Hocąk Text — A Man's Revenge
Narrated by Aleck Lonetree (Nąínekiga)
Winnebago III, #17: 1-20 Winnebago IV, #8b: 1052-1056
The manuscript, which is in the hand of Paul Radin, is sometimes difficult to read. Radin also used Greek letter abbreviations for common whole words or syllables some of which he interpreted in other manuscripts. The Greek symbols used in the text appear in the table below:
α | β | γ | ε | ɜ | λ | ·נ | ρ |
égi | éja | -giži | ésge | -šaną | žesge | nunige | -ánąga |
τ | ϕ | ω | X | 2 | ɕ | 9 | - | ⨪ |
žegų | hąké | žigé | wąk | -že | -xjį | -žą | -(ᵉ)ra | -nąk |
| | ·| | ᴗ | ᴗ̇ | > |
-na, -ną | -kje(ną), -kjana | -regi | -nįk(a), -nįg(a) | -gają |
Words supplied by the editor (Richard Dieterle) are found in brackets '[ ]'. It was also necessary for the editor to supply all punctuation and to determine the beginning and ending of sentences.
Winnebago III, #17: 1 = Winnebago IV, #8b: 1052 —
worágirega | hoicî́p‘ | wairecû́nûñ[>] | [X] |
Worágiregą, | hoišíp | wairešúnųgają, | wąk |
When story they told, | [always] | [when they would say to them,] | [people] |
djagúireja | horagirecônú[|] | dêê | hotcáñk‘ | hirejế |
jagúireža, | horagirešonuną. | Tee | Hocą́k | hirežé, |
what they are (tribe) | they [would tell.] | [These] | Hocąk | they are, |
[α] | hogihixêdejañ[ɕ] | wa-únañk[ɜ] | tcí[⨪] | k‘ônôgᴇ[⨪]a |
égi | hogihixetežąxjį | wa’únąkšaną. | Cínąk | k’onogᵉnąga |
[and] | about 1,000 in number | they were. | [Village] | [they erected, and] |
[X][-] | u-íṇánihe[>] | hoicî́p‘ | gixônôxốnô | ranihe[>´] | tcegᴇ[ᴗ´] |
Wągᵉra | u’íránihegają, | hoišíp | gixonoxóno | ranihegáją, | cegᵉrégi, |
Indians | [after they did it,] | [always] | kept moving | [they left, and] | in the early days |
waniók‘iratc | rudjiranihe[ᴗ´] | tca[-´] | tcexdjíṇa | waruxế |
waniók’irac | rujiraniherégi, | cara, | cexjį́na, | waruxé |
animals - different | [there they were eating,] | deer, | buffaloes, | [to chase after] |
wa-u-inánihe[2] | [α] | manî́ñga | detcêdjᴇra | edjí[9] |
wa’u’įnániheže. | Égi | manį́ga | tecejᵉra | ejížą |
they used to follow around. | [And] | in winter | near to lake | [at one] |
hoixánaines’á[2] | k‘éni | manis’íni | uañgᴇ[ᴗ̇] | hitcawiṇa |
hoixánaines’áže. | K’éni | manis’ínį | wągᵉnunįk, | hicawina, |
they used to move. | Before very long | in winter, | an old man, | his wife, |
hinûñg[-] | [α] | hiwañgᴇnấna* | hidjóbik‘ê | tci[9] | iṇék‘i |
hinųgᵉra, | égi | hiwągenána, | hijóbik’e | cížą | inék’i |
his daughter, | and | his son-in-law, | [four of them] | one lodge | [alone] |
*the /hi/ is inserted with a caret.
hotcíre[2] | wañgenuniñgᴇ[⨪]a | c’ak‘édjini | wajónina | ruc’ak‘í |
hokéreže. | Wągᵉnunįgᵉnąka | š’ak’éjini, | wažónina | ruš’ak’í, |
they lived in. | The old man | as he was old, | hunting | [he could not,] |
[α] | waráxdjak‘ | hirácgê | [ε] | hiwañgᴇnấna |
égi | waráxjak | hirášge. | Ésge | hiwągenána |
[and] | trapping and hunting little animals | he couldn't do. | [So] | son-in-law |
etcíra | wajónijê | [α] | wañgᴇnuniñgᴇ[⨪]a | wagígos’agi |
ecíra | wažóniže. | Égi | wągᵉnunįgᵉnąka | wagígos’agi, |
he had to provide for | he hunted. | [And] | this old man | he used to give a feast, |
Winnebago III, #17: 2 —
here[·|][2] | [α] | hinûñk‘á[ɕ] | é[2] | wāgigocônúnaⁿ |
herekježe. | Égi, | "Hinųk’áxjį," | éže, | "wāgigošonúną, |
it would be. | [And,] | "My daughter," | he said, | "I [used to feast] |
maniók‘ahi | herek‘ârohógi | [α] | hiwañgᴇna-hará[ɜ] | wajáⁿni[9] |
maniók’ahi. | Herek’arohógi, | égi | hiwągenaharášana | wažą́nižą |
every winter. | It is near time for, | [and] | [son-in-law] my [only] | [something] |
t’egigigi | here[·|]je | djagu | yagigocônu[·|] | hip‘erêzdje[>´] |
t’egigigi, | herekježe, | jagu | yagigošonuną." | Hip’erezjegáją, |
if he kills for me, | that it will be | [what] | I use to feast." | [Once he knows of it,] |
[α] | tcára | hi[9]kíšge | pîñkjonê | na[·נ´] |
égi | cára | hižąkícge | pįkjone, | nanúnige |
[then] | deer | [one] only | that would be good, | [but ?] |
nûⁿp‘íwigi, | e | pîñ[ɕ´]na | dêê | hiñgiû́ruxúruk‘i |
nųp’íwigi, | e | pįxjįna, | tee | hįgių́ruxúruk’i |
two, | [it] | [the very good one,] | [that] | if he could do it for me |
wa-ínąⁿpdjîⁿ | wiñ[·|][|]* | wañgᴇnúniñgᴇ[⨪]a | éjê | wañkdjéga |
wa’ínąpjį | wįkjeną," | wągᵉnúnįgᵉnąka | éže. | Wąkjéga |
very grateful | he would make me," | [the old man] | [he said.] | [That man] |
*first wiñ is scribbled out, then following it, uîñ is also scribbled out.
wejế | tcawiⁿhá[ɕ] | [α] | wonáγire | sgấk | [נ] |
wežé, | cawįháxjį, | "Égi | wonáǧire | sgák, | nunige |
[he said,] | [to his wife,] | ["Here] | war | [it is afoot ?,] | but |
ma[⨪´]rê | [α] | djasgế | hi[ρ´] | [ϕ]a | unî́kjê | yarégî |
manągᵉre | égi | jasgé | hiánąga | hąkaga | uníkje, | yarégi. |
the land | [here] | [what] | [he did, but] | never | I would not do it, | [so I think.] |
[ε] | hainêgi | nîñkdjốñgᴇ[ᴗ̇]ra | hiwak‘árani[ρ´] |
Ésge | hainegi | nįkjǫ́gᵉnįgᵉra | hiwak’áraniánąga |
[So] | tomorrow | the children | take them along with you, and |
tciwirókunigᴇracgé | honánubohañ[ɕ] | hohí | wajốna |
ciwirókunigerašgé | honánųbohąxjį | hohí. | Wažóna |
what they use in camping | two day's travel | [to go out.] | [The hunt] |
hijaⁿ | wanîñgi[ɜ] | here[·|]ga | haininêgi | hadjiak‘arairejê |
hižą́ | wanįgišana | herekjega." | Haininegi, | hajiak’araireže. |
[one] | if I would | [it would be.]" | The next morning, | [they started back.] |
Winnebago III, #17: 3 —
nîñkdjốñg[-] | wak‘aranin[ρ´] | ’uwáⁿnihai[ᴗ] | hagâréjaⁿ |
Nįkjǫ́gᵉra | wak’araninánąga | ’uwą́nihairegi, | hagaréžą, |
[The children] | [she took, and] | as they went, | [finally,] |
[β]onañpî́ñ[ɕ][2] | [β´] | hiwacaíre[2] | hoxdjanánîñgi | hinúñkdjega |
ejonąpį́xjįže. | Éja | hiwašaíreže. | Hoxjanánįgi | hinų́kjega |
there was a good camping place. | [There] | they stopped. | In the evening | [the woman] |
tci | unaⁿíⁿ[2] | wañkdjega | wéjê | tcic’unadjiregi |
ci | unąį́že. | Wąkjega | wéže, | "Ciš’unajiregi, |
[lodge] | she tried to make. | [The man] | [he said,] | "When are you making a tent, |
wajániñg[-] | hi[9] | waní | haikúkdjenaⁿ | e[2] |
wažánįgᵉra | hižą | waní | haikúkjeną," | eže |
some little thing | [one] | I'll hunt, | I will go (quickly)," | [he said.] |
hidjá | worốγoγotc | naⁿji-ándjê | hitcawina | higê[2´] |
Hijá | woróǧoǧoc | nąžią́je | hicawina | higežé. |
[There] | looking around | while standing | [his wife] | [he told her.] |
[ρ´] | djík‘ere[2] | manaⁿwak‘arani[ρ´] | [α] | hinúñkdjega |
Hánąga | jík’ereže. | Manąwak’araniánąga | égi | hinų́kjega |
[And] | [he started.] | He took his bow and arrows, and | [then] | the woman |
naⁿcgế | rus[ρ´] | rucdjañ[γ´] | ninếj[ρ] | reγếdja |
nąšgé | rusánąga | rušjągíži, | ninéžanąga | reǧéja |
wood | [she took, and] | [when she was done,] | she went to dip water, and | in a pail |
howaxŭ[ρ´] | hijaok‘ére[2] | erucdjaⁿdjekdjếgi | gŭok‘awazᴇnisgê[>] |
howaxuánąga | hijaok’éreže, | erušjąjekjégi. | Guok’awazᵉnisgegają. |
she poured in, and | she put it on (fire), | so it would be ready. | Already it was getting dark. |
wañgᴇra | tcaíjaⁿ | k’iⁿk‘irijê | ruγapwi[ρ´] | [α] | maⁿtcátcawi[ρ] |
Wągᵉra | caížą | k’įk’iriže. | Ruǧapwiánąga | égi | mącácawianąga |
The man | a deer | he packed home. | They skinned it, and | [then] | they cut it up, and |
hodá | dj[ρ] | k‘erudjî́neñkdjáwiga | dáwus | jújế |
hotá | janąga | k’erujínekjáwiga, | táwus | žužé, |
[what was left] | [all] | that they weren't going to eat, | to dry | she placed it, |
hinû́ñkdjega | [α] | wohốⁿ[-] | dutc[γ] | warudjirejê |
hinų́kjega. | Égi | wohǫ́ra | tucgiži, | warujireže. |
[the woman.] | [And] | [kettle] | when it was cooked, | they ate it. |
warutc | rucdjaiⁿṇegi | mîñgire[2] | xap’é* | nîñkdjốñg[-] |
Waruc | rujaįnegi, | mįgireže. | Xap’é | nįkjǫ́gᵉra |
[Food] | [when they quit,] | they retired. | Soon | the children |
*the symbol [ᴗ̇] is crossed out after this word.
Winnebago III, #17: 4 —
naíⁿṇe[2] | hinûñgôⁿñkacgê | wañgáñgêrégi | [ϕ] | nąni-áñkcê |
naį́neže, | hinųgǫkašge. | Wągą́gerégi | hąké | nąnįą́kše. |
they went to sleep, | the woman also. | This man | [not] | he wasn't asleep. |
wawewi-áñkcê | mîñgᴇmîñg[ρ´] | djasgê | wajónina |
Wawewią́kše. | Mįgᵉmįgánąga | jasge | wažónina |
[He was thinking.] | [He would be lying down, and] | [what] | the hunt |
hainêgi | hikdjêgi | k‘êwêwí-añkcê | enaiñ[ɕ´] | wât’eh[ρ´] |
hainegi | hikjegi, | kewewíąkše. | "Enaįxjį́ | wat’ehánąga |
the following day | [he would do,] | he was thinking. | ["I could] | I would kill, and |
tcok‘agá | wanaⁿî́ñgi | p’iⁿ[ɕ] | djiha[·|] | hirák[2] |
cok’agá | wanąį́gi | p’įxjį | jihakjeną," | hirákše. |
father-in-law | make his heart feel | [very] good | I would," | he thought. |
[ε] | s’í[ɕ] | naⁿ* | ruc’ák[2] | haininếgi |
Ésge | s’íxjį | ną | ruš’ákše. | Haininégi, |
[So] | [very long] | [to sleep] | [he could not.] | The next morning, |
*ɜ follows the end of this word.
Winnebago IV, #8b: 1053 —
hik‘iⁿ[ᴗ] | warudji[ᴗ´] | wajê[2´] | hitcawihaxdjiⁿ* | [α] |
hik’įregi, | warujirégi, | wažežé, | "Hicawihaxjį, | égi |
when they woke, | [after they ate,] | [he said,] | "My [wife] | [here] |
*haxdjiⁿ is written in smaller letters above the line over something that has been crossed out.
wajiⁿ | hiranína-ina | hirapérêz[>] | djadjaíñ[ɕ] |
wažį | hiranína’įna | hirapérezgają. | Jajaį́xjį |
[something] | I think much of you | [as] you [know.] | [As far as] |
gŭañgá | wajáⁿni[9] | hocícik‘ | hûⁿwawîgi | dejesgếdja |
guągá | wažą́nižą | hošíšik | hųwawigi, | težesgéja, |
[as soon as] | [a thing] | [bad] | if we get into, | [at this juncture,] |
djasgếgi | hatcî́ñdja | ranicếgi | hidja |
jasgégi, | hacį́ja | ranišégi, | hija |
[no matter what happens,] | wherever | [you went,] | [there] |
hahinấⁿjê | hires’áharê | wajáⁿni[9] | [ϕ] | p‘iⁿnîgi | [ϕ] |
hahiną́že, | hires’áhare. | Wažą́nižą | hąké | p’įnigi, | hąké |
I would come, | I used to say. | [A thing] | [not] | [if it is not good,] | [not] |
niñkjôñge[ᴗ̇][-] | wat’uṇani-áⁿdjê | [ρ´] | nîñkdjôñgᴇnîñg[-] |
nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra | wat’unanią́je," | ánąga | nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra |
the children | don't leave them," | [he said, and] | [the children] |
i wok‘arak‘íwañk[2] | [α] | djik‘erejê | wajónina | haⁿpsérêtc |
i wok’arak’íwąkše. | Égi | jik’ereže. | Wažónina | hąpsérec |
he kissed them. | Then | he went away. | Hunting | all day long |
únihe[2] | dêagâré[9] | uniha’ûⁿ | tcaíjąⁿ | t’ehijế |
úniheže. | Teagaréžą,* | uniha’ų, | caížą | t’ehižé. |
he was. | [At that time,] | [as he was doing it,] | a deer | he killed. |
*< tee-hagaréžą.
Winnebago III, #17: 5 —
girujáb[ρ] | hará | hojú | k’îⁿ[ρ] |
Giružábanąga | hará | hožú | k’įanąga |
He skinned it, and | the skin | he packed in | he carried it on his back, and |
k‘ere[2´] | déê | acgêk‘irégádjaⁿ | tcicúra | naⁿt’ap |
k’erežé, | tée. | Ašgek’irigáją, | cišúra | nąt’ap |
[he went home,] | [that one.] | When he was near, | the lodge poles | straight |
nañk’ûⁿ | wadjokốnôk[2] | djagu | wa-únaⁿ | hiperêssế | tceg[β] |
nąk’ų | wajokónokše. | Jagu | wa’úną, | hiperesé, | cegeja. |
they were | he noticed. | What | it happened, | he knew, | [from the first.] |
[λ] | hicanihegế | tcawiha[-] | nîñkdjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇]waniná | t’aire[>] |
Žesge | hišanihegé. | "Cawihara | nįkjǫgᵉnįgwaniná | t’airegają," |
[Thus] | they used to do. | ["My wife] | my children | they have been killed," |
hirák[2] | tci[-] | tcagiwegi | dêê | hidja |
hirákše. | Cira | cagiwegi, | tée | hija |
[he thought.] | [The lodge] | [when he started back,] | [that one] | [there] |
k‘iri[>] | tcirokaraizitc[>] | niñkdjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇] | ewanína | [β] |
k’irigają, | cirokaraizicgają, | nįkjoǫgᵉnįga | ewanína | éja |
[when he had returned,] | when he peeped in, | [children] | his own | [there] |
miną́ñgᴇ[ᴗ̇] | wak‘ônôgire[2] | wasájᴇniñgir[ρ´] | ixúnîñg[-] |
miną́gᵉnįga | wak’onogireže. | Wasáženįgiránąga | ixúnįgᵉra |
[they sat] | [where they had been placed.] | They had killed them, and | the lips |
hiwa-áⁿ | wagik‘erêr[ρ´] | dêê | hínîñg[-] | tcaⁿt’i[⨪´][2] | naⁿtcgé[-] |
hiwa’ą́ | wagik’ereránąga | tee | hínįgᵉra | cąt’inąkše. | Nącgéra |
raised | they placed | [that] | teeth | [they were visible.] | [His heart] |
dekdjiⁿ | nunîñgê | hikcájê | [α] | nîñkjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇]wira |
tekjį | nunįge | hikšáže, | égi, | "Nįkjǫgᵉnįgwira |
[ache much,] | but | he laughed, | [and (he said),] | "[The two children] |
warudja’ûñ[·|][|] | herágᴇnîñg[-] | hak‘ík‘iju | hiwarutcwîkdjégê | warútc |
waruja’ų́kjeną. | Herágᵉnįgᵉra | hak’ík’ižu | hiwarucwikjége." | Warúc |
I am going to cook (for them.) | The last time | [together with] | we'll eat." | [Food] |
radutc[γ´] | wamañgitcatc[ρ´] | nîñgeníñk[ɜ] |
ratucgíži, | wamągicacánąga | nįgenį́kšaną. |
[after] it was cooked, | he cut a piece of meat for them, and | it was a little piece. |
î́[-]* | wagiwa-ijapnañga | íniñg[β] | waní[ᴗ̇] | wogik‘anañkcê |
Íra | wagiwa-ižapnąga | ínįgeja | wanínįk | wogik’anąkše. |
In the mouth | he pried open, and | [in his mouth] | a little piece of meat | [he put it in there.] |
*after the /î́/, the symbol [ᴗ̇] appears to have been lined out.
Winnebago III, #17: 6 —
[α] | warutccế | [α] | wawokarakit’anañkcê | naⁿtcgé[-] | dëk‘ |
Égi | warucšé. | Égi | wawokarakit’anąkše. | "Nącgera | tek |
[Then] | he ate. | [Then] | he was talking to them. | ["Heart] | [to ache] |
winanúnîñgê | nîñkdjốñgᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] | gaxdjîⁿwina | p‘îñ[ɕ] | waíza[-] |
winanúnįge | nįkjǫ́gᵉnįgᵉra | gaxjįwina | p’įxjį | waízara |
they made me, but | [the chldren] | [making many gifts] | [very good] | [their limbs] |
hiná | nîñk‘áragiwi[ρ´] | [α] | maⁿṇog[β´] | nîñkarat’ûîpdjônéwinaⁿ |
hiną́ | nįk’áragiwiánąga | égi | mąnogéja | nįkarat’uįpjonéwiną, |
enough | I will do them, and | [then] | in the earth | I will place you, |
[α] | uniṇáwigacgê | duxurûgikdjônê | yarénaⁿ | hicgế | wonáγiragᴇrê |
égi | unináwigašge | tuxurugikjone, | yaréną. | Hišgé | wonáǧiragᵉre |
[and] | your mother | I'll obtain, | [I think.] | [Also] | this warfare |
[λ´][ᴗ̇] | ûⁿduxúrûk‘uni | yarecônunaⁿ | hak‘ip‘éwîñga |
žesgénįk | ųtuxúruk’uni, | yarešonuną. | Hak’ip’éwįga |
[a little of that sort] | I could do, | [I have always believed.] | When I think of myself |
wañgᴇ[ᴗ̇] | hanîñgúni | yarecônú[|] | [ε] | nañγírak‘[ᴗ̇] |
wągᵉnįk | hanįgúni | yarešonuną. | Ésge | nąǧírak’nįk |
a little man | I am | [I have always believed.] | [So] | spirits |
wacî́niwina | p‘îñ[ɕ] | nîñgê | tcawá[⨪]i | [β] | hicgế |
wašíniwina | p’įxjį | nįge | cawánągi, | éja | hišgé |
your* | [very good] | [place] | when they go to, | [there] | [thus] |
*"your" is written above he was.
harap‘áhi[·|´]wi[|] | wik‘aragê[2] | [α] | rok‘ik‘êwe[2] |
harap’áhikjanáwiną," | wik’arageše. | Égi | rok’ik’eweže. |
you will go," | [he told them.] | [Then] | he painted himself. |
rosánîñk‘ | sga | hi[ρ´] | [α] | sánîñk‘ | sebíjê | dêê |
Rosánįk | sga | hiánąga | égi | sánįk | sebíže. | Tee |
Half his body | white | [he did, and] | [then] | side | he made black. | [This] |
rucdjañ[γ´] | maⁿcguk‘aⁿṇa | hok‘urudjadjasê | [α] | maⁿ[-] |
rušjągiži, | mąšguk’ąna | hok’urujajase. | Égi | mąra |
[after he had finished,] | his bowstring | he tightened it. | Then | his arrows |
Winnebago IV, #8b: 1054 —
rotcáⁿtcaⁿ | wak‘aragi[ρ´] | [α] | djik‘erejê | uwáⁿhi[>] |
rocą́cą | wak’aragiánąga | égi | jik’ereže. | Uwą́higają, |
he straightened | [he made them, and] | then | he went away. | As he went along, |
dêê | dotcânagu | nañgú-[9] | hot’aⁿp[2] | s‘íra |
tee | tocanagu | nągúižą | hot’ąpše. | S’íra |
[that one] | warfare trail | [a trail] | he came into. | The footprints |
Winnebago III, #17: 7* —
woroγotc[>] | dêê | hitcáwina | si[-] | [β] |
woroǧocgają, | tee | hicáwina | sira | éja |
after carefully scrutinizing, | [that one] | his wife | [her tracks] | [there] |
*at the top of the page, Radin writes, [he's using his power to transform himself into a ghost to kill them]".
tcaⁿt’îⁿ | hirasádjêjê | [α] | hiniaⁿniaⁿk‘araí[ᴗ] |
cąt’į | hiresáježe. | Égi | hiniąniąk’araíregi |
he discovered | [she was] with them. | [Here] | they took her prisoner |
hiperezcế | [β] | wanañγî́ | hik‘úñkdjê | waruxé[2] | acgê |
hiperezšé. | Éja | wanąǧi | hik’ųkje, | waruxéže. | Ašge |
he knew. | [There] | ghost | he used it,* | he ran after. | [Near] |
*at this place in the English translation, Radin has struck out the words "transformed himself into," replacing them with "used it."
Radin has a note at the top of the page unattached to any of the text below, but which appears to belong here — "[he's using his power to transform himself into a ghost to kill them]".
hi[γ´] | tcowéra | honañkcế | [α] | [β] | nûñxawanûñga |
higíži, | cowéra | honąkšé. | Égi | éja | nųxawanąga |
[when he got to,] | ahead of | he ran. | [And] | [there] | [he hid, and] |
dêê | sak’íṇa | uwañk‘iri[>´] | hohób[ρ] |
tee | Sak’ína | uwąk’irigáją, | hohóbanąga |
[that one] | [Warbundle Bearer] | as he came along | he whooped,and |
giság[ρ] | tcacera | maⁿcíj[ρ] | giásê |
giságanąga | cašera | mąšížanąga | giáse. |
[he knocked him down, and] | the neck | he cut off, and | [he ran off.] |
[β] | nûñxáwaⁿ | k‘ônoñg[ρ´] | [ω] | tcowé[-] | woginûⁿwañkcê |
Éja | nųxáwą | k’onǫgánąga | žigé | cowéra | woginųwąkše. |
There | to hide | he put it, and | again | ahead of | he ran for them. |
[ω] | hinûⁿb[-] | sak’íṇa | uwañk‘iri[>] | higigûⁿ |
Žigé | hinųbᵉra | Sak’ína | uwąk’irigają, | higigų |
[Again] | [the next time] | [the Warbundle Bearer] | [as he came along,] | [now] |
hohób[ρ] | gisak[2] | [ω] | higûⁿ |
hohóbanąga | gisakše. | Žigé | higų |
[he whooped, and] | [he knocked him down.] | [Again] | [immediately] |
p‘ara | waⁿcíj[ρ] | jigé | giasế | [β] |
p’ara | wąšížanąga | žige | giasé. | Éja |
[the head] | [he broke it off, and] | [again] | [he ran away.] | [There] |
[ω] | nûñxáwaⁿ | p‘ara | konôñkcê | [α] | [ω] | tcowera |
Žigé | nųxáwą | p’ara | k’onǫkše. | Égi | žigé | cowera |
[again] | [to hide] | [the head] | [he placed.] | [And] | [again] | [ahead of] |
honûⁿwáñk[2] | jigídanina | sak’iṇa |
honųwą́kše. | Žigítanina | Sak’ina |
[he ran.] | [There for the third time] | [the Warbundle Bearer] |
uwañk‘iri[>] | jigigûⁿ | hohób[ρ] | tcacé[-] |
uwąk’irigają, | žigigų | hohóbanąga | cašéra |
[as he came along,] | [then again] | [he whooped, and] | [the neck] |
waⁿcíj[ρ] | hanîñgiasê | [β] | nûñxawaⁿ | k‘ônôg[ρ] |
wąšížanąga | hanįgiase. | Éja | nųxawą | k’onoganąga |
[he broke it off, and] | he ran away. | [There] | [to hide] | [he put, and] |
jigígûⁿ | tcowé[-] | nûⁿwáñkcê | [β] | [ω] | hidjób[-] |
žigígų | cowéra | nųwą́kše. | Éja | žigé | hijóbᵉra |
[then again] | [ahead of] | [he ran.] | [There] | [again] | [the fourth time] |
sak’íṇa | jige | t’éhijê | de | [τ] |
Sak’ína | žige | t’éhiže. | Te | žegų |
[the Warbundle Bearer] | [again] | [he killed.] | [That one] | [thus] |
Winnebago III, #17: 8* —
ûⁿdjire[γ] | sak’iṇa | haruwoñk | t’ehi[>´] |
ųjiregają, | Sak’ina | haruwǫk | t’ehigáją, |
as he kept on, | [Warbundle Bearers] | eight | he killed, and |
*the following unattached note occurs at the top of page 8: "sak’ína = generally nephews. Leader is in the middle."
[α] | haⁿp | ragu[2´] | [α] | naⁿmaⁿtcéra | hanáⁿtc |
égi | hąp | ragužé. | Égi | nąmącéra | haną́c |
[then] | [sun] | it appeared. | [Here] | the warclubs | [all of them] |
hirarús | naⁿsú[⨪]a | wani[ρ] | [α] | hotcira |
hirarús, | nąsúnąka | wanianąga | égi | hocira |
[he took,] | the heads | he had, and | [then] | the camp |
tcagíwe[2] | hotcinihega | [β] | k’iri[γ] | [β] |
cagíweže. | Hocinihega, | éja | k’irigają, | éja |
he went back towards. | Where he camped, | [there] | [when he returned,] | [there] |
nañgᴇnaⁿsura | wap‘i-ŭ[ρ´] | [α] | nîñkjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] | wawok‘arakit’é[2] |
nągᵉnąsura | wap’i’uánąga | égi | nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra | wawok’arakit’éže, |
heads | he fixed, and | [then] | [children] | he talked to them, |
nîñkjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇]ga[ɕ]wina | waizaraji | p‘î́ñ[ɕ] | hiná |
"Nįkjǫgᵉnįgaxjįwina, | waizaraži | p’į́xjį | hiną́ |
[My dear children,] | [your limbs in any case] | [certainly good] | [enough] |
nîñkaragiwi | [·נ] | haⁿp‘ | hinúsgê | [ε] | hi-únirawiga |
nįkaragiwi | nunige | hąp | hinúsge," | ésge | hi’únirawiga |
that I did, | but | [day] | it came on me, | [and so] | your mother |
[ϕ] | wak‘araik‘-cêni[|] | wigế[2] | [α] | [X] | wani[β´] |
hąké | wak’araik’šeniną," | wigéže. | Égi | wąk | waniéja |
[not] | I did not get," | [he told them.] | [Then] | [man] | his people |
howák‘ere[2] | acgê | gi[γ] | [β] | tciro |
howák’ereže. | Ašge | gigiži, | éja | ciro |
he started for. | [Near] | [when he got back,] | [there] | village |
acgê | hagi | wañgᴇnásura | hik‘ídjarê | waju[ρ´] |
ašge | hagi | wągᵉnásura | hik’íjare | wažuánąga |
[near] | [there] | [human heads] | in a row | [he put, and] |
[α] | naⁿmaⁿtcê | djasgê | wanínîñgi | wawip‘erêznôk‘ê |
égi | nąmące | jasge | wanínįgi | wawip’ereznoke |
[and] | [warclub] | how each | they belonged to | that he knew of |
hidja | hik‘ídjaíⁿdja | wawagit’ûⁿp[2] | [α] | hok‘awazak‘irigi |
hija | hik’ijaį́ja | wawagit’ųpše. | Égi | hok’awazak’irigi |
[there] | by the side | [he put them.] | [And] | when it became dark |
hi-andjera | hotcíra | tcagíwe[2] | haⁿhé | s’i[>´] |
hi’ąjᵉra | hocíra | cagíweže. | Hąhé | s’igáją, |
[the father] | [the camp] | [he came towards.] | Night | when it was late |
pedj[-] | hadozire[>] | gigíji | hominañks’agí |
pejᵉra | hataziregają, | gigíži. | Hominąks’agi, |
[the fire] | when it was dying out, | he got there. | Where he used to sit, |
Winnebago III, #17: 9 —
[β] | hagí | p‘iⁿhî́[ɕ] | minañk[2] | c’agwahíra | dêê |
éja | hagí | p’įhíxjį | minąkše. | Š’agwahíra | tee |
[there] | [there] | very carefully | he sat down. | [The parents] | [those] |
nanañk‘iji | nandjú[-] | hiru-ế | ju-[ρ´] | hicdja[-´] |
nanąk’iži. | Nąjúra | hiru’é | žuánąga | hišjará |
they were asleep. | The hair* | in braids | he put, and | his face |
*literally, "the heads."
säp‘ | k’aragi[ρ´] | [β] | mi[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]’ûⁿ |
sap | k’aragiánąga | éja | minągᵉnąk’ų |
to blacken | [he was making it for himself, and] | [there] | he sat down. |
wañgᴇnúnîñgoñk‘a | hik‘îⁿ | k‘inîp[2] | woruγoγû́tc[>] | dêê |
Wągᵉnúnįgǫk’a | hik’į | k’inipše. | Woruǧoǧúcgają, | tee |
[That old man] | he awoke | he became. | [He glanced about, and] | [that one] |
wañgí[2] | enîñg[-] | homináñks’agi | [β] | k‘ik‘arasêp‘[ρ´] |
wągíže. | Enįgᵉra | hominą́ks’agi, | éja | k’ik’arasep’ánąga |
[he found.] | His son | the place he used to occupy, | [there] | he's blackened, and |
minañge[⨪][2] | giwé[2] | dok‘ếnîñg[-] | wañgi[9] | hinîñgihira |
minągᵉnąkše. | Giwéže, | "Tok’énįgᵉra, | wągižą | hinįgihira |
[he was seated.] | He said to her, | "My wife, | a man | our son |
hominốñg[β] | hadji | minôñgᴇ[⨪]k‘acgê | hinîñgihira | wa-unañk‘uni |
hominǫ́geja | haji | minǫgᵉnąk’ašge | hinįgihira | wa’unąk’uni, |
in his seat | [there] | sitting, and | my son | it must be, |
hirế-wahinaⁿ | pedjᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] | howak‘ak‘arê | e[2] |
hiréwahiną. | Pejᵉnįgᵉra | howak’ak’are," | eže. |
that way it seems.* | [Little fire] | fix it," | [he said.] |
*this is written above they think it is.
wañgᴇnúnîñgôñk‘a | pedj[-] | howak‘á[>] | hodajadjidjégi |
Wągᵉnúnįgǫka | pejᵉra | howak’ágają, | hotažajijégi, |
[That old man] | [the fire] | [when he fixed it,] | when it became light, |
wañgᴇ[⨪]a | horozodjire[>] | dêê | hinîñkhirera | wa-únañkcê |
wągᵉnąka | horožojiregają, | tee | hinįkhirera | wa’únąkše. |
[that man] | when they looked at, | [that one] | [their son] | [it must be.] |
[α] | djasgá | [ᴗ̇][-] | hiperếzire[2] | [α] | wañgᴇnú[ᴗ̇]ᴇ[⨪]a |
Égi | jasgá | nįgᵉra | hiperézireže. | Égi | wągᵉnúnįgᵉnąka |
[And] | [how] | [little] | [they knew.] | Then | that old man |
Winnebago III, #17: 10 —
wé[2] | djaha | hinîñká[ɕ] | djagu | jigế | dégi | hak‘iric’uⁿcánañk[2] |
wéže, | "Jaha | hinįkáxjį, | jagú | žigé | tégi | hak’iriš’ųšánąkše," |
he said, | ["Exclamation] | [my son,] | [what] | [again] | [here] | that brings you?" |
é[2] | e[>´]* | hinîñk‘ía[⨪]a | wé[2] | wonaγire† | wa[9] |
éže. | Egáją, | hinįk’íranąka | wéže, | "Wonaǧire | wažą |
[he said.] | [After he said this,] | the son | [he said,] | "Warfare | [thing] |
*wañk‘ra occurs right after this word.
†a number of letters following on this word have been scribbled out.
wanide[>´] | tcirá | hamaîñgini[ρ´] | hoxdjainônegi |
wanitegáją, | cirá | hamaįginiánąga | hoxjainonegi |
when I went hunting, | my lodge | they came upon, and | in the [evening] |
hāk‘iri[>´] | dêế | tcicura | naⁿî́ñgit’ap | nañk‘ûⁿ |
hak’irigáją, | teé | cišura | nąįgit’ap | nąk’ų |
[when] I [came back,] | [that] | [the lodge poles] | [upright ?]* | [when] |
*this seems to be from, ną, "wood"; higi, "here, in its place"; and t’ap, "to be arranged."
hak‘irínaⁿ | nîñkdjốñg[-] | t’e | waigigir[ρ] | [α] |
hak’iríną. | Nįkjǫ́gᵉra | t’e | waigigiranąga | égi |
[I came back.] | The children | to kill | [they did for me, and] | [then] |
tcawⁿhara | hinihaniañkaraíre[|] | naⁿtcgé[-] | hiⁿdegᴇ | [·נ] |
cawįhara | hinihaniąkaraíreną. | Nąkgéra | hįtege, | nunige |
my wife | they took prisoner. | [My heart] | [ached,] | but |
nîñkjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] | p‘îñ[ɕ] | warutc | wāk‘aragi[ρ´] | [α] | nîñge |
nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra | p’įxjį | waruc | wāk’aragiánąga | égi | nįge |
[the children] | [very good] | [food] | I [made, and] | [then] | [place] |
wakarat’ûⁿb[ρ] | djasgế | wagigikdjôné[-] | wāgidag[ρ´] |
wakarat’ųbanąga | jasgé | wagigikjonéra | wāgitagánąga |
I put them away, and | [what] | I was going to do for them | I told them, and |
[α] | wadúxa | de[-] | sak’íṇa | haruwáñk |
égi | watúxa | tera | Sak’ína | haruwą́k |
[then] | I went after | [going for] | [the Warbundle Bearers] | eight |
Winnebago IV, #8b: 1055 —
t’ehá[>] | [α] | hitcok‘éhihiwira | haγephugế* | wagiducdjánaⁿ |
t’ehágáją, | égi | Hicok’éhihiwira | haǧephugé, | wagitušjaną. |
I killed, and | [then] | Our Grandfather | when he appeared, | I quit. |
*the second /h/ is inserted by a caret.
[α] | tci[β] | wanihak’iri[ρ]* | [β] | wap‘î́aⁿŭ[ρ´] |
Égi | cieja | wanihak’irianąga | éja | wap’íąuánąga |
[Then] | [to the lodge] | I brought them back, and | [there] | I fixed them, and |
*after the first /i/, an /ñ/ is crossed out.
[α] | nîñkdjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇][-] | wawágidak[ɜ] | waizanîñg[-] |
égi | nįkjǫgᵉnįgᵉra | wawágitakšaną. | Waizanįgᵉra |
[then] | [the children] | I told for them something. | [Their little limbs] |
hinấ | wak‘aragi[ρ´] | p‘îñ[ɕ] | maninekdjônéra | [α] |
hiną́ | wak’aragiánąga | p’įxjį | maninekjonéra. | Égi |
[enough] | I made, and | [certainly well] | they'll travel. | [And] |
Winnebago III, #17: 11 —
naⁿsú[⨪]a | wanihak‘iri[-] | naⁿmaⁿtcera | hirárus |
nąsúnąka | wanihak’irira, | nąmącera | hirárus, |
[these heads] | I brought them home, | the warclubs | with them, |
[α] | tcinañgitcedje[ᴗ´] | hak‘íri | hik‘ídjarê | wākônôg[ρ´] |
égi | cinągicejerégi | hak’íri | hik’íjare | wāk’onogánąga |
here | near the village | there | in a row | I placed them, and |
naⁿmaⁿtce[-] | djasgế[ɜ] | hirarús | hire[-´] | hedjá |
nąmącera | jasgéšana | hirarús | hirerá. | Hejá |
the warclubs | [just what] | to belong to each | they did. | [On top] |
wagit’û́ⁿp[ɜ] | é[2] | wañgᴇ[⨪]a[|] | hinîñk‘a[ɕ] | wañgᴇnúnîñgᴇ[⨪]a |
wagit’ų́pšaną," | éže, | wągᵉnąkaną. | "Hinįk’axjį," | wągᵉnúnįgᵉnąka |
[I placed them,]" | [he said,] | the man. | "My son," | [the old man] |
é[2] | hisgếdja | p‘iⁿ | nîñkjốñgᴇnîñg[-] | warakaragi[ρ´] | [α] |
éže, | "Hisgéja | p’į | nįkjǫ́gᵉnįgᵉra | warakaragiánąga | égi |
he said, | ["In truth] | good | the children | you did further, and | [and] |
[X]wanínina | [ω] | p‘iiñ[ɕ] | wawaragic’ú[|] | naⁿsú | p‘îiñ[ɕ] |
wąkwanínina | žigé | p’įxjį | wawaragiš’úną. | Nąsú | p’įxjį |
your people | [again] | [very good] | you've done for. | Heads | nice |
waragacînirak‘irira | e | cgatc | p‘îiñ[ɕ] | u-iṇ[ρ´] |
waragašinirak’irira. | E | šgac | p’įxjį | u’iránąga |
you've brought for them. | [They] | fun | [very good] | they would do, and |
tcowë́dja | nîñk‘arak‘ốnôk‘ | hire[·|´][|] | de[λ] | wāgegê |
cowéja | nįk’arak’ónok | hirekjanéną. | Težesge | wāgege |
[in front] | they'll place you | they'll do. | [Just this way] | I want |
hidadjê | wa’uṇê | hinîñgêcanu[|] | nîñxônuṇégi |
hitajé, | wa’une | hinįgešanuną, | nįxnunégi. |
[to be rich,] | [for that reason] | I used to say to you, | when you were small. |
deë́cgê | wocgaⁿ | p‘îñ[ɕ][9] | rāk‘icuruxúrûk[ɜ] | wanaⁿî́ⁿ |
Teéšge | wošgą | p’įxjįžą | rāk’išuruxúrukšaną. | Wanąį́ |
[Even this] | [deed] | [a very good one] | [you have surpassed yourself.] | [My mind] |
ciñgip‘îñxdjîñgê | hicgê | hidjórôk‘ᴇnîñk‘cgê | hacgaitcane[|] | wahá[⨪]rê |
šįgip’įxjįge. | Hišge | hijórokenįk’šge | hašgaicaneną, | wahánągᵉre," |
it feels good. | Myself | with them | I will play to, | I myself am saying," |
Winnebago III, #17: 12 —
e[2´] | wañgᴇnu[ᴗ̇][⨪]a. | [α] | hainîñgí | haⁿbakirigi | widjádjadjere |
ežé, | wągᵉnunįgᵉnąka. | Égi, | "Hainįgí | hąbakirigi, | wijájajere |
[he said,] | [the old man.] | [And,] | ["Tomorrow] | [at first light,] | the messenger |
tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]a | hogigîñγᴇre[2] | djagú | wañgí[2] | ûñk‘írigi |
cinągᵉnąka | hogigįǧereže. | Jagú | wągížą | ųk’írigi, |
[this village] | he will go around. | [What] | [a man] | he had returned and done, |
hidjadjajê | nañxgú-uⁿṇegî | hitcáwaⁿwahira | etconî́[ɕ] | hidja |
hijajaže." | Nąxgú’ųnegi, | hicáwąwahira | econíxjį | hija |
he'll announce." | When they heard, | the brothers-in-law | [first] | [there] |
hahírejê | ne | wañgo[⨪´]wiṇekdjawîgê | [λ] |
hahíreže. | "Ne | wągoną́gwinekjawige, | žesge, |
they went. | "We | we want to be the first to hit them (count coup) | [that way,] |
hitcawaⁿha[ɕ] | [λ][ᴗ̇]* | hirak‘ipônôwi[|] | k‘unuga | é[2] |
hicawąhaxjį | žesge[...] | hirak’iponowiną," | K’unuga | éže. |
[my brother-in-law] | [that kind] | we seek for," | [the eldest] | [he said.] |
*it is not clear what the second symbol is.
[ε] | wañgᴇ[⨪]a | wawogírag[ρ] | hatcîndja | naⁿsúra | nañk‘íji |
Ésge | wągᵉnąka | wawogíraganąga, | hacįja | nąsúra | nąk’íži |
[So] | [that man] | he told them, and | [where] | the heads | [they were] |
wogírag[ρ] | etcóni | wakdjêrekdjếgê | [α] | gip‘îñ[ɕ´]ṇe[2] |
wogíraganąga | ecóni | wakjerekjége, | égi | gip’įxjį́neže. |
[he told them, and] | [first] | so they'll be the coups, | [and] | [they liked it very much.] |
wagi-ínaⁿbire[2] | hitcawaⁿhírera | [α] | stoi[ᴗ] | wañk |
Wagi’ínąbireže, | hicawąhírera. | Égi | stoiregi, | wąk |
[They thanked him,] | [their brother-in-law.] | [Then] | [they gathered together] | [men] |
naⁿmáⁿtcê | hawa-añk‘ip‘í[|] | dj[ρ´] | wañgᴇnunîñgᴇracgê |
nąmą́ce | hawa’ąk’ip’íną, | jánąga. | Wągᵉnunįgᵉrašge |
warclub | those who could handle | [as many as there were.] | [The old man] |
nañgᴇ[ᴗ̇] | ruxúrûg[-] | hiregî́ | hanáⁿtc | cgaⁿ | wahíre[2] | wañgᴇnaⁿsu[⨪]a |
nągenįk | ruxúrugᵉra | hiregí. | Haną́c | šgą* | wahíreže. | Wągᵉnąsunąka |
to run a little | [being able] | [he thought.] | [All] | to start for | they did it. | [Those human heads] |
*The following unattached note at the bottom of the page seems to apply here: "cgaⁿ - start very suddenly."
hahiwi | érêgi | wañgᴇ[⨪]a | hitcáwaⁿwahí[-] | étconi | wi-érêgi |
Hahiwi | éregi, | wągᵉnąka | hicáwąwahíra | éconi | wi’éregi, |
to find | when they did, | [those men] | [brothers-in-law] | [first] | when they found them, |
Winnebago III, #17: 13 —
[ε] | etconi | wañgonañgire[2] | [X][-] | hinaⁿγíⁿ[ᴗ] | hanaⁿtc |
ésge | econi | wągonągireže. | Wągᵉra | hinąǧį́regi, | hanac |
[and so] | [first] | [they counted coup.] | [The men,] | when they kept coming, | [all] |
wak‘araxér[ρ] | wak‘icaríre[2] | gâré[9] | hanaⁿtc | wakdjérêgi |
wak’araxéranąga | wak’išaraíreže. | Garéžą,* | haną́c | wakjéregi, |
they gave a whoop, and | they scrambled to hit them. | [Finally,] | [all] | [the coups,] |
*this appears to be a back formation from hagaréžą.
wañgᴇnáⁿsu[-] | waniañk‘arair[ρ] | wonaγihotci[β] |
wągᵉną́sura, | waniąk’arairanąga | wonaǧirocieja |
human heads, | they took them along, and | the warfare tent [= the War Lodge] |
waniañgí[ᴗ] | [β] | p‘iⁿhí | wakdjê-wacíre[2] | hanandj |
waniągiregi, | éja | p’įhí | wakjewašíreže. | Hanąc |
when they brought them, | [there] | [meticulously] | [they did the Victory Dance.] | All |
wá[⨪][2] | wañg[-´] | wak‘aⁿtcañk | wa’ûñgádjaⁿ | á[⨪][2] |
wánąkše, | "Wągᵉrá | wak’ącąk | wa’ųgáją," | ánąkše. |
[they were saying,] | "The man | holy thing | he has done," | they were saying. |
hagágâre[9] | wací[-] | rucdjaíˆⁿ[ᴗ] | wañgᴇ[⨪]a | [ω] | p‘iⁿhí |
Hagágarežą, | wašíra | rušjaį́regi, | wągᵉnąka | žigé | p’įhí |
[Finally,] | the dance | when it was over, | the man | [again] | [meticulously] |
ûñxî́niṇa | hiwajajê | [α] | [τ] | haⁿdaginaⁿdjnihégi | hagâré[9] |
ųxínina | hiwažaže, | égi | žegų | hątaginąjᵉnihégi. | Hagaréžą, |
charcoal | he rubbed in, | [and] | [then] | he fasted. | [Finally,] |
kerêp‘ônô jobốhañ[ɕ][>] | naⁿjî́ⁿkdjônê | e[γ´] | hitcáⁿwaⁿwahira |
kerep’ono jobóhąxjįgają, | nąžįkjone, | egiži, | hicą́wąwahira |
[when it was about forty,] | he was going, | [he said, and] | [his brothers-in-law] |
tca | t’egigir[ρ] | wagigójê | [α] | wé[2] |
ca | t’egigiranąga | wagigóže. | Égi | wéže, |
[deer] | they killed for him, and | they had a feast. | [And] | [he said,] |
hotcîntcî́ñxdjiⁿwi[|] | [α] | hicgế | woráγirê | hiruk‘onoṇa |
"Hocincį́xjįwina, | égi | hišgé | woráǧire | hiruk’onona |
"You young men, | [here] | [also] | [War] | [Controllers] |
nañgᴇrê | naⁿdjûⁿdjánîñk | hiregúni | yak‘irecanúnaⁿ |
nągᵉre, | nąjųjánįk, | hiregúni. | Yak’érešanúną. |
that are, | a little they blessed me, | they must have. | [I am going back.] |
[ε] | hitcaⁿwiⁿhara | hak‘arak‘u | de[·|´][-] | djasgế | tcinôgᴇ[⨪]a |
Ésge, | hicąwįhara | hak’arak’u | tekjanéra. | Jasgé | cinogenąka |
[Therefore,] | my wife | I'm going after | [I shall be going.] | [What] | [that village] |
Winnebago III, #17: 14 —
hagigikdjegi | yakárap‘eres | náⁿîñgê | [ε] | wa-’uranihénaⁿ. |
hagigikjega, | yakáraperes | ną́įge, | ésge | wa’uranihéną. |
that I'm going to do to it, | [I myself to know] | as I was trying, | [that's why] | I was doing this (fasting). |
hak‘áraginaⁿtc | hanihárê | [α] | dj[ρ´] | manîñkdjônárê |
Hak’áraginąc | haniháre, | égi | jánąga | manįkjonáre. |
I fasted | that I've been doing, | [and] | [as many as there are,] | that much I'm going to make.* |
*this meaning is unclear. The word manį means, "to walk."
hiroícanaiñkdjônáwîgi, | hirucdjáⁿ | rak‘aⁿwî́gi | k‘igấra | curucdjáⁿwîgi |
Hiroíšanaįkjonáwigi, | hirušją́ | rak’ąwį́gi | k’igára | šurušją́wigi, |
Who'll follow me, | get ready | if you make yourself, | feasting | when you're through, |
hainîñgi | tcok‘é[ᴗ̇]hihiwí[-] | haγếpgugi | [α] | dj[ρ´] |
hainįgi | cok’énįkhihiwíra | haǧépgugi, | égi | jánąga |
[tomorrow] | Our Grandfather | when he appears, | [here] | [as many as] |
maⁿcî́nîñkdjawîgi | hanáⁿtc | xê-ágᴇrê | sanî́ñgᴇ[ᴗ] | xadáp |
mąšínįkjàwigi, | haną́c | xeágᵉre | sanį́geregi | xatáp |
that are gone to march, | [all] | this hill | [over on the side] | brush |
hip‘aídja | [β] | hisdowi[ρ] | [α] | hiⁿdjik‘erekdjônáwi[|] |
hip’aíja | éja | histowianąga | égi | hįjik’erekjonáwiną," |
near | [there] | we gather, and | here | we'll start," |
wigế[2] | hanáⁿtc | [β] | sdoí[ᴗ] | hitcawaⁿwahiracgê |
wigéže. | Haną́c | éja | stoíregi, | hicawąwahirašge |
[he told them.] | [All] | [there] | when they gathered, | [his brothers-in-law] |
hanáⁿtc | hidjorók‘ | hiranihe[2] | [α] | hadji-ak‘araí[ᴗ] |
haną́c | hijorók | hiraniheže. | Égi | hajiak’araíregi, |
[all] | [to attend] | they were. | [And] | when they started, |
haⁿpséretc | û-îⁿṇe[2] | hahí | óxdjana[γ´] | [β] |
hąpsérec | uįneže. | Hahi, | óxjanagiži,* | éja |
all day | they did. | [Finally,] | [early (in the evening),] | [there] |
*an initial /h/ has been dropped from external sandhi.
hahí | giγára | t’ûⁿbire[2] | haiⁿserêtc |
hahí | giǧára | t’ųbireže. | Haįserec |
[he arrived] | he marked the camp | [they laid it horizontally.] | [All night] |
hodá | wañgwacocé[⨪]a | wok‘arak‘arak‘ | hiránihe[2] | ho-úⁿṇa |
hotá | wągwašošénąka | wok’arak’arak | hirániheže. | Ho’ų́na |
[remainder] | those warriors | to tell stories | [they were.] | Doing |
Winnebago III, #17: 15 —
[λ]gêdjî́ni | [ϕ] | nainsgaírenis’a[2] | dotcaíⁿdja | [α] |
žesgegejíni, | hąké | nainsgaírenis’aže, | tocaį́ja. | Égi |
it is [that way,] | [not] | they would not sleep, | [on the warpath.] | [Then] |
haⁿbᴇra | gugiji | hainiṇégi | [ω] | hadjiakaraíre[2] |
hąbᵉra | gugiži, | haininegi, | žigé | hajiakaraíreže. |
[the day] | it came, and | the next morning, | again | [they went back.] |
de[τ] | u-iⁿṇánihe[2] | [α] | hidjobốhôⁿṇa | hahí |
Težegų | u’įnániheže. | Égi | hijobóhǫna | hahí |
[Thus] | [they did.] | [And] | the fourth | [there] |
giγat’ûⁿbi[ᴗ] | [α] | wañkdjega | watcojú[-] |
giǧat’ųbiregi, | égi | wąkjega, | wacožúra, |
[when he marked the camp out,] | [then] | the man, | the leader, |
wé[2] | [α] | hotcîntcî́n[ɕ]wiṇa | [α] | hiro-ácgê | heré[|] |
wéže, | "Égi | hocįcį́xjįwina, | égi | hiroášge | heréną, |
he said, | ["And] | you young men, | [here] | near | [it is,] |
hîⁿ-wagi-ûⁿhinawira* | [ε] | ne | haⁿhé | dêê |
hįwagi’ųhinawira, | ésge | ne | hąhé | tee |
the place we're going to, | [therefore,] | I myself | [night] | [this] |
* hîⁿ is written above the line.
wak‘araícdja | de[·|´][|] | wigế[2] | [ρ´] | djik‘ere[2] |
wak’araíšja, | tekjanéną," | wigéže. | Hánąga | jik’ereže. |
I'm going to spy, | [I'm going to go,"] | [he told them.] | [And] | he started. |
sagᴇrê-únihegi | haⁿhé | s’i[>] | tcinôñgᴇra | hirahígi |
Sagᵉre-únihegi | hąhé | s’igają | cinǫgᵉra | hirahígi, |
[As] he went [swiftly,] | [night] | [late] | [the village] | when he came to, |
tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]a | hanaⁿtc | nāⁿ | wahí[2] | [α] | hatcî́ndja |
cinągᵉnąka | haną́c | ną | wahíže. | Égi | hacį́ja |
[that village] | [whole] | to sleep | he made them. | [And] | [wherever] |
hûñgotci[-] | here[γ´] | [β] | hi[>] | dêế |
hųgᵉcira | heregają́ | éja | higają, | teé |
the chief's tent | [it was] | [there] | [when he arrived,] | [that one] |
Winnebago IV, #8b: 1056 —
hitcáwiṇa | [β][⨪][2] | [α] | hûñkarakit’e[2] | niṇa aíⁿpdjegi* | |
hicáwina | ejanąkše. | Égi | hųkarákit’eže, | "Ni | na’į́kjegi, |
[his wife] | [she was there.] | [Here] | he spoke to her, | "To live | if you want, |
*this should be, ni na-íⁿkdjegi.
warak‘ínûⁿb[-] | wak‘arahazadjê | de ëji | wak‘izá[-][ɜ] |
warak’ínųbᵉra | wak’arahazaje, | teëži | wak’izárašana |
your brothers | go to them, | [but I] | I am fighting them alone |
ha’ûñkdjônegề | wahé[|] | [α]* | wahes’aharê | hatcî́ndjaga |
ha’ųkjonegé, | wahéną. | Égi | wahes’ahare | hacį́jaga |
I'm going to do, | I [am saying it.] | [Then] | I used to say | wherever it is |
* tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]rê is written just before this symbol.
Winnebago III, #17: 16 —
hanî́na | hak‘araí[ᴗ] | djasgégi | hanîñk‘u | hahináⁿ[2] | hihes’áharê |
hanína | hak’araíregi, | jasgégi | hanįk’u | hahiną́že. | Hihes’áhare |
there | if they'd take you, | [but] | to come after you | I would do. | [I used to say] |
gu-αrédjaⁿ* | hanik‘úhu | [·נ] | worohaⁿ[ɕ]gếdjîni | haruwañkí[-] |
guąréją | hanik’úhu, | nunige | worohągéjini | haruwąkíra |
at that very time | I came after you, | but | a large lot of them | eight only |
*this alpha (α) seems to represent a letter: cf. guą, "as soon as."
t’eha[>´] | [α] | haⁿbak‘inigếdjini | [ϕ] | wanî́ñkaracêninaⁿ |
t’ehagáją, | égi | hąbak’inigéjini, | hąké | wanį́karašéniną. |
[I killed, and] | [then] | it became day, | [not] | I did not take you away from them. |
niñkdjôñgᴇ[ᴗ̇] | hiwahína | gip‘îñ[ɕ] | waíza[ᴗ̇][-] | hiná | wāh[ρ] |
Nįkjǫgᵉnįk | hiwanína | gip’įxjį | waízanįgᵉra | hiną́ | wāhanąga |
[Children] | ours | it is very good | [the limbs] | [enough] | I [am saying, and] |
[α] | hitcidowaragácgê | p‘îñ[ɕ´] | wakdjére[|] | [α] |
égi | hicitowaragášge | p’įxjį́ | wakjéreną. | Égi |
[and] | your older brothers | [very well] | they were counting coup. | [And] |
jedjû́ñga | haniñk‘árak‘u | hadjigếdjôni | wa-’uaⁿdjí[-] | tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]re |
žejų́ga | hanįk’árak’u | hajigéjoni | wa’uąjira. | Cinągᵉnągᵉre |
[and then] | I came after you | I came | I am [doing it.] | [This village] |
hanaⁿtc | wonáγire hiruk‘ốnanâ | hûñk‘úiṇegêdjîni | [ε] |
hanąc | Wonáǧire Hiruk’ónana | hųk’úinegejini. | Ésge |
[all] | [the War Controllers] | they gave to me. | [And so] |
hainîgi | winîñgᴇraγếp hu[γ´] | [α] | wat’aiⁿpedjônáwi[|] |
hainigi | winįgᵉraǧéphugają, | égi | wat’aįpejónawiną. |
[in the morning] | when sun appears, | [then] | we'll make for them. |
warak‘inûⁿb[-] | hanáⁿtc | hiñkižuhajíre[|] | [ε] | [ϕ] |
Warak’inųbᵉra | haną́c | hįkižuhajíreną. | Ésge | hąké |
[Your brothers] | [all] | they came with me. | [So] | [not] |
wanîñk‘áwani[ρ´] | horog[β´] | howaír[ρ]* | warak‘ínûb[-] |
wanįkáwaniánąga | horogéja | howaíranąga | warak’ínųbᵉra |
to be afraid of them, and | in midst | you go into, and | [your brothers] |
*ho[|]ir[ρ] is written just before this word.
wawaragekdjé[|] | ni-aⁿaiⁿpdjénaⁿ* | tcidowi[-´] | hicëkdjé |
wawaragekjéną, | "Ni na’įkjéną, | cítowirá," | hišekjé. |
you must say to them, | "I want to live, | my [brothers,]" | you must say. |
*this should have been ni na-iⁿkdjénaⁿ.
Winnebago III, #17: 17 —
[α] | wawagidaikdjonégê | hiperêzirekdjôné[|] | djasgê ho-úṇa | rakdjônéra |
Égi | wawagitaikjonége, | hiperézirekjonéną, | jasge ho’úna | rakjonéra. |
[And] | I'm going to tell them, | [I would know,] | the way | you'll be. |
[ϕ] | nañγíra | ni-[ρ] | djasgế | hihádjana | [λ] | ragíji |
Hąké | nąǧira | nianąga | jasgé | hihájaną. | Žesge | ragíži, |
[Not] | [the ghosts] | to be afraid, and | [what] | [I say] | [that way] | [you do, and] |
[ϕ] | cdjanîñ[·|´][|] | he [λ] ranîñgí. | [β] | wanîñgi u-îṇe[·|´][|] |
hąké | šjanįkjanéną. | He žesge ranįgí, | éja | wanįgi u’inekdjeną, |
[not] | you would not die. | If you do it, | [there] | they'll make you |
hidadjế | wa-ûñgế | ruxurû[>] | higê[2´] |
hitajé. | Wa’ųgé | ruxurugają," | higežé. |
[to be free.] | You'll do it, and | accomplish it," | [he said to her.] |
[α] | gu[γ´] | k‘iri[γ´] | wañg[-´] | wawokaragirakcê | djasgê |
Égi | gugíži, | k’irigíži, | wągᵉrá | wawokaragirakše, | jasge |
[And] | when he came, | when he returned, | the men | he told them | [how] |
tci[⨪]ᴇ[⨪]a | nañkíji | p‘îñ[ɕ][⨪][2] | [ϕ] | idjik‘iperêgᴇni[⨪][2´] |
cinągᵉnąka | nąkíži, | p’įxjįnąkše. | Hąké | ijik’iperegeninąkšé. |
[that village] | [as it was,] | it was well. | [Not] | they did not know anything about it. |
wat’ehip‘îñ[ɕ] | hi-ûñkdjônáwi[|] | wigế[2] | [α] | hitcawiṇa* |
"Wat’ehipįxjį | hi’ųkjonáwiną," | wigéže. | Égi | hicawina |
"Good killing | we'll do," | [he said.] | [And] | [his wife] |
*hînû́ñkdjen is written just before this word.
wak‘inûⁿb[-] | wawogírak[2] | hinûñktcábire[-] | djasgê | hi[·|]djê |
wak’inųbᵉra | wawogírakše, | hinųkcábirera | jasge | hinąkje, |
[her brothers] | he told them, | [their sister] | [what] | she [was going to do,] |
ë | húñk‘et’ehiranîñkdjegê | witcûⁿt’îⁿ[ɕ] | wogírakcê | hak‘aráni |
e | hų́k’et’ehiranįkjege, | wicųt’įxjį | wogírakše. | "Hak’aráni |
so | they won't kill her, | he made it clear to them, | [he told it to them.] | ["To take care of her] |
ûⁿnihawi-ádjê | wigế[2] | dê-ë́ji | wāk‘ízakdjônégê | wahé[|] |
ųnihawiáje," | wigéže. | "Teéži | wāk’ízakjonége, | waheną," |
keep her along with you," | [he said.] | ["But these] | I'm going to fight, | [I say it,"] |
wigé[2] | [α] | wé[2] | hotcîntcîñxdjîⁿwina | hirucdjáⁿ k‘îⁿwiñgê |
wigéže. | Égi | wéže, | hocįcį́xjįwina, | hirušją́ k’įwį́ge. |
[he said.] | [And] | [he said,] | ["You, our young men,] | get yourselves ready. |
Winnebago III, #17: 18 —
hainî[ɕ][ᴗ̇] | here[·|´][|] | wigếjê | higˆ¨ⁿ | hokáwas |
Hainixjįnįk | herekjanéną," | wigéže. | "Higų | hokáwas |
[Early in the morning] | [it will be,]" | [he said.] | ["Still] | [darkness] |
djerégi | haⁿpgú[γ´] | hîndjikếrê-kdjônáwi[|] |
jerégi, | hąpgúgíži, | hinjikérekjonéwiną. |
[while it stands,] | when it gets light enough, | we'll [go] about. |
hidadjế wa-ûⁿ | wâñgê | p‘îñ[ɕ] | wat’éhi | naⁿî́ⁿwi-andjê | [α] |
Hitajé wa’ų. | Wąge | p’įxjį | wat’éhi | nąį́wiąje, | égi |
[It is rich in everything.] | [Men] | [very good] | [killing] | we try it, | [and] |
[ϕ] | wocgátc wini-áⁿdjê | hanáⁿtc | woik‘ûⁿhira |
hąké | wošgác winią́je. | Haną́c | woik’ųhera, |
[not] | do not mutilate more than you have to.* | [All] | they gave them to me, |
*wošgác comes from wa-ho-šgac. Hošgac means, "to play with, to abuse, to torture." Clearly in this context it refers to playing around (šgac), the idea being to dispatch the enemy quickly and efficiently rather than abusing those who have been caught unawares and even unarmed.
[·נ.] | p‘iⁿṇadjế | ûⁿwi-áⁿdjê | ë | hitcók‘êhiwahíwira | gip‘iⁿṇe[·|´][|] |
nunige | p’įnajé | ųwią́je, | e | hicók’ehiwahíwira | gip’įnekjanéną," |
but | [be careful] | do, | [so] | our grandfathers | they'll like it," |
wigế[2] | [α] | haⁿpgú[ᴗ] | hadjiak‘araí[ᴗ] | wi[-] | haγếp hu[>] |
wigéže. | Égi | hąpgúregi, | hajįk’araíregi, | wira | haǧéphugają, |
[he said.] | [And] | towards morning, | [when they started,] | the day | as it dawned, |
tci[⨪´][-] | tcaⁿt’îñgi | hok‘aráhohobir[ρ] | wat’áⁿbire[2] |
ciną́gᵉra | cąt’įgi, | hok’aráhohobiranąga | wat’ą́bireže. |
the village | when it was in sight | [he gave a whoop, and] | they fell upon it. |
[α] | hinûñgiaⁿ | rokốno | hú[2] | [ϕ] | t’ehiwiníṇê | hitcáwiha[-] |
Égi | hinųgią | rokóno | húže. | "Hąké | t’ehiwiníne | hicáwihara |
[Then] | [a woman] | very much | she came. | ["Not] | kill her not | my wife |
wa-ŭⁿaⁿk[ɜ] | wigế[2] | [ε] | [ϕ] | t’ehirani[2] |
wa’ųnąkšaną," | wigeže. | Ésge | hąké | t’ehiraniže. |
she is," | [he said.] | [So] | [not] | they did not kill her. |
[τ] | tcinôg[-] | howahirair[ρ´] | wat’ehíracgê | herê-[ρ´] |
Žegų | cinogᵉra | howahirairánąga | wat’ehirašge | hereánąga |
[Then] | [village] | they made for, and | [they killed them] | [they did, and] |
[α] | hiniwarukôs jañk‘ácgê | here[ρ´] | higû́ⁿ |
égi | hiniwarukos žąk’ášge | hereánąga | higų́ |
[then] | prisoners they did | [it was, and] | [a little later] |
herehíre[2] | wakdjế | p‘î́ñ[ɕ] | u’iṇe[2] | tcinốgi-aⁿ |
herehíreže. | Wakjé | p’į́xjį | u’ine[2] | Cinógią |
that they made it. | [They counted coup] | [very well] | [they did.] | [A village] |
ponáñk | maⁿhudjá | hire[2´] | hotcintcíṇa | wap‘aⁿkônôk‘ |
poną́k | mąhujá | hirežé. | Hocįcį́a | wap’ąkonok, |
every bit of it | to kill them all | [they did.] | [The young man] | he was smart, |
Winnebago III, #17: 19 (this page is a recopied part of the top of page 20) —
[·נ] | hocgac | naⁿiⁿṇ[ρ]* | tcinogiaⁿ | mąhuja | k‘iⁿṇ[2´] |
nunige | hošgac | nąįnanąga | cinogią | mąhuja, | k’įnšé, |
[but] | to make fun | they tried, and | [a village] | [he killed them all,] | [he made invisible,] |
*Note at the top of the page connected to hocgatc by a line: "the leader whose children were killed."
aireconu[|] | dee | wagaireną | hądaginandj[ρ] | e |
airešanuną. | Tee | wagaireną. | Hątaginanjanąga | e |
[it is what they were saying.] | [That] | they meant. | He fasted, and | [so] |
Winnebago III, #17: 20 —
[X][⨪]re | ha-éni | djadjaiṇxdjiⁿ | p‘a | woragirega |
wągᵉnągᵉre | ha’éni | jajaįxjįp’a | woragirega | |
[that man] | they talked about | [as long as] | when they tell stories |
hiⁿṇe-ûⁿ | hanihaírekdjônê | gadjaiñ[ɕ] p‘a | [X]’îⁿṇegi | airecanu[|] |
hįne’ų, | hanihairekjone | gajaįxjį p’a | wąk’įnegi, | airešanuną. |
they used to, | that they will do | as long as it will be | [above,] | [they were saying.] |
dêế | hotcîntcî́njaⁿ | wak‘aⁿtcáñgᴇra | de[λ][2] | airecanu[|] |
Teé | hocįcį́žą | wak’ącą́gᵉra | dežesgeže, | airešanuną, |
[That one] | [a young man] | [the holy one] | [thus he did,] | [it is what they were saying,] |
[X] | c’agᴇnôñgᴇrê | worág[-] | airecanunaⁿ | jénûñga |
wąk | š’agᵉnįgᵉre | woragᵉra | airešanúną. | Žénųga. |
[people] | the old ones | stories | when they tell. | The end. |
Aleck Lonetree, Untitled, in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3867 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society) Winnebago III, #17: 1-20 (phonetic text with interlinear translation), Winnebago IV, #8b: 1052-1056 (typed English translation).