Hocąk Syllabic Text — Trickster's Adventures in the Ocean

Told by an elder of the tribe in 1912

Transcribed by Sam Blowsnake

Translation based on the interlinear of John Baptiste

Oliver LaMère, Translator   Winnebago V, #7: 71

For a description of this manuscript, its source, style, transcription, and interlinear translation, see the syllabic text to Trickster's Warpath.

English Translation


p. 71 —
e tt. ni Lo Ke tt. o ni Ae de. de Ko de.
Éja rogeja 'ųniheže. žegų́že.
There water in he remained. Thus it was.



A ttiAi tt. mo Lo L Ai e Ktt n Ae Ki di Ai Ke
Hacįja morora hi'ekjanahegiži hįké
Where the bank to find he will not



Ai lAe Le rini de. de Ko de Ki xitti A lA Ai de
hipéresnįže. Žegų, žegixjį hapahíže.
know of it he did not. Thus, not a certain place toward he went.



p. 72 —
te we L Ki e tt ow Ai K tt. Aoyi tt Ki d. e tt.
Tewéraki éja 'úwahigają hoijagižą éja
To his surprise, there as he was going along, a fish there



Ao we. owK deAe. w Ktt K K.* we de. Ao Ao
howe 'ųwąkše. Wakjąkaga wéže, "Hohó
moving about it was. Trickster quoth he, "Oh oh

* the /w/ appears in the MS to be an /e/.



Ai roAo Ki tt. w ni lA K nK dAo no n. mo Lo L.*
hisųkija, wanipakąnąkšųnųną. Morora
my younger brother, you have been always clever. The bank

* the /m/ appears in the MS to be an /n/.



p. 73 —
A tti tt Ae Le Ki di. A no ni n. A Ke Le deKe
hacįja heregíži hanųnįną. Hąkerešge
where it is I have no knowledge of. Never at all



Ai ni xitti. mo Lo L. A K. A ttA ni A tt n. e de.
hiníxjį morora hąká hacanįhajaną," éže.
brother the bank never I did not see it," he said.



de Ko di Ke to w Le de. e tt di Ke
žegų žigé towareže. Éja žigé
Thus again on he went. There again



we L Ki. Ao wi xi d. A tt de. di Ke we de.
wéraki howiǧižą hajaže. Žigé wéže,
unexpectedly a catfish he saw. Again he said,



p. 74 —
Ai roAo Ki tti. w ni lA K nK dAo no n. mo Lo L.
"Hisųkiji, wanipakąnąkšųnųną. Morora
"Brother, you have been always clever. The bank



A ttiAi tt Ae Le Ki di. A no ni n. Ao Ki L KLe.
hacįja heregíži hanųnįną. Hogirakre,"
where it is I do not know. Tell me,"



e de. K tt. Ao wixi xK. we de. A Ke Le deKe. Ai ni xitti.
éže gają. Howiǧaga wéže, "Hąkerešge hiníxjį
he said [.] Catfish said, "No, never brother



p. 75* —
mo Lo A K ni Ke y ttAe ttini A tte n. e de.
moro hąká nįgé yacejinįhajeną," éže.
bank not anywhere I have not come near it," he said.

* on this MS page only, the Hocąk lines have been numbered (1-8).



de Ko de. di Ke to w Le de. e tt di.
žegų́že. Žigé towareže. Éjaži
Thus it was. Again on he went. There again



A Ko Le d ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki. n ri tt K.
hagoréžą úwahigają tewéraki nązíjąga
in the course of time as he went along unexpectedly, [the muskie (muskellunge)]



p. 76 —
owK deAe. Ao Ao. Ai rAo Ki tti. w ni d doAo no n.
'ųwąkše. "Hohó hisųkiji, wanižašųnųną.
he was. "Oh oh brother, something you have always been.



mo Lo L. A ttiAi tt. Ae Le Ki di. A no ni n.
Morora hacįja heregíži hanųnįną.
The bank where it is I do not know.



Ao Ki L KLe. e de. Ae Ae. Ai ni xitti Ai Ke Le deKe.
Hogirakre," éže. "Hehe, hinixjį, hįkerešge
Tell me," he said. "Alas, alas, brother, never, no



A K mo Lo. ni Ke y tteAe ttini A tte n
hąká moro nįgé yacejinįhajeną,"
never bank nowhere I have not come near it,"



p. 77 —
Ai Ky Le de. w Ktt K K. de Ko de. di Ke to w Le de.
higaíreže, Wakjąkaga. žegų́že. Žigé towareže.
it was said to him,* Trickster. Thus it was. Again on he went.

* the word "they" has been erased and "it was" written over it.



ow Ai K tt. te we L Ki. Ao lA rA ttA Ki d. e tt.
Úwahigają, tewéraki, hopásacąkižą éja
As he was going, unlooked for, a spoonbill fish* there

* Miner's informants translate this word as "swordfish".



A tt de. Ao Ao. Ai roAo Ki tti. w ni lA K nK doAo no n.
hajaže. "Hohó hisųkiji, wanipakąnąkšųnųną.
he saw. "Oh oh brother, you are always clever.



p. 78 —
mo Lo L. A ttAi tt Ae Le Ki di. Ao Ki L KeLe.
Morora hacįja heregíži hogirakre.
The bank where it is tell it to me.



A no ni n. Ae Ae. Ai ni xitti.
Hanųnįną. "Hehe, hinixjį,
I do not know. "Alas, brother,



A Ke Le deKe. A K mo Lo
hąkerešge hąka moro
no, never not bank



y ttAe ttini A tte n. e de. de Ko de. di Ke to w Le de.
yacejinįhajeną," éže. žegų́že. Žigé towareže.
near it I have not come," he said. Thus it was. Again on he went.



p. 79 —
te we L Ki. wixi doAo Ki d. e tt A Ki tt de. Ao Ao.
Tewéraki, wįǧešųgižą éja hakijaže. "Hohó
Unexpectedly, a yellow catfish* there they saw each other. "Oh oh

* < wįǧ, wįx, "to gyrate, to circle around"; šųk, "dog". Marino renders it as "dogfish."



Ai roAo Ki tti. w no ni niKi L ni doAo no n. mo Lo L.
hisųkiji, wanúninįk ranišųnųną. Morora
brother, nothing is unknown to you you are. The bank



A no ni n. Ao Ki L KeLe A tti tt Ae Le Ki di.
hanųnįną, hogirakere hacįja heregíži,"
I do not know, tell it to me where it is,"



p. 80 —
e de. Ae Ae. Ai ni xitti. Ai Ke Le deKe. A K
éže. "Hehe, hinixjį, hįkerešge hąká
he said. "Alas, brother, no, never never



mo Lo wiy ttAe ttini A tte n. e de. de Ko de. di Ke
moro wiyacejinįhajeną," éže. žegų́že. Žigé
bank I have not come near it," he said. Thus it was. Again



to w Le de. ow Ai K tt te we L Ki. n Aoyi d. e tt
towareže. 'Úwahigają, tewéraki, nąhųyižą éja
on he went. As he was going along, unexpectedly, [a sturgeon] there



p. 81 —
Ai Ki lA tti nK deAe Ao Ao. Ai rAo Ko niKi A xitti
higipajinąkše. "Hohó hisųkonįkhaxjį,
he suddenly met with [him]. "Oh oh brother mine,



w ni lA K nK doAo no n. mo Lo L. A no ni n. Ao Ki L KeLe.
wanipakąnąkšųnųną. Morora hanųnįną, hogirakere."
you are always clever. The bank I am lost to, tell it to me."



Ae Ae. Ai ni A xitti A Ke L deKe. A K
"Hehe, hinihaxjį, hąkerašge* hąká
"Alas, brother, no, never never

* perhaps this is hąke-herašge, "not on top of."



p. 82 —
mo Lo. wiy tteAe ttini A tte n. e de. Ao Ao w tteAe Ai L.
moro wiyacejinįhajeną," éže. Ho howacehira
bank I have not come near it," he said. Fishes of all species



tt n K Ki di. A n ttAi w tt de ay Le n. A ntt
janągagiži, hanacį, wajaže, aíreną. Haną́c
everyone of them, all of them, he saw, they have said. Of all



w wi Ki wx deAe. wi ttoKo L. Ao K Ki L. K ni L.
wawigiwąxše: Wijúgara, hokagira, kąnįra,
he inquired from: [the catfish,]* the [garfish,] the buffalo fish,

* wajúk is the word for the domestic cat.



p. 83 —
Ao al doAo ttL. Ao dtt KL. Ao wi Le Ke L. Ao mi miKi Ke L.
hoápšúcara hošjákara howiregera, homįmįkera
the red-finned fish,* [the sucker fish,] [?], [butterfly fish,]†

* this is the horsefish (Dorsey).
†this is a literal translation from the Hocąk, where mįmį́ke means "butterfly".



diAi ttK KL. Ao lA Ko L. wi L L. ttA doAo tteKe L.
šįjakara, hopákora, wirára, cašų́cgera,
[?]* [sheephead fish,]† [the bass,] [bluegill ?, sunfish ?],‡

* under this spelling, ši-jak would mean, "the lively fat one"; or it could be ši-jąk, "the fat jumping one." However, the syllabic spelling is consistent with ši-cgak, "the thick, fat one."
† literally, "the hump-backed fish". Dorsey calls it "the ship head fish."
‡ the name means, "the red-deer". Dorsey says that cašųškera means "sunfish," but Miner gives us for cašų́cge, "bluegill (speakers not too certain to which fish it refers)." Marino supports "bluegill" as its meaning.



Ao w K L. ttAo ri KL. Ao Ao w ttAe A L. tt n K Ki di.
howakąra, cosikara. Ho howacehara, janągagiži,
the eel, the bullhead. Fishes of all species, everyone of them,



p. 84 —
A ntt. w Ki tt de. K tt K. de e. Ao x rA KL.
hanac wakijaže. Gająga, žee hoxasgara
all he met (them). Finally, this one the white [fish]



e tt te we L Ki. Ao ni Ae xeAe te Ao we
éja tewéraki, honihé xete howe
there to his surprise, a school [large] [going about]



owK deAe. Ao Ao. Ai rAo Ki tti wi L. w no ni niKi
’uwąkše. "Hohó hisųkijiwira, wanúninįk
there were. "Oh oh, my younger brothers, nothing is unknown to you



p. 85 —
L ni wi do no n.* mo Lo L. A ttAi tt Ae Le Ki di.
raniwišųnųną. Morora hacįja heregíži,
you are. The bank where it is,

* the spelling is a bit eccentric — more properly, it should be L ni wi doAo no n.



Ao Ki LK wi Le. A no ni n. Ko te. Ai ni A xitti. Ai Ko
hogirakwire, hanųnįną." "Koté, hinihaxjį, higų
tell it to me, I do not know." "Say, my older brother, right here



te e mo Lo L Ae Le n. w o A AK wi Le. Ai Ky Le de.
tee morora hereną. Wa’ųhahągwire," higaíreže.
[this] the bank it is. It is just where we are," they said to him.



p. 86 —
e tt. Ao o n K e tt Ai K tt. e tt mo Lo L.
Éja ho'ųnąkeja, higáją, éja, morora
There where they were, when he got there, the bank



A xele deAe. Ao Ao. Ai rAo Ki tti wi L. wi Lo Kowe rKe n.
haxebše. "Hohó, hisųkijiwira, wirugwesgeną."
he emerged. "Oh oh my younger brothers, it is thankful [sic]."


e tt. te tt Ai tteAe tte tt. Ao we owK deAe.
Éja teją hicéjéja howe 'uwąkše.
There ocean the edge going along he was.



p. 87 —
to Ke we Ai de. Ai Ko Ae e tt. Le xi d Ki Koo de.
Tokéwehiže. Hikųhé éja rexižą kik'ųže,
He was hungry. Hurriedly there a pail he made for himself,



Le xoAo Lo Le xi d. de Ko Aiy n K. di Ke te
rexururexižą. Žegų hiánągà žigé te
a clay pail. Thus he did, then again the sea



Ai ttAe ttL. Ao w Le de. w KL. w Lo Ko de Ao L.
hicéjra howareže. Wąkra warugųže. Hora
the edge he went along. The man he coveted.* The fish

* the word "coveted" is written over an erased word that cannot be read.



p. 88* —
Ai d tee Ai Lo Ko xitti de. Ai d ni Ke
hižą t'ehi rogųxjįže. Hižą nįgé
one to kill he wanted very much. One [perhaps]

* at the upper right of the MS page at a 30 degree angle, the word nųgiwąre is written. This means, "they swam", or more generally, "they ran". See directly below.



no Ki w K tti Le Ai K deKe. too L nK Ai Le ra de.
nųgíwąk, jirehi, gašge t'ųranąkhires'aže.
they should run, he would start after it, but they would get away from him.



di Ke. e tt Ai d a deKe xitti niKi no wK deAe.
Žigé éja hižą aškexjį nįginuwąkše.
Again there one very near it ran.



e tt. xA lee Ai Kiy n K. Ao no w K. e tt xitti ni L.*
Éja xap’ehigianąga honųwąk éjaxjįnira,
There hurriedly he did, [and] it started from at that very place,

* what appears to be a period occurs after /e tt/, but this must be an artefact of the microfilm or the MS.



p. 89 —
Ai nidi Ai Le Ai de. de Ko Aiy n K. Ao Ao. te e di.
hinišhirehiže. Žegų hiánągà "Hohó, teeži
he dipped the water. Thus he did, [and] "Oh oh, this one



ni lA n. A Ki Koo Kette n. a n K. lAe tto too de. e tt.
nipana hakik'ųkjeną," ánąga. Pecot'ųže. Éja
the soup I will make it for myself," he said. A fire he built. There



p. 90 —
ni tte K Ao A de xeAe Le Aiy n K. e Ki K L ttK de.
nįjega hohą́že. Xerehiyanąga égi káracgąže.
the water he boiled. He had boiled it and [then] he drank it his.



Ao Ao. A K w d. ni lA n liAi d. Ao Lo L.
"Hohó, hakawažą nipana pįžą, horora
"Oh oh, such soup a fine one, the meat



w d ar Ae Kitti Ki di.
wažą as hekjį," giži.
[something] delicious it must be very (much so) it will be [."]



e tt di Ke to we o Le Ke Le. Ao L.
Éja žigé towe 'ųregere. Hora
There again on he went he did. Fish



Ai d ni Ke no w K. e tt. Ai ni d n K.
hižą nįgé nųwąk éja hinišanąga
one where it started from there he would dip the water [and]



p. 91 —
ni lA n. Ki Koo ra de. ow Koo w i n ttiAi Ki de.
nipana kik'ųs'aže. 'Ųwąk'ų, wa’įnacįkįže.
the soup he would make for himself. Thus doing, he filled himself.



mi. ni xA xA L Ki de. e Ki. e tt. Ao al doAo tti d.
Mi nixaxarakįže. Égi éja hoápšúcižą
Stomach shining he made himself. And there a red-finned fish (horsefish)



Ai Ly xA nK deAe. Ao Ao. Ai roAoKo A L.
hiraixanąkše. "Hohó hisųkhara,
it had drifted to the bank. "Oh oh, my younger brother,



p. 92 —
ni Ay tteAle loKo ni. e Ki ta n KeLe. a n K. ni Ke
nihaicepgųnį. Égi t'anakere," ánąga. "Nįgé
breathing must be gone. Here dead he is," he had said. "Somewhere



liAiy K L too li Ktte n. leAe de. liAi
pįakarat'ųbikjeną. Peže
good I shall lay him away. Who will good



Ai Ki too li Kette de. a n K. Lo r n K. mo Lo L.
hikįt'ųbikježe?" ánąga. Rusanąga morora
he will lay him [out] for me?" said he. Took him he did [and] to the land



p. 93 —
A ni Ao w Le de. e tt. wo xAe Ka n K. e tt
hanihuwareže. Éja woxek'anąga éja
with it he went. There a grave he dug [and] there



xeAe de. e Ki. de Ko Ai
xeže. Égi žegųhi.
he buried it. And thus he did.



John Baptiste (trs.), "Wakjukaga," in Paul Radin, Winnebago Notebooks, Freeman #3897 (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, ca. 1912) Winnebago V, #7: 71-93.