Hocąk Syllabic Text — The Shaggy Man

Winnebago V, #15: 1   Notebook #9: 1

English Translation

  Stylistic Features

  hapaxlegomena: bopąnąpąną, "to bruise someone up," an emphatic of bopąną, "to bruise, bump"; cus, "the sound of breaking twigs" (cf. cucus, of similar meaning); egíšaną, "only" (cf. egíšanąréšge, "even there"); ešanąšge, "the only one"; ǧoǧoc, "to snort" (cf. ǧoc, "to snort"); hahia, an affirmative exclamation ("oh yes"); haniwaixaną, "to take them along"; haxajap, "jungle" (cf. haxatap of similar meaning); hic, "to throw"; higop, "to peck" (from waigobᵉnąkše [< wa-higop-nąk-še], "they pecked at them"); hihira, "swimming" (< hi-hi-ra); higųjaguga, "in everything" (< higų-jagu-ga, "while what(ever) yet," a temporal version, perhaps, of "in everything"); himązap, "to cut off a point"; hiwa’ux, "to vomit up (regurgitate)"; hiwahajihu, "to be thrust through" (cf. howajihu, of the same meaning); hiwašųjigųnąk, "to look at someone askance every once and awhile"; hojai, "alright" (an exclamation, apparently an expansion of hoją); horexirik, "old one"; jajaixi, "coverings"; kirugagas, "to be scratched" (cf. kikúrugagás, "to scratch oneself bloody"); kité, "well" (an exclamation they may be a variant of koté); nąistastak, "to be kicked flat" (akin to nąsták, "to flatten something with one's foot," cf. gistasták, "to pound flat, to hit, to smash, to smack [doing it repeatedly]"); nihiha, "to threaten"; rakicge, "on the wrong side"; noširi, "tree bark"; rocąk, "on his hind legs (erect)" (cf. rocą, "straight"); rux, "drop" (noun), cf. ruxare, "to pour out"; sararax, "jingling sound" (cf. sárax, "to clatter," in Lipkind); šešek, "to be shaggy"; težee, "there"; wašjak, "to leave out" (cf. hiwašják, hiyašják, "to deprive"); xawaxiš, "to drop upon the ground"; xki (or xgi), "to notice".
  rare words: égigajini, "then"; ežesge, "this kind"; cą-hi, "to put in its place (to switch)" (< , "to change, exchange, found only in Marino); guc, "to bet" (confined to being a suffix of doubtful meaning in Miner); hacąnąka, "which" (found only in Jipson); hagixak, "to pour"; hakirújik, to stretch (extend) (cf. "to pull something, to pull something towards oneself, to tug," and Hišjá-hakirújik, "an oriental person" = "stretched eyes," both from Helmbrecht-Lehmann); hihįp, "to go in, to move along," found only in Marino; hirają́ki, "to balk, to refuse to move" (found only in Marino); honą́, "to spread (covering)" (Marino, "to spread (?)" and Helmbrecht-Lehmann, "to cover oneself up with something"); jagugi, "what" (found only in Marino); jejá, "under"; kuruti, "to drag" (found only in Marino); rohą, "in another place"; wanąsgap, "to overcome" (found only in Marino); wašuše (< wa-ni-šuše-ge), "brave" (found only in Kinsie); xepgu, "to come out"; xku, "to cut a piece off what is stuck to the whole" (found only in Susman).
  one instance of haną́cšį for haną́cį, "all of them"; waicgexjį used for waicgehaxjį, "my dear younger sister"; -hana is used in place of -hara, "my"; he uses the unusual construction, égi égi, apparently meaning, "and then"; he makes heavy use of žigé, "again" as well as -anąga, "and".
see comparative word frequency

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wK Ai deAe deAe K
Wąk Hišešega
The Shaggy Man


Winnebago V,  #!5: page 1 = Notebook 9: page 1
de e. ttiAi n Ki d e tt nK deAe. Ao KL Ai tt nK deAe.
Žee cinągižą éja nąkše. Hųgᵉra hija nąkše.
[This] a village there it was. The chief there he was.



w KL. Ai d Ki ttAo doKo ni. Ai niKi Ai de. e Ki.
Wą́gᵉra hižąkicų́šgųnį hinįk hiže, égi
[The man] nine son he had, and



Ai no KL. Ai d Ki L de. e dA n. wy AK Kitti L Ae Le de.
hinųgᵉra hižąkíraže, éšaną. Waihakjįra hereže,
daughter he had one, only. The youngest she was,



Ai noKo tte K. Ao KL Ao ttiAi Ki di ttiAi rLe Le tti d Ae Le de. ay Le n.
hinųkjega. Hųgᵉra hocįgiži, ciserecižą hereže, aíreną.
the woman. The chief [he lived, and] a long lodge it was, it is said.



e Ki. n xi xoAo no ni KL m dtt w KidiKi liAi de Le de. A ntt diAi
Égi Naxíxununįgᵉra mąšją wąkšik pįžereže. haną́cšį*
And Youngest Son very [person] he was good tempered. All of them

* this bizarre form is either a mispelling, mistranscription, or a highly ideosyncratic version of haną́cį.


w KidiKi liAi L no ni Ke. Ai L tty L xitti de. leAe de Ke Le Ki di
wąkšik pįra nųnįgé hirajairaxjįže. Pežé keregiži,
[person] they were good tempered, but he was the more so. [Whomever] [if he kept/held]



                 page 2          
Ao Ki dK de. e Ki. w d w Ki tti Le de. de de Ko Ki di. Ai dKe A ntt
hokišgą́že. Égi wažą wagijireže. Žežegųgiži, hišgé haną́c
he made friends. And [things] [he helped them.] Therefore, also everyone



wo xeAe te Ai Le de. AoKo Ki ttA liwi L. deKe Ai Ky Le de. e Ki.
woxéte hireže. "Hųgįcábwira," šge higaíreže. Égi
to love they did. "Our chief," [also] they called him. And



ttiAi reAe Le tt K. rA niKi ni Ke. Ao mi n Ki di. e tt dA n deKe
ciserejaga sanįk nįgé hominąkiži, éja šana šge
within the lodge [the side] where he had his bed, and there only also



Ao K wy Le ra de. e dA n. Ao xe Ai Le de. Ai tt ne n K Ai Ke
hokawaires’aže. Éšaną hoxe hireže. Hijanénąka hįké
they would enter. Only him to visit they did. The others not



wo Lo ttA Ai L ni de. A Ko Leyi d. Ko no K. we de.
worucą́ hiranįže Hagoreižą Kųnųga wéže,
to pay attention to them they did not. One day, the oldest one [he said,]



          page 3  
Ae n L. Ao Ki tee de. ni di Ai roAo Ki tti w di y Le n. A Ke
"Henara," hokit’eže, "Niží hisųgijį, wažį́ yaréną. Hąké
"Hena," he said to him, "Say, younger brother, something I think. Not



Ay liAi ni n. e Ki deKe Ai Ke w Kidi Kn KeLe w Ko Lo ttA
haipįnįną, égi šge hįké wąkšigᵉnągᵉre wagorucą́
I am not pleased, and [also] not the people to pay attention to us



Ai L wi ni L. Ai roAo Ki Ai wi L. A Ke Ay liAi ni n. e dA n. Ao Ki ttA liwi L.
hirawinįra. Hisugihiwira hąké haipįnįną. Éšaną "Hųgįcábwira,"
they did not do. Our younger brother not I am not pleased. Only him "Our chief,"



Ai K n KeLe Ai roAo Ki tti tee Ki y Le n. e de. e Ki.
higanągᵉre. Hisųgijį t’egi, yaréną," éže. Égi
they call. Young brother he ought to die, I think," he said. Then



Ae n K. we de. Ko Lo. Ko no. w d we L Ki.
Henaga wéže, "Koro,* Kųnų, wažą wéraki
the second brother he said, "Well, brother, something [surprising]

* this is the exclamation Kora, with the last vowel extended (which changes it to an /o/).


w di deAe. tt Ko wo Ki dK n Ke w o n K tt.
wažiše. Jagú wogišgąnąge, wa’ųnągają.
you said. [How] he associates with them, that is why they do it.



        page 4  
Ai d Ai dKe de rKe w K Ki Ki Ai L wi doKo ni n de. e de.
Hižą́ hišgé žesge wągagígi, hirawišgųnįnaže," éže.
Any [also] the same if to do to us, they would do," he said.



di Ki Ko. A K K A Ki tt Ki di e de. A i roAo Ki Ai wi L.
Žigígų Hagaga hakijágiži, éže, "Hisugihiwira
Again the third brother [when he met,] he said, "Our younger brother



e dA n AoKo ttA liwi Le de. a n KeLe. A Ke Ay liAi ni n. e dA n.
éšaną hųk capwireže, anągᵉre. Hąké haipįnįną, Éšaną
only him chief their, they address. Not I am not pleased. [Only him]



A Lo deAe Le ttn KLe. e de. e Ki. A K K. we de. Ko no.
harušerejᵉnągᵉre," éže. Égi Hagaga wéže, "Kųnų,
they pay attention," he said. Then the third brother he said, "[Older brother,]



w d we L Ki. w di deAe. tt Ko. w Lo Kidi d. Ai Ko
wažą wéraki wažiše. Jagú warukšižą, higų
something [surprising] you said. [How] [it happens,] still



e Le K tt. Ai roAo Ki Ai wi L. Ae Le K tt. liAi w Ki Ki n Ke
eregają,* hisugihiwira heregają. wagiginąke,
it is, our younger brother he is. Well he treats them, it is why

* this is heregają with the /h/ dropped due to external sandhi.


                    page 5  
w o n K tt e de. de rKe no ni Ke A Ke Ay liAi ni n e de.
wa’ųnągają," éže. "Žesge, nųnįgé hąké haipįnįną," éže.
they do it," he said. "That is true, but not I am not pleased.," he said.



A ntt. Ai d Ki dA n de rKe wi Ke de. no xA w i ne Ki
Haną́c hìžąkíšaną žesge wigeže. Nųxawą inéki
All of the others one by one the same thing he told them. [In secret] alone



w wo Ki tee de. a tt o. Ae n L. Lo xoAo LoKo deAe.
wawogit’eže. Aja’ų, Henara ruxúrukše.
he spoke to them. Finally, the second brother [he was able.]



di Ke A Ai. A K L Lo xoAo LoKo deAe A Ai. A ntt
Žigé hahi Hagara ruxúrukše. Hahi haną́c
Again [finally] the third brother [he was able.] [Finally] all of them



w L xoAo LoKo dAe. e Ki. A ntt e tt roto Ai Le de. e Ki.
waraxurukše. Égi haną́c éja sto hireže. Égi
he coaxed. Then all of them there to meet they did. And



wy Le de. tt rKe Ai Ai wi Ki di. tee Ai Ai Ktt n A wi Ki di.
waíreže, "Jasgé hihiwigiži t’ehi hikjanahawigiži,
they said, "How we shall do, and to kill how we must do, and



                         page 6
A e Ai Ai Ktt wi n. ay Le de. e Ki. e tt A e Ai Le de.
haehihikjawiną," aíreže. Égi éja haehireže.
we must council," they said. So there they held council.



Ko no K we de. K Ko Ai Ai wi Ki di y Le n. A Ae Ki di.
Kųnųga wéže, "Gagų́ hihiwigiži, yaréną. Hąhégiži
The oldest one he said, "Thus we should do, I think. Tonight



i no Ke we o Ai Ki K L Ae wi Ki di. e Ki. Ai L xoAo roKo wi Ki di.
inokewe’ų higikarahewigiži, égi hiraxurukwigiži,
in [taking] a sweat bath we shall ask him, and [if we persuade him,]



Ai Lo dtt wi Ki di. e Ki. Ai L Ai Ki K L Ae Ktt wi n. A Ke o ni Ktte L
hirušjąwigiži, égi hirá higikarahekjawiną. Hąké ’ųnįkjera
when we get through, then to swim we will ask him. Not [not to be doing]




dA n Ae Le n. o Ki di. Ai we Ktt wi n. e Ki. A ntt e Ki. A lA L xotto tteKe
šana hereną. ’Ųgiži, hiwekjawiną, "Égi, haną́c égi haparaǧųcge
[alone] he is. If he does it, we will say, "Well, all here in a row



Ai n di wiy a K. n tte tt. Ai Ko woKo Ai ne Ktt wi n. A ttA Ky xitti Ki di
hinąžįwianąga nąjeja hikuwųk hinekjawiną. Hacąkaixjįgiži,
let us stand, and into the main to dive we will go. [Which one]



page 7          
Ai Ly ttAe L A Ai A xe li Ktt wi Ki di Ai e Ktt wi n. e Ki. Ai L xoAo roKo wi Ki di.
hiraicera hahi haǧébikjawigiži, hi’ekjawiną. Égi hiraxurukwigiži,
the farthest to go if he will appear, [they will discover.] And [if we persuade him,]



o Ki di. A ntt Ai Ko woKo Ai tti K L wiy n K. Ko wo Ki di. A Ktt
’ųgiži, haną́c hikuwųk himikarawianąga kųwųkiži, hakjá
if he does it, all to dive [we start to, and] after he dives, back



A Ki xele li Ktt wi n. i ne Ki Le Kette n. ay Le de. A Ao liAi Ktt n Ae n
hakixébikjawiną. Inekirekjeną," aíreže. "Hąhó pįkjanahéną,"
we will come up. He will go alone," they said. ["Alright,] it will be good,"



a wi de. e Ki. tt tti ne tt. A Ae Ki di. Ko no K we de. Ai roAo Ki tti wi n.
awiže. Égi jajineją hąhegiži, Kųnųga wéže, "Hisųgijiwina,
they said. So as soon as it was evening, the oldest one he said, "Younger brothers,



      page 8    
i ni A K nK wi Le. n w L. wi ni Ki Ko ri Ktt wi n. i no Ke we o tt ne e Ki dA n.
įnį́ hakanakwire. nąwąra winįgigų́sikjawiną. Inokewe’ųjane egíšaną
stone [put in.] The songs I will teach you them. In sweat baths only



n w Aoyi lAe Le rL wo w teeKe dA n. A Ke de rKe Ao doAo Lo ttA wi ni n.
nąwą hoipérezᵉra wowat’ekšąną. Hąké žesge hošurucąwinįną.
songs [one can learn] easily. Not them you do not pay attention.



Ai d. A K ni Ke. Ay diAi Li ni L wi Ki di. e Ki K tti ni. Ao xiAi wi L. A Ke
Hižą́ haganį́ge, haišírinirawigiži, égigajini hoxíwira hąké
One because you take, [you are at a loss, and] then coughing not



Ai ni dA n ni Ktt ni A wi n. e de. i ni A Ki K nK Ai Le de. de Ko
hinišananįkjanįhawiną," éže. Įnį hakikanak hireže. Žegų
you will not get enough," he said. Stone [to put in for him] they did. [Then]



Ai Le Ki di. we de. Ai roAo KiniKi Ai Ai wi L deKe Ao LoKo o Ktte n.
hiregiži, wéže, "Hisųknįk hihíwira šge horók’ųkjeną.
when it was ready, he said, "Little brother our also he must join us.



    page 9        
e dA n dKe. n w L. w wi lAe Le ri Ktte L deKe Ae Le n. e de. Ki K L Ae Le de.
Ešanąšge nąwąra wawiperesikjera šge hereną," éže. Gikarahéreže.
The only one the songs he will learn them also he is," he said. They asked him.



Ai tto wi ne* w Lo Kidi d. Ai Kowo tt doo Ktt ni A wi K tt e de. Ko no K.
"Hijowíne, warukšižą higwója š’ųkjanihawigają," éže. Kųnųga
"You may go on, [it happens] enough [you can do it,"] [he said.] Our older brother

* the text has, Ai tt o wi ne, hija’ųwine, which means the opposite, "you may stay." Therefore, I have closed the o with the tt.


ne n ni Ki w Ktt n Ae Ke e rKe. doo Ktte a nK dA n Ai Ky Le Ki di.
ne nąnįgiwąkjanahege, ésge š’ų́kje ánąkšaną. Higairegiži,
for you he is going to sing, [so] [you should do it,"] they said. [After they said it,]



e rKe L xoAo Lo Ki Le de. Ao w Le L. e dA n xoAo no L. Ae Le Ke.
ésge raxurugireže. Howarera, éšaną xunura herege,
[so] [they persuaded him.] Sure enough, [he alone] the youngest [as he was,]



                                              page 10
wo K L Ki xeAe te e Ke e rKe Ao ni A L. tt n K. Ai leAe Le rKi di.  
wokaragixete ége, ésge honihára janąga hipérezgiži,  
he loved him he said, so the songs all to learn,  



e wi leAe Le ri Ktt n Ae de a nK deAe Ai tee tee Ki di Ko no K.
e wiperesikjanaheže," ánąkše, hit’et’egiži, Kųnųga.
[so] [he would know them,"] he said, in his speech, the oldest one.



e Ki. A Ko Ley d Lo dtt Ai Le Ki di. Ai Ai nl li Le de. ttA Ke tt
Égi hagoreižą rušją́ hiregiži, hihinąpireže. Cągéja
And finally to be over with when it was, they came out. [Outside]



A Ai Le Ki di. wy Le de. Ko te Ai Ai L Ai ne Ktt wi n. A ntt ttAi. A Ke
hahiregiži, waíreže, "Koté, hihira hinekjawiną, haną́cį. Hąké
[when they got,] they said, ["Say,] swimming [let us go,] all. Not



Ai d Ao ty Ki ni Ktt wi n ay Le de. A Ao ay Le de A ntt. e tt
hižą́ hotaikinįkjawiną," aíreže. "Hąhó," aíreže. Haną́c éja
anyone they should not remain behind," they said. "Alright, they said. All of them there



Ao LoKo Le de. e Ki. Ai Ko. a tAi nK Ai Ko Lo Ao xitti
horók reže. Égi higų ’ąjínąk hikorohoxjį
[as a group] he went. So [still] to come out of the water just as they were about to



  page 11      
Ai Le K tt e Ki Ai d we de. Ko te. Ko woKo rA LK
hiregają, égi hižą́ wéže, "Koté, kųwųksarak
when they were, [then] someone he said, ["Say,] who can dive the farthest*

* Marino, kuwųksarake, "diving endurance contest."


Ai o Ktt wi L. Ai roAo KiniKi Ki Ai wi L. Ai Ko tt Ko K. w Ki L dA n wi doAo no n.
hi’ųkjawira, hisųknikihiwira higųjaguga wagirášanąwišųnųną,"
we will be doing, our little brother in everything he usually defeats us,"



e Ki di. Ay witti Ai n i xitti Ktt wi n. e de. A Ao ay Le de.
egiži "Haiwį́c hina’įxjįkjawiną," éže. "Hąhó," aíreže.
he said, and, "To beat him let us try," he said. "Alright, they said.



ni tteAe tteLe Ki. A lA L xotto tteKe Ai n di wiy n K. n tte tt A lA Ai
"Nįcejᵉregi haparaǧųcge hinąžįwianąga nąjeja hapahi
"On the (water's) edge in a row let us stand, and the center towards



                                        page 12
Ai o Ktt wi n. A ttA Ky xitti Ki di. n tte tt Ai Lo A Li A Ai A x[e]le li Ktt wi Ki di.
hi’ųkjawiną. Hacąkaixjįgiži, nąjeja hirohári hahihaxepikjawigiži.
let us do. Let us see who the center farthest out [they come to sight.]



di Ke A ttA Ky xitti Ki di. Ai wo Lo tt riti Ktt wi Ki di ay Le de. A Ao. ay Le de.
Žigé, hacąkaixjįgiži, hiworujistikjawigiži* aíreže. "Hąhó," aíreže.
Again, let us see who which will be the least," they said. "Alright, they said.

* < hi-wa-horujiste-hi-kja-wi-giži.


Aowo ay L n K. Ko woKo Ki L n K. A Ki xele li Le K tt. n xi xoAo no ni K
"Howo," airánąga kųwųkiranąga hakixepiregają, Naxíxununįka
"Already," they said, and they dove in, and they came up again, the youngest



dA n. to w Le de. Ko no K we de. w Kette xiAi L. w Kidi Ki
šana towareže. Kųnųga wéže, "Wakjexira, wąkšigi
only he went on. The oldest one he said, "Waterspirits, humans



deAe deAe K wi doAo no L. Ai d. do w Le ni Ki Ki wi tti Ko. e de
šešekawišųnųra. Hižą́ žoware nigigiwijigu," éže.
you always talk about. One there I send him to you," he said.



        page 13  
Ko no K. we de. de Ko de. A Ke de Ko A Ki xele ni de.
Kųnųga wéže, "Žegų́že." Hąké žegų hakixébᵉnįže.
The oldest one he said, "Thus it is." Not [then] he did not come up.



de Ko A K Ly Le de. de Ko n. Ai roAo KiniKi A wi L. niye tt Ko wo KL.
Žegų hagaraireže. "Žegųną. hisųknik hawira nįeja kųwųgᵉra,
Then they went home. "Thus it is. Little brother our into the water he dove,



A Ke A Ki xele ni n. A leAe wi no ni Ke rii ay Le de. de Ko de.
hąké hakixébᵉnįną, hapewinonįge, s’i," aíreže. Žegų́že.
not he did not come up, although we waited a long while," they said. Thus it was.



ttiAi nK KL. Ao loAo nK. xAl e de. A ntt w Ki tay Le de. e Ki.
Ciną́gᵉra hoponąk xabeže. Haną́c wagit’aireže. Égi
The village whole it became quiet. All they were in mourning. And



wK Ki Ki nolo n K. Ai Ke dKe Ai tt w di Ly L ni de. wy tteKe niKi
wąkikinųbᵉnąka hįké šge hija wažįrairanįže. Waicgénįk
the brothers not [also] [there] they did not seem to care. Their sisters



              page 14
Ai Le L dA n. x KL Lo K n we de. di Ke Ai o ni Ai Le L Ki dKe
hirera šana ǧágᵉra rokana wéže, žigé hiųnihirera gišge,
their [only] [the cries] very much [they uttered,] and also their mother she did,



i ttAl ttiAi wi Ki Ki Le de. de Ko Ai K K w Lotto ni de.
įcap ci wagigíreže. Žegų hįkaga warucnįže,
separately to live they made them. Then not he did not eat,



Ai noKo niKi tte K. di Ke A Ko Ley d. Ki xA n ay Le de. ttiAi nK L
hinuknįkjega. Žigé hagoreižą, gixaną́, aíreže. Ciną́gᵉra
the young woman. Then finally, to move, they said. The village



Lo A mi n Ki Kette ay Le de. e rKe. Ki xA n Ai Le Ki di.
rohąminąkikje,* aíreže. Ésge gixaną́ hiregiži,
it was to be situated in another place, they said. So to move they did, and

* < rohą, "in another place" (rare in this sense); minąki, "to sit up"; and -kje, the future tense: "it was to be situated in another place." The translation has, "[it] should not be there."


Ai noKo niKi tte K Ai L tt Ki de. di Ke daK w Ai L. de rK no ni Ke.
hinuknįkjega hirają́kiže. Žigé š’akwahíra žésga, nųnįgé
the young woman she refused to go. Also her folks [that way,] but



w Lo riKi tti L n K. A ni wy xA n Ai Le de. Ai noKo niKi tte K di.
warusgíjiránąga haniwaixaną* hireže. Hinuknįkjegaži
they bound them, and to take them along they did. In any case, the young woman

* developed from xaną, "to move about together."


  page 15        
no xA w de Ao ni n Koo e tt Ai e Le de. Ki Ki nolo n K. no lo xi d.
nųxáwąže. Honįnak’ų éja hi’éreže, kikínųbᵉnąka. Nopoxižą
she hid. To hunt there they found, the brothers. A hollow log



e tt Ai e Le de. n xA mi Ki d. lo xiKi e tto K w n K. A Ai xK K Koo
éja hi’éreže. Nąxamįkižą poxik éjokawanąga hahi ǧakak’ų
there they found. A log hollow she had crept, and there she was crying



Ai e Le de. wy Le de. A niy Ke Le n i ne Ki di Lo da Ki Le Ki di
hi’éreže. Waíreže, "Hanią́kere." Na’į́negiži, roš’akiregiži,
they found. They said, "I am taking back." They tried, and when she refused,



n Ai lo t Ai Le de. A Ao. Ao tti d e Ki nK dA n
hipotá hireže. "Hąhó, hųjižą égi nąkšaną,"
[wood] to butt they did. ["Now then,] a bear here it is,"



ay Le n K. woy Le de. e w Ki no lL w oyi Le de.
airenąga woireže, e wakinųbᵉra wa’ųireže.
they said, and they did it, [to her] her brothers they did it.



        page 16  
lo lA n lA n Ai Le de. de Ko Ai L n K. A ttiy K Ay Le de.
Bopąnąpąną hireže. Žegų hiránąga hajiąka haireže.
To bruise her up they did. Thus they did, and [going back] they came.



e Ki. A ttiy K Ly Le K tt. e Ki. w Ki d tti de. Ai Ai nl leLe.
Égi hajiąkarairegają, égi wąkižą jiže. "Hihinąpire
Then [when they got back] then a man he came. "Come out,



n tto ni tt n e de. Ai Ai nl deAe. te we L Ki. w Ki d Ki K L reAe reAe l n K
nąjonijáną," éže. Hihiną́pše. Tewéraki wąkižą kikarasesebanąga
I bless you," he said. She came out. Unexpectedly, a man with his face blackened, and



w tte de. Ai noKo Kini KL. n tto ni tt n. tt Ko Ai L Le L
waježe. "Hinuknįgᵉra, nąjonijáną. Jagu hirarera
he spoke to her. "Young girl, I bless you. What [that which you were thinking of]



xK L. A L Ktt Kette n. A Ke de rKe y L ni K tt Ae Le n. Ao tti d.
ǧágᵉra herakjakjeną. Hąké žesge yaranįgają, heréną. "Hųjižą,"
crying you will see. Not [this way] I did not think at first, it was. "A bear,"



            page 17
ay L n K. n A lo ni t Ai Le L. n tteKe L. Ai teKe dA n. e de.
airánąga haponita hirera, nącgera hitekšaną," éže.
they said, and wood to butt you [they were doing,] the heart it was sore," he said.




e Ki. ttiAi L. Ai d ni Ki o Kette n e de. e Ki. e tt. Ao wy Le de.
"Égi cira hižą́ nįgi’ųkjeną," éže. Égi éja howaíreže.
"Here the lodges one I will build for you," he said. Then there [he went out.]



Ai Ko e tt xA w ni Ai L n K. A Ktt A Ki xele Ki nili deAe. A A.
Higų éja xawanį́ hiránąga hakjá hakixép kįnį́pše. "Hąhą́,
[Now] there to disappear he did, and back to appear [he became.] ["Now,]



Ao n ne Ai Ke de. Ai Lo nK deAe.* te we L Ki. ttiAi loAo Lo Ke
hunane," higeže. Híroną́kše. Tewéraki cipóroke
come on [over]," he said. [She followed.] Unexpectedly, oval lodge

* the MS incorrectly contains a period after nK. This single word sentence is also not translated.


xeAe te xitti d e tt nK deAe. ttAi n K. w Lo roKo L. tt Ko L.
xetexjįžą éja nąkše. Cinąka warusgura, jagúra,
a big one there it was. The lodge dried corn, all other things,



A Ke Ai d Ai Ki Lo tti rini de. A ntt Ao do w o nK deAe.
hąké hižą́ hikirújiznįže. Haną́c hožú wa’ųnąkše.
not anything [it was not short of.] [All of it] [to pack in] [it was.]



      page 18*    
e Ki. e tt. w Ke de. K n Ki Ktt n Ae de. Ai Ke de. e Ki.
Égi éja wageže, "Kąnąkikjanaheže," higeže. Égi
And there he said to her, he would marry her, he said. And

* at the top of the page is written in dark pencil, "wK Ai deAe deAe K. ".


e tt Ki Ktt n Ae de Ai Ke de. tee Ki di. Aotto w Kette xiAi d
éja gikjanaheže, higeže, t’egíži. Hųc Wakjexižą
there she would return, he said, when she died. A Bear Waterspirit



w o tte de. e Ki. e tt n de. A Ki do n de. e Ki. Ay ni Ki di.
wa’ųježe. Égi éja nąžé. Hakižu nąžé. Égi hainigiži,
he was. Then there he slept. With her he slept. Then in the morning,



Ke Le Ktt n Ae Ki di. w Ke de. m ni Ki di. no xL. tt Ki di.
kerekjanahegiži, wageže, Mąnį́giži, nųǧᵉra jagiži,
when he was about to go away, he said to her, "In the winter, the ice when it freezes,



e Ki. Ai ttiAi to r K. ni al li Ktt ne n. Ai Ke de. no xL. tt Ki di.
égi hicitoraga nį’ą́pįkjaneną," higeže. Nųǧᵉra jagiži,
then your brother he will come to life," he said. The ice when it was hard,



                  page 19  
e Ki. w d L. Ai d Ai L doAo Lo tti n.* Ki di de de rKe L. Ai d
égi wažąra hižą́ hirašurujiną, giži, žežesgera hižą́
then the things one of them to carry him in, [,] [this kind] one of them

* the text has ti in error.


Ki Kow n K. te n KeLe. eyo w L tte. te n t[t]e tt*
kikų́anąga tenągere eowaráje. Teną́jeja
prepare for yourself, and the lake you must take it. In the middle of the lake

* the text has te in error.


w d L. Ai d A dtt Le L Ki di e Le Ktt n Ae n. e Ki. Ai tt L Ai Ki di.
wažąra hižą́ hašjaréragiži, erekjanaheną.* Égi hijarahigiži,
the things one of them if you see, he will be it. Then when you arrive,

* an initial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.


riA L. Ki xoKow n K. Ai L Lo ti niKi A diAi ni L Ai Ki. e tt
sira gixgúanąga hirarúti nįk hašįnį́ rahigi, éja
his feet to chop out, and carrier [little] you take [when you come,] there



Ao too l n K. A diAi ni L Ki Li Ki di. e Ki. wy ni Ai Ki K xi Kette L.
hot’ųpanąga hašinirakirigiži, égi wainį́ hikikáxikjera
to put him, and when you take him home, then clothes he should wear



A o Ktt ne n. e Ki. i no Ke we Ki ow tte. Lo dtt Ki di
ha’ųkjaneną. Égi inokewe ki’ųaje. Rušjagiži,
I will furnish. Then sweat bath [it must be made.] When he is through,



page 20        
wi ttA tii Ktt n Ae n. A Ke Aele li Ai nl liKi Ki niy tte e de. e Ki.
wicąt’įkjanaheną. Hąké hebihinąbgiginįąje,"* éže. Égi
you will know it. Not do not let him out before," he said. Then

* < heb-hihinąp-gigi-nį-ąje.


Lo dtt Ki di. e Ki. xA leKe niKi ni Ktt Kini Ki d A diAi ni Ktt ne n.
rušjągiži, égi xapgenįk nįkjąknįkižą hašįnį́kjaneną.
when he gets well, [then] shortly afterwards a child [you will have.]



e Ki. ni Ktt Kini KL. Ai d A diAi ni Ki di. w Kini Ki de Le Ktt n Ae n.
Égi nįkjąknįkᵉra hižą́ hašįnį́giži, wąknikižerekjanheną,"
[And] [the children] [one of them] [that you have,] it will be a boy,"



Ai Ke de. e Ki. we de. Ai ttA A L. di K K ni xitti m L Ai d
higeže. Égi wéže, hicąhara žigáganįxjį mąra hižą́
he said to her. Then he said, my brother-in-law he never should arrows [one of them]



                             page 21
L Ki doo wiy Ke. e de. m. A xiAi Li Ktt n Ae n. A Ke Ki o wi niy tte.
ragiš’ųwiage," éže. "Mą haxirikjanaheną. Hąké ki’ųwinįąje,"
he makes," he said. "Arrow he will cry after them. Not do not give him any,"



e de. e Ki. Ke Le de. Ai noKo Kini KL. e tt e ne Ki ni Ae de. no xL
éže. Égi kereže. Hinuknįgᵉra, éja enéki* nįhéže. Nųǧᵉra
he said. Then he went away. The woman there alone she stayed. The ice

* this is perhaps, e-inéki, "she herself, she was alone."


tt Kette L A Ao Ao tte de. e Ki. A Ko Ley d. A A m ni de.
jakjera hahuhuježe. Égi hagoreižą, hąhą́, mąnį́že.
[that it will harden] she was anxious. Then finally, [now then,] winter set in.



e Ki. A K. noxo tt Ki di. w L dKe deAe we Ki di. e Ki Ai L Lo ti d
Égi haka nųx jagiži, wara šge šewegiži, égi hirarútižą
And [*] ice hardened, and the snow [also] it was deep, and then a sled

* "an adverb denoting that what did occur is not occurring now; or that what is now will not then be." (Dorsey)


Ki Koo de. e Ki. w Ke Ki di. eyo w Le de. A Ai te L
kik’ųže. Égi wagegiži, eowareže. Hahi, tena
she made for herself. And [where he wanted,] she went. [Finally,] the lake



A xele lK tt. te we L Ki. te n tte tt. w di d deAe lL tte de.
haxepgają, tewéraki tena jejá wažį́žą šebᵉra jéže.
when it came in view, unexpectedly, the lake under something dark it was.



                     page 22      
eyo w Le de. Ai tt Le K tt te we L Ki. Ai ttAi to L. e tt
Eowareže. Hijaregają, tewéraki, hicitora éja
She went towards it. When she got near, unexpectedly, her brother there



n di tte de. A tt xitti Ai K tt te we L Ki. no xe tt Ai L tt
nąžįježe. Hijáxjįhigáją, tewéraki, nųxeja hirają
he was standing. When she got there, unexpectedly, in the ice [to be held fast]



w o tte de. tt xitti w o tti de. Ai L n di L. Ki Ki
wa’ųježe. Jáxjį wa’ųjiže, hira nažira Gigí
he was. [How] [was he,] [in the water] [standing]? [To do for him]

* "to cut a piece off what is stuck to the whole" (Susman).


xoKow n K. e Ki. Ai L Lo ti. niKi A ni Ai K e tt Ao toolo l n K.
xkuanąga* égi hirarúti nįk hinihiga, éja hot’ųpanąga
[cut him out, and] then sled [little] while she took, there she put, and



Ko Lo ti Ko de. ttiAiy tt A ni Ki Li Ki di. e Ki.
kuruti guže. Ciaja hanikirigiži, égi
[to drag] she brought him home. [The lodge] [when she brought him back,] then



i no Ke we Ki o de. Ai tto too lK tt. ttiAi Lo le tt w d
inokewe ki’ųže. Hijot’ųpgają, ciróbeja wažą
sweat bath she made. When she had placed him in, at the entrance something



                 page 23        
xiKi Ki Ai tto Lo xotto ttK tt. te we L Ki e tt. w d Ai w A tti Ao
xkigi, hijoruxucgają, tewéraki, éja wažą hiwahajihu
she noticed, so she looked, and unexpectedly, there something to be thrust through



Ai Le de. Ai ttAi to L. w d wi Ki K xi Ktte L w Ki o de. e Ki.
hireže. Hicitora wažą wikikáxikjera wak’iųže. Égi
it was. Her brother something he should wear them [he received them.] Then



i ni L. A Ki xAK dAe. Aotto wi Ki ni Ai o de. i ni Ai Ly xA KL.
įnįra hagixakše. Hųc wikįnį́ hi’ųže, įnį́ hiraixagᵉra.
the stone she poured. Bear oil she used, stone the liquid.



Ai L Le xitti K tt A LK dAe. Ao Ao. wy ttKe xitti teey L Ktt n Ae n. de Ko
hirarexjįgają,, hąrą́kše. "Hohó, waicgexjį t’earakjanaheną. Žegų
After awhile, he groaned. "Oh, sister you will kill me. [And so]



Ai Ki Ki Le. a no ni Ke. de Ko Ko o nK dAe. Ai Ko di Ke
higigire," a, nųnįgé žegų́gų ’ųnąkše. Higų žigé,
let up on me," he said, but [in that manner] she kept on. [Yet] [again,]



      page 24    
Ai L Le xitti K. de rKe e ra de. A L Le xitti Ki di. L dtt de. Ai Ko
hirarexjįga, žesge es’áže. Hararexjįgiži, rašjaže. Higų
after awhile, the same he would say. After awhile, he quieted down. [Still]



Ai tt Ao Ki Ke we xo xo ra de. Ai L Le xitti Ki di we de. A Ao.wy tteKe xitti
hija hokíkéweǧųǧųs’aže. Hirarexjįgiži, wéže, "Hąhó, waicgexjį,
[there] he would blow on himself. After awhile he said, "Now, sister,



de Ko A n. Ai Ki Lo A reLe e de. Ki Lo Ar deAe. wy ni L.
žegųhaną. Higiruhazᵉre," éže. Giruhasše. Wainį́ra
I am through. You may open up for me," he said. She opened it for him. The clothes



w Koo de. w niy n K. Ai Ai nl deAe. Ai L Le xitti K tt A Ki Li Aoyi Ke we de.
wak’ųže. Wanianąga hihiną́pše. Hirarexjįgają, hakirihoikeweže.
she gave them to him. He took them, and he went out. After awhile, he came back in.



Ai ttiAi to L. wK. liAi ra Ki di di Ke Ai L tty L de. Ao Ao.
Hicitora, wąk pįragiži, žigé hirajairaže. "Hohó,
Her brother, [man] [if he was good looking,] but now he was more so. "Oh my,



                                    page 25        
wy tteKe niKi A xitti e liAi n. w KL tee wi Le K tt Ae Le K tt e de.
waíjgenįkháxjį, epį́ną. Wągᵉra, t’ewiregają, heregają," éže.
my sister, it is good. The man, I was killed, I was," he said.



e Ki. Ao Ki LK deAe. tt rKe Ki Ki Le K. Ai noKo KL n tteKe L
Égi hogirakše, jasgé gigirega hinųgᵉra nącgera
Then he told her what they did to him, and the woman her heart



teKe deAe. e Ki. Ai dKe Ai ttiAi to L. tt Ko a Ki Le Ki di
tékše. Égi hišgé hicitora jagú, agiregiži,*
it became sore. Then [also] [their brothers] what, when they got home,

* the initial /h/ has been dropped from external sandhi.


tteAe Ke tt Ao Ki LK deAe. e Ki. di Ke tt rKe. Ki Ki Le K.
cegéja hogirakše, égi žigé jasgé gigirega,
[at first] they reported, and also how they treated her, and



e Ki. n tto tt Ai Le K deKe Ao Ki LK deAe. e w o Ke
égi nąjoją hiregá, šge hogirakše. E wa’ųge,
then to bless [it was done,] also she told him. And he was the cause of it,



ni al lK Ao Ki LK deAe. e Ki. tt Ko xitti Ai Ke K
nį’ąpga, hogirakše. Égi jagúxjį higéga,
[when he came to life,] she told him. Then what he had said to her,



                page 26        
Ao Ki LK deAe. ni Ktt Kini Ki d A ni Ktt n Ae K deKe Ao Ki LK deAe.*
hogirakše. Nįkjąknįkižą hanį́kjanegà, šge hogirakše.
she told him. A little child she would have, [also] she told him.

* the text contains what appears to be a period (.) after the second K, which would be in error.


w Kini Ki de Le Ktt n Ae K dKe. Ao Ki LK deAe. w i nl deAe.
Wąknikižerekjanahega, šge hogirakše. Wa’inąpše.
That it would be a boy, [also] she told him. He was very thankful.



wy tteKe niKi A xitti e liAi n. e de. e Ki. Ai Kow n. Ay ni Ki di
"Waíjgenįkháxjį, epį́ną," éže. Égi higuą́ną,, hainigíži,
"My sister, it is good," he said. Then right away, in the morning,



w do ni L L Ki ni de. w tee Ai Ke ra Ki di. di Ki tty L de.
wažónįra raginįže. Wat’ehiges’agiži, žigijaíraže.
hunting he went. [He would always kill something, but] he was even better.



wo Ki roKo w tee Ai Ke de. e Ki. xA leKe niKi dAe. Ai noKo ttA lL.
Wogizók wat’ehigeže. Égi xapgenįkše hinų́kcabᵉra
[Truly] he killed much. Then it was not very long after this, his sister



               page 27        
ni Ktt Kini Ki d. ttAo de. Ao Ao. te e wy tteKe niKi A xitti tt rKe
nįkjąknįkižą cųže. "Hohó, tee waíjgenįkháxjį, jasgé
a child she gave birth. "Oh my, [this,] my sister, how



Ai Ai Ktt n Ae Ko ni. e K tt. ttAi Lo le tt. mr Ao xitti d Ao w tti Ao
hihikjanahegųnį?" egają, ciróbeja mąz hoxjižą howajihu
we will get along?" he said, and the door metal a cradle* it was thrust through

* the translation has, "an Indian cradle".


Ai Le de. rA L Lx. a tti Ke Le de. Ao Ao. Ao tt w d xeAe te
hireže. Sararax ajikereže. "Hohó, hojá wažą xete,"
it was. Jingling sound it made. "Oh my, even [something] it is great,"

* an initial /h/ has been lost through sandhi.


e de. wK Kn KeLe A ni Ko de. wy tteKe L Ao Koo Le Ai de. ni Ktt Kini KL
éže. Wąknągᵉre hanįguže. Waicgéra hok’ųrehiže. Nįkjąknįgera
he said. The man he took it. His sister he handed it to her. The child



Ao Ko Lo de. o nK ra Ki di. A Ko Leyi d. w rA KeLe niKi deAe.
hokuruže. ’Ųnąks’agiži, hagoreižą wasagᵉrenįkše.
she put him in. Thus they were until one day, he became very lively.



                  page 28        
Ai tee KL. wo Ki roKo i ne ra de. e Ki. wo xeAe te Ai de.e Aoyi diAili
Hit’egᵉra wogizokines’aže, égi woxétehìže. E hoišíp
Uncle he had a great liking, and he loved him. He always



A ni o nK ra de. Ke ni wi rii ni rA KeLe xitti de.
hani’ųnąks’aže. Kénį wis’įnį sagᵉrexjįže.
[he would be taking care of him.]* Before long he was able to run about very much.

* the translation has, "he would be holding it".


e Ki. Ai te KL. m L. w Ki tt Ki di. m A xiAi Li de.
Égi hitegᵉra mąra wakijagiži, haxiríže.
Then his uncle the arrows when he saw, arrow he cried for them.



de Ko wy tteKe xitti Ai d A Ki o Kette n. a no ni Ke.
Žegų, "Waicgexjį, hižą́ haki’ųkjeną a, "nųnįgé
[Then,] "Sister, one let me make," he said, "but



ttiAi to Lo xi n. tt rKe Aiy n K. e de. A Ke
citó roǧíną." Jasgé hianąga éže, hąké
[older brother,] he forbid it." [What] [he did, and] [he uttered,] not



L dtt ni de. de Ko o nK Koo Ai d Ki o de. Ao w Le L.
rašjąnįže. Žegų ’ųnąk’ų, hižą́ ki’ųže. Howarera,
he did not stop. So finally, one he made him. [As a result,]



    page 29    
m dtt K Ly liAi de ttiAi Lo Ke tt m wi Kotto L. o tte ra de
mąšją karaipįže. Cirogeja mąwigujᵉra ’ųjes’aže.
[very much] [he liked them.]* In the lodge, shooting his arrows he would be.

* the translation has, "and he was ever so proud of them".


Ke ni wi rii ni ttA KL A Ai Ao o de. e Ki. A Ai. w niKi niKi dKe
Kénį wis’įnį cagᵉra hahiho’ųže. Égi hahi, wanįgᵉnįk šge
Before long outside he went. And finally, little birds [also]



tee Ai de. e Ki. we de. Ao ttiAi ttiAi niKi tt ne. we de. n ni
t’ehiže. Égi wéže, hocįcįnįkjane, wéže, "Ną́ni,
he killed. Then he said, the little boy, [he said,] "Mother,



de tt ny xitti tt tti K eyo wy Le Ki di y Le n e de. te w nK KL.
žejanaixjį jajiga eowairegiži, yaréną," éže. Te wanągᵉra
about now father we should go over, I think," he said. [This one] who was speaking,



w KidiKi w o n KeLe de rK no ni Ke Lo L. Ai dAe dAeKe dAe.
wąkšik wa’ųną́gᵉre žesganųnįge rora šešekše.
human [those who are,] but his body hair he was shaggy.



          page 30  
Aotto Ai o. ni Ke dA n Ai ni nK deAe A Ly Le de. A Ko Ley d.
Hųc ’ų nįgéšąną hinąnąkše. Haraíreže. Hagoreižą,
Bear fur it was here and there [it was piled.] They went. Finally,



e tt xeAeyi d mi n Ki di. xeAe Aoyi tte tt A Ai Le K tt.
éja xeižą minąkiži, xe hoijeja hahiregają,
there a hill it was, and hill the foot when they got to,



e tt. ttAi Lo li d. a dL tti Le de. e tt Ao K w wi de.
éja cirobižą ážra jireže. Éja hokawawiže.
there a door to open [it began.] There they entered.



te we L Ki Ao ttL. no liAi wi e tt A AK wi de. xoAo no ni Ki d.
Tewéraki hų́jᵉra nųpiwi éja hahąkwiže, xununįkižą
Unexpectedly, bears two there they were lying, a small one



wi t ni de. we de. Ai noKo n KeLe Ai ni KL. A Ao. tt tti
witánįže. Wéže, hinųknągᵉre hinįgᵉra, "Hąhó jaji,
it made three. He said, the woman her son, "Now then, father,



A tti d ny n. e de. Ao Ao Ai niKi A L tti Ko ni e de.
hajižanainą," éže. "Hohó, hinįkhara jigųnį," éže.
I have come," he said. "Ah, my son he has come," he said.



              page 31          
Ki K w a de. wK n tto tt ni Ae L. e tt. Ki K w a de. e Ki.
Gigawa’aže. Wąk nąjoją́nihera, éja gigawa’aže. Égi
He got up. Man the one who blessed her, there he arose. [And]



di n K di. Ai Ke w Kidi Ki L ni de. wK n K dA n. w KidiKi deAe.
žiną́kaži, hįké wąkšigiranįže. Wąknąka šana wąkšikše.
the others, in any case, not they were not human. The man only he was human.



xoAo no niKi n K. Ai Ko w KidiKi n KeLe wo dii Kini reKe. Ai tt
Xununįknąka higų wąkšiknągᵉre woš’iknisge hija
The young one [yet] humans he did not like there




Ai w doAo tti Ko nK deAe. e Ki. wK xoo Ke n KeLe. we de.
hiwašųjigųnąkše. Égi wąk x’okenągᵉre wéže,
he looked at them askance every once in awhile. Then [man] [the parent] he said,



tt Ko doo K tt. w doo dA nK dAe. ne Ai ni L n. L Ki Ki nolo wi n.
"Jagu š’ųgają? Waš’ųšánąkše, ne hiníraną. Rakikínųbwiną,"
"What you are doing? You are doing this, you the older brother. You are brothers,"



            page 32
w wi Ke de. e Ki. e tt rii niKi oyi Le de. A Ai o Ki mK Ki Le de.
wawigéže. Égi éja s’inik ’ųįreže. Hahi, ukimąkireže.
he said to him. And there for some time they stayed. Finally, they got used to one another.



K tt K dKe. A Ai ttA KL. Ao o wi de. e Ki. A Ai Ai Lo A Li dKe
Gajągaške, hahi, cagᵉra ho’ųwiže. Égi hahi, hirohári šge
[Now at this time,] finally, outside they went. And after awhile, far away also



Ao w L wi de. e Ki. Ai noKo Kn KeLe. n Kii ra de. wK Kono nK KLe.
howarawiže. Égi hinųknągᵉre nąk’įs’aže. Wąknunągᵉre
they went. And the woman she would pack wood. The old man



we de. di K K ni xitti n L Kii L Ki Li Ki di. m dtt xA w xiAi dAe Le Ke.
wéže, "Žigáganįxjį, rak’įrakirigiži, mąšją xawaxišᵉrege,
he said, "Never, wood [when you pack back,] [hard] let it drop on the ground,



Ai noKo n KeLe. w n i diAi diAiKi doAo no n e de. Ai ttA wi L. w Ke de.
hinųknągᵉre waną’į́ šišikšųnųną," éže. Hicawįra wageže,
this woman she is ill tempered," he said. His wife he meant,



                          page 33  
Ao ttn K. w K nK deAe. de e A Ko Leyi d. n Kii Ki Li K tt. A KdK lA L.
hųjnąka wagánąkše. Žee, hagoreižą, k’įkirigają, hąkšąkpara
the bear he meant. [This one,] one day, wood [when she packed,] forehead strap [trumpline]



Lo K deAe Ai Ki di. n di xitti w xiAi Le de. m dtt xitti my tt
rukąšehigiži, nąžį́xjį waxireže. Mąšjąxjį maįja
it slipped from her hand, and as she stood there, she dropped it. Very loud to the ground



Ki Li tte Ai de. Aoxo. a tti tte de. no w xiAi ne tt. Ao tti noKo n KeLe.
kirijéhižé. Hox ajiježe.* Nowaxineja hųjinųgᵉnągᵉre
[she made it.] [Evening ?] [she came in.] At the woodpile the she bear

* an initial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi. This sentence is not translated.


xo xo tt n K. Ai Ai nl nK deAe. w KidiKi noKo Ktt n. Lo lA L lA L di Le de.
ǧoǧojanąga hihinąpnąkše. Wąkšik nųkjąna ruparaparašireže.
she snorted, and she went out. Human the woman she was torn to pieces.



wK Ai dAe dAe Kn KeLe. Ai Ai nl lnK dAe. K tt te we L Ki. Ai o ni L.
Wąk hišešegᵉnągᵉre hihinąbᵉnąkše, gają tewéraki, hi’ųnira
[Human] the shaggy one he ran out, [but] unexpectedly, his mother



  page 34    
Lo lA L lA L di Le de. Aotto tti noKo tt ne. my Kotto deAe. tee Ai de.
ruparaparašireže. Hųjinųgᵉjane maįgucšé. T’ehiže.
she was torn to pieces. The she bear he shot with an arrow. He killed her.



w Kono L. Ai Ai nl dAe. we de. A Ao. Ai niKi A xitti A Ke de rK ni n.
Wąknura hihiną́pše, wéže, "Hąhó, hinįkhaxjį, hąké žesganįną.
The old man he ran out, he said, ["Oh my,] my son, not this is not right.



Ai noKo L ni de. Ai noKo w d oyi Le Ki di. Ai Ki Ao LoKo doo.
Hinų́k ranįže. Hinų́k wažą ’ųįregiži, hikihorok š’ų,
Woman you are not. Woman [things] they do, and you join in,



Ai noKo L ni de. n L i ri L tte. n i ri Le Ki di
hinų́k ranįže. Nąra’įzįraje. Ną’įzįregiži,
woman you are not. You are taking part in a jealous affair. [When they are being jealous,]



Ai Ki Ao LoKo doo L tte. Ai Ke de. e Ki n ni K tee Ai Ki Ki n.
hikihorok š’ųraje,"  higeže. "Égi nąnįga t’ehi giginą,"
you will be joining in," he said to him. "But my mother to kill he did,"



            page 35
e de. e Ki. Ai no K K. ay tt A Lo Ko r n K. n di Ki Ki de.
éže. Égi hinųkąka aija horukosanąga nąžį gigiže.
he said. Then the woman by the arm he took her, and to stand up [he caused her.]



di Ke Ao tt K. de rKe Ki Ki de. ni al w Ai de. e Ki. we de. te de rKe Ke
Žigé, hųjąka žesge gigiže. Ni’ąp wahiže. Égi wéže, "Težesgege,
Too, the bear the same he did. Alive he made them. Then he said, "Thus it would be,



w Ae n. Low xi L. A rK xiAi Li. n L m dtt dA w xiAi deAe Le.
wahéną. Rowaǧira, hasgaxíri nąra mąšją šawaxįšere,"
[I meant.] I forbid it, but nevertheless, your wood very heavily you unloaded it,"



e de. Ai noKo n K. we de. A KdK lAe L.* Ay diAili A n
éže. Hinuknąka wéže, "Hąkšąkpera haišip háną,"
he said. The woman she said, "The front of the packing strap I lost hold of I did,"

* before KdK, Kd has been erased.


e de. e Ki. w Kono n K. w Ke de. Ai ni KL. Ai niKi A xitti.
éže. Égi wąknunąka wageže, hinįgᵉra, hinįkhaxjį,
she said. Then the old man he said to his son, "My son,



Ai ni L K. A Ke Ai Lo A Li. Ao w Ki do L ni Le. w KidiKi L. ttAow Kd n.
hiniraga hąké hirohári howagišuranįre. Wąkšígᵉra cųakšaną.
your brother not very far you must not go out. Humans there are many.



              page 36      
A Ke Ai L Ki rK ni L tte n. Ai Ke de. de rK no ni Ke. Ai Lo A Li.
Hąké hirakisganįrajeną," higeže. Žesganųnįge, hirohári
Not you are not like him," he said to him. But nevertheless, very far



A Ki do Ai de. e Ki. e tt. Ao w Ko de. Ai ni L. Lo xeAe de. Aotto Ao w.
hakižu hiže. Égi éja howaguže. Hinira ruxeže, "hųc howá"
with him he went. And there he came back. His brother he chased, "shouting at bears"



ay Le ra Ki di. de rKe e de. Ao Ao. e de. wK no n K. di Ke
aires’agiži, žesge éže. "Hohó," éže, wąknunąka. "Žigé
it is called, and that way [he uttered.]* "Oh my," he said, the old man. "Again

* here we have more of a gloss than a translation: "and there he came back shouting at him, a shout that is called shouting at bears, that was the way he shouted at him."


o xittiy Ko ni. Ai ni L. e w K Ko n. a nK dAe. e tt A Ki Li
’ųxjįagųnį, hinira e wagaguną," ánąkše. Éja hagiri
he is doing something, his brother he [he is going after him,"] he was saying. There on the way



my Kotto deAe. tee Ai de. te K K. Ao tti d. tee L L. Ao loAo nK K
maįgucšé. T’ehiže. "Tegaga, 'Hųjižą t’erara hoponąka
he shot him with an arrow. He killed him. "My uncle, 'A bear I killed [all of it]



                     page 37      
Kii e doAo no L. de rKe A Kette a n K. Ai dKe
k’į,' ešųnųra. Žesge hakje," anąga hįšgé
to pack,' he used to say. The same I do," he said, and basswood bark



Lo d l n K. Ao loAo nK Kii de. A Ki w xiAi ne de. A Ao
ružapanąga hoponąk k’iže. Hagiwąxineže. "Hąhó,
he peeled, and whole he packed it. He went home and set it down. "Now then,



e de. te K K. Ao tti d tee A L. Ao loAo n K Kii n e doAo no L.
éže, tegaga, 'Hųjižą t’ehara hoponąka k’įną,' ešųnųra.
he said my uncle, 'A bear I killed [all of it] to pack,' he used to say.



de rKe A A Ki Li n e de. Kow Ai ni L. xoAo riKi
Žesge hahagiriną," éže. "Guwa hinira xusgį
The same I have come home," he said. "[Exclamation,] his brother much pain



Ai Ko ni e de. Ai Ai n l n K. A K L Ki do Aoyi Ke we de.
higųnį," éže. Hihinąpanąga hakarakižu, hoikeweže.
he must have caused," he said. He went out, and [together with him,] [he came in.]



e Ki. we de. te de reKe Ke. m Ki o L Low xi L.
Égi wéže, "Težesgege, ki’ųra rowaǧira,
Then he said, "Thus it would be, is why arrows to be made I had forbidden it,



              page 38        
A rK xi Li m L L Ki doo wi K tt. e de. Ai ni w ni de. m K.
hasgaxíri mąra ragiš’ųwigają," éže. Hiniwanįže, mąka
but never arrows you two have made for him," he said. He ruled them, his arrows



n Ki Ke we xitti Ai Le de. Ai ni L dKe. ni Ai xitti A ni de. ni Ke
nąkikewexjį hireže. Hinira šge nįhíxjį. haníže. Nįgé
to be afraid they were. His brother also to rule he had. Somewhere



Ao we A Ki do o K dKe. Ao tto li m ni n i K dKe.
howe hakižu ’ųga, šge hojopimąnį ną’įga, šge
he went with him when he did, [also] to walk on all fours when he tried, also



ni Ai A niy n K. Lo ttA Ke Le m ni Ki Ki ra de.
nihihanianąga rocągᵉre mąnį gigis’aže.
he would threaten him, and on his hind legs to walk he would make him.



Ke te doAo Kotto Ke Le o L. e wi ne K Ao to daK doAo no n.
"Kete, šųkcokere ’ųra, e winega, hotoš’akšųnųną,"
["Say,] a dog following [it is doing,] him [when I am,]* I get tired,"

* the translation has, "when I go about."


          page 39
Ai K n K. Lo ttA Ke Le m ni Ki Ki ra de. e rKe de rKe
higanąga rocągᵉre mąnį gigis’aže. Ésge, žesge
he would say, and on his hind legs to walk he would make him. Therefore, [this way]



Ao o mK Ai de. Aoyi diAili Lo ttA Ke Le m ni Ki Ki ra Ki de.
ho’umą́k hiže. Hoišíp rocągᵉre mąnį gigis’agiže.*
to be accustomed he got him. Always on his hind legs to walk he would make him.

* the meaning of the infix -gi- in the penultimate syllable is unknown.


e rKe. Ao ttn KeLe. w no ttKe Ao tto li m ni tt n K KeLe. Lo ttA Ke Le
Ésge, hųjᵉnągᵉre, wanocge hojopimąnį janagagᵉre, rocągᵉre
Therefore, the bears, animals to walk on all fours of all those that, on his hind legs



m ni Ke xitti Ai Le de. e tt. wK Ai dAe dAe K. Ai d de rKe
mąnįgexjį hireže. Éja Wąk Hišešega hižą́ žesge
made to walk they are. There Shaggy Man one of them [this way]



Ao o mK Ai Ke. Ao ttAe Ke tt. e Ki. Ai noKo Kn K. [t]to l A.*
ho’umą́k hige, hocegéja, égi hinų́gᵉnąka jobą́hą
to be accustomed when he made, in the beginning, and the woman four times

* t is found in place of tt, which happens fairly often.


oyi Le de ay Le n. Ki Lo K Kr n K. Ai dKe. de n Ai wK Ai dAe dAe K.
’ųįreže, aíreną. Kirugagasanąga hišgé ženahi Wąk Hišešega
it was done, they say. She was scratched, and also as often as Shaggy Man



page 40        
Ai o ni L. K L diAi K n K. Ai tt ne tte K. my Kotto tt ni K* tee Ai ra de.
hi’ųnira karašikanąga hijanejega mąigujanąga t’ehis’aže.
his mother he took her part, and the other one he shot with an arrow, and he would kill her.

* the dot (i) following the n is probably either a slip of the pen, or a blemish on the paper.


e Ki. di Ke. wK Ai dAe dAe dAe K.* di Ke tto l A. Ai ni L.
Égi žigé Wąk Hišešega žigé jobą́hą hinira
And [again] Shaggy Man also four times his brother

* this has one too many dAe (še) syllables.


tee K L Kiy n K. Kii Ki ra de. e Ki. Ai te KL. de rKe e ra de e ra de
t’ekaragianąga k’įgis’aže. Égi hitegᵉra žesge es’áže, es’áže.
he killed, and he would pack him. And his uncle that he would say, he would say.



Ai Ko tt Ko e K. Ai te KL e de rKe e de e ra de. e Ki. A Ko Leyi di Ke.
Higųjagu ega, hitegᵉra e žesge éže, es’áže. Égi hagoreižige,
Whatever that he said, his uncle he that he said, he would say. And one day again,



           page 41  
wK Ai dAe dAe K we de. de tt n xitti n ni Ai tti Ke Le Ktte n. te K K.
Wąk Hišešega wéže, žejanaxjį* ną́nį hįjikerekjeną. Tegaga
Shaggy Man he said, "It's about time, mother, we should go home. Uncle

* elsewhere, this is always žejánaíxjį (de tt ny xitti).


w K K L Ktt lii Ko ni. e de. de rKe Ai L Le Ke w dAe Ki. Ai dtt Ke
wągakarakjąp’igųnį," éže Žesge hirarege, wašégi, hišją́ge,
he must be expecting us," he said. "That if it is your desire, [if you say it,] [well then,]



de rKe Kette Ko ni e de. e Ki. we de. wK Ai dAe dAe K. tt tti.
žesgekjegųnį," éže. Égi wéže, Wąk Hišešega, "Jaji,
it shall be so," she answered. Then he said, Shaggy Man, "Father,




Ai ni A L. A K L Ki do A Ke Le Kette n. e te K K. e A tt Ktte n.
hinihara hakarakižu hakerekjeną, e tegaga e hajakjeną,"
my brother with me I want to take, so that my uncle he he might see him,"



e de. A K K rKeyi d. Ai niKi A xitti tt Ko de e. Ai L Ki rKe L tte de.
éže. "Hagagasgeižą, hinįkhaxjį, jagú žee hirakisgeraježe.
he said. "Oh my, my son, [how] [this] he is not like you.



                            page 42  
tt rKe A Ai w Kidi Ke tt Ai Kette de e de. de Ko Ko
Jasgé hahi wąkšigéja hikježe?" éže. "Žegųgų,
What [over there] among the humans he will do?" he said. "But nevertheless,



tt tti A K L Ki do A Ke Le Kette n. Aoyi diAili A Ki do A o Ki di.
jaji hakarakižu hakerekjeną, hoišíp hakižu ha’ųgiži,
[father,] with me I want to take, always with him [if I do,]



tt Ko Ki Ai Lo Ai Le Ao we Kette de e de. a nK Koo
jagugi hirohire howekježe?" éže. Anąk’ų,
what harm that could come to him?" he said. Finally,



L xoAo LoKo deAe. e Ki. wK no n K. we de. Ai niKi A xitti. A rK
raxurukše. Égi wąknunąka wéže, "Hinįkhaxjį, hasga,
he got his consent. [Then] the old man he said, "My son, [anyhow,]



w di tt Ai de Le de. te tt Ki L tti Ktte de. ey di. A Ko Ley d.
wažįjahį žereže. tejąkí rajikježe. Eiži hagoreižą
not a common thing [to go,] often you should come. But when



w Kidi Ko i L. ni Ki de tt wi Ki di. L Ki Li Ktt wi n. Ai teKe L K dKe
wąkšigo’įra nįgižejąhiwigiži,* rakirikjawiną, hitékraga šge
your life whenever it is ended, you may return, your uncle also,"

* < nįge-hižejąhi-wi-giži.


page 43            
e de. e Ki. A Koyi Le de. Ai ni L A K L Ki do. Ai teKe Ai Le L.
éže. Égi haguireže. Hinira hakarakižu, hitek hirera.
he said. Then they came homeward. His brother [together with him,] uncle they came to.



e tt A Ki Li Le de. Ao Ao Ai ttAo dKe ni K L Ko no ni xitti K tt
Éja hagirireže. "Hohó, hicųšgénįkara kunųnį́xjįgają,
There [they returned.] "Ah, my nephew when I was getting very lonesome for you,



L Ki Li n e de. e Ki. we de. te K. te e ne Ai ni A n. A K L Ki do
rakiriną," éže. Égi wéže, "Téga, tee ne hinihana hakarakižu,
you came," he said. Then he said, "Uncle, this I my older brother with me



A Ki Li n e de. Ao Ao. Ai ttAo dKe A L.  wK w xtt xitti d.
hakiríną," éže. "Hohó, hicų́šgehára wąk waxjaxjįžą
I have brought home," he said. "Ah, my nephew fellow a funny



Ai ni Ai de tte L e de. de Ko A K Ki ttAe dA n w Lo a de.
hinį́ hižejera," éže. Žegų hagakicešaną waruaže.
brother he has," he said. And each in turn he held.*

* the translation has, "and each in turn he would on his lap."


      page 44  
wo xeAe te w K L Ki de. Ai no li Ke Ai Ko Ai dKe Ai noKo Kn K
woxéte wakarakíže, hinų́bike. Higų hišgé hinųknąka
He loved [to be with them,] both of them. [And] also the woman



dKe de rKe de. Ay ni K tt. we L Ki. Ay ni xitti niKi. w Ki d.
šge žesgeže. Hainigáją, weraki, hainixjįnįk, wąkižą
[also] she was the same. In the morning, [unexpectedly,] [very] early, a man



Aoyi rii tti nK deAe. Ki K L reAe reAe l n K. wK Ai deAe dAe KL.
hois’įjinąkše. Kikarasesebanąga "Wąk Hišešegᵉra
he peeped in. His face was blackened, and he said, "Shaggy Man



Ki o ni Ki K L Ae A tti n. e de. Aowo. e de. w Kn K we de.
ki’ų nįgikarahe hajiną," éže. "Howo," éže. Wągᵉnąka wéže,
a game you are challenged," he said. "Alright," he said. [The man] he said,



Ao Ao Ai ttAo dKe wi L. Ai tt Ai t tte w o wiy tte e de. A Ai a
"Hohó, hišųsgewira, hija hitaje wa’ųwiąje," éže. "Hahia,
"Ah, my nephews, [there] mightily [we must do,"] he said. "Oh yes,



te K Ai Ki leAe L ri Le Ktt n Ae n. e de. e Ki. Ai ni L.
téga, hikiperesirekjanaheną," éže. Égi hinira
uncle, we will let them know," he said. Then his older brother



page 45        
A K L Ki dow n K. A Ly Le de. Ai ni L. Ao ttA Ke Le m ni Ki Kiy n K.
hakarakižuanąga haraíreže. Hinira hocągére mąnį́gigianąga
with him, and they started. His brother [with difficulty] he was made to walk, and



A Ai Le de. A Ao Ai Kow n Ae Le Ktte n ay Le de. A Ao.
hahireže. "Hąhó, higuą́ną herekjeną," aíreže. "Hąhó,
they arrived. "Come, [immediately] let us begin," they said. "Now then,



wK Ai deAe deAe KL. Ai Ki w no Ktt ni A wi n. ay Le de. Ao tty e de.
Wąk Hišešegᵉra, hikiwanukjanihawiną," aíreže. "Hojai," éže.
Shaggy Man we will race," they said. "Alright," he said.



A A. Lo Ai Le Ki Ai o Ktt ni A wi n ay Le de. A A Lo Ai Le Ki.
"Hąhą́, rohiregi hi’ųkjanihawiną," aíreže. "Hąhą́, rohiregi.
["Alright, [our bodies] they will be the stakes," they said. ["Alright, [our bodies.]



de e tt rKe w L K wi. Ai K K. A K. te K K. de rKe a ni n.
žee jasgé waragawi? Hįkaga haga tegaga žesge anįną
[That] what you mean? Never [ever] uncle [this sort of thing] he did not say.



                       page 46      
w Ki lA no L. Lo Ai Le Ki w Ki t Ai K K. te K K. a ni n.
Wagipanura rohiregi wagita hįkaga tegaga anįną
The race [our bodies] [to ask] never uncle he did not say.



Lo Ai Ao ni A i wi Ki di. tt Ko wi Low Ko Ktt wi de e de.
Rohi honihiwigiži, jagú wiroagukjawiže," éže.
Your bodies if we were to win, what we would do with them?" he said.



A Ao Ko te di Ke liAi xitti Ki o L woyi dA L n.
"Hąhó, koté, žigé pįxjį ki’ųra woišaraną.
"Ah come on, again [very good] the game [you are denigrating.]



w KL Ki Ki oyi Le K. w d de rKe ay Le ra de.
Wągᵉra kiki’ųirega, wąžą žesge aires’aže.
Men when they wager, thing [of this sort] [they are always saying.]



tt Ko o w ni Ai Le L tte de. Ai Ky Le de. Ai Ao
Jagú ’ų? Waníhirera jéže?" higaíreže. "Hiho,
What [to do?] Coward he is?" they said to him. "Alright,



e Ki. Ai o Ktt wi n. e de. di Ke. e dA n Kotto n i ne de.
égi hi’ųkjawiną," éže. Žigé éšaną guc na'įneže.
then we'll do it," he said. Then him only to bet they tried.



Ai ni L. Ai Ki w dtt Ki Le de. di Ke. e tt. e xitti. di Ke.
Hinira higi wašjakireže. Žigé éja exjį žigé
His brother [here] they left out. Again there [in spite of all,] again



       page 47            
Ai ni L Ai L rA wi Ki Kotto n i Ki di. i tt.  a tt o w L xoAo LoKo dAe.
hinira hirasá wikigúc ną’įgiži, įja aja’ų waraxurukše.
his brother also to bet with them when he tried, [mouth] finally* [he persuaded them.]†

* or "saying this".
† this sentence is translated, "so there again, he had a dispute with them. He wanted to bet his brother also and finallly they consented."


e rKe. Ai no li Ke Ko tt L wi de. A Ao. A ttA n K
Ésge hinų́bike gujarawiže. "Hąhó, hacąnąka
So each they had a bet against them. "Now then, which



w Ki t Ktt n A wi de. wiy Ki reKe xitti w Ki t Ktt n A wi K tt. e de.
wagitakjanahawiže. Wiyakisgexjį wagitakjanahawigają," éže.
[we will tell it.] About the same size as us, [we will tell it.] he said.



te e w L Ki dA L Ktt ni A wi n. ay Le de. Ai tt tti tte w Ai Le K tt.
"Tee waragišarakjanihawiną," aíreže. Hija jije wą́hirégają
"These they are the ones you are to run against," they said. There to stand [they went, and]



Lo K n xitti L. no liAi wi w Ky Le de. Aotto a reAe Lette xeAe te xitti L
rokanaxjįra nųpiwi wagaíreže. Hųc a sérec xetexjįra
very great ones a pair they meant. Bear [arms] long [very large]



                        page 48    
no liAi wi w K nK deAe. Lo K n K tt te e w Ki lA no wi Ki di.
nųpiwi wagánąkše. Rokanągają tee wagipanuwigiži,
a pair they meant. It would be a very great act, [these] if we ran against them, but



tt Ko te de reKe xitti Ki w no liAiy tt wi de. tt rKe rKe A wiy n K. te e
jagú težesgexjį kiwánų pįają́wiže?* Jasgesge† hawianąga tee
how [in any way] to run we could do well? [How] we are to do, and this

* < pį-hają́wiže, translated as, "we could with them".
† this is a hapaxlegomenon, but it is also untranslated.


w Ki t Ktt wi de e de. Ai K K. te K K. w Ki lA no L. xeAe te xitti Ai L
wagitakjawiže," éže. "Hįkaga tegaga wagipanura xetexjį hira
[we will tell it,"] he said. "Never uncle to run a race [very large ones] [he did,]



no ni Ke. de Ko w Ki t a ni n. wiy Ki rKe xitti w Ki lA no n e doAo no n.
nųnįgé žegų wagitanįną. Wiyakisgexjį wagipanuna, ešųnųną,"
but [then] [I did not ask him.] About the same size as us, to run the race, [he used to say,"]



e de. a tt o. di Ke. w Ai Le de Ai Ky Le Ki di. L riKi riKi Ai Le Ki di.
éže. Aja’ų, žigé wahireže. Higaíregiži, rasiksik hiregiži
he said. Finally, again they did it. When they called him, angry it made him, and



page 49              
de Ko o Ktte e de. Ai o Ktt wi n. tt Ko e de. A ttiAi tt. Ai o Ktt n A wi de
žegų ’ųkje éže. "Hi’ųkjawiną," jagú éže. "Hacį́ja hi’ųkjanahawiže?"
[then] he will do he said. ["We will do it,"] [what] he said. "Where we will run?"



e de. Ao rK xAe te me Ki Ai o Ktt ni A wi n. ay Le de.
éže. Hosgá xete mégi hi’ųkjanihawiną," aíreže.
he said. Open country [large] over here [we will do it,"] they said.



Ao rK a n K. ni Ke e tt. n xA tt. n K.
Hosgá ánąga nįgé éja nąxaja nąga
Open country that they spoke about a place at [at fallen logs] and



w xA Le Ko tt xitti Ki di e tt w K nK dAe. Ao diAi diAiKi Kitti Ki di.
waxaregu jaxjįgiži, éja wagánąkše. Hošišikjįgiži,
briers it is what there they meant. As bad a place as could be,



e tt w Ky Le de. di Ke e tt. wK Ai dAe dAe K. i Lo d Kde.
éja wagaíreže. Žigé éja Wąk Hišešega irušakše.
there they meant. Again there Shaggy Man he objected.



      page 50    
te e. A xA ttl ayi Le n. te K K. w Ki lA no L. A xA ttl.
"Tee haxajap* aíreną Tegaga wagipanura haxajap
"This jungle they call. Uncle to run a race jungle

* this looks as if it were probably A xA tl (haxatap) which by Helmbrecht-Lehmann is given to mean, "brush, growth, woods, thick woods," were it not repeated again four words on, with tt clearly in place of t.


w xA Le Ko tty tt. A o wi Ai K K a ni n. te e. Ai Ke
waxaregujaįja ha’ųwi, hįkaga anįną. Tee hįké
with briers we did, never he did not say. This not



Ao rK ay L ni n. Ai dKe te de rKe L. xA t lL y K wi doAo no n.
hosgá airanįną Hišgé težesgera xatabᵉra yakawišųnųną,"
open country they do not call. Also them thickets [we would call,"]



e de. di Ke. a nK Koo L xoAo Lo Ki Le de. K tt K. A Aowo
éže. Žigé anąk’ų, raxurugireže. Gająga, "Hahowo,"
he said. [Again] finally, [they persuaded him.] So now [exclamation]*

* this sentence is translated as, "So now they gave the signal with a shout and they started out."


ay Le Ki di. no w Ki Le de. de Ko. Aotto n KeLe. to we
airegiži, nųwąkireže. Žegų hųjᵉnągᵉre towe
they called, and they started out. [Then] the bears [to go in a certain direction,]



ttAo r Ly Le de. wK Ai deAe deAe K. Ai deKe xA t le tt.
cusaraíreže.* Wąk Hišešega hišgé xatapeja
they went making a noise of breaking sticks. Shaggy Man also the timber

* < cus-haraíreže. Helmbrechtt-Lehmann has cucús, "sound of a breaking twig, sound of a small clock tick, crackling sound," which now looks like a reduplication of cus.


                  page 51        
Ao Ke we n i K tt Lo da Ki di. A Ktt A Ki xele n K n K. Ao rK L
hoikéwe ną’įgają, ruš’agiži, hakjá hakixebᵉnąkanąga hosgara
to enter he tried, but he could not, so back he came out, and in the open prairie



Ao Ki nK deAe. de Ko. Aiy n K. xA t lL e tt ni Ke. Ao wi wiri
hóginąkše. Žegų hianąga xatabᵉra éja nįge howiwis
he ran. Thus he did, and timber where [the place] it was narrowing



n di Ki di. e tt. wi L leAe de. te we L Ki. xeAe te n K. Ai d
nąžįgiži, éja wirapeže. Tewéraki, xetenąka hižą́
[they stood, and] there they waited. [Unexpectedly,] the big ones one of them



A Ki xele Ko de. K tt. m L Ko Lo r n K. m L. Ai L w A de.
hagi xepguže. Gają mąra kurusanąga mąra hirawahaže.
[to return] [he came out.] And arrow he took out, and [the arrow] he directed towards him.



K tt m ni tti Le de. di Ki tt ney K Ki o de. di Ke m ni
Gają mąnį́ jireže. Žigijaneąka ki’ųže. Žigé mąnį́
And to walk he began. And also the other one he did it. And to walk



           page 52      
tti Le de. de Ko. Ai Ki di. Ai ni L. n ttiri n Ki di. wo xeAe Le de.
jireže. Žegų higiži, hinira nąjizᵉną́kiži, woxereže.
he began. Thus when he did, his brother, who was behind, he caught up to them.



di Ke no Ki wK deAe. de Ko Aiy n K. di Ke ttAo we L.
Žigé, nųgíwąkše. Žegų, hianąga žigé cowéra
Again [he began to run.] Thus [he did, and] again ahead



Ao no wK deAe. di Ke e tt. Ao wi wiri n di Ki di e tt. wi L leAe de. di Ke.
honųąkše. Žigé éja howiwis nąžįgiži, éja wirapeže. Žigé,
he ran. Again there narrow place there was, and there they waited. Again,



tt tti ne tt. Ai tt. ttAo r Koyi Le de. di Ke xeAe te n K. Ai d
jajineją, hija cusa guireže Žigé xetenąka hižą́
right away, there breaking through the thicket they came. Again large one a



Ko de. m L. di Ke Ko Lo riKi ni de. my L w A de.
guže. Mąra žigé kurusginįže. Mąira wahaže.
[he came.] His arrow again [he had already taken.] His arrow he held it towards him.



                  page 53
Ai dttyi Lo doAotto my ni Ko tti Ktt n Ae n e Ki di. de Ko xitti
"Hišjairušųc, mąį nįgujikjenaheną," égiži žegųxjį
"Look askance at me, with my arrow I will shoot you," he said, and [right off]



m ni tti Le de. di Ki tt ney K Ki Li Ki di. di Ke Ki o Ki di. di Ke
mąnį́ jireže. Žigijaneąka kirigiži, žigé ki’ųgiži, žigé
to walk he began. The other one when he came up, [again] he did it, and [again]



m ni tte Le de. e tt. Ai ni L. wy xA de. de de Ko* tto l A
mąnį́ jereže. Éja hinira waixaže. Žežegų, jobą́hą
to walk he began. There his brother he passed them. Thus, four times

* the second de has an inappropriate period after it.


w Ki Ki de. Ai tto l A L. Ai ni L. w n ttiri Ki de. e tt.
wagigiže. Hijobą́hąrá hinira wanąjisgiže. Éja
he did to them. The fourth time his brother he was ahead of them. There



w K L ni L. A Ki Le de. w n tti riwi de. L xotto n i L
wagaranira hagireže. Waną́jizwìže. Raxųc ną’įra
the goal [they came to.] They won. To dispute they were trying



no ni Ke. de Ko w n rKl deAe. e Ki. de tt K. w wo Ai wi K.
nųnįgé žegų wanąsgapše. Égi žejąga wawohiwiga,
but thus [he overcame them.]* And [then] the ones they won,

* the translation has, "he talked them out of it."


              page 54      
tee w K L Ki Ktt n Ae de.* w Ki w no wi K. e Ae Le Le de.
t’e wakaragikjanaheže. Wakiwanuwiga, e herereže
to kill they were going to do it to them. The ones he had raced against, them they were.

* there is an inappropriate period after Ki.


e Ki. e Ki. e tt n di w Ki Ki de. A Lo ttAe n di diAi de.
Égi égi éja nązį wagigiže. Harucé nązį šiže.
[And] [then] there to stand up he did to them. Sideways to stand up he told them.



A Lo ttAe n di Ki di. m L. A[i] L w A n K. m ttoKo L.
Harucé nązįgiži, mąra hirawahanąga mącgúra
Sideways when he stood, his arrow he directed at him, and the bow



Lo ri Kitti K tt. we de. A A A. Ke ni. liAi Ai n di Le.
ruzikjįgają, wéže, "Ha! ha! ha! keni pįhi nązįre,"
he bent far back, and he said, "O! O! O! wait, better they stand,"



Ai Ke de. di Ki Ko. Ko tti Kette ni rKe K tt. A A A.
higeže. Žigígų gujikje nisgegają, "Ha! ha! ha!
he said. Again [he would shoot] he was about to, "O! O! O!



Ke ni. K Ko ttA n di Le. Ai Ke de. a tt o. xK Ai de.
keni gagų́ nązįre," higeže. Aja’ų, ǧak hiže.
wait, thus [instead] they stand," he said. Finally, to weep  he did.



               page 55      
Ai dtt ni L. roAo xeAe te xitti Ao w n n de Ke Le. ni Ke dKe.
Hišjanį́ra ruxetexjį* howanąną. "Žegere, nįgéšge
The tears big drops they rolled down. "Well, [not even]

* this appears to be from rux-xete-xjį.


w d w ni doAo deAe Ke. Lo Ai Le Ki Ai L Ki doo n dii
wažą wanišušege, rohiregi hįragiš’ųną, š’i?"
this if you were not brave enough, your body you put up for me, you did?"



d ny n. a n K. my Kotto dAe. a xo Ky tt. o Ke Le Ki di. m L.
šanainą, anąga mąigucšé, aǧogaija okéreže.* Mąra
he said (?) and he shot him, under the arm he put it. The arrow

* an initial /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.


rA ni Ke tt. rA L Ai Le Ai de. m ni tti L n K. e tt K Le de.
sanįgéja sara hirehireže. Mąnį jiránąga éja kąréže.
the other side [striking] [it was sent.] Steps he went, and there he fell down.



di Ki tt ne tte K Ki o de. di Ke x Ki Ki dA n e Ki.
Žigijanejega ki’ųže. Žigé, ǧakigi šana, égi
Then the other one he did. [Again,] he made him weep [only after,] then



    page 56    
tee Ai de. di Ki Lo xey n K. Kotto deAe. de Ko. Ai wi Ki di.
t’ehiže. Žigiroǧeanąga gucše. Žegų hiwigiži,
he killed him. He also jeered at him, and he shot him. [Then] when they got through,



Ai d. Aotto n K. Lo x l n K. Lo Ai L. m rA n de. e Ki.
hižą́ hųjnąka ruǧapanąga ruhíra mąsąnąže.* Égi
one of them the bears he skinned, and its ribs he cut out. Then

* < mąs-sąną-že, mąs, "iron"; and sąną, "to fall out."


wi w roAo no ow n K. Ai d w roAo no de. Lo Ai rA ni Ki di. de e.
wiwasunų ’ųanąga hižą́ wasunųže. ruhisanįgiži, žee
broiler he made, and one he broiled, one side of its ribs, and this



Ko Lo tt n K. e Ki. we de. Ai te Ki Ai L. Ao ttL. ni Ki K ni Ai Ke Le Kette n.
kurujanąga Égi wéže, "Hitekihira hų́jᵉra nįgiganihikerekjeną,"
he ate, and [then] [he said,] "Our uncle bear let us take him a piece,"

* < nįge-higani-hikere-kje-ną.


e de. e Ki w o de. Ai deKe Lo d l n K. Lo Ai L. w Lo r n K.
éže. Égi wa’ųže. hišgé ružapanąga ruhíra warusanąga
he said. Then he did this, also he skinned, and the ribs he took out, and



      page 57    
w Ae o de. e Ki. Ai ni L. Ai d Kii Ki Ki de.
wahe’ųže. Égi hinira hižą́ k’į gigiže.
he packed them in a bundle. Then his brother one of them to pack he made.



Ai deKe Ai d Kii de. Ai ni L. Lo ttA Ke Le m ni
Hišgé hižą́ k’įže. Hinira rocągᵉre mąnį
Also one of them he packed. His brother on his hind legs to walk



Ki Kiy n K. Ai deKe. wi Kii Ki Ki de. Ai teKe
gigianąga hįšgé wik’į gigiže. Hitek
he would make him, and basswood bark to bundle it he made. Uncle



Ai Le L. Ao xtt n Ki di. n tteKe wo ttiAi Ki di A Ke Ao mi nK
hirera, hoxjanągiži, nącge wocigiži, hąké homįną́k
their, in the evening, he worried, and not seat



Ki liAi ni nK Koo. A Ki Le de. A Ao. te K. Aott ni Ki Kii
gipįnįnąk’ų, hagireže. "Hąhó, téga hųc nįgik’į
he could not sit still, when they arrived home. "Now then, uncle, bear [a piece to pack]



A Ki Li wi n e de. A Ao. Ai ttAo deKe w A L. A K w d.
hakiriwiną," éže. "Hąhó, hicųšgewahara, hagáwažą
[we have come home,"] he said. "Ah, my nephews, how



       page 58  
liAi Ai K L Ki Ai Leyi d[e]. e de. e tt Ai tKe Ai Le L.
pį́hįkaragi hireiže,"* éže. Éja hitek hirera
they have treated me well [they have,"] he said. There uncle their

* presumably this should be for hire-hi-že.


Aotto Lo ttL o xitti de. di Ke tt tti ne tt. A Ae Ki di. di Ki d
hųc rujᵉra ’ųxjįže. Žigé jajineją, hąhegiži, žigižą
bear [eating] [he did much.] Even right away, the next evening, [another one]



tt Ki ne de. A Ao. wK Ai dAe dAe KL. Ki o ni Ki KA L Ae Le n.
jagineže. "Hąhó, Wąk Hišešegᵉra, ki’ų nigikarahereną," heréną,
he came. "Say, Shaggy Man, to game you are challenged," he was,



e de. A Ao. e de. Ay ni Ki di di Ke tt tti ne tt A Ly Le de.
éže. "Hąhó," éže. Hainigiži, žigé jajineją, haraíreže.
he said. "Alright," he answered. In the morning, again right away, they went.



A Ai Le Ki di. wy Le de. A Ao wK Ai deAe dAe KL. A Ai li tti Ke.
Hahíregíži, waíreže, "Hąhó, Wąk Hišešegᵉra, Hahipijige
When they got there, they said, "Now then, Shaggy Man, a ball game




                  page 59
o A ni K L ttiAi Ktt ni A wi n ay Le de. Ao ttiy. y Ki reKe xitti
’ųhanikaracikjanihawiną," aíreže. "Hojiá, yakísgexjį
we will try you over," they said. "Alright, our size



w Ki t Ktt n A wi K tt e de. di Ke Lo K n xitti L no liAi wi Ai tt tti wi de.
wagitakjanahawigają," éže. Žigé rokanaxjįra nųpiwi hijajiwiže.
[we will tell it,"] he said. Again great big ones two of them they came up.



Lo K n K tt. te e w Kii t wi Ki di e de. A Ao. te Ki.
"Rokanągają tee wak’įtawigiži," éže. "Hąhó, tégi
"It would be a great, these if they gamed with us," he said. "Ah come on, over here



Ae Le Ktt n Ae n. ay Le de. ttA deKe Ko xeAe te xitti d. e tt n di Ki di
herekjanaheną," aíreže. cašgégu xetexjįžą éja nąžįgiži,
it will be," they said. Oak tree a big one there it stood, and



e tt w Ky Le de. Ae Le Ktt n Ae de e de. w Ki Ki L. Ai tt
éja wagaíreže. "Herekjanaheže," éže. Wagigira hija
where they meant. ["It shall be so,"] [he said.]* [To do it] [there]

* this sentence is untranslated.


                                page 60
A n A tti Le de. ttAiyo K nK KL. i ni reAe leKe xeAe teyi d. w K nK deAe.
hanahajíreže. ciokąnągᵉra įnį́ sepge xeteižą wagánąkše.
[they came.]* The ball stone black kind a big one they meant.

* the translation has, "When it was time they brought the ball out and sat it down".


we de. A Ke te e Lo a to xoAo LoKo ni Ktt n A wi n. e de. Ai tt
Wéže, "Hąké tee ruą́ toxurugᵉnįkjanahawiną," éže. Hija
He said, "Not this to lift we will not be able," he said. There



Lo ttK K tt dKe. A Ke Lo a ni de. Ko te te de rKe
rucgagają, šge hąké ruąnįže. "Koté, težesge
[he held it, but] [also] not he did not lift it. [Exclamation] this kind

* I know of no other case in which -že, used to terminate sentences, ever occurs after -gi, meaning, "if". I take it to mean that he paused in the middle of a sentence (at the end of a dependent clause).


Ai doo wi ra Ki de. Ai L Koo wi Ki di. A K K. te K K. me de rKe
hiš’ųwis’agiže, hirak’ųwigiži. Hąkagá tegaga mežesge
you best use it yourselves,  if you use it. Never uncle this way



a ni n. A Ai li tti Ke A o wi L. i ni d y o wi n. Ai K K.
anįną, Hahipijigᵉre ha’ųwira įnį́žą ya’ųwiną. Hįkaga
he did not speak, a ball game [they were doing] a stone we used. Never



a ni n. w xi xi y o wi n. e doAo no n. e de. di Ke
anįną, waxįxį ya’ųwiną, ešųnųną," éže. Žigé
he did not speak, ball we used, he used to say," he said. Again



                                           page 61    
a t[t] o. L xoAo Lo Ki Le de. w Ki L wi de. ttAo ni. Aotto
aja’ų, raxurugireže. Wakirawiže. Coni hųc
finally, they coaxed him into it. They played with them. First bears



a reAe Lette n K. Ai tti ne de. w K L ni L. Ao tti ne Ki di.
a serejᵉnąka hijineže. Wagaranira hojínegiži,
legs the long ones they threw. The pole when they struck,



w K L ni L. Ai K L Ki. o Ai Le de. Ai dK K. Ao tti de.
wagaranira hikaragí ’ųhireže. Hišgaga hojíže.
the goal to touch they did. [It was his turn] [to strike.]*

* this sentence was not translated.


wK Ai dAe dAe K. n L A lA de. Ao ttn KeLe. w K L ni L.
Wąk Hišešega, nąra hapáže. Hųjᵉnągᵉre wagaranira
Shaggy Man, [the wood] he hit it. The bears their goals



dK Ai Le de. ny d Ae Le de. Ai L Ke we tt
šgą hireže. Nąižą hireže. Hira keweją
to make for they did. A tree it was. They were going to get there



Ki ni li L n K. rA ni Ke tt. Aoyi rii Ai Le K tt. e tt.
ginįbiranąga sanįgéja hois’į hiregają éja
[they bunched up, and] [to the other side] to peep out they did, and there



    page 62      
wi L lAe xittiy n K. e tt wy rAK ra de. A Ke lAi ni L n. tt Ko
wirapexjįanąga éja waisaks’aže. "Hąké pįnįraną. Jagú
they waited for him, and there he would kill them. "Not you did not do right. As



w K L ni L. Ai Ki o Ai L n K. w w L Ki doo n. ay L no ni Ke.
wagaranira higi’ų hiránąga wawaragiš’ųną," aira nųnįgé
their goal to touch they did, and [you did it to them," they said, but



te Ko tee w Ai Ki ni K tt. de Ko de. di Ke. Ao ttL.
tegú t’ewahigįnįgają žegųže. Žigé hų́jᵉra
as he had already killed them, there was no help for it. Again the bears



w Lo x l n K. Lo Ai L. wy rA n n K. Ai dKe. Lo d l n K. w Kii L.
waruǧápanąga ruhíra waisananąga hįšgé ružapanąga wak’įra
he skinned them, and the ribs he broke out, and basswood he peeled, and packs



no liAi wi Ae ow n K. Ai d dA n Kii wiy n K Ko wi de.
nųpiwi he’ųwanąga hižą́ šana k’iwianąga guwiže.
two he bundled, and one apiece they packed, and they came home.



          page 63
di Ke Ao xtt n Ki di. Ai teKe Ai Le L. w Ki Kii A Ki Le de.
Žigé, hoxjanagiži, hitek hirera wakik’į hagireže.
Again, in the evening, uncle their packing it they came home.



A Ke w di Lo K n Ai ni de. wK Ai dAe dAe K di. wo LK
Hąké wąži rokana hinįže. Wąk Hišešegaži, worak
[Not] [things] [many] [he did not do.]* Shaggy Man, in any case, [story]

* this is translated as, "very delighted he was." The pronoun apparently refers to the uncle, and the sentence means that his nephews did all the work.


ttAo Ai nK deAe. te de rKe y Ke n a nK deAe. w K Ly xtt xitti ra de.
cųhinąkše. "Težesge, yageną," ánąkše. Wagaraixcaxjįs’aže,
[he had.]* "Thus, I said to him," he said. He laughed very much,

* the translation has, "The shaggy man was telling about the events of the day and ...".


Ai ttAo deKe L. tt tti ne tt di Ki d tti de. Ki o w Ki K L Ae L.
hicųšgéra. Jajineją žigižą jiže. Ki’ų wagikarahéra.
his nephew. Right away again one he came. To game he challenged them.



di Ke Ay ni Ki di. A Ay Le de. A Ai Le Ki di. A Ao. Ki o L.
Žigé hainigiži, hahaíreže. Hahiregiži, "Hąhó, ki’ųra
Again in the morning, they went. When they arrived, "[Exclamation] to game



A ni leAe xitti wi n. ay Le de. n Ki xttK Ke Ai o Ktt ni A wi n.
hanipexjįwiną," aíreže. "Nąkįxjage hi’ųkjanihawiną,"
we have been anxiously waiting," they said. "To Kick One Another we will play,"



page 64          
ay Le de. A Ao. Ko te n Ki xttK Ke A o wi L. w xtt n
aíreže. "Hąhó, koté, Nąkįxjage hi’ųwira. Waxjáną,
they said. "Well, To Kick One Another [we are playing.] It is fun,



te K K e doAo no L. w xtt Ktt ne n. wiy Ki rKe xitti w Ki t wi Ki di.
tegaga ešųnųra. Waxjakjaneną, wiyakisgexjį wagitawigiži,"
uncle he used to say. It will be fun, about the same size as us, [if we say,"]



e de. A Ao te e w L Ki dA L Ktt ni A wi n. ay Le de.
éže. "Hąhó, tee waragišarakjanihawiną," aíreže.
he said. "Now then, these they are the ones you are to game with," they said.



Lo K n xitti L no liAi wi w K nK deAe. Ki te Lo K n K tt.
Rokanaxjįra nųpiwi wagánąkše. "Kité, rokanagają,
Great big ones two he meant. "Well, it would be a tremendous thing



te e n Ki xttK Ke w Ki t wi Ki di. tt Ko. Ao loAo Lo L dK
tee Nąkįxjage wagitawigiži, jagú hoporo raška
these To Kick One Another [if we say,] [as] knee it happens



    page 65    
Ai Ke y Ki tt ni A tt wi n. A K Ki L A. ny xtt Ki L wi Ki di. ny rt rtK
hįké yakíjąnįhajawiną Hagakírahą naixjągirawigiži, nąistastak
not we do not reach. Only once if they kick us, to be kicked flat



Ai Le Ktt ni A wi K tt. e de. K tt K te e di y Ki rKe xitti
hirekjanįhawiną," éže. "Gająga, teeži, yakisgexjį
they would make us," he said. "This time, [of course,] the same size



w Ki t wi Ki d n A o Ktt n A wi n e de. di Ke a nK Koo L xoAo LoKo
wagitawigi, šana ha’ųkjanahawiną," éže. Žigé, anąk’ų, raxuruk
[if we say,] [only] we will do," he said. Again, finally, to coax



Ai Le de. K tt K. w Ki L wi de. Ai Ke w d de rK ni de.
hireže. Gająga, wakirawiže. Hįké wažą žesganįže.
he was. So they started into the game. Not anything it was not like.



Kiyr L d n xitti oyi Le de. de tt K. Ai Ke w d de rK ni K.
Giasra šanaxjį ’ųįreže. Žejąga, hįké wažą žesganįga,
To dodge [nothing but] they did. Finally, not anything when it was not like,



    page 66    
we ra de. my ni Ko tti Ktt ne n. e K Ki Lo dtt Ai L wi ra de.
wes’aže, "Maįgujikjaneną." Ega, girušją hirawis’aže.
he would say, "I will shoot you with an arrow." When he said, to let up on him they would do.



A Ko Leyi d. we de. wK Ai dAe dAe K. w Ko tte riAi K L. liAi Ai
Hagoreižą, wéže Wąk Hišešega, "Wagujésiką́ra pįhí
Finally, he said Shaggy Man, "My moccasin strings [to make right]



y K L Ki deKe Ktt n. n K L dKe n e de. e Ki. w o de. m L.
yakarakiškekjaną, nąkaraškeną," éže. Égi wa’ųže: mąra
I will tie them up, they are untied," he said. Then [he did this:] arrow



Ai d. Ai m rl Le Aiy n K. riAi Ke Le tteKe tt. Ai L Lo riKi tt n K.
hižą́ himązapare hianąga sikerejᵉgeja hirarusgijanąga
one of them to cut off a point he did, and his heel he tied it to it, and



n n K ttiy n K. Ai d Lo Ai xittiye tt. n xttK deAe. e tt m tte K.
nąnąkjianąga hižą́ ruhixjįeja nąkjákše. Éja mąjega
he came running, and one of them in the ribs he kicked. There the arrow



                  page 67    
Ao n tt de. e Ki. we de. Ko L. w d Ay dK tti Ko e de. di Ke
honąją́že. Égi wéže, "Korá, wažą haišgajigu," éže. Žigé
he forced it in. And he said, "Well, [some] I have hurt him," he said. Again



o de. Ai tt ne tte K. di Ke Ki o de. Ai no li Ke tee w Ai de. di Ke.
’ųže, hijanejega. Žigé ki’ųže. Hinų́bike t’ewahíže. Žigé
he did it, the other one. Again he did it. Both of them he killed them. Again



w wi Ki deAe Le de. Ao ttL. ni Ke dA n Kii wiy n K tti K L wi de.
wawigišereže. Hųjᵉra nįgé šana k’iwianąga jikarawiže.
he dressed them. The bears piece each they packed, and they went home.



Ai teKe Ai Le L. Aotto Ki Kii A Ki Le de. di Ke Ki liAi L Lo K n de.
Hitek hirera hųc kik’į hagireže. Žigé gipinira rokanaže.
Uncle their bear to pack they went home. Again delighted he was very much.



di Ke. wo KL. Lo K n w nK dAe. Ai te KL. wo Ki LK nK deAe.
Žigé worágᵉra rokana wanąkše, hitegᵉra wogiragᵉnąkše.
Again stories many he said, his uncle he was telling them.



             page 68  
tt tti ne tt. di Ki d tt[i] Ki ni de. Ki o w Ki K L Ae L. di Ke
Jajineją žigižą jigįnįže. Ki’ų wagikarahéra. Žigé
Right away again one he came. To game he challenged them. Again



Ay ni Ki di. A Ly L Ki ni de. Ai ni L ttAo K L Ke Le. A Ai Le Ki di.
hainigíži, harairaginįže. Hinira cokarakere hahiregiži,
in the morning, they went. His brother [following] when they came,



wy Le de. A Ao. A ni lAe xitti A tt wi n. niyo Ki w ttiAili Ke
waíreže, "Hąhó, hanipexjį hają́winą. Nįokiwacibᵉge
they said, ["Exclamation] to wait anxiously we have been. Dunk One Another in the Water



Ai o Ktt K ni A wi n. ay Le de. di Ke w wi Ki rKe xitti w Ki L n i
hi’ųkjaganįhawiną," aíreže. Žigé wawigisgexjį wakíra ną’į ,
we will play," they said. Again as big as themselves to play he wanted,



no ni Ke. tt Ko L xoAo Lo Ki Kette de. di Ke xAe te xitti L. no liAi wi
nųnįgé jagú raxurugikježe. Žigé xetexjįra nųpiwi
but [how] [they will persuade him.] Again big fellows two



                      page 69    
A Ki L Ktt ni A wi de. K tt K. A Ki ni mi Ki Le Ki di. Ai Ke w d
hakirakjanihawiže. Gająga, hakinimįgiregiži, hįké wažą
they were to game with. Now, they got hold of one another, and not anything



de rK ni de. Ao ttAi ttAi L. A K K. A Ki xele w Ai L ni de. Ai Ko.
žesganįže. Hocįcįra hąkagá hakixép wahiranįže. Higų
it was not like. The young fellows hardly ever to be let out they did not do it. Whenever



o ni A o A Ki xele Ki Ki Le K. we ra de. my ni Ko tti Ktt ne n.
’ųniha’ų hakixép, gigirega, wes’aže, "Maįgujikjaneną,"
he could manage to come up, if they let, he would say, "I will shoot you with an arrow,"



e Ki Ki Lo dtt Le Ai L wi ra de. Ai Ke w d de rK ni de. e tt
égi girušją́ rehirawis’aže. Hįké wažą žesganįže. Éja
and they would let them up. Not anything it was not like. Then



we de. w Ko tte riAi K L.* liAi Koo Ktte e Ki di. di Ke e tt.
wéže, "Wagujésiką́ra pįk’ųkje," egiži, žigé éja
he said, "My moccasin strings [they will need fixing,"] he said, and again there

* just before riAi, riA appears to have been lightly erased.


        page 70
m L. Ai d. Ai m r l n K. Ai L Lo riKi tt n K. Aotto tte K.
mąra hižą́ himązabanąga hirarusgijanąga hųjega
his arrows one of them to cut off a point, and he tied it to it, and the bear



Lo Aiye tt Ao n tt de. tee Ki di. ttA dAe L. A mi nK dAe.
ruhieja honąją́že. T’egíži, cašéra hamįnąkše.
at his side he kicked it. When he died, his neck he sat.



ni Ay tteAele tee Ai de e de. di Ki tt ne tte K Ki o de. Ai ni L.
Nį́haicép, t’ehi žeeže. Žigijanejega ki’ųže. Hinira
[He stopped breathing,] [he died] [this one did.] The other one he did it. His brother


A ttA Ke Le A w tteAe de. e tt. Ai no li Ke tee w Ai wi de. e tt.
hacągére hawaceže. Éja hinų́bike t’ewahiwiže. Éja
[with great effort] he came in time. [There] [both of them] [they killed.] Then


Ai Ko a tti n Ki de. m L. xiAi ni Ae Ai de. w Kotto deAe. ttAi nK n K
higų ajinąkiže, mąra xi nįhéže. Wagucse. Cinągᵉnąka
as soon as they came out, arrows [fog] [they were.] He shot them. The village



mo Ki e de. Kiyr rL. o xitti Le de. e Ki. de e e tt
mokiehiže. Kiazᵉra ’ųxjįreže. Égi žee éja
they became scattered. To take flight [they did much.] And this one there,



                      page 71    
Ai d. wy n ni K Ai K nK deAe. wy n ni Ki d. Ai Ko Ae
hižą́ "Wainą́nįka," higánąkše. Wainánįgìžą higųhe
one of them, "Little Orphan," they called him. An orphan hurriedly



Ao Ki tt K tt. w Ko tte L. L Ki tteKe Ao tt de.
hogijagają wagujera rakicge hoją́že.
[when he stepped into,] his moccasins on the wrong side he wore on his feet.




wy Le de. Ao Ao. wy n ni K. w Ko tte L. L Ki ttKe Ao tt n.
Waireže, "Hohó, wainą́nįka wagujera rakicge hoją́ną.
They said, "Oh my, Little Orphan his moccasins on the wrong side he wore on his feet.



de rKe Ktte Ke. w o n. A ntt L Ki tteKe wo tt wi ne
Žesgekjege, wa’ųną. Haną́c rakicge wojąwine,"
It is to be so, because he did this. All on the wrong side let us put them on (our feet),"



ay Le de. di Ke e tt. A ntt w Ko tte L. Ai Ki Lo Ktt Ke
aíreže. Žigé, éja haną́c wagujera hikirúkjąke
they said. So there all their moccasins to put on wrong



          page 72
w wo w xoKo Ai Le de. e Ki. wK Ai dAe dAe K. we de. w Kidi Ki L
wawowaxuk hireže. Égi Wąk Hišešega wéže, "Wąkšigira
to wear them they did. Then Shaggy Man he said, "Humans



Kd Kd n dii wi n. tt Ko. ni Ke. m wo ttAy n xitti Ki
kšakša nąš’įwiną. Jagú nįgé wocaínąxjįgi,
to abuse you tried. So therefore, instead, where country if it is most desolate,



dA n. e tt no xA w xitti A L ni deAe Ktte n. w Kidi Ke. n Ke Ai d
šana éja nųxawąxjį haranišekjeną Wąkšige nąké hižą́
[only] there in secrecy you will live. Human [back] one



Ao dAe w[e] riAi wi wi K. Kiyr diAi diAiKi Ktti
hošewesįwįwiga, kias šišikjį
if [at the place/time where/when] you see, to run away very bad



doAo A L ni deAe Ktt wi n. ttAi nK L K nK n dii wi w wi Ke de.
šuharanišekjawiną. Ciną́gᵉra kanąk nąš’įwi wawigéže.
you will live.* Villages [to erect] you tried," he said to them.

* the translation has, "When you see a human, you shall ever run for your lives."


e Ki. wy n ni K. w Ko tte L L Ki tteKe Ao tt K. e rKe.
Égi wainą́nįka wagujera rakicge hojąga, ésge
And Little Orphan his moccasins on the wrong side because he put on, that is why



             page 73        
Aott n KeLe. riAi L. Ao Ki L tteKe n KeLe w oyi Le de ay Le n. n K e Ki.
hųjᵉnągᵉre sira hokiracgenągᵉra wa’ųireže, aíreną, nąga égi
the bears feet [the shape] [they are,] it is said, and [and]



di Ke. Aotto a reAe Lette ay Le Ki di de rKe w o nK deAe.
žigé, 'hųc a sérec' airegiži, žesge wa’ųnąkše.
furthermore, 'bear legs long' these were called, and [this way] [they were made.]



tteAe Ke tt. Aotto Aoyi ni Ke L. i ttA li Le K tt Ae Le de.
Cegéja, hųc hoinį́gera įcapiregają hereže.
In the beginning, bear the common ones to be separate, they were.



wK Ai deAe deAe K. w wo Ai Ke. e rKe. Aotto Aoyi ni Ke L.
Wąk Hišešega wawohige, ésge hųc hoinį́gera
Shaggy Man he won against them, so now bear the common ones



w wi Ki Lo lA n w KidiKi i ne de. e Ki. K L wi de. Ki wi Ki di
wawikirupąną wąkšik’įneže. Égi karawiže. Kiwigiži,
to be mixed with them [they lived.] Then they went home. When they got back,



             page 74      
Ai te KL. Ao Ki LK deAe. Ao Ao Ai ttAo deKe e liAi n. te K. Ai Ke
hitegᵉra hogirakše. "Hohó, hicųšgé, epį́ną." "Téga, hįké
his uncle he told him about it. "Ah, my nephew, it is good." "Uncle not



de rKe w Ki Ki wi ni Ki di. w Kidi KL A Ai w w Kd Kd Ai Le Ktt n Ae Ke
žesge wagigiwinįgiži, wąkšígᵉra hahi wawakšąkšąk hirekjanahege,
that if we did not do it, the humans finally to abuse them they would have abused, that is why



w o n e de. e Ki. we de. wK Ai deAe dAe K. te K. n ni.
wa’ųną," éže. Égi wéže, Wąk Hišešega, "Téga, ną́ni,
I did it," he said. And he said, Shaggy Man, "Uncle, mother,



A tti Ke Le Ktt ni A wi n. Ai ni A L. A K L Ki do. tt tti K. e
hajikerekjanihawiną. Hinihara hakarakižu jajiga e
we are going home. My older brother with me father him



w w Ke Le Ktt ni A wi n. e Ki. Ai dKe Ai L L wi Ki di L Ki Ktt ni A wi K tt
wawakerekjanįhawiną. Égi hišgé hirárawigíži, rakikjanihawigają,"
we are going back. And also whenever you wish, you may come home,"



  page 75      
e de. te e di. Ai ni A L. ow mK dA n. di Ke.
éže. "Teeži, hinihara ųwamąkšaną. Žigé,
he said. "As for me, my older brother I have grown used to him. Besides,



e Ki. A o A tt wi n L deKe. A Ke liAi ni n. tt tti K dKe
égi ha’ųhająwinara šge hąké pįnįną. Jajiga šge
here for us to be [also] not it is not good. Our father also



Lo xi no ni Ke w o wi n. w d. Ai ni A L. Ai Ki rK wi de.
roxi nųnįgé wa’ųwiną. Wažą hinihara hikisgawiže.
he forbid it, but [we did it.] [Anything] my older brother [they are like.]



w d m ne Koro e Ki. o tte liAi de. e rKe A K L wi n.
Wažą mąnégųs égi, ’ųjepįže. Ésge, hakarawíną,"
[Someone] always here, it would not do. Therefore, we are going home,"



e de. A Ao. Ai ttAo dKe Ai rKe w dAe n. e de.
éže. "Hąhó, hicųšgé, hisgé wašéną," éže.
he said. "Ah, my nephew, [truth] [you have spoken it,"] he said.



                             page 76
Ai noKo n K. Ai dKe de rKe e de. tt Ko Ai niKi A xitti
Hinųknąka hišgé žesge éže. "Jagú, hinįkhaxjį,
The woman also the same she said. ["As,] my son,



de rKe Ai L Le Ke w dAe K tt e de. e Ki. A ttiy K Ly Le de.
žesge hirarege, wašegáją," éže. Égi hajiakaraireže.
that if it is your wish, do as you say," she said. Then they went home.



e Ki. de ttiAi nK Ko K nK wi L. Ki x n Ai L ni Ae L.
Égi že cinąkokanągᵉwira, gixąnąhiranihera,
Then there in his own village, the ones who had moved from there,



de e e tt. K xi Ao LoKo ttiAi nK deAe. ttiAi nK n K.
žee éja kaǧi horók cinąkše. Cinągᵉnąka
these there crows [among] they lived. The village



to Ke we Ai nK dAe de K xi n K. ttiAi nK Ki lAy tt ttiAi nK dAe.
tokewehinąkše. Že kaǧinąka cinąkipáija cinąkše.
they were in want of food. These crows at the edge of the village they lived.



no liAi wi wi de. K xi n K. de e Ai d we de. Ko te Ai ttA Ko Lo.
Nųpiwiwiže. Kaǧinąka žee hižą́ wéže, "Koté, hicakóro,
There were two of them. The crows [these] one of them he said, "Say, my friend,



                    page 77      
Ao Ki wi too Ly L ni Ae L. Ai Ki dtt Ai ne Ktte L. ni Ke K ni KL
hų́giwį́ t’ųrairanihera, higišja hinekjera, nįgé nįgᵉra
princess who was left behind, to go and see let's go, piece sinew [the little ones]



deKe Ai d Ai L rA ni Ae ra Le e de. Ko te Ai ttA Ko Lo
šge hižą́ hirasá nįhés’are," éže. "Koté, hicakóro,
also one of them yet they might be," he said. "Alright, my friend,



de rKe Ktte n e de. ttAi nK Ao Le xiAi Li KL. Ao w Aoyi Le de.
žesgekjeną," éže. Ciną́k horexirigᵉra howahuireže.
[it will be so,"] he said. Village the old one they came to.



e tt. ow tti Le K tt. te we L Ki. wo liAi Ke Le L. Ko tt
Éja uwajiregają, tewéraki, wopįkerera goja
There when they got near, unexpectedly, meat racks disappearing into the distance



Ao wi Le Ai de. Ao Ao. Ai ttA Ko Lo. Ao Ki wi L. A te Ko ni a wi de.
howirehiže. "Hohó, hicakóro, hųgiwį́ra hątégųnį," awiže.
[they extended.] "Ah, my friend, the princess she must have dreamt," they said.



te we L Ki. Aotto. A wi L Lo K L. Lo K n de. e Ki. wo liAi Ke Le.
Tewéraki, hųc ha wirarukara rokanaže. Égi wopį́kere
Unexpectedly, bear skin coverings there were many. And meat racks



  page 78          
Ao n L. Aotto. diAi lL. A Ki Lo ttiKi Ai Aili deAe. Ai d we de.
honą́ra hųc šibᵉra hakirújik hihįpše. Hižą́ wéže,
[spreading] bear intestines to stretch [they went along.] One of them he said,



Ai ttA Ko Lo. Ai Ai Ki di. Ai o Ktt n Ae L. Ae Le no ni Ke.
hicakóro, hihigíži, hi’ųkjanahera heré, nųnįgé
my friend, when we get there, [we will be doing it] [it is time for,] but



diAi ln KeLe. w Low Ko xitti n. e de. e tt. Ai d. Lo diAi li L n K.
šipanągᵉre warųakųxjįną," éže. Éja hižą́ rušipiranąga
these intestines I long for very much," he said. There one he took one down, and



e tt. Aotto. diAili Lo ttL o xitti ne de. e Ki. de Ko
éja hųc šip rujᵉra ’ųxjįneže. Égi žegų
there bear intestines eating [they did much.] [And] [so]



Ai Le Ki di. Ai tto w L wi de. Ao Ao. ttAo K L A tti Le n.
hiregiži, hijówarawiže.* "Hohó, cokara hajiréną."
when they were through, they went on over. "Oh, the grandfathers they have come."

* < hija-howara-wi-že.


                  page 79
A Ke w di Lo K n Ai L ni de. e Ki Ao L Ki Le de. to Ke we Ai n KL.
Hąké waži rokana hiranįže. Égi horakíreže, tokewehinągᵉra,
[Not] [anything] [much] [they did not do.]* Then they reported, the lack of food,

* the translation has, "and they were very delighted".


ttiAi nK KL. e Ki. w w Ki re Le Ki di. w Lo tti Le de. Ai L Le xitti K tt.
ciną́gᵉra. Égi wawagizeregiži, warujireže. Hirarexjįgają,
the village. Then they dished out the food for them, so they ate it. After awhile,



Ai d. Ke Lele li w oxo dAe. w L riAi Li de. Ai Ko Ai dKe Ai tt ne n K. o de.
hižą́ kerepiwa’oxše. Warasiriže. Higų hišgé hijanénąka ’ųže.
one of them [he regurgitated intestines].* He vomited. And also the other he did.

* this untranslated word is derived perhaps from kere, "to put"; pi, strictly speaking, means "liver," but in one source it is understood to refer to intestines (which were made into sausages); below, we see that hiwa’óx is translated as "to vomit up." Helmbrecht-Lehmann says that hiwa’óx means, "nearly throw up because of something on something, to gag on something"; whereas in a story of Jasper Blowsnake from the Medicine Rite, hiwa’óx means, "making a gutteral cough." So kerepiwa’oxše is from kere-pi-hiwa’ox-še.


Ai no li Ke w L riAi Li wi de. K tt. we L Ki. Aotto. diAili L riAi Li Le de.
Hinų́bike warasiriwiže. Gają, wéraki, hųc šibᵉra širiréže.
Both of them they vomited. And, unexpectedly, bear intestines they vomited up.



w Kn K we de. tt K. ttAo K K. to Ke we Ai nK deAe e L.
Wągᵉnąka wéže, "Jaga cokaga tokewehinąkše era,
The man he said, ["Why while] grandfather they were starving [he is saying,]



                page 80  
Aotto diAili L riAi Li Le. e de. K tt w wi de. Ai ttA Ko Lo A L.
hųc šibᵉra sirire?" éže. Gają wawíže, "Hicakorohara
bear intestine they are vomiting up?" he said. And they said, "My friend



we Ke. w o wi n. ay L n K. di Ke Ai w oxo Ai Le ra de.
wegé, wa’ųwiną," airánąga žigé hiwa’óx hires’aže.
[because he said it,] we did it," they would say, and [again] to vomit up they would do.



o nK Koo L dtt wi Ki di. Ao K LK wi de. Ai Ki A tti wi Ki ni no ni Ke.
’Ųnąk’ų, rašjawigiži, hokaragᵉwiže. "Higihajiwigįnį, nųnįgé
Finally, when they stopped, they told of their doings. "We were already here, but



Ao lA d xitti wi n. e rKe w o wi n. ay Le de. e Ki. w w K wi de.
hopažáxjįwiną, ésge wa’ųwiną," aíreže. Égi wawagawiže,
[we were very sick,] that is why we did it," they said. Then they said to them,



tt Ko Ai Lo Ai Le de. w d K ny xittiy K tt ay Le de. e Ki.
"Jagú hirohireže? Wažą ganaįxjįąkają,"* aíreže. Égi
"What there is harm? [Stuff] there is so much," they said. And

* this word cannot be ganaįxjįgają because the syllabic spelling inserts an /a/ after -xjį-; yet -ąka; means, "those lying", and the concluding suffix -ją means, "stranding (vertical position)." The intestines, being long, are laid out (-ąka), but there are so many of them they they are piled high vertically (-ją).


                                              page 81
w wi de. ttAo K. Ai Ko. tt n K. Kii doAo Lo xoAo LoKo wi Ki di
wawíže, "Coka, higų janąga k’į šuruxúrugwigíži,
they told them, "Grandfathers, [still] all to pack back if you can,



o wi ne. w wi K wi de. e Ki. di Ke. ttiAi nK KL. w wo L Ki dA LK Kiwi Ki.
’ų́wine," wawigawiže. "Égi žigé ciną́gᵉra waworagišaragᵉwigi,
do it," they said to them. "And also [the village] you may tell them, and



tt rKe Ai Le Ktte Ki di. Ai Ki Ao w Ko Ai Le Ktte dKe. oyi Le Ktte n.
jasge hirekjegiži, higi howágu hirekje, šge ’uį́rekjeną,"
as they may do, and here to come back they may, [also] [it is to be done,"]



w wi Ke de. e Ki. w Kii xitti Ai L n K A ttiy K Ly Le de. e Ki.
wawigeže. Égi wak’ixjį hiránąga hajiakaraireže. Égi
he said to them. Then large packs [they made, and] they started out. Then



Ai noKo Kn KLe we de. ttiAi to. Ai ttiAi to w A L. n ttKe L
hinųknągᵉre wéže, "Citó, hicitowahára nącgera
the woman she said, "Older brother, my brothers heart



teKe wi ne n. e de. A Ke ni a li L ni Ktt ne n. e de. e Ki.
tek winéną," éže. "Hąké nį’ą́piranįkjaneną," éže. Égi
sad I am," she said. "Not they will not live," she said. Then



page 82          
wo liAi Ke Le L. no liAi wi. m K diAi diAiKi Ai Ki o w Ai de.
wopįkerera nųpiwi mąką́ šišík higi’ų wahiže.
meat racks two medicine poison to put on [she did it to them.]



Aotto n tto tt ni Ae L. e tt m K diAi diAiKi n K. Ao Loro deAe.
Hųc nąjoją́nihera, éja mąką́ šišígᵉnąka horusše.
Bear the one who blessed her, there medicine the poison she got it.



e de rKe Ai diAi de e rKe w o de. e Ki K xi n K. A K
Ežesge hįšíže, ésge wa’ųze. Égi kaǧinąka hąká
[This] he instructed her, that is why she did it. Then the crows not



A Ae Le Ki A Ki Le de. no xA w. ni Ktt KL. w wo K L Koo wi de.
hąhéregi hagireže.* Nųxawą nįkjągᵉra wawokarak’ųwiže.
until after dark they got home. In secret their children they gave it to them.

* proper grammar would dictate that this should be hagirenįže.


K tt de Ko xe tti Le de. xK L Ai Lo xa de. A Ao.
Gają žegų ǧe jireže. Ğagᵉra hirux’aže. "Hąhó,"
But [then] noise they began  to make. To cry they all began. "Well,"



        page 83  
ay Le de. ttAo K L. A Ke Aoy ni Ke wy L ni n. A Ai
aíreže. "Cokara, hąké hoinįge wairanįną. Hahi
they said. "Grandfathers, not for nothing they say it. Go



wy dtt wi Le ay Le Ki di. wy dtt Ao Aoyi Le de. Ai lAe Le ri Le Ki di.
waíšjawire," airegiži, waíšja hohuireže. Hiperesiregiži,
[spy on them,"] they said, and [to spy] they came. When they found out,



w n dAe Ai L n K. no diAi Li ttA Ai tt Ai nK
wanąšé hiránąga noširi cąhi jąhį́nąk
to take away from them they did, and tree bark to put in its place the other



w Ki Ki Le de. de Ko L dtt A ttiy K Ly Le de. te we L Ki.
wagigireže. Žegú rašją́ hajiakaraireže. Tewéraki
[they caused it.] [Then] they stopped their crying they did it right away. Unexpectedly,



no diAi Li Ki Kolo n di L n K w nK deAe. e rKe. de Ko Ke Le de.
noširi gigóp nąžįranąga wanąkše. Ésge žegų kereže,
tree bark to peck [they stood up, and] they cried. So [then] he went home,



wy dtt tt ne. Ki Ki di we de. no diAi Li Ki Kolo n di L n K
waíšjajane. Gigiži, wéže, "Noširi gigóp nąžįranąga
the spy. When he did, he said, "Tree bark to peck [they stood up, and]



    page 84        
w nK dA n e de K tt di Ke xe tti Le de. A Ke
wanąkšaną," éže. Gają žigé ǧe jireže. "Hąké
they cried," he said. But again to make noise they began. "Not



Aoyi ni Ke w ni nK dA n. di Ke A Ai wy dtt wi Le. ay Le Ki di
hoinįge waniną́kšaną. Žigé hahi waišjawire," airegiži,
for nothing they do not say this. Again go over see them," they said, so



di Ke Ai d wy dtt Ai de. di Ke de rKe Ai Le de.
žigé hižą́ waišja hiže. Žigé žesge hireže.
again one of them to see them [he did.] Again the same they did.



no diAi Li [ttA] Ai tt Ai nK w Ki Ki Le de. di Ke de e
Noširi [cą]hi jąhį́nąk wagigireže. Žigé žee
Tree bark to put in its place the other [they caused it.] Again these



wy Kolo nK deAe. di Ke Ke Le de. wy dtt tt tt ne.* di Ke
waigobᵉnąkše. Žigé kereže, waíšjajane. Žigé
they were pecking at them. Again he went back, the spy. Again

* there seems to be an extra tt inserted here.


w diAi Ai tti nK w Ki Ki Le Ki di. di Ke xe
wašį́ hijínąk wagigiregiži, žigé ǧe
fat to place before [they caused it, and] again to make a lot of racket



                                 page 85  
tti Le de. Ao Ao. di Ke A Ai wy dtt wi Le. A Ke Aoy ni Ke
jireže. "Hohó, žigé hahi waišjawire. Hąké hoinįge
they began. "Well, again go see them. Not for nothing



w ni nK dA n. ay Le de. Ai tto l A L. K tt K. w n rA L tti Le de.
waniną́kšaną," aíreže. Hijobą́hąrá gająga wanąsarajireže.
they do not say this," they said. The fourth time, [then] they snuck up on them.



w Ke Le tti Le de. te we L Ki w diAi Lotto n di L n K.
Wakerejireže. Tewéraki wašį́ ruc nąžįranąga
They went up to them very quietly. Unexpectedly, fat to eat [standing, and]



w nK dAe. Ao K w nK Ki L n K. w n deAe Ai Le de.
wanąkše. Hokawanąkiranąga wanąše hireže.
[they uttered it.] They ran in on them, and to take it away from them they did.



e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. Ao LK wi de. Ao Ki wi L. A te n. n xi xoAo no.
Égi hainigiži, horagwíže. "Hų́giwį́ra hateną. Naxíxunu
Then in the morning, they told it. "The princess she has dreamt. The youngest



                                page 86
AoKo Ai ttAl liwi L deKe Ai tt nK dA n. e w o tte n. Ao ttiAi n K
hųk hicapwira šge hijaną́kšaną. E wa’ųjeną. Hųcįnąka*
chief our also he is there. He he does this. The bearskins

* hųc-hį, literally, "bear furs".


tt tty xiAi Ai lA Aoy Lo ttA tii wo liAi Ke Le L. Ko tt
jajaixi hipá hoirocąt’į wopįkerera goja
coverings as far as it is visible meat racks disappearing into the distance



Ao wi Le Ai n. Ao tt. wi L Lo K L. e rKe. tt rKe L Ktt wi Ki di
howirehiną. Hojá wirarukara, ésge, jasgerakjawigiži,
[they reached.] [Because] [they covered them,] therefore, you can do as you like,



ay Le n. L Ki Li Ktt wi K di ay Le n. e rKe. te e di e
aíreną. Rakirikjawigaži, aíreną. Ésge, teeži, e
they said. You may come back, if you wish they said. So, [of course,] there



w w Ke Le Ktt ni A wi n. e de. Ao KL. Ai ni KL. Ko no K. Ao Ao
wawakerekjanįhawiną," éže. Hųgᵉra hinįgᵉra, Kųnųga, "Hohó,"
we are going back," he said. The chief the son, the oldest one, "Oh my,"



e de. Ai roAoKo niKi A L. w A tti Ktt n Ae L di Ae Le no ni Ke.
éže. "Hisųknįkhara, wahajikjanaheraži, heré, nųnįgé
he said. "My little brother, although I'm going to eat, [it is time for,] but



      page 87    
A Ktt L. A Ao Ao xitti n e de. Ai Kow n. Ai Ko Lo Ao Ai Le Ki di.
hakjára hahuhuxjį́ną," éže. Higuą́ną hikorohó hiregiži,
to see you I longed to," he said. As soon as they got ready [when they did,]



Ko no K. tti K L Ki ni de. Ke ni wi rii n. te de e ttAo ni xitti.
Kųnųga, jikaragį́nį́že, kénį wis’įna težee conixjį.
the oldest one, he started, before long there [first.]



e Ki. wo liAi Ke Le. m K diAi diAi Ki* Ki o Ai Le K.
Égi wopįkerera mąką́ šišík ki’ų hirega
[Then] meat racks medicine poison to do they did, and

* this should have been written, diAi diAiKi.


e w w m Ki LK Ai Le de. te e Ai ni A xitti ne xitti
e wawamąkiraka hireže. "Tee hinihaxjį́ nexjį́
them to point them out he did. "This, my brother, to you individually



Ao ni K L. Koo n* Ai Ke de. Ai ni w A L w K L Ki do.
honįkarak’ųną," higeže. "Hiniwahara wakarakížu,"
I am giving to you," he said. "My older brothers with them,"

* the period is, I believe, placed there incorrectly. Cf. hokárak’ų́na, "to give away his own" (Dorsey).


e de. Ao Ao. Ai rAo Ki tti e liAi n e de. A Ke
éže. "Hohó, hisųgijį epįną," éže. "Hąké
he said. "Ah, my little brother, it is good," he said. "Not



    page 88        
Ai tt ne Ai Ki wo roAo tti L ni de. te e ne xitti A ni n.
hijane higi wosų jiranį́že. Tee nexjį́ haniną,
[the other ones] [here] near they did not go. This I only I have,



Ai roAoKo w A L. w K L Ki do. A Ke w di Ki dK wi ni ne
hisųkwahara wakarakížu, hąké wažį́ gįšgawinį́ne,"
my younger brothers with me, not [anything] don't disturb it,"



e de. e Ki. A ntt A Ki Li Le de. ttiAi nK KL. e Ki
éže. Égi haną́c hakiríreže, ciną́gᵉra. Égi
[he said.] Then all of them they returned, the village. [And]



daK w Ai Le L A Ki Li Le Ki di. de e di e tt A Ki Li
š’akwahirera hagirikeregiži, žeeži éja hagiri
parents when they returned, they there [to return]



Aoy K wy Le de. e Ki. wK Kn K. A Ae K tt. A ntt.
hoikawaireže. Égi wąknąka hąhegają, haną́c
they went in. [And] [the men] [when it grew dark,] all of them



ni xA L. n lA L di Le de. e Ki. liAi Ai. e tt ttAi nK KL.
nixara nąparašireže. Égi pįhi éja ciną́gᵉra
their stomachs they burst. Then [he renewed] [where] the village



    page 89      
mi nK deAe. e xitti. ttiAi nK Ai Lo K n L Ae Le de. e Ki.
mįnąkše. ’Exjį́ ciną́k hirukąnąra hereže. Égi
[it sat.] He personally village he was in charge he was. And



e tt Ai L ni Ae de. ttAi nK KL. liAi Ai w KidiKi i de. e Ki.
éja hiraniheže. Ciną́gᵉra pįhi wąkšigiže. Égi
there they were. The village [he renewed] [it was alive.]* And

* these two sentences were translated, "and there they were forever. A new start the village had".


e xitti ow n K. w Lotto Ao K L Koo de. ttAi nK KL. e Ki.
’exjį́ ’ųanąga waruc hokarak’ųže, ciną́gᵉra. Égi
himself [he did, and] food [he gave them,] the village. Then



A Ko Ley d. Ai noKo Ktte K. Ai K n L e Ao w Ko de.
hagoreižą, hinųkjega hikánara e howaguže,
one day, the woman her husband himself she came back,



di Ke. wK Ktte K dKe w Kette xiAiye tt w Kidi Kii Ai Le de.
žigé, wą́kjega šge. Wakjexieja wąkšik’į́  hireže,
and the man also. [At the Waterspirits] to live they do,



ay Le n. de e.
aíreną. Žee
it is said. This



A A.
now then,



de tt n.
it is ended.



Paul Radin, "The Hairy Man," (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago V, #15: 1-89 (syllabary only). Paul Radin, "The Hairy Man," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #9: 1-89 (English only).