Hocąk Text — A Man's Revenge

Narrated by Aleck Lonetree (Nąínekiga)


         Winnebago III, #17: 1-20                     Winnebago IV, #8b: 1052-1056 

The manuscript, which is in the hand of Paul Radin, is sometimes difficult to read. Radin also used Greek letter abbreviations for common whole words or syllables some of which he interpreted in other manuscripts. The Greek symbols used in the text appear in the table below:

α β γ ε ɜ λ ·נ ρ
égi éja -giži ésge -šaną žesge nunige -ánąga


τ ϕ ω X 2 ɕ 9 -
žegų hąké žigé wąk -že -xjį -žą -(ᵉ)ra -nąk


| ·| ᴗ̇ >
-na, -ną -kje(ną), -kjana -regi -nįk(a), -nįg(a) -gają

Words supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are found in brackets '[ ]'. It was also necessary for the editor to supply all punctuation and to determine the beginning and ending of sentences.

English Translation


Winnebago III, #17: 1 = Winnebago IV, #8b: 1052 —

worágirega hoicî́p‘ wairecû́nûñ[>] [X]
Worágiregą, hoišíp wairešúnųgają, wąk
When story they told, [always] [when they would say to them,] [people]



djagúireja horagirecônú[|] dêê hotcáñk‘ hirejế
jagúireža, horagirešonuną. Tee Hocą́k hirežé,
what they are (tribe) they [would tell.] [These] Hocąk they are,



[α] hogihixêdejañ[ɕ] wa-únañk[ɜ] tcí[⨪] k‘ônôgᴇ[⨪]a
égi hogihixetežąxjį wa’únąkšaną. Cínąk k’onogᵉnąga
[and] about 1,000 in number they were. [Village] [they erected, and]



[X][-] u-íṇánihe[>] hoicî́p‘ gixônôxốnô ranihe[>´] tcegᴇ[ᴗ´]
Wągᵉra u’íránihegają, hoišíp gixonoxóno ranihegáją, cegᵉrégi,
Indians [after they did it,] [always] kept moving [they left, and] in the early days



waniók‘iratc rudjiranihe[ᴗ´] tca[-´] tcexdjíṇa waruxế
waniók’irac rujiraniherégi, cara, cexjį́na, waruxé
animals - different [there they were eating,] deer, buffaloes, [to chase after]



wa-u-inánihe[2] [α] manî́ñga detcêdjᴇra edjí[9]
wa’u’įnániheže. Égi manį́ga tecejᵉra ejížą
they used to follow around. [And] in winter near to lake [at one]



hoixánaines’á[2] k‘éni manis’íni uañgᴇ[ᴗ̇] hitcawiṇa
hoixánaines’áže. K’éni manis’ínį wągᵉnunįk, hicawina,
they used to move. Before very long in winter, an old man, his wife,



hinûñg[-] [α] hiwañgᴇnấna* hidjóbik‘ê tci[9] iṇék‘i
hinųgᵉra, égi hiwągenána, hijóbik’e cížą inék’i
his daughter, and his son-in-law, [four of them] one lodge [alone]

*the /hi/ is inserted with a caret.



hotcíre[2] wañgenuniñgᴇ[⨪]a c’ak‘édjini wajónina ruc’ak‘í
hokéreže. Wągᵉnunįgᵉnąka š’ak’éjini, wažónina ruš’ak’í,
they lived in. The old man as he was old, hunting [he could not,]



[α] waráxdjak‘ hirácgê [ε] hiwañgᴇnấna
égi waráxjak hirášge. Ésge hiwągenána
[and] trapping and hunting little animals he couldn't do. [So] son-in-law



etcíra wajónijê [α] wañgᴇnuniñgᴇ[⨪]a wagígos’agi
ecíra wažóniže. Égi wągᵉnunįgᵉnąka wagígos’agi,
he had to provide for he hunted. [And] this old man he used to give a feast,



Winnebago III, #17: 2 —

here[·|][2] [α] hinûñk‘á[ɕ] é[2] wāgigocônúna
herekježe. Égi, "Hinųk’áxjį," éže, "wāgigošonúną,
it would be. [And,] "My daughter," he said, "I [used to feast]



maniók‘ahi herek‘ârohógi [α] hiwañgᴇna-hará[ɜ] wajáⁿni[9]
maniók’ahi. Herek’arohógi, égi hiwągenaharášana wažą́nižą
every winter. It is near time for, [and] [son-in-law] my [only] [something]



t’egigigi here[·|]je djagu yagigocônu[·|] hip‘erêzdje[>´]
t’egigigi, herekježe, jagu yagigošonuną." Hip’erezjegáją,
if he kills for me, that it will be [what] I use to feast." [Once he knows of it,]



[α] tcára hi[9]kíšge pîñkjonê na[·נ´]
égi cára hižąkícge pįkjone, nanúnige
[then] deer [one] only that would be good, [but ?]



nûⁿp‘íwigi, e pîñ[ɕ´]na dêê hiñgiû́ruxúruk‘i
nųp’íwigi, e pįxjįna, tee hįgių́ruxúruk’i
two, [it] [the very good one,] [that] if he could do it for me



wa-ínąⁿpdjîⁿ wiñ[·|][|]* wañgᴇnúniñgᴇ[⨪]a éjê wañkdjéga
wa’ínąpjį wįkjeną," wągᵉnúnįgᵉnąka éže. Wąkjéga
very grateful he would make me," [the old man] [he said.] [That man]

*first wiñ is scribbled out, then following it, uîñ is also scribbled out.



wejế tcawiⁿhá[ɕ] [α] wonáγire sgấk [נ]
wežé, cawįháxjį, "Égi wonáǧire sgák, nunige
[he said,] [to his wife,] ["Here] war [it is afoot ?,] but



ma[⨪´]rê [α] djasgế hi[ρ´] [ϕ]a unî́kjê yarégî
manągᵉre égi jasgé hiánąga hąkaga uníkje, yarégi.
the land [here] [what] [he did, but] never I would not do it, [so I think.]



[ε] hainêgi nîñkdjốñgᴇ[ᴗ̇]ra hiwak‘árani[ρ´]
Ésge hainegi nįkjǫ́gᵉnįgᵉra hiwak’áraniánąga
[So] tomorrow the children take them along with you, and



tciwirókunigᴇracgé honánubohañ[ɕ] hohí wajốna
ciwirókunigerašgé honánųbohąxjį hohí. Wažóna
what they use in camping two day's travel [to go out.] [The hunt]



hija wanîñgi[ɜ] here[·|]ga haininêgi hadjiak‘arairejê
hižą́ wanįgišana herekjega." Haininegi, hajiak’araireže.
[one] if I would [it would be.]" The next morning, [they started back.]



Winnebago III, #17: 3 —

nîñkdjốñg[-] wak‘aranin[ρ´] ’uwáⁿnihai[ᴗ] hagâréjaⁿ
Nįkjǫ́gᵉra wak’araninánąga ’uwą́nihairegi, hagaréžą,
[The children] [she took, and] as they went, [finally,]



[β]onañpî́ñ[ɕ][2] [β´] hiwacaíre[2] hoxdjanánîñgi hinúñkdjega
ejonąpį́xjįže. Éja hiwašaíreže. Hoxjanánįgi hinų́kjega
there was a good camping place. [There] they stopped. In the evening [the woman]



tci unaⁿíⁿ[2] wañkdjega wéjê tcic’unadjiregi
ci unąį́že. Wąkjega wéže, "Ciš’unajiregi,
[lodge] she tried to make. [The man] [he said,] "When are you making a tent,



wajániñg[-] hi[9] waní haikúkdjena e[2]
wažánįgᵉra hižą waní haikúkjeną," eže
some little thing [one] I'll hunt, I will go (quickly)," [he said.]



hidjá worốγoγotc naⁿji-ándjê hitcawina higê[2´]
Hijá woróǧoǧoc nąžią́je hicawina higežé.
[There] looking around while standing [his wife] [he told her.]


[ρ´] djík‘ere[2] manaⁿwak‘arani[ρ´] [α] hinúñkdjega
Hánąga jík’ereže. Manąwak’araniánąga égi hinų́kjega
[And] [he started.] He took his bow and arrows, and [then] the woman



naⁿcgế rus[ρ´] rucdjañ[γ´] ninếj[ρ] reγếdja
nąšgé rusánąga rušjągíži, ninéžanąga reǧéja
wood [she took, and] [when she was done,] she went to dip water, and in a pail



howaxŭ[ρ´] hijaok‘ére[2] erucdjaⁿdjekdjếgi gŭok‘awazᴇnisgê[>]
howaxuánąga hijaok’éreže, erušjąjekjégi. Guok’awazᵉnisgegają.
she poured in, and she put it on (fire), so it would be ready. Already it was getting dark.



wañgᴇra tcaíja k’iⁿk‘irijê ruγapwi[ρ´] [α] maⁿtcátcawi[ρ]
Wągᵉra caížą k’įk’iriže. Ruǧapwiánąga égi mącácawianąga
The man a deer he packed home. They skinned it, and [then] they cut it up, and



hodá dj[ρ] k‘erudjî́neñkdjáwiga dáwus jújế
hotá janąga k’erujínekjáwiga, táwus žužé,
[what was left] [all] that they weren't going to eat, to dry she placed it,


hinû́ñkdjega [α] wohốⁿ[-] dutc[γ] warudjirejê
hinų́kjega. Égi wohǫ́ra tucgiži, warujireže.
[the woman.] [And] [kettle] when it was cooked, they ate it.



warutc rucdjaiⁿṇegi mîñgire[2] xap’é* nîñkdjốñg[-]
Waruc rujaįnegi, mįgireže. Xap’é nįkjǫ́gᵉra
[Food] [when they quit,] they retired. Soon the children

*the symbol [ᴗ̇] is crossed out after this word.



Winnebago III, #17: 4 —

naíⁿṇe[2] hinûñgôⁿñkacgê wañgáñgêrégi [ϕ] nąni-áñkcê
naį́neže, hinųgǫkašge. Wągą́gerégi hąké nąnįą́kše.
they went to sleep, the woman also. This man [not] he wasn't asleep.



wawewi-áñkcê mîñgᴇmîñg[ρ´] djasgê wajónina
Wawewią́kše. Mįgᵉmįgánąga jasge wažónina
[He was thinking.] [He would be lying down, and] [what] the hunt



hainêgi hikdjêgi k‘êwêwí-añkcê enaiñ[ɕ´] wât’eh[ρ´]
hainegi hikjegi, kewewíąkše. "Enaįxjį́ wat’ehánąga
the following day [he would do,] he was thinking. ["I could] I would kill, and



tcok‘agá wanaⁿî́ñgi p’iⁿ[ɕ] djiha[·|] hirák[2]
cok’agá wanąį́gi p’įxjį jihakjeną," hirákše.
father-in-law make his heart feel [very] good I would," he thought.



[ε] s’í[ɕ] naⁿ* ruc’ák[2] haininếgi
Ésge s’íxjį ruš’ákše. Haininégi,
[So] [very long] [to sleep] [he could not.] The next morning,

*ɜ follows the end of this word.



Winnebago IV, #8b: 1053 —

hik‘iⁿ[ᴗ] warudji[ᴗ´] wajê[2´] hitcawihaxdjiⁿ* [α]
hik’įregi, warujirégi, wažežé, "Hicawihaxjį, égi
when they woke, [after they ate,] [he said,] "My [wife] [here]

*haxdjiⁿ is written in smaller letters above the line over something that has been crossed out.



wajiⁿ hiranína-ina hirapérêz[>] djadjaíñ[ɕ]
wažį hiranína’įna hirapérezgają. Jajaį́xjį
[something] I think much of you [as] you [know.] [As far as]



gŭañgá wajáⁿni[9] hocícik‘ hûⁿwawîgi dejesgếdja
guągá wažą́nižą hošíšik hųwawigi, težesgéja,
[as soon as] [a thing] [bad] if we get into, [at this juncture,]



djasgếgi hatcî́ñdja ranicếgi hidja
jasgégi, hacį́ja ranišégi, hija
[no matter what happens,] wherever [you went,] [there]



hahinấⁿjê hires’áharê wajáⁿni[9] [ϕ] p‘iⁿnîgi [ϕ]
hahiną́že, hires’áhare. Wažą́nižą hąké p’įnigi, hąké
I would come, I used to say. [A thing] [not] [if it is not good,] [not]



niñkjôñge[ᴗ̇][-] wat’uṇani-áⁿdjê [ρ´] nîñkdjôñgᴇnîñg[-]
nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra wat’unanią́je," ánąga nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra
the children don't leave them," [he said, and] [the children]



i wok‘arak‘íwañk[2] [α] djik‘erejê wajónina haⁿpsérêtc
i wok’arak’íwąkše. Égi jik’ereže. Wažónina hąpsérec
he kissed them. Then he went away. Hunting all day long



únihe[2] dêagâré[9] uniha’ûⁿ tcaíjąⁿ t’ehijế
úniheže. Teagaréžą,* uniha’ų, caížą t’ehižé.
he was. [At that time,] [as he was doing it,] a deer he killed.

*< tee-hagaréžą.



Winnebago III, #17: 5 —

girujáb[ρ] hará hojú k’îⁿ[ρ]
Giružábanąga hará hožú k’įanąga
He skinned it, and the skin he packed in he carried it on his back, and



k‘ere[2´] déê acgêk‘irégádja tcicúra naⁿt’ap
k’erežé, tée. Ašgek’irigáją, cišúra nąt’ap
[he went home,] [that one.] When he was near, the lodge poles straight



nañk’ûⁿ wadjokốnôk[2] djagu wa-úna hiperêssế tceg[β]
nąk’ų wajokónokše. Jagu wa’úną, hiperesé, cegeja.
they were he noticed. What it happened, he knew, [from the first.]



[λ] hicanihegế tcawiha[-] nîñkdjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇]waniná t’aire[>]
Žesge hišanihegé. "Cawihara nįkjǫgᵉnįgwaniná t’airegają,"
[Thus] they used to do. ["My wife] my children they have been killed,"



hirák[2] tci[-] tcagiwegi dêê hidja
hirákše. Cira cagiwegi, tée hija
[he thought.] [The lodge] [when he started back,] [that one] [there]



k‘iri[>] tcirokaraizitc[>] niñkdjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇] ewanína [β]
k’irigają, cirokaraizicgają, nįkjoǫgᵉnįga ewanína éja
[when he had returned,] when he peeped in, [children] his own [there]



miną́ñgᴇ[ᴗ̇] wak‘ônôgire[2] wasájᴇniñgir[ρ´] ixúnîñg[-]
miną́gᵉnįga wak’onogireže. Wasáženįgiránąga ixúnįgᵉra
[they sat] [where they had been placed.] They had killed them, and the lips



hiwa-áⁿ wagik‘erêr[ρ´] dêê hínîñg[-] tcaⁿt’i[⨪´][2] naⁿtcgé[-]
hiwa’ą́ wagik’ereránąga tee hínįgᵉra cąt’inąkše. Nącgéra
raised they placed [that] teeth [they were visible.] [His heart]



dekdjiⁿ nunîñgê hikcájê [α] nîñkjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇]wira
tekjį nunįge hikšáže, égi, "Nįkjǫgᵉnįgwira
[ache much,] but he laughed, [and (he said),] "[The two children]



warudja’ûñ[·|][|] herágᴇnîñg[-] hak‘ík‘iju hiwarutcwîkdjégê warútc
waruja’ų́kjeną. Herágᵉnįgᵉra hak’ík’ižu hiwarucwikjége." Warúc
I am going to cook (for them.) The last time [together with] we'll eat." [Food]



radutc[γ´] wamañgitcatc[ρ´] nîñgeníñk[ɜ]
ratucgíži, wamągicacánąga nįgenį́kšaną.
[after] it was cooked, he cut a piece of meat for them, and it was a little piece.



î́[-]* wagiwa-ijapnañga íniñg[β] waní[ᴗ̇] wogik‘anañkcê
Íra wagiwa-ižapnąga ínįgeja wanínįk wogik’anąkše.
In the mouth he pried open, and [in his mouth] a little piece of meat [he put it in there.]

*after the /î́/, the symbol [ᴗ̇] appears to have been lined out.



Winnebago III, #17: 6 —

[α] warutccế [α] wawokarakit’anañkcê naⁿtcgé[-] dëk‘
Égi warucšé. Égi wawokarakit’anąkše. "Nącgera tek
[Then] he ate. [Then] he was talking to them. ["Heart] [to ache]



winanúnîñgê nîñkdjốñgᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] gaxdjîⁿwina p‘îñ[ɕ] waíza[-]
winanúnįge nįkjǫ́gᵉnįgᵉra gaxjįwina p’įxjį waízara
they made me, but [the chldren] [making many gifts] [very good] [their limbs]



hiná nîñk‘áragiwi[ρ´] [α] maⁿṇog[β´] nîñkarat’ûîpdjônéwina
hiną́ nįk’áragiwiánąga égi mąnogéja nįkarat’uįpjonéwiną,
enough I will do them, and [then] in the earth I will place you,



[α] uniṇáwigacgê duxurûgikdjônê yaréna hicgế wonáγiragᴇrê
égi unináwigašge tuxurugikjone, yaréną. Hišgé wonáǧiragᵉre
[and] your mother I'll obtain, [I think.] [Also] this warfare



[λ´][ᴗ̇] ûⁿduxúrûk‘uni yarecônuna hak‘ip‘éwîñga
žesgénįk ųtuxúruk’uni, yarešonuną. Hak’ip’éwįga
[a little of that sort] I could do, [I have always believed.] When I think of myself



wañgᴇ[ᴗ̇] hanîñgúni yarecônú[|] [ε] nañγírak‘[ᴗ̇]
wągᵉnįk hanįgúni yarešonuną. Ésge nąǧírak’nįk
a little man I am [I have always believed.] [So] spirits



wacî́niwina p‘îñ[ɕ] nîñgê tcawá[⨪]i [β] hicgế
wašíniwina p’įxjį nįge cawánągi, éja hišgé
your* [very good] [place] when they go to, [there] [thus]

*"your" is written above he was.



harap‘áhi[·|´]wi[|] wik‘aragê[2] [α] rok‘ik‘êwe[2]
harap’áhikjanáwiną," wik’arageše. Égi rok’ik’eweže.
you will go," [he told them.] [Then] he painted himself.



rosánîñk‘ sga hi[ρ´] [α] sánîñk‘ sebíjê dêê
Rosánįk sga hiánąga égi sánįk sebíže. Tee
Half his body white [he did, and] [then] side he made black. [This]



rucdjañ[γ´] maⁿcguk‘aⁿṇa hok‘urudjadjasê [α] maⁿ[-]
rušjągiži, mąšguk’ąna hok’urujajase. Égi mąra
[after he had finished,] his bowstring he tightened it. Then his arrows



Winnebago IV, #8b: 1054 —

rotcáⁿtcaⁿ wak‘aragi[ρ´] [α] djik‘erejê uwáⁿhi[>]
rocą́cą wak’aragiánąga égi jik’ereže. Uwą́higają,
he straightened [he made them, and] then he went away. As he went along,



dêê dotcânagu nañgú-[9] hot’aⁿp[2] s‘íra
tee tocanagu nągúižą hot’ąpše. S’íra
[that one] warfare trail [a trail] he came into. The footprints



Winnebago III, #17: 7* —

woroγotc[>] dêê hitcáwina si[-] [β]
woroǧocgają, tee hicáwina sira éja
after carefully scrutinizing, [that one] his wife [her tracks] [there]

*at the top of the page, Radin writes, [he's using his power to transform himself into a ghost to kill them]".



tcaⁿt’îⁿ hirasádjêjê [α] hiniaⁿniaⁿk‘araí[ᴗ]
cąt’į hiresáježe. Égi hiniąniąk’araíregi
he discovered [she was] with them. [Here] they took her prisoner



hiperezcế [β] wanañγî́ hik‘úñkdjê waruxé[2] acgê
hiperezšé. Éja wanąǧi hik’ųkje, waruxéže. Ašge
he knew. [There] ghost he used it,* he ran after. [Near]

*at this place in the English translation, Radin has struck out the words "transformed himself into," replacing them with "used it."
Radin has a note at the top of the page unattached to any of the text below, but which appears to belong here — "[he's using his power to transform himself into a ghost to kill them]".


hi[γ´] tcowéra honañkcế [α] [β] nûñxawanûñga
higíži, cowéra honąkšé. Égi éja nųxawanąga
[when he got to,] ahead of he ran. [And] [there] [he hid, and]



dêê sak’íṇa uwañk‘iri[>´] hohób[ρ]
tee Sak’ína uwąk’irigáją, hohóbanąga
[that one] [Warbundle Bearer] as he came along he whooped,and



giság[ρ] tcacera maⁿcíj[ρ] giásê
giságanąga cašera mąšížanąga giáse.
[he knocked him down, and] the neck he cut off, and [he ran off.]



[β] nûñxáwa k‘ônoñg[ρ´] [ω] tcowé[-] woginûⁿwañkcê
Éja nųxáwą k’onǫgánąga žigé cowéra woginųwąkše.
There to hide he put it, and again ahead of he ran for them.



[ω] hinûⁿb[-] sak’íṇa uwañk‘iri[>] higigûⁿ
Žigé hinųbᵉra Sak’ína uwąk’irigają, higigų
[Again] [the next time] [the Warbundle Bearer] [as he came along,] [now]



hohób[ρ] gisak[2] [ω] higûⁿ
hohóbanąga gisakše. Žigé higų
[he whooped, and] [he knocked him down.] [Again] [immediately]



p‘ara waⁿcíj[ρ] jigé giasế [β]
p’ara wąšížanąga žige giasé. Éja
[the head] [he broke it off, and] [again] [he ran away.] [There]



[ω] nûñxáwaⁿ p‘ara konôñkcê [α] [ω] tcowera
Žigé nųxáwą p’ara k’onǫkše. Égi žigé cowera
[again] [to hide] [the head] [he placed.] [And] [again] [ahead of]



honûⁿwáñk[2] jigídanina sak’iṇa
honųwą́kše. Žigítanina Sak’ina
[he ran.] [There for the third time] [the Warbundle Bearer]



uwañk‘iri[>] jigigûⁿ hohób[ρ] tcacé[-]
uwąk’irigają, žigigų hohóbanąga cašéra
[as he came along,] [then again] [he whooped, and] [the neck]



waⁿcíj[ρ] hanîñgiasê [β] nûñxawaⁿ k‘ônôg[ρ]
wąšížanąga hanįgiase. Éja nųxawą k’onoganąga
[he broke it off, and] he ran away. [There] [to hide] [he put, and]



jigígûⁿ tcowé[-] nûⁿwáñkcê [β] [ω] hidjób[-]
žigígų cowéra nųwą́kše. Éja žigé hijóbᵉra
[then again] [ahead of] [he ran.] [There] [again] [the fourth time]



sak’íṇa jige t’éhijê de [τ]
Sak’ína žige t’éhiže. Te žegų
[the Warbundle Bearer] [again] [he killed.] [That one] [thus]



Winnebago III, #17: 8* —

ûⁿdjire[γ] sak’iṇa haruwoñk t’ehi[>´]
ųjiregają, Sak’ina haruwǫk t’ehigáją,
as he kept on, [Warbundle Bearers] eight he killed, and

*the following unattached note occurs at the top of page 8: "sak’ína = generally nephews. Leader is in the middle."



[α] haⁿp ragu[2´] [α] naⁿmaⁿtcéra hanáⁿtc
égi hąp ragužé. Égi nąmącéra haną́c
[then] [sun] it appeared. [Here] the warclubs [all of them]



hirarús naⁿsú[⨪]a wani[ρ] [α] hotcira
hirarús, nąsúnąka wanianąga égi hocira
[he took,] the heads he had, and [then] the camp



tcagíwe[2] hotcinihega [β] k’iri[γ] [β]
cagíweže. Hocinihega, éja k’irigają, éja
he went back towards. Where he camped, [there] [when he returned,] [there]



nañgᴇnaⁿsura wap‘i-ŭ[ρ´] [α] nîñkjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] wawok‘arakit’é[2]
nągᵉnąsura wap’i’uánąga égi nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra wawok’arakit’éže,
heads he fixed, and [then] [children] he talked to them,



nîñkjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇]ga[ɕ]wina waizaraji p‘î́ñ[ɕ] hiná
"Nįkjǫgᵉnįgaxjįwina, waizaraži p’į́xjį hiną́
[My dear children,] [your limbs in any case] [certainly good] [enough]



nîñkaragiwi [·נ] haⁿp‘ hinúsgê [ε] hi-únirawiga
nįkaragiwi nunige hąp hinúsge," ésge hi’únirawiga
that I did, but [day] it came on me, [and so] your mother



[ϕ] wak‘araik‘-cêni[|] wigế[2] [α] [X] wani[β´]
hąké wak’araik’šeniną," wigéže. Égi wąk waniéja
[not] I did not get," [he told them.] [Then] [man] his people



howák‘ere[2] acgê gi[γ] [β] tciro
howák’ereže. Ašge gigiži, éja ciro
he started for. [Near] [when he got back,] [there] village



acgê hagi wañgᴇnásura hik‘ídjarê waju[ρ´]
ašge hagi wągᵉnásura hik’íjare wažuánąga
[near] [there] [human heads] in a row [he put, and]



[α] naⁿmaⁿtcê djasgê wanínîñgi wawip‘erêznôk‘ê
égi nąmące jasge wanínįgi wawip’ereznoke
[and] [warclub] how each they belonged to that he knew of



hidja hik‘ídjaíⁿdja wawagit’ûⁿp[2] [α] hok‘awazak‘irigi
hija hik’ijaį́ja wawagit’ųpše. Égi hok’awazak’irigi
[there] by the side [he put them.] [And] when it became dark



hi-andjera hotcíra tcagíwe[2] haⁿhé s’i[>´]
hi’ąjᵉra hocíra cagíweže. Hąhé s’igáją,
[the father] [the camp] [he came towards.] Night when it was late



pedj[-] hadozire[>] gigíji hominañks’agí
pejᵉra hataziregają, gigíži. Hominąks’agi,
[the fire] when it was dying out, he got there. Where he used to sit,



Winnebago III, #17: 9 —

[β] hagí p‘iⁿhî́[ɕ] minañk[2] c’agwahíra dêê
éja hagí p’įhíxjį minąkše. Š’agwahíra tee
[there] [there] very carefully he sat down. [The parents] [those]



nanañk‘iji nandjú[-] hiru-ế ju-[ρ´] hicdja[-´]
nanąk’iži. Nąjúra hiru’é žuánąga hišjará
they were asleep. The hair* in braids he put, and his face

*literally, "the heads."



säp‘ k’aragi[ρ´] [β] mi[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]’ûⁿ
sap k’aragiánąga éja minągᵉnąk’ų
to blacken [he was making it for himself, and] [there] he sat down.



wañgᴇnúnîñgoñk‘a hik‘îⁿ k‘inîp[2] woruγoγû́tc[>] dêê
Wągᵉnúnįgǫk’a hik’į k’inipše. Woruǧoǧúcgają, tee
[That old man] he awoke he became. [He glanced about, and] [that one]



wañgí[2] enîñg[-] homináñks’agi [β] k‘ik‘arasêp‘[ρ´]
wągíže. Enįgᵉra hominą́ks’agi, éja k’ik’arasep’ánąga
[he found.] His son the place he used to occupy, [there] he's blackened, and



minañge[⨪][2] giwé[2] dok‘ếnîñg[-] wañgi[9] hinîñgihira
minągᵉnąkše. Giwéže, "Tok’énįgᵉra, wągižą hinįgihira
[he was seated.] He said to her, "My wife, a man our son



hominốñg[β] hadji minôñgᴇ[⨪]k‘acgê hinîñgihira wa-unañk‘uni
hominǫ́geja haji minǫgᵉnąk’ašge hinįgihira wa’unąk’uni,
in his seat [there] sitting, and my son it must be,



hirế-wahina pedjᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] howak‘ak‘arê e[2]
hiréwahiną. Pejᵉnįgᵉra howak’ak’are," eže.
that way it seems.* [Little fire] fix it," [he said.]

*this is written above they think it is.



wañgᴇnúnîñgôñk‘a pedj[-] howak‘á[>] hodajadjidjégi
Wągᵉnúnįgǫka pejᵉra howak’ágają, hotažajijégi,
[That old man] [the fire] [when he fixed it,] when it became light,



wañgᴇ[⨪]a horozodjire[>] dêê hinîñkhirera wa-únañkcê
wągᵉnąka horožojiregają, tee hinįkhirera wa’únąkše.
[that man] when they looked at, [that one] [their son] [it must be.]



[α] djasgá [ᴗ̇][-] hiperếzire[2] [α] wañgᴇnú[ᴗ̇]ᴇ[⨪]a
Égi jasgá nįgᵉra hiperézireže. Égi wągᵉnúnįgᵉnąka
[And] [how] [little] [they knew.] Then that old man



Winnebago III, #17: 10 —

wé[2] djaha hinîñká[ɕ] djagu jigế dégi hak‘iric’uⁿcánañk[2]
wéže, "Jaha hinįkáxjį, jagú žigé tégi hak’iriš’ųšánąkše,"
he said, ["Exclamation] [my son,] [what] [again] [here] that brings you?"



é[2] e[>´]* hinîñk‘ía[⨪]a wé[2] wonaγire† wa[9]
éže. Egáją, hinįk’íranąka wéže, "Wonaǧire wažą
[he said.] [After he said this,] the son [he said,] "Warfare [thing]

*wañk‘ra occurs right after this word.
†a number of letters following on this word have been scribbled out.



wanide[>´] tcirá hamaîñgini[ρ´] hoxdjainônegi
wanitegáją, cirá hamaįginiánąga hoxjainonegi
when I went hunting, my lodge they came upon, and in the [evening]



hāk‘iri[>´] dêế tcicura naⁿî́ñgit’ap nañk‘ûⁿ
hak’irigáją, teé cišura nąįgit’ap nąk’ų
[when] I [came back,] [that] [the lodge poles] [upright ?]* [when]

*this seems to be from, , "wood"; higi, "here, in its place"; and t’ap, "to be arranged."



hak‘irína nîñkdjốñg[-] t’e waigigir[ρ] [α]
hak’iríną. Nįkjǫ́gᵉra t’e waigigiranąga égi
[I came back.] The children to kill [they did for me, and] [then]



tcawⁿhara hinihaniañkaraíre[|] naⁿtcgé[-] hiⁿdegᴇ [·נ]
cawįhara hinihaniąkaraíreną. Nąkgéra hįtege, nunige
my wife they took prisoner. [My heart] [ached,] but



nîñkjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] p‘îñ[ɕ] warutc wāk‘aragi[ρ´] [α] nîñge
nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra p’įxjį waruc wāk’aragiánąga égi nįge
[the children] [very good] [food] I [made, and] [then] [place]



wakarat’ûⁿb[ρ] djasgế wagigikdjôné[-] wāgidag[ρ´]
wakarat’ųbanąga jasgé wagigikjonéra wāgitagánąga
I put them away, and [what] I was going to do for them I told them, and



[α] wadúxa de[-] sak’íṇa haruwáñk
égi watúxa tera Sak’ína haruwą́k
[then] I went after [going for] [the Warbundle Bearers] eight



Winnebago IV, #8b: 1055 —

t’ehá[>] [α] hitcok‘éhihiwira haγephugế* wagiducdjána
t’ehágáją, égi Hicok’éhihiwira haǧephugé, wagitušjaną.
I killed, and [then] Our Grandfather when he appeared, I quit.

*the second /h/ is inserted by a caret.



[α] tci[β] wanihak’iri[ρ]* [β] wap‘î́aⁿŭ[ρ´]
Égi cieja wanihak’irianąga éja wap’íąuánąga
[Then] [to the lodge] I brought them back, and [there] I fixed them, and

*after the first /i/, an /ñ/ is crossed out.



[α] nîñkdjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] wawágidak[ɜ] waizanîñg[-]
égi nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra wawágitakšaną. Waizanįgᵉra
[then] [the children] I told for them something. [Their little limbs]



hin wak‘aragi[ρ´] p‘îñ[ɕ] maninekdjônéra [α]
hiną́ wak’aragiánąga p’įxjį maninekjonéra. Égi
[enough] I made, and [certainly well] they'll travel. [And]



Winnebago III, #17: 11 —

naⁿsú[⨪]a wanihak‘iri[-] naⁿmaⁿtcera hirárus
nąsúnąka wanihak’irira, nąmącera hirárus,
[these heads] I brought them home, the warclubs with them,



[α] tcinañgitcedje[ᴗ´] hak‘íri hik‘ídjarê wākônôg[ρ´]
égi cinągicejerégi hak’íri hik’íjare wāk’onogánąga
here near the village there in a row I placed them, and



naⁿmaⁿtce[-] djasgế[ɜ] hirarús hire[-´] hedjá
nąmącera jasgéšana hirarús hirerá. Hejá
the warclubs [just what] to belong to each they did. [On top]



wagit’û́ⁿp[ɜ] é[2] wañgᴇ[⨪]a[|] hinîñk‘a[ɕ] wañgᴇnúnîñgᴇ[⨪]a
wagit’ų́pšaną," éže, wągᵉnąkaną. "Hinįk’axjį," wągᵉnúnįgᵉnąka
[I placed them,]" [he said,] the man. "My son," [the old man]



é[2] hisgếdja p‘iⁿ nîñkjốñgᴇnîñg[-] warakaragi[ρ´] [α]
éže, "Hisgéja p’į nįkjǫ́gᵉnįgᵉra warakaragiánąga égi
he said, ["In truth] good the children you did further, and [and]



[X]wanínina [ω] p‘iiñ[ɕ] wawaragic’ú[|] naⁿsú p‘îiñ[ɕ]
wąkwanínina žigé p’įxjį wawaragiš’úną. Nąsú p’įxjį
your people [again] [very good] you've done for. Heads nice



waragacînirak‘irira e cgatc p‘îiñ[ɕ] u-iṇ[ρ´]
waragašinirak’irira. E šgac p’įxjį u’iránąga
you've brought for them. [They] fun [very good] they would do, and



tcowë́dja nîñk‘arak‘ốnôk‘ hire[·|´][|] de[λ] wāgegê
cowéja nįk’arak’ónok hirekjanéną. Težesge wāgege
[in front] they'll place you they'll do. [Just this way] I want



hidadjê wa’uṇê hinîñgêcanu[|] nîñxônuṇégi
hitajé, wa’une hinįgešanuną, nįxnunégi.
[to be rich,] [for that reason] I used to say to you, when you were small.



deë́cgê wocga p‘îñ[ɕ][9] rāk‘icuruxúrûk[ɜ] wanaⁿî́ⁿ
Teéšge wošgą p’įxjįžą rāk’išuruxúrukšaną. Wanąį́
[Even this] [deed] [a very good one] [you have surpassed yourself.] [My mind]



ciñgip‘îñxdjîñgê hicgê hidjórôk‘ᴇnîñk‘cgê hacgaitcane[|] wahá[⨪]rê
šįgip’įxjįge. Hišge hijórokenįk’šge hašgaicaneną, wahánągᵉre,"
it feels good. Myself with them I will play to, I myself am saying,"



Winnebago III, #17: 12 —

e[2´] wañgᴇnu[ᴗ̇][⨪]a. [α] hainîñgí haⁿbakirigi widjádjadjere
ežé, wągᵉnunįgᵉnąka. Égi, "Hainįgí hąbakirigi, wijájajere
[he said,] [the old man.] [And,] ["Tomorrow] [at first light,] the messenger



tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]a hogigîñγᴇre[2] djagú wañgí[2] ûñk‘írigi
cinągᵉnąka hogigįǧereže. Jagú wągížą ųk’írigi,
[this village] he will go around. [What] [a man] he had returned and done,



hidjadjajê nañxgú-uⁿṇegî hitcáwaⁿwahira etconî́[ɕ] hidja
hijajaže." Nąxgú’ųnegi, hicáwąwahira econíxjį hija
he'll announce." When they heard, the brothers-in-law [first] [there]



hahírejê ne wañgo[⨪´]wiṇekdjawîgê [λ]
hahíreže. "Ne wągoną́gwinekjawige, žesge,
they went. "We we want to be the first to hit them (count coup) [that way,]



hitcawaⁿha[ɕ] [λ][ᴗ̇]* hirak‘ipônôwi[|] k‘unuga é[2]
hicawąhaxjį žesge[...] hirak’iponowiną," K’unuga éže.
[my brother-in-law] [that kind] we seek for," [the eldest] [he said.]

*it is not clear what the second symbol is.



[ε] wañgᴇ[⨪]a wawogírag[ρ] hatcîndja naⁿsúra nañk‘íji
Ésge wągᵉnąka wawogíraganąga, hacįja nąsúra nąk’íži
[So] [that man] he told them, and [where] the heads [they were]



wogírag[ρ] etcóni wakdjêrekdjếgê [α] gip‘îñ[ɕ´]ṇe[2]
wogíraganąga ecóni wakjerekjége, égi gip’įxjį́neže.
[he told them, and] [first] so they'll be the coups, [and] [they liked it very much.]



wagi-ínaⁿbire[2] hitcawaⁿhírera [α] stoi[ᴗ] wañk
Wagi’ínąbireže, hicawąhírera. Égi stoiregi, wąk
[They thanked him,] [their brother-in-law.] [Then] [they gathered together] [men]



naⁿmáⁿtcê hawa-añk‘ip‘í[|] dj[ρ´] wañgᴇnunîñgᴇracgê
nąmą́ce hawa’ąk’ip’íną, jánąga. Wągᵉnunįgᵉrašge
warclub those who could handle [as many as there were.] [The old man]



nañgᴇ[ᴗ̇] ruxúrûg[-] hiregî́ hanáⁿtc cgaⁿ wahíre[2] wañgᴇnaⁿsu[⨪]a
nągenįk ruxúrugᵉra hiregí. Haną́c šgą* wahíreže. Wągᵉnąsunąka
to run a little [being able] [he thought.] [All] to start for they did it. [Those human heads]

*The following unattached note at the bottom of the page seems to apply here: "cgaⁿ - start very suddenly."



hahiwi érêgi wañgᴇ[⨪]a hitcáwaⁿwahí[-] étconi wi-érêgi
Hahiwi éregi, wągᵉnąka hicáwąwahíra éconi wi’éregi,
to find when they did, [those men] [brothers-in-law] [first] when they found them,



Winnebago III, #17: 13 —

[ε] etconi wañgonañgire[2] [X][-] hinaⁿγíⁿ[ᴗ] hanaⁿtc
ésge econi wągonągireže. Wągᵉra hinąǧį́regi, hanac
[and so] [first] [they counted coup.] [The men,] when they kept coming, [all]



wak‘araxér[ρ] wak‘icaríre[2] gâré[9] hanaⁿtc wakdjérêgi
wak’araxéranąga wak’išaraíreže. Garéžą,* haną́c wakjéregi,
they gave a whoop, and they scrambled to hit them. [Finally,] [all] [the coups,]

*this appears to be a back formation from hagaréžą.



wañgᴇnáⁿsu[-] waniañk‘arair[ρ] wonaγihotci[β]
wągᵉną́sura, waniąk’arairanąga wonaǧirocieja
human heads, they took them along, and the warfare tent [= the War Lodge]



waniañgí[ᴗ] [β] p‘iⁿhí wakdjê-wacíre[2] hanandj
waniągiregi, éja p’įhí wakjewašíreže. Hanąc
when they brought them, [there] [meticulously] [they did the Victory Dance.] All



wá[⨪][2] wañg[-´] wak‘aⁿtcañk wa’ûñgádja á[⨪][2]
wánąkše, "Wągᵉrá wak’ącąk wa’ųgáją," ánąkše.
[they were saying,] "The man holy thing he has done," they were saying.



hagágâre[9] wací[-] rucdjaíˆⁿ[ᴗ] wañgᴇ[⨪]a [ω] p‘iⁿhí
Hagágarežą, wašíra rušjaį́regi, wągᵉnąka žigé p’įhí
[Finally,] the dance when it was over, the man [again] [meticulously]



ûñxî́niṇa hiwajajê [α] [τ] haⁿdaginaⁿdjnihégi hagâré[9]
ųxínina hiwažaže, égi žegų hątaginąjᵉnihégi. Hagaréžą,
charcoal he rubbed in, [and] [then] he fasted. [Finally,]



kerêp‘ônô jobốhañ[ɕ][>] naⁿjî́ⁿkdjônê e[γ´] hitcáⁿwaⁿwahira
kerep’ono jobóhąxjįgają, nąžįkjone, egiži, hicą́wąwahira
[when it was about forty,] he was going, [he said, and] [his brothers-in-law]



tca t’egigir[ρ] wagigójê [α] wé[2]
ca t’egigiranąga wagigóže. Égi wéže,
[deer] they killed for him, and they had a feast. [And] [he said,]



hotcîntcî́ñxdjiⁿwi[|] [α] hicgế woráγirê hiruk‘onoṇa
"Hocincį́xjįwina, égi hišgé woráǧire hiruk’onona
"You young men, [here] [also] [War] [Controllers]



nañgᴇrê naⁿdjûⁿdjánîñk hiregúni yak‘irecanúnaⁿ
nągᵉre, nąjųjánįk, hiregúni. Yak’érešanúną.
that are, a little they blessed me, they must have. [I am going back.]



[ε] hitcaⁿwiⁿhara hak‘arak‘u de[·|´][-] djasgế tcinôgᴇ[⨪]a
Ésge, hicąwįhara hak’arak’u tekjanéra. Jasgé cinogenąka
[Therefore,] my wife I'm going after [I shall be going.] [What] [that village]



Winnebago III, #17: 14 —

hagigikdjegi yakárap‘eres náⁿîñgê [ε] wa-’uranihénaⁿ.
hagigikjega, yakáraperes ną́įge, ésge wa’uranihéną.
that I'm going to do to it, [I myself to know] as I was trying, [that's why] I was doing this (fasting).



hak‘áraginaⁿtc hanihárê [α] dj[ρ´] manîñkdjônárê
Hak’áraginąc haniháre, égi jánąga manįkjonáre.
I fasted that I've been doing, [and] [as many as there are,] that much I'm going to make.*

*this meaning is unclear. The word manį means, "to walk."



hiroícanaiñkdjônáwîgi, hirucdjáⁿ rak‘aⁿwî́gi k‘igấra curucdjáⁿwîgi
Hiroíšanaįkjonáwigi, hirušją́ rak’ąwį́gi k’igára šurušją́wigi,
Who'll follow me, get ready if you make yourself, feasting when you're through,



hainîñgi tcok‘é[ᴗ̇]hihiwí[-] haγếpgugi [α] dj[ρ´]
hainįgi cok’énįkhihiwíra haǧépgugi, égi jánąga
[tomorrow] Our Grandfather when he appears, [here] [as many as]



maⁿcî́nîñkdjawîgi hanáⁿtc xê-ágᴇrê sanî́ñgᴇ[ᴗ] xadáp
mąšínįkjàwigi, haną́c xeágᵉre sanį́geregi xatáp
that are gone to march, [all] this hill [over on the side] brush



hip‘aídja [β] hisdowi[ρ] [α] hiⁿdjik‘erekdjônáwi[|]
hip’aíja éja histowianąga égi hįjik’erekjonáwiną,"
near [there] we gather, and here we'll start,"



wigế[2] hanáⁿtc [β] sdoí[ᴗ] hitcawaⁿwahiracgê
wigéže. Haną́c éja stoíregi, hicawąwahirašge
[he told them.] [All] [there] when they gathered, [his brothers-in-law]



hanáⁿtc hidjorók‘ hiranihe[2] [α] hadji-ak‘araí[ᴗ]
haną́c hijorók hiraniheže. Égi hajiak’araíregi,
[all] [to attend] they were. [And] when they started,



haⁿpséretc û-îⁿṇe[2] hahí óxdjana[γ´] [β]
hąpsérec uįneže. Hahi, óxjanagiži,* éja
all day they did. [Finally,] [early (in the evening),] [there]

*an initial /h/ has been dropped from external sandhi.



hahí giγára t’ûⁿbire[2] haiⁿserêtc
hahí giǧára t’ųbireže. Haįserec
[he arrived] he marked the camp [they laid it horizontally.] [All night]



hodá wañgwacocé[⨪]a wok‘arak‘arak‘ hiránihe[2] ho-úⁿṇa
hotá wągwašošénąka wok’arak’arak hirániheže. Ho’ų́na
[remainder] those warriors to tell stories [they were.] Doing



Winnebago III, #17: 15 —

[λ]gêdjî́ni [ϕ] nainsgaírenis’a[2] dotcaíⁿdja [α]
žesgegejíni, hąké nainsgaírenis’aže, tocaį́ja. Égi
it is [that way,] [not] they would not sleep, [on the warpath.] [Then]



haⁿbᴇra gugiji hainiṇégi [ω] hadjiakaraíre[2]
hąbᵉra gugiži, haininegi, žigé hajiakaraíreže.
[the day] it came, and the next morning, again [they went back.]



de[τ] u-iⁿṇánihe[2] [α] hidjobốhôⁿṇa hahí
Težegų u’įnániheže. Égi hijobóhǫna hahí
[Thus] [they did.] [And] the fourth [there]



giγat’ûⁿbi[ᴗ] [α] wañkdjega watcojú[-]
giǧat’ųbiregi, égi wąkjega, wacožúra,
[when he marked the camp out,] [then] the man, the leader,



wé[2] [α] hotcîntcî́n[ɕ]wiṇa [α] hiro-ácgê heré[|]
wéže, "Égi hocįcį́xjįwina, égi hiroášge heréną,
he said, ["And] you young men, [here] near [it is,]



hîⁿ-wagi-ûⁿhinawira* [ε] ne haⁿhé dêê
hįwagi’ųhinawira, ésge ne hąhé tee
the place we're going to, [therefore,] I myself [night] [this]

* hîⁿ is written above the line.



wak‘araícdja de[·|´][|] wigế[2] [ρ´] djik‘ere[2]
wak’araíšja, tekjanéną," wigéže. Hánąga jik’ereže.
I'm going to spy, [I'm going to go,"] [he told them.] [And] he started.



sagᴇrê-únihegi haⁿhé s’i[>] tcinôñgᴇra hirahígi
Sagᵉre-únihegi hąhé s’igają cinǫgᵉra hirahígi,
[As] he went [swiftly,] [night] [late] [the village] when he came to,



tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]a hanaⁿtc nāⁿ wahí[2] [α] hatcî́ndja
cinągᵉnąka haną́c wahíže. Égi hacį́ja
[that village] [whole] to sleep he made them. [And] [wherever]



hûñgotci[-] here[γ´] [β] hi[>] dêế
hųgᵉcira heregają́ éja higają, teé
the chief's tent [it was] [there] [when he arrived,] [that one]



Winnebago IV, #8b: 1056 —

hitcáwiṇa [β][⨪][2] [α] hûñkarakit’e[2] niṇa aíⁿpdjegi*
hicáwina ejanąkše. Égi hųkarákit’eže, "Ni na’į́kjegi,
[his wife] [she was there.] [Here] he spoke to her, "To live if you want,

*this should be, ni na-íⁿkdjegi.



warak‘ínûⁿb[-] wak‘arahazadjê de ëji wak‘izá[-][ɜ]
warak’ínųbᵉra wak’arahazaje, teëži wak’izárašana
your brothers go to them, [but I] I am fighting them alone



ha’ûñkdjônegề wahé[|] [α]* wahes’aharê hatcî́ndjaga
ha’ųkjonegé, wahéną. Égi wahes’ahare hacį́jaga
I'm going to do, I [am saying it.] [Then] I used to say wherever it is

* tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê is written just before this symbol.



Winnebago III, #17: 16 —

hanî́na hak‘araí[ᴗ] djasgégi hanîñk‘u hahináⁿ[2] hihes’áharê
hanína hak’araíregi, jasgégi hanįk’u hahiną́že. Hihes’áhare
there if they'd take you, [but] to come after you I would do. [I used to say]



gu-αrédjaⁿ* hanik‘úhu [·נ] worohaⁿ[ɕ]gếdjîni haruwañkí[-]
guąréją hanik’úhu, nunige worohągéjini haruwąkíra
at that very time I came after you, but a large lot of them eight only

*this alpha (α) seems to represent a letter: cf. guą, "as soon as."



t’eha[>´] [α] haⁿbak‘inigếdjini [ϕ] wanî́ñkaracêninaⁿ
t’ehagáją, égi hąbak’inigéjini, hąké wanį́karašéniną.
[I killed, and] [then] it became day, [not] I did not take you away from them.



niñkdjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇] hiwahína gip‘îñ[ɕ] waíza[ᴗ̇][-] hiná wāh[ρ]
Nįkjǫgᵉnįk hiwanína gip’įxjį waízanįgᵉra hiną́ wāhanąga
[Children] ours it is very good [the limbs] [enough] I [am saying, and]



[α] hitcidowaragácgê p‘îñ[ɕ´] wakdjére[|] [α]
égi hicitowaragášge p’įxjį́ wakjéreną. Égi
[and] your older brothers [very well] they were counting coup. [And]



jedjû́ñga haniñk‘árak‘u hadjigếdjôni wa-’uaⁿdjí[-] tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]re
žejų́ga hanįk’árak’u hajigéjoni wa’uąjira. Cinągᵉnągᵉre
[and then] I came after you I came I am [doing it.] [This village]



hanaⁿtc wonáγire hiruk‘ốnanâ hûñk‘úiṇegêdjîni [ε]
hanąc Wonáǧire Hiruk’ónana hųk’úinegejini. Ésge
[all] [the War Controllers] they gave to me. [And so]



hainîgi winîñgᴇraγếp hu[γ´] [α] wat’aiⁿpedjônáwi[|]
hainigi winįgᵉraǧéphugają, égi wat’aįpejónawiną.
[in the morning] when sun appears, [then] we'll make for them.



warak‘inûⁿb[-] hanáⁿtc hiñkižuhajíre[|] [ε] [ϕ]
Warak’inųbᵉra haną́c hįkižuhajíreną. Ésge hąké
[Your brothers] [all] they came with me. [So] [not]



wanîñk‘áwani[ρ´] horog[β´] howaír[ρ]* warak‘ínûb[-]
wanįkáwaniánąga horogéja howaíranąga warak’ínųbᵉra
to be afraid of them, and in midst you go into, and [your brothers]

*ho[|]ir[ρ] is written just before this word.



wawaragekdjé[|] ni-aⁿaiⁿpdjénaⁿ* tcidowi[-´] hicëkdjé
wawaragekjéną, "Ni na’įkjéną, cítowirá," hišekjé.
you must say to them, "I want to live, my [brothers,]" you must say.

*this should have been ni na-iⁿkdjénaⁿ.



Winnebago III, #17: 17 —

[α] wawagidaikdjonégê hiperêzirekdjôné[|] djasgê ho-úṇa rakdjônéra
Égi wawagitaikjonége, hiperézirekjonéną, jasge ho’úna rakjonéra.
[And] I'm going to tell them, [I would know,] the way you'll be.



[ϕ] nañγíra ni-[ρ] djasgế hihádjana [λ] ragíji
Hąké nąǧira nianąga jasgé hihájaną. Žesge ragíži,
[Not] [the ghosts] to be afraid, and [what] [I say] [that way] [you do, and]



[ϕ] cdjanîñ[·|´][|] he [λ] ranîñgí. [β] wanîñgi u-îṇe[·|´][|]
hąké šjanįkjanéną. He žesge ranįgí, éja wanįgi u’inekdjeną,
[not] you would not die. If you do it, [there] they'll make you



hidadjế wa-ûñgế ruxurû[>] higê[2´]
hitajé. Wa’ųgé ruxurugają," higežé.
[to be free.] You'll do it, and accomplish it," [he said to her.]



[α] gu[γ´] k‘iri[γ´] wañg[-´] wawokaragirakcê djasgê
Égi gugíži, k’irigíži, wągᵉrá wawokaragirakše, jasge
[And] when he came, when he returned, the men he told them [how]



tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]a nañkíji p‘îñ[ɕ][⨪][2] [ϕ] idjik‘iperêgᴇni[⨪][2´]
cinągᵉnąka nąkíži, p’įxjįnąkše. Hąké ijik’iperegeninąkšé.
[that village] [as it was,] it was well. [Not] they did not know anything about it.



wat’ehip‘îñ[ɕ] hi-ûñkdjônáwi[|] wigế[2] [α] hitcawiṇa*
"Wat’ehipįxjį hi’ųkjonáwiną," wigéže. Égi hicawina
"Good killing we'll do," [he said.] [And] [his wife]

*hînû́ñkdjen is written just before this word.



wak‘inûⁿb[-] wawogírak[2] hinûñktcábire[-] djasgê hi[·|]djê
wak’inųbᵉra wawogírakše, hinųkcábirera jasge hinąkje,
[her brothers] he told them, [their sister] [what] she [was going to do,]



ë húñk‘et’ehiranîñkdjegê witcûⁿt’îⁿ[ɕ] wogírakcê hak‘aráni
e hų́k’et’ehiranįkjege, wicųt’įxjį wogírakše. "Hak’aráni
so they won't kill her, he made it clear to them, [he told it to them.] ["To take care of her]



ûⁿnihawi-ádjê wigế[2] dê-ë́ji wāk‘ízakdjônégê wahé[|]
ųnihawiáje," wigéže. "Teéži wāk’ízakjonége, waheną,"
keep her along with you," [he said.] ["But these] I'm going to fight, [I say it,"]



wigé[2] [α] wé[2] hotcîntcîñxdjîⁿwina hirucdjáⁿ k‘îⁿwiñgê
wigéže. Égi wéže, hocįcį́xjįwina, hirušją́ k’įwį́ge.
[he said.] [And] [he said,] ["You, our young men,] get yourselves ready.



Winnebago III, #17: 18 —

hainî[ɕ][ᴗ̇] here[·|´][|] wigếjê higˆ¨ⁿ hokáwas
Hainixjįnįk herekjanéną," wigéže. "Higų hokáwas
[Early in the morning] [it will be,]" [he said.] ["Still] [darkness]



djerégi haⁿpgú[γ´] hîndjikếrê-kdjônáwi[|]
jerégi, hąpgúgíži, hinjikérekjonéwiną.
[while it stands,] when it gets light enough, we'll [go] about.



hidadjế wa-ûⁿ wâñgê p‘îñ[ɕ] wat’éhi naⁿî́ⁿwi-andjê [α]
Hitajé wa’ų. Wąge p’įxjį wat’éhi nąį́wiąje, égi
[It is rich in everything.] [Men] [very good] [killing] we try it, [and]


[ϕ] wocgátc wini-áⁿdjê hanáⁿtc woik‘ûⁿhira
hąké wošgác winią́je. Haną́c woik’ųhera,
[not] do not mutilate more than you have to.* [All] they gave them to me,

*wošgác comes from wa-ho-šgac. Hošgac means, "to play with, to abuse, to torture." Clearly in this context it refers to playing around (šgac), the idea being to dispatch the enemy quickly and efficiently rather than abusing those who have been caught unawares and even unarmed.



[·נ.] p‘iⁿṇadjế ûⁿwi-áⁿdjê ë hitcók‘êhiwahíwira gip‘iⁿṇe[·|´][|]
nunige p’įnajé ųwią́je, e hicók’ehiwahíwira gip’įnekjanéną,"
but [be careful] do, [so] our grandfathers they'll like it,"



wigế[2] [α] haⁿpgú[ᴗ] hadjiak‘araí[ᴗ] wi[-] haγếp hu[>]
wigéže. Égi hąpgúregi, hajįk’araíregi, wira haǧéphugają,
[he said.] [And] towards morning, [when they started,] the day as it dawned,



tci[⨪´][-] tcaⁿt’îñgi hok‘aráhohobir[ρ] wat’áⁿbire[2]
ciną́gᵉra cąt’įgi, hok’aráhohobiranąga wat’ą́bireže.
the village when it was in sight [he gave a whoop, and] they fell upon it.



[α] hinûñgiaⁿ rokốno hú[2] [ϕ] t’ehiwiníṇê hitcáwiha[-]
Égi hinųgią rokóno húže. "Hąké t’ehiwiníne hicáwihara
[Then] [a woman] very much she came. ["Not] kill her not my wife



wa-ŭⁿaⁿk[ɜ] wigế[2] [ε] [ϕ] t’ehirani[2]
wa’ųnąkšaną," wigeže. Ésge hąké t’ehiraniže.
she is," [he said.] [So] [not] they did not kill her.



[τ] tcinôg[-] howahirair[ρ´] wat’ehíracgê herê-[ρ´]
Žegų cinogᵉra howahirairánąga wat’ehirašge hereánąga
[Then] [village] they made for, and [they killed them] [they did, and]



[α] hiniwarukôs jañk‘ácgê here[ρ´] higû́ⁿ
égi hiniwarukos žąk’ášge hereánąga higų́
[then] prisoners they did [it was, and] [a little later]



herehíre[2] wakdjế p‘î́ñ[ɕ] u’iṇe[2] tcinốgi-aⁿ
herehíreže. Wakjé p’į́xjį u’ine[2] Cinógią
that they made it. [They counted coup] [very well] [they did.] [A village]



ponáñk maⁿhudjá hire[2´] hotcintcíṇa wap‘aⁿkônôk‘
poną́k mąhujá hirežé. Hocįcį́a wap’ąkonok,
every bit of it to kill them all [they did.] [The young man] he was smart,



Winnebago III, #17: 19 (this page is a recopied part of the top of page 20) —

[·נ] hocgac naⁿiⁿṇ[ρ]* tcinogiaⁿ mąhuja k‘iⁿṇ[2´]
nunige hošgac nąįnanąga cinogią mąhuja, k’įnšé,
[but] to make fun they tried, and [a village] [he killed them all,] [he made invisible,]

*Note at the top of the page connected to hocgatc by a line: "the leader whose children were killed."



aireconu[|] dee wagaireną hądaginandj[ρ] e
airešanuną. Tee wagaireną. Hątaginanjanąga e
[it is what they were saying.] [That] they meant. He fasted, and [so]



Winnebago III, #17: 20 —

[X][⨪]re ha-éni djadjaiṇxdjiⁿ p‘a woragirega
wągᵉnągᵉre ha’éni jajaįxjįp’a woragirega
[that man] they talked about [as long as] when they tell stories



hiⁿṇe-ûⁿ hanihaírekdjônê gadjaiñ[ɕ] p‘a [X]’îⁿṇegi airecanu[|]
hįne’ų, hanihairekjone gajaįxjį p’a wąk’įnegi, airešanuną.
they used to, that they will do as long as it will be [above,] [they were saying.]



dêế hotcîntcî́njaⁿ wak‘aⁿtcáñgᴇra de[λ][2] airecanu[|]
Teé hocįcį́žą wak’ącą́gᵉra dežesgeže, airešanuną,
[That one] [a young man] [the holy one] [thus he did,] [it is what they were saying,]



[X] c’agᴇnôñgᴇrê worág[-] airecanunaⁿ jénûñga
wąk š’agᵉnįgᵉre woragᵉra airešanúną. Žénųga.
[people] the old ones stories when they tell. The end.



Aleck Lonetree, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3867 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago III, #17: 1-20 (phonetic text with interlinear translation), Winnebago IV, #8b: 1052-1056 (typed English translation).