Hocąk Syllabic Text — Trickster Visits His Family
Told by an elder of the tribe in 1912
Transcribed by Sam Blowsnake
Translation based on the interlinear of Oliver LaMère
Oliver LaMère, Translator | Winnebago V, #7: 225 |
For a description of this manuscript, its source, style, transcription, and interlinear translation, see the syllabic text to Trickster's Warpath.
p. 225 —
e Ki. | e tt. | w Ktt K K. | ni Ko Ki nK deAe. | A Ao |
Égi | éja | Wakjąkaga | nįgoginąkše. | "Hąho! |
Then | there | Trickster | ran away. | "Ho! |
tt Ko | A o K tt | w o A tte Ko ni. | w Ktt K K. |
jagú | ha'ųgają | wa'ųhajegųnį," | Wakjąkaga |
what | [having stayed in a place for a time] | I am doing I wonder," | Trickster |
e de. | de tt ny xitti. | Ai noKo K | K nK A ni Ae L. |
éže. | "Žejanaíxjį | hinųka | kąnąkhanihera |
said. | "About now | the wife | that I married |
p. 226 —
e | w w Ke Le Kette | ny di | Ko no |
e | wawakerekje. | Naį́ži | Kunu |
[to her] | I will go. | About now | Kunu |
Ai Ki xeAe te Ko ni | e de. | e Ki. | te | a K Ki nK. |
higixetegųnį," | éže. | Égi | te | agákinąk |
must be getting big,"* | he said. | Then | lake | across |
Ai noKo | K nK ni Ae K. | eyo w Ko de. | e Ki | Ai tt |
hinųk´ | kąnąknihega | eyowaguže. | Égi | hija |
woman | he had married | there he went home to. | And | there |
Ki Li K tt | te we L Ki. | w Ki d. | A K ni Le Ki di. |
kirigáją | tewéraki | wąkižą | haganiregiži |
he got to and | unexpectedly | a boy | that was born to him |
p. 227 —
Ki xeAe te K tt | Ki Li de. | Ao KL. | wo Ki d w de. |
gixetegają | kiriže. | Hųgra | wogížawaže. |
he was very big for him | when he got back. | The chief | was happy. |
w to Ao ttAi K | Ki Li n | a n K. | Ai Ke | w di |
"Watohóciga | kiriną," | ánąga. | Hįké | wažį́ |
"The son-in-law | he has come home," | he said. | [Not] | [something] |
Lo K n Ai ni de. | e tt. | w Ktt K K. | niKi | n K L de. |
rokanahinįže. | Éja | Wakjąkaga | nįk | nąkaraže. |
[he did not cause] very much.* | There | Trickster | for his child | he hunted. |
p. 228 —
w tee | Ai Ke L | Lo K n de. | e tt. | rii o de. |
wat'é | higéra | rokánaže. | Éja | s'i'ųže. |
Kill | he did | very much. | There | he stayed a long time. |
ni Ktt KL. | xeAe te K L Ki de. | A Ki Koxo Lo xoAo Lo Ki di. |
Nįkjąkra | xetekaragíže. | Hikikxuruxurugiži, |
His child | he raised to be big. | When he was able to take care of himself, |
e Ki. | we de. | A Ao. | de tt ny xitti | Ao we. |
égi | wéže, | "Hąho, | žejanaíxjį | howe |
[then] | he said, | "Ho! | about now | around |
p. 229 —
A o Ktt ne n. | Ao tt di Ai | niKi A L | xeAe te K tt. |
ha'ųkjaneną. | Hoja[žihi?] | nįkhara | xetegają, |
I will go. | As* | my boy | has grown up, |
m n KeLe | Ao L tte Ktt ne n. | de tt ny xitti | Ao to d aK dA n. |
manągre | horajekjanena. | Žejanaíxjį | hotoš'akšąną. |
the earth | I will visit. | About now | I am tired. |
L doKo ni | m n KeLe | w ow tte doAo no L. | e Ki |
Rašgúni | manągre | wa'ųwaješųnųra. | Égi |
In peace | the earth | I used to go about. | Here |
p. 230 —
Aoyi dA Kiy tte n | e de. |
hoišagiyajena," | éže. |
I am bothering myself," | he said. |
Oliver LaMère (trs.), "Wakjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 225-230.