Hocąk Text — Holy One and His Brother
Winnebago V, #24: 1 Winnebago IV, #4: 59
hapaxlegomena: cagiwak, "to go towards"; gisąnąsąną, an emphatic of gisąną, "to remove"; hibokipero, "to run in every direction"; hiragisoc, "to strike something"; hiwuhic, "to flood" (or perhaps, "to spread out so as to completely cover something"); hokarawe, "to float about" (a variant of hoikara); howakarek, "to stick something into something else"; mąhijawax, "the feathered part of the arrow"; mąžejaija, "the ends of the earth" (for možejaija); mežesganągere, "that is it"; Raǧogega, "Holy One"; rakekex, "to chew"; nąsák, "to trample" (a variant of nąsták); raháp, "to chew a hole through"; sikura, "the bottom"; wikurupiš, "to spread it out"; wa’ącuha, "to take out of something"; wenįk, "little bird" (cf. wanįk, "bird"); žigihanihara, "and again".
rare words: gų, "to desire, to seek"; hajíhaxép, "to come to the top of a hill"; hikus’aže, "he would snatch away"; hiniwara, oar (found only in Jipson); káwahá, "to show her own" (recorded only by J. O. Dorsey); keweją, "to roll up"; nąxóǧ(-hi), "to trample (etc.)," recorded only by J. O. Dorsey; raǧu, "subsided"; rukos, "to grip firmly" (found only in Marino); wągoni, "clan"; warakųnų́k, "to bite them in two"; watohici, "son-in-law," a rare variant of watohoci.
use of the unusual construction, žee éja, "this there."
the use of éja, "there," is very extensive.
using kąné, "he has fallen," as a euphemism to "he has died."
the future tense (-kje) added to a personal name as though it were a verb (Raǧoge-kje).
heavy used of (-kara-), "one's own.".
Winnebago V, #24: 52 —te e | Ae Le n. | L xo Ke K.* | Ai roAo KL. | e tt | A w o L. |
Tee | hereną. | Raǧogega† | hisųgera | éja | hawa’ųra. |
This | it is. | Holy One | his brother | there | what they caused to be.‡ |
* the last K was read by Radin as a Ki.
† Radin writes in, "Raxogegi."
‡ in his English translation, Radin repositions this preamble to the very end of the story.
Winnebago V, #24: 1 = Winnebago IV, #4: 59 —de e | e tt. | Ai roAo K | K Ly Ki ttiAi d. | ttiAi nK deAe. |
Žee | éja | hisųk | karaíkicižą | cinąkše. |
[This one] | there | younger brother | one living with someone | they were living. |
xeAe te n K. | we de. | Ai roAoKo A xitti. | tt KodeKe |
Xetenąka | weže, | "Hisųkhaxjį, | jagúške |
This older one | he said, | ["My younger brother,] | [what] |
n tteKe wo ni ttAi Kette. | ni dA n. | xAe te L. | wi ne n. |
nącgewonicikje? | Nišana | xetera," | winéną. |
[there will be to worry about?] | I alone | [the great one,"] | I am. |
m n KeLe | e Ki. | ni dA n | wy K ttAK dA n. | e de. | de e. |
Mąną́gere | égi | nišana | waikącąkšaną," | éže. | Žee |
On this earth | here | I alone | I am holy," | he said. | [This] |
o nK ra de. | A Ko Ley d. | m xiAi Ao do L. | A e Ai Le de. |
’ųnąks’aže. | Hagoreižą | mąxihošura | ha’ehireže. |
[he always did.] | One day | the heavens | they held a council. |
m ne Ki | Ae Le L. | A ntt. | w K ttAK deAe | e Ki | e rKe. |
Mąnégi | herera. | Haną́c | wakącąkše. | Égi | ésge |
On earth | they were. | [Everything] | [it was holy.] | [And] | [therefore] |
Ao ttAi n Ki. | e | Ai Lo m Ay tt. | te Ki |
hocinągi, | e | hiromąhąija | tégi |
[when they were camping, | [he] | [he sat against the wind] | [over here] |
Winnebago V, #24: 2 —
ri d | mi nK deAe. | de e | e tt. | w Kette xiAi |
sižą | mįnąkše. | Žee | éja | Wakjexi |
[a foot] | [he lay.]* | This one | there | Waterspirits |
* this sentence is omitted from the translation.
ttAi n Ki d | n K. | e Ki | ay Le Kette | A L tti L |
cinąkižą | nąk, | égi | airekje | harajira |
a town | it sat, | [and] | [they would say] | [overheard] |
n Ko ni | Ai Ke | Ai leAe Le rini de. | A Ko Ley d. | Ai rAo KL. |
nakųnį, | hįké | hipereznįže. | Hagoreižą, | hisųgera |
[it must be,] | [not] | [it was not known.]* | One day, | his younger brother |
* most of the previous three sentences are omitted in the English translation. Radin goes on to add a clarifying passage which is not in the original text: "However, pretty soon all the spirits in heaven and on earth held a council, for he had been boasting and saying that he was the only holy person on earth. It was decided that he must be punished. The waterspirits were appointed to do the deed."
Ki xA w ni dKo ni. | de Ko | A lAe K tt | xA w ni de. | de |
gixawąnišgųnį. | Žegų | hapegają, | xawaniže . | Že |
he did not return. | [Thus,] | he waited, but | he did not appear. | [This one] |
tt Ko Ko Ley d | Ao K L ni de. | A Ko Ley d | xK dAe. | ni Ke |
jagugoreižą,* | hokaraniže. | Hagoreižą, | ǧakše. | Nįgé |
[how in time,] | he searched for him. | [In time,] | he cried. | Wherever |
* < jagú-hagoreižą.
n diy n K. | x K. | Ai dtt ni L. | diAi leLe K. | te |
nąžįanąga | ǧak, | hišjanį́ra | šibréga, | te |
[he stood, and] | he wept, | the tears | [as they fell,] | lake |
xeAe te | tti nK ra de. | di Ke. | Ai Ki roAo no K. | xeAe L. |
xete | jinąks’aže. | Žigé, | higisunųka, | xera |
great | [it would become.] | And | whenever he sobbed, | the hills |
w L Ko noKo | Ai Ko ra de. | Aoy rA w | xeAe te. |
warakųnų́k | hikus’aže. | Hoisą́wą | xete |
[to bite them in two] | [he would snatch away.] | [Valley] | [big] |
Winnebago V, #24: 3 —
ttili | w Ai ra de. | e Ki. | e tt. |
cip | wahis’aže. | Égi | éja |
[to make a thudding or stamping noise] | [he would create them.]* | [Then] | [there] |
* this sentence has been omitted in the English translation.
Winnebago IV, #4: 60 —
ow Ki K tt | we L Ki. | doAo Ktt Ke K. | e tt | owK deAe. |
’ųwagigają, | wéraki, | Šųkjąkega | éja | ’uwąkše. |
[as he went along,] | [unexpectedly,] | Wolf | [there] | he was. |
Ai roAo Ki tti. | tt Ko dKe. | Ai roAoKo A L. | ni Ke | Ao L Ki |
"Hisųkiji, | jagúšge | hisųkhara | nįge | huragi, |
["My younger brother,] | [what] | [my younger brother] | [place] | [if he went,] |
deAe we riAi wi Kette | Ai roAo KL. | Ao tee | A K |
šewesįwįkje, | hisųgera | hot’e | hąká |
[you will search,] | my brother | [place of death] | not |
L no ni n. | e de. | doAo Ktt Ke K | we de. | Ai ni A xitti |
ranuníną?" | éže. | Šųkjąkega | weže, | "Hinihaxjį, |
you do not know?" | he said. | Wolf | he said, | "Older brother, |
m n KeLe | Le Ki Ki d ni A tt | no ni Ke. | Ai Ke. | w d |
mąną́gere | rogigižanihaja | nųnįgé | hįké | wažą |
over the earth | I have gone | but | not | anything |
y lAe Le rini n. | e de. | Ao Aow. | e de. | A Lo xAe |
yapereznįną," | éže. | "Hohowá!" | éže. | Haruxé |
I do not know," | he said. | "Ah well!" | he said. | [To turn away] |
Winnebago V, #24: 4 —
m ni Ke Le K tt. | doAo Ktt Ke K. | we de. | Lo xo Ke. | ne |
mąnįgeregają, | Šųkjąkega | weže, | "Roǧoge, | ne |
to walk away, but | Wolf | he said, | "Holy One,* | I |
* the name Roǧoge(ga) probably does not mean "Holy One."
Ai roAoKo | Ai ni Ki lAe Le ri Ktte. | e de. | L xo K K. | we de. |
hisųk | hinįgiperezikje," | éže. | Raǧogaga | weže, |
brother | I will not be the one to look after," | he said. | Holy One | he said, |
Kow. | Ai Ko ri Le Ki | me de rK nK Le | Le dKe. | Ai tto |
"Guwa, | higųsiregi | mežesganągere | rešge | hijo |
"Oh, | [rascal] | that he is | [even] | [towards him] |
LoKo | ay Le Ko ni | a n K. | A tal dAe. | doAo Ktt Ke K. |
rok | airegųnį," | ánąga, | hat’apše. | Šųkjąkega |
[inside] | [perhaps they say,"] | he said, and | [he jumped.] | Wolf |
Lo ttiKi | miKi | no ni Ke. | Ao xA L. | tti n K n K. |
rujík | mįk, | nųnįgé | hoxára | jinąkanąga |
[to stretch] | [to lie,] | but | to overtake | he went, and |
m ttoKo L. | Ai ow n K. | Ki rAK deAe. | de Ko | Aiy n K. |
mącgúra | hi’ųanąga | gisákše. | Žegų | hianąga |
his bow | he took, and | he killed him.* | [Thus] | [he did, and] |
* Radin adds what is not in the text: "... saying, 'I suppose you too, took part in the conspiracy against me'."
Ai Ll L. | Ao Lo a | a d n K. | ny d | e tt. |
hirabera | horu’ą | ažanąga | nąižą | éja |
the jaw | [he lifted up] | he opened, and | [a stick] | [there] |
Ai w diAi | Ki n Ki de. | de Ko | Aiy n Ke Le de. |
hiwaší | kinąkiže. | Žegų | hiyanakereže. |
[to dance along with something] | [he made himself.] | Thus | he did, and went on. |
Winnebago V, #24: 5 —
di Ke | Ai no l A L. | e tt. | ow Ai K tt. | w dAe Le Ke ni K. |
Žigé | hinųbahąra | éja | úwahigają, | Wašeregenįka |
Again | [the second time] | [there] | as he was going along, | Little Fox |
e tt. | owK dAe. | Ai roAo Ki tti. | Ai roAoKo L. | Ao tee | A K |
éja | ’uwąkše. | "Hisųkiji, | hisųgera | hot’e | hąká |
[there] | he was. | "My little brother, | my younger brother | [place of death] | not |
L no ni n. | w ni l K nK doAo no n. | ni Ke | Ao dAe w riAi wi Ko ni. |
ranuníną? | Wanipakąnąkšųnųną. | Nįge | hošewesįwįgųnį," |
you do not know? | You are always clever. | [Place] | [perhaps you have seen where,"] |
Winnebago IV, #4: 61 —
e de. | w deAe Le Ke ni K | we de. | Ai ni A xitti n | m nK KeLe* |
éže. | Wašeregenįka | weže, | "Hinihaxjįna, | mąną́gere |
he said. | Little Fox | he said, | "Older brother, | over the earth |
* the syllabic text has n nK KeLe.
Lo Ki Ki d niy tt | no ni Ke. | A Ke | w do leAe riAi wi ni n. |
rogigižaniaja, | nųnįgé | hąké | wažopeziwinįną,"* |
I go, | but | not | I know nothing about him," |
* < wažą-hopeziwinįną.
e de. | e Ki | A Lo xAe | m ni Ke Le K tt. | ne |
éže. | Égi | haruxé | manikeregają, | "Ne |
he said. | Then | to turn away | walking back, but | "I |
Winnebago V, #24: 6 —
L xo Ke | Ai roAoKo | ni Ki lAe riAi wi | A tte de | a n K. |
Raǧoge | hisųk | nįgipesįwį | haježe," | ánąga |
Holy One | brother | [I looked everywhere] | I did," | he said, and |
no wK deAe. | L xo Ke K | we de. | Kow. | Ai Ko ri Le Ki. |
nųwąkše. | Raǧogega | weže, | "Guwa, | higųsiregi |
he ran away. | Holy One | he said, | "Oh, | [you rascal] |
me de rK nK Le | Le dKe. | Ao LoKo | Ai Ko ri Le Ko ni. |
mežesganągere, | rešge | horók | higųsiregųnį," |
that is it, | [even] | to conspire | [they created against me,"] |
a n K. | A tal dAe. | no wK | no ni Ke | Ai Ai | Ao xA L n K. |
ánąga | hat’apše. | Nųwąk, | nųnįgé | hihį | hoxaranąga |
he said, and | [he jumped.] | He ran, | but | he came | he overtook him, and |
Ki rAK deAe. | Ai Ll L. | Ao Lo a | a d n K. | ny tt |
gisákše. | Hirabera | horu’ą | ažanąga | nąija |
he killed him. | [The jaw] | [he lifted up] | [he opened, and] | on a tree |
Ai Ki diAiKi | K nK deAe. | de Ko | to w Le de. | di Ke |
higišík | kąnąkše. | Žegų | towareže. | Žigé |
to hang up | he put it. | Thus | he went on. | Again |
K xi K. | e tt | A tt de. | Ai roAo Ki tti | w ni lA K nK doAo no n |
Kaǧiga | éja | hajaže. | "Hisųkiji, | wanipakąnąkšųnųną. |
Raven | [there] | [he saw.] | "Little brother, | you are a cunning fellow. |
Winnebago V, #24: 7 —
Ai roAo KL. | Ao tee | A K | L no ni n. | e de |
Hisųgera | hot’e | hąká | ranuníną?" | éže, |
My brother | [place of death] | [not] | [you do not know?"] | [he said,] |
L xo Ke K. | K xi K | we de. | Ai ni A xitti | m nK KeLe. |
Raǧogega. | Kaǧiga | weže, | "Hinihaxjį, | mąną́gere |
Holy One. | Raven | he said, | "Older brother, | over the earth |
m xiAi | Ao dow KeLe | deKe. | Lo Ki Ki d ni A tt | no ni Ke. |
mąxi | hožuágere | ške | rogigižanihaja, | nųnįgé |
heavens | [that are within] | [also] | I have roamed, | but |
Ai Ke | w d | Ao leAe riAi wi ni n. | a n K. | A Lo xeAe |
hįké | wažą | hopesįwįnįną," | ánąga | haruxé |
not | [anything] | I am not suppose to care," | he said, and | to turn away |
Ke Le K tt | we de. | ne | L xo Ke. | Ai roAoKo |
keregają, | weže, | "Ne | Raǧoge | hisųk |
he started off, and | he said, | ["I] | [Holy One] | [brother] |
ni Ki leAe riAi wi Kette. | e de. | L xo Ke K. | di Ke | we de. |
nįgipesįwįkje," | éže. | Raǧogega | žigé | weže, |
[I must have looked everywhere,"] | [he said.] | Holy One | again | he said, |
Ai Loy Le Li KeLe. | te de rK nK Le | Le dKe. | Ai Ko ri Le Ki. | Ao LoKo |
"Hiro-arerigere, | težesganągere | rešge | higųsiregi | horók |
"You little rascal, | such as | [even] | little fellows | conspiracy |
Winnebago V, #24: 8 —
w n xoKo | Ai Le Ko ni. | a n K. | K xi K. | Lo diKi diKitti ttK tt. |
wanąxgu | hiregųnį," | ánąga | Kaǧiga | rušikšikjįcgają, |
[to hear them] | they must have," | he said, and | Raven | just as he was about to fly away, |
Ki diAili tti Le Ai de. | Ai L lL | Ao Lo a | a d n K. | n w Ke tt. |
gišipjirehiže. | Hirabera | horu’ą | ažanąga | nąwą́geja |
he knocked him down. | The jaw | he pulled up | he opened, and | on the tree |
Winnebago IV, #4: 62 —
Ai n Ki de. | e Ki. | Ao xtt n ne Ki. | ttAi L | ttA Ki w Kede. |
hinąkiže. | Égi | hoxjanąnegi, | cira | cagiwakše. |
he hung. | Then | in the evening, | home | he was going. |
ow Ki K tt. | w niKi | ni Ki d. | ttAo we L | A tti Ao nK deAe. |
’Uwagigają, | wanįk | nįgižą | cowéra | hajihoną́kše. |
On the way, | bird | a little one | [in front] | it crossed his path. |
Ai dtt L. | A ttA Ke Le | Ki Kd | tti Le de. | di Ki no l A L |
Hišjara | hacągére | gigą́š | jireže. | Žiginųbahąra, |
His face | [just barely] | [missing] | it went by. | Twice |
o de. | di Ki t ni A L | o de. | di Ki tto l A L | o de. |
’ųže. | Žigitanihąra, | ’ųže. | Žigijobahąra, | ’ųže. |
it happened. | Thrice | it happened. | Again a fourth time, | it did it. |
Aowa. | e de. | L xo Ke K. | Ai tto Lo xKo K tt. | ttAo rKe |
"Howa!" | éže. | Raǧogega | hijoruxgugają, | coske |
"Ho," | he said. | Holy One | he looked up, and | woodpecker |
Winnebago V, #24: 9 —
ni Ki d | w o de. | Kow | A x Ki Kette Ke |
nįgižą | wa’ųže. | "Guwa, | haǧagikjege, |
[a little one] | it was. | "[Exclamation] | let me cry here, |
w o L. | w niKi | diAi diAiKi | niKi | tt Koyi d |
wa’ųra. | Wanįk | šišik | nįk | jaguižą |
[I am doing it.] | Bird | bad | little | what one |
Ai dtt L. | Aoyi riAitti | tte de. | e de. | K tt. |
hišjara | hoisį́c | jéže," | éže. | Gają, |
eyes | [to sweep] | it came?" | he said. | Then |
ttAo rKe ni K. | we de. | i. | e de. | Ai ttAo dKe |
Cosgénįka | weže, | "I," | éže. | "Hicųšgé, |
Little Woodpecker | it said, | "Oh," | it said. | "Grandson, |
Ai wo Ki L Ki Ktte Ke | Ai w o L. | e de. | Ao Ao. | Ko ni K. |
hiwogiragikjege, | hiwo’ųra," | éže. | "Hohó | kunį́ka, |
for I have news, | [I am doing it,"] | she said. | "My, my! | [grandmother,] |
w d | y leAe Lere | w Ae de. | Ao Ki L Kese. | tt Ko |
wažą | yaperez | waheže. | Hogirakere, | jagú |
[something] | [I knew] | [it is why I said it.] | Tell it to me, | what |
Ai L lAe Le riKi. | w reAe | niKi | A ni L. | Ai Lo L Ki Ke we Kette n. |
hiraperezgi. | Wasé | nįk | hanira, | hirorakikewekjeną. |
if you know. | Paint | little | which I have, | you can paint your face. |
e Ki. | woKo. | niKi | A ni L. | n Ai Ki we | Ai doo Ktte n. |
Égi | wok | nįk | hanira, | nąhikiwe | hišųkjeną," |
And | awl | little | which I have, | [carpentry ?]* | you may use," |
* the word ną means "wood." Radin has "bill," which would be pa. The word given for "carpenter" in Foster is nąhikisae.
Winnebago V, #24: 10 —
a. | ttAo dK no. | Ai roAo KL K. | Ao L ttAi dA n K. |
a. | "Cųšgánu, | hisųkraga | horacišanąga |
he said. | "Grandson, | your brother | [you are puzzled about, and]* |
* cf. racíš, "to be puzzled about."
Ai Lo m Ay tt. | te | Kiri n K | e tt. | w Kette xiAi |
hiromąhąíja | te | kisnąka | éja | Wakjéxi |
[upstream] | lake | the one nearby | at | Waterspirit |
ttAi n KL. | Ao KL. | ttiAi Lolo | Ai Lo Ke Le | Ai o n Kd n. |
cinągera | hųgera | cirop | hirokére | hi’ųnąkšaną. |
[village] | the chief | door | flap | they were using. |
Lo L. | Lotti L n K. | A L. | w Ki o n Kd n. | Ai ttAo deKe. |
Rora | rujiranąga | hara | waki’ųnąkšaną. | Hicųšgé, |
His flesh | they ate, and | his skin | [they are doing it with.] | Grandson, |
A ntt | n Ko ri Le n. | Ai Ke | wo n xoKo wi L | w ni n. |
hanąc | nagusireną. | Hįké | wonaxguwira | wąnįną, |
all | they were called to a council. | Not | the council | they did not invite, |
ni dA n. | wK no niKi L | A K Ly Ki do | e rKe | Ao ni Ki tK wi n. |
nišana | wąknunįgera | hakaraikižu. | Ésge | honigitakwiną. |
I alone | my old man | with him. | That is why | I am telling you. |
Winnebago V, #24: 11 = Winnebago IV, #4: 63 —
e Ki. | te n K. | rA niKi | wiyo Lo ttA tte tt. | loAo r Ke. |
Égi | tenąka | sanįk | wiorocajeja | pųzake |
And | this lake | direction | to the south | sandbar |
w L xo | Ao lA reAe tte K. | e tt. | AoKo KL. | Ai niKi w Ai L. |
waraǧu* | hopasejega | éja | hųgera | hinįkwahira |
[subsidence] | [at the point,] | there | the chief | his sons |
* raǧu is said to mean "subsided," but has only one occurrence.
no liAi wi wi L. | e tt. | A t xiKi Ki nK dA n. | Al | liAi xitti K. |
nųpiwiwira | éja | hątaginąkšaną, | hąp | pįxjįga," |
the two of them | there | [they dreamt,] | [light] | [the good,"] |
e de. | A A | Ko ni K | e liAi n." | e Ki. |
éže. | "Hąhą́ | Kunį́ka, | epį́ną." | Égi |
she said. | "[Exclamation] | grandmother, | it is good." | And |
w rAe | A ni Ki. | Ai dtt niKi Ke tt. | Ai Ki w d de | w rAe |
wasé | hanigi, | hįšjanįkeja | higiwažąže, | wasé |
paint | which he had, | on her small face | he painted, | paint |
doAotto | niKi. | e Ki. | woKo Ki d. | A ni Ki. |
šųc | nįk. | Égi | wokižą | hanigi, |
red | [little.] | And | an awl | [which he had,] |
lA ni Ke tt. | Ao Ki Ke Le de. | ta K L n K. | n dtt xitti d | e tt. |
panįkeja | hokikereže. | T’ąkaranąga | nąšjaxjįžą | éja |
on her little bill | he placed it. | She flew away, and | a hardwood tree | there |
Winnebago V, #24: 12 —
Ki we K tt. | de Ko | A L | ttK tti n nK | Ai de. |
giwegają, | žegų | hara | cgajinanąk | hiže. |
she pecked, and | [thus] | [the bark] | to send clear through | she did. |
Ai to Ki Kii L | Lo K n de. | e Ki. | Kiy n K. | Ay ni Ki. |
Hitokik’įra | rokánaže. | Égi | kiánąga | haínigi, |
To feel proud of herself | she did very much. | Then | he set out, and | in the morning, |
Al | liAi xitti de. | e Ki. | w Ktte xiAi | A t xiKi Ki Le ra de |
hąp | pįxjįže. | Égi | Wakjexi | hataxgik’įs’aže. |
day | it was nice. | And | Waterspirits | they would go to bask in the sun. |
ay Le K. | eyo w Le de. | A Ai | e tt. | wi ttoKo |
Airega | eowareže, | hahi | éja | wijúk |
[When they say] | [he got there,] | on the way | there | mice |
w m no Ke | niKi | A Lo Ko r n K. | de rKe | o ttoAo ttoAo de. |
wamąnų́ke | nįk | harukosanąga | žesge | ’ucucuže. |
[thieves] | [little] | [he took, and] | them | he carried along with him. |
e Ki. | loAo r Ke | w L xo | w Ky Le K. | e tt. |
Égi | pųzake | waraǧu | wagairega | éja |
And | sandbar | [subsidence] | [that was mentioned] | there |
Ai de. | e tt. | n lA reAe | Ki de. | n lA reAe. |
hiže. | Éja | nąpáse | kį́že. | Nąpáse |
he was. | There | stump | he made himself. | Stump |
Winnebago V, #24: 13 —
loAo xi d | Ae Le de. | wi ttoKo niKi | dKe | Ao ttAi de. |
poxižą | hereže. | Wijuknįk | ške | hociže. |
a hollow one | he was. | Mice | also | they lived. |
Ai L Le xitti K tt. | te n KeLe. | ttiAi wi | tti Le de. | we L Ki. |
Hirarexjįgają, | tenągere | cįwį́ | jireže. | Weráki, |
After awhile, | the lake | to roar | it began. | [Unexpectedly,] |
te | ntt Le Ki. | Ai n A tti n Ki Le de. | Ai no wi Ke. | K tt. |
te | nąjeregi | hinąhajinąkireže, | hinųwį́ke. | Gają |
lake | in the middle of | they floated to the surface, | [both of them.] | [Then] |
Ai d | we de. | Ko te | Ko diAi Ki. | L xo Ke K. | ay L n K. |
hižą́ | weže, | "Koté, | gušígi | Raǧogega," | airánąga |
one of them | he said, | "[Exclamation,] | over there | Holy One," | he said, and |
x w ni | Ai Le de. | di Ki L Le xitti K tt | A xe li Le de. | di Ki A ni A L. |
xawanį́ | hireže. | Žigirarexjįgają, | haǧebíreže. | Žigihanihara, |
[to disappear] | they did. | After a time, | they came up. | And again, |
Ai tto l A L. | A xe li Le Ki | wy Le de. | Ko te | rii Le tt |
hijobą́hąrá | haǧebíregi. | Waíreže, | "Koté, | s’ireją |
for the fourth time | [they came up.] | It was said, | "Oh, | [for a long time] |
Winnebago IV, #4: 64 —
Ai tt | n di doAo no n. | ay Le de. | e rKe | Ai d |
hija | nąžįšųnųną," | aíreže. | Ésge, | hižą |
there | it always stands," | it was said. | So | one of them |
we de. | Ko te | e Ki | A Ai Ki dtt tte | e Ki. |
weže, | "Koté, | égi | hahigišjaje." | Égi |
he said, | "Well, | [then] | you had better go and look at it." | [Then] |
Winnebago V, #24: 14 —
Ai di tto w Ao de. | Ai tt tti Ki. | n lA rAe tte K |
hižijowahože.* | Hijájigi | nąpasejega |
one of them came over. | [Once he had gotten over there,] | the stump |
* < hižą-hijo-wa-ho-že.
Ai Ki dAe Le. | K tt. | wi tto Kini KL | deKe | Ai lo Ki lAe Lo de. |
higišere. | Gają, | wijuknįgera | ške | hibokiperože. |
[he attended to it.] | Then | the mice | also | they ran in every direction. |
e rKe | we de. | Ko te | Lo K n | te e |
Ésge | weže, | "Koté, | rokana | tee |
So | he said, | "[Exclamation,] | many | these |
L xo Ke K | w o tte Ki | de rK n de. | wi ttoKo niKi |
Raǧogega | wa’ųjegi, | žesganaže? | Wijuknįk |
Holy One | [if he were doing it,] | [could it be this way?] | Mice |
dKe | Ao ttAi | tte n. | e de. | rii Le tt | Ai Ki |
ške | hoci | jeną," | éže. | S’ireją | higi |
also | to live | they are," | he said. | [For a long time,] | here |
n di doAo no n | Ai Ae L | Ki l L d Le | e de. | e Ki |
nąžįšųnųną, | hihéra | giparažare," | éže. | Égi |
it always stands, | I told you, | you do not believe it," | he said. | [Then] |
Ai tt ney K | a tti n K n K. | loAo r Ke | w L xo n K. | e tt |
hijaneąka | ajinąkanąga | pųzake | waraǧonąka | éja |
the other one | [he came on shore, and] | sandbar | [that subsidence] | there |
tti. | Ki Ko Lo li ni Le de. | w dA L L. | wi Ko Lo lidi |
ji, | kį́gorupį́nįreže. | Wašarara, | wikurupiš |
he came, | they baked themselves. | [The omentum]* | to spread it out |
* Miner gives the definition of wašara as, "supplementary fat between intestines, used for wrapping roast."
Winnebago V, #24: 15 —
tti Le de. | loAo r Ke tt. | w dA L L. | w Ko Lo lA L | Ai Le de. |
jireže. | Pųzakeja | wašarara | wakurupara | hireže. |
[they started.] | On the sandbar | the fat | to spread it out | they did. |
e Ki | e tt. | mi Ki Le de. | A Ko Ley d | n xitti |
Égi | éja | mįgireže. | Hagoreižą, | nąxjį |
Then | there | they laid down. | Soon, | sound asleep |
Ai Le de. | e Ki. | L xo Ke K. | Ai tto | w tti Le de. |
hireže. | Égi | Raǧogega | hijo | wajireže. |
they were. | Then | Holy One | nearer | he went to them. |
Ai tt | tii ttey n K. | n tteKe xittiye tt. | my de* | Ai Kotto deAe. |
Hija | jijeyanąga | nącgexjįeja | maįžą | higucše. |
There | [he landed, and] | [right in the heart] | an arrow | [he shot.] |
* this should be my d.
di Ki tt ne L | Ki o de. | de Ko | w dA L L. | Ai Lo K Kr.* |
Žigijanera | ki’ųže. | Žegų | wašarara | hirugagáš |
Again the other one | he did it to. | Then | their entrails | [they fumbled] |
* this should be Ai Lo K Kd.
niye tt | Ao w Kiy K Ly Le de. | e tt. | de Ko | Ko de. |
nįeja | howakiakaraireže. | Éja | žegų | guže. |
in the water | they went back. | There | then | he went home. |
Ay ni Le Ki. | e tt. | Ao we | w n xoKo xoKo tte de. | te n K. |
Hainiregi, | éja | howe | wanąxgųxgųježe. | Tenąka |
The next morning, | there | he went | to hear of anything. | The lake |
Ai wo rAo tte tt. | te we L Ki. | e tt. | Ai d | A xe xele lette de. |
hiwosųjeja, | tewéraki, | éja | hižą | haǧeǧépježe. |
near, | unexpectedly, | there | one | [it appeared here and there.] |
Winnebago V, #24: 16 = Winnebago IV, #4: 65 —
A n xoKo K tt | te we L Ki | n w | w tte de. | Ai tto w Le de. |
Hanąxgųgają, | tewéraki, | nąwą́ | waježe. | Hijowáreže. |
He heard it, and | [unexpectedly,] | song | she said it. | He went there. |
a dKe Le K tt. | n te. | n diy n K | w tte de. | Ai Ko Ae |
Ašgeregają, | nąte | nąžianąga | waježe. | Higųhe |
When he got nearer, | to chop wood | she stood, and | he said it. | [In haste] |
n t rAe li d | e tt. | Ai dtt L. | o xiAi ni* | Ai w d de. |
nątasepižą | éja | hišjara | ųxį́nį | hiwašaže. |
a burnt stump | there | his face | to blacken | [he stopped.] |
* a period is misplaced after the syllable xiAi.
Ai tt | Ai de. | te we L Ki. | Ai to Ke ni Ki d | w tte de |
Hija | hiže. | Tewéraki, | hitókenįkížą | waježe, |
There | [she was.] | [Unexpectedly,] | an old woman | [she said it,] |
Ao Ke wi L. | Ao Ke wi L* | a tte de. | n w | w tte de. |
"Hųgewira, | hųgewira," | aježe. | Nąwą́ | waježe. |
"You chiefs, | you chiefs," | she was saying. | [Song] | [she said it.] |
* the text has, | n w. A o Ke wi L. Ao Ke wi L |.
L xo Ke K. | we de. | Ko ni K | tt Ko o | w dA L tte de |
Raǧogega | weže, | "Kunį́ka, | jagú’ų | wašaraježe?" |
Holy One | he said, | "Grandmother, | why | are you saying it?" |
e de. | Ai to Ke niKi tte K. | we de. | i. | Ai ttAo dKe. |
éže. | Hitokenįkjega | weže, | "I | hicųšgé, |
he said. | The old woman | she said, | "Oh | grandson, |
L xo Ke n | w dA L tte | tto deKe. | e de. | Ko ni K. |
Raǧogena | wašaraje, | cų́šge," | éže. | "Kunį́ka, |
the Holy One | he is saying it, | grandson," | she said. | "Grandmother, |
Winnebago V, #24: 17 —
tt Ko | L xo Ki Ktte. | ni Ke | ny di. | xK Ki K L wK doKo ni |
jagú | Raǧogikje | nįgé | naį́ži | ǧakikarawakšgųnį," |
indeed | Holy One will | [someplace] | by now | he must have cried himself to death," |
e de. | e Ki. | Ai to Ke niKi tte Ke | we de. | Ai ttAo dKe. |
éže. | Égi | hitokenįkjege | weže, | "Hicųšgé, |
he said. | Then | the old woman | she said, | "Grandson, |
Ao Kini Ktt KL. | m | nolo | w Ai Le n. | e rKe |
hųginįkjąkra | mą | nųp | wahireną. | Ésge |
the children of the chief | arrows | two | [it was done to them.] | That is why |
te e dKe. | e | n w Ki te | w o A tte n | e de. |
teeške | e | nąwagite | wa’ųhajeną," | éže. |
even I | them | I am chopping wood | I am doing this," | she said. |
e Ki. | Ko ni K | tt rKe | Ai Le Ktt n Ae de | e de. |
"Égi | kunį́ka, | jasgé | hirekjanaheže?" | éže. |
"Well | grandmother, | what | they are going to do?" | he said. |
i. | ttAo dK no | L xo Ke | ne | w dA L tte | tto deKe. |
"I | cųšgánu, | Raǧoge | ne | wašaraje, | cų́šge?" |
"Oh | grandson, | Holy One | you | [you are saying it,] | grandson?" |
Ko ni K. | w d | w Lo ttoKo ni | w di dA L tte. | ni di |
"Kunįga, | wažą | warócgųnį | wašišaraje. | Niži |
"Grandmother, | something | foolish | [you are saying this.] | I |
te e. | xAe | rA niKi Le Ki | rii Le tt. | A t Ki ntt m KL |
tee | xe | sanįgeregi | s’ireją | hą́taginą́jemągera, |
[this] | hill | [other side] | for quite some time | I have been fasting, |
Winnebago V, #24: 18 —
e Ki. | n te L. | L ttAd | L tte Ke. | Ai Ki w w Ao n. |
égi | nątera | racaš | rajege, | higiwawahuną. |
here | chopping wood | [you making a knocking noise] | [you stood, so] | I came over. |
Winnebago IV, #4: 66 —
rii Le tt. | Ai K K | ttAi n Ke tt | A Ki ni | A tte Ke |
S’ireją | hįkaga | cinągeja | haginį | hajege, |
For a long time | not | to the village | I have not gone | as I did, |
Ai Ke | A K | w n xoKo ni | A tte Ke. | wi ni Ki lAx | n i L. |
hįké | hąká | wanaxgųnį | hajege, | winigipąx | ną’įra. |
[not] | [no] | [not to hear it] | [as I did,] | to be asking it | [I tried.] |
tt Ko | ni Ke | L xo Ke K. | ny di. | ni Ke |
Jagú | nįgé | Raǧogega | naį́ži | nįgé |
And furthermore | [someplace] | Holy One | long before | [where] |
tee dKo n.* | e de. | a. | ttAo dK no | Ai rKe w dAe. |
t’ešgų́nį," | éže. | A | "Cųšgánu, | hisgéwašé." |
he must be dead," | he said. | She said, | "Grandson, | you are right." |
* this should be tee dKo ni.
e Ki | Ay ni Ki di. | Ae Ke K. | A Kow Ly Le Ktt ne n. |
Égi | hainigíži, | Hegega | haguwairekjaneną. |
And | in the morning, | Hawk | they are going for. |
Lo Aitti. | A Ly Le Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | Ko ni K. |
Ruhį́c | harairekjanaheną. | "Égi | kunįga, |
To doctor | they would be going. | "Well | [grandmother,] |
Winnebago V, #24: 19 —
w w ttAe Ki | tt rKe Ktt n Ae de. | e Ki. | ttAo dK Kitti ni KL. |
wawacegi, | jasgekjanaheže?" | "Égi | cųšgakjįnįgera |
if he comes in time, | what will be the result?" | "Then | [my little grandson,] |
w w ttAe Ki | ni a li Le Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | Ko ni K. | Ae Ke K. |
wawacegi, | nį’ą́pikjaneną." | "Égi | kunį́ka | Hegega |
if he comes in time, | he will live." | "And | grandmother, | Hawk |
tt tt n Ki | tti Ktt n Ae de. | e de. | i. | ttAo dK no | L xo Ke. |
jająnągi, | jikjanaheže?" | éže. | "I | cųšgánu, | Raǧoge |
what time | he will come?" | he said. | "Oh | grandson, | Holy One |
ne | w dA L tte | tto deKe. | Ko ni K. | tt Ko |
ne | wašaraje, | cų́šge?" | "Kunįga, | jagú |
you | [you are saying it,] | grandson?" | "Grandmother, | how |
L xo Ke Ktte. | w dA L tte. | L xo Ke | ny di | K ne doKo ni. |
Raǧogekje? | Wašaraje, | Raǧoge | naį́ži | kąnégųnį." |
it can be Holy One? | [You who are saying it,] | Holy One | by now | he has fallen." |
e Ki | ttAo dK no. | Ay ni Ki | wi L Lo ttA tte xitti Ki | tti Ktt ne n. |
"Égi | cųšgánu, | haínigi | wírarocąjéxjį́gi, | jikjaneną." |
"Well | grandson, | [morning] | [when it is about noon,] | [he will come."] |
e Ki. | Ko ni K. | A ttAi tt | K e tt | Ao w tti Ktt n Ae de. |
"Égi | kunį́ka | hacįja | gáeja | howajikjanaheže?" |
"And | grandmother, | [where] | [yonder] | he will come from?" |
e de. | rA niKi | wiy xele Ao we tt. | A lA L lA L tt K. | Ao w tti Ktt ne n. |
éže. | "Sanįk | wiaǧephureja | hąparaparajaga | howakjaneną," |
he said. | ["Direction] | from the east | the ridge | he will come," |
Winnebago V, #24: 20 —
e de. | e Ki. | Ko ni K. | L xo Ke K. | tt rKe |
éže. | "Égi | kunį́ka, | Raǧogega | jasgé |
she said. | "And | grandmother, | Holy One | what |
Ki Ki Le Ktt n Ae de. | e de. | e Ki. | Ai ttAo dKe xitti niKi L. |
gigirekjanaheže?" | éže. | Égi | hicųšgexjįnįgera, |
they will do?" | he said. | ["Then] | [little grandson,] |
tee Ai Le Ktt ne n. | Ko ni K | tt rKe | Ai L n K. | tee Ai Le Ktt n Ae de. |
t’ehirekjaneną." | "Kunįga, | jasgé | hiránąga | t’ehirekjanaheže?" |
they are going to kill him." | "Grandmother, | how | to do, so | they are going to kill him?" |
e de. | Ai ttAo dKe. | w Ki Ai L | Ai Ai L n K. | w K. |
éže. | "Hicųšgé, | wagihira | hihiranąga | waką́ |
he said. | "Grandson, | [finding him] | [they would do, and] | snakes |
tee Ai Le Ktt ne n. | e de. | Ko ni K | de rKe | Ai Le Ki. |
t’ehirekjaneną." | éže. | "Kunįga, | žesge | hiregi, |
they are going to kill him."* | she said. | "Grandmother, | that | if they do, |
* Radin inserts a sentence here that is not supported by the text: "The snakes will [...] over curl themselves about him and kill him," ...
s xo Ke L. | Ao K L tt n K. | w K | lA |
Raǧogera | hokarajanąga | waką́ | pa |
[the Holy One] | [he will put something of his own on his feet, and] | snakes | [heads] |
n xoAo xi Ktt n Ae K tt | e de. | Ke | w doAo Lo dK A | w Ke de. |
nąxóǧikjanahegają," | éže. | Ke | wašoroškaha† | wageže. |
he will trample,"* | he said. | Turtle | shells | [he meant.] |
* the word nąxóǧ is recorded by Dorsey (and no one else) to mean, "to break a hollow or brittle object with the foot or by machinery."
† < wa-, "something"; šoro, "to take off, hollow out, cast off"; perhaps, ská, "to clean"; ha, "outer part of a shell." Marino gives ke wašoroške as meaning, "turtle," but since the standard words for turtle are ke and kecąk, it seems more likely that this expression means, "turtle shell."
Winnebago V, #24: 21 = Winnebago IV, #4: 67 —
i. | ttAo dK no. | L xo Ke | ne | w dA L tte ra Le. |
"I | cųšgánu, | Raǧoge | ne | wašarajes’are." |
"Oh | grandson, | Holy One | you | [you must be the one who is saying it."] |
Ko ni K. | L xo Ke | tt Ko Kette. | te e | w dA L tte. |
"Kunįga, | Raǧoge | jagukje | tee | wašaraje. |
"Grandmother, | Holy One | [in vain] | [this] | [you are saying it.] |
tt rKe | di Ke | Ai Le Ktt ne. |
e tt. | A Ke |
Jasgé | žigé | hirekjane, | éja | hąké |
What | again | they will do, | there | not |
tee Ai L ni Ki. | e Ki. | Ai ttAo dKe. | w Ao Ai Ai L n K. |
t’ehiranįgi?" | Égi | hicųšgé, | wahúhihiranąga |
if they do not kill him?" | ["Well] | grandson, | it will be made to snow, and |
w | A wo Aitti | Ai Le Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | w Lo ttL |
wa | hawuhį́c | hirekjaneną. | Égi | warújera |
snow | to be covered | [they will make him.] | And | his food |
tteAele K L Ki Ki. | e Ki. | m ttoKo. | Ai K L Ko Lo ttiKi |
cepkaragigi, | égi | mącgú | hikarakųrucgi, |
when they cause him to consume his own, | and | bow | if he eats his own sinew,* |
* bowstrings were made of sinew.
e Ki. | tteAe. | lA reAe | ttolo. | n rAK |
égi | ce | pasé | jop | nąsák* |
then | buffaloes | cornered | four | to trample |
* for nąsták.
Ai Le Ktt ne n. | e de. | Ko ni K. | de rKe | Ai Le Ki. |
hirekjaneną," | éže. | "Kunįga, | žesge | hiregi, |
they will do," | she said. | "Grandmother, | that | if they do, |
Winnebago V, #24: 22 —
tteAe L. | Ao lo wotto tt n K. | e L dKo ni. | tteAe |
céra | hobowojanąga | erašgųnį | ce |
buffaloes | [he will shoot, and] | [he will be through with] | buffalo |
Lo tti Ktt n Ae K tt. | e de. | i. | ttAo dK no | L xo Ke. | ne |
rujikjanahegają," | éže. | "I | cųšgánu, | Raǧoge | ne |
they will eat," | he said. | "Oh | grandson, | Holy One | you |
w dA L tte K tt. | Ko ni K. | tt Ko | L xo Ke Ktte. |
wašarajegają?" | "Kunįga, | jagú | Raǧogekje, |
[you are the one who is saying this?"] | "Grandmother, | how | it can be Holy One, |
w dA L tte | e de. | e Ki | Ko ni K. | e tt | Lo dA Ki Le Ki |
wašaraje?" | éže. | "Égi | kunįga, | éja | rošakiregi, |
[you are the one who is saying this?"] | he said. | "And | grandmother, | [there] | if they fail, |
tt rKe | Ai Le Ktt n Ae de. | e de. | e Ki. | ttoAo dK Kitti ni KL. |
jasgé | hirekjanaheže?" | éže. | "Égi | cųšgexjįnįgera, |
what | they would do?" | he said. | "Well | my little grandson, |
e tt | Lo da Ki Le Ki. | ni tt. | Ai Le Ktt ne n. | m n KeLe. |
éja | ruš’ąkiregi, | nįją | hirekjaneną. | Mąną́gere |
there | if they fail, | flood | they will cause. | The whole earth |
Ai wo Aitti | Ai Le Ktt ne n. | e Ki. | Ko ni K. | mr |
hiwuhic* | hirekjaneną." | "Égi | kunį́ka, | mąz |
to flood | they will cause." | "Well | grandmother, | metal |
* this is a hapaxlegomenon. Cf. hiwuhí, "to spread out." The word may not mean "flood," but "to spread in such a way as to cover something."
Winnebago V, #24: 23 —
w ttL | Ao K L we. Ki.* | tt rKe | Ai Le Ktt n Ae de. | e K.† |
wajéra | hokarawégi, | jasgé | hirekjanaheže?" | "Égi |
his boat | [if he goes and meet,] | what | they would do?" | "Well |
* the translation suggests that the period after we is in error.
† this should be e K˙.
Ai ttAo dKe. | w Kette xiAi. | Lo Kodo | Ai Le Ktt n Ae n. | riAitti |
hicųšgé, | Wakjexi | rukšú | hirekjanaheną." | "Sįc |
grandson, | Waterspirits | to tip over | they would do." | "Tails |
Ai oyi L n K. | Ko ni K. | de rKe | Ai Le Ki. | mr |
hioíranąga | kunįga | žesge | hiregi | mąz |
they use, and | grandmother | that way | if they do, | metal |
Ai ni w L | A ow n K. | w Ktte xiAi | riAitti | Ki Ko no Ki Ktt n Ae K tt. |
hiniwara | ha’ųanąga | Wakjexi | sįc | gikųnųgikjanahegają." |
oar | I do, and | Waterspirits | tails | I will cut off."* |
* Miner says that more specifically, gikųnų́k means, "to break something having length in two by striking, leaving a clean break."
i. | ttAo dK no. | L xo Ke | ne | w d L tte |
"I | cųšgánu, | Raǧoge | ne | wašaraje, |
"Oh | grandson, | Holy One | you | [you are the one who is saying this,] |
Winnebago IV, #4: 68 —
tto dKe. | te | Ko ni K | L xo Ke | tt Ko Ktte | w dA L tte. |
cų́šge?" | "Te | kunįga, | Raǧoge | jagukje | wašaraje. |
grandson?" | "This, | grandmother, | Holy One | [in vain] | you are saying. |
e tt | tt rKe | Ai Le Ktt ne. | di Ke | e de. | e Ki. |
Éja | jasgé | hirekjane?" | žigé | éže. | "Égi |
There | how | I can be?" | again | he said. | "Well |
ttoAo dK Kitti ni KL. | wtt | riAi Ko L. | L Al |
cųšgexjįnįgera, | wac | sikura* | raháp† |
my little grandson, | boat | the bottom | to chew a hole through |
* for sirókura, "the sole"?
† cf. horaháp, "to chew a hole into something" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).
Ai Le Ktt ne n. | Ll | w Ktte xiAi. | Ko ni K. | de rKe |
hirekjaneną, | Rap | Wakjexi." | "Kunįga, | žesge |
they will do, | [Beaver] | [Waterspirits."]* | "Grandmother, | that |
* Radin translates this as "spirit Muskrats." Rap, however, unambiguously means "beaver." For Beaver Waterspirits, see W. C. McKern, Winnebago Notebook (Milwaukee: Milwaukee Public Museum, 1927) 109.
Ai Le Ki. | mr | Ai ni w L | Ai Koow n K. | Ll | w Ktte xiAi L. |
hiregi, | mąz | hiniwara | hik’ųanąga | Rap | Wakjexira |
if they do, | metal | oar | he uses, and | Beaver | Waterspirits |
Ki rAK | wy Ko no Ktt n Ae K tt. | i.* | ttAo dK no. | L xo Ke. |
kisák | waikųnųkjanahegają." | "I | cųšgánu, | Raǧoge |
in two | he will cut them." | "Oh | grandson, | Holy One |
* written in after i in smaller letters is de, mistaking the i for e, and the word for e de (éže, "he said").
ne | ni ne K tt. | e de. | te | Ko ni K |
ne | ninegają," | éže. | "Te | kunįga, |
you | you are," | she said. | "This, | grandmother, |
L xo Ke | tt Ko Kette.* | Ko ni K. | de Ko | Ki L de. |
Raǧoge | jagukje. | Kunįga, | žegų | kiráže?" |
Holy One | [it will be in vain.] | Grandmother, | [thus] | it is all?" |
* something has been erased after Ko.
e Ki. | ttAo dK no. | ne dKe | Ai d | wi ne Ktt ne n. |
"Égi | cųšgánu, | néšge | hižą́ | winekjaneną." |
["Well] | grandson, | even I | one of them | I will be." |
wtt | riAi Lo Ko L | Al lL. | Ko ni K. | Ai L |
"Wac | sirokura | habera, | kunįga, | hira |
"Boat | the bottom | to pierce through, | grandmother, | your teeth |
Winnebago V, #24: 25 —
tt ni rKe K tt. | ni da Kini K tt. | Ai L | Ao ni Ki to xo tti Kette n. |
janisgegają, | nįš’áknįkają. | Hira | honįgitoxujikjeną?"* |
how are they, | you are rather old. | Your teeth | you will show them to me?" |
* perhaps from honįgita-ho-xuj-hi-kje-ną, where honįgita means, "to uncover"; and xuj-hi, "to make visible."
a | ttAo dK no | Ai L | Ky rKe n. | a n K. |
a. | "Cųšgánu, | hira | gaisgeną,"* | ánąga |
he said. | "Grandson, | teeth | [here are some,"] | she said, and |
* < ga, "here"; hisgé, "some."
Ai dtt | no wi d n K. | i | d l n K. | Ai L |
hišjá | nųwįšanąga | i | žabanąga | hira |
eyes | she closed, and | mouth | she opened, and | her teeth |
K w A de. | K tt. | m ttoKo L. | Ai ow n K. | Ai L |
káwaháže. | Gają, | mącgúra | hi’ųanąga | hira |
she showed her own. | [Then,] | his bow | he took, and | her teeth |
Ki rA n rA n. | Le Ai de. | Ki rAK deAe | K tt. | we L Ki. |
gisąnąsąną | rehiže. | Kisakše. | Gają, | weráki, |
to knock out | [he set aside.] | He killed her. | [Then,] | [unexpectedly,] |
Ll | Ai to Ke ni Ki d. | w Ki o de. | e Ki. | Ke Le de. |
rap | hitókenįkížą | waki’ųže. | Égi | kereže. |
[beaver] | an old woman | she was it. | Then | he went home. |
Ay ni Ki. | wi L Lo ttA tte Ki di. | w K ni Ae K. | e tt | Ai de. |
Haínigi, | wirarocąjegiži, | wakanihega | éja | hiže. |
The next morning, | at noon, | he went | [there] | he did. |
A Ko Le d. | wi L Lo ttA tte xitti K tt. | A tti | A xele dAe. |
Hagoréžą, | wirarocąjexjįgają, | haji | haǧépše, |
[Eventually,] | just at noon, | there | he came, |
Winnebago V, #24: 26 = Winnebago IV, #4: 69 —
Ae Ke K. | n w n K. | w Kede. | Ae Ke | wK to dAe we |
Hegega. | Nąwąnąga | wákše. | "Hege | wąktóšewé |
Hawk. | He sang, and | he said it. | "Hawk | doctor |
Ai Kow Ai Le L | Ai Ke | tt Kow Ki liAi. | Ae Ke. |
higuahirera, | hige | jaguagipį | Hege |
they went for you, | [to tell] | [how I am happy;] | Hawk |
leAe xL | Kii. | Ae Ke. | leAe xL | Kii. |
peǧera | k’į | Hege | peǧera | k’į |
the gourd | he carries; | Hawk | the gourd | he carries; |
Ae Ke. | leAe xL | Kii. | a | Ao Ae de. |
Hege | peǧera | k’į!" | a | hoheže. |
Hawk | the gourd | he carries!" | [He said] | [he came.] |
lA reAe li d | Kiiy n K. | lexe roAo roAo xi d | Ai A Ke tt |
Pasebižą | k’įanąga | pexsosoǧižą | hihagéja |
A black sack | he carried, and | a gourd rattle | on top |
A K n K n K. | ta | w ow Kede. | Lo roAo. | tti ttili lK. |
hakanakanąga | t’a | wa’ųwąkše. | Rusų́ | jįj́į́pga, |
[he put, and] | [he flew] | [doing this.] | From side to side | when he turned, |
leAe xL. | Ki roAoxo | tti n nK | nK dAe. | n w K. | e |
peǧera | gisóx | jinąnąk | nąkše. | Nąwąga, | e |
the gourd | to rattle | [to get it to] | he did. | When he sang, | it |
lexe | Aoyi roAoxo xL. | e Le Ai | w ow Kede. | Ai Ki tty tt |
pex | hoisoǧera | erehí | wa’ųwąkše. | Hikijáįja. |
gourd | to keep time | he made it | to do this. | [Along side of him,] |
Winnebago V, #24: 27 —
tti Ki | w Ke de. | Ao Ao. | ttAo K | A K |
jigí, | wageže, | "Hohó | coka, | hąká |
when he came, | he said to him, | ["Exclamation] | grandfather, | [not] |
w d | Ai L ni K[i] L Ki d | e de. | Ai wo dA de. | ttAo K |
wažą | hiranikiragižą," | éže. | Hiwušaže. | "Coka, |
[anything] | [one who does not look like,"] | he said. | He stopped. | "Grandfather, |
tt Ko | doo deAe Le de. | Ai Ke de. | Ai ttAo dKe. | Ao KL. |
jagú | š’ųšereže?" | higeže. | "Hicųšgé, | hųgera |
why | you are traveling about?" | he said to him. | "Grandson, | the chief |
m | nolo | w Ai Le de | ay Le Ke | w o A Ae. |
mą | nųp | wahíreže, | aírege, | wa’ųhahe," |
arrows | two | [they did to them,] | [as they say,] | [it is for this that I have arrived,"] |
e de. | ttAo K | L Ai Ki | t[t] rKe | L Ktt n Ae de. |
éže. | "Coka, | rahigi, | jasgé | rakjanaheže?" |
he said. | "Grandfather, | when you get there, | what | you will do?" |
e Ki. | e Ki. | Ai A m KeLe | de rKe | Ai A Ai Ki. | ttAi Lo lL. |
"Égi, | égi | hihamągere | žesge | hihahigi, | ciróbera |
"Well, | there | I shall go on singing | this way | when I get there, | the door |
Ai Ki Lo A ri Le Ki di | A Ai | w Ke we Ktt ne n | e de. |
higiruhasiregiži, | hahi | wakewekjaneną," | éže. |
they will open it for me, and | [there] | I shall go in," | he said. |
ttAo K. | wo Ki roKo | Ai L ni Ki LK dA n. | e di | di Ke |
"Coka, | wogizok | hiranikirakšaną," | eži. | "Žigégų, |
"Grandfather, | very | you are pretty," | he said. | "Again then, |
Winnebago V, #24: 28 —
tt | L Aiy n K. | doKo Ki. | Ai tty L. | Lo roAo xitti |
ja | rahianąga | žuki (?) | hijaíra | rusų́xjį |
farther | you go, and | to place yourself | farther | tipping from side to side a little |
L tti ttili liKi. | Ko di xitti | Ao L Ki w[e] n K. | e de. | Ao ttiy |
rajįj́į́pgi, | gušíxjį | horakíwenąka," | éže. | "Hojiá," |
as you turn, | a little more | you come upon," | he said. | "All right," |
e de. | A Ktt K L n K. | K tt K | Ko dKo ni. | a ni Ae K. |
éže. | Hakjakaranąga | gająga, | gušgų́nį | anihega, |
he said. | He went back, and | [now then,] | he went back | [as he had said before,] |
de rKe | a n K. | ttoAo K | Lo diKi diKi tteLe. | ttoAo K. |
žesge | ánąga, | "Coka, | rošgįšgįjere.* | Coka, |
[the way] | [he said, and,] | "Grandfather, | make few more turns. | [Grandfather,] |
* this form is uncertain — cf. Marino, hošgį, "action."
Ko di xitti | Ao Ki w Le. | a tte de. | Ae Ke K. | Ko di xitti |
gušíxjį | hogíware," | aježe. | Hegega | gušíxjį |
[a little beyond] | [circle around,"] | he said. | Hawk | [a little beyond] |
Ao Ki we de. | Lo diKi diKitti deAe. | Ai Ki tt L. |
hogíware. | Rošgįšgįcše. | Hikijara |
[he circled around.] | [He made a few more turns.] | [Side by side,] |
Winnebago IV, #4: 70 —
A Ki Li | Ao Ki we de. | A Lo xeAe | Ke Le K tt. |
hakiri | hogíweže. | Haruxé | keregają, |
he came lower | [he circled around.] | [To turn away] | [he started off, and] |
Winnebago V, #24: 29 —
Ao xA L. | tti n K n K. | Ki rA Kede. | e Ki. | Lo x l n K. |
hoxára | jinąkanąga | kisakše. | Égi | ruǧapanąga |
to catch up | he turned, and | he killed him. | Then | he skinned him, and |
A L. | Ao w xo K n K. | Ai K Ly ttK | Ko de. | Ai Ko |
hara | howaxukanąga | hikaraícga | guže. | Higų |
the hide | he put it on, and | [after practicing,] | he went off. | [Yet] |
e xitti | Ae Le de. | Ae KL. | e Le de. | e Ki. | w Kette xiAi |
’exjį́ | hereže. | Hegera | ereže.* | Égi | Wakjexi |
he himself | he was identical. | Hawk | [he was.] | Then | Waterspirit |
* for hereže, the initial /h/ lost due to external sandhi.
ttAi n KL | Ao w Ao de. | A tti | A xl deAe. | Ao Ao. | A Ke K. |
cinągera | howahuže. | Haji | haǧapše. | "Hohó, | Hagega |
village | he approached. | [There] | [he appeared.] | ["Hohó,] | Hawk |
tti n. | ay Le de. | Ao KL. | w w ttAe K tt. | de Ko |
jíną," | aíreže. | "Hųgera | wawacegają, | žegų |
he is coming," | they said. | "The chiefs | he came in time for them, | [thus] |
ni al li Le K tt. | ay Le de. | A Ai | Ao Ko ttAi L. |
ni’ąbiregają," | aíreže. | Hahi | hųkocira, |
they will live," | they said. | He went towards | the chief's house, |
ttiAi Lo le tt | Ai de. | te we L Ki. | Ai roAo KL. | xoAo L. |
ciróbeja | hiže. | Tewéraki, | hisųgera | xúra |
[at the door] | [he was.] | [Unexpectedly,] | his brother | his skin |
Lo xl li L n K. | ttAi Lo li Lo Ke Le | Ai o n Kede. | Ao Ao |
ruǧapiranąga | cirobirokere | hi’ųnąkše. | "Hohó |
[they had skinned, and] | door flap | they were using. | "Oh |
Winnebago V, #24: 30 —
Ai roKo A L. | e de. | liAi Ai niKi. | A Ao. | tt Ko |
hisųkhara," | éže. | "Pįhinįk, | 'Hąhó,' | jagú |
my brother," | he said. | ["Not seriously,] | ['All right,'] | [what] |
e de. | ay Le de. | Ai roAo KL.* | e n. | ay Le de. |
éže," | aíreže. | "''Hisųgera', | éną," | aíreže. |
[he said,"] | they said. | "'His brother', | he said," | they said. |
* this is written as Ai roAo K L.
A Ke | de rKe | Ai A ni n. | Ao KL. | Ai roAo KL. |
"Hąké, | žesge | hihanįną. | 'Hųgera | hisųgera |
"No | that | [I did not intend.] | 'The chief | his brother |
Ai [ni]Ki | nolo | Ai Ae n | e de. | de rKe | e n. |
hinįk | nųp,' | hiheną," | éže. | "Žesge | éną. |
sons | two,' | I said," | he said. | "That | he said. |
Ai rKe | we n. | ay Le de. | e Ki. | Ae t Ke tt |
Hisgé | wéną," | aíreže. | Égi | hetágeja, |
Exactly | he said this," | they said. | [And] | [at the back of the lodge,] |
n Kede. | m L. | m Ai tt wx |
nąkše. | Mąra, | mąhijawax |
[they sat.] | The arrows, | the feathered part of the arrow |
L dA n | Aoy rii n Kede. | e Ki | we de. | mr. |
rašana, | hois’įnąkše. | Égi | weže, | "Mąz |
[that only,] | [it protruded.] | Then | he said, | "Iron |
reAe Lette L. | no liAi wi | y o Ktt ne n. | e de. | e Ki. |
serejera | nųpiwi | ya’ųkjaneną," | éže. | Égi |
[the long one] | two | I shall need," | he said. | And |
Lexe | xeAe te L. | no liAi wi. | ni L. | Aoyi xitti |
rex | xetera | nųpiwi | nįra | hoixjį |
kettles | large ones | two | water | full |
Winnebago V, #24: 31 —
Ai tt Ke Le wi Le | e de. | Ai L. | w Ki Ki Ktt ne n |
hijakerewire," | éže. | Hira | wagigikjaneną," |
put them on," | he said. | Bath | I will give them," |
e de. | e Ki. | de rKe | Ai Le de. | e Ki | m rL. |
éže. | Égi | žesge | hireže. | Égi | mązera |
he said. | [And] | [that] | [they did.] | [And] | the irons |
no liAi wi. | Ai tt | t Ko al | w too lede. | e Ki. | we de. |
nųpiwi | hija | taku’ąp | wat’ų́pše. | Égi | weže, |
two | there | to heat in the fire | he put them. | Then | he said, |
ttiAi nK. KL.* | A ntt. | ttAi | Ai L Ki doAo Lo Ko Ktt n. |
"Cinągera | haną́c | ci | hiragišurukukjaną. |
"The village | whole | [lodge] | I wish to go beyond hearing distance. |
* the first period in this word is in error.
Winnebago IV, #4: 71 —
A wi n. | m dtt | A o Ktt n Ae n. | xeAe | rA ni KL. |
Hawina | mąšją | ha’ųkjanaheną. | Xe | sanį́gera |
To effect a cure | to try hard | I will do. | Hill | [on the other side] |
Ao L w dAe Le Ktt wi n. | e de. | e Ki. | A ntt. | xeAe |
horawašerekjawiną," | éže. | Égi | haną́c | xe |
you should go," | he said. | [Then] | [everyone] | [hill] |
rA ni KL. | Ao w Ly Le de. | e Ki. | ni A n K. | ttiAi L. |
sanį́gera | howaraíreže. | Égi | nįhánąga | cira |
[on the other side] | [they went.] | Then | [he chanted, and] | the lodge |
Ao Ki Ki x Ki Liy n Ki. | xAe te L. | ttAo ni. | Lo we ri ni K. |
hogigį́xakírigi, | xetera | coni | ruwesinįk |
he went around until | the older | first | [to hold at a distance] |
Winnebago V, #24: 32 —
Lo Ko r n K. | Lo Koro Korotto ttiKi | Lo doAo Lo ttede. | de Ko | A L KL. |
rukosanąga | ruksųksų́cgi, | rušorócše. | Žegų | haragera |
he took hold, and | when he shook it very lightly, | he pulled it out. | [Thus] | groans |
Lo K n | we de. | e Ki. | w o de. | mr | t Ko al l K.* |
rokana | weže. | Égi | wa’ųže. | Mąz | taku’ąpga, |
many | [he uttered.] | [Then] | [he did it.] | Iron | which had been heated in the fire, |
* this should probably have been, t Ko al lK or t Ko a lK.
Lo r n K. | Ao o L. | Ao w K Le Kede | de Ko. | roAoxo Le de. |
rusanąga | ho’ó ra | howakarekše. | Žegų | soǧereže. |
he took, and | the wound | he stuck it in. | [Thus] | it sizzled. |
de Ko. | A L KL. | Lo K n | we de | de Ko | n tteKe L. |
Žegų | haragera | rokana | weže. | Žegų | nącgera |
[Thus] | groans | many | [he uttered.] | Then | his heart |
A w ttA liKi. | L dtt | tti Ke Le de. | A | Ai ni A K |
hawacapgi, | rašją́ | jikereže. | "Hą, | hinį́haga† |
when he reached,* | [to fall silent] | [he did suddenly.] | "Well, | my brother, |
* Helmbrecht-Lehmann define this word more specifically as, "to hit by probing, to make contact by probing, to feel for something (by touching it)."
†I take -haga to be a variant of -hara, given -ga ~ -ra.
L ri L Aili dA n. | e de. | de Ko | A L KL | dA L dtt ne. |
razirahįpšaną," |
éže. | "Žegų | haragera | šarašjane, |
you are relieved," | he said. | "Thus | your groans | [you fall silent,] |
ni Lo dtt n | e de. | Ai tt ney K | we de. | ni di |
nįrušjáną," | éže. | Hijaneąka | weže, | "Niži, |
[it has stopped you,"] | he said. | The other one | he said, | "[Exclamation,] |
Winnebago V, #24: 33 —
Ai ni A L. | tee | L Ko Ko ni | y Le n. | e de. | ni | A K |
hinihara | t’e | ragųgųnį, | yaréną," | éže. | "Ni, | hąká, |
my brother | to kill | [perhaps you seek,] | I think," | he said. | "Ah, | no, |
L ri Ai lKe. | xA loKo ni | Aili dA n. | ni dKe | Ai Kow n. |
razihįpge, | xapgų́nį | hįpšana. | Nišgé | higuą́ną |
as he is relieved, | [to be quiet] | [he reclines.] | [You too] | [right away] |
de rK | L Ai li Kette n | e de. | Ai dKe. | m L. |
žesga | rahįbíkjeną," | éže. | Hišge | mąra |
[this way] | [you will get to,"] | he said.* | [Also] | the arrow |
* Radin has this translated as, "... and I must now look after you, so that you may be relieved also."
Ki Lo doAo Lotto dAe. | e Ki. | mr | t Ko a lL. | Ai ow n K. |
girušorócše. | Égi | mąz | taku’ąbera, | hi’ųanąga |
he pulled it out for him. | Then | iron | the hot one | [he used, and] |
n tteKe L. | Ao w K L Ki. | ta | tti Ke Le de. | de Ko |
nącgera | howakaragi, | t’a | jikereže. | Žegų, |
his heart | when it reached, | he died | [he did suddenly.] | [Thus,] |
Aiy n K. | wy de dey n K. | wo A de. | e Ki. | Ai roAo KL. |
hianąga | waišešeanąga | wohąže. | Égi | hisųgera |
[he did, and] | he cut them into pieces, and | he boiled them. | And | his brother |
A L | Ke we tt de. | e Ki. | to tti Le de. | w a ttAo A n K. |
hara | kewejąže. | Égi | tucireže. | Wa’ącuhanąga |
his skin | he rolled up. | [Then] | they were cooked. | He took them out, and |
e tt | w Lotto d[...]o n.* | e Ki | wy Le de. | w Kette xiAi n K. |
éja | warucš[ųn]ųną. | Égi | waíreže, | Wakjexinąka, |
[there] | he began to eat them. | [Then] | they were saying, | the Waterspirits, |
* part of this text is obscured by an ink spot.
Winnebago V, #24: 34 —
w to Ai ttAi ni K. | Ki dtt Le Ktt n. | ay Le de. | e tt |
"Watohicinįka | gišjarekjaną," | aíreže. | Éja |
"Little Son-in-Law | [he should go check up on them,"] | [they said.] | [There] |
Winnebago IV, #4: 72 —
m Ko A L. | Ao w Ao de. | Ao o n K | e tt | A tti A xele deAe. |
mąkųhąra | howahuže. | Ho’ųanąga | éja | hajíhaxépše. |
underground | he came out. | He went, and | [there] | [he came to the top of the hill.] |
e tt | A tti | Aoyi rii | niKi | n diy n K. | Le ri n nl tte de. |
Éja | haji | hois’į́ | nįk | nąžįanąga | rezí nąną́pježe. |
[There] | [there] | he looked about | [little] | [he stood, and] | he stuck out his tongue. |
A tt de. | Ai roAo Ki tti | tti Ao Le. | w diAi L | Lo K n n. |
Hajaže. | "Hisųkiji, | jihure. | Wašį́ra | rokananą," |
He saw. | "Little brother, | come here. | Fat | there is plenty," |
Ai Ke de. | Ai tt tti Ki di. | w diAi | Ki roAo roAo tt n K. |
higeže. | Hijajigiži, | wašį́ | gisosojanąga |
he said to him. | When he went in to him, | fat | he had in strings, and |
i L. | Ao Ki w ti de. | w i ntt | Ai Ki. | e Ki | ni Ke L |
ira | hogiwatiže. | Wa’inac | higi, | égi | nįgera |
[his mouth] | he shoved it down. | To fill him up | when he had done, | then | pieces |
Winnebago V, #24: 35 —
w Ki Kiy n K. | Ke Le Ki Ki de. | w Ke de. | Ai roAo Ki tti. |
wagigianąga | keregigiže. | Wageže, | "Hisųkiji, |
he gave him, and | he sent him back. | He said to him, | "Little brother, |
L Ki Ki. | w tte. | L xo Ke. | L xo Ke. | a tte |
ragígi, | waje, | 'Raǧoge, | Raǧoge,' | aje," |
when you get back, | just say, | 'Holy One, | Holy One,' | [say,"] |
e de. | Ai Ke de. | Ki Ki | de rKe | e de. | A Ao. |
éže. | Higeže, | "Gigi | žesge," | éže. | "Hąhó, |
[he said.] | He told him, | ["Do] | [that way,"] | [he said.] | ["Yes,] |
L xo Ke K | Ae Le de | e n. | ay Le Ki. | n[o] wK |
Raǧogega | hereže," | éną. | Aíregi, | nowąk |
Holy One | it is," | he said. | [When it was said,] | to run |
Ai Le de. | L xo Ke K. | A ta li Le de. | de Ko | ni L. |
hireže. | Raǧogega | hat’ąpireže. | Žegų | nįra |
they did. | Holy One | they raced after him. | [Thus] | water |
Ao xA L | m ni de. | ni L | xeAe Le. | Ao xeAe Le xitti K. |
hoxára | maniže. | Nįra | xere | hoxerexjįga, |
to catch up | as they went. | The water | [to swell] | when it caught up, |
my Kotto ttK. | A Ktt | Ke Le ra de. | to we o | Ke Le de. |
mąigucga, | hakjá | keres’aže. | Towe’ų | kereže. |
he shot it with an arrow, and | back | [it would return.] | [On and on] | [they went.] |
A Ko Ley d. | w Kette xiAi n K. | wy Le de. | de Ko | Ai Ai Ktt wi n. |
Hagoreižą, | Wakjexinąka | waíreže, | "Žegų | hihikjawiną. |
Finally, | the Waterspirits | they said, | ["So] | let us stop. |
Winnebago V, #24: 36 —
w K m Ao tt wi n. | ay Le de. | Lo A xitti. | tee Ai de. |
Wągamahujawiną," | aíreže. | Rohaxjį | t’ehiže. |
[We will be exterminated,"] | they said. | Very many | he killed. |
e Ki. | A Ko Ley d. | w K L. | Lo K n | Ai L tti de. | Ke |
Égi | hagoreižą, | wakąra | rokana | hiraježe. | Ke |
And | one day, | snakes | [many] | they came. | [Turtle] |
w doAo Lo deKe A L | a Ki w Ke | Ao tt n K. | A ro Ao. |
wašoroškehara | akíwake | hoją́nąga | hazohu* |
his shells | [both] | he put on his feet, and | [?] |
* perhaps this is for hazohi, "easily."
Winnebago IV, #4: 73 —
w K | lA. | n rtK Kede. | A Ko Le d. | wy Le de. | A Ao. |
waką́ | pa | nąstákše. | Hagoréžą, | waíreže, | "Hąhó, |
snakes | heads | he stepped on. | Finally, | they said, | "[All right,] |
de Ko | Ai Ai Ktt wi n. | w K. m Ao tt wi n.* | ay Le de. | e tt |
žegų | hihikjawiną. | Wągamahujawiną," | aíreže. | Éja |
[so] | let us stop. | [He will exterminate us,"] | [they said.] | [There] |
* the period after the K implies that the expression is waką́ mahujawiną, "he will destroy [the] serpents."
Ki Lo dtt | Ai Le de. | di Ke. | A Ko Ley d | w Ao Ai |
girušją | hireže. | Žigé | hagoreižą, | wahúhi |
to stop | they did. | Again | some time after this, | to snow |
A Ki Li Ki. | Lo K n de. | rii Le tt. | A ntt | Ai Lo dtt |
hakirígi, | rokanaže. | S’ireją | hanąc | hirušją́ |
when it began, | [there was much.] | [For a long time,] | all | to be prepared |
Winnebago V, #24: 37 —
Ki K n K n K | w o nK dAe. | e rKe. | n L | dKe. | ttAo xitti n Kede. |
gikanąkanąga | wa’ųnąkše. | Ésge | nąra | šge | cųxjįnąkše. |
[he put on, and] | [he did it.] | So | wood | [also] | he had lots. |
w Lo ttL | dKe | w wo Aitti deAe. | w L. | deAe we de. |
Warújera | šge | wawuhįcše. | Wara | šeweže. |
Food | [also] | he had set it aside. | Snow | [it was deep.] |
ttAo we xitti niKi | ttAi L | Ae L. | loAo xeLe | niKi |
Cowéxjįnį́k | cira | hera | poǧere | nįk |
Just a little | [the lodge] | [the horn] | the place of the hole | [short] |
tte de. | e Ki. | A Ko Ley d. | w Ktte xiAi n K. | e tt. | wy Le de. |
ježe. | Égi | hagoreižą, | Wakjexinąka | éja | waíreže, |
it came.* | And | one day | the Waterspirits | [there] | they said, |
* the translation adds, "This Such was his situation plight."
de tt ny xitti. | w to Ao ttiAi ni K. | Ki dtt Le Kette n. |
"Žejanaíxjį, | Watohócinįka | gišjarekjeną. |
"It is about time, | Little Son-in-Law | he should go and see how he is getting along. |
Ai dtt diAi Li Litti Ke ni K. | Ki dtt Le Kette n. | ay Le de. | Ki dtt |
Hišjaširiricgenįka | gišjárekjeną," | aíreže. | Gišjá |
[Little Sparrow] | [he will go and see,"] | they said. | [To check on him] |
Winnebago V, #24: 38 —
tti | te | t ni A. | Ki dtt | tti de. | Ai tto l A L. |
ji | te. | Taníhą | gišjá | jiže. | Hijobą́hąrá, |
he came | there. | [Three times] | to see how he was getting along | he came. | For the fourth time, |
tti de. | ttAi L | Ae tt. | A tti | xK KiniKi dAe. | Ao Ao. |
jiže. | Cira | heja | haji | ǧaknįkše. | "Hohó," |
he came. | The lodge | [at the horn] | he came | [he twittered a bit.] | "Oh my," |
e de. | we niKi tt ne | Att* | Ki deKe. | ni Ke | Al L | tto l A xitti |
éže. | Wenįkjane | hajá | gišge. | Nįge | hąbera | jobąhąxjį |
he said. | Little bird | he saw | he did. | [Perhaps] | days | about four |
* this should be A tt.
Ai L Ko Lo ttA n | e de. | tt Ko | Ai A nK. | m ttoKo |
hiragurucaną," | éže. | "Jagú | hihánąk? | Mącgú |
if I could eat him," | he said. | ["What] | [I am saying?] | Bow |
Ai K | niKi KL. | A Ko Lo tti Ktt n. | Ao Low KL. | e de. |
hiką | nįgera | hakurujikjaną, | horoakra," | éže. |
string | [the little one] | I could eat, | as a last resort," | he said. |
e Ki. | m ttoKo | Ai K L. | Ko Lo dK n K. | Lo Kini de. |
Égi | mącgú | hikąra | kurušganąga | rukniže, |
And | bow | the string | he took off, and | he laid it down, |
o xiAi ni | Ai A Ke tt. | e Ki | Ke Le de. | Ai dtt diAi Li Litti K[e] ni K. |
ųxį́nį | hihagéja, | égi | kereže. | Hišjaširiricg[e]nįka |
coals | on top, | then | he went home. | [Little Sparrow] |
Winnebago V, #24: 39 —
Ki Ki | we de. | m ttoKo. | Ai K L | Ko Lotto dA n. |
gigi, | weže, | "Mącgú | hikąra | gurucšaną. |
[when he returned,] | [he said,] | "Bow | the string | he ate. |
A Ai L. | deKe | Lotto | Loyi Ko xitti n. | ni Ke |
Hahira, | šge | ruc | roiguxjįną.* | 'Nįge |
[I left,] | [also] | to eat | he really wished for me. | ['Perhaps] |
* < ro-hį-gų-xjį-ną, using -hį-, "me," as an infix in rogųxjįną, "he wanted very much."
te e | niKi | A ttiKi | dKe. | Al lL | tto l A xitti |
tee | nįk | hacgi, | šge | hąbera | jobąhąxjį |
[this] | [little one] | [I ate,] | [also] | [days] | [about four] |
Ai L Ko Lo ttA n | e n. | A Ao. | Ai Kow n | Ae Le Ktte n |
hiragurucaną,' | éną." | "Hąhó, | higuą́ną | herekjeną," |
[if I could eat him,'] | [he said."]* | "Ah ha, | [now] | [it will be,"] |
* this sentence is omitted in the translation.
Winnebago IV, #4: 74 —
ay Le de. | e Ki. | ttAe L. | Ao ni Ae | xeAe te xitti |
aíreže. | Égi | céra | honihé | xetexjį |
[they said.] | And | the buffaloes | drove | very large |
roto | Ai L n K. | n rAK | Ai n i Le de. | Ai Ai nl n K n K. |
sto | hiránąga | nąsák* | hiną’įreže. | Hihinąpnąkanąga |
to get together | they did, and | to trample | they tried. | He had gone out, and |
* for nąsták. Since this is the second occurrence of the word in this form, it can be taken as a variant.
tteA L. | Ao lo wotto doKo ni | ttiAi n K | dA n |
céra | hobowocšgųnį. | Cinąka | šana |
[the buffaloes] | [he must have killed by shooting.] | [The lodge] | [alone] |
A Lo dAe Le tti L Ki. | tti L Ki. | Ai Ki tty tt | n diy n K. | rA ni Ki. |
harušerejiragi, | ciragi, | hikijáįja | nąžįanąga | sánįki |
[as they had paid attention,] | where he lived, | along side of | he stood, and | to one side |
Winnebago V, #24: 40 —
wo lo ttA doKo n. | Lo A xitti | tee Ai de. | A Ko Ley d. | di Ke |
wobocą́šgųnį,. | Rohaxjį | t’ehiže. | Hagoreižą, | žigé |
while they tramped all over it. | A great many | he killed. | After awhile, | [again] |
wy Le de. | w K m Ao tt wi n. | de Ko | Ai Ai Ktt wi n. |
waíreže, | "Wągamahujawiną. | Žegų | hihikjawiną," |
they said, | "We are being killed very fast. | [So] | [let us stop,"] |
ay Le de. | Ki Lo dtt. | Ai Le de. | te we L Ki. | Ai L Lo ttAe L. |
aíreže. | Girušją | hireže. | Tewéraki, | hirarucera |
they said. | To stop | they did. | [Unexpectedly,] | in other places |
m Ki rAl litti tt | no ni Ke | ttAi L | dA n | w o n Kede. | w |
mąkisapjįja, | nųnįgé | cira | šana | wa’ųnąkše; | wa |
the ground was bare, | but | the lodge | only | it was done; | [snow] |
A wo Aitti n K. | e Ki. | ttAe L. | wi K L Ki deLe Le de. |
hawuhį́canąga | égi | céra | wikaragišerereže. |
[it was covered, and] | and | the buffaloes | he began to dress. |
totto | w K L Kiy n K. | wo Ae o | Ki Kow n K. | e ttA. |
Tuc | wakarakįanąga | wohe’ų | kikų́anąga | écą |
Drying | he did his own, and | to pack | he made for himself, and | [indeed] |
Winnebago V, #24: 41 —
tteAe. | ttAo de. | e Ki. | A Ko Le d. | ni do Ko Lo K n de. |
ce | cųže. | Égi | hagoréžą, | nįžúkurukanąže.* |
buffaloes | he had plenty. | [Then] | one day, | it rained. |
* see, kuru, "to fall" (Marino); kaną, "to collapse, to fall down" (Marino).
A Ki Lo tti | Lo dtt ni de. | m L | A wo Aitti deAe. | e Ki. |
Hąkirojį* | rušją́niže. | Mąra | hawuhįcše. | Égi |
[Not for some time] | it did not stop. | The earth | it flooded. | Then |
* < hąké-hirojį.
L xo Ke K. | mr | w tti d. | A ni Ki. | Ao K L we de. |
Raǧugega | mąz | wacižą | hanigi, | hokaraweže.* |
Holy One | metal | a boat | [since he owned,] | he floated about. |
* cf. hoikara, "adrift; to be floating, to be drifting" (Foster, Dorsey, Jipson, Radin, Helmbrecht-Lehmann).
w Lo ttL | Aoy xitti | Ao Kodow n K. | e Ki. | we L Ki |
Warújera | hoixjį | hokšuánąga* | ég,i | weraki, |
[Food] | [full] | [he filled it, and] | then, | [unexpectedly,] |
* this clause is omitted in Radin's translation.
w di d. | w ttL. | Ai L we tt | ttili deAe. | K tt. |
wažį́žą | wajéra | hiraweją | jipše. | Gają |
something | his boat | [to wrap around] | [it appeared suddenly.] | Then |
L xo Ke K. | w o de. | mr | Ai ni w L | Ai Koow n K. |
Raǧugega | wa’ųže. | Mąz | hiniwara | hik’ųanąga |
Holy One | [he did this.] | Metal | the oar | [he used, and] |
w tt | i | Ay tt | Ai L Ki roAo tt n K. | Ki Ko noKo Le Ai de. |
wac | į | haiją́ | hiragisojanąga | gikųnųgerehiže. |
boat | [wrapped] | [the sides] | he struck, and | he cut it in two. |
Winnebago V, #24: 42 —
di Ki L Le xitti K tt | Ki oy Le de. | Ki ow ttiy Ly Le Ke Le. |
Žigirarexjįgają, | ki’ųareže. | Ki’ųjiaraíregere, |
Soon, | [it was done again.] | [They started to do it,] |
de Ko | w Kette xiAi | riAitti | Ki Ko no KL | o xitti de. | di Ke |
žegų | Wakjexi | sįc | gikųnųgera | ’ųxjįže | Žigé |
so | Waterspirits | tail | cutting them off | he did much. | [Again] |
we L Ki. | wtt | Lette L Ki | L Ke Ke xi Le de. | Ai ni w L. |
weraki, | wac | recraki* | rakekexireže. | Hiniwara |
[unexpectedly,] | boat | at the bottom | they were chewing. | Oar |
* presumably for recreki.
Ai ow n K. | wtt | Lette L. | Aoy ttK K tt. | Ll |
hi’ųanąga | wac | recra | hoicgagają, | Rap |
[he used, and] | boat | the bottom | [he fished for, and] | [Beaver] |
Winnebago IV, #4: 75 —
w Kette xiAi d. | wtt | a K. | Ai n A tti nK | Ai Le de. |
Wakjexižą | wac | aka | hinąhajinąk | hireže. |
a Waterspirit | [boat] | [opposite] | [to float to the surface] | [it did.] |
Ki rAK | Ki Ko noKo deAe. | di Ke | Ki o | A tty Ly Le Ki. |
Kisák | gikųnųkše. | Žigé | ki’ų | hajairegi, |
In two | he was cut. | Again | [he did,] | [when he saw,] |
w Ktte xiAi L | Lo A xitti | Ki Ko noKo deAe. | e Ki. | de Ko |
Wakjexira | rohaxjį | gikųnųkše. | "Égi | žegų |
Waterspirits | [a great many] | he cut. | "And | so |
Winnebago V, #24: 43 —
Ai Ai Ktt wi n. | w K m Ao tt wi n | ay Le de. | e Ki. | Ki Lo dtt |
hihikjawiną. | Wągamahujawiną," | aíreže. | Égi | girušją |
let us stop. | [He will exterminate us,"] | they said. | [Then] | to stop |
Ai Le de. | e tt | m n KeLe. | A ntt | A wo Aitti deAe. |
hireže. | Éja | mąną́gere | haną́c | hawuhįcše. |
they did. | There | over the earth | [whole] | it flooded. |
e tt | ni tt | xAe te | o Ki. | e rKe. | de Ko ne Ki. |
Éja | nįją | xete | ’ųgi, | ésge | žegųnegi, |
[There] | [flood] | [great] | [as it had been made,] | so | at the present time, |
xeAe n KLe. | Ai d | Ao doAo L xotto wi Ki. | ni tt |
xenąkre | hižą | hošuraǧujewigi, | nįją |
the hills | [one of them] | you can still see, | flood |
Ao Aili L. | wi ttA tii nK dA n. | nidi de tt | deKe. |
hohį́bera | wicat’įnąkšaną. | Nįžéją | ške |
[diving into it] | it made marks. | [On the bluffs] | [also] |
ttA tii n Kd n. | nidi de | tt deKe. | ttA tii n Kd n. | L xo Ke Le Ki |
cat’įnąkšaną. | Nįže | jasgé | cat’įnąkšaną. | Raǧogeregi, |
[it had made marks.] | [It remained] | [how] | [it had made marks.] | [After they had receded,] |
e Ki. | xAe n KLe | A L xoy Le Ki. | e lA. | A Ke |
égi | xenągere | harağoiregi, | epa | hąké |
[here] | [the hills] | [when it had receded,] | [after that] | [not] |
Winnebago V, #24: 44 —
rA KLe ni de. | e rKe. | ttA dtt | Ao Aili L. | Ki doKo |
sagerenįže. | Ésge, | cašja | hohį́bera | gišgú |
[it was not fast.] | [Therefore,] | [waves] | [diving into] | [cleaned off] |
tti Le n. | e Ki. | L xo Ki di. | e tt. | ttiAi d |
jireną. | Égi | raǧogiži, | éja | cižą |
[it began.]* | Then | after they subsided, | there | a lodge |
* the four sentences starting with "On the bluffs ..." are omitted from Radin's translation. In their place he has just one sentence: "The wave washed out the steps," with a question mark over "steps."
Ki Koo de. | e Ki. | Ai roAo KL. | A r tti d | ow n Ki |
kik’ųže. | Égi | hisųgera | hasąjižą | ’ųanągi, |
he built himself. | Then | his brother | a platform | he erected, and |
ttAi Lo le tt. | e tt | A K L too lede. | e Ki. | di Ke |
ciróbeja | éja | hakarat’ųpše. | Égi | žigé |
outside | there | he placed his own. | And | [again] |
liAi Ai | xK deAe. | e Ki. | tto l A K tt. | Ayi ni xitti. |
pįhi | ǧakše. | Égi | hijobąhągają, | hą́įnįxjį́, |
[gently] | he wept. | And | after the fourth time, | early in the morning, |
w n xiy K. | Ai tee tee de. | Ai ni A xitti | rii L | L x Kd n. |
wanąǧiąka | hit’et’éže. | "Hinihaxjį | s’ira | raǧakšaną. |
[the ghost] | he began to speak. | ["My older brother,] | long | you have wept. |
n tto L Ki tt n. | de n K a Le. | A Ki Li n. | e de. | K tt. |
Nąjonijąną. | Ženą́ka arĕ,* | hakiríną," | éže. | Gają, |
[I bless you.] | [Don't weep any more,] | I have returned," | he said. | Then, |
* McKern has ženą́ka xagᵉrĕ for this meaning.
L xo Ke K | we de. | de Ko Ko Kette n. | rii | A xK dA n. |
Raǧogega | weže, | "Žegųgųkjéną. | S’i | haǧakšaną." |
Holy One | he said, | ["So be it.] | Long | I have wept."* |
* Radin introduces a sentence here that amounts to an interpretation: "and now I seem to wish, nevertheless, that you would remain as you are. Then the younger brother gave a cry ..." The actual reason why the ghost of his younger brother is distressed with him, is because his death had been caused by his brother's arrogant claim that he was the only holy being on earth.
Winnebago V, #24: 45 —
e Ki. | L xo Ke K. | w n xi L | we de. | Ao Aow | e de. |
Égi | Raǧogega | wanąǧíra | weže, | "Hohowá!" | éže. |
And | Holy One | the ghost | he said, | "Oh, oh!" | he said. |
Ai ni A xitt. | w n tto tty rKe | wy L Ki doo K tt | e de. |
"Hinihaxjį, | waną́cocąį́ske | wairagiš’ųgają," | éže. |
["My brother,] | [to be pitied] | [you have made me,"] | [he said.] |
e Ki. | we de. | Ai ni A xitti. | tt Ko | m nK Le |
Égi | weže, | "Hinihaxjį | jagú | manągere |
[And] | [he said,] | ["My older brother,] | [how] | [the earth] |
tt tty xitti | ni Ae Ki. | Ai d. | w Kidi KL. | K ne Ki. |
jajaixjį | nihégi, | hižą | wąkšigera | kąnégi, |
[as long as] | [as it exists,] | one of them | the people | if he falls over, |
n xi L KL. | Ai L K L | A ni Ae Ktt ne n. | e de. | e Ki. |
nąǧíragerá | hirakára | hanihekjaneną," | éže. | Égi |
his spirit | to take care of | I will do," | he said. | Then |
wi Aoyi Le L | ttA we de. | e Ki K tti ni. | L xo Ke K | Ai Lo nK deAe. |
wihoiréra | cawéže. | Égigajini | Raǧogega | híroną́kše. |
the setting of the sun | he went towards. | [Then] | Holy One | he followed. |
A Ai | A A Ae Le Ki. | e tt. | lette | Ao too |
Hahi | hahąheregi, | éja | pec | hot’ų |
[After awhile,] | when night overtook them, | [there] | fire | to build |
Winnebago V, #24: 46 = Winnebago IV, #4: 76 —
Ai Le de. | leAe tto Ke Le L. | A Ki detteKe | o n i de | L xo Ke K. |
hireže. | Pejokerera | hakišjék | ’ųną’įže, | Raǧogega. |
they did. | The fireplace | to share | he wished to do, | Holy One. |
A Ke | Ki o ni de. | Ai ni A xitti | te e | ne | w deAe Ke |
Hąké | ki’ųnįže. | "Hinihaxjį, | tee | ne | wašége, |
Not | he did not do it. | ["My brother,] | this | you | [because of what you said,] |
te de rKe n. | A Ke | lAe tto Ke Le | Ai L Ki do | doo ni Ktte Ke |
težesgeną. | Hąké | pejokere | hirakižu | š’ųnįkjege |
[thus it is.] | [Not] | [fireplace] | [to place before me] | [since you should not do it,] |
de rKe L n. | tt rKe L n K. | lAe tto Ke Le | Ai L Ki |
žesgeraną. | Jasgéranąga | pejokere | hiragi, |
[thus it is.] | [In whatever way] | [fireplace] | [if you make for me,] |
dKe | Ki Kette de. | w n xi L | Ae Ley n K. | ne ni Le L. |
ške | kikježe. | Wanąǧíra | hereanąga | nénįnéra." |
[also] | [you will make your own.] | [The ghost] | [I am, and] | [you exist."]* |
* the translation represents the last four sentences this way: "You have caused it to be otherwise, and I cannot share your fire with you any more, for it is one thing to be a spirit and another thing to be still in the flesh."
Ai tt xitti n. | e Ki. | di Ke. | xK dAe. | L xo Ke K. |
Hijaxjįną, | égi | žigé | ǧakše, | Raǧogega. |
[He reached there,] | and | [again] | he cried, | Holy One. |
Winnebago V, #24: 47 —
e tt | n Ai Le de. | Ay ni Ki | A ttiy K Ly Le de. | K tt. |
Éja | nahireže. | Haínigi, | hajiakaraireže. | Gają |
[There] | [they slept.] | In the morning, | they started out. | [Then] |
Ai Ke. | L xo Ke K | w tt ni de. | no ni Ke. | de Ko |
hįké | Raǧogega | wajanįže, | nųnįgé | žegų |
not | Holy One | he could not see him, | but | [thus] |
o ni Ae de. | wiyo Le L | ttA | w ni Ae de. |
’ųniheže, | wiorera. | Ca | waniheže. |
[he kept doing,] | the west. | [Upper part of his body] | [he saw it.]* |
* the translations has, "he could only see the portion below his head."
A Ko Le de. | e tt | A Ai. | Ao xtt n K tt. | leAe ttL | doAo ttL |
Hagoréžą, | éja | hahi, | hoxjanągają, | péjera | šujera |
[Finally,] | [there] | [as he went,] | [in the evening,] | [the fire] | [red] |
tte de. | leAe ttL | dA n | A tt de. | Ai tt Ai K tt. |
ježe. | Péjera | šana | hajaže. | Hijahigają, |
[he came.] | [The fire] | [only] | [he saw.] | [When he got there,] |
Ai ne tte tt | Ai lA Ki L | A tt de. | di Ke | i ttAl | leAette |
hinejéja | hipakira | hajaže. | Žigé | įcap | pec |
[to the shoulders] | [only up to] | [he saw.] | [Again] | [separate] | [fire] |
Ao too | diAi Ki. | di Ke | leAe ttL | i ttAl |
hot’ų | šigi, | žigé | péjera | įcap |
[he built] | [he had told him, and] | [again] | [the fire] | [separate] |
Winnebago V, #24: 48 —
Ke Le de. | e Ki. | di Ke | Ay ni Ki. | A ttiy K Ly Le de. |
kereže. | Égi | žigé | haínigi, | hajiakaraireže. |
[he placed it.]* | Then | again | in the morning, | they started out. |
* the translation omits everything from, "Finally, there as he went ..." to here.
di Ke | Ai Ke | A tt ni de. | no ni Ke | de Ko |
Žigé | hįké | hajanįže, | nųnįgé | žegų |
Again | not | he did not see, | but | [thus] |
o ni Ae de. | di Ke | A Ae Ki | leAe ttL |
’ųniheže. | Žigé | hąhégi, | péjera |
[he kept doing.] | Again | when it was night, | the fire |
A tt Le Ai Ki. | Ai tt Ai K tt. | Ao L | dA n |
hajarehigi, | hijahigają, | hura | šana |
he was able to see ahead of him, | [when he got there,] | the legs | only |
w tt de. | di Ke | Ay ni K. | A K Ly Le Ki. | di Ke | A Ke |
wajaže. | Žigé | hainiga, | hagarairegi, | žigé | hąké |
he saw him. | Again | in the morning, | as they went on, | again | not |
w d tt ni | no ni Ke | o ni Ae de. | Ai L. | Ai Ki tt. |
wažąjanį, | nųnįgé | ’uniheže. | Hira | hikiją́ |
he did not see him, | [but] | [he remained.] | [Going] | [he reached] |
A Ae Le Ki. | riAi L | dA n | A tt de. | e tt | ny Le n K. |
hąhéregi, | sira | šana | hajaže. | Éja | nąirenąga |
[at night,] | his feet | only | he saw. | There | they camped, and |
Winnebago IV, #4: 77 —
Ay n[e] Ki. | ni Ke Ao w Le Ki | e tt | Ai de |
haínegi, | nįgehowáregi, | éja | hiže. |
the next morning, | at his destination, | there | [he was.] |
Winnebago V, #24: 49 —
m de tty tt. | e tt. | w Ke de. | Ai ni A xitti |
Mąžejaija* | éja | wageže, | "Hinihaxjį, |
At the end of the world, | [there] | he said to him, | "Older brother, |
* for možejaija.
Ai Ke |
A ni Ki do | A o | to xoAo Lo Kini n. | tt Ko |
hįké | hanikižu | ha’ų́ | tuxuruknįną. | Jagú |
not | with you | to stay here | I cannot. | [What] |
ne | w doo K tt. | w Kidi Ke. | m n KeLe. | e Ki |
ne | waš’ųgają, | wakšige | mąną́gere | égi |
[you] | [you have done it, and] | [people] | [over the earth] | [here] |
w Kidi Kii ne Ktt n Ae L. | Ao K ne | ttAo Ai Le Ktt ne n. |
wąkšik’įnekjanahera. | Hokąné, | cųhirekjaneną. |
[they will be living.] | [Place for those who fall,] | [they will have.]* |
* the translation represents these last two sentences as, "As long as your nephews and neices live upon this earth, death will be with them."
ne | w doo Ke. | e Ki | Ai d | K Le K. | ttA Ki w tte Ktt ne n. |
Ne | waš’ųge, | égi | hižą | kąréga, | cakiwajekjaneną."* |
You | you have caused it, and | here | [one] | [if he falls,] | [he will bring himself."] |
* the reflexive -ki- is infixed to cawa, "to come towards."
e de. | e tt | L xo Ke K. | x K n K. | Ke Le de. |
éže. | Éja | Raǧogega | ǧakanąga | kereže. |
he said. | There | Holy One | he cried, and | he went home. |
e rKe. | L xo Ke K. | e | w o Ke | Ao tee |
Ésge, | Raǧogega | e | wa’ųge, | hot’é |
That is the reason why, | Holy One | he | [because he was,] | death |
Winnebago V, #24: 50 —
ttAo n. | e | Ai roAo KL. | e | w n xi | ttAi nK | Ai Lo K n L |
cų́ną. | E | hisųgera | e | wanaǧí | cinąk | hirukąnąra |
it exists. | He | his brother | it | spirit | village | chief |
Ae Le n. | A Ke | n xi LK L | dA n. | Ae Le ni n. |
hereną. | Hąké | nąǧíragerá | šana | herenįną. |
he is. | Not | the spirit | [only] | [he is not.] |
w ni L | Ai L rA | w o nK dA n. | w n xi | Ai Lo K n L. |
Wanira | hirasá | wa’ųnąkšaną. | Wanąǧí | hirukąnąra |
The flesh | still | he is. | [The ghosts] | [chief] |
wiyo Le Le Ki. | e Ki. | L xo Ke K. | Ki de. | A A. |
wioréregi. | Égi | Raǧogega | kiže. | "Hąhą́, |
[where the sun goes down.]* | [Then] | Holy One | he returned home. | "Now, |
* omitted in the translation.
m n KLe | Ao L tte Ktt ne n | e de. | e Ki. | m n KL |
mąną́gere | horajekjaneną," | éže. | Égi | mąnągera |
the earth | I shall roam about," | he said. | [Then] | [the earth] |
Ao o tti Le de. | tt n K. | m n KLe | w d L. |
ho’ųjireže. | Janąga, | mąną́gere | wažąra |
[he roamed about.] | From that time on, | on the earth | [the things] |
Ai xK xK Ki. | A ntt. | Ai roKo | Ai Ki K | Ltt deAe. |
hixgąxgągi, | haną́c | 'hisųk' | higiga, | racše. |
when he visited, | [everyone] | 'brother' | [when he came,] | he called. |
Winnebago V, #24: 51 —
te e. | L xo Ke K. | Ai roAo KL. | w n xi L. | Ao t |
Tee | Raǧogega | hisųgera | wanąǧíra | hotá |
This | Holy One | his brother | [the ghosts] | those |
e | wi Lo K n n. | Aoy ni Ke | tee L. | A Ke. | m K |
e | wirukananąka: | hoinį́ge | t’era, | hąké | mąką́ |
them | [the chief]: | [for nothing] | [dying,] | [not] | [medicine] |
o ni L.* | A Ke. | wo n xi Le | Ai ta ni L. | di Ke. |
’ųníra, | hąké | woną́ǧiré | hit’anįra. | Žigé |
[not doing,]† | not | war | not having died. | Again |
* a superscripted s is inserted above the period.
† those dying needlessly for want of medicine, is a criterion omitted from the translation. Radin represents the meaning of the whole sentence as, "all who die without having obtained victory on the warpath."
w Ko ni L. | Ai d | Ao w tti L | A Ki leAe Le rini Ki. |
wągonira | hižą | howajíra | hąkipereznįgi;* |
the clans | [one of them] | the origin | if they do not know; |
* < hąké-hiperez-nį-gi.
Aoyi ni Ke xitti Ki. | w Ko ni L. | Ao t. | Ao ttA Ki we L. | tt Ko. |
hoinįgexjįgi | wągonira | hotá | hocagíwe; | jagú |
nothing | the clans | those | [place to go towards;] | [what] |
Ao Ki K w a Ai Le Ki. | e tt | A Ki Le Ktt ne n. | tt Ko. |
hogikawa’ahiregi, | éja | hagirekjaneną; | jagú |
[if the place they arose,] | [there] | [they will have a home;] | how |
wi Ki K L tti Le Ki. | de rKe tt | ttA Ki we | Ai Le Ktt ne n. |
wawikikarajiregi, | žesgéja | cagíwe | hirekjaneną. |
if they belong to the clan, | such as these | to go towards | they will do. |
"Story of the Flood and the Origin of the Spirit Home," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #24: 1-51, with a typewritten English translation at Winnebago IV, #4: 59-77.