Susman's Winnebago Notebooks
at the American Philosophical Society Library,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Accession Number, X 5.2
Compiled and crossed-referenced by Richard L. Dieterle
This is a catalogue of the Winnebago notes and texts compiled by Amelia Susman Schulz that are kept at the American Philosophical Society Library in Philadelphia.
| Notebook 1 | Notebook 2 | Notebook 3 | Notebook 4 | Notebook 5 | Notebook 6 | Notebook 7 | Notebook 8 | Notebook 9 | Notebook 10 | Notebook 11 |
Susman Notebooks, Book 1
May 18 - Aug. 3, 1938
Reel 53
Biographies & Miscellaneous | page |
Schedule | - |
Wordlist of 414 entries, numbered (5/18/38) | 1-20 |
3 x 5 note card with headings and numbers | 14a |
Unnumbered wordlists, many without English equivalents (5/23/38) | 21-38 |
"Life of Winnebago" (5/30) = "Bow and Arrow" |
39-49 |
"Biography" (5/30) | 49-71* |
Wordlists and notes on phonetics (7/29) | 73-84† |
Notes on phonetics (filmed in reverse order) (5/18-8/1) | a-z, za, zb |
inserted after page s is an 8.5 x 11 unlined sheet containing a phoneme chart for the labial /p/ |
s/t |
just before page t is an 8.5 x 11 unlined sheet containing sketches of phonemic relationships and a few words in Hocąk. These sheets belong with those in Book 2 (see below). |
s/t |
End of Book 1 | second unnumbered page after z (= zb) |
Susman Notebooks, Book 2
Winnebago Texts by Sam Blowsnake
May 29 - Aug. 31, 1938
Reel 53
Stories /Other Items | page |
List of expenses per diem | - |
Ethnographic notes | 1-6 |
attitudes of women towards men | 1 |
learning bead work | 2 |
dog sacrifice | 2-3 |
supernatural consequences of divulging Medicine Rite secrets | 3-4 |
foresight about hunting, hospitality, Indian ponies | 4 |
status, symbolism, and use of the bow | 5 |
menstrual seclusion and courtship | 5 |
short wordlist | 6 |
Twins cycle by Sam Blowsnake: Birth of the Twins to their father's attempt to escape, with linguistic notes usually on succeeding page or at the top of a page | 7-103 |
The Birth of the Twins | 7-52 |
The Twins Disobey Their Father | 52-98 |
The Father of the Twins Attempts to Flee (continued in Book 3) | 98-103* |
a brief phonetic note | post 101 |
syllabic alphabet on larger sheet of paper | post 101 |
Notes on phonetics (lettered pages were filmed in reverse order), 8/3-8/31 | 104, a-q |
8/3-4 | a† |
8/4 | f-g |
8/5 | g-h |
inserted after page g is an 8.5 x 11 unlined sheet containing rough notes on phoneme sequences for /p, b/, /k/, /t/. |
g/h |
just before page h is an 8.5 x 11 unlined sheet containing a phoneme chart for the labial /p/. These sheets belong with those in Book 1 (see above). |
g/h |
8/18 | i-k |
8/24 | k-n |
8/26 | n-o |
8/29 | o |
8/30-31 | p-q |
End of Book 2 | q |
Susman Notebooks, Book 3
Winnebago Text by Sam Blowsnake
Aug. 30 - Oct. 10, 1938
Reel 53
Stories /Other Items | page |
Twins Cycle: attempt of their father to escape, to the Twins' departure for the Otherworld | 1-47 |
The Father of the Twins Attempts to Flee (continued from Book 2) | 1-13 |
The Twins Get into Hot Water | 13-26 |
The Twins Kill a Waterspirit | 27-42 |
The Twins Visit Their Father | 42-47 |
Wordlists (9/15-9/29) | 47-59 |
Songs | 60-77 |
Love Song | 60 |
Peyote Songs | 60-61 |
Medicine Dance Songs | 61-66 |
Drum Song | 61 |
Otter Skin Song, sung just before the shell shooting | 62 |
Diagram of the Medicine Lodge with the places where each song was sung | 62-63 |
Song 2. Description of accompanying Medicine Rite activities | 63 |
Song without a Drum. Note on new members | 64 |
Dance Song | 65 |
Crying Song (sung by East Band Leader) | 65-66 |
The same song is then sung in Menominee (not given) | 66 |
Morning Song (to obtain a blessing from the Sun) | 66-67 |
Love Song | 67 |
The Moccasin Game and Its Songs | 68-69 |
Description of Moccasin Game | 68 |
Song sung by a Sioux (in Hocąk) on the occasion of a Hocąk man having lost his sisters gambling in the Moccasin Game |
68 |
Teasing Songs (in the Moccasin Game) | 68-69 |
War Dance Song, "Sung knowing he would die" | 69 |
Wordlist of verbs (10/1) | 70 |
Night Spirit Songs | 71-73 |
Two Songs | 71 |
Night Spirit Dance Song | 72-73 |
Vision Songs | 73 |
Doctoring Song, sung with gourd accompaniment | 74 |
Grizzly Bear Spirit Dance Song ("protects warrior from fatal shot") | 74 |
Buffalo Songs | 75 |
Ceremonial Warbundle Song | 75 |
War Dance Song with Big Drum | 75 |
War Dance Song | 75 |
Love Songs | 76-77 |
Wordlist, untranslated (10/4) | 77 |
Beginning of Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite | 78-106 |
Medicine Rite people are superior because of their knowledge | 78-79 |
Size of Medicine Lodge | 80 |
Ordinary people respected the holiness of the ceremonies and lodge | 80-82 |
The tobacco pouches used in the ceremony, mock death of novitiates | 83-90 |
Respect in which the Medicine Rite was held | 90-93 |
How members used the medicines at their command | 94-96 |
Some Medicine Rite members are able to fly | 96-98 |
Metamorphosis into bears and hawks | 98 |
Fear of Medicine Rite members | 99 |
Powers came from the spirits | 100 |
Cost of joining and cost of participation (some expressed in dollar amounts) | 100-104 |
The attractions and holiness of the rite (continued in Book 4) | 104-106 |
Wordlists | 107-109 |
Wordlist (10/5) | 107 |
Vision Song (of the Arrow), "learned not long ago" | 108 |
List of words, most of which are untranslated (10/6) | 108 |
Wordlist (10/10) | 109 |
Notes on phonetics (9/1-10/6) | a-f, k* |
9/1, 9/2 | a |
9/19-9/22 | a-b |
9/22-9/25 | c |
9/26-9/28 | d |
9/28-10/1 | e |
10/1-10/4 | f |
10/6. Wordlist for the study of accent and vowel length | f, k |
End of Book 3 | k |
Susman Notebooks, Book 4
Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite
Oct. 7 - 25, 1938
Reel 53
Account of Rite & Miscellaneous | page |
Ledger of expenses | - |
How Sam Blowsnake Joined the Medicine Rite (continued from Book 3) | 1-117 |
background of Sam Blowsnake's father | 1-3 |
father's uncle big in the Medicine Rite | 3-4 |
father's uncle makes Sam's father his replacement in the Rite | 5-7 |
his father picks Sam as his replacement in the Rite | 8-17 |
the father's uncles approve | 17-18 |
they begin teaching Sam Blowsnake the Medicine Rite | 19 |
cutting of the oak lodge poles | 20-27 |
the building of the lodge | 27-29 |
2 loose sheets: a chart of pronouns, a diagram of the layout of the lodge | 27/28 |
ceremonial objects set out and participants arrive; the feast | 30-32 |
the oldest man, the leader, announces Sam's candidacy; his speech | 33-40 |
the placing of the packets of tobacco for the first night ceremony | 40-42 |
first night: grandfather's opening speech | 43-54 |
4 crying songs sung as the people wept for the departed Master | 54-55 |
grandfather's second speech: eulogy to the departed Master | 56-62 |
Sam urged to travel the Road of the virtuous departed Master | 63-66 |
the grandfather will teach him everything about the Rite | 66-68 |
the Rite is very holy and therefore difficult to enter into | 69-74 |
the first songs to be taught to Sam is for the ears of the spirits | 75-85 |
songs given | 81-85 |
18 stanzas given in syllabic script | 83/84 |
vocabulary and paradigms | 85-86 |
further songs and dances | 87 |
grandfather's third speech: the Rite is from Earthmaker and the spirits | 88-93 |
with morning, the ceremony breaks up | 93-94 |
Sam so amazed by what he heard that sleepiness was not a problem | 95-96 |
the second night — grandfather speaks again: because the Rite is Earthmaker's, it is the Road to take |
97-111 |
since he is a member of a community, they will know if he has acted rightly | 111-114 |
the spirits will know as well (continued in Book 5) | 115-117 |
Notes on phonetics, 3 pp. (filmed in reverse order) | 10/7-10/26 |
3 pp. of loose 3 x 6 inch slips, two per page, with numbers and untranslated words | - |
Susman Notebooks, Book 5
Winnebago Text by Sam Blowsnake
Oct. 25 - Nov. 2, 1938
Reel 53
Account of Rite & Miscellaneous | page |
Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite | 1-53 |
grandfather's speech, second night continued (from Book 4): good and evil, temptation, self-control of anger |
1-12 |
metaphors of the thorns and the small harassing birds | 12-13 |
the members of the Rite have the power to cure themselves of these wounds | 13-17 |
the metaphors of the thorn bushes and the fire | 17-22 |
taking care to walk on the Road | 22-24 |
what the other members will say when they arrive | 24-26 |
what is to be done on each night | 27-29 |
the arrival of the bands and the construction of their lodges | 29-33 |
Sam goes after a large stone for the fire, and sticks | 33-35 |
Sam and his grandfather fetch each band in turn to the central lodge | 36-43 |
food is cooked and the grandfather talks about the Medicine Lodge way | 44-46 |
the fire and its significance | 47 |
Linguistic notes and wordlists | 48-50 |
Medicine Rite: women should be treated kindly | 50-53 |
Linguistic notes and wordlists | 53-86 |
Linguistic notes | 53-57 |
Wordlists | 57-64 |
Linguistic notes | 64-68 |
Wordlists | 69-73 |
Linguistic notes | 74-86 |
Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite (resumed) | 86-110 |
directions and places | 86-89 |
impersonators of the spirits make speeches on behalf of the new member (continued in Book 6) |
90-110 |
Linguistic notes | a-j |
End of Book 5 | j |
Susman Notebooks, Book 6
Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite
Nov. 23, 1938 - Jan. 2, 1939
Reel 53
Account of Rite & Miscellaneous | page |
loose sheet with possessive pronouns | - |
Description of the Medicine Rite (continued from Book 5) | 1-103 |
after speeches, men strip to enter sweat lodge | 1-6 |
the use of green sticks to place the hot stone into the water of the sweat lodge | 7-10 |
tobacco ritual in the sweat lodge | 11-13 |
speeches of the spirit impersonators: the one in the first place | 14-22 |
songs for the spirits (songs not given) | 23-28 |
two pages with diagonal cross-out lines | 24-25 |
the one in the second place speaks | 29-38 |
Linguistic notes inserted | 35-36 |
the one in the second place sings songs (not given), sprinkles stone, ritual shooting |
39-42 |
the one in the third place speaks | 43-48 |
various songs sung (not given) | 49 |
the one in the fourth place speaks | 50-55 |
tobacco offering | 55-56 |
one in the fourth place (south) sings songs (not given) | 57-58 |
East gives a prayer | 58-61 |
songs sung (not given) | 62-63 |
everyone exits the sweat lodge and the ceremonial house | 63 |
they wash in warm water | 64 |
return to ceremonial lodge, the placement of food, grandfather's speech about it |
65-70 |
the men of the four positions make speeches about the holiness of the food | 71-80 |
the men of each of the four positions salute the ancestors | 80-83 |
Wordlists | 83-86 |
eating followed by all saluting the ancestors in turn | 87-90 |
order of departure stated | 91-94 |
each makes a round, salutes the ancestors, sings a song of thanksgiving, then departs (continued in Book 7) |
95-103* |
Wordlists and linguistic notes | 104-109 |
3 pp. of loose slips with linguistic notes | post 109 |
Ethnographic notes | 111 |
Wordlists | 112-117† |
End of Book 6 | 117 |
Susman Notebooks, Book 7
Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite
Dec. 9, 1938 - Jan. 13, 1939
Reels 53/54
Account of Rite & Miscellaneous | page |
Sam Blowsnake's account of the Medicine Rite (12/9/1938) (continued from Book 6) | 1-29 |
offering of tobacco to Fire, Earthmaker, and Hare with a request that they obtain life, and that the initiate not miss the Road |
1-17 |
offering of tobacco to the one in the east, who gives sunshine and flora | 17-21 |
offering of tobacco to the one in the north, who freezes evil things | 21-24 |
offering of tobacco to the one in the west, who gives cleansing rain | 24-26 |
offering of tobacco to the one in the south, who makes the Road, and whose wind "grows life" |
26-29 |
East Spirit Songs (12/19/1938) | 29-31 |
Dancing Songs (12/19/1938) | 31 |
Medicine Rite songs in syllabic script (12/19/1938) | 32* |
Medicine Rite songs, interlinear (12/19/1938) | 32b-34† |
Sam Blowsnake's account of the Medicine Rite (resumed) (1/5/1939) | 34-90 |
the ceremonial lodge is cleaned and the fire prepared | 34-35 |
Blowsnake's grandparents put out the tobacco pouches | 36 |
Blowsnake's grandmother sees an image of her dead husband in the tobacco, an omen that her grandson will reach a full life as he did |
37-40 |
gratitude expressed to the ancestors, and life asked for the initiate | 41-49 |
songs are sung | 49-51 |
the pipe is passed around | 52-58 |
medicine passed around and chewed | 58 |
the leader and his band enter the lodge and give salutations | 58-62 |
speech of the leader | 62-69 |
songs sung | 69-70 |
the leader recalls the departed in sorrow, and looks forward to the initiation of the new member |
70-74 |
the leader talks about the song that came from Earthmaker | 75-79 |
the band does a circuit of the lodge, assume their positions, and sit down | 80-85 |
the next band comes in and does the same (continued in Book 8) | 86-91 |
Ethnographic and linguistic notes | 93‡ |
Last page of Reel 53 | 93 |
Reel 54 |
Wordlists. Pages sequenced by letters. Some inconsistent numerical pagination, but in reverse order. Filming was done in reverse order. | page |
12/12/1938 | a-d |
12/14 | e |
12/15 | f-g |
12/16 | h-i |
12/19 | j-k |
12/20 | k-l |
12/21 | l-r |
1/3/1939 | r-t |
Paradigms & grammatical notes. Continuation of pagination by letters. Filming was done in reverse order. | |
1/4/1939 | u-x |
1/5 | x-z (96) |
1/5, continued in reverse numerical pagination | 95-94 |
1/6, no page number | - |
Susman Notebooks, Book 8
Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite
Jan. 13 - 17, 1939
Reel 54
Account of Rite / Stories | page |
Sam Blowsnake's account of the Medicine Rite (continued from Book 7) | 1-115 |
speech in praise of the ancestors | 1-2 |
remembrance of the dead man whom the initiate is replacing | 3-5 |
crying songs to be sung | 6-15 |
Song I — Crying Song | 9 |
Song II (not given) | 15 |
a procession is made of the lodge | 16-18 |
the third band makes a circuit of the lodge, then stops at the east | 19-20 |
the leader of the third bands speaks as the other had, then they take their places | 21-23 |
the fourth band enters, and does as its predecessors did | 24-35 |
Blowsnake's grandfather greets the bands | 35-39 |
Sam Blowsnake (the initiate) presented to the bands | 39-41 |
sounds made by the pouches | 42 |
the initiate is saluted by the participants | 43-45 |
the drum | 45-46 |
the leader's salutations to all and their response | 47-51 |
the leader's speech | 52 |
Tobacco Origin Myth (v. 5) | 52-91 |
leader to sing four greeting songs and dance songs | 91-94 |
initiate placed in front of dancers | 94 |
the leader describes how the "arrows" (shells) are going to be shot | 95-100 |
The Arrows of the Medicine Rite Men (v. 1) | 101-108 |
initiate sings | 108-109 |
Song III — Initiate's Song | 109 |
shell ritual | 109-113 |
songs with drum and rattles | 114-115 |
participants shoot one another with shells (continued in Book 9) | 115 |
Kinship terms | 116-117 |
Diagram of kinship relationships | 118 |
End of Book 8 | 118 |
Susman Notebooks, Book 9
Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite
Jan. 16 - 19, 1939
Reel 54
Account of Rite / Stories | page |
Sam Blowsnake's account of the Medicine Rite (continued from Book 8) | 1-137 |
after salutations, everyone sits down | 1 |
four singers stand in a line in front of the drum with four women behind them | 2-3 |
the leader speaks | 4 |
The Buffalo's Walk | 5-10 |
Salutation Song | 10 |
the leader and his band chant in turn in front of each cardinal position | 11-17 |
salutations go around the circle and are completed about midnight | 17-19 |
Blowsnake's grandfather stands up and make a speech about his departed brother and the feast, in effect of the dead, that they are now eating |
19-27 |
the pipe is passed | 27-29 |
gifts given the Blowsnakes by the bands | 29-30 |
the leader of the third band speaks, concludes with thanksgiving songs | 30-33 |
the drum is brought to the center, and songs and dances are performed | 34 |
the leader of the North band speaks as had the others | 35-38 |
the leader of the West speaks of power, then sings crying and thanksgiving songs; he promises the power of the West (rain) |
38-42 |
the leader of the fourth band (South) speaks as the other had | 42-43 |
Blowsnake's grandfather sang shooting songs | 43-44 |
the bands engage in the shooting ritual | 45-46 |
near morning the participants slip out into the woods, where they stamped the ground and make the Road of the Medicine Lodge, east, north, west, south |
47-51 |
Blowsnake's grandfather speaks to Sam and what they want for him | 52 |
Journey to Spiritland (v. 6) | 52-79 |
Testing the Slave | 82-92 |
The Gift of Shooting | 100-107 |
Sam Blowsnake acquires shells and an otter skin pouch | 108-115 |
how Sam Blowsnake was instructed on being shot with a shell and his first experience of this (continued in Book 10) |
121-137 |
Lexical notes (Jan. 16) | 138 |
End of Book 9 | 138 |
Susman Notebooks, Book 10
Sam Blowsnake's Account of the Medicine Rite, other texts
January 19 - June 12, 1939
Reel 54
Account of Rite & Miscellaneous | page |
Sam Blowsnake's account of the Medicine Rite | 1-75 |
Sam Blowsnake's instructions on being shot with a shell and his first experience of this (continued from Book 9) |
1-15 |
participants return home one at a time just after dawn | 15-16 |
next day of the Medicine Rite | 17-75 |
preparation of the lodge | 17-20 |
Blowsnake's grandfather speaks and sings | 20 |
first band (East) comes in, does a circuit of the lodge; the leader speaks and sings | 20-22 |
the other bands enter and do as the first had done | 22-26 |
the first band dresses Sam Blowsnake in a good costume | 26 |
he does a circuit of the lodge | 27-28 |
after dancing songs, Sam is picked up | 29 |
arrows to be tossed up | 30 |
speeches about the drum and life-and-light, then they threw up the arrows | 31-32 |
gifts given in the Rite | 33-37 |
grandfather goes around touching the others on their heads as they cry | 37-41 |
salutations | 42-43 |
Sam spoken to by his grandfather: those in the Medicine Rite are like his family | 44 |
Earthmaker made a white oak, and scrapings of it will be put in Sam's mouth; he must never use his mouth for bad words or he will lose his soul |
45-47 |
laying of hand on mouth, ear, heart, eyes while singing, so that he might be true in all these symbolic organs |
48-52 |
grandfather tells the ancestors that Sam is to be on the Road | 53-56 |
the leader of the second band speaks | 56-57 |
the next leader speaks, says that he is going to shoot the old life out of Sam, then sings an arrow song and reloads the pouch |
57-60 |
Sam ritually dies, then is made to sit up | 61-62 |
change of clothing | 63-64 |
division of the gifts | 65-67 |
feasting begins | 68-70 |
singing as in the previous night | 70 |
shooting ritual into the afternoon in which Sam participates; Medicine Rite people enjoyed themselves shooting one another |
71-73 |
the four bands sung thanksgiving songs, then danced out of the lodge near dusk | 74 |
summary of what Sam Blowsnake did not tell about the Rite's historical context | 75 |
End of the Medicine Rite account | 75 |
Green Corn Dance | 76-77 |
Buffalo Songs | 77-78 |
Magic | 78 |
Heroka | 79 |
Songs (Hare to Elephant, Sun to Hare, Mouse Song, etc.) | 84-91 |
Musical instruments: drum, flute, rattle | 91 |
Trickster's duck song | 93-94 |
Phonetic interlinear text | 97-98 |
Songs | 100 |
Things taught to children | 100-120 |
Notes on stems | 121 |
End of Book 10 | 121 |
Susman Notebooks, Book 11
Winnebago Texts by Sam Blowsnake
? - Sept. 7, 1939
Reel 54
Accounts | page |
Things taught to children: remarks on the spirits | 1-31 |
Numbered Hocąk words, some with syllabic equivalents | 32-35* |
Syllabic text | 36-38† |
Phonetic notes (July 7, 1939) | 39-40‡ |
Grammar and vocabulary notes (Aug. 7, 1939) | 41-43 |
Phonetic notes (stress) (Sept. 7, 1939) | 44-49 |
End of Book 11 | 49 |