Hocąk Text — The Necessity for Death, Version 3

translated by Richard L. Dieterle

The syllabic text, which has neither transliteration nor translation, is written with a dark, thick pencil, with good clarity. The text is of unknown provenance. The handwriting is very similar to that of Sam Blowsnake, so the text may have been transcribed by him from oral dictation. It was never published, nor was it even so much as transliterated and translated.

English Translation


p. 151 —
Ai to Ke ni Kn K we de. Ai ttAo deKe niKi A xitti.
Hitokenįkanąk wéže, "Hicųšgenįkhaxjį,
The old woman said, "My dear grandson,



w n tto tty rKe. w deAe n. tt rKe L n K. Ai teKe niKi w L K.
wanąjojaįsge wašeną. Jasgeránąga hiteknįkwaraga
poor, pitiable it is said. How can you your little uncles



Ai o ni niKi w L K. w Kidi Ko i L . wi Ki reKe
hiuninįkwaraka wąkšigo’įra wikisge
your little aunts life equal, same



doo Kette. m o L . wo Koro A ni L .
š’ųkje? Mą’ųra wogųshanįra
you will do something about it? Earthmaker his creation



Ao rKe de rKe Ko rA n. w d n KeL e. A ntt
hosgé žesge gųsáną. Wažąnągere haną́c
purposely he created. The things all



Ao K ne. ttAo w Ai Ai n. Ao we doo L tt ne.
hokąné* cųwahihiną Howe š’ųrająne.
the fall (death) he made possible. Going around you will will do it.

*more usually, hok’ąné.



n L . Ai d ni Ke my ttK
Nąra hižą nįgé maįjąga
The tree one someplace standing on the earth



p. 152 —
A dtt Ki. K ne Ke w o n. Ao K L e L .
hášjagi. Kanege* wa’ųną. Hogaréra
you see. To fall down he made it. [In the past]

*attested elsewhere (rw-W) as k’anégi.



Ai Ki L e Ke. de Ke xA wi L . ni Ke A rK leL e
Higirege, žege xawira nįgé hasgapere.
because he thought of it , thus the grasses someplace [?].



A dtt Kidi K ne w o n Kd n. Ao K ne L
Hašjagiži kane wa’ųnąkšaną. Hokąnéra
When you saw it it fell it did. The fall (death)



Ai Ki L e L e Ke. di Ke Al l m ni L .
higirerege žigé hapapá. Manira
because the one who thought of it again it touched repeatedly. The winter



Ai d ni Ke n Ki. di Ke Ao K L e L
hižą nįgenąki žigé Hogaréra
one if it was someplace again the past time



Ai Ki L e Ke w o n Kd n. Ao K ne ttAo w Ai L .
higirege wa’ųnąkšaną. Hokąné cųwahira.
because he thought of it it came to pass. The fall (death) he made possible.



w d L A ntt. ni L e deKe te de rKe.
wažą́ haną́c nįreške težesge
things all they are alive, also in this way



Ai Ko rA n a n Ke. Ao L o xotto K tt. n Ke
higųsáną," anąge. Horuxucgają nąké
[...] created, started," she said. When he looked around the back



Ao L . Ao L o xA n nK deAe ni Ke m L .
hųra horuxąnąnąkše. Nįgé mąra
the body it caved in. At a place the earth



p. 153 —
Ao xA n ne A tt wi doAo no L . de rKe A tt de.
hoxąnąne. Hajawišųnųra žesge hajáže.
caved in. When they had usually seen it that kind he saw.



te we L Ke. e tt deKe. w KidiKi Ai L rA.
Tewéraki, éjašge wąkšik hirasá
Unexpectedly, there also life together with, in addition



Ao L o xA n. A tt de. Ai ttAo deKe te de rKe n.
horuxąną hajáže. "Hicųšgé, težesgeną."
it caved in he saw. "Grandson, it is this way."



L o L . xoAo no Ai Ai o n. e rKe.
Rora xonų hįhi’ųną. Ésge
The flesh to cave in you and I cause. Therefore,



w Kidi Ko i L . wi L Ki rKe doo Ki. m n KL e.
wąkšigo’ira wirák’iske š’ųgi, manągre
the life like your own if you make, the earth



Aoy xitti Ktt ne n e ttA Ai L y tty L . w n
hoixjįkjaneną. Écą hiraijaira waną́
it will be filled up. Instead you should even more to outdo



tt tty rKe Ai L e Ktt ne n. w rotto Ai Ki L o ttiri Ki L e Ki.
jajaisge hirekjaneną. Waruj hįgirujisgiregi,
perhaps as far as it shall be. Food were they to have enough,



AoKi ttAo L . liAi Ai L e Ki m n KL e.
hokicųra hiregi. Manągre
descendants good it would be. The earth



p. 154 —
Aoy xitti Ktt ne n. Ao K ne ttA Ai L no n Ki.
hoixjįkjaneną." Húga. Necą́ hiránunge.
it will be filled up." He came. Instead they did it in vain.



e tt Ae L e de. w ditti Ke K. Ko ni K K.
Éja hereže Wašjįgéga. "Kunikága
There he was Hare. "My grandmother



Ai teKe niKi w A L . Ai o ni niKi w A L . w Kidi Ko i
hiteknįkwahara, hi’ų́ninįkwahára, wąkšigo’i
my little uncles, my little aunts, life



liAi d w Ki to xoAo L o KL . A Ke
pįžą wagi tuxúrukra." Hąké
a good thing [to gain for them] I can do it." Not



liAi ni Ki Ki Ai L e Ki de n tteKe L teKe deAe.
pinįgigi hiregiže. Nącgera tekše.
it was not good he thought. His heart it ached.



e tte L e de. w i d i Ki di. Ko L o r n K.
Ejereže. Waį́žą i giži kurúzánąga
There he was. Something mouth [?] he took and



L o Ke tt mi K n K. xK deAe. w Kidi KL
rogéja mįkánąga ǧakše. Wąkšikra
inside he lay down and he cried. The people



w Ki xK we de. e tte L e n.
wagi ǧak wéže. Ejereną.
[to gain for them] he cried he said. There he was.



p. 155 —
m K o wo dK L . e lA di Ke
Mąka’ų wošgara e’pá žigé
The Medicine Dance the actions from that point on again



o L e n. te e. wo L KL . Ae L e n.
’ųreną. tee worákra hereną.
[he did]. This the story it is.



The Hare Cycle, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #23: 151-155.