
[he was doing it.] Kunu he was talking about. Again at the door



A Ai Ae lo tto Ke L A Ai Aoyi rii Ai de. e tt niKi deAe
hahi he pujokera hahihois’ihiže. Ijanikše.
he went horn [protruding] he pushed through. He cried out.



p. 71 —
di Ke o tt o. Ae t Ke tt w di d
Žigé ’ųja’ų hetágeja wažį́žą
Again finally, back something



L o r n K. di Ke o tt o. ttiAi L o Aiye tt
rusanąga žigé ’ųja’ų ci ruhieja
he took, and again finally, tent at the side



Ai w xoAo L oKo A Ki Ai Ai nl n Kede di Ke de Ko
hiwaxórok hagi hihinąpnągeže. Žigé žegų
he burst out and he ran out. Again [thus]



p. 72 —
Ke L e de. di Ke Ki Ki di. A Ao Ai roAo Ki tti. di Ke
kereže. Žigé gigiži, "Hąhó hisųkiji, žigé
he went away. Again when he got home, "Ho! my little brother, again



A Ai L o A ttAi de. di Ke. ttAo ni tt rKe ttAi ni Ae L .
hahiruhaciže. Žigé coni jasgé cinihera,
he moved from there. Again before as they had lived,



de rKe nK deAe. di Ke. e tt m L e Koro tti L ni Ae de.
žesgenąkše. Žigé éja mąregusjįra niheže.
[they way they were again.] Again there permanently they lived.



di Ki Ko. ttAe li L e de. Ai no l A L . di Ki t ni A L . Ki oy L e de.
Žigígų cepireže. hinųpahąra, žigitanihąra, ki’ųireže.
Again they ate it up. A second time, again the third time, they did it to him.



p. 73 —
Ai tto l A L . Ai L Ai de. Ai Ko di Ke. e xitti nK deAe.
hijopahąra hirahiže. Higų žigé exjįnąkše.
The fourth time he went to him. [Yet] again he was saying very much.



Ko no K. A e Ai w nK deAe. e Ki. tt rKe A Ki liAi n Ko ni
Kunuga haehiwanąkše. Égi "Jasgé hakipįnagųnį?"
Kunu he was talking about. Then "What I must do?"



p. 74 —
Ai L e de. w d L i d w Ki o tte Ko ni. ni Ke te e
hireže. "Wažąrižą waki’ųjegųnį. Nįgé tee
he thought. "Something he must use it. [Any place] [this one]



w d L A le w Ki o tte Ki di. A Ki tt n K e tt
wažąra hape waki’ųjegiži, hagiją nakaeja
something [to wait] if he uses it, partition back of



tool tte ra L e Ai L e de. e rKe. w o de. Ae t Ke tt.
t’ųpjes’are," hireže. Ésge wa’ųže. Hetágeja
it must be," he thought. So he did it. On the back



L o x n K e tt. Ae lo tto Ke L A Ai Aoyi rii Ai de.
ruǧąnąga éja he pųjokera hahihois’ihiže.
he opened, and there horn the protruding one he let protrude through.



p. 75 —
e Ki. Ki ditti deAe. Ai tto L o xotto K tt. te we L Ki. Ae
Égi gižijše. Hijoruxucgają, tewéraki, he
Then he hissed at him. He turned and looked, there unexpectedly, horn



lo tto Ke L . e tt A tti Aoyi rii de. di Ke
pųjokera éja haji hois’įže. Žigé
the protruding one there [it came] it protruded. Again



e tt niKi deAe. Ae t KeL e Ki. w di d n tteKe wo ttiAi xitti de.
ejanikše. Hetagregi, wažį́žą nącge wocixjįže.
he cried out. At the back, something [his heart] it seemed to long for.



p. 76 —
e Ki. Ao nK K dKe. di Ke Ae
Égi honąk, gašge žigé he
Then he ran, but again horn



lo tto Ke L . A Ki w tt L e Ai K. A Ktt Ao Ki nK ra de. o tt o.
pųjokera hakiwajarehiga, hakjá hokinąks’aže. ’Ųja’ų,
the protruding one he would shove in a little more, back he would run again. Finally,



i tt niKi K n K. Ai Ai nl nK dAe. to we i tt niKi K L Ae de.
ijanįkanąga hihinąpnąkše. Towe ijanįk karaheže.
he cried out, and he ran out. On crying he went.



p. 77 —
Ai tto Ke we de. Ae t Ke tt. A Ki tt n K. e tt Ao L o xotto Ktt
Hijokeweže. Hetágeja hagijąnąka éja horuxucgają
He went in. Back the partition there he looked and



tt. te we L Ki Aotto xoAo no xitti ni Ki d
ja, tewéraki hųc xonuxjįnįkižą
[he saw,] unexpectedly, bear very small



i ttK deAe. rK xitti de. e Ki. leAexe xoAo no ni Ki d.
ejakše. Skaxjįže. Égi pex xonunįkižą
there was. It was very white. And gourd a small one



p. 78 —
t rAe liniKi deAe. leAexe t reAe li d. Ko no K. we de.
tasepnįkše, pex tasebižą. Kunuga weže,
burnt black, gourd a black one. Kunu said,



Ko L . w d w xoAo liAi ni Ki n i. te e
"Korá, wažą waxopį́nį kina’į. Tee
"Well, [something] spirit he tried to be. This



niKi w w Ki o tte Ko ni e de. e Ki. w miy n K.
nįk wawaki’ųjegunį," éže. Égi wamianąga
[little] it must be what he used," he said. Then he took them, and



Ke L e de. Ki Ki di. di Ke e tt ttA
kereže. Gigiži, žigé éja
he went home. When he got home, again there [instead]



Aoyi xA n Ai L e de. e Ki. Ko no K. we de.
hoixą́ną hireže. Égi Kunuga weže,
to move they did. Then Kunu said,



p. 79 —
Ai L oyi L tte L . w ni te Ktte n. A Ki ni Ke tt rKe xitti
"Hiroirajera wanitekjeną. Hagi nįgé jasgéxjį
"The homely one I will go and look for him. [There] [where] how



Ai n Ki di. e de. e Ki. Ao ni L e de. e tt
hinąkiži," éže. Égi honireže. Éja
he was doing," he said. Then he went to hunt for him. There



p. 80 —
ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki. e tt. leAe ttini Ki d. xAi xiAi tte de.
’ųwahigają, tewéraki, éja pejnįkižą xixiježe.
as he went, unexpectedly, there a little fire the smoke was rising.



te we L Ki. di Ke Ai tt L Ae de. Ae
Tewéraki, žigé hija rahéže. He
Unexpectedly, again there he came. Horn



lo tto Ke L A K L niy n K. Kiyr n i K tt L o Ki xi de.
pųjokera hakaranianąga kias ną’įgają, rokixiže.
protruding [he brought, and] he ran away he tried, but he told him not to.



p. 81 —
A Ke Kiyr ni de. wi ni Ki lA xi Ktt ne n. A Ke Kiyr ni L e.
Hąké kiasnįže. "Winigipąǧikjaneną, hąké kiasnįre,"
Not he did not go. "I am going to ask you, not do not run away,"



Ai Ke de. e Ki. Ai tt Ai de. w Ke de.
higeže. Égi hija hiže. Wageže,
he said to him. Then there he went. He said to him,



Aotto rK niKi L too deAe L e L . lAe xL .
"Hųc ska nįkra t’ųšerera, pexra
"Bear white the little one that you ran away from, the gourd,



de e tt rKe Ao o L w L ra de. Ai Ke de.
žee jasgé ho’ųra waras’aže?" higeže.
[these] how to use [you usually do it?"] he said to him.



p. 82 —
e Ki. Ay ni K. n Ki K L te Ktt n Ae K. e Ai Ao A doAo no n.
Égi hainiga nąkikaratekjanahega, e hihohašųnųną.
Well, in the morning when I am going hunting, it I [always] ask.*

*following this word, "what to do" has been heavily lined out.



w Ki tK doAo no n. e rKe Ao ttL . Ai d. w ta lK.
Wagitakšųnųną. Ésge hųcra hižą wat’ąpka
I used to tell him. So bears one his tracks



p. 83 —
leAe xini K Ki Ay roAoxo L e A Ki di. Ao tt K * A ttiAi tt Ki K tt
pexnįka kihaisuxrehagiži, hųjaka hacįja gigają,
the little gourd I used to rattle, and the bear wherever it had gotten to,

*the spelling suggests hųjąga (< hųc-ją-ga). However, it is probably an awkward spelling which should have been rendered as, Ao ttK or Aotto K.



w o Ki di. e tt ta n n. e de. A A.
wa’ųgiži, éja t’ananą," éže. "Hąhą,
[after I did it,] there it would die," he said. "Ho!



de Ko n. e Ki. Ae lo tto Ke L . Ai L w A K tt.
žegų́ną." Égi he pųjokera hirawahagają.
that is all." Then horn the protruding one he held towards him.



i tt niKi K n K. riKi ri ni Ki d. w ri
Ijanįkanąga zik zi nįkižą wazi
He cried out, and squirrel brown [a little one] [pine]*

*the translation has "cedar".



p. 84 —
xeAe tey d e Ki n di Ki di e Ki Ao Ki ti nK deAe.
xeteižą, égi nąžįgiži, égi hogitinąkše.
a big one, [and] [that stood,] [and] it ran up.


w Kidi K L Kd Kd n dii n. ni Ke. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi.
"Wąkšikra kšakša naš’įną. Nįgé hocįcįnįk
"Humans to abuse you tried. Ever boys



Ae. lo tto Ke. Ai lo ni Ki dA L . Ai L ni Ae Ktt n. w ri
he pųjoke hibonigišara hiranihekjaną. Wazi
horn protruding to shoot you with they will do it. [Pine]*

*translated as "cedar".



Ai K nK L dA n L tt L ni deAe Ktte n. Ai Ke de.
hikąnakra šana rac ranišekjeną," higeže.
boughs* [only] you eat you will always do," he said to him.

*this should be "cones" — cf. wasíkanak, "pine cone" (Gatschet); but see also hikąnák, "flower" (Miner).



p. 85 —
e tt. ri Ke ni K. L o K n K tte L e Ki. w Kidi Ke tt.
Éja Zigenįka rokanąga jeregi wąkšigeja
There Little Squirrel he was great, but [while he stood] [among the humans]



A ntt Ki deAe L e n. e rKe w Kidi KL e Ki A ni L e n.
haną́c kišereną. Ésge wąkšigeregi hanireną.
[all] they got it away. So the humans they have it.



de e. A A. de tt n.
Žee, hąhą, žejáną.
That, ho, it is ended.



Paul Radin, "The Squirrel," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Notebook 22: 1-85.