Hocąk Syllabic Text — Little Human Head

translation based on that of Oliver La Mère


       Notebook #51: 1                  Winnebago V, #10: 22              Winnebago V, #13: 1  

English Translation

  Stylistic Features

  hapaxlegomena: -regixjį, "nothing but"; cici, "house" (< ci, "lodge"); gigišja, "go and see" (emphatic of gišja, "to go and see"); hacicija, "(exactly) where," an emphatic form of hacija, "where"; hagawagasgeižąxjį, an emphatic version of hagagasgeižą ("it is ever thus"); hagoreira for hagoreižą, "finally, in the course of time, etc."; harajawi, "to be a disgrace"; hinąšarašarac, "they kicked something over" (cf. Miner: nąšárac — "to kick at something so that it rolls away"); hokirušo (?), "to cover over"; honąt’isic, "to be filled up"; horuxguc, "to look" (for horuxúc); hosųc, "very near" (cf. Miner, "hipusų́ — I am near, I am approaching"); k’į, "to carry" (a variant of ); ka’e, "that"; kšu, "to place" (found only in Marino); kuruša, "to drop" (found only in Marino); mąja, "country(side), scenery" (found only in Marino); najixgą, "to be disgusted"; nąšarajare, "to kick something over"; raxuxux, "crushing her up in her mouth", the emphatic of raxúx, "to break something brittle with the mouth" (Lipkind, Miner); rejakias, "to take flight"; šišawi, "they were dead" (< šiš, "to be broken"); sososox, "to rattle on" (an emphatic of sosóx); wajerokejere, "underskirt" ("the one such that it is contained with the skirt"); wakaraki, "with them" (instead of wakarakižu); wakarana, "with hiim" (instead of wakarakižu); warakižu, "with them" (instead of wakarakižu); waxuxux, "to mash something up"; wis’ini, "long" (normally wis’ina); zi, "spark"; žigająga, "this time"; žožok, "to tire" (an emphatic from š’ak, "to tire" ?).

rare words: bošgírik (Miner, bosgírik), "to make a loud noise during defecation" (Miner, "make a sputtering sound, as in breaking wind noisily, or throwing something into mud"); ga, "far off";, "to carry" (found only in Jipson); gico, "to be born"; hąka-ažu, "no"; haréc, "to have nothing"; hibošaną, "to miss (as in shooting)"; hikirara, "all kinds, a lot"; hokárakére, "to bring in, to place for himself"; huijiruhek, "to uproot by means of the hands" (cf. huijibohek, "to uproot by means of the wind"); jobajáwįga, "the four of them"; kaija(xjį), "over there (in the distance)"; kúru-ą, "to hold"; nika, "say" (an exclamation found only in Lipkind); rokarako, "he wished (for is own)" (< roko, "to be in want"); rošašaknįk, "to fuss (kick and cry)"; sosóx, "to rattle"; tešanąkre, "you who sit".


use of -ąje as a future tense imperative.


at one place, where the noun hinųkjega ("the woman") is in the ultimate position in the sentence, the epistemic clause terminator -že, which normally attaches only to verbs, is suffixed to the noun (hinųkjega-že).


a possible nominal sentence: Wąknįkižą žee, "This [was] a boy".


a preference for the relatively rare hąká ("never") over hąkagá.


generally, a preference for what might be termed "expansiveness" is evinced by this narrator, including preference for long forms over shorter ones, reduplicated emphatics, double negation, and redundant conjunction:



a preference for the full form -kjanahe-, rather than the contracted, -kjane-.


frequent use of žigigų (žigé-higų), "(yet) again" — 10 times (0.5%).


shows a preference for wažąra hižą, "any single thing", rather than just wažą, "anything".


a penchant for reduplicated emphatics: cici from ci; gigišja from gišja; gugu from gu; hacicija from hacija; hihi from hi; hihinąp from hinąp; hinąšarašarac from (hi)nąšárac; hirojįjį from hirojį; hixgąxgą from hixgą; jikarakara from jikara; nąšarašarac from nąšarac; raxuxux from raxúx; rusgisgíc from rusgíc; sososox from sosóx; waxuxux from waxux; woruxuxuc from woruxuc.


odd double negations, hąké ... hąká ("not ... never"), hįkaga ... hąká ("never ... never").


one instance of a double conjunction, égi égi ("and and").

see comparative word frequency



wK lA ni K.
Little Human Head*

*translated as, "The Man Head".



p. 1, Notebook 51: 1 (English) = Winnebago V, #13: 1 (Hocąk) —

e tt ttiAi n Ki d nK dAe Ao KL dKe
Éja cinąkižą nąkše. Hųgera ške
There a village it was. The chief [also]



Ai tt nK dAe. e Ki. Ao KL. Ai noKo
hija nąkše. Égi hųkra hinų́k
there he was. And the chief daughter



Ai Ki di. t ni Ai tto Ko Lo Ai de. e Ki.
higiži, tani hicakóro hiže. Égi
he had, and three friends she had. And



de e. Ai tt Ko Lo w Ai Ki di. wo K L Ki tee de. Ai Kowo we.
žee hicakóro wahigiži, wokarakit’eže. Higwówe*
[these] friends [that she had,] she had a talk with them. Round about

*< higų-howe.


m tt tt Lo Ko de wi Ke de. Ki liAi Le Ki di.*
mąja ja rokože, wigeže. Gipįregiži,
the country to see [it was to be much], she told them. They were in favor of it, so

*the /K/ mistakenly has a period after it.


p. 2 —
A Ly Le de. Ai ttA Ko Lo w Ai L. wi Ki ttolo. e Ki. de e
haraíreže. Hicakorowahira wikijop, égi žee
[they began.] Her friends the four of them together, then [these]



A Ko Leyi d. ow Ai Le K tt. Ao rK xeAe te xitti d. Ao ta li Le de.
hagoreižą, ’ųwahiregają, hosga xetexjįžą hot’ą́bireže.
one day, as they were going on, valley [a] big [one] they came to.



e Ki. A Lo ttAyi Le Ktt n Ae de.* Ao rK Ki rA Kitti. A Ai Le K tt.
Égi harucairekjanaheže. Hosga kisakjį hahiregają,
And they were going to cross it. Valley the center when they got there,

*there is a mark like a large comma after the /n/ that probably does not belong there.


p. 3 —
e tt w di d. rA L n Ke. Ai tt
éja wažįžą sąra nąke, hija
there something white [as there was,] there



A Ai Le K tt. te we L Ki. wK lAyi d w o nK deAe. wy Le de.
hahiregają, tewéraki, wąkpaižą wa’ųnąkše. Waireže,
when they got there, [unexpectedly,] a man’s head it was. They said,



ni K. A Ko Leyi d. w Kidi Ki d. e Ki tee Ko ni.
"Nika, hagoreižą, wąkšikižą égi t’egųnį.
"Say, once in the past, a human here he must have died.



rii Le tt xitti A K. ni Ke e Ki Ai d
S’įrejaxjį, haka nįgé égi hižą
Long ago, [at one time] [someplace] here someone



p. 4 —
tee Ko ni. ay Le de. e Ki. Ai d w o de.
t’egųnį," aíreže. Égi hižą wa’ųže.
he must have died," they said. Then one of them she did it.



n dA Ltt Le Ai de. e tt. roAo roAoxo deAe. w n.
Nąšarajare hiže. Éja sosoxše.* "Waną́,
To kick it over she did. There it rattled on. "Oh!

*Miner: "sosóx — to be rattley (like a rattlesnake)."


w xtt n ay L n K. di Ke n dA Ltt Le Ai Le ra de.
waxjáną," airánąga žigé nąšarajare hires’aže.
it is funny," they said, and again to kick it over they would.



roAo roAo xn K e rKe w o nK deAe. e Ki. we de
Sosoxanąga ésge wa’ųnąkše. Égi weže,
It rattled, and that is why they did it. Then she said,



p. 5 —
Ao Ki wi L. ni K te. Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L. w K ttAK n Ko ni
hųgiwįra, "Nikate, hicakorowira, wakącąk nąkųnį.
the princess, "Say, my friends, holy it might be.



w doo A L tte Ko ni e de. e Ki. Lo dtt
Waš’ų harajegųnį," éže. Égi rašją
You do it you do," she said. Then to stop



Ai Le de. e Ki di Ke A ttiy K Ly Le de. e Ki
hireže. Égi žigé, hajiakaraíreže. Égi
they did. Then again, they went on. Then



A Ko Leyi d. A Ai A xtt n Ai Le de. e tt.
hagoreižą, hahi haxjąna hireže. Éja
finally, [to go on] evening they did. There



p. 6 —
Ao Ki wi L we de. e Ki xitti Ai n Ktt wi n. ttiAi L.
hųgiwįra weže, "Egixjį, hinąkjawiną. cira
the princess she said, "About here, [let us sit.] Lodge



Ai d Ai Ki Koo Ktt wi n.* e de. e rKe. ttAi doAo
hižą hikik’ųkjawiną," éže. Ésge, cišú
one let us build for ourselves," she said. Therefore, poles


*a period is mistakenly placed after the syllable /Ktt/.


Ki ttiKi ri L n K. e Ki. xA wi lA tti L n K. e Ki
gickísiranąga égi xąwį́ paciranąga égi
they cut, and [then] grass [they cut, and] [then]



Ai deKe Lo d li r n K. e Ki. xA wi. Ai ttiAi d.
hįšgé ružapiranąga égi xąwį́ hicižą
basswood they peeled, and [then] grass a lodge



p. 7 —
Ki Koo Ai Le de. dtt xitti Lo riKi riKi tti Le de. A Ke
kik’ų hireže. Šjąxjį rusgisgijireže. Hąké
to make for themselves they did. Very tight they tied it up. Not



dKe ttiAiLolo ttoAo Ai L ni de. e Ki. Ke ni
ške cirop cųhirenįže. Égi kéni
even door they did not have. Then before



ny L ni. te we L Ki. w di d n xoKo Ai Le de.
nairani, tewéraki, wažižą nąxgų́ hireže.
before they went to sleep, unexpectedly, something to hear they did.



A Ao ay Le de. te we L Ki. wK deAe. n w
"Hąhó," aíreže. Tewéraki, Wákše, nąwą
"[Hello,] they said. Unexpectedly, It said, song



wK deAe. Ai noKo. ttolo tti L wi Le. Ai noKo
wákše, "Hinųk jop jirawire; hinųk
[it said it,] "Women four who went by; women



ttolo tti L wi Le. riAi lA n Ai n dA L dA Ltt. riAi lA
jop jirawire; sipana hinąšarašarac; sipá
four who went by; the tips of their toes they kicked me over; the tips of their toes



Ai n dA L dA Ltt. a n K. L dtt K. w o ra de.
hinąšarašarac," ánąga rašjąga wa’ųs’aže,
they kicked me over," it said, and when it finished, [it would do it,]



p. 8 —
roAo roAo roAoxo a tti Ao ra de. e Ki. Ao Ki wi L
sososox aji hus’aže. Égi hųgiwįra
rattling on it came [it would howl.] Then the princess



we de. te de rKe Ke Ai ttA Ko Lo wi L. w Ae d Le
weže, "Težesge ge, hicakorowira, wahežare,"
she said, "Thus it is it is why, my friends, I spoke,"



e de. e Ki. owK o tti de. we de.
éže. Égi ’ųwąk’ų jiže. weže,
she said. Then finally it got to them. It said,



A ttAi tt ttAi Lo lA. Ae Le de. e de. e Ki.
"Hacįja ciropa hereže?" éže. Égi
"Where door it is?" it said. Then



Ao Ki wi L. we de. wiy xele Aowe tt. Ae Le n.
hųgiwįra weže, "Wiaxep howeja hereną,"
the princess she said, "Rising sun [on the path] it is,"



e de. roAo roAo roAoxo. a tti Ao de. A ttAi tt
éže. Sososox aji huže. "Hacįja
she said. Rattling on it came [it howled.] "Where



ttAi Lo lL Ae Le de. e de. di Ke. w Ke de.
cirópra hereže?" éže. Žigé wageže,
the door it is?" it said. Again she said to it,



rA niKi wiyo Lo ttA tte tt. Ae Le n. Ai Ke de. di Ke.
"Sanįk wiorocajeja hereną," higeže. Žigé
"Where the sun gets straight above it is," she said to it. Again



p. 9 —
e tt A Ai we de. A ttAi tt ttAi Lo lL
éja hahi weže, "Hacįja cirópra
there it went it said, "Where the door



Ae Le de. e de. di Ke. w Ke de. rA niKi.
hereže?" éže. Žigé wageže, "Sanįk
it is?" it said. Again she said to it, "Where



wiyo Le tt. e de. di Ke Ai tt Ai de. di Ke
wioreja," éže. Žigé hijáhiže, žigé
toward the setting sun," she said. Again it went there, again



we de. A ttAi ttAi tt ttiAi Lo lL. Ae Le de. e de.
weže, "Hacicija cirópra hereže?" éže.
it said, "Where the door it is?" it said.



di Ke w Ke de. rA niKi wiyo wo doKo niye tt. Ae Le n.
Žigé wageže, "Sanįk wiowoškunieja hereną,"
Again she said to it, "Where the sun doesn’t travel it is,"



Ai Ke de. di Ke. Ai tt. roAo roAoxo tti Ao de.
higeže. Žigé hija sosóx jihuže.
she said to it. Again there to rattle [it passed by.]



de Ko e tt. ttAi L Ae tt. Ao w tti Ao de.
Žegų éja cira heja howajihuže.
[Then] there the lodge the top it came in.



ttiAi Lo Ke tt Ki Li nK deAe. e Ki. Ai noKo n K. e tt.
cirogeja kirinąkše. Égi hinųknąka éja
At the smoke hole it came. Then the women there



p. 10 —
Ai Ki tt Le mi nK n Ki di. Ai d w Ke de.
hikíjaré mįnąk´ nąkiži, hižą wageže,
in a row to sit as they were, one it said to her,



Ao w ttiye tt n Ki di. w Ke de. te dA n KLe tt Ko
howajieja nąkiži, wageže, "Tešanąkre, jagú
nearest she was, and it said to her, "You that sit, what



Ai L Ktt n Ae de. Ai Ke de. we de. Ai ttAo Ke ni Ktte n.
hirakjanaheže?" higeže. Weže, "Hicoke nikjeną,"
what relation are you to me?" it said to her. She said, "Grandfather you will be,"



e de. Ai ttAo Ke w Ai ttAoyi d. w nK KeLe. a n K.
éže. "Hicoke wahicųižą wanąkre," ánąga
she said. "Grandfather you have one you do," it said, and



L xoAo xoAoxo Le Ai de. di Ki no le tt n K. Ai Ke de.
raxuxux rehiže. Źiginųpejanąka higeže,
crushing her up in her mouth [it dispatched her.] Again the second one it said to her,



te dA n KeLe Ai L Ktt n Ae de. e Ki. we de.
"Tešanąkre, hirakjanaheže?" Égi weže,
"You that sit, what relation are you to me?" Then she said,



e Ki. Ai att ni Ktt ne n. e de Ai att
"Égi hi’ą́c nikjaneną," éže. "Hi’ą́c
"Well, father I will have you," she said. "Father



p. 11 —
w Ai ttAoyi d w nK KeLe a n K. L xoAo xoAoxo
wahicųižą wanąkre," ánąga raxuxux
you have one you do," it said, and crushing her up in her mouth



Le Ai de. e Ki. di Ki t ni L Ai Ke de. te dA n KeLe.
rehiže. Égi Źigitanira higeže, "Tešanąkre,
[it dispatched her.] Then [Again the third one] it said to her, "You that sit,



tt Ko Ai L Ktt n Ae de. e Ki di. we de. e Ai diAi Kee
jagú hirakjanaheže?" egíži, weže, "E hišik’e
what what relation are you to me?" it said, and she said, "So sister-in-law



ni Ktt n Ae n. e de Ko Ao dotto. a n K.
nikjanaheną," e. "Žegų hosųc," ánąga
I will be," she said. "Ah, very near," it said, and



L xoAo xoAoxo Le Ai de. e Ki. di Ke K tt K.
raxuxux rehiže. Égi žigé gająga,
crushing her up in her mouth [it dispatched her.] Then again [now,]



Ao Ki wi L. Ai L Ai de. tt Ko Ai L Ktt n Ae de. e de.
hųgiwįra, hirahiže. "Jagú hirakjanaheže?" éže.
the princess, it came. "What what relation are you to me?" it said.



e Ki. Ai K n ni Ktt n Ae n. e Ki di A A
"Égi, hikąną́ nikjanaheną," egíži, "Hąhą́,
"Well, husband I will have you," she said, and "Ah,



p. 12 —
w L Ki K L liAi n. e de. e Ki. n wi wi de. Ay ni Ki di.
waragikarapįną," éže. Égi nąwiwiže. Hainigiži,
you have spoken well for yourself," it said. Then they slept. In the morning,



wK lA L. we de. Ai Kow n Ae Le Kette n.
wąkpara weže, "Higųwąną herekjeną.
the human head it said, "Now let us go.



Ai L K L Kii Ki di. w tte Lo Ke tte Le L. n L doAo Lo tt n
Hirakarak’igiži, wajerokejerera narašorojąną.
You must pack me on your back, and your underskirt you must take off.



K e Ao K nK Ai L Kii Ki di. e Ki. di tte tt.
Ka’e hokanąk hirak’igiži, égi šįjeja
That in it you must pack me, and and at your butt



Ai Lo tti tti Ai L K n Ki di. e de. e rKe de rKe
hirojįjį hirakanąkiži," éže. Ésge, žesge
to strike you must put me," it said. So that way



Ki Ki de. Kii Ki di. diAi ttiAiye tt Ai Lo tti tti Kii de.
gigiže. K’igiži, šicieja hirojįjį k’iže.
[she did it.] She packed him, and against her butt to strike she packed.



e Ki. A ttiy K Ly Le de. de e A Ko Ley d. te we L Ki
Égi hajiakaraíreže. Žee hagoreižą, tewéraki,
Then they started. Then finally, unexpectedly,



p. 13 —
m xiAi Ko L rKe. Aexe. Ao ni Aeyi d. owK deAe.
mąxi [goraske ?] heǧ honiheižą ’ųwąkše.
clouds next to swan a bunch [on they went.]



we de. Ai no K KeLe. Ao Ao. ni Ke K
Weže hinųkąka, "Hohó, nįgé ga
She said the woman, "Oh dear, [place] [far off]



Ai ttAi to w A L tee Ai Le K. de rKe A tt tte doAo no L. tt Ko
hicitowahára t’ehirega, žesge hajaješųnųra, jagú
my brothers when they would kill, that kind I used to eat, what



Ao we A o m Ko ni e de. Ao Ki wi L. tt Ko
howe ha’ųmągųnį?" éže. "Hųgiwįra, jagú
[going about] I am doing?" she said. "Princess, what



w L Ke de. e de Aexe w Ke n. e de.
warageže?" éže. "Heǧ wagéną," éže.
you mean?" it said. "Swan I mean," she said.



Ao Ki wi L. my tt Ai K L K nK KeLe e de. e rKe.
"Hųgiwįra, maįja hikarąkre," éže. Ésge
"Princess, [on the ground] set me down," it said. So



my tt Ai n Ki de. A tti tt Ao w Kiy K Ly Le de. e Ki di.
maįja hinąkiže. "Hacija howakiakaraireže?" egíži,
[on the ground] she put. "Where they went to?" it said, and



p. 14 —
Ky tt xitti Ao w Kiy K Ly Le n e de. de Ko rA niKi
"Kaijaxjį howakiakaraireną," éže. Žegų sanįk
"Over there* they went to," she said. [So] that direction

*"somewhere" had been erased, and "over there" written in its place.


eyo wy Le de. Ke ni wi rii ni. Ai d to xoAo L dK L.
eowaireže. Kéni wis’įnį hižą toxorašgąra*
it went. Before long one biting it on the neck

*normally, toxorušgąra. Probably an omission of the letter /o/, after the first /s/.


w Ki Le de.* e tt. Ko Lo dA L[e] de. e Ki. e tt.
wagireže. Éja kurušar[e]že. Égi éja
it brought it. There [it was dropped.] Then there

*the penultimate /e/ has an inappropriate dot over it.


Ao K L A de. e Ki. w lA ni K. we de. Ao Ki wi L.
hokarahaže. Égi Wąkpanįka weže, "Hųgiwįra,
[she plucked it.] Then Little Human Head he said, "Princess,



i ni Ki K nK KeLe. i niyo Ke we A o Kette n. Ai tteKe n
ini kikanąkre įnįókewé ha’ųkjeną. Hickeną,"
stone heat sweat bath you shall make. [I am tired,"]



e de. e rKi.* i ni d. Ai tt. Ai Ki K nK deAe.
éže. Ésg[e], įnį́žą hija hikikanąkše.
it said. Therefore, a stone there she heated it.



e Ki. i no Ke we Ao ttAi Ki o de. e Ki.
Égi inokewe hoci ki’ųže. Égi
Then sweat bath house she made. Then



p. 15 —
i ni L. t K ttiKi di. Ai tto Ke we Ki Kiy n K. e Ki.
inira takacgiji, hijokewe gigiánąga égi
the stone when it was hot, to go in she let him, and then



ttiAi L. Ao Ki Lo doAo de. e Ki. Ai tee tee de. we de.
cira hokirušože. Égi hit’et’éže, weže,
the lodge she covered. Then he spoke, he said,



tteAe Ktti L. Ao Ki wi L. Ai ttA Ko Lo w Ai L. w K L Ki do.
cekjįra hųgiwįra hicakorowahira wakarakižu
[the first time] princess her friends [together with her own]



Ai L tti Le K. e liAi A e Ai de. e Ki. w L tti K
hirajirega, epį haehiže. Égi warajiga
when they came, it was good he spoke of. Then [when he came ?]



deKe. e Ki. Ao o ni K e tti lA Ki de.
šge égi ho’ųnį ka’e jipagiže.
[also] then from the time that to the present he came to.



e Ki. Ai noKo n K w o de. wi xL Ko Lo tteLe tt.
Égi hinųknąka wa’ųže. Wįxra korujreja,
Then the woman she did thus. The duck [where she ate,]



p. 16 —
ni Ktt Ki oyi d A ni Ki di e tt A w xiAiKi K n K n K.
nįkją́gi’ų́ižą hanįgiži, éja hawaxįk kanąkanąga
a doll that she had, and there to stand up against something [she put, and]



w Ke de. Ai Kott Ko Ai ni Ke Ki di. Ki o doo now tte.
wageže, "Higų jagú hinigegiži, ki’ų š’ųnuąje,
she said to him, "Whatever he says to you, [to do yourself] you do it,



rii o n Ki iy tte a n K. e Ki. Le tt Kiyr deAe.*
s’i ’ųnak’iąje," ánąga égi rejakiasše.
a long time try and have him stay," she said, and then she took flight.

*after /tt/, an original /K./ has been erased.


e Ki. wK lA K. Ai tee tee L L dtt Ki di.* we de.
Égi Wąkpaga hit’et’era rašjągiži, weže,
Then Human Head talking when he got through, he said,

*there is a dot after the /s/ suggesting an /i/, which would be inappropriate.


Ao Ki wi L. w n w tte. n w Ki di. e de. e Ki.
"Hųgiwįra, wanąwąje nąwągiži," éže. Égi
"Princess, sing something when I sing," he said. Then



n w de. we de. n w Ki di. i no Ke we ttiAi doAo
nąwą́že, weže, nąwągiži, "Inokewe cišú
he sang, saying, when he sang, "Sweat bath lodge poles



Kii Le L. i no Ke we ttiAi doAo Ki Le L. w tte
k’įrera; inokewe cišú gįrera; wajé
they carried; sweat bath lodge poles they carried; skirt



p. 17 —
Ao K nK Kii ne L. i no Ke we ttiAi doAo Kii ne L.
hokanąk k’įnera; inokewe cišú k’įnera;
[to put] they carried; sweat bath lodge poles they carried;



diAi ttiAiye tt Ai Lo tti tti Kii ne L. a nK de. n w L.
šicieja hirojįjį k’įnera," ánąkše, nąwąra.
against the butt striking they carried," he was saying, in the song.



e Ki. we de. A Ao. Ao Ki wi L. de KoA n.
Égi weže, "Hąhó hųgiwįra, žegųhąna,
Then he said, "Now then princess, I am done,



Ai Ki Lo A reLe. e de. K tt w Ke de.
higiruhazᵉre," éže. Gają wageže,
open it up for me," he said. [Then] [she said it,]



Ai noKo n KeLe. tt Ko o xA lee xitti niKi doAo Lo dtt Ktt n Ae.
hinųknągere, "Jagú’ų xap’exjį nįk šorojąkjanahe
the woman, "Why so soon [little] you will stop



w n w L. Ay liAi xittinK dA n. e de. A Ao. a n K.
wanąwąra haipįxjįnąkšaną?" éže. "Hąhó," ánąga
the singing I am enjoying?" she said. "All right," he said, and



di Ke e de. n w Ki di Ke w n Ki
žigé éže, nąwągiži, ge wanagi
again he said, when he sang, [so] as he said,



w nK deAe Ai Ko di Ke e de A Ao.
wanąkše. Higų žigé éže, "Hąhó,
[he did it.] [Yet] again he said, "All right,



p. 18 —
Ao Ki wi L. de KoA L. Ai Ki Lo A reLe. e Ki. di Ki Ke de.
hųgiwįra, žegųhąra, higiruhazᵉre." Égi žigigeže,
princess, I am through, open it up for me." But she said to him again,



tt Ko o w d dA nK. ni di w n w L. m dtt
"Jagú’ų wašašąnąk? Niží, wanąwąra mąšją
"Why you say that? [Exclamation] the singing so much



Ay liAi nK dA n e de. di Ke. e de. n w L.
haipįnąkšaną," éže. Žigé éže, nąwąra,
I am enjoying it," she said. Again he said, song,



Ai w a de. Ai Ko di Ke. n w Ao ni Ae
hiwa’ąže. Higų žigé nąwą honįhé
he started up. [Yet] again song [bunch]



e wi o de. e rKe. di Ki Ko e de.
e wi’ųže. Ésge, žigigų éže.
[these] [he used them.] [So] again he said it.



Ai t ni A L. di Ke Ki liAi nK deAe. Ai K n K o nK diAi de.
Hitaníhąra žigé gipįnąkše, higanąga ’ųnąkšiže.
The third time again she enjoyed it, she said, and to keep on.



K tt K deKe. i ni L. riAi ni Ai
Gająga ške inira sįnį́ hi,
By this time [also] the stone to be cold it was,



p. 19—
no ni Ke. di Ki tto l A L. e Ki A Ke o ni
nųnįgé žigijobahąra, égi hąké ’ųnį
but again for the fourth time, but not not to do



no ni Ke. de Ko Ai w A Ai Ai nl deAe. wo Lo xo xotto ttK tt
nųnįgé žegų hiwahahihinąpše. Woruxuxucgają,
but anyway he burst out.* He looked about, but

*"came" is lined out and "bursted" is written above it.


te we L Ki. A Kw dini de. te we L Ki. ni Ktt Ki o n K e tt
tewéraki, hąkawašnįže.* Tewéraki, nįkjągi’ųnąka éja
unexpectedly, nothing was to be seen. Unexpectedly, the doll there

*for hąkawažinįže.


A w xiAi Kn Kede. e w n KL Ai leAe Lere deAe. Ko L.
hawaxįknąkše. E wanąkra hipéresše. "Korá,
it was leaning against something. It it was speaking he knew. "Well,



w d w lA K n Ki d y Ke Ktt n Ae n. A ttA xitti
wažą wapakąnąkižą yagekjanaheną. Hacaxjį
something a clever one I would call it. Where



Ao w Ke Le Kette Ki. do doKo Ki. w n tto tty rKe w o. a nK deAe
howakerekjegi? Žožoki. Wanąjojaįsge wa’ų," ánąkše.
she could escape me? She will tire herself. Pitiable [she is,"] he was saying.



p. 20 —
e Ki. Ai noKo Kiyr ni Ae K. de e A Ko Ley d
Égi hinųk kiasnihega, žee hagoreižą,
Then woman who was fleeing, [that one] finally,



e tt. nidi Ao lAo xi d. Ai e de. xoAo no Ai niKi
éja nįš hopoxižą hi’éže. Xųnųhínįk
[there] rocky precipice a hole she found. To be very small



loAo x n K* e Ki. Lo KL. ttAi ttAi L e Le de.
[poxnąka],* égi rokra cicira ereže.
the hole, but the inside [long] house it was.

*presumed to be for loAoxo n K.


Ao lAo xette K. i ni L. Ai d. Ao Ki liAi xitti Ai e Ki di
Hopoxjega inira hižą hokipį́xjį hi’egiji,
The hole stones one of them [the size to fit] if she found,



liAi n de. Ai Le de. e rKe Ai do ni Ki di. Ai d
pįnaže, hireže. Ésge, hižonįgiiži,* hižą
it would be good, she thought. So she looked for one, and one

*< hižą-honį-giži.


Ai e de. e Ki. Ao Ki liAi Ao K nK deAe. Lo Ke tt
hi’éže. Égi hokipį́ hokanąkše, rogeja
she found. Then to fit* she placed it in, inside

*an original "fitted it in" is lined out and "placed it in" is written after it.


Ao K w n K. e Ki. Ai Ki tt ne Ki. w di d xiKi
hokawánąga égi hikijąnegi, wažįžą xgi
she went in, and then to one side, something to move



p. 21 —
ni rKe Ai L n i Ki Ai Ki Ao Lo xoKo ttK tt. te we L Ki.
nisge hiranąįgi, higi horuxgujgają, tewéraki,
it seemed as she noticed, [here] she looked, and unexpectedly,



ni Ktt Kini Ki d. e Ki Lo d dK Kini K Kede. w n. w xtt niKi
nįkjąknįkižą. Égi rošašaknįkše. "Waną́, waxjanįk´,"
a child. Then [it fussed.]* "Oh, how cute,"

*translated as "he was scrambling," but in the "Dipper" it means "to kick and cry".


a n K Lor deAe. tt Ko o deKe w o Ko ni.
ánąga rusše. "Jagú’ų ške wa’ųgųnį?
she said, and she took it up. "Why [even] I did it?



tt Ko Ao we A Kiyr m K tt. te e
Jagú howe hakiáz mąkają, tee
[How] [away] I am fleeing [I go, and] [this one]



A ni A o Ki di. woyi dA Ktt n Ae K tt. Ai Le de. e rKe.
hani ha’ųgiži, woišakjanahegają," hireže. Ésge,
[to have] I will be able, and he will bother me," she thought. So



de Ko ttA KL Ao too ne de. di Ki Ko
žegų cągra hot’ųneže. Žigigų
[thus] outside it was placed. Again



Ai d Ai tt Koo A tt de.
hižą hija k’ųhą́ jaže.
one another [below] she saw.



p. 22, Notebook 51: 22 (English) = Winnebago V, #10: 22 (Hocąk) —
di Ke Lor deAe. di Ki Ko. a tte K de rKe
Žigé rusše. Žigigų ajega žesge
Again she took it. Again she thought that



Ai Le Ki di ttA KL Ao too ne de. e Ki. di Ki t ni A L
hiregiži, cagra hot’ųneže. Égi žigitaníhąra*
[when she did,] outside she put it. And again for a third time

* < žigé-hitaníhąra.


Ai di tt tt tt[i]lidAe di Ki Ko o ni Ae Ki de rKe Ai de.
hižija* jįpše. Žigigų ’0ûnihegi žesgehiže.
[one there] [she suddenly came across it.] Again as she had done thus she did.

* < hižą-hija.


e rKe di Ki Ko Ai tto l A L. Ai d Ai tt
Ésge žigigų hijopahąra hižą hija
[And so] again for a fourth time one there



ttili deAe. de tt K de e Lo riKi di A Ke
jįpše. Žejąga žee rusgiži, hąké
[she suddenly came across it.] Now this one when she took it, not



ttA KL Ao too L ni de. e Ki. ni Ktt Kini K KLe we de.
cagra hot’ųranįže. Égi nįkjąknįkre weže,
outside she did not put it. Then the little child he said,



n ni w d ni Lo xA KL tti Ki di. i ni n KeLe.
"Ną́ni, wažą́nį ruxakra jigiži, ininąkre
"Mother, the thing the one chasing when it gets here, this stone



p. 23 —
ttA KL. Ao n xA w Le Aiy tte. xeAe te Le Ktt n Ae n. e de.
cągra honąxaware hiáje. Xeterekjanaheną," éže.
outside kick it do it. It would go out bigger," he said.



e Ki. A tt tti de. Ko A xitti n tte tt
Égi haja jiže. Kųhąxjį nąjeja
And [to see] [it came.] Directly under [in the middle]



tti Ki di. i ni n KeLe. n xA w Le Ai de. Ao w Le L.
jigiži, ininąkre nąxaware hiže. Howarera,
when it came, the stone to kick it out she did. Sure enough,



Lo K n xitti de. e tt. w xoAo xoAoxo deAe. e Ki. ni Ktt Kini K KLe
rokanaxjįže. Éja waxuxuxše. Égi nįkjąknįkre
it became great. There it mashed it up. Then the little child



we de. n ni. t xoAo Aiy tte. A Ke
weže, "Ną́ni, taxu hiáje. Hąké
he said, "Mother, to burn up make it. Not



ni Ke Ao t Ai n i niy tte. de rKe Ki di di Ke
nįgé hotahi ną’įnįaje. Žesgegiži, žigé
piece to remain do not try. Otherwise, again



p. 24 —
ni a li Ktt n Ae n. e de. e rKe Ai Ai nl l n K. e tt
nį’ą́pikjanaheną," eže. Ésge, hihinąpanąga éja
it will come to life," he said. So, she went out and there



leAe tti d Ao toow n K. e tt t xoAo Ai Kette Ke.
pejižą hot’ųwanąga éja taxuhikjege.
a fire she built and where she might burn it.



e Ki. w Ke de. ni Ktt Kini K KLe we de. n ni.
Égi wageže. Nįkjąknįkre weže, "Ną́ni,
[Then] [he told her.] The little child he said, "Mother,



w d liAi xitti ri d. leAette tte K e tt
wažą pįxjį zižą pejega éja
anything very good a spark the fire there



Ai d t tt riKi deKe leAe tte tt A Ktt
hižą ta; jasgiške* pejéja hakjá
one it remains; what also at the fire back

* < jasgé-hišgé.


Ao too L tte Ai Ke de. e Ki. e tt
hot’ųra je," higeže. Égi éja
the fireplace it stands," he told her. And there



t xoAo Ai de. e tt. leAe tti d. t tt rK tt.
taxuhiže. Éja pejižą ta. Jasgają,
she burned it up. [There] [a fire] [it remained.] [Having been consumed,]



K tt Ki Li n K tt. te we L Ki. mr w reKe tteAe Kitti
gają kirinąkają, tewéraki, mąswáske cekjį
then having appeared, unexpectedly, tin pan brand new



p. 25 —
ni Ki d Ae Le de. w n. a n K. Ai tt tti L n K.
nįkižą hereže. "Waną́," ánąga hijajiranąga
a little one it was. "Oh," she said and he came and



Lo r n K. m ni Ki Li Ke Le de. K tt. m Ke tt.
rusanąga mąnį kirikereže. Gają mągeja
she took it, and walking she came away with it. Then at her breast



Ai Ki o Ai K tt. e tt de Ko Lo KL.
higi’ų higają. Éja žegų rokra
to touch it she let it. There [then] to sink in



Ao w Le de. i tt ni Ki di. ni Ktt Kini Kn K. Ki Lor deAe. di Ki Ko.
howareže. Ijanigiži, nįkjąknįknąka kirusše. Žigigų
it began. She cried out, so the little child he took it from her. Again



Ai d t ttr K tt. di Ke. ni wi L ttK
hižą ta. Jasgają, žigé nįwirajak
one [it remained.] [Having been consumed,] again dipper



tteAe Kitti ni Ki d Ae Le de. di Ki tt tti L n K.
cekjį nįkižą hereže. Žigijajirananąga,*
brand new a little one it was. Again she went towards it, and

* < žigé-hijajira-anąga.



p. 26, Notebook 51: 26 (English) = Winnebago V, #10: 26 (Hocąk) —
Lor deAe. di Ki Ko. de rKe de. tt n A de rKe Ki di.
rusše. Žigigų žesgeže. Janąhą žesgegiži,
she took it. Again, it was the same. Everytime [when it was the same,]



A K K Ai w dtt Kini de. e tt. t ttele deAe. wK lA ni K.
hąkagá hiwašjaknįže. Éja tajepše Wąkpanįka
never [she did not refuse] There it was burned up, [Human Head.]



e Ki. e tt. ttiAi Ki Koo Ai noKo tte K de. e Ki.
Égi éja ci kik’ų hinųkjegaže. Égi
And there lodge she built herself the woman. And




e tt ttiAi Le de. A Ko Le d. ni Ktt KL Ki xeAe te Ki di.
éja cireže. Hagoréžą, nąkjąkra gixetegiži,
there they lived. Finally, her child when he grew up,



n Ki K L Ki liAi Ki di. w tee Ai Ke L Lo K n de. xA tee niKi*
nąkíkara gipįgiži, wat’ehikera rokanaže. Xap’enįk*
to hunt he was good, and [to kill them] [he did much.] Very soon

*xA tee niKi (xat’enįk) is in error for xA lee niKi (xap’enįk), apparentlly due to Sam Blowsnake crossing his /l/.


xeAe te de ay Le n. e Ki. di Ke Ai Ke
xeteže, aíreną. Égi žigé, hįké
he grew up, it is said. And furthermore, not



p. 27 —
xeAe te xitti ni de. wK w o n KeLe di Ai Ke
xetexjįnįže. Wąk wa’ųnąkreži hįké
he did not grow large. Men [at least in the time of them,] not



de rK ni de. e Ki. de e A Ko Ley d. Ai noKo n K.
žesganįže. Égi žee, hagoreižą, hinųknąka
[he was not this way.] And [this one,] finally, the woman



we de. Ai niKi A xitti Ai noKo L K n Ki di y Le n.
weže, "Hinįkhaxjį, hinųkra kąnąkiži, yaréną,"
she said, "My son, [woman] you should marry, I think,"



e de. Ao ttiy e de. e Ki. w Ke de.
éže. "Hojiá," éže. Égi wageže,
she said. "All right," he said. Then she said to him,



te Ki ttiAi reAe Le tti d KL. e tt Ao L w deAe Le Kette n.
"Tégi ciserejižą kara, éja horawašerekjeną.
"Over here a long lodge [to look for ?] there you will go.



wK Ki Ki no lL. Ke Le lA ny dwi n. e Ki. Ai d Ki L. xoAo no L.
Wąkikinųbera kerepanaižąwiną, égi hižąkíra xunura
Brothers there are ten, and the one the youngest



Ai no Ki de Le n. daK w Ai Le L dKe. Ai tt nK dA n.
hinųkižereną.* Š’akwahirera ške hija nąkšaną,"
she is a woman. Their parents also there they are,"

*< hinųk-hižą-hereną.


p. 28 —
Ai Ke de Ao ttiy e de. e Ki. A ttAi tt
higeže. "Hojiá," éže, égi hacija
she said to him. "All right," he said, and where



w Ke Ki di. eyo w Le de. A Ko Le d. Ai L Ai de. e Ki.
wagegiži, eowareže. Hagoréžą, hirahiže. Égi
she meant, there he went. Finally, he arrived. [Then]



ttAi Ai wo roAo tte tt A Ai w o de. m L.
ci hiwosųjeja hahí wa’ųže, mąra
[lodge] near there [he did it,] his arrows



e Ki. Ai Ko w di tt Ai w ni Ki dKe.
égi higų wažįjahį wanigi ške
and [yet] other things that he had also



e tt no xA w Kodo de. e Ki. w o de.
éja nųxą́wą kšuže. Égi wa’ųže.
[there] to hide [he placed.] [Then] [he did it.]



Ae L. Lo A xitti Ao ttiAi Kette e de. de rKe.
Hera rohaxjį hocikje, éže. Žesge
Lice [very many] [they will live,] he said. Thus



e Ki. Ai tto w Le de. A Ai Ao Ke we de. A Ao.
égi hijowáreže, hahi hoikeweže.


[here] he went, [there] he entered. "Well,



Ao ttAi ttAi w xtt xitti ni Ki d tti n. ay Le de
hocįcį waxjaxjį nįgižą jíną," aíreže.
young man funny a little one he has come," they said.



p. 29 —
e Ki. we de. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi tt ne. Ai noKo A K nK
Égi weže, hocįcįnįkjane, "Hinųk hakąnąk
[Then] he said, young man, "Woman I marry



A tti Ke w o A tti n e de. A Ao
hajige, wa’ų hajiną," éže.


as I have come, [to do it] [I have come,"] he said. "Well,



tt rKe Ktt n Ae Ki di ay Le Ki di. de rKe Ai Le Ke w tte K tt.
jasgekjanahegiži, aíregiži, žesge hirege, wajegają,"
how shall it be, and as they say, [this way] [as it is,] [as he says it,"]



ay Le de e rKe e tt Ai noKo K nK deAe. e Ki.
aíreže. Ésge éja hinųk kąnąkše. Égi
they said. So there [woman] he married. Then



Ai noKo K n Ki di. wo Ki roKo Ai noKo Ki dKtt Ke L
hinųk kąnąkiži, wogízuk hinųk giškajgera
[woman] after he married, really wife fond of playing



Lo K n de. Ai Ko Ai ttA wi L Ai K L Ki rKe de. e Ki.
rokanaže. Higų hicawįra hikarakisgeže. Égi
[he was much.] And his wife she was just like him. [And]



p. 30 —
ttAi reAe Le tti d Ae Le Ki di. Ai Lo A Ki Lo xeAe L. Ao o wi ra de.
ciserejižą heregiži, hiroha kiruxera ho’ųwiraže.
a long lodge [it was, and] up and down they chased each other [they would do it.]



no Ki xA w Ke o w o Ai Le ra de. Ai ttAo Ke Le deKe.
Nųxąwąke’ų wa’ų hires’aže. Hicokere ške
Hide and seek [to do] [they would do.] His father-in-law even



e Ai no xA w Ai o ra de. e Ki. Ai Ko Lo Ke L
e hinųxąwą hi’ųs’aže. Égi hikorokera
[he] to hide he would do. [And] his mother-in-law



deKe. di Ke. A Ky Le deKe w o ra de.
ške žigé hagaire* ške wa’ųs’aže.
[also] [again] sometimes [even] [he would do it.]

*this is for hagaira, unless we are to understand hagaireške as a contraction of hagaira-reške.


Ai Ko Lo Ke L. lA A ni Ki di. Lo Ke tt dKe.
Hikorokera hanįgiži, rogeja ške
His mother-in-law bag which she had, inside [even]



Ao K w n K e tt no xA w ra de. e Ki. A Ko Ley d.
hokawánąga éja nųxąwąs’aže. Égi hagoreižą,
[he went in, and] [there] he would hide. Then one day,



Ai noKo ni Kn KeLe we de. A K K deKe n L Ki K L ni.
hinųk nįknąkre weže, "Hąkagašge narakikaranį.
woman the young one she said, "Never not to hunt.



p. 31 —
w KL. Ai noKo K nK Ai Le K. n Ki K L
Wąkra hinųk kąnąk´ hirega, nąkíkara
Men women to marry when they do, hunting



Ai Le doAo no K tt. Ai Ke de. Ao ttiy e de. e Ki.
hirešųnųgają, higeže. "Hojiá," éže. "Égi
they usually do," she said to him. "All right," he said. "Then



m L. Ai ttA w A L Ai d Ao ntt Ai Ki Ki Le Ki di.
mąra hicawahara hižą honą́c higigiregiži,"
arrows my brothers-in-law one to lend he must do for me,"



e Ki di. Ai d Ao ntt Ki Ki Le de. xeAe te
egíži, hižą honą́c gigíreže. Xete
he said, and one to lend they did. Large



Ai Le de. e rKe Ai ttA w Ai Ki de. Ai d
hireže. Ésge, hicawa higiže. Hižą
it was. So, brother-in-law [he arrived.] One



Ai Ki rKe xitti ni rKe Ki di de e m ni Ki d.
hikisgéxjį nisgegiži, žee nįkižą
about the same size who was about, [this one] arrow [a small one]



Ai o ra Ki di de e Ao ntt Ki Ki de. e Ki.
hi’ųs’agiži, žee honą́c gigiže. Égi
[he would give him, and] [this one] to lend he did. Then



p. 32 —
w do ni L Le de. A Ko Ley L Ki Li de. m L dKe
wažonįraréže. Hagoreira, kiriže. Mąra ške
he went out to hunt. Finally, he got back. The arrow [also]



w too L Ki Li de. di Ke tt tti ne tt Ai noKo
wat’ųra, kiriže. Žigé jajineja hinųk
[having left it behind,] he came back. [Again] right away wife



Ki dK ttL o tti L Ki ni de. ttAi L Ai Lo A w Ki Lo xAtte de.
giškajra ’ųjiraginįže. Cira hiroha wakiruxaježe.
playing he began. The lodge up and down they chased one another.



e Ki. A Ko Ley d. Ai noKo tt ne we de. tt A a
Égi, hagoreižą, hinųkjane weže, "Jáha-á,"
Then, finally, the woman she said, "Well,"



e de. w do L ni deAe Le L. Ai Ke de. A Ai n.
éže. "Wažórani šerera," higeže. "Hahiną,"
she said. "Hunting you went out," she told him. "I did,"



e de. e Ki tt Ko tee L de e de.
éže. "Égi jagú t’eraže?" éže.
he said. "Then what you killed?" she said.



e Ki w Kii A Ki Li L. ttA KeLe Ki tte n.
"Égi wak’į hakirira cągeregi jeną,"
["And] the pack [that I was coming back,] outside it is,"



e de. Ai Ai nl li Le K tt. te we L Ki. no w xiAi ne tt. Ao w.
éže. Hihinąpiregają, tewéraki, nowaxineja hųwą́
he said. So they ran out, and unexpectedly, at the woodpile elk



p. 33 —
ni xAyi d. wo n tii ritti tte de. ttiAiyo Ke Le n i ne K tt
nįxaižą wonąt’isiježe. Ciokere ną’įnegają,
a stomach it was filled up. [To put in the lodge] they tried, but



Lo da Ki Le de. riKi KeLe de. e rKe. we de. ni di A A miKi dA n
roš’akireže. Sikreže. Ésge weže, "Niži, hahamįkšaną,
they failed. It was heavy. So he said, "[Exclamation,] it was light,



y Le a n K. Ai Ai n l n K. Ko Lo a n K. ttAi
yaré," ánąga hihinąpanąga kuru-ąnąga ci
I thought," he said, and he went out, and he lifted it up, and lodge



Ao Ke Le de. Ao e Le K tt te we L Ki. Ao w.
hokéreže. Ho’eregają, tewéraki, hųwą́
[he put it.] They opened it, and unexpectedly, elk



Le ri L Le Ki xitti w o tte de. e rKe. A ntt Ai ttA w Ai L
resiraregixjį wa’ųježe. Ésge, haną́c hicawahira
nothing but tongues it contained. Therefore, all his brothers-in-law



deKe. A Ly L n K. Ao w Ai Ki deAe Le L o xitti
ške haraíranąga hųwą́ higišerera ’ųxjį
[also] they went, and elk attending to do



p. 34 —
Ai Le de. e Ki. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi tte K. Ai K K. w Lotto
hireže. Égi hocįcįnįkjega hįkaga warúc
they did. [And] The boy never to eat



A tty L ni de. de e A Ko Ley d. w o nK deAe.
hajairanįže. Žee hagoreižą, wa’ųnąkše.
he was not seen. There one day he did thus.



wi ttA w KiriKi xoAo no ni Ki d. Ki Li Ki Li dimiKi deAe. de e.
Wicąwąkisik xonunįkižą kirikirišimįkše. Žee
Squash a small one it was with stripes around it. That one



w Ki o de. Lo Kii de. e Ki Lotto de. e rKe.
waki’ųže. Rok’įže, égi rucše. Ésge,
he did this. He baked it, and he ate it. So



de de rKe Lo Kii L. Ai Ki L L Ai tt Ki do
žežesge rok’ira hikirara hija kižu
[thus] baking a lot of them there to place before him



Ai Le Ki dKe. Ai K K. Ai d Lo ttini ra de.
hiregi, ške hįkaga hižą rujnįs’aže.
they did, and never one he would eat.



wi ttA w. Lo tt n * A Ke tt. A Ko Ley d
Wicąwą rujánąga hagéja hagoreižą,
Squash he ate, and before one day,

*the MS has a period incorrectly placed after the /n/.


p. 35 —
we de. Ai Ko Lo Ke Ai Ki di. ttAo we tt Ai ttey n K
weže, hikoroke, higiži cowéja hijeanąga
he said, mother-in-law, he went, and in front he stood and



we de. Ko ni K. Le riAi Li Ai wo doo n e de.
weže, "Kunį́ka, resíri hiwoš’ųną," éže.
he said, "Grandmother, to have a passage I wish," he said.



A e de. e Ki. A Ai Le riAi Li Le Ai Ke de.
"Haeže? Égi hahi resirire," higeže.
"Is that so? Well, go have a passage," she said to him.



di Ke. Ai ttAo Ke L Ai Ke de. ttAo K. Le riAi Li
Žigé hicokera higeže, "Coka, resíri
Again his father-in-law he said it to, "Grandfather to have a passage



Ai wo doo n Ai Ke de. di Ke w Ke de. e Ki.
hiwoš’ųną," higeže. Žigé wageže, "Égi
I wish," he said to him. Again he said to him, "Well,



A Ai Le riAi Li Le Ai Ke de. di Ke Ai ttA
hahi resirire," higeže. Žigé hícą
go have a passage," he said to him. Again brother-in-law



Ai Ki di xeAe te Ki di Ai Ke de di Ki Ke de. e Ki
higiži xetegíži, higeže, žigigeže, "Égi
he went, the oldest, he said to him, he answered the same, "Well,



p. 36 —
A Ai ttA Ke tt Le riAi Li Le Ai Ke de. to we
hahi cągéja resirire," higeže. Towe
go outside have a passage," he said to him. On



wi K Le de. Ai ttA wi L deKe Ai Ke de. A ntt
wigareže. Hicawįra ške higeže. Haną́c
he told them. His wife also he told her. All of them



Ai Ky Le K de rKe Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. Ai ttA wi Ai L.
higairega, žesge higaíreže. Égi hícąwihira
[he told, and] the same they told him. And brother-in-law



xoAo no xitti L. w Ke de. Ai ttA. w i A diAi ni L.
xunoxjįra wageže, "Hícą, wa’į hašinira
the youngest he said to him, "Brother-in-law, blanket your



Ko Lo lA L Le. Le riAi Li Ai wo doo n e de. Aowo.
kuruparare, resíri hiwoš’ųną," éže. "Howo,"
spread out, to have a passage I wish," he said. "All right,"



e de. Ai Kd n K. i w ni Ki d* A ni Ki di. ttAi
éže. Hikšánąga wa’įnįkižą hanįgiži, ci
he said. He laughed, and a small blanket which he had, lodge

*this appears to be an odd metathesis for w i ni Ki d.


p. 37 —
Ao Ki rA Ke Ko Lo lA L de. e Ki. Ai tt tti n K n K.
hokisake kuruparaže. Égi hija jinąkanąga
in the middle he spread out. And there he went, and



lo diKi LiKi tti de. w i Ai A Ke tt. w i L.
bošgírik* jiže,


hihaheja. Wa’įra
to make much noise from the force of the passage [he went,] blanket [on top.] The blanket

*Miner has bosgírik.


Ay K w de. wo Lo diAiKi Ke Le Ke Le de L. A K w K rKeyi d xitti
haigawaže, worušik kerekerežera.* "Hagawagasgeižąxjį,
it piled up, wampum spotted ones. "Oh my,

*kerąkeraiš (Kinzie), kerikeriazira (George), kárekárec (Gatschet), kirikíriška (Dorsey), k’erek’éreš (Lipkind), kirikiriš ("spotted like a snake", Marino), kerekéreš ("to be spotted", Miner).


te de rKe n Ko ni tt Ko o w tte Ko ni y Le nK L.
težesge nąkgųnį, jagú’ų wajegųnį, yarenąkra,"
this is why it must be, why he must say it, I was thinking,"



ay Le de. Ai Ki l xitti Ai Le de. Ai reKe niKi
aíreže. Hikibaxjį hireže. Hisge nįk
they said. Very sorry they were. [Indeed] little



Ki t Ai L no ni Ke deKe Ai Ke w Ki o ni de.
gitahira nųnįgé ške hįké waki’ųnįže.
they asked for, but [also] not he would not give it.



e Ki. di Ki Ko A Ko Ley d. Ai ttA wi L we de.
Égi žigigų hagoreižą, hicawįra weže,
Then again one day, his wife she said,



p. 38 —
tt Ko w KL Ai noKo K nK Ai Le K.
"Jagú wąkra hinųk kąnąk´ hirega,
["How] men women to marry when they do,



w do ni Le doAo no K tt. A Ke deKe A K w do L ni ni
wažonirešųnųgają, hąké ške hąká wažoraninį,"
they usually hunt, but not [also] never you do not hunt,"



Ai Ke de. we de. tt Ko A Ai K tt. e de.
higeže. Weže, "Jagú hahigają," éže.
she said to him. [He said,] ["How] I did go," he said.



w d w do ni Le K A K Ki L A A Ai nK deAe e de.
"Waža, wažonirega, hąkakira hahahinąkše," éže.
"Well, when they hunt, not only once they go," she said.



e rKe di Ke Le de. di Ki Ko. Ai ttA ni KL.
Ésge, žigé reže. Žigigų hicanįkra
So, again he went. Again his little brother-in-law



m w ni L. e w ni Le de. e Ki.
wanira, e wanireže. Égi
arrows taking, these [they were taken.] Then



de Ko A Ko Ley d. Ki Li Ki di. di Ki ttA we L. A K L ni
žigų hagoreižą, kirigiži, žigicawera hakarani
[thus] finally, he came back, and again his wife [he took]



p. 39 —
tti L Ki ni de. dK ttL. Ai dKe. w d Ao Lo da Ki Kette de.
jiraginįže. Škacrá hišgé wažą horuš’ąkikježe.
[coming right away.] She played also [something] she would do it willingly.



di Ki Ke de Ai L Le xitti Ki di. w do ni L. tt rKe L de Ai Ke de.
Žigigeže, hirarexjįgiži, "Wažonira jasgeraže?" higeže.
Again she asked him, after a short time, "Hunting you went out?" [she said to him.]



w Kii A Ki Li n. e de. di Ke Ki Ki dtt
Wak’į hakiríną," éže. Źigé gigišja
Pack I came home," he said. [Again] to go and look



Ai Le K tt. te we L Ki. ttAe n[i] xA. w do Kii
hiregają, tewéraki, ce n[į]xa wažok’i*
they did, and unexpectedly, buffalo stomach he brought

*this appears to be, wažą-hok’i, "something he packed".


Ki Li de. Aoyi xitti de. tteAe Le ri L. di Ke
kiriže. Hoixjįže, ce resira. Źigé
[he returned.] It was full, buffalo tongues. [Again]



ttAiyo Ke Le L Lo da Ki Le Ki di. ttAi Ao K L Ke Le de.
ciokerera roš’akiregiži, ci hokárakéreže.
to carry it into the lodge they were unable, and [lodge] he brought it.



e Ki ttAe Ko t KL. A ntt Ai li de.
Égi ce kųtakra haną́c hįbíže.
Then buffalo to pack all they went.



p. 40 —
tteAeyi Ki dAe Le L o xitti Ai Le de. e Ki. de de rKe
Ceigišerera ’ųxjį hireže. Égi žežesge
Attending the buffalo to do much they did. [And] thus



tto l A Ai de. A Ko Le d. Aotto. de rKe
jobóhą hiže. Hagoréžą, hųj žesge
four times he did. Once bear [that kind]



Ai de. di Ke A Ko Leyi d. ttA de rKe
hiže. Žigé hagoreižą ca žesge
it was. Again at a time deer [that kind]



Ai de. e Ki. wK no n Ki d. we de. de tt ny xitti
hiže. Égi wąknunąkižą weže, "Žejanaíxjį,
it was. [And] an old man he said, "About time,



Ai noKo A xitti A ttAi tt Ao w tti Le Ki di e tto w L Le
hinųkhaxjį, hacija howajiregiži, ejowarare
my daughter, where he came from, and [there he should go]



Ai dK K. ny di. w Ko no ni Le Ko ni ay Le de. e Ki.
hišgaga naį́ži wakununiregųnį," aíreže. Égi
[in turn] about now they must be lonesome for him," they said. [Then]



A Koyi Le de. e tt. A Ki Li w d L w Ko Lor dAe.
hakoireže. Éja hakiri wažąra wakurusše.
they went home. There on the way his things he took up.



p. 41 —
e tt. K tt K dKe Ae Ao ttAi L Le
Éja gająnga ške he hocirare
There [then] [also] lice [which he had housed]



dtt de. Ao rKe de rKe Ai de. tt rKe
šjąže. Hosgé žesge hiže, jasgé
he rid himself. On purpose [this way] he did, [what]



Aiy n K n tti xK Ai L n L. de rKe Ai
hianąga najixgą hiranąra žesge hi,
he did, and to be disgusted [they had been] [this way] he made himself,



no ni Ke. Ai Ke n tti xK Ai L ni de. e Ki.
nųnįgé hįké najixgą hiranįže. Égi
but not to be disgusted they were not. [Then]



ttAi Ao ttAi wi Ki di e tt Ki wi de. Ai o ni L.
ci hociwigiži, éja kiwiže. Hi’ųnira
home [to live, and] there they went back. His mother



wo Ki d w L Lo K n de. Ki liAi de. Ai noKo tteAe KL
wokižawara rokanaže. Gipįže, hinųk cekra
being glad she was very much. She was delighted, [woman] [new]



Ko Lo a de. Ai ni KL Ko Lo a Ki di. e Ki. e Ki.
kúru-ąže. Hinįkra kúru-ągiži, égi égi
to hold. Her son she held, and and [then]



p. 42 —
e tt ttAi nK ra de. Ao ttiAi ttiAi niKi. tte K* A Ko Ley d.
éja cinąks’aže. Hocįcįnįk jega hagoreižą
there they would live. The young man the after a time

*this is normally a suffix, but the period after the initial word would seem to preclude that.


ni Ktt Kini Ki d. Ki ttAo Ai Le de. w Kini Ki d. de e
nįkjąknįkižą gico hireže. Wąknįkižą žee.
a child to be born it was. A boy* [this one.]

*literally, "a little man".


A Ko Ley d m ni rA Ki di. e Ki. di Ke.
Hagoreižą mąnį́ sakiži, égi žigé
After a time to walk [swiftly,] then again



Ai noKo tte K. daKiiw Ai L e Ao w Aoyi Le de. e Ki
hinųkjega š’ak’iwahíra e howahuireže. Égi
the wife her parents they they came. Then



di K tt K. Ai Ke Ae Ao ttAi ni de. e Ki.
žigająga hįké he hocinįže. Égi
this time not lice he was not filled. [And]



e tt A tti o Ki di. Ai Ke w d L Ai d
éja haji’ųgiži, hįké wažąra hižą
there when he came, not anything one



Lo da Kini de. Lo K n ni Ki d Ae Le de. wo Ki roKo
roš’agįnįže. Rokana nįkižą hereže. Wogízuk
he could not accomplish. Great [a little one] he was. [Truly]



w do ni Ke de. tt Ko L A ntt tee Ai de
wažóni keže. Jagura haną́c t’ehiže.
hunter [he turned into.] [Any kind] all he killed.



p. 43 —
w noy tteKe niy tt Ao L tte L deKe. Ai Ke
Wanoicge niaja horajera ške hįké
Animals of the water [he visited] [also] not



w d Li d Lo da Kini de. e Ki. de e. wy Le n.
wažąrižą roš’agįnįže. Égi žee waireną.
[one the things] [he would not fail.] [And] [this] [they have told.]



e tt. A Ko Ley d. ttAi nK n K. Ai wo roAotto e tt
Éja hagoreižą cinąknąka hiwosųc éja
There one day village near there



ni Ke Le doKo ni de. te we L Ki e tt w Ki d.
nįgé reškųnįže. Tewéraki, éja wąkižą
[somewhere] [he seems to have gone.] Unexpectedly, there a man



mi nK n Koo Ai leAe Ler dAe. ttiAi loAo Lo Ke
minąk´, nąk’ų hipéresše. Ci poroke
there was, as he sat he became conscious. Lodge oval



xeAe teyi d e tt. leA ttL deKe Ai tt
xeteižą éja pejra, ške hija
[a large one] [where] fire, [also] there



te e tte de. m L. m ttoKo L. w K L n
tee ježe. Mąra mącgúra wakarana
[this one] he came. Arrows bow with him



w o nK deAe. Ai K K ttAo ni A K w KidiKi i ni
wa’ųnąkše. Hįkaga coni, hąká wąkšik’inį
he had them. Never before, never not to live



p. 44 —
w o nK deAe. e rKe tt Ko o w o n KL A Ke
wa’ųnąkše. Ésge, jagú’ų wa’ųnąkra hąké
he did it. Therefore, why [he was doing it] not



Ai leAe Le rini de. de Ko Ai xK xK Ki dKe. de Ko
hipéresnįže. Žegų hixgąxgągi, ške žegų
he did not know. [Thus] when he moved, [even] [thus]



tt Ko Ai Le K de rK tti K L K L de. A Ao
jagú hirega, žesga jikarakaraže. "Hąhó,"
[how] [as he thought,] [that way] he began. "Well,"



e de di Ke. i A niy tte. tt Ko o
éže. Žigé i haniaje, "Jagú’ų
he said. Again mouth he said, "Why



te e w o n Ko ni e de. di Ki Ko e de.
tee wa’ųnąkųnį?" éže. Žigigų éže,
[this] [it may be?"] he said. Again he said,



tt Ko o te e w o n Ko ni e de. Ko de.
"Jagú’ų tee wa’ųnąkųnį?" éže. Guže.
"Why [this] [it may be?"] he said. [He came.]



de rKe Ai L n KL. i A niy tt de rKe
Žesge hiranąkra i haniaja, "Žesge,"
That thinking mouth it said, "Thus it is,"



e de. tt rKe A Ktt n Ae Ko ni e de. di Ke
éže. "Jasgé hakjanahegųnį?" éže. Žigé
he said. "What I am going to do?" he said. Again



p. 45 —
w d L Ai d e ra de. e tt Ai ta ta nK deAe.
wažąra hižą es’aže. Éja hit’at’anąkše.
[things] [one of them] he would say. There he sat and talked.



di Ke o nK o n di de. A Ao e de.
Žigé ’ųnąk’ų nąžįže. "Hąhó," éže.
[Again] finally he got up. "Well," he said.



te e tt rKe A Ktt n Ae w o Ko  ni e de.
"Tee jasgé hakjanahe wa’ųgųnį?" éže.
"This what going to do I am?" he said.



di Ke ttiAi Lo le tt Ao w Le Kette Ai Le K tt
Žigé ci ropeja howarekje hiregają.
[Again] lodge to the door he began to go he did.



di Ke e Ao w Le de. to w ma ni Le de. Ki liAi de.
Žigé ehowareže. Towa mąnįže. Gipįže.
[Again] [there he went.] On he walked. He liked it.



Ai Ai nl lK tt m dtt Ki liAi de. m L. Ai Koo
Hihinąbgają, mąšją gipįže. Mąra hik’ų
He got outside, and very he was delighted. His arrow to use



n i Ki di di Ke o xitti de. A Ai w Lo liAi de.
ną’įgiži, žigé ’ųxjįže. Hahi, waropįže.*
he tried to, and [again] he did much. Finally, he learned it.

*more commonly, warapįže.


to w Le de. w d L Ai d Kotto ttK e tt
Towareže. Wažąra hižą gucga éja
He went on. [Things] [one of them] when he shot, there



p. 46 —
o ra Ki di. to we n L w Kotto A Le de.
’ųs’agiži, towe nąra waguc hareže.
he would hit it, so on tree to shoot them [as he went.]



A Ai owK Koo. te we L Ki ttAyi d A tt de.
Hahi ’ųwąk’ų tewéraki, cižą hajaže.
Finally, as thus he went on, unexpectedly, a lodge he saw.



wo Ki roKo Ki liAi de. e tt. te we L Ki w KL.
Wogízuk gipįže. Éja, tewéraki, wąkra
Very much he liked it. There, unexpectedly, man



tto liAi wi A Ki tt de. w o tte K de rKe w o nK deAe.
jopíwi hakijaže. Wa’ųjega žesge wa’ųnąkše.
four he saw. As he was, that way they were.



e tt. wy Le de. tto l tt wi K. A A n tto ni tt n
Éja waíreže, jobajáwįga, "Hąhą́, nąjonijáną,"
Then they said, the four of them, "Now, I bless you,"



Ai Ky Le de. K tt Ai deKe e de. A A
higaíreže. Gają, hišgé éže, "Hąhą́,
they said to him. [Then] [also] he said, "Now,



n tto ni tt n e de. n tto ni tt Ke w A tte n e de.
nąjonijáną," éže. "Nąjonijage, wahájeną," éže.
I bless you," he said. "I bless you, is why I say it," he said.



p. 47 —
n tto ni tt Ke w A tte n Ai deKe e de. m
"Nąjonijage, wahájeną," hišgé éže. "Mą
"I bless you, is why I say it," [also] he said. "Arrow



te e ntt wi Lo ni tt n e de. m te e
tee nąjwironijąną," éže. "Mą tee
these I bless you," he said. "Arrow these



ntt wi Lo ni tt n e de Ai deKe. de w w K tte K.
nąjwironijąną," éže hišgé. Že wawagajega,
I bless you," he said [also.] The ones he spoke to them,



Ae Lo K w o nK de. o nK Koo. n xoKo Ai Le de.
Heroka wa’ųnąkše. ’Ųnąk’ų nąxgų́ hireže.
Without Horns [they were.] Finally, to understand they made him.



e tt A ro Ai Ao Ki tee Ai Le de. e Ki.
Éja hasuhi hokit’é hireže. Égi
There [slowly] to talk they did. Then



tt rKe Ai Ktt n Ae L Ao Ki L Ki Le de. e tt my d.
jasgé hikjanahera hogirákireže. Éja maįžą
what he must do they told him about. There an arrow



n tti Lo tt Ai Le Ki di. tt tty xitti Ki di. Ai Ke w d L
ną́jiroją́ hiregiži, jajaixjįgiži, hįké wažąra
to bless they did, and no matter how far, not anything



p. 48 —
Ai d Ai lo dA n ni de Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. K tt
hižą hibošanąnįže, higaíreže. Égi gają
one it would not fail to hit, they told him. Then when



Ko Ko Ki di. e tt. A Ki Li ttAyi d tee Ai de.
gugugiži, éja hakiri caižą t’ehiže.
he came away, there on the way a deer he killed.



e tt. de e. Ai Ki dAe Ley n K. ttiAiye tt A ni Ki Le de.
Éja žee higišereanąga ciéja hanikireže.
There that he attended, and to the lodge he brought.



e Ki to Ke we Ai de. ni Ke m ttA n K.
Égi tokéwe hiže. Nįgé mącanąga
Then to be hungry he was. Piece he cut off, and



rA Ke ro ttn i Ki Lo daK deAe. e Ki. ni Ke
sáke rujna’įgi, roš’akše. Égi nįgé
raw he tried to eat, but he could not. Then piece



Lo Kii de. Lo ttK K tt. m dtt ar deAe.
rok’įže. Rujga, gają mąšją ’asše.
he broiled. When he ate it, [then] very it was delicious.



e tt o xitti de. w i ntt Ki de. e Ki. Ao ttiAi ttiAi niKi tte K
Éja ’ųxjįže. Wa’įnackįže. Égi Hocįcįnįkjega
There [he did much.] He ate enough. Then The young man



Ai L tti de. Ko L. wo Ki roKo wo xtt Ai de.
hirajiže. Kora, wogízuk woxja hiže.
he came to him. [Well,] very to be fond he was.



p. 49 —
A Ki do Ke Le n i de. tt rKe de. e de.
Hakižu kere ną’įže. "Jasgeže?" éže.
With him to take home he tried. "How is it?" he said.



Ai deKe A o n KeLe de rKe L L tte de. i ne Ki
"Hišgé ha’ųnąkre žesgera rajéže. Inéki
["Also] [where I am] [in that way] [you step.] Alone



L ttAi L tte de e de. e Ki. Ao ttAi ttAi ni Kn K
raci rajéže?" éže. Égi hocicinįknąka
you live you do?" he said. Then the young man



we de. A K a do Ai ttA wi A L. Ai niKi niKi A L dKe.
weže, "Hąka-ažu, hicawįhara, hinįknįkhara ške
said, "No, my wife, my little son [also]



w K L Ki ttiAi nK dA n e de. Ai ttA wi Ai deAe K
wakaraki cinąkšaną," éže. "Hicawį, hišega,
with them I live," he said. "Wife, [as you say],



tt rKe w L Ke de e de. Ai no Ki d w Ke n
jasgé warakeže," éže. "Hinųkižą wagéną,"
what you mean?" he said. "A woman I mean,"



e de. Ai noKo Ai deAe K tt rKe w L Ke de
éže. "Hinųk, hišega, jasgé warageže?"
he said. "Woman, [as you say], what it means?"



p. 50 —
e de. Ao Ki L K deKe A Ke Ai leAe Le rini ra de.
éže. Hogiraka, ške hąké hiperesnįs’aže.
he said. He would tell him, but but not he would not understand.



e Ki. w Ke de. de Ko Ai Ke Le Kette n e
Égi wageže, "Žegų hikerekjeną, e
[Then] he said, "[Then] let us go home, so



A dtt Ki di tt rKy Le L Ai L lAe Le ri Kette n Ai Ke de. e rKe
hašjagiži, jasgairera hiraperesikjeną," higeže. Ésge,
you can see, and [how things are] [you will understand,"] he said to him. So



K tt K A Ki do Ke Le de. e Ki wi Ki di
gająga, hakižu kereže. E kiwigiži,
then, with him he went home. [So] [when they got home,]



i ttAlniKi ttiAi wi de. e tt A Ki do
įcapnik ci wiže. Éja hakižu
separate lodges [they were it.] [There] with him



Ki de. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ke de. deKe e ra de.
kiže. ’Hicakóro’, higeže, ške es’aže.
he went. ’Friend’, he called him, [and] he would say.



e Ki. Ki wi Ki di. di Ke e tt Ko Le de.
Égi kiwigiži, žigé éja koréže.
[And] [when they got home,] [again] there he was surprised.



p. 51 —
Ai noKo n K A tt Ki di. de Ko we rAi wi xitti de. e Ki.
Hinųknąka hajagiži, žegų wesįwįxjįže. Égi
The woman when he saw, [then] he gazed at her very much. [And]



di Ke Ai niKi ni KL A tt Ki di di Ke Ai L tty L xitti de.
žigé hinįknįkra hajagiži, žigé hirajairaxjįže.
[again] his little son when he saw, [again] he was very much surprised.



e Ki. we de. te e A ttAi tt d nn Koo
Égi weže, "Tee hacija šananąk’ų
Then he said, "These where [when ...]



w L Ki do L Ki Li de. Ai L Ki doo Le Ai deKe
warakižu rakiriže. Hiragi š’ųre, hišgé
with them you came home. To bring back you did, [I also]



de rKe w L Ki Ki de e de. A K a.
žesge waragi kiže?" éže. "Hąka-a,
like [as you did it,] [to come home?"] he said. "No,



te e Ai noKo n KLe. ttA KeLe Ki. ttAi rAe Le tt KeLe. e tt
tee hinųknągere cągeregi ciserejakre éja
this the woman outside long lodge there



dak w Ai L nK dA n e de. tt rKe w L Ke de.
š’akwahira nąkšaną," éže. "Jasgé warageže?"
her parents they are," he said. "What you mean?"



e de. Ai att L. Ai o ni L. w n Ke n e de.
éže. "Hi’ącra hi’ųnira wanągeną," éže.
he said. "Her father her mother I mean," he said.



p. 52 —
di Ke de e Ai L we Ai de. tt rKe
Žigé žee hiráwe hiže. Jasgé
Again this to bother him* he did. How

*Marino gives this definition of the term: "to trace down, to arrive at a conclusion, to know."


Ai Le K tt Ki ttAo n Ki di n xoKo n i de e Ki
hiregają, kicunąkiži, nąxgų́ ną’įže. Égi
they did, and gave birth to one another, and [to hear] [he tried.] And



Ai rKe xitti A Ke Ai lAe Le rini Ke deKe w n K n K.
hisgéxjį hąké hiperesnįge, ške wanąkanąga
really not he did not know, and he was anxious, and



tt rKe Ki di n xoKo Ki dA n Ki liAi Kette w K nK dAe
jasgegiži, nąxgųgi, šaną gipįkje wagánąkše,
finally, if he understood, to tell [it should be good] [he meant it,]



a n Koo A Ai Ao Ki L Ki di n xoKo Ai de.
anąk’ų. Hahi hokiragiži, nąxgų́ hiže.
[as they were talking.] On he told him, and to understand he made him.



e Ki di Ke. Ai d A ni Le Ktt n Ae Ki dKe
Égi žigé hižą hanirekjanahegi, ške
Then another one if he could have, [also]



A wx deAe. A Ke Ai no l A Ai d A ni L ni Ktt n Ae ra Le
hawąxše. Hąké hinųpaha hižą haniranįkjanahes’are,
he asked. Not [second time] a he could not be having,



p. 53 —
a n K we de. Ai Ke tt rKe Ai L n K
ánąga weže, "Hįké jasgé hiranąga
he said, and he said, "Not [how] [to make, and]



ni Ktt K ni n Ki di de rKe A K Ai w tt ni tte Ke
nįkjąk´ anįnągiži, žesge hąká hįwajanįjege,"
a child [it was not said, and] that kind never [as I have not seen,"]



we de. A K K de rKe L ni A L tt wi Ke w Ae n.
weže. "Hąkagá žesge ranįharajawige, wahéną,"
he said. "Never such things [since I have not seen you do,] I say it,"



e de. e Ki w Ke de. no xA w xitti o nK dA n
éže. Égi wageže, "Nųxawąxjį ’ųnąkšaną,"
he said. And he told him, "In secret it is done,"



e de. wo Lo diAi Ke rKe Ke tti ni e de. w d tt Ko L
éže. "Worošigesgegejinį," éže. Wažą jagura
he said. "Because it is a disgrace," he said. Things [the reason]



A n ttiAi A wx deAe. e Ki. di Ke. A Ko Ley d.
hanącį hawąxše. Égi žigé hagoréžą,
all he asked. Then again [one day,]



A Koyi Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. Ao Ki LK deAe. Ai ttA Ko Lo.
haguirekjanahegiži, hogirakše, "Hicakóro,
when they were to come back, he told him, "Friend,



p. 54 —
A tti Ke Le Ktt n A wi n. Ai Ke de. Ai deKe Ao ttAi L.
hajikerekjanahawiną," higeže. Hišgé hocira
we are going home," he told him. Also his lodge



Ao w Ko Ktt n Ae de e de. e Ki. we de. Ai ttA Ko Lo.
howagukjanaheže, éže. Égi weže, "Hicakóro,
he will be going back, he said. Then he said, "Friend,



Ai Kow K. A Ko Leyi d. w d L. Ai d ni
higųwąga, hagoreižą, wažąra hižą ni
if ever, [some day,] anything one you



ni Ki tti t n Ki di. A Ai n n. Ai Ke de. Aowo. e de.
gijitanagiži, hahinaną," higeže. "Howo," éže.
if I can ever help, I could come over," he said to him. "All right," he said.



e Ki e tt Ki Lo ttA wi de. e Ki. Ai o ni L.
Égi éja girucawiže. Égi hi’ųnira
Then there they parted. Then his mother



e tt Ki Li de. e Ki. A Ko Leyi d. Ai noKo n K.
éja kiriže. Égi hagoreižą, hinųknąka
there they came back. Then one day, [the woman]



we de. Ai niKi A xitti. ni Ke w w tti n. daK w A L.
weže, "Hinįkhaxjį, nįgé wawajíną. Š’akwahara
she said, "My son, somewhere I came from. My parents



p. 55 —
e Ki. wKw ttA lL dKe. e tt w w tti n.
égi wąkwacapra ške éja wawajíną,
and my brothers also there I came from,



ttiAi n Ki d. tt tti K. Ai Lo K n n. e tt ni Ke
cinąkižą jajiga hirukananą. Éja nįgé
a village father [he governs.] There somewhere



w w te n. Ai noKo L. [t]to liAi wi A ni wi n. t ni
wawáteną. Hinųkra jopíwi haniwiną. Tani
I went away. Women four [we had.] Three



Ai ttA Ko Lo A L w K L Ki do w o n. Ai ttA Ko Lo w A L. tee w Ai n.
hicakorohara wakarakižu wa’ųną. Hicakorowahara t’ewahíną.
my friends with them I was. My friends he killed.



t xoAo AiAi L. w o n. wiy dA n Ke. A Ktt Ke Le L.
Taxuhihira wa’ųną. Wiašąnąke, hakjakerera
The one burned up he did it. Since I have done mischief, to go home



Ai Ki ttAe xiAi nK dA n. Ai ttA Ko Lo w A L. ne wi Ki K L Aey n K.
higicexinąkšaną. Hicakorowahara ne wikikaraheanąga
I dreaded. My friends I I coaxed away, and



p. 56 —
tee w Ai Le Ke. de tt ny xitti e Ao wy K L wi Ki di y Le n.
t’ewahirege. Žejanaíxjį ehowaikarawigiži, yaréną,"
that is why they were killed. About now we should go there, I think,"



e de. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi n K A Ao Ao de. e Ki. A ttiy K Ly Le de.
éže. Hocįcįnįknąka hahuhuže. Égi hajiakaraíreže.
she said. The young man he became anxious. [Then] they started.



A Ko Ley d. A Ki Le de. te we L Ki. ttAi nK L.
Hagoreižą hagireže. Tewéraki, cinąkra
Finally, they arrived home. Unexpectedly, the village



wo xAl ni Ke rK nK deAe. w Ki ta nK deAe. e Ki. Ao Ki wi L.
woxabnįgesganąkše. wagit’anąkše. Égi hųgiwįra
it was very quiet. they were in mourning. Then the princess



Ki de. de Ko ttiAi n KL. wo Ki d w de. A ntt
kigže. Žegų cinąkra wogišawaže. Haną́c
she arrived home. [Thus] the village they became glad. All



w i K Le n Ki di. ttA Lo xiAi wi L w liAi Koo Ai Le de. e Ki.
wa’įkerenąkiži, caroxíwira wapik’ų hireže. Égi
they were in mourning, and their hair to fix up they did. Then



p. 57 —
roto Ai L n K. e Ki. tt rKe xitti Ai K. A ntt
stohiránąga égi jasgexjį higa, haną́c
they gathered, and [then] [what] [she did,] all



e tt Ao K LK dAe. Ao Ki wi L. Ki K. Ki liAi
éja hokárakšé. Hųgiwįra giga, gipį
there she told. The princess as she was home, to be glad



Ai Le de. t ni di da wi no ni Ke. e Ki.
hireže. Tani šišawi, nųnįgé égi
they were. Three they were dead, [but] then



Ao ttAi ttAi niKi tte K di Ke e tt. Ai n di ne de. e Ki.
hocįcįnįkjega žigé éja hinąžįže. Égi
the young man again there they received benefit. Then



e AoKo n Ki i ne Ki deKe A Ke
e hųknąkį inegi* ške hąké
he to be made chief as they wanted, [but] not

*< hiregi, where the /h/ is dropped from external sandhi, and the /r/ is made into an /n/.


o ni de. e ttiAi nK L. Ai Lo K n n Ki i ne Ki di.
’ųnįže. E cinąkra hirokananakį inegiži,
he would not do it. He the village [to be made ruler] they wanted, but



A Ke o ni de. e Ki. A Ko Ley d. wK Lo tteKe
hąké ’ųnįže. Égi hagoreižą, Wąkrucge
not he would not do it. [Then] one day, cannibal giants



Ao ni Ae xeAe te xitti wi L tti Le de. e tt. Ao ttAi ttAi niKi tte K
honihexetexjį wirajireže. Éja hocįcįnįkjega
a very large band they came upon them. There the young man



p. 58 —
dA n Ae L Ktt n Ae Ki di. Ai ttA Ko Lo L. Lo K L Ko de. Ke ni
šana herakjanahegiži, hįcakórora rokarakože. Kéni
the only one he would be, so the friend he wished for. Before



wi rii ni tti de. e tt. Ki o Ai L wi de.
wis’įnį jiže. Éja ki’ų hirawiže,
before long he came. There to gamble they did,



wK Lo tteKe n K. e Ki. w Kotto liAi o L. w Kotto rA L Ke o L.
Wąkrucgenąka. Égi wagucpį’ųra, wagucsarage’ųra,
the Giants. [And] good shooting, long distance shooting,



Ao Ki nK L. Lo K n xitti wi de. Ao ttAi ttAi ni Kette K. Ai ttA Ko Lo L
hokinąkra rokanaxjįwiže, hocįcįnįkjega hįcakórora
wrestling they were very good at, the young man the friend



A K L Ki do. Ai ttA Ko Lo L. A Ko Ley d deKe. ttA deKe Ko
hakarakižu. Hįcakórora hagoreižą, ške cašgégu
together with. The friend one day, [also] oak



p. 59 —
xeAe te xitti d. Ao Ki n Ki di. Aoyi tti Lo AeKe. ni Ke
xetexjiįžą hokinąkiži, huijiruhek nįgé
a big one he wrestled, and he pulled it up by the roots [someplace]



Ao too Le de ay Le n. e rKe e tt. w KoLo tteKe L.
hot’ųreže, aíreną. Ésge éja Wąkrucgenąka
he threw it, they say. So therefore, [there] the Giants



n xi Le w Ai de. e tt. Ki Lo dtt Ai L wi de.
nąkire wahiže. Éja ki rušją́ hirawiže.
they were frightened [he caused them.] There to game to stop they did.



e Ki. e tt. A ttiAi tt dA n Ao w tti
Égi éja hacįja šana howaji
Then there where [each] to come from



w o n Ki di. eyo w K Ly Le de. de. wK xoAo no niKi tte K. Aeyi d
wa’ųnąkiži, eowakaraireže. Že wąkxonunįkjega heižą
they did, and they went home. This one the young man a louse



w o tte de ay Le n. e rKe. Ao Ki wi tte K. ttA KL
wa’ųježe, aíreną. Ésge, hųgiwįjega cagra
he was it, it is said. [Therefore,] the princess out



p. 60 —
Ao too Le K deKe Ki Li ra de. tteAe Ke tt. Ao Ki wi tte K.
hot’ųrega, ške kiris’aže. Cegéja hųgiwįjega
when she threw him, [also] he would return. [In the beginning,] the princess



Ae w ni Ki di Ai de Le de. e rKe. e tt
he wanigiži, hižereže. Ésge, éja
louse it belonged to her, and he was one of them. [Therefore,] there



wK diAiKi i de. Ae wi Lo K n L w o de. ay Le n.
wąkšikįže. He wirukanara wa’ųže, aíreną.
he became human. Lice the chief he was it, it is said.



e rKe. ni Ke o Ki A K K. w Kidi KL.
Ésge, nįgé ’ųgi, hąkagá wąkšikra
[Therefore,] wherever if he was, never the people



to Ke we Ai L ni ra de. Ai rKe tt to Ke we Ai Ai
tokéwe hiranįs’aže. Hisgeja, tokéwe hįhí
to be hungry he would not let them. Truly, to be hungry to make us



n Ke we w Ai ra de. Ae L. de rK nKe de ay Le n.
nąkewe wahis’aže. Hera žesganągeže, aíreną.
afraid they would be. Lice they are that way, it is said.



to Ke we Ai Ai Le Kette L. Ki ttAe xiAi nK deAe.
Tokéwe hihirekjera* kicexi nąkše.
[To be hungry] [should they be] [difficult for themselves] [it is.]

*a reduplicated emphatic, hi-hi, "to most assuredly be", from hi, "to be".


p. 61 —
w Kidi KL. to Ke we Ai Le Ki w o A Le tti Le K.
Wąkšikra tokéwe hiregi, wa’ų harejirega,
The people to be hungry if they are, to do if they have nothing,



Aeyi Ki Ki dAe Le L o xitti Ai Le ra Ke e rKe.
heigigi šerera ’ųxjį hires’age, ésge.
[to deal with lice] [treating] [to do much] as they would do, that is the reason.



e Ki. wK m dtt tte K. de e. wi L Ko deKe xeAe te L
Égi wąk mąšjąjega žee Wiragošgexetera
And man the strong one this one the Big Star



Ae Le de. e dA n. w d L. Ai d m dtt Ki di
hereže. Ešana wažąra hižą mąšjągiži,
he is. He alone the things one of them he is mighty,



Ae Le de ay Le n.
hereže, aíreną.
he is, it is said.



de tt n.
It is ended,



e lA.



Paul Radin, "The Man’s Head," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #51: 1-61 (English only); Winnebago V, #13: 1-21, 26-61, and Winnebago V, #10: 22-25.