Hocąk Syllabic Text — Ocean Duck

based on the translation of Oliver LaMère

Oliver LaMère

Original Text, Winnebago V, #14 (Hocąk) — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 |

Original Text, Notebook #13 (English) — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 |

English Translation

Stylistic Features

      hapaxlegomena: boija, "wild" (as opposed to domesticated); cašnihe, "to be audible"; conį́ške, "before"; gikąnąp, "shine" (otherwise attested only in the emphatic, gikąnąką́nąp, "shiny"); haruje, "to cross"; haware, "to go along"; higije, "to recognize someone"; hijaniha, "present"; hijoginąk, "to run back home"; hikįkinįp, to be awakened; hinąkikini, "to place"; hųnį́k boijara, "wild beans"; hųka (< hųk-ka), "the chief" treated as if it were a personal name; ji’ųesge, "to be admirable"; kikik’ų, "to feign" (perhaps an emphatic of kik’ų, "to make for himself); kuhahąįca, "under" (apparently an emphatic of kuhąįca); nąšį, "to tell"; nįk, "to cry out"; rašąrą́, "to gnaw" (perhaps the same word as rašąną́, "to let something fall from one's mouth" – Miner and Helmbrecht-Lehmann); rašje, "to tan"; šebre, "to come into view"; t’ąpik, "to jump off"; taškjį́, "to turn"; wagit’ak (normally, wagit’a), "to be in mourning"; wanąwáx, "to cut something off"; wiraki, "unexpectedly" an otherwise unattested variant of weraki; wojogᵉpį, "to take advantage of something"; worašigesge, "shameful thing"; worucą, "attendant" (cf. warucǫ [Marino]); wože, "to put within"; žigege, "again".
  rare words: cįwįcį́wį, "sound causing vibration" (found only in Miner); eni in place of įnį́, "stone" (found in only two sources); haherák, "to sense something, to be almost extra-sensory perceptual, to have premonitions" (found only in Helmbrecht-Lehmann); hajiákarakara, "to go back and forth" (found only in Miner); hajawi’ų, "to act, be, stay, pass the time"; hirakiri, "to come (back) to" (found only in Helmbrecht-Lehmann); haxją for hoxją, "evening"; higų́nįgé, "anywhere, anyplace" (found only in Miner); huwí, "so far" (found only once in Jasper Blowsnake); ką(wa)ci’ų, "to play (at something)" (found only in Miner); wakéká, "to mean" (otherwise found only in "The Dipper"); wanišócge, "fresh meat" (used once by Sam Blowsnake); wažącų, "prosperous" (found only in Jipson); woxapnik hi, "to be worried"; xaraje, "to be boiling" (found only in Marino); xorujige(xjį), "to be empty" (found only in Marino as xorujige/xorujike, "to be hollow"); žegųga, "then"; žigéišge, "besides" (found in only one other source).
  unusual uses of giži. At one place, giži is used to indicate the end of a clause, and follows a noun.
  an extremely heavy use of éja, "there."
  the use of a rare double emphatic, -xjį-xjį.
  see, "Comparative Frequency of Select Words in Certain Stories."

te tt wi xe K
Ocean Duck

Winnebago V, #14: 1 = Notebook #13: 1            
e tt ttiAi n Ki d nK deAe. Ao KL. Ai tt nK deAe. Ai d Ai niKi Ai de. A Ki tt.
Éja cinąkižą nąkše. Hųgᵉra hija nąkše. Hižą́ hįnį́k hiže. Hagiją
There a village it was. The chief there he was. One son he had. Partition



Ao toolo nK deAe. Ai K K. Ao w L tt ni de. ttA Ke tt Le Kette K dA n Ai Ai n l n K.
hot’ųpnąkše. Hįkagá howarajanįže. Cągéja rekjega šana hihinąpanąga
he kept him in. Never he did not go around. To do one of nature's duties only he would go out, and



de Ko Aoyi Ke we ra de e Ki. Ao KL we ra de. Ai niKi A xitti e ttAi nK on KeLe
žegų hoikewes’aže. Égi hųgᵉra wes’aže, "Hįnį́k háxjį e cinąkokanągᵉwira
[then]* he would return. [Then] the chief he would say, "My son, this village

* the translation has "right away," which is unsupported.


ne A diAi ni n w KidiKi n KeLe ne wi dAo Lo K n n. tt Ko L Ai d Ai deAe Ki di
ne hišininą. Wąkšigᵉnạgᵉre ne wišurukąnąną. Jagúra hižą́ hišegiži,
yours [to command.]* The people [you yourself] under your charge. Whatever [one] you say,

* hiši means, "to tell, to order." The translation has only, "This village is yours."


NB 13: 2 Winn. V, #14: 2          
oyi Le Ktt n Ae n a nK dA n Ai Ke ra de. e Ki. de e A Ko Leyi d. Ao KL. Ai ni KL.
hoirekjanaheną,"* ánąkšaną, hįges’aže. Égi žee hagoreižą, hųgᵉra hinįgᵉra
they will do it," [he said,] he would say to him. Then [this] one day, the chief his son

* the initial /h/ is dropped from external sandhi.


w Ke de. Ai niKi A xitti. Ao ttiAi ttiAi wi s Ki rKe xitti L. A lK Ao L tt n K tt. Ai K K dKe
wageže, "Hįnį́k háxjį hocįcįwira gisgexjįra hąpga horajanagają, hįkagá šge
he said, "My son, young men of your size [daily] they go about, but never [also]



Ao L L tt ni. A Ko Leyi d. Ao L tte tte liAi L ni K tt Ai Ke de. w KidiKi
horarajanį; hagoreižą, horajeje pįranigáją," higéže. Wąkšik
you do not go around; some day, to go about it would be good for you," he said to him. People



w diAi ni L. w wo K L Ki dK liAi L ni K tt e de. de rK no ni Ke. Ai K K Ao L tt ni ra de.
wašinira wawokarakišgą pįranigáją," éže. Žésganųnįgé hįkagá horajanįs’aže.
your to associate you ought," he said. But still never he would not visit around.



    NB 13: 3        
            Winn. V, #14: 3        
di Ki Ko Ai Ke de. Ao L tt diAi de. tt Ko a ni Ae K de rKe di Ki Ke de.
Žigígų higéže. Horajá šiže. Jagú anihega, žesge žigigeže,
Again he said it to him. To visit he told him to. What he said before, [that kind] he said to him again,



de rK no ni Ke. Ai Ke Ao L tt ni de. tto l A de de rKe Ai Ke de. Ko L
žésganųnįgé hįké horajanįže. Jopahąže, žesge higéže. "Korá,
but not he would not visit. [It was] four times thus he said to him. "[Exclamation,]



tt Ko o tt tti K. w tte Ko ni Ai Le de. Ai Ai nl deAe. de Ko Ai L Lo tteAe L ttA
jagú’ų jajigá wajegųnį?" hireže. Hihiną́pše. Žegų hirarucera
why my father he says that?" he thought. He went out. [Then] [to other places] out



Ao w Le de. ttA Ke tt se Kette w o de. e tt. Ao dooKo niKi mi Ki di. Ai lAy tt.
howareže. Cągéja rekje wa’ųže Éja hoš’ók nįk mįgiži, hipaíja
he went away. To do a private duty [he did it.] There hill little [there was, and] at the foot



A Ai Le riAi Li de. Ai deKe de e. Ao dooKo niKi n K. rA ni Ke tt.
hahi resiriže. Hišgé žee hoš’ók nįknąka sanįgéja
he went [to defecate.]* [And] [this] hill the little one on the other side

* the translation has, "and sat down."

Winn. V, #14: 4     NB 13: 4      
ni Ktt Kini KL. wo Lo A xitti. K w ttiAi o n Kede. Ai d A tt de. Ai tt ne n K. w wo Ki LK deAe.
nikjągᵉnįgᵉra warohaxjį kąwaci’ųnąkše.* Hižą́ hajaže. Hijanénąka wawogírakše.
little children a lot they were playing. One of them he saw him. The others he told about it.

* Cf. kącí’ų (Miner), "to play house," where the prefix wa-, "something, someone (singular or plural)," is infixed between and cí’ų.


Ao KL. Ai ni KL. e Ki A tti Le riAi Li nK dA n e de. A ntt. Ao Lo xotto Ai Le de.
"Hųgᵉra hinįgᵉra égi haji resirinąkšąną," éže. Haną́c horoxúc hireže.
"The chief son [then] here sitting doing nature's duty," he said. All of them to look at him they did.



rA niKi Ao o n K. e tt Ao w rii mi nK w o nK deAe. we Le de. ni Ktt Kini Kn KLe.
Sanįk ho’unąka éja howas’į mįną́k wa’ųnąkše. Wereže nįkjąknįgᵉnągᵉre,
[Side] [facing ?] there back[side] [to sit] he did it. They said the children,



Ao KL dKe. o di L. doAotto. ay Le de. no xA w. w n Kde. ay L n K.
"Hųgᵉra šge ųzį́ra šuc," aíreže. Nųxą́wą wanąkše, airánąga
"The chief [also] his rectum red," they said. [Secretly]* [they spoke,] they said, and

* the translation has, "in low tones."


NB 13: 5        
         Winn. V, #14: 5            
Ai Kd Ai Le de. Ai Kd Ki n i w nK dAe. Ai Ko w di tt Ai deKe
hikšá hireže. Hikšaki* ną’į́ wanąkše, higų wažįjahį šge
to laugh they did. To make themselves laugh [to wish] they said it, [and] other things also

* < hikša-ki-hi, where -ki- is the reflexive, and -hi is the causative (ki-hi > ki-i > ki).


a a Ai Le de. Ai d. wo w Ki d. Ai tt nK dAe. we de m dtt e de. Ao KL
a, a hireže. Hižą́ wowąkižą hijanąkše. Weže, mąšją éže, "Hųgᵉra
he said, to say they did. One a wayward there was. He said, loud he said, "The chief



dKe. o di L. doAotto. e de. Ai tto Ki too ne K tt we L Ki Lo A xitti e tt.
šge ųzį́ra šuc," éže. Hijókit’unegają, wéraki, rohąxjį éja
[also] his rectum red," he said. He looked around, and unexpectedly, very many there



Ao Lo xotto n Kede. ni Ktt Kini KL. Ao Ao. wo L diAi Ke rKe. w o de tte L.
horoxucnąkše, nikjągᵉnįgᵉra. "Hohó, worašigesge* wa’ųže jerá
looking at him, children. "Hohó, shameful thing he did it the (one who is) this

* Marino records this word, or a similar word of the same meaning, as warošigesge(xjį). Cf. in Helmbrecht-Lehmann, woírošigésge, "to be shameful, to be embarrassing (of a state or an act)."


                              NB 13: 6  
                    Winn. V, #14: 6  
Ai Le de. m dtt Ai Lo diAiKi deAe. de de rKe Ke. Ai Ke Ao L tt ni doAo no L. tt tti K.
hireže. Mąšją hirošikše. Žežesgege hįké horajanįšųnųra, jajigá
[it was done.] Very much he was ashamed. Thus it is, not I never visit around, my father



e w n K. e Ki A tti Ai Lo A Li A ttiy n K. w d wo Lo diAi Ke rKe A o. Ai Le de. e Ki. de Ko
ewanąga égi haji, hirohári hajianąga wažą́ worošigesge ha’ų́ hireže." Égi žegų
his talk, and [then] I came, far out I came, and [something] to be ashamed I am I thought." Then [thus]



Ke Le de. ttiye tt Ki Ki di. A Ki tt L. Aoyi Ke we Ki di. de Ko de. Ai K K. xA lini de.
kereže. Ciéjagigiži, hagijara hoikewegiži, žegų́že. Hįkagá xapnįže.
he went home. When he got home, his partition [he entered, and] [thus it was.]* Never he did not answer.

* the translation has, "When he got home and in his partition, that as the last of him."


Ai K K. A Ki tt n K e tt A xele lini de. wo xA lini Ki de. Ai leAe Lere deAe. Ai  a ttL.
Hįkagá hagijąnąka éja haǧépįniže. Woxapnigiže. Hipéresše. Hi-’ą́jᵉra
Never the partition there he would not come out. He was worried. He knew of it. His father



             Winn. V, #14: 7 = NB 13: 7    
Ai Ke wx deAe. Ai niKi A xitti. A Ke de ni rK ni doAo no s. tt Ko o w doo dA wK deAe.
higé wąxše, "Hįnį́k háxjį, hąké ženisganįšųnųra. Jagú’ų waš’ušáwąkše.
he said to him he asked, "My son, not you did not used to be this way. Why [you are doing it?]



wo xAl lini KL dA w KLe. A Ke Ay liAi ni n. w d L Ai d A w o w doo dA w Ki di.
Woxabᵉnįgᵉrašawagᵉre. Hąké haipįnįną. Wažą́ra hižą́ hawa’ų waš’ušáwąkiži,
You are so quiet. Not I don't like it. Thing one [it has made] [the way you are, then]*

* translated as, "whatever is the cause of it".


Ao L KeLe. te Ki w d L Ai d A Ke ni Ki liAi ni Ki di. tt Ko L. Ai d Ai L Le Ki di
horagere. Tégi wažą́ra hižą́ hąké nigipįnigiži, jagúra hižą́ hiraregiži,
I want you to tell me. Here thing one not if it was not good for you, whatever one if you think,



de rK n n. Ai Ke de. Ai Ke w d a ni de. di Ki Ko Ai no l A L. Ai Ke de.
žesgananą," higéže. Hįké wažą́ anįže. Žigígų hinųbahąra higéže.
it will be,"* he said to him. Not [thing] [he did not say.]† Again the second time he asked him.

* the translation adds, "as you command".
† translated as, "but he made no answer."


Winn. V, #14: 8 = NB 13: 8          
di Ki t ni A L. Ai Ke de. Ai tto l A L Ai Ke de. Ai niKi A xitti w d L Ai d A Ke
Žigitaníharą higéže. Hijobą́hąrá higéže. "Hįnį́k háxjį wažą́ra hižą́ hąké
Again the third time he asked him. The fourth time he asked him. "My son, thing one not



Ly liAi ni Ke w doo dA w K tt. Ao s KeLe. ni Ke L Ai L. e tt. w d ni Ki dK Ai Le K tt.
raipį́nįge, waš’ušáwąkają, horagere. Nįgera hira éja wažąnigįšgą hiregają,"
if you do not like, it is why you do this, so tell it. Something they did there [to harm you] they did,"



e de. Ai niKi A xitti. Ao Ki L KLe. tt Ko o w doo dA w Ki di. e de. e Ki. we de. K tt K.
éže. "Hįnį́k háxjį hogiragᵉre jagú’ų waš’ušáwąkiži, éže. Égi weže, gająga,
he said. "My son, tell me why [the way you are,]" he said. Then he said, at last,



tt tti. e Ki. w di Ae Ktt n Ae n. ni Ktt Kini KL. tt n K. K w ttiAi o Ki liAi Ki di.
"Jaji, égi wažįhekjanaheną. Nikjągᵉnįgᵉra jánąga kąwaci’ų gipįgiži,
"Father, [well] I will say something. The children all who play if they are able,


NB 13: 9            
  Winn. V, #14: 9          
de e A ntt. Ai w too s wi Ki di y se n. tt tti Ai Lo diAiKi wi ne n e de.
žee haną́c hįwat’ųrawigiži, yáreną. Jaji, hiroišik winéną," éže.
[these] all of them we must abandon, I wish. Father, to be ashamed I am," he said.



ne Ai wi L Lo A Ktt wi n. e de. A A. Ai niKi A xitti. Ao tt de de rKe Ko ni
"Ne hiwirarohakjawiną," éže. "Hąhą́, Hįnį́k háxjį, hojá žežesgegųnį
"Us we will go away from here and leave them," he said. "Hąhą́, my son, [yes] [it must be something like this]



y Le Ke w Ae n. de rKe Ai Ai Ktt n A wi n. * de rKe Ai Le Kette Ke w dAe K tt. ne
yarége wahéną. Žesge hįhikjanahawiną. Žesge hirekjege wašegáją. Ne
I thought [I mean.] [This sort] we shall do. [This sort] [so they might be] [as you have said]. You

* the terminal n. is followed by another n apparently added in error.


w diAi ni n Ai Ae d Le e de. e Ki. wo Lo ttA L. w Ki Ko. A Ai Le de. e Ki. w wo Ki LK Ai Le de.
wašínina hihéžare," éže. Égi worucąra wagigo hahíreže. Égi wawogírak hireže.
yours I told you," he said. Then the attendants to call them they went. Then to tell them they did.


Winn. V, #14: 10 = NB 13: 10          
Ay ni Ki di. tt n K. ni Ktt Kini KL. K w ttiAi o Ki liAi Ki di. A n ttiAi. K w ttiAi o s. A Ai
"Hainigíži, jánąga nikjągᵉnįgᵉra kąwaci’ų gipįgiži, hanącį kąwaci’ųra, hahí
"In the morning, all the children who play if they are able, all those who play, to go



Ai Lo A Li oyi Le Ktte. ay Le n. w o Le Ki dKe w L Ki Ki. wiy n K. † Ao we w wi Ky Le Ktte
hirohári oirekje,* aíreną. Wa’ų́regi šge waragigiwianąga howe wawigairekje,"
far away they must go, it is said. Lunch [also] you make them, and to take along [you will tell them,"]

* for hoirekje, the initial /h/ having been lost from external sandhi.
† the second /Ki/ has a period after it which appears to be a mistake.


ay Le de. e rKe Ao we de rKe w wi Ky Le de. Ay ni Ki di. tt n K. ni Ktt Kini KL Ki di.
aíreže." Ésge, howe žesge wawigaireže. Hainigíži, jánąga nikjągᵉnįgᵉra giži.
it is said." Thus, to go [that sort] they told them. In the morning, all the children [,]



A ntt. K w ttiAi o s. w o Le Ki A Ly Le de. A Ai xeAe Ai no le tt. oyi Le de.
haną́c kąwaci’ųra, wa’ų́regi haraíreže. hahí xe hinųpéja oireže.*
all those who play, with their lunches they went. Over hill the second they went.

* for hoireže, the initial /h/ having been lost from external sandhi.

Winn. V, #14: 11 = NB 13: 11        
e Ki. ttiAi nK KL. Ki xA n Ai Le de. de e Ai to Ke ni Ki d. Ae Le Ki di. Ai ttAo dKe
Égi ciną́gᵉra gixaną́́ hireže. žee hitokenigížą heregíži, hicųšgé
Then the village to move they did. There an old woman there was, and grandson



ni KL. Ao LoKo too Le Ai Le Ki di. A Ke K L too Le ni n i Ki di. Lo riKi tti L n K.
nįgᵉra horók t’ųré hiregiži, hąké karat’ųrenį ną’įgiži, rusgijiranąga
her little one the rest left behind he was, and not [not to leave] she wanted, but they bound her, and



wtt Ao K nK Ai Le de. Ai L tt Ki Ki di. w Ki oyi Le de. e Ki. ni Ktt Kini Kn K. Ai d. ttAi L.
wąc hokąną́k hireže. Hirają́kigiži, wagi’ųireže. Égi nįkjąknįgᵉnąka hižą́ cira
canoe to put into they did. She refused to go, so [they made her.] Then the children one of them home



            NB 13: 12
Ao w Ko K tt te we L Ki. ttiAi n KL. xiAi L Ao do nK deAe. Ao w xi
howa gugáją tewéraki ciną́gᵉra xira hožuną́kše. Howa xi
towards he came, and unexpectedly, the village smoke it was in it. [Towards] [smoke]



Winn. V, #14: 12              
tti Le Ki di. w d L. A n ttiAi t xoAo w Ai Le de. ni Ktt Kini Ktt ne. e tt ni K n K.
jiregíži, wažą́ra hanącį taxu wahireže. Nikjągᵉnįgᵉjąne éja nįkanąga
[he had come, and] things all to set fire they did it. The child there he cried out, and



A Ktt Ao Ki nK deAe. ttAi n KL. A Ke w Kidi KL. Ai d Ai tt ni A ni n. t e nK dA n.
hakjá hóginąkše. "Ciną́gᵉra hąké wąkšígᵉra hižą́ hijanihanįną. Taenąkšąną.
back he ran. "The village not the people one they were not present. [It is burning.]



xiAi L dA n Ao do nK dA n e de. A ntt. e tt niKi Ai L n K. Ai tto Ki nK Ki Le de.
Xirašąną, hožunąkšąną," éže. Haną́c éja nįk hiránąga hijoginąkireže.
It is all in smoke, [it is full,"] he said. All there to cry out they did, and they ran back home.



          NB 13: 13
                     Winn. V, #14: 13  
e Ki. tt Ko Kette de. Ko A L. Ao no wK Ki Le K tt. te we L Ki. n tte tt Ai ni w L. Ki K nl
Égi jagukježe? Kohara honųąkiregają, tewéraki, nąjeja hiniwara gikąnąp
[Then] [how will it be?]* [Below]† they ran, and unexpectedly, in the far distance, oars to shine

* the translation has "but nothing was there."
† translated as, "the water's edge." This they no doubt did, but the reference is to running down the last hill.


A ttiy K L K L nK deAe. te we L Ki Ai d r n n. ni Ae de. A n xoKo Ai Le K tt.
hajiákarakaranąkše. Tewéraki, hižą́ są́nąna nįhéže. Hanąxgų́ hiregają,
they swung them. Unexpectedly, one [falling out]* there was. To hear† they did, and

* this is translated as, "Unexpectedly, one's voice could be heard in the distance." The word są́ną is attested only in Lipkind ("two fall out") with two other transformations: sąnánąkšé, "it was lying"; sąnąraraže (rA n L L de), "they had fallen off."
† this also means "to listen," which is a better translation.


te we L Ki. w nK deAe. tto dKA no. diAi ttoKo A Ay tt. a nK deAe n w niKi w nK deAe.
tewéraki, wanąkše, "Cųšgáno!  Šį́c-kuhahąįca!" ánąkše, nąwą nįk wanąkše.
unexpectedly, she said, "Grandson! Under my buttocks!"* she said, in song little she said.

* the translation has, "under my seat."


xK mi nK K n K. Ai to Ke niKi n K e w nK dAe. e rKe. Ai to Ke niKi K. Ai ttAo dKe.
Ğak mįnąkanąga hitokenįgᵉnąka e wanąkše. Ésge hitókenįka hicųšgé
To cry he sat, and that old woman she she said it. So the old woman grandson



        Winn. V, #14: 14 = NB 13: 14
A ttiAi tt Ao mi nK ra Ki di. e tt. m L. Lo x x K tt. e wi L Ki. e tt.
hacį́ja hominą́ks’agiži, éja mąra ruxǫxǫgają E wiraki* éja
where she used to sit, there the earth he uncovered. And unexpectedly there

* normally weraki, but in the position of the /e/ a very clear /i/ is present.


Lexe ttl lKe niKi ay Le n. de rKe ni Ki d e tt tte de. leAe tti oyi d Ai tt K n K.
reǧᵉjąpge nįk aíreną, žesge nįgižą, éja jéže. Peji’ųižą hijaganąga
pot little [it is said,] [this sort] a little one, there it was. A fire-starter it was there, and



e Ki di K. * m Ai ni Ki d. e tt Kede. e tt. o nK Koo e tt A A Ae Ai Le de.
égižiga mąhį́ nįgižą ejakše. Éja ’ųnąk’ų, éja hahąhé hireže.
and also knife a little one there it was. There they were still, there when night came they were.

* probably in error for e Ki di Ke = égižige.


Ai to Ke ni K. Ai ttAo dKe. e tt leAette wo Ki toow n K. e tt. miKi ny Le de. e Ki.
Hitókenįka hicųšgé éja péc wogit’ųanąga éja mį́k nąireže. Égi
The old woman grandson there fire he built for them, and there [to recline] they slept. Then



Ay ni Ki di. te n K. Ai ttAe ttL Ao w Ly Le de. de Ko teyi tteAe ttL Ao Ao Ai L ni Ae de.
Hainigíži, tenąka hicéjᵉra howaraíreže. Žegų teącejᵉra hohuhíra nįhéže,
In the morning, the lake the edge they went. [Then] the edge of the lake [the direction] [they stayed,]


NB 13: 15          
                       Winn. V, #14: 15          
Al reAe Lette. Ao t. ni Ktt Kini Kn K. xo Ao no niKi Ai Le de. m ni L. Ki Ko Lo daK K Le de.
hąpsérec. Hota nįkjąknįgᵉnąka xųnųnį́k hireže. Mąnį́ra kikúruš’ak kąréže.
all day. Some the children very small they were. [Walking] [exhausted] [they fell over.]*

* the translation has, "and were not able to walk much."


di Ke Ao t xAe te niKi Ki Le de. xAe te niKi n K. xoAo no niKi KL w ni oyi Le de.
Žigé hota xete nįk kireže. Xete nįknąka xųnųnįgᵉra wanį’ųineže.
And some large ones little ones [they went with.] large ones the children the little ones [they took care of them].



w Kii nK deAe. xoAo no niKi KL. Ao ni Ae xe te niKi w owK deAe. teyi ttAe ttL
Wak’inąkše, xųnųnįgᵉra. Honihe xete nįk wa’ųwąkše. Teicejᵉra
They carried them on their backs, the little ones. A large number little ones there was. The edge of the lake



Ao o n K. A Ko Leyi d. Ao xtt n ni rKe K tt. wi L. Ai Ko Ko di K tt. te we L Ki.
ho’ų́nąka. Hagoreižą, hoxjaną́ nisgegają, wira higųgųžigają, tewéraki,
they went. Finally, the evening [when it was about,] the sun when it was very low,* unexpectedly,

* this rather seems to mean, "when it was still caused to go home," < higų-gųž-hi-gają.

          Winn. V, #14: 16 = NB 13: 16              
A lA Ai n K. e tt. w di d dAe leLe de. A Ao K a tt Koyi d Ae Le Ko ni
hapahinąka, éja wažį́žą šebᵉreže. "Hąhó, ká-a jaguižą heregųnį?"
in the direction they were going, there something it came into view. "Well, that what [one] it must be?"



a nK dAe. ttA tii K tt. te we L Ki. w Kidi Ki d w owK deAe. Ai d we de.
ánąkše. Cąt’įgają, tewéraki, wąkšigížą wa’ųwąkše. Hižą́ weže,
they were saying. When it came in view, unexpectedly, a person it was. One of them he said,



tt tti K. woyi Ki xeAe te de. e doAo no n. e w ow Ko ni e de. Ai Ko Ao t de rKe
"Jajigá woigixetež.e, ešųnųną, e wa’ųwagųnį," éže. Higų hota žesge
"My father that he loved me, he used to say, he perhaps it is he," he said. [And] some the same



ay Le de. te K K. woyi Ki xeAe te de e doAo no n. e w ow Ko ni ay Le de. ttAo K K.
aíreže. "Tegaga woigixetež.e, ešųnųną. E wa’ųwagųnį," aíreže. Cokaga
they said. "My uncle that he loved me, he used to say. He perhaps it is he," they said. Their grandfathers



            NB 13: 17
                               Winn. V, #14: 17
dKe. ay Le de. a dKe tti K tt. te we L Ki Ai no Ki d w owK deAe. di Ke a nK deAe.
šge aíreže. Ašge jigáją, tewéraki, hinųgižą wa’ųwąkše. Žigé ánąkše,
[also] they said. Near when it came, unexpectedly, a woman it was. Again they said,



n ni K. woyi Ki xeAe te de e doAo no L. e w ow Ko ni ay Le de. ttAo wi K. dKe
"Nąnį́ga woigixetež.e, ešųnųra, e wa’ųwagųnį," aíreže. Cų́wįga šge
"Mother that she loved me, she used to say, she perhaps it is she," they said. Aunt [also]



ay Le de. Ko ni K K dKe. ay Le de. Ai Ko. Ao t deKe wy Le de. Ai no A L.
aíreže. Kunikága šge aíreže. Higų hota šge waíreže, "Hinų́hará
they said. Their grandmother [also] they said. [Yet] some [also] they said it, "Older sister



woyi Ki xeAe te de. e doAo no L. e w ow Ko ni ay Le de. wo Ki d w Ai Le de. Ai d
woigixetež.e, ešųnųra, e wa’ųwagųnį," aíreže. Wogišawa hireže. Hižą́
that she loved me, she used to say, he perhaps it is she," [they said.] Delight they were. One



wo K L w tti Ki di. te we L Ki. tti K tt. Ai to Keyi d. w owK Ki di. xeAe te xitti de.
wokarawajigíži, tewéraki, jigáją, hitokeižą wa’ųwąkiži, xetexjįže.
she came to meet them, but unexpectedly, when it came, an old woman it was, and she was very big.


Winn. V, #14: 18 = NB 13: 18        
we de. w n. Ai ttAo d KiniKi w A L. Ai tteKe xitti niKi Ai Le Ko ni. Ai ttAo dKe niKi w A L.
Weže, "Waną́. hicųžągᵉnįgᵉwahara hįcgéxjį nįk hiregųnį, hicųšgénįgᵉwahara,"
She said, "Oh, my little granddaughters to be tired little they must be, my little grandsons,"



e de. Ao t Ki Kii niKi w o n Ki di. w w Ki Kii de. we de. Ai ttAo Ke L wi K.
éže. Hota kik’į nįk wa’ųnąkiži, wawakik’įže. Weže, "Hicokeráwiga
she said. Some to carry little ones they did it, but she carried them for them. She said, "Your grandfather



e Ki ni too ne Ai L wi Ki di. n xoKo n. e rKe. wo Ki xA lL. w K ttAo dKo ni A nK dA n.
égi nįt’une hirawigiži, nąxgųną. Ésge wokixapbᵉra wągacųšgunihanąkšąną.
[here] to abandon you when they did, he heard about it. So company we have no one.



Ai tto w L Le e Ke tti ni w o Ao n. e. Ki i ne Ki xitti* niKi A ttAi A nK wi n.
Hijówarare egejinį wa’ųhúną, E inekixjį nįk haji hanąkwiną,"
Go over he said, so I came. [So] [to make ourselves] all alone [little] here we are,"

* this must be for Kii ne Ki xitti.

Winn. V, #14: 19 = NB 13: 19          
e de. e Ki. o nK Koo e tt ttiAi d Ai L Ki Li Le de. ttiAi loAo Lo Ke xeAe te xitti d.
éže. Égi ’ųnąk’ų, éja cížą hirakírireną, cipóroke xetexjįžą
she said. Then, finally, there a lodge they came to, oval lodge a big one.



e Ki. i ne Ki. m tti Le K. A ttiAi A nK wi n. A K w d w d liAi A o wi K tt.
Égi inéki mącirega, hacihanągᵉwiną. "Hagáwažą, wažą́ ha’ųwigają,
Here alone [as they were living,] [they started off.]* "What a good thing, thing good we did,

* the translation treats this as part of a quotation: "Here alone by the lake we are living."


Ai Ly L Ki Li wi Le. tt Ko n ttKe wo ni ttiAi Ktt wi de. Ao tt di. Ai Ly L Ki Li wi K tt.
hirairakiriwire. Jagú nącge wonicikjawiže. Hoją́ži hirairakiriwigają,"
you have come to us. [How] you will not worry. [Well, in any case,] you have come to us,"



e de. e Ki we de. i ne Ki A nK wiy a n K. A Ke dKe. w d A tte rK ni A n Ke.
éže. Égi weže, "Inéki hanąkwianąga hąké šge wažą́ hajesganįhanage,
she said. Then she said, "Alone we are, and not also [anything] [as we do not do],*

* this whole phrase is untranslated.


        NB 13: 20      
      Winn. V, #14: 20        
A Ke dKe. w Lotto w d y Ki dAe Le ni A tt wi o Ae Le n. e rKe. Ai ttAo Ke L wi K.
hąké šge waruc wažą́ yakišerenį. Hajawi’ų hereną. Ésge hicókeráwiga
not [also] to eat [anything] I did not try to get. [To pass the time] [it was.]* So your grandfather

* this sentence was not translated.


w do ni Le n. L tti Ktt n A wi Ke. e de. ttiAi n K. xoAo Lo tti Ke xitti de. A Ke w d ttAo ni de.
wažonireną, rajikjanahage," éže. Cinąka xorujigexjįže. Hąké wažącųnįže,
he has gone out hunting, as you will eat," she said. The lodge it was empty. Not [it was not prosperous,]*

* this is mistranslated as, "nothing was cooked."


de e. Lexe xeAe te xitti d Ai tt xA L tte de. Ai ttAo Ke L wi K Ki Li Ki dA n. Ai w Lo tti Ktt ni A wi n.
žee. Reǧ xetexjįžą hija xaraježe. "Hicókeráwiga kirigišąną. Hiwarujikjanihawiną,
this one. Kettle a big one there it was boiling. "Your grandfather he is coming back. We will eat,



                                                 Winn. V, #14: 21
w d L Ai d tee Ai Ki Li Ki di. e rKe ni L. a Ki A Ke Le nK dA n. e de.
wažą́ra hižą́, tee hįkirigiži. Ésge, nįra akí hakerenąkšąną," éže.
[things] [one of them,] [this one] if he returns. Therefore, water [on the side] [I put on,"] she said.



NB 13: 21            
Ao t ni Ktt Kini Kn K. Ai ttKe niKi Ki L n K. to Ke we Ai dKe Ai Le Ki di. n
Hota nįkjąknįgᵉnąka hįcgénįkiranąga tokéwe hišge hiregiži,
Some the children they were a little tired, and hungry also they were, and to sleep



miKi Ki Le de. we de. leAe tti ttAe tteLe Ki. Ai leAe i w Ki Ki wi Le. n
mįgireže. Weže, "Peji cejeregi hipe’į́ wagigiwire,
they laid down. She said to them, "Fireplace [at the center of the lodge] to place their heads let them do it, to sleep



miKi n K. rii Le tt xitti e Ki A ttiAi wiy n K. ttiAi nK KeLe. roAo L. w ttoKo w m no Ke L
mįgᵉnąka. S’irejąxjį égi haciwianąga ciną́gᵉre sųra wijugwámąnųké
those lying down. A long time here we lived, and the lodge the wall mice



Lo K n w owK dA n. ttA lo ni A L. Ai L dA L Ai L wi doAo no n roAowe tt
rokana wa’ųwąkšaną. Cabónihára rašąrą́ hirawišųnųną, sųeja
many there are. The tops of the heads hair to gnaw they have always done to us, next to the wall



    NB 13: 22    
       Winn. V, #14: 22      
y liAi i* A n wi K e de. te e dKe me de rKe Ai Ki Ki Le n. a n K.
yapi’į́ hanąwiga," éže. "Tee šge mežesge hįgigíreną," ánąga
we place our heads when we sleep," she said. "This [also] it is what they have done to me," she said, and

* one would expect y leAe i (yape’į́ < hiape’į́). However, yapi’į́ can be understood to have come from hiapewi’į́, if /ewį/ resolves to /į/.


ttA lo ni A L. K w A K tt. te we L Ki. ttA lo ni A L. dA L nK deAe. e rKe.
Cabónihára kawahagają, tewéraki, cabónihára šaranąkše. Ésge
The top of her head when she showed them, unexpectedly, the top of her head it was bald. So



leAe tti tteAe tte tt Ai leAe i w Ki Ki Le de. n Ai Le Ki di. de Ko de. A Ke
peji cejéja hipe’į́ wagigireže. hiregiži, žegų́že. Hąké
fireplace next to to place their heads they made them do it. Sleep as they did, [thus it was.] Not



Ai Lo tti Ki Li ni de. K tt K deKe. A Ae de. e Ki. A ntt ni rKe ny Le de.
hirojį́ kirinįže. Gająga šge hąhéže. Égi haną́c nisge ną́įreže.
[not for sometime] he did not return. Now even it was night. And all of them nearly they were asleep.



            Winn. V, #14: 23 = NB 13: 23
e Ki. K tt K. Ai to Ke ni K Ai ttAo dKe L dA n. Ai Ke n ni de. K tt K. n diAi de.      
Égi gająga hitókenįka hicųšgéra šana hįké nąnįže. Gająga nąšįže,  
Then [now] the old woman the grandson [alone] not they were not asleep. Now she told him,  



Ai ttAo dKe de Ko n Le. Ai ttAo Ke L. K.* w tee Ai Ke. Aoy dA Ke.
"Hicųšgé, žegų nąre. Hicokeraga wat’ehige hoišąge
"Grandson, now go to sleep. Your grandfather he has killed something, so he is detained, that is why

* the two periods are in the text.


xA w ni n. Ki Li Ki di. w to tt Ki di. ni to xiAi K Ktt wi n. de Ko
xawanį́ną. Kirigiži, watujagiži, nituxįkakjawiną. Žegų
he does not return. When he comes back, I'll cook something, and I'll wake you up. So



n ne Ai Ke de. no ni Ke. A Ae LK dAe. e rKe Ai Ke n ni de. miKi
nąne higéže," nųnįgé haherákše, ésge hįké nąnįže. Mį́k
you might as well go to sleep," but he was a little afraid,* that is why not he did not sleep. He laid down

* haherák actually means, "to sense something, to be almost extra-sensory perceptual, to have premonitions" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).


no ni Ke. n Ki Koo de. e Ki. no xA w we rAi wi de. n Ko ni Ai Le Ki di.
nųnįgé kik’ų́že, égi nųxawą wesįwįže. Nąkųnį. Hiregiži,
but to sleep he pretended, and secretly he watched her. He must have slept. [When he had done so,]



      Winn. V, #14: 24 = NB 13: 24    
w o de. m Ai. reAe Le ttiAi d A niy n K. A tti w ttA we de. K tt. Ai to Ke ni K Ai ttAo deKe L.
wa’ųže: mąhį́ serecižą hanianąga hajiwacaweže. Gają hitókenįka hicųšgéra
she did this: knife a long one she took, and she came towards them. But the old woman the grandson



Ai xK xK de. we dAe. Ai to Ke xeAe te tte K. A K w d diAidiAi Ki sey d. w o n KLe.
hixgąxgąže. Weže hitóke xetejega, "Hagáwažą šišíkireižą, wa’ųną́gᵉre
he began to move. She said [old] woman the big one, "What  a bad thing, ones who are



wi ttoKo diAidiAi Kitti n KeLe. Ai d. tee ni Ktt ni A wi n. Ai ttAo dKe niKi. w A L.
wijúk šišíkjinągᵉre hižą́, t’enįkjanihawiną. Hicųšgé nįk wahara,
mice bad one, I will kill you. Grandson little my,



Ai ttAo dK niKi w A L. n n i Le L. A we w Ai n Ko ni e de. wi tto Kn K.
hicųžą́k nįk wahara ną’įrera, hawewahinagųnį," éže. Wijugᵉnąka
granddaughters little my, to sleep they are trying, they must be bothering them," she said. The mice



            Winn. V, #14: 25 = NB 13: 25
ntt wi riKi de. t ni Ai de de rKe Ai de. Ai tto l A L. de Ko n Ki Ki Koo de.
najwiskiže. Tanį́ hiže. Žesge hiže. Hijobą́hąrá žegų kikik’ųže.
she scolded. Three times she did it. Thus she did it. The fourth time [then] to sleep he feigned.



we L Ki. Ao w ttiyett Ki di. ttA deAe L. m Ko noKo deAe. e tt. di Ke. Ai to Ke ni K Ai ttAo deKe L.
Wéraki, howajieja cašéra mąkųnųkše. Éja žigé hitókenįka hicųšgéra
Unexpectedly, next to her [neck] she cut off. There again the old woman the grandson



de Ko xitti n xitti nK Koo Ai Ki Ki nili Ki Koo de. di Ke Ai to Ke niKi tte K. wi tto KL.
žegųxjį nąxjįnąk’ų́ hikįkinįp kik’ų́že. Žigé hitokenįkjega wijugᵉra
suddenly [while fast asleep] to be awakened he pretended. Again the old woman the mice



ntt wi riKi de. e tt n xi Le de. tt rKe A Ki di liAi n Ko ni Ai Le de. e Ki. we de.
najwiskiže. Éja nąǧireže. "Jasgé hagiži pįną́gųnį?" hireže. Égi weže,
she scolded. Then he was frightened. "What I could do for the best?" he thought. Then he said,


       Winn. V, $14: 26 NB 13: 26        
Ko ni K. ttA Ke tt te Ktt n Ae n. e de. Ai ttAo deKe. Ai Ko e tt. leAe tti tteAe tte tt
"Kuniga cągéja tekjanaheną," éže. "Hicųšgé higų́ éja peji cejéja
"Grandmother, outside I wish to go," he said. "Grandson [still] there fireplace next to



o ne e de. Ko ni K. Le riAi Li Ai wo doo Ke w Ae n e de. de Ko e tt. o ne
’ųné," éže. "Kuniga, resíri hiwoc’ųge, wahéną," éže. "Žegų éja ’ųné,
do it," she said. "Grandmother, [to defecate]* as I wish, [I mean,"] he said. "So there do it,

* translated as, "to sit down".


to Koo Ktte n e de. Ko ni K A Ke A m Ke ni n. de Ko Ko ttA Ke tt A o Kette n
tuk’ókjeną," éže. "Kuniga, hąké hamąkenįną. "Žegųgų cągéja ha’ųkjeną,"
I will clean it up," she said. "Grandmother, not I don't like the idea. "But outside [I will do it,"]



e de. Lo xi xitti de. a n K Koo. Lo xoAo LoKo deAe.* e Ki. Ai ttAo dKe. w d diAi diAi KL.
éže. Roǧixjįže, anąk’ų raxurukše. Égi, hicųšgé. wažą́ šišígᵉra
he said. She objected very much, finally he got her consent. "[Well,] grandson, things the bad ones

* this should be L xoAo LoKo deAe.


          NB 13: 27  
        Winn. V, #14: 27  
Ao L tt nK dA n. A ni Ko Lo Koro miy n Ki Kette n. e de. e Ki. w i ni Ki d. i Ki di.
horajanąkšąną. Hanįgú rukos miąnągikjeną," éže. Égi wa’įnįkižą į́giži,
they are about. To go to hold [I will sit and do," he said. Then a small blanket [which he wore,]



e tt A Lo Koro mi nK deAe. e Ki. m niKi w ni Ki di. A Ke w Ko so K deLe Ai ni de.
éja harukós mįnąkše. Égi nįk wanigiži, hąké wakurugąžᵉre hinįže.
there to hold she sat. [And] arrows some* that he had, not to let go of them he did not.

* this is ambiguous between "some" and "small."


e Ki. m n K. Ai d. e tt. too l n K. ni Ke Ao Ki nK dAe. w i L deKe e tt
Égi mąnąka hižą́ éja t’ųpanąga nį́ge hóginąkše. Wa’įra šge éja
Then the arrows one of them there he laid, and [place] [he ran].* His blanket also there

* nį́ge hóginąkše is translated with the slang expression, "he skipped out."


too L nK deAe. e Ki. we de. Ai to Ke xeAe te nK KeLe. Ke ni Ai ttAo deKe de Ko
t’ųranąkše. Égi weže, hitóke xetenągᵉre, "Kénį hicųšgé žegų
he left. Then she said, old woman the big one, "Not yet grandson finished



L ni de. e de. Ko ni K. Ke ni de Ko A ni n e de. m Ai tt too L n K
ranįže?" éže. "Kuniga, kénį žegų hanįną," éže. hija t’ųranąga
you are not?" she said. "Grandmother, not yet finished I am not," it said. Arrow there he had left, and


Winn. V, #14: 28 = NB 13: 28            
e we de. Ao Ki tee K. di Ke Ai no l A L Ai Ke de. Ke ni de Ko L ni de.
e weže. Hokit’ega žigé hinųbahąra higéže, "Kénį žegų ranįže?"
it it said it. [She spoke, and] again the second time she asked him, "Not yet finished you are not?"



Ai ttAo deKe. e de. Ke ni de Ko A ni n. Ko ni K. e de. di Ki t ni A L.
hicųšgé?" éže. "Kénį žegų hanįną, kunį́ka," éže. Žigitaníharą
grandson?" she said. "Not yet finished I am not, grandmother," it said. Again the third time



Ai Ke de. di Ki Ko e de. di Ki [t]to l A L. e de. Ke ni Ai ttAo deKe de Ko L ni de.
higéže. Žigígų éže. Žigijobahąra éže, "Kénį hicųšgé žegų ranįže?"
she asked him. Yet again it said. The fourth time she said, "Not yet grandson finished you are not?"



e de. Ko ni K. ni xA L. Ai te Ke * w o nK dA n. de Ko A Ki mi nK KeLe Ai dtt Ke
éže. "Kuniga, nįxara hįték wa’ųnąkšaną. Žegų hagiminą́gᵉre hišjąge
she said. "Grandmother, the stomach I ache I have it. So you may go on in, [but]

* this should have been spelled, Ai teKe.

      NB 13: 29        
                         Winn. V, #14: 29        
de Ko A Ki di. wy Ke we Kette n e de. Aow Ao tt w d tt Koyi d te e Ae Le K tt.
žegųhągiži, wáikewékjeną," éže. "Howá, hoją́, wažą́ jaguižą tee heregają?"
when I am done, I will come in," it said. "Well, [all right,] thing what kind this it is?"



a n K. w i L. Lo ti Ai Ko K tt. w i L. dA n A ni Ai Ko de. Ai Ai nl ln K tt.
ánąga wa’įra ruti-higugają,* wa’įra šana hanihiguže. Hihiną́bᵉnąkają,
she said, and the blanket when she pulled it, the blanket only she brought forth. She ran out, and

* cf. rutigu, "to jerk" (Jipson), < ruti-higu.


te we L Ki. m w ni L. e Ai d wK dAe. Ao Ki ta K. Ai Loyi Le diAi diAi Kitti L.
tewéraki, mąwaníra e hižą́ wákše, hokit’aga. "Hiroire, šišikjįra,
unexpectedly, the arrows* them one it said it, the one who spoke. "The homely one, [the bad thing,]

* this should be, "his arrows."


A K w d. w lA K n Ki d. A ttA xitti Ao ni al Ke Le Ktte Ki di e de. Ai Kow n. w ni doAo tteKe
hagáwažą wapakąnąkižą, hacaxjį honį’ą́p kerekjegiži?" éže. "Higuą́ną, wanišócge
what clever one, where life he will go back?" she said. "Now, fresh meat


    NB 13: 30      
                         Winn. V, #14: 30      
niKi L. w Ko Lo tti Kette n e de. Aoy K w n K. Ai tt n n K. A ntt. lA L.
nį́gᵉra wakurujikjeną," éže. Hoikawanąga hijananąka haną́c pára
the little ones I will eat them," she said. She went in, and the rest of them all their heads



w n wx x n K. wo A tte K e tt wo do de. e tt. w Lotto dAe. e Ki. Ai to Ke ni K.
wanąwáxanąga wohajega éja wožuže. Éja warucše. Égi hitókenįka
she cut them off, and the kettle there she put them. There she ate them. [And] the old woman



Ai ttAo dKe L. A Ai A Al deAe. teyi tteAe ttL Ai Ko Ao owK deAe.
hicųšgéra hahi hahą́pše. Teicejᵉra higų́ ho’uą́kše.
the grandson he traveled until it was day. The edge of the lake still he went.



te we L Ki. teyi ttAe tte tt. A tti Ai d deAe leLe de. Ao Ao. Ai d Ao ni
Tewéraki teicejeja haji hižą́ šebᵉreže. "Hohó, hižą́ honį́
Unexpectedly, at the lake edge there one he was visible. "Oh my, someone to look for


                                  Winn. V, #14: 31
Ao wi K tt Ae Le Ko ni. Ai Le de. tti Ki di. wK w d w ow Ki di  
huwigają heregųnį," hireže. Jigiži wąk wažą́ wa’ųwagiži,  
to have started out, it must be," he thought. When he came, man [?]* he was, and  

* wažą́ means "thing." Perhaps this is a mistranscription of wažóni, "hunter."


NB 13: 31              
A Ktt Ai tt Ao we A Ki do te Kette Ai Le de. tti K tt. te we L Ki. w Kidi Ki d
"Hakjá hija howe hakižu tekje," hireže. Jigáją, tewéraki, wąkšigížą
"Back there [he goes] with him I will go," he thought. When he came, unexpectedly, a man



w ow Ki di. xeAe te xitti de. te we L Ki we de. Ao Ao. Ai no A L. woyi Ki xe te de
wa’ųwagiži, xetexjį́že. Tewéraki, weže, "Hohó, hinų́hará woigixeteže.
he was, and he was big. Unexpectedly, he said, "Oh my, my older sister she loves me.



e K. tt Ko a nK deAe y Le doAo no L. Ai rKe xitti we ra Ko ni. te e
Ega, jagú ánąkše, yarešųnųra hisgéxjį wes’agųnį. Tee
When she said, what she said, I used to think really [whether] she meant it.] This



niKi w ni doAo tteKe niKi A tti Kette Ai Le Ki di. Ao Ki Ki Ko ni e de. e Ki. we de.
nį́k wanišócge nį́k hajíkje, hiregiži, hogigigųnį," éže. Égi weže,
young meat little I will eat, she thought, so she let him come on," he said. Then he said,


  Winn. V, #14: 32 = NB 13: 32    
Ai Ki o Kette n. w KL. ni Ke A Ki Ki tty Le K. Ki Ki o Ai Le doAo no K tt
"Hiki’ųkjena. Wągᵉra nįgé hagigijairega, kiki’ų hirešųnųgają,"
"Let's gamble. Men [anywhere]* when they meet one another, to gamble they always do it,"

* this word is not translated.


e de. tt Ko. eyi d w deAe de. Ai Ke Le dKe Ao Ki o L. Ai d w to liAi ni n.
éže. Jagú eižą wašéže, "Hįkerešge hoki’ųra hižą́ watupį́nį́ną.
he said. [What] [one of them] he said it,* "Never the game one of them I never learned how.

* Jagú eižą wašéže, is translated as, "You speak for nothing it seems, as".


di Ke dKe. tt Ko Le A Ktte de. Ai dtt Le. dey Ko Ki L n. A Ke w Le Ai Ai ttAo ni n
Žigéšge jagú rehakježe? Hišjáre žeagugiraną.* Hąké warehíhicųniną,"
Besides, what [do I have to send out?] [Look] [that which is left to obtain.] Not I have nothing to bet,"

* < žee-hagu-gi-ra: žee, "this, something"; hagu, "to get, to obtain"; gi, "to have left"; -ra, "the".


e de. Ko te Ao ttiAi ttiAi niKi KL. w d we L Ki Ai leAe w Le Ai liAi xitti d w doo L tte n.
éže. "Koté, hocįcį́nįgᵉra, wažą́ wéraki, hi pe warehí pixjį́žą waš’urajeną,"
he said. "Say, boy, something unexpected, to make head bet a good one you are,"


  Winn. V, #14: 33 = NB 13: 33              
Ai Ke de. Ao Ki nK Ki Ktt ne n. e de. e Ki. e ni d. e tt. K nK dAe. Ky tt Ai Lo Ki tti Ktt n Ae n.
higéže. "Hokinąkikjaneną," éže. Égi enižą éja kaną́kše. "Kaija hirojį́kjanaheną,"
he told him. "We will wrestle," he said. Then a stone there he placed. "On this we will throw one another,"



e de. K tt K. A Ki Ki ni n di wi de. Ao ttAi ttiAi niKi tt ne. Lo a tti Le Ai L n K.
éže. Gająga hakikini nąžįwiže. Hocįcįnįkjane ruą́ jiré hiránąga
he said. So then to take hold of one another [they stood.] The boy to lift it began he did, and


i ni n K. e tt Ai Lo tti Ai Le K tt. A Ai Ai L t diKitti Ai de. n L do do leKe ni Ki d. ta nK deAe.
ininąka éja hirojį́ hiregają hahihira taškjį́ hiže. Nąnažožopke nį́kižą t’ąnąkše.
the stone at to throw he did, but reaching there to turn he did. Swallow a little one he flew away.


            NB 13: 34  
                                                               Winn. V, #14: 34
Ao Ao. e de. Ao Ki nK KL. de Ko L. Ki liAiye rKe doAo no n. e de. to we o tti L wi Ki. di *  
"Hohó!" éže. "Hokinągᵉrą žegųra gipiesgešųnųną éže. Towe’ųjirawigiži  
"Ah ha!" he said. "Wrestling it goes this way it is always interesting," he said. They kept on  

* a period is placed inappropriately after the syllable Ki.


A Ai. wK Lo ttKe tte K. Ai tteKe Ai Le de. e tt mo too Ly Le de. e tt. w o de.
hahi Wągᵉrúcgejega hįcgé hireže. Éja mot’ųraireže. Éja wa’ųže.
until the cannibal Giant to get exhausted he was. There he was thrown to the ground. [There] [he did it.]



wK Lo ttKe tte K. Lexe xeAe te xitti d. Kii w ow Ki di. e Ai ow n K. Ao A de. e Ki.
Wągᵉrúcgejega reǧ xetexjįžą k’į wa’ųwagiži e hi’ųanąga hohą́že. Égi
The cannibal Giant kettle a big one to pack he was, and [so] [he took, and] he boiled him. Then



n w diAidi K nK K n K. e Ki. Lotto deAe. ttAe le de. e Ki de Ko di Ke tti Ke Le de. di Ke
nąwąšiš kąnakanąga égi rucše. Cebeže. Égi žegų žigé jikereže. Žigé
twigs he dished out, and then he ate. He ate it up. Then [then] again he went on. Again


        Winn. V, #14: 35 = NB 13: 35    
Ai d Ai Ki lA de. di Ke e de. Ao Ao. Ai no A L. Ai n[i] A L. Ko no K. woyi Ki xe te de
hižą́ hikipáže. Žigé éže, "Hohó, hinų́hará, hinįhára Kųnųgá, woigixeteže.
one of them he met. Again he said, "Oh oh, my older sister, my older brother [Kųnų,]* they love me.

* untranslated. It is the birth order name of the first born male.


e K. tt Ko deKe a nK deAe y Le doAo no L. Ai rKe xitti wy Le ra Ko ni. Ai roAoKo A L.
Ega, jagú šge ánąkše, yarešųnųra, 'Hisgéxjį, waires’agųnį?' Hisųk hara,
When he said, what [also] she said, I used to think, ['Truly,] did they mean it?' My older brother,



Ae n K. te e e w ni doAo tteKe niKi ni lA n Ki Koo Kette Ai Ki Ly se Ko ni e de.
'Heną́ga tee e wanišócge nį́k nį́pąną́ kik’ųkje,' higirairegųnį," éže.
'Our younger this it meat young [soup]* he can make himself,' [they must have wanted,"]† he said.

* the translation has "boil" (used as a noun).
† the translation has, "they must have thought".


e Ki. we de. A Ao. te tt wi xe s. Ai Ki Ki o Kette n. w KL. ni Ke A Ki Ki tty Le K.
Égi weže, "Hąhó, Tejąwįǧera, hikiki’ųkjena. Wągᵉra nįgé hagigijairega,
Then he said, "Now then, Ocean Duck, we will gamble. Men anywhere when they meet one another,


                                Winn. V, #14: 36 = NB 13: 36        
Ki Ki o Ai Le doAo no K tt e de. Ao Ki Ki nK Ki Ktt n Ae n. e de. di Ke i ni L. Ai tt
kiki’ų hirešųnųgają," éže. "Hokikinąkikjanaheną," éže. Žigé, įnį́ra hija
to gamble they usually do it," he said. "We will wrestle [one another]," he said. Again, the stone there



Ai n Ki Ki ni de. di Ki Ko oyi L ni Ae L. de rKe Ai Le de. di Ke o tt o Ai tteKe Ai Ki di.
hinąkikiniže. Žigígų ’ųíranihera, žesge hireže. Žigé, ’ųja’ų, hįcgé higiži,
he had placed. Again as they did before, the same they did. Again, finally, he got tired out he did, and



mo too ne de. di Ke. Ao A n K. n w diAidi K nK K n K. tteAe li de. de Ko.
mot’ųneže. Žigé, hohą́nąga nąwąšiš kąnakanąga cebíže. Žegų
he threw him to the ground. Again, he boiled him, and twigs he dished out, and he ate it up. Thus



Aiy n K. di Ke teyi tteAe ttL. A w Le de. di Ke Ay ni Ki di. wi L Lo ttA tte K tt. Ai d
hianąga žigé teicejᵉra hawareže. Žigé, hainigíži, wirarocąjegają, hižą́
he did, and again the edge of the lake he went along. Again, in the morning, about the middle of the day, one of them


Winn. V, #14: 37 = NB 13: 37          
Ai Ki lA de. Ai t ni L. di Ke. w i nl deAe. Ai no A L. Ai ni w A L. woyi Ki xeAe te Ai Le de.
hikipáže, hitanį́ra. Žigé, wa’inąpše. "Hinų́hará, hiniwahara, woigixete, hireže,
he met, the third one. Again, he thanked them. "My older sister, my older brother, to love me, they did,



ay L K. tt Ko a nK deAe y L tte doAo no L. Ai rKe wy Le ra Ko ni e de. te e. Ai roAoKo A L.
aíraga, jagú ánąkše, yaraješųnųra, 'Hisgé, waires’agųnį?'" éže. "Tee, hisųk hara,
[they said, but] what they said, I used to think, ['Truly,] did they mean it?'" he said. "'This,' our [older brother],



A K K. e w ni doAo tteKe ni lA n. Ki Koo Kette Ai Ki Ly Le Ko ni e de. di Ki Ko tt rKe
Hagaga, 'e wanišócge nį́pąną́ kik’ųkje, higirairegųnį," éže. Žigígų, jasgé
third brother, 'he [meat] [soup]* he can make himself,' [they must have wanted,"]† he said. Again, what

* wanišócge nį́pąną́ is translated as "a young boil".
† the translation has, "they must have said". This is really the passive voice, "it must have been wanted."

          Winn. V, #14: 38 = NB 13: 38
Ai Le L de rKe Ai de mo too L n K. Lotto deAe. di Ke Ay ni Ki di. wi L Lo ttA tte K tt.
hirera žesge hiže. Mot’ųranąga rucše. Žigé, hainigíži, wirarocąjegają,
they did the same it was. He threw him to the ground, and he ate. Again, in the morning, about the middle of the day,



di Ke Ai d Ai Ki lA de. Ai tto l A L. di Ki Ko w i nl deAe Ao Ao. te tt wi xe K e de.
žigé hižą́ hikipáže. Hijobą́hąrá, žigígų, wa’inąpše. "Hohó, Tejąwįǧega," éže.
again one of them he met. The fourth time, again, he thanked them. "Oh my, the Ocean Duck," he said.



Ai no A L. Ai ni w A L. woyi Ki xeAe te Ai Le de. ay Le K. tt Ko a nK deAe y Le doAo no L.
"Hinų́hará, hiniwahara, woigixete, hireže, airega, jagú ánąkše, yarešųnųra,
"My older sister, my older brother, to love me, they do, when they said, what they said, I used to think,



Ai rKe xitti wy Le ra Ko ni e de. e Ki. di Ke Ao Ki nK no ni Ke di Ke mo too Le de.
hisgéxjį waires’agųnį'?" éže. Égi žigé hokiną́k, nųnįgé žigé mot’ųreže.
[really] did they mean it'?" he said. Then again he wrestled, but again he threw him to the ground.


    Winn. V, #14: 39 = NB 13: 39      
de Ko Aiy n K tteAe li de. e Ki. di Ke to w Le de. teyi tteAe ttL Ao we Le de.
Žegų hianąga cebíže. Égi žigé towareže. Teącejᵉra howéreže.
Thus he did, and he ate him up. Then again he went on. The edge of the lake he went.



e tt A Ai A xtt n Ki di. e tt n n K. Ay ni Ki di di Ke Le de. Ay ni Ki di.
Éja hahi haxjąnagiži, éja nąnąga hainigíži, žigé režé. Hainigíži,
There [on the way] in the evening, there he slept, and in the morning, again he went on. In the morning,



wi L Lo ttA tte xitti K tt. te we L Ki. e tt. ttiAi reAe Le tti d. Ai L Ai de. Ai tto w Le de. te we L Ki.
wirarocąjexjįgają, tewéraki, éja ciserejižą hirahiže. Hijowáreže. Tewéraki,
about the middle of the day, unexpectedly, there a long lodge he came to. He went to it. Unexpectedly,



Ai no Ki d. Ai tt ttA Ke tt. ttA A. Ld tte de. Ai tt A Ai n diy n K. Ao Lo xotto
hinųgižą hija cągéja cahá rašježe. Hija hahi nąžįanąga horuǧúc
a woman there outside deerskin she was tanning. There he went over he stood, and he looked at her


  NB 13: 40          
Winn. V, #14: 40            
tt o A tt de. di Ke w i nl deAe. Ai no A L. Ai ttAi to w A L. woyi Ki xeAe te
ja’ų hajaže. Žigé, wa’inąpše. "Hinų́hará hicitowahára, woigixete,
when he saw her, she saw him. Also, [she thanked them.] "My older sister, my brothers, to love me,



Ai Le de. ay Le K. tt Ko a nK deAe y L tte doAo no L. Ai rKe xitti wy Le ra Ko ni e de.
hireže, airega, jagú ánąkše, yaraješųnųra, 'Hisgéxjį, waires’agųnį?'" éže.
they do, when they said, what they said, I used to think, [Really,] did they mean it?'" she said.



A Ao. Ao Ki Ki nK Ki Ktte n. e de. Ai Ko ttAo ni w Ki L L tt rKe Ai Le L. de rKe de.
"Hąhó, hokikinąkikjeną," éže. Higų conį́ wakirara jasgé hirera žesgeže.
"Now then, we will wrestle [one another]," she said. Yet [at first] [playing] what they did it was the same.


            NB 13: 41
              Winn. V, #14: 41
te e di. Ai L tty L de. rii xitti A Ki L de. o tt o mo too ne de. e tt tee Ai Ki di.
Te’éži hirajairaže, s’ixjį hakiraže. ’Ųja’ų, mot’ųneže. Éja t’e higiži,
This one she was stronger, longer [she fought]. Finally, he threw her to the ground. Then to kill her he did, and



di Ke Ao A de. Lo L Ao A de. diAi ttL di too ne de. e Ki. w o de.
žigé hohą́že. Rora hohą́že. Šįjᵉraži t’ųnéže. Égi wa’ųže.
again he boiled her. Her flesh he boiled. Her butt, in any case, he threw away. Then [he did it.]



e Ki. A r tti d tte Ki di. e tt Ao ti de. A rtt tte K A Kdi xitti xitti de. e tt Ao ti de.
Égi hasąjižą jegiži, éja hotiže. Hasąjega hąkšíxjįxjįže. Éja hotiže.
And a rack there was, and there he climbed up. The rack it was very high. There he climbed up.



Ai tt Ai K tt. te we L Ki. w KdiKi n tteKe L. A Ke we e tt A nK wi de. w Ai rA
Hijáhigają tewéraki, wąkšik nącgera hakewe, éja hanąkwiže. Wahį́są́
When he got there, unexpectedly, human hearts six, there [they were ?]. [Down] feathers



do doKo Ke tt. wo K nK Ai L n K. e Ki xitti. Ai no no Ki d. Ao tti dA n. tee Ai tte L. te Ki
žužúkeja, woganąk hiránąga égixjį hinųnokižą* hojišą́ną t’ehijera tégi
at the fine ones, to place she did, and just then the woman just he killed, very near

* presumably, this is for hinųnąkižą, although this would translate as "one of the women."

Winn. V, #14: 42 = NB 13: 42        
Ko de. i Lo d Kitti Ko de. Ao ttAi ttAi ni KL. A Lo K n KeLe. tt Ko L.
guže. Irušakjį guže. Hocįcįnįgᵉra, haruką́nągᵉre. Jagúra
she was coming. Very much pleading* she was coming. "Young man, come down. Whatever

* elsewhere translated as, "to be very much taken aback."


Ai d. Lo L Ko Ki di de rKe Ao L we Ktte n. e de. tt tti ne tt Ai tt ne tee w Ai ni Ae L.
hižą́ roragųgiži, žesge horawekjeną," éže. Jajinéją, hijané t’ewahinihera,
[one] if you want, the same [you will get,"] she said. Even then, the others he had killed them,



Ai tt Ai dKe A Koyi Le de. L ttA ttA Ki Le de. te tt wi xe K. Ai noKo tte Ke. Ao ti Ao de.
hija hišge haguireže. racącąkireže,* Tejąwįǧega. Hinųkjege hotihuže.
there also they were coming. They flattered Ocean Duck. The woman she started to climb.

* racacą́k is the emphatic of racą́k, "to praise someone."
† this last syllable, Ke, /ge/, should have been K, /ga/.


a deKe xitti tti de. e Ki di n tteKe ey ni L. m Ai L Ai Kow n K.
Ašgéxjį jiže. Egiži, nącge eanira mąhį́ra higųaną ka
Very near she came. When she had spoken, her heart he took it the knife [right away] [he cut open]*

* higųaną ka is untranslated. Ka, "to cut open," is found only in Marino. This could also be the rare ga, "and".

      NB 13: 43      
                          Winn. V, #14: 43          
w loxo Ke Ke Le de. Ki di. Ai no K KeLe. diAi lLe de. Ai ni Ke Ai Ao ti Le de. a deKe xitti
wapóxgegereže, giži. Hinųkagᵉre* šibréže. Hinigehi hotíreže. Ašgéxjį
because he stabbed [.] The woman she fell. One after another they climbed up. Very near

* this form is unattested, and may be a mistranscription.


A tti Le K. w w diAili ra de. o nK Koo w w de n de. e de e. n tteKe w ni Le Ki di.
hajírega wawašips’aže. ’Ųnąk’ų, wawaženaže.* Éžee nącge waniregiži,
when they came, he would make them fall. Finally, he killed them all. It was he hearts [he captured, and]

* probably a form of wažé, "to break down something".


w o nK deAe. A Ke tee Ai liAi ni w o nK deAe. e tt n tteKe L w Kodo Ai L n K. w o n Kede.
wa’ųnąkše. Hąké t’ehi pįnį wa’ųnąkše. Éja nącgera wakšu hiránąga wa’ųnąkše,
[he did it.] Not to kill impossible [he did it.] There hearts to place they did, and [he did it,]


            Winn. V, #14: 44 = NB 13: 44
no ni Ke wi L Aiy n K. tee w Ai de. e Ki. ttiAi L. wi Lo w xitti deAe. e tt t xoAo w Ai de.
nųnįgé wirahianąga t’ewahíže. Égi cira wirowaǧįjše. Éja taxuwahiže.
but he got to them, and he killed them. Then the lodge he burned them up. There he burned them up.



de Ko Aiy n K. di Ki Ke. to we. te Ai ttAe ttL Ao w Le de. di Ke e tt A Ai
Žegų hianąga žigige, towe, te hicéjᵉra howareže. Žigé, éja hahi
Thus he did, and again, he went on, lake the edge he went along. [Again,] [there] on the way



A A Ae Ki di. e tt A Ai n de. e Ki. di Ke. Ay ni Le Ki. tti Ke Le de.
hahąhegiži, éja hahi nąžé. Égi žigé hainiregi, jikereže.
when night overtook him, there [on the way] he slept. Then again the next morning, he went on.



te we L Ki o A Ai K tt. ttAi loAo Lo Keyi d e tt Ai L Ai de. A Ai Aoyi rii de. K tt
Tewéraki, ’ųhahigają, ciporokeižą éja hirahiže. Hahihois’iže, gają
Unexpectedly, as he went along, an oval lodge there he came to. He went and peeped in, and


            Winn. V, #14: 45 = NB 13: 45
we de. Ai ttAo deKe L tti K tt. tt Ko o Ai Ke Ao L K w ni w doo L tte de. e de
weže, "Hicųšgéra, jigáją, jagú’ų hįké horakáwani waš’uraježe?" éže.
she said, "Nephew, as you have come, why not you don't come in instead of doing that?" she said.



Ao[yi] Ke we de e Ki. Ai Ao Ai ttAo deKe. Ai Ly L tti K tt. Ai Ki Ki o Ktt n Ae n. e de. Ai Ao.
Hoikeweže. Égi "Hihó, hicųšgé hirairajigają, hikiki’ųkjanaheną," éže. "Hihó,"
He went in. Then "Now then, grandson as you have come, we will gamble," she said. "Alright,"



e de. Ao we w Ki o w o mK dA n e de. ttA dK no. wo ni Ki A Kette n.
éže. "Howe wagi’ų wa’ųmą́kšaną," éže. "Cųšgánu, wonįgihakjeną.
he said. "Going about gambling I am going," he said. "[Grandson,]* I will boil something for you.

* here "grandson" is erased and "nephew" written in its place. The term for nephew and grandson is the same.


w Ltt ttiKi di. e Ki. Ao Ki o L Ae Le Kette n. e Ki. riAi Ao Ki A de e de. Ao Lo xotto K tt tt.
Waracgiži, égi hoki’ųra herekjeną. Égi hokihąže," éže. Horuxucgająją,
After you eat, then [the game] we shall do. Then rice I boil," she said. He looked at her, and



te we L Ki. Ae w K nK deAe. de tt K w Ki rey n K. Ao Koo de. Lo r n K.
tewéraki, waganąkše. Žejąga wagiseanąga hok’ųže. Rusanąga
unexpectedly, lice she meant. Now she dished it out, and she gave it to him. He took it, and


Winn. V, #14: 46 = NB 13: 46            
leAe tte tt Ao w xoAo de. i e de. Ai ttoAo dKe A L. Ko no K Ai ni KL ne ni ne ra Le
pejéja howaxų́že. "I," éže. "Hicųšgehara, Kųnųga hinįgᵉra nenįnes’are,"
into the fire he poured it. "Oh!" she said. "My grandson, the oldest brother the son you must be,"



e de. A Ao. Ao Ki nK Ki Ktt n Ae n e de. Ao ttiy e de. Ao Ki nK KL Ay liAi doAo no n.
éže. "Hąhó, hokinąkikjanaheną," éže. "Hojiá," éže. "Hokinągᵉrą haipįšųnųną.
she said. "Now then, we will wrestle," she said. "Alright," he said. "Wrestling I usually like.



A Ke di A K. A to Ke niKi w Ki nK ni no ni Ke. Ai L Ki K L Ae Ke A ni Ki t Ktt n Ae n.
Hąkéži hąká hitókenįk wakiną́knį, nųnįgé hirakikarahege, hanikitakjanaheną,"
But not never old woman I have not wrestled her, but as you have challenged me, I will wrestle with you,"


                    NB 13: 47
                    Winn. V #14: 47
e de. ne w tee Ki n K tt e de. Ao ttAiyi e de. Ai o Ktt n Ae n e de. e Ki. we de. tt Ko. Ai Ke
éže. "Ne wat’ékinąkają," éže. "Hoji-á," éže. "Hi’ųkjanaheną éže. Égi weže, "Jagú hįké
he said. ["I] [I accept the challenge,"]* he said. ["Alright,"] [she said.] "We will do it," she said. Then she said, ["What] not

* this is translated as, "Of course, you challenged me first." Wat’ék hi (> wat’éki) means, "to take a challenge, to accept a challenge, to encounter" (Helmbrecht-Lehmann).


A te Ao L K L Kini Ktt n Ae de e de. ttAo ni a Le Ai Ky Le de. Ai to Ke niKi tte K. e de.
hąté horakaraknįkjanaheže?" éže. "Conį́ are," higaíreže. Hitokenįkjega éže,
your dreams you are not going to tell of?" she said. "First you may speak," he said. The old woman she said,



[t]t n K w d L m dtt Ki di Ao K LK dAe. ttAo Kitti tteAe Ki di. e tt n tto tt Ai Le de
jánąga wažą́ra mąšjągiži, hokárakše, cokjį cekiziži, éja nąjoją hireže.
all things that are mighty, she told him, her monthly terms when she first had, [there] to bless they did,



e de. L dtt Ki di. A A. Ai deKe a Le Ai Ke de. Ai Ko Ai Ki rKe n. tt Ko
éže. Rašjagíži, "Hąhą́, hišgé are," higéže. "Higų hikisgeną, jagú
she said. When she got through, "Now then, [also] you may speak," she said. ["Yet] it is the same what



n tto ni tt Ai Le K. de e Ai deKe n tto tt Ai Le n e de. i e de. Ai ttAo deKe. Ko no K.
nąjoniją hirega, žee hišgé nąjoją hiréną", éže. "I." éže, "Hicųšgé, Kųnųga
I was blessed they did, and these I also to bless they did", he said. "Oh," she said, "Nephew, the oldest brother


            NB 13: 48              
      Winn. V, #14: 48              
Ai ni KL ne ni ne Ko ni y Le n. e de. de Ko Ai ttAo dKe Ai Ke Ai o ni Ktte n e de.
hinįgᵉra nenįnegųnį, yaréną," éže. "Žegų hicųšgé, hįké hi’unįkjéną," éže.
the son you must be, I believe," she said. ["So] nephew, not we had better not do it," she said.



A Ao. di Ke liAi xitti tt Ko ne w deAe K tt. Ai o Ktt n Ae K tt e de. A Ao. Ai o Ktt Ko ni
"Hąhó, žigé pixjį́, jagú ne wašegają hi’ųkjanahegają," éže. "Hąhó, hi’ukjagųnį,"
"Ah, come on, [again] [good], what you as you have said, we will do it," he said. "Alright, [maybe we should do it,"]



e de. e Ki. Ae t Ke tt. wo mi dL. Lo x K tt. e tt m L. Ko no KeLe de. A A. e Ki
éže, égi hetágeja wamįžᵉra ruǧą́gają, éja mąra kųnųgréže. "Hąhą́, égi
she said, and next to the wall [the spread]* she uncovered, and there the earth it was cracked. "Now then, here

* this word is untranslated. Cf. mįš, "to spread."

              NB 13: 49
                Winn. V, #14: 49
Ao Ki too ne Ktt n Ae n e de. de tt K o wi de. te tt wi xe K Ai tt Ao too Ly Le de. to we Ao loxo tte K
hogit’ųnekjanaheną," éže. Žejąga ’ųwiže. Tejąwįǧega hija hot’ųraireže. Towe, hopoxjega
we will throw one another," she said. Now they did it. Ocean Duck there he was thrown in. He went on, the crack



e Ao w Le de. Ao loxo tte K. de Ko nidi lA reAe reAe. w o tte de. e tt dKe. ni Ke dA n.
e howáreže. Hopoxjega žegų nįž pasese wa’ųježe. Ejášge nįgéšąną
he he went. The crack [then] sharp rocks sticking out here and there [it contained.] There here and there



w Kidi Ko Lo L. Ai Ki diAi Ki n nK deAe. Ao loxo Le ttiAiye tt. Ki ttA Ai de. te we L Ki.
wąkšigorora hikišiginąnąkše. Hopox recieja gicą́ hiže. Tewéraki,
human flesh they were hanging. The crack down to the bottom to go and see* he did. Unexpectedly,

* gicą́ really means, "to choose (to see)."


Ao loxo tte K. e ttiAi L Ae L Ae Le Ai L n K. e Ki. Le xi d. e tt tte de. e tt Ai d Ao too ne K.
Hopoxjega e cira hera herehiranąga égi reǧižą éja jéže. Éja hižą́ hot’ųnega,
The crack it the lodge [to boil] they used, and [here] a kettle there it was. There one whenever she threw,


        NB 13: 50      
          Winn. V, #14: 50  
Le xe tt Ao diAi leLe Ai tt w o tte de. e tt. w Lotto n Kde. e Ki. Ai to Ke niKi tte K w tte de.
reǧeja hošibre hija wa’ųježe. Éja warujᵉnąkše. Égi hitokenįkjega waježe,
[in] the kettle to drop there it would. There they ate them. Then the old woman she was saying,



tt A a Ao tti dA n. Ai d w d K rKe xitti tte n y Le L. A ttAo w Le de. a tte de. Ai Ke
"Jáha-á, hojišą́ną hižą́ wažągasgexjįjega, yaréra, hacowareže?" aježe. "Hįké
"Well, a while ago one he was so froward, I thought, where has he gone?" she was saying. "Not



Ai o ni Kette n Ai Ae d Le. ni Ke wo ttoKo liAi K tt. Ai Ke o ni
hi’unįkjéną hihéžare, nįge wojogᵉpįgają, hįké ’ųnį,
we better not do it I told him, [perhaps] he should have taken advantage of it, but not he did nothing,



Ai A Le tte. Ai tti de Le Ktt n Ae.* A ttAo w Le. a nK dAe. e Ki xitti Ao Ki ti de.
hihareje. Hojišerekjanahe, hacoware?" ánąkše. Égixjį hogitíže.
from the moment I spoke. He will be another one, where has he gone?" she was saying. Just then he climbed out.

* the initial Ai should be Ao.

            Winn. V, #14: 51 = NB 13: 51
A Ao. Ai to Ke diAi diAi KiniKi w dA dA n KeLe di Ke liAi xitti tt Ko Ai dA dA nK Ai Kow n
"Hąhó, hitókešišigenįk wašašąnągᵉre, žigé pixjį́, jagú hišašanąk, higuą́ną
"Come, you bad old woman who has spoken, again [good], what you have been saying, [right now]



Ao Ki n Ki Kette n e de. Ai tto Ki too ne K tt te we L Ki. te Ki n di tte de. Ai to Ke niKi tte K.
hokinąkikjaneną," éže. Hijókit’unegają, tewéraki, tégi nąžįježe. Hitokenįkjega
let us wrestle," he said. She turned around, and unexpectedly, there he was standing. The old woman



K xi. Ay d. Ki xoAo Lotto n lii w o tte de. de e e Ai Koo w o tte de. K tt K.
kaǧi haižą gixoró nąp’į́ wa’ųježe. Žee e hik’ų wa’ųježe. Gająga
crow a skin [he stripped off] to wear around her neck she was doing it. This one it to use she did it.* So then

* translated as, "she recieved her strength from it."


te tt wi xe K w o de. A ni tti Le K tt. we de. Ai ttAo deKe. Ko no K Ai ni KL. ne ni ne Ko ni
Tejąwįǧega wa’ųže. Hanijiregają weže, "Hicųšgé, Kųnųga hinįgᵉra nenįnegųnį,
Ocean Duck he did it. [When he grasped her,] she said, "Nephew, the oldest brother the son you must be,


        Winn. V, #14: 52 = NB 52  
y Le n. Ai Ke Ai o ni Ktte n. e de. di Ke liAi xitti. tt Ko Ai Ay Ao Ki ni K tt.
yaréną. Hįké hi’unįkjéną," éže. "Žigé pixjį́, jagú hihaihugįnįgają
I am thinking. Not let us not do it," she said. "Again [it is good], how as you have already given me a swing,



tt rKe Aiy n K. A Ke ni Ao ni de Ko Ai Ai Kette de e de. Ai dK K. ni Ao Ktt n Ae K tt e de.
jasgé hianąga hąké honį́ ? Žegų hihikježe," éže. "Hišgaga nįhokjanahegają," éže.
what I do, and not you to look for? So we shall do it," he said. ["In turn] [I shall swing you,"] he said.



e Ki. w d wi Ki Kx tte K. w n deAey n K. Ao loAo xe tt Ao too ne de. A K w d. Ai Ke
Égi wažą́, wikikáxjega, wanašeanąga, hopoxeja hot’úneže. "Hakawažą hįké
Then things, the ones she had on her, he took from her, and in the hole he threw her. ["Surely] not



L xoAo LoKo liAi L ni ni n. tt Ko lette Kette n. w Kidi Ki L Kd Kd n dii n. A Ke
raxurúk pį raninįną, jagú péc kjéną. Wąkšigira kšakša naš’įną. Hąké
to be advisable you are not, so [with fire] [there is revenged.]* Humans to abuse you tried. Not

* translated as, "so I may as well kill you."

      Winn. V, #14: 53 = NB 13: 53      
de rKe w K Koro wi ni n. e de. Ai Ki leAe Le ri d w o nK deAe. e rKe w nK deAe. Ai ttAo deKe A L.
žesge wągagųzwinįną," éže. Hikipereziža wa’ųnąkše. Ésge wanąkše, "Hicųšgehara,
this he did not create us," he said. An acquaintance she was. That was why she said, "My Nephew,



Ko no K Ai ni KL ne ni ne ra Le a n K. e w Ki o Ke. e rKe. de e. w Kidi Ke tt
Kųnųga hinįgᵉra nenįnes’are," ánąga e waki’ųge ésge žee wąkšigeja
the oldest one the son you must be," [she said, and [she] [because she gambled,] that was why this one among the humans



A tti w KidiKi i de. de e e tt. w Kidi KL. m Ao tt Ai n Ke. e Ai ttAo wi Ai Ki di. w o nK deAe.
haji wąkšigiže, žee éja wąkšígᵉra mąhujahinąke. E hicų́wį higiži, wa’ųnąkše.
there he came to live, this one there people because she killed. She aunt he had, she was.



w K tt. Ao Ki d. Ae Le Ki di. Ai niKi w Ai Ki di. xeAe te L. e Ai att Ai de. e Ki.
Wakąja hųgižą heregíži, hinikwahigiži, xetera e hi’ą́c hiže. Égi
Thunderbird a chief he was, and his son he was, and the oldest one he father he was. And


  NB 13: 54            
             Winn. V, #14: 54            
Ai to Ke niKi tee Ai K. Ai a ttL e Ai noKo ttAl deAe. e rKe. w tte de.
hitókenįk t’ehiga, hi’ą́jᵉra e hinų́k cápše. Ésge waježe,
the old woman that he had killed, his father she woman [she was related.] That was why she was saying,



Ko no K Ai ni KL. Ai ttAo dKe ne ni ne Ko ni y Le n. a tte K Ai Ki tte Ke
"Kųnųga hinįgᵉra, hicųšgé, nenįnegųnį, yaréną," ajega. Higijege
"The oldest one the son, nephew, [you must be,] I think," she said. She recognized him, is why



w tte de. de e. w lA K n Ki d Ae Le de. e rKe Ai leAe Le rii Ke n K w no ni Ke
waježe. Žee wapakąnąkižą herežé. Ésge hiperes’ige, nąkawa, nųnįgé
she was saying it. This one clever one he was. So because she knew him, she was afraid, but



de Ko A Ki L de. e Ki. de de Ko Ki di. ttAi n K. Ao w xitti dAe. de Ko Aiy n K. di Ke
žegų hakiraže. Égi, žežegųgiži, cinąka howaxįcše. Žegų hianąga žigé
[then] she tackled him. Then, after this, her lodge he burnt. So he did, and again


      NB 13: 55        
              Winn. V, #14: 55        
tti K L Ki ni de. te Ai tteAe ttL Ao w K L Ki ni de. de e e tt. A Ai A A Ae Ki di.
jikaragį́nį́že. Te hicejᵉra howakaragįnįže. Žee éja hahi hahąhegiži,
he went on. Lake on the edge he went again. This one there on the way night overtook him, so



n n K. Ay ni Ki di. di Ke e tt ttAi loAo Lo Key[i] d Ai L Ai de. A Ai Aoyi rii de.
nąnąga hainigíži, žigé éja ciporokeižą hirahiže. Hahihois’iže.
he slept, and in the morning, again there an oval lodge he came to. He went and peeped in.



ttAo dK no Ao K w Le tt Ko Ao Ly rii L tte e de. e Ki. ttAo dK no. w n tto tty reKe
"Cųšgánu, hokaware. Jagú horais’įrąje?" éže. "Égi cųšgánu, wanąjojaįsge
"Grandson, come in. Why you peep in?" she said. "Now then, grandson, pitiable



w doo dA wK. ttiAi nK. Ao L K nK KL. ttiAi nK rA niKi Kitti. wo d wK dA n. e Ki
waš’ųšawąk, ciną́k horaganągᵉra ciną́k sanįkjį wožáwakšąną, égi
traveler, village your village [on one side]* it is in high spirits, and

* translated as, "half of it".

  Winn. V, #14: 56 = NB 13: 56        
Ao Ki w riAiKi Kitti w Ki taK dA n e de. e de.* e Ki. w o de. Ai to Ke niKi n K.
hokiwasikjį wagit’akšąną," éže. - Égi wa’ųže. Hitokenįgᵉnąka
half they were in mourning," she said. - [Then] [she did it.] That old woman

* e de appears to be repeated in error.
† the text appears to have wi o de, but the dot that normally stands for /i/ is in this case a blemish on the page.


Lexe Ktt lKe ni Ki d. Ai tt. Ai Lo ri Ay tte Ai de. e Ki. w o de. Ao niKi loyi tt L.
reǧ kcabᵉge nįkižą hija hirusi* haijehiže. Égi wa’ųže. Hųnį́k boijara
pot a little one there [she took] she put on. Then [she did it.] Wild beans

* perhaps from hirus, "to take" and hi, "to cause, to do".


tto liAi wi Ai tto K nK deAe. tto dK no. tt Ko. L tti Ktte de. Ao niKi niKi L Ai d
jopíwi hijokanąkše. "Cųšgáno,  jagú rajikjéže? Hųnį́k nįgᵉra hižą́
four she put in. "Grandson, what you will eat? Beans [the little ones] [one of them]



miKi Ltt ttiKi d n Ae Le Ktt n Ae n a n K w o de. e Ki. Ai L Le xitti Ki di.
mįk rajik šąną herekjanaheną," ánąga wa’ųže. Égi hirarexjįgiži,
[to lay out] [to eat] [only] it will be," she said, and [she did it.] Then after awhile,


    Winn. V, #14: 57 = NB 13: 57    
w Ki re de. tt Kow n. te e i ntt n. Ai Le de. Ai tto li Ke. wy rey n K.
wagiseže. "Jaguana tee iną́jąną?"* hireže. Hijóbike waiseanąga
she dished it out for him. "How this it is enough?" he thought. All four of them he dished up, and

* it is unclear whether this is the correct form. This should be from hiną́, "enough" with the /h/ dropped from external sandhi; -ją, an auxiliary verb expressing the standing position, and -ną, used to indicate the completion of a declarative sentence expressing a statement of the speaker’s own knowledge. Compounding the problem is that the spelling, i ntt n, is defective, and should be i n tt n.


w i K nK Ai Le Ai K tt. Ai Ko Ai tt nK dAe. o tti Le Ke Le. w i do
wa’ikanąk hirehigają, higų́ hijanąkše. ’Ųjiregere. Wa’įžu
he put it into his mouth [when he got it in,] but still there was. He kept on. He put them in his mouth,



K dKe. Ai tt Ki Li nK Ai Le ra de. o nK Koo w i ntt ttAi Ki de. Ko ni K te e Le n.
gašge hija kirinąk hires’aže. ’Ųnąk’ų, wa’įnacįkįže. "Kuniga, teéreną."
but there [to reappear] [they did repeatedly.] Finally, he got his fill. "Grandmother, there it is,"



Ai Ke de. Ai tto li Ke wo K Ly Koo de. i e de. tt Ko. Ai ttAo deKe. o L Kere
higéže. Hijóbike wókaraik’ų́že. "I," éže. "Jagú, hicųšgé, ’ų rages
he said. All four of them he gave back. "Oh," she said. "What, nephew, [to do] you were unable


                   NB 13: 58  
                                   Winn. V, #14: 58
dA n KL. e Ki K tti ni doAo Lo daK. Ai Ke de. e Ki. Ko Lo r n K. w i K nK
šanągᵉra, égigajini šuruš’ák," higéže. Égi kurusanąga waikanąk
[that you were doing,]


you failed," she said to him. Then she took it, and she put it into her mouth



Ai Le Ai Ki di. de Ko de. ttAele w Ki L Ki de. e Ki. we de. Ai to Ke niKi n K.
hirehigiži, žegų́že, cep kirakiže. Égi weže, hitokenįgᵉnąka,
when she got it in, [thus it was,] [to be consumed] [they were caused to become.] Then she said, the old woman,



Ai ttAo deKe. a KLe Ki nK dA n. w d w L K. no ni Ke. Ai ttAK A L. ttAo we Le Ki
"Hicųšgé, akregi nąkšaną, wažą waraga, nųnįgé hicą́k hara cowéregi
"Grandson, across from here they are, [some] relatives, but younger sister my ahead



nK dA n. ey di de e. w di lAe Le rnK dA n. Ai tty L Ao ni Ki L Ki Ktt n Ae n. Ay ni Ki di
nąkšaną. eiži žee wazįpesezᵉnąkšaną. Hijaíra honįgirágikjanéną. Hainigíži,
she is. [Surely] [this one] she knows something. More she will tell you. In the morning,


                NB 13: 59    
                        Winn. V, #13: 59  
deAe Le Ki di. e tt. Ao xtt n K tt L Ai Ktt n Ae n Ai Ke de. e Ki e tt n de. Ay ni Ki di
šeregiži, éja hoxjanągają, rahikjanaheną," higéže. Égi éja nąžé. Hainigíži,
when you go, there in the evening, you will get there," she said to him. Then there he slept. In the morning,



di Ke. Ao niKi KL. wo Ki A de. di Ke. ttAe li L Lo daK deAe. e Ki. tti Ke Le Ktt n A Ki ni Ki di.
žigé hųnį́gᵉra wogihąže. Žigé, cebira roš’akše. Égi jikerekjanahagįnįgiži,
again the beans she boiled. Again, to eat them up he was unable. Then when he was ready to go,



w Ke de. Ai ttAo deKe. A ro Ai xitti ow tte. Ai Ko tt rKe L Ki di. Ao xtt n xitti K tt
wageže, "Hicųšgé, hasuhixjį ’ųwaje, higų́, jasgeragiži, hoxjanaxjįgają,
she said, "Grandson, take your time you must do, any how, as you will get there, late in the evening, so



L Ai Ktt n Ae n. A ro Ai xitti ow tte. tti Ke Le de. Ko L Ko ni K K tt rKe xitti K tt we Ki di.
rahikjanaheną. Hasuhixjį ’ųwaje." Jikereže. "Korá, kunikága jasgéxjįgają wegiži?
you will get there. Take your time you must do." He went on. "Well, grandmother why it is she said that?


  NB 13: 60          
              Winn. V, #14: 60        
xA lee niKi A Ai Kette Ai Le Ki di. no Ki wK Kitti de Al reAe Le ttiAi. no ni Ke. Ao xtt n xitti K tt
Xap’enįk hahikje," hiregiži, nugiwąkjįže, hąpsérecį, nųnįgé hoxjanaxjįgają,
Sooner I will get there," he thought, so he started to run, all day long, but late in the evening, so



Ai de. w Ke L. de tt n K tt Ai de. A Ai Aoyi rii de. ttAo dK no. tt Ko o A Ke Ao L K w ni
hiže. Wakéra žejanąkają hiže. Hahihois’iže. "Cųšgánu, jagú’ų hąké horakáwani
it was. She meant just at the time it was. He went and peeped in. "Grandson, why not you don't come in



w doo L tt e de. Ao Ke we de. a ttoAo dK no. tt Ko L tti Ktte de. Ao niKi KL dA n.
waš’uraja?" éže. Hoikeweže. "A, cųšgánu, jagú rajikjéže? Hųnį́gᵉra šana
instead of doing that?" she said. He went in. "Ah, grandson, what you will eat? Beans only


            NB 13: 61  
                                 Winn. V, #14: 61  
A ttn Kd n. e de. di Ke Ao niKi KL. tto liAi wi Ao Ki A de. di Ke ttAele w Ai L.
hájanąkšąną," éže. Žigé, hųnį́gᵉra jopíwi hokihąže. Žigé, cep wahira
I have to eat," she said. Again, beans four she boiled. Again, [to eat them up] to do it



Lo daK n Koo. w i ntt dAe. di Ke e tt wo Ki LK deAe. ttAo dK no. ttiAi nK Ko L K nK KL.
roš’aknąk’ų. Wa’įnacše. Žigé, éja wogírakše. "Cųšgáno, cinąkorakanągᵉra
he was unable. He got his fill. Again, there she informed him. "Grandson, your village



Ao Ki w riAiKi wo d w A Loro nK dA n. di Ke. Ao Ki w riAiKi w Ki ta n Kd n. e de.
hokiwasik wožáwa harús nąkšaną. Žigé, hokiwasik wagit’anąkšąną," éže.
half enjoyment to have it is. Again, half they are in mourning," she said.



e Ki. w diAi n K. ne n w. A ni too L nK dA n e de. e Ki. ttAo we Le Ki.
Égi wašinąka ne nąwą́ hanį́ t’ųra nąkšaną," éže. "Égi cowéregi
And those that dance you to sing [to have] [taking hold] they are," she said. "And ahead


            Winn. V, #14: 62 = NB 13: 62
Ai Ko Lo Ke L K nK KL. e de e w d L Ai d Ao ni Ki s Ki Ktt n Ae n.
hikorókera kąnągᵉra," éže. "E wažą́ra hižą́ honįgirágikjanahéną,"
your grandmother [she is situated,]" she said. "And things one of them they will inform you,"



Ai Ke de. Ay ni Ki di. tti Ke Le Ai Ko Lo Ao Ki di. w Ke de. Ai ttAo deKe. ttAo ni dKe
higéže. Hainigíži, jikére hikorohógiži, wageže, "Hicųšgé, conį́ške
she said to him. In the morning, to start when he was ready, she said, "Grandson, before



Ki l L d ny n. A Ki no l A L. de rKe Ai niy tte. Ai Ko tt rKe L Ki di. Ao xtt n Ki di
giparažarąnainą. Hąkinųpahara žesge hinįąje. Higų jasgé ragiži, hoxjanągiži,
you doubted it. [Not a second time] that you must not do. [Yet] whatever you do, until evening,



L Ai Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ko ni Ke. xK ri L Ki dA n K Koo dA L dA w Ki deKe.
rahikjanaheną. Higų́nįgé xgązírakį́ šanąkak’ų šaraša, wagišge
you will get there. Anywhere to lay down and rest whenever you please you go on, it will be the same


               NB 13: 63    
          Winn. V, #14: 63  
de tt n Ki L Ai Ktt n Ae n e de. de rKe Ai de ni Ke. A lK n n Koo Le ra de.
žeją́nągi rahikjanaheną," éže. Žesge hiže. Nįgé hą́pga nąnąk’ųres’aže.
at that time you will get there," she said. Thus he did. [Someplace] [during the day] he would take a nap.



A Ke ni Ke L ni de. no ni Ke. w Ke K de tt n K tt. ttAi loAo Lo Key[i] d Ai L Ai de. e Ki.
Hąké nįgeranįže, nųnįgé wakéká žejanąkają, ciporokeižą hirahiže. Égi
Not he did not travel far, but she meant just at the time, an oval lodge he came to. And



A Ai Aoyi rii de. ttAo dK no Ao K w Le e de. Ao Ke we de. di Ke Ao niKi KL. tto liAi wi
hahihois’iže. "Cųšgánu, hokaware," éže. Hoikeweže. Žigé, hųnį́k jopíwi
he went and peeped in. "Grandson, come in," she said. He went in. Again, beans four



Ao Ki A de. e Ki. w Ke de Ai ttAo deKe. ttAo we Le Ki. Ai ttA K* A L. ttAi nK KL. e tt
hokihąže. Égi wageže, "Hicųšgé, cowéregi hicą́k hara ciną́gᵉra. Éja
she boiled. Then she said, "Grandson, before younger sister my she is living. There

* this should be spelled Ai ttAK.

    NB 13: 64        
                            Winn. V, #14: 64      
L Ai Ki di. a K Ki nK Kitti ttAi n Kd n. w d w L K. e de. e Ki. Ai ttAo Ke L K.
rahigíži, akakinąkjį cinąkšąną, wažąwaraga," éže. "Égi hicokeraga
when you get there, just across they live, your relatives," she said. "Then your grandfather



A Ki K nK L diAi Ktte n. w L Ke Kette n. Ko ni K. ttAo K. Ai Ly K nK wi Ki di.
hakikanągᵉra šikjeną. Waragekjeną 'Kuniga, coka hiraikanąkwigiži,
to take across you can ask. You can ask, 'Grandmother, grandfather, if you take me across,



w Kidi K i A ni Ae Ki di. t ni L. ni Ki o. A ni Ae Ktte n. e Ki. tteAe Ai doAo ttL. Ae a Ki
wąkšiga’į hanįhégiži, taníra niki’ų hanihekjeną, égi cehišujᵉra he akí
I live as long as it is, tobacco to furnish you I will do, and red woven yarn belt horn each



Ai ni Ki to riKi tti Kette n. ttA A rK L. ni Ki o Kette n Ai L Ke Kette n e de. Ay ni Ki di
hanįkí tusgícikjeną. Cahasgara niki’ųkjeną,' hiragekjéną," éže. Hainigíži,
[your own] I will tie. White deerskin I will furnish you,' you must tell him," she said. In the morning,


    Winn. V, #14: 65 = NB 13: 65          
di Ke Ke tti K L Ki ni de w Ke K e tt Ao xtt n K tt Ki de. di Ke e tt A Ki n de. e Ki.
žigege jikaragįnįže. Wakéká éja hoxjanągają, gíže. Žigé, éja haginiže. Égi
again he started out. She meant where, in the evening, he got to. Again, there [he came.] Then



Ay ni Ki di w wi Ke de. Ko ni K. ttAo K. Ai Ly K nK wi Ki. w Kidi K i L A ni Ae Ki di.
hainigíži, wawigéže, 'Kuniga, coka hiraikanąkwigi, wąkšiga’į hanįhégiži,
in the morning, he said to him, 'Grandmother, grandfather, if you take me across, I live as long as it is,



t ni L. ni Ki o A ni Ae Ktt wi n. e Ki. ttAe Ai doAo ttL. Ae a a Ki Ai ni Ki to riKi tti Kette n
taníra niki’ų hanihekjawiną, égi cehišujᵉra he a’aki hanįkí tusgícikjeną."
tobacco to furnish you we will do, and red woven yarn belt horn [on each side] [your own] I will tie."


              NB 13: 66  
                               Winn. V, #14: 66
e de. ttA A rK L deKe. e de. w Kono niKi n K A Ke xA lini de. no ni Ke. Ai to Ke niKi n K.
éže. Cahasgara šge éže. Wągᵉnunįgᵉnąka hąké xapnįže, nųnįgé hitokenįgᵉnąka,
he said. White deerskin [also] he said. The old man not he did not answer, but the old woman,



we de. tt A a w Kono niKi KL. A Ke tt Ko w di dA ni. Ai ttAo dKe Ai Ai L. w d liAi lA ny L.
weže, "Jáha-á, wągᵉnunįgᵉra, hąké jagú wažišanį? Hicųšgé hihira wažą́ pąnaį́ra
she said, "Well, old man, not what you do not say? Grandson our thing good [such great]



e K tt Ai Ke w di dA ni. te Ktt n Ae n. A Ke dA L ni Ki di e de. w d ntt
egają hįké wažišanį? tekjanaheną, hąké šaranįgiži," éže. "Wažąnac
he said, but not you do not answer? I wish to go, not if you are not going," she said. "[All] the things



tti owe rKe K tt e de. A. e de. Ay ni Ki di. Al liAi Ki di. te Kette Ko ni e de. e Ki.
ji’ųesgegają," éže. "Hą," éže. "Hainigíži, hąp pįgiži, tekjegųnį," éže. Égi
they are admirable," she said. "Alright," he said. "In the morning, day if it is good, I will go," he said. Then

* translated as, "then he stayed there all night."

            Winn. V, #14: 67 = NB 13: 67      
e tt n de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. Al liAi xitti de A Ao w Kono ni KL. L n ne. Al liAi xitti n. e de. A Ao.
éja nąžé. Égi hainigíži, hąp pįxjįže. "Hąhó, wągᵉnunįgᵉra raną́ne, hapįxjįną," éže. "Hąhó,
there he slept.* [And] in the morning, day it was fine. "Now, old man, go, it's a nice day," he said. "Now,



te Kette n e de. e Ki. we de. Ai ttAo deKe. wi Lo tti L Ai d Ki Koo ne. xe Le Ai Ly n dii K.
tekjeną," éže. Égi weže, "Hicųšgé, wirójįra hižą́ kik’ųne. Ğeré hiraínaš’iga,
I will go," he said. Then he said, "Grandson, club a make yourself. To be slow if you think,



Ae Ao ttA Ke ny tt Ao L tti doAo no Kette n. de Ko K m dtt now Ki wK doAo no Ktt n Ae n e de.
he hocagenaija horajišųnųkjeną. Žegųga mąšją́ nųą́kiwąkšųnųkjanaheną," éže.
horn between you can hit me. Then faster I will go," he said.


            NB 13: 68  
                  Winn. V, #14: 68  
Ai ttAo deKe m xiAi L. we riAi wiy tte. ni Ke m xiAi wi L. tti n Ki di. Ai w Kd Ktte n. Ao L K tte.
"Hicųšgé, mąxira wesįwįaje. Nįgé mąxíwira jinągiži, hiwakšų́kjeną. Horagáje
"Grandson, the sky you must watch. [Anywhere] clouds if they form, we will turn back. Tell me



ni Ke m xiAi wi tti n Ki di e de. e Ki. Ai ttAo deKe. Ao no wK Ki d Ki L A doAo no K
nįgé mąxíwi jinągiži," éže. "Égi hicųšgé, honųwą́kižą kira hašųnųga,
[anywhere] clouds [if they form,"] he said. "And grandson, one run [just] I used to do, but



tte Le n. te e di. Ai da K tt. e de. Ai Lo AeKe ni rKe K. m dtt xitti Ao tti K
jereną, te’éži hiš’agają," éže. Hirohék nisgega, mąšjąxjį hojiga,
[it began,] this one as I am old," he said. [To do better] [as he was about to,]* [very hard] he struck him, and

* translated as, "when he slacked up a little".


di Ke m dtt no Ki wK ra de. ni L. a Ki w Ke A w tto n di de de. rA KLe de. we de.
žigé mąšją́ nugiwąks’aže. Nįra akí wąge hawajonąži žeže. Sagᵉreže. Weže,
again faster he would go. The water each above [it extended] [he chopped.] He was very fast. He said,


          NB 13: 69    
               Winn. V, #14: 69*      
Ai ttAo deKe. a ttL ttA tii Ki di. A Ke rA KeLe Ai Ki Ki niy tte. a tte tt A Li xitti Ao wi
"Hicųšgé, ą́jᵉra cąt’įgiži, hąké ságᵉre hį́giginįąje, ąjéja haríxjį huwí
"Grandson, the shore when it is visible, not fast to make me, [on shore] some distance so far

* at the top of the page in a different hand, is written "te tt wi xe K ②". (This is the title, "Tejąwįǧega" followed by an enclosed "2".)


Ai Le Ktt n Ae n e de. Ao ttiy e de. m xiAi L we riAi wi diAi de. ttAo K A Ke ni Ke
hirekjanaheną," éže. "Hojiá," éže. Mąxira wesįwį šiže. "Coka hąké nįgé
I will be," he said. "Alright," he said. The sky to watch he told him. "Grandfather not anywhere



m xiAi wi w d A ttA ni nK dA n e de. Ao rKe w nK deAe. m xiAi wi L Lo K n Ko no ni Ke
mąxíwi wažą́ hacanįnąkšaną," éže. Hosgé wanąkše. Mąxiwira rokana gununige,
clouds any I have not seen," he said. Fooling he was. Clouds [many] [because it was making,]


                  NB 13: 70
                                Winn. V, #14: 70
w nK deAe. A Ko Ley d. a KL ttA tii de. no ni Ke di Ke e ttA m dtt A tti de. Ke ni wi rii n.
wanąkše. Hagoreižą, agᵉra cąt’įže, nųnįgé žigé écą mąšją hajiže. Kénį wis’įna
[he was.] Finally, [the opposite] it was visible, but again but hard [he came on.]* Before long

* the translation has, "he struck him all the harder."


a ttL A Ai Le de. e ttA m dtt Ao tti de. a tte tt. A Li xitti A dA tt Le de. n L deKe Ao Ai ttLK
ą́jᵉra hahíreže, écą mąšją hojiže. Ajéja haríxjį hašająreže. nąra šge hohį́crák
the shore they got to, but hard he struck him. [On shore] for a long distance he slid. Trees even to knock down



Ai de. e Ki. ta lii K n K. we de. A Ao. w K tt L. w Kette xiAi Ai deAe deAe K wi doAo no L. e Ki.
hiže. Égi t’ąpikánąga weže, "Hąhó, Wakąjara, Wakjexi hišešekawišųnųra. Égi
he did. Then he jumped off, and he said, "Oh, Thunderbirds, Waterspirits you always long for. Here



Ai d w ttAe Ki d * owK dA n e de. wK Kono L. ni L ttA Ki w no ni Ke. Ae leLe Ki.
hižą́ Wakcexižą ’ųwąkšaną," éže. Wąknura nįra cagiwa, nųnįgé hebᵉregi,
one a Waterspirit there is," he said. The old man the water he started back, but before he could reach it,

* the text has an /o/ in error for an /e/.

             Winn. V, #14: 71 = NB 13: 71        
Ki rA Ki Le de. w K tt L. o rL. dA n Ai tt doo KL nK deAe. e Ki. e tt. wi Lo Ko Ki Koo de.
kisakireže, Wakąjara. Uzᵉra šana hija š’ogᵉranąkše. Égi éja wirókų kik’ųže.
they killed him, the Thunderbirds. The scent gland only there they left in a pile. And there [tools]* he made himself.

* the translation has, "medicines".


m K diAi diAiKi Ki Koo de. e Ki. Le de. e tt. ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki.* e tt. Ai d
Mąką́ šišik kik’ųže. Égi režé. Éja, úwahigają, tewéraki, éja hižą́
Medicines bad he made himself. Then he went on. There, he was going along, when unexpectedly, there one

* the text has tte we L Ki.


n te L. ttd ni Ae de. Ai tt Ai de. Ai no Ki d. w o tte de. te we L Ki. x Kette de. te we L Ki.
nątera cašniheže. Hijáhiže. Hinųgižą wa’ųježe. Tewéraki, ǧakježe.* Tewéraki,
chopping wood it was audible. He went to it. A woman she did it. Unexpectedly, she was crying. Unexpectedly,

* < ǧak-je-že, where -je is an auxiliary verb expressing the standing position.


Ao ttAi ttAi ni Ki d. Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ki di Ai o ni L w o tte de. A tt de. w n. Ai niKi niKi A L. a n K.
hocįcį́nįgìžą hicakóro higiži, hiųnira wa’ųježe. Hajaže. "Waną́, hinįknįk hara," ánąga
a boy friend it was, and his mother she did it. She saw him. "Oh, my little son," she said, and


                      NB 13: 72                
  Winn. V, #14: 72                
di Ke i tt niKi deAe. de Ko n. Ai niKi A xitti. ttiAi nK rA niKi. wo d w A Loro nK dA n. ne
žigé ijanįkše. "Žegų́ną, hįnį́k háxjį, ciną́k sanįk wožáwa harús nąkšaną. Ne
again she burst out crying. "Thus it is, my son, village [on one side] enjoyment to have it is. You



n w A ni too L nK dA n. e Ki. Ao Ki LK deAe tt rKe Ao we Ai K. e tt ni Ktt Kini KL.
nąwą hani t’ųra nąkšaną. Égi hogirakše, jasgé howehiga, éja nikjągᵉnįgᵉra
song [to have] [making] they are. And he told her how when they were going around, there the children



A ntt ta w Ai Le K. Ao LK deAe. Ai ni n Kede. e de. e rKe A Ke Ai d. w Kd
haną́c t’awahirega, horákše. Hininąkše. Eže, "Ésge hąké hižą́ wakšą́
all how they were killed, and he told of it. [He had not done it.] [He said,] ["Therefore,] [not] [one of them] [to turn back]


          NB 13: 73  
                                                Winn. V, #14: 73
Lo xoAo L[o]Ko Kini de e de. e Ki. A Ki do Ko de. ni Ke Ao ttAi Ki di. Ai noKo Kette K e tt  
ruxuruknįže," éže. Égi hakižu guže. Nį́ge hocigiži, hinųkjega éja  
[it could not be accomplished,"] [he said.] Then with him she went home. [place] she lived, and the woman there  



A Ki Li Le de. e Ki. tt n K. w Ki tee n Ki di. e tt A tti Le de. e tt w wo Ki LK deAe. tt rKe Ai K.
hakiríreže. Égi jánąga wagit’enąkiži, éja hajíreže. Éja wawogírakše, jasgé higa.
she came back. Then all they were in mourning, and there they came. There he told them, what when he did.



e Ki. A Ae Ki di. Ki K L Ae A tti Le de. Ki Ki di Ai leAe Le ri Le Ki di. tto l A A tti L
Égi hąhegiži, gikarahé hajíreže. Gigiži hipereziregiži, jopahą hajira,
Then in the night, to invite them they came. [When he had gotten back,] as they knew, four times they came,



no ni Ke dKe. A Ke o ni de. e Le x Lo lAo Lo KL dKe. Ao tti Kette Ai Ky L no ni Ke dKe. Ai K
nųnįgé šge hąké ’ųnįže. E reǧoroporogᵉra šge hojį́kje higaíra, nųnįgé šge hįké
but also not he would not do it. Him the drum also he could beat they told him, but also not


          NB 13: 74  
                                      Winn. V, #14: 74    
o ni de. e Ki. A Ae Ki di. ttiAi wi ttiAi wi Ai L ni Ae de. A Ae Ki di. A Ko Leyi d. ttiAi wi ttiAi wi L.
’ųnįže. Égi hąhegiži, cįwįcį́wį hiraniheže. Hąhegiži, hagoreižą cįwįcį́wįra
he would not do it. Then in the night, [the sound causing vibration] there was. In the night, [finally] [the sound causing vibration]



Lo dtt Ai Le Ki di. w o de. ttiAi n K. Ao we wo o de. m K diAi diAiKi n K. de rKe
rušją́ hiregiži, wa’ųže. Cinąka howe wo’ųže. Mąką́ šišikąka žesge
it stopped [when he thought,] [he did it.] The lodges he went about he did this. Medicines the bad ones those



ttiAi w wo de de. Ay ni Le Ki. wy dtt Ai Le K tt. te we L Ki. ni xA L. A ntt
ci wawožeže. Hainiregi, waišja hiregają tewéraki, nįxara haną́c
the lodges he put within them. The next morning, to go to see them he did, and unexpectedly, their stomachs all



n lA L di Le de. Ae Ae ttAi nK rA niKi w d o n ay Le de. e Ki. wy Le de. A K Ki
nąparašireže. "Hehé, ciną́k sanįk wažą́ ’ųną," aíreže. Égi waíreže, "Hagagi,
they burst. "Ah, village [on one side] something it has happened," they said. Then they said, "Even now,


    NB 13: 75            
  Winn. V, #14: 75            
Ai Ki xA n Ktt wi n ay Le de. e rKe. Lo A ttiAi Le de. e Ki. te tt wi xe K. e ttiAi nK Ai Lo K n L
higixanąkjawiną," aíreže. Ésge rohą cireže. Égi Tejąwįǧega e ciną́k hirukąnąra
let us move away," they said. So another place [they lived.] And Ocean Duck he village he was in charge.



Ao KL. e Le de. e Ki. e tt ni Ae de. te tt L. A Lo tte w o Ai Le de. e Ki. m te Ki. A tti
Hųgᵉra ereže.* Égi éja nįhéže. Tejąra haruce wa’ų́hirežé. Égi tégi haji
The chief he was. And there they remained. The Ocean Sea to cross they had done it. And country [over here] there

* the intial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.


w KidiKi i ne de. te tt a Ke tt Ao w tti Le de. A Ko Ley d. w KidiKi n KeLe. e tt ni KttK too Le Ai L n K.
wąkšik’įnéže. Teją́ ageja howajireže. Hagoreižą Wąkšiknągᵉre éja nįkją́k t’ųrehiránąga
they lived. The sea across they came from. Once these Indians there children they left, and


          Winn. V, #14: 76 = NB 13: 76
e Ki. A Lo tteAe Ai Le de. e Ki. te tt wi xe n K. w K tt L. Ai d wi Lo K n n Ki di.
égi haruce hireže. Égi Tejąwįǧenąka Wakąjara hižą́, wirukananąkiži.
here to come across they did. And this Ocean Duck [the Thunderbirds] [one of them,] [when he was in charge of them.]*

* this important sentence was largely untranslated.


Ai niKi w Ai Ki di Ko no L. e Ai att Ai de. e rKe. Ai to Ke diAi diAi KiniKi
hįnį́kwahigiži, kųnų́ra, e hi’ą́c hiže. Ésge, hitókešišigᵉnįk,
The one who had him for a son, the oldest, he father he was. Therefore, the bad old woman,



Ao loAo xe tt Ao too L ni Ae L. e Ai ttAo wi Ai Ki di. w Ki o de. Ai att L. e
hopoxeja hot’ųra, nihéra, e hicų́wį higiži, wak’iųže. Hi’ą́jᵉra e
in the hole to throw in, he had, she aunt she was, with whom he had gambled. The father he



Ai noKo ttA liKi Ae Le de. Lo Ki xi Ai L no ni Ke. A tti de de rKe Ai nK deAe. e Ki.
hinų́k capgi herežé. Rogiǧi hira, nųnįgé hajiže. Žesge hinąkše. Égi
woman [had as a relative] she was. To forbid he was doing, but she came. [Thus] she did. And


                          Winn. V, #14: 77        
e dA n deKe Ai L tty L. w K ttAK deAe w Ki no lL. no ni Ke te e di A Ke Ai Ki rK ni de.
ešanąšge hirajaira wakącąkše, wąkinųbᵉra, nųnįgé te’éži hąké hikisganįže.
except this one she was more powerful, [the second generation,] [but] [this one] [not] [she was not his equal.]



        NB 13: 77          
e rKe n K w no ni Ke A Ki L de. te tt wi xe K. w K tt Ao KL. Ai niKi w Ai L. xeAe te L e
Ésge, nąkawa, nųnįgé hakiraže. Tejąwįǧega Wakąja hųgᵉra hinįkwahira xetera e
Therefore, she was afraid, but [she fought]. Ocean Duck Thunderbird the chief his son the oldest one he



Ai att Ai de. e Ki. di Ke A Ae. Ao Ki d Ae Le Ki di. Ai noKo Ai Ki di e A i o ni Ai de. e rKe.
hi’ą́c hiže. Égi žigé Hąhé hųgižą heregíži, hinų́k higiži, e hi’ųnį́ hiže. Ésge,
father he was. Then again Night a chief there was, and daughter* she was, and she mother† she was. Therefore,

* hinų́k actually means "woman," but may be used to refer to a sister or daughter.
hi’ųnį́ can mean, "mother, sister of one's mother, female cousin of one's mother."


A Ke Ai Ki rKe liAi ni d Ae Le de. e w o Ke tti ni. witti e Ki. w KidiKi i ne de.
hąké hikisgé pįnįžą herežé. E wa’ųgejįnį, wíc égi wąkšik’įnéže.
[not] to be equal to [not a good one] there was. He he was the cause of [island] here they live.



de tt n.
It is ended.


Paul Radin, "Ocean Duck," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #14: 1-77 (Hocąk Syllabic Text); Paul Radin, "Ocean Duck," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #13: 1-77 (English translation).