Hocąk Text — Hare Recruits Game Animals for Humans, Version 2

translated by Richard L. Dieterle

The syllabic text, which has neither transliteration nor translation, is written with a dark, thick pencil, with good clarity. The text is of unknown provenance. The handwriting is very similar to that of Sam Blowsnake, so the text may have been transcribed by him from oral dictation. It was never published, nor was it even so much as transliterated and translated.

English Translation


p. 135 —
Ai Ki deAe Le Ao Ai Ki Ki d Le Ai x de
Hikį šere. higi, gišare. "Hixaže
To awake he acted. Body when he arrived, he cut bare. "I buried her



Ai o ni niK w A L K tt K. w Kidi Ko i L y K L Ki rKe
hiuninįka wahara. Gająga wąkšigo’įra yakaragiske
the little mother my. Now the lives I [give refuge, also]



A o Ktt n Ae Ktt w wi Kd Kd n KL. A ntt te e x doKo ni de.
ha’ųkjanahe gają." Wawikšąkšąnąkra hanąc tee xaškųniže.
I will do ." In every direction all this he uncovered.



tt n Ki Al l m n L. diAidiAiKi A Kidi. Ao w ttiLi deAe.
Janągi hąpmanira šišik hągiži. howajiriže.
When he saw the walkers on light bad he did it. He caused them to go up.



tt n K. m Le Ki. w xoAo liAi ni diAi diAi KL Ki.
Jánąga mąrégi waxopį́nį šišigarági
All of the earth spirits bad



n Ke Ao L. Aoyi rii ni Ki Le Ki. di Ke Lo Kdi w do de.
nąkehura hųyis’inįkiregi, žigé rukšiwažuže.*
the upper part of the back [when body ... for any time] again [he pulled down.]

*ru-, to pull by means of the hand towards one; kši, to displace; žu, to put.



e rKe. w Kidi KL. liAi w Kidi Kii ni Ktt n Ae de
Ésge wąkšikra piwagiži k’inikjanaheže
Therefore, the men [remaining] will continue



p. 136 —
Ai Le de. e Ki. te e di. tt n K.
hireže. égi t’eži janąga
they do. Then he killed all



A Ke liAi n L Ae Le K tt. no ni Ke.
hąké pihinara heregáją, nųnįgé
not the good ones he did, but



tt n K. w d L Lo tti L n L.
janąga wažąra rujira nąra
all the things the food, the wood,



A ttA n K Ae Le Ko ni. w liAi o Kette Ai Le de.
hacanąkahereguni wapihi ų’kjehireže.
[which ever one he did] [tame] they would be made.



e rKe. w o de. liAi Ai w wi Ki
Ésge wa’ųže. Pįhí wawigi.
Thus he did. Carefully he picked them.



w xi Kette Ai Le de. e tt roto w Ai de. tt n K.
Waxikjehireže. Éja stowahíže. Jánąga
[They will be loaded with something]. There he gathered them. All things



w niyo tteKe L. Ao ttL. Ao w L. w d de rKe L
waniyócgera, hųjra, hųwara, wažąžesge,
the animals, bears, elk, these sorts of things,



A n ttAi roto w Ai de. w niyo tteKe xoAo no ni KL deKe.
hanącį stowahíže. waniyócge xununįkraske,
all these he gathered together. Animals the little ones, also



w Ke Ko deKe. wi ttA wK. w d de rKe L deKe.
waké, gųšgé, wicáwak, wažąžesgeraske,
raccoons, skunks, muskrats, all of these sorts of things, also



p. 137 —
e Ki wi Ki ni Ai tto do Ke Le de. de tt tt n K
égi wikini hijožukereže. Žejajanąga
and grease [cover themselves in]. When all was ended



diAi Ai Kette Ki di w Ki o Kette Ke. tt n K.
šį higejegiži, waki’ųkjege. Jánąga
fat when he made them, he would [do it]. All things



w KidiKi L Lo tti Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. de e diAi
wąkšigira rujirekjanahegiži, žee šį
the living ones when they were to be eaten, these fat



w Ai Ktt n Ae de. tteAe Kitti L. Ao w K. Ai Ki wx deAe.
wahikjanaheže. Cekjira howaką higiwaxše,
he would cause them to be. The first time eel he asked him,



tt rKe Ai Ktt n Ae Ki di. Ao w K we de.
"Jasgé hįkjanahegiži?" howaką wéže.
"What would I suck?" eel he said.



w KidiKi Lo tti Ktt n he de e de. e rKe.
"Wakšig rujikjanaheže," éže. Ésge
"Humans could I eat him?" he said. And so



w ditti Ke K we de. Ai L tt ni reKe K tt e de.
Wašjįgega wéže, "Hi rajnisgegają," éže.
Hare said, "With teeth after you eat a piece." he said.



Ai L Ki w A de. Ai L. reAe Le ttAi re de. n Ke we rKe de
hira giwaháže. hira seréjireže. Nąkeweskeže.
Teeth he showed him. The teeth they were long. He was also afraid.



p. 138 —
e Ki. te e. wK Kidi Ke tt. w i Ao w tti n.
Égi tee wąkšigeja waihowajiną
And this one among the people [he asked him]



Lo tteLe Ai rKe w deAe Ki di. Ai K n K. mi Ki
rujere. "Hisgé wašegiži hikanąk mįki
to go eat. "Some portion as you said [I took it] [as he lay there]



xl leKe. Ao Koo de. K tt roKo teKe Kitti Ki di.
xapge hok’ųže," gają. Skutege gijigiži
quickly to give it back," . Because of the sourness after he received them



Ai L lo rA n Ai de. Ai leAe ni Ke tt tA n.
hira bosąnąhiže. Hi pe nįgeja taną.
the teeth by means of great force, they fell out. Teeth in his head at someplace he had left.



ttAo we xitti niKi Ai rKe niKi Ao t Ai Le de.
Cowexjį nįk hisgé nįk hotahireže.
Very little small some small ones they remained.



e tt. Ao w K xK deAe. w ditti Ke
Éja howaką xakše. Wašjįge
There eel he cried. Hare



A Ke liAi ni w Ae K tt. tt Ko A Ke
hąké pįni. Wahegają, "Jagú hąké
not he did not like it. He said, "How not



de rK ni Kette n. Ai teKe niKi w L K. tee wi Le Ki di
žeskanikjeną. Hiteknįkwaraga tee wiregiži.
could it not be? Your little uncles this they have to work with.



p. 139 —
Ai Lo tti L ni Ae Kette n e de. e Ki w ditti Ke
Hirujiranihekjeną," éže. Égi Wašjįge
I will be meant for eating," he said. And Hare



niK w i Ki nl deAe e liAi n.
nįk wa’įkinapše, "Epįna,
little he began to thank himself, "It is good,



Ai Ke de. e Ki di Ke. ttA L.
hikéže? Égi žigé cara
is it not? And again the deer



de e di. w Kidi KL. Lo tti L ni Ae Ktt n Ae de e de.
žeeži wąkšigra rujiranihekjanaheže," éže.
that the humans it will be meant for eating," he said.



di Ke. e Ki. Aotto tte K. Ai Ki w xi Le de.
Žigé égi hųjega higiwąxireže,
Again then the bears they asked him,



Ai Lo tti Le Ktt n Ae n. e de. Ai d. A t Ki ntt ttiKi di.
"Hirujirekjanaheną?" Éže, "Hižą hataginąjgiži
"Will we be eaten?" He said, "One if he fasts



dA n Ai e Ktt n Ae n. e de. de d A Ke
šaną hiékjanaheną," éže. Žežą, "Hąké
only will he find," he said. [That one], "Not



A t Ki ntt miy n K Ao ni Ki di. wo xeAe L.
hataginąc. Mįyanąk. Honįgiži, woxera
to fast. He sits. If he looking for him, from a storage pit



p. 140 —
ttAi Lo le tt. n lL A Ki tt A K ni Ktt n Ae n.
ciróbeja nąpra hagiją haganikjanaheną.
by the door the hand partition he will be brought to him.



de Ko Ki di. A Ke Ai tt ni Ktt n Ae n. e de.
Žegųgiži, hąké hijanikjanaheną," éže.
For that reason, not I will not come (or change)," he said.



Ao tte. A Ke de rKe a ni ne.
"Hųje hąké žesge anine,"
"Bears not of that nature it is not said,"



w dtti Ke Ke e de. de rKe L Ki di. m K A ni Le L.
Wašjįgege éže. "Žesgeragiži mąkąhanįrera
Hare said. "If he was of that nature of the medicine



A Ke w d Ai Lo d a Ki L ni n.
hąké wažą hirut’agiraniną.
not thing by means of the hand he would not fall dead.



di Ke doAoKo ni Ai Le L. A Ke w d L
Žigé škuni hirerá hąké wažąra
Again perhaps when they got him not the thing



Ai d no ni Ai L ni n. e Ki. di Ke.
hižą nuní hiraniną." Égi žigé
one to know nothing they are not doing it." And again



doAoKo xeAe te L. Ai Ki wx deAe. we de. Ai Ao
šųkxetera higiwaxše, wéže. "Hiho
the horse he asked him, saying, "I ask permission



w ditti Ke. Ai teKe niKi w L K. Ai o ni niKi w L K w Ki do
Wašjįge hiteknįkwaraga hiuninįkwaraga wakížu
Hare your little uncles your little aunts be with them



p. 141 —
w Kdi K i Ktt n Ae n. w w Ki te Ktt n Ae n. tt Ko L.
wąkšig’įkjanaheną," wawagé. "Tekjanahéną. Jagura
to live in the future," he said to them. "I will go. Whatever, what kind of



Ai d riKi KeLe Ki ne w Ki Kii A ni Ae Ktt n Ae n.
hižą sgįgeregi newakik’ihanihekjanaheną,"
one it is heavy I will be doing it myself,"



e de. w ditti Ke ni K w i nl deAe. e liAi n.
éže. Wajįgenįka wa’įnąpše, "Epiną.
he said. Little Hare began to thank him, "It is good.



AoKo L ni K tt. liAi L Ktt n Ae L. y leAe Le rA n.
Hųgra nigáją. Pįrakjanahera. Yaperesana
The chief you are. You will do well. I know



w n i liAi r ni n. mi dA n. A Ke
wanąį pįraniną Nišaną hąké
without effort you did well. As you only not



A m ni Ke ni K tt Ae Le n. w Kidi KL tti Kette Ai deAe
hamąnigenigają hereną. Wągiži karajikjehiže.
when he is caused not to walk to be. When he calls you will cause yourself to come.



Kette L. e liAi n e de. e Ki.
Gejera epíną," éže. Égi
[Because of this] it is good," he said. And



p. 142 —
w w Ke tt n K. ni Lo tti Le Ktt n A wi
wawagé, "Janąga ni rujirekjaną. Hawi
he said to them, "All of you will be eaten. Hides



Ai dA wi L. wi Ki ni tt ne e Ki. Ao Ai L wi Le.
hišawíra. Wiginįjąne." Égi hohirawire.
you promised to me. [You are to stand together with men."] And they were defeated.



ni diAi Ktt n A wi n. wi Ke Ki di. Ao tte K. ttAo ni xitti
"Ni šikjanahawiną." Wigegiži hųjega conixjį
"You will take part in this favor." When he told them Bear the very first



Ai tt Ao miKi deAe. e tt de Ko
hijá homįkše. Éja žegų́
there to lie down. There now



Ao Ki K w ttA de. e rKe diAi xitti de. e dA n.
hogiga wacąže. Ésge šįxjįže. Éšaną
to give he chose. Therefore much fat. Only



w d L. e Ki de de Ko K tt. tt tt Kiri Ke K.
wažąra égi žežegúñgają. Jająksigega
the things here thus they were. Mink



Ai tt Ko woKo Ai Le de. A Ke de rK ni n.
hiją kuwųk hireže. "Hąké žesganiną.
there he dove in he did. "Not it can be.



A Ke Lotto liAi n d w o n.
Hąké ruj pįnažą wa’ųną,"
Not to eat a good one he is,"



p. 143 —
ay Le Ki di. Lo xe Ai L n K. Lo riKi Ki Le de
airegiži. Ruxe hiránąga rusgįkireže.
they were saying. They chased him they did and they wrung him out.



e rKe Lo L Lo reAe Le tti Le de.
Ésge róra rosere* jiréže.
And so body squeezed out he began.

*this seems to be the right translation for the context, but the attested form of this word is rosiri.



di Ko Ko deKe n K. m no Ai tt
Žegų́gų škenąga mąnų hija
So in that manner also to steal there



Ao tal deAe. Ko te de e Ai Ke
hot’ąpše. "Koté, že’e hįké
he jumped into. "Koté, this one not



rotto liAi ni d w o n. lA n diAi
sųc pįnįžą wa’ųną. Pana šį
to finish not a good one he did. The head fat



diKi Ki d Ae Le n. ay Le K tt. we de
šikižą hereną," airegáją. Wéže
a good one it is," they were saying. He said



Ko deKe ni K. w Kidi KL. Ai d Ao w d n K.
Gųškenįka, "Wąkšikra hižą hówažánañgá,
Little Skunk, "The humans one after he becomes sick,



Ai Lotto Ki deKe. Lo w d L. A Ki lA
hįruj gišge. Ro wažąra hagipa
he eats me he does. Body the thing to strike against



A ri Ktt n Ae n. e de. e Ki. w ditti Ke ni K
hazįkjanaheną," éže. Égi Wašjįgenįka
he will hold in a certain position," he said. Then Litte Hare



we de. liAi w Ke. w Kidi Ko i wo K n.
wéže, "Pį wage. Wąkšiko’į wogáną.
he said, "Good what he said. Life he gave them.



p. 144 —
o Kette n. Ai Ky Le de. e Ki tt n K Ki di.
Ųkjeną," higaireže. Égi janągagiži
He will do it," he told them. Then everyone



A ntt oyi Le de. e Ki. e Le de.
haną́c uyįreže. Égi éreže.
all they did. And that was it.



The Hare Cycle, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #23: 135-144.