Hocąk Syllabic Text — Wolves and Humans

with an interlinear translation (probably by Oliver LaMère)

Centered at the top of the first page of the MS is the title in Hocąk syllabic script: doAo Ktt Ke K. (Šųkjąkega), "Wolf". Centered directly below the title is the numeral 1 (the page number). Even with the right margin between the page number and the first line of the text is written "#19" (the story number). The text is written in pencil, clear and with good definition, in the hand of Sam Blowsnake. The raconteur is unknown. He has a distinctive style some points of which are tabulated below:

the rare gigi, "to do," is commonly used here;

jineją is once used for jajineją;

hąpok occurs instead of hąpak;

raškagiži is found in place of rašjagiži;

hįs’akwige occurs in place of hįš’akwige;

šikąra is found where we would expect sikąra;

at one point, rather oddly by present day standards, he uses the term xu-šujera, "redskins," for "Indians."


hahowo, "oh!" (an exclamation).

Translations supplied by the redactor (Richard Dieterle) are placed in brackets.

English Translation

p. 1 —
e tt. ttAi reAe Le tti d Ke de. Ki K nK. w o nK deAe.
Éja ciserejižą geže, kikąnąk wa’ųnąkše.
There a long lodge and, a married couple they were.



ni Ktt KL. Ke Le lA ny d Ai niKi Ai wi de. A ntt Ai noKo K n Ki Le de.
Nikjąkra kerepanaižą hinįkhiwiže. haną́c hinųkąnąkireže.
Children ten they had for sons. All they were married.



di Ki. niKi n K deKe. ni Ktt deKe. ttAo Ai Le de. e rKe.
Žigi nįknąkaške nįkjaške cųhireže. Ésge
Again these children also [children also] they had. So



Ao too Ke Lo lA ny d d Ae Le Ki di Aoy xitti xitti de. e Ki.
Hot’ų keropanaižažą heregíži, hoixjįxjįže. Égi
Fireplaces a ten (placed) one it was, but it was full. And



de e. w tee Ai Ke Ai Le de. w no tteKe L Lo K n
žee wat’éhike hireže. Wanocgera rokana
they hunters they are. Game much


p. 2 —
w Ki o Ai Le ra de. Ki di. A Ko Ley d. Lo da Ki Le de.
waki’ų hires’aže, giži, hagoreižą ruš’ákireže.
to get they would, but finally they failed.



de Ko de. to Ke we Ai wi de. Ai Ke w d de rK ni Ki di.
žegų́že. Tokewehiwiže. Hįké wažą žesganįgiži,
Thus it was. They were in want of food. [Not] [anything] [not this way],*

*an idiom translated as, "it was very difficult".



niKi n K w wi de. tt tti. n ni K. A K L Ki do.
nįkinąka wawíže, "Jaji, nąnį́ga hakarakižu
[these children]* they said, "Father, mother with her

*translated as, "young men".



Ai Ki A dA nK wi Ki di. Ai tt n te Ktt wi n. ni Ke
higí hašanąkwigiži, hijaną tekjawiną nįgé
[here, in ones place]* if you will remain, [to camp over] we will go out where

*translated as, "home".



Ao to tti r tt wi L. de rKe tt deKe w d tee Ai
hotujisjawira. Žesge jašge wažą t’ehi
we have not been able to go and back in a day. Such a place [how] something to kill


p. 3 —
liAiyK ra Le deKe. de rKe tt ni Ke w w te Ktt n A wi n a wi de.
pįaks’arešge žesgéja nįgé wawatekjanahawiną," awiže.
to be able perhaps, so to such a place we are going to it," they said.



Ai rKe Ai wi Le. ni Ktt Kini K xitti wi L. a wi de. Ai dtt Ke.
"Hisgé hiwire nįkjąknįkaxjįwira," awiže. "Hišjąge,
"So you may do it my (dear) children," they said. "[Well,]



Ai L K Ly dtt Ktt wi n. w ni d wi Ki di. a wi de. Ao ttiy
hirakaraišjakjawiną, wanišawigiži," awiže. "Hojiá,
you can run over and see us, if you have good luck (in hunting)," they said. "Yes!



A a. xA lee di ni dtt Ktt n A wi n a wi de. te Ki.
ha-a, xap’eži nišjakjanahawiną," awiže. Tégi
[expression of contentment] soon we will come back to see you," they said. Over here



xeAe rKyi d. A ttA Le A wi doAo no L. e ttA we Ktt n A wi n. a wi de.
xesgayižą hacarehawišųnųra ecawekjanahawiną," awiže.
a white hill we used to see we will go to it," they said.


p. 4 —
e tt. i ne Ki too ne Ai L wi de. e Ki. Ai tt n L.
Éja inéki t’ųnehirawiže. Égi hijanąra
There alone they were left. And the hunting party



tti K L wi de. xAe w Ky L ni Ae K. e tt A Ai n i xitti Ai Le de.
jikarawiže. Xe wagairanihega, éja hahinaįxjįhireže.
they had started. Hill they had mentioned, there they tried very hard to get to.



tto l A n wi K tt A ttA Ke Le Ai tt A Ai Le de.
jobą́hąna wigają hacągére hija hahíreže.
Four for days (suns) [with difficulty] [there] they reached it.



e Ki. wK diAiKi xeAe te. w too ne. A Ly L Le. A Ko Ley d.
Égi wąkšik xete wat’ųne harairare. Hagoreižą
And old folks who were left at home [they went to.]* [In the course of time]

*this sentence, which incorporates material from the next sentence (q.v.), was translated as, "In the meantime something had come upon the old folks that were left at home."


p. 5 —
w d wi L tti Le de. n w A Ao Ay Le de. w nK deAe.
wažą wirájiréže. Nąwą hahuhaíreže. Wanąkše,
something they came to them. Singing they came. They said,



n w L. doAo Ktt Ke. w d L da da da de ay Le L.
nąwąra, "Šųkjąge! wašaraš’aš’aš’aže, aírera;
as they sang, "Wolf! you tickle with your mouth, they say;



Ai L da da Le. a nK de n w w nK deAe.
híra š’aš’are," ánąkše, nąwą wanąkše.
Teeth tickle (me)," they said, singing they said.



A tti Ao K wy Le de. Ai L Ki K L wi Le. Ko Le reKe deKe.
Haji hokawaíreže. Hirakikarawire, korésgešge
They came they entered. "Be careful of yourselves, [as suprisingly]



Ao m dtt ni K Koo w doo wi Ki di. Ai d deKe
homąšją nįgak’ų. Waš’ųwigiži, hižą ške
strong [he might be. ?] If you do it, one also



w d ni Ki dK wiye Ke. a nK deAe. w diAi nK deAe. ttAi L.
wažą nįgišgąwiyege," ánąkše. Wašinąkše. Cira
things he might harm some of you," they said. They were dancing. The lodge


p. 6 —
Ao Ki Kixi. ttA ni Ke Le deKe ni Ki d. w diAi ttAo niyK deAe.
hogįgįx´ canįkerešgé nįkižą waši coniyąkše.
they [went] around [spotted fawn] a little one dance he was leading it.



ttA w o nK deAe. n w Ai L n K. w di nK deAe
Ca wa’ųnąkše. Nąwą hiránąga wašinąkše.
Deer they were. Singing they came and dancing.



Ai L m ni. doAo Ktt Ke. w dA L da da ra de ay Le L.
Hiramani, "Šųkjąge! wašaraš’aš’as’aže, aírera;
[As they walked, ?] "Wolf! you always tickle something with your mouth, they say;



Ai L da da. ay L n K w diAi nK deAe. o nK Koo.
híra š’aš’a," airánąga wašinąkše. ’Ųnąk’ų,
The tooth tickles," they said and they were dancing. Finally,



Ai Ki tt ne Ki tti de. w diAi ttAo ni L. e tt
hikijąnegi jiže. Wašiconira éja
[along side of him] he got around. The dance-leader there


p. 7 —
A ni miKi deAe. Ao Ao Ai to Ke L. Ai tt Ai Ki tti L Le
hanį́mįkše. "Hohó, hitokera, hija hįgíjirare,"
he grabbed him. "Oh my! old woman, [there] help me,"



e de. Ai to Ke niKi K K. ttA m K ri L. m wx deAe.
éže. Hitokenįkaga camąkazíra mąwáxše.
he said. Old Woman the cords at the back of its neck she cut.



e tt tee Ai wi de. de e niKi e tt. Ai m ttAi wi de.
Éja t’ehiwiže. Žee nįk éja himąciwiže.
There they killed it. This [little one] on they lived.



A Ko Leyi d. ttAe li wi de. di Ke Ai Ke w d
Hagoreižą, cepiwiže. Žigé hįke wažą
Finally, they ate it up. Again [not] [anything]



de rKe wi ni Ki di. e Ki xitti di Ke Ai L tti L wi de.
žesge winigiži, égixjį žigé hirajirawiže.
[sort] [they found and ?] just then again they came.



di Ke de rKe a Ao Ay Le de. n w L.
Žigé žesge a huhaíreže, nąwąra:
Again [this kind] saying they came up, [the song:]


p. 8 —
doAo Ktt Ke. w dA L da da ra de ay Le L. Ai L
"Šųkjąge! wašaraš’aš’as’aže, aírera; híra
"Wolf! you always tickle something with your mouth, they say; The teeth



da da Le. a nK deAe. n w L. w diAi m ni L n K w nK deAe.
š’aš’are," ánąkše. Nąwąra. wašimaniranąga wanąkše.
tickle (me)," they said. Singing they came dancing along and [they said it.]



di Ke ttAi L. A tti Ao K wy Le de. di Ke
Žigé cira haji hokawaíreže. Žigé
Again the lodge they came they entered. Again



ttAi L. Ao Ki Kixi A tti oyi Le de. di Ke de e
cira hogįgįx´ hajioyireže. Žigé žee
the lodge they [went] around [they came around.] Again [these]


Ai d. ttA Ae ttA Ki d Keyi d Ae Le Ki di e dA n. Ai tt
hižą cahecakižągeižą* heregíži, éšaną hija
a forked-horned deer there was and [alone] there

*according to Marino, "forked" should be cakijąke; but see a confirmation of this form of the word at "Old Man and Wears White Feather."


p. 9 —
wo Lo tti r Ki di. A ni miKi deAe. A L xttK deAe.
worujisgiži, hanį́mįkše. Haraxjakše.
that was the smallest, he grabbed him. He bit him.



w Kono ni KL. A Li xitti Aoyi dA L tti Le de. Ai Kd L.
Wąknunįkra haríxjį hoišarajireže. Hikšára
The old man a long distance he was hurled off. He laughed



Lo K n we de. ttA K. Ai rKe wy Le n. Ai L da da n
rokana. Wéže, Caga, "Hisgé waireną. híra š’aš’ana,"
very much. He said, Deer, "The truth they have told. The teeth they tickle,"



e de. di Ke Ai d. A ni mi K deKe. A[i] Kd L
éže. Žigé hižą hanį́mk ške hikšára
he said. Again one he grabbed him also they laughed



Lo K n wy L n K. A Li xitti Aoyi dA Ltt Le Ai Le ra de.
rokana waįranąga haríxjį hoišarajare hires’aže.
very much [whooping and] far off they hurl him they would.


p. 10 —
o xitti no ni Ke A Ke w wi ttAe ttini de. di Ki Ko
’Ųxjį, nųnįgé hąké wawicejniže. žigígų
He did much, but not he could not get one. Again



Ay ni Ki di. A tti Le de. e lA A lo K Ai Ai L tti Le de.
hainigíži hajireže. Epa hąpok* hihirajireže.
the next morning they came. After that every day they would come to them.

*more commonly, hąpak.



Ai Ko ttAe Ke tt. tt rKe K de rKe Ki Ki Le ra de.
Higų cegéja jasgéga žesge gigires’aže.
And in the first place [every time] the same they would always do.



Ao dK tti Le de. de de Ko tto l A Ki Ki Le K tt. e di.
Hošgacireže. Žežegų jopahą gigiregają, eži
They fooled with him. Thus four times they did to him, then [however]



Ao tti dA n. A Kiy K Ly Le K tt. te we L Ki Ai d Ai tt
hojišą́ną hakiakarairegają, tewéraki hižą hija
just when they had left, unexpectedly one there



n w Ao Ae de. tti K tt. te we L Ki. w Ki d
nąwą hohéže. jigáją, tewéraki, wąkižą
singing he came. When he came, unexpectedly, a man


p. 11 —
wK deAe. wK reAe Le tti d. wK reAe li d Ae Le de.
wákše. Wąkserecįžą wąksepižą hereže.
he was saying it. A tall man, [a black man] he was.



Ai ni wy d A niy n K. w owK deAe. n w L L dK Ki di
Hiniwaižą hanianąga wa’ųwąkše. Nąwąra raškagiži,*
An oar he had and [he did it.] Singing when he was through,

*one would expect rašjagiži.



w o de Ai ni w KeLe Ai ow n K. L xoAotto t KAtt.
wa’ųže: hiniwa kerehi ’ųwanąga raxóc takác
he did this: oar [lowered] he did and live coals (hot ashes)



Ai w m x n K. e Ki. wK diKi xeAe te n KeLe. w wo tti Kede.
hiwamąxanąga égi wąkšik xetenąkere wawojigeže.
he scooped them up and then people these old ones he made them jump.


p. 12 —
Ki Ko Lo K K dwyi Ki de. de Ko Aiy n K A Ki Ai Ai nl deAe.
Kikurukągąšwaigiže. Žegų hianąga hagihihinąpše.
[...] Thus he did and he went on out again.



Ao Ao. tt xitti d w o Ki di. e ny xitti Ai niKi w A L
"Hohó, jaxjį́žą wa’ųgiži, enaįxjį? Hinįkwahara
"Oh my! [who]* is he, I wonder? My sons

*translated as "what".



Ai d Ai Ki tte deyi di e de. Ai niKi w Ai
hižą higiježeiži," éže. "Hinįkwahi
one I wish," he said. "Your sons



A K A Ktt Ktt n Ae L. Ai deAe doKo ni de e de.
haga hakjakjanahera hišeškuniže?" éže.
sometime you will see do you say?" he said.



Ao Ao Ai niKi w A L. ni Ke Ai Ki tay Le Ke deKe
"Hohó, hinįkwahara nįge higi t’airegeške
"Oh my! my sons I wonder [?] they are dead



we ra Le e de. e Ki. di Ke Ay ni Ki di.
wes’are," éže. Égi žigé hainigíži
whether he meant," he said. Then [again] the next morning


p. 13 —
di Ke A tti L Ki ni de. w diAi L. di Ke o xitti
žigé hajiraginįže, wašira. Žigé ’ųxjį
again they were already here, dancing. Again he did very much



no ni Ke. w L da da ra de. di Ki Ko tti de. L xoAotto t KAtt
nųnįgé waraš’aš’as’aže. žigígų jiže. Raxóc takác
but he tickled them with his teeth. Again he came. Live coals



w le L. di Ki Ko de e tto l A tti de.
wapera žigígų žee jopahą jiže.
[the one who did it (?)] again [this one] four times he came.



e Ki. Ai to Ke ni K KeLe we de. w Kono ni KL. w d
Égi hitokenįkre wéže, "Wąknunįkra, wažą
Then the old woman she said, "Old man, something



doo n dii Ki dA n Ae Le Ktt n Ae n. e de. te e di
š’unaš’įgi šana herekjanaheną," éže. "Teeži
if you try and do it only it will be," she said. "This one


p. 14 —
Ai da K tt e de. e Ki. we de
hiš’agają," éže. Égi wéže,
as I am old," she said. And he said,



Ai to Ke ni KL. wi doAo K n KL. Ai d Ao ni L Le
"Hitokenįkra, wišókąną́kra hižą honirare,"
"Old woman, oyster shell an go hunt,"



e de. Ai L Ki K L doAo L. Ai d w Ke n
éže. "Hiragikarašura hižą wagéną,
he said. "With the two sides one I mean,"



e de. Ai to Ke niKi tte K Le de. Ai d A ni Ki Li de.
éže. Hitokenįkjega reže. Hižą hanikiriže.
he said. The old woman she went. One she brought.



w Kono n KeLe w o de. Le L. Ai K L Ki deAe Le de. e
wąknunąkre wa’ųže. Rera hikaragišereže. E
The old man [he did it.] His privates he began to handle. He



nK Koo. e tt w di d. Lo reAe. di Ki no lL.
nąk’ų éja wažižą ruse. Žiginųpra
finally there something he took. Second


p. 15 —
Ai tt Loro deAe. de Ko Aiy n K. wi doAo K nK n K.
hija rúsše. Žegų hianąga wišókąną́kanąga
there he took it. Thus he did, and oyster shell, and



Lo Ke tt wo do de. e Ki Ai to Ke niKi n K. Le K L ttAK
rogeja wožuže. Égi hitokenįknąka rekaracgą
in he put them. Then the old woman to hold between her legs



w Ai deAe de. A Ae Ki di. ni di w d Ai Ki
wahišeže. Hąhegiži, "Niži wažą higi
he told her. In the night, [exclamation] something in it



ni a li Le Ko ni y Le n. e de. Ai to Ke niKi K K we de.
ni’ąpiregųnį, yaréną," éže hitokenįkaga, wéže.
they are [perhaps] alive, I think," she said the old woman, she said.



e Ki. w Kono L. we de. de Ko Ki reAe we
Égi wąknura wéže, "Žegų kiséwe
And the old man he said, "Just quiet


p. 16 —
w ni Le. Ay ni Ki dA n.* Ai wo Lo xo tti Kette n e de
wanįre. haínigi šana hiworuxujikjeną," éže.
keep them. Tomorrow [only] we will look at them,"† he said.

*/n/ is written over a couple of letters that have been erased.
†the translation has for this sentence, "as we will not look at them until tomorrow".



e Ki. Ay ni Ki di. wi doAo K n KL. Lo ad wi K tt. e tt.
Égi hainigíži wišókąną́kra ru’ášwigają. Éja
And the next morning the oyster shell they opened it. There



w d n Ke we reKe L. no liAi wi Ai Ai nl wi de. Ai d.
wažą nąkewesgera nųpiwi hihinąpwiže. Hižą
things fearful two they came out. One



rK xitti de. di Ke Ai d. reAe litti de. Ai Kow n.
sgaxjįže. Žigé hižą sepjįže. Higųwąną,
very white. [Again] one very black. Immediately,



xeAe te xitti tti tte Le de Ao Ao. Ai niKi A xitti wi L. e liAi n.
xetexjį jijereže. "Hohó hinįkhaxjįwira, epíną.
[very] big they became. "Oh my my sons, it is good.


p. 17 —
Ai raK wi Ke. Ai Kd Kd nK wi n. w no tteKe L. e de.
Hįs’akwige* hikšakšanąkwiną, wanocgera," éže.
We are old so they are abusing us, the animals," he said.

*more commonly, hįš’akwige.



w K no n K. Ao e de. tt Ko w o nK deAe.
Wąknunąka, "Ho," éže. "jagú wa’ųnąkše?"
The old man, "All right!" he said. "What are they that are doing it?"



e de. e Ki. wK no n K. we de. Ai niKi A xitti wi L.
éže. Égi Wąknunąka wéže, "Hinįkhaxjįwira,
he said. And the old man he answered, "My sons!



Ai Ko A tt Le Ktt n A Ki ni n. ttA L. Ao ni Ae xeAe te xitti
higų hajarekjana hagininą. Cara honihexetexjį
right away [they will be seen] to be coming. The deer a large number


p. 18 —
Ai w diAi A tti L wi doAo no n. e de. Ai Ko A tti Le Kette L.
hįwašihajirawišųnųną," éže. Higų hajirekjera,
they always come and dance over us," he said. [Now]* they will come,

*this sentence was translated as, "and it is time that".



Ae Le Ki ni n. xA lee niKi A tti Le doAo no n. e de. Ko te
heregįnįną. Xap’enįk hajirešųnųną," éže. "Koté,
they always do. Early they always come," he said. "Say,


Ai roAo Ki tti Ai wi L deAe Kette n. Ai no xA w Ktte n
hisųkiji hiwirašekjeną; hinųxáwąkjeną,"
younger brother, let us wait for them; let us hide,"



a wi de. e tt no xA w wi de. e Ki tti ne tt.
awiže. Éja nųxawąwiže. Égi jineją*
they said. There they hid themselves. And even then

*more commonly, jajineją.



n w A Ao Ay Le de. do Ktt Ke. w dA L da L da da ra de.
nąwą hahuhaíreže, "Šųkjąge! wašaraš’araš’aš’as’aže,
singing they were coming, "Wolf! you always tickle (things) with your mouth,



ay Le L. Ai L da da Le a A Ao Ay Le de.
aírera; híra š’aš’are," a hahuhaíreže.
they say; The teeth tickle (me)," they said they were coming.



tt tti ne tt. w diAi A tti A xe li Le de. ttAi L
Jajineją wašihaji haǧepireže. Cira
Even now they came and danced they appeared. The lodge



Ao K wy Le de. e tt Ki K w a Ai Le de. A Aowo. Ai Ke
hokawaíreže. Éja gikawa’ahireže. "Hahowo! hįké
they entered. There they arose. "Oh! not


p. 19 —
w d de rK ni Ktt n Ae n. Ai tt Ai d. ni n a wiy tte
wažą žesganįkjanaheną." Hija hižą, "Nina’awiaje,"
thing [it is not going to be so."]* There one, "Try and save yourselves,"

*this sentence is translated as, "Oh! it is going to be difficult ..."



ay L n K. ttiAi Lo lL A Ki Ki ni Ki ne de. e tt. Ai ni Ke Ai
airánąga cirobara hagikinikineže. Éja hinigehi
he said, and the door they crowded one another. There one by one



w L. raK wi de. e tt A n ttAi tee w Ai Le de.
wara s’akwiže. Éja hanacį t’ewahireže,
the jaws they crushed them. Then all of them they killed,



ttA n K. e Ki. w wi Ki deAe Le wi de. e Ki. wy Le de.
canąka. Égi wawigišerewiže. Égi waíreže,
these deer. And they dressed them. And they said,



Ai niKi A xitti wi L. di Ke w di d tti doAo no n. di Ke
"Hinįkhaxjįwira, žigé wažižą jišųnųną. Žigé
"Sons, [again] a thing it comes. [Again]



p. 20 —
tti Kette L. Ae Le Ki ni n. ay Le de. di Ke n w
jikjera heregįnįną," aíreže. Žigé nąwą
he will come he usually does," they said. [Again] singing



Ao Ae de. tti Ki di e tt tee Ai Le de. te we L Ki.
hohéže. Jigiži éja t’ehireže. tewéraki,
he came. When he came there they killed him. Unexpectedly,



n Aoyi d w o tte de. e tt n Ao Lo ttA o xitti Le de.
nąhųyižą wa’ųježe. Éja nąhų́ ruca’ųxjįreže.
[sturgeon]* it was. There [sturgeon]† they ate much.

*the translation has, "a fish (n soo)".
†again translated as "fish".



de Ko de. m w deAe tti nK Ki Le de. e Ki. wK no ni K.
žegų́že. Mąwáše jinąkireže. Égi wąknunįka
Thus it was. Plenty they came into possession. Then the old man



we de. Ai niKi A xitti wi L. Ai rKe Ai mi L wi L.* Ai tt n.
wéže, "Hinįkhaxjįwira, hisgé hinirawira hijáną
he said, "My sons! some your older brothers on a hunting expedition

*this word had been written over a word that had been erased.



p. 21 —
A Ly Le n. to Ke we Ai tteAe Ktt n A wi Ke. e rKe Ai tt n A Ly Le L.
haraíreną. Tokéwehicekjanahawige, ésge hijáną haraírera.
[they went.] We were starving to death, so hunting they went.



rii Le tt w ayi Le n. ni Ke. ny di deKe. tay Le Ko ni.
s’ireją wa’ayireną. Nįgé naįžiške tairegųnį."
Sometime since they went. Perhaps by this time they might be dead."



e de. w Kono n K. we de. de de rKe Ai niKi w Ai L.
éže, wąknunąka wéže. Žežesge hinįkwahira
he said, the old man he said. Thus his sons



w wo Ki LK deAe. e Ki. Ai niKi w Ai L. w wi de. tt tti
wawogírakše. Égi hinįkwahira wawíže, "Jaji,
he told them. And his sons they (two) said, "Father!



w w ni te Ktt n A wi n. ay Le de. e Ki Ai Kow n Le Ktt n A wi de.
wawanįtekjanahawiną," aíreže. Égi higųwąną rekjanahawiže.
we are going to look for them," they said. And even then they were ready to go.



p. 22 —
e Ki w wi de. te e di. w Lo ttL liAi xitti
Égi wawíže, "Teeži warujra pįxjį
And they said, "But you food very well



L ni wi K tt. Ai ni w A wi L w w ni te Ktt n A wi n a wi de.
raniwigają, hiniwahawira wawanįtekjanahawiną," awiže.
you are supplied, so our brothers we are going to look for them," they said.



e Ki. A Ly Le de. Ao xtt n ne Ki. w o wi de. e rKe
Égi haraíreže. Hoxjanąnegi wa’ųwiže, ésge
Then they went. In the evening they started, so



A Ai Aele n wi de. w Ao Ai L. Lo K n xitti de. e Ki. riAi ni Ai L.
hąhihepnawiže. Wahúhira rokanaxjįže, égi sinihira
they stopped overnight. It snowed very much, and cold



Lo K n xitti de. Ai Ke w o liAi ni de. e Ki. e tt
rokanaxjįže. Hįké wa’ųpiniže, égi éja
very much. Not they could not do anything, and there



p. 23 —
w n x wi de. Lo K n xitti Ai Le de. Ai ni w Ai wi L. ni Ke
wanaxawiže. Rokanaxjį hireže. Hiniwahiwira nįge
they kicked away the snow. Very powerful they were. Their older brothers where



n Ki deKe. e tt. Ai lA Ai li wi de. wo n tti KL.
nąkiške, éja hipá hįbiwiže. Wonajikra
they were [Litting],* there [to that place] [they put it.]† [The kicking of Lnow]

*the translation has, "they were camping".
†the translation has, "they kicked the snows to".



wi ttiAi. Ai ttAi Ao ttAi n Ki di. e tt. Ki roAoxo
waci hici hocinągiži, éja gisóx
reed lodges when they were camping, [there] rattle



Ai li Le ra de e Ki. e tt n Ai Ko Lo Ao Ai Le K tt.
hįpires’aže. Égi éja nahikurohohiregają,
[they would do suddenly.] And there when they were about to sleep



Ai d. e tt. Ao de. tto l A Ao de.
hižą éja hože. jobą́hą hože.
one of them there he howled. Four times he howled.


de Ko. m L. L KoLo ttini reKe de. Ai ni w Ai L.
Žegų mąra rakorojiniskeže. Hiniwahira
And the earth it would seem to shake. His older brothers



n xoKo Ai Le de. A Ao tt Ko de. A Ke
naxkųhireže. "Hąho, jagúže? Hąké
they heard him. "Well, what can it be? Not



p. 24 —
ni Ke Ai d ni A ni n. da Ki w Ai wi L di. da Ki Le n.
nįgé hižą nihanįną. Š’akiwahiwiraži š’akireną.
anywhere one [there is not. (?)] Our parents they are old.



e w d o wi Ko ni a wi de. e Ki.
E wažą ’ųwigųnį," awiže. Égi
They something they must have done," they said. And



Ay ni Ki di. di Ke tt tti ne tt. tti K L wi de. e tt
hainigíži žigé jajineją jikarawiže. Éja
The next morning again right away they started. There



wi L Ai wi de. te we L Ki. Ao K w Ai nK wi de. n Ke we rKe L.
wirahiwiže. Tewéraki, hokawahinąkwiže. Nąkewesgera
they reached them. Unexpectedly, they entered. Frightening*

*translated as "fearful".



no liAi wi. tey tt wi de. Ao Ao Ai ni w A L. a wi de.
nųpiwi teijawiže. "Hohó, hiniwahara," awiže.
two there they stood. "Oh my, our older brothers, they said.



p. 25 —
Ao Ao Ai roAoKo w A L. ay Le de. e Ki. de Ko n.
"Hohó, hisųkwahara," aíreže. Égi žegų́ną.
"Oh my, our younger brothers," they said. [And] [thus it was.]



Ai roAo Ki tti wi L. Ao rKe e Ki. y ni wi n. e rKe
"Hisųkijiwira hosgé égi yaniwiną, ésge
"Younger brothers, it is all up, and we are prisoners, so



e Ki ni Ke Ao w Ke Le L. to da K nK wi n. ay Le de.
égi nįgé howakerera tuš’aknąkwiną aíreže.
[then] [perhaps] to go back home we cannot they said.



te de rKe Ai Ki Ki L wiy n K. wy Ki o nK wi n. te e deKe
téžesge hįgigirawianąga waįki’ųnąkwiną, tee ške
Thus they do to us and we did to them, [this] [also]



A Ae Le. ni Ki o Ai L wi Le. A lL. diAi diAi Kitti Ai Le K.
hąhére niki’ųhirawire. Hąpra šišikjį hiregá,
night they did to you. [The day]* (very) bad they make,

*translated as, "the weather".



te e Ai Ko e w o nK dA n e tt
tee higų e wa’ųnąkšaną. Éja
these the same they they do it. There



p. 26 —
w ni Ae Ae wi Ki di. Ao ni xii Ki Ktt wi Ke w oyi Le n. ay Le de.
wanihehewigiži, honix’įkikjawige wa’ųireną aíreže.
if you were weaklings, to give out they intended for you they said.



e Ki. A tti Le Ktt n A Ki ni ni de de rKe Ai L n K.
Égi hajirekjaną. Hagininiže. Žesge hiránąga
And they will come. They always come.* Thus they do and

*these two sentences are translated together as, "And it is now time that they always come."



Ai d t wi K. Ao Ki Ko Lo daK w nK wi n. e Ki. ttA L.
hižą tawiga, hókikúruš’ak," wanąkwiną. Égi cara
one when we go, they tire us out," [they were saying.] And the deer



Ao ni Ae L. Ai d. Ai L w A r Ki Le Le K. Ai d
honihera hižą hirawáhas kirerega hižą
the herd a they drive [they go] back and one



wo Lo tti ritti K. e Ao Koo Ai L. wi doAo no n. de e.
worujisjįga ehok’ųhira wišųnųną. Žee
the least they give us [they might.] That



p. 27 —
ni Ktt Kini KL Lo tti Le doAo no n wo Lo A K n K.
nįkjąknįkra rujirešųnųną. worohanąga
the children they would eat. But there were many of them and



xoAo no Ai xitti niKi dA n. Lo tti Le doAo no n. e de.
xųnųhixjįnįk šana rujirešųnųną," éže.
it was a small piece apiece they would get to eat," he said.



e Ki xitti. A Ao. a Ao Ai Le de. Aowo e de.
Égixjį, "Hąho," ahohireže. "Howo," éže,
Just then, "Ho!" he said in the distance. "Now then," he said,



Ai roAo Ki tti ne te Kette n. e de. rK tte K Le de.
"hisųkiji netekjeną," éže, sgajega. Reže.
younger brother! I will go," he said, the white one. He went.



te we L Ki. n Ke we rKe de* A xele li nK deAe. A Ao tt Ko
Tewéraki, nąkewesgež[ą]* haxebinąkše. "Hąho, jagú
Unexpectedly, a frightening one† it appeared. "Well, [how]

*this should perhaps be, n Ke we rKe d (nąkewesgežą).
†translated as, "a fearful one".



A Ke Ai d me de rK ni n y Le. Ai Le de.
hąké hižą mežesganįną, yaré," hireže.
not one it was not like this, I think," he thought.



p. 28 —
e Ki A Ki do Le de. A Ai we de. A Ao.
Égi hakižúreže. Hahi wéže, "Hąho,
Then he went with him. On the way he said, "Now then,



Ao ttiAi ttiAi L. Ai dK K. ttAo ni Le. Ai Ke de. e tt
hocįcįra hišgaga conire," higeže. Éja
young man, [in turn] take the lead," he said to him. There



Ai dK K. ttAo ni de. dAo KttK rK tte K. A Ke tt
hišgaga coniže, Šųkjąksgajega. Hagéja
in turn he took the lead, White Wolf. Behind



Ai Lo nK m ni Ki di. w o de. Ai L we xo m ni de.
hironą́k manigiži wa’ųže. Hirowexų maniže.
he followed [walking] [he did.] He kept blowing at him as they went.



t rAK Ao Ki Ko Lo daK Ai Kette w Ki o de. diAi K L. no xi L
Tasak hókikúruš’akhikje waki’ųže. Šikąra* nųxira
Cold to have him get exhausted he intended. The ankles ice

*more commonly, sikąra.



tt Ai n i w o de. de rK no ni Ke. de Ko
jahį ną’į́ wa’ųže, žesganųnįge žegų
[the other] he tried [to make,] but [thus]



p. 29 —
w L deKe Ai Ke Ai L L tt ni de. de Ko
wara ške hįké hirarajnįže. Žegų,
the snow [also] not it would not stick on. [Thus,]



w L. xoKo L tt K L K Le de. de Ko
wara xukra jaga rakareže. Žegų
the snow it would fall off as he walked [going along ?].* Thus

*translated as, "steaming along as he was sweating".



loo n m ni de. e ttA Ao t K Ktt deAe.
poną maniže. Écą hotá gagacše (?).
he would do* [as they walked.] [Indeed] others [he had done it to them (?)].

*this is defined in Marino's dictionary as, "to do much, to be unusual, marvelous."



de de rKe. w Ki Ki K. riAi K L. no xi L ttyi L n K.
Žežesge wagigiga sikąra nųxira jayiranąga
[In that way] [he would make] the ankles the ice they freeze and



m ni L. Lo da Ki Le ra Ki e rKe de rKe Ki Ki
manira ruš’ákires’agi, ésge žesge gigi
to walk they would become unable, and [so] that to do



n i w Ki o de. e tt. Ao Ki Ko Lo daK w Ai K.
ną’į́ waki’ųže. Éja hókikúruš’ak wahiga.
he was trying [he intended.] [There] he would exhaust them [in order to win.]



p. 30 —
w Kd Ai Le K. i ne Ki Le ra de. e tt w w Ki o tte de.
Wakšąhirega inéki res’aže. Éja wawaki’ųježe.
They would return and alone he would go on. There [he did it to them.]



ttA L. Ao ni Ae L. Ai d Ai L w Ar Ki K. xoAo no xitti ni KL.
Cara honihera hižą hirawahasgiga xųnųxjįnįkra
The deer herd a he would drive back and the smallest



Ai d wo K ra de. de rKe Ai n i w o
hižą wogas’aže. Žesge hinaį wa’ų
one he would give them. Thus he meant to do



no ni Ke Lo daKe deAe.* e tt owK Koo. e xitti
nųnįgé ruš’akše. Éja ’ųwąk’ų exjį
but he failed. [There] finally himself

*the transcription /daKe/ is probably in error for /daK/.



Ao Ki Ko Lo daK Ki de. e tt. t rAK Ao Ki Ko Lo da Ki di.
hókikúruš’akiže. Éja tasak hókikúruš’akiži,
he exhausted himself. [There] cold he was exhausted, so



w Kd de e tt i ne Ki Le de. e Ki.
wakšąže. Éja inéki reže. Égi
he turned back. There alone he went. And



p. 31 —
e tt ttA L. ttAi nK K nK n Ki di e tt
éja cara cinąk kanąk nąkiži, éja
there the deer village they kept [having sat,] [there]



Ai de. Ai rKe Ai L w A r n K Ko de. Ki Li Ki di.
hiže. hisgé hirawahasanąga guže. Kirigiži,
he got to it. Some he drove and went home. When he returned,



Ai dK K w Ki o wi de. Ai d Ki L. wo Lo tti ritti Ki di. w wo K wi de.
hišgaga waki’ųwiže. Hižąkíra worujisjįgiži, wawogawiže.
in turn they did it to him. The one that was smallest, they gave them.



ttA ni Ke Le deKe ni Ki d. wo K Ai Le de. e Ki. Ko no K. te we L Ki.
Canikérešgenįkižą wogahireže. Égi Kunuga tewéraki
A young deer they gave them. Then the oldest one unexpectedly



e tt Ko de. ni xA L. mo Lo ti ti Ko de.
éja guže. Nįxara morutiti guže.
there he came. Belly dragging (on the ground) he came.



ttA L. Ai d rA Ke ttAe liy n K w owK deAe.
Cara hižą sáke cebiánąga wa’ųwąkše.
The deer one raw he had eaten and [it was.]



A Ao. Ai ni Ai wi L. tt Ko o de. ay Le de.
"Hąho, hinihiwira jagú ’ųže?" aíreže.
"Oh my! our older brother what he has done?" they said.



Ai roAo Ki tti wi L. Ao lA d xitti Ke w o n. e de. A Ao.
"Hisųkijiwira, hopažaxjįge wa’ųną," éže. "Hąho,
"My younger brothers, [I have made myself very sick]* I did it," he said. "Now then

*translated as, "because I was very hungry".



e Ki de rKe Ktte Ke w o Ki di. e lA de rKe
égi žesgekjege wa’ųgiži, epa žesge
[here] [it will be made so] since he has done it, henceforth that way



Ai Ai A ni Ae Ktt n A wi n. a wi de. e tt. rA Ke
hįhí hanihekjanahawíną," awiže. Éja sáke
you and I do we will have to be that way," they said. There raw



w Lo tti Le de. w d L. e lA de rKe Ai Le de.
warujireže. Wažąra epa žesge hireže.
they ate them. The things from that time on so they were.



p. 33 —
ttAe Ke tt. tteAeKe w Kidi Ko i ne K e tt. di.
cegéja cek wąkšigo’įnega, éja ži
At the beginning first existence, [there] [at least]



w to tti L n K. w Lo tti L ni Ae K tt Ae Le de. de e e liA
watujiranąga warujiranihegają hereže. Žee epį
they used to cook, and they ate it it was. [This] [it was good]



w oyi Le de. w d rA Ke Lo tti Le K. e Ki.
wa’ųyireže. Wažą sáke rujirega. Égi
[that they did it.]* [Things] raw they ate from that time on. Then

*this sentence was omitted from the translation.



Ay ni Ki di. di Ke tt tti ne tt. w Ao Ai Le de. A Ao.
haínigi žigé jajineją wahohireže. "Hąho!
the next morning [again] already they came and shouted over, "Well then!



n Ki K L L. Ai Kow n. a Ao Ai Le de. e tt. Ai no li Ke
nąkikarara higųwąną," ahohireže. Éja hinų́bike
to go hunting it is time," they said. There both of them



p. 34 —
L wi de. e tt di Ke w wi o tt Ai L no ni K.
rawiže. Éja žigé wawi’ųja hiranuniga.
they (two) went. There again [he did it to them,] he tried them.



Lo da Ki Le de. di Ke e ttA Ko Lo tt[i]ri Ki de. e tt
Ruš’ákireže. Žigé écą kurujisgiže. Éja
They failed. Again instead he exhausted himself. There



i ne Ki L wi de. doAo KttK Ki Ki nolo n K.
inéki rawiže, šųkjąk gigi nųpnąka.
alone they went, wolves [to do] [these two.]*

*translated as, "So there they went alone the wolf brothers".



e tt Ai tt Ai wi Ki di. ttA ttiAi nK KL. mo Ki e Ai wi de.
Éja hijahiwigiži, ca cinąkra, mokiehiwiže.
[There] when they got (there), deer the town, they scattered them.



A ntt m n KeLe. Ao e Le Ai wi de. A Ke ni Ke
haną́c mąnąkere hoerehiwiže. Hąké nįgé
All over the earth they scattered them. Not place



Ai no l A L. Loto Ao L tty L ni Kette de rKe w Ki Ki wi de.
hinųpáhąra sto horajairanikje. Žesge wagigiwiže.
[a second time] [to gather] they could not stay. Thus they did to them.



p. 35 —
e Ki. w w K wi de. A Ke Ai no l A L.
Égi wawagawiže, "Hąké hinųpáhąra
And they said, "Not [a second time]



ttAi nK L K nK ni Ktt n A wi n. Ai Ke w d o L.
cinąkra kanąknįkjanahawiną. Hįké wažą ’ųra."
the village you will not hold. Not thing he created."



de rKe L Ktt. wi ni o wi ni n. A Ke ttAi nK L
Žesge rakają. Wini’ųwininą. Hąké cinąkra
Thus they said to them. Then they went home. [Not] [the village]



K n Ki Ktt wi ni o wi ni n. w wi K wi de. e Ki Ki wi de.
kanąk[n]igają. Wini’ųwininą. Wawigawiže. E gigiwiže.
[they did not hold.] [Then they went home.]* [They called them.] [They] [they did it.]

*the last two sentences are omitted from the translation.



e Ki. w o n K. Ai L Ai Le de. w ri Le Ki Ao Ai L.
Égi wa’ųnąk hirahireže. Waziregihuhira
Then the one who was doing it they went to. The North Wind



p. 36 —
w o nK deAe. t rAK w Ai n K. e Ki. e tt
wa’ųnąkše. Tasak wahinąga égi éja
[was the one who was doing it.]* Cold he made them and and there



A Ai Le de. e Ki. w Ky Le de. Ai Ke. w d
hahíreže. Égi wagaíreže, "Hįké wažą
they went to him. And they said, "Not thing



o L. te de rKe L Kette ni o ni n. ni Ke mi dA n
’ųra. téžesge rakjeni’ųnįną. Nįgé mįšąna
he created. [This way] he did not create you to do. To where [you sit]



Ki Kette ni o Ki di e tt A Ki mi n K n K. tt o
gikjeni’ųgiži éja hagi mįnąkanąga ja’ų
go back and there at you sit and do the things



Ai L K L ni o L e dA n A Ki o ne. Ai Ke.
hirakarani ’ųra éšaną hagi’ųne. Hįké
in charge of doing only [go back to.] Not



n tteLe Ki. A tti w tee Ai n i ni n. A Ke
nąjeregi haji wat’ehi ną’įnįną. Hąké
in the center here to kill them do not try. Not



p. 37 —
te e wi tee Ai. Ai doo Kette de rKe. w Ki o ni n.
tee wit’ehi hiš’ųgeje. Žesge waki’ųnįną.
this to kill with he did not give you. [In this way] [he did not create them.]



w d o Ki di. A K wi di e tt Ai deKe
Wažą ’ųgíži hagawiži. Éja hišgé
Something when he created [?]. There also



de e. riAi ni Ao Ao Ai L. Ao w Ke Le de. e tt
žee siniho huhira howakereže. Éja
[this one] north [the wind] it went back to. There



A Ki mi nK deAe. e Ki. K L wi de. da K w Ai Le L.
hagi mįnąkše. Égi karawiže. Š’akwahirera
at he settled down. Then they went home. Their parents



e Ao w K Ly Le de. A Ki Le Ki di. w i nl wi de. xoo Ke
e howakaraíreže. hagiregiži, wa’inąpwiže. X’oke
they they went home to. When they got home, they were thankful. [Parents]



A nK wi K. e Ki. wK no n K we de A A.
hąnakwiga. Égi wąknunąka wéže, "Hąhą́,
[they made groans.]* And the old man he said, "Now then,

*this sentence was omitted in the translation.



p. 38 —
Ai niKi A xitti wi L. de tt ny xitti A Ki. ni Ke.
hinįkhaxjįwira, žejanaíxjį hagi nįgé
my sons, about now at someplace



Ki reAe we miy n Ki Ktt n Ae n. e tt. ni Ke. xeAeyi d. Ao ttiAiy n K.
gisewe mianąg[a] [h]ikjanaheną." Éja nįgé xeižą hojihiyanąga
I will go and settle down." There where a hill he would live and

*I take mianągikjanaheną, to be external sandhi.



e tt ni Ae Ktt n Ae de e de. e Ki Ai deKe.
éja nįhekjanaheže, éže. Égi hišgé
there [he would be around,] he said. And [also]



niKi n KeLe my A KeLe Ki. Ai L ni Ae Ktt n Ae de ay Le de.
nįknąkere mąihageregi hiranihekjanaheže, aíreže.
the young folks here on earth they would remain, they said.



m n KLe wo Lo tti Le Ktt n Ae de ay Le de. e Ki Ai Ke
Mąnąkere worujirekjanaheže, aíreže. "Égi hįké
Upon the earth they would feed, they said. "And not



p. 39 —
roto Ao L tt ni Ktt n A wi n. roto Ao L tt wi L. A Ke
sto horajanįkjanahawiną. Sto horajawira, hąké
together we will not go about. Together we went about, not



liAi ni n. w ntt w Ko tty rK wi n* a wi de. e rKe.
pįnįną. Wanącwągojaisgawiną," awiže. Ésge,
it was not good. We were poor," they said. Therefore,

*the /n/ in /ntt/ seems to have been overprinted on a less legible /n/.



e Ae Le Le n. doAo Ktt Kn KeLe. ttAKe w Kidi Ko i L.
e herereną, šųkjąknąkere. Cake wąkšigo’įra
they they are, the wolves. First existence



Ae Le Le de de e. e tt. e lA w d
herereže. Žee éja epa wažą
that was. These there from that time on things



rA Ke Lo tti L n K. e lA Ao ttAy n Ao L ttyi Le de.
sáke rujiranąga epa hocáiną horajaireže.
raw they ate and from that time on they wandered about.*

*the translation adds, "singlely". Hocáiną horajaire literally means, "they lived in the wilderness."



p. 40 —
ttAe Ke tt. w Kidi Ki Le n. e rKe e tt. Ao w tti
cegéja, wąkšigireną. Ésge éja howaji.
In the beginning, they were human. Therefore, there they came.



w KidiKi xoAo doAo ttL Ao w tti deKe. Ao t
Wąkšik xušujra howaji. Ške hotá
People the redskins* they came. Also some

*wąkšik xušujra is translated as "Indians".



w KidiKi w wi i Le n. e rKe. de rKe w wi Ki K L tti Le n.
wąkšik wawi’ireną. Ésge žesge wawikikarajireną.
people originated from them. That is why that they are of the clan.



L dL. A tti w oyi Le n. w no tteKe Ai L Le. e rKe.
Ražra hajiwa’ųyireną. Wanocge hirare ésge
The names they originated. Animals [in time] [therefore]



e tt Ki xA A o Ai Le n. Ao t w Kidi Ki Le n. e rKe
éja gixahuhireną. Hotá wąkšigireną. Ésge,
there they separated. [Some] [they were human.] Therefore,



de rKe tt. w wo Ki K w a Ai Le n. A A. de tt n.
žesgéja wawogikawa’ahireną. Hąhą́, žejáną.
[in that way] they originated from them. Now then, it is ended.



Šųkjąkega (Wolf), in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago V, #19:1-40. Syllabary without translation. The translation is based on a typewritten story with its title in Hocąk syllabary, doAo Ktt Ke K, "Wolves," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3861 [3891] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, n.d.) Winnebago IV, #8f: 1-6, and Notebook 5 (handwritten).