Hocąk Text — Trickster Loses Most of His Penis

Told by an elder of the tribe in 1912

Transcribed by Sam Blowsnake

Translation based on the interlinear of Oliver LaMère

Oliver LaMère, Translator   Winnebago V, #7: 381

For a description of this manuscript, its source, style, transcription, and interlinear translation, see the syllabic text to Trickster's Warpath.

English Translation


p. 381 —
e tt Ao we ow Koo. te we L Ki e tt
Éja howe u’wák’ų, tewéraki, éja
There he was going about [as he did it], unexpectedly, there



ow Ai K tt. Ai Ki tt xitti Le Ki. w di d n w de. we de
’úwahigają hikijąxjįregi wažįžą nąwą́že, wéže,
as he was going right by his side something sang, saying,



p. 382 —
w Ktt K. tt Ko L Ko Lo Kii Le L L Ko Lo Kii.
"Wakjąka,* jagú rakorok’į? Rera rakorok’į."
"Trickster, what are you packing? Your privates do you pack."

* dropping the -ga (suffixed to indicate a personal name) can be considered disrespectful.



Aow. e de tt Ko diAi diAi Ki d. di Ke te e
"Howá!" éže. "Jagú šišigížą. Žigé tee
"Oh!" he said. "What a bad one. [Furthermore] this



tt Ko e K tt w nK. tt Ko A Kii
jagú egáją wánąk? Jagú hak’į
what does it mean to say? What I am carrying



Ki A Ke Ai Ki tt ni Kini e de. de Ko di Ke
kihąkehikija-nįgini éže. Žegų́ žigé
he [himself] has full knowledge of," he said. Then again



p. 383 —
de Ki xitti ttA we de. ow Ai K tt. Ai Ki tt xitti Le Ki.
žegixjį wéže, ’úwahigają hikijąxjįregi
in a certain direction it said, as he went right by his side



di Ke we L Ki. w Ktt K. tt Ko* L Ko Lo Kii.
žigé wéraki, "Wakjąka, jagú rakorok’į?
again unexpectedly, "Trickster, what are you packing?

* the text has so in place of Ko.



doAo tteKe Ai L ttAi K nK. e de. Aow tt Koyi d
Šocgehira cikanąk," éže. "Howá! jaguižą
His testicles a pair,"* he said. "Oh! what [one]

* the text has "together with," but I take cikanąk to be a variant of cik-konąk, "a pair".



p. 384 —
te e w n K tt. Ao we Ai we riAi wi
tee wanąkaja? Howehi wesįwį́
this that says it? [Going] around he was watching



tte Ko ni. tt Ko w Kii L liAi A K L Kii Kette n.
jegúni. Jagú wak’įra hakarak’įkjeną,"
[he did]. [How] my pack right I will pack,"



a n K. a K L ttAo de. e Ki. Lo n
anąga akaracúže. Égi runą.
he said and he emptied it out. Then over he turned them.



ttA K L do de. e Ki. doAo tteKe L ttA wi L
Cakaražuže. Égi šocgera cawira
[He placed them on his own back]. Then his testicles next to his back



p. 385 —
w ttAl deAe. de Ko Aiy n K. we L Ki xitti di Ke
wacapše. Žegų́ hianąga werakixjį žigé
he put them. Thus he did and [most unexpectedly] [again]



ttA we de. di Ke we L Ki. Ai Ki tt xitti Le Ki. w Ktt K
cawéže. Žigé weráki hikijąxjįregi, "Wakjąka
anywhere he went. Again unexpectedly [right] at his side, "Trickster



tt Ko L Ko Lo Kii tt Ko L Ko Lo Kii. doAo tteKe Ai L
jagú rakorok’į? Jagú rakorok’į? Šocgehira
what are you packing? What are you packing? [His] testicles



w ttAl. doAo tteKe Ai L w ttAl. e de. Aow
wacapa. Šocgehira wacapa," éže. "Howá!
placed underneath. His testicles placed underneath," he said. "Ah!



p. 386 —
tt Ko diAi diAi Kitti d Ai L ditti. tt Ko o
jagú šišikjįžą hįražic. Jagú-u
what a bad thing that teases me. [How]



w Kii L Ai Ki we riAi wi Ko ni a n K. di Ke
wak’įra higiwesįwįguni," anąga. Žigé
my pack he must have watched," he said. Again



w Kii L liAi Koo de. Le lA L. e ttA Ai A K tt
wak’įra pįk’ųže. Repara eca hihagają
his pack he fixed. The head of his private [instead] on top



p. 387 —
toolo deAe. de Ko Aiy n K. te we L Ki xitti
t’ųpše. Žegų́ hianąga tewerakixjį
he put. Thus he did and [quite unexpectedly]*

* translated as "just anywhere".



Ao w Le de. di Ke we L Ki. Ai Ki tt ne Ki. w Ktt K
howareže. Žigé weráki hikijąnegi, "Wakjąka,
he went. Again unexpectedly at his side, "Trickster,



tt Ko L Ko Lo Kii. Le L L Ko Lo Kii. Le lA.
jagú rakorok’į? Rera rakorok’į. Repá
what are you packing? Your private you are packing. The head of the private



Ai A Ke tt toolo Le lA Ai Ke tt toolo.
hihagéja t’ųp, repá higeja t’ųp,"
on top he placed, the head of the private on top he placed,"



p. 388 —
e de. Aow tt Koyi d te e w n K tt.
éže. "Howá! jaguįžą tee wanąkają?"
it said. "Ah! what [one] this that says it?"



a n K. A tal lK tt. Kiyr nK deAe ti. Ki. ti. Ki. ti. Ki. ti. Ki.
anąga. Hat’ąpgają kiasnąkše. "Ti ki ti ki ti ki ti ki,"
he said. He jumped towards him and it ran away. "Ti ki ti ki ti ki ti ki,"



a n K no loAo xi d e tt Aoy K w nK deAe. Ae tteKe ni Ki d
anąga. Nopoxižą éja hoikawanąkše. Hejgenįkižą
it said. A hollow tree into it ran. A chipmunk



p. 389 —
w o de. dette Ktt ni Ae n. Ai Loyi Le w dA dA n KeK.
wa’ųže. "Šjekjaniheną, hiroire wašašąnąkeka.
it was that did it. "You will die, homely you thing that said it.



A A. Ai roAo Ki tti. ne L Ki doo Kette n. ni L ditti dA n
Hąhą́, hisųgijį ne ragiš’ųkjena niražicšaną
Now then, my younger brother, you you may attend to him as he teased you



rii a n K. Le L. ni Ke a ttAo de.
s’i," ánąga. Rera nįgé ącúže.
a long time," he said. His private [someplace] he took out.



p. 390 —
e Ki e Ai ow n K. n xoAo loAo x K. Ao w K LK deAe.
Égi e hi’ųwánąga nąxopoxak howakárakše,
Then this he used and the hollow log he probed,



K tt. A Ke Ao de tt L A w ttAl ni de. di Ke.
gają hąké hožéjąra hawacapnįže. Žigé
but not the end he could not reach. Again



ni Ke a ttK n K n K. di Ke Ao w K LK deAe. di Ke
nįgé ąjkąnąkanąga žigé howakárakše. Žigé
some more he took out more of it and again he probed. Again



p. 391 —
Ai Ke Ao de tt L A w ttAl ni de. di Ke ni Ke.
hįké hožéjąra hawacapnįže. Žigé nįgé
not the end he did not reach with it. Again some more



Ki Li x n K. a ttK nK deAe. di Ke Ao w K LK deAe. di Ke
kirixanąk ąjkąnąkše. Žigé howakárakše. Žigé
he unwound he took out. Again he probed. Again



A Ke Ao de tt L. A w ttA lini de. K tt K. Ao t n Ki di
hąké hožéjąra hawacapnįže. Gająga hotanąkiži
not the end he could not reach. So now the remainder of it



p. 392 —
A ntt a ttK nK deAe. Ko KL m L Ai de. di Ke
haną́c ąjkąnąkše. Kokra mąrahiže. Žigé
[all] he took out. The box it was emptied. Again



o de. Ao w K LK deAe. de Ko de. A Ke Ao de tt L.
’ųže, howakárakše. Žegų́že. Hąké hožéjąra
he did it, he probed into it. Thus it was. Not the end



A w ttA lini de. de tt K. Ai tt tti n. K n K.
howacapnįže. Žejąga hiją jíną anąga
he could not reach. So then [there] [he came]* and

* this is translated very liberally as "he sat up to the log".



Aoyi ttL Ai L w roAo ttiAi no ni Ke. de Ko Ai Ke
hoijara hirawasųji nųnįgé žegų́ hįké
as far as he could he probed [closely] but still not



p. 393 —
A w ttA lini de. Aow a n K. A ni Ko K tt te we L Ki
hawacapnįže. "Howá!" anąga. Hanikugają tewéraki
he could not reach it. "Howa!" he said. [When] he took it out unexpectedly



Le Aoyi ttL di litti niKi A ni Ko de. Ao Ao.
re hoijara žipjįnįk hanikuže. "Hohó!
[penis] the butt end just a little [short] he brought it out. "Oh my!



A K w d wi Ki dA n xitti d. Ai Loyi Le xitti L.
haka wažą wigišanąxjįžą. Hiróirexjį́ra!
[what did occur is not occurring now] [something] a great injury he has done me. [What a shame!]*

* LaMère has "the homely thing" as if from hiro-ere. The translation given in brackets follows the entry in Miner's Field Lexicon (s.v).



p. 394 —
Ai L leAe Le ri Ktt ne n. a n K. n xA L. n xoAo xoAox deAe.
Hirapéresikjanèną," anąga. Nąxara nąxoxoǧše.
You will know,"* he said. The log he kicked it to pieces.

* this is an idiom which can be expressed as the translation gives it: "you will catch it." Closer might be, "I'll teach you!"



e tt. n rt rtK Kitti de Ae tteKe ni K. te we L Ki.
Éja nąstastakjįže, Hecgenįka. Tewéraki,
There he tramped him flat, Chipmunk. Unexpectedly,



e tt. L Ko no Ko noKo. A Ki K w tte de. Ao Ao.
éja rakonokonok hagikawą-ježe. "Hohó,
there all gnawed up it was there in a pile. "Oh my!


p. 395 —
A tt w d. wi Lo Koyi d n tteAeKe wi d[e].
hacą wažą wirokųižą nącekwiž[e].
what good* an instrument he has deprived me of.

* Marino gives the meaning, "to be important, purposeful."


A A. tt Ko Ai A tt. w Kidi Ke.
Hąhą́, jagú hihaja? Wąkšiké,
Ah! what am I saying? The people,



wi Lo Ko y Ki o Kette n. e de. e tt.
wirókų yakiųkjeną," éže. Éja
instrument I will make," he said. There



Le lA L. nK deAe. Le doAo doAo Lo KL. Loro deAe.
repara nąkše. Re šušurogra rúsše.
the penis lay. The part of the penis without foreskin he took.



p. 396 —
tt Ko te e. w Kidi K. riAi loAo Lo L. ay L ni Ae Kette n.
"Jagú tee wąkšik 'sįporora' airánihekjéną,"
"What this one people 'lily of the lake'* they will ever call it,"

* now more commonly known as the "pond lily". However, Radin is the only one to make this identification, everyone else says that it is the arrowleaf.



a n K. tey d e tt n Ki di e tt
anąga. Teižą éja nągiži éja
he said. A lake there that was near there



Ao too ne de. e Ki. di Ke. e tt Ai L.
hot’úneže. Égi žigé éja hirá
he threw it. Then again there in the water



p. 397 —
Ao L Ko no Ki d Lo r n K we de. te e.
horakonokižą rusanąga wéže, "Tee
one of the things that was gnawed off he took and* he said, "This

* this is translated as, "Then again, other pieces that were gnawed off, one he took and ..."



w Ki[di] Ke. to L. ay L ni Ae Kette n e de. e Ki.
wąk[ši]ke 'tora' airánihekjéną," éže. Égi
the people 'potatoes' they will call it henceforth," he said. Then



di Ke Ai d Lo r n K we de. te e.
žigé hižą rusanąga wéže, "Tee
again one he took and said, "This



w Kidi Ke. to Ke we Ai L ay Le Kette n. e de.
wąkšiké 'tokéwehira' airekjéną," éže.
the people 'the [prairie] turnip'* they will call from henceforth," he said.

* the tipsin, Pediomelum esculenta.



398 —
e Ki. di Ki d Lo r n K. we de. w Kidi Ke.
Égi žigižą rusanąga wéže, "Wąkšiké
Then another one he took and said, "The people



te e. lA xi L. ay L ni Ae Kette n e de. e Ki.
tee 'pąxira' airanihekženą," éže. Égi
this 'artichoke' they will ever call," he said. Then



di Ki d Lo r n K we de. w Kidi Ke te e.
žigižą rusanąga wéže, "Wąkšiké tee
another one he took and said, "The people this



Ao niKi mo tt L. ay L ni Ae Ktte e de. e Ki di Ki d
'hónikmojára' airanihekže," éže. Égi žigižą
'ground beans' they will ever call," he said. Then another one



p. 399 —
Lo r n K we de. te e. w Kidi Ke. doAoKo Ai L.
rusanąga wéže, "Tee wąkšiké 'šųk hira'
he took and said, "These the people 'dog teeth'



ay Le Kette n. e de. di Ki d Lo r n K. we de.
airekjéną," éže. Žigižą rusanąga wéže,
they will ever call," he said. Another one he took and said,



te e. Ai deKe. w Kidi Ke. w dAK. lA L rL.
"Tee hišgé wąkšiké 'wašak parasara'
"These also the people 'claws sharp'



p. 400 —
ay L ni Ae Kette n. e de di Ki d Lo r n K. we de.
airanihekženą," éže. Žigižą rusanąga wéže,
they will ever call," he said. Another one he took and said,



te e. w Kidi Ke. riAi L. ay Li ni Ae Kette n. a n K.
"Tee wąkšiké 'sira' airinihekjeną," anąga.
"This the people 'rice' they will ever call it," he said.



niye tt Ai d Ao too Le de. e Ki. e tt.
Nįeja hižą hot’ųreže. Égi éja
Into the water one he threw. Then there



Le Aoyitti ttL Ki di. Lo r n K we de. te e
re hoijaragiži rusanąga wéže, "Tee
penis the butt end he took it and said, "This



p. 401 —
Ai deKe w Kidi Ke. ttAe L lL ay L ni Ae Kette n e de.
hišgé wąkšiké 'cerábara'," airanihekženą," éže.
also the people ['water root'],"* they will ever call," he said.

* the translation has "pond lily," which is another name for the lily of the lake, which was the first thing to arise from Trickster's seeding of the water. "Water root" is attested as the meaning for this word in Radin's "Winnebago Tribe".



Ao lA L lA L ttL w Ke de. Aoyi ttL. Le
Hoparapárajra wagežé, hoijara. Re
The square part he meant, the end. Penis



Aoyitti ttL. reAe Le ttiniKi Ao t Ki di w Ke de.
hoijara serecnik hotakiži wagežé.
the butt end a little long what was left of it [he meant.]



p. 402 —
e Ki de Ko Aiy n K. Ko KL. e tt
Égi žegų́ hianąga kokra éja
Then thus he did, and his box there



K L too ne de. e tt. w KL. Le L. tt rK n KeLe
karat’uneže. Éja wąkra rera jasganąkere
he left his own. There men's penises how they are



de reKe tti tte de. e rKe. w KL. Le L.
žesge jijéže. Ésge wąkra rera
that way he became. That is why men's penises



dili li Le de. Ai Ke de e Le L. Ae tteKe ni K.
šibíreže Hįké žee rera Hecgenįka
they are short. Not this the penis Chipmunk



p. 403 —
L Ko no Ko noKo ni Ki di wK ttA ni L. de rKe Ai L n de
rakonokonoknįgiži, wakcanira žesge hiranaže,
if he did not gnaw it to pieces, the first born that way he would be,



ay Le n. Ko no L. Le L Kii Ai L n de
aíreną. Kunura rera k’įhiranaže,
it is said. The first borns the penises they would carry on their backs,



ay Le n. Le L. de de rKy Le Ki di A Ke liAi ni n Ki
aíreną. Rera žežesgairegiži, hąké pinįnagi,
it is said. The penises if they were that way, not it would not be good,



e rKe Ao rKe. Ae tteKe ni K. w Le Ki Ki Le Ke
ésge hosgé Hecgenįka warégigírege
therefore, purposely Chipmunk he was made to do it



p. 404 —
w o de ay Le n. de e A Ke liAi ni Ktt n Ae Ke
wa’ųže, aíreną. Žee hąké pinįkjanahege,
he was, it is said. That not it would not be good,



e rKe w Kio de.
ésge waki’ųže.
thus they did to him.



"Wakjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 381-404.