Hocąk Syllabic Text — The Thunderbird
by James St. Cyr
from a story told to him by a Frenchman
based on the translation of Oliver LaMère
Oliver LaMère |
Original Text, Notebook #16 (Hocąk) — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 |
Original Text, Winnebago IV, #8o, Version 1 (English) — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Original Text, Winnebago IV, #8o, Version 2 (English) — | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
hapaxlegomena: caiksųbᵉnįk, "grass stem"; gojáxjį, "olden times" (found in Miiner in a purely spatial sense of "very far away"; hebᵉnąhi, "to camp one night"; hiki (or higi ?), "to turn"; hirarusuc, "to be bound"; hopaše, "point (of rock)"; hožuruki, "to turn oneself into something"; kuru’i, "to wear"; mą́įtajéhi, "wind"; mąkup, "to scrape out"; mątégi wíc, "continent" (literally, "near-earth island"); roéja, "inside"; rohą́k, "to be plenty"; rutis (< tutiswišųnųną), "to be unable to reach the end of something"; š’ųgᵉnįk, "bowl"; tacáp (< hatacápwiže), "to taste of something"; tejanaixjį, "it is about time"; tewe, "on, onward"; wakinixjį, "to be intimate"; waraha, "to plead"; xawarerehi, "to be thrown to one side".
rare words: haruką́, to cover something (found only in Miner and Helmbrecht-Lehmann); hašip, hašibᵉré, "to drop/fall on" (cf. Lipkind, hašibaré, "to fall on," which is probably the same word, < ha-, the supperessive applicative, "over something", and šip, "to fall"); hicexí, "to try" (found only in Helmbrecht-Lehmann); hicgis, "perpendicular" (found only in Marino);
hohúra, "the place where it comes from" (found only in Susman); hoixawanį, "to vanish, disappear" (found only in Marino); jinéją, "already" (occuring only once elswhere where it means, "even then"); k’ac, "to help, benefit" (< rakarak’ajižą), found only in Marino; ineke, "alone," a variation of inéki found only in Jipson; k’ac, kac,
"to help, benefit" (found only in Marino); nąžį, a variant of naį́ži, "about now" (found in only one other source); sgí, "to be bitter" (found only in Miner); wapį́, "to tame" (found only in Gatschet).
heavy use of the emphatic pronoun e, "he himself," etc.
frequent use of the expression, -ge ésge, "so therefore." |
see, "Comparative Frequency of Select Words in Certain Stories." |
wakaⁿ´dja |
Waką́ja |
Thunderbird |
Notebook #16: 1 = Winnebago IV, #8o1: 1 = Winnebago IV, #8o2: 1 | |||||||||
de e. | ttiAi loAo Lo Keyd | e tt | nK deAe. | wK o no d.* | Ai ttA wi | Ai Ki di. | A K L Ki do de. | e Ki. | no liAi wi |
Žee | ciporokeižą | éja | ną́kše. | [Wągᵉnúžą] | hicawį́ | higiži, | hakarakižuže. | Égi | nųpíwi |
There | an oval lodge | there | it was. | An old man† | wife | [he had,] | they were together. | And | two |
* o no was inserted between wK and d. wK e no d may have been intended.
† "old" is inserted.
Notebook #16: 2 | ||||||||||
Ai noKo. | Ai de. | e Ki. | Ai d | di Ke | Ai niKi | Ai Le de. | de de Ko Ki di. | wK now K. | Ai K K | Ki K w a ni de. |
hinų́k | hiže, | égi | hižą | žigé | hinį́k | hireže. | Žežegųgiži. | Wąknuą́ka | hįkaga | kikáwa’ąnįže. |
daughters | he had, | and | one | [also] | son | he had. | Thus they were. | The old man | never | he did not arise from bed. |
tt tty xitti | ni KttK n K | Ai leAe Le ri Le Ki di. | Aoyi diAili | miKi | ni Ae de. | w Lotto ttK |
Jajaį́xjį | nįkjąknąka | hipereziregiži, | hoišíp | mįk | nįhéže. | Warucga, |
As long as | the children | they knew him, | always | to be lying down | [he remained.] | When he ate, |
Notebook 16: 3 | ||||||||
dKe | miKi o ra de. | e Ki. | my t tte Ai | A nK ra de. | e Ki. | A Ko Ley d. | wK K | we de. |
ške | mįk’ųs’aže. | Égi | mą́įtajéhi | hąną́ks’aže. | Égi | hagoreižą | wąka† | weže, |
even | he would be lying down. | [And] | [wind] | [he would moan.]* | [And] | one day | the man | he said, |
* this sentence was not translated either in the interlinear text nor the subsequent typed translations. Helmbrecht-Lehmann translates hąną́k as, "to groan, to moan (usually in pain and while asleep)."
† this appears to be
wąka analyzed as wąk-ka, where wąk means "man", and -ka is a definite article usually reserved to indicate personal names.
Ai niKi | Ai xitti | Ai noK[o] | w L ttA lL. | de tt ny xitti. | wo Ki xAl | wo L Ki ni deAe Le Ki di. | y Le n. |
"Hinį́k | hixjį,* | hinų́k | waracábara | žejanaíxjį | wokíxap | woraginįšeregiži, | yaréną," |
"Son | my, | sisters | your | it is about time | company | you should look for them, | [I think,"] |
* this should probably be haxjį.
Notebook 16: 4 | ||||||||||
e de. | Ao ttiy | tt rKe | w L Ke Ki di. | e de. | e Ki. | Ai Ki Ko Lo Ao | Ai Le de. | tt n K | w d L. | tt Ko |
éže. | "Hojiá, | jasgé | waragegiži," | éže. | Égi | hikikoroho | hireže. | Janąga | wažąra | jagú |
he said. | "All right, | however | you wish," | he said. | And | to get ready | he did. | All | the things | that |
Ai Lo Ko n L | Ki oyi Le de. | e Ki. | Le Ktt n Ae Ki di | w Ke de. | Ai rKe | w L Ki dtt Ktt n Ae n. |
hirokų́nara, | ki’ųireže. | Égi | rekjanahegiži, | wageže, |
"Hisgé | waragišjakjanaheną. |
he would need, | they gave him. | Then | when he was ready to go, | he said to him, | "Some | you will see on your way. |
Notebook 16: 5 | |||||||||
e | w L Ki do doo Ktt n Ae n. | Ai Ke de. | e Ki | Le de. | K tt. | Ai noKo | w ttA lL. | xK | Ai Le de. |
E | warakižuš’ųkjanaheną," | higeže. | Égi | reže. | Gają | hinų́k | waracábara | ǧak | hireže. |
Those | you will travel with," | he said to him. | And then | he went. | And | sisters | his | to weep | they began. |
Notebook 16: 6 | ||||||
w Kd de. | Ao rKe. | ttiAi to | w A nK dA n. | woyi w ri li Ktt n A wi Ke | w A nK dA n. | de Ko |
Wakšąže. | "Hosgé | citó | wahanąkšaną. | Woiwazibikjanahawige, | wahanąkšaną. | Žegų |
He turned back. | "For nothing | brother | we were crying.* | Only that we will be lonesome, | that is why we cry. | So |
* this actually means, "it is why I am saying this."
L n Le | ay Le Ki di | Le de. | di Ke | ay Le Ki di | di Ke | w Kd de. | tto l A. |
ranare | airegiži | reže. | Žigé | airegiži | žigé | wakšąže. | Jobą́hą |
you must go on your way," | they said, so | he went. | Again | they cried, so | again | he turned back. | Four times |
Notebook 16: 7 | |||||||||
w Kd n K | de tt K | de Ko | Le de. | e Ki. | e tt | ow Ai K tt. | te we L Ki | n Koyi d | |
wakšąnąga | žejąga | žegų | reže. | Égi | éja | ’ųahigają, | tewéraki, | naguižą | |
he turned back, then | [finally] | [thus] | he went on his way. | Then | there | on his way, | unexpectedly, | a road |
ey ttiwo we de. | Ao tti dA n xitti. | Ai reKe | A ttiy Ly Le de. | w Lo xeAe de. | no wK deAe. | A Ai |
eajioweže.* | Hojišanąxjį, | hisgé | hajiaraireže. | Waruxéže. | Nųwąkše. | hahi |
[he had walked by.] | A short time before, | some | they went on the road. | He hastened after them. | He ran. | Finally, |
* < e-hajiówežé. This is translated as, "there was."
Notebook 16: 8 | ||||||
wo xeAe Le de. | A Ke tt. | wi Lo nK K Kono ni Ke | A Ke | Ai leAe Le ri L ni de. | A Ko Le d. | K tt K. |
woxereže. | Hagéja | wirunąkaknųnįge | hąké | hipereziranįže. | Hagoréžą, | gająga |
he caught up to them. | Behind | he followed on, but | not | they were not aware. | Finally, | then |
Ai d | Ai Lo nK K Ki di. | A tt de. | ni do xoAo tteKe L | xiAi | m ni nK dAe. | K tt K. | A tty Le de. |
hižą | hirunąkakiži, | hajaže. | Nįžuxocgera | xi | mạnį́nạkše. | Gająga | hajaíreže. |
the one | he was behind, | he saw him. | Drizzling rain | [mist] | they walked. | Then | they saw him. |
Notebook 16: 9 | |||||||||
Ao Ao. | w Kidi Ke. | e | w lA K nK dA n. | ay Le d Le. | Ai d | w Ki Lo nK | A AK wi n. | e de. | e Ki |
"Hohó, | wąkšigé | e | wapaką́nąkšąną," | airežaré. | "Hižą | wakirunąk | hahąkwiną," | éže | Égi |
"Oh, | the human | he | he is more clever than we are," | they said. | "One | following | [as we go,"] | he said. | Then |
K tt K. | A tt | Ai Le de. | Ao Ao. | Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ai wi L. | e liAi n. | e | A Ki do | Ai o Ktt n A wi n. | ay Le de. |
gająga | hajá | hireže. | "Hohó, | hicakorohihiwira, | epį́ną. | E | hakižu | hi’ųkjanahawiną," | aíreže. |
only | to see | they did. | "Oh, | our friend, | it is good. | He | [with] | [we can use,"] | it was said. |
Notebook 16: 10 | |||||
Ao. | e Ki. xitti* | t ni Ai Ai Ktt wi n. | Ai wo dA wiy n K. | Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ai wi L. | w Ko xA L wi Le Ki. |
"Ho, | egixjį | tanihihikjawiną. | Hiwušawianąga | hicakorohihiwira | wągoxarawiregi," |
"Ho, | here | let us smoke. | Let us stop, and | our friend | where he has caught up to us," |
* there should be no period after e Ki.
Winnebago IV, #8o1: 2 | |||||||||
ay Le de. | e rKe | e tt | mi nK | Ai Le de. | t ni Ao L. | w Ko Lo e Le de. | te we L Ki. | L xeKe. | dooKo niKi. |
aíreže. | Ésge | éja | mįną́k | hireže. | Tanihúra | wakuruereže. | Tewéraki, | raxgé | š’ųgᵉnįk |
they said. | So | there | to sit | they did. | Their pipes | they brought forth. | Unexpectedly, | weed | bowls |
Notebook 16: 11 | |||||||||
ttAy Korolo niKi | Ao n. | o Ai L n K | w K nK dAe. | e Ki. | n al | w xottoKo | Ai L n K. | Ai Le de. | e Ki. |
caiksųbᵉnįk | huna | ’ųhiranąga | wagánąkše. | Égi | ną’áp | waxjuk | hiránąga | hireže. | Égi |
grass stem | stems | [they had, and] | they meant. | And | leaves | to mash up | they did, and | they smoked.* | Then |
* this actually means, "they did".
Notebook 16: 12 | ||||||||
wK KidiKi n KLe | w o de. | t ni Ao L | Ko Lo e de. | Ao Kodo de. | t ni Ai Ki di. | Ao Lo lA n | Ai Le Ki di. | de Ko xitti |
wą́kšigᵉnạ̀gᵉre | wa’ųže: | tanihúra | kurueže. | Hokšúže. | tanihigiži, | horupą́ną | hiregiži, | žegųxjį |
the human | he did it: | his pipe | he took out. | He filled it. | As he smoked, | to smell of it | as they did, | immediately |
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 2 | |||||||
t ni Ao L. | ni Ke | w K L too Li Le de. | Ao Lo xotto | mi n Ki Le de. | e Ki. | w o de. | Ai Ki rotto n Ki di. |
tanihúra | nįgé | wakarat’ųpireže. | Horoxúc | mįnąkireže. | Égi | wa’ųže. | Hikisųjᵉnąkiži, |
their pipes | [somewhere] | they put away. | Looking | they sat. | And then | he did it. | To the one next to him, and |
Notebook 16: 13 | |||||||||
i L | Ao w rAK deAe. | Aowo | a n K | A ni tti nK deAe. | de Ko | xiAi L. | A Ke | Ai Ai nl | Ai ni de. |
ira | howasakše. | "Howo," | ánąga | hanįjínąkše. | Žegų | xira | hąké | híhiną́p | hinįže. |
his mouth | he placed it. | "Ho," | said he, and | grabbed hold of it. | Then | the smoke | not | to escape | he did not do. |
xiAi L | n Ai de. | di Ki tt ne n K | Ao Koo de | di Ki Ko | de rKe | Ai de. | Ai tto li Ke |
Xira | nąhiže. | Žigijanenąka | hok’ųže. | Žigígų | žesge | hiže. | Hijóbike |
The smoke | he swallowed. | Then to the next one | he passed it. | And [again] | the same thing | he did. | All four of them |
Notebook 16: 14 | |||||||||
de rKe | Ai Le de. | w i nl lL | Lo K n | Ai Le de. | t ni Ao L. | Ai o | Lo dtt | Ai Le Ki di. | w ri lA L rKe. |
žesge | hireže. | Wainąbᵉra | rokana | hireže. | Tanihúra | hi’ų́ | rušją́ | hiregiži, | wazíparasgé |
thus | they did. | To thank him | very much | they did. | The pipe | [to use] | through with | when they were, | cedar leaves |
Ao t lA n | Ai L n K. | Ao K Ly Koo | Ai Le de. | Ao Ao | e liAi K tt. | Ai ttA Ko Lo. | tt tty xitti L. | A K |
hotapąną | hiránąga | hogaraik’ų | hireže. | "Hohó, | epįgáją | hicakóro, | jajaixjįra | hąká |
to fumigate | they did, and | to return it back | they did. | "Ah, | it is good | my friend, | [for all time]* | never |
* translated as, "ever since time."
Notebook 16: 15 | ||||||
me de rKe | A t ttAl liwi de. | w Kidi KL | me de rKe | Ai Le K. | w Low Ko A tt wi doAo no L. | e liAi K tt. |
mežesge | hatacápwiže. | Wąkšigᵉra | mežesge | hirega, | warųakųhajawišųnųra, | epįgáją," |
this kind | we taste of. | The humans | thus | when they do, | we used to envy them,* | it is good," |
* the translation adds, "now."
ay Le de. | e Ki | di Ke | Ai rKe | dA n | wo K de. | t ni L. | m dtt | Ai to i ne de. | e Ki | di Ke |
aíreže. | Égi | žigé | hisgé | šana | wogáže, | taníra. | Mąšją | hito’įneže. | Égi | žigé |
they said. | Then | [again] | some | apiece | he gave them, | the tobacco. | Very | they were pleased. | Then | again |
Notebook 16: 16 | |||||||
A ttiy K Ly Le de. | ow Ai Le K tt | ni | xAe te xitti d. | Ao ta li Le de. | e tt | wy Le de. | Ao Ao. |
hajiakaraireže. | ’Ųwahiregają | nį | xetexjįžą | hot’ąpireže. | Éja | waíreže, | "Hohó, |
they started out. | As they went on | river | a large one | they came to. | Then | they said to him, | "Oh my, |
Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ai wi L.* | Ai Ke | A ni o Ai Lo xoAo LoKo wi ni K tt. | e Ki. | w Ae Ae L | dKe. |
hicakorohihiwira | hįké | hani’ųhiruxurukwinįgają. | Égi | wahehera | ške |
our friend | not | we will not be able to take. | And | the weaker ones | also |
* tt is lined out before this word.
Notebook 16: 17 | ||||
Ki rAK Le Ki. | w Lo diAi li Le doAo no n. | A K K. | Ai w dtt Ki L wi n doAo no n. | A Kidi xitti |
kiságᵉregi | warušipirešųnųną. | Hąkagá | hiwašjakirawinašųnųną, | hąkšíxjį |
to the middle | they are [usually] drawn down. | Never | we were not let to pass in peace, | way [up] |
w Ki w wi K | dKe. | ay Le de. | de Ko | Ai Ke | n ttKe woy ttiAi wi ni Le. | Ai dKe | w do o liAi Ki di. |
wągiwawiga* | ške," | aíreže. | "Žegų | hįké | nącge wociwinįre. | Hišgé, | waš’ųpigiži, |
when they go way above it | even," | they said. | "Just | not | don't worry about me. | I, | if there is a way, |
* wągiwawiga apparently comes from wąge, "above"; hiwi, "to go somewhere" (with an infix -wa-, "it"); and -ga, "when."
Notebook 16: 18 | ||||||||
A Ai Ktt n Ae n. | e de. | e Ki | A Le Ai Ko Lo Ao | Ai Le Ki di. | wy Le de. | Ao Ao | e Ki. | Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ai wi L. |
hahikjanaheną," | éže. | Égi | harehikórohó | hiregiži, | waíreže, | "Hohó, | égi, | hicakorohihiwira |
I will be there," | he said. | Then | ready to go, | when they were, | they said, | "Oh my, | [well,] | our friend |
to Ke | Ai Ai Ktt n A wi | no ni Ke. | tt Ko | Ao o liAi de | ay Le de. | e Ki | we de. | tt Ko | Ai Lo Ai Le de. |
toké | hįhikjanahawi, | nųnįgé | jagú | ho’ųpįže," | aíreže. | Égi | weže, | "Jagú | hirohireže. |
wet | we will get (make), | but | [that] | [it is possible,"]* | they said. | Then | he said, | ["That] | it doesn't matter. |
* translated as, "we cannot help it."
Notebook 16: 19 | ||||||||
de Ko | o wi L. | tt rKe | L wi ra Ki di. | e de. | e Ki. | A ttiy K Ly Le de. | w KL | Ao w Ly Le de. |
Žegų | ’ųwira | jasgé | rawis’agiži," | éže. | Égi | hajiakaraireže. | Wągᵉra | howaraíreže. |
So | do | whatever | you are in the habit of doing," | he said. | Then | they started. | Up* | they went. |
* the translation adds here, "in the air".
Lo ttx n di ne de. | A Ai K | tt K. | A Kidi xitti | A Ai Le Ki di. | e Ki. | A Ly Le de. | de Ko |
Rucxanąžį́neže, | hahiga. | Jaga, | hąkšíxjį | hahiregiži, | égi | haraíreže. | Žegų |
They thundered,* | as they went. | [When they tried,] | high up | when they got [there,] | then | they started. | Then |
* the word rucxanąžįneže would seem to be analyzed as, ruc, "to consume"; xa, "plants" or "hill"; nąžį́, "to stand"; -ine, third person plural suffix; and -že, a suffix terminating a clause whose content is hearsay. This would mean, "they consumed standing vegetation or hills."
Notebook 16: 20 = Winnebago IV, #8o1: 3 | ||||||
ni do L. Ai t tte xitti de. | e Ki. | n tte tt | w Ky Le K | e tt xitti | A Ai Le K tt. | de Ko |
nįžúra hitàcéxjįže. | Égi | nąjeja | wagairega, | ejaxjį | hahiregają, | žegų |
it rained very hard. | Then | the middle | that they had spoken of, | [around there] | when they got to, | [thus] |
rii xitti | e tt | A Ai. | Koo L | o xitti Le de. | e Ki. | wK n KeLe | w o de. | L xeKe doo Ki d. | m Al deAe. |
s’ixjį | éja | hahi | k’ųra | ’ųxjįreže. | Égi | wąknągᵉre | wa’ųže: | raxgeš’okižą | mąhapše. |
a long time | there | to remain | thundering | [they did much.]* | Then | this man | he did [it]: | a bulb of a weed | he made a hole in. |
* this word was not translated.
Notebook 16: 21 | ||||||||||
e Ki | Lo KL. | m Kolo deAe | e Ki. | we de. | a Ke tt. | my t tte Ai | L Le | Ai Le | e Ki di. | a Ke tt |
Égi | rogᵉra | mąkupše. | Égi | weže, | "Ageja | mą́įtajéhi | rare | hire." | Egíži, | ageja |
And | the inside | he scraped out. | And | he said, | "To the other side | wind | [go] | you must." | As he said, | to the other side |
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 3 | |||||||
Le Ai | A Ki Li de. | e Ki. | Lo Ke tt | Ao mi n K n K. | A Lo K n K. | to w Le doKo ni de. | o ni Ae de. |
rehi | hakiriže. | Égi | rogeja | homįnąkanąga | haruką́nąga | towarešgųnįže. | ’ųniheže. |
it blew | it began. | And then | inside | he sat, and | he covered it, and | he went on. | [He remained.]* |
* the translation has, "Thus he went."
Notebook 16: 22 | ||||||
A Ko Ley d. | de Ko Ki | xA w Le Le Ai Ke | Aoyi rii K tt. | te we L Ki | m Lo tt. | Ai Ly xA de. |
Hagoreižą | žegųgi | xawarerehige, | hois’įgają, | tewéraki, | mąrocą | hiraixaže. |
Finally, | [then] | he was thrown to one side, so | he peeped out, [and] | unexpectedly, | to the land | he drifted. |
de Ke | e tt | a tti nK deAe. | te we L Ki | Ai ttA Ko Lo w Ai L. | e tt | o nK deAe. | Ao Ao | e liAi n. | Ai ttA Ko Lo. |
Žege | éja | ajinąkše. | Tewéraki, | hicakorowahira | éja | ųnąkše. | "Hohó, | epį́ną, | hicakóro," |
[And] | there at | he came out.* | Unexpectedly, | his friends | there | they were. | Oh my, | it is good, | our friend," |
* the translation crosses out "came out" and writes above it, "landed". However, the original complies with the strict meaning of the word.
Notebook 16: 23 | |||||||||
ay Le de. | w Kidi Ke | e | w lA K nK dA n | ay Le L | te de rKe K tt | a nK deAe. | e Ki | di Ke | A Ly Le de. |
aíreže. | "Wąkšigé | e | wapaką́nąkšąną, | aírera. | Téžesgegáją," | ánąkše. | Égi | žigé | haraíreže. |
they said. | "The human | [he] | he is clever,* | they say.† | Thus it is true," | they were saying. | Then | again | they went. |
* the trasnslation has, "he is more clever".
† prior to these words, we are told was written.
ow Ai Le K tt. | e tt. | mi dL. | w Ke tt | A Ai. | tt lL | Aoy xA w ni de. | ni dL |
’úwahiregają, | éja | nįžᵉra | wągéja | hahi | ją́bᵉra | hoixawanįže. | Nįžᵉra |
When they had gone a ways, | there | the rocky precipice | [up above] | it reached | [the power of sight] | [it vanished.]* | The rocky precipice |
* éja nįžᵉra wągéja hahi ją́bᵉra hoixawanįže is translated, "there a rocky precipice reaching as far as the eye could reach."
Notebook 16: 24 | ||||||||||
Ai ttiKi ritti | w o de. | e rKe | e tt | di Ke | wy Le de. | Ai ttA Ko Lo. | Ai Ke | A ni ni | o | to xoAo LoKo wi ni n.‡ |
hicgisjį | wa’ųže. | Ésge | éja | žigé | waíreže, | "Hicakóro, | hįké | hanįnį | ’ų | toxurukwinįną. |
[completely perpendicular]* | it was. | So† | there | [again] | they said, | "My friend, | not | not to take along | [to do] | we will not be able. |
* translated as "smooth".
† this is written above, Therefore.
‡ to is inserted above the line by a caret between o and xoAo.
e Ki deKe | Ao t | to ttiri wi doAo no n. | ay Le de. | de Ko | o wi Le. | w do o liAi Ki di | Ai deKe | A Ai Ktt n Ae n. |
Egišge | hotá | tutiswišųnųną," | aíreže. | "Žegų | ’ųwire, | waš’ųpigiži, | hišgé | hahikjanaheną," |
At this place, | some | we are not able to get to the end," | they said. | "Just | keep on, | if I am able, | also | I will come," |
Notebook 16: 25 | |||||||
e de. | e Ki | di Ke | A ttiy K Ly Le Ki di. | w o de. | nL xK xKl Ke. | Ai dtt ni Ki d. | Ai Koo de. |
éže | Égi | žigé | hajiákarairegìži, | wa’ųže. | Nąraxgąxgąpage* | hišjanįkižą | hik’ų́že. |
he said. | Then | [again] | they started on, and | he did it. | [Woodpecker]† | [a small faced one] | [he turned into.]‡ |
* nąraxgąxgąpage can be analyzed as, nąra, "trees"; xgą, "motion, action" (doubled in emphatic form as xgąxgą); pa, "head"; -ge, "kind, type, sort, species, genus".
the text has, "(he ["the human" is circled and entered above the line] turned himself into a little bird that is in the habit of pounding climbing & pecking trees)".
literally, "he used".
Notebook 16: 26 | ||||||||
to w Le de. | A Ko Le d. | Aoy xii Ki di. | e tt | di Ke | t niy K n K nK Ke d | Ai Koo de. | di Ke | to w xitti Le de. |
Towareže. | Hagoréžą, | hoix’į́kiži, | éja | žigé | tanį́ ką́nąkąnąkežą | hik’ų́že. | Žigé | towaxjįreže. |
On he went. | Finally, | he got tired, so | from there | [again] | a hummingbird | he used as himself. | Again | They went on. |
di Ke | e tt | Ao Ki xii Kede. | di Ke | e tt. | Ki Li Ki Li reKeyi d | Ai Koo de. | di Ke | to w Le de. | di Ke | A Ko Le d. |
Žigé | éja | hokix’įkše.* | Žigé | éja | kirikírisgeižą | hik’ų́že. | Žigé, | towareže. | Žigé, | hagoréžą, |
Again | there | he got tired. | Again | there | [a pigeon hawk]† | he used. | Again, | on he went. | Again, | after awhile, |
* this is hoix’įkše with the reflexive -ki- infixed.
the translation has, "(he used another bird name not known".
Notebook 16: 27 | |||||||||
A Ke | w d | de rK ni de. | e tt | di Ke. | Ke Le tto reAe li de† | Ai Koo de. | di Ke. | to w Le de. | K tt K. |
hąké | wažą | žesganįže. | Éja | žigé | kerejųsebižą | hik’ų́že. | Žigé | towareže. | Gająga |
not | [anything] | [he was not like.]* | There | again | a black hawk | he used. | Again | on he went. | Now |
* a common expression in Hocąk meaning that his condition was incomparable. The translation has, "he began to weaken."
† this should be Ke Le tto reAe li d.
a dKe xitti | Ao t K tt. | e tt | A Ke | w d | de rK ni de. | e tt | nidi | Ao lA dAe tt |
ašgéxjį | hotagają, | éja | hąké | wažą | žesganįže. | Éja | niš | hopašeja† |
very near | [what was left to do, and]* | there | not | [anything] | [he was not like.] | There | [rocky precipice] | on a point |
* the translation has, "the top".
† compare hopase, "corner, point of land."
n di de. | Ai ttA Ko Lo Ai Ai wi L. | ny di | w d | o Ko ni | Ao Lo xotto wi Le |
nąžįže. | "Hicakorohihiwira | naį́ži | wažą | ’ųgųnį, | horoxojwire," |
[he stood.]* | "Our friend | by this time | something | he must have done, | you had better look for him," |
* the translation has, "he stopped to rest."
Notebook 16: 28 | Winnebago IV, #8o1: 4 | ||||||||
ay Le Ke. | Ao Lo xotto | Ai Le K tt. | we L Ki. | e Ki | A tti | n di tte de. | no li wi | Ao wiy a K. | a a Ki |
aírege, | horoxúc | hiregają | wéraki | égi | haji | nąžįježe. | Nųpíwi | howianąga | a’aki |
they said, so | to look | they did, and | unexpectedly, | then | there | he stood. | Two of them | they (two) came, and | on each side |
Notebook 16: 29 | |||||||
A Lo Ko ri L n K. | A ni | Ai A KL | Ao w Kiy K Ly Le de | e tt | A K L Ai Le Ki di. | wy Le de | e Ki |
harukosiranąga | hani | hihagᵉra | howakiakaraireže. | Éja | hakarahiregiži, | waíreže, | égi |
they caught him, and | to go | the top | they went to. | Then | when they went on from there, | they said, | and |
w Ky Le de. | Ai ttA Ko Lo. | e Ki | Ai Ki Lo tteAe Ktt n A wi n. | e Ki. | Ky tt | Ao L w deAe Le Ktt n Ae n. |
wagaíreže, | "Hicakóro | égi | hikirucekjanahawiną. | Égi | kaija | horawašerekjanaheną. |
they said to him, | "Our friend | from here | we will have to part. | From here | over there | you will have to go. |
Notebook 16: 30 | ||||||||||
lAtt | ttA tiiy K | e tt* | Ai no Ki d. | A t Ki ntt nK dA n. | Ao KL. | e | Ai noKo Ai n. | ne | Ai ni A te | n i |
Pac | cąt’ią́ga, | éja | hinųgižą | hątáginącą̀kšaną. | hųgeᵉra | e | hinųkhina | ne | hinihąte | ną’į́ |
Grove | when it is visible, | there | a woman | she is fasting. | The chief | she | his daughter | you | to dream of you | to try |
* this word is preceded by e tt, which had been meant to have been suffixed to the previous word.
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 4 | ||||||
w o nK dA n. | e tt | n tto L tt Ke | w doo dA wK d n. | Ai Ky se Ki di. | e tto w Le de. | te we L Ki. |
wa’ųnąkšaną. | Éja | nąjorająge | waš’ųšánąkšąną," | higaíregiži | ejowareže. | Tewéraki, |
she is doing it. | There | you will bless her is why | you are along," | they said to him, so | instead he went there. | Unexpectedly, |
Notebook 16:31 | ||||||||
e tt | ttAi loAo Lo Ke d | nK deAe. | Ai tt Ai Ki di. | ttAo Lo le tt. | Aoyi rii de | te we L Ki. | Ai no Ki d. | e tt. |
éja | ciporokeižą | nąkše. | Hijáhigiži, | coropeja | hois’įže. | Tewéraki, | hinųgižą | éja |
there | an oval shaped abode | there was. | When he got there, | in the door | he peeped. | Unexpectedly, | a woman | there |
ttAe Ai | o nK deAe. | Ai Ki | Ao Lo xotto deAe. | K tt. | roAo roAoxo. | a tti | Ao Ai de. | di Ki no l A L. |
cehį | ųnąkše. | Hiki | horoxocše. | Gają | sosóx | aji | huhiže. | Žiginųbahąra |
woolen belt | she was wearing. | She turned | and looked. | And | it rattled | towards | [there came.] | Again the second time |
Notebook 16: 32 | ||||||||
o de. | Ai tto l A L. | o Ki di. | Ai noKo n K | we de. | L tti K tt. | tt Ko o. | A Ke | Ao L K w ni |
’ųže. | Hijobą́hąrá | ’ųgiži, | hinų́gᵉnąka | weže, | "Rajigają. | Jagú’ų | hąké | horakáwani |
he did it. | The fourth time | he did it, and | the woman | she said, | "You are here. | Why | not | you don't come in |
w doo L tte de. | Ao rKe | Ao tt lL | dey rKe Ke | wy o nK dA n. | e de. | e Ki. | Ao Ke we de. | Ai noKo n K |
waš’uraježe? | Hosgé | hoją́bᵉra | žeisgege | wai’únąkšąnạ̀," | éže. | Égi | hoikeweže. | Hinų́gᵉnąka |
instead of you doing that? | Naturally | my look | that way is why | I do that," | she said. | Then | he went in. | The woman |
Notebook 16: 33 | |||||||||
w i nl deAe. | L tti L | e liAi n. | e de. | e Ki. | w Ke de. | tt Ko | Ltt ra de. | Ai Ke de. | wK Kn K |
wa’inąpše. | "Rajira | epį́ną," | éže. | Égi | wageže, | "Jagú | racs’aže?" | higeže. | Wąknąka |
she thanked him. | "You come | it is good," | she said. | Then | she asked him, | "What | you eat?" | she said to him. | The man |
w Ke de. | ttA | Att doAo no n. | e de | tt rKe | w L Ke de. | e Ki di. | we de. | ttA. | ay Le L. | Ai L. |
wageže, | "Ca | hajašųnųną," | éže. | "Jasgé | warageže?" | egíži | weže, | "'Ca' | aírera: | hira |
he said to her, | "Deer | I always eat," | he said. | "What | you mean?" | she said, so | he said, | "'Deer' | as they are called: | their hair |
Notebook 16: 34 | ||||||||||
rKi | Ai Le n. | rii L. | ttA Ki d Ke | Ai Le n. | A | y leAe Le rA n. | r r tteKe | w L Ke n. | e de. | Ai Ai nl deAe. |
sgí | hiréną; | s’ira | cakižąge | hiréną." | "Hą, | yaperesąną. | Zazácke | warageną," | éže. | Hihiną́pše. |
bitter | it is; | hooves | forked | they are." | "Oh, | I know. | Grasshoppers | you mean," | she said. | She went outdoors. |
Ai d. | A ni Ki Li de. | n ttA wy tt | A Lo Ko r n K. | tee K L Ki Le. | tt rKe L n K. | tee w L ra Ki di. |
Hižą | hanikiriže. | Nącawaija | harukozanąga | "T’ekáragíre, | jasgéranąga | t’ewaras’agiži," |
One | she brought back. | By the ears | she held, and she said, | "Kill it for yourself, | [in whatever way]* | you are in the habit of killing," |
* the translation has just, "the way".
Notebook 16: 35 | |||||||
Ai Ke Ki di. | m L * | Ko Lo r n K. | Kotto ttiKi di. | m L | rA ni Ke tt. | rA L | Ai Le Ai de. |
higegiži, | mąra | kurusanąga | gujigiži | mąra | sanįgéja | sara | hirehiže. |
she said to him, so | the arrows | he took, and | when he shot, | the arrow | on the other side | [sticking]† | [he sent it forth.] |
* the text has n L, which would mean "the tree," but in the same sentence the same object is called m L, "the arrow."
† this was analyzed in the translation as if sa were used in the sense of "pale, white," and translated as "a white streak".
e Ki. | Lo xl dAe | e Ki. | Ai noKo tte K. | Lo Ai L. | Ao A de. | w Lo roKo | Ai L Ki o de. |
Égi | ruǧapše, | Égi | hinųkjega | ruhíra | hohą́že, | warusgú | hirakí’ųže. |
And then | she skinned it, | and then | the woman | the ribs | she boiled, | dried corn | together with. |
Winnebago IV, #8o1: 5 | Notebook 16: 36 | ||||
to tti de. | w Ki re de. | w rKey d | Ai tt | tte de | Ai Ktt n Ae Ki di |
Tujiže. | Wagiseže. | Wasgeižą | hija | jéže. | Hikjanahegiži, |
She cooked it. | She put some on a plate for him. | A plate | [there] | it was. | That he was going to be there, |
Ai leAe Lere n Ki di | w rKey d. | Ai Lo dtt | Ai tt | Ki Ke Le Le de. | Ai Ke | Ai Ki o niy tte |
hiperezᵉnąkiži | wasgeižą | hirušją́ | hija | gikerereže. | "Hįké | hiki’onįąje," |
they knew, so | a plate | to be made ready | there | [they left.] | "Not | do not touch it," |
Notebook 16: 37 | ||||||||
Ai noKo n K | Ai Ky Le de. | e Ki. | e | Ao Ki o de. | ttA | Lo Ai L. | t rA L xitti | Ki Ki. Le de.† |
hinų́gᵉnąka | hikaíreže. | Égi | e | hoki’ųže. | Ca | ruhíra | tasáraxjį | gigíreže. |
the woman | they told her. | And | that | it is what she used. | Deer | the ribs | [greasy]* | she made for him. |
* the translation has, "nice and oily".
† the period after Ki is probably in error.
w Kn K | w Lottto deAe. | Ai rKe tt. | Ai noKo n KLe | Lo Ko de. | e rKe. | ni Ke | Ki t de. |
Wągᵉnąka | warucše. | Hisgéja | hinųgᵉnągᵉre, | rogųže, | ésge | nįgé | gitaže. |
The man | he ate. | Very much | the woman | she wished for it, | so | piece | she asked him. |
Notebook 16: 38 | ||||||||||
ttA | Lo Ai d | Ao Koo de. | L ttK K tt. | Ai Ke | w d L | Ki LK ni A L. | ttAl deAe. | de Ko | Lo ttL | Lo daK deAe. |
Ca | ruhíra | hok’ųže. | Racgągáją | hįké | wažąra | kiraknįhara | capše. | Žegų | rujᵉra | roš’akše, |
Deer | a rib | he gave her. | To taste | not | [anything] | [?] | [to get].* | [Indeed] | to eat it | she could not, |
* this sentence is translated as, "she thought that it did not taste very good".
Lo Ko no ni Ke. | e rKe | w Kn KeLe. | w Ke de. | w di tt Ai | Ltt L tte Ke | w ni o n. | Lotto |
rokonunige. | Ésge | wą́gᵉną́gᵉre | wageže, | "Wažįjahį | rajarajege | wani’ųną. | Ruc |
as much as she would like to. | So | the man | he told her, | "Other things | that you eat, are why | you are thus. | To eat |
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 5 | ||||||||
Notebook 16: 39 | ||||||||
Lo L Ko Ki di. | tt Ko | Ltt L tte L. | de e. | L too deAe Le Ki di. | wo Lotto ttL | Ai Ki rKe | Ai o n n. | e Ki. |
roragųgiži, | jagú | rajarajera | žee | rat’ųšeregiži, | worujᵉra | hikísge | hi’ųnaną. | Égi |
if you really want, | [what] | [you are eating] | [these] | [if you cast away,] | [food] | the same | [it would be used.] | Then |
w Ki o de. | Ai noKo n K | A Lo Koro n diy n K. | ni Ke | i K nK | Ki Ki de. | de Ko K tt. | wo Lo ttL | Ai Ki rKe |
waki’ųže: | hinų́gᵉnąka | harukosnązįanąga | nįgé | ikanąk | gigiže. | Žegųgiži, | worújᵉra | hikísge |
he did thus: | the woman | he held her, and | piece | to put in her mouth | he did. | As he did this, | [their food] | the same |
Notebook 16: 40 | ||||||||||
o de. | m dtt | Ki liAi de. | Ai noKo n K. | e tt | wo Lo ttL | Ai Ki rKe | o de. | e Ki. | we de. | Ai ttAi to w A L. |
’ųže. | Mąšją | gipįže, | hinų́gᵉnąka. | Éja | worújᵉra | hikísge | ’ųže. | Égi | weže, | "Hicitowahára |
it was. | Very much | she liked it, | the woman. | From then on | [their food] | the same | it was. | Then | she said, | "My brothers |
xA lee niKi | A Ki Ly K Ly Le Ktt ne n. | e de. | ttAo ni xitti | Ko no K | Ki Li Ke Le Ktt n Ae n. | e de. | eyo Ki wy Le doAo no n. |
xap’enįk | hagiraigarairekjaneną," | éže. | "Conixjį, | Kųnųga, | kirikerekjanaheną," | éže. | "Eogiwairešųnųną.† |
soon | they will go by," | she said. | "The first one, | Co nu,* | he will go by," | she said. | "They always come by this way. |
* Kųnųga is a birth order name for the first born male in a family.
† e-hogiwa-ire-šųnų-ną. /E/ is an emphatic pronoun, "they themselves"; and /h/ has been lost through external sandhi.
Notebook 16: 41 | |||||||
di Ki dtt | Ai Le doAo no n. | Ai L Le xitti K tt. | ttAi wi | to w Ko de. | w Ki d | ttA KLe Ki | Ai tee tee de. |
Žigįšja* | hirešųnųną." | Hirarexjįgają, | cįwį | towaguže. | Wągížą | cągᵉrégi | hit’et’éže. |
To see me [again] | [they always do."] | In a short time, | thundering | he came on. | A man | outside | he talked. |
* < žige-hįšja.
Notebook 16: 42 | |||||||||
wy tteKe A xitti | tt tt. | w L tti Kette Ki di. | Ao L K tte. | A t Ki ntt L. | e de. | K tt. | Ai noKo n KeLe | we de. | ttAi to |
"Waicgehaxjį, | jają́ | warajikjegiži, | horakaje, | hątáginąjᵉra," | éže. | Gają | hinųgᵉnągᵉre | weže, | "Citó, |
"My sister, | when | you want to eat, | tell me, | you who fast," | he said. | But | the woman | she said, | "Older brother, |
w Att dA n | w Kidi Ki d. | n tto tt L. | tti L. | w Ki ttA n. | e | wo Lo tt ni L. | Att dA n. | e de. | Ao Ao |
wahacšąną. | Wąkšigížą | nąjojąra | jira | wagicaną. | E | worujanira | hacšąną," | éže. | "Hohó, |
I have eaten. | A human | he blessed me | he came | I have eaten. | With him | his own kind of food | I ate," | she said. | "Ah, |
Notebook 16: 43 | |||||||
e liAi n | wy tteKe niKi A xitti. | A ttA Kette n. | Ai ttA A L. | a n K | Ao Ke we de. | Ao Ao | Ai ttA Ai xitti. |
epį́ną, | waíjgenįkháxjį, | hacákjeną. | Hicąhara," | ánąga | hokeweže. | "Hohó, | Hicąhixjį, |
it is good, | my little sister, | let me see him. | My brother-in-law," | he said, and | he came in. | "Ah, | My brother-in-law, |
e liAi n | a nK dAe. | da Ki w Ai L. | xA lee | w w Ki t Ki Ktte n. | a n K | Ke Le de. | e Ki. | A ntt | A tti Le de. |
epį́ną," | ánąkše. | "Š’akiwahira | xap’é | wawagitakikjeną," | ánąga | kereže. | Égi | haną́c | hajíreže. |
it is good," | he kept saying. | "Our parents | hurry | I will tell them," | he said, and | he went home. | Then | all | they came. |
Notebook 16: 44 | |||||||||||
w i nl lL | Lo K n | Ai Le de. | e | A Ki ntt | w owK deAe† | e tt | Ai noKo n K. | A t Ki ntt | e tt | n Ki di. | e Ki. |
wa’inąbᵉra | rokana | hireže. | E | haginąc | wa’ųwąkše. | Éja | hinų́gᵉnąka | hątáginąc | éja | nąkiži. | Égi |
thankful | very | they were. | She | to fast* | she was. | There | the woman | to be fasting‡ | there | she was. | Then |
* according to John Blackhawk (ca. 1920), this word means, "to fast for a certain thing."
what appears to be, and what is likely, the letter K, is mostly off the margin of this copy of the notebook page.
‡ the translation adds, inserting it by a caret, "to be blessed by him."
Winnebago IV, #8o1: 6 | Notebook 16: 45 | |||||||
Al lK | Ai ttA w Ai L. | w do ni L | o nK ra de. | e | Ao w Ki Li Le ra de. | Ai Ko | w do Ki | Ltt |
hąpga | hicawahira | wažónira | ’ųnąks’aže. | E | howakírires’aže, | higų | wažókį | rac |
every day | his brothers-in-law | to be out hunting | they would be. | They | they would come back, | and | [for their relatives] | [to eat] |
Kii | A Ki Li Le ra de. | w K | xeAe te | dKe. | w Ki Li | xAe te | de rKe | A ni | A Ki Li nK ra de | no ttAi niKi |
k’į | hakiríres’áže. | Waką́ | xete | ške | wakiri | xete | žesge | hanį́ | hakirinąks’áže. | Nócinįk |
to pack | they would bring home. | Snakes | big | and | worms* | big | [these kinds] | to bring | they would come home. | [Wood Spirit]† |
* the wakiri are, in the translation of the Bible, "creeping things," that is, creatures that locomote with the trunk of their body close to the ground. Most wakiri are insects, although splayed walkers like alligators are also included.
† the translation has, "(Lives in trees)".
Notebook 16: 46 | |||||||||
deKe | de rKe. | Kii | A Ki Le ra de. | de e | A Ko Le d | Ai ttA L. | we de. | Ko no K. | Ai ttA A L. |
ške | žesge | k’į | hakires’áže, | žee. | Hagoréžą, | hicą́ra | weže, | Kųnųga, | "Hicąhara, |
also | [kinds] | to pack | they would bring home, | [these.] | Finally one day, | his brother-in-law | he said, | Co nu, | "My brother-in-law, |
di Ke | A K | rA niKi | te Ki. | tey d | n KL | e tt | Ao w Le Ke. | e tt. | L lL | Ki K nK | A AK wi L. | ni Le dKe |
žige | hąká | sanį́k | tégi | teyižą | nągᵉra | éja | howarege, | éja | rábᵉra | kikąnąk | hahągwira. | Nįréške |
[again] | never | this way | over | a lake | there is | where | he goes [because,] | there | beavers | a married couple | they are. | Even I |
Notebook 16: 47 | ||||||||
ttAo we | Ao xA L | Ai Li n doAo no n. | e doKo ni de. | Ao ttiy | n xoKo n K tt. | Ai noKo n K | e de. | Ai L Le xitti Ki di. |
cowe | hoxára | hiránašųnųną," | ešgųniže. | "Hojiá, | nąxkųnagają," | hinų́gᵉnąka | éže. | Hirarexjįgiži, |
nearly | to catch | they might have," | he said. | "All right, | he understands," | the woman | she said. | After awhile, |
Notebook 16: 48 | |||||||||||
w Ke K. | e | Ao w Le de. | te | e K | e tt | Ai K tt. | te we L Ke | n tte tt. | loAo r Ke | w L xoyi d | |
wagega, | e | howareže. | Te | ega,* | éja | higają, | tewéraki, | nąjeja | pųzake | waraǧuižą | |
where he meant, | there | he went. | Lake | when he got to, | there | [he did,] | unexpectedly, | in the middle | sandbar | [a subsided one]† |
* an initial /h/ has been lost through sandhi.
† this is not translated.
mi n Ki | e tt | doAo ttL | n Kde. | w Kette xiAi. | doAotto | w o n Kede. | e tt. | m L. | Ai d. | rAele K L Ki de. |
mįnąki. | Éja | šujᵉra | nąkše. | Wakjexi | šuc | wa’ųnąkše. | Éja | Mąra | hižą | sebᵉkarakįže. |
there was. | There | the red ones | there were.* | Waterspirits | red | there were. | There | his arrows | one of them | he painted black.† |
* this is translated, "There they were. red in the distance."
† this might be,
sebᵉkarakiže, from sep, "black" -kara-, "one's own"; -kį, "to serve as"; -ze, a suffix indicating that the sentence expresses hearsay.
Notebook 16: 49 | ||||||||||||
e Ki | di Ke. | Ai d. | doAo tti de. | e Ki. | w Ai rA. | Ao do doKo | Kiy n K. | e tt | w KL | Ao w Le de. | w Ke tt | Ai Ki di. |
Égi | žigé | hižą | šujiže. | Égi | wahįsą́ | hožužuk | kiánąga | éja | wągᵉra | howareže. | Wągéja | higiži, |
And | another | one | he painted red. | And | feather | fine | he turned himself into, and | there | up | he went. | [Up above]* | when he got there, |
* the translation has, "up in the sky".
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 6 | ||||||||
e tt | A diAi leLe | w Ki de. | Ai no K K. | we de. | w Kette xiAi | Ai no K K. | wK no L. | ni di |
éja | hašibᵉré | wakiže.* | Hinųkąka | weže, | Wakjexi | hinųkąka, | "Wąknura, | niží, |
there | to drop on | he made himself on them. | The female | she said, | Waterspirit | the female, | "Old man, | [exclamation] |
* this should be from wa-, "it, them, etc."; -ki-, "himself"; hi, "he made, did, was"; and -že, a suffix indicating that the sentence expresses hearsay.
Notebook 16: 50 | |||||||
w K tt n Ko ni | y Le n. | e de. | w K tt n Ki di | w ttA mK n n. | e de. | di Ke | we de. |
wągájanagųnį, | yaréną," | éže. | "Wągájanagiži, | wacąmągᵉnąną," | éže. | Žigé | weže, |
someone must have spied on us, | I think," | she said. | "If someone spied on us, | I would have seen them," | he said. | Again | she said, |
Notebook 16: 51 | |||||||||
ni di | wK no L. | Ko no K | Ai ttA L. | wK KLe Ki. | w Ai rA | Ao do doKo | Kiy n K. | A diAi leLe | w Ki Ki n Ko ni |
"Niží, | wąknura, | Kųnųga | hicą́ra | wągᵉregi | wahįsą́ | hožužuk | kiánąga | hašibᵉré | wagiginąkųnį, |
"Say, | old man, | Co nu | his brother-in-law | above | feather | fine | he turned himself into, and | to drop on | he himself does to us, |
y Le n. | e de. | A n n i L. | tt Ko | e K tt wK. | de rKe Ki di. | A ttA mK n n. | Ai dA L xiAi xiAiKi dA wK dA n. |
yaréną," | éže. | "Hanana’įra. | Jagú | egáją wąk? | Žesgegiži, | hacąmągᵉnąną. | Hišaraxįxįkšawąkšąną," |
I think," | she said. | "I am trying to sleep. | What | you mean by talking to me? | Otherwise, | I would have seen. | You are waking me up," |
Notebook 16:52 | |||||||||
e de. | de Ko | L dtt de. | e Ki. | n xitti Le Ki di. | e tt | tti tte de. | w K K. | n ttKe L. | Ai w diKi tti n n K tt |
éže. | Žegų | rašją́že. | Égi | nąxjįregiži, | éja | jiježe. | Wąkaga | nącgera | hiwašíkjįnanagają |
he said. | So | she stopped. | Then | when they were sound asleep, | there | he lit. | The male | his heart | it throbbed against his side as it beat, so |
A tt xittiy n K. | e tt xitti | Kotto deAe. | de Ke | Ai no K K. | de Ko | Aiy n K | Ke Le tto reAele | Ai Koow n K. |
hijaxjįanąga | ejaxjį | gucše, | žege | hinųkąka. | Žegų | hianąga | kerejųsep | hik’ųanąga |
he looked carefully, and | right at it | he shot, | and also | the female. | [So] | [he did, and] | black hawk | he turned himself into, and |
Notebook 16: 53 | ||||||||
Ke Le doKo ni. | to w | Lo xA | Aoyi Le de. | te we | i K n Ki Le Kette n[i] rKe | A Ao Ai Le de. | e Ki | di Ke. |
kerekšgųni. | Towa | ruxa | hoireže. | Tewe | Ikanąkirekjeniske | hahuhireže. | Égi | žigé |
he went home. | Onward | to chase | [they came.] | On | they almost swallowed him | they came. | Then | again |
Winnebago IV, #8o1: 7 = Notebook 16: 54 | |||||||
t ni A K n K nK Ke L. | Ai Koo de. | to w | xiKi | Ke Le de. | i K n Ki Le Kette ni rKe K tt. | ttAi L | Ae tt |
tanį́haką́nąkąnągᵉra | hik’ų́že. | Towa | xgi | kereže. | Ikanąkirekjeniskegają, | cira | heja |
the hummingbird | he used. | Onward | he hummed | he went. | Just as they were about to swallow him, | his abode | the top |
Aoyi K w Ki Ke Le de. | e Ki. | we de. | Ai ttA A L. | w d | w Lo Ko xitti ra de | Ai deAe L. | tee w A n. |
hoikawakikereže. | Égi | weže, | "Hicąhara, | wažą | warokoxjįs’aže, | hišera. | T’ewahaną," |
[he came back.]* | Then | he said, | "My brother-in-law, | [something] | he would take delight in,† | you told me. | I have killed them," |
* the translation has, "he flew".
† the translation inserts above the line, "as food".
Notebook 16: 55 | |||||||||
e Ki di | Ki l Ki Ki de | de e | ttAi to K | Le deKe. | w Lo daK doAo no n. | e de. | e Ki | we de. | de e |
egiži, | kibagigiže. | "Žee | citoga | rešge | waruš’akšųnųną," | éže. | Égi | weže, | "Žee |
he said, but | she did not believe him. | "Them | older brother, | even | he was unable to kill them," | she said. | Then | he said, | "Those |
dA n | w d L. | tee Ai | wo w teeKe niKi | Ai Le n. | A Ai | wo Lo xotto Le. | ttA KeLe Ki | nK dA n. | e Ki di | Ai Ai nl deAe. |
šana | wažąra | t’ehi | wowat’egᵉnįk | hiréną. | Hahi | woruǧujᵉre. | Cągᵉrégi | nąkšaną," | egíži, | hihiną́pše. |
only | things | to kill | to be easy | they are. | Go out | look at them. | Outside | they are," | he said, so | she went out. |
Notebook 16: 56 | ||||||||
te we L Ki. | e tt | n[K] deAe | t e Kette | ni rK nK deAe. | A K w | liAi d. | ttiAi to K | m Le KoLo |
Tewéraki, | éja | ną[k]še. | taekje | nisganąkše. | "Hagawa | pįžą, | citoga | mąregųs |
Unexpectedly, | there | they were. | They were burned | they looked as if they were. | "How | [a good one,] | my brother | for all his life |
te e | w Lo Ko tte dAo no L. | ttiAi to K A K | w d | L K L Ka tti d. | Lo L. | Lo ttL di | Ae Le | no ni Ke. |
tee | warogųješųnųra. | Citogahaga | wažą | rakarak’ajižą.* | Rora | rujᵉraži | here, | nųnįgé |
these | he has longed for them. | My brother | [something] | you have done a great favor. | The flesh | to eat [in any case] | it is, | but |
* < ra-kara-k’ac-ižą: ra-, "you"; -kara-, "one's own"; k’ac, "to help, benefit"; -ižą, the indefinite article.
Notebook 16: 57 | |||||||||
A L. | w i. | ttiAi to K. | w Lo Ko doAo no L. | e de. | e Ki. | w Ke de | Ai K n L | w deAe Ktte n. | ttAi to K. |
hara | wa’į́ | citoga | warugųšųnųra," | éže. | Égi | wageže, | hikánara, | "Wašekjeną, | citoga, |
the hide | blanket | my brother | he would want very much," | she said. | Then | she said, | her husband, | "You must say thus, | my brother, |
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 7 | |||||||
w L Ke Kette n. | Ai d | w K Ky dKe.* | Ai ttA. | A L. | Ko Lo i. | Ko Lotto | ni Ki o n. |
waragékjeną, | 'Hižą | wągagaišge, | hicą, | hara | kuru’i, | guruc | nįgi’úną. |
[you will say to him,] | 'One of them | [I brought you (?),] | brother-in-law, | the hide | to wear, | for food | I will make it for you. |
* in the English translation below Ke Kette n. Ai d w K Ky dKe. there is a long pair of empty parentheses: ( ).
wo A | ni Ki o | no ni Ke. | L Ko Lo tti Ktte n. | Ai L Ke Kette n. | e di | di Ke | Ai tt ne L. | tt tti K |
Wohą́ | nįgi’ú, | nųnįgé | rakųrujikjeną,' | hiragekjéną | Eši | žigé | hijanera, | jajigá |
Feast | I will make it for you, | but | you must eat it,' | you must tell him. | [However] | [again] | the other, | to my father |
Notebook 16: 58 | |||||||||
de rKe | Ai L Ke Ktte n. | Ai Ke de. | e Ki. | ttAi | wo too li Le de. | e Ki. | n Ki K L L. | Ki Li de. | Ko no K. |
žesge | hiragekjéną," | higeže. | Égi | ci | wot’ųbireže. | Égi | nąkikarara | kiriže, | Kųnųga. |
the same thing | you must say," | she said to him. | Then | abode | they put them. | Then | his hunting trip | he got back, | Co nu. |
e Ki. | Ai ttA L | we de. | Ai ttA. | L lini Ki d | tee A n | Ki K nK. | wK KL. | A L. |
Égi | hicą́ra | weže, | "Hicą, | rabᵉnįgižą | t’ehaną, | kiką́nąk. | Wągᵉra | hara |
Then | his brother-in-law | he said, | "Brother-in-law, | a little beaver | I have killed, | with its mate. | The male | [for its hide]* |
* the translation has, "for blanket".
Notebook 16: 59 | |||||||||
Ko Lo i | Ko Lotto | ni Ki o n. | Ai deKe | Ai tt ne L. | Ai att L K. | Ko Lotto | A Ki o n. | A L | Ko Lo i |
kuru’i, | guruc | nįgi’úną. | Hišgé | hijanera | hi’ącaraga | guruc | haki’ųną, | hara | kuru’i," |
to wear, | for food | I will make it for you. | And | the other | to your father | for food | I make him, | the hide | to wear,"* |
* this clause is translated, "and hide for blanket."
e de. | a n K. | w Ki w A | Ai Le K tt. | te we L Ki | w d | w Lo Ko xitti doAo no L. | e |
éže. | Ánąga, | wagiwahą | hiregają. | Tewéraki, | wažą | warugųxjįšųnųra | e |
he said. | Thus saying, | to show thanks to him | they did. | Unexpectedly, | the things | he had always longed for | [they] |
Notebook 16: 60 | ||||||||
w w K nK deAe. | Ao Ao | Ai ttA | e liAi n. | te e | w Low Ko | m Le Koro | A tte doAo no L. | e liAi n. |
wawaganąkše. | "Hohó, | hícą, | epį́ną. | Tee | waruagų | mąregųs | hajéšųnųra. | Epį́ną. |
they meant. | "Ah ha, | my brother-in-law, | it is good. | These | I longed for | all the time | I have always done. | It is good. |
Ao Ao | wy tteKe A xitti | e liAi n. | te de rKe Ke. | te e | m Le Koro | Ai Lo Ko wi L. | Ai A te wi K tt. | ttAi n KL. |
Hohó, | waicgehaxjį, | epį́ną. | Težesgege | tee | mąregųs | hiruguwira. | Hihątewigają. | Ciną́gᵉra |
Ah, | my little sister, | it is good. | Thus it is | this | all the time | we longed for. | We have surely dreamed. | The village |
Notebook 16: 61 | ||||||
A L Ki te K tt. | wy ttKe A xitti. | e de. | w i nl lL | Lo K n de. | K L Kiiy n K | Ke Le de. |
haragitegają, | waicgehaxjį," | éže | wainąbᵉra | rokanaže. | Karak’įanąga | kereže. |
you have dreamed for, | my little sister," | he said | in thankfulness | [much]. | He packed it on his back, and | [he went home.] |
Ki Ki di | Ai tt ne L | A Ko | A tti Le de. | e Ki. | wK no n K | we de. | Ao Ao.* | Lotto L di |
Kigiži, | hijanera | hagú | hajíreže. | Égi | wąknunąka | weže, | "Hohó, | rujᵉraži |
When he got home, | the other | to come after | they came. | Then | the old man | he said, | "Ah, | [to be edible, in any case,] |
* the text seems to have Ao LAo, but LA (rh) is not found in Hocąk, so I take the apparent L as a slip of the pen.
Winnebago IV, #8o1: 8 | Notebook 16: 62 | ||||||||
Ae Le | no ni Ke. | wiy K L Ki Ko Ktt n Ae n. | e de | e Ki. | w Lo ttA L. | A tti Le Ki di. | tti ne tt. | Ai tt | Ay tte Ai Le de. |
here | nųnįgé | wiakaragigokjanaheną," | éže. | Égi | warucára | hajíregiži | jinéją | hija | haijehireže.* |
[it is,] | but | I will give a feast with mine," | he said. | Then | the attendants | they came, and | already | there | they put it on. |
* < haijehi-ire-že.
e Ki. | Ki Ko Ai Lo we L. | m Le Ki | wK KeLe Ki. | w Ko | Ai Le de. | Ke ni wi rii ni. | ttAi L | Aoy xitti | tti li de. |
Égi | gigóhirowera | mąrégi | wągᵉregi | wagu | hireže. | Keni wis’įnį | cira | hoixjį | jįpiže. |
And | the inviter | on earth | up above* | to invite | they did. | Before long | the tent | full | [they assembled.] |
* the translation has, "in the humans," which oddly misunderstands wK KeLe Ki as based on wąk, "human."
Notebook 16: 63 | ||||||||
e Ki. | wK no n K | Ao K LK deAe | tt rKe | Ki Ki K. | liAi | Ki Ki Ki di. | A e K L Ki de. | w Kidi Ki d. |
Égi | wąknunąka | hokárakše, | jasgé | gigiga, | pį | gigigiži, | haekaragiže. | Wąkšigížą |
Then | the old man | he told, | what | he did for him, and | good | he did, and | he talked about it. | A human |
w to Ao ttiAi | ttA liKi di. | e | w o Ke tti ni. | de de rKe Ki di. | A e Ai de. | e Ki | we de. |
watohóci | capgiži, | e | wa’ųgejinį, | žežesgegiži | haehiže. | Égi | weže, |
son-in-law | he had, and | he | because he did these things for him, | [it was for this reason] | he talked about it. | Then | he said, |
Notebook 16: 64 | |||||||
w to Ao ttiAi K. | liAi | w K Ki Ki wi K tt. | e rKe. | w Lo xl lL. | Ai d | Ao Koo Ktt wi Ke | e rKe. |
"Watohóciga | pį | wągagigiwigają. | Ésge, | Waruǧábᵉra | hižą | hok’ųkjawige. | Ésge, |
"My son-in-law | good | he has done for us. | Therefore, | [the Warbundles]* | one of them | we will give him.† | Therefore, |
* the translation has, "war weapons". This is a serious error. A Waruǧáp is a Warbundle and nothing else in every other instance, and there are numerous examples of the term. As a verb, waruǧáp means, "to skin something," and as a noun, it denotes the skin bag in which the Warbundle's sacred objects are contained. Therefore, the term can hardly mean, "war weapons," although, due to its supernatural power, the Warbundle is a de facto war weapon itself.
† "will" follows "should".
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 8 | |||||||||
te e. | Ko Lotto | Ai Ki o de | a | no ni Ke. | wiy Ki Ko n. | te de rKe | Ai ni Ke Ktt wi Ke tti ni. | wK no n K. | w K tt |
tee | guruc | higi’ų́že," | a | "nųnįgé | wiagigoną. | Težesge | hinįgekjawigejinį." | Wąknųnąka | Wakąjá |
this | to eat | he gave me," | he said, | "but | I gave a feast. | Thus | I wanted to ask you of this." | The old man | Thunderbird |
Notebook 16: 65 | |||||||
Ao KL | w o nK deAe. | e rKe. | w Lo xl lL. | ttiAi L. | Ao Ki Kixi deAe. | ttAi rAe Le tti d | Ae Le Ki di. |
hųgᵉra | wa’ųnąkše. | Ésge, | Waruǧábᵉra | cira | hogįgį́xše. | Ciserejižą | heregíži |
the chief | he was. | Therefore, | [the Warbundles]* | the tent | [encircled.]† | A long tent | it was, and |
* this time Waruǧáp is mistranslated as "warclubs." A warclub is a nąmące.
† the translation has, "full".
ttiAi doAo Lo too li d | ttAi L. | Ao Ki Kixi | Ao we Ki di. | e tt | Ai Loy dKe | n di Le de. | ttiAi L | Ao Ki Kixi deAe. |
cišurut’ǫbižą | cira | hogįgį́x | howegiži, | éja | hiroášge | nažireže. | Cira | hogįgį́xše. |
a long pole | the tent | [encircling] | around, | there | [near] | [they stood.] | The tent | they were all around. |
Notebook 16: 66 | |||||||||
w Lo xl lL. | w no n Ke | de rKe | Ai L KA Ly d | w o nK deAe. | e Ki | Ki Ko L. | Lo dtt | Ai Le Ki di. | e Ki. |
Waruǧábᵉra | wanunage† | žesge | hirakaraižą | wa’ųnąkše. | Égi | gigóra | rušją́ | hiregiži, | égi |
[The Warbundles]* | [?] | [that kind] | a keeper | he was. | And | the feast | to be over | when it was, | then |
* translated as "warclubs".
† this key term is untranslated, and can be transliterated as, wanunage, wanunąke, wanonage, etc. Nothing seems to answer to it.
w Ky Le de. | A Ai | ne | L Ki dtt Ktt n Ae n. | ttiAi L | Ao Ki Ki x KeLe | A ttA tte K. | doAo Lo riKi di. |
wagaíreže, | "Hahi, | ne | ragišjákjanaheną. | Cira | hogįgį́xagᵉre | hacąjega | šurusgiži, |
they said to him, | "Now then, | you | [you should examine them.]* | The tent | what is around | whichever one | you take, |
* translated as, "you will take your choice".
Notebook 16: 67 | ||||||||
A Ki d | w d | a ni Ktt n Ae n. | Ai Ky Le de. | e Ki | Ao Ki Kixi | wo Lo xotto Le de. | o tt o | de e |
hąkížą | wažą | anįkjanaheną," | higaíreže. | Égi | wa’ųnąkše. | Woruǧújereže. | ’Ųja’ų, | žee |
no one | anything | they will not have to say," | he said. | [Here] | [they were.] | He went and looked at them. | Finally, | [that] |
e tt. | ttiAi no xeKe | ni Ke tt | Ai d | tte de. | A Ke | A tt L. | liAi xitti ni de. | e Ki. | we de. | liAi L de. |
éja | cinų́xge | nįgéja | hižą | ježe. | Hąké | hajára | pįxjįnįže. | Égi | weže, | "Piraže, |
there | in back of the tent | [at that place] | one | [it stood.] | Not | to look at | it was not good. | Then | he said, | "Good ones, |
Notebook 16: 68 | |||||||
Lo AK | no ni Ke. | n tteKe ni Ktt n A wi K tt. | di Ke | w d | w Ki liAi Kette de | Ai Ko | te e |
rohą́k, | nųnįgé | nącgenįkjanahawigają. | Žigé | wažą | wagipikježe. | Higų | tee |
there are plenty, | but | I will make you sorry.* | Besides | [something] | I will not be able to take care of it. | So | this |
* literally, "I will make your hearts small."
niKi | Ae Le Ktte n. | a n K. | Loro deAe | K tt. | ti n KeLe | A ntt | w Ko | Ai n Ki Le de. | e dA n. |
nįk | herekjeną," | ánąga | rúsše. | Gają | tinągᵉre | haną́c | wakú | hinąkireže. | Éšana |
[little] | [let it be,"]* | he said, and | he took it. | [Then] | [these] | all | to bow their heads | [they sat slumped over.] | [It alone] |
* the translation has, "I will take."
Notebook 16: 69 | ||||||||
Ai Ly tteAe L tte Ki di. | w Ki o de. | e rKe | e dA n | Ai K L diAi diAiKi n Ki di | w Ki o Ke. | xK | Ai Le de. | A Ao. |
hiraicerajegiži | wak’iųže. | Ésge | éšana | hikarašíšigᵉnąkiži | waki’ųge, | ǧak | hireže. | "Hąhó, |
the foremost | it was. | So | the only one | they thought the most of | it was, therefore | to weep | they did. | "There, |
w Lo Kidi d | w doo K tt. | e dA n | Ai L tty L n. | tt n K KeLe. | e rKe | ttAi | Ao dow KeLe | Ai K L diAi diAi Ki Le n. |
warukšižą | waš’ųgają. | Éšana | hirajaíraną, | janagagᵉre. | Ésge, | ci | hožuagᵉre, | hikarašíšikireną, |
it just happened | you have done it. | [It alone] | it is the greatest | of all of them. | Therefore, | tent | all who are in, | they thought the most of it, |
Notebook 16: 70 | Winnebago IV, #8o1: 9 | ||||||
no ni Ke | Ai A wi K tt. | Ai K K | w d L. | Ai d | Ai doAo Lo daK Kini Ktt ne n. | Ai Ky Le de. | e Ki. |
nųnįgé | hihawigają. | Hįkaga | wažąra | hižą | hišúruš’agᵉnįkjaneną," | higaíreže. | Égi |
but | we have given our word. | Never | anything | [one] | you will fail to get," | they told him. | So |
K L Kiiy n K | Ko de. | e Ki. | wy Le de. | de tt ny xitti | Ai ttA Ai Ai wi L | Ke Le Ktte n. | n di |
karak’įanąga | guže. | Égi | waíreže, | "Tejanaixjį | hicąhihiwira | kerekjeną. | Nąžį |
he packed it, and | he came home. | Then | they said, | "It is about time | our brother-in-law | he should go home. | It is about time |
Notebook 16: 71 | ||||||||
Ko no ni ne Ko n. | ay Le de. | rii | Ai tt o de. | e rKe | ni Ktt Ki d | dKe | A ni ne de. | wK Kini Ki d. |
konuninegųną," | aíreže. | S’i | hija’ųže. | Ésge | nįkją́gižą | ške | haníneže, | wągᵉnįgížą. |
they will be lonesome for him," | they said. | A long time | he was there. | Therefore, | a child | [also] | he had, | a boy. |
Notebook 16: 72 | ||||||||||
e Ki. | m L | Ao w Ko | Ai Le de. | w K tt | ttiAi n Ke tt | A Ai | w o tte de. | e tt | w Lo xl lL. | K L Kiiy n K |
Égi | mąra | howágu | hireže, | Wakąjá | cinągeja | hahí | wa’ųježe. | Éja | Waruǧábᵉra | karak’įanąga |
Then | the earth | [to return] | they did, | Thunderbird | from the village | to go | he did. | There | [the Warbundle]* | on his back, and |
* translated as, "war weapons".
Ko de. | e Ki | Aele n Ai L n K | A Ki Li Le de. | ni Ktt | deKe | ttoAo | Ki Li de. | e Ki. | A Ko Ley d. |
guže. | Égi | hebᵉnąhiranąga | hakiríreže. | Nįkja | ške | cų | kiriže. | Égi | hagoreižą, |
he came home. | Then | they camped one night, and | they got home.* | [Child] | [also] | he had | he came home. | Then | one day, |
* the translation adds, "the next day".
Notebook 16: 73 | |||||||||
we de | Ai noKo tt ne. | Ai K n L | w Ke de. | tt Ko o K tt. | Ai att L K. | Ai K K. | Ki K niy Ko ni. | e de. | tt tty xitti |
weže, | hinųkjąne | hikánara, | wageže, | "Jagú’ųgają | hi’ącaraga | hįkaga | kikanįagųnį," | éže. | Jajaį́xjį |
she said, | the woman | her husband, | she said, | "Why is it | your father | never | he does not rise," | she said. | As long as |
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 9 | ||||||||||
y leAe Le rL | Ao rKe | de rKe n. | e de. | e Ki. | Ai Ki wx | Ai Le de. | e Ki. | we de. | tteAe Ke tt. | w doo A L tt wi ne |
yaperezᵉra, | hosgé | žesgéną," | éže. | Égi | higiwą́x | hireže. | Égi | weže, | "Cegéja | waš’ųharajawine, |
I knew him, | [just] | he was that way," | he said. | Then | to ask him | they did. | Then | he said, | "In the beginning, | I was like you, |
Notebook 16: 74 | ||||||||||
m nK KLe | Ao L tte L. | A Ke | w d L | Ai d | to da Kini n. | e Ki. | ni Ko A Le Ki | Ae Le L. | wy o | Ai Le n. |
mąną́gᵉre | horajera. | Hąké | wažąra | hižą | tuš’agᵉnįną. | Égi | nįkųhą́regi | herera, | wai’ų | hiréną. |
about the earth | I went about. | Not | anything | [one] | I never failed. | Then | the underwater ones | it was, | to do this to me | they did. |
Notebook 16: 75 | |||||||||
tee wi | n i | Ai L | no ni Ke. | Ai Ke | tee wi L ni n. | wo tteAe xiAi | wy o mK dA n. | de Ko | A o m Ki Kette n. |
T’ewį́ | ną’į́ | hira | nųnįgé | hįké | t’ewį́ranįną. | Wocéxi | wai’ųmąkšaną. | Žegų | ha’ųmągikjeną. |
To kill me | to try | they did, | but | not | [they did not kill me.] | A bad thing | [I am undergoing.] | [But] | I will stand it. |
Ai Ko | niy al m K tt. | A Ke | n ttKe woy L ttiAi wi ni Ki di. | e de. | e Ki. | Ai noKo tteAeKe n K. | Ao Ki Lo xotto | tti Ktte | e Ki di. |
Higų | nį’ąbᵉmąkają. | Hąké | nącgewoiracįwinįgiži," | éže. | Égi | hinųkcegᵉnąka | hogiruxúc | jikje, | egiži |
[Yet] | I am living. | Not | do not worry," | he said. | Then | the daughter-in-law | to see | she would come, | so |
Notebook 16: 76 | |||||||||
Ao Lo xotto | Ki Ki de. | my tt. | n | Le tto | xeAe teyi d | Ao w tti Ki di. | Lo Aiye tt. | Ai Ki rK de. | rA ni Ke tt |
horuxúc | gigiže. | Maįja | ną | rejų́ | xeteižą | howajigiži. | Rohieja | higisgaže, | sanįgéja |
to see | he caused. | From the earth | tree | root | a big one | it came from. | [Into his body]* | [it pierced through,] | out on the other side |
* the translation has, "into his side".
my tt. | Ao Ke we de. | my tt. | Ai L Lo roAotto | w owK deAe. | e Ki. | we de. | Lo dtt | A n n. | e de. | A Ao |
maįja | hoikeweže. | Maįja | hirarusuc | wa’ųwąkše. | Égi | weže, | "Rušją́ | haną́ną" | éže. | "Hąho, |
into the earth | it entered. | To the earth | to be bound | he was. | Then | she said, | ["To terminate] | I can do," | she said. | "Very well, |
Notebook 16: 77 | |||||||||||
e Ki | Ai noKo tteAe KL. | liAi n tte Ke | w dAe Ki di | o Le | e doKo ni de. | e Ki. | w o de. | i ni d. | Ai tt | A ni Ki Li de. | leAe tte tt |
égi | hinųkcegᵉra, | pįnajege | wašegíži, | ’ųre," | ešguniže. | Égi | wa’ųže: | įnį́žą | hija | hanikiriže. | Pejéja |
[and] | daughter-in-law, | if it is best, | if you think, | do so," | he said. | Then | she did it: | a stone | there | she brought.* | Into the fire |
* the translation adds, "to the tent."
Notebook 16: 78 | ||||||||||||
Ao K nK deAe. | e Ki. | ttAi L | o de. | i no Ke we | Ao ttAi L. | e Ki | de de Ko | Aiy n K. | m Ai d | Ai ow n K. | n | Le tto L. |
hokanąkše. | Égi | cira | ’ųže, | inokewe | hocíra. | Égi | žežegų | hianąga | mąhį́žą | hi’ųanąga | ną | rejų́ra |
she put it. | Then | the tent | she made, | sweat house | tent. | And then | this | she did, and | a knife | she took, and | tree | roots |
w wi Ki Ki deAe Le de. | A LK KL | Lo K n | we de. | w m wx xK tt. | A LK KL | L dtt de. | tee de. | de rK no ni Ke. |
wawikikišereže. | Hąrą́gᵉra | rokana | weže. | Wamawaxgają | hąrą́gᵉra | rašją́že. | t’eže. | Žesganųnįge, |
she worked on them. | Groans | very much | [he uttered.] | When she cut them, | groans | they stopped. | He died. | But anyhow, |
Notebook 16: 79 | Winnebago IV, #8o1: 10 | |||||||||
i no Ke we | Ao ttAi | Lo e tt | Ao toolo deAe. | e Ki. | ttiAi Lo Ke tt. | i ni L. | Ao K nK deAe. | t doAo ttiAi. | e Ki. | Ao Lo doAo de. |
inokewe | hocí | roéja | hot’ųpše. | Égi | cirogeja | įnį́ra | hokanąkše, | tašúcį. | Égi | horušų́že. |
sweat house | tent | inside | she put him. | Then | in the tent | the stone | she put it, | red hot. | Then | she closed it. |
Notebook 16: 80 | |||||||||
de Ko | Aiy n K. | i ni L. | w Ki ni | A w xoAo de. | Ai L Le xitti K tt. | A LK tti Le de. | A Ao | Ai noKo tteAe KL. | Ai Ki Lo Ar Le |
Žegų | hianąga | įnį́ra | wakįnį́ | hawaxųže. | Hirarexjįgają, | harakjireže. | "Hąhó, | hinųkcégᵉra, | higiruhazᵉre. |
Thus | she did, and | the stone | oil | she poured it. | After awhile, | he groaned.* | "Ah, | daughter-in-law, | [open it for me.]† |
* the translation has, "he began to groan again."
the translation has, "let me out of here."
ni al Ai L L. | di Ki tee Ai | L Ktt n Ae n. | a | no ni Ke | de Ko | i ni L. | w Ki ni | A w xoAo nK deAe. | w L A | no ni Ke |
Nį’ą́p hirara | žigit’ehi | rakjanaheną," | a | nųnįgé | žegų | įnį́ra | wakįnį́ | hawaxųnąkše. | Waraha | nųnįgé |
You saved my life, | to kill me again | you will," | he said, | but | [thus] | the stone | oil | she poured it. | He pleaded | but |
Notebook 16: 81 | |||||||
A Ke | L xoAo Lo Kini de. | e Ki | Ai L Le xitti Ki di. | L dtt de. | Ai tt ne n K | tee Ai Ko ni | Ai Ly Le de. |
hąké | raxurugᵉnįže. | Égi, | hirarexjįgiži, | rašją́že. | Hijanénąka | t’ehigųnį | hiraíreže. |
not | [she could not be persuaded.]* | Then, | after awhile, | [he stopped.]† | The others | she must have killed him | they thought. |
* the translation has, "all in vain."
† the translation has, "he quieted down."
e Ki. | Ai L Le xitti K tt. | Ao Ki Ke we xo xo de. | A Ao | de Ko A n. | e Ki. | K tt K | Ki Lo Ar | Ai Le de. |
Égi, | hirarexjįgają, | hokíkéweǧųǧųže. | "Hąhó, | žegųhaną," | égi | gająga | giruhas | hireže. |
Then, | after awhile, | he began to blow on himself. | "There, | I am through," | he said, so | then | to open it for him | she did. |
Notebook 16: 82 | |||||||
w ni | Ao w xo Ki Kette L. | Ai Lo dtt | Ao Ai L n K | w o n Ki di. | wo Koo | Ai Le Ki di. | w K L ni |
Wani | howaxukikjera | hirušją́ | huhiranąga | wa’ųnąkìži | wok’ų | hiregiži | wagarani |
The clothes | he was to wear | they were made ready | before she started, | they were, and | to hand them to him | they did, so | [he took them] |
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 10 | |||||||
Notebook 16: 83 | |||||||
Ai Ai n l n K. | ttA Ke tt. | wo K w xoKo deAe. | Ai L Le xitti K tt | A Ki Li Aoy Ke we de. | te tte de. | wK Kono | ni Ae L. |
hihinąpanąga | cągéja | wokawaǧukše. | Hirarexjįgają, | hakirihoikeweže. | Teježe. | Wąknu | nihéra, |
he went out, and | outside | he put them on. | After awhile, | he came back in. | There he was. | The old man | he used to be, |
A Ke | deKe | de rK ni de. | w KL. | w ttAo Ki d | Ae Le de. | e Ki. | w i nl dAe. | e liAi n. | Ai noKo tteAe KL. | Ai niKi A xitti |
hąké | ške | žesganįže. | Wągᵉra | wacogižą | hereže. | Égi | wa’inąpše. | "Epį́ną, | hinųkcégᵉra. | Hinįkhaxjį, |
not | now | he was not so. | Man | a handsome one | he was. | Then | he thanked her. | "It is good, | my daughter-in-law. | My son, |
Notebook 16: 84 | ||||||||||
e liAi n. | te de rKe | w Ke Ke. | te e. | Ai ttAe xiAi | ni diAi L | w Ae n. | e dA n. | te de rKe | Ai Ki Ki n Ke | w Ae L |
epį́ną. | Težesge | wāgege, | tee | hicexí | nišíra | wahéną. | Éšana | težesge | hįgiginąke, | wahéra. |
it is good. | This | I wanted, | this | to try | I told you | [it is what I meant.] | Only | this | it could do, | it is why I said it. |
Ao w Le L. | Ai K L Ki rKe wi n. | e liAi n. | e de. | A ntt | w i nl li Le de. | e Ki. | m dtt | wo Ki xeAe te | Ai Le de. | e |
Howarera, | hikarakisgewiną. | Epį́ną," | éže. | Haną́c | wa’inąpireže. | Égi | mąšją | wogixete | hireže. | E |
Sure enough, | I have become the same as you. | It is good," | he said. | All | they thanked him. | And | very much | to love him | they did. | He |
Notebook 16: 85 | |||||||||||
wi Lo K n de. | e Ki. | w K tt | ttAi nK | n Ki di. | e tt. | w K tt | AoKo | n Ki di. | Ai noKo | Ai Ki di. | w Kidi Ki d. |
wirukanaže. | Égi | Wakąjá | ciną́k | nąkiži | éja | Wakąjá | hųk | nąkiži | hinų́k | higiži, | wąkšigížą |
he could command them. | [And] | Thunderbird | village | [it was, and] | [there] | Thunderbird | chief | [he was, and] | daughter | she was, and | a human |
Ao Lo Ke. | e rKe. | w K tty tt. | w Lo xl lL. | Ai d Ki L | Ai L tty L Ki di | m Le Ki. | A ni A Ki Li Le Ke. |
horoke. | Ésge | Wakąjaija | Waruǧábᵉra | hižąkíra | hirajairagiži | mąrégi | hanihakerirege. |
she married. | Therefore, | [among the Thunderbirds] | [the Warbundle]* | one | the foremost they had, | to earth | it was brought back. |
* still being translated as, "warclub".
Notebook 16: 86 | ||||||||
e rKe. | w K tt n KLe. | Aoy diAili | w Lo xl ln KeLe. | Ai wo roAo ttiAi | wo Ko Lo xotto n dA n. | w Lo xl n KLe. | e tt | Ao w tti |
Ésge | Wakąjáną́gᵉre | hoišíp | waruǧábᵉnągᵉre | hiwusųcį | wokuruǧojᵉnašaną. | Waruǧábᵉnągᵉre | éja | howaji |
Therefore, | the Thunders | always | [the Warbundle] | nearby | they were watching it. | [The Warbundle] | there | to come from |
Notebook 16: 87 | ||||||||
w o n Ke. | w xoAo liAi ni | w L tti Le tt | n Ki Ki di. | e dA n. | Ai L tty L xitti | w Kidi KL. | w Ki ni xitti | ow tti Le de. |
wa’ųnąke, | waxopį́nį | warajireja | nąkigiži | éšana† | hirajairaxjį | wąkšigᵉra | wakinixjį | ’ųajireže. |
as it did, | Spirits | [the various ones]* | there are, | only | [the greatest] | the humans | to be intimate | they made themselves. |
* translated as, "all of them".
† nąkigiži éšana is translated as, "These only were".
Notebook 16: 88 | ||||||||
w wi Ki Lo lA n. | A tti Le de. | e rKe | w K tt | Ai Ki K Ltt nK KeLe. | tt tt n. | ni do | Ai L n Ki di. | oyi L n n. |
Wawikirupąną | hajíreže. | Ésge | Wakąjá | Hikikarajᵉnągᵉre | jają́ną | nįžú | hiranąkiži, | ’ųirananą. |
They were mingled with them | they came. | Therefore, | Thunderbird | Clansman | whenever | rain | they wished for, | they could get it. |
Winnebago IV, #8o1: 11 | |||||||||||
di Ke | tt tt n. | ni do L. | rii o K[i] di. | tt tt n. | Lo dtt | Ai L n Ki di | oyi L n n. | de rKe | Ai nK dA n. | ni do tt ne | Ai Lo K n nK dA n. |
Žigé | jają́ną | nįžúra | s’i’ųgiži, | jają́ną | rušją́ | hiranąkiži, | ’ųirananą. | Žesge | hinąkšąną. | Nįžujáne | hirukánąnąkšąną. |
Or | at any time | the rain | if it was too long, | [whenever] | to stop | [if they wished for,] | they can do it. | That | they do. | The rain | they can control. |
Notebook 16: 89 | |||||||||||
e rKe. | w K tt L. | w Ki liAi Le n | e Ki. | wK | de e | deKe. | w K tty tt. | A Ai | w Kidi[Ki] i n. | Ai tt ne | deKe. |
Ésge | Wakąjára | wagipįreną. | Égi | wąk | žee | ške | Wakąjaija | hahi | wąkšik’į́ną. | Hijane, | ške |
Therefore, | the Thunderbirds | [they liked him.]* | Then | man | this | [also] | among the Thunderbirds | he went | [to live.] | The other, | [also] |
* the translation has, "they intimate with".
Notebook 16: 90 | ||||||||||
wK Kidi Ktti | w K tt | ni | K n KeLe | e tt | Ai L | ni Ae n. | m nK KeLe. | tteAeKe | tti n Ki di. | w xoAo liAi ni |
wąkšikjį | Wakąjá | nį | kąną́gᵉre, | éja | hira | nįhéną, | mąną́gᵉre | cek | cinąkiži. | Waxopį́nį |
human | Thunderbird | [to take] | that he married, | there | she was | [she was around,] | about the earth | the beginning | she had lived. | The Spirits |
w L tti Le L. | e Ki. | wK KidiKi i ne n. | e Ki. | m n KeLe | w liAi | Ai Le n. | tt n K. | w d L. | A Ke | w liAi ni Ki di. | w liAi |
warájirera, | égi | wąkšík’į́neną. | Égi | mąną́gᵉre | wapį́ | hiréną. | Janąga | wažąra | hąké | wapįnįgiži, | wapį́ |
[the various ones,] | here | they lived. | And | on this earth | to tame | they did. | All | things | not | that were not tamed, | to tame |
Notebook 16: 91 | ||||||||||
Ai Le n. | e rKe | te de Ko ne Ki. | w niyo ttKe. | wK KidiKi | Lo ttL | ttAo doKo ni Ke. | e rKe | K tt K. | e Ki. | w KidiKi n KLe. |
hiréną. | Ésge | težegų́negi, | waniócge | wąkšik | rujᵉra | cųšgų́nįge | ésge | gająga | égi | wąkšigᵉnągᵉre |
they did. | That is why | at the present time, | animals | humans | that eat | they are all gone,* | that is why | now | here | humans |
* the translation has, "extinct all gone".
Notebook 16: 92 | |||||||||
i ne Ke | m n KL. | Ao L tt nK dA n. | ttAo ni Le tt. | m n KeLe | e Ki. | wK KidiKi i L | ni Ae L. | w xoAo liAi ni | w L tti Le. |
ineke | mąnągᵉra | horajanąkšąną. | Conireją | mąną́gᵉre | égi | wąkšik’į́ra | nihéra, | Waxopį́nį | warájire |
alone | the earth | they roam. | Before | on this earth | here | living | they used to be. | The Spirits | [various ones] |
w o | Ai Le L. | wK KeLe K | A Ki nK dA n. | e Le Le n. | t ni | wo Ki do nK KLe. | di Ke | m Ko A Le Ki | Ao t | A Ki nK dA n. |
wa’ų | hirera, | wągᵉrega | haginą́kšąną. | Erereną,† | tani | wogížunągᵉre. | Žigé | mąkúhąrégi | hotá | haginą́kšąną. |
to do it | they did, | up above | [they returned.]* | [They are the ones,] | tobacco | they offered them. | Again | under the earth | some | [they returned.]‡ |
* translated as, "they are now."
† an initial /h/ has been dropped from external sandhi.
‡ translated as, "they all are now."
Notebook 16: 93 | ||||||||
A ntt | te e | Ae Le Le n. | w KidiKi Lotto L. | ttAe Ke tt. | tt n K. | w Ki Li L. | w K L xttK nK wi Le. | Ao Ai L wi Ke. |
Haną́c | tee | herereną. | Wąkšigᵉrúcgᵉra | cegéja | janąga | wakirira | wągaraxjágᵉnągwire | hohirawige. |
All | these | they are the ones. | The human eaters | at first | all | the insects | that bit us | they were beaten. |
Notebook 16: 94 | |||||||||||
e rKe | xoAo no niKi | Ai L | no ni Ke. | Ai Ko | w K Lotto nK wi n. | A ntt | de e. | m n KeLe | Ki r | A tti Le n. | w xoAo liAi ni |
Ésge | xųnųnį́k | hira, | nųnįgé | higų | wągarujᵉnągᵉwiną. | Haną́c | žee | mąną́gᵉre | kizá | hajiréną. | Waxopį́nį |
Therefore, | small | they are, | but | still | they eat us. | All | these | on this earth | to war | they came. | The Spirits |
Notebook 16: 95 | ||||||||||
w L tti Le L. | te e | e | Ae Le Le n. | wo LK | de e. | A Ko Ley d | de rKe | Ai Le n. | wy K n KeLe | e rKe. |
warájirera | tee | e | herereną. | Worák | žee | hagoreižą | žesge | hiréną. | Waikąnągᵉre, | ésge, |
[the various ones] | these | [they themselves] | they were. | Stories | these | once | as | they were. | These myths, | [therefore,] |
Winnebago IV, #8o2: 11 | ||||||||
wo LK | te de rK n KeLe. | tteKKe * | m n KL | tti nK KeLe Ki | e tt Le tt. | Ai L Ki w Le | wo LK | A tti Le Ke |
worák | težesganągᵉre | cek | mąnągᵉra | jinągᵉregi, | ejareja | hiragiware, | worák | hajírege. |
stories | that are like this | beginning | the earth | they are from, | [over here] | they were handed down, | stories | [as they have come.] |
* this violates spelling rules. It is probably for tteKe.
Notebook 16: 96 | ||||||||
e rKe | di d | A Ke | AK Kitti Le Ki. | wo we wi L. | Ao w Le | Ai ni n Ki di. | de Ko Le Ki | tt rK KLe |
Ésge, | žižą | hąké | hakjiregi | wowewira | howare | hinįnąkiži | žegųregi, | jasgágᵉre |
[Therefore,] | [?]* | not | [back ?]† | their thoughts | [to go]‡ | they will not do, and‡‡ | as of the present day things, | [as ?] |
* could this be šižą, "a telling"?
† elsewhere this is translated as, "the one behind".
‡ this is translated as, "keep," which follows, "think seriously".
‡‡ this whole clause is translated, "but in these latter days, if people don't keep these thoughts
on them, and".
Notebook 16: 97 | ||||||||||||
Aoy diAili | de rK | ni Ae Ko ni | Ai L tte Ki di. | wK Kidi Ki | wo LK | te e | Ki l | w Ai n n. | wo LK | te e. | tt Ko o | o Ai L ni Ae |
hoišíp | žesga | nįhegųnį | hirajegiži, | wąkšik’į́ | worák | tee | kiba | wahiną́ną. | Worák | tee | jagú’ų | ’ųhiranihe |
[always] | as | to be that way | he thinks, and | [life] | stories | these | doubt | he would do it. | Stories | these | why | [they were then and ever are] |
wo L Ki Le L | m Ai A KeLe Ki. | Ai Ko | ttA tii nK dA n. | e Ki. | Ai Ko | ttAo we Le Ki. | Ao ti Le L. | Aoy diAili | Ai tt L. |
woragirera, | mąhihagᵉregi | higų | cat’įnąkšaną. | Égi | higų | cowéregi | hotirera | hoišíp | hijąra |
[telling the stories,] | on earth | still | it is visible.* | And | [still] | in the future | climbing | [always] | others |
* this sentence is translated, "The things that spirits did on earth are still visible to this day."
Notebook 16: 98 | ||||||||||
ti Le | L Ae n. | e rKe | Ko tt xitti | AK Kittiye tt. | te e | Ae Le L. | Ai tt xitti n. | e rKe. | Ki l | Ai L. |
tiré | rahéną. | Ésge, | gojáxjį | hakjįeja | tee | herera | hijaxjįną. | Ésge, | kiba | hira, |
to grow | to be going there.* | Therefore, | olden times | way back | these | they were. | It was very different. | Therefore, | doubt | there is, |
* this sentence is translated, "And if it goes as it goes, it will be different."
ttAo n. | A ntt | Ki dKe | Ki l | Ai Le Ko ni | A tt n K | dA n | Ai reKe de | Ai L n Ke | e rKe. |
cų́ną. | Haną́c | gišge | kiba | hiregųnį. | Hajánąka | šana | hisgeže, | hiranąke. | Ésge, |
there is much. | Everyone | [to do] | to doubt | perhaps they do. | The ones who saw it | [only] | it was true, | since they knew. | Therefore, |
Notebook 16: 99 | Winnebago IV, #8o1: 12 | ||||||||
Ai deAe d L * | Ai d ni A ni n. | di Ke | A Ko Le d | deKe. | ttAo we Le Ki | Ai ow tt wi L. | A Ke | de rK ni Ktt ne n. | e tt |
hišéžara (?) | hižąnihaniną. | Žigé | hagoréžą | ške | cowéregi | hi’ųajawira, | hąké | žésganįkjaneną. | Éja |
[they said ?] | [?].† | And | [in time]‡ | also | in the future | as we go, | not | it will not be as it is.‡‡ | [There] |
* the deAe in this expression looks like leAe, but the latter appears to be meaningless.
† the translation has the incoherent, "as they story." Winnebago IV, 8o, Version 1: 11 - 12 has, "They think, 'So it was not as it is these days'." Winnebago IV, 8o, Version 2: 11 has, "Nothing was much earlier than the happenings of this story".
‡ the translation has, "sometime".
‡‡ "not be as it" is written above "never be again".
Notebook 16: 100 | |||||||||||
Ai d | tt rKe | Ai Ai | A tt wi Le. | Ao L Ki Le | deKe | Ki l | Ai L n n. | tt rKe | Ai n Ki | A Ke | de rK ni Ki di. |
hižą | jasge | hihi | hają́wire | horágire, | ške | kiba | híranąną, | jasgé | hínągí | hąké | žesganįgiži. |
someone | how | it goes | we are doing* | they told, | [also] | doubt | they would do it, | what | they were doing | not | as it would not be like. |
* the translation adds, "at the present time, a few years hence".
Notebook 16: 101 | |||||||||
de Ko Ki L. | Ai Lo xoAo LoKo tte Ki | e rKe. | Ai tt | ni Ae n. | ay Le Ki di. | A Ke | tt Ko | o n | w o tte Ki di |
Žegų́girá | hiruxurukjegi, | ésge | hija | nįhéną. | Airegiži | hąké | jagú | ’ųną | wa’ųjegiži, |
They would be doing all | they could, so | therefore | there | it is around. | If someone said | not | [what] | he is doing | as he was doing it, |
de rKe ni Ki di. | Ki l | Ai n n. | w d L. | A ntt | o Lo xoAo LoKo Kette de* | Ai L tte Ke | e rKe. | de rK n Ki di |
žesgenįgiži, | kiba | hiną́ną. | Wažąra | haną́c | oruxurukježe, | hirajege, | ésge, | žesganągiži, |
if they could not do things, | to doubt | he would do. | The things | all | he could do, | he believes, so | [therefore,] | if they are that way, |
* an initial /h/ has been dropped due to external sandhi.
Notebook 16: 102 | ||||||||||
de rKe | Ai Lo xoAo Lo Kn de | Ai L tte Ke | e rKe | wo Ki roKo. | Lo K n | tte de | Ai Ki L tte Ke | e rKe. | w d L. | Ai d. |
žesge | hiruxúrųgᵉnąže, | hirajege, | ésge, | wogizok | rokana | jéže, | hikirajege | ésge | wažąra | hižą |
[that kind] | he could do, | he believes, so | yet, | [really] | [very much] | [there is,] | if one thought, | [then] | [the things] | one of them |
Notebook 16: 103 | |||||||||
A Ki leAe Le rini Ki. | Ai Kow n | Ki l | Ai n n. | A ntt | Ai lAe Lere tte Ke. | A Ke | deKe | de rK ni n Ko ni. | m te Ki. witti |
hąkiperezᵉnįgi,* | higuą́ną | kiba | hiną́ną. | Haną́c | hiperezᵉjege, | hąké | ške | žesganįnąkųnį. | Mątégi wíc, |
he could not understand, | right away | to doubt | he would. | All | because he knows, | not | even | it was not true. | On this continent, |
* < hąke-hiperes-nį-gi.
e Ki. | tteAe Kitti | Ao Ao L. | Ai Ke | ni Ke | Ai d. | w Kx | A ni ni nK dA n. | te e | Ae Le Le n. |
égi | cekjį | hohúra | hįké | nįgé | hižą | wagáx | haninįnąkšąną. | Tee | herereną, |
here | the beginning | [the place where it comes from] | not | [somewhere] | anyone | to write | he has not. | These | they are, |
Notebook 16: 104 | |||||||||
w Kx L. | e dA n. | Ai wo roAott dA n | de rKe. | Ao LK | wy Le n. | wy K n KLe. | tt Ko o | te e | w n KL. |
wagaǧᵉra | éšana | hiwosųcšąną. | Žesge | horák | waireną. | Waíkąnągᵉre | jagú’ų | tee | wanagᵉra |
the accounts | only | [that are near at hand.]* | That | [telling] | [they have told them.] | These myths | it is the reason | this | the history |
* the translation has, "get to learn."
te de rKe | A w o w nK dA n. | witti te Ki. | tteAe Ke | tti Ke Le L. | Ao LK | we n. |
težesge | hawą’wąnąkšąną. | Wíjᵉtégi, | cegé | jikérera | horák | weną. |
this | [I have told.] | This continent | beginnings | [the start] | history | they mean. |
Paul Radin, "The Thunderbird," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Notebook #16: 1-103 (syllabic text with interlinear translation); Paul Radin, "The Thunderbird," Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago IV, #8o, Version 1: 1-12, Version 2: 1-11. Interlinear Hocąk and English on unnumbered pages. Told by James St. Cyr (Thunderbird Clan?), who obtained it from an unidentified Frenchman.