Hocąk Syllabic Text — The Dipper

Notebook 49: 1

The Manuscript

The handwritting of this MS in the English translation is that of Oliver LaMère, as is the style of the translation. The handwriting of the Hocąk text is consistent with that of Sam Blowsnake. It is throughout very legible, being written in very dark pencil.

English Translation

Stylistic Features
  hapaxlegomena: aǧogaija, "at the side of the head"; akarajganąk, "to pull out"; cagešage, "forked"; cas’i, "to be visible"; gajągina, "out a ways"; gihaha, "to throb"; gipįpa, "to get loose"; giruhas, "to open something"; giruko, "to open";gunira, "to look for something"; hagairaške, "sometimes"; ǧurehi, "to blow (air out of the lungs)"; haǧapjinąk, "to appear"; hagirusu, "to hold"; hagicgacga, "to try different ways"; hagixak, "to pour"; haisewesewexjį, "to be very much piled against something; hąkižija, "none of them"; harajac, "to be called on for something"; hasnara, "to open" — normally has is found only as a suffix (Miner); hatajaja, "back and forth"; hatageja, "in the back"; haxixigigi, "to touch up here and there"; hišgija, "another one"; hijap, "to look away"; higasge, "to be the same"; higųži, "but as it is"; hikik’as, "near to"; hikik’ųk’ųgigi, "to use on someone"; hikipįnipįni, "to swing something at someone"; hiraskep, "to drink"; hiroǧe, "to have behind one's back"; hitonį, "not to die of"; hoš’ų, "to fill"; hotocą, "warparty"; hoik’es, "to scrape something"; hoikša, "all over"; hokere, "nets"; hokiri, "to drop something"; horaganąkra, "your" ("the one of you"); horákak, "to groan"; horojąp, "to throw away"; hosakre, "fast, fleet"; howakox, "to shove something"; howasak, "to put in"; howuc, "to break (with) the teeth"; hox’į, "wrinkle"; hoxire, sore part (of the body)", cf. Jipson's hoxiri, "absess"; jakja, "to heat up"; karakiesge, "someone promising"; kex, "to file"; kikiras, "to clear"; kikixcuk, "to pound up"; kixewek, "to comb"; maixicigi, "to break out"; mąnįgųhe, "to walk back" (cf. Lipkind, mąnįgų, "to walk toward here"); mątajakaragic, "to pull an arrow back and forth in the bow"; nącge woraxawaniesge, "heart rending"; nokahixjįži (nukahixjįži?), "regularly"; pajra, "the edge"; pirís, "wrinkled"; ponozak, "to crack open"; pųšce, "nose"; rehi, "to blow"; rereǧhi, "bunches"; rošašaknįk, "to kick and cry" (cf. rošak, "to beg aloud"); rucįwį, "to ring (by hand)"; sąrak, "light (pale), white"; šeše, "to ask, to talk"; šgop, "noise"; šurušuruc, "naked"; t’ąpho, "to jump over something"; t’ąt’ąpkirik, "to jump around for a bit"; tašara, "singed"; taxorok, "to grind"; tukąną, "to court"; tųpe, "to groan"; waixgi, "lookouts"; wake, "food" (cf. waké, "raccoon"); wakox, "to be wrinkled"; wąkcapra, "her brother"; wąkxete, "old man"; wanakisera, "to hunt"; wano, "flesh"; wapa, "head"; wapoxroxorok, "to stick something into"; warawawax, "to cut into something"; watapaną, "odor"; waxų, "to ground"; wiroiške, "to tie on"; wiroweja, "to roll in"; wiwisijeje, "to be narrow"; xorok, "to grind"; woraxawaniesge, "to rend"; xawani, "brush"; xgijira, "to hum around" (like a hummingbird); xurehi, "to blow"; xuxatap, "to throw for safe-keeping".
  rare words: aka, "on each side, opposite"; boza, "to stick in the ground", found only in Miner; cekų, "right at the start"; gijejék, "to trot", recorded only by Miner; gišgįk, "to strike", found only in Miner; hagregi, "behind"; hawa’ą́, "to raise (an object)", attested only in Miner as "to put on the shoulder"; hanųkixąwą, "to keep secret, to shield someone", found only in "Įcohorúšika and His Brothers"; hąrą́k, "to groan", used extensively here, but found elsewhere only in "Young Man Gambles Often"; hikikipa, "to meet", attested only in Marino; hikikoroho, "to dress", attested only in Marino; hirakiruxe, "one after the other, in turn", attested only in Marino; hisawara, "top, apex, point"; hiwak’o, "to dodge", found only in Marino; hopere, "to throw in", attested only in Marino; hoponąk, "all (of it)", used in one work by Sam Blowsnake, found only in Foster's Indian Record and Historical Data; howasak, "to put in, to stick in", found only in Marino; ká-a, "that", attested only in Gatschet's grammar; kaną, "to marry", attested only in Marino; kawasunų, "to broil", only attested in Mązni’ąpra; kikiri, "war prize", verb form, "to bring scalps" (Marino); kox, "to wrinkle", attested only in Marino; rugóx, "to rake something back", found only in Miner; rupini, "to turn (oneself) over; šje, "to die"; wąkinųp, "brothers, sisters (people of the second generation)"; wapa, "head", attested only in Marino; waxjuk, "to mash"; woni, "food", cf. woní, "meat" attested in Saunders.
  use of the very rare exclamation, hiho.
  use of the very rare exclamation hagagasgé (without the ending -(i)žą).
  high incidence of a, "he said".
  frequent use of the infix, -kara-, "one's own".
  heavy use of -nąka, "this, that" in place of -ra.
  often using the suffix -ge, "as, because, that is why" as a sentence terminator.
  a preference for -kjanaheną over -kjaneną.
  frequent use of žigígų.
  an unusual preference for the word hahi, "to go about".
  era is used for ira, "the mouth".
  eži is used for uži, "anus, rectum".
  concluding a sentence with nųnįgé ("ške pį nųnįgé," éže = "even [this] is good, however," he said).
  the practice of adding an epistemic clause suffix like - or -že/-še to a non-verb to make it into a verb: hątešišikše, "he had bad dreams"; žigųže, "thus it was"; sgaxjįže, "he was really white"; cf. žegųgiži, "thus done"; žigekjanaheną, "it will happen again".
  at least two cases (1, 2) of strong alliteration.
see comparative word frequency


p. 1 —

e tt. ttAi n Ki d nK dAe. Ao KL Ai tt
Éja cinąkižą nąkše. Hųgra hija
There a village there was. The chief there



nK deAe. Ai niKi Ai Ki di. Ao KL. A n K L xoKo de.
nąkše. Hinįk higiži hųgra hanakaraxgųže.
he was. Son [that he had] the chief he listened to him.



Ai a ttL. w K L Ke ra de. Ai niKi. A xitti A t K ntt Le.
Hi’ąjera wagarages’aže, "Hinįk haxjį, hątaginącre.
His father he would say to him, "Son my, you must fast.



p. 2 —

ttiAi n K diAi ni L. A K L Ki ntt Le. ttiAi nK Ao L K nK L.
Cinągašinira hakaraginącre. Cinąk horaganąkra
Your village fast for. Village your



Ai n ni di Le Kette n. A Ko Le d. Al lL Ai d tteAe xiAi Ki di.
hinanižirekjeną, hagoréžą, hąpra hižą cexigiži,"
let it benefit from you, sometime, day a when it becomes difficult,"



Ai Ke ra de. o ra de. A t Ki ntt L Lo K n w o ra de.
hįges’aže. ’Ųs’aže, hątaginącra rokana wa’ųs’aže.
he would say. He would do it, fast very much he would do it.



p. 3 —

A Ko Le d. de e. Ao KL. Ai niKi L. xeAe tey n K
Hagoréžą, žee hųgra hinįkra xeteanąga
After a time, [that one] the chief the son he grew up big, and



e Ki. de e. A Ko Le d wy Le de. Ao to ttA
égi žee hagoréžą, waíreže, "Hotocą
then [that one] one day they said, "Warparty



xeAe te xitti d w Ki L tti wi n ay Le de. e Ki. AoKo n K
xetexjįžą wagirajiwiną," aíreže. Égi hųknąka
a great one it has come upon us," they said. Then the chief



p. 4 —

we de. A Ao. Ai niKi A xitti te de rKe Ke. A t Ki ntt
weže, "Hąhó, hinįkhaxjį težesgege hątáginąc
he said, "Now, my son, this is what to fast



ni diAi d Le e de. m L w Ko Lo r n K.
nišižare," éže. Mąra wakurusanąga
I told you," he said. His arrows he took, and



m t tt K L Ki tti Le de. Ao KiLi ni KL. di Ke w tti Le de.
mątajakaragijireže. hųkrinįkra. Žigé wajireže,
he began to pull them back and forth in his bow, the chief's son. Again they came and said,



p. 5 —

Ai d Lo K n n. A Ke w d de rK ni n.
"Hižą rokananą. Hąké wažą žesganįną,"
"One it is very great. [Not] [anything] [it is not like."]*

*this sentence, which is a Hocąk idiom, is translated, "It is very hard."



a tti L e de. A e de. Ao KL . Ai ni KL .
ajireže. "Hą," éže, hųgra hinįkra.
they came and said. "All right," he said, chief the son.



e Ki. di Ki Ko Ai L L e xitti Ki di. Ai d tti de.
Égi žigígų hirarexjįgiži, hižą jiže.
And again after awhile, one he came.



Ai Ke w d de rK ni n. Ai d L o K n n.
"Hįké wažą žesganįną. Hižą rokananą.
["Not] [anything] [it is not like.] One it is very great.



p. 6 —

Ai Ko Ao tt ne. Ai d. Ai to dA L tt wi K. Ki rAK tte n.
Higų hująne, hižą hitušarajawiga, gisakjeną,"
Every time he comes, one we leave behind, and he kills him,"



ay L e de. A e de. Ai Ko m L .
aíreže. "Hą," éže. Higų mąra
they said. "All right," he said. Still his arrows



A t tt tt w K L Ki nK deAe. di Ki d tti de. Ai Ke
hatajaja wakaraginąkše. Žigížą jiže. "Hįké
back and forth he worked them. Again one he came. ["Not]



p. 7 —

w d de rK ni n. wK w doAo deAe L . tee w Ai n. A ntt.
wažą žesganįną. Wąkwašošera t’ewahíną, haną́c,"
[anything] [it is not like.] The brave men he killed them, all of them,"



a tti L e de. di Ki tto l A L . A tti L e de. Ai Ke w d
ajireže. Žigijobahąra, hajíreže, "Hįké wažą
they came and said. Again the fourth time, they came, ["Not] [anything]



de rK ni n. ttAi nK L . Ao K wy L e Ktt n Ae n. Ai w ttiri A Ao Ai L wi n.
žesganįną. Cinąkra hokawairekjanaheną. Hiwajishahuhirawiną,"
[it is not like.] The village they are about to enter. They make us retreat,"



p. 8 —

a tti L e de. e Ki. Ao KL . we de. tt A a.
ajireže. Égi hųgra weže, "Jáha-á
they came and said. And the chief he said, "Well



Ai niKi A xitti tt Ko Ai Ke w d doo n
hinįkhaxjį, jagú hįké wažą š’ųna
my son, [how] not something you do



dii ni de ttiAi nK KL . tee ni Ki Ki nK deAe a n K. e de.
š’įnįže. Cinąkra t’enįgiginąkše, ánąga," éže.
you are not trying. The village they are killing, they said," he said.



p. 9 —

Aowo. e de. e Ki. m wi Ki deAe L e n K.
"Howo," éže. Égi wigišerenąga
(Grunt of impatience)* he said. Then arrows he handled, and

*this is what is given in the text.


roto w L o riKi tt n K. roAowe tt. xoAo xA tl
sto warusgijanąga sųeja xuxadap
in a bunch he tied them, and next to the wall he threw for safe keeping



w K L do de. e Ki. de Ko Aiy n K. n m tteAeyi d.
wakarašųže. Égi žegų hianąga nąmąceižą
[he did it to his own] And this [he did, and] a warclub



p. 10 —

A ni Ki di. Ko L o r n K. Ao n Ki diAi K n K. e Ki. t ni wo L o Ai ttA
hanįgiži, kurusanąga honąkišikanąga égi taniworuhįc
which he owned he took, and he put them on, and then G. string*

*this is what the translation has (for "gee string"). The word taiworuhįc means "breech-cloth".



dA n. Koow n K. A tti w ttA we de. tt rK tti Ki di.
šana k’ųanąga hajiwacaweže. Jasga jigiži,
only [he dressed himself, and] he came on to them. As soon as he came,



p. 11 —

Ao Aolo L e Aiy n K. w tal deAe w w ttiri to w L e de.
hohobrehianąga wat’ąpše. Wawajis towareže.
he gave a whoop, and he started for them. [Pushing them forward,] on he chased them.



e tt. Ai d. Ai Ko L o dA L tti L e Ki di. Ki rAK deAe. lA L .
Éja hižą hikorošarajiregiži, gisákše. Pára
There one he was left behind, and he killed him. His head



m diAi d n K. A niy n K. A Ktt Ko de. di Ki Ko L e de.
mąšižánąga hanianąga hakjá guže. Žigígų reže.
he cut off, and he carried it, and back he went. Again he went.



p. 12 —

di Ki Ko de rKe Ai de. to we w Ki o
Žigígų žesge hiže. Towe waki’ų
Again the same he did. On [and on] to do it to them



tti L e de. m Ao tt Ai de. Ai diKi Ko. Ai d
jireže. Mąhujá hiže. Hišgigų hižą
[he began.] To kill a great many [he caused.] Also one



de rKe Ai tte de. to ttA n K e tt. Ai Ko
žesge hiježe. Tocąnąga éja higų
the same he did. [He went on the warpath, and] [there] [still]



Ai Ki rKe de. e tt. ttAi n Ko K nK KL . w Ar ri L e K tte L e Ki di.
higisgeže. Éja cinąkokanąkra wahisirekajeregiži,
[he was so.]* There his village it was defeated, but

*the English translation has, "from the other warrior, he [...] the same". After "he", beneath Ai Ko, there is a word obscured by a heavy ink smear.



p. 13 —

m L . A Ktt do de. o tt o. A Ko L ey d.
mąra hakjá žuže. ’Ųja’ų hagoreižą
[his arrows] [back] [he put, precipitated.]* Finally, [in time]†

*the whole sentence had been translated as, "Now when his village was being defeated, he had championed them."
†the translation has, "as he fought".



a Ke tt tte K. e tt Ai Ki Ki lA wi de. A tti ttA Ki wy L e de.
agejajega éja hikikipawiže. Hajicagi, waíreže,
the other one there they met. [As they approached,]* they said,

*the translation has "?".



p. 14 —

Aowo. ay L n K. n m ttAe L . ni Ke wo too L e
"Howo," airánąga nąmącera nįgé wot’ų́re
(grunt of impatience)* they said, and their warclubs [place] to throw them away




Ai L e de. e Ki. ay d dA n Ao we Ki wi de.
hireže. Égi aižą šana howekiwiže.
they did. And one arm apiece they held each other.



o xitti L e de. Ai Ki liAi ni liAi ni wi de. de tt K. deKe. Ki r L .
’Ųxjįreže. Hikipįnipįniwiže. Žejąga ške, kisara
They did very much. They swung at one another. Finally now, the war*

*the "rior" of "warrior" was heavily crossed out with ink in the translation.



p. 15 —

L o dtt Ai L n K. e dA n wo L o xotto Ai L e de. e dA n
rušjąhiranąga ešana woruxuc hireže. Ešana
they quit, and only they to look at they did. Them only



wi n di n KL . w oyi L e Ke. o n Koo. A Ko L e d. Ao KL .
winąžįnąkra wa’ųirege. ’Ųnąk’ų hagoréžą, hųgra
they depended on, and it was they. Finally after a time, the chief



Ai ni KL . Ki rAK L o Ko noKo Ai L e de. tomo.
hinįkra kisak rukonok hireže. "Tom!"
the son in two to break him they did. Ringing sound*

*tom, it would seem, is an attempt to imitate the sound of metal being struck (rather like a gong), rather than an unattested word meaning, "ringing sound".



p. 16 —

a tti Ke L e de. mr. L o ttiAi wi de. L o Ko no Ki di. wo L o Ko noKi L e.
ajikereže.* Mąz rucįwįže. Rukonokiži, worukonokire
it made. Iron it rang. When he broke him, the one who broke him

*a-jikere-že, "to make a sound suddenly".



A ttA Ao w L y L e Ki di A Ke w wi lAe L e ri L ni de. de Ko
hacą howaraíregiži, hąké wawiperesiranįže. Žegų
where they went, not they did not know of them. [Thus,]



xA w ni A ttiy K L y L e de. e Ki. ttAi n KL . Ao Ai di de.
xawanį́ hajiakaraíreže. Égi cinąkra huhižiže.†
disappeared they became all at once.* And the village they went into.

*in the first typed translation draft of Winnebago IV, #7n, page 2, sentence 15, the original read, "When he broke him the one that broke him, when they went they did not know of them. Disappointed they became all at once and (16) ..." This misreads "disappointed" for "disappeared" (xawanį́), even though both the Hocąk and English in Notebook 49 are very clear, and this meaning for xawanį́ is very well attested. As a consequence, he crossed out words in the translation so that it then read, "Then he broke him. Impatient they became all at once and (16) ..." This is further redacted in the final draft of Winnebago IV, #82, page 2, sentence 15, which now reads, "Impatient they all became at once and (16) ..." Needless to say, a great deal of religious meaning was lost in this process.
†a hapaxlegomenon, perhaps from the root ži, "present there" (Marino), ho-hi-ži-že, where ho- is "the place where", and hi is "he went".



p. 17 —

A ntt tee w Ai L e de. e Ki. de e. e tt
Haną́c t’ewahireže. Égi žee éja
All they killed. And [that one] there



Ao ttAi ttAi liAi xitti ni Ki d. A Ke tee Ai L ni de. e Ki.
hocįcįpįxjįnįkižą* hąké t’ehiranįže. Égi
a nice young man not they did not kill him. And

*oddly enough, pįxjį, "very good", is infixed in the word hocįcįnįk, "young man".



w ttAo do L . A Ke tee Ai ni w diAi de. e rKe
wacožúra hąké t’ehinį wašiže. Ésge,
the leader not not to kill he told them. Therefore,



p. 18 —

Ai Ke tee Ai L ni de. e Ki. we de. w ttAo do L .
hįké t’ehiranįže. Égi weže, wacožúra,
not they did not kill him. Then he said, the leader,



Ai L oyi diAiKi dA n. A Ke A K L ni Ktt ne n. w Ki xA n L . L o A
"Hiroišikšaną. Hąké hakaranįkjaneną. Wagixapnara rohą
"I am ashamed. Not I will not go home. My attendants many



tee Ai Ki Ki L e Ke. L o A. w KL A too te Ke. e Ki.
t’ehigigirege. Rohą wąkra hat’ųtege. Égi
they killed for me, is why. Many men I threw away. Here*

*"here" is overwritten on an original "and".



p. 19 —

Ai Ko A ni Ae Ktt ne n e de. e te e.
higų hanihekjaneną," éže. "E tee
[still] I will remain," he said. "So this



Ao ttAi ttiAi niKi tt ne. A Ki ttiAi Ktt ne n. e w Ki xA le Kette n.
hocįcįnįkjane hagicikjaneną. E wagixapekjeną,"
boy I will live with. He I will keep company with,"



p. 20 —

e de. A K L ni A Ke L e n i L no ni Ke.
éže. Hakarani hakere ną’įra nųnįgé
he said. To take to go home they tried to, but



de Ko A Ke L xoAo L o Ki L ni de. e Ki. de Ko
žegų hąké raxurugiranįže. Égi žegų
[then] not he could not be persuaded. So thus



w too L y L e de e tt. e rKe. wK tte K. Ao we
wat’ųraireže. Éja ésge wąkjega howe
they left him. There so the man around



ttAi n K. wo L o xo tt n K. Ai d Ki liAi Ki di. de e
cinąk woruxujanąga hižą gipįgiži, žee
village he looked at them, and one he liked, and that



p. 21 —

e Ao ttAi de. e Ki. tt n K w d L .
e hociže. Égi janąga wažąra
they they lived in. And every thing



w di L o Ko n Ki di. de rKe Ki L o r n K. e Ki. ttAi nK n K.
wažįrokonogiži, žesge kirusanąga, égi cinąknąka
that they needed, that kind he took, and* [then] the village

*in the English translation, just before the word "took", there is a line shaped like a capital γ, at the top end of which is the numeral "3".



A ntt Ao w xitti deAe. t xoAo Ai de. e Ki. e tt.
haną́c howaxįcše. Taxuhiže. Égi éja
all he burnt up. He burned it up. And there



p. 22 —

m ttAi de Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n K. A Ki do. we de. wK. n K.*
mącíže, hocįcįnįknąka hakižu. Weže, wąknąka,
he lived, the young boy with him. He said, the man,

*wK should not have a period after it, since -nąka is always a suffix.



Ai ttAo dKe. A t Ki ntt L e. m L . ni Ke dA n. wi wi ri tte tte n.
"Hicųšge, hątaginącre, mąra nįgéšana wiwisijejeną.
"Grandson, fast, the world in places it is narrow.



A t L Ki n tt n K. w xoAo liAi ni w L tti L e L . Ai do ni xiAi Ki di.
hątaraginąjanąga waxopį́nį warajirera hižunixįkiži,
Fast, and spirit [the various ones] if they awaken their pity on you*

*the translation has "take pity on you", but after the word "pity", the phrase "or awake their pity" is inserted with a caret. Cf. xįk, "to awaken".



p. 23 —

L doKo ni. L ni Ktte n. Ai Ke ra de. o de. A t Ki ntt deAe.
rašgúni ranikjeną," higes’aže. ’Ųže, hątaginącše.
get along well you can," he would say to him. He did it, he fasted.



Ao ttAi ttAi ni KL . A t Ki ntt ttK wi d K dA n. w L otto ra de.
Hocįcįnįkra hątaginącga, wižąga šana warucs’aže.
The young boy as he fasted, once a month [only] he would eat.



p. 24 —

de o tti L e Ke L e A Ai o tt o n Ki K L . Ki liAi Ki di.
Že ’ųjiregere. Hahi’ųja’ų, nąkíkara gipįgiži,
Thus he kept on. Finally, to hunt [he did it well, so]



n Ki K L . n di o de. A ttAo Ke L . A Ko L ey d. Ki daK deAe.
nąkíkara nąžį́’ųže. Hacogera hagoreižą, giš’akše.
he would hunt [as he stood.]* His grandfather after a time, he got old.

*the translation has, "as he fasted".



Ai dtt L deKe Kitti deAe. w L otto o ra Ki di.
hišjára ške gicše. Warúc ’ųs’agiži,
His eyes even they got dim. To cook he used to do, but



p. 25 —

A Ko L e d w L otto o L deKe L o daK deAe.
hagoréžą warúc ’ųra ške ruš’akše.
after awhile to cook to do [even] he was unable.



e Ki. no xL dKe ni Kede. e rKe
Égi nųxra ške nįkše. Ésge
And [his ears] [also] [small]. So



de e w o ra de. i ni reAe leKe. loAo L o lAo L oyi d.
žee wa’ųs’aže: ini sepge poroporoižą
he he would do this: stone black a round one



de e. Ai ow n K. no xoAoyi tte tt Ai L o tti K dA n.
žee hi’ųanąga nųxoijeja hirojįga šana
this [he used, and] [at the base of the ear] he hit it, thus only



p. 26 —

Ao Ki tee K n xoKo ra de. A Ai Ai dtt L deKe
hokit’ega naxgųs’aže. Hahi hišjára ške
his talk he would hear. Finally, eyes also



niKi deAe. e Ki. w L otto o L o dtt K. i ni n K.
nįkše. Égi waruc’ų́ rušjąga, ininąka
[they were small.] And when cooking when he got through with it, the stones



Ai ow n K. no xoAoyi tte tt. Ai L o tti K. A n A A A.
hi’ųanąga nųxoijeja hirojįga, hanahą, "Hąhą́,"
he used, and at his ear as he knocked them together, he grunted (?), "Hąhą́,"



p. 27 —

a n K. L o n Ao Ki too L e K. di Ke rA ni Ke tt
ánąga runą, hogit’ųrega, žigé sanįkeja
and he turned over, turning himself so that again on the other side



Ai L o tti ra de. we ra de. Ai ttAo dKe. tt a. e K.
hirojįs’aže. Wes’aže, "Hicųšge, ja-a," ega.
he would hit them together. He would say, "My grandson, ja-a,"* he would say.

*translated as, "what ?". It is actually an exclamation of surprise.



ttAo K. wo ni Koo n. Ai Ke ra de. A Ao Ai ttAo deKe
"Coka, wonik’ųną," higes’aže. "Hąhó hicųšge,
"Grandfather, I have food for you," he would say to him. "All right grandson,



p. 28 —

e liAi n. e ra de. de e e tt. A Ko L e d
epíną," es’áže. Žee éja hagoréžą,
it is good," he would say. [This one] [there] after a time,



di Ke. Ko Ae de. w K tt xiAi L i. xK
žigé guheže. Wakąja xiri ǧak
again he was coming. [Thunderbirds]* [he appealed to,] crying

*translated generically as "spirits". Wakąja means "Divine Ones", but refers specifically to the Thunderbirds.



Ko Ae de. Ao xtt n L e Ki. L dtt K tt. e Ki xitti. Ki di tti L e de.
guheže. Hoxjanaregi, rašjągają, égixjį gižijireže.
as he came. In the evening, when he stopped, just then they hissed at him.



p. 29 —

Ai wo dA Ai ttey n K. wo L o xo xotto K tt Ai Ke ni Ke w d
Hiwušahijeanąga woruxuxucgają, hįké nįgé wažą
He stopped still, and he looked around him, but not anywhere anything



tt ni Ki di di Ke Ke L e de. K tt di Ke
janįgiži, žigé kereže. Gają žigé
he did not see, so again he went on. And again



Ai Ky L e de. di Ki wo dA K tt Ai Ke w d tt ni de.
higaíreže. Žigiwušagają, hįké wažą janįže.
they said it to them. Again he stopped, but not anything he could not see.



di Ki Ko Ai Ky L e de. t n[i] A Ai Ke de. e Ki.
Žigígų higaíreže. Tan[i]hą higeže. Égi
Again they said it to him. Three times they said it to him. Then



p. 30 —

we de. Ai roAoKo A L . e de. w KeL e Ki we ni rKe
weže, "Hisųkhara," éže. Wągregi wenisge
he said, "My brother," he said. Up above it seemed to be



Ai L n i Ke w KL e Ki Ao L o xotto K tt. te we L Ki. w KeL e Ki
hirana’įge wągregi horuǧucgają. Tewéraki, wągregi
he thought, so up above he looked. Unexpectedly, up above



p. 31 —

Ai d mi nK nK deAe. n leAe Ko no Ki d. e tt tte Ki de.
hižą minąknąkše. Nąpekonųkižą éja jegiže.
one he was sitting. A stump there that stood.


Ai rA w L . e L e de wK n K. n tt ne e
Hisawara ereže, wąknąka. Nąjane e
The top of it he was, the man. [The tree] it



L o o nK dAe. n tt ne deKe ttAeKe Kitti
ro ’ųnąkše. Nąjane ške cekjį
body it was. The tree [also] [the very first]



tte de. ne Ai roAoKo ni n. e de. Ai roAoKo A xitti
ježe. "Ne hisųkniną," éže. "Hisųkhaxjį
[it stood.]* "You are my little brother," he said. "My little brother,

*cekjį ježe is, oddly enough, translated as, "full of life".



p. 32 —

w d wi ttA tii Ao ni Ki t t Ki Kette Ke.
wažą wicąt’į honįgita takikjege,
things [to be revealed] [you remain, you have left] [as there will be here and there,]



w A nK dA n. wK no. Ai ttAo Ke L de Ai dA L tte K.
wahanąkšaną. Wąknu "hicókera" že hišarajega,
so I said it.* Old man "grandfather" [that one] you call,

*this sentence is translated, "Now, my little brother there are some things that I wish to tell you about. So I said that (hissed)." (Winnebago IV, #8r, p. 2, sentences 31-32).



e tee wi n. e Ki. Ao L ttAi A dA nK wi K.
e t’ewiną. Égi horaci hašanąkwiga,
he he killed me. And you live [where you remain,]



p. 33 —

tt reKe xitti m L . Ki K L rn K. de de rKe xitti ttAi n KL
jasgéxjį mąra kikarasnąka, žežesgexjį cinąkra
as much as [the earth] that which is cleared, [just that way] the town



K tt Ae L e n. ttAi nK de e. ne
gają hereną. Cinąk žee ne
[when] it was. Town that mine



p. 34 —

Ao KL . w Ke L e wi K tte L e n. e Ki. Ai ttAo Ke L K. to ttA
hųgra wągerewigajereną.* Égi hicokeraga tocą
chiefs we were. And your grandfather warparty

*probably > wągere-wi-gają-here-ną.



p. 34 —

xeAe te xitti d ttAo do tti L . A ntt tee w Ai L e Ktt n Ae Ke. Ai dKe
xetexjįžą cožujira. Haną́c t’ewahirekjanahege, hišgé
a great one he led. All he was going to kill, so too



Ai rKe tee A n. w ttAe do tti K. e Ki. Ai deKe
hisgé t’ehaną. Wacožujiga* égi hišgé
some I killed. Their leader [here] also

*for wacožujega.



L o K n xitti tee Ai tte n. e rKe A ow tt wi o y KiKi *
rokanaxjį t’ehijeną. Ésge ha’ųąjawi’ųagįgi
very many he killed. So finally,

*probably for A ow tt wi oy KiKi, ha’ųąjawi’ų-hagįgi, which is ’ųja’ų, prefixed by ha-, "I", with the infix -wi-, indicating plural, "finally for us; as we were doing it"; and hagįgi, "after, afterwards".



p. 35 —

lA wi L . A Ki ni n di wi n. K tt Ki rAK Ai L o Ko noKo dA n.
pawira, hakininąžįwiną; gają kisak hirokonokšaną.
as we fought, we met; but in two he broke me.



e rKe. te e. w KL . Ao L o ttl L . Ai diAi leL e L .
Ésge tee wągra horojąpra. Hišipera,
So thus above he sprung me. As I came,



p. 36 —

e Ki A Ki L i nK dA n. e Ki Ai Ko A o nK dA n.
égi hakirinąkšaną, égi higų ha’ųnąkšaną.
here I alighted, here still I am.



e lA tee ni n i Ktt n Ae n. e rKe Ao ni Ki t Ki Ktte Ke
Epa t’enį́ ną’įkjanaheną. Ésge honįgitakikjege,
From now on to kill you he will try. So I want to tell you,



p. 37 —

w A nK dA n. w Ki no le tt wo ni K Ktt ne n. e tt ni
wahanąkšaną. Wakinųpeja wonįkakjaneną. Éja
it is why I am saying this. To his brothers he will give you to them. There you



L o tti L e Kette Ke. w d tee Ai ni diAi Ktt n Ae L .
rujirekjege. Wažą t’ehi šikjanahera.
they will eat. Something to kill you he will tell.



e w Ki nolo dA n. L Ki Ktt n A L e we Ktt n Ae n. A A.
E wakinųpšaną. Rakikjanahare, wekjanaheną, 'Hąhą́,
They they will be his brothers. When you get home, he will say, 'Now then,



Ai ttAo deKe. Al reAe L ette w leAe wi n. w d y L e n
hicųšge, hąpsérec wapewiną. Wažą yaréną,'
grandson, all day long I have been thinking. Something I thought,'



p. 38 —

e Ktt n Ae n. L d ni Ko Ki di y L e n.
ekjanaheną. 'Raž gųgiži, yaréną.
he will say. 'Name you [to seek,] I thought.



A Ky L dKe w L o ttKo ni. w KdiK Ki tty Le doAo no n. L dL
hagairaške warócgųnį́, wąkšigi jairešųnųną. Ražra
Sometimes unexpectedly,* people one sees. Name

*warócgųnį́, "to be weird, strange, odd" (Miner).



ni ttAo dKo ni L. A Ke Ay liAi ni n. ni
cųšgunira, hąké haipįnįną.
you without, not I do not like it. You



p. 39 —

L tti Le Ki di tt Ko ay Le Ktte de. w KidiKi A ni tty Le Ki di.
rajiregiži, jagú airekježe, wąkšik hanijairegiži?'
if they were to call you, what they would say, people if they saw you?'



e de. e Ktt n Ae n. e Ki. A Ae Ki di. A te diAi diAiKi deAe
éže. Ekjanaheną. Égi hąhegiži, hątešišikše,
he said. He will say it. And at night, he has nightmares,



e Ktt ne n. e Ki. w Ki Ko Ki dA n. ni al li Ktt ne de
ekjaneną. Égi wagigogi šana ni’ąpįkjaneže,
[he will say.] And by giving a feast only he will live,



p. 40 —

e Ktt ne n. de e deAe Le Ki di. t ni L Lo A
ekjaneną, žee. 'Šeregiži, taníra rohą
he will say, [that one.] 'If you go, tobacco plenty



A ni L n K. wy xiKi n K. t ni wo L Ki dow n K. A no Ki xA w
haniranąga waixginąka tani woragižuanąga hanųkixąwą
you take, and the lookouts tobacco pour for them, and to shield you



p. 41 —

w L diAi Kette n. ni Ki oyi Le Ktt ne n. e de. Ao rKe wi ttA tii
warašikjeną. Niki’ųirekjaneną," éže. "hosgé wicąt’į,
ask them. They will do it," he said. "Just to give you pointers,



Ao ni Ki t Ke w Ae n. w Lo K n di. w d A t Ki ntt
honįgitake wahéną. Warukąnąži wažą hątaginąc
I tell you, [so] [I say it.] [To go into a trance to recover a lost thing] something to fast



K rKe xitti w doo K tt. e de. de Ko to w Ke Le de.
gasgexjį waš’ųgają," éže. Žegų, towakereže.
[exactly this way] you have done it," he said. Thus, time went on.



p. 42 —

w we wi wi K L Ae de. te de rKe de tte L. Ai Le de.
Wawewįwį karahéže. "Težesgeže," jera hireže.
Thinking he went home. "Thus it is," [the one standing] he thought.



ttAo K K A K K Ao Ki L Kini Ai Le de. Ai ttAo Ke L.
"Cokaga hąkagá hogiraknį," hireže. Hicókera
"Grandfather never he did not tell me," he thought. His grandfather



Ao K w deAe Le ni rKe de. e Ki. Ki Ki di. w rotto
hokawašerenisgeže. Égi gigiži, warúc
he began to dislike him a little. And he got home, and food



p. 43 —

o Lo dtt Ki di. i ni L. Ai Lo tti de. m dtt xitti Ai Lo tti de.
’ųrušjągiži, inira hirojįže. Mąšjąxjį hirojįže.
[when he was done fixing the food,] the stone he hit him. Very hard he hit him.



ttAo ni liAi Ai niKi Ai Lo tti ra Ki di. wo tti tt xeKe Ao tti de.
Coni pįhinįk hirojįs’agiži, wojijaxge hojiže.
Before very easy he used to hit him, but with all his strength he hit him.



aA. a n K. Lo liAi ni Ao Ki too ne Ki di. di Ke
"Ąhą," ánąga rupini hogit’ųnegiži, žigé
"Ah!" he said, and tuning over when he turned over, again



p. 44 —

rA ni Ke tt. Ki ttA ditti de. Ai ttAo deKe tt. e de.
sanįkeja gicašjįže. "Hicųšge, ja?" éže.
on the other side he knocked him. "Grandson, what?" he said.



ttAo K wo ni Koo n e de. A Ao
"Coka, woni k’ųną," éže. "Hąhó
"Grandfather, food I am giving you," he said. "All right



Ai ttAo dKe liAi n. e de. e Ki. w Lotto
hicųšge, pįną," éže. Égi warúc
grandson, it is good," he said. And eating



p. 45 —

Lo dtt Ki di. mi Ki Le K tt. wK no L. i tt niKi deAe A te diAi diAiKi deAe.
rušjągiži, mįgiregają. Wąknura ijanįkše. hątešišikše.
when he finished, he had gone to bed. The old man he gave a yell. He had bad dreams.



Ai ttAo deKe Ai ttAo deKe e de. tal tti Le de. i ni L.
"Hicųšge! "Hicųšge!" éže. T’ąpjireže. Inira
"Grandson! "Grandson!" he said. He jumped up. The stones



p. 46 —

no xoAoyi tte tt Ai Lo tti de. di Ke rA ni Ke tt. ttAo K
nųxoijeja hirojįže, žigé sanįkeja. "coka,
[placed at the base of the ear] he hit him, and on the other side. "Grandfather,



tt A a e de. Ai ttAo dKe a n K. xK dAe.
jaha-á!" éže. "Hicųšge," ánąga ǧakše.
[exclamation]" he said. "Grandson," he said, and he began to weep.



di Ke liAi xitti ttAo K. Ao LK n ne tt Ko Ai L A te Ki di
"Žigé pįxjį coka, horaknane jagú hirahątegiži,"
"Never mind grandfather, tell it what you dreamt of,"



e de. Ai ttAo deKe. rA niKi wiyo Le Le Ki
éže. "Hicųšge, sanįk wioréregi
he said. "Grandson, [in the direction] the setting sun



p. 47 —

to dA nK rKyi d. Ki di. de e. wiy Ki Ko Kette
tošanąk sgaižą giži, žee wiagigokje,
otter a white one that is, that I should give a feast,



ay Le n. Ai L t dA L. w A Ktte ay Le n. Ai Ke
aireną. Hįratašara wahakje aíreną. Hįké
they said. To be singed [I should make it,] they say. Not



de rKe A ni Ki di. ttAe Ktt n Ae ay Le n. e de.
žesge hanįgiži cekjanahe, aíreną," éže.
[that way] [if I do not have,] I will die, they say," he said.



p. 48 —

A Ao. ttAo K e liAi n. tt Ko o L
"Hąhó coka, epíną. Jagú ’ųra
"Ah grandfather, it is good. [What] [doing]



xK dA nK. tt Ko wi L Ki Ko Kette Ke Ao ni Koo Ai Le K tt.
ǧakšanąk. Jagú wiragigokjege, honik’ų hiregają.
you are crying. [How] you are to give a feast with it, to give it to you that is why they did.



Ay ni Ki di A Ko te Kette n e de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di.
hainigíži, hakutekjeną," éže. Égi hainigíži,
In the morning, I will go after it," he Laid. And in the morning,



p. 49 —

Le doKo ni de. w Ke K e tt Ai K tt. te we L Ki.
rešguniže. Wagega, éja higáją. Tewéraki,
he started. Where he meant, there he got to. Unexpectedly,



Ao rK Ki ri d Ae Le Ki di. to dA n KL. Aoyi xitti de.
hosgá kisižą heregiži, tošanąkra hoixjįže.
prairie a round one there was, and otters it was full.



e Ki. Ki rA Ke tt. rA L Kde A tty Le Ki di. n di
Égi kisakeja sąrakše. Hajairegiži, nąžį́
And in the center white one When they saw him, to rise



p. 50 —

A ttiy Ly Le K tt we de. t ni L Ai Ktt wi n. A Ke
hajiarairegają, weže, "Taníra hikjawiną. Hąké
they began, but he said, "Tobacco [you shall do.] Not



Ao LK wi ni Le e de. A Ao. de rKe Kette n. w d
horakwinįre," éže. "Hąhó, žesgekjeną. Wažą
don't tell on me," he said. "All right, [it shall be that way.] [Anything]



A K m Le Koro e Ki. Ai miKi wi L t ni Ai Ai wi de.
hąká mąregųs égi himįkwira tanihihiwiže,"*
never as long as the earth here we have laid [we have not smoked,"]

*this should probably be, tanihinįwiže.



p. 51 —

ay Le Ki. Ai Ke Ao LK Ai L ni de. to we
airegi, hįké horák hiranįže. Towe,
they said, and not to tell they would not. [Continuing on,]



t ni wo Ki do A Le de. Ki Lo Ko Ai Le de
tani wogižu hareže. Giruko hireže,
tobacco he gave them as he went. To get out of the way [they did,]



Ao we Kette L deKe. e Ki. we de. ttAo K wi L.
howekjera ške. Égi weže, "Cokawira,
that he could go through even. And he said, "Grandfathers,



p. 52 —

A Ki Li Ke Le Ki di. A Ke tt Ao we L A Ki dAK
hakirikeregiži, hagéja howera hagi šga (?)
when I come back this way, after the way on the way back to close up



Ai Ki Ki wiy tte w wi Ke de te we L Ki e tt n xitti nK deAe.
hįgigiwiąje," wawigéže. Tewéraki, éja nąxjįnąkše.
make them," he said to them. Unexpectedly, there he was sound asleep.



p. 53 —

rK xitti d. loAo dette L doAo ttini rKe. Ai dtt i A L doAo ttini rKe.
Sgaxjįžą, pųšjera šujnisge, hišjá’ihara šujnisge,
A very white one, end of his nose kind of red, his eyelids* kind of red,

*this seems to mean, "mouth of the eyes".



n tteKe L. Ki A A mi K tt. Ki A A n K e tt xitti
nącgera gihaha mįgają. Gihahanąga ejaxjį
its heart it was throbbing, [he laid.] It throbbed, and there



Kotto deAe. Lo liAi ni Ao Ki too ne K tt. rA ni Ke tt deKe.
gucše. Rupini hogit’ųnegają, sanįkeja ške
he shot it. He turned himself over he turned himself over, and* on the other side again

*hogit’ųne also means "to throw", so the word in this context probably means, "tossing around".



p. 54 —

de Ko. Aiy n K. no Ki wK deAe. Ke Le tto reAe li d. i tt niKi K n K.
žegų hianąga nųkiwąkše. Kerejųsepižą ijanįkanąga
thus he did, and he ran. A blackhawk it cried, and



no Ki wK deAe. no ni Ke. Ao xA L tti n K n K. i K nK tti Ao de. K tt.
nųkiwąkše. Nųnįgé hoxarajinąkanąga ikanąkjihuže. Gają,
[he flew.] But he caught up to it, and he swallowed it. But,



p. 55 —

lAo dottAo lo xe tt. t niy K nK K nK Keyi d A Ki Ai Ai nl nK deAe. di Ke
pųšcopoxeja, taniakanąkanąkeižą hakihihinąpnąkše. Žigé
from its nose holes, a hummingbird [it went out of him.] [Again]



Ai no lA A L. i K nK tti Ao K. Ai w Koo Ai K L Kd tti Ao ra de.
hinųpahąra ikanąkjihuga, hiwak’o hikaragąš jihus’aže.
for a second time as he swallowed it, he dodged he missed [he would pass by.]



p. 56 —

te we L Ki. Ai ttAo Ke L. K tt. w nK deAe. Ao
Tewéraki, hicókera gają wanąkše, "Ho!
Unexpectedly, his grandfather then he was saying, "Oh!



A ni tt Ao Le. A ni tt Ao Le. w KidiKi Ai dAe dAe Ke doAo no Ke Ai d
Hanijahure! Hanijahure! Wąkšik hišešegešųnųge, hižą
Catch him! Catch him! Human you always wanted, so one



liAi xitti xeAe te ni Ki Kiy n K. Ai tto w Le A Ki Ki L.
pįxjį xetenįkigianąga hicoware hagigira.
good one I raised, and to sent over [I have done.]



p. 57 —

w ni AeKe dA wK dA n. a nK deAe. Ai tt Ko K tt. te we L Ki. ttAi Lo lL.
Wanihekšawąkšaną," ánąkše. Hijagugają, tewéraki, cirópra
You do not act as you ought," he was saying. As he got near home, unexpectedly, the door



dtt xitti Lo riKi riKi tt n K. e Ki. ttiAi Lolo a K
šjąxjį rusgisgijanąga égi cirop aka
very tight he had tied, and [then] the door on each side



p. 58 —

A Lo Koro n Kede. a deKe Ko Ki di. Ao we xo Le Ai K tt.
harukosnąkše. Ašge gugiži, howe ǧurehigają,
he was holding. Near as he went home, towards he blew, and



e tt Ai Lo ad tti Ke Le Ki di e tt. Aoyi K w nK deAe. de Ko*
éja hiru’ašjikeregiži, éja hoikawanąkše. Žegų
there he made a little opening, and there he came on in. [Then]

*after this word, ttAi (ci, "lodge") has been lined out.



Ae t Ke tt Kili dAe ttAi Lo lL ttAo we Ki de n de.
hetágeja gįpše. Cirópra cowe giženąže.
back opposite the door he went and laid. The door nearly he broke.



p. 59 —

e Ki. A LK deAe. A. e de. A.
Égi hąrą́kše. "Hą," éže. "'Hą',
And he groaned. "Ugh," he said.* "'Ugh',

*the translation has, incorrectly, "you say". The is the grandson's groan.



a wi Ao tti de Le Ktt n Ae. di Ke K tt K. t niy K n K nK Ke L.
awi. Hojišerekjanahe. Žigé gająga taniakanąkanąkera
you say. You will be another. [Again] even hummingbirds



Le Lexe Ai. ni di de de e. tteAe Ko no w Kini Ke tt
rereǧhi nįžįže. Žee cekų nųwąknįkeja
bunches [they stood.] That first on the start [of the flight]



p. 60 —

Ai o Ktt n Ae y Le Ke. Ke Le tto reAele Ao Lo xotto n di L
hi’ųkjanahe yarege, 'Kerejųsep Horoǧúc Nąžįra,'
he would use I thought, so 'Black Hawk to Look at He Stands,'



y Ke. di Ke K tt Ke Le. w xAo liAi ni d
yagé. Žigé gają kere, waxopįnį́žą
I called. [Again] now [he left,] a spirit



y Ke Ktt n Ae. Ai diKi tt L. w Lo Kidi ttAi Lolo leLe Ki. A tti
yagekjanahe. Hišgijara warukši, ciropregi haji
I will call him. And the other just at the door he came



p. 61 —

w Lott[o]. tt Ko w d rA KLe e K ni rKe xitti ra de de.
warúc. Jagú wažą sakre eganįsgexjįs’ažeže."*
he ate. [How] [something] fleetness you used to tell," he said.

*since there is no doubling of the epistemic clause suffix -že, this must be external sandhi for e-ga-nisge-xjį-s’a-že=eže.



ttAi Lo lL w i Ai L Ki Ki Ko ni e. de.* A Ki
"Cirópra wa’i hiragigigųnį," éže. Hagi
"The door bloody you must have made it for me," he said. He was back

*this should be "e de.".



p. 62 —

mi K n K wK dAe. Ai L Le xitti Ki di. ttiAi Lo lL. Lo dKe de. e Ki.
mįganąk-awąkše. Hirarexjįgiži, cirópra rušgeže. Égi
he was in bed as he said all this.* After awhile, the door he untied. And

*the original translation of this sentence was, "He had gone back to bed as he said all this".



Ao Lo x[o]tto K tt te we L Ki e tt Ke de. rK xitti de.
horuǧucgają, tewéraki, éjageže. Sgaxjįže.
he looked at it, and unexpectedly, there he was. He was really white.



wo Ki roKo liAi de. e Ki. w o de. i ni L.
Wogizok, pįže. Égi wa’ųže. Inira
[Truly,] it is good. Then he did it. The stones



p. 63 —

Lo r n K. te mi K tt. no xoAo tte tt Ki ttA ditti de.
rusanąga te mįgają, nųxojeja gicašjįže,
he took, and [this one] as he lay, [at his ear] he struck him,



di Ke rA niKi Ke tt. tt. e de. ttAo K.
žigé sanįkeja. "Ja?" éže. "Coka,
and on this side. "What?" he said. "Grandfather,



A niy Ki Li n. e de. A. Ai ttAo deKe Ao to xotto Ai Kette n
haniakiriną," éže. "Hą hicųšge, hotuxuchikjeną,"
I have brought it back," he said. "Ah grandson, let me see it,"



p. 64 —

e de. w Koxo x n K. a xoyi tt. Lo Koxo
éže. Wakoxanąga aǧoija rugóx
he said. He was wrinkled, and at the back of his head [he raked it back]*

*for rugox rusgicšé, the translation has, "he tied the scalp together". The meaning of the word rugóx was obtained from Miner.



Lo riKitti deAe. de Ko Ki di. ttl tti nK deAe. e Ki. ttAi Lo lL
rusgicšé. Žegųgiži, jąpjinąkše. Égi cirópra
he tied. Thus done, he opened his eyes. Then the door



Ki Lo Ar dAe Ao Lo xotto deAe. Ao Ao. Ai ttAo deKe. A K
giruhasše. horuǧucše. "Hohó hicųšge, hąká
he opened for him. He looked at it. "Ah! grandson, [never]



p. 65 —

w d. w noyi ttKe liAi d. Ai ttAo deKe. wK xeAe te
wažą wanoicge pįžą. Hicųšge, wąkxete
[anything] animal a fine one. Grandson, old man



A ni K tt. w d liAi A o Kette n. A L.
hanigają. Wažą ha’ųkjeną. Hara
I am now. [Something] [good] [I will make.] The hide



doAo Lo xl liKi di. wo midi Ai L Ki doo Ki di. wo midi di Kette n
šuruǧapgiži, womįž´ hiragiš’ųgiži. Womįž´ šįkjeną,"
skin it, and* mat you might make me one.† Mat I will use it for,"

*before "skin", "If you" has been lined out.
†"will have it for" has been lined out, and "make a" written above it.



p. 66 —

e de. ttAo Ke. A Ke A o ni n. Ai L t dA L.
éže. "Coke, hąké ha’ųnįną. Hįratašara,
he said. "Grandfather, not I will not do it. That you singed it,



Ao L A Kette. Ai L A te n. A Ke dette de di y L ni n
horahakje, hirahąteną. Hąké šježeži, yaranįną,"
you will boil it, you dreamt it. Not to die, I do not want you,"



Ai Ke de. A K K w d L Ai d Ai Ae K
higeže. "Hąkagá wažąra hižą hihega
he said to him. "Never [things] one I say



p. 67 —

de rKe ni a n K. a xo L. Ko Lo dK Le Ai Ki di. doKolo
žesgenį," ánąga, aǧora kurušgarehigiži, šgop
it is not so," he said, and the back of his head he untied noise



a Ki nK dAe Ai dtt L. e Ki. A t dA L. Ai de.
aginąkše, hišjára. Égi hatašara hiže.
it flew back, his face. Then to singe [he did.]



e Ki. A Ke ni Ke niKi Ao Lo ttl ni de.
Égi hąké nįgénįk horojąpnįže,
And not a bit he did not waste,



p. 68 —

Aoy Keere L Le deKe w i niKi L deKe de de rKe.
hoik’es. Rareške wa’inįkra ške žežesge.
scraping it. Even the blood [also] he did that with.



Ai deKe. ni al di Ke Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ke e rKe
Hišgé ni’ąp žigé hirekjanahege. Ésge
[Also] to live again [they would be doing.] It is why



w o de. tt rKe Ai Kette L. A ntt. Ai ni L
wa’ųže. Jasgé hikjera, haną́c hiníra
he did it. What to do, all his brother



p. 69 —

Ao Ki L K n K w o tte de. e Ki. Le xe tt Ao do de.
hokirakanąga wa’ųježe. Égi reǧeja hožuže.
he had told him, and he did it. And in a kettle he put it.



e Ki. wK Kono K. we de. Ai ttAo deKe doAo xl liKi di.
Égi wąknuka weže, "Hicųšge, šuǧapgiži,
And the old man he said, "My grandson, if you skin him,



K a e w xe A ow tte a n K.
ka-a e waǧe ha’ųje," ánąga
that it to carry him use," he said, and



di Ke wy liAi Le rK. ni Ke Ao Koo de.
žigé waipįre sga nįgé hok’ųže.
[again] cloth white [piece] he handed him.



p. 70 —

Ao K Ly Ko de. de Ko Ai Ki ni n Ai Ke de. Ao rKe
Hokaraikųže. "Žegų hikininą, higeže. Hosgé
He gave it back to him. "[Now] I am through with it," he said to him. [Purposely]



de e e tt. w i Ki di ni al K L Ki Kette Ke
žee éja wa’igiži, ni’ąp karakikjege,"
[that] [there] if some blood there was, life so he could bring him back,"



wK deAe. e Ki. w Ke de. ttAo K. Ai tt
wákše. Égi wageže, "Coka, hija
he said. Then he said to him, "Grandfather, [there]



p. 71 —

wo A L A Ke Le n. w Ki Ko Ai Le K dKe.
wohą́ra hakereną. Wagigó hirega, ške,
the kettle. I put on. Feast [if you made,] [also,]



n w dKe Ai Le doAo [no] n. A Ke tt Ko
nąwą ške hirešų[nų]ną. Hąké jagú
song [also] they usually do. Not [how]



w di dA ni Ktt n Ae de Ai Ke de. te we L Ki xK K deAe.
wažį́ šanįkjanaheže," higeže. Tewéraki, ǧakakše.
something you are not going to say," he said to him. Unexpectedly, he was crying.



p. 72 —

Ai ttAo deKe Ai Li teKe dA n. A Ke w d e
"Hicųšge, hiritekšaną.* Hąké wažą e
"Grandson, my tooth aches. Not anything to say

*< hira-tek-šaną.



to xoAo LoKo ni n e de. e Ki. to tti Ki di di Ke
tuxúruknįną," éže. Égi tujigiži, žigé
I am not able," he said. [And] when he got it cooked, again



w Ke de. ttAo K. to tt n. leAe de Ki Ko Ktt n Ae Ki di.
wageže, "Coka, tujaną. Peže gigokjanahegiži?
he said to him, "Grandfather, I've cooked it. Who you want to invite?



p. 73 —

Ai Ki tti dA n.* e K tt. we de. Ai ttAo deKe.
Higiji šaną," egają, weže, "Hicųšge,
To come I could tell them," he said, but he said, "Grandson,

*the period is written so high as to appear to be the letter /i/.



de Ko w xoAo Le. lAe de Ki Ko Kette de e de.
žegų waxųre. Peže gigokježe?" éže.
just pour it out. Who [they would feast?"] he said.



w KidiKi K ny xitti. e de. Ai Ai nl l n K we de.
"Wąkšika naįxjį," éže. Hihinąpanąga weže,
"People [I trust there are,"] he said. He went out, and he said,



w KeLe Ki Ae Le L. ni Ko A L wi n. m Le Ki Ae Le L
"Wągregi herera, nigoharawiną. Mąrégi herera,
"Above that belong, you are invited. On earth that belong,



p. 74 —

deKe a n K. Aoy Ke we K tt te we L Ki. ttAi L.
ške ánąga, hoikewegają, tewéraki, cira
also he said, and he went in, and unexpectedly, the tent



Aoyi xitti de. e Ki. we de. w Ko Lo Aitti deAe. ttAo K K.
hoixjįže. Égi weže, wakuruhįcše, "Cokaga
it was full. Then he said, he greeted them, "My grandfather



p. 75 —

A te diAi diAi KL. to dA nK rK L. Ao A Ki dA n.
hątešišikra. Tošanąk sgara hohągi, šana
he had a bad dream. Otter white one if he boiled, only



Ai Ke ta ni Ktt n Ae de Ai A te Ke tte ni.* w ni A Ai L.
hįké t’anįkjanaheže. Hihątegejenį, wanį́ hahira
[not] [he will not die.] He dreamed, so I hunted I went

*this seems to be for Ai A te Ke tti ni (hihąte-gejinį).



A ni A Ki Li L. e Ki. te e. Ae Le L. lA L.
hanihakirira, égi tee herera. Pára
I came back with it, and this it is. The head



p. 76 —

Ao o L de rKe Ke. w L tti Le doAo no K tt. y Le Ke. e Ki. Ai to Ke ni Ki d.
ho’ųra-žesgege, warajirešųnųgają, yarege, égi hitokenįkížą
as is customary, they always call on someone for it, [I think,] and an old woman



Ai Ki nK KeLe. e w Ki K n Ki Ktt ne n. Ai noKo L.† Ai Ke
hikinąkre, e wagiganąkikjaneną. Hinųkra hįké
who is present, [it] I will put it.* Woman not

*the translation has, "I will put in her plate".
†after the syllable Ai, the letters noK are crossed out (having run out of space before completing noKo).



Ai d tti ni no ni Ke e dA n tti Ke.
hižą jinį, nųnįgé ešana jige.
[one] she did not come, but her only she came.



p. 77 —

ttAo K K. Ki Ki Li d. w o n Ko ni y Le Ke e rKe
Cokaga kikirižą* wa’ųnąkųnį, yarege, ésge
Grandfather a war prize he received, I believe, so

*Marino, for kikiri, gives the meaning, "to bring scalps" (originally heads).



w Ki K n Ki Ktt n Ae n e de. Ai to Ke niKi n K. xK nK dAe. e Ki.
wagiganąkikjanaheną," éže. Hitokenįknąka ǧaknąkše. Égi
I will put it," he said. The old woman she was crying. Then

*the translation has, "I will put in her plate", and after "will", an original "give" has been crossed out.



p. 78 —

we de. Ao dAe LeKe L. Ai L rA Ai tteAe lL Ktt n A wi n e de.
weže, "Hušerekra hirasá hiceprakjanahawiną," éže.
he said, "The bones also you will eat," he said.



Ao. ay Le de. de Ko loAo no r Ki Le de. de
"Ho," aíreže. Žegų ponozakireže. Že
"All right," they said. [Now] they cracked them.* [That]

*the translation adds, "as they ate".



Ai to Ke niKi. w lA A Ltt n K. Ai ttAo Ke L. w Ki nolo liKi d.
hitokenįk wapa harajanąga hicókera wakinųpikižą,
old woman head she was given, and his grandfather a sister,



p. 79 —

e Ai d w o nK deAe. e rKe xK nK deAe.
e hižą wa’ųnąkše. Ésge, ǧaknąkše.
she one of them she was. Therefore, she was crying.



wK ttA lL Ai Ki Ko n Ke w nK deAe. Ao deAe Le KL. ni Ke
Wąkcapra higigonąke, wanąkše. Hušerekra nįgé
Her brother as she was feasting on, [she did it].* Bone piece

*translated as, "she cried". The word "cried" is written over another word which cannot now be read.



Aoyi xeAe we K L Ki n i A Ai w o nK deAe. no ni Ke
hoixéwe karaginą’į hahi wa’ųnąkše, nųnįgé
to get she wanted there [she did it,] but



p. 80 —

di Ke e w lA A L tt tti Le de. e Ki.
žigé e wapa harajajireže. Égi
[again] she head she was called on for. And



A ntt w tteAe li Le K tt. Ai to Ke niKi n KeLe we de. Ao Lo L
haną́c wacepiregają. Hitokenįknąkre weže, horora
all [they consumed it.] The old woman she said, the flesh



dA n Lo tt n K. we de. Ao deAe Le KL. A K L ni Ktt n Ae n.
šana rujanąga weže, "Hušerekra hakaranikjanaheną.
[only] she ate, and she said, "The bones I want to take home.



p. 81 —

Ai L Ai teKe dA n. Ai Ke t xoAo Lo Kini n e de.
Hira hitekšaną. Hįké taxoroknįną," éže.
Teeth they ache. Not I cannot grind them,"* she said.

*the word "grind" seems to be written above another word that cannot now be read.



w K L ni L. Lo xi Ai Le doAo no n. wo Ki Ko te e.
"Wagaranira roǧi hirešųnųną, wogigó tee,"
"To take any home forbidden [it is customarily,] feast this,"



p. 82 —

a n K. Ai ttAo Ke L. i ni A ni L. Ai ow n K.
ánąga. hicókera ini hanira hi’ųanąga
he said. [His grandfather]* stone he had he used, and

*the translation has, oddly enough, "the old woman".



Ao deAe Le KL. Ki Ki xotto K n K. ni lA n. Ai Lo Ki Ki dow n K.
hušerekra kikixcukanąga nipana hirogigižuanąga
the bones he pounded up, and soup he mixed it for her, and



ttAe li Ki Ki de. de Ko Ai Ai wi doKo ni de. e Ki di
cebigigiže. "Žegų hihiwišguniže," egíži,
he made her eat it up. ["Now] I think that this is all we shall do," he said, so,



p. 83 —

Ao. ay Le de xA w ni A ttiy K Ly Le de. Ai Ko
"Ho," aíreže. Xawanį́ hajiakaraireže. "Higų
"Ho," they said. To disappear they did it all at once. ["Yet]



di Ke Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ke de Ai ni L e tt Ai Ki di.
žigekjanaheną," higeže, hiníra. Éja higiži,
it will happen again," he said, his brother. [There] [when he arrived,]



t ni. Ai Ki Ki Ai ra de Ai ni L. t ni Ao L. Ai d.
tani higigihis’aže. Hiníra tanihúra hižą
[he smoked] as he was wont to do. His brother pipe a



p. 84 —

Ao dow n K. Ao ty n K Ai Ki Ki ra de. e tt tt Ko
hožuanąga hotainąga higigis’aže. Éja jagú
he filled, and [he lit it, and] [he did as he was wont to do.] [There] what



Ko o Ai Le Ktt n Ae K. Ao Ki LK ra de tt rKe Ai Kette L
kų’ų hirekjanahega, hogiraks’aže. Jasgé hikjera
[while] they were going to do to him, he would tell him of it. What [he will do]



deKe Ao Ki LK ra de. Ke ni. A te diAi diAi Kini. ttAe Kitti L.
ške hogiraks’aže. kéni hątešišikni, cekjįra
also he would tell him. Before before his bad dream, the first time



p. 85 —

Ai ni L. A tt tte K e Ki. Ld o Ktt ne a n K
hiníra hajájega. Égi raš’ųkjane ánąga
his brother when he saw. And when he said he would name him, [and]



e Ki. we de. Ki Ki di. Ai ttAo deKe. w d
égi weže, kigiži, "Hicųšge, wažą
then he said, when he got home, "My grandson, something



y Le n. Al te e. w leAe wi n. Ld ni
yaréną. Hąptee wapewiną, raš
I think. Today I was thinking, a name you



p. 86 —

Koo Ki di y Le n. w Lo ttoKo ni deKe. w Kidi K Ki
k’ųgiži, yaréną. Warócgųnį́ ške wąkšiki
I'll give, I thought. In strange places sometimes people



tty Le doAo no n. ni L tti Le Ki di tt Ko ay Le Kette de e de.
jairešųnųną. Nirajiregiži, jagú airekježe?" éže.
one sees. When they call you, what they could say?" he said.



p. 87 —

Ao ni Ko Lo xotto tti Kette n. a n K. lAe L. w KL. Ao w Koxo Le
Honikoroxucjikjeną. ánąga pera wągra howagoxre
"Let me look at you," he said, and his face [above] when he shoved it,



Ai Ki di. tt litti Ao Lo xotto dAe. Ao Ao. Ai ttAo deKe Ai L
higiži, jąpic horuǧúcše. "Hohó hicųšgehira,
when done, he opened his eyes he looked at him. "Oh! Oh! my grandson,



A K w d wK K L Aiye rKeyi d e de. Ai ttAo deKe.
hakawažą wąk karahiesgeižą," éže. "Hicųšge,
what man a promising one," he said. "Grandson,



p. 88 —

Ke Le tto reAele Ao Lo xotto n di L. Ai ni Ky Le Kette n.
'Kerejųsep Horuǧúc Nąžįra' hinigairekjeną,"
'Blackhawk He Looks at He Stands' they will call you,"



e K te we L Ki. ttA lo ni A. w Ke tt. Ke L tto reAe li d.
ega, tewéraki, cábonį́ha wągéja kerejųsepižą
as he said it, [unexpectedly,] on his head above a blackhawk



i tt niKi n di de. w Ao liAi xitti e Ki. te e.
ijanįk nąžįže, wahopįxjį. Égi tee
crying he stood, with a good voice. And this



p. 89 —

Ai no l A L. A te diAi diAiKi dA n. di Ke A Ae Le Ki i tt niKi deAe.
hinųbahąra hątešišikšaną. Žigé hąheregi ijanikše.
the second time he dreamed bad. Again in the night he cried out.



i ni L. Ko Lo r n K. no xoAoyi tte tt Ao tti de. di Ke
Inira kurusanąga nųxoijeja hojiže, žigé
His stones he took, and on the side of his head he struck him, again



p. 90 —

rA ni Ke tt. ttAo K tt A a. Ai Ke de. Ao Ao.
sanįkeja. "Coka!" "jaha-á," higeže. "Hohó
on the other side. "Grandfather!" "What? Ugh!" he said to him. "Oh my, Oh my!



Ai ttAo deKe. A te Ai diAi diAiKi dA n. w r KrK L. Ai L t dA L
hicųšge, hątehišišikšaną. Waząksga hįra tašara
grandson, I had a bad dream. A white marten its fur singed



w A Ki dA n. Ai Ke ttA ni Ktt n Ae de Ai Ky Le K tt y A te n.
wahągišaną. Hįké canįkjanaheže higairegają, yahąteną,"
I must boil. Not I will not die they tell me, I dreamed,"



p. 91 —

e de. Ai Ao ttAo K. e liAi n tt Ko
éže. "Hiho coka, epíną. Jagú
he said. "All right grandfather, it is good. [How]



w noyi tteKe d Ao ni Koo Ai Le K tt. A ni Ki di. A Ko te Ktt n Ae K tt.
wanoicgežą honi k’ųhiregają. Hanįgiži, hakutekjanahegają,"
an animal [to hunt] they give you. In the morning, I will go after it,"



e de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. t niy K n K nK Ke L. a a Ki.
éže. Égi hainigíži, taniakanąkanąkera a’aki
he said. So in the morning, the hummingbird on each side of



p. 92 —

Ao Lo diAi K n K Le de. A Ko Ley d. Ao rK xAe teyi d
horušikanąga reže. Hagoreižą, hosgá xeteižą
he wore on his ears, and he went. Finally, prairie a big one



A Ai A xele lK tt. te we L Ki. w r KL. Lo K n de. Ki rA Ke tt
hahihaxepgają. Tewéraki, waząkra rokanaže. Kisakeja
he came in sight of. Unexpectedly, martens there were very many. In the center



p. 93 —

Ai d rA L Kede. di Ke ti n KeLe. A tty Le Ki di.
hižą sąrakše. Žigé tinąkre, hajairegiži,
one there was a white one. Again those around, as they saw him,



Ki ritti tti nK Ai Le Ki di w w Ke de. ttAo K wi L.
gisįc´ jinąk hiregiži, wawageže, "Cokawira,
to rise up they began [they did, so] he said to them, "Grandfathers,



A Ke Ao LK wi ni ne. t ni L Ai Ktt wi n wi Ke de
hąké horakwinįne. taníra hikjawiną," wigeže.
not don't tell on me. Tobacco [you shall do,"] he said to them.



p. 94 —

A Ao. A Ke Ao LK ni Ktt wi n m Le Koro te Ki
"Hąhó, hąké horaknįkjawiną. Mąregųs tégi
"All right," not let us not tell on him. As long as the earth here



Ai o wi L. A K t ni ay Le Ki di de rKe
hi’ųwira hąká 'tani' airegiži, žesge
we were, never 'tobacco' they call, [that]



Ai wi tteAe tt A K deAe. ay se de. e Ki Ao w Le Kette L deKe.
hiwicejahąkše," aíreže. Égi howerekjera ške
we got near to," they said. And they way he should go even



p. 95 —

Ki Lo Ko Ai Le de. to we t ni wo Ki do
giruko hireže. Towe tani wokižu
to open they did. On [tobacco] he filled



A Le de. ttAo K wi L. A Ki Li Ke Le Ki di. A Ke tt. A Ki deAK
hareže. "Cokawira, hakirikeregiži, hagéja hakišek*
as he went. "Grandfathers, when I come back, behind to crowd

*this probably should have been hakišjek (A Ki dtteK). The present spelling is anomalous.



Ai Ki Ki wiy tte. w wi Ke de. Ki rA Ke tt Ai L Ai de. n xitti nK deAe.
higigiwiaje," wawigéže. Kisakeja hirahíže. Nąxjįnąkše.
[you do,"] he said to them. In the center he got to him. He was sound asleep.



p. 96 —

n tteKe L. A xK tti K L K L mi K tt. e tt xitti
Nącgera haǧak jikarakara mįgają, ejaxjį
Its heart [to make a noise] [he could not help it] [he laid,] right at it



Kotto deAe. A LK K n K.* Lo liAi ni. Ao Ki too ne K tt
gucše. Hąrąkanąga rupini hogit’ųnegają,
he shot it. He groaned, and he turned himself over he turned himself over, but

*there is a period placed inappropriately after the second /K/.



di Ke rA ni Ke tt o Ke Le de. tt tti ne tt. K L Ki ni de.
žigé sanįkeja ’ųkereže. Jajineją karakiniže.
again on the other side [he did it.] Right away, he went.



p. 97 —

KiKi KiAiKi. a Ke Le de. Ke Le tto reAe lL. tt tti ne tt.
"Kik-kik" a kereže, kerejųsepra. Jajineją,
Kik-kik, he said as he went, the blackhawk. Already,



wK no K. Ai Lo xe Ao Ai de A ni tti Ao n Le.
wąknuka hiroǧe huhiže. "Haniji hunare.
the old man after him he came. "Catch him, come.



w Kidi Ki deAe deAe doAo no Ke. w Kidi Ki d. liAi xitti xAe te ni Ki Kiy n K.
Wąkšigi šešešųnųge, wąkšikižą pįxjį xetenįkigianąga
Human you always asked for, a human very good I raised, and



p. 98 —

Ai tt Ao w Le ni Ki Ki L. w ni AeK Ktti n. a nK deAe. owK Koo
hija howarenigigira. Wanihekjįną," ánąkše. ’Ųwąk’ų,
[there] I sent him over. You are not so bad now," he said. Finally,



i K nK tti Ao de. K tt. loAo detteAe Ao loAo xe tt. A Ki Li Ai Ai nl n Kede.
ikanąkjihuže. Gają pųšce hopoxeja, hakirihihinąpnąkše.
he swallowed him. But nose holes, he ran out.

*i-kanąk-jihu, "mouth - to place - to pass in". This does not necessarily mean that he was swallowed, but only taken into the mouth.



p. 99 —

t niy K n KnK Ke d. to w n Ao de. w Kono K di
Taniakanąkanąkežą towanahuže. Wąknuka ži
A hummingbird on it came. The old man [present there]



Ai Lo xe nK deAe. di Ki Ko L w tti Ao de. di Ki Ko. lo detteAe tt*
hiroǧenąkše. Žigígųra wajihuže. Žigígų pųšjeja
he sat with his back to them. Again he swallowed him. Again at his nose

*a period is inappropriately placed after the syllable /lo/.



p. 100 —

A Ki Li Ai Ai nl nK deAe. e Ki. Ai tt Ko de. te we L Ki. ttAi Lo lL.
hakirihihinąpnąkše. Égi hijaguže. Tewéraki, cirópra
he came on. Then he came home. Unexpectedly, the door



n xA xeAe te dKe Ay reAe we reAe we xitti de. e Ki.
nąxa xete ške haisewesewexjįže. Égi
logs big [also] it was very much piled against it. And



ttAo Lo Ke tt dKe A w rotto w o tte de. di Ke
corogeja ške hawasųc wa’ųježe. Žigé
inside [also] to push he was doing it. Again



p. 101 —

Ao we xo Le Ai K tt. e tt. ni Ke Ai Lo ad tti Ke Le Ki di.
howe xurehigają, éja nįgé hiru’ašjikeregiži,
[towards] when he blew, there place he made a little opening, and



e tt. Aoy K w nK deAe. ttAi Lo leLe Ki Ki Ko Lo xitti de. Aow
éja hoikawanąkše. Ciropregi gikoroxjįže. "Howá,
there on in he went. At the door [he struck hard.] "Oh!



p. 102 —

Ai Loyi Le. w no diAi diAi Kitti w ow KeLe. ttiAi Lo lL.
hiroire wano, šišikjį wa’ųwąkre. Cirópra
bad flesh, bad! bad! it is. My door



w i Ai Ki Ki Ktt n Ae. tt Ko w d rA KLe
wa’i higigikjanahe. Jagú wažą sagere
bloody you must have made. [How] [things] [fleetness]



e K rKe xitti ra A Le. Ai Ko e tt A ni ttili diAi K tt.
egasgexjįs’ahare. Higų éja hanįjįp," šigają.
you used to talk about. [Still] [there] you should have caught him," [he told him.]



p. 103 —

Ai diKi tt L. Ao tt Lo K n y Le. Ke Le tto reAele
"Hišgijára.* Hoją́ rokana yaré. 'Kerejųsep
"And you are another. [Well,] very much I thought. 'Blackhawk

*< hį-, "you"; ške, "also"; hijąra, "another one".



Ao Lo xotto n di L y Ke L. ni Ke de e.
Horuǧúc Nąžįra', yagera. Nįgé žee
Looking He Stands', I called you. [Piece] [this]



tteAe Ko no w Kini Ke tt Ai o Ktt n Ae y Le w Ae. di Ke
cekų nųwąknįkeja hi’ųkjanahe yarewahe. Žigé
right at the start to run he would use it it is why I called him that. But



p. 104 —

de tt Ke Le. t niy K n K nK Ke L. Le Lexe Ai. Ao tti de Le Ktt n Ae aK de.
žejąkere, taniakanąkanąkera rereǧhi. Hojišerekjanahe," akše.
now it is, hummingbirds bunches. He will be another," he was saying.



A Ki mi K n K. A n xoKow Kede.* L dtt Ki di. ttAi Lo lL. Lo deKe de.
Hagimįganąga hanaxgųwąkše. Rašjągiži, cirópra rušgeže.
He went to bed, and he listened to him. When he got through, the door he untied.

*originally spelled A n xowow Kede, but a /K/ was written over the first /w/.



n xA n Ki deKe Ai tt Ai w do de e tt Kede.
Nąxanąki ške hija hiwažuže. Ejakše.
The logs also there he removed. There it was.



p. 105 —

wo Ki roKo liAi de. rK xitti de. loAo dette L. doAo ttini rKe.
Wogizok, pįže. sgaxjįže. pųšjera šujnisge,
[Truly,] it was handsome. It was very white, its nose kind of red,



Ai dtt i A L. doAotto e Ki. Aoy K w n K. i ni L.
hišjá’ihara šuc. Égi hoikawanąga inira
its eyelids red. Then he went in, and the stone



Lo r n K. te mi K tt no xoAoyi tte tt Ki diKi Kitti de.
rusanąga te mįgają, nųxoijeja gišgįkjįže.
he took, and he as he lay, [at his ear] he struck him.



p. 106 —

Lo liAi ni Ao Ki too Le K tt. di Ke rA niKi Ke tt. Ai ttAo deKe
Rupini, hogit’ųregają, žigé sanįkeja. "Hicųšge,
He turned over, he turned himself, but again on the other side. "Grandson,



tt. tt rKe L L Ki Li de. e de. ttAo K.
ja? Jasgera rakiriže?" éže. "Coka,
what? How you came home?" he said. "Grandfather,



p. 107 —

A Ko te Ke tti ni A ni A Ki Li K tt e de. Ai ttAo deKe Ao to xotto tti Kette n.
hakutegejįnį, hanihakirigają," éže. "Hicųšge, hotuxucikjeną,"
as I went after it, I brought it back," [he said.] "Grandson, let me look at it,"



e de. Ae L. Ao xii L. w KL Ao w Koxo xiKi di.
éže. Hera hox’įra wągra howakoxigiži.
he said. [His hair] his wrinkles up he shoved it.



Ki Lo Ar riKi ttAi Lo lL. A tt Ki di. we de. Ai ttAo deKe
Giruhasgi, cirópra, hajagiži, weže, "Hicųšge,
When he opened, the door, when he saw it, he said "Grandson,



p. 108 —

w Kono A ni K tt. w A liAi xitti de Le K tt. wo midi
wąknu hanigają wahapįxjįže. Regają womįž´
old man I am, and it would make such a good fur. [To go and] mat



Ai Ki o Le. e de. ttAo K. A Ke tee ni
hiki’ųre," éže. "Coka, hąké t’enį́
make for me," he said. "Grandfather, not to kill



n i ni A tte n. Ai L t dA L. Ao L A Kette Ai L A te n tt tti ne tt
ną’įnįhajeną. hįratašara, horahakje, hirahąteną." Jajineją,
I am not trying. Its hair singed, you would boil it, you dreamt it." Right away,



p. 109 —

leAe tto too Le de. A t dA L.* Ai de. di Ki Ko de rKe
pejot’ųreže. Hatašara hiže. Žigígų žesge
he built a fire. To singe he did. Again the same

*an original /tt/ was altered to read /t/.



Ai de. A Ke ni Ke niKi Ao Lo ttl ni de. w i L
hiže. Hąké nįgénįk horojąpnįže, wa’ira
he did. Not a bit he did not waste, the blood



deKe. Ao t xoAo L deKe. de Ke tt tti ne tt.
ške, hotaxura ške. Žege jajineją,
even, the burnt parts even. Again right away,



p. 110 —

w Ke Ao Koo de. no ni Ke Ai Ke Ki o ni de.
wake* hok’ųže, nųnįgé hįké ki’ųnįže.
food he gave him, but not he did not accept.

*this appears to be the word for raccoon.



x K Ki ni de. di Ke n w diAi no ni Ke.
Ğakinįže. Žigé nąwą ši, nųnįgé
He was crying already. Again to sing he asked, but



A Ke o ni de. Ai L teKe deAe e de. di Ke.
hąké ’ųnįže. Hiratekše, éže. Žigé
not he did not do. He had a tooth ache, he said. Again



Ki Ko L. e di Ki Ko A tti Le de. ttAo ni
gigora e žigígų hajíreže. Coni
the feasters [they] the same ones they came. Before



p. 111 —

tt rKe L Ai Ko di Ke de rKe de. di Ki Ko.
jasgera higų žigé žesgeže. Žigígų
as [just] again it was the same. Again



Ai t ni A L. A te diAi diAiKi deAe. ttA loAo xiKi rK L.
hitaníhąra hąté šišikše. Capoǧík sgara
the third time dream he had a bad one. Fisher* white one

*the translation has "a White fisher" set off in parentheses.



Ao A Kette e de. di Ki Ko. A Ko Ai de. di Ki Ko
hohąkje, éže. Žigígų haguhíže. Žigígų
he wanted to boil, he said. Again he went after it. Again



p. 112 —

e Le de. ttoAo ni tt rKe L. no ni Ke te e
ereže, coni jasgera, nųnįgé tee
it was, before as, but this



di Ke Ai L tty L. Lo K n de. t ni A i K nK K tt
žigé hirajaira rokanaže. Tanihą ikanąkają,*
again [more so] it was a greater one. Three times after he was swallowed,

*< i-kanąk-gająi, "mouth"; kanąk, "to put"; -gają, "after".



ttiAiye tt Ki de. di Ki Ko. Ai K rKe de. tt rKe ttoAo ni Ai L. Ai Ko
ciejagiže. Žigígų higasgeže. Jasgé conihira, higų
he got home. Again it was the same. As he did before, [still]



p. 113 —

di Ke Ai tto l A L. A te diAi diAiKi deAe. m ttAo rK L.
žigé hijopahąra hąté šišikše. Mącosgara
again the fourth time dream he had a bad one. [Polar Bear]*

*this is mistranslated as, "White Feather", which is Mąšusgara (m doAo rK L.).



Ao A Kette. Ai A te de e de. di Ki Ko. tee Ai de.
hohąkje hihątéže, éže. Žigígų t’ehiže.
he would boil he dreamed, he said. Again he killed it.



p. 114 —

Ai Ly tty L xitti* Lo K n xitti de. te tt Ki xitti e K nK Ki Le ra de.† A ttA Ke Le xitti
Hiraijairaxjį rokanaxjįže. Tejąkixjį ekanąkires’aže. Hacakerexjį,
Very much more it was greater. Very often he was swallowed. With great effort,

*a period was mistakenly placed after the syllable /L/.
†for i K nK Ki Le ra de.



Lo Kd Le Ai Le de. di Ke. Ki Ko Ai Le de.
rugǫšare hireže. Žigé gigo hireže.
[he missed him by grabbing] [they did.] Again feast they made.



Ai ttAo Ke L dKe xK doAo no L dKe a n K.
Hicókera ške ǧakšųnųra ške ánąga
His grandfather [also] he had his usual cry, [also] and



p. 115 —

di Ke Ai to Ke ni KL dKe xK no ni Ke
žigé hitokenįkra ške ǧak, nųnįgé
[again] the old woman also she cried, but



w lA A Ltt deAe. e Ki. de e di Ko de.
wapa haracše. Égi tee žigųže.
head he called on. And [this] thus it was.



Ao xtt no K Ai xitti di. Ai ni L. t ni Ai K L Ki tte de.
Hoxją nokahixjįži hiníra tani hikarakiježe.
Evening regularly his brother smoke he would take him.



e tt w d wi ttA tii Ao Ki L LK ra de. di Ke.
Éja wažą wicat’į hokiraraks’aže. Žigé
There [things] [he described] he would give him pointers. Again



p. 116 —

Ai de. Ai rAo Ki tti. di Ki Ko Ai ni o tt Ktt n Ae n. tee ni Ki
hiže. "Hisųkiji, žigígų hini’ųjakjanaheną. T’enįgi,
he went. "My little brother, again he will try you. Not until he kills you,



dA n Ki liAi Kette w Ki o nK dA n. w Ki no lL tee w L Ke
šana gipįkje. Waki’ųnąkšaną. Wakinųpra t’ewarage,
[only] he will feel satisfied. Thus he is. His brothers you have killed, so



p. 117 —

di Ke Ai ni Ke Ktt n Ae L. di Ki Ko Ai Ly tteAe L. wo ttAe xiAi
žigé hinigekjanahera. Žigígų hiraicera wocexi
again he is going to ask you. Again a greater one to overcome



de Le Ktt ne n. e tt. w xoAo liAi ni w L tti Le Ao Ki L ttL.*
šerekjaneną. Éja waxopį́nį warajire hokirajra
[you will go.] There spirits [various] all kinds

*the /tt/ syllabic character is missing its crossbar.



p. 118 —

m Ao ttK dA n. Ai noKo K n ni diAi Ktt n Ae n.
mąhujakšaną. Hinųk kaną šikjanaheną.
they are being ended. Woman to marry you he will tell.



de e. Ai to Ke niKi. Ai tt. w lA Lotto
Žee hitokenįk hija wapa ruc
[This one] old woman there head to eat



L Ki Ki L tt L. de e. Ai noKo w Ai L. w Kdi KL. m Ao tt Ai n KL.
ragigirajara, žee hinųkwahira wąkšíkra mąhujahinąkra.
that you made, she her daughters people she is killing.



eyo w Le ni diAi Ktt n Ae n. w Lo xl l ni Le ni
Eoware šikjanheną. Waruǧapanire
To go you he will ask. To take a Warbundle you



diAi Ktt n Ae n. de e Ai d A ni L. e tt
šikjanheną. Žee hižą hanira éja
he will ask. [This] one that belongs to me there



tte n. ttA w Ke Le L. Ao Ki rA Ke tt. ni KttK Ko Lo ni Ki d. w Kx dA n.
jeną. Cawakerera hokisakeja nįkjąkoronįkižą wagaxšaną.
it is. The shield in the middle a little child's body it is painted.



p. 120 —

e Ki. n m ttAe leAe dA L xoAo no ni Ki de Le n. de e e
Égi nąmącepešara xununįkižereną.* Žee e
And baldheaded club a small one it is. These them

*< xununįk-ižą-hereną.



A ni L tte. Lo xi Ktt n A no ni Ke. de Ko ey ni L tte.
haniraje. Roǧikjanaha, nųnįgé žegų eaniraje,"*
take with you. He will object, but [thus] take it anyway,"

*< e-hanira-aje.



e de. A ttA Ke Le tee wi n. e rKe. n ni K w Ki ni n.
éže. "Hacakere t’ewiną. Ésge, nanikawaginįną.
he said. "With great effort he killed me. So, he is afraid of you already.



p. 121 —

e rKe. xA lee tee ni Lo Ko xitti w owK dA n.
Ésge, xap’é t’enį́ rokoxjį wa’ųwąkšaną."
So, right away to kill you wishing [he does it."]



e Ki. Ko de. Ai tt Ki Li Ki di. tt tti ne tt.
Égi guže. Hija kirigiži, jajineją
Then he came home. [There] when he got back, right away



A Ae Ki di di Ke. we de. Ai ttAo deKe. Al reAe Lette
hąhegiži, žigé weže, "Hicųšge, hąpsérec
at night, again he said, "My grandson, all day



p. 122 —

w leAe wi n w d y Le n. e de. A.
wapewiną. Wažą yaréną," éže. "Hą,
I thought. Something I thought," he said. "All right,



Ai Ke de Ai ttAo deKe. ttAe Ke tt deKe. w Ko tte L.
higeže. "Hicųšge, cégeja ške wagujera
he responded. "My grandson, in the beginning [also] moccasins



ni Ki to ttA Ki ni Ae L. de tt K. A Ke
gitucaki nihera. Žejąga hąké
you to sew I used to. But now not



p. 123 —

w d L Ai d A Ki liAi ni K tt. w d niKi
wažąra hižą hagipįnįgają. Wažą nįk
[things] [one] [I am not good at.] [Thing] [little]



deKe. to ttini Ki Ki A ni Ae Le dKe. te L Ki Li K.
ške tucnigigi hanįhé, rešge terakiriga,
[also] to cook for you I used to, now when you get home,



n Ki K L L. w Lotto L Ki Kow n K. di Ke L Ki Ko Lo ttAK L tt ne.
nąkikarara warúc ragigoanąga žigé ragikorocakrajane.
[you hunt] [food] [you feast, and] again you have to sew for yourself.



p. 124 —

A[i] ttAo dKe. A Ke Ay liAi ni n. Ai noKo L K n Ki di
H[i]cųšge, hąké haipįnįną. Hinųk rakąnąkiži,
Grandson, not I don't like it. Woman you should marry,



y Le n e de. ttAo K A ttAi tt w KidiKi
yaréną," éže. "Coka, hacį́ja wąkšik
I think," he said. "Grandfather, where people



ni Ke w d K tt. Ai noKo A K n Ki Kette de e de.
nįgé wažągają, hinųk hakąnąkikježe?" éže.
[place] any, that woman I should marry?" he said.



p. 125 —

A K a do Ai ttAo deKe. w Kdi KL. ttAo xitti n. Ao Ki Kixi
"Hąka-ažu, Hicųšge, wąkšíkra coxjįna hogįgį́x,
"No, Grandson, people many around about,



no ni Ke. Ai noKo L. Ki ttAy tt xitti Ae ttA n. e dA n
nųnįgé hinųkra gicaijaxjį hecaną. Ešana
but the woman I choose [?]. They only



Ai noKo liAi Ai Le n. doAo Lo xoAo Lo Ki di. rA niKi
hinųk hiréną. Šuruxurugiži, sanįk
women [good] they are. If you can get her, towards



p. 126 —

wiy xele Ao Le Ki. Ai to Ke ni Ki d. ttAi n. no liAi wi Ai noKo
wiaǧephuregi, hitokenįkížą ciną. Nųpiwi hinųk
the rising sun, an old woman she lives. Two women



Ai n. Ai noKo liAi L. e dA n Ae Le Le n.
hiną. Hinųk pįra ešana herereną.
she has. Women [good ones] they only they are.



p. 127 —

w Le rA KL dKe Lo K n xitti Ai Le n. de e
Waresakra ške rokanaxjį hiréną. Žee
Workers also very much they are. They



Ai ttAo dKe Ai L ni Ki LK Ai Le n. e de. m n KLe.
hicųšge, hiranikirak hiréną," éže. "Mąnąkre
grandson, your mates they are," he said. "Over the earth



w Lo Ko nK no ni Ke. w Lo daK nK dA n. e de. Ao ttiy.
warugųnąk, nųnįgé waruš’aknąkšaną," éže. "Hojiá,
they are wanted, but they fail to get them," he said. "All right,



p. 128 —

Ai dtt Ke y o ttA Kette Ko ni e de. e Ki. Ai Ki Ko Lo Ao de.
hišją́ge, ya’ųcákjegùni," éže. Égi hikikorohože.
[well,] I'll try for them," he said. Then he got ready.



A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. Ai dotto xii L. a xoyi tt Lo Koxo
Hąké wažįrukanahinįže. Hišjox’ira aǧoija rugóx
He became very happy. His wrinkled face at the back of his head [he raked it back]



Lo riKi tt n K. Ay reAe Lette w di Ki deAe Le de. Ay ni K tt. w A rAele.
rusgijanąga haįserec wažįgišereže. Hainigáją, wahasep
he tied, and all night he worked on something. In the morning, a black fur



p. 129 —

w i d Ki o tteAe li de. wo Lo reKe. Ai de. e Ki.
waižą ki’ųcepiže. Woruske hiže. Égi
a blanket he made ready for him. Porcupine quills* [he made.] And

*"porcupine quills" is written over an original "bells".



Ki rA Ke tt deKe. w iy L xK li d Ki K nK deAe. e Ki.
kisakeja ške waiaraxgapižą gikanąkše. Égi
in the center [also] a blanket ornament he put on for him. And



p. 130* —

o Ko lA reAe Ai tto li Ke dKe. w ttA wx xeAele li wi
okopase hijopike ške wacawaxebiwi
on the corners four of them also eagle tail feathers

*this page was omitted from the microfilming. Special thanks to the American Philosophical Society for supplying a copy of this page.



Ao Ki rA Ke tte Le. w wi Loyi deKe de. e Ki. A Ao Ai ttAo deKe.
hokisakejere* wawiroiškeže. "Égi hąhó, hicųšge,
[that were from the center] he tied them on. "And now, my grandson,

*< hokisak-eja-here.



p. 131 —

Ai Ko Lo Ao ni Ki Ki Kette n e de. K tt K. wo Lo diAi KL. Lo A xitti
hikorohonigigikjeną," éže. Gająga, worušikra rohąxjį
I will get you ready,"* he said. Then wampum a lot

*the word "Will" is lined out with a single horizontal line, although it is appropriate to the translation.



n lii Ki Ki de. e Ki. Lo Ki Ke we Ki Ki de. Ai Lo ttl lKe deKe
nąp’įgigiže. Égi rokikewegigiže. Hirojąpge ške
he put around his neck. And he painted his face. He would size him up, but



Ai Ke Ai L Ki LK ni de e ra de. Ai Ko A Ki ttK ttK de.
hįké hirakiraknįže, es’áže. Higų hagicgacgaže.*
not he would not look to suit him, he would say. So he tried different ways.

*a hapaxlegomenon — cf. cga, "to try, test" (Marino).



p. 132 (Notebook 50) —

o nK Koo. wo Lo diAiKi reAe lL. Ao tto liAi wi n liiy n K.
’Ųnąk’ų worušik sepra hojopíwina p’įanąga
Finally, wampum black ones four of them [he did well, and]



e Ki. Lo Ki Ke we L. ttAo we xitti A xi xi Ki Ki de e Ki
égi rokikewera cowéxjį haxixigigiže.* Égi
[then] he put on paint just a little he touched up here and there. And

*a hapaxlegomenon — cf. haxi, "to ripen". Since -gigi is a causative, the whole would mean literally, "to cause to ripen up here and there", where touching up with paint is likened to ripening.



p. 133 —

m Kx Ai Ki Koo Koo Ki Ki de. e Ki Ai Lo ttl lK tt. e Le de.
mąkáx hikik’ųk’ųgigiže. Égi hirojąpgają, ereže.
mud he used on him. And he looked at him, it was it.



A A. Ai ttAo deKe e Le n. Ai noKo Ki liAi Le
"Hąhą́ hicųšge, éreną. Hinųk gipįre,
"Now grandson, that is it. Women it is good,



liAi L ni n. e de. e Ki we de. Le
pįraniną," éže. Égi weže, re
you are desirable," he said. And he said, to go



p. 134 —

Ko Lo Ao K tt. Ai ttAo deKe w Lo xl lL Ai d A ni L Le.
korohogają, "Hicųšge, Waruǧabᵉra hižą hanirare.
when he was ready, "Grandson, Warbundle a you must take with you.



wo Lo xo tt n K. A ttA tte K liAi n tte Ki di. A ni L Le e de.
Woruxujanąga hacąjega pįnajegiži, hanirare," éže.
Look at them, and whichever one you think best, that take with you," he said.



A ni L. w Ke L. e tt tte Ki di e
Hanira wagera, éja jegiži. E
His brother that he mentioned, there it was. That



p. 135 —

Loro deAe Ai ttAo deKe tt rKe d doAo Loro deAe. e Ki di.
rúsše. "Hicųšge, jasgežą šurúsše?" egiži,
he took. "Grandson, what kind you took?" he said, so



Ao Ki LK deAe. diAi diAi diAi. Ai ttAo deKe. de e. w Lo x li de Le n.
hogirakše. "Ši ši ši, hicųšge, žee waruǧapižereną,*
he told him. "Here, here, here, grandson, that a Warbundle it is,

*< waruǧáp-ižą-hereną.



w K ttAK dA n. A Ke de e Ai noKo Ai Ki deAe Le
wakącąkšaną. Hąké žee hinųk hikišére
it is sacred. Not that women to court



p. 136 —

A ni oyi d Ae Le ni n. e de. Ai tt L. liAi xitti
hani’ųižą herenįną," éže. "hijąra pįxjį
one to be used it is not," he said. "Others very good



deKe Ai tt nK dA n. de e e Ai d
ške hija nąkšaną. Žee e hižą
[also] there there are. Those them one



A ni L Le a no ni Ke A Ke o ni de.
hanirare," a, nųnįgé hąké ’ųnįže.
take with you," he said, but not he would not do it.



p. 137 —

de Ko ttAo K ey ni te n. tt Ko toro Ki ni K tt.
"Žegų coka, eaniteną. Jagú tusginįgają.
["Now] grandfather, I have taken it already. So I will take it along with me.



w Lo xl lL Ai d. A ni n di Le Ktt n Ae K. A Ktt Ke Le Le K. A Ke
waruǧabᵉra hižą haninąžįrekjanahega hakjagererega, hąké
Warbundle one when he takes it up, when he puts it back again, not



p. 138 —

A Ly L ni Kette w o n K tt. e de. Ai ttAo deKe Ai rKe K tt
harairanįkje wa’ųnągają," éže. "Hicųšge, hisgegają,
[they will not go] it means," he said. "Grandson, it is so,



de deKe. e de.
žeške," éže.
that," he said.


Notebook 50: 138


p. 138 —
e Ki Le de. Ke ni A Li L ni. te we L Ki n Koyi d
Egireže.* kéni harirani, tewéraki, naguižą
Then he went. Before he went very far, unexpectedly, a road

*< égi-hare-že.



e Ki Ao tal tti nK deAe. Ao tti dA n xitti w oyi Le de. w Lo xeAe de.
égi hot’ąpjinąkše. Hojišanąxjį wa’ųįreže. Waruxéže.
there he came on to. Very lately it was made. He chased them.



p. 139 —

n Ki nK deAe. Ke ni wi riii n wo xeAe Le de. w KL.
Nąknąkše. kéni wis’ina woxereže. Wąkra
He started on a run. Before very long he caught up. Men



Ke Le lA ny d w owK deAe. A ntt. n m ttAe L. Ai d dA n
kerepanaižą wa’ųwąkše. Haną́c namącera hižąšana
ten there were of them. All warclubs each



p. 140 —

A ni Le de wK leAe dA L L Le Ki de. wi Lo nK K Koo.
hanireže. Wąk pešárara regiže. Wirunąkak’ų
they had. Men baldheaded [there they were.] He was following behind, when



w ttAo do L. we de. tt A a. A Ke w di
wacožúra weže, "Jáha-á, hąké wažį́
the leader he said, "Well! not something



dA wi ni ni di w d n y Le e de. Ai Lo nK K KeLe.
šawininįži? Wažąną, yaré," éže. Hirunąkakre
why don't some of you say? This was something, I thought," he said. The one ahead of him



p. 141 —

A Ktt lK tt. te we L Ki w Kidi Ki d. wi Lo nK K Kede tt Ko
hakjąpgają, tewéraki, wąkšikižą wirunąkakše. "Jagú
he looked back, and unexpectedly, a human he was following them. "What



Ai Ae Ktt wi de. w Kidi Ki d w Ko xA L wi n. A KeLe Ki owK dA n.
hihekjawiže? Wąkšikižą wągoxarawiną. Hagregi ’ųwąkšaną,"
we could say? A human he has caught up to us. Behind he is,"



p. 142 —

e de. A Ao w Kidi Ke e w lA K nK
éže. "Hąhó, wąkšige e wapaką́nąk
he said. "Ah, the humans they clever



Ai Le n e de. e Ki. Ai Ko Ai L Le xitti Ki di.
hiréną," éže. Égi higų hirarexjįgiži,
they are," he said. Then [still] after a short time,



we de. w ttAo do L. A Ao. de tt ny xitti e Ki
weže, wacožúra, "Hąhó, žejanaíxjį égi
he said, the leader, "Well then, about now here



t ni Ao Kodo Ktt wi n e de. e tt mi nK
tanihu kšukjawiną," éže. Éja mįnąk´
pipes let us fill," he said. There to sit down



p. 143 —

Ai Le de. tt ni Ao L.* w Ko Lo e Ai Le de. L xeKe dooKo.
hireže. [Tanihúra] wakurue hireže. Raxgeš’ok
they did. Their pipes to take out they did. Weeds with bulbs

*this should be t ni Ao L.



t ni Ao Ai Le de. L xeAe we Ke al. w xottoKo*
tanihu hireže. Raxéweké ’ap waxjuk
pipes [they were.] Oak leaves mashed

*originally, the transcriber attempted to put xottoKo on the prepenultimate line, but ran out of space, erased it, and placed it on the penultimate line.



p. 144 —

wo do Ai L n K w Ai Le de. A K K rKe de Ko w t lA n
wožuhiranąga wahireže. Hagagasgé, žegų watapaną
they filled them and [they did it.] Oh my goodness, [thus] odor



diAi diAiKi tti n Ki Le de. e Ki. Ai dKe. t ni Ao L.
šišik jinąkireže. Égi hišgé tanihúra
bad they made around. Then in turn his pipe



Ao Kdo de. A Ki di tt Ai tt lini de. ttAo we xitti Ai tt L
hokžuže. Hąkižija hijapnįže. Cowéxjį hijąra
he filled. None of them they could not look away. A few a few



p. 145 —

loo loow n K. Ai d Ai Ki rotto n Ki di. Ao Koo de. de Ko xitti
p’op’oanąga hižą hikisųcnąkiži, hok’ųže. Žegųxjį
he took puffs, and one he is next to him, he handed him. [Right away]



e ni tal tti Le de. lAe tti d t e Aiy n K.
e t’ąpjireže. Pejižą taehianąga
he he took he arose with it. A fire [he lit, and]



p. 146 —

w ri lA L reKe Ai tto too l n K Ao t lA n Ai de. e Ki
wazíparasgé hijot’ųpanąga hotapąną hiže. Égi
cedar* he put in, and the smoke and odor [he made.] Then

*the word "leaves" is inserted by a caret after this word.



Ai d w ttAo do n Ki di. e L Ao w rAK deAe.
hižą wacožú nąkiži, era howasakše.
one leader [who is,] his mouth he put it in.



Aowo e de. i Ke Le Ki di. Ai Ke.
"Howo," éže. I keregiži, hįké
"Ho!" he said. Mouth as he held it, not



xiAi w d Ai Ai nl Ai ni de. xiAi L n Ai de.
xi wažą hihinąp´ hinįže. Xira nąhiže.
smoke any to come out he did not make. The smoke he swallowed.



p. 147 —

A ntt de rKe Ai Le de. e Ki. di Ke
Haną́c žesge hireže. Égi žigé
All of them that they did. Then again



Ao t lA n Ki Ki L n K Ao K Ly Koo Ai Le de. w i nl lL Lo K n
hotapąnągigiranąga hokaraík’ų hireže. Wa’inąpra rokana
they smoked it, and to give it back they did. To thank him very much



p. 148 —

Ai Le de. Ai Ko te de Kow n K. Ai ta wi ny dKe liAi xitti doKo ni n.
hireže. "Higų težegųanąga hit’awinaišge pįxjįšguniną,"
they did. ["Yet] [this, and] if we were to die, we would be satisfied,"



ay Le de. e Ki. di Ke A ttiy K Ly Le de. A Ao
aíreže. Égi žigé hajiakaraireže. "Hąhó,
they said. Then again they went on. "Now,



e Ki xitti.* Ai Loyi too L A n ttK L wi L. Ao t w L tti Le Ki di
égixjį hiroit’ųra hanąckarawira." Hotá warajiregiži,
here at food go look for it." Some they were called on, and

*a period incorrectly appears after the syllable /Ki/.



p. 149 —

A Ly Le de. A tti tt A Ai roto Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ki di.
haraíreže. Hacį́ja hahi sto hirekjanahegiži,
they went. Where [at] to meet they were, and



w wo Ki LK Ki Le de. A Ai Le Ki di. w do Ki L ttiAi A ni A
wawogirakireže. Hahiregiži, wažokiracį haniha
they told them of it. When they got there, many different things to have with them



Ai Le de. w K xeAe te deKe. di Ke.
hireže, waką́ xete ške žigé
they did, snakes big even and



p. 150 —

w K n dKe xeAe te deKe. Ai Ko no ttiAi
wakąnąšge xete ške higų noci
frogs big even and owls*

*noci, "tree-dweller" is a euphemism for the dangerous spirits known as "Wood Spirits". See "The Twins Disobey Their Father, v. 2".



niKi dKe. de de rKe A ni A Ai Le de.
nįk ške. Žežesge haniha hireže.
little even. Such things to come with they did.



e tt w w roAo no L o xitti Le de. w w roAo no Ai Le Ki di. m L
Éja wawasunųra ’ųxjįreže. Wawasunųhiregiži, mąra
There [their roasting sticks] [they did much.] When they broiled, the ground



p. 151 —

A Ke w loxo Lo xoAo LoKo Ai L ni de. e rKe i ni
hąké wapoxroxorok* hiranįže. Ésge ini
not to stick them into they could not do it. So stones

*< wapoxra-ho-xorok.



xeAe te A Ko A Ai L n K. e tt wi w roAo no L.
xete hagų hahiranąga éja wiwasunųra
big [now] they went after, and there their broiling sticks



w w lo xi Le ra de. e Ki. wy Le de* Ko te w Kdi Ke.
wawapoxires’aže. Égi waíreže, "Koté, wąkšige
they would stick them. Then they said, "Say, the human

*the syllable /Le/ is inserted above the line.



p. 152 —

Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ai wi L. tt Ko Lotto ra Ki dKe. Ai Ki wx wi Le ay Le Ki di.
hicakorohihiwira, jagú rucs’agišge, higiwąxwire," airegiži,
our friend, what he used to eat, you had better ask him," they said, so



Ai Ki wx Ai Le de. ttA Att dAo no n. e de. tt rKe
higiwąx hireže. Ca hajšųnųną," éže. "Jasgé
to ask they did. Deer I used to eat," he said. "How



p. 153 —

Ai Le de. Ao Lo xotto L. Ai Ky Le Ki di we de. Ai L.
hireže, horuǧucra?" higairegiži, weže, "Hįra
it is, to look upon?" they asked him, and he said, "Their hair



xAo tti Le n. e Ki Lo Ko L. rK Ai Le n.
xojireną, égi rokora sga hiréną,
it is gray, and their bottoms white they are,



e Ki. rAi L ttA Ke d Ke Ai Le n. e de.
égi sira cagešage* hiréną," éže.
and their hooves forked they are," he said.

*a hapaxlegomenon, ? < ca-geš-šageca, "forked"; geš, "curved"; šage, "nails".



p. 154 —

A. r r tteKe w Ke n. A Ai Ai d
"Hą, zazácke, wagéną. Hahi, hižą
"[Hmm,]* [grasshopper,]† he means. Go, one

*the translator treats this as if it were ha, "skin", which he translates as "fur". It is a common exclamation.
†this is translated as "white", as though it was an expansion of the stem , "white, pale".



A K Ko wi Le. ay Le Ki di. Ai d. te Ki xA w ni
hagaguwire," airegiži, hižą tégi xawanį́
get it for him," they said, so one there brush



Ai Le K tt. e tt Ai d. A ni Ko de. n ttA w L.
hiregają, éja hižą hanįguže. Nącawara
[there was, and] there one he brought. Its ear



p. 155 —

A Ki Lo roAo w Lo Ko r n K. A K ni A Ki Li Le Ki di. A Ao
hagirusu warúkosanąga hakani hakiriregiži. "Hąhó,
he held [he gripped it, and] [he took it] [he came back.] "Now,



tee K L Ki Le A Ky Le Ki di. A Lo ttAe A K ni n di Le Ki di.
t’ekáragíre," hakairegiži, harucé hakáni nąžįregiži.
kill it for yourself," they told him, and sideways he held it [it was standing.]



a xo Ky tt. m L. Ai Ki rK Ai Le Ai de ta tal Ki Li K L n K.
Aǧogaija mąra higisgahirehiže. T’ąt’ąpkirikaranąga
In the side arrow he sent it though him. It jumped around for a bit, and



p. 156 —

e tt Ao w n n Ki Ke Le de. Ko L. A K w d w Ko tto liAi d.
éja howanąnagigereže. "Korá, hakawažą wagujopįžą,"*
[there] it rolled over. "Well, such a good shot,"

* < wa-guc-hopį-ižą.



ay Le de. Ai deKe de e Ko Lo xl l n K. Lo Ai L.
aíreže. Hišgé žee kuruǧapanąga ruhira
they said. [Also] [that one] he skinned it, and the ribs



p. 157 —

K w roAo no de. wi w roAo no L. de Ko my tt w loxo deAe.
kawasunųže. Wiwasunųra žegų maįja wapoxše.
he broiled. The broiling stick [thus] in the ground he stuck it.



wo Ki roKo xiAi xi Le de. m L A Ke w loxo
Wogizok xixireže. Mąra hąké wapóx
[Really] they marveled at him. The ground not to stick anything



Lo xAo LoKo ni n Koo de rKe Ai Ki de. e Ki e tt ny L n K.
ruxuruknįnąk’ų, žesge higiže. Égi Éja nairánąga
they could not, but he did. Then there they slept, and



p. 158 —

Ay ni Ki di. di K A ttiy K Ly Le de. Ai Ko t ni Ai K di
hainigíži, žigahajiakaraireže. Higų tanihig[i]ži,
in the morning, they started again. [Yet] every time he smoked,



wo Ki do ra de ay Le n. tto l A ny Le K tt A Ai Le de ay Le n.
wokižus’aže. aíreną. jopahąnairegają, hahíreže, aíreną.
he would give them some, it is said. In four (days), they got there, it is said.



p. 159 —

Ai Ko tt rKe Ai Le K de rKe Ai Le ra de.
Higų jasgé hirega, žesge hires’aže,
[Yet] [what] as they did, [that way] [they would do,]



w Lo ttA dKe. e Ki. A Ao e Ki Ae Le n
warúc ške. Égi, "Hąhó, égi hereną,"
meals even. Then, "Now! here it is,"



ay Le de. Ao rKe xeAe te xitti d A Ai A xele li Le de. n tte tt.
aíreže. Hosgé xetexjįžą hahihaxepireže. Nąjeja
they said. Valley a great one they came. In the center



p. 160 —

ttiAi nK L. xAo ttL nK deAe. K a e Le n. ay Le de. e Ki.
cinąkra xujranąkše. "Ká-a éreną," aíreže. Égi
the village it was visible. "That it is," they said. Then



wy Le de. e Ki my Ao tt A tt no ni Ke w o A tte n.
waíreže, "Égi maihojahaja, nųnįgé wa’ųhajeną.
they said, "Here we are being killed off, but we still come.



e Ki. Ai rK ntt Le Ki A Ai wiy n K. Ai Lo xeAe Ai L wi K tt Ke ni
Égi hisganącregi hahiwianąga hiruxehirawigają, kéni
Here in the center of this valley, we go and we are chased, and before



p. 161 —

Ao xA L Ai L wi n. lA ttL wy K w wi Ki di. Ai noKo L to xoAo Lo Ki Ktt ni A wi n.
hoxarahirawiną, pajra waikawawigiži, hinųkra tuxurugikjanihawiną.
we are caught, the edge if we can get back, the women we will obtain.



Ai Ko A ttiAi tt. Ai d Ai ta li L wi K. e tt
Higų hacį́ja hižą hit’ąpirawiga, éja
Already where [one of them] we are chased, there



p. 162 —

Ao xeAe Le Ai L wi doAo no n ay Le de. e Ki. Ai d Le de.
hoxerehirawišųnųną," aíreže. Égi hižareže.
we are caught," they said. Then they went on.



Ai Ko Ao rK L. Ao ta l n K. w Kd de. di Ki d Le Ki di
Higų hosgara hot’ąpanąga wakšąže. Žigižaregiži,*
He had no more than the valley he entered, and he turned back. Another one went, but

*< žigé-hižare-giži.



de rKe Ai de. w ttAo do n K dA n. Ai tt
žesge hiže. Wacožunąka šana hija
the same he did. The leader only [there]



p. 163 —

Ai L tty L niKi Ao w Le de. A Ko Le d Le de.
hirajaira nįk howareže. Hagoréžą, reže,
[more] [little] he went. Finally, he went,



w Kidi Kn KeLe. de Ko Le Ki di de Ko de. Ao Ao
wąkšiknągere. Žegų regiži, žegų́že. "Hohó,
the human. [Thus] he went, and [thus it was.] "Oh my,



de Ko Ki n K tt a nK deAe. Ko L t ni L
žegų ginąkają," ánąkše. "Kora, taníra
[thus] he is a goner," they were saying "[(Exclamation)] tobacco



p. 164 —

deKe too L Le diAi liAi K tt t ni L woyi niKi Ktt n Ae
ške t’ųrare šipigają taníra woinįkjanahe,"
also to have left he ought, anyways the tobacco [it will be a regrettable loss,"]



ay Le de. de Ko de. Ai tt Ai Ki di. te we L Ki
aíreže. Žegų́že. Hija higiži, tewéraki,
he said. Thus it was. There [when he arrived,] [unexpectedly,]



Ai noKo L no liAi wi Ki xeAe w[e]Ke A[i] nK wi de. ttAi do n di Ke Le tt
hinųkra nųpiwi kixewek h[i]nąkwiže. Cišunąžįkereja
women two to comb [they were.] On the frame of the tent



p. 165 —

Ao tti de. ni to K n A tti wi n. tt Ko
hojiže. "Nį tukąną hajiwiną, jagú
he struck. ["You] to court [we came,] [how]



Ai Ko L xA liwi ni e de. K tt Ai to Ke ni Ki d.
higų raxapiwini," éže. Gają hitokenįkížą
but you don't say anything," he said. And an old woman



e tt Ki diAili tti Le Ai de. w n ay L n K.
éja kišipjire hiže. "Waną́," airánąga
[there] knocked down he did. "Oh!" they said, and



p. 166 —

a K L ttK nK Ai Le de. de Ko Aiy n K. A Ki Li Ai Ai nl deAe.
akarajganąk hireže. Žegų hianąga hakirihihinąpše.
to pull out they did. Thus he did, and he came on out.



Ko te A Ki Li Ai nl lK a n Kde. Ai deKe Ai noKo n KLe
"Koté, hakirihinąpga," ánąkše. Hišgé hinųknągere
"Say, he has come out," they were saying. Also the women



p. 167 —

wy Le de. A A Ai Ki xeAe w[e]Ke Ai Lo dtty dKe Ai K Ly rA Ki Kette n.
waíreže, "Hąhą, hikixewek hirušjąišge, hikaraisagikjeną.
they said, "Well, combing when we get through, we can kill him.



A ttAo w Ke Le Kette de ay Le de. w K tt n K di n tteKe ta [K]
* deAe.
hacora wakerekježe," aíreže. Wakąjanąkaži nącget’a[k]še.
he can't get away anyway," they said. The Thunders [at least] they were worried.

*the letter here looks like /n/, but it cannot be because it is followed by /deAe/, which can only follow a terminal consonant. The proper spelling should be n tteKe taK deAe. The contemporary form of the word recorded by Miner, is nącgestak.



p. 168 —

A ro Ai xitti m ni Ko Ae de. A K K rKey d. no wK liAi K tt
Hasuhixjį mąnįgųheže. Hagagasgeižą, nųwąk pįgają,"
Very slowly he was walking back. "Oh dear, to run [it would be good,"]



a nK dAe. Ai L Le xitti Ki Li K tt. A xl tti nK Ai Le de.
ánąkše. Hirarexjį kirigają. Haǧapjinąk hireže.
they were saying. [After a short time] he came out. To appear they did.



tt tti ne tt no wK Ai Le de. te e w tt K tt.
Jajineją nųwąk hireže. Tee wajagają,
Right away to run [they did.] Them when he saw them,



p. 169 —

Ki tte tteKe* Ki Li nK deAe e tt. Ao xA Ly Le de. n m tteAe L.
gijejék kirinąkše. Éja hoxaraireže. Nąmącera
to trot he started on. There they caught up to him. Clubs

*after /tte/, a syllable has been scribbled out.



A w a Ai Le K tt. ni Ktt Ko Lo ni Ki d. e tt Lo d dK niKi
hawa’ą́ hiregają. nįkjąkoronįkižą éja rošašaknįk
to raise they did, but a baby in a cradle there to kick and cry



p. 170 —

i tt niKi dAe de Ko A Ke Ao tti Ai L ni de.
ijanįkše. Žegų hąké hojihiranįže.
he cried. So not they did not strike it.



te we L Ki. K tt Ki n Ki ni de. di Key ta li Le de. Ai dK K
Tewéraki, gajągina kinįže. Žigeit’ąpireže.* Hišgaga
Unexpectedly, out a ways he was going. Again they went for him. This time

*< žigé-hat’ąpireže.



Ai tt ne L. Ao xeAe Le de. di Ki Ko Ki o de. di Ki Ko
hijanera hoxereže. Žigígų ki’ųže. Žigígų
the other one caught up. Again he did it to her. Again



p. 171 —

tti ni de. wK no K w Lo xe Ki ni de. Ae Ae
jiniže. Wąknuka waruxekinįže,* "Hehé,
[she did not come.] The old man he was already shouting at them, "[Exclamation,]

*< wa-haruxek-ginį-že, although Miner has for the stem, haruxók. While /e/ and /o/ are sometimes difficult to tell apart in the syllabary, in this case it is clearly an /e/.



w Ki dtt Ai Le Ktt n Ae n. Ki rAK wi n ne w KidiKi e e Ke L
wakišjahirekjanaheną. Gisakwiną. Ne wąkšige ekera,
you are in love with him. Kill him. You humans you always were wanting,



p. 172 —

w ni AeKe Kitti Ktt ni A wi n e de o n Koo. no Ki wK deAe. w too L nK deAe.
wanihekjįkjanihawiną," éže. ’Ųnąk’ų nųkiwąkše. Wat’ųranąkše.
now you weaken," he said. Finally, he started to run. He ran away from them.



Ao rA KeLe L. w KidiKi wi we wi n KeLe Ao rA KeLe L. de rKe
Hosakrera wąkšik wiwewįnąkre, hosakrera žesge
His fleetness human thought, fast that



Ai Ki rKe de. m L. Aoy Kd Ao we w Ki nK deAe. de tt K deKe.
hikisgeže. Mąra hoikša howewąkinąkše. Žejągašge,
[he was like.] The earth all over he ran from them. Finally,



p. 173 —

A Ai w Ko tte L. w too Le Ai Le de. de Ke
hahi, wagujera wat’ųre hireže. Žege
[after awhile,] their moccasins to leave them [they did.] [Again]



A Ai w tte L dKe w too Le Ai Le de.
hahi, wajera ške wat’ųre hireže.
finally, their skirts [also] to leave them [they did.]



K tt K A Ai roAo Lo roAo Lo ttAi Le de. e Ki K tt K.
Gająga, hahi, surusurucireže. Égi, gająga,
[Now,] at last, they went naked. Then, now,



p. 174 —

ttiAiy tt Ki de. ttiAi Lo le tt mi nK Ai nK Ai Le de.
ciajagiže. Ciropeja mįnąk´ hinąk hireže.
he went back to his home. At the door to sit [to make] [they were.]



A Ke Ao K wy L ni de. i ni L. Ko Loro riKi ni de. Ki diKi Kitti Ki ni de.
Hąké hokawairanįže. Inira kurusginįže. Gišgįkjįginįže,
Not they did not go in. The stones he took already. He struck him very hard,



p. 175 —

di Ke rA ni Ke tt. Ai ttAo deKe tt rKe L L Ki Li de.
žigé sanįkeja "Hicųšgé, jasgera rakiriže?"
again on the other side "My grandson, how [you returned?"]



w Ki do A Ki Li L. ttAo Lo leLe Ki nK dA n e de.
Wakížu hakirira coropregi nąkšaną," éže.
With them I came back at the door they are," he said.



p. 176 —

Ao e liAi n tt Ko Ai noKo tteAe[Ke] wi L Ao K w wi Le.
"Ho, epíną. Jagú hinųkce[k]wira, hokawawire.
"Oh! that is good. [How] my daughters-in-law, come in.



tt Ko Ki da Ke rK nK deAe. e K tt w Ky Le de. Ai Loyi Le
Jagú giš’akesganąkše." Egają, wagaíreže, "Hiroire
[How] we are nothing to be respected." As he said this, they said to him, "Homely



Ai dtt xii w dA d n KeLe. K tt K. w d
hišjá x’į wašašanąkre. Gająga wažą
face [skin] [you who are saying this.] Now [thing]



p. 177 —

diAi xitti Ai L Ki doo wi n. ne wy doo wi Ke tti ni. te de rKe
šįxjį hįragiš’’ųwiną. Ne waiš’ųwigejinį, težesge
a nice fix* you have put us in. You you are the cause of it, this condition

*wažą šįxjį seems to mean, literally, "something very fat".



w w wi n. w d Ao Ke we liAi A nK deAe.
wawawiną. Wažą hokewe hanąkše.
our being. [Something] to come in fit we are not [?].



doAo Lo doAo Lotto e Ki miy nK A nK wi n e de.
šurušuruc égi miąnąk hanąkwiną," éže.
Naked here sitting we are," she said.



w Kono n K. roAowe tt. Ao Lo ttK ttK K e tt. wy ni
Wąknunąka sųeja horucgącgąga. Éja wainį́
The old man in the back he felt around. There clothes



p. 178 —

Loro deAe. Ai tt Ai ttAo deKe Ao wy Le w Ki Ki Le
rúsše. "Hija hicųšgé, howaire wagigire,"
he brought. "There grandson, [go] hand them that,"



e de. Ai tt wo K Le Ai de. e Ki. wy ni L
éže. Hija wogarehiže. Égi wainį́ra
he said. There he handed them. Then the clothes



wo Ki w xoKo Ki L Ki Le de. w wo K K. wK no n K. wy ni
wogiwaǧukirakireže, wawogaga wąknunąka, wainį́
they put them on, those that he had given them the old man, [clothes]



wo K Ki. e Ki Ao K wy Le de. e Ki. tt tti ne tt.
wogagi. Égi hokawaireže. Égi jajineją
[when he gave them.] Then they came in. Then right away



Ai ni L. e tt Ao w Le de. t ni Ao L. Ao dow n K.
hiníra éja howareže. Tanihúra hoš’ųanąga
his brother [there] he went. His pipe he filled, and



Ai tt Ai Ki di. Ao tiy n K. A ni Ai Ki Ki de. e Ki
hija higiži, hotianąga hanihigigiže. Égi
there [when he arrived,] he climbed up, and [he took it.] Then



p. 180 —

Lo dtt Ki di. A Lo K n K n K. my tt Ki Li Ki di. e Ki
rušjągiži, harukąnąkanąga maįja kirigiži, égi
when he got through, he came down, and to the ground [when he returned,] and



di Ke Ao Ki tee tee de. w ni Ki Li Ki di Ao Ki L Ki di
žigé hogit’et’eže. Wanikirigiži, hokiragiži,
[again] he talked to him. That he had brought them back, he had told him, and



w i nl de. e Ki. we de. Ai roAo Ki tti te e di
wa’inąpše. Égi weže, "Hisųkiji, teeži
he thanked him. Then he said, "My little brother, this [at least]



p. 181 —

liAi doAo Lo xoAo Lo KeLe. no ni Ke. Ai Ko di Ke
šuruxurukre, nųnįgé higų žigé
it is good you accomplished it, but [still] again



e Ktt n Ae n. e tt xitti e xitti di Ke Ai ni Ki deAe Le Ktt n Ae n.
ejanaheną. Ejaxjį exjį žigé hinigišerekjanheną.
he will say it. Probably himself again he will try you.



Ai deKe Ai Ke liAi L ni n.* o tt o Ko Le rKe
Hišgé, hįké pįranįną. ’Ųja’ų, korésge,
[Also,] [not] [it is not good.] Finally, unexpectedly,

*there is an inappropriate period following the /L/ which may be a slip of the pen.



p. 182 —

w d ni Ki Ktt ne n. tee ni Ki dA n. L dtt Kette w K nK dA n. e di.
wažąnįkikjaneną. T’enįgišana rašjąkje, waganąkšaną. Eši
he might succeed. Not until he kills you he will quit, that is what he means to do. [But]



Ai Kii Ki Ktt n Ae Ki di. L dtt Ktt n Ae K tt Ai Le w Ai n n. te e di. Ai Ke
hik’ikikjanahegiži, rašjąkjanahegają, hirewahinaną. Teeži hįké
if he would give up, he would quit, we would expect. But not



p. 183a
* —

L dtt ni Ktt n Ae n. Ai deKe Ki o liAi L ni n. e de. Ai ni A xitti.
rašjąnįkjanaheną. Hišgé ki’ųpįraniną," éže. "Hinihaxjį,
he will not give up. Also you ought to try him," he said. "My brother,

*two consecutive pages are numbered "183".



de rKe di no ni Ke. w Lo K n. w di Ki dK n de. y Le n.
žesgeži, nųnįgé warokąną* wažigįšgąnaže, yaréną.
that is so, but I guess he won't hurt me, I think.

*cf. warok’óno, "an expression of strong doubt".



ttAo K K. e xeAe te wiy n K. ow mK dA n. e de.
Cokaga e xetewianąga ’ųamąkšaną," éže.
My grandfather [he] he raised me, and I have grown used to him," he said.



p. 183b* —

e Ai tt Ki de. e Ki. Ai noKo n K. wy Le de.
E hijagiže. Égi hinųknąka waíreže,
[So] he went home. Then the women they said,

*two consecutive pages are numbered "183".



A Ke Ay liAi wi ni n. Ai ttAo Ke L K. A K L diAiKi Ktt n
"Hąké haipiwinįną. Hicokeraga hakarašikjaną,
"Not we do not like him. Your grandfather [that we will take his part,]



A wi Ki K L Kttl nK no ni Ke. A Ke A K L diAiKi wi ni n n. ne
hawigikarakjąpnąk, nųnįgé hąké hakarašikwinįnaną. Ne
he expects it, but not we will not take his part. Our



p. 184 —

Ai teKe A wi n. e w ow n K. Ai teKe w A L. tee w L Ke.
hitekhawina e wa’ųanąga hitekwahara t’ewarage.
our uncle he he was the cause, and my uncle* being killed by you.

*the translation erases "my" and overwrites "our".



e rKe. Ai Ke Ay liAi wi ni n. tee L Ki di e
Ésge, hįké haipįwinįną. T’eragiži, e
Therefore, not we do not like. If you kill him, it



p. 185 —

Ay liAi wi n n. Ai diKi Ke liAi L ni n. o tt o tee ni Ktt ne n. A Ke
haipįwinaną. Hišigepįraniną. ’Ųja’ų, t’enįkjaneną. Hąké
we would like it. You ought also to try him. If he keeps on, he will kill you. Not



w di tt Ai L Ai d Ai ta ni n. we doAo no n. Ll
wažįjahįra hižą hit’anįną, wešųnųną, rap
anything else one he will not die, he used to say, beaver



ni Kette KL. Ai d Ai L t dA L. Lotto ttiKi di ta n de
nįkjekra hižą hįratašara rucgiži, t’anaže,
young a hair singed if he ate, he would die,



p. 186 —

e doAo no n. Ai diKi K n K. de de rKe L Ai d.
ešųnųną. Hišikanąga žežesgera hižą
[he would say.] You ought to say it to him, and that kind [one]



wi Ki Kow n K. Lotto Ki Ki liAi L ni n. Ai Ke de rKe
wigigoanąga rucgigi pįraniną. Hįké žesge
you could give a feast, and have him eat [it would be good.] Not this



L ni Ki di. Ai Ko tt rKe Ki di. oni Lo xoAo Lo Ki Ktt n Ae n.
ranįgiži, higų jasgegiži, oni* ruxurukikjanaheną,"
you don't do, [then] surely his wish he will accomplish,"

*for honi, the /h/ having dropped from external sandhi.



p. 187 —

Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. Ai rKe di w dA wi no ni Ke.
higaíreže. Égi, "Hisgeži wašawi, nųnįgé
they said to him. [Then,] "Right [you say,] but



w Lo K n di, w di Ki dK n de. n K e Ki. di Ke
warokąnąži, wažigįšgąnaže, nąga égi žigé
I don't think, he won't hurt me, and [and] again



deKe. ttAo K K. ow m K tt. e xeAe te wiy n K.
ške cokaga ’ųamąkają, e xetewianąga,"
also my grandfather I have grown used to him, he he raised me,"



p. 188 —

e de. di Ki Ko deKe e xitti Ai ni o tt Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ky Le de.
éže. "Žigígųške, exjį hini’ųjakjanaheną," higaíreže.
he said. "And again, he himself he will try you," they said to him.



di Ke. A te diAi diAiKi deAe e Ktt n Ae n. e xitti K tt K.
"Žigé hątešišikše, ekjanaheną. Exjį, gająga,
"Again he is having bad dreams, he will tell you. He himself, [now,]



ni Ko tti Ktte Ai A te de e Ktt ne n. a a Ki.
gujikjehi hątéže, ekjaneną. A’aki
you he will shoot he dreamed, he will tell you. On each side



p.189 —

A ni to Ko riwi n K. e Ktt ne n. e tt. tee ni Ktt ne de. Ai Le xitti n.
hanituguswinąga, ekjaneną. Éja t’enįkjaneže, hirexjįną.
if we would hold you, he will say. There he will kill you, he thinks.



dtt A ni to Ko riwi n K. e tt. lo ni Ko no Ki Ktt n Ae Ai L nK dA n.
Šją hanituguswinąga, éja bonikųnųkikjanahe,* hiranąkšaną.
Tight if we hold you, there he will shoot you in two, he thinks.

*from bo-kųnųk, "shoot in two something long, leaving a clean break" (Miner).



e A K L diAi Ki Ktt ni A wi Ai L nK dA n. A Ke de rKe
E hakarašikikjanihawi, hiranąkšaną. Hąké žesge
Him we will help, he thinks. Not [that]



A ni Ktt ni A wi n. ay Le de.
hanikjanįhawiną," aíreže.
we will not do it," they said.


Notebook 50: 190


p. 190 —
e Ki. tt tti ne tt. A Ae Le Ki. i tt niKi Ki ni de. di Ke
Égi jajineją, hąhéregi ijanįkinįže. Žigé
Then right away, that night he cried out. [Again]



p. 191 —

tt tti ne tt. Ai ttAo Ke L. Ko Lo xiAiKi n i no ni Ke.
jajineją, hicókera kuruxįk ną’į, nųnįgé
right away, his grandfather to awaken he tried, but



A Ki do mi K Ki di. A Lo Koro deAe. de Ko. Ai Ke
hakižu mįgąkiži, harukosše. "Žegų hįké
with them as he was lying, they held him. ["Now] not



p. 192 —

Lo xiAi Kini ne. L dtt Ktt ne n. di Ke deKe tt Ko
ruxįknįne,* rašjąkjaneną. Žigé ške jagú
do not awaken him, he will stop. And besides what

*< ru-xįk-nį-ne. The syllable ru- means "to effect by the hand"; xįk, "to awaken"; , the negator; and -ne (for -re), the imperative suffix.



e Ktt n Ae L Ao ni Ki tK wi K tt ay L no ni Ke. Ki liAi l n K.
ekjanahera, honįgitakwigają," aira, nųnįgé gipįpanąga
he is going to say, we have told you," they said, but he got loose, and



i ni L. Ai Lo tti Ki ni de. di Ke rA ni Ke tt. ttAo K
inira hirojįginįže, žigé sanįkeja. "Coka,
stones he struck him, again on the other side. "Grandfather,



p. 193 —

tt A a e de. Ai ttAo dKe A tey diAi diAiKi dA n. tt Ko
jaha-á?" éže. "Hicųšgé, hąteišišikšaną." "Jagú
what is it?" he said. "Grandson, I had bad dreams." "What



ttAo K Ai L A te Ki di. Ao LoK n ne e de. e Ki.
coka, hirahątegiži, horoknane," éže. Égi
grandfather, you dreamt of, tell it," he said. And



we de. Ai ttAo deKe de rKe Ke. w Lo xl li d A ni Le L.
weže, "Hicųšgé, žesgege Waruǧapižą hanirera
he said, "Grandson, this is why a Warbundle to take



p. 194 —

Lo ni Ki xi L. de Ko A diAi ni deAe Le L. w Lo xl de e.
ronįgiǧira, žegų hašinišeréra. waruǧáp žee
I told you not to do it, but you took it anyhow. Warbundle that



to ttA A ni oyi de Le n. w Ki Ko tti Le Kette K dA n de e.
tocą hani’ųišereną. Wagigujirekjega šana žee
war it was to be carried. Where there is shooting to be done only it



p. 195 —

A ni A Ly Le doAo no n. e rKe ni Ke A diAi ni L. Aiy n K.
haniharairešųnųną. Ésge, nįgé hašinira hianąga
it was ever to be taken. Therefore, somewhere you have taken [it was, and]



Ai Ke w L Ki Kotto ni Ke. e rKe. ni Ko tti Kette
hįké waragigucnįge. Ésge, gujikje,
not you did not do any shooting. Therefore, you I am to shoot,



ay Le. y A te n. Ai Ke de rKe A ni Ki di.
aire, yahąténą. Hįké žesge hanįgiži,
they said, I dreamt. Not that if I don't do it,



p. 196 —

Ai ttAo deKe. dette Ktt n Ae n. e de. A Ao ttAo K
hicųšgé, šjekjanaheną," éže. "Hąhó coka,
grandson, you will die," he said. "All right grandfather,



Ai dtt Ke Ay ni Ki di. Ai L K L Ko tti Kette n e de. Ai noKo
hišjąge, hainigíži, hirakaragujikjeną," éže. "Hinųk
[well then,] in the morning, you can shoot me," he said. "Women



ttAe Kn K. a a Ki A ni Lo Koro n di L n K. e Ki ni
ceknąka a’aki hanirukosnažiranąga égi
the new ones on each side they will hold you, and [then] you



Ko tti Kette ay Le n e de. Ao ttiy Ai dtt Ke
gujikje, aíreną," éže. "Hojiá, hišjąge,
I will shoot, [they said,"] he said. "All right, [well then,]



p. 197 —

de rKe Ai Le Kette n e de. de Ai noKo n K.
žesge hirekjeną," éže. Že hinųknąka
it they can do," he said. [That one] the woman



xoAo no Ki dA n. K nK deAe ay Le n. Ai d
xunuki šana kanąkše, aíreną. Hižą
the youngest only he married, it is said. One



p. 198 —

K L K nK deAe ay L n. e Ki. wK no n K. Ay reAe Lette.
karakanąkše, aíraną. Égi wąknunąka haįserec
he married, they say. Then the old man all night



Kexe deAe ay Le n. my roAo L. no liAi wi. lA o
kexše, aíreną. Maįsura nųpiwi pa’ų
he filed they say. Spear* two [to do the head]

*this actually means "arrowhead".



w o de ay Le n. i ni d. Ai ow n K. w w xo de
wa’ųže, aíreną. Inį́žą hi’ųanąga wawaxųže.
[he did it,] they say. A stone [he did it, and] he ground it.



p. 199 —

my rAo n K. xeAe te xitti Le de ay Le n. leAe tti L Lo ti n KeLe.
Mąisunąka xetexjįreže, aíreną. Pejira rutinąkre
[These arrowheads] they were very big, they say. Railroad engine



lAy tt. wi L w reAe we ni rK n K. de rKe xitti ni rKe w Ky Le n.
paija wirawasewe nisganąga žesgexjį nisge wagaíreną
cow catcher size of, and just that way like [they said of it]



p. 200 —

Ai Le de ay Le n. my roAo L. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di.
hireže, aíreną, maįsura Égi hainigíži,
[they were,] they say, [the arrowheads.]* Then in the morning,

*translated as "spears".



A Ao. ttAo K. tt rKe w L Ke Ki di. ttiAi Lo le tt.
"Hąhó coka, jasgé waragegiži?" "Ciropeja
"Well grandfather, [what] [did you mean?"] "In the door



n L di Ki di. Ai noKo tteAe Kn Le. a a K[i] Lo ttiKi
naražigiži, hinųk ceknare a’ak[i], rujík
if you stand, women [the new ones] on each side, [stretched out]



p. 201 —

A ni Lo Koro n di ne Kette n. e de. e Ki. Ae t Ke tt. mi nK dAe.
hanirukosnažinekjeną," éže. Égi hetágeja mįnąkše.
they will hold you," he said. Then to the back he sat.



e Ki. Ai noKo n KeLe a a Ki A Lo Ko ri Le de. Ao di di L n K.
Égi hinųknągere a’aki harukosireže. Hožižiranąga
Then the women on each side they held him. They whispered, and



w Ky Le de. my tt Ao Ki too L tte. my tt
wagaíreže, "Mąija hokit’ųraje, mąija
they said to him, "To the ground throw yourself, to the ground



p. 202 —

Ao ni too te Ktt ni A wi n Ai Ky Le de. m L. Ao Ai xitti Ki di.
honit’ųtekjanihawiną," higaíreže. Mąra huhixjįgiži,
as we will throw you," they said to him. The arrow when he was about to shoot



my tt Ao Ki too ne de. Lo K n de. to we m L.
mąija hokit’ųneže. Rokanaže. Towe mąra
to the ground he threw himself. It was great. On[ward] the arrow



p. 203 —

ttiAi wi L Ae de. we de. do w Le ni Ki Ki wi tti Ke. Ke Le tto reAele
cįwįraheže. Weže, "Žoware nigigiwijige, Kerejųsep
it went thundering. He said, "There I send him to you, Blackhawk



Ao Lo xotto n di K. wK w xoAo lAi ni tte L.
Horuǧúc Nąžįga, wąk waxopį́nį jera.
Looking at He Stands, man spirits I send.



w KidiKi deAe deAe K wi doAo no L. e K tt. Ai no n KLe* wy Le de.
Wąkšik šešekawišųnųra," egają, hinųnąkre waíreže,
Human you always talked about," he said, but the women they said,

*the /A/ is heavily overwritten on an original /de/.



p. 204 —

A ttAi tt. Ai d ni Ke Ao w Le K tt w dA L tte de.
"Hacį́ja hižą nįgé howaregają, wašaraježe?
"When one [place] he is going, that you speak thus?



te tt ne Ai Ko e w L K ni L tte de. Ai Ky Le de.
Tejane higų e waraganiraježe?" higaíreže.
This one here him you mean?" they said to him.



A tt de. we L Ki we de do w Le ni Ki Ki wi tti Ko.
Hajaže. Weraki, weže, "Žoware nigigiwijigu,
He saw him. Unexpectedly, he said, "There I send him to you,



p. 205 —

m L. Ai ttAo deKe A L. lo dA n A K L Kotto L. Ao rKe
mąra hicųšgehara bošáną hakaragucra. Hosgé
the arrow my grandson to miss him I shot him. Just



A te. Ai Lo Aiy Ki Ke w o n. e de. di Ki no l A L.
hąté hirohiagige, wa’ųną," éže. Žiginųbahąra
dream in order to fulfill [I did it,"] he said. Again the second time,



p. 206 —

Ko tti Ko Lo Ao Ki di. di Ke wy Le de. w KL.
guji korohogiži, žigé waíreže, "Wągra
to shoot when he was about to, again they said, "Up



Ao ni too te Ktt ni A wi n. tal tti K L tte Ai Ky Le de. K tt K. Ko tti
honit’ųtekjanihawiną. T’ąpjikaraje," higaíreže. Gająga, guji
we will boost you. You must jump up," they said to him. Now to shoot



Ko Lo Ao de. ttAo ni dKe. my tt Ao Ki too Le d L.
korohože. Coni ške mąija hogit’ųrežara
he was about to. The first time [also] to the ground he threw himself



p. 207 —

Ai Le Ki di. m L Ai Ki Kar Kotto deAe. di Ke
hiregiži, mąra hikik’as gucše. Žigé
as he thought, the ground near to he shot. Again



to we m L. ttiAi wi L Ae de. mo de tty tt. ttiAi wi L
towe mąra cįwįraheže. Možejaija, cįwįra
on[wards] the arrow it went thundering.* To the ends of the earth, thundering

*he translation adds, "(or noise like thunder)".



p. 208 —

A Ai xA w ni de. di Ki Ko e de. do w Le ni Ki Ki wi tti K.
hahixawaniže. Žigígų éže, "Žoware nigigiwijiga,
it went out of sight. Again he said, "There I send him to you,



wK w K ttK tte L. Ke Le tto reAele Ao Lo xotto n di K.
wąk wakącąkjera, Kerejųsep Horuǧúc Nąžįga.
man the holy one, Blackhawk Looking at He Stands.



w KidiKi deAe deAe K wi doAo no L. e Ki K tt. w Ky Le de.
Wąkšik šešekawišųnųra." Egigają, wagaíreže,
Human you always talked about." Then they said to him,



p. 209 —

Ai noKo Kn KeLe. Ai Loyi Le Ai dtt xii w dA L tt ne.
hinųknągere, "Hiroire, hišjá x’į wašarajane,
the women, "Homely, face wrinkled you who talk,



tt Ko d. ni Ko w Le L K tt w dA L tte de. te tt ne tt Koyi d
jagužą nįgowareragają, wašaraježe? Tejane jaguižą
what he is going, that you speak thus? This standing who



w o tte de Ai Ky Le de. te we L Ki Ai Ko Ai tt
wa’ųježe?" higaíreže. Teweráki, higų hija
[who is doing it?"] they said to him. Unexpectedly, still there



p. 210 —

n di tte de. do w Le ni Ki Ki wi n. m L. Ai ttAo deKe A L.
nąžįježe. "Žoware nigigiwiną, mąra, hicųšgehara
he was standing. "There I send you, the arrow, my grandson



Ke Le tto reAele lo Lo xotto n di K. Ao rKe A te. Ai Lo Aiy Ki Ke
Kerejųseboroxucnąžįga. Hosgé hąté hirohiagige,
He Stands Looking at Blackhawk. Just dream in order to fulfill



p. 211 —

lo dA n A K L Kotto dA n e de. e Ki. A Ki
bošáną, hakaragucšaną," éže. Égi hagi
to miss him, I shot him. he said. Then he went in



miKi deAe. e Ki. Ai ni L. t ni Ai Ki Ki Le de.
mįkše. Égi hiníra tani hįgigireže.
he laid down. Then his brother a smoke he took to him.



di Ke t ni Ai Lo dtt Ki di Ao Ki tee tte de. de tt ny xitti
Žigé tani hirušjągiži, hogit’eježe. Žejanaíxjį
Again smoking when he finished, he talked to him. About now



p. 212 —

Ai dK Ki Ki Le. o tt o ni Lo xoAo Lo Ki Ktt n Ae n.
hišgagigire. ’Ųja’ų, niruxurukikjanaheną.
you should say it to him. If he keeps on, he will accomplish his intentions.



w Lo xl l diAi ni L Ai L. Ai deKe A te Ai diAi diAiKi deAe
Waruǧapašinira hira, hišgé hątehišišikše,
The Warbundle that you took [you did,] [also] it gave you a bad dream,



a Le. Ai noKo n K a n K. e dA n Ae Le n.
are. Hinųknąka ánąga éšana hereną.
you can say. The women they told that only it is.



p. 213 —

Ai Ke w di tt Ai L. Ai d Ai to ni w o nK dA n.
Hįké wažįjahįra hižą hitonį wa’ųnąkšaną.
Not anything else [one of them] not to die of [he did it.]



doo L. A o. L n dA nK Koo dKe. w d ni Ki dK Ktt ne n.
Š’ųra ha’ų ranąšanąk’ų ške wažąnigįšgąkjaneną.
Finally, when you are asleep, [also] he will harm you.



Ke ni di Ke w d a ni. Ai K Le
Kéni žigé wažą ani, hikare
Before again anything before he says, you speak



p. 214 —

ttAo ni. di Ki Ko e Ktt ne n. e de. e Ki
coni. Žigígų ekjaneną," éže. Égi
first. Again he will say it," he said. Then



Ko de. di Ke ttAiye tt Ki Li Ki di. Ai noKo n K.
guže. Žigé ciéja kirigiži, hinųknąka
he came home. Again at home when he got home, the women



ay Le de. de tt ny xitti Ai deKe w d L Ai d
aíreže, "Žejanaíxjį hišgé wažąra hižą
they said, "About now [also] something [one of them]



p. 215 —

Ai K Le. o tt o tee ni Ktt ne n. Ai Ky Le de. Ko L
higare. ’Ųja’ų t’enįkjaneną," higaíreže. "Korá,
you ought to say to him. Finally, he will kill you," they said to him. "Well,



e Ki Ai rKe tt A Ke A m Ke ni n. w Lo K n
égi hisgeja hąké hamąkenįną. Warokana,
well, in truth not [I do not care to do it.] Besides,



di Ki dK Kette de y Le Ke w o A tte n. e Ki. A o Kette n
žigįšgąkježe, yarege, wa’ųhajeną. Égi ha’ųkjeną,
he can't harm me, I think, so [I did it.] And I will do it,



p. 216 —

Ai dA wi Le A w o. e de. e Ki. A Ae Ki di.
hišawire, hawa’ų," éže. Égi hąhegiži,
you want me to, for that reason," he said. Then at night,



mi Ki Le Ki di. Ai L Le xitti K tt. Ke Le tto reAele Ao Lo xotto n di K.
mįgiregiži, hirarexjįgają, Kerejųsep-horuǧúc-nąžįga
after they went to bed, after a short time, He Stands Looking at Blackhawk



p. 217 —

i tt niKi deAe. we L Ki. wK no K. we de. A Ao
ijanįkše. Weraki, wąknuka weže, "Hąhó,
he shouted. Unexpectedly, the old man he said, "Well,



Ai ttAo deKe A L. A te diAi diAiKi dA n. Ai noKo tteAeKe wi L.
hicųšgehara hąté šišikšaną. Hinųkcekwira
my grandson dreams he has bad ones. Daughters-in-law



Lo xiAiKi wi Le. a no ni Ke A Ke o Ai L ni de.
ruxįkwire," a, nųnįgé hąké ’ųhiranįže.
wake him up," he said, but not they would not do it.



p. 218 —

Ai Ko Ai L. wK no K tal Ao de. Lo xiAi Ke de. Ai ttAo deKe.
Higųhira, wąknuka t’ąphože. Ruxįgeže. "Hicųšgé,
Finally, the old man he jumped over to him. He woke him up. "Grandson,



tt A a. i ni L. me e Le n. tt Ko Ai L A te Ki di
jaha-á? Inira meereną.* Jagú hirahątegiži,
what is the matter? The stones here they are. What you dreamed of,

*< mee-hereną.



Ao Ki LK Le e de. Ai Ko Ae. i ni L. Ai Lo tti de.
hokirakre," éže. Higųhe, inira hirojįže,
tell it to me," he said. In haste, the stones he hit him,



p. 219 —

di Ke rA ni Ke tte. ttAo K. A te Ai diAi diKiKi d n.
žigé sanįgeje. "Coka, hąté hišišikšaną.
again on the other side. "Grandfather, dreams bad one I had.



de reKe Ke. w Lo xl li d. Ai noKo Ai Ki deAe Le. A ni Le L.
Žežesgege waruǧapižą hinųk higišere hanirera
That is the reason a Warbundle women courting to take



p. 220 —

Lo L xi L de Ko A ni te L. de e. w Ki A Kette
roraxira, žegų hanitera. Žee wakihąkje
you forbade it, but I took it anyhow. That I am to make a feast



ay Le n. i Ki ne L Ki Ko Kette ayi Le n. n m tteAe A ni A Ai L.
aíreną. Ikineragigokje, aíreną. Nąmące hanihahira
[they said.] You are to eat it, they said. Warclub that I took with me



e de e w Ki A Kette ayi Le n. A Ke
e žee wakihąkje, aíreną. Hąké
[it] that I am to boil, they say. Not



p. 221 —

tteAe lL ni Ki di. n m tteAe tte K. Ai Lo ni tti Ktt ne de ay Le y A te n.
cepranįgiži, nąmącjega hironijikjaneže, aire, yahąténą,
if you don't eat it up, the Warclub I am to hit you, they said, I dreamt,



e de. A Ao. Ai ttAo deKe. de rKe Ke w Ae d Le.
éže. "Hąhó hicųšgé, žesgege wahežare.
he said. "Ho! my grandson, that is the reason I forbid it.



p. 222 —

Ai dtt Ke. A o Ktte Ko ni. tt Ko w Lotto ttK di tt Ko
Hišjąge ha’ųkjegųni. Jagú warucjągaži, jagú
But I will do it. [What] [when I am eating,] [what]



Ai ow tte de. ey di. Ai ttAo deKe. w Lo xl de e.
hi’ųwaježe? Eiži hicųšgé, waruǧáp žee
[it could happen?] But grandson, [Warbundle]* that

*the translation has "warclub".



Ai Ke w d. m Le Ki Ae Le Ao Ki Ay L ni doAo no n.
hįké wažą mąrégi here hokihąiranįšųnųną.
not anything from [it was] they never boil for it.



p. 223 —

a Ao Ai L rA niKi L dA n. Ao Ki A Ai Le doAo no n. Ai Ko tt Ko L.
Ahuhirasánįkra šana hokihąhirešųnųną. Higų jagura
Those with wings only they always boil for it. [Yet] whatever



Ai d A Ly Ki Loy ttA Ki di Ae Le Ktt n Ae K tt e de. Ay ni Ki di.
hižą haraigiroicagiži, herekjanahegają," éže. Hainigíži,
[one] if it is directed at me, it shall be so," he said. In the morning,



p. 224 —
tt tt[i] ne tt Le de. w n Ki reAe L. de e e tt
jaj[i]neja reže, wanakisera.* Žee éja
right away he went, to hunt. [That one] there

*a hapaxlegomenon, but clearly a variant of wanakesera, "the hunt".



ni dA n Ki d Ao we Ki di Ai Lo A Ao o de. Ll
nįšanąkižą howegiži, hiroha ho’ųže. Rap
a creek it ran, and along he went. Beaver



ni KetteKe Ko ni L. A Ko Leyi d. Ai d tee Ai de.
nįkjege gunira. Hagoreižą, hižą t’ehiže.
young one he looked for. Finally, one he killed.



p. 225 —

Ki Ki di Ai noKo n K e xitti Ai Ki deAe Le Ai Le de.
Gigiži, hinųknąka exjį higišere hireže.
When he got home, the women [themselves] to attend to they did.



Ao loAo nK t xoAo xitti Ai L n K. A Ke deKe Ao t xoAo L.
Hoponąk taxuxjįhiranąga hąké ške hotaxura
All of it they singed, and not even the burnt part



Ki Kee riAi L ni de.* e Ki. de Ko Ao loAo nK Kitti Lexe
gik’esiranįže. Égi žegų hoponąkjį reǧ
they did not scrape off. Then thus all of it kettle

*the syllable /Ai/ was inserted later in a different hand and a darker pencil.



p. 226 —

Ao do Ai Le de. e Ki. to tti Le Ki di. e Ki.
hožú hireže. Égi tujiregiži, égi
to put they did. Then when they cooked it, then



n m tteAe L. Ai tt lo r de. e Ki. Ai tt Ki Ke Le Le de.
nąmącera hija bozaže. Égi hijakikerereže.
the Warclub there they stuck in the ground. Then they placed it before him.



Ai ttAo deKe. Ao tt to ttL wi K tt. de Ko d w xoAo wi dKe
"Hicųšgé, hoją́ tucrawigają. Žegų šawaxųwišge
"Grandson, already you have cooked it. [Thus] you can pour it out, then



p. 227 —

Ai Ko e L doKo ni n de a no ni Ke. de Ko
higų erašguninaže," a nųnįgé žegų
then you will be through with it," he said, but [thus]



Lotto diAi de. n m ttAe L. Ai Lo tti Ktt n Ae de e Ki di.
ruc šiže. Nąmącera hirujikjanaheže," egíži,
to eat he told him. The Warclub he would hit him with," he said, [and]



de Ko o de. di Ke. we de. Ai noKo ttAe KL
žegų ’ųže. Žigé weže, "Hinųkcekra
so [he did it.] Again he said, "The daughters-in-law



p. 228 —

w K L Ki do A o Kette n e de. K tt. Ai noKo n K.
wakarakížu ha’ųkjeną," éže, gają, hinųknąka
with me I would like them to do it with me," he said, but the women



wy Le de. Ai Loyi Le. Ai dtt liAi Liri w nK Le.
waíreže, "Hiroire hišjá pirís wanąkre,
they said, "Homely face wrinkled one that speaks,



tt Ko w di L A te K. Ai tt ni Ki Ki
jagú wažira hątega, hija nigigi
[how] anything when you dream, [there] to change it for you



p. 229 —

n i tte. tt Ko Ai deAe Ki o. tte n
ną’įje? Jagú hišegi, ’ų jeną,"
he tries? [How] when you say, to do [he is,"]



Ai Ky Le de. wK no K. o nK o tteAe li de. ni lA n L
higaíreže. Wąknuka ’ųnąk’ų cepiže. Nipanara
they said to him. The old man finally he ate it up. The soup



deKe. Ai L rKele Ki Ki Le de. mi K n K. A LK K Koo.
ške hiraskep gigíreže. Mįganąga horakak’ų,
also to drink they made him.* He went to bed, and he began to groan,

*the translation has "he made him".



p. 230 —

tolo e de ni xA L. n lA L deAe. e Ki. e tt.
tųpeže. Nįxara nąpáraše.* Égi éja
he burst. His belly it burst. Then there

*< nąparaš-že.



ttAi L. Ai Lo w xi tti L n K. e Ki Lo A. ttAi
cira hiruwaxijiranąga égi rohą ci
[the lodge] they burnt up with him, and then in another place home



Ki Koo Ai Le de. e Ki. wy Le de. Ai noKo n K.
kik’ų hireže. Égi waíreže, hinųknąka,
to build they did. Then they said, the women,



p. 231 —

Ai ni L K. liAi ni Ki o wi n n. A[i] Ky Le de. Ki liAi L Lo K n de.
"Hiniraga pįniki’ųwinaną," h[i]gaíreže. Gipįra rokanaže.
"Your brother we can fix for you," they said to him. He was glad [he was very much so.]



Ai tt Aiy n K Ao Ki LK deAe. e Ki. Ai roAo Ki tti.
Hija hiyanąga hogirakše. Égi hisųkiji,
[There] [he was, and] he told him of it. "Well my younger brother,



wo tteAe xiAi no ni Ke. w K ttAK diAi w n K tt. Lo xoAo LoKo
wocexi, nųnįgé wakącąk šiwanagają. ruxúruk
it is very hard, but holy they who speak. To be able



p. 232 —

Ai Le Ki di liAi n n. e de. diAi tt ni L deKe.
hiregiži, pįnaną," éže. "Šįjanira ške
if they were, it would be good," he said. "My butt [also]



te tt a Ke tt. A Ai w KidiKi Lotto tte n.*
Te Ją ageja hahi wąkšik rujeną.
the sea across there humans it is eating.

*a small /n/ was added above the line over the period.



rA KLe n. e Ki ni L deKe A m ni
Sanįkreną, égi nįra ške hamani
It is very fleet, and the water [even] to go on



p. 233 —

w o tte n. Lo xoAo Lo Ki Le n tte Ke wy Le Ki di. Ai Ko di
wa’ųjeną. Ruxurukirenajega wairegiži, higųži
it does it. They can do it if they think, but as it is



Ao K L Ki tee A tt ne dKe liAi no ni Ke e de.
hokarakit’ehajane, ške nųnįgé," éže.
to talk with one another [even] it is good, [however,"] he said.



e Ki. Ke Le de. Ki Ki di. Ki liAi Le de. e Ki.
Égi kereže. Kigiži, gipįreže. Égi
Then he went home. When he got home, they were glad. Then



p. 234 —

w oy Le de. Ao Ke Le. ay Le n. de rKe oyi Le de.
wa’ųįreže. Hokere aíreną. Žesge ’ųįreže.
they did thus. "Nets" they call them. That kind they made.



tto liAi wi oyi Le de. e Ki. wo o de. Ai ni L.
Jopíwi ’ųįreže. Égi wo’ųže. Hiníra
Four of them they made. Then they did thus. The older brother



t ni Aoy d Ai o ra Ki di. Ai tti tte Ki di. t ni Ao do L deKe
tanihuižą hi’ųs’agiži, hijijegiži, tanihužura ške
a pipe that he used to have, which was there, the tobacco pouch [also]



p. 235 —

Ai L rA. de e w ni L n K. e tt. A Ai
hirasá žee waniranąga éja hahi
together these they took them, and there to go



mi nK Ai Le de. e Ki. we de. a Ke tt
mįnąk´ hireže. Égi weže, "Ageja
to sit they did. Then she said, "Across



Le Ai Le. e K tt. my t tte Ai L. a Ke tt Le Ai
rehire!" Egają, maįtajehira ageja rehi
blow!" As she said it, the wind across to blow



A Ki Li de. e tt. wK diAitti tte K o tt o
hakiriže. Éja wąk šįjega, ’ųja’ų,
it began. There human the butt, as he was about,



p. 236 —

Ao Lo lA n de. Ao Ao. e de. w Kidi Ke tt A ni A Le Ki.
horupąnąže. "Hohó," éže. "Wąkšigeja haniharegi,
he smelled it. "Oh my!" he said. "In human form when I used to be,



t ni Ao K e y ow n K. t ni A Ai A tte doAo no L.
tanihu ka e ya’ųanąga tani hahihaješųnųra,"
pipe that I used to use, and to smoke in my going about,"



e de. A A. tt Ko Ai A tte. Ai roAoKo A L
éže. "Hąhą́, jagú hihaje hisųkhara
he said. "Well! what I am talking about, my brother



p. 237 —

w o tte K tt. A ni A Ai Ay Ko Kette e de.
wa’ųjegają. Hanį́ hahį́ haikukje," éže.
it is. I take I smoke I will go," he said.



no Ki wK deAe. Ai noKo n KeLe w oyi Le de.* Ao Ke Le n K. e tt.
nųkiwąkše. Hinųknągere wa’ųįreže. Hokerenąka éja
He started on a run. The women they did thus. The nets there

*a dot (indicating an /i/) appears to have been added later between the /y/ and the /L/.



Ai L Ki Lo xeAe. Lo ttiKi w too li Le de. e Ki. e tt
hirakiruxe rujík wat’ųpireže. Égi éja
one after the other to stretch [they laid them.] Then there



p. 238 —

n K Ki Li K tt. ttAe Kitti L. Ao w Ki Liye tt K. Ao Ki too ne de. Ai Lo we tt.
nąkakirigają, cekjįra howakiriejaga, hogit’ųneže. Hiroweja
when he ran, the first one he got into, [she threw it at him.] He rolled into it



tt Ai Le de. di Ki tt ney K e tt Ao too Ly L n K.
hireže. Žigijaneąka éja hot’ųrairánąga
[to wrap around] [they did.] Then the other one [there] they threw, and



p. 239 —

Ai Lo we tt Ai Le de. Ai tto li Ke w wi Lo we tty Le de. e Ki.
hiroweja hireže. Hijopike wawirowejaireže. Égi
to roll into [they did.] All four of them they rolled him in. Then



de Ko. Ao L wotto dAe. w L w wx deAe. no ni Ke. i ni
žegų horawucše. Warawawaxše, nųnįgé ini
[thus] he chewed up very much. He cut into them, but stones



xeAe te tt Ktt doyi L n K. w o n Ki di. de rKe.
xete jakja* žuiranąga wa’ųnąkiži, žesge
big to heat up [they placed, and] [after they had done it,] that kind

*for takja (t Ktt).



p. 240 —

e L Ao le Le de e di L. Ai ttoAo
era hopereže. Ežira* hi
his mouth they threw in. His rectum teeth to have

*for užira. The /e/ is unmistakable and unlike a solo letter /o/.



w o tte de de e. A ntt Ao L wotto Ai de.
wa’ųježe. Žee haną́c horawuc hiže.
[she did them.] Them all to break out she did.



e Ki. de Ko A LK L e xitti de. Ai rAoKo A xitti
Égi žegų hąrą́kra exjįže. "Hisųkhaxjį,
Then [then] to groan he did very much. "My younger brother,



tee w ne Ktt n Ae n a n K wK deAe. A Ko Leyi d K tt K.
t’ewanekjanaheną," ánąga wákše. Hagoreižą, gająga,
they are going to kill me," he said, and he shouted. After a short time, finally,



p. 241 —

Ai L. A n ttAi. myi xiAi ttiAi Ki Ki di. tee de. e Ki.
hira hanącį maixicigigiži, t’eže. Égi
his teeth all of them he broke out, then he died. Then



A ni A K Ly Le de. e Ki. i ni. t Ktt
hanį́ hagaraireže. Égi ini takja
they took they went home. Then stones to heat



Ai Le de. i no Ke we Ai o w Ki oy Le de. e Ki
hireže. Inokewe hi’ų waki’ųįreže. Égi
they did. Sweat bath to use [they did it.] Then



p. 242 —

de Ko Ai L n K. e Ki. n w Ke tt n K A Kow Ly Le de.
žegų hiranąga égi nąwągéjanąka haguwaraireže.
[thus] it was done, and then the one in the tree they went after.



wK tte Ki w Ky Le de. Ke ni A Ly L ni. Ai ni L K.
Wąkjegi wagaíreže, kéni harairani, "Hiniraga
This man they told him, before before he went, "Your brother



ni al A Ktt ni A wi n. w n i m ni dtt Ki di. A Ke
ni’ąp hakjanihawiną, waną’į́ mąnišjągiži. Hąké
alive we will make him, mind if you are strong. Not



p. 243 —

w n i L w d de ni rK ni K[i] di. ni L xoAo Lo Ki di. de tt K
waną’įra wažą ženisganįgiži niraxurugiži, žejąga
the mind [thing] [if it is not this way,] if you do what he says, then



ey di tee Ktt n Ae n. to dAK wi Ki di ne w doo Ktt n Ae n.
eiži t’ekjanaheną. Tošakwigiži, ne waš’ųkjanaheną.
surely he will die. If we fail, you it will be your fault.



p. 244
* —

Ai tt Ai t tte w ow tte. tt Ko a ni Ae dKe.
Hija hitaje wa’ųaje. Jagú aniheške,
[There] mightiest [it will be done.] Whatever he may say,

*the page number is mistakenly written as "234".



A Ke A n xoKo niy tte. tt Ko Ai A wi Ki di. e
hąké hanąxgųnįaje. Jagú hihawigiži, e
not do not listen. Whatever if we say it, that



de rKe Aiy tte Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. Ai ni L K.
žesge hiáje," higaíreže. "Égi hiniraga
[that sort] you must do," they said to him. "Then your brother



p. 245 —

Lo L Ai L K L Ki rKe Ktt n Ae n. Ai A wi Le doo Ki di. e Ki.
rora hirakaragisgekjanaheną, hihawire š’ųgiži. Égi
[his body] he shall become like yourself, we have told you, if you do it. Then



di Ke. Ai Ke tt Ko Ai A wi Le. doo ni Ki di.
žigé hįké jagú hihawire š’ųnįgiži,
again not as we say if you do not do it,



tee Ktt ne n. de e ne w doo Ktt ne n. Ai t tte
t’ekjaneną. Žee ne waš’ųkjaneną. Hitaje
he will die. That you [you will do it.] Mighty



p. 246 —

w ow tte Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. K tt K. n w Ke tt n K
wa’ųaje," higaíreže. Égi, gająga, nąwągéjanąka
[it will be done,"] they said to him. Then, [finally,] the one in the tree



ey o w Ly Le de. Ai tt A Ai Le Ki di. wK tte K Ao ti de.
eowaraireže. Hija hahiregiži, wąkjega hotiže.
they went to. There [when they arrived,] the man he climbed up.



n tte K. e tt. liAi K L. Lo w i w o tte de.
Nąjega éja pikąra ro wa’į wa’ųježe.
The tree [there] his waist [flesh] it grew [it had done it.]



p. 247 —

e rKe de e. Ki w xoKo de. wK tt ne A LK
Ésge žee giwąxguže. Wąkjąne hąrą́k
So that he went to break loose. That man to groan



tti Le de. Ai rAo Kitti teey L Ktt n Ae n. Ao Ki Ki tee A tte L
jireže. "Hisųkjį, t’eirakjanaheną. Hokikit’e hajera.
he began. "My younger brother, you will kill me. To talk to one another we were able.



de tt K. de Ko xitti Ai L K L Ki Ktt n Ae n. tee ni n i ne L.
Žejąga žegųxjį, hirakaragikjanaheną. T’enį́ ną’įnera,
But now, you will finish me. To kill when they tried,



p. 248 —

Ai Ki. w di L Ai d ni Ki owyi Le Ktt n Ae K.
higi wažira hižą niki’ųwairekjanahega,
here [the things] [one] what they were going to do to you,



Ao ni Ki t K tte L. i ne Ki L ni Ki di. tee ni ne Ktt n Ae n. e rKe.
honįgitagajera. Inéki ranigiži, t’enįnekjanaheną. Ésge,
I told you of it. Alone if you are, they will kill you. Therefore,



Ai noKo n KeLe. te de rKe Ai Le n. de tt K de Ko
hinųknągere težesge hiréną. Žejąga žegų
these women this way they have done. Now [thus]



p. 249 —

w K Ai Le K tt. e de. w Ktt ne. Ai wo dA de. xA lee Ai Ki ni ne.
wągahiregają," éže. Wąkjąne hiwušaže. "Xap’ehiginine
they have conquered both of us," he said. The man he stopped. "Hurry up,



ne e di tee L Ktt ne n. A Ke doo ni Ki di
ne eži t’erakjaneną, hąké š’ųnįgiži,
you instead you will kill him, not if you don't do,



p. 250 —

tt Ko Ai A wi L. de Ko di Ke Ki o de.
jagú hihawira." Žegų žigé ki’ųže.
as we say." So again he started.



o nK o. w xoKo de. e Ki. liAi Ai diAi leLe
’Ųnąk’ų, waxguže. Égi pįhi šipre
Finally, he pried him loose. Then gently to let down



Ai de. Ai noKo n K. my tt. w i d. Lo ttiKi
hiže. Hinųknąka mąija wa’įžą rujík
he did. The women [on the ground] a blanket stretched



A ni n di Le Ki di. e tt Ao Ki Li nK deAe. e Ki.
hanį́ nąžįregiži. Éja hokirinąkše. Égi
they had [as they stood.] There he dropped him. Then



p. 251 —

liAi K L. A n ttiAi liAi Ai. w Ki tto Ki Le de. Ao xiAi Le L.
pikąra hanącį pį́hi wagijukireže, hoxirera.
his waist all over they were hurting, the sore parts.*

*"they [w]rapped up" is lined out, and above it is written, "the sores were hurt[ing all] over".



e Ki. i no Ke we. Ao ttAiye tt. liAi K L. A Ki Ke Le.
Égi inokewe hocieja pikąra hagikere
Then sweat bath in the house [his waist] [to set for him]



p. 252 —

w too li Le de. e Ki. i no Ke we Ao ttAi L. Ao Lo doAo
wat’ųpireže. Égi inokewe hocíra horušų́
they joined together. Then sweat bath the house to close



Ai Le de. e Ki. i ni Ai Ly xA KL. Ao tto Ke L.
hireže. Égi ini hiraixakra hųjokera
[they did.] Then stones the liquid* bear pouches

*originally, the expression ini hiraixakra was translated as, "the stones for water", but this was revised to read, "the liquid for the stones".



t[t]o liAi wi wi de. Ao tti Ki ni L. de e i ni Ly xAK
[j]opiwiwiže. Hųjikinira žee iniraixak*
there were four of them. Bear oil [this] to pour on stones

*> ini-hiraixak.



p. 253 —

wi o de. Ai no n K. xeAe te n K. e i ni L.
wi’ųže. Hinųnąka xetenąka e inira
she used. The woman the oldest she the stones



A Ki xAK dAe. e Ki de Ko Ai Le K tt. A LK
hagixakše. Égi žegų hiregają, hąrą́k
she poured. [Then] thus when they had done, to groan



tti Le de. Ai Ai Le xitti K tt we de. A Ao Ai Ki Lo Ar wi L[e].
jireže. Hihirexjįgają, weže, "Hąhó, higiruhaswir[e].
he began. After awhile, he said, "Ho, open it for me.



p. 254 —

teeyi L Kette ni rK wi n. A ttA Ke Le niy a lL. e de.
T’eirakjenisgawiną. Hacakere ni’ąpra," éže.
You nearly killed me. With great effort I had lived," he said.



niy al dA n. Ai roAo Ki tti Ai Ki Lo Ar Le e de.
"Ni’ąpšąną. hisųkiji, higiruhazᵉre," éže.
"I am alive. My brother, open it for me," he said.



e Ki di. wK tt ne. Ai tt m ni tti Le K
Egíži, wąkjąne hija mani jirega,
When he said this, the man [there] to walk he began,



p. 255 —

dKe. di Ki w Koo Ai ra de. e rKe de tt K.
ške žigiwak’o* his’aže. Ésge žejąga
but again to turn back he would do it. So finally

*< žigé-hiwak’o.



Ai noKo n KLe w Ky Le de. A Ke Ao n xoKo liAi niye tt
hinųknągere wagaíreže, "Hąké honąxgu pįnįeja
the women they said to him, "Not to hear him [where it is not good]



p. 256 —

A Ai o Le Ai Ky Le de. e rKe ni Ke Ao w Le de,
hahi’ųre," higaíreže. Ésge, nįgé howareže.
you should do," they said to him. So, [somewhere] he went away.



di Ki L Le xitti K. A Ki Li Aoyi rii ra de de tt K de Ko
Žigirarexjįga, hakiri hois’įs’aže. Žejąga žegų
Again in a short time, he came he would peep in. Now [thus]



wy K Ltt deAe. Ao tto Ke L. Ai tto lL. Ai o Ki di. K tt K
waikaracše. Hųjokera hijopra hi’ųgiži, gająga
he was pleading very hard. The bear pouches the fourth one* when she used, then

*this is written heavily over an erasure.



p. 257—

Lo K n we de. w d n tteKe wo L xA w niye rKe de.
rokana weže. Wažą nącge woraxawaniesgeže.
[much] [he said.] [Thing] heart it was rending.



o nK o. de n Ai K tt. L dtt tti Ke Le de. Ao Ao.
’Ųnąk’ų, ženahigają, rašją jikereže. "Hohó,
Finally, when she used it up, to stop he did it all at once. "Oh my!



Ai ni A L. teeyi Ki Ki Le Ki ni Ai Le de. e Ki Ki Ko Le
hinihara t’eigigireginį hireže. Égi gigore
my older brother they must have killed," he thought. Then to call



p. 258 —

Ai Le de. Ki Li K tt. te we L Ki Lo KeLe Ki Ao Ki Ke we xo xo de.
hireže. Kirigają, tewéraki, rokregi hokíkéweǧųǧųže.
they did. When he got back, unexpectedly, inside he was blowing on himself.



Ai L Le xitti K tt we de. A Ao. de Ko A n. e de.
Hirarexjįgają, weže, "Hąhó, žegųhaną," éže.
After awhile he said, "Ho! I am through," he said.



p. 259 —

e Ki. w Ky Le de. A Ao. ttAo ni Le dKe.
Égi wagaíreže, "Hąhó, coni rešge
Then they said, "Ho! before even



L Ki doAo Lo Ar n L dii L tte L. Ai tt wo ttoAo KeLe
rakišuru hasnara š’irajera, hija wocokre,"
[you turned loose] to higiru you tried, now [he responded readily,"]*

*translated as, "you can have your fill".



Ai Ky Le de. wy ni wo w xoKo Ai Kette L. Ai tt
higaíreže. Wainį́ wowaxuk hikjera, hija
they said to him. Clothes to wear [he should do,] there



p. 260 —

nK deAe. e Ki Ai noKo n K. Ai Ai nl li Le Ki di. e Ki
nąkše. Égi hinųknąka hihinąpiregiži, égi
[it was.] Then the women they came out, and then



Ki Lo Ar deAe. te tte de. Ai Ko Ao ttAi ttAi tt rK
giruhasše. Teježe. Higų hocįcį jasga
he opened it for him. There he was. [Although] young as



tte Ki di Ai K L Ki rKe de. e Ki. wo Ki roKo wK
jegiži, hikarakisgeže. Égi wogizok wąk
he was, also he was just the same. Then very [man]



p. 261 —

liAi de. e Ki. Ai Ko Lo Ao Ki di w Ke de. Ai ni xitti.
pįže. Égi hikorohogiži, wageže, "Hinixjį,
he was handsome. Then when he was dressed, he said to him, "My older brother,



de e Ao mi dA nK L. Ae Le n Ai Ke de. Ai noKo
žee homišanąkra hereną," higeže. Hinųk
that your place it is," he said to him. Woman



p. 262 —

Ai Ke K nK ni tte K Ao mi nK Ke tt w Ke de. e Ki.
hįké kąnąknįjega, homįnąkeja wageže. Égi
not that he was not married to, to her place he meant. Then



Aoyi K wy Le de. e Ki. wK n KeLe w i nl L Lo K n de.
hoikawaireže. Égi wąknągere wa’inąpra rokanaže.
they came in. Then the man to thank them he did very much.



e Ki. e tt. Ke Le tto rAele Ao Lo xotto n di K we de.
Égi éja Kerejųsep-horuǧúc-nąžįga weže,
Then there Blackhawk Looks at as He Stands he said,



p. 263 —

A Ao. de tt ny xitti. Ao we. tt Ko A o n L.
"Hąhó, žejanaíxjį howe jagú ha’ųnara,
"Ho, at this time going about what I would have been doing,



A K L Koo Ktt ne n. w Kidi KeLe Ki A o L. wo tteAe xiAi n. e de.
hakarak’ųkjaneną. Wąkšigeregi ha’ųra, wocexiną," éže.
I will go and do. Among humans I stayed, it is very hard," he said.



p. 264 —

e Ki. Ai ttA wi L. A K Ly Ki do Ai Ai nl wi K tt. t niy K n K nK Ke.
Égi hicawįra hakaraikižu hihinąpwigają, taniakanąkanąke
Then his wife with her they went out, hummingbirds



Ki K nK KL. no liAi wi xiKi tti L n di wi de. rii di.
kikanąkra. Nųpiwi xgijira nąžįwiže. S’iži
[they were married.] A pair humming around [they stood.] For some time



Ai ni L A K L Ki ttAiyi n K w o de ay Le n.
hiníra hakaraki cinąga wa’ųže, aíreną.
his brother with him he lived, and he did it, they say.



p. 265 —

e Ki. Ai dKe. Ai noKo n K. w r Ki no Ki d Ae Le n.
Égi hišgé hinųknąka waząkinukižą* hereną,
Then also the woman a marten she was,

*< waząk-hinųk-ižą.



ay Le n. Ai deKe de e. m xiAi L. Ao w Ke Le de.
aíreną. Hišgé žee mąxira howakereže,
they say. Also [that one] the heavens she went home,



p. 266 —

ay Le n. m xiAi Le Ki wi L Ko deKe L. ttA tii ne K. e tt
aíreną. Mąxiregi wiragošgera cąt’inega, éja
they say. In the sky the stars when they are visible, there



ttA riiyK dA n. m Ai xeAe te L deKe. ni wi L ttK Ao n
cas’iakšaną. Mąhixetera ške niwirącką hųną
it is visible. The white people [also] dipper the handle



ttAo L. a nK dA n. de e e Le de ay Le n.
cųra ánąkšaną. Žee ereže, aíreną.
it has they call it. That she is, they say.



p. 267* —

w[i] L Ko deKeyi d. de e Ai wo roAo ttiA[i] nK dA n. de e.
Wiragošgeižą žee hiwosųcį nąkšaną. Žee
A star [that one] very close it is. That

*just below the page number at the center of the top of the page is written de tt n. (žejąna), "the end".



e Le n Ai K n L. e dA n. Ao A Al litti ni KL. Ai wo roAotto
éreną. hikánara ešana hohahąpicnįkra hiwosųc
he is. The husband only the brightest one near



nK dA n. A A. de tt n.
nąkšaną. Hąhą, žejáną.
it is. [Well,] it is ended.



Paul Radin, "The Dipper," Notebooks, Freeman #3850, 3896, & #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebooks #49-50: 1-267 (Hocąk syllabary with an English interlinear translation); Paul Radin, "The Dipper," Notebooks, Freeman #3860 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago IV, #7, Story 7n: 1-26 (typed English translation); Paul Radin, "The Dipper," Notebooks, Freeman #3861 & #3891 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago IV, #8, Story 8r: 1-29 (typed English translation).