Hocąk Text — The Twins Get into Hot Water

Version 1

by Sam Blowsnake

interlinear translation by John Baptiste (164-193)

and Oliver LaMère (?) (194-200)

Sam Blowsnake

English Translation


p. 164 —
e Ki. K tt. w Le ttA w Ai L ni Ae L. xeAe te niKi KL
Égi gają Warecáwa hiránihera xetenįkra
And at this time Twins [there are] the oldest one



we de. w Lo L. de tt ny xitti m n KeLe Ao we Ao L tte Kette n.
weže, "Warora, žejanaíxjį mąnąkere howe hurajekjeną.
he said, "Flesh, now in the world around let us go visiting.



tteAe Kitti L. Ai ttAo Ke Ai Ai L e Kiy KL e Ao w Ai KeKe n.
Cekjįra, hicokehihira egiakra, ehowahikekeną."
In the first place, our grandfather he is located here, we shall [go] by him."



p. 165 —
a wi de. e tt. Ai L Ai Le de Ai ttAo Ke Ai Le L. ttAo K
awiže. Éja hirahireže, hicokehirera. "Coka,
they said. There they had come, their grandfather. "Grandpa,



A tti w[i] d ny n. ay Le de. Ao Ao. Ai ttAo deKe niKi w A L
hajiw[i]žanąiną," aíreže. "Hohó, hicųšgenįkwahara
we have come," they said. "Well, well, my little grandsons



A tti Le Ko ni. e liAi n. ni Ko no ni A. AK wi n. e de.
hajiregųnį. epíną. nikonuniha, hąkwiną," éže.
they have come. It is good. I have been lonesome for you, as I lay here," he said.



p. 166 —
Ai deKe ttAo K deyi rK wi Ke w o Ao wi n. Ai Ky Le de.
"Hišgé, coka, žeisgawige, wa’ųhuwiną," higaíreže.
"Also, grandpa, we have been made [this way,] so we have come," they said to him.



e tt. tee w Ai n i de. ni xeAe Le
Éja t’ewahi ną’įže. Ni xere
There to kill them he tried. Water to boil



Ai tt Ke Le de. e wi Lo A Kette Ke.* Ki Lo di tti Le de.
hijakereže. E wirohąkjege. Kiružijireže.
he put on. He he was to boil them. They began to tease one another.

*what appears to be a free standing letter /i/ occurs after this word, but is probably meant to be just a period.



p. 167 —
o xitti Ai Le de. e tt. wK no K. ni xeAe Le tte K
’Ųxjįhireže. Éja wąknuka ni xerejega
Very hard they [did it] There the old man water that which was boiling



A n Kodo Ai L n K* tee Ai Ai Le de. A Ao w Lo L.
hanąkšųhįranąga t’ehi hireže. "Hąhó Warora,
they tipped it over by foot and† to kill him [they did]. "Say Flesh,

*just after the initial /n/, what appears to be /K./ has been erased.
†"it" has been inserted above the line by a caret.



te e e w o n. Ai o ni Ai Ai L. Lotto dA n.
tee e wa’ųną, hi’ųnihihira rucšaną.
this one [he] he had done it, our mother he has eaten.



Ai Lo tti Kette n. e de. e tt Lo tti Le de. e Ki.
Hirujikjeną," éže. Éja rojireže. Égi
Let us eat him," he said. There they ate him. [And]



p. 168 —
Lo dtt Ai Le Ki di. e Ki. ttiAi L Ao w xitti
rušja hiregiži, égi cira howaxįc
[eaten] when they had, then the house to set fire to



Ai Le de. e Ki e tt. A Ly Le Ki di. tt n K.
hireže. Égi éja haraíregiži, janąga
they did. And there when they started, all



w d L Ai Ke liAi ni Ki di. tee Ai Le de. m n KeLe
wažąra hįké pįnįgiži, t’ehireže. Mąnąkere
the things not [that were not good,]* they killed. The world

*translated as "evil".



p. 169 —
A n ttiAi Ao oyi Le de. e Ki m Ko A L. ni n KLe deKe.
hanącį ho’ųireže. Égi mąk’úhąra, ninąkreške,
all they went over. And under the earth, and all the rivers,


te tt L deKe. Ai Ke m n KeLe ni Ke n Kd di L ni de.
tejąraške, hįké mąnąkere nįgé nągąžiranįže.
the ocean also, not in this world anyplace they did not miss.



e Ki di Ke. w KL. Ao o Ai Le de. A Ai
Égi žigé wągra ho’ų hireže. Hahí,
And again above to go over [they did.] Finally,



m xiAi w KL deKe Ao o Ai Le de.
mąxi wągra ške ho’ų hireže.
skies up [also] to go [they did.]



p. 170 —
A ttAi tt. A Ae L. n Ki di wi L Ai Le de. A ttAi tt.
Hacįja Hąhéra nąkiži, wirahireže. Hacįja
Wherever the Night-beings they are, they got to them. Wherever



wi n KLe. ttiAi w o n Ki deKe wi L
winąkre ci wa’ųnagi, ške wira
the sun to live [if he did it,] [also] the moon



Ai Le de. A ttA[i] tt. wi L Ko deKe n Ke w o n Ki
hireže. Hac[į]ja wiragošge nąge wa’ųnagi,
[they were.] Wherever stars [to sit] [if they were,]



deKe wi L Ai Le de. e Ki A ttAi tt. w K tt
ške wirahireže. Égi hacįja Wakąja
[also] they got to them. And wherever Thunderbirds



p. 171 —
ttiAi n Ki d n Ki deKe Ai L Ai Ai Le de.
cinąkižą nągí, ške hirahi hireže.
a village if it is, also to get to [they did.]



m L. t[t]o liAi wi A n Ki di. A ntt Ao we
Mąra [j]opíwi hanąkiži, haną́c howe
The worlds four that be, all of them through



wo o Ai Le de. A Ke ni Ke n Kd
wo’ų hireže. Hąké nįgé nągąš
to go [they did.] Not anyplace to miss



Ai L n[i] de. A Ko Ley d. o n Koo. m o L. ni Ke
hiranįže. Hagoreižą, ’ųnąk’ų, Mą’ųra nįgé
they did not. In the course of time, as they went about, Earth-maker where



p. 172 —
n Ki di Ai L Ai Ai Le de. Ko Le Ai Le de.
nąkiži, hirahi hireže. Koré hireže.
he dwells, to reach [they did.] To surprise him [they did.]



Ai K K. e tt Ai d w n o Ke we Ai ni Ktt n Ae de.
Hįkaga éja hižą waną’ókewé hinįkjanaheže.
Never there one of his own accord [he would not come.]



Ai L nK o w o A Ai Le de. ttiAi xeAe te xitti L no liAi wi wi de.
Hiranąk’ų, "Wa’ųhahireže." Ci xetexjįra nųpiwiwiže.
He was thinking, "They came here." Buildings very large there were two.



e tt. m o L. Ae Le doKo ni L. Ai L Ki rA niKi nK dAe
Éja Mą’ųra Herešgúnira hirakisanįk nąkše.
There Earth-maker the Devil side by side they were.



p. 173 —
e Ki. Ae Le doKo ni K e tt ttAo ni Ao K w wi de.
Égi Herešgúniga éja coni hokawawiže.
And the Devil there first they went.



A A. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. Ai lA e Ki miy n KL.
"hąhą́ nįkjąknįkxjįwira, hipá égi miánąkra,
"Well my children, ever since here I have been sitting,



Ai K Ki. Ai d. w n o Ke we Ai Ly tti ni n. te e
hįkagi hižą waną’ókewé hiraijinįną. Tee
never anyone of his own free will he has come to me. This



p. 174 —
ttAe Kitti te de rKe L wi n. w d L Ai d
cekjį težesge rawiną. Wažąra hižą
first time likewise you have done. [The thing] [one]



doo L tti wi Ki tt Ko o w doo L tti wi Ki n ni xoKo Ktt wi n. e de
š’ųrajiwigi. Jagú’ų waš’ųrajiwigi? Nanixgųkjawiną," éže.
you have come for. Why you have come for it? I want to hear from you," said he.



e Ki. xeAe te tte K we de. Ao rKe m n KeLe
Égi xetéjega weže, "Hosgé mąnąkere
Then the older one he said, "Not for any purpose the world



p. 175 —
A ntt w we A tt wi n. w Lo K A Ki do. e de.
haną́c wawehajawiną, Waroga hakižu," éže.
all we are going over, Flesh I am with," he said.



e Ki. w Kidi Ko i w Kx n Kede. Ai d tteAeKe
Égi wąkšígo’į wagaxnąkše. Hižą cek
And life he was marking out. One first



w KidiKi i K. w w Kx xe tt w Kx nK deAe. di litti niKi w w Kx n Kede.
wąkšigiga, wawagaxeja wagaxnąkše. Šipjinįk wawagaxnąkše.
when he is born, book he wrote it. Very short he marked them out.



p. 176 —
Ko te tt Ko o K tt. A Ke reAe Lette w L ni dA nK deAe.
"Koté, jagú’ųgają hąké sérec waranišánąkše?"
"Say, why not long you make them?"



Ai Ky Le de. Ao rKe de rKe. w d o L. Ai o n.
higaíreže. Hosgé žesge Wažą’ųra hi’ųną.
they asked him. [Thus] this way the Creator he has made me.



p. 177 —
w Kidi Ko i. Ai to K n L. di lini Ki Le n. A ntt reAe Le tti Le Kidi
Wąkšígo’į hitukanara šipnįkireną. Haną́c serejiregiži,
Life I have control over it is short. All [if they were long,]



m L A Ki ni Ki Le Ktt ne n. e ttA w n tto tty reKe Ai Le Ktt ne n.
mąra hakínikįrekjaneną. Écą wanąjojąisge hirekjaneną.
the world they would crowd themselves. Then in a helpless condition they would be.



A Ke w Lotto Ai Ki n Ki L ni Ktt n Ae n. e rKe.
Hąké warúc higiną kiranįkjanaheną. Ésge,
Not food enough they will not have. Therefore,



p. 178 —
Ai deKe me de rKe Ai Koro rA n. m o L. w Kidi[Ki] L.
hišgé mežesge higųsaną, Mą’ųra. Wąkši[k]ra
[thus] in this wise I am created, Earth-maker.* The people

*"Earth-maker" is written over an erased "Creator".



Ao Aele A Kette Ai o n. Ki oy Le de. w w Kx n K. ni Ki o Ktte n.
hohephakje hi’ųną." Ki’ųireže. Wawagaxnąka niki’ųkjeną.
to decrease he made me." [They did it.] "[This book] let us do it for you."



Ai Ky Le Ki di. a n Koo L xoAo Lo Ko Le de. e rKe Ki o
higaíregiži. Anąk’ųra, xurukureže. Ésge, ki’ų
they asked of him. Finally, they persuaded him. Therefore, to do



p. 179 —
Ai Le de. A ntt reAe Le ttAi w w Kx Ai Le de.
hireže. Haną́c serecį wawagáx hireže.
[they were.] All very long to mark them [they did.]



Ai Ke de rKe Ai wi ni ne Ao ttAi ttAi niKi wi L. a no ni Ke.
"Hįké žesge hiwinįne, hocįcinįkwira," anunige
"Not that way do not do it, boys," he had commanded, but



A ntt reAe Le ttiAi w w Kx Ai Le de. w Ko Loro
haną́c serecį wawagáx hireže. Wakurus
all very long to mark them [they did.] To take back



p. 180 —
n i Ki deKe Ai L tt Ki Ki Le de. e tt Le deKe.
ną’įgi ške hirają gigíreže. Éjareške,
he tried but to refuse to give it up they did. Even then,



Ae Le doKo ni K. m o L. Ai Ki rKe no ni Ke. Ai ni A ni Le de.
Herešgúniga Mą’ųra hikisgé nųnįgé hinihanireže.
the Devil Earth-maker equal to [but] they ruled him by might.



w n Ke we de. n xi Le Ai Le de. e Ki. di Ke.
Wanąkeweže. naxire hireže. Égi žigé
He was afraid of them. They scared him [they did.] And again



p. 181 —
m o L. e tt Ao w Ly Le de. Ai L Ai Le de.
Mą’ųra éja howaraíreže. Hira hireže.
Earth-maker [there] they went. To get to him [they did.]



A A. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. Ai Ke de rKe di A Koro ni n.
"hąhą́ nįkjąknįkxjįwira, hįké žesgeži hagųsnįną.
"Well my little children, not to be this way I have not made it.



L tti wi Le di. tt Ko Ai Lo Ai Le de. tt Ko
Rajiwireži, jagú hiro hireže. Jagú
Your coming there, [what] evil [there is?] Whatever



p. 182 —
doo L tti wi Ki di. de e di de rKe Ktt ne n. e Ki. w Ky Le de.
š’ųrajiwigiži, žeeži žesgekjaneną." Égi wagaíreže,
you have come for, that it will be done so." And they said,



Ao rKe A ntt w o A tt wi n. e Ki dA n
"Hosgé haną́c wa’ųhajawiną. Égi šana
"Just merely all we are going over. Here only



Ai K K A tti ni A tt wi Ke tti n e rKe e Ki
hįkaga haji, nihajawigejiną. Ésge égi
not [to come,] [we have come to see you]. So here



A tti wi n. e tt. w w Ke de. A A. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L.
hajiwiną. Éja wawageže, "hąhą́ nįkjąknįkxjįwira,
we have come." There he said to them, "Well my little children,



p. 183 —
te e di L tti wi Le. liAi n. no ni Ke A Ke
teeži rajiwire. Pįną, nųnįgé hąké
this you have come. It is good, but not



Ai no l A L de rKe Ai wi niy tte. tt KeLe Ki L tti wi Ki di
hinųpáhąra žesge hiwinįaje. Jakeregi rajiwigiži,
the second time this do not do. Outside when you came there,



tt Ko Ai ni Ki wi de. e Ki e Ki. mi n K n K
jagú hinigiwiže." "Égi égi, minąkanąga,
what he said to you?" "And well, as he sat there,



p. 184 —
w KidiKi w doo Ki di. w Kidi Ko i L. di liniKi w Ki Ki nK deAe
wąkšik waš’ųgiži wąkšigo’įra šipnįk wagiginąkše.
people that he rules, their lives short he was making them.



e n. Ao rKe de rKe Ke w o nK dA n.
Éną, hosgé žesge, ge wa’ųnąkšaną."
He said, that the way, so he was doing it."



Ae Le doKo ni L w o nK dA n. A Ki no l A L Ai tto K w wi niy tte.
"Herešgúnira wa’ųnąkšaną. Hąki nųpahara hijokawawinįaje."
"The Devil it is. Not the second time [do not enter there.]"



p. 185 —
e tt. w wo K de. w Lo tti Le de. e Ki de e di.
Éja wawogaže. Warujireže. Égi žeeži
There he gave them something to eat. They ate. And that



w Kidi Ko i w Kx n Ki di. Ao t Ki L xitti. di lini rKe w Ai ra de.
wąkšigo’į wagaxnąkiži, hotakiraxjį šipnisge wahis’aže.
lives he was marking, but very few of them kind of short he made them.



p. 186 —
e tt. o n Koo. di Ke Ai Ai n li Le Ki di. we de.
Éja ’ųnąk’ų, žigé hihinąpiregiži. Weže
There they remained awhile, again they went out. Said he



xeAe te L. A Ao. w Lo L. ni di. m o L.
xetera, "Hąhó Warora, niži Mą’ųra
the older one, "Say! Flesh, [exclamation] the Earth-maker



di Ke te Ki Ao Ke we w K diAi d L[e]. A Ao
žigé tégi hokewé wągašižar[e]. "Hąhó,
again here to go in he did tell us. "All right,



de rKe Kett[e] n. ay L n K. di Ke e tt Ao K w wi de.
žesgekj[e]ną," airanąga žigé éja hokawawiže.
it will be so," [he said, and] again there they went in.



p. 187 —
di Ke Ai tto K w Ai Le Ke. e tt. Ae Le doKo ni K.
Žigé hijokawa hirege, éja Herešgúniga
Again to go in because they did, there the Devil



Ai Ke Ki liAi ni de. Ai lAe Le ri Le de. Lo Ke tt. Ki Lo di tti Le de.
hįké gipįnįže. Hiperezireže. Rogeja kiružijireže.
not he did not like it. They knew it. Inside they teased one another.



Ai rKe xitti Ai Ke wy liAi ni de. e Ki w o de.
Hisgéxjį hįké waipįnįže. Égi wa’ųže.
Truly not he did not like them. Then he did it.



p. 188 —
mr Ai ttiAi d. t Ktt Ai de. w d L. w wo Ki dK tti Le de. e Ki
Mązhicižą takjahiže. Wažąra wawogišgajireže. Égi
An iron-castle he heated it. [His things] they abused them. And



w w Ke de. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. Ao we m n KeLe A L L tt wi n.
wawageže, "Nįkjąknįkxjįwira, howe mąnąkere hararajawiną,
he said to them, "My little children, [going about] the earth you are visiting,



p. 189 —
Ai ni teKe wi Ko ni. y Le Ke. i no Ke we ni Ki o wi n. A Ao.
hinitekwigųnį, yarége, inokewe niki’ųwiną. "Hąhó,
you were tired, I thought, so steam-bath I have made for you. "All right,



e liAi n. i niyo Ke we o Low Ko A tte n. w Lo K Ai deKe
epíną. Iniokewe’ų rowaguhajeną." Waroga hišgé
it is good. Into a steam-bath I want to go." Flesh also



e de. e e tt. mr Ai ttiAi n K. e tt Ao Ke we
éže. E éja mązhicinąka éja hokewé
he said. So there the iron-castle then to go in



p. 190 —
w Ki Kiy n K. e Ki. ttiAi Lo lL ttAo dKo ni tti tte
wakikianąga égi ciropara cųšguni jije
he let them, and [then] the door none suddenly



w Ki Ki de. w xoAo liAi ni L Ki n L dii wi n. dette Ktt wi n.
wagigiže. "waxopį́nį rakinara š’įwiną. Šjekjawiną.
he made for them. "Spirits to make yourselves you have tried. You will die.



tt Ko. Ai Ke de rKe y L ni K tte Le n. e Ki.
Jagú hįké žesge yaranįgajereną." Égi
Now not this I had not thought before." And



p. 191 —
Lo Ke tt w nK deAe. Ko te. Ae Le doKo ni K.* liAi
rogeja wánąkše, "Koté, Herešgúniga
inside they were saying, "Say, the Devil good

*the initial syllable appears to be /Ao/.



w K Ki n. i no Ke we. o Low Ko xitti A tt o Ae Le n.
wągaginą. Inokewe ’ų rowaguxjįhaja’ų hereną."
he did for us. Steam-bath [to do] I was in need of it very badly [it happens."]



Ai deKe deyi rKe n. e de Ai tt ne L. Ai no li Ke.
"Hišgé žeisgeną," éže hijanera. Hinųpike
"[Also] I was in the same way," he said the other one. Both



p. 192 —
Ki liAi wi de. A Lo xA. Ai Ly ttAe L. xitti t K tt Le de.
gipįwiže. Haruxa hiraicera xjį takajareže.
they liked it. More more much it was getting hotter.



Ko te w Lo L. i no Ke we o L. t K ttL e
"Koté Warora, inokewe’ųra takacra e
"Say Flesh, in taking a steam-bath the hotter [it]



Lo L t K L xitti w Ai doAo no n. Ai L tty L niKi
rora takaraxjį wahišųnųną. Hirajaira nįk
[the body] the more limber [it usually makes it.] [The most] [little]



p. 193 —
t Ktt ttiKi deKe e liAi xitti n K tt a wi de A Lo xA.
takacgi, ške epįxjįnagają," awiže. Haruxa
if it gets hot, also it will be very good," they said. [More]



ttiAi n KeLe t doAo tt Le de. Ai Ai K tt K t doAo ttiAi de. e Ki.
cinąkere tašujareže. Hihigająga, tašujhiže. Égi
the lodge it was red-hot. Finally, it was made red-hot. And



p. 194* —
Ae L[e] doKo ni K w nK deAe. e Ki wK w lA K nK n KL.
Herešgúniga wánąkše, "Égi wąk wapkąnąknąkra
the Devil he said, "And men the clever ones

*from page 194 on, the handwriting of the English translation changes and is reduced somewhat in size. The style of the translation also changes: "sweat bath" replaces "steam bath", for instance. This probably reflects the shift from John Baptiste to Oliver LaMère as Radin's translator.



de tt n Ai dtt L tt rKe L A ni n Ki di a nK deAe.
žejaną hišjara jasgera haninąkiži," ánąkše.
now their faces I wonder if they are holding," he was saying.



tee w Ai Ko ni A[e] Le Ke w nK deAe. e Ki. Ki Lo di tti Le de
T’ewahigųnį h[e]rege wánąkše. Égi kiružijireže.
He killed them he thought is why he said it. And they began to tease one another.



p. 195 —
Lo Ke tt Ki Lo xeAe Ai Le Ki di. mr Ai ttAi n K.
Rogeja kiruxe hiregiži, mąz hicinąka
Inside to chase one another [they did, and] iron the lodge



e tt deKe Ay riKi tti nK Ai Le ra de. Ai Kd L
éja ške haisgįjinąk hires’aže. Hikšára
there [also] to fall and make a rebound (like a spring) they would do. Laughter



Lo K n w nK deAe. Ae Le doKo ni K. w n xoKo de. e tt
rokana wánąkše. Herešgúniga wanąxguže. Éja
very much [they did it.] The Devil he heard them. There



Ae Le doKo ni K. n Ki Le de. e tt w Ki Lo A ri Kette Ai Le de.
Herešgúniga nąkireže. Éja wagiruhasikje hireže.
the Devil he was frightened. There he would open it up for them he thought.



p. 196 —
e Ai Ao AeKe w Ki oyi Le Kette Ai Le Ke. e Ki xitti
E hihohek waki’ųirekje, hirege. Égixjį
[So] less they would do to him, he thought. Just then



e tt Ki Kr Ai Ai nl n Ki Le de. Ki Lo xeAe w o nK deAe
éja gigás hihinąpnąkireže. Kiruxe wa’ųnąkše.
there to burst [they went out.] To chase one another [they did it.]



di Ke e tt. de Ko Ki Kr Aoyi K w n Ki Le de.
Žigé éja žegų gigás hoikawanąkireže.
Again there [then] to burst they ran back in.



p. 197 —
Lo Ke tt A Ki A[i] Kd L ttA tii n Kede. e Ki xitti
Rogeja hagi h[i]kšara cąt’įnąkše. Égixjį,
Inside [there] the laughter it could be heard. Just then,


di Ke. m ri ttAi n KeLe. xiAi tti Ke Le Ai Le de. i ttAo
žigé mązicinąkere xijikere hireže. Įcó†
again iron-lodge to burst into pieces* [they did.] [Face]

*elsewhere this is translated as "puff of smoke", as xi means "smoke".
†this is written out in Latin script above the syllabic line.



Ao ttiAi L. A Ki xA n Ai Le de. te e Ki Ki Le de.
hocira hagixana hireže. Tee gigíreže.
the lodge to tear down upon themselves [they did.] [This]* they did to him.*

*/te e Ki Ki Le de./ is treated as if it were /t e Ki Ki Le de./. So the latter (ta’egigireže) is translated as "they burned it for him".



p. 198 —
e tt Ae Le doKo ni K. i no Ke we w Ki oy d tte L.
Éja Herešgúniga inokewe waki’ųižą jera,
There the Devil sweatbath [a play thing] [the one who is this,]



ttAi L. Aoyi t miri Ai Le de. e tt Ae Le doKo ni K.
cira hoitamis hireže. Éja Herešgúniga
the house to burn to the ground [they did.] There the Devil



Ai L rA deKe t xoAo Ai L n no ni Ke
hirasa ške taxu hiraną, nųnįgé
[together with] also to burn up they could have, but



p. 199 —
Ai Ke Ki oyi L ni de. Ae Le doKo ni K. Lo Ai L dA n xitti
hįké ki’ųiranįže. Herešgúniga rohira šanaxjį
not they didn't do it. The Devil his body only



A Ki xele deAe. w n Ke we de A Ke Ai no l A L. wo Ki tee Kette L
hagixépše. Wanąkeweže. Hąké hinųpáhąra wogit’ekjera
he pulled through. He was afraid of them. Not [the two of them] [being angry]



deKe A m Ke ni de. e Ki. A Ko Ai Ko Lo
ške hamąkenįže. Égi hagu hikoro
[also] he did not care to.* And to come away to get ready

*Miner's definition of hamąke is a better fit — "to bear, to keep in mind". The translator (Oliver LaMère?) had to add an implicit, "to speak to them". His translation of the sentence is, "He did not care to speak to them anymore."



p. 200 —
Aoyi Le Ki di. i no Ke we w Ki o Ki w i Ki nl Ai L n K
hoiregiži. Inokewe waki’ųgi, wa’įginąp hiranąga
they came. Sweat bath for giving them, to thank him [they did, and]



A Koyi Le de. tee w Ai n i L. A Ki tt
haguireže. T’ewahi ną’įra hagija
they came away. To kill them his attempt [to see ?]



w d Ki Ki K L liAi L ni de.
wažą gigikarapinįže.
[thing] they did not consider it.



Sam Blowsnake, "Warecáwera," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #11: 164-200.