Hocąk Syllabic Text — Old Man and Wears White Feather

Notebook #53: 1

English Translation

Stylistic Features

hapaxlegomena: cinąk-hokųgera, "village streets" (form uncertain, perhaps from kų, "sinew"); gajągo, "and"; gająške, "but"; ge, "there was"; gisįsį, "to nod"; hagirusuc, "[held] together"; hajiruha, "to move"; hajitazį, "to come nearer"; hakcak, "back strap"; hakoté, "see here" (exclamation); higege, "to say to someone"; higųgųs, "to make a (signing) motion"; hijaho, "to reach for something"; hiranąt’ap, "to spring" (listed in Marino as meaning, "to press out"); hirunąna, "to shake"; hotu, "to throw out"; hową, "to hoot like an owl"; hųxuha, "the outer form of something"; kerež, "spotted"; kiwahare, "to pass along something"; k’ųrehi, "to shoot"; nąinaš, "to fall asleep"; rugąk, "to pull to one side" (listed by Marino as rugągire, "[they] twist"); sereserec, "lanky"; škega, "and"; šu, "to put"; taži, "to shine"; tažije, "to see"; tegu,  "over here"; wacgux, "the end of a physical object"; warugįp, "vine"; warugop, "vine"; waruserec, "to make something longer"; wato, "the lead"; wošawaǧuk, "to put on (clothing)", cf. ǧuk, "to stuff in a sack".

rare words: gąkek, "hawk" (attested at just one place as an unidentified species of bird), probably from gąk, "to twist," and hek, "hawk, buzzard"; gihis, "to pick"; gųgųxjį, "through your life," found in just one other source; haǧe, "to shout"; hisą, "feathers" (found only in George's wordlist); hiži, "but"; hogimįš, "to place" (listed only in Marino, where it is said to mean, "to spread"); nąšé, "to take away"; rupará, "to unwind" (found only in Miner); ruxok, "to pull out"; sisįc, "to shake"; wahás, "to drive something," found only in Miner; wakųnų́k, "to break something," found only in Miner; warók, "I marry"; waxine, "to unload something (from the one's back), found only in Marino; wirójį, "club"; žegųži, "thus"; žijegá, "the other".

the use (once) of the unattested jajinena for jajineją, "immediately, right away."

the use of the unattested t’ąk for t’ą, "to fly".

the use of the unattested gikap for gikšap, "to split".

heavier than normal use of gająga, "now then".

heavy use of ške, "also", as a conjunction.

very frequent use of a sentence initial gają, "and, then, after, when", which is rare elsewhere.

kikínųp, a word that everywhere else means "brother", is here used to refer to sisters.

the use several times of the rare žegųži, "thus".

hardly any use of ésge, using žegų in its stead.

a fondness for the extremely rare eži, "he said, in any case".
see "Comparative Frequency of Select Words in Certain Stories."



p. 1 —
de e e tt. ttiAi rAe Le tti d Kede. wK Kono d.
Žee éja ciserecižą geže. Wąknužą
There at a long tent there was. An old man



Ai ttAo dKe L A K L Ki ttiAi nK deAe. Ai ttAo deKe Ai L tte K. A t Ki ntt
hicųšgéra hagaragi cinąkše. Hicųšgehirajega hątáginąc
grandson with him he lived. The grandson to fast



tte de Aoyi diAili. A Ko Leyi d. de e. wK no n K
jéže, hoišíp. Hagoreižą, žee wąknunąka
he was, all the time. Finally, [that one] the old man



we de. Ai ttAo deKe. ny di. w d niKi L
weže, "Hicųšgé, naįži wažą nįkra
he said, "Grandson, about time [things] [the little ones]



p. 2 —
Ai d. Ao ni xiAi Ko no e de. Ai ni Ki deAe Le
hižą honixįkono," éže. "Hinigišere
[one of them] you were awakened," he said. "To try you



Ai Le Ktt n Ae L. Ae Le Ki ni n. e rKe A te ni na i nK dA n.
hirekjanahera heregįnįną. Ésge hąté nina’įnąkšaną. "
they will do [they always do.] That is why to dream [I am trying to get you."]



ttAo K. w KeLe Ki. Ai Koro Ai Le L. m doAo rK A Ke Le K.
"Coka, wągeregi higųs´ hirera. ‘Mąšųska-hakerega’
"Grandfather, in the Above to council they did. ‘Wears White Feather as a Headdress’



p. 3 —
Ai Ky Le n. e Ki di Ke m Le Ki Ai Le L.
higaireną. Égi žigé mąrégi hirera.
they called me. And [also] on the earth they did.



Ai dtt diAi Li Litti tteKe Ao n di K. Ai Ky Le n. e de. a n K.
‘Hišjaširiricge-honąžįga’ higaireną," éže, ánąga
‘Wears Sparrows for a Coat’ they called me," he said, and



wo n di d A ni Ki di. K Ly riAi riAitti ttK tt. Ai dtt diAi Li Litti tteKe L.
wonažįžą hanįgiži, karaisisįcgają, hišjaširiricgera
a coat which he had, he shook, and the sparrows



xe tte Le de. wo n di n K. A ntt Ai dtt diAi Li Litti Ke de.
ǧejereže. Wonažįnąka haną́c hišjaširiricgeže.
they began to sing. The coat whole it was sparrows.



p. 4 —
xK KL xe tti Le de. e Ki. toro. ay Le n.
Ğakra ǧejireže. Égi tos, aíreną,
[Crying out,] they began to sing. And loon, they said,



de reKey d. Ao K nK deAe. e Ki. m doAo rK xitti d A Ke Le de.
žesgeižą hokąnąkše. Égi mąšųskaxjįžą hakereže.
[a sort of thing] he wore on his head. And a very white feather he stuck on his head.



w Kono L. w i nl dAe. e liAi n. Ai ttAo dKe. te e
Wąknura wa’įnąpše. "Epį́ną, hicųšgé, tee
The old man he was thankful. "It is good, my grandson, this



p. 5 —
dA n Le dKe wi n L di Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ke de. Ai ttAo dKe.
šana rešge winąžikjanaheną," higeže. hicųšgé,
only even you will be strengthened," he said. "Grandson,



Ay ni Ki di e lA Ai ni Ki dAe Le Ai Le Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ke de.
hainigíži epa hinigišere hirekjanaheną," higeže.
tomorrow beginning to try you they will do," he said.



e Ki. tt tti ne n. Ay ni K tt. A Ao. m doAo rK A Ke Le L.
Égi jajinena, hainigáją, "Hąhó! Mąšųskahakerera,
And right away, the next morning, "[Greetings!] Wears White Feather,



p. 6 —
Ki o ni Ki K L Ae A tti n. Aowo e de.
ki’ų nigikarahe hajíną. "Howo," éže.
to game to invite you I came." "All right," he said.



e Ki Le de. Ai tt Ai Ki di. tt tt ne tt.
Égi reže. Hija higiži, jajineją
And he went. There [when he arrived,] [immediately]



wy Le de. Ai Ki w no Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ky Le de. e Ki. mo de tty tt
waíreže, "Hikiwanukjanaheną," higaíreže. "Égi možejaija
they said to him, "We will run races," they told him. "And to the end of the earth



Ai K Ly wixi Ai Le Ktt n Ae de. m doAo rK A Ke Le K. w Ky Le de. n
hikaraiwįxhirekjanaheže," Mąšųska-hakerega, wagaíreže. "Ną
we will go and return," Wears White Feather, they said to him. "Tree



p. 7 —
te Ki A L mi Ki Ktt n Ae n. Ai Ky Le de. ny d A Lo liritti tti L n K
tégi haramįgikjanaheną," higaíreže. Nąižą haropisjijiranąga
this you will lie," they said to him. A tree they bent over, and



wy Le de. e tt n Ai L n tal Ai Le de.
waíreže. Éja hiranąt’ap hireže.
they said to him. There [tree] to spring they let it.



te Ai tteAe tte tt. ttA deKe Ko xete te tte L.
"Te hicejeja cašgégu xete jera,
"Sea shore oak big [standing,]



e tt no ttA Ki d Ke xete te tte L
éja nocąkižą ge, xete jera,
there a fork of the tree [there was,] big [standing,]



p. 8 —
e tt Ao Ki ni li Kette a n K. no wK deAe. A Ko Le d.
éja hokįnįbikje, ánąga nųwąkše. Hagoréžą,
there you will fall," they said, and he ran. After a time,



no ttA Ki d Ke w Ky Le K. e tt Ao Ki L ttK
nocąkižą ge, wagairega, éja hokiracak
a fork of the tree [it was,] that they mentioned, there [to be caught]



Ki nili de. A Ke Ki K w a Lo xoAo LoKo ni de. o xitti
kinibíže. Hąké kikáwa aruxuruknįže.* ’ųxjį,
[he became.] Not to get himself out he could not do it. [He did much,]

*for haruxuruknįže.



no ni Ke. owK o. te we L Ki. K Ke Ki d. e tt
nųnįgé ’ųwąk’ų, teweráki , gąkekižą éja
but as he lay, [unexpectedly,] a hawk there



p. 9 —
Ao w taK deAe. Ki w de. ttAo K
howa t’ąkše. Gi wąže, "Coka,
around he flew. So he called,* "Grandfather,

*the translation has, "he said to him" (as if it were weže).



xA lee Ai Ki Ke tti n. Ao Ki L ttAK m KeLe. Ao Ki Ka L Le
xap’é higigejiną. Hokiracakmąkre hokikarare,"
soon hurry. Tight place make it loose,"



e Ki di. e tt. Ki Kl deAe. Ai Ko Ki K wa Ki di
egíži, éja gikapše. Higų kikáwa’ąkiži,
[he said, and] there he split it. As soon as he got out, and



p. 10 —
no wK deAe tt tti ne tt. a dKe xitti Ki de. e tt
nųwąkše. Jajineją ašgéxjį giže. Éja
he ran. Already near [he went.] [There]



A Ki Ao xeAe Le de. A Ki Ay xA de. A Ki
hagi hoxereže. Hagi haixaže. "Hagi
[on the way] he caught up.* [On the way] he passed him. "On

*just before the word "caught", "passed" is lined out.



t ni A Ai n Ki Ktt n Ae n. e de. Ai tt Ki de.
tani hahinąkikjanaheną," éže. Hija giže.
to smoke I will go," he said to him. [There] he got back.



t ni Ao L. Ao de Ai tt tte de. w K L niye tt.
Tanihúra huže. Hija jéže. Wakaranieja
The pipe [he came to.] There [it was.] At the goal



p. 11 —
n m tteAe d. Ai L rA. t ni Ao L. Lo r n K. t ni Ai de.
nąmącežą hirasá tanihúra rusanąga tanihiže.
a warclub also the pipe he took, and he smoked.



di tte K. Ki Li de. m doAo rK A Ke Le L. Ao tt
Žijegá kiriže. "Mąšųska-hakerera, hoją́
The other he returned. "Wears White Feather, [since]



tteAe Ktt ne Ae K tt. Ao LowK KL t ni A Ai Kette n. e de.
cekjanehegają, horoagra tani hahikjeną," éže.
I shall die, for the last time smoke let me have," [he said.]



Kow. ni Ke Ai ni w A L. a wi ra Ko ni. a n K.
"Guwa, nįgé hiniwahara awis’agųnį, ánąga
"Oh, [I wonder] my brothers they might have said," he said, and



p. 12 —
t ni Ao L. lo doAo Lotto Le Aiy n K. n m tteAe L. Lo r n K.
tanihúra bošorocrehianąga nąmącera rusanąga
the pipe he blew it out, and the warclub he took, and



Ki rAK deAe. de Ko Aiy n K. tti Ke Le de. Ao xtt n K tt.
kisakše. Žegų hianąga jikereže. Hoxjanągają,
he knocked him down. Thus he did, and he went home. In the evening,



te we L Ki. to rL. xK KL. A Ki Ao L ttA tii de
tewéraki, tosra ǧakra hagi horacąt’įže.
[unexpectedly,] the loon the cry in the distance it was heard.



p. 13 —
wK Kono L. Ao Ao. A Kyi deKe L. Ai ttAo deKe A L Ko Ae Ke
Wąknura "Hohó hagaišgera, hicųšgehara guhege
The old man, "Oh, oh my, my grandson he is coming, if



w ow tte deKe. de rKey d deKe Ao K n KL. Ai L nK deAe.
wa’ųwaješke žesgeižąk ške hokąnąkra hįraną́kše.
it could be, [a thing like that] [also] on his head he thought.



A Lo xA a dKe a Ko de. e w Ko ni
Haruxa ašge aguže.* E wąkųnį†
[Increasingly] near it came. Him surely

*for haguže.
†perhaps for wąk, "to become, be like" (Marino), and -gųnį, "maybe, might, perhaps."



K tt K Ai L n Kede. te we L Ki Ki Li de. Ao Ao
gająga hįraną́kše. Tewéraki, kiriže. "Hohó
now he thought. [Unexpectedly,] he did come. "Oh my



p. 14 —
Ai ttAo deKe e liAi n. e de. Ai ttAo deKe te e di.
hicųšgé, epį́ną," éže. "Hicųšgé, teeži
grandson, it is good," he said. "Grandson, this one



tee L no ni Ke. A Lo xA Ai tty L A Ly Le Ktt n Ae n.
t’era, nųnįgé haruxa hijaira harairekjanahenąk.
[is dead,] but as they keep on the worse they will become.



Ai t tte w ow tte. Ai Ke de. tt tti ne tt. Ay ni Ki di
Hitaje wa’ųwaje," higeže. Jajineją hainigíži,
Mightily you do it," he told him. Even now as morning came,



p. 15 —
di Ke tti Ki ni de. A Ko te Ki o ni Ki K L Ae
žigé jiginįže. "Hakoté, ki’ų nigikarahe
again he came. "See here, to gamble to ask you



A tti n. Ai Ko te Ki. Ai noKo Ao Lo lA n L. Ly liAi dA nK
hajíną. Higutegi, hinų́k horupąnąra raipišanąk,"
I came. You stay at home, woman you smell you are like,"



Ai Ky Le de. tt Ko o we Ko ni Ai Le de. Ai di
higaíreže. "Jagú’ų wegųnį?" hireže. Hiži
he was told. "Why he said that?" he thought. But



de e di. ttAo* Ao de tt xittiye tt. leAe tti d
žeeži [ci] hošeja ǧįjieja† pejižą
then tent at the end [at the fringe ?] a fire

*this should probably be ttAi for ci.
†cf. -ǧįc, "fringe". This word is not translated in the interlinear.



t di tte ra de. A Ae Le Ki. leAe tti nolo leLe Ki A tti Lo A
tažijes’aže. Hąhéregi, peji nųpregi hajiruha
[it used to shine]. At night, fireplace at the second one, it moved



di Ke A tt de. di Ke. Ki o L. Ai de.
žigé hajaže. Žigé ki’ųra hiže.
[again] he saw. Again to gamble [he did.]



Ai dK K. Ai tt ne tte K. n Ai L n tal Ai Le de. K tt
Hišgaga hijanejega hiranąt’ap hireže. Gają
This time the other one tree he sprang [they did.] And



p. 17 —
riKi xoAo tti d. n L Ai L we tt tt. A Ko Lo K nK nK deAe.
zikxojižą nąra hirawejąją hagurokanąk nąkše.
a gray squirrel the tree [to curl around] he ran [he did.]



no w Ki Le de. to w A Ly Le de. di Ke n ttiri doKo ni de.
Nųwąkireže. Towa haraíreže. Žigé nąjisšgųnįže.
[They started out running.] On they went. Again [he must have outran them.]



di Ke. A Ki t ni Ai nK Koo Ki de.
žigé hagi tanihinąk’ų giže.
Again [there] [he was already smoking] he got back.



p. 18 —
m doAo rK A Ke Le L. Ao tt tteAe Ktt ne Ae K tt. Ao LowK KL
"Mąšųska-hakerera, hoją́ cekjanehegają, horoagra
"Wears White Feather as a Headdress, [since] I am to die, so for the last time



t ni A Ai Kette n. e de. ni Ke Ai ni A L.
tani hahikjeną," éže. nįgé hinihara
smoke [let me have," ] he said. [I wonder] my brothers



w wi K wi ra Ko ni. a n K. t ni Ao L. lo doAo Lotto Le Aiy n K.
wawigawis’agųnį, ánąga tanihúra bošorocrehianąga
they used to say this," he said, and the pipe he blew it out, and



p. 19 —
n m tteAe L Lo r n K. Ki rAK deAe. de Ko Aiy n K
nąmącera rusanąga kisakše. Žegų hianąga
the warclub he took, and he knocked him down. Thus he did, and



di Ke Ke Le de. di Ke A Ki. to rL.
žigé kereže. Žigé hagi tosra
again he went home. Again in the distance the loon



x xK KL. ttA tii Ai Le de. Ao Ao ttAo ni
ǧaǧakra cąt’į hireže. "Hohó, coni
the cry to hear [they did.] "Oh my, [the first time]



de rKe L. Ai ttAo deKe A L Ki Li L. e w Ko Ai de di
žesgera hicųšgehara kirirá. e waguhížeži,"
[this happened] my grandson he came home. He I hope he is coming,"



Ai L nK deAe. a dKe A Lo xA Ao w Ko de.
hįraną́kše. Ašge haruxa howa guže.
he wished. Near [increasingly] [towards] it came.



p. 20 —
te we L Ki. Ki Li de. Ao Ao Ai ttAo deKe e liAi n.
Teweráki , kiriže. "Hohó hicųšgé, epį́ną,
[Unexpectedly,] he came back. "Oh my grandson, it is good,



te e dA n ne dKe. di Ke A Ae Le Ki.
tee šana néšge. Žigé hąhéregi,
this [alone] even. Again in the night,



A Ko Le d Ai Ki K tt. di Ke. leAe tti d t di ni Ae L.
hagoréžą hikįgáją žigé pejižą tažinihera,
sometime he woke up, and again a fire that had shone,



p. 21 —
di Ke. A tti Lo A A tti t di de. Ay ni Ki di tt tti n tt.
žigé hajiruha hajitazįže. Hainigíži, jajineją
again it moved it came nearer. In the morning, already



di Ke tti de. Ko te w d Ai noKo
žigé jiže. "Koté, wažą hinų́k
again he came. "Say, [thing] woman



Ao Lo lA n L Ly liAi Ai Kow n Ki o L Ae Le Ktte n.
horupąnąra raipį, higuą́ną ki’ųra herekjeną,"
smelling you are fond, [right away] gambling [let us do,"]



e de. di Ki Ko tt rKe Ai L. de rKe de.
éže. Žigígų, jasgé hira. Žesgeže.
he said. As before, [that way] he did. Thus it was.



p. 22 —
K tt K n Ai L n tal Ai Le K dKe
Gająga, hiranąt’ap hirega, ške
Now, [tree] to spring when they were, [also]



ri Ki d. Ai Koo ra de. de de Ko Ai d Ki ttoAo doKo ni
zikižą hik’ųs’aže. Žežegų, [hijagi,]* cųšguni
a squirrel he would turn himself into. Thus, [when he returned,] [to be eliminated]

*hižagi is unattested, so probably hijagi was meant.



Ki Ki de. K tt K. xoAo no xitti L dA n Ao t Ai de.
gigiže. Gająga, xunuxjįra šana hotahiže.
[he caused.]* Now, the youngest only he was left.

*translated as, "Thus he did, killing them off."



K tt K e Ki. ttiAi w ttoKo xe tt
Gająga, égi ci wacguxeja
Now also, [here] [lodge] at the end



t di A tt ni Ae K A tt de. Ai no Ki d w o nK deAe.
taži hajanihega, hajaže. Hinų́k wa’unąkše.
it shone [as he saw,] he saw. Woman it was.



de e e. Ai ni w Ai Ki di. w Ki Kewe Ki L n K.
žee e hini wahigiži, wakikewekiranąga
This [she herself] brothers he had fought over, and [that he had beaten, and]*

*untranslated, but cf. kewek, "to win, beat; to weaken by beating" (Marino).



A ntt tee w Ai Le de. e rKe. ttiAi reAe Le tti d i ne Ki
haną́c t’ewahireže. Ésge ciserecižą inéki
all they were killed. That is why [longhouse] alone



p. 24 —
Ao ttiAi n KA w o nK deAe. tee w Ai K. A ntt Ai deKe
hocinąka wa’ųnąkše. T’ewahiga, haną́c hišgé
he lived [he did it.] The ones who did the killing, all also



tee w Ai L no ni Ke. xoAo no xitti tte K. e w w o de.
t’ewahira, nųnįgé xonuxjįjega e wawa’ųže.
that he killed, but the youngest one [he himself] [he did it to them.]



e rKe. Ai noKo n K e tt Ai Ai nK deAe. e Ki.
Ésge hinųknąka éja hihinąkše. Égi
That is why the woman there [she came there.] And



Ai Low Kini L. K tt K. A Ki L Ktt n Ae Ki di. Ai ttAi de.
hiroaginira gająga hakirakjanahegiži, hijáhiže.
the last one [now] he was about to combat, so he went over.



p. 25 —
K tt Ko Ki w no L. Ko Ai Le de. m doAo rK A Ke Le K.
Gajągo* kiwanura gu hireže. Mąšųska-hakerega
And the race to start they were. Wear W. F. Headdress

*an unattested form of gająga.



w to L nK deAe. K tt. Al liritti w Lo Ko li d.
watora nąkše. Gają, hapsįc´ warugobižą*
the lead [he was.] And grape a vine

*warugop is a hapaxlegomenon, to which compare waruǧap, "Warbundle" (perhaps originally tied with vines).



Ai Lo we tt tti n Ki Le de. Lo lA L L Lo daK n Koo
hirowéją jinąkireže. Ruparára roš’aknąk’ų
to be twined around [he made it.] To unwind he could not until



p. 26 —
Ki Li Ke Le de. A Ki Li Ke Le n. de e di Ai noKo L K nK L tte Ke.*
kirikereže. "Hakirikereną, žeeži hinų́k rakanąkrajege,
he came on by. "I am going by, but woman you are married, so

*after this word there are three vertical lines, |||.



Ao ni Kr n Ke Ar L Ki Ai dA n K tt. Ai tt A K.
hunįksanąke, hasra gihišaną.* Gają hijahaga,
you are fond of it [beans], so† fruit you are picking. [So] I will go on, and

*< gihis-šaną.
hunįk means "beans". The translation has "fruit".



t ni A Ai n Ki Ktt n Ae n. a n K Ki Li Ke Le de. Ao Ao
tani hahinąkikjanaheną, ánąga kirikereže. "Hohó,"
to smoke I will go, he said, and he came on by. "Oh my,"



e de. K tt K. Ai Ke w d de rK ni Ki di.
éže. Gająga, hįké wažą žesganįgiži,
he said. [Now,] [not] [anything] [it was not like, and]*

*Gająga, hįké wažą žesganįgiži, is translated as, "but when he was about at his wits end, ...".



A liritti w Lo Kili n K. ni Ke Lo diAi d n K. Ai Lo tti de.
hapsįc´ warugįbnąka* nįgé rušížánąga hirojįže.
grape the vine piece he broke off, and he threw it.

*this does not match the warugop given above for "vine". The word gįp means, "to reach to; extend; to arrive in a lying position" (Marino), which might apply to a vine.



e tt Ao w n n. Ai Le de. Ai deKe. te
Éja howanąna hireže. Hišké te
There to roll over [it was done.] In turn [this one]



Ke Le Ai de dKe K. Ay xA de. K tt di Ke.
kerehiže, škega haixaže. Gają žigé
[started back,] and he passed by. But again



Ao deAe Le Ki d. Ai Kotto Ai Le de. rii K L. A Ki Lo roAotto
hušerekižą higuc hireže. S’ikąra hagirusuc*
a bone to be shot [it was done. ] His ankles [held] together

*a hapaxlegomenon. Cf. hagirusu, "to hold".



Lo diKitti tti li de. di Ke e tt Ao w n n. Ai Le de.
rušikjijipiže. Žigé éja howanąna hireže.
he had pierced them. Again there to roll over [it was done.]



di Ke e tt. Ay xA Ai Le de.* A Ao.
Žigé éja haixa hireže. "Hąhó,
Again there to go by [it was done.] ["Hello,

*this word is followed by two vertical lines, ||.



p. 29 —
A Ki Li Ke Le n. A Ki t ni A Ai n Ki Ktt n Ae n. w Ko tte riAi K L.
"Hakirikereną, hagi tani hahinąkikjanaheną, wagujésiką́ra
"I am going by, and to smoke I will go, your shoestrings



liAi L Koo dA n K tt e de. Ao Ao. e de. di Ke
pįrak’ųšanagają," éže. "Hohó," éže. Žigé
while you are fixing them," he said. "Oh my," he said. Again



o n Koo. Ko Lo doAo Lo ttiKi di. Ai dK K. Ai Lo tti Le Ai de. e tt
ųnąk’ų, kurušorocgiži, hišgaga hirojįrehiže. Éja
finally, he pulled it out, and in turn he threw it. There



p. 30 —
Ao w n n. Ai Le Ai Le de Ai dK K. A Ki. Ay xA de.
howanąna hirehireže. Hišgaga hagi haixáže.
he rolled over it was sent. In turn [on the way] he passed him.



A Ki t ni A Ai n Ki Ktt n Ae n. w Ko tte riAi K L.
"Hagi tani hahinąkikjanaheną, wagujésiką́ra
"On to smoke I will go, your shoestrings



p. 31 —
liAi L Koo dA n K tt a n K Ay xA de.* Ao Ao e de
pįrak’ųšanagają," ánąga haixáže. "Hohó," éže.
while you are fixing them," he said, and [he passed him.] "Oh my," he said.

*just before this word at the beginning of page 31, there are two vertical lines, ||.



e tt n tti ri Le de. m doAo rK. A Ke Le K. w n ttiri deAe.
Éja nąjisireže. Mąšųska-hakerega wanąjisše.
There he was beaten. Wears White Feather as a Headdress he won it.



Ai tt Ki de. t ni Ai nK Koo. Ao Ao.
Hijagiže, tani hinąk’ų. "Hohó,
[He returned,] smoke [he was doing.] "Oh my,



m doAo rK Ke Le L. Ao tt ttAe Ktt n Ae K tt. Ao Low KL
Mąšųskakerera, hoją́ cekjanahegają, horoagra
W. White F. for His Headdress, [since] I am to die, so for the last time



p. 32 —
t ni A Ai Ktte n e de. K L. ni Ke
tani hahikjeną," éže. "Kará, nįgé
smoke let me have," [he said.] "Well, [I wonder]



Ai ni w A L a w ra Ko ni. a n K. t ni Ao L.
hiniwahara awas’agųnį, ánąga tanihúra
my brothers they might have said," he said, and the pipe



lo doAo Lotto Le Ai de. de Ko Aiy n K. n m tteAe L Loro doKo ni de.
bošorocrehiže. Žegų hiyanąga nąmącera rusškųnįže.
he blew it out. Thus [he did, and] the warclub he took.



p. 33 —
K tt K Ki rA Ki Ko Lo Ao de. n m tteAe L. A w a xitti K tt.
Gająga, kisakikorohože. Nąmącera hawa’ąxjįgają,
Now, he was about to kill him. The warclub he was about to strike, when



A to Ke ni Ki d i tt niKi K n K. nl l Lo x xtt dAe. de Ko Ai Ke
hitokenįkížą ijanįkanąga nąparuxaxacše.* Žegų hįké
an old woman she pleaded with him, and holding out her hands. So [not ]

*< nąp-haruxa-xac-še.



Ki rA Kini de. di Ki no l A L o K tt. Ai noKo liAi xitti d
kisaknįže. Žiginųbahąra* ’ųgają, hinų́k pįxjįžą
[he did not kill her.] The second time [he did it,] woman a very pretty one

*< žigé-hinųpahąra.



p. 34 —
i tt ni K n K. tt ttA de. a n K. tal tti Le de. Ai tto l A L.
ijanįkanąga "Jacaže!" ánąga t’ąpcireže. hijobą́hąrá,
she gave a cry, and [exclamation] she said, and she arose. The fourth time



de Ko A Ke Ki rA Kini de. e Ki. we de.
žegų hąké kisakinįže. Égi weže,
[thus] not he did not kill her. Then she said,



de Ko Ai Ke Ai Ly rA Kini Ki di. m doAo rK Ke Le L.
"Žegų hįké hiraisakinįgiži, Mąšųskakerera,
["Now] not if you do not kill me, Wears White Feather for Headdress,



w di d Ao ni Ki t Ki Kette n. Ao ttiy e de. te Ko
wažižą honįgitakikjeną." "Hojiá," éže. "Tegu
something I will tell you." "All right," he said. "Over here



Ao Ki wi L no liAi wi A t Ki ntt A nK wi n. ne
hųgiwįra nųpiwi hątáginąc hanąkwiną. Ne
queens* two fasting [we are.] You

*a literal translation is, "the chief-women", which usually refers to his daughters.



Ai ni A te n i w o nK dA n. e tt Ao w
hinihąte ną’į́ wa’ųnąkšaną. Éja howa
to dream of you* to want [they do.] There to go

*"be blessed" is lined out and "dream" written above it.



p. 36 —
Ai Le Kette n. de Ko di Ai doAo Lo K n K tt. e Ki di. Ao ttiy
hirekjeną, žegųži hišurukanagają," egíži. "Hojiá,"
let us do it, as I am at your command," she said. "All right,"



Ai Ke de. Ko te m dtt Ai noKo liAi
higeže. "Koté, mąšją hinų́k
he said. "Say, very women pretty



Ai Le n. Ai Ke de. de Ko de. Ai ni w Ai L. de e
hiréną," higeže. Žegų́že. Hiniwahira žee
they are," [he said.] Thus it was. His brothers this one



e w w o de. de de rKe w Ki Kiy n K. tee w Ai de.
e wawa’ųže. Žežesge wagigianąga t’ewahiže.
[he himself] [he did it to them.] [This way] [she did, and] she killed them.



p. 37 —
Ao Ai di Ai L no ni Ke. e rKe. Ai noKo n K. e tt
Hohižihira, nųnįgé ésge hinųknąka éja
She was defeated, but that is why the woman there



n K w o nK deAe. de de rKe Ki Ki Le L
nąka wa’ųnąkše. Žežesge gigirera
[after that] [she is it.] This it would happen



Ai leAe Lere riKi ni de. Ai noKo n K. e Ki. A Ai. Ao xtt n de.
hiperesginįže. hinųknąka. Égi hahí hoxjanaže.
she knew it, [that woman.] [Then] it became it was evening.



p. 38 —
e tt. m L Ai d Koo Le Ai de. K tt.
Éja mąra hižą k’ųrehiže. Gają
There the arrow one of them he fired. And


ttA Ae ttA Ki dKeyi d. Ai L lo r Ki Li tte Ai de. m doAo rK Ke Le K
cahecakižągeižą* hirabosakirijehiže. Mąšuskakerega
a forked horn deer he pierced him to the ground. Wears White Feather

*apparently from, ca-he-cak-hižąge-ižą. Cf. hižągera, "it is one." This word is also found at "Wolves and Humans."



w o de. Ko te n to rA Kette n. Ai K L Ki deAe Le Le
wa’ųže. "Koté, tusakjeną. Hikaragišerere,"
there did. "Say, wood I will gather. Dress it,"



e de. e rKe. Ko Lo xl deAe. K tt. w Ao Ai L
éže. Ésge kuruǧapše. Gają wahúhira
he said. So he skinned it. And to snow



p. 39 —
Lo K n A Ki Li de. xA wi Ai ttiAi L Ai d. A o Ktte n.
rokana hakiriže. "Xąwįhicira hižą ha’ųkjeną,
[much] it began. "Grass lodges one I will make,



ttA L. to tti Le. e de di Ke. e tt
cara tujire," éže žigé. Éja
the deer you cook," he said again. There



xA wi Ai ttAi d oy Le de. K tt w Lo tti L n K. a K
xąwįhicižą ’ųireže. Gają warujiranąga aka
a grass lodge they built. After [they ate it,] opposite



p. 40 —
Ki Ki nK d n mi Ki Le de. Ai L Le xitti K tt. Ai noKo liAi xitti d.
giginąkšaną. Mįgireže. Hiraréxjįgają, hinų́k pįxjįžą
[they were Lituated.] They laid down. After awhile, girl a very pretty one



Ai L tti de. A Ki do miKi n i de. Lo xi de.
hirajiže. Hakižu mįk ną’įže. Roǧiže.
she came. With him to lie she wanted. He objected.



di Ke tti de. ty rA Ke w Ae n. e de.
Žigé jiže. "Taisake wahéną éže.
Again she came. "I am cold [is why I say it,"] she said.



riAi ni Ai L deKe Lo K n de. a tt o L xoAo LoKo deAe.
Sįnįhíra ške rokanaže. Ája’ų,* raxurukše.
Cold [also] [it was much.] [As she said this,]* he consented.†

*this is translated as "finally", as if it were ųja’ų.
†more properly, "she persuaded him."



p. 41 —
Ai noKo A Ki do miKi deAe. Ay reAe Lette Lo ditti deAe.
Hinų́k hakižu mįkše. Haįserec ružicše.
Girl with him she laid. All night long she teased him.



Ai noKo Ki dKtt deAe. Ay ni K tt. ny n deAe. ti tt ne
Hinų́k kišgácše. Hainigáją, nąinaše.* Tijąne†
Girl he played with her. In the morning, he fell asleep. The other fellow

*a hapaxlegomenon, from nąinaš-še.
†< te(e)-hijąne.



Ki K w a n K Ao xA L. w Ko noKo tti n Ki de.
k’ik’awaąnąga huxára wakųnųk´ ji nągiže
he got up, and his back to break it he began as he slept.



p. 42 —
de Ko ixi miKi deAe. di Ke. de Ko
Žegų ’įx mįkše. Žigé žegų
Thus groaning he laid. Again [then]



Aiy n K. Le ri L. Lo xoKo dAe. i L deKe
hianąga resira ruxokše. Ira ške
[he did, and] his tongue he pulled out.* His mouth [also]

*the translation adds, "to make it longer."



Lo K K n K. ayi dA w KL dKe. w Lo reAe Lette deAe.
rugąganąga aíšawakra ške waruserecše.
he pulled to one side, and his elbows also he made it longer.



tt reke diAi diAiKi n Ki de rKe Ai de. de Ko
Jasgé šišiknąki žesge hiže. Žegų
[What] [if it is bad,] [that way] [he did.] Thus



p. 43 —
Aiy n K. wo n di L n deAe de. wo K nK KL deKe.
hianąga wonažįra nąšéže. Wokanąkra ške
[he did, and] his cloak he took away. His headdress [also]



t ni Ao L dKe. w d L A ntt w n deAe de.
tanihúra ške wažąra haną́c wanąšéže.
his pipe and the things [all] he took them away.



Ai tee L deKe Lo da K n K. de Ko. A.
Hit’era ške rušokanąga žegų, "Hą,"
[Speaking] [also] [he could not do, and] [thus,] "Yes,"



e L dA n xitti Ae Le de. e Ki. riAi Ke Le tteKe L
era šanaxjį hereže. Égi sikéreckéra
[saying] [only] [he did.] And his heels



p. 44* —
deKe. reAe Le tti Le de. Ay ni Ki di. ttAo Ke Ley n K. A Ly Le de.
ške serejireže. Hainigíži, cokereanąga haraíreže.
[also] they protruded out long. In the morning, [he led along, and] they started out.

*on the verso of page 44, it is written, "wears white feathers for headdress and wears sparrows for coat are the same. from now on they change places for a while. as the things were taken away from him [...] set them back in time". The lacuna represents two or three words written in the seam between pages and rendered unreadable.



e tt Ai noKo n K e tt A Ai Le de. ttA Ke tt.
Éja hinųknąka éja hahíreže. Cagéja
There the women there they came. Outside



p. 45 —
mi nK dAe. te we L Ki. Ai dtt diAi Li Litti Ke Ao n di K A Ai
mįnąkše. Tewéraki, ‘Hišjaširiricge-honąžįga’ hahi
he sat. [Unexpectedly,] ‘Wears Sparrows for a Coat’* to go

*on the verso of page 44, Radin has the following note: "Wears White Feather for Headdress and Wears Sparrows for Coat are the same. From now on they change places for a while. As these things were taken away from him [he will ?] get them back in time." The parts in brackets are obscured by the fold in the notebook paper at the binding.



Ao Ke we de. Ai noKo Ki Ki nolo w o nK deAe. Ai no L.
hokeweže. Hinų́k kikínųp* wa’ųnąkše. Hinųra
[he came in.] Women sisters they were. The first born

*everywhere else this word is translated as "brothers".



Ae Ley n K. wi A L. de de Ko w o nK deAe. te e.
hereanąga Wihąra žežegų, wa’ųnąkše. Tee
she was, and the second born respectively they were.* [This one]

*in the translation the names are given as "He no" and "We Hu". This is a phonetic rendering based partly on the Hocąk syllabic system.



Ai no K e tt A Ai mi nK deAe wi A.
Hinųga éja hahi mįnąkše. "Wihą,
Hinų there he went he sat. "Wihą,



p. 46 —
Ai dtt diAi Li Litti Ke Ao n di K. y A te n Ai Ae d Le e de.
Hišjaširiricge-honąžįga yahąténą, hihešare," éže,
Wears Sparrows for a Coat I dreamed, I told you," she said,



Ai no K. Ai no K Ai Ke w di Lo K n
Hinųga. Hinųga hįké wažį́ rokana
Hinųga. Hinųga not anything much



Ai ni de. Ai L Le xitti Ki di. wi A K Ai Ai nl lK tt. te we L Ki.
hinįže. Hirarexjįgiži, Wihąga hihinąbagają, tewéraki,
she was not. After awhile, Wihą she went outside, and [unexpectedly,]



p. 47 —
wK no d e Ki nK deAe. tt Ko. Ai d
wąknužą égi nąkše. "Jagú hižą
an old man [here] [he sat.] "How one



Ai no Ai K n L K A Ki do tti n Ko ni deKe
Hinų hikanaraga hakižu jinąkųnį, ške
Hinų your husband with someone he came, [also]



ttA KeLe Ki n Kd n. e de. de e Ao rKe
cageregi nąkšaną," éže. "Žee hosgé
[outside] [he sits,"] she said. "That [naturally]



ttA Ke tt mi nK doAo no n. doAoKo ni A L w o nK dA n. e de.
cagéja mįnąkšųnųną. Šųknihara wa’ųnąkšaną," éže.
outside he always sits. My dog it is,"* he said.

*the original translation of Žee hosgé cagéja minąkšųnųną. Šųknihara wa’ųnąšaną, was, "That said he is right where he ought as he is my dog"; but this was lined out and replaced with, "that only outside he always sits[,] dog mine he is."



p. 48 —
Ai Ke de rK ni K tt. w Kidi Ki d. w o n K tt. Ai Ke
"Hįké žesganįgają, wąkšikižą wa’ųnąkają, hįké
"Not he is not that, a human being he is, and not



doAo Ki d Ae Le ni K tt. Ai K K de rKe Ao L Ki L ni K tt.
šųkižą herenįgają, hįkaga žesge horakiranįgają,
a dog he is not, and never like this it is not told, and



p. 49 —
Ai dtt diAi Li Litti Ke Ao n di K. w Kidi Ki d. doAoKo ow n K
Hišjaširiricge-honąžįga wąkšikižą šųk ’ųanąka
Wears Sparrows for a Coat a human being dog [he made, and]



ni Ai n. ay L ni K tt. ey di. wK Konoyi d. Ai ttAo Ke
nįhiną, airanįgają, eiži wąknuižą hicoke
he had, they do not say, instead an old man grandfather



Ai de ay Le K tt. wK Konoyi d. w n tto tty rKe w o K tt.
hiže, airegają wąknuižą waną́cocąį́ske wa’ųgają,
he had,* they say, and an old man† to be pittied he is, and

*airanįgają, eiži wąknunižą hicoke hiže, was originally translated, "but it was always said that he had an old grandfather," but that was lined out and replaced with, "but instead an old man grandfather he had."
†"This old man" is lined out in favor of the translation "The old man"; however, the correct translation is "an old man", the point being general rather than particular.



p. 50 —
ttAi Ao mi n Ki Kette n. a n K. Ao K w Le. Ai Ke K tt.
ci hominąkikjeną," ánąga, "Hokaware," higegáją,
house he must come,"* she said, and "Come in,"† she said to him, but

*wa’ųgają, ci hominąkikjeną," was originally translated, "and he shall come," but that was lined out and replaced with "in house he must come."
ánąga, "Hokaware," was originally translated, "and told him to come in," but was lined out in favor of, "she said come in."



A Ke o ni de. Ai m L K n K. lA L Ai Lo n n.
hąké ’ųnįže. Himarakanąga pára hirunąna*
not he would not do it. He pointed, and his head to shake

*a hapaxlegomenon — cf. runą, "to turn over."



Ai de. n L Ke we de Ai Ke K tt. Ao. a n K.
hiže. "Nąrakeweže," higegáją, "Ho," ánąga
[he did.]* "Are you afraid?" she said to him, and "Ho," he said, and

*Himarakanąga para hirunąna hiže, was originally translated, "by shaking his head and pointing inside," but this was lined out and replaced with, "he pointed at him and his head he shook."



lA Ki rii rii de. de Ko Ao K w Le Ai Ke de.
pa gisįsįže. Žegų, "Hokaware," higeže.
head he nodded. Then, "Come in,"* she said to him.

*before this phrase, "said she you must" has been lined out.



p. 51 —
Ao mi n Ki di. e tt. Ai L Ki Ke Le. xA wi
Hominąkiži, éja hiragi kere xąwį́
Where she sat, there [she brought back] [she put] hay



Ao Ki midi d n K e tt mi nK Ki Ki de. e Ki. wo Ki A n K.
hogimįšanąga éja mįnąkigiže. Égi wogihanąga
she placed, and there she sat him. Then she boiled, and



wo Koo de. Ai no Ko. wo Ki teKe deAe. doAo Ki d Ae Le de
wok’ų́že. Hinųg[a] wokitekše. "Šųkižą hereže,
she gave it to him. Hinų she was angry. "A dog it is,



p. 52 —
a n K tt di Ke K tt K. w reKe
ánąga ja, žigé gająga, wasgé
he said, and [well,] [again] [now,] plate



Ao o L Ki Ki. A Ke w d n tti xK Ai L deAe Le rini
ho’ųragigi, hąké wažą najixgą hirašeresnį,"
[you let him use,] not anything to hate you do not seem,"



e de. ne tt Ko ni Ki o n K tt. A Ke
éže. "Ne jagú nikionąkaja, hąké
she said. "You [what] I have made for you, but* not

*this is a Hocąk idiom translated as, "this is nothing to you."



doAo Ki d w o nK Kini n. e de wi A K. w Lotto
šųkižą wa’ųnąkinįną," éže Wihąga. Warúc
a dog he is not," she said, Wihą. Eating



p. 53 —
Lo dtt Ki di. t ni Ai de. L xeKe doo Ki d. Ai ow n K. n al
rušjągiži, tanihiže. Raxgeš’okižą hi’ųanąga na’áp
when he was done, he smoked. A weed pipe [he used, and] leaves



w xottoKo Ai de. e Ki. wi A K. w o de.
waxjuk hiže. Égi Wihąga wa’ųže.
to mash up he did. [Then] Wihą [she did it.]



t ni Aoyi d. Lo r n K. Ai Ki Lo lA n. Ao Ki dow n K. Ao Koo de.
Tanihuižą rusanąga hikirúpąną́ hogižuanąga hok’ųže.
A pipe she took, and mixture she filled it, and she gave it to him.



p. 54 —
di Ke n tti riKi de. doKo Ki d. Ae Le Ki di. doo dA nK Koo
Žigé nąjisgiže, "Šųkižą heregíži, š’ųšanąk’ų
Again she scolded her, "A dog he is, and keep on and finally



deKe. A L Ki do L mi Ki Ktt n Ae n deKe. ttAi to K.
ške harakižu ramįkikjanaheną, ške citoga
[also] with him you will lie down, [also] older brother



p. 55 —
t ni Ao L diAi diAiKi L Ki Ki n. e de. wi A K
tanihúra šišik ragiginą," éže. Wihąga
his pipe to ruin you have made," she said. Wihą



we de. tt Ko L o Kette w dA dA nK. Ai Ke
weže, "Jagú ra’ųkje? Wašašąnąk? Hįké
she said, "What you will do? [How can you say this?] Not



ne w d ni Ki o ninK dA n. Ai Ke de. e Ki.
ne wažą niki’ųnįnąkšaną," higeže. Égi
I anything I have not done to you." she said to her. And



Ay ni ne Ki. n Ki K L Le de. wK tte K. Ao xtt n K tt. wi ttA w
haininegi, nąkikarareže, wąkjega. Hoxjanągają, wicąwą
in the morning, he went hunting, the man. In the evening, wildcat



p. 56 —
Ke Le di d. Kii Ki Li de. Ai no K tt tti ne tt.
kerežižą k’į kiriže. Hinųga jajineją
a spotted one to carry on his back he brought. Hinų right away



Ai Ki dAe Ley n K. wo A Ki ni de. to tti Ki di. w reKeyi d
higišereanąga wohąginįže. Tujigiži, wasgeižą
she tended to it, and she had the kettle on. When she cooked it, a plate



p. 57 —
e tt ni Ke Ao K n K n K. wi A K Ki w A Le Ai de.
éja nįgé hokąnakanąga Wihąga kiwahare hiže.
there a piece she put, and Wihą to pass it she did.



Ai tt Ao K tt. Ko Loro tti Ke Le de. te e L tti Kette de.
Hijahogają, kurus jikereže. "Tee rajikježe.
When she reached for it, to take back [she did suddenly.] "This you will not eat.*

*this is what both the context and the translation express, but there is no negation in the Hocąk.



Ai d n tti L xK dA n KL e tee Ai n.
Hižą nąjiraxga šanąkra, e t’ehíną,"
One to dislike that you do, he he killed it,"



e de. wi A K. n tteKe L. teKe dAe. xK deAe.
éže. Wihąga nącgera tekše. Ğakše.
she said. Wihą her heart [it hurt.] She cried.



p. 58 —
Ay ni Ki di. n Ki K L L. di Ke L Ki ni de. Ai no K
Hainigíži, nąkikarara žigé raginįže, Hinųga
In the morning, to go hunting again he went, Hinų



Ai K n L. e Ki. wK no diAi diAiKi nK KeLe we de. Ao.
hikánara. Égi wąknušišiknąkre weže, "Ho,"
her husband. And the homely old man he said, "Ho,"



a tti Ke Le de. n te Ai Ko Koro deAe. mr
a jikereže. Nąte higųgųsše. "Mąz
to say [he did suddenly.] To chop wood he made a motion. "Ax



p. 59 —
w L Ke de e Ki. Ao. a n K. lA
warageže?" egi, "Ho," ánąga pa
you mean?" [she said, and] "Ho," he said, and his head



Ki rii rii de. m ri d Ao Koo de. di Ke w Kii
gisįsįže. Mązižą hok’ųže. Žigé wak’į́
he nodded. An ax she handed him. Again to pack on the back



Ai Ko Koro riKi di. AK dAK w L Ke de e Ki di. Ao.
higųgųsgiži, "Hąkšą́k warageže?" egíži, "Ho,"
he made a motion, and "Pack strap do you mean?" [she said, and] "Ho,"



a n K. lA Ki rii rii de. AK dAK Ki d Ao Koo de.
ánąga pa gisįsįže. hąkšąkižą hok’ųže.
he said, and his head he nodded. A pack strap she handed him.



w niy n K. Ai Ai nl dAe. e tt. n lA reAe t reAe li d
Wanianąga hihiną́pše. Éja nąpáse tasebižą
He took it, and he went out. There stump a burnt one



tte Ki di. m r K Ai Lo tti de. Ki xA w tti Le Ai de.
jegiži, mąžak hirujįže. Gixawą jirehiže.
it stood, and [to split with an ax] he struck. To knock [he began. ]



Ao tti d. my tt Ki ni li de. de e Kiy n K
Hųjižą maįja kinibíže.* Tee gįanąga
A bear to the ground [he fell.] That [he carried, and]

*this should probably be kįnįp-še, "he fell". Kinibi-že (< kinip-hi) means, "to come, to make, to become". The translation has, "he knocked".



p. 61 —
Ko de. Ki Ki di. wi A K w i nl lL Lo K n de.
guže. Gigiži, Wihąga wainąpra rokanaže.
he came. When he got back, Wihą thankful [she was much.]



Ai Kow n. wo A L. Ai tt Ay tte Ai de. to tti Ki di.
Higuą́ną wohą́ra hija haijehiže. tujigiži,
Right away kettle [there] she put on. When she had cooked it,



ni Ke w rKe tt Ao K n K n K. Ai no L. Ki w A de.
nįgé wasgéja hokąnakanąga hinųra kiwahaže.
piece on the plate she put, and her sister she passed it.



p. 62 —
w n. Ai ttAK niKi A L. a n K. Ai tt Ao K tt Ko Loro deAe.
"Waną́ hicąknįkhara," ánąga jijahogają, kurusše.
"Oh my little sister," she said, and when she reached for it, she took it back.



w d L tti Kette de. w di d n tti L xK dA n KL
"Wažą rajikježe. Wažižą nąjiraxga šanąkra,
["Something] you will not eat. [A thing] to hate that you do,



e tee Ai n. a n K Ko Lo deAe.* Ai no K.
e t’ehíną," ánąga kuruše.* Hinųga
he he killed it," she said, and she took it back. Hinų

*the standard form is kurus-še, but here the /s/ is probably lost from sandhi.



p. 63 —
n tteKe L teKe Ktti Ai Le de. o tti Le Ke Le. Ao ttL.
nącgera tekjį hireže. ’Ųjiregere hųjra
her heart to be very hurt it was. He continued bears



Lo K n w Ki o de. wi Ki deAe Le L dKe Ki tti L n K.
rokana wak’iųže. Wigišerera ške gijiranąga
[many] he got them. To dress them [also ] he helped her, and



wo liAi Ke Le L. Ai tttte Ai wi de. di Ke. ni d
wopįkerera hijaje hiwiže. Žigé nižą
caches here and there they had. Again a creek



p. 64* —
e tt Ao we Ki di. e tt Aiy n K. xA tte.
éja howegiži, éja hianąga xąje
[there] it ran, and there [he was, and]† moss

*this page is preceded by a page with just a few Hocąk words written on it, after which is another page with notes on clusters and sandhi.
† translated as, "in the morning" as if it were Ay ni Ki di (hainigíži).



a ttAo K tt. L lL. Lo K n de. di Ke de de rKe
ącugają, raprá rokanaže. Žigé žežesge
he dipped in, and beavers they were many. Again this kind



Ai Ki dAe Le w[i] de. Ai no K Ai K n L. Ki Li Ki di. w Ke de.
higišerew[i]že. Hinųga hikánara kirigiži, wageže,
they dressed. Hinų her husband when he got back, she said to him,



p. 65 —
tt Ko doo K tt. te Ki. wi ttA w Ke Le dL
"Jagú š’ųgáją? Tégi wicąwą kerežra
"What you doing? Here wildcat spotted ones



dA n L Kii doKo L tte. Ai d
šana rak’į šgu rajé. Hižą
[only] you pack you came, you stood. One



doAoKo ni L de Ai deAe L deKe. e
šųknira že hišera ške e
'dog' [this] you called [also] he



w d L Lo K n w Ki o tte K tt. e de. we de.
wažąra rokana waki’ųjegają," éže. Weže,
things many he gets," she said. [He said,]



p. 66 —
tt Ko wo tteAe xiAi de. de de rKe tee Ai L. Ao rKe
"Jagú wocexiže? Žežesge t’ehira, hosgé
"What it is trouble? This kind [killing] [it is not]



te e e w no tteKe tteAe xiAi Ai Le Ke.
tee e wanocge cexi hirege.
these they animals scarce they are.



w to Ao ttiAi Ai Le K A Ke tto l A de rKe
Watohóci hirega, hąké jobą́hą žesge
Newly married men, [if they are,] not four those kinds



tee Ai Ai L ni ra de ay Le Ke w o A tte n. Ai dtt Ke
t’ehihiranįs’aže, aírege wa’ų hajéną, hišjąge
they should not kill, they say, that is why to do this [I have,] but anyway



p. 67 —
Ay ni Ki di. te Kette Ko ni e de. Ay ni Ki di. e tt
hainigíži tekjegųnį," éže. Hainigíži, éja
in the morning I will go," he said. In the morning, there



A Ai no xA w de. te we L Ki e tt L Ae de.
hahi nųxáwąže. Tewéraki, éja raheže.
[on the way] he hid. [Unexpectedly,] there he was going.



reAe Le reAe Le tt K.* ow ttiy n K. n lA reAe d e tt Ao tti K tt.
Sereserecka ’uajianąga nąpasežą éja hojigają,
The long lanky fellow he came, and a stump there he struck, and

*this should probably be spelled, reAe Le reAe Le ttK.



p. 68 —
Ao tti d. my tt Ki nili deAe. A Ai Ai Lo Ki no Ki di.
hųjižą maįja kįnį́pše. Hahi hirokinǫgiži,
a bear to the ground he fell. He went when he was out of sight,



m Ki no de. Kiiy n K. Ko de. ttA Ke tt A Ki
maginuže. K’įanąga guže. Cągéja hagi
he stole it. He carried it on his back, and he came home. Outside he went



w xiAi ne de. Aoy Ke we de. A Ao. Aotto. Ai dA dA n KL
waxineže. Hoikeweže. "Hąhó, hųc hišašanąkra,
he unloaded it. He went inside. "There! bear you have been saying,



p. 69 —
Ai tt ni Ke wo ttAo K tte.* Ai d A Kii
hija nįgé wocokje. Hižą hak’į
[there] [piece] you can content to your fill. One I packed

*this should be spelled wo ttAo Ktte.



A Ki Li n. de e di tee Ai wo tteAe xiAi nK deAe. e Ke tti ni.
hakiríną. Žeeži t’ehi wocexinąkše," egejinį,
I went home. These to kill they are not hard," he said, so



Ai no K Ai Ai nl n K tt. A Ke ni Ke w d
Hinųga hihinąpnąkają, hąké nįgé wažą
Hinų she ran outside, but not [piece] anything



p. 70 —
A tt ni de. n t reAe li d. Ae o e tt Kede. Ai Ai nl lK tt
hajanįže. Nątasepižą he’ų ejakše. Hihinąbagają
she did not see. A burnt stump packed up there it lay. He went out, and



te we L Ki n t rAe li d Ae o e tt Kede.
tewéraki, nątasepižą he’ų ejakše.
unexpectedly, a burnt stump packed up there it lay.



AK dAK KL. Ko Lo r n K di Ke Le de. e tt
Hąkšą́kra kurusanąga žigé reže. Éja
The pack strap he took, and again he went on. There



te we L Ki Ao we owK deAe. ni tteAe tte tt.
tewéraki, howe ’ųwakše, nicejeja.
unexpectedly, going along [he was doing it,] along the edge of a creek.



p. 71 —
te we L Ki. L lL. ni ttAe ttL Lo K n de. di Ke
Tewéraki, raprá nicejeja rokanaže. Žigé
Unexpectedly, beavers along the edge of a creek [there were many.] Again



e tt. no liAi wi m Ki no de. di Ke. w Kii
éja nųpiwi maginuže. Žigé wak’į́
there two he stole it. Again he packed on his back



Ki Li de. di Ke. Ai no K. Ai Ai nl n K tt te we L Ki.
kiriže. Žigé Hinųga hihinąpnąkają, tewéraki,
he went home. Again Hinų she ran outside, but unexpectedly,



p. 72 —
xA tte. e tt. Ae o tte de. di Ke. wK Kn K
xąje éja he’ųježe. Žigé wąknąka
moss there it was packed up. Again the man



Ai Ai nl lK tt te we L Ki A tt de. de Ko. di Ke.
hihinąbagają, tewéraki, hajaže. Žegų žigé
he went outside, and unexpectedly, he saw it. Then again



wi Kii L. Ko Lo r n K. to w Le de. A Ko Le d. wK no tte K
wik’įra kurusanąga towareže. Hagoréžą, wąknujega
his strap he took, and he went on. Finally, the old man



p. 73 —
Ki Li de. L lL Ai Lo Ki dKe deKe Lo tiy n K.
kiriže. Raprá hirogišgé ške rutianąga
he went home. Beavers he tied also he dragged, and



Ao Ao Ao. e de. wi m L K n K we de. wi A K
"Ho ho ho," éže, wimarakánąga weže. Wihąga
"Ho, ho, ho," he said, pointing, and he spoke. Wihą



we de. w m ni Ki no de e Ki di. lA Ki rii rii de.
weže, "Maniginuže?" egíži, pa gisįsįže.
he spoke, "He stole it from you?" she said, and head he nodded.



n t reAe l K Lo r n K K tt too lK tt. Ao tti d
Nątasepąka rusanąga gają t’ųpgają, hųjižą
The burnt stump he took, and [then] he laid it aside, and a bear



p. 74 —
Ae Le de. di Ke xA tte n K. Lo A w do K tt.
hereže. Žigé xąjenąka rohą wašugają
it was. Again moss aside he put them, and



L li Le de. wo liAi Ke Le L. Lo K n de. e Ki. wy Le de.
rapireže. Wopįkerera rokanaže. Égi waíreže,
they became beavers. Caches there were many. Then they said,



Ay ni Ki di. n ni K. tti doAo no L Ae Le n. A Ke
"Hainigíži, nąnį́ga jišųnųra hereną. Hąké
"In the morning, our mother [that she might come,] it is. Not



p. 75 —
ni Ke Ao w L niy tte Ai no K Ai K n L
nįgé howa ranįaje," Hinųga hikánara
anywhere to go you are not," Hinų her husband



Ai K L Ke de. Ay ni Ki di. wK no K no xA w de. Ki xA L.
hikarageže. Hainigíži, wąknuka nųxáwąže. Gixara
she said to him. In the morning, the old man he hid. The wilderness



Ao w L n K. Ai o ni Ai Le L. tti Ki di. Ai no K
howa ranąga hi’ųnįhirera jigiži, Hinųga
[out] he went, and their mother when she came, Hinų



di. tt tti ne tt. Ai dtt diAi Li Litti Ke Ao n di K n ni ne
ži jajineją, "Hišjaširiricge-honąžįga ną́ni ne
she said right away, "Wears Sparrows for a Coat mother I



p. 76 —
w LoKo dA n e de. n ni. doAo Ki d ni Ai L.
warókšaną," éže. "Ną́ni šųkižą nihira
I married," she said. "Mother a dog that he owns



wi A K. K tt K deKe Ao Lo Ko ni y Le n.
Wihąga, gająga, ške horokųnį, yaréną,"
Wihą, [now then,] [also] she has married, I believe,"



Ai no Ki di. e xiiti de. wi ttA w n K
Hinų giži* exjįže. Wicąwąnąka
Hinų and she said many other things. The wildcat

*as a suffix, -giži should always be attached to a verb, so Hinųgiži does not seem plausible; yet the uncoupling of -giži from her name means that the name Hinų is separated from its verb by a conjunction. Other possibilities are equally puzzling.



de rKe Ai o ni L. Ao Koo de. K tt deKe
zešge hi’ųnįra hok’ųže, gająške
[that] her husband she gave, but



p. 77 —
Ai Ke Lotto ni de. wi A K. wo Koo Ki di. e dA n.
hįké rucnįže. Wihąga wok’ųgiži, ešana
not she did not eat. Wihą she gave her it, and that only



Lotto deAe. e Ki. n ni. w d diAi diAiKi Kitti d
rucše. "Égi ną́ni, wažą šišikjįžą
she ate. "But mother, thing a very bad one



Ae Le n. a no ni Ke. Ai noKo A xitti Ai dKe
hereną," a, nųnįgé "Hinųkhaxjį hišgé
it is," she said, but "Daughter, [indeed]



p. 78 —
Ai Le Ke w o n K tt. tt Ko o w dA dA n Kd[e] Ai Ke de.
hirege, wa’ųnąkają, jagú’ų wašašąnąkše?" higeže.
[as she thinks,] [she does it, so] why you talk thus?" she said to her.



Ay ni Ki di. Ai ni Ko A tti Ai Le Ktt n A wi n. ttiAi nK KL.
"Hainigíži, hiniguhaji hirekjanahawiną, cinąkra
"In the morning, to come after you they will, the village



w L Ki A te wi n. w wi Ke de. w Kii
waragi hątewiną," wawigéže. Wak’į́
[which they come from?] you have dreamt,"* she said to them. Bundle

*the translation given is, "They will come after you from the village you have dreamed for them".



p. 79 —
Kiiy n K. Ke Le de. Ki Ki di. Ao LK deAe tt rKe
k’įanąga kereže. Gigiži, horákše, jasgé
she packed, and she went home. When she got home, she told, what



Ai n K. Ai ttA Ai Ai wi L. w xtt Ko ni ay Le de. e ttA
hinąka. "Hicąhihiwira waxjagųnį," aíreže. Écą
they did. "Our brother-in-law he must be funny," they said. And instead



A Ao Ao Ai Le de. wK no n K. w d Ko ni. Ai Ke tte rKe*
hahuhú hireže. Wąknunąka, Wažągųnį, hįké [žesge]
to be anxious they were. The old man, "It is strange, not this way

*this should be, tte rKe, for žesge.



p. 80 —
ay L ni K tt. m doAo rK. A Ke Le K. Ai dtt diAi Li Litti Ke Ao n di K.
airanįgają Mąšųska-hakerega, Hišjaširiricge-honąžįga,
it was not told, Wears White Feather, Wears Sparrows for a Coat,



Ai Ke. doAoKo w d niAi de ay L ni K tt. wK noyi d.
hįké šųk wažąnįhiže, airanįgają wąknuižą
not dog [he was not such a thing] it was not told, and an old man



e di Ai ttAo Ke Ai de ay Le doAo no K tt. ay Le de.
eži hicoke hiže, airešųnųgają, aíreže."
it was said his grandfather he was, it was always told, they said."



p. 81 —
Ay ni Ki di. A Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. di Ke ni Ke Ao w Le de.
Hainigíži, hahirekjanahegiži, žigé nįgé howareže.
In the morning, when they were about to come, again [someplace] he went away.



no xA w de. wo ni L o xitti Ai L no ni Ke.
Nųxáwąže. wonira ’ųxjį hira, nųnįgé
He hid. Hunting to do much [they were doing,] but



de Ko A Ke Ai e L ni de. de Ko Ai noKo niKi tte K.
žegų hąké hi’eranįže. Žegų hinuknįkjega
[thus] not they could not find him. So the young woman



A Ke K L ni de. Ao we xK tte de.
hąké karanįže. Howe ǧak jéže.
not she did not go home. To go about crying [she did.]



p. 82 —
e tt w ow Ki di. Ai noKo ni Ae K. Ai L tti de.
Éja wa’ųwagiži, hinų́k nihega hiraježe.
There she was, woman that was she came to him.



Ai Ai nl lL. Ai Ky Le de. Ai Ai nl deAe. te we L Ki. te tte de.
hihinąbara higaireže. hihiną́pše. Tewéraki, teježe.
To come out [she told him.] He came out. Unexpectedly, there she was.



n tti riKi de. de Ko o ni Ki Ki Kette y Le K tte Le n.
nąjisgiže. "Žegų’ų nįgigikje yarega, jereną.
She scolded him. ["Thus ?] I would let you go, I thought, [it stood.]



p. 83 —
Ai noKo ni Ki d. w n tto ttyi rKe w o tte Ke w o A tti n.
Hinuknįkižą wanąjojąisge wa’ų́jege, wa’ų hajíną.
A young woman she is very sad [because she is this, [to do it,] I have come.



Ao ni Ki tKi Kitti K tt. wo wK w doo n. de Ko di o
Honįgitakikjigają, wową́k waš’ųną. Žegųži, ’ų
I told you of this, and wrong you did it. [Thus,] [to do]



ni Ki Ki K tt Ae Le n. e Ki. m i d tte n.
nįgigigają, hereną. Égi mąížą jeną.
I would let you go, [I thought.]* Here a spring there is.

*"I thought" has been lined out and replaced with "I made up my mind that".



e tt. tto l A L Ko wo Ki Ktte n. e Ki wy ni te e
Éja jobąhąra kųwųkikjeną. Égi wainį́ tee
There four times you must dive in. And clothes [these]



p. 84 —
wo dA w xo Ki Kette n. Ai K n K. wy ni Ao Koo de.
wošawaǧukikjeną," higanąga wainį́ hok’ųže.
put them on," [she said to him, and] clothes she gave them to him.



e tt. Ai noKo niKi Kette K. o tte Ki di e tt Ki de.
Éja hinųknįkjega, ’ųjegiži, éja giže.
Where the girl she was, [there] he came back.



xK tte de. A tt Ki di. xK KL L dtt de.
Ğak jéže. Hajagiži, ǧakra rašją́že.
She was crying [she was.] When she saw him, crying she stopped.



p. 85 —
rii Le tt A ntt A K Ly Le n. ni dA n Ai Ki
"S’ireją, haną́c hakaraíreną. Nišana higi
"Long ago all they went home. I only here



Ao ni ni A tte n. e de. e tt. m i tte K
honini hajéną," éže. Éja mąíjega
I have been looking for you [I have,"] she said. There the spring



e tt A Ki Le Ki di. Ai tt K L Ae Ai Ko Koro deAe.
éja hagiregiži, hija karahé higųgųsše.
[at] when they go to, there to go on he made a motion.



Ai tt A K L Ae Kette w L Ke de e Ki di. Ao.
"Hija hakarahékje warageže?" egíži. "Ho,"
"There [I shall go on] you mean?" [she said, and] "Ho,"



p. 86 —
a n K lA Ki rii rii de. Ai tt K L Ae de.
ánąga pa gisįsįže. Hija karahéže.
he said, and head he nodded. There she went on.



e tt. tto l A. Ko wo K tt. Ao w doAo Lotto deAe. te nK deAe.
Éja jobą́hą kųwųkają, howašorócše. Tenąkše.
There four times he dove, and he cast it off. There he was.



Ao Ao. K de rK tte Ko ni. a n K. n tteKe L
"Hohó, ka žesgajegunį," ánąga nącgera
"Oh my, that it is the way I looked," he said, and his heart



p. 87 —
teKe deAe. e Ki. w ni L w wo K w xoKo deAe. te tte de.
tekše. Égi wanira wawokawaǧukše. Teježe.
[it ached.] And his clothes he put them on. there it was.



wK liAi La Ki. di Ke Ai L tty L de. Ke Le K tt.
Wąk pįragi, žigé hirajairaže. Keregają,
[Man] if he formerly looked good, [again] [the more so.] He started on, and



e tt Ai Ki lA de Ai noKo ni KL. Ai wo dA K tt. de Ko.
éja hikipáže, hinųknįkra. Hiwušagają, žegų
there he met her, the young woman. He stopped, but [then]



p. 88 —
tti Le de. A Ke dKe Ai tt Ao Lo xotto ni de.
jireže. Hąké ške hija horuxucnįže.
she went by. Not even there she did not look.



di Ke A ttiAi tt. Ao w deAe Le. Ai Kow n.
Žigé, "Hacija howa šere? Higuą́ną
[Again,] "Where [onward] you are going? Now



Ae Le Kette n. e de. A A. tt Ko ne
herekjeną," éže. "Hąhą́, jagú ne
let us go," he said. "Well, [how] you



A ni Ki do A o A tte de. e de. ne
hanikižu ha’ų haježe." éže. "Ne
with you [I am staying] I am," she said. "I



wi ne n. a no ni Ke de Ko w Kd de.
winéną," a nųnįgé žegų wakšą́že.
it is I," he said, but [then] she turned around and went on.



p. 89 —
m i tte K e tt A Ai Le de. di n Ke Le n. A dAw Kd
Mąíjega éja hahíreže. "Žinąkereną,* hašawakša
The spring there they went. "There it is, you turned back

*< že(e)-hinąk-hereną ?



L tte L. Ai Ke de. te we L Ki. e tt Ao xoAo A L
rajera," higeže. Tewéraki, éja hųxuhara*
[that you came,"] he said to her. [Unexpectedly,] there [his outer form]

*< , "body"; xu, "skin"; ha, "skin, husk"; -ra, the definite article.



nK deAe K tt K. e tt Ai rKe w tte L
nąkše. Gająga, éja hisge wajéra
it was. Then there [really] what he was saying



p. 90 —
Ai leAe Lere deAe. Ai noKo niKi KL. m dtt Ai to i de. Lo reLe.
hipéresše. Hinuknįkra mąšją hito’įže. "Rusre,"
she believed. The young woman very she was happy. "Take it,"



Ai Ke Ki di Loro deAe. we tt tt n K A ni de. A K Ly Le de.
higegiži, rúsše. Wejąjanąga haniže. Hakaraíreže.
he said to her, and she took it. She rolled it up, and she carried it. They started home.



A Ki Le de. te we L Ki. w Ki d. A Ki do Ki Ki
Hagireže. Tewéraki, wąkižą hakižu gigí,
They got home. [Unexpectedly,] a man with him she came home, and



p. 91 —
wo Ki roKo wK liAi de. Ai tt nK deAe.
wogizok wąk pįže. Hija nąkše.
[really] man he was handsome. There he was.*

*on the verso it reads, "he was then means the first man that was there or the false one".



de e w o de. tteAeKe Ai tt Ai Ki di.
Žee wa’ųže. Cek hija higiži,
[This] [he did it.] First there when he was,



wi Lo tti Ki Koo Ai Le Ktte n. t ni A Ai Ktt n Ae n.
wirójį kik’ų hirekjeną. "Tani hahįkjanaheną,"
club [to make] [they should do.] ["Tobacco] I am going to smoke,"



e de. e rKe wi Lo tti Ki Koo Ai L n K.
éže. Ésge wirójį kik’ų hiránąga
he said. So clubs to make they did, and




p. 92 —
Ai tt A leAe Le K tt. t ni Ai K tt. w Ki Li L Lo K n de.
hija haperegają, tanihigają, wakirira rokanaže.
there they waited, and as he smoked, [insects] [there were many.]



de Ko Lo dtt de. e Ki A Ki Le de. wK Kn K
Žegų rušją́že. Égi hagireže. Wąknąka
So he stopped. Then they got home. [The man]



te nK Koo w d Ao xoAo A n K Ai Lo tti Le de.
te nąk’ų wažą hųxuhanąka hirojireže.
this as he sat, [thing] [the outer form] it was thrown at him.



p. 93 —
tt rK ni Ae L de rKe de. ttA KL. Ao to L Ai Le de.
Jasgáranihéra, žesgeže. Cakra hotura hireže.
[As he had been,] [this way he was.] Outdoors to throw him they did.



to we A xe A Ly Le de. ttAi n Ko de tty tt. A Ai Le K tt
Towe haǧe haraíreže. Cinąkožejaija hahiregają,
[They kept on] shouting they went. At the edge of the village when they got there,



e tt. ta nK deAe. o o o Ao w. a n K.
éja t’ąnąkše. "O-o-o," hową† ánąga
there he flew away.* "O-o-o," to hoot like an owl he said, and

*"fell [?] dead" is lined out, and "flew away" written above it.
†a hapaxlegomenon — cf. ho, "to howl" (or imitative); , "to shout".



p. 94 —
ta nK deAe. Ai Loyi Le L w tte K. w Lo L Ko Ko xitti
t’ąnąkše. "Hiroirera wąjega, warora gųgųxjį,
he flew away. "You homely thing the one that hoots, in want through this life,



wK KidiKi dii Ktt ne n. w Kidi Ki L Kd Kd n dii n.
wąkšik š’ikjaneną, wąkšikra kšakšana š’iną.
to live you will do, human beings to abuse you did.



ni Ke. ni KttK niKi L.* Ai d xK Ki di wi n Ke we
Nįgé nįkjąknįkra hižą ǧakiži, winąkewé
Whenever babies [one of them] when it cries, [scarecrow]

*ni KttK niKi is underlined.



p. 95 —
Ai Ai ni o Ai L ni Ae Ktt n Ae n. wo doAo Lo ttiri ritti Ktt ne n.
hihini’ų hiranihekjanaheną Wošurujisįckjaneną,"
[to be used as] they will do. You will be the least among them,"



Ai Ke Ke de. e Ki. wo n di L. de Ko. Ay dA nd ditti de.
higegeže. Égi wonažįra žegų haišąnąšjiže.
he said to him. And his coat [then] it was very dirty.



p. 96 —
K Ly riAi riAi tt n K. Ao n di K tt w niKi niKi n K. xK KL. xe
Karaisisįjanąga honązįgają,* wanįknįknąka ǧakra ǧe
He brushed it off, and he put it on, and the [little] birds singing [noise]

*honązį means more specifically, "to wear over the shoulders" (Miner).



tte Le de. di Ke wo K n KL. K Ly riAi riAi tt n K. Ao K L K n K tt.
jereže. Žigé wokanąkra karaisisįjanąga hokarakanąkają,
they began. Again his headdress he brushed it off, and he put on his head, and



to rL. w Ao liAi xitti xK A ttiy Ly Le de. e Ki.
tosra wahopįxjį ǧak hajiaraireže. Égi
the loons beautiful voice to cry out they began. Then



p. 97 —
we de. t ni A Ai Ktt n Ae n. wi Lo tti Ki Koo wi Le
weže, "Tani hahikjanaheną. wirójį kik’ųire,"
he said, "To smoke I am going to do. Clubs make ready,"



e Ki di. wi Lo tti Ki Koo Ai Le de. t ni Ao L
egíži, wirójį kik’ų hireže. Tanihúra
he said, so clubs to make for themselves they did. His pipe



K tt K. Ao Kodo de. t e Aiy n K. L loo Le Ai K tt. ri ri Ke L.
gająga hokšúže. Ta’ehianąga rap’orehígają, zizikera
then he filled. He lit, and as he blew the smoke, turkeys



p. 98 —
Lo K n de. ttAi nK n K. ttAi nK Ao Ko Ke L. de Ko
rokanaže. Cinąknąka cinąk-hokųgera žegų
there began to be many. The town streets [thus]



Lo K n de. o xitti Le de. ri ri Ke Ki rA KL. e Ki
rokanaže. ’Ųxjįreže, zizike kisakra. Égi
they were full. Mightily they did, turkeys killing. Then


we de. Ai L. Ai rA L. lAe wo do wiy tte.
weže, "Hįra hįsąra pe wožuwiaje,
he said, ["The outer covering] the feathers sacks you will put,



p. 99 —
Ai Ke wo w riKi Kitti wi niy tte. e de. de rKe
hįké wowasgįkjį winiąje," éže. Žesge
not to stuff too full do not do it," he said. Even then



no ni Ke. Ko no K. lA L wo w riKi Kitti de. Ay ni Le Ki.
nųnįgé, Kunuga pąra wowasgįkjįže. Hainiregi,
[however,] Kunu his sacks he stuffed too full. In the morning,


w Ko Lo e Ai Le K tt. te we L Ki. wo Lo diAiKi KL. lA L.
wakuru’e hiregają, tewéraki, worušikra pąra
to open them when they did, unexpectedly, wampum the sacks



p. 100 —
Aoyi xitti Ai Le de. Ko no K. w Ko Lo e K tt. te we L Ki.
hoixjį hireže. Kunuga wakuru’egają, tewéraki,
full there were. Kunu when he opened them,* unexpectedly,

*an original "looked at" is crossed out, and "opened" written above it.


wo Lo diAi KL. A ntt w xotto Kitti Ai Le de. Ao Ao e de.
worušikra haną́c waxjukjį hireže. "Hohó," éže.
the wampum all broken up they were. "Oh my," he said.



i Lo dK Kitti de. e Ki. di Ke w o de. tteAe L.
irošgąkjįže. Égi žigé wa’ųže. Cera
he was very ashamed. And again he did this. Buffaloes*

*the word "cattle" is lined out and "buffalo" written after it.



p. 101 —
Ao ni Ae xeAe te Ai L w Ar Ki Aiy n K. ttAi
honihé xetehira wahás gihianąga ci
herd a lot to drive them [he picked them up, and] [lodge]



Ai wo roAotto tte tt wi L w Ar Ki Aiy n K. e tt
hiwosųjeja wira wahás gihianąga éja
near [he did it,] to drive them [he picked them up, and] there



tee w Ai de. e tt di Ke. w Kidi KL o xitti Le de.
t’ewahiže. Éja žigé wąkšikra ’ųxjįreže.
he killed them. There again the people they had a great time.



p. 102 —
de de rKe Ai ra de. tt n A w ni Lo Ko
Žežesge his’aže, janąhą wani rogų́
Thus [he would do,] everytime meat to want



Ai Le K. Ai no K. wK Ai dtt de. Ao LoKo n iy n K.
hirega. Hinųga wak-hišjaže. Horók ną’įanąga
when they did. Hinų she fell in love with him. To marry she tried to, but



n tteKe rtK deAe. no ni Ke A Ke Ki o Ai L ni de.
nącgéstakše, nųnįgé hąké ki’ų hiranįže.
she worried herself, but not to consent he did not.



A we w Ai no ni Ke A Ke Ki o Ai L ni de.
Hawewahi, nųnįgé hąké ki’ų hiranįže.
She bothered him, but not [to do it] he did not.



p. 103 —
e Ki. A Ko Le d K L* Ai Le de. e Ki.
Égi hagoréžą g[u]ra hireže. Égi
Then one day to go home she thought. Then

*this is probably for, Ko L, gura, otherwise it is a hapaxlegomenon.



A Ki Le Ki di. Ai noKo n K. we de. w Ki KeweKe n K. A Ke
hagiregiži, hinųknąka weže, "Wakikeweknąka hąké
when they got home, the women, she said, "Since I have rivals,* not

*an original, "am being sought after" has been lined out, and "have rivals" has been written above it.



Ai Ki A o nK ni Ktt n Ae n. e di w d Ai ni Ke Ktt n A wi n.
higi ha’ųnąknįkjanaheną," eži. "Wažą hinigekjanahawiną,"
here I will not stay any longer," she said. "Something I am going to ask,"



p. 104 —
wi n ttAo ni xitti ni Ktt KL Ai d A diAi ni wi Ki di.
winą. "Conixjį nįkjąkra hižą hašniwigiži,
[she said.] "The first child one that you have,



Ao L Koo Ktt n A wi n. w wi Ke. e Ki. Ke Le de.
horak’ųkjanahawiną," wawigé. Égi kereže.
you must give it to me," she told them. Then she went home.



w Ktte xiAi wi d w o nK deAe. e Ki. A Ko Le d. Ai d
Wakjexiwįžą wa’ųnąkše. Égi hagoréžą hižą
A Waterspirit woman she was. Then one day one



p. 105 —
A ni Le K tt. w Ki d. Ae Le de. e Ki. A ni o nK ra Ki di.
haniregają, wąkižą hereže. Égi hani’ųnąks’agiži,
they had, and [a male] it was. And they took care of it until



m ni rA Ki di. niye tt Ai K tt. e tt.
mąnį́ sagiži, nieja higáją, éja
to walk when he was very lively, to the water he went, and there



niye tt A ni tti Ke Le de. e Ki. de Ko de. Ai leAe Le ri Le de.
nieja hanijikereže. Égi žegų́že. Hiperesireže,
[at the water] he was taken under. And [thus it was.] They knew



p. 106 —
e w o L. no ni Ke. wK tte K. wo w ri liKi di.
e wa’ųra, nųnįgé wąkjega wowazipgiži,
she who had done it, but the man was lonesome, so



ni Ai tteAe ttL. Ao o tt o te we L Ki e tt
ni hicejra ho’ųja’ų tewéraki, éja
water the edge as he went, unexpectedly, there



Ai tt de. e tt Ao Ki tee de. tt tti Ai Kii Ki Le.
hijaže. Éja hokit’eže. "Jaji, hik’įgire,"
he saw it. There he talked to it. "Father, you must give up,"



p. 107 —
e di. A Ko Le d. w Kidi Ko i L. de tt L Ki di L Ki Li Kette n
eži "Hagoréžą, wąkšigo’įra žejąragiži, rakirikjeną,"
[he said.] "Some day, your life when it is ended, you may return,"



Ai Ke de. e Ki. A Ko Le d. w Kette xiAi L Ao w K L
higeže. Égi hagoréžą, Wakjexira howakara
he told him. And finally, the Waterspirits* to go

*the translation has, "to the water spirit land".



Ai Le de. A ntt ay Le n. A ntt.
hireže. Haną́c aíreną, haną́c.
they did. [All] it has been said, [all.]



Paul Radin, "Old Man and His Grandfather," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #53, 1-107.